Topic in English with translation "Money - Money". It's all about the money. About money in English Topic in English money in our lives


A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need.
Many parents wonder whether to give pocket money to their children and how much to give. Most Moms and Dads think that pocket money helps the child learn to handle money sensibly. However, pocket money may become a battleground if not handled correctly from the very start.
Personally, I think that by giving pocket money parents help children learn to manage money while they are young. It also helps them make choices and feel that they are important members of the family. Even a small amount can give a child the feeling of responsibility and independence. Parents can suggest the child keeping a little book in their money box to record ins and outs. This will help with their mathematics and will encourage them to save money.
But in some families children are given what they ask for and do not get pocket money. Some parents think that pocket money can cause a number of problems. For example, if children have a lot less than their friends they may feel depressed and may be tempted to steal. On the other hand, when they have much more it can cause envy and resentment among their friends. Besides, I believe that parents should never give pocket money to their children as compensation for not spending enough time with them and as a reward for helping around the house.
To conclude, I think it is up to parents to decide whether to give children pocket money or not. Anyway, parents should explain their sons and daughters that lots of money cannot buy love and happiness.

Some people think they can be happy only being rich, while others don't care too much about money.
It is rather difficult to imagine our lives without money. People consider money to be part and parcel of their everyday lives. They buy and sell different things, receive a fee, a pension or a subsidy, exchange currency and what not. People's attitude to money can be quite different: for some of them money is the most important thing in the world, while other people don't care much about money.
In my opinion, the life of rich people is not only luxurious. It is also dangerous. There are quite a lot of people who want to deceive the rich. Millionaires have to spend much money on security, but sometimes even such measures don't help. Rich people are often robbed, kidnapped and killed. Besides, they have to work much and that is why they spend very little time with their families and they often feel stressed.
But in spite of all dangers and difficulties, many people are sure that money and happiness are synonyms. They believe that money can make them powerful and independent. They dream of expensive cars and luxurious mansions. Some people think that we live in the world where almost everything can be bought and sold. They even make friends and marry for money. To my mind, money becomes a kind of addiction for such people.
To sum up, money is very useful as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. But it becomes "the root of all evil" when it makes people take bribes, betray their partners or commit crimes. I think that "money is a good servant but a bad master."

A lot of people say that it is very important for everyone to own property. However, others are not so sure that property can make our lives better.
Everyone has some possessions. People own cars, buildings, land, money, bonds, stocks and so on. We are used to consuming, selling, renting, mortgaging, transferring or exchanging our property. But sometimes people attach too much importance to their possessions.
Personally, I believe that property is not the most important thing in our lives. It may arouse other people"s envy and it is difficult to say whether people surrounding you are your real friends or they just like your possessions and want to make use of them. I strongly feel that having friends, parents, relatives, spouses and children who love and understand you is better than possessing money, houses or securities.
However, there are people whose desire to own things predominates over all other feelings. They often become "slaves of property". They usually try to make a commercial use of everything and the main aim of their lives is the accumulation of their capital. They sometimes buy beautiful pictures and sculptures not because they admire works of art or drive inspiration from them, but because it is a way of investing money. But to my mind, a person who values ​​only property is miserable because inanimate objects like cars, pictures or precious stones can't make you happy.
To conclude, I think that possessing property is not a sin, but one should remember the proverb: "Money can"t buy happiness".

Some people say that making money with the Internet is reality, while others think it is a myth.
The Internet is not only a source of information and entertainment for many people. It can also help them make money from home. At the same time the Internet business may be hard to break into.
To my mind, the Internet gives people a great number of opportunities to make money. Some of them earn money building websites for different companies, organizations or businessmen. Many people use websites to sell different goods or services. Thanks to the Internet, e-learning industry which is estimated to be worth billions of dollars has developed. People also earn money by sending spam, creating computer viruses, putting advertisements on a web page and so on.
However, those who believe that the Internet can help them make millions in a few days may be disappointed. Even hard work does not always result in success. People usually have to invest some money to develop their online business. What is more, there is usually great competition on the Internet when thousands of other people are trying to sell similar goods or services. So if you want to succeed, you should be original in order to stand out from the crowd.
To sum up, the Internet may motivate people to earn money. I strongly feel that if you are not afraid of difficulties, if you are hard-working, energetic and persistent, the Internet business will help you become richer.

Some people say that high social status is very important for everyone. Others are convinced that it is better to have a high income.
In modern societies, a person's social status depends on many factors including their income, education, occupation, inherited wealth and position, ownerships, personal skills, abilities and efforts. Some people achieve high social status through education, occupation, and marital status But statuses can also be inherited through family.
To my mind, it is difficult to say which is more important: high social status or a high income. Sometimes an individual's social positions have both positive and negative influence on their social status. For example, a teacher has a positive societal image which increases his status but may earn little money, which simultaneously decreases it. In contrast, a drug dealer, may have low social position though have a high income. There are a lot of professions that are not prestigious, but well-paid and vice versa. Personally, I would prefer having high social status to being rich.
Some people say that they would rather have low social status but earn much money. They are convinced that money can make them powerful and independent. Such people also say that we live in the world where almost everything can be bought and sold, even high social status. But I think that a person must be respected only for his or her individual merits and achievements.
To sum up, both a person's income and social status depend on him or her and may be changed in the course of his or her life. So if you want to be wealthy, respected and successful, you must work hard to achieve this goal

From the tutorial

Money is such an important part of everyday life that in any language many words and expressions are devoted to it, many proverbs, sayings, riddles are written about it, and the topic of money is firmly entrenched in idioms. But textbooks usually pay little attention to this topic, although if you travel, you will have to talk about money in English more often than about culture, history, literature and other lofty matters.

In this collection I will give useful words and interesting expressions on the topic of money. As usual in the section, the words are presented in the form of cards, a list and a PDF file for printing (cardboard cards).

English words on the topic “Money, finance”

money money
cash cash
to pay to pay
payment payment
price price
cost price
charge pay
fee pay
price tag price tag
fine fine
to spend money spend money
to waste money waste money
to borrow money borrow
to lend money lend
to save money save money (save, save up)
to make money Earn Money
change change (exchange)
small change trifle
bill banknote
coin coin
check (check) check
receipt receipt (upon purchase)
credit card credit card
debit card debit card
wallet wallet
purse wallet (handbag)
bank bank
to deposit money (to pay in) deposit money into account
to withdraw money withdraw money from account
bank account Bank account
transaction transaction
billing address billing address
payday payday
salary (wages) salary
paycheck salary check
debt duty
cashier cashier (in a store)
teller cashier (at a bank)
credit credit
currency currency
to exchange currency exchange currency
exchange rate currency exchange rate
loan loan
mortgage mortgage
pension pension

Expressions about money in English

  • to pay the bills– literally: to pay bills, more broadly: to provide for oneself.

I gotta find a job to pay the bills. – I have to find a job to support myself.

  • be loaded- have a lot of money.

My uncle is loaded so he always buys us awesome presents. – My uncle has a lot of money, so he always buys us amazing gifts.

  • be broke – be penniless.

I've wasted off my money. I'm broke. “I’ve spent all my money, I’m broke.”

  • make a killing- earn a lot of money.

My sister made a killing working it the oil industry. “My sister made a lot of money in the oil industry.

  • make ends meet – have enough money to live on, make ends meet.

I lost my job and I’m having a hard time making ends meet. “I lost my job and can barely make ends meet.”

  • hand to mouth- live poorly, barely get by.

Since I lost my job I’ve had to live hand to mouth. “Ever since I lost my job, I’ve been struggling.

  • put in your two cents - express your opinion, contribute your two cents.

Let me put in my two cents. - Let me express my opinion.

  • on the house – at the expense of the establishment (in bars, restaurants)

This beer is on the house. - This beer is at the expense of the establishment.

  • tighten your belt- tighten the belt.

Another fine? I’ll have to tighten my belt this month! – Another fine? I'll have to tighten my belt this month.

  • be on the breadline- live from hand to mouth, on the brink of survival

Due to the recent crisis, there are more people on the breadline than
ever before. – Due to the recent crisis, more people are now on the brink of survival than ever before.

  • other side of the coin the other side of the coin.

The house is lovely and spacious, but the other side of the coin is that it is far from shops and schools. – This house is beautiful and spacious. But there is another side to the coin: it is too far from shops and schools.

  • at all costs –at any cost.

Are you sure you want to win at all costs? – Are you sure you want victory at any cost?

  • keep your head above water- stay afloat, survive financially.

Business has been slow, but we’ve managed to keep our head above water. “Things are not going well, but we are staying afloat.”

  • keep the wolf from the door- to get by, fight poverty, have enough money only for basic needs: food, a roof over your head.

In order to keep the wolf from the door, you need to have enough money to buy food and other essentials. – To survive somehow, you need enough money for food and basic necessities.

  • look like a million dollars– look great, look like a million.

With a new hairstyle she looked a million dollars! – You look great with your new hairstyle!

  • lose your shirt- to lose everything, to be left without pants.

He lost his shirt gambling. “He was left with nothing by gambling.

  • have money to burn – have “extra” money that can be easily spent.

A fur coat is no problem for Molly. She's got money to burn! – A fur coat is not a problem for Molly. She has plenty of extra money.

  • be paid peanuts – receive pennies.

Jenny has a very interesting job, but she’s paid peanuts. – Jenny has a very interesting job, but they pay a pittance.

  • throw money at– trying to solve the problem with a useless injection of money without trying other methods.

The social problems cannot be solved just by throwing money at it. – Social problems cannot be solved with money alone.

  • it's a highway robbey! – This is a robbery (bad deal).

You paid $200 for that? It's a highway robbery! -Did you pay $200 for this? Yes, this is robbery!

  • it's a steal!- buy for next to nothing, a good deal, a cheap purchase.

I got this bike at a garage sale and it was only 5 bucks! That's a steal! “I bought this bike at a garage sale, it only cost 5 bucks.” Got it for free!

  • chip in – chip in, add up money.

I'm gonna order a pizza. Let's chip in. - I'll order pizza, let's chip in.

  • on me– I will pay (as a rule, when it comes to a bill in a bar, cafe, etc.)

- Let me see the check... - Let me look at the check...

– Don’t worry about it. This is me. - Don't worry, I'll pay.


  1. Word money– singular, no plural form. For example: There is no money - There is no money here.
  2. Words borrow And lend have opposite meanings: I borrowed some money. – I borrowed some money; Can you lend me some money? - Could you lend me some money?

3. Difference between price, cost, charge, fee.

These words have similar meanings.

  • Price– price of the product in the store: What's the price
  • Cost has different meanings.
    • Price - What's the cost of this pillow? - How much does this pillow cost?
    • Expenses, cost: High cost of production – High cost of production.
    • Price, cost in figurative meaning: Victory at all costs- Victory at any cost.
    • As a verb, to cost means “to cost”: How much does this pillow cost? - How much does this pillow cost?
  • Charge– a very polysemantic word, but in this context it can mean:
    • a fee charged for something, usually a service. For example: Bank charge – A fee charged by a bank for transactions.
    • expenses, costs: The charges amounted $300 – Expenses amounted to $300.
    • The verb to charge is to set a price: Jack charged 50 bucks for his bike – Jack set the price for his bike at 50 bucks.
  • Fee- fee, payment, remuneration received for a specific work or service: I'll help you. $100 is my fee. - I will help you. My reward will be $100.

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Medvedeva Daria. Lyceum No. 10, Khimki city, Moscow region, Russia
Essay in English with translation (topic in English)

The value of money

There are two contrary points of view on the topic of money. According to one of them, wealth is the most important thing in people`s life. But supporters of another statement maintain that there are many things which are much more valuable.

Firstly, the extent of well-being can be an indicator of person`s intelligence. Judging by common conceptions, only educated and brainy people can be engaged on a decent job which pays well. At the same time, that is not always like this. For instance, a millionaire can also be a fraud and deceiver who bosses other people around.

Secondly, money let us fulfill our requirements. It makes the range of possibilities more various. However, it is an open secret that human`s necessities are boundless: the more of them are realised, the more are likely to occur again.

Furthermore, poor people are always bound to restrict themselves. Naturally, that makes them feel miserable and depressed. Therefore, these people tend to make a crime to a greater degree than representatives of classes with a satisfactory abundance.

In my opinion, money is one of the necessary elements in our life, yet it is not basic. Finally, the level of material security should fit moral development and education.

There are two opposing points of view on the topic of money. According to one of them, wealth is the most important thing in people's lives. But supporters of a different judgment argue that there are many things that are much more valuable.

Firstly, the degree of wealth can serve as an indicator of a person’s level of education. According to general ideas, only an educated and intelligent person can be employed in a well-paid job. At the same time, this is not always the case. For example, a millionaire can also be a con man and a deceiver who takes advantage of other people.

Secondly, money allows us to fulfill our needs. They make the range of our capabilities more diverse. However, it is no secret that human needs are limitless: the more desires we satisfy, the more they arise again.

Moreover, poor people are forced to constantly limit themselves in some way. Naturally, this makes them feel unhappy and depressed. Consequently, they are more prone to committing crimes than representatives of classes with satisfactory income.

From my point of view, money is one of the necessary components in our life, but still it is not the most important. So, the level of material security must correspond to moral development and education.

Money... Happiness is not in it, but you can’t do without it either. Finance helps you become independent and self-reliant. As you may have guessed, our topic is dedicated to money and everything that concerns it in English. Finance is a sensitive topic, because there is always little of it, there is not enough of it. But we hope that the phrases presented below and discussed in the context of examples and translations will be useful to you.

Money in English and finance topic with translation

Sometimes the translation of words related to money is unexpected. Because, as you know, words in English have several meanings.

Beginners and even those who do not study English know this word. “Money” is money, finance, in its general meaning. And the English language reminds us that it is an uncountable noun.

For example:

  • What about money today? I have some money for lunch and coffee. - What about the money today? I don't have much money for lunch and coffee.
  • Did you get your money? -Did you get your money? There is little money left. — There is little money left.
  • It is impossible to do little work and to get much money. - It is impossible to work little and get a lot of money.

As you'll notice, "Money" is the general word for money in English.

Regarding finance in English

In this section, we will look at terms related to finance and money in English and their translation into Russian. Here are the main monetary terms and their translation into Russian:

  • ATM(= automated teller machine) / cash dispenser (BrE) - ATM

I want to take my money from the ATM. Our ATM is broken; I can't take my money. — I want to withdraw my money from the ATM. Our ATM is broken; I can't take my money.

  • banknote/bill(AmE) - banknote

Do you have any money? -Yes, I have some banknotes of 100 dollars. - Do you have money? Yes, I have several $100 bills.

  • borrow- occupy

Can you borrow me some money till Monday? — Could you borrow me some money until Monday?

  • be broke- to be bankrupt

Can you give me some money? -No, I am broke this week. -Can you give me some money? No, I'm bankrupt this week.

  • budget- budget

Unfortunately, my budget is poor this month. — Unfortunately, my budget is poor this month.

  • cash- cash (money)

Can you pay by cash? -Yes, sure. — Can you pay in cash? Yes, sure

  • cashier- cashier

The cashier in this bank is very precise. — The teller at this bank is very accurate.

  • check(BrE) / check(AmE) - check

At the moment I don’t have any cash, but I have a check of 1000 dollars. “I don’t have any cash at the moment, but I have a check for $1,000.”

  • coin- coin

Tom has some golden coins of the XIXth century. — Tom has several gold coins from the 19th century.

  • currency- currency

We need some currency to go to the USA. — We will need currency to travel to the USA.

  • debt- duty

How is Tom? Oh, he has a lot of debts. - How is Tom doing? Oh, he has a lot of debt.

  • deposit— deposit

You can have some deposits in our bank. — You can open several deposits in our bank.

Examples of popular words about money in English speech with translation

Useful English words about money

Each of us has sometimes had to lend, borrow, give, invest or donate money. Of course, when communicating with English speakers, you will also have to touch on this topic, and you cannot do without useful English words about money:

  • donate- give, donate, give to charity

Alex donated a lot of money to the children’s house; it's wonderful. — Alex donated a lot of money to the orphanage; it is wonderful.

  • exchange rate- exchange rate

The exchange rate of the currency today is very high. — The exchange rate is very high today.

  • fee- fee, remuneration

This is you fee for the concert. - This is your fee for the concert.

  • interest- interest, interest rate

What’s your interest in this bank? — What is your interest rate in this bank?

  • invest- invest, invest

Mr Green wants to invest a lot of money in our bank. — Mr. Green wants to invest a lot of money in our bank.

  • legal tender- legal tender

I have a legal tender in my business. — I have legal tender in my business.

  • lend- lend, borrow

I can lend you some money if you want. — I can lend you some money if you want.

  • loan- loan

You want a very big loan, I can’t agree with it. - You want a very big loan, I can’t agree with it.

  • owe- to be due

Why Tom is angry with you? -I owe him some money. - Why is Tom angry with you? I owe him money.

  • receipt- check, receipt

Here is your receipt. - Here is your receipt.

  • refund- return (money, damage, etc.)

I damaged your car; I want to refund the money.- I damaged your car; I want my money back for the damage.

  • tips, tips- tips

Oh, why do you give so many tips to the waiter? - Oh, why do you tip the waiter so much?

  • withdraw— withdraw funds from the account

Can you help me with some money? -Sure, I have to withdraw some from the bank. -Can you help me with money? Of course I have to withdraw some from the bank.

As you understand, friends, finance is an integral part of business. And the English language is a very extraordinary thing, we have been convinced of this more than once. These were the basic meanings of terms related to money and their translation into Russian.

We have already looked at it earlier, but today we will turn to interesting facts from history.
The official English currency is the pound sterling, also known as the British pound or simply the pound, and in English - Poundsterling , pound. It is one of the most stable modern currencies, as well as the oldest in the world. This money has a long and interesting history.

English money: history and interesting facts

The first silver sterlings appeared in England in 1066.
— According to one version, the coins were called that because of the star-shaped signs: an Old English word sterling comes from French esterlin"star".
— Another version says that sterling meant "pure silver".
- And according to the theory of Walter Pinchebeck, sterling comes from the phrase EasterlingSilver- “silver from the eastern lands”, which meant a 925 alloy from the German region, which the British called Easterling .

In 1158, sterling became the official English currency by order of King Henry II. Another century later, the coins changed their name and began to be called pound, as a measure of weight that was already in use. That is, literally “pound sterling” means “pound of money”: the weight of a pound sterling had to be exactly a pound or 453 grams.

In those days, the money system in England was different from the modern one. One pound was equal to 12 shillings, and one shilling was equal to 20 pence. Pence, in turn, was equal to two forints. It was a complex system that made calculations difficult. Later it was simplified, and today the pound sterling is equal to 100 pence - easy and convenient for calculations.

In 1489 the first pound coins were issued. Then another name was in use - sovereign: the king was depicted on the coins. The first banknotes began to be issued in 1694 by the Bank of England. And in the 18th century, the British pound became one of the most important currencies in the world economy. It was only after World War II that the importance of this currency decreased due to the strengthening of the United States.

Nowadays in Great Britain the currency is most often called simply pound, then if you need to emphasize the difference between a currency and other currencies with the same name, then the form is used - poundsterling. At the same time, the name is used on exchanges sterling or cable .

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