State policy in the field of inclusive education. Inclusion as the main principle of modern educational policy. All children can learn

  • Ignatenko Anna Vladimirovna, master
  • Altai State University

The article presents the results of an empirical sociological study of the implementation of inclusive education at the level of general secondary education in the Altai Territory, highlighting the difficulties and prospects for the further implementation of the principle of inclusion as a leading principle in modern educational policy of the Russian Federation.

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In the modern state educational policy of the Russian Federation, increasing attention is paid to the principle of inclusion. Educational institutions are called upon to become the basis for the introduction and effective implementation of inclusive education at all levels.

The right to education for children with disabilities, including disabilities, is enshrined in UN legal documents. In the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by the Russian Federation on May 3, 2012, in Art. 24 discusses the right to education of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.

In the federal law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education” in Art. 2, for the first time in Russia, the concept of inclusive education was introduced, which is defined as ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.

In 2015, we conducted a study of the implementation of inclusive education in the Altai Territory. Heads and specialists of educational institutions of the Altai Territory took part in the expert survey.

Describing the main changes that have occurred in the life of an educational institution in connection with the introduction of inclusive education, experts highlighted that schools began to educate children with various developmental disabilities in regular classes. It was also noted that the introduction of inclusive education “has led to an increase in the number of reports.”

A necessary component of accessible education is the creation of a barrier-free environment in educational organizations. To our question “Is the institution equipped for the characteristics of such children?” respondents responded that in some institutions “the process of re-equipment has begun”; in others, “there are ramps, toilets, and handrails along the walls.”

Regarding the adaptability of the curricula, the experts explained that “individual programs, home-based education programs, additional consultations and classes have been adapted,” “the curricula have been compiled on the basis of model programs of correctional schools, and modules have been developed.”

When asked whether teachers undergo special training, respondents answered that teachers “undergo advanced training at the Institute of Additional Education of the Altai State Pedagogical Academy, and attend seminars and meetings at correctional schools.” A small percentage said no, but it is planned. Educational institutions receive methodological assistance.

Assessing the attitude of parents of children with and without disabilities, respondents noted that the attitude is “different, some parents are against inclusive education.” At the same time, some respondents answered that “the relationship between parents is friendly.”

To our question “Is the educational institution ready to implement inclusive education?” experts responded that not all institutions are ready due to material difficulties (lack of funds to equip the institution) and personnel (“there is no possibility of hiring a speech therapist, social teacher, or psychologist in rural areas”).

Assessing the prospects for inclusive education in an educational institution, many respondents responded that cooperative education is necessary, but should not completely replace special education.

Among the main problems of implementing inclusive education in their institutions, respondents noted the following: teachers do not have specialized technologies for teaching this category of children; large class sizes (in urban areas); absence of special education teachers on the staff; insufficiently formed tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities; workload of teaching staff.

Thus, experts noted both the prospects and difficulties of implementing the principle of inclusion in educational policy at the level of general secondary education. It should be noted that the success of inclusive education at the school level facilitates the implementation of the principle of inclusion in professional educational institutions, where, according to research, students themselves identify attitudinal barriers as the main obstacle to the inclusion of children with disabilities.


  1. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [Electronic resource] – Access mode:
  2. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on December 14, 2015) “On Education in the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource] – Access mode:
  3. Sirotina, T.V. Educational inclusion as a mechanism of social integration / T.V. Sirotina // Social integration and development of ethnocultures in the Eurasian space. - 2015. - No. 3-1. - pp. 161-167.
  4. Sirotina, T.V. Students' ideas about integrative education of people with disabilities in higher education in Barnaul / T.V. Sirotina, M.A. Tsybizova // Lomonosov readings in Altai: fundamental problems of science and education. Collection of scientific articles of the international conference. Altai State University. – Barnaul, 2014. – pp. 2626-2633.

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The state educational policy of the Russian Federation in recent years has seriously changed the guidelines regarding the organization of the educational process and options for obtaining general education for students with disabilities. A number of facts indicate that priorities are given to inclusive forms of education.

An article has appeared in the Federal Law that directly indicates the obligation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to create the necessary conditions “for receiving, without discrimination, quality education by persons with disabilities,” including through the organization of inclusive education.

Over the past five years, the number of special educational organizations providing training in adapted educational programs for children with disabilities (formerly special correctional educational institutions) in our country has decreased significantly. With a constant increase in the total number of students with disabilities and the preservation of the average occupancy of educational organizations implementing adapted educational programs, the number of these educational institutions has decreased since 2010, according to various sources, by 5-8%. Thus, at a meeting of the Council of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in June 2015, D.V. Livanov. the following figures were given: “The number of correctional schools in Russia has decreased by 3.9% over the last three years. The number of children with disabilities and disabilities studying inclusively increased by 15.5% - from 137,673 children in the 2012/2013 academic year to 159,125 in the 2014/2015 academic year.At the same time, 481,587 children with disabilities are currently studying in general education organizations, of which 212,167 children are in 1,660 separate educational organizations, 110,295 are in general education organizations in separate classes with adapted general education programs, and 159,125 children in inclusive classes of general education organizations."

There is every reason to believe that the increase in the number of children with disabilities studying inclusively will continue in the coming years. This will most likely be due to three main factors.

The first is a wide public outcry caused by the legislatively established requirement for the introduction of special educational standards into the practice of all schools without exception, and the unprecedented expansion of the rights to receive an affordable quality education for persons with disabilities by Federal Law. Doors have opened for parents (legal representatives) of students with disabilities, which for many years only the most persistent could try to knock on, and then with relative success, since before the adoption of the Federal Law, educational organizations were not fully responsible for creating special conditions for organizing the educational process according to adapted educational programs. With the adoption of the Federal Law and special educational standards, almost all educational rights are transferred to parents of children with disabilities, while general education organizations acquire many previously unusual responsibilities, the main of which is the creation of all groups of conditions in accordance with the special educational option recommended to the student. standard Thus, there are practically no administrative obstacles to teaching a child with disabilities in an inclusive format.

The second factor contributing to the growth in the number of inclusive students with disabilities is the lack of awareness of parents (legal representatives) about the boundaries of qualified and non-qualified education for children with disabilities in the inclusion format.

It should be noted that the concept of “educational qualification” is not spelled out in detail in the Federal Law, although the existing levels of general education received are indicated: basic general and secondary complete education. “Persons with disabilities (with various forms of mental retardation) who do not have a basic general or secondary general education and have studied in adapted basic general education programs are issued a certificate of training according to the model and in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education." In the text of special educational standards, much attention is paid to various options for adapted educational programs, on which the level of education received within a particular adapted educational program depends, since for students with mental retardation (intellectual disability) it is the non-qualifying level that is assumed, but the distinction between the concepts of “qualified” " and there is no "non-licensed" education.

Thus, there is an information deficit, which largely determines the misunderstanding on the part of parents about what document on education (training) their child will receive while studying in adapted educational programs. Most parents, when deciding on choosing an educational institution for their child, are guided by the consideration that in a mass (general education) school their child will receive the same education document as all other students, regardless of what program (and what option) special educational standard) will be trained. We conducted a study of the awareness of parents (legal representatives) regarding this aspect. 60 parents (legal representatives) of students with disabilities were interviewed, who, according to the recommendations of the PMPC, were asked to change the basic general education program of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as GEP) to adapted educational programs of different training options. The contents of the survey are presented in Appendix A. The following results were obtained from the survey. Out of 60 parents (legal representatives), 40 believe that when studying in a public school (regardless of the conclusion of the PMPK and the version of the adapted educational program recommended for the child), children with disabilities receive the same education as their classmates, and the same document on education according to completion of training. Another five parents believe that transfer from a public school to a special educational organization (institution) implementing adapted educational programs (regardless of the conclusion of the PMPC and the type of adapted educational program recommended for the child) deprives the child of the opportunity to receive a qualified education. And only 15 parents (legal representatives) showed an understanding that the level of education does not depend on the place where the child is studying, but on the educational program recommended in accordance with the conclusion of the PMPC.

Thus, in this example we see that about 75% of parents (legal representatives) of students with disabilities are not fully aware of the level of education their child will receive in various forms of organizing the educational process according to adapted educational programs.

Obviously, it will take more than one year and serious educational work for parents to understand that the level of education and the educational document obtained as a result of education do not depend on the choice of place of education.

The third factor that can seriously affect the predominance of an inclusive form of organizing the educational process according to adapted educational programs is the economic factor. The very high level of requirements for special conditions, laid down in special educational standards for almost all educational options, is not immediately (by September 1, 2016) fully achievable in all subjects of the Russian Federation, especially in the context of a growing economic crisis. Since the most obvious failure to meet the requirements for the conditions for organizing the educational process in accordance with special educational standards can be noted in places of mass education of children with disabilities, the scenario of a continued reduction in the number of such schools in a number of regions that do not have sufficient financial resources to provide material, technical and financial conditions for implementing the standard in full. As a result, parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities, especially those with mild pathologies (mental retardation, severe speech impairments), will simply be forced to go to public secondary schools.

These assumptions are confirmed by the data of the report of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, in which among the urgent tasks of providing educational conditions for students with disabilities was the creation in 2015 of another 3,150 schools providing inclusive education for children with disabilities, in addition to the 5,945 already created in 2011-2014 in constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 9,111 currently operating inclusive educational institutions. According to the same report, today only about 13% of general education organizations implement inclusive forms of education. However, there is no documentary evidence that all designated schools have created conditions that meet the requirements of special educational standards.

Thus, we can conclude that state policy in the field of special education in recent years has been consistently focused on expanding the coverage of children with disabilities in predominantly inclusive forms of general education. The low level of readiness of mass schools to organize inclusive education, significant discrepancies in terms of what can and should be considered the conditions for accessibility of education for children with disabilities, required maximum specification of the conditions that are necessary for educating children with disabilities, which is reflected in special educational standards .

There is also reason to believe that conditions have developed in which the number of children with disabilities studying inclusively will increase in the coming years.

LVII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues of Social Sciences: Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, History” (Russia, Novosibirsk, January 25, 2016)

Collection output:

“Current issues of social sciences: sociology, political science, philosophy, history”: a collection of articles based on the materials of the LVII international scientific and practical conference. (January 25, 2016)


Korotkova Maria Nikolaevna

Ph.D. watered sciences,

Assoc. Perm State Medical University named after. ak. E.A. Wagner,

RF, Perm

E- mail: korotkova _ mariya @ mail . ru

Potapova Irina Aleksandrovna

student of Perm State Medical University named after. ak. E. A. Wagner,

RF, G. Permian

Email :


Maria Korotkova

candidate of political sciences, assistant professor

Perm State Medical University

Russia, Perm

Irina Potapova

student Perm State Medical University of a name of the academician E.A. Wagner,

Russia, Perm


The authors of the article summarize the results of the study, which was conducted on the basis of a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities: they find out the respondents’ attitude towards inclusive education in Russia; note differences in the perception of inclusion by specialists and parents.


The authors summarize the results of the survey, which was conducted on the basis of a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities: find out "attitudes towards inclusive education in Russia; note the differences in the perception of inclusion specialists and parents.

Keywords: State social policy, healthcare, inclusive education, children with disabilities, sociological survey.

Keywords: Social policy, health care, inclusive education, children with disabilities, a sociological survey.

According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education are based on a number of principles, one of which is “ensuring the right of every person to education.” Special conditions are created for persons with disabilities, “including through the organization of inclusive education.” The latter “implies equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.” The legal foundations of inclusive education in Russia were laid down in 2010–2012 in the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012–2017, the National Educational Initiative “Our New School”, the state program “Accessible Environment” " for 2011–2015.

From the point of view of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation V. Matvienko, inclusive education today is a way of “social injustice against children with disabilities in physical and mental health. For decades, such children in all countries of the world were limited in the possibilities of their socialization, the formation of themselves as individuals capable of actively participating in the life of society and realizing themselves in it. And these restrictions were laid down already at the stage of receiving education, since such children were actually denied access to a regular comprehensive school.” Russian society, however, is not so optimistic in assessing the prospects for inclusive education. According to a large-scale sociological survey conducted by the FOM in 2012, every third resident of the country opposed inclusion, that is, the joint education of healthy children and children with disabilities.

Such polls, as a rule, take into account the opinion of only one side. By default, inclusion is presented as an undeniable benefit for children with disabilities, which means the unconditional acceptance of this policy by both children and their parents. But is this really so? In 2015, the department of “History of the Fatherland, History of Medicine, Political Science and Sociology” of the Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner Ministry of Health of Russia organized the survey, which was conducted on the basis of the budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities “Anastasia”, Langepas”. 50 people took part in the survey: center specialists and parents of children with disabilities (Table 1, Table 2).

Table 1.

Parents (number of people)




Unfinished higher education

Specialized secondary

Lower secondary



Table 2.

Specialists (number of people)

Firstly, it should be noted the high level of awareness of respondents regarding issues of inclusion. Secondly, parents’ almost unconditional welcome of inclusion in Russia.

For parents, the most important aspect of inclusion is the opportunity to socialize their children: communication with peers – 78%; development of adaptive skills – 68%; independence, self-determination – 54%; participation in conferences, olympiads and other school-wide events along with other children - 42%.

Co-education, from the point of view of parents, will allow their children to get rid of the feeling of “inferiority” and isolation – 48%. It will also contribute to the education of “tolerance, kindness, responsibility” - 100%; development of a humane attitude of healthy children towards children with disabilities – 58%.

Almost every second parent assumes that inclusion will lead to an increase in the level of education – 48%. However, the “comfort” of joint learning is questionable. And although parents are confident that “healthy children are obliged to respond adequately to children with disabilities,” many of them are afraid of encountering “negative attitudes from classmates and their parents” during the adaptation period – 48%. The solution to this issue, from the parents’ point of view, will depend “on the upbringing of [healthy] children and the attitude of the class teacher.” And raising children, in turn, depends on conducting a special course that precedes joint education.

It must be said that specialists are more critical on many issues. For example, only 44% of respondents support inclusion. They are also skeptical about increasing the level of education - 33%.

And if parents are more concerned about the possible negative attitude towards their children from future classmates, then the arguments “against” inclusion from specialists, as a rule, come down to practical aspects, for example, the absence or insufficiency of comfortable material conditions (ramps, specially equipped educational places and etc.) – 85%.

Almost every second specialist is worried about the educational and methodological aspects of joint education: the formal completion of the program with a “C”, difficulties in combining programs for healthy children and children with disabilities, the lack of flexibility of educational standards, the need to pass the Unified State Exam, the “emphasis” of the teacher on the average student in the classroom (this is especially concerning for young professionals - 100%).

Both parents and specialists are almost equally concerned about the lack of an individual tutor (or speech pathologist, or mentor) with special education – 54%. For our part, we can say that the lack of qualified personnel is also recognized by the official authorities.

The majority of respondents – 76% – are in favor of preserving the diversity of education (the parallel existence of correctional and regular schools). This is not surprising, because a regular school can only admit “educated and socialized” children. In cases of severe disability, the existence of correctional schools is vital, which, unfortunately, not all local officials understand.

And finally, about the most important thing. Only 12% of respondents are not satisfied with the state policy in this area, which suggests a neutral-positive reaction from parents and specialists in general.

To summarize the article, the following points should be noted. Firstly, attitudes towards inclusion, as a rule, rarely depend on the education, age, and type of activity of parents; positions and qualifications of specialists. Secondly, there is a significant difference in the perception of inclusion by specialists and parents: specialists are more critical. This fact can be explained by the fact that parents think in terms of the future, assessing mainly the prospects for inclusion. Experts live in the present, pointing out the shortcomings of the practical implementation of inclusion in Russia today.


  1. Ivoilova I. About salary, Unified State Examination and education // Rossiyskaya Gazeta [website]. URL: (Date of access: 07/27/2015).
  2. Ivoilova I. Chance of the Markelov family // Russian newspaper [website]. URL: (Date of access: 07/27/2015).
  3. Laskina N.V., Novikova N.A., Lezhneva N.S. and others. Commentary on the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (article-by-article) // SPS ConsultantPlus.
  4. Matvienko V. School of equal opportunities // Russian newspaper [website]. URL: (Date of access: 07/27/2015).
  5. Education without borders: disabled children in regular schools // FOM: [website]. URL: (Date of access: 07/28/2015).
  6. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” // SPS ConsultantPlus.

The main directions of state policy in the field of special education are: informatization of general and special education systems; improving the quality of diagnostics in order to adequately determine the forms of training; provision of special educational conditions; creating conditions for interaction between general and special education organizations implementing inclusive approaches; improving the system of additional professional education for specialists working with children with disabilities; creating conditions for the development of graduates towards independent living and professional self-determination; creating conditions for parents or their substitutes to participate in the special educational process; formation of a positive attitude of society towards children with disabilities, consistent with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; designing an education system for students with disabilities or disabilities; creation of an all-Russian public association of specialists teaching children with disabilities (Association of Defectologists).

children with disabilities


1. Oligophrenopedagogy / T.V. Alysheva, G.V. Vasenkov, V.V. Voronkova and others - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 400 p.

2. Tusheva E.S., Gorskin B.B., Ovchinnikova T.S. Studying transformations of teachers’ professionalism in the context of educational integration of children with disabilities / E.S. Tusheva, B.B. Gorskin, T.S. Ovchinnikova // Materials of the XV International. scientific-practical conference "Modernization of the vocational education system based on regulated evolution." – Chelyabinsk, 2016. – P.12-17.

3. Nurlygayanov I.N. Self-determination of personality and its value-semantic sphere: individual-typological and gender differences: abstract. dis. ...cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.01. – Perm, 2007. – 24 p.

4. Aliguzueva G.T., Evtushenko I.V., Evtushenko E.A. Speech therapy work with junior schoolchildren to overcome dysgraphia through visual activities /G.T. Aliguzueva, I.V. Evtushenko, E.A. Yevtushenko // Modern high technology. – 2016. – No. 9-2. – pp. 254-258.

5. Evtushenko I.V. Model of musical education of mentally retarded schoolchildren in the system of special education /I.V. Evtushenko // Intersectoral approaches in organizing training and education of persons with disabilities. – M.: Sputnik+, 2014. – P. 58-78.

6. Evtushenko I.V. Formation of the foundations of musical culture for mentally retarded schoolchildren in the special education system: dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13.00.03. – M., 2009. – 434 p.

7. Fundamentals of special education management / N.N. Malofeev, E.N. Makshantseva, N.M. Nazarova [and others]; edited by D.S. Shilova. – M.: Academy, 2001. – 336 p.

8. Nurlygayanov I.N., Solomina E.N. Features of the relationship between psychological stability of the individual and coping strategies of oligophrenic teachers / I.N. Nurlyngayanov, E.N. Solomina // Defectology. – 2016. – No. 5. – P. 64-70.

9. Prikhodko O.G. Correctional pedagogical work with young children suffering from cerebral palsy: abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.03. – M., 2001. – 24 p.

10. Evtushenko E.A., Chernyshkova E.V. Pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of aesthetic education of deaf children in musical and rhythmic activities / E.A. Evtushenko, E.V. Chernyshkova // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015.?id=20818 (date of access: 08/09/2017).

11. Evtushenko I.V., Evtushenko I.I. Fundamentals of the formation of humane interpersonal relationships in the classroom of high school students in the conditions of inclusive education /I.V. Evtushenko, I.I. Evtushenko // Current problems of training and education of persons with disabilities: materials of the IV International. scientific-practical conferences. – M., 2014. – P. 130-136.

12. Evtushenko I.V. Formation of professional and legal competence of a teacher-defectologist /I.V. Yevtushenko // Correctional pedagogy. – 2008. – No. 1 (25). – P.57-66.

13. Jurisprudence with the basics of family law and the rights of people with disabilities / ed. IN AND. Scatulla. – M.: Prometheus, 2017. – 578 p.

14. Tusheva E.S., Gorskin B.B. Block-modular design of adaptive educational programs for defectological retraining / E.S. Tusheva, B.B. Gorskin. – M.: Prometheus, 2012. – 208 p.

15. Yakovleva I.M. Preparing teachers to work with children with disabilities / I.M. Yakovleva. – M.: Sputnik+, 2012. – 133 p.

Throughout human history, children with disabilities have always attracted special attention. At those moments when the state stopped helping them, they became a serious threat to the preservation of society: they joined the ranks of asocial and criminal structures, wandered, begged, theft, robberies, and murders. In the course of historical development, there were various ideas about human inferiority, depending on the requirements of production, economic, political conditions, religious, legal views, the level of development of general education, medicine, and culture. During the existence of primitive tools, only those who had gross deficiencies that prevented them from obtaining food with the help of basic devices were recognized as people with disabilities. In modern society, even minor forms of mental or physical impairment can significantly limit the formation of professional qualifications and mastery of a level of education that allows one to navigate the world around them.

Teaching and raising children with disabilities is a relatively young branch of pedagogical science, which arose not much more than 200 years ago. Over this period, humanity has managed to achieve significant results in the process of socialization of children least prepared for independent life. All this time, scientific discussions have not subsided about which children are considered special, in need of special educational conditions, in what form they should be provided with assistance, what are the contents, goals and objectives of the learning and upbringing process.

The main directions of state policy in the field of special (correctional) education in Russia are: informatization of decision-making processes in the field of improving systems of general and special education; improving the quality of functioning of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC) in order to adequately determine the forms of training and properly staff educational organizations of all types; Providing special conditions for disabled children and students with disabilities of all categories so that they can receive a quality education; creating conditions for interaction between educational organizations of general and special education that implement inclusive approaches to teaching children with disabilities; creation of legal and organizational conditions for successful interaction of educational organizations of general and special education, PMPK, PMSTS; improvement of the system of additional professional education of specialists working with disabled children and children with disabilities, as well as advanced training of teaching staff of special (defectological) faculties of higher education organizations; creating conditions for the development of a system for preparing disabled adolescents and adolescents with disabilities for independent living and professional self-determination; creating conditions for parents or their substitutes to participate in the special educational process; formation of a positive attitude of society towards children with disabilities and children with disabilities, consistent with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; designing components of the general and special education system for students with disabilities or disabilities that meet the modern needs of society; creation of an all-Russian public association of specialists teaching children with disabilities (Association of Defectologists).

Informatization of decision-making processes in the field of improving general and special education systems involves the creation of an information database: about children with disabilities, children with disabilities; about the system of state and non-state organizations providing comprehensive assistance to children with disabilities and/or children with disabilities; on the system of training and retraining of specialists providing comprehensive assistance to children with disabilities and/or children with disabilities; as well as the creation of a unified information network for educational authorities in order to coordinate activities in the field of making operational management decisions.

Improving the quality of functioning of psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions (PMPC) in order to adequately determine the forms of training and properly staff educational organizations of all types involves the examination and modernization of existing diagnostic technologies and methods for use in the conditions of PMPK, their licensing; creation of a Federal data bank on licensed diagnostic instruments; improvement of regulatory documents regulating the activities of PMPCs and provision of all PMPCs with adequate regulatory and legal documentation; study in the system of professional education, training and retraining of certified and licensed sets of diagnostic instruments, methods of its application.

Providing special conditions for disabled children and students with disabilities of all categories in order for them to receive a quality education is carried out during the development and approval of all types of regulatory and educational documentation in order to improve the quality of activities of educational organizations of general and special education, regulating the relationship between traditional and innovative approaches; organization of the Federal database on scientific, educational and methodological literature, technical teaching aids and products for the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled children and/or children with disabilities, social adaptation by means of education; equipping all educational organizations with the required number of approved textbooks and educational and didactic material for students; identifying the needs of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation in educational literature in order to create a long-term plan for book publishing activities for the system of general and special education; supplying all educational organizations with educational and methodological literature; identifying the needs of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation in educational and methodological literature in order to plan the reprint and prior to the publication of educational and methodological literature for the system of general and special education; introduction of innovative methods, techniques and teaching aids, taking into account the variability of forms of organization, within the framework of the existing content of education of educational organizations of general and special education; supplying educational organizations of general and special education with material and technical means (with the involvement of budgetary and extra-budgetary sources of funding); identifying the needs of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation in material and technical support of educational organizations of general and special education in order to plan a phased re-equipment and retrofitting of the general and special education system with modern technical teaching aids.

Creating conditions for interaction between educational organizations of general and special education that implement inclusive approaches to teaching children with disabilities determines the need to accumulate an information database on productive teaching experience, theoretical and methodological approaches, methodological developments and positive results in the field of inclusive education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities; providing specialists of educational organizations of general and special education, parents with information about effective forms and models of inclusive education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities, requirements for inclusive education, problems and achievements of inclusive education; development of new functionality for special (correctional) general education schools and preschool education organizations of a compensatory type, as resource centers for inclusive education; organizing a system of interdepartmental interaction in discussing conditions, models of prospects for inclusive education, predicted results and possible problems (all-Russian conferences, round tables, media coverage); dissemination of successful models of inclusive education throughout the country.

The creation of legal and organizational conditions for the successful interaction of educational organizations of general and special education, PMPK, PMSTS provides for the improvement of the domestic legislative and regulatory framework that meets the modern needs of society, socio-cultural and economic conditions.

Improving the system of additional professional education of specialists working with disabled children and children with disabilities, as well as improving the qualifications of teaching staff of special (defectological) faculties of higher education organizations implies identifying the needs of educational organizations of general and special education for professionally trained personnel of various profiles; development and implementation of additional professional education programs for the system of general and special education, PMPK, PMSTS (taking into account federal and regional requirements for the level of competencies of specialist training); examination and licensing of educational programs for professional training and retraining of educational organizations of higher and additional professional education, capable of conducting training and retraining of personnel in accordance with the requests of employers; implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs with subsequent assessment of their effectiveness in educational institutions of general and special education; development and implementation of additional professional education programs using distance technologies.

Creating conditions for the development of a system for preparing disabled adolescents and adolescents with disabilities for independent living and professional self-determination: development of tools for assessing the level of success in the development of life competencies (self-service skills, spatial and temporal orientation; social and everyday, socio-cultural and social and labor adaptability ; communicative activity (including alternative communication), self-awareness and self-regulation of behavior in society; scope of life horizons; readiness for life and professional self-determination; social mobility); the formation of sustainable motivation to participate in socially useful work, employment in accordance with psychophysical capabilities, the formation of interest in becoming familiar with the characteristics of various types of work and professions; fostering a positive attitude towards work; development of motivation and personal determination to master a certain type of work, profession in accordance with one’s own psychophysical capabilities, knowledge, skills and interests; formation of a personal attitude towards choosing and pursuing a professional career; formation of manual labor skills, general labor skills and abilities in certain types of labor and professions; mastering elements of knowledge about the content and types of professional activity, the economics of modern production, forms of labor activity, and remuneration; formation of basic theoretical and practical knowledge, initial pre-professional skills in mastering certain types (operations) of professional work (profession); mastering a working profession (fully/partially in joint work with an accompanying person); training of first/second category workers from among persons with mild/moderate disabilities in intellectual development on the basis of vocational colleges and lyceums without receiving secondary general and vocational education with a training period of 1-2 years; mastering a qualified profession; development of ideas about a professional career, obtaining higher professional education; development of interpersonal interaction, various forms of communication with adults and peers in the process of work; formation of personal qualities of determination, self-efficacy, skills of confident behavior, business communication, time planning, active life position, team interaction skills; implementation of personal self-realization, achieving financial independence, solving creative goals and tasks; inclusion of persons with disabilities and limited health opportunities in professional and sociocultural life.

Creating conditions for parents or their substitutes to participate in the special educational process involves interacting with them as equal participants in the educational process.

Forming a positive attitude of society towards children with disabilities and children with disabilities, consistent with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, determines the need to develop and implement a national policy for creating a positive attitude of society towards children with disabilities and children with disabilities as full citizens of the country; creating national media products for demonstration in the media in order to prevent and overcome the negative attitude of society towards children with disabilities and children with disabilities and promoting opportunities for cooperation and mutual understanding between children with normal development and their peers with disabilities and disabilities; formation of an adequate attitude towards people with disabilities and persons with disabilities in the general school education system for normatively developing children during special courses.

Designing components of the general and special education system for students with disabilities or disabilities that meet the modern needs of society: creating a state system for early detection and early psychological and pedagogical assistance in accompanying and overcoming developmental disorders as a structural element of the domestic education system; development of a system for early detection of children at risk for suspected developmental disorders at their place of residence and creation of a mechanism for timely comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics; development and testing of a model for early differential psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders in children of various categories to identify the potential capabilities of each child and create individual rehabilitation programs, starting from the first days of life; creation of a state system of early assistance in overcoming developmental disorders and a system of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for families with young children with developmental disorders; designing different-age models of educational organizations for all categories of children; identifying models of interaction between general and special education organizations at all levels; determining the level of development of professional competencies of specialists taking part in the process of teaching disabled children and students with disabilities; determining the degree of participation of parents or persons replacing them in the system of general and special education; development of new content for the education of persons with disabilities and/or disabilities of early, preschool, school age, vocational training and retraining.

Creation of an all-Russian public association of specialists teaching children with disabilities (Association of Defectologists), whose objectives are: promoting the process of universal access to education; promoting the prestige of defectology professions, educating defectologists in the spirit of strict adherence to the norms of universal human values, professional ethics, and the provisions of the law; promoting the creation of conditions for active professional and social activities of its members; assistance in strengthening the legal basis for the activities of defectologists and their social and legal protection; involving the wider defectological community in participation in humanitarian, legal and other projects and programs; development of diverse cooperation between defectologists, teachers, psychologists, medical workers, representatives of public associations of parents; promoting the strengthening of connections between defectology science, education and practice; assistance in solving socially significant problems, improving culture and education, ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens.

As conclusions It can be concluded that recently in Russia issues of assistance to children with disabilities and/or disabilities have been given priority. Positive transformations of the Russian special education system are due to the following factors: improvement of state-public relations; socio-economic and technical achievements in the field of helping children with disabilities; improvement of legislation in the field of education; the progressive development of defectology as a science that combines the medical foundations of deviant development, special psychology and special pedagogy; international interaction.

Bibliographic link

Evtushenko I.V. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF SPECIAL (CORRECTIONAL) EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. – 2017. – No. 5.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"