Baba Yaga is a description of a Russian folk hero. Review of the fairy tale “Baba Yaga” Summary of Baba Yaga

Russian folk tale "Baba Yaga"

Genre: folk fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Baba Yaga" and their characteristics

  1. Girl. Lives with father and stepmother. Kind, beautiful, sympathetic, affectionate, hardworking.
  2. Stepmother. Evil and treacherous
  3. Baba Yaga. Loves to eat little girls. Evil and stingy, she does no good to anyone, and for that, no one loves her.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Baba Yaga"
  1. Stepmother and her task
  2. Order from my own aunt
  3. Baba Yaga at work
  4. Worker and handkerchief
  5. Cat and meat
  6. Dogs and bread
  7. Gate and oil
  8. Birch and ribbon
  9. The escape
  10. Chase
  11. Crest
  12. Towel
  13. Death of Baba Yaga
  14. Homecoming.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Baba Yaga" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. When the girl's father married someone else, the stepmother disliked the girl.
  2. She sent her to her sister, to Baba Yaga, and her dear aunt taught the girl what to do.
  3. Baba Yaga made the girl weave and went to bed.
  4. The girl pleased everyone, some with a handkerchief, some with meat, bread, butter, a ribbon, and ran away from the yard.
  5. Baba Yaga rushed in pursuit, and the girl threw either a comb or a towel.
  6. Baba Yaga couldn’t drink the river, but the girl ran home, told her father the truth, and he drove her stepmother away.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Baba Yaga"
As you treat people, so they treat you.

What does the fairy tale "Baba Yaga" teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to show kindness to other people, to be responsive, polite, and caring. Teaches that all good deeds are necessarily rewarded. Teaches you to consult with knowledgeable people before performing a complex task. Teaches determination and fearlessness.

Review of the fairy tale "Baba Yaga"
I really like this fairy tale, which is not the first time I have read it. In it, the main character is a small but very brave girl who was sent to be eaten by Baba Yaga. The girl was very afraid of the scary aunt, but found the strength to overcome her fear. And it was the heroine’s strength of spirit that I liked most.
Well, the fact that everyone who was offended by Baba Yaga helped the girl seems very correct.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Baba Yaga"
You for me, I for you.
Good is paid for with good.
A kind word also pleases the cat.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Baba Yaga"
There lived a husband and wife and they had a daughter.
But the wife died, the husband grieved, and married someone else.
But the stepmother turned out to be evil, she kept wanting to take the girl away from the world.
And then somehow she sends the girl to her sister for a needle and thread, and that sister is Baba Yaga.
Before leaving, the girl comes to her aunt and asks what she should do, it’s scary to go to Baba Yaga. Auntie calms her down. He gives a ribbon for the birch tree, bread for the dogs, butter for the gate, and meat for the cat, and says not to be afraid of anything.
So the girl went through the forest to Baba Yaga. She walked for a long time, and when she arrived, she saw Baba Yaga sitting by the window, weaving canvas.
The girl said hello and asked for a needle and thread. And Baba Yaga made her work in her place, and she went to bed. And as he leaves, he quietly tells the worker to heat the bathhouse, bathe the girl, and in the morning she will eat her.
The girl heard these words and sits neither alive nor dead. But she came to her senses, ran to the worker, and gave her a beautiful handkerchief. She asks that she not rush to heat that bathhouse, and that she carry water in a sieve. The worker agreed.
As soon as Baba Yaga leans out and asks about the bathhouse, the worker answers that she drowns.
And the girl went to the cat that was sitting on the bench. He gives him choice meat. The cat ate it and grinned. And the girl asks the cat to teach her how to escape from Baba Yaga.
The cat shows her a comb and a towel and tells her to take it with her. When Baba Yaga catches up, leave behind her.
The girl grabbed a comb and a towel and ran out of the house. And there are dogs on the street. They wanted to tear the girl apart, but she threw bread at them. Next is the gate. She wanted to creak and wake up Baba Yaga, but the girl lubricated her with oil.
Behind the gate there is a birch tree that wants to whip the girl with a branch, but the girl tied a ribbon around the birch tree.
The cat sat down to weave at this time. It doesn't so much weave as it entangles
Baba Yaga comes out and sees that there is no girl. She attacked the cat, where were you looking? And he remembers about meat. Baba Yaga attacks the dogs, they are happy with the bread, Baba Yaga swears at the gate, but she is happy with the butter. Baba Yaga is looking at a birch tree, and she is showing off her ribbon.. Baba Yaga is looking at a worker, and she is showing her a handkerchief.
Baba Yaga rushed in pursuit, in a fast mortar. The girl heard it and threw the comb behind her. The forest has grown, the sky is trampling. Baba Yaga stopped and began to gnaw the forest. She gnawed the road, then hurries on, and again catches up with the girl.
The girl threw the towel and the wide river overflowed. Baba Yaga cannot cross. She began to drink from the river, and drank and drank until she burst.
And the girl is in a hurry to go home. There, her father has already lost her, he asks his new wife. A girl came running here, talking about Baba Yaga, and how she wanted to eat her.
The father got angry, drove away his evil wife, and they began to live happily.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Baba Yaga"

Origin of the term

In various languages ​​of the Slavic language group there are bases that, according to some similarities in folklore, could form the basis of the name "Yaga". In Russian, the closest word is “ ulcer" That is, a sarcastic, bad-tongued woman.

There is also a version that supposedly has its roots in Vedic culture. Not Baba Yaga, A Baba Yoga- ancient goddess of wisdom and justice. However, this is a pseudo-scientific theory that has no evidence.

What does Baba Yaga look like?

Yaga is a tall, incredibly thin old woman. She has few teeth in her mouth. The nose is long and curved. Some stories indicate that her bones protrude through her skin ( Baba Yaga - bone leg). Also, the bone leg indicates this character’s connection with the other world. Traditionally, Yaga has only one leg. In fairy tales she never walks, but lies in her hut or flies in a mortar.

She's almost blind. The presence of a person is usually recognized by smell -

Something smelled of the Russian spirit.

Baba Yaga immortal, according to fairy tales.

Baba Yaga's Hut

In fairy tales it is located either on the border of the forest ( the border between the world of the living and the dead), or “far away lands”, i.e. very far ( also associated with the other world).

Hut cannot be avoided, but must certainly be passed through. This once again indicates its border position between two worlds.
Around the hut there is certainly a palisade, hung with human skulls, instead of traditional clay pots. And this is one of the attributes of the other world.

U huts there are no windows or doors. However, an important detail is always mentioned - it is turned towards the forest in front, towards the hero - with its back. In order to get into it, you need to say the magic words:

“Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front towards me.”

The interior of this building is also remarkable. Fairy tales describe that Baba Yaga’s arms and legs are spread out on all sides of the hut. The nose is pointed at the ceiling. This may indicate Yaga's enormous stature or the fact that the hut is very small. The second option, according to researchers, is preferable.

This description makes the hut look like a small burial structure - “ death hut"with the ashes of the dead among the ancient Slavs. Chicken legs- an indication that the burial structure is raised above the ground. This also corresponds to the “air” burials of the ancient Slavs, which were placed on platforms or trees.

Another symbolic interpretation of “chicken legs” refers to the ancient totemic idea of ​​Yaga as an animal charmer - they serve her, and she herself can take the form of various living creatures.
Traditional expression of Baba Yaga " Fu-fu-fu, something smells like the Russian spirit!"reflects the ideas of the ancient Slavs about the dead: for them the smell of a living person is unpleasant, they clearly feel his approach to their burial.

In contrast, the smell of the dead is also unpleasant to the living.

Three images of Baba Yaga

Traditionally, three collective images of Baba Yaga stand out from fairy tales, each of which has its own characteristics.

1. Yaga the Adviser and Giver. This is the main image that occurs more often than others. “Prophetic” is the main characteristic of this image. Baba Yaga is wise, she knows a lot, can predict the future and helps the main character. In addition to advice, she gives him magical objects: a ball, an invisibility cap or a horse.

This image is rooted in the female Slavic deity, the progenitor of the human race, the maternal principle.

2. Yaga the Kidnapper. Based on fairy tales, he kidnaps children and young men. This is not just the image of a bloodthirsty cannibal, going to any lengths in order to lure victims to her. The character here is based on the ancient Slavic rite of initiation - the initiation of boys into men. Symbolic death and the subsequent new, mature life of an adult man is nothing more than a visit to Yaga’s hut - the afterlife and return to the world of the living.

And also, based on fairy tales, Baba Yaga eats children, baking them in the oven. Here there are noticeable echoes of the ancient Slavic ritual of “flashing” children - placing them in an oven for a kind of blessing by fire. Newborn babies were also nursed in a warm oven place, laid out in dough. Not for eating, of course.

3. Yaga the Warrior. This image is less common than others in fairy tales. Here Baba Yaga is a hero, a woman endowed with superhuman strength. She is terrifying. Unlike previous images, here he fights at the head of his dark army. Her " army-force untold».

Yaga confronts the main character. She is a witch, a terrifying prehistoric creature like long-forgotten dark deities. The Warrior's vehicle is a dark horse.

Scientific theory

Scientists do not have a consensus on the origin of this character. Here are two opposing concepts:

Baba Yaga... Under this name the Slavs revered the hellish goddess, depicted as a monster sitting in an iron mortar with an iron pestle. They offered her a bloody sacrifice, thinking that she was feeding it on her two granddaughters, whom they attributed to her, and at the same time enjoying the shedding of blood. Under the influence of Christianity, the people forgot their main gods, remembering only the secondary ones, and especially those myths that have personified phenomena and forces of nature or symbols of everyday needs.

Thus, Baba Yaga from an evil hellish goddess turned into an evil old witch, sometimes a cannibal, who always lives somewhere in the forest, alone, in a hut on chicken legs. Like witches, she attends the witches' Sabbath, flies to Bald Mountain, but not on a broom, but in a mortar, and covers the trail with a pestle, speaks rudely; when at home, he spends most of his time sitting on the stove. The evil old woman, as a housewife, besides the mortar and pestle, which replaced the mill in the old days, also has a cat. In general, only traces of Baba Yaga remain in folk tales, and her myth merges with the myth of the witches.

Zabylin M. Russian people. Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry. At 4 o'clock // Comp. and resp. editor O. A. Platonov. M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014 – 688 p.

Byaba Yaga - initially - a positive character of ancient Russian mythology, the ancestor of the clan, the keeper of its living space, its customs and traditions, way of life, who also looked after the younger generation. One of the most significant beregins. As Christianity was introduced in Rus', Baba Yaga, like other gods of the pagan worldview, increasingly began to be attributed negative traits and intentions. From the guardian of the clan, Baba Yaga transformed into a vile, malicious old woman of tall stature on a bone leg, with a wooden stick, with a beak-shaped nose and teeth protruding from her mouth, with disheveled shaggy hair.

Tibenko T. I., Bondarenko I. V. Who are you, Baba Yaga? // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 2. - pp. 17-19. URL: (access date: 04/23/2018)

Balmont's poem about Baba Yaga

At the monsters

I was in a hut on chicken legs.
Everything is as before. Yaga is sitting.
The mice squeaked and rummaged through the crumbs.
The evil old woman was strict.

The fairy tale "Baba Yaga" tells how good always wins. The evil stepmother wanted to take her stepdaughter away from the world and give her to the bloodthirsty Baba Yaga. But her aunt helped the girl with wise advice. So the girl remained alive, and her stepmother got what she deserved.

Fairy tale Baba Yaga download:

Read the fairy tale Baba Yaga

There lived a grandfather and a woman; Grandfather became a widower and married another wife, and he still had a girl from his first wife. The evil stepmother did not like her, beat her and thought about how to completely destroy her.

Since the father has gone somewhere, the stepmother says to the girl:

Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew you a shirt.

And this aunt was Baba Yaga bone leg.

The girl wasn’t stupid, but she went to see her own aunt first.

Hello, auntie!

Hello, darling! Why did you come?

Mother sent to her sister to ask for a needle and thread to sew a shirt for me. She teaches her:

There, niece, a birch tree will whip you in the eyes - you tie it with a ribbon; there the gates will creak and slam for you - you pour oil under their heels; there the dogs will tear you apart - you throw them some bread; There the cat will scratch your eyes - give him some ham. The girl went; here she comes, she comes and she has come. There is a hut, and Baba Yaga sits in it with a bone leg and weaves.

Hello, auntie!

Hello, darling!

My mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to sew me a shirt.

Okay: sit down while you weave.

So the girl sat down at the crown, and Baba Yaga came out and said to her worker:

Go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece, and look, it’s good; I want to have breakfast with her.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, all frightened, and she asks the worker:

My dear! You don’t so much set fire to the wood as fill it with water, carry the water with a sieve,” and she gave her a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga is waiting; she went to the window and asked:

Weave, auntie, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga walked away, and the girl gave the cat some ham and asked:

Is there any way to get out of here?

Here’s a comb and a towel for you,” says the cat, “take them and run, run quickly; Baba Yaga will chase you, put your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, first throw in a towel - a wide river will form; If Baba Yaga crosses the river and begins to catch up with you, you will again lay your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, throw a comb - it will become a dense forest, she will no longer get through it!

The girl took a towel and a comb and ran; the dogs wanted to tear her apart - she threw them some bread, and they let her through; the gate wanted to slam shut - she poured butter under their heels, and they let her through; The birch tree wanted to quilt her eyes - she tied it with a ribbon, and she let her through. And the cat sat down at the cross and weaved; I didn’t so much mess up as I messed up. Baba Yaga came to the window and asked:

Are you weaving, niece, are you weaving, dear?

Weave, auntie, weave, dear! - the cat answers rudely. Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let’s beat the cat and scold him, why didn’t he scratch out the girl’s eyes?

“I’ve been serving you for as long as I’ve served you,” says the cat, “you didn’t give me a bone, but she gave me a ham.”

Baba Yaga attacked the dogs, the gate, the birch tree and the worker, let’s scold and beat everyone.

The dogs tell her:

As long as we serve you, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us some bread.

Gate says:

As long as we serve you, you haven’t poured water under our heels, but she hasn’t spared us butter. Berezka says:

As long as I serve you, you didn’t tie me up with a thread, but she tied me up with a ribbon. The worker says:

As long as I serve you, you didn’t give me a rag, but she gave me a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga's bone leg quickly sat down on the mortar, pushed with a pusher, covered the trail with a broom, and set off in pursuit of the girl. So the girl bowed her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was chasing, and was already close, she took and threw in the towel; the river became so wide, so wide! Baba Yaga came to the river and gnashed her teeth in anger; she returned home, took her oxen and drove them to the river; the bulls drank the whole river clean.

Baba Yaga set off in pursuit again. The girl lowered her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was close and threw her comb; The forest became so dense and scary! Baba Yaga began to gnaw at it, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not gnaw through it and turned back.

And the grandfather has already arrived home and asks:

Where is my daughter?

“She went to her aunt,” says the stepmother. A little later the girl came running home.

Where have you been? - asks the father.

Ah, father! - she says. - So and so - my mother sent me to my aunt to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me, and my aunt, Baba Yaga, wanted to eat me.

How did you leave, daughter?

“So and so,” says the girl.

When the grandfather found out all this, he became angry with his wife and kicked her out; and he and his daughter began to live and live and make good things, and I was there, drinking mead and beer; It flowed down my mustache but didn’t get into my mouth.

Each child lives in his own special world. There are no lies, betrayal, double standards and false truths. The baby is a green sprout that greedily absorbs everything that happens around. And the task of adults is to help him not to be disappointed. Gently and carefully introduce him to a new world.

Books, cartoons, games and parent stories help with this. Mom's songs and nursery rhymes amuse me from infancy. But the main assistant of educators has always been a fairy tale. This is a storehouse of wisdom for many generations. People of different nations have always dreamed of the triumph of justice. So that the hardworking person is rich and the lazy person is poor. So that the honest and wise are happy. This is how the world of fairy tales was born.

Why you should read fairy tales to children

A huge number of children's books have been written in the world. But no modern author, no matter how hard he tries, can compare with the people. Folk tales have a unique system of images. They calm, entertain, lull, teach, educate a child and even relieve pain.

The child is immersed in a world of fantasy and adventure that is native to him. A fairy tale is irrational, just like a child’s thinking. The texts contain stories that are understandable for children. They learn how to get out of difficult situations.

There are no halftones in children's stories. And there are contrasts between heroes: smart - stupid; brave - cowardly; honest - deceitful; hardworking - lazy, good - bad. And victory is always for the good.

But there is one classic and controversial character.

Who is Baba Yaga

This hero of folk tales haunts many researchers of Russian folklore. In some fairy tales, she is a pest and an evil witch. In others, there is a kind grandmother who supplies the heroes with magical objects and useful advice. Some researchers consider her a guide to the world of the dead (the thirtieth kingdom), others - a deity from Slavic mythology, and still others - a healer. And a completely new, bold version of young scientists was the hypothesis of the alien origin of the heroine.

The most Russian, kindest, most ancient superheroine - Meet the defender of Mother Rus'! Baba Yaga is back!

In any case, this children’s book character cannot be called unequivocally evil. They say she eats children. Yes, she kidnapped many. But she hasn't eaten anyone yet. Rather, she prepared a test, after passing which the hero moves to a new level of personal maturity.

The young men must go to distant lands and get some treasured object, snatching from the clutches of the “miracle Yuda”, the Serpent Gorynych or Koshchei the Immortal. Before that, I fought with him in an unequal battle.

And the girls just have to cope with the impossible work in the house of a mysterious old woman.

Brief summary of the fairy tale about Baba Yaga

An old man's wife dies. The daughter was left an orphan. The man grieved, and he married again. The stepmother did not like the girl and insulted her. And I figured out how to lime. She sent her to her sister Baba Yaga for a needle and thread. And the girl’s dear aunt advised her to take with her a handkerchief, butter, bread, ribbon, and a piece of meat (ham).

Baba Yaga wanted to eat her named niece. And the girl appeased everyone. I gave worker Yagi a handkerchief to help. I gave the dogs some bread so that they wouldn’t bite, and I gave the cat some ham so that he wouldn’t scratch his eyes out and told me what to do. I tied the birch tree with a ribbon so that it would not be quilted. I poured oil under the heels of the gates so that they wouldn’t slam shut. She took two magical objects from the table: a comb and a handkerchief. And she ran away.

Yaga, let's scold your servants. And the worker said to her: “As long as I’ve been serving you, you haven’t said a good word to me or given me a rag. And she spoke to me kindly and gave me a handkerchief.” And the dogs complained that they had never been given a burnt crust, but the girl paid them off with some bread. And the grandmother’s cat had never seen a bone, but here they treated him to ham. And the gates were glad that the girl did not spare them some butter and poured some under their heels. And the owner never lubricated it with water. And the birch tree replied that it had never been tied with a thread. And the girl gave her a ribbon.

A girl runs and listens. I heard the chase, threw a handkerchief, and the lake overflowed. Baba Yaga coped with the obstacle. Then the little heroine threw down her comb, and a dense forest stood up. The witch could not get through it.

The stepdaughter returned home. I told my father everything. The father drove the stepmother out of the house with a dirty broom. In another version of the tale, he was shot. And they began to live together with their daughter.

And the moral of the fairy tale is this: good always triumphs over evil. Baba Yaga and her sister paid for their evil thoughts. And the forest witch should have treated her faithful retinue better. Then they would not have betrayed her for butter, handkerchiefs and ribbons.

Read the Russian folk tale “Baba Yaga” online for free and without registration.

There lived a grandfather and a woman; Grandfather became a widower and married another wife, and he still had a girl from his first wife. The evil stepmother did not like her, beat her and thought about how to completely destroy her.

Since the father has gone somewhere, the stepmother says to the girl:

- Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew you a shirt.

And this aunt was Baba Yaga bone leg.

The girl wasn’t stupid, but she went to see her own aunt first.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, darling! Why did you come?

“Mother sent her to her sister to ask for a needle and thread to sew a shirt for me.” She teaches her:

- There, niece, a birch tree will whip you in the eyes - you tie it with a ribbon; there the gates will creak and slam for you - you pour oil under their heels; there the dogs will tear you apart - throw them some bread; There the cat will scratch your eyes - give him some ham. The girl went; here she comes, she comes and she has come. There is a hut, and Baba Yaga sits in it with a bone leg and weaves.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, darling!

“My mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to sew me a shirt.”

- Okay: sit down while you weave.

So the girl sat down at the crown, and Baba Yaga came out and said to her worker:

- Go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece, and look, it’s good; I want to have breakfast with her.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, all frightened, and she asks the worker:

- My dear! You don’t so much set fire to the wood as fill it with water, carry the water with a sieve,” and she gave her a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga is waiting; she went to the window and asked:

- Weave, auntie, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga walked away, and the girl gave the cat some ham and asked:

- Is there any way to get away from here?

“Here’s a comb and a towel for you,” says the cat, “take them and run away; Baba Yaga will chase you, you put your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, first throw in a towel - a wide, wide river will become; If Baba Yaga crosses the river and begins to catch up with you, you will again lay your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, throw a comb - it will become a dense, dense forest, she will no longer get through it!

The girl took a towel and a comb and ran; the dogs wanted to tear her apart - she threw them some bread, and they let her through; the gate wanted to slam shut - she poured oil under their heels, and they let her through; The birch tree wanted to quilt her eyes - she tied it with a ribbon, and she let her through. And the cat sat down at the cross and weaved; I didn’t so much mess up as I messed up. Baba Yaga came to the window and asked:

“Are you weaving, niece, are you weaving, dear?”

- Weave, auntie, weave, dear! - the cat answers rudely. Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let’s beat the cat and scold him, why didn’t he scratch out the girl’s eyes?

“I serve you for as long as I can,” says the cat, “you didn’t give me a bone, but she gave me a ham.”

Baba Yaga attacked the dogs, the gate, the birch tree and the worker, let’s scold and beat everyone. The dogs tell her:

“We’ve been serving you for as long as we’ve been serving you, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us some bread.” Gate says:

“As long as we serve you, you didn’t pour water under our heels, but she poured oil on us.” » Berezka says:

“As long as I’ve served you, you haven’t tied me up with a thread, but she tied me up with a ribbon.” The worker says:

“As long as I serve you, you didn’t give me a rag, but she gave me a handkerchief.”

Baba Yaga's bone leg quickly sat down on the mortar, pushed with a pusher, covered the trail with a broom, and set off in pursuit of the girl. So the girl bowed her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was chasing, and was already close, she took and threw in the towel; the river became so wide, so wide! Baba Yaga came to the river and gnashed her teeth in anger; she returned home, took her oxen and drove them to the river; the bulls drank up the entire river. clean.

Baba Yaga set off in pursuit again. The girl lowered her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was close and threw her comb; The forest became so dense and scary! Baba Yaga began to gnaw at it, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not gnaw through it and turned back.

And the grandfather has already arrived home and asks:

- Where is my daughter?

“She went to her aunt,” says the stepmother. A little later the girl came running home.

- Where have you been? - asks the father.

- Oh, father! - she says. - So and so - my mother sent me to my aunt to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me, and my aunt, Baba Yaga, wanted to eat me.

- How did you leave, daughter?

“So and so,” says the girl.

When the grandfather found out all this, he became angry with his wife and shot her; and he and his daughter began to live and live and make good things, and I was there, drinking mead and beer; It flowed down my mustache but didn’t get into my mouth.

The fairy tale Baba Yaga and the berries is a magical fairy tale that will help children form their opinion about one of the popular heroines of Russian folk tales. Let's think about it: Baba Yaga is a positive or negative character. Evil old woman or kind grandmother? Here is the heroine's summary: Baba Yaga, the bone leg, was born in a dense forest somewhere in the “far away kingdom.” The old witch lives in a hut on chicken legs, which she skillfully rules over. Has a reliable vehicle - a stupa and successfully controls it with a broom. No relatives. He makes friends with Koshchei the Immortal and the Black Cat, who guards the old woman’s hut. He likes to do various dirty tricks to people, and is not averse to feasting on good fellows or kidnapped children. In some fairy tales she is a friendly and kind old woman, sometimes with the help of magic or good advice she helps the heroes of fairy tales. We recommend reading all the tales about Baba Yaga on our website for online reading.

Read the fairy tale Baba Yaga and the berries

The main character of the fairy tale is the harmful Yaga. She offends children and does not let them into the forest. When the witch went to pick strawberries, the berries hid from her. She saw a girl who also came to the forest for strawberries. She got angry and took the berries from the girl. She began to cry out of resentment, and the berries ran away from Baba Yaga. The old woman burst with anger. You can read the fairy tale online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Baba Yaga and the berries

The fairy tale reveals the problem of good and evil. Using the example of the characters' behavior, it is shown that good deeds are rewarded, bad deeds are punished. What the fairy tale Baba Yaga and the berries teaches us is to fight evil and return good for good.

Moral of the fairy tale Baba Yaga and the berries

The moral of the fairy tale Baba Yaga and the berries is simple and understandable even to a very small child: evil is punishable!

Interesting facts: why is Baba Yaga called Baba Yaga

There are several versions about the origin of Baba Yaga. Here is the most logical: from Slavic mythology, the old forest sorceress, warrior and kidnapper, found her way into Russian folklore. The heroine's name is explained using the Old Russian "yagaya", meaning "evil". Another version claims that this character migrated to Russian folklore from Indian mythology.

Proverbs, sayings and fairy tale sayings

  • It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.
  • Justice will never be lost.
  • For good - good, and for bad - bad.