We read the Koran in syllables. Tajweed - the science of reading the Qur'an correctly

Many dream of a bewitching reading of the Holy Scriptures, which raises faith and detaches from the worldly and vain; helping to move away from everyday thoughts and revealing the spiritual, intimate communication of a person with the Creator of all things.

In one of the hadiths narrated by Abd al-Razzak and their other narrators, it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Each thing has its own decoration, and the beauty of the Qur'an is a beautiful voice. ».

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However, not everyone can do a sincere, genuinely pure reading of the Qur'an. It is sincere, and not “loud” and even “loud”, paying attention to the reader, and not to the Book. It is necessary to remember and control your skill, bestowed by the Almighty. Protecting a beautiful voice from praise and hypocrisy is not so easy, but possible.

One should remember the testament of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the answer on the Day of Judgment: “A person who was engaged in knowledge and taught it to others will appear before the Lord, and Allah will let him know about His gifts, and he will recognize them. (God) will say: “How did you dispose of them?” He will answer: "I studied and taught it to others, and I read the Koran - (and all this) for the glory of You and for Your sake." (God) will say: “You are lying. You really studied, but only so that (about you) they could say: he is educated, knowledgeable. And you read the Qur'an so that (about you) they could say: he is a reader of the Holy Qur'an. So (about you) they said. And then it will be ordered to drag him face down (all the way) to the Fiery Hell and throw him there.

A true reciter of the Quran professional translator foreign language should be only an inconspicuous bridge between the interlocutors: man and the Supreme Creator. He is like an invisible conductor, floating into the world of sacred sounds, cutting through the soul, but not reminding himself or others of his "hand".

Reading and memorizing the Last Scriptures is one of the most charitable deeds, spiritually enriching a person and elevating him to many levels. Beautiful reading can become both the road to hell and the road to heaven. We must not forget about internal control and a person’s love for praise.

It is reported that Abu Umamah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "Read the Qur'an, for verily, on the Day of Resurrection, it will appear as an intercessor for those who read it. "».

More uncountable blessings are concluded for the believer in memorizing and reciting the Qur'an by heart. Hafiz of the Holy Scriptures, i.e. those who memorize the entire text of the Qur'an are the living bearers of the Divine Revelation, which the Almighty, in His infinite mercy, has made easy for memorization: "The best of you is he who studies the Qur'an and teaches it to others."

Imam al-Jazari said: Keeping the Qur'an in the heart by memorization, and not on scrolls or books, indicates the trust of Allah and the honorary feature bestowed by Allah on Muslims. This is in contrast to the possessors of the Scriptures, who keep the sacred texts only in books, without knowing them by heart, and therefore read them by looking into their books. Whereas Allah, by His will, endowed Muslims with the fact that some of them are completely devoted to perfect and correct reading, having received the Qur'an letter by letter from the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, without discarding a single vowel and not a single bitch».

It happens that novice students complain about lack of breath, the lack of a beautiful voice when reading "mysterious" letters and "overwhelming" verses. It seems that memorizing the Holy Scriptures is an impossible task. But the road will be mastered by the walking one! Moreover, in such a noble path, Almighty Allah Himself accompanies us!

Imam al-Mavridi noted that “one of the miracles of the Qur'an is that, when memorized, it is easy for all people, regardless of what languages ​​they speak. No book is memorized the way the Qur'an is memorized. This is the feature given to it by the Almighty, which makes it different from other books.

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Prophet Muhammad and the Holy Quran
The virtue of reading the Qur'an
Basic information about the Quran

The Holy Scriptures contain an verse calling for reading the Qur'an measuredly and in a singsong voice.

2. It is very useful to practice breathing, which is so often lacking when reading the Holy Scriptures. . For example, a casual and fun activity like blowing up balloons and soap bubbles or practicing breathing under water is good for the development of the lungs, which means it will help in solving the problem of lack of air when reading the Qur'an.

3. You can also offer several well-known exercises to develop the skills of proper speech breathing. . Similar exercises are performed by students of theater universities, as well as future teachers working on a beautiful strong voice. Perhaps they will help in improving the reading of the Qur'an.

Exercises to develop breathing activity


Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward and grab the handle of an imaginary car pump with both hands. Start pumping air: while straightening, inhale, and bending over, exhale. Now do the same, but with a sound: bending over, as if throwing another portion of water out of your mouth - “fffuu!”. Fold your lips, as if for a whistle, and forcefully exhale the air: “fffuu!”. Take your time; As you straighten up, take a full deep breath. Do the slopes 4-5 times in a row. Gradually, you can increase the number of slopes.

polite bow

Position one: rise on your toes, arms to the sides (inhale). Position two: slowly lean forward, gradually bringing your hands together and pressing them in the east to your chest. Bending down, say the word “Hello” stretched on the “s” sound. Make sure that the last syllable “te” sounds loud, clear, for which save a full-weight portion of air for it.

Exercises to train organized exhalation

Flower shop

Starting position - standing. Exhale to the sound "p-ff" and draw in the stomach. As you inhale, imagine that you are smelling a flower. After that, exhale slowly and smoothly at the sound “p-ff”. Inhale is short, exhale is long. Repeat 2-3 times.


Remember and reproduce the various sounds of nature and life: the whistling of the wind, the noise of the forest, the subtle ringing of a mosquito, the buzzing of a bee, the cawing of a crow, the roar of a motor, etc.

Exhalation Distribution Exercises


Let's take for training the well-known children's counting rhyme about Egor:

As on a hill, on a hillock there are 33 Yegorkas,

one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas... 33 Egorkas.

Distribute the breath into three portions, reading the text loudly, evenly, take a breathing pause after every third “Egorka”: “As on a hill, on a hillock (inhale) there are 33 Egorka (inhale): one Egorka, two Egorka, three Egorka (inhale) ... and so on until the end. When you feel that you have mastered this portion, switch to a longer count: inhale through 8.11 “Egorok”.

Breathing Skill Exercises

The breathing technique can be practiced on the above text of "Egorka". Having said the first part of the phrase “As on a hill, on a hillock, there are 33 Yegorkas” in one breath (loudly, clearly, slowly), take in air after each “Egorka”: “One Egorka (addition), two Egorka (addition) .. .” and so on until the end. Do not be embarrassed that you still do not have enough air, replenish it, but each time getting no more than what was used up! Make sure that the air is not consumed in pauses, but only for the next word.

Inhalation and exhalation correlate in ideal artistic breathing as 1/20. Achieve this ratio by pronouncing entire texts with expression in a single breath, and when you stop, inhale quickly and so that it is not heard.

Luftpauses (pauses for breathing) should not break the flow of thought. Avoid air leakage between words and in pauses. Take your time, keep the time, keep a clear rhythm, finish every word. Save air distribution so that the last word in a line is as full-sounding as the first.

This, probably, is all ... There can be a lot of advice ... Read the Koran beautifully, with all your heart, with all your soul, surrendering to the text of Holy Scripture! And let each letter bring us closer to the Face of the Most High, His forgiveness and paradise.

The Quran is a sacred book for all Muslims, which was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by the Creator himself more than 1400 years ago.

The Quranic verses are the true word of Allah, and therefore they are free from distortions that people can do knowingly or by mistake. The proof of this is the following verse from the Qur'an:

“Indeed, We sent down the Reminder, and We guard it” (15:9)

The virtue of studying and memorizing the Qur'an

The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) emphasized the importance of reading the Holy Book on a daily basis as it gives people clear instructions on how to succeed in this world and not be afraid of the Day of Judgment. In addition, the pronunciation of only one letter from the Qur'an brings a person a 10-fold reward (sawab). In this sense, it is difficult to even imagine how much life is changing for the better and what prospects open up in eternity for a person who knows the entire Noble Quran by heart!

The Qur'an-hafiz carries in his heart the light of purity and goodness, and his mind is filled with thoughts about the words of the Almighty. In the collections of hadiths of Tirmizi and Ibn Maji, the following statement of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is quoted: who were destined to enter Hell." Another hadith says that the best among Muslims are those who study the Holy Book of Islam and teach it to others.

The dignity of studying and memorizing the Qur'an is also evidenced by the following statement of the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.), presented in the collections of hadiths by Ahmad and Abu Dawood: “On the Day of Judgment, a crown will be placed on the heads of parents whose children have studied the Qur'an and practiced its provisions. of such splendor and brightness that surpasses the brightness of sunlight infiltrating your homes. And what do you think about the position of a person who himself studied the Koran and put into practice its provisions?

The Islamic ummah has always been famous for people who possessed extensive knowledge in the field of the Holy Text. In this regard, one often comes across the question of how many people know the Qur'an by heart. There is no consensus among specialists and no method of calculation, however, according to the most rough estimates, the total number of hafiz among Muslims currently varies from one to 12 million people. The technique here is the simplest. If there are more than a billion Muslims in the world (1.2 billion) and there should be one mosque for every three hundred people (in different countries the situation is peculiar), then in each of them there should be one or two hafiz of the Qur'an. Of course, in the countries of the former Soviet Union the times of atheism were not in vain, and therefore now there is an acute shortage of people who would know the Holy Book by heart in its entirety. However, the situation is changing, and more and more Muslims set themselves the goal of becoming hafiz of the Koran and achieve it, including through the rules of memorization, which are below.

How to memorize the text of the Quran faster

The process of studying and memorizing verses is an exciting spiritual and physical practice that transforms a person, strengthens him on the path of truth. To successfully memorize large volumes of the text of the Holy Scriptures, there are different methods. Here are some tips to make them more effective.

1. Choose a specific time

The now popular expression “time management” describes the essence of this recommendation well. The right time for memorizing the Qur'an is an important factor in the formation of the future hafiz. You need to choose those hours of the day in which you are usually the most productive and attentive. It is usually early in the morning when the morning prayer is read. At this time, the mind and body of a person are fresh and receptive to the new. At the same time, it is important not only to wait for the appearance free time for classes, but to determine the time period yourself and strictly adhere to it. It is necessary to perceive the study of the Qur'anic verses as an important task that cannot be considered as something secondary.

2. Be consistent in your efforts

Take small steps in the beginning. A common mistake beginners make is trying to memorize as much information as possible in the wake of the upsurge. However, the stage of routinization of the process inevitably comes, when to keep in mind new material becomes very difficult. Keep in mind that a much more important factor is the sequence, not the quantity. Consistency, in turn, is achieved through the memorization of small amounts of the text of the Qur'an. Studying a few verses every day will be more effective than trying to memorize whole pages of Scripture in a weekend.

3. Follow one particular Quran memorization technique

This will allow you to organize your efforts. You can, for example, study three verses a day. In this case, read each of them from the text 10-20 times. Then try to repeat what you read without relying on the text. You can try to write on paper the verse being studied - this also helps to keep the Quranic text in memory. If you managed to remember the passage being studied well (that is, it is spoken on the machine), then you can move on to the next verse, in which the same technique is used.

An alternative way to memorize the Qur'an is to refer to the last juz of Scripture, which contains the shortest and most frequently recited surahs by Muslims. The study of this particular part of the Book will allow you to learn dozens of surahs within a short period of time, which will become an additional factor for a more motivated organization of the process of memorizing the Quran.

4. Review what you have already learned

“Repetition is the mother of learning” is a famous saying. Before starting on a new verse, review what you have already learned. Read the studied parts of the Qur'anic text during prayer. Repetition helps not only to memorize new information, but also allows you to correct possible mistakes.

5. Understand the meaning of what you are learning

This not only helps in the assimilation of the text and the study of the Arabic language, but also strengthens the faith of a person through reflection on the words of the Almighty. The following words from the Book are noteworthy in this sense:

“We have made the Quran easy to remember. But are there any commemorators? (54:17)

6. Listen to how the Koran is read by its recognized readers and hafiz

Referring to different manners of recitation of the Holy Scriptures helps to remember its text. Build the habit of listening to different kariyas before bed.

In conclusion, it should be noted the importance of the ability to read the Koran in Arabic and knowledge of the rules (correct pronunciation of words). Do not be too lazy to start with this and only then proceed to memorizing the very text of the Holy Book of Islam. In addition, ask the Almighty for help in this difficult, but extremely interesting matter. Turning to the Gracious and Merciful will remind you that you study the Qur'an for the pleasure of Allah, and not for boasting, better knowledge Arabic language or status.

“The Quran is an intercessor before Allah and justifying the reader before Him, and he who is guided by it (the Quran), he will lead to Paradise, and the one who is not guided by it, will be drawn into the fire of hell” (hadith was narrated by al-Haysam, at- Tabarani).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “... read it (the Quran), truly, Allah rewards for reading it, for each letter - ten rewards, I do not say that for Alif, Lam, Mim - ten rewards, however for Alif - ten, for Lam - ten, for Mim - ten (retributions) ”(Hakim, volume 1, No. 555).

The Qur'an is the Speech of Allah and the greatest miracle that was given to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Every believer is obliged to be guided by it and to know its dignity. It is the reading of the Qur'an that is the source of abundant grace and helps to gain peace of mind. About how important it is to read the Holy Scripture sent by the Almighty, and what is the benefit of it, they told at one of the lectures in the Galeevsky mosque.

Recall that there are certain rules, the ethics of reading the Koran.

2. You should take the Qur'an in your hands and put it back at the end of the reading, if possible, without turning your back to it.

3. It is forbidden to touch and wear the Qur'an, even the case or cloth in which it is wrapped, without ablution.

4. The one who, according to Shariah, is obliged to perform a complete ablution of the body and a woman, when she cannot perform prayer, is forbidden not only to touch the Koran, but also to read it by heart.

6. Putting the Qur'an on the floor is considered a violation of the ethics of reverence for the Qur'an.

8. The Quran must be placed above all other books; no other book can be placed on top of it.

9. It is forbidden to take with you to the toilet and similar unclean places even a sheet with the verses of the Qur'an, as well as read them aloud there.

10. A greater reward for reading the Qur'an is received by the one who reads it in the mosque or waking up at night.

12. The greatest disrespect for the Qur'an should be considered the actions of those who, without understanding the true meaning of its verses at all, try to interpret them superficially, according to their own understanding, following translations into Russian and other languages. Inaccurate transmission of the meaning of the Qur'an misleads people.

14. Reading the Qur'an in a state of drowsiness is not approved, since there is a high probability of making mistakes.

17. The reader of the Quran should not pronounce other words in the process of reading, unless it is absolutely necessary, you should not laugh, play with your fingers - you should sit calmly and with respect.

18. The imperative sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is to read the dua after reading the Qur'an. Allah accepts such a prayer and answers it.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A person who reads the Qur'an in prayer while standing will receive a hundred rewards for each letter; one who performs prayer sitting for reading each letter of the Qur'an will receive fifty rewards; one who reads the Qur'an outside of prayer will receive ten rewards for each letter; one who listens to the reading of the Koran, wanting to receive a reward, one reward is recorded for each letter; whoever has completed reading the Qur'an (in full), Allah will answer the prayer in this world or in the next world ”(Dailami.“ Kanzul Umal ”, No. 2427).

A high position before Allah, intercession on the Day of Judgment, a noble disposition and spiritual purity are just a small part of the fruits that reading the Quran brings. The study of the Holy Quran is one of the most glorious ways of remembering the Almighty. The believer who studies the Qur'an and memorizes it not only deserves a great reward, but also fills his heart with the Word of God, which lies cannot be approached either from the front or from behind. The treasury of divine wisdom and the fount of knowledge are opened before him, and he is rewarded with great mercy. But at the same time, a great responsibility falls on him, because neglecting the Qur'an after Allah has placed it in the soul of a person is a great sin.

Ibn Mas'ud said: "Verily, this Qur'an is a treat from Allah, accept His treat as far as possible. He is a strong rope of Allah, a clear light and beneficial healing. It is a protection for the one who adheres to it, and a salvation for the one who follows it. He does not depart from the truth to be reproved, nor does he stray aside to be corrected. His miracles do not stop, and he does not deteriorate from frequent repetition ”(narrated by al-Hakim).

Ilmira Gafiyatullina, Kazan

The word "tajvid" is a masdar (verbal noun), the root of which is the verb "jaada" - to succeed, to surpass. In the context of the Qur'anic sciences, this term has a narrower meaning, the essence of which boils down to "the correct reading of the Holy ”, that is, in such a manner of reciting Revelation, when all known rules and norms are observed.

The issue of observing the correct pronunciation is reflected in the Quran itself. Thus, the Creator makes a command to believers:

"And recite the Qur'an measuredly" (73:4)

At first glance, the verse is primarily about the character, speed and manner of reading. But in fact, this means that all letters and sounds must be properly pronounced, all existing rules must be observed, of which there are not two or three units, but much more. For example, the rules of assimilation (idgam ma'a-l-'unna, iklab, ihfa ma'a-l-'unna), dissimilation (kalkala), observance of longitude (madd) and pause (waqf) and so on.

How did tajweed come about?

The Koran, being the Revelation of the Almighty, granted to all mankind, requires a special attitude towards itself, which includes, among other things, the manner of reading. It is known that during the lifetime of the Final Messenger of God (S.G.V.), Ibn Mas'ud possessed a beautiful manner of reciting the Book. He not only recited the Qur'an with expression, but also observed all the necessary grammar rules and pronunciation.

The relevance of the emergence of such a science as tajvid is obvious. Many people do not know the features of even their native language, they can make mistakes in pronunciation and grammar. What can we say about the unfamiliar language in which the main religious text is written?! The Arabic language is not the easiest, and the situation was to a certain extent complicated by the fact that other peoples began to come to Islam from the very dawn of the emergence of religion. They had certain cultural differences from the Arabs, in particular, related to the linguistic component. In this situation, there was a risk that people could make mistakes while reading the Qur'an, which were reflected in the meaning. To avoid this, the importance of forming a special system of rules, which was called "tajvid", became obvious.

In general, it can be noted that Tajwid is a Quranic science, the main goal of which is to ensure the correct pronunciation and reproduction of sounds, avoiding any excesses or omissions.

Why is tajweed so important?

Reading the Holy Quran in accordance with all the rules has a lot of virtues that affect both the reader (kariya) and the audience listening to it. Tajwid allows you to take into account all the moments that are usually used by hare during the recitation of the Text in a singsong voice. However, it would be a mistake to assume that the automatic observance of the rules of tajwid ensures that a person becomes a reader with a unique style of recitation. This requires a long practice and analysis of other caries. The essence of a competent and beautiful reproduction of the text of the Qur'an comes down to determining how best to pause, extend vowel sounds, soften the pronunciation of consonants and correctly pronounce individual sounds (for example, hamza).

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an aspect of reading the Quran as the speed of text reproduction. According to the unanimous opinion of scientists and practitioners, it is best to read the Quran in a slow rhythm, following all the rules as correctly as possible. Such a pace in Arabic is denoted by the word "tartil". However, among professionals in the field of literate recitation of the Holy Scriptures, a medium tempo called "tadvir" is common, as well as a fast rhythm - "khadr".

Failure to follow the rules of tajwid is fraught with errors that can seriously change the meaning of the Qur'anic text. For example, one of the most common defects is the case when, at the end of the Fatiha surah, a person reproduces the word “lost” - “dalliin”, not through the letter “d”, but through “z”. With this reading, the meaning changes to the word "continuing":

“Lead us on a straight road. dear to those to whom You have bestowed grace, and not dear to those who have fallen under Your wrath and have gone astray” (1:7)

Obviously, the word "continuing" completely changes the original meaning of the verse.

There are also implicit errors that do not change the meaning of the Qur'anic text, but contradict the generally accepted manner of reproducing certain moments of the Qur'anic text. For example, an implicit error can occur when a person does not properly pronounce the “y” sound in the word “lahu”, which occurs in Surah Ikhlas:

“Ue lam yakul-lyakhuu kufueen akhade” (112:4)

Translation of the meaning: “And there was no one equal to Him”

From the point of view of the Arabic language, its meaning, if the reader does not draw out the sound "y" in the indicated place, he does not make any mistake. However, from the point of view of the norms accepted among the browns, this moment will be considered a minor drawback.

We also note that in modern editions of the Koran, which were released in different countries of the world, some rules of tajwid are reflected in the text through special signs that are marked in different colors. This printing technique is used actively only in special cases, when publishers pursue the goal of making the Qur'anic text convenient for people who begin to study. Arabic and tajweed. However, the designation of the name "Allah" in red is becoming common. Other words that denote the Almighty are also highlighted in red (for example, Master - “Rabbah”).

Learning to read the Qur'an consists of 4 basic rules:

  1. Learning the alphabet (the alphabet in Arabic is called "Alif wa ba").
  2. Writing training.
  3. Grammar (tajwid).
  4. Reading.

You may immediately think that this is easy. However, all these stages are divided into several subparagraphs. The main point is that you need to learn how to write correctly. That's right, not right! If you do not learn to write, then you cannot move on to learning grammar and reading.

2 more very important points: the first is that by this method you will only learn to read and write in Arabic, but not to translate. To fully delve into this language, you can go to an Arab country and already there gnaw at the granite of science. Secondly, you need to immediately decide on which Koran you will study, since there are differences in them. Most of the old mentors teach from the Qur'an, which is called Ghazan.

But I do not advise you to do this, because then it will be difficult to switch to the modern Koran. The font is very different everywhere, but the meaning of the text is the same. Naturally, “Gazan” is easier to learn to read, but it is better to start learning with a modern font. If you do not quite understand the difference, then look at the picture below, this is how the font in the Quran should look like:

I think that if you want to learn how to read the Quran, then you have already bought it. Now we can move on to the alphabet. At this stage, I advise you to start a notebook and remember the school. All letters must be printed separately in a notebook 100 times. The Arabic alphabet is not more complicated than the Russian one. Firstly, there are only 28 letters in it, and secondly, there are only 2 vowels: “he” and “alif”.

But it can also make understanding that language more difficult. Because in addition to letters, there are also sounds: “un”, “u”, “i”, “a”. Moreover, almost all letters (except "wow", "zey", "rei", "zal", "dal", "alif") at the end, in the middle and at the beginning of the word are written differently. Most also have problems with what needs to be read from right to left. After all, they read from left to right. But in Arabic it's the other way around.

It can also cause inconvenience in writing. The main thing in it is that the bias in handwriting should be from right to left, and not vice versa. You can get used to it for a long time, but after a while you will bring everything to automatism. Now hr-portal will show you the Arabic alphabet (in the yellow boxes, the spelling options are highlighted depending on their location in the word):

First, it is important that you write as much as possible. You need to get your hands on this as you are now building the foundation of your learning. In a month it is quite possible to learn the alphabet, know the spelling options and learn how to write. If you are interested, then you will meet in half a month.

Once you have learned the alphabet and learned how to write, you can move on to grammar. In Arabic, it is called "tajwid". You can comprehend grammar directly while reading. Only a small nuance - in the Koran the beginning is not where everyone is used to. The beginning is at the end of the book, but it is better to start with the first sura of the Qur'an called Al-Fatiha.

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How to learn to read the Koran at home

How to memorize the Quran easily

Every Muslim is aware of the meaning of the Quran. The whole life of a Muslim is built around this sacred scripture. The Qur'an is the light that will illuminate the path to the truth for us. In the Quran, the wisdom of the Almighty and the goal towards which we must move. The Qur'an is a book of happiness and barakat of Muslims, because the one who followed it, i.e. according to the precepts of Allah, will not be disappointed and deprived. Therefore, one of the most important tasks facing a Muslim is the study and memorization of the Holy Quran.

  1. sincere intention

It is important that the goal of memorizing and reading the Qur'an should be the desire for the pleasure of the Almighty, only then Allah will facilitate your work and make knowledge good.

  1. Respect for Holy Scripture

When handling the Qur'an, observe ethics, which consists in touching the Qur'an purified, one should not put the Qur'an on the ground. The reader of the Qur'an, if possible, should be in the best possible condition, in good clean clothes, covering his shoulders and knees out of respect for the Book of Allah.

There are three cases when memorizing the Holy Quran:

  1. Read and understand the Arabic text of the Quran.
  2. Be able to read Arabic text without understanding the meaning.
  3. Not be able to read and understand Arabic text.

The most important thing in this business is to start. As soon as you memorize the beginning of the verse, the continuation will follow by itself. Take, for example, the first sura of the Qur'an, which consists of 7 verses.

The surah in transliteration looks like this:

Alhamdulillahi rabbil-"aalamiiyin (2)

Yauumiddiyin cradles (4)

Iyyakya na "I'll be wa iyyakya nasta" iin (5)

Syraatallaziina an "amta" alayhim gairil-magduubi aleyhim va lyaddaaalliyin (7)

Each verse begins with the following words:

Knowing how each verse begins will help you know where to start and help you memorize an entire sura.

  1. Before starting the reading, one should say the words “Auzu billahi mina-shshaytani-rrajim”.
  2. At the beginning of each sura, one should read "Bismi-Llahi-RRahmani-RRahim".
  3. The reader should preferably read the Qur'an beautifully, drawlingly, as if into a chant and decorate it with his own voice.
  4. A Muslim must learn tajwid and know how to pronounce Arabic letters and sounds correctly so that reading it is correct and beautiful.
  5. It is encouraged if the reader of the Quran cries while reading.

The reading of the Holy Qur'an should not end only with its meaningless memorization. Such memorization will not bring benefits and rewards, as it will not be practiced in life. A person should meditate on the Qur'an. When a Muslim reads the verses of mercy, he should stop a little and ask Allah for mercy, and when he reads the verses of punishment, he should ask for the forgiveness of sins and salvation from hellfire.

The Qur'an is the Word of Allah, which is the key to Paradise. And the key to the Qur'an is Arabic. Therefore, a believer who strives for a true understanding of Him, reading Him in the language that God sent down, should study Arabic and read the Koran in Arabic.

These tips will help you memorize the Scriptures:

  • Make a plan for yourself to memorize the Qur'an (how many verses you should memorize per day) and stick to it.
  • Be constant in reading and memorizing the Qur'an, because, as we know from childhood, repetition is the basis of learning. The more often you memorize the verses, the easier the memorization process will become. It is very important not to miss a single day.
  • Make sure that you are not distracted by extraneous thoughts in this matter. Retire to a quiet place so that you can concentrate only on the Quran.
  • Memorize the verses with meaning: read the translation, before you start learning the verse, understand the meaning of what is written.
  • Before memorizing, it is helpful to listen to the verse you want to memorize. This will help you overcome pronunciation problems and improve the quality of your memorization.
  • Read the surahs aloud. Reading aloud helps not only to speak, but also to listen to yourself.
  • And most importantly, ask the Almighty to make it easier for you to memorize the Qur'an and send down the keys of knowledge.

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This is the name of one of the best women mentioned in the hadith - "The best women in Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatima bint Muhammad, Asiya bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam, the daughter of Imran." It gained popularity due to the fact that this was the name of the mother of the Prophet Isa (alayhi-salaam). A sura in the Qur'an is named after her, in the sura "Al Imran" her name is mentioned about 83 times. In many Arab countries, the name Maryam ranks first among the names of newborn girls.

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    How to read the Muslim holy book Quran

    The Quran is the Holy Creation of the Muslim religion, the main monument of society, the basis of which is worldview and religious thoughts. By learning to read the Quran correctly, you will simultaneously master the Arabic language.

    There are several rules for reading it:

    1. Master the Arabic alphabet "Alif wa ba";
    2. Practice writing;
    3. Learn tajweed - grammar;
    4. Try to read and practice regularly.

    The key to success is the ability to write correctly. After you master the letter, you can safely move on to the practice of reading and grammar.

    The Arabic alphabet is the first thing you have to do. It consists of 28 letters, 2 of which are vowels: "alif" and "ey". The spelling of many letters depends on their placement: the beginning, middle or end of a word.

    You need to learn and remember how to read letters and pronounce them correctly. It will be easiest to use a translator, as you can visually study the letter and hear its pronunciation. Video tutorials can also help you master the language on your own. At the same time, you can find a large number of them on the Internet and choose at your discretion.

    A self-instruction manual can be purchased at a bookstore and in this case it will be an appendix to a book that will give you the opportunity to become familiar with the language. If you like books, choose the right one.

    It is advisable to purchase with additional audio files that will help you hear the correct pronunciation.

    When learning a language, use the same type of Quran, this will help develop visual and auditory memory.

    The main stress contributes to an increase in the intonation of the voice, the secondary ones take on the power function. Pay attention to the reading rhythm, which is built on a series of stressed and unstressed syllables.

    Use the rules for combining words, study the rules of pauses in detail. Since a misread text can lead to a loss of meaning or its change. After studying the types of pauses, read the text in the presence of a person who knows the Qur'an. He will explain what mistakes you make and how to avoid them.

    Set yourself certain tasks for each day that you will perform. Decide how much information you can process daily. After that, carefully reread the given volume several times, try to remember it and try to repeat it on your own during the day.

    Start with the first sura of Al-Fatiha. Read each verse of the surah 20 times. For example, Surah Al-Fatiha consists of seven verses, each must be repeated 20 times, after which all verses must also be read 20 times.

    In order to start studying the next sura, it is necessary to repeat the previous one the same number of times.

    The main task is to write as much and as often as possible. The letter must be brought to automatism. The difficulty may be that you also need to write from right to left, you need to get used to this. Distribute tasks throughout the month and you will master the correct spelling.

    Next is grammar. Get used to its other name - "tajvid", as the Arabs call it. While reading, you have already become familiar with the technique of tajweed. Following the logic of Arabic grammar, the beginning of the Qur'an is at the end of the book.

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