What is a lesson outline? I. Organizational moment

Outline of a physical education lesson in grade 2 on the topic “Circuit training. Outdoor games"

Goals: learn a warm-up with gymnastic sticks; conduct a circuit training; play a mobile game.

Formed UUD:

  • subject: have an idea about special exercises to maintain good vision, about what circular training is, be able to climb a gymnastic wall, organize health-saving life activities, perform a warm-up with gymnastic sticks and a game exercise for attention;
  • metasubject: accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, find means for its implementation, plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results;
  • personal: to realize the motives of educational activity and the personal meaning of the teaching, to show goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, to develop the skills of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, to follow the orientation towards a safe and healthy lifestyle.

Inventory: stopwatch, whistle, 4-6 spans of the gymnastic wall, gymnastic crossbar, gymnastic sticks for each student, 3-5 mats (depending on whether the children will do somersaults and rolls in turn or on two mats at once), gymnastic bench.

During the classes


  1. Building in one line. Student report and greeting.
  2. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
  3. Conversation about respect for vision. What exercises do you need to do to keep your eyesight? (Children's answers.)

To maintain good vision, you need to do special exercises.

Memo. Eye exercises

  • Blink your eyes (1 min).
  • Close your eyes and massage the eyelids with the tips of your index fingers in a circular motion.
  • Close your eyes tightly, then open them. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • If your eyes are very tired from reading, watching TV or working at a computer, it is useful to go to the window and look at the sky for 2-3 minutes.
  • Look at the index finger of the outstretched hand in front of you. Slowly bring your finger closer to the tip of the nose, continuing to follow it with your eyes. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • At home, you can stick a circle of paper on the window. Close one eye and look at the circle for 5 seconds with the other. Then look into the distance. Do the same with the other eye. Repeat 6-8 times.
  • Roll your eyes first to the left and then to the right. Repeat 6-8 times.
  • Look up and down, left, right, top right, bottom left, and vice versa. Repeat 6-8 times.

And most importantly - avoid dangerous situations, protect your eyes from branches in the forest, sharp objects, etc.

All these exercises are given in the textbook. When we introduce or repeat them with students, we do not perform the exercises for a long time, we do 1-2 times. You can not use all the exercises, but only those that you like best.

After the exercises for the eyes, we move on to the warm-up.

  1. Walking step. Class to the right! March to the left around the hall! Run march!
  2. Run without tasks. A run is performed (1 min), after which the students should take a step and perform breathing exercises. Passing in a circle, the students take one gymnastic stick each, stop on the long side of the hall, count on the first or second, line up in two lines and open their arms to the sides.

Warm-up with gymnastic sticks

  • I. p. - main stand, stick below. At the expense of "time" - stick up, right foot back on the toe; at the expense of "two" - return to the starting position; on the count of "three" - stick up, left foot back on the toe; at the expense of "four" - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.
  • I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. At the expense of "times" - turn the head to the right, stick to the right, with the right end of the stick, as if trying to pierce the air; at the expense of "two" - turn the head to the left, stick to the left, with the left end of the stick, as if trying to pierce the air. Repeat 4 times.
  • I. p. - main stand, stick at the top. At the expense of "time" - turn the body to the right, stick forward; at the expense of "two" - return to the starting position; at the expense of "three" - turn the body to the left, stick forward; at the expense of "four" - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.
  • I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. Under the count up to 4 - circular movements with a stick to the right-up-left-down. At the expense of "five-eight" - the same in the other direction. Repeat 4 times.
  • I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. On the count of “times” - tilt, touch the floor with a stick (those who find it hard can turn the stick slightly to touch the floor with it); at the expense of "two" - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times at a slow pace.
  • I. p. - main stand, stick below. At the expense of "time" - lunge to the right, turn the body to the left, arms forward; at the expense of "two" - return to the starting position; at the expense of "three" - lunge to the left, turn the body to the right, arms forward; at the expense of "four" - return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.
  • I. p. - the main stance, a stick in front of your feet. At the expense of "times" - jump over the stick forward; on the count of "two" - jump over the stick back to the starting position. Repeat 8 times, starting slowly, gradually accelerating the pace of execution.
  • After jumping, take the sticks in your hands, walk in a circle, put them back in place, go and sit on the bench.
  1. Main part

Circuit training stations depend on many parameters: the number of children, the inventory and equipment available, and the tasks to be solved. Today we repeat the previously learned elements and exercises. You can always use different simulators. If it is possible to practice barefoot, then this is a big plus, then you can lay out grooved paths to prevent flat feet, and these paths can become a link between stations or an independent station so that children walk along it for a whole minute.

12 stations are proposed, which means that if there are 24 students in the class, then 2 students per station, if there are more children, then the number of stations can be increased. If there are very few children, then you can let them go one by one to the station. So that the children do not get confused, you can make plates with numbers at each station - this will make it easier for children to navigate at first.

At each station we do 1 minute, after which we move in a circle (clockwise). Children begin to perform the exercise and finish on a signal. The order of stations can be changed if the arrangement of inventory and equipment in this order is inconvenient. Exercises should develop different muscle groups, that is, you can’t give 3 stations in a row for your arms, and then 3 for flexibility, you need to change the load - either on the arms, then on the press, then on the legs, etc.

Climbing on the gymnastic wall (1 span).

Here climbing is performed to the very top (if possible) and descent back. So all minute. It is advisable not to go down on the mats.

  • Lifting the body from a prone position.
  • Hanging standing and hanging on bent arms on the crossbar.
  • Somersault forward.
  • Climbing from one span to another (2-4 spans) on the gymnastic wall. Climb low (to the middle, not higher).
  • Rolls with a straight body on the mat.
  • Squats.
  • Headstand (the teacher is here and helps).
  • Push-ups (today we are trying to see how the students cope with them).
  • Walking to the gymnastic bench and back. I. p. - standing facing the bench. At the expense of "time" - a step on the right bench; at the expense of "two" - step onto the bench with the left (stand on the bench); at the expense of "three" - a step back from the right bench; on the count of "four" - step back from the left bench to the starting position.
  • From a sitting position, tilt, trying to reach your toes with your fingers.
  • Stand on one leg.

You should try to complete the task within a minute, but this does not mean that you need to complete it with maximum intensity, you need to choose your pace of execution so that you have enough strength for the whole minute. It is better to do it slowly for a minute than to get tired in the first 10 seconds and then rest.

The teacher explains and shows all the stations, the students go to their places.

Always look at what the person you are following is doing so that later there are no questions “what to do now?”.

A circular training is carried out (13-15 minutes).

  1. Mobile game "Hurry to clean up"

After the circular training, the students form a circle around the teacher, an outdoor game is played for the reaction and attention "Hurry to remove it." Task: students stretch their hands forward, palms up, the teacher walks in a circle and tries to touch someone, that is, to touch an open palm. To avoid this, children try to have time to remove their hands (lower or remove back).

III. Final part

  1. Alignment. The class is built in one line 2-3 minutes before the end of the lesson.
  2. Summing up the lesson. The teacher summarizes briefly.
  3. Evaluation of student work. Praise the children for doing well.
  4. Homework. Memorize the text "Take care of your eyes!" us. 39 textbook.

Svetlana Borisova
Lesson summary in grade 2 "Vocal Ensemble"

Lesson summary

Thing: « vocal ensemble»

2 Class

Subject lesson: "Development of performing skills in ensemble»

Training program: Work program on the subject « vocal ensemble» (2012 Compiler: Borisova S. V.)

Type lesson: combined, consolidation of musical material with the introduction of new elements

Target: development of performing skills in ensemble through the means of musical expression



Consolidation of the concept ;

Development of emotional expressiveness, artistry and creative expression vocalist and ensemble using the means of musical expression;

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at previous lessons


Strengthening articulation and vocal apparatus;

Development of skills and techniques ensemble singing;

Development of the ability to listen and hear, trust each other, performing song material;

Developing the ability to analyze your activities while watching a video rehearsal lesson


Formation of the ability to work in a team;

Formation of a sense of responsibility; mutual assistance, benevolent attitude towards each other;

Formation of the ability to creatively interact with the teacher, students


visual (showing, verbal (explanation, conversation, practical

Form of organization of children: group

Group characteristic: a group of 2 years of study, girls 8-9 years old in the amount of 8 people (on the example of a show group "Smilies")

Lesson time: 45 minutes

Logistics lesson:



speakers (monitors)- 2 pcs. (for receiving a stereo signal);

A laptop;

Mixing console with amplifier;

Video recording and video reproducing equipment

Structure lesson:

I. Beginning lesson

1) organizational moment

2) greeting

3) communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

II. Main part

1) a set of exercises for breathing, the rhythmic pattern of works, diction in motion;

2) execution vocal exercises - chanting;

3) educational and didactic game;

4) Work on the repertoire:

Song "Pirate Grandmother", "Giraffe"

III. The final stage

1) viewing the video recording of the lesson, identifying and analyzing problematic points;

2) summing up the results of the lesson;

3) applause

Lesson progress

Stage Time Content Remark

Start lesson

5 min Organization of the beginning of the lesson, greeting students, activating attention, communicating the purpose of the lesson, creating a psychological mood for creative, fruitful activity. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Students go to Class line up in a semicircle. Conversation about ensemble sound, a survey on the means of musical expression.

Main part

Performing a set of exercises on breath:

1. "Cold Breath"



Articulation gymnastics

Vocal exercises-chanting:

1. "Thread"(performing a lingering sound on one note with a closed mouth and an open mouth for syllables)

2. "Music Elevator" (exercise for smoothness of registers and sound support)

3. "Sequences" vocal and diction

(singing cantilena, staccato)

4. "Mixed Rhythms"

(using rhythm and tempo changes, vocal presentation, soft and hard "sound attacks")

All exercises are performed in a circle.

It is necessary to systematically perform breathing exercises in order to bring the breathing technique and possession to perfection.

Dictionary exercises and articulatory gymnastics make it possible to train the entire speech apparatus and gradually develop the muscles of the organs of speech. Dictionary exercises are necessary because proximity to speech phonetics is the main property characteristic of pop singing.

Continuing to move in rhythm, we proceed to chanting - preparing the voice, vocal apparatus for singing.

Main part

Educational and didactic game "Means of musical expression"

Children analyze the didactic material - notes with the names of the means of musical expressiveness

Define concepts and analyze it in song music "Giraffe".

The game allows you to develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in performing practice in conditions ensemble, strengthen the emotional and psychological state of children, helps to create an atmosphere of interaction between children with each other, to form mental readiness for vocal performance

Main part

Work on the repertoire:

Song "Giraffe"

Students sing verses 1 and 2 of the song using two voices in the choruses, first with an instrument, then using microphones.

Work is underway on the text (diction, idea of ​​the work, character, acting tasks, dramaturgy of the work)

Song repeat "Pirate Grandmother" using microphones and performing the set movements, preparation for the competition.

Methods of working on the song repertoire demonstrate the level of development of performing skills ensemble and soloists in a single emotional and vocal and technical

character; contribute to the creation of a favorable, psychologically comfortable environment and team cohesion. During the lesson, rationally distributed motor, vocal load appears the desire for productive, creative, collective activities.

The final stage

5 minutes Watching the video recording of the lesson, identifying and analyzing problematic moments

Identification of errors and inaccuracies, setting a goal for the next lesson, work on the mistakes.

Farewell, applause All classes and performances in the learning process must be recorded with video or audio equipment, with further demonstration on a computer / laptop, when viewing, carefully analyze errors and emphasize the best moments of performances



Exercises to improve lower costal breathing.

"Cold Breath"- take the correct posture, put one hand on the diaphragm, put the other in front of you at the level of your mouth at a short distance. A slow smooth breath is taken through the nose. The hand at this time feels how the bottom of the chest expands. Then a smooth exhalation, you can without sound, you can sound the letter "U" open lips, folded as if whistling. You need to exhale on the set palm, and the palm should feel uniform breathing without pushing. Visually, this exercise can be done with a lit candle, so that when you exhale, the flame of the candle does not go out. (distance should not exceed 20-25 cm).

"Egorka"- pronounce children's counting rhyme: “As on a hill, on a hillock, there are thirty-three Yegorkas”, then inhale, and as you exhale, count as much as possible longer: "One Yegorka, two Yegorkas and so on". Younger children love this exercise.

"Pump"- stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, grab the handle of an imaginary pump: straighten up - inhale, bend over - exhale. Lips at the same time in the form of a whistle.

It is very useful for the student to sing exercises on Staccato- they clearly express the work of the diaphragm. With my students, I do this chanting in a major triad up and down.

Articulation gymnastics

1. Opening of the mouth - a well and freely opening mouth;

2. pulling the upper lip to the gums of the teeth (laxity of the lips prevents proper sound formation). Fighting "dead" lip”, inhibiting the clarity and sonority of speech;

3. lowering the lower lip to the gums of the teeth;

4. alternating movements of the upper and lower lips separately, as indicated in exercises 2 and 3;

5. special training of the upper lip (the mouth is slightly open, the upper lip, the upper lip, closing the upper teeth, is tightly pulled over them so that the edge of the lip is bent inside the mouth, then, stretching to the sides, then to its original position);

6.special lower lip training (same as me upper lip);

7.special training of lower and upper lip at the same time (repeat 5 and 6 exercise at the same time);

8. movement of the lower jaw forward, right, left, down and around. The goal is to open the mouth well and develop the mobility of the lower jaw. Perform the exercise slowly and roundly;

9. moving closed protruding lips forward and stretching them, then to the sides (clench teeth);

10. movement of closed protruding lips forward, left, right, up, down and around.

Language exercises

1. The tongue lies flat with a slight indentation and on the back. The tip of the tongue easily touches the lower front teeth, and its root is lowered, as at the moment of a yawn. The mouth is wide open in an upright position so that the throat can be clearly seen;

2. Movement of the tip of the tongue to the front teeth;

3. Movement of the tongue to the right and left towards the inside of the cheeks (laying - "sword");

4. The mouth is slightly open, the tongue is from its normal position (the tip of the tongue is at the lower teeth, the root is lowered (goes up, completely bending back towards the sky, and then lies back again). The exercise is also designed to train the frenulum and strengthen the muscles of the tongue. It is carried out with the immobility of the lower jaw, for the sounds T, D, L, R. There is a strong vibration of the sound R.

5. Emphasis on the teeth, and then an energetic separation from the upper front teeth T, D;

6. The lower lip should touch the front upper teeth (bite) V, F, etc.

7. To develop the root language: coughing like old men KHA, KHA, KHA; shoot with your finger, aiming at the target - KX, KX, KX; a bone stuck in the throat - KXX, KXX, KXX, a crow screams - KAR, KAR, KAR,

Tongue Twisters

1. Changed Praskovya crucian

For three pairs of striped piglets.

Pigs ran through the dew

Piglets caught a cold, but not all.

2. Nanny soaped Milu

Mila did not like soap,

But Mila did not whine,

Mila young lady

3. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass,

Do not cut wood, on the grass of the yard.

Description of the performance of the chant

vocal exercises:


Execution of a lingering sound on one note with a closed mouth, then open for syllables "li, lu, le" in several keys in ascending motion.

We follow the breath, the intonation of a steady sound. The teacher controls the formation of vowel sounds by students.

2. "Music Elevator" .

An exercise in register smoothness and sound support. We ride the elevator from the first floor to the seventh through all the notes of the scale and back. To the sound "BUT"- as the first floor and "AND"- fixed seventh. The teacher makes sure that the students correctly direct the sound into the head resonator and feel its support.

We pass from la (m) to fa (1) main sound.

3. "Sequences"

We fix the concept "sequence". Melody movement per syllable "Lee" (cantilena); sound "I" (staccato); sound lips "Whoa" while playing the melody. We perform 4-5 times in an upward movement.

4."Mixed Rhythms"

Using rhythm and tempo changes, vocal presentation, soft and hard "sound attacks". Elements of two voices are used.

Description of the didactic game

Students are given didactic benefits: patterns - notes. In the center of each note is the name of the musical instrument. expressiveness: rhythm; meter; melody; dynamics; fret; register; rhythmic pattern; pace.

A piece of music sounds - a song on the topic lesson and studied repertoire.

Students are given time to listen to the soundtrack.

Depending on the chosen note, students need to characterize the means of musical expression. For example, if the note is a rhythm, then the student speaks and shows in what rhythm the music sounds. And what is rhythm? It unites with meter and ripple (joins the owners of the suns with these concepts). We also determine the main mode, tempo, the development of dynamics, the movement of the melody, its rhythmic pattern, etc.

On this lesson we are arranging the song "Giraffe". What tempo, rhythm did the musician use (define bipartite meter). What is the main scale of the music? How does the character and movement of the melody change in the verse and chorus?

All this should be analyzed and heard by the performer in order to convey the musical idea to the viewer, causing an emotional return, united by one rhythm.


The rapid progress of computer technology, the invention of new technical teaching aids, sound recording and reproducing devices, open up unlimited possibilities for modernizing the conceptual, methodological and methodological approaches to teaching music and, in particular, singing. However, the problem of lack, and due to the limited use of TSS or non-use at all, to improve the variety vocal training is still in many institutions is very acute.

Thus, there is question: why is it necessary to have a piano for learning a pianist, but for a variety vocalist no audio equipment? To train a violinist, you need a bow, and for a variety vocalist microphone while working class is not required? The answer lies on the surface - teachers have already developed their own theories and methods of teaching pop singing, but the theoretical and methodological aspects of using TSS in educational practice are still not used by everyone.

Since pop art is associated with the use of modern electronic technology (microphones, amplifiers, mixing console, acoustic sound processing, tape recorder, etc.), all this can serve as technical means for teaching singers. Therefore, teaching children how to use them in the educational process is the first task. teacher in work with students on the subject "pop singing".

Almost all children, approaching the microphone, are frightened by the sound of their voice. In order for the child to adapt to new conditions, it is necessary to use a conversation with him. When the child answers into the microphone questions: what is his name, what are the names of his family members, etc., and then tries to tell a rhyme; only after that you can proceed to voice production using a microphone and sound recording;

Already at this preparatory stage, students get acquainted with the concept of phonograms, both accompanying and recording the voices of performers. In addition, children are told about the possibilities of karaoke microphones, music centers with karaoke and computer programs on the Internet, where you can find many accompanying tracks of the most famous performers. Thus, children get an idea of ​​the possibilities of the tape recorder, video recorder and computer as learning assistants.

The pop style of singing is close in sound to the folk style, but uses the basic principles of voice setting in classical vocals, therefore, in working with children in the style of pop vocals should rely on the best achievements of Russian vocal technique.

At the next stage, the method of creating certain acoustic conditions should be used to improve the timbre sound of the children's voices. In the dissertation of the candidate of pedagogical sciences O. I. Polyakova "Theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of TSO in the process of teaching teenagers to sing" (Moscow, it is proved that it is possible to change the spectrum of children's singing voice in the desired direction, i.e. with the help of modern microphones and audio equipment, it is possible to add the necessary frequencies to the sound - more often high frequencies in the range from 3200-3800 Hz and a reverberation effect, where T = 4-8 seconds (which corresponds to the effect of the sound of a singing voice in a hall with good acoustics). the sound of the voice must again be returned to the child's ear.As a result of such an impact on hearing, the initial spectrum of the trainee's voice changes accordingly. "comfort" in children when singing. In addition, it has been proven that changes in the timbre of children's voices are possible, but only if the processed voice returned to the headphones does not differ much from its original source in terms of the spectral characteristics of their own voice.

This pattern allows us to actually implement the principle of an individual approach in practical work with children. Artificial acoustic conditions in this case can be considered "auxiliary standard" to emulate. At the same time, the teacher needs to ensure that the sound quality of the voice entering the headphones is not "mechanical"(when excessive addition of high frequencies leads to a negative effect, and when selecting acoustic parameters for each singer, take into account the individual characteristics of his voice. The work of a teacher in a recording studio, with a sound engineer, will give the most positive results.

Practical experience with a microphone has shown that it is necessary to remember the significant differences in their sensitivity depending on the brands of manufacturers and the role of the distance between the singer and the microphone.

Comparing the original audio recording with the audio recording processed by the computer, the child's subconscious corrects the sound of his voice according to the principle of self-regulation. At the same time, conditions are created for the activation of self-control in singing.

The outline of the lesson is the "alpha" and "omega" of the teacher's activity. A detailed, detailed plan will help to conduct the lesson as efficiently as possible, save time and allow you to quickly achieve your goals. A well-structured lesson structure helps the teacher to keep students' attention throughout the lesson.

Stage 1. Lesson topic

The theme of the lesson is always indicated in the teacher's annual lesson plan. But in some cases clarification is required. For example, the topic "Biography of A. Pushkin" in the 5th grade will differ in volume and coverage of the material from the same topic in the 9th grade. Therefore, when formulating a topic, specify the amount of material in advance.

Stage II. Lesson Objectives

Modern methodology does not require the division of goals into teaching, educational and developing. But it is more convenient for young teachers to use the old, proven method and clearly distinguish between the objectives of the lesson in three positions:

Learning goals. These could be goals such as:

Give an idea about…;

Generalize and systematize knowledge about ....;

Introduce students to (concept, rule, facts, law, etc.)

Develop skills (for example, analysis of a lyrical text).


To instill in students a sense of patriotism, humanity, diligence, respect for elders, aesthetic taste, ethical standards, discipline.

Developing. Here are the goals that will help develop students' memory, imagination, thinking, cognitive skills, will, independence, communication. If the lesson provides for group types of work, then it can be indicated that the main developmental goal will be to teach how to work in a team, express and defend one's point of view, and develop communication skills.

Stage III. Planned tasks

This indicates the minimum of the knowledge and skills that students should acquire during the lesson. Planned tasks should be compared with the requirements for knowledge and skills of students, which are indicated by the Ministry of Education for each grade and for each subject.

Stage IV. Type and form of the lesson

They may not be indicated in the plan, but each time it is worth clarifying for yourself whether this will be an explanation lesson, a conversation lesson, or you are aiming to conduct a non-standard lesson.
For convenience, we give examples of the most common types and forms of the lesson.

Types and forms of the lesson

1. Lesson of acquaintance with new material.

Forms: conversation, problem lesson, lecture.

2. A lesson in consolidating what has been learned.

Forms: games, competitions, KVN, travel, benefit performance, briefing, auction, fairy tale, briefing, performance, etc.

3. A lesson in applying new knowledge and skills in practice.

Forms: the same as for consolidation lessons. You can also conduct research lessons, laboratory, creative workshops, competitions, testing, excursions, etc.

4. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The form is chosen free, at the request of the teacher.

5. Control lesson.

Forms: both traditional tests, tests, dictations, essays, and more creative types: seminars, briefings or consultations.

6. Integrated lessons. Forms are free, as 2 or more subjects are involved in one lesson.

Stage V. Equipment

This lists everything that the teacher will use during the lesson. These are multimedia presentations, reproductions of paintings, audio and video materials, visual and handout materials.

Stage VI. During the classes

1. Organizational moment- a mandatory stage of all lessons. Helps to focus the attention of students, determine their composure and readiness for the lesson.

2. Checking homework. Experienced teachers practice hourly checking of homework. This helps not only to check how well the previous topic has been mastered, but also to remind the class of the main points of the previous lessons.

The exceptions are control lessons.

3. Actualization of students' knowledge on the topic. This step is optional, but very popular in teaching methods. Actualization helps students tune in to the perception of the topic, identify the range of issues that will be considered in the lesson. In addition, actualization makes it possible to set a practical goal for the lesson.

For example, listening to P. Tchaikovsky's composition "The Seasons" activates the imagination, sets the students up to talk about the time of the year.

4. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. The teacher can define the topics and objectives of the lesson. And you can lead students to this during a preliminary conversation, clustering or mini-testing.

5. The main part of the lesson.

This part of the lesson will be different depending on the type and form of the lesson. But the principle of construction is the same: from the simple to the complex, from the general to the particular.

6. Summing up. The step is optional. Many teachers replace this stage with reflection. It is important for the teacher to understand what the students have learned, what questions remain incomprehensible, what problems remain unresolved.

7. Grading. This step is self-explanatory. There is only a clarification. Grades can be set by the teacher himself, analyzing and evaluating the work of students in the lesson. Recently, self-assessment or a system of accumulative points has been practiced more. In this case, the students themselves evaluate their work.

8. Homework.

Traditionally, this stage is left at the end of the lesson. But homework can be given both at the beginning and in the middle of the lesson. Especially if the home will be given, for example, writing an essay, composition or doing a laboratory. In this case, the teacher directs attention in advance that the theses developed in the lesson will be important when doing homework.

The modern methodology recommends, in addition to the mandatory task, to offer students options of a more complex level or aimed at developing creative abilities. For example, not just learn a poem, but also create a collage, draw a picture on a topic, or prepare a report or presentation.

Recommendations: Remember that each lesson should contain a "zest". This may be an interesting fact, a non-standard task, an unusual form of presentation of the material, an intriguing epigraph - something that will contribute to the interest of students.

  • To generalize and expand students' knowledge of such concepts as (“friend”, “friendship”, “honesty”, “fairness”;
  • Activate the dictionary on the topic;
  • To achieve the assimilation by children of the ability to evaluate the feelings and actions of peers in joint games and situations, motivate, explain their judgments.
  • Develop moral feelings (emotions): sympathy, empathy for others, conscious friendly relations, mental activity, culture of speech: express your thoughts clearly and competently;
  • To develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and adequately express one's own, the development of expressive movements.
  • Activate the vocabulary of students on this topic.
  • To cultivate a culture of communication, friendly relations, the desire to support friends, take care of them.


Audio cassette recording songs about friendship, video cassette recording the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” , a box, heart cards, posters with the proverbs “An old friend is better than two new ones”, “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”, “You won’t spill strong friendship with water” and with words about friendship: “Guys, let's live together! ”, “A friend will not leave you in trouble, he won’t ask too much”, “To live in the world is very difficult without a girlfriend or friend”, “To be friends means to live together!”, photos of friends.

Before the start of the lesson, V. Shainsky's song “Song of Friendship” sounds.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Reading the poem "The Word "Friend"".

When no one knew a word yet
No hello, no sun, no cow,
The ancient man is accustomed to neighbors,
Habit to show fist or tongue
And make faces (which is the same thing).
But, the word became a guttural sharp sound,
Smarter face, smarter hands.
And man coined the word "friend"
He began to wait for a friend and yearn in separation.
Thank you for my friends.
How would I live, what would I do without them?
Friends - people I love -
I will never offend
Not for this our ancestor walked through the darkness,
So that, having met a friend, I shouted:
"Fool!" Showing tongue or fist
And made faces (which is one and the same).

Why does a man need a friend?

Showing an excerpt from the cartoon "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat".

Guys, you probably noticed how often the main character of the cartoon cat Leopold refers to mischievous mice with the words “Guys, let's live together!”

What does it mean to "live in harmony"? (peaceful, carefree, joyful, cheerful, happy).

Well done! Adults often tell you that you need to be friendly, live together. So what is friendship? (Suggested responses of children: friendship is being kind; this is when you know how to negotiate without shouting and quarrels; politely make a request; share toys; do not brag, that is, be modest, restrained: speak politely and not be rude, be attentive ( caring) to a friend; be able to sympathize with a friend (if a friend has a joy, then rejoice with him, if trouble, then grieve together); do not be conceited, do not envy if a friend knows more; try to explain to a friend if he has broken the rule, and do not complain to the teacher; if something does not work out for a friend, then you need to show him, explain, teach him; if you accidentally offended him, then you need to apologize; be fair in the game (do not blame others); be honest (tell only the truth, i.e. be truthful, sincere, conscientious), take care of a friend, try to do something good (draw, make crafts, help with homework).

That's right guys. The one who knows how to be friends, he cares about his comrades, tries to do good not only to a friend with whom he is especially friends, but also to all the children of the class. When children are friends, they will notice who cried or became sad, figure out how to cheer up a friend, play with him. In the song about friendship it is sung:

A friend in trouble will not leave
He won't ask too much.
That's what it means
A real true friend.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

I know that almost every one of you has a friend. What can you tell us about your friend?

Children's stories about their friend (2-3).

Game "Photos of friends"

Purpose: to form in children a certain relationship to a partner.

Invite the children to choose two or three photographs from those laid out on the table. The child must explain why they took these photographs. At what point is his friend captured? What is his mood? What can you say about him, what is he like? Etc.

In the first version of the game, you can use photos of children in this class.

In the second option, photos of friends from the family album are selected.

Tell me guys, if you don't see your friend for a long time, do you miss him? Are you glad to meet him after a long separation?

Etude “Meeting a friend”

Target: develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's own; develop expressive movements.

The teacher tells the children a story.

“The boy had a friend. Summer came, and they had to part. The boy stayed in the city, and his friend went to rest with his parents. Bored in the city without a friend. A month has passed. One day a boy is walking down the street and suddenly sees his friend getting off the bus at the bus stop. How happy they were for each other!”

The children act out the scene as they wish. The teacher pays attention to their expressive movements: hugs, smiles, expressions of sadness, joy.

It is often said, "You don't choose your friends." Friends can be completely different in character, but they must be understood in everything.

Children listen to T. Volina's poem "Two Friends".

Two young friends came to the river to sunbathe.
One decided to swim - began to swim and dive,
Another sits on a stone and looks at the wave,
And he is afraid to swim: “What if I drown?”
Two friends went ice skating in the winter.
One arrow rushes - a blush on the cheeks!
The other stands bewildered in front of his friend.
“The place is very slippery, what if I fall?!
A thunderstorm of friends found one day in a meadow.
I did one run - warmed up on the run.
Another was trembling under a bush, and now things are bad -
Lying under the covers: Kha-kha! .. Apchhi!

Children evaluate the behavior of both children.

Living in the world is very tight without a girlfriend or friend,
Without you, your puppy is unbearably lonely.

And what can friendship be? ( Strong, long, eternal, real).

Dynamic pause.

Reading A. Shalygin's poem "If there is a good friend."

I read a poem, and you perform gestures and movements.

Guys, do you know what is the most important thing in friendship? ( keep secrets and help each other).

Friends exist for that, to help each other, without demanding anything in return, not to betray each other.

I will tell you one case, and you think about whether real friends do this.

Three girls - Ira, Zina and Lena - were friends. They played together, watched books, sang songs. One day, Ira accidentally broke a box of bird food. The food spilled out. She was frightened and began to quickly clean it up, Lena helped her and said: “How are you so careless? We don't have another box! Let's go, tell Vera Ivanovna and ask him to fix the box. Zina stood aside and said: “You, Irochka, always break everything. I'll tell Vera Ivanovna. Where to store food?

Which of the girls do you think is a true friend? Why? What do real friends do? What can this story teach you? ( Always help and support your friends in difficult times).

A true friend will always support and help his friend, will not leave him in difficult times.

Do you think it's more interesting to live - with friends or without friends? ( It's fun with friends, a friend will not give out a secret, he will protect. When friends are together, they are happy, and when apart, they are sad.).

Many of you have a friend in class. Let's see if you can recognize your blindfolded friend.

Game "Find a friend".

Purpose: to be able to recognize your friend by touch.

Children are divided into two groups. One group of children is blindfolded and invited to each with the help of their hands to feel their hair, clothes, hands, to recognize their friend from another group. Then the children switch roles.

Playing out the situation.

Now let's play the way you usually play.

"Seryozha played with the steamboat." He was the captain, and his friend Vova played with him. They were interested. Suddenly Seryozha heard that Vladik was crying.

Vova, he asked a friend, why is Vladik crying?

And let him roar, Kolka took the car from him, I saw, they sailed on. Howl and stop.


  • What do Serezha and Vova look like to you? ( indifferent, inattentive, unresponsive, ruthless).
  • Tell us what you think about friends? ( they did not sympathize with Vladik, did not come to the rescue, did not explain the rules of friendship, did not show concern).
  • And what would you do in their place? ( I would have approached Vladik and figured it out, consoled, reassured, sympathized with him and explained that we should agree to play in turn or together).

Well done! You know what to do if a friend is in trouble.


Guys, I once told you about a boy I know who still has no friends. What would you wish him? How would you explain to him what “friendship” is? (Answers of children).

I see guys, you understand what “friendship” is. Now you will be able to make friends yourself and teach others. Once again I was convinced that friendship lives in your class, you know how to make friends. And so that friendship becomes strong and real between you, put your wishes for friendship in this magic box. To do this, each of you will take a heart, write down your wish, what you need to be in order to make friends, and throw it into a box. The box will remain in your classroom, and you can replenish it with new friendship wishes.

Relaxation break “CIRCLE OF LOVE”.

Target: rallying children, emotional and muscle relaxation.

Now, all of you, come to me. Stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. I am very pleased that you are able to make friends. You feel like a small spark flashed between your palms, a small, small sun. It does not burn, but warms, flashes in your eyes. I know you sometimes quarrel, but as soon as anger flashes in someone's eyes, put your hands on his shoulders, and kindness will melt the anger without a trace. Wish each other what you wrote down in your “hearts” (children wish each other love, kindness, joy, good and devoted friends, etc.).

Come on people
Be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky
Like grass - with a meadow,
Like the wind with the sea
Fields with rain
How the sun is friendly
With all of us...


Draw a portrait of your best friend and be able to talk about him.

Lesson of the world around in grade 2

Teacher: Stoyanova Larisa Dmitrievna

WMC "School of Russia".

Lesson topic : "Rules of courtesy"

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: to form the skills of a culture of communication and behavior: relationships with other people.


1. To expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about polite and kind words and their application in life situations.

2. To develop an adequate assessment activity aimed at analyzing one's own behavior and the actions of people around.

3. To instill in children a sense of dignity, respect for each other.

Planned results:


Show the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other.

Be able to conduct self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.


- cognitive: be able to navigate in their system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher; acquire new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, your life experience and information obtained in the lesson; be able to organize and transform information;

- regulatory : be able to plan their activities; be aware of what has already been learned and what needs to be learned;

be able to determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; express your opinion;

- communicative: be able to formulate their thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; be able to work in pairs: find a common solution; be able to justify your proposal.

Subject: Knowledge of groups of "polite" words, skills of communication culture and behavior.

Equipment: presentation (Power Point, 2003), word cards, question cards, textbook, workbook, teacher's workplace with PC.

During the classes:

Lesson stages







1. Organizational moment.

Purpose: to prepare students for work in the classroom, to create an emotional mood for joint collective activity and cognitive activity.

It includes students in a business rhythm, sets the task - to check the readiness of the workplace.

Check it out quick buddy
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place, is everything in order?
Book, pen and notebook?
Have you checked? Sit down!
Work diligently

The children are standing.





organization of their training


Creating a situation of success, trust.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Checking homework.

Purpose: to get

an idea of ​​the quality of assimilation by students of previously studied material, to determine the basic knowledge.

Organizes the repetition of the learned rules of behavior at school.

In the last lesson, we studied the topic "Rules of conduct at school." And I think you know them well. But the Ant listened inattentively to the Wise Turtle, and when she began to ask him questions, this is what he answered. Is he right?

    What needs to be done to answer the teacher's question? I think that if you want to answer the teacher's question, you need to shout from your seat. Am I thinking right?

    How do you greet an adult entering the class? I believe that it is possible to shout “Hi!” to the person entering the class. Am I right?

    You need to rest during the break, so you can run headlong down the corridor. Am I right?

    If you really need to ask something, you can interrupt the conversation of adults. Is it so? And what should be done?

5. At school, everyone is responsible for themselves, so there is no need to help each other. Am I right?

What good fellows you are, you remember well how to behave at school and will always follow the rules of conduct.

If you want to answer the teacher's question, raise your hand.

Greet an adult entering the class while standing.

You can run and play noisily only on a sports or playground.

We must wait until the conversation is over, and only then ask about something.)

Help each other always and everywhere. "One for all and all for one".)

Communicative. The development of oral speech, attention, thinking, imagination of students.

Cognitive: checking students' knowledge of the rules of conduct at school, identifying gaps in knowledge and skills.

3. Self-determination to activities

Purpose: to organize the activities of students to define the concept of "polite words"; involvement of students in the main mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization ...); to systematize the knowledge of students necessary for the introduction of a new topic.

And now I invite you to listen to the story. which happened to one boy. (audio recording of V. Oseeva's story "The Magic Word")

What magic word did the old man say to the boy?

    What do we call these words?

    What other "polite" words do you know?

    Guess what we will talk about today at the lesson, what is the topic of the lesson?

    What tasks will we set for ourselves?

    Learn what polite words are.

    Meaning of polite words.

    Learn to use polite words in different situations.

    So, we have set ourselves the tasks, let's try to solve them. To work!!!


Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hello.


(Children's answers.)

About politeness.

Learn what it means to be polite, remember what polite words are, learn how to use them in different situations .

Politeness rules.

Personal: to promote the formation of interest in the educational material.


setting a learning task based on the ratio of what is already known and learned by students and what is not yet known.

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Purpose: acquaintance with the concept of "polite words"; to form the cognitive activity of students through the learning situation "what do I know?" "What will I know?" and reinforce knowledge of polite words.

    Work in pairs

Today we will talk about magic words. These are ordinary, simple, smart, useful and kind words, and they became magical because without them it is simply impossible to live in the world. These words must not only be well known, but also be able to pronounce them in a magical way, and this must be learned.

Consider the figure on page 52 of the textbook. Make up and act out a conversation between the characters using polite words.

    Group work

Let's make a tree of "magic" words that we know.

I have written on the magnetic board the names of the groups into which we must divide all our "magic" words. Words are written on the cards lying on your tables. Work in pairs, discuss with your desk mate which group your word belongs to. We go to the board, read the word and attach the card to the group you need.

    hello, hello (greeting);

    Goodbye, bye (goodbye)

    I'm sorry, I'm sorry (apology);

    Please, please (please)

    Thank you, thank you, (gratitude);

See how many "magic" words we know. How else do we call all these words?

When do we use polite words?

What do we call a person who never forgets to use these "magic" words in his speech?

That's right, well-mannered, and even such a person is called polite. After all, this is one of the most important qualities of an educated person.

How many of you know how the word "politeness" came about?

Until the 16th century"vezha" meant"connoisseur" one who knows the rules of decency, the generally accepted forms of expressing a good attitude towards people.

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased to communicate with you.

Does anyone know what the word "hello" means?

Who can be so welcome?

What words can replace this word?

That's right, we wish a person health, i.e. health.

What does the expression "goodbye" mean? To whom and when do they say so? What words can replace these words?

Goodbye - i.e. we hope to see the person again.

    Primary fastening. Work with the textbook. (Work in groups.)

Consider the drawings on p. 52. We will divide into groups and discuss the situations that happened to the heroes of each picture.

- You did a good job. I believe that you have learned one wise truth "A good word to a man is like rain in a drought." How do you understand it?

After all, a kind word will always help in difficult times, dispel a bad mood and turn evil into good. What is kindness?

- Kindness It is the human desire to make others happy.


Thank you, please excuse me...

(children's answers)

Compiling a cluster

( Polite )

( When greeting, at parting, at an apology, when expressing a request, gratitude. )

(Such a person can be called educated.)

(children's answers)

(children's answers)

(children's answers)

(After preparation, the performances of the groups are heard.)

(children's answers)

(children's answers)


to form knowledge about groups of "polite" words, the skills of a culture of communication and behavior.

Cognitive: be able to acquire new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, your life experience and information obtained in the lesson.


be able to formulate their thoughts orally; listen to and understand the speech of others.


be able to work collectively.


Interest in the method of solution and the general mode of action.



5. Physical education

Target:creation of conditions for psycho-emotional unloading.


Execution of outdoor switchgear


be able to perform physical exercises on command, together.

6. Work on the topic of the lesson. (Continuation)

Purpose: to identify the level of mastery of knowledge and methods of action, to ensure their correction; develop students' oral and written speech, thinking, imagination.

Polite words, not one or two,

Remember and know these miracle words!

Polite words should not only be known, but also used in your speech, so as not to be considered an impolite person and be understandable to your interlocutors.

Otherwise, this is what might happen.

Read the telephone conversation of the heroes of our textbook - the parrot Ilya, the dog Ryzhik and Seryozha on p.53

Was the conversation polite and understandable?

Let us now draw up the rules for communicating on the phone.

What tone should you use on the phone?

What words should be used when communicating?

How long can a telephone conversation last?

Work in pairs.

And now we will work in pairs and play the game "Talk on the Phone" Think up and act out a telephone conversation that would be polite and understandable.

- To compose a conversation, I suggest you use the following plan:

1. "Hello"

2. Greeting

3. Explain the purpose of your call.

4. Gratitude.

5. Farewell.

( Check out one pair. )

(Children read the dialogue from the textbook on p. 53).

Talk on the phone in a polite tone.

( Use words of greeting, gratitude, apology, goodbye.)

You shouldn't talk too long.


be able to plan their action in accordance with the task.

Control your actions with a given plan.


interest in the method of solution and the general mode of action.


be able to independently find ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

9. Reflection.

Purpose: to reveal the awareness of the assimilation of knowledge on the material being studied.

- Our lesson is coming to an end, and I suggest you play another game called "Question - Answer".

I have questions written on the cards, you pull out a card, read the question, give your answer.

sample questions

    What should you do before entering someone's house or apartment?

    What words are spoken at a meeting and parting?

    Who should give way to whom (at a party or in transport) a seat?

    Do I need to take off my hat when I came to visit, the theater, the library?

    What will you do with the candy wrapper when you eat candy?

    Why shouldn't you pick flowers in the forest? Why can't you catch bugs and butterflies?

    Is it possible to call polite someone who offends animals?

    Why would a truly polite person never lie, brag, offend his friends?

( The teacher gives the “Most Polite” token for work in the lesson ).


(Children's answers.)

(Students take out one of the signs and explain their choice.)



The ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.

10. Summing up the lesson.

Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of the lesson.

Read again the tasks of the lesson that the Ant set before you.

Have we completed everything?

What is a culture of behavior?

What is it for?

What polite words do you remember?


Be able to correlate the goal and the result.

11. Homework.

Purpose: to inform students about homework.

2) Complete the task in the workbook on pages 23-24


balance what is known and what needs to be done
