Evolution of stars. Internal structure of the Sun and main sequence stars. Black holes. Presentation on astronomy on the topic "structure and evolution of stars" Presentation on astronomy - internal structure of stars

Presentation on the topic: “Internal structure of the sun” Completed by a student of class 11 “a” GBOU secondary school 1924 Governors Anton

Internal structure of the Sun.

The Sun is the only star in the Solar System around which other objects of this system revolve: planets and their satellites, dwarf planets and their satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and cosmic dust.

Structure of the Sun: -Solar core. -Zone of radiative transfer. - Convective zone of the Sun.

Solar core. The central part of the Sun with a radius of approximately 150,000 kilometers, in which thermonuclear reactions occur, is called the solar core. The density of the substance in the core is approximately 150,000 kg/m³ (150 times higher than the density of water and ~6.6 times higher than the density of the densest metal on Earth - osmium), and the temperature in the center of the core is more than 14 million degrees.

Radiative transfer zone. Above the core, at distances of about 0.2-0.7 solar radii from its center, there is a radiative transfer zone in which there are no macroscopic movements; energy is transferred using photon re-emission.

Convective zone of the Sun. Closer to the surface of the Sun, vortex mixing of the plasma occurs, and the transfer of energy to the surface is accomplished primarily by the movements of the substance itself. This method of energy transfer is called convection, and the subsurface layer of the Sun, approximately 200,000 km thick, where it occurs is called the convective zone. According to modern data, its role in the physics of solar processes is exceptionally great, since it is in it that various movements of solar matter and magnetic fields originate.

Atmosphere of the Sun: -Photosphere. -Chromosphere. -Crown. -Solar wind.

Photosphere of the Sun. The photosphere (the layer that emits light) forms the visible surface of the Sun, from which the size of the Sun, the distance from the surface of the Sun, etc. are determined. The temperature in the photosphere reaches an average of 5800 K. Here, the average gas density is less than 1/1000 of the density of the earth's air.

Chromosphere of the Sun. The chromosphere is the outer shell of the Sun, about 10,000 km thick, surrounding the photosphere. The origin of the name of this part of the solar atmosphere is associated with its reddish color. The upper boundary of the chromosphere does not have a distinct smooth surface; hot emissions called spicules constantly occur from it. The temperature of the chromosphere increases with altitude from 4000 to 15,000 degrees.

Crown of the Sun. The corona is the last outer shell of the Sun. Despite its very high temperature, from 600,000 to 5,000,000 degrees, it is visible to the naked eye only during a total solar eclipse.

Solar Wind. Many natural phenomena on Earth are associated with disturbances in the solar wind, including geomagnetic storms and auroras.

The Universe consists of 98% stars. They are
are the main element of the galaxy.
“Stars are huge balls of helium and hydrogen,
as well as other gases. Gravity pulls
them inside, and the pressure of the hot gas
pushes them out, creating balance.
A star's energy is contained in its core, where
Helium interacts with hydrogen every second.”

The life path of stars is a complete cycle
– birth, growth, period of relatively quiet activity,
agony, death, and resembles the life path of an individual
Astronomers are unable to trace the life of one star
from start to finish. Even the shortest-lived stars
exist for millions of years - longer than the life of not only one
person, but also of all humanity. However, scientists can
observe many stars located on very different
stages of their development - newly born and
dying. According to numerous star portraits they
trying to reconstruct the evolutionary path of each star
and write her biography.

Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

Giants and supergiants
when hydrogen burns out completely, the star leaves the main
sequences into the region of giants or at large
masses - supergiants

When all the nuclear fuel has burned out,
the process of gravitational compression begins.
If the mass of the star< 1,4 массы Солнца: БЕЛЫЙ КАРЛИК
electrons are shared, forming a degenerate electron gas
gravitational compression stops
density reaches several tons per cm3
still retains T=10^4 K
gradually cools and slowly contracts (millions of years)
finally cool down and turn into BLACK Dwarfs

If the star's mass is > 1.4 solar masses:
gravitational compression forces are very high
the density of the substance reaches a million tons per cm3
enormous energy is released - 10^45 J
temperature – 10^11 K
supernova explosion
most of the star is ejected into space
space with a speed of 1000-5000 km/s
neutrino streams cool the star's core -
Neutron star

If the star's mass is > 2.5 solar masses
gravitational collapse
a star turns into a black hole

Formation of black holes

The role of black holes in the formation
Black holes are not born huge, but
gradually grow due to gas and stars
galaxies. Giant black holes are not
preceded the birth of galaxies, and
evolved with them
absorbing a certain percentage of the mass
stars and gas of the central region
galaxies. In smaller galaxies black
holes are less massive, their masses
amount to not much more than a few
million solar masses. Black
holes in the centers of giant galaxies,
include billions of solar
wt. The whole point is that the final
the mass of a black hole is formed in
process of galaxy formation...


Solar core. Central
part of the Sun with radius
approximately 150,000 kilometers, in
which thermonuclear
reactions called solar
core. Density of matter in
core is approximately 150
000 kg/m³ (150 times higher
density of water and ~6.6 times
higher than the density itself
dense metal on Earth
osmium), and the temperature in the center
cores more than 14 million

Convective zone of the Sun. Closer to
surface of the Sun appears
vortex mixing of plasma, and
energy transfer to the surface
is carried out predominantly
movements of the substance itself. Such
the method of energy transfer is called
convection, and the subsurface layer
The sun, approximately 200,000 thick
km where it occurs convective
zone. According to modern data, it
role in the physics of solar processes
exceptionally great, because
it gives rise to various
movements of solar matter and
magnetic fields.

Crown of the Sun. Crown last
outer shell of the Sun. Despite
to its very high temperature, from
600,000 to 5,000,000 degrees, she
visible only to the naked eye
during full sun

“Black Holes of the Universe” - The history of ideas about black holes. The question of the real existence of black holes. Detection of black holes. Collapsed stars. Dark matter. Difficulty. Black holes and dark matter. Supermassive black holes. Hot dark matter. Cold dark matter. Warm dark matter. Primitive black holes.

“The physical nature of stars” - Betelgeuse. The luminosities of other stars are determined in relative units, compared with the luminosity of the Sun. Comparative sizes of the Sun and dwarfs. Stars can differ in luminosity by a billion times. Thus, the masses of stars differ by only a few hundred times. Our Sun is a yellow star, the temperature of the photosphere of which is about 6000 K. Capella, whose temperature is also about 6000 K, is the same color.

"Evolution of Stars" - Supernova Explosion. Orion Nebula. Compression is a consequence of gravitational instability, Newton's idea. The Universe consists of 98% stars. As the density of the cloud increases, it becomes opaque to radiation. Astronomers are not able to trace the life of one star from beginning to end. Eagle Nebula.

“Stars in the sky” - General characteristics of stars. Evolution of stars. "Burnout" of hydrogen. Chemical composition. There are many legends about Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Temperature determines the color of a star and its spectrum. Star radius. The winter sky is richest in bright stars. What did the ancient Greeks say about bears?

“Distances to stars” - Stars differ from each other in color and brightness. Even the naked eye can see that the world around us is extremely diverse. Hipparchus. 1 parsec = 3.26 light years = 206,265 astronomical units = 3.083,1015 m Using spectral lines, you can estimate the luminosity of a star and then find its distance.

“Starry Sky” - Late in the evening you see many stars in the sky. Constellations. Name the constellations that you know. Planet Earth. The earth is the habitat of man. Planets. Stars in the sky. Light from the Sun reaches the Earth in 8.5 minutes. A legend has come down to us from the ancient Greeks. In 1609, Galileo first looked at the moon through a telescope.

There are a total of 17 presentations in the topic

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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What is a star? A star is a massive ball of gas that emits light and is held in a state of equilibrium by the forces of its own gravity and internal pressure, in the depths of which thermonuclear fusion reactions occur (or occurred previously)

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Stars are formed from a gas-dust environment as a result of gravitational compression. The energy of the vast majority of stars is released as a result of thermonuclear reactions converting hydrogen into helium, occurring at high temperatures in the internal regions. Stars are often called the main bodies of the Universe, since they contain the bulk of luminous matter in nature. It is noteworthy that stars have negative heat capacity.

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The closest star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri. It is located 4.2 light years (4.2 light years = 39 PM = 39 trillion km = 3.9 × 1013 km) from the center of the Solar System

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Comparison of the sizes and masses of the largest stars: the star with the largest diameter in the figure is VY Canis Majoris (17 ± 8 Mʘ); others are ρ Cassiopeia (14-30 Mʘ), Betelgeuse (11.6 ± 5.0 Mʘ) and the very massive blue star Pistol (27.5 Mʘ). The sun at this scale occupies 1 pixel on the full-size image (2876 × 2068 pixels).

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With the naked eye, about 6,000 stars are visible in the sky, 3,000 in each hemisphere. With the exception of supernovae, all stars visible from Earth (including those visible through the most powerful telescopes) are located in the local group of galaxies. The Local Group of Galaxies is a gravitationally bound group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Triangulum Galaxy (M33).

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Units of measurement Most stellar characteristics are usually expressed in SI, but GHS is also used. To indicate the distance to stars, units such as light year and parsec are used. Large distances, such as the radius of giant stars or the semimajor axis of binary star systems, are often expressed using an astronomical unit (AU), equal to the average distance between the Earth and the Sun (about 150 million km).

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Types of stars Types of line spectra At the beginning of the 20th century, Hertzsprung and Russell plotted various stars on the “Absolute magnitude” - “spectral class” diagram, and it turned out that most of them were grouped along a narrow curve. Later, this diagram (now called the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram) turned out to be the key to understanding and studying the processes occurring inside a star.

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Absolute magnitude is a physical quantity that characterizes the luminosity of an astronomical object. Different types of objects use different definitions of absolute value.

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How a star is structured Structure In general, a star located on the main sequence can have three internal zones: a core, a convective zone, and a radiative transfer zone. The core is the central region of the star in which nuclear reactions take place. Convective zone - a zone in which energy transfer occurs due to convection. For stars with a mass less than 0.5 M☉, it occupies the entire space from the surface of the core to the surface of the photosphere. For stars with a mass comparable to the Sun, the convective part is located at the very top, above the radiative zone. And for massive stars it is located inside, under the radiative zone. Location of the radiative zone and convection zone in stars of different masses The radiative zone is a zone in which energy transfer occurs due to the emission of photons. For massive stars, this zone is located between the core and the convective zone; for low-mass stars it is absent, and for stars with more solar mass it is located at the surface.

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Above the surface of the star there is an atmosphere, usually consisting of three parts: photosphere chromosphere corona The photosphere is the deepest part of the atmosphere; a continuous spectrum is formed in its lower layers.

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Brown dwarfs Brown dwarfs are a type of star in which nuclear reactions have never been able to compensate for the energy lost to radiation. Their existence was predicted in the middle of the 20th century, based on ideas about the processes occurring during the formation of stars. However, in 1995, a brown dwarf was discovered for the first time. Their spectral class is M - T. In theory, another class is distinguished - designated Y (in 2011, its existence was confirmed by the discovery of several stars with a temperature of 300-500 K) WISE J014807.25−720258.8, WISE J041022.71+150248.5, WISE J140518. 40+553421.5, WISE J154151.65−225025.2, WISE J173835.52+273258.9, WISE J1828+2650 WISE J205628.90+145953.3 Comparative sizes of brown dwarfs Gliese 229B and Teide 1 with Jupiter and the Sun.

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An asteroid disk around a brown dwarf. View from a hypothetical planet at a distance of about 3 million kilometers.

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Spectral types of brown dwarfs Spectral class M Brown dwarfs, similar in mass to red dwarfs, may have a spectral class of M6.5 or dimmer in the early stages after formation. Such stars are also sometimes called “late M-dwarfs.” As they cool, they gradually transform into the L class, which is more characteristic of brown dwarfs. Spectral class L In terms of spectral lines, it is not at all similar to M. In the red optical spectrum, the lines of titanium and vanadium oxides are all were still strong, but there were also strong lines of metal hydrides, for example FeH, CrH, MgH, CaH. There were also strong lines of alkali metals and iodine.

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Spectral class T The brown dwarf Gliese 229 B is the prototype of a second new spectral class, which is called a T dwarf. While the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum of L dwarfs is dominated by absorption bands of water and carbon monoxide (CO), the NIR spectrum of Gliese 229 B is dominated by methane (CH4) bands. Similar characteristics had previously been discovered outside the Earth only in the gas giants of the Solar System and Saturn’s moon Titan. In the red part of the spectrum, instead of the FeH and CrH bands characteristic of L-dwarfs, the spectra of alkali metals - sodium and potassium - are observed. Only relatively low-mass brown dwarfs can be T-dwarfs. The mass of a T-dwarf usually does not exceed 7% of the mass of the Sun or 70 masses of Jupiter. In their properties, class T dwarfs are similar to gas giant planets.

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Other cool brown dwarfs: (CFBDS J005910.90-011401.3, ULAS J133553.45+113005.2 and ULAS J003402.77−005206.7) have a surface temperature of 500-600 K (200-300 °C) and belong to the T9 spectral class. Their absorption spectrum is at the wavelength level of 1.55 microns (infrared region) Spectral class Y This spectral class was modeled for ultra-cool brown dwarfs. The surface temperature should theoretically be below 700 K (or 400 °C), which would make such brown dwarfs invisible in the optical range, and also significantly cooler than “hot Jupiters”. In August 2011, American astronomers reported the discovery of seven ultra-cold brown dwarfs, whose effective temperatures are in the range of 300-500 K. Of these, 6 were classified as class Y. The temperature of WISE 1828+2650 ~ 25 °C. Brown dwarf WISE 1541-2250 of spectral type Y0.5 is located at 18.6 ly. years (5.7 pc) from the Sun is a brown dwarf quite close to the Sun, located in the constellation Libra. The main criterion that separates spectral class T from Y is the presence of ammonia absorption bands in the spectrum. However, it is difficult to identify whether these bands are there or not, since substances such as methane and water can also absorb.

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Ways to distinguish a brown dwarf from a planet: Density measurements. All brown dwarfs have approximately the same radius and volume. Presence of X-ray and infrared radiation. Some brown dwarfs emit X-rays. All “warm” dwarfs emit in the red and infrared ranges until they cool to a temperature comparable to the planetary one (up to 1000 K).

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White dwarfs White dwarfs are evolved stars with a mass not exceeding the Chandrasekhar limit, deprived of their own sources of thermonuclear energy. The average density of the matter of white dwarfs within their photospheres is 105-109 g/cm³, which is almost a million times higher than the density of main sequence stars. In terms of their prevalence, white dwarfs make up, according to various estimates, 3-10% of the stellar population of our Galaxy.

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History of the discovery The first discovered white dwarf was the star 40 Eridani B in the triple system 40 Eridani, which back in 1785 William Herschel included in the catalog of double stars 40 Eridani or omicron² Eridani - a triple star system close to Earth in the constellation Eridani. Located at a distance of 16.45 sv. years (5.04 pc) from the Sun.

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Color temperature of a light source: characterizes the spectral composition of the light source’s radiation and is the basis for the objectivity of the impression of the color of reflecting objects and light sources.

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The second and third white dwarfs discovered were Sirius B and Procyon B. In 1844, the director of the Königsberg Observatory, Friedrich Bessel, analyzing observational data that had been carried out since 1755, discovered that Sirius, the brightest star in the earth's sky, and Procyon periodically, although very faintly , deviate from a rectilinear trajectory of motion along the celestial sphere.. Bessel came to the conclusion that each of them must have a close satellite. Sirius A and B. Hubble telescope image. Interestingly, this implies that Sirius B must have been much more massive in the past than Sirius A, since it had already left the main sequence in the process of evolution.

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In 1917, Adrian van Maanen discovered another white dwarf - van Maanen's star in the constellation Pisces. In 1922, Willem Jacob Leuthen proposed calling such stars “white dwarfs.” Leithen's Star

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Procyon B is a dim white dwarf, distant from Procyon A by ≈16 AU. (distance from the Sun to Uranus). Its characteristics are similar to the white dwarf near Sirius, but it is more difficult to find in amateur telescopes. The mass of Procyon B is less than Sirius B. Its existence was predicted in 1844 by F. Bessel based on an analysis of the secular movement of Procyon A across the celestial sphere. Discovered in 1896 by the American astronomer D. M. Sheberle.

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Soon after the helium flash, carbon and oxygen “ignite”; the star undergoes a restructuring and rapid movement along the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The size of the star's atmosphere increases even more, and it begins to rapidly lose gas in the form of scattering streams of stellar wind. The vast majority of stars end their evolution by contracting until the pressure of degenerate electrons balances gravity. When the size of a star decreases by a hundred times, and the density becomes a million times higher than the density of water, the star is called a white dwarf. It is deprived of energy sources and, gradually cooling down, becomes dark and invisible.

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The mass-radius relationship for white dwarfs. The vertical asymptote corresponds to the Chandrasekhar limit; the pressure drop and gravitational forces depend equally on the radius, but depend differently on the mass - both respectively. As the mass of a white dwarf increases, its radius decreases. If the mass is greater than a certain limit (Chandrasekhar limit), then the star collapses. for white dwarfs there is also a lower limit: because the rate of evolution of stars is proportional to their mass, then we can observe low-mass white dwarfs as the remnants of only those stars that managed to evolve during the time from the initial period of star formation of the Universe to the present day.

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Population of white dwarfs in the globular cluster NGC 6397. Blue squares are helium white dwarfs, purple circles are “normal” high-carbon white dwarfs

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White dwarfs are classified into a separate spectral class D; currently, a classification is used that reflects the features of the spectra of white dwarfs, proposed in 1983 by Edward Zion; in this classification, the spectral class is written in the following format: Subclasses: DA - lines of the Balmer series of hydrogen are present in the spectrum, lines of helium are not observed; DB - the spectrum contains lines of helium He I, lines of hydrogen or metals are absent; DC - continuous spectrum without absorption lines; DO - the spectrum contains strong lines of helium He II, He I and H lines may also be present; DZ - only metal lines, no H or He lines; DQ - lines of carbon, including molecular C2; and spectral features: P - polarization of light in a magnetic field is observed; H - polarization is not observed in the presence of a magnetic field; V - ZZ Ceti type stars or other variable white dwarfs; X - peculiar or unclassifiable spectra.

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Red giants A red giant is a star of late spectral classes with high luminosity and extended envelopes. Examples of red giants are Arcturus, Aldebaran, Gacrux and Mira A.

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Mira with a “tail” (fragment of a photo taken by the GALEX telescope). Aldebaran Arcturus

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Evolutionary tracks of stars of various masses during the formation of red giants on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

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A planetary nebula is an astronomical object consisting of an ionized gas shell and a central star, a white dwarf. Planetary nebulae are formed when the outer layers (shells) of red giants and supergiants with a mass of 0.8 to 8 solar masses are shed at the final stage of their evolution. A planetary nebula is a fast-moving (by astronomical standards) phenomenon, lasting only a few tens of thousands of years, with the lifespan of the ancestor star being several billion years. Currently, about 1,500 planetary nebulae are known in our galaxy.

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NGC 6543, Cat's Eye Nebula - inner region, false color image (red - Hα; blue - neutral oxygen, 630 nm; green - ionized nitrogen, 658.4 nm)

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An international team of astronomers from the European Southern Observatory using the Largest Telescope has discovered the largest and hottest double star system. The two stars are at such a close distance that they practically touch each other, exchanging matter. The future of this system is most likely sad - the stars will either collapse and create one large star, or form a double black hole.

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The VFTS 352 system, the largest double star system known to date, is located 160 thousand light years from Earth - in the Tarantula Nebula of the Doradus constellation. This was reported on the website of the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

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“If the stars “mix” well enough, then perhaps they will retain their sizes. Then the VFTS 352 system will avoid merging and turning into a giant megastar. This will lead the stars to a new evolutionary path, which is radically different from the classical development of stars. But in the case of VFTS 352, the components of the system will most likely end their lives in a supernova explosion and turn into a pair of black holes, which will become the source of strong gravity,” said Selma de Mink from the University of Amsterdam. The most massive star known to science. Refers to blue hypergiants. The star is also one of the brightest, emitting light, according to highest estimates, up to 10 million times more than the Sun.

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Internal structure of stars Sources of energy of stars If the Sun consisted of coal and the source of its energy was combustion, then if the current level of energy emission were maintained, the Sun would completely burn out in 5000 years. But the Sun has been shining for billions of years! The question of the energy sources of stars was raised by Newton. He assumed that stars replenish their energy reserves from falling comets. In 1845 German Physicist Robert Meyer (1814-1878) tried to prove that the Sun shines due to the fall of interstellar matter onto it. 1954 Hermann Helmholtz suggested that the Sun emits some of the energy released during its slow compression. From simple calculations we can find out that the Sun would completely disappear in 23 million years, and this is too short. By the way, this source of energy, in principle, occurs before the stars reach the main sequence. Hermann Helmholtz (1821-1894)

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Internal structure of stars Sources of stellar energy At high temperatures and masses greater than 1.5 solar masses, the carbon cycle (CNO) dominates. Reaction (4) is the slowest - it takes about 1 million years. In this case, a little less energy is released, because more than it is carried away by neutrinos. This cycle in 1938 Developed independently by Hans Bethe and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker.

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Internal structure of stars Sources of energy of stars When the combustion of helium in the interior of stars ends, at higher temperatures other reactions become possible in which heavier elements are synthesized, up to iron and nickel. These are a-reactions, carbon combustion, oxygen combustion, silicon combustion... Thus, the Sun and planets were formed from the “ashes” of supernovae that erupted long ago.

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Internal structure of stars Models of the structure of stars In 1926 Arthur Eddington’s book “The Internal Structure of Stars” was published, with which, one might say, the study of the internal structure of stars began. Eddington made an assumption about the equilibrium state of main sequence stars, i.e., about the equality of the energy flux generated in the interior of the star and the energy emitted from its surface. Eddington did not imagine the source of this energy, but quite correctly placed this source in the hottest part of the star - its center and assumed that a long time of energy diffusion (millions of years) would level out all changes except those that appear near the surface.

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Internal structure of stars Models of the structure of stars Equilibrium imposes strict restrictions on a star, i.e., having reached a state of equilibrium, the star will have a strictly defined structure. At each point of the star, the balance of gravitational forces, thermal pressure, radiation pressure, etc. must be maintained. Also, the temperature gradient must be such that the heat flow outward strictly corresponds to the observed radiation flow from the surface. All these conditions can be written in the form of mathematical equations (at least 7), the solution of which is possible only by numerical methods.

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Internal structure of stars Models of the structure of stars Mechanical (hydrostatic) equilibrium The force caused by the pressure difference, directed from the center, must be equal to the gravitational force. d P/d r = M(r)G/r2, where P is pressure, is density, M(r) is mass within a sphere of radius r. Energy equilibrium The increase in luminosity due to the energy source contained in a layer of thickness dr at a distance from the center r is calculated by the formula dL/dr = 4 r2 (r), where L is luminosity, (r) is the specific energy release of nuclear reactions. Thermal equilibrium The temperature difference at the inner and outer boundaries of the layer must be constant, and the inner layers must be hotter.

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Internal structure of stars Internal structure of stars 1. The core of a star (zone of thermonuclear reactions). 2. Zone of radiative transfer of energy released in the core to the outer layers of the star. 3. Convection zone (convective mixing of matter). 4. Helium isothermal core made of degenerate electron gas. 5. Shell of ideal gas.

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Internal structure of stars Structure of stars up to solar mass Stars with mass less than 0.3 solar are completely convective, which is associated with their low temperatures and high absorption coefficients. Solar-mass stars undergo radiative transport in the core, while convective transport occurs in the outer layers. Moreover, the mass of the convective shell quickly decreases when moving up the main sequence.

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Internal structure of stars Structure of degenerate stars Pressure in white dwarfs reaches hundreds of kilograms per cubic centimeter, and in pulsars it is several orders of magnitude higher. At such densities, the behavior differs sharply from that of an ideal gas. The Mendeleev-Clapeyron gas law ceases to apply - pressure no longer depends on temperature, but is determined only by density. This is a state of degenerate matter. The behavior of a degenerate gas consisting of electrons, protons and neutrons obeys quantum laws, in particular the Pauli exclusion principle. He claims that more than two particles cannot be in the same state, and their spins are directed oppositely. For white dwarfs, the number of these possible states is limited; gravity tries to squeeze electrons into already occupied spaces. In this case, a specific counter-pressure force arises. In this case, p ~ 5/3. At the same time, electrons have high speeds of movement, and the degenerate gas has high transparency due to the occupancy of all possible energy levels and the impossibility of the absorption-re-emission process.

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Internal structure of stars Structure of a neutron star At densities above 1010 g/cm3, the process of neutronization of matter occurs, the reaction + e n + B. In 1934, Fritz Zwicky and Walter Baarde theoretically predicted the existence of neutron stars, the equilibrium of which is maintained by the pressure of the neutron gas. The mass of a neutron star cannot be less than 0.1M and more than 3M. The density at the center of a neutron star reaches values ​​of 1015 g/cm3. The temperature in the interior of such a star is measured in hundreds of millions of degrees. The sizes of neutron stars do not exceed tens of kilometers. The magnetic field on the surface of neutron stars (millions of times greater than the Earth's) is a source of radio emission. On the surface of a neutron star, the matter must have the properties of a solid body, i.e., neutron stars are surrounded by a solid crust several hundred meters thick.

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M. Dagaev and others. Astronomy - M.: Education, 1983 P.G. Kulikovsky. Handbook for an Astronomy Amateur - M.URSS, 2002 M.M. Dagaev, V.M. Charugin “Astrophysics. A book for reading on astronomy” - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1988. A.I. Eremeeva, F.A. Tsitsin “History of Astronomy” - M.: Moscow State University, 1989. W. Cooper, E. Walker “Measuring the light of stars” - M.: Mir, 1994. R. Kippenhahn. 100 billion suns. Birth, life and death of stars. M.: Mir, 1990. Internal structure of stars References