Putin supported the celebration of the year of unity of the Russian nation. The strength of Russia lies in the unity of its peoples. Together we can do a lot

Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea of ​​creating a separate federal law on the Russian nation

During a meeting of the Council on Interethnic Relations, which President Vladimir Putin held on Monday in Astrakhan, the head of the department of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Vyacheslav Mikhailov, proposed “going from strategy to federal law,” which should incorporate all innovations related to interethnic relations and called “On the Russian nation and the management of interethnic relations.” Putin supported the idea, TASS reports.

“It’s a good offer,” the agency quotes the president as saying.

“But what is definitely absolutely possible and needs to be implemented - we need to think about it directly and start working on it in practical terms - this is the law on the Russian nation,” Interfax quotes Putin.

According to the president, such a law could develop into a strategy for the development of national relations in Russia. “Our strategy, which you and I developed together, can be transformed - but we just need to work hard on this too,” he said.

Putin also supported the proposal of the meeting participants to celebrate a year of unity of the Russian nation. “But you just need to choose this year,” the president noted, explaining that the year of the unity of the Russian nation must be chosen so that it does not overlap with the already announced all-Russian thematic annual events.

“This could be a big, significant, consolidating event that would affect almost every ethnic group, every people living in Russia,” Putin added.

In March 2015, on behalf of Putin, the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs was created in Russia. Its tasks include the implementation of state policy in the field of interethnic and interfaith relations, “strengthening the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation”, protecting the rights of national minorities and indigenous peoples of the country, preventing any forms of discrimination based on race, nationality, religion or language and preventing attempts inciting racial, national and religious hatred, hatred and enmity.

In 2012, Putin approved the Strategy of the state national policy for the period until 2025, which speaks, in particular, about the “spiritual community of the multinational people of the Russian Federation (Russian nation), the need to “preserve and develop the ethnocultural diversity of the peoples of Russia” and “successful social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting of the Council on Interethnic Relations in Astrakhan, approved the idea of ​​​​creating a separate federal law dedicated to interethnic relations.

“Good proposal,” he commented on the corresponding idea.

In particular, a proposal was made to “move from strategy to federal law,” which should absorb all the innovations related to interethnic relations. The author of this idea is the head of the department of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Vyacheslav Mikhailov. He also proposed the name of the law - “On the Russian nation and the management of interethnic relations.”

Putin also supported the idea of ​​holding a Year of Unity of the Russian Nation.

Earlier, journalists asked Putin what he considered the national idea of ​​Russia. “The American dream of a car and a paid loan is not enough for us,” he replied. According to the president, “a sense of patriotism and national identity is very important for Russia, which is now being lost in some countries, unfortunately for them.” “We have this inside us, in our hearts - love for the fatherland. One of our national ideas is patriotism,” he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea of ​​​​creating a law on the Russian nation. It is assumed that the law will regulate interethnic relations.

Details: https://regnum.ru/news/polit/2199832.html Any use of materials is permitted only if there is a hyperlink to the REGNUM news agency.

“But what definitely can and should be implemented - we need to think about it directly and start working on it in practical terms - is the law on the Russian nation,” the president said at a meeting of the Council for National Affairs.

In addition, Putin supported the idea of ​​holding a Year of Unity of the Russian Nation. “This could be a very big significant consolidating event that would affect almost every ethnic group, every people who live in Russia,” the head of state noted, pointing to the need to choose this year.

As REGNUM news agency reported earlier, the State Duma has repeatedly stated the need to adopt a law on nationalities in the Russian Federation. In addition, the initiative to return the mandatory “nationality” column in the passport was discussed.

The developers of the law, which is conventionally called the law “On the Russian Nation,” from the very beginning faced a serious obstacle - the absence of the very concept of “Russian nation” that would suit everyone. Now the problem is close to being resolved: RAS scientists have developed a dictionary of basic concepts in the field of national politics and interethnic relations. As Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Tishkov told Izvestia, the created glossary establishes the priority of understanding the Russian nation as a political rather than an ethnic community. It also says that the Russian Federation is a national state with a diverse ethnic and religious composition of the population and regional specifics.

The RAS has established a Scientific Council on complex problems of ethnicity and interethnic relations. It was created in accordance with the instructions of the President to discuss the most important problems in the field of interethnic relations and the implementation of the State National Policy Strategy.

As the co-chairman of the council, scientific director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Valery Tishkov, told Izvestia, on April 25, at the first meeting the basic categories and concepts in this area will be discussed. That is, they decided to start with the basics: what is a nation, an ethnic community, and interethnic relations.

Over the past decades, any public mention of such concepts has become a reason for heated discussions that lead nowhere.

After the October meeting of the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations in Astrakhan, when the head of state was asked to adopt the law “On the Russian Nation,” there was a long debate in the media and social networks about what it is and how it should be understood. Discussions continued on March 2 at a meeting of the working group to create the concept of the law. Many were confused by the word “nation” in the name, which has evoked negative associations among part of society since Soviet times. According to Valery Tishkov, members of the working group have not yet come to a final decision on what this bill should be called. Among the options are “On the Russian nation” and “On the foundations of state national policy.” It is possible that both names will be reflected in the final version.

Valery Tishkov noted that we must proceed from the president’s order, which reads like this: “The Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Interethnic Relations should submit proposals on the preparation of a draft normative legal act regulating relations in the field of strengthening the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation (Russian nation).”

The main thing now is to find the meaning, the content of what to put in this law: the responsibility and delimitation of powers of public authorities; what mission should civil society institutions have; issues related to the assertion of Russian identity and patriotism; overcoming tensions and conflicts that may pose risks to the unity of the Russian people. The task is to find a legal form for these things,” said Valery Tishkov.

To prevent work on laws from getting bogged down in the same debates about words, scientists created a conceptual apparatus. A small terminological dictionary of state national policy has already been prepared for the first meeting of the council. It reveals the following definitions: autonomy, including ethno-territorial and national-cultural; assimilation; genocide; group rights; indigenous (aboriginal) peoples; xenophobia; interethnic (interethnic) harmony; minorities; nationalism; nation state; national consciousness (identity); nation; racism; self-determination; separatism; ethnic community (ethnic group, ethnos).

For example, a national state is defined in the glossary as a state with a common economic basis controlled by the central government, with a common territory, and common historical and cultural values ​​of the country’s inhabitants. At the same time, it is stipulated that the concept of “national state” should be distinguished from the concepts of “mono-ethnic state” and “multi-ethnic state”.

“The Russian Federation is a national state with a diverse ethnic and religious composition of the population and is distinguished by great regional specificity,” the document says.

The article “Nation” notes that in modern science and law this refers to two types of human communities: a set of citizens of one state (political, or civil, nation) and an ethnic community (ethnonation).

“Members of political nations are distinguished by a common civic consciousness, or national identity, expressed in the correlation of a citizen with his country, which is reflected primarily in the name of its inhabitants (for example, Americans, Indians, Spaniards, Chinese, Mexicans, Russians, French),” says in dictionary.

At the same time, scientists note that in Russia the ethnic understanding of the nation retains its influence, which is reflected in political and scientific vocabulary and mass consciousness.

“Some experts, politicians and public activists deny the understanding of the Russian people as a socio-political, historical and cultural integrity in the form of a civil nation. However, authoritative surveys of the country’s population show that Russian identity (“we are Russians”) ranks first among all other forms of collective identity,” the authors of the dictionary conclude.

A multicultural country is always in search of a strategy for the harmony of different cultures and their dialogue,” Alexander Asmolov, head of the department of personality psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University, explained to Izvestia. - Making government decisions without scientific analysis and an expert position on ethnocultural policy can always be risky. Risk reduction is one of the council’s tasks. So that there is no misunderstanding in society and no misinterpretation of national issues arises, such expert groups work.

In addition to the terminological dictionary, the meeting will consider “A short version of the concepts for the glossary of a legislative act” - these materials will have to be used in the development of legislation. The document, in particular, defines what the “multinational people of the Russian Federation” is. The Constitution of the Russian Federation begins with this wording, but heated discussions also arise around it from time to time.

The glossary defines the multinational people of the Russian Federation as “a community of citizens of the Russian Federation of various nationalities, united by state unity, common interests and historical and cultural values ​​and aware of their belonging to the community of the Russian nation.”

The Russian nation, according to the glossary, is a civil and political community, consolidated on the basis of historical Russian statehood, whose members have equal rights regardless of ethnic, racial and religious affiliation.

In addition, the glossary gives three meanings of the word “people”: it is co-citizenship (the Russian people, Russians), an ethnic community (nationality), “including indigenous small peoples of the Russian Federation,” or generally any group of people.

A short version of the concepts for the glossary of the legislative act

State national policy(state policy in the field of interethnic relations) - a system of targeted actions of state authorities, local self-government, civil society institutions to ensure the constitutional rights of the peoples and citizens of the Russian Federation to ethnocultural development, ensuring the harmonization of interethnic relations and strengthening on this basis the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation ( Russian nation)

Civic identity- identification of oneself with the citizens of the country, the state-territorial space, the idea of ​​the state, society, country, the image of “we” and a sense of community, solidarity, responsibility for affairs in the country.

Multinational people of the Russian Federation- a community of citizens of the Russian Federation of various nationalities, united by state unity, common interests and historical and cultural values ​​and aware of their belonging to the community of the Russian nation.

Interethnic relations- a set of political, socio-economic, cultural, linguistic and other relations between people of different ethnicities in business, social and other spheres of communication.

Russian nation- a civil and political community, consolidated on the basis of the historical Russian statehood, whose members have equal rights regardless of ethnic, racial and religious affiliation, common historical and cultural values, a sense of belonging to a single people, civic responsibility and solidarity.

Ethnic community (group)- a community of people formed on the basis of a common culture and language, compactly or dispersedly settled on the territory of the Russian Federation, whose members have a common identity.

National (ethnic) identity- an individual’s attribution of himself to a certain ethnic community on the basis of free will.

People- 1. As co-citizenship (Russian people, Russians), 2. As an ethnic community (nationality), including indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, 3. As any group of people.

Last week, the Russian government approved the Federal Target Program “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia,” designed for the period until 2020. This Federal Target Program, in turn, is a so-called program-targeted instrument (at least this is how the government defines it) of the state program called “Regional Policy and Federal Relations.”

If you look at the document presented by the government of the Russian Federation, then the main goal of the specified Federal Target Program is, quote: “strengthening the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation (Russian nation)”, and the main tasks are defined as follows:

promoting the formation of all-Russian civil patriotism and solidarity;

promoting ethnocultural diversity and socio-economic development of the peoples of Russia;

promoting the harmonization of interethnic and ethno-confessional relations, as well as ensuring interethnic peace and harmony.

The expected results of the program are the following (materials taken from the description of the Federal Targeted Program):

an increase in the proportion of Russian citizens who consider themselves Russians or consider themselves part of the Russian nation - up to 74%;

increasing the level of tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities – up to 85%;

an increase in the number of citizens who would positively characterize the state of interethnic relations in the Russian Federation - up to 65%;

implementation of those programs in the regions of the Russian Federation that would be aimed at harmonizing interethnic relations, as well as strengthening civil unity throughout Russia.

The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is designated as the responsible executor of the program. And, in general, the Ministry of Regional Development should have started working in the designated areas of strengthening equality and fraternity, but when the program was adopted, an important snag became clear... The fact is that when the plan for the implementation of the federal target program under consideration was born, the initial financing of the project scheduled for several dozen pages of printed text interspersed with very impressive formulas amounted to 38.04 billion rubles. After the peculiar adjustments to the program that the Russian cabinet of ministers carried out, it was decided to cut funding by more than 5.5 times. The final funding for the program amounted to 6.76 billion rubles, two-thirds of which will be allocated from the federal treasury, and the remaining third from regional and municipal budgets.

After a more than five-fold reduction in the level of funding for the program, the question arises: is the government going to abandon the implementation of the vast majority of the designated points of the Federal Target Program, or will the activity in the implementation of each be reduced by 5.5 times? In other words, wouldn’t it turn out that the appearance of a document called “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia” is nothing more than the appearance of another paper with promising goals and objectives, supported even by mathematical apparatus, but not supported by financial means? , and sometimes common sense...

The mathematical apparatus, it must be admitted, is more than serious, and we must pay tribute to those gentlemen who, on the basis of mathematical formulas, were going to increase the number of citizens who believe that interethnic conflicts do not manifest themselves in Russia at all.

For example, the Ministry of Regional Development, according to the approved plan, must use the formula

with the help of which you can “easily” determine the number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation implementing programs for the harmonization of interethnic relations (the formula is taken in the form in which it was published in the documentary draft of the program - author’s note).

However, it must be admitted that even if the program were to be funded in the amount that was initially determined for it (more than 38 billion rubles), it would hardly have evoked unequivocally favorable reviews. The fact is that the expected results of the program raise certain questions. For example, what did the ideological inspirers of the program mean when they mentioned in their plans “increasing the share of Russian citizens who consider themselves Russians or consider themselves to be part of the Russian nation”? If we analyze these plans, we get the following picture: if this or that citizen of Russia, based on his ethnic roots, considers himself Russian or, for example, an Evenk, then this should be perceived as a negative, against which the work of the program is directed. So, what?.. If so, then this is some kind of unsuccessful attempt to copy the Soviet experience of creating a state with a single Soviet people. Why unsuccessful? Yes, if only because any representative of the so-called Soviet people had a passport, which indicated his nationality, which he could rightfully be proud of. A Soviet citizen is Russian, Tatar, Azerbaijani, Yakut, or no matter what nationality. And after all, the indication of nationality in the passport did not offend anyone, and did not interfere with the idea of ​​​​the friendship of peoples. And why on earth should it jar?..

Based on the letter of the new government program, it turns out that in Russia it is bad manners to call oneself a representative of any nationality other than the “nationality” of a Russian. What a strange thing?.. Why, under the guise of improving relations between the peoples of Russia at the government level, try to eliminate the diverse national composition of the country? By doing this, our government is somehow clumsily trying to repeat not even the Soviet, but the overseas experience, changing the rule “if you live in the USA, that means your nationality is American.” Does anyone in our Cabinet, having watched enough of the so-called exhibition videos about life in the States, seriously believe that in the USA such an approach has led to a complete leveling of nationalist manifestations...

To transform Russian society into an objectively unified one, it is necessary not to try to artificially increase the number of those who are confident that interethnic tension is over, but to make all citizens, without exception, equal before the law. Exactly - everyone, and only after that we can talk about civil tolerance, and about interethnic peace, and about solidarity... However, for some reason this point is not in the Federal Target Program... Apparently, the government does not yet have the money to “even out” Russians under the banner of legality enough. Or courage... And if someone strives to be “more equal” than others, will the adopted federal target program work? Again these rhetorical questions...

11th grade student of MAOUSOSH No. 27, Balakovo Ivanova Margarita

Creative work was presented at the XXI International Intellectual Festival "Politics Around Us", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Saratov province. Took third prize.

The purpose of the work was to consider the problems and achievements of the national policy of the Russian Federation using the example of the Saratov region and the city of Balakovo






The strength of Russia lies in the unity of its peoples.

Together we can do a lot.

Work completed:

11th grade student A

MAOU secondary school No. 27

Ivanova Margarita


history teacher and

social studies


Tatyana Fedorovna

Balakovo 2016


Chapter 1. Nations and interethnic relations in Russia……………..5-8

Chapter 2. Interethnic relations in the Saratov region.......... 9-11

Chapter 2.1. Balakovo – a multinational city….………………………11-12

Chapter 2.2.Increasing the level of interethnic relations in the city of Balakovo………………………………………………………………………………12-13





“A person who extols only his own people, but at the same time humiliates another people, does not even notice that by doing this he is lowering both his personal and national dignity.”

(E. Yevtushenko)

The world has been and remains multinational, and there is no good reason to believe that it will cease to be so in the future. There are about five thousand peoples on our planet. 321 nations make up 96.2% of the total population of the Earth, each consisting of more than 1 million people. Moreover, 79 of them are the largest with a population of over 10 million people each and form almost 4/5 of the world’s population. Countries with one nationality are comparatively rare. Each country is home to several dozen to hundreds of peoples. Many peoples live within two or more states.

Chapter 1

but, on the contrary, I bestow.”

(A. De Sainte - Exupery)

The unification of several nations in one country entails relationships between people of different nationalities, which often leads to interethnic conflicts. And our country is no exception. The Russian Federation is a multinational state, so the problem of interethnic interaction has always been and remains relevant.

This problem was considered already in the 19th century. And during the years of the Great October Revolution, conditions were created for the cessation of national hostility, the unity of the Soviet people, and internationalism was proclaimed. However, the collapse of the USSR in 1991 entailed the self-determination of nations that were previously part of the single state of the Russian Federation. This led to ethnic confrontation, conflicts and even wars. The collapse of ideals and disappointment in economic reforms led many people to turn to parties and movements that preached the ideas of nationalism.

At the beginning of the 21st century, nationalism began to gain popularity among the masses, but the attraction to ethnic and civic nationalism is still in an unstable position. And this state of the country becomes unpredictable: conflicts occur based on interethnic contradictions. Why do people of different nationalities hate each other?

Each nationality has its own characteristics that distinguish it from others. Obviously, this causes hostility, the idea is created that for some reason they are not like us, which means they have no place among us. Therefore, there is a need for a well-thought-out national policy aimed at regulating interethnic relations: nation-building, the fight against extreme manifestations of nationalism , resolution of interethnic conflicts peacefully, development of the cultural identity of peoples while maintaining the integrity of the state.

In this regard, the goal of the work is to consider the problems and achievements of the national policy of the Russian Federation using the example of the Saratov region and the city of Balakovo.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Define the concepts of “nation” and “national policy”, ways to solve the national question.
  2. Collection and analysis of material on the national composition and interethnic relations in the Saratov region and Balakovo region.
  3. Collection and analysis of material on the national composition of school students.
  4. Show the need to form interethnic unity of the peoples of our country by increasing patriotism and tolerance among peoples.
  5. Find out how problems are solved to achieve peace and harmony between different nationalities using the example of the Saratov region and the city of Balakovo.

The research method was comparisons, analysis of the work of centers of national cultures, a survey of representatives of nationalities living in the city of Balakovo and students of MAOU Secondary School 27.

Chapter 1

Nations and interethnic relations in Russia

"If I'm not like you in any way,

I'm not insulting you with this at all,

but, on the contrary, I bestow.”

(A. De Sainte - Exupery)

History shows us that in the life of mankind there are various forms of interethnic interaction between people - clan, tribe, nationality, nation. From the point of view of national and ethnic relations, the main ones are ethnos and nation. Science asserts that an ethnos is a community of people, historically formed in a certain territory, who have a common culture, language, and consciousness of their unity. The process of nation formation is complex. When a nation is formed, the unity of territory, language, and economic ties is of great importance. The unity of the nation is supported by material and psychological factors, common spiritual values, national identity, and historical memory. Self-awareness allows a person to feel his people and their interests. At the same time, compare with the interests of other peoples.

Philosopher I.A. Ilyin identifies 10 main national values ​​of “treasures” - national language, national dances and songs, national fairy tales, history of the people, prayer, lives of saints and heroes, economy, army and territory. In these “treasures” the philosopher sees the “spirit of national education” and believes that the task of each generation is to faithfully transmit this spirit.

A terrible phenomenon of the modern global world is nationalism, the assertion of the superiority of one nation over another. This term was first introduced in the 19th century by the philosopher Herder and Abbot Barruel, a clear manifestation of which was the struggle of the New World elites against Spanish rule. By 1815, nationalism became the leading ideology in the world. In addition, the concept of “xenophobia” is often used - rejection, intolerance, hatred of others, be it language, culture, appearance. This leads to socially dangerous, illegal behavior. Tolerance is a bridge that allows us to connect different things into a single whole for the benefit of all. The events that take place in the world and in our country on the basis of interethnic contradictions alarm not only the leadership of countries, but also ordinary people on planet Earth. Therefore, many scientists and political figures are working to resolve the problems of interethnic relations. For this purpose, negotiations are being held, the media are being used, and round tables of representatives of the clergy of various faiths are being organized. Giving each other a hand is our path.

The total population of Russia as of January 1, 2016 is 146.519759 people (including Crimea) according to the preliminary population estimate as of 01/01/2016. The population of Russia as of January 1, 2015 was 146.267288 people. According to preliminary estimates, the population growth in Russia in 2015 was 0.17% or 252,471 people.

Russia It is one of the multinational states: more than 180 peoples live on its territory. The most numerous people in Russia areRussians : their number is more than 111 million people - this is 78% of the total population. The second largest nation in the Russian Federation isTatars : their number is 5.3 million people, which is 3.7% of the total population. In third place areUkrainians : about 2 million people, which is approximately 1.4% of the total population.

The process of formation of the Russian people was not simple, because... Numerous peoples, including non-Slavic ones, took part in its formation. However, during the early period of Russian history, there was no such phenomenon as nationalism.

In Russia, nationalism appeared in the second half of the 18th century, in connection with the interest of educated circles of high society in Western European philosophy. The first Russian writer who began to use the word “nationalism” was A. I. Herzen. In Russia, the authorities were hostile to minority nationalism.

Russian philosopher , writer And publicist , ideologist of the Russian All-Military Union, Ilyin Ivan Aleksandrovich believed that true nationalism opens a person’s eyes to the national identity of other peoples: it teaches not to despise other peoples, but to honor their spiritual achievements and their national feeling, for they are also involved in the gifts of God, and they have realized them in their own way, as best they could. He also teaches thatinternationalismthere is a spiritual illness and a source of temptations; So whathyper-nationalismaccessible only to a true nationalist: to create something beautiful for everyone nations can only be established in the creative womb his people. True greatness is always rooted. A true genius is always national.

In order to resolve acute problems in interethnic relations, in 1996, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Concept of State National Policy was approved, aimed at ensuring the unity and integrity of Russia. State policy is based on the principles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The preamble of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that Russia is a multinational state, law and freedom, peace and harmony are affirmed. The Basic Law guarantees human rights and freedoms regardless of nationality (Article 2.18). Everyone has the right to a national language (Article 26). Propaganda and agitation that incite social, racial or religious hatred and enmity are not permitted. (v.29). The main task of the internal policy of the Russian Federation is the state structure on the principles of federalism, which helps to strengthen the state through strengthening the subjects, taking into account their characteristics. Therefore, the Federation and its subjects enter into treaties and agreements between themselves on the division of powers.

In the 2012 Address to the Federal Assembly, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, speaking about the importance of interethnic cooperation, noted: “We must cherish the unique experience that our ancestors passed on to us. Russia has been developing for centuries as a multinational state - initially it was so - a state-civilization, held together by the Russian people, the Russian language and Russian culture, which are dear to all of us, which unite us and do not allow us to dissolve in this diverse world ».

Currently, many politicians and experts consider the most acute problem in interethnic relations to be the growing dissatisfaction of the indigenous population of large Russian cities with the influx of southern immigrants, both from the former Soviet republics of Central Asia and Russians from the North Caucasus. One of the main tools for implementing the Strategy is the federal target program “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia (2014-2020)”, the implementation of which is carried out by Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Mikhailov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of National and Federal Relations. Since 1993, Vyacheslav Alexandrovich has been actively working in the Ministry of Nationalities Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 1995-2000 headed the Ministry of Nationalities and Federal Relations. In recognition of his services in the field of nation-building, for his effective and fruitful work in this field, in July 1998, the International Biographical Center in Cambridge announced V.A. Mikhailov International Person of the Year.

The main focus of the Federal Target Program is on the creation of large network projects in which all regions would be involved - such projects would be events dedicated to public holidays: National Unity Day, Russia Day, preventing the spread of radical ideas, as well as working with children and youth audiences - All-Russian youth camps and forums have great potential in this regard.

In 2015, Ethnomir hosted the Youth Ethnocultural Camp “Dialogue of Cultures”, where 200 young managers of ethnocultural projects from 60 regions of the country studied with the best specialists in the field of ethnocultural design.

Igor Barinov announced a special session of the Russian FADN “Young specialists in the field of interethnic relations”, which will be held at the popular youth camp “Territory of Meanings” on Klyazma in 2016. According to the head of the FADN of Russia, at the moment the System is already operating in test mode, agreements have been signed with the regions on its implementation locally, and access to the System has been provided to 22 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is planned to fully launch the Monitoring System in the 1st quarter of 2016.

Chapter 2

Interethnic relations in the Saratov region.

“A man who hates another people does not love his own.”

(N.A. Dobrolyubov)

The Saratov region is one of the most multinational subjects of the Russian Federation. Tracing the history of the settlement of the Volga region, it should be noted that numerous peoples lived here. In the 10th-11th centuries, numerous tribes of nomads moved through the Volga region; in the 30s of the 13th century, the Mongol-Tatars passed through the territory. Moreover, they founded the state of the Golden Horde here. With the founding of Saratov in 1590, the government moved “service people” here to protect the Volga route. In the 18th century, colonists from Europe settled in the Volga region. Since then, the population of our region has continued to be replenished with representatives of various nationalities.

Currently, national-cultural relations in the Saratov region are regulated by federal legislative acts and regional law No. 166-ZSO “On the regional target program “National-cultural development of the peoples of the Saratov region” for 2008 - 2010 .

According to the results of the 2010 population census, 2,521,892 people lived in the Saratov region. Analysis of the population census, according to Saratovstat, showed the following picture, presented in Appendix 1 .

The cities of the region are distinguished by the greatest diversity of national composition. But the share of Russians is very large everywhere: from 96.3% (in Rtishchev) to 81.5% (Krasny Kut). In Saratov, the most numerous nationalities after Russians are Ukrainians, Tatars, Armenians, Mordovians, Kazakhs, Belarusians, Chuvashs, and Azerbaijanis. In other cities:

  • Ukrainians - Engels, Balakovo, Balashov, Kalininsk, Volsk, Marx;
  • Kazakhs - Novouzensk, Engels;
  • Tatars - Engels, Balakovo, Pugachev, Ershov;
  • Mordovians - Engels, Balakovo, Petrovsk;
  • Chuvash - Balakovo;
  • Belarusians - Engels, Balakovo.

Representatives of the majority of the peoples living in the region are present in almost each of its 38 districts .

During the existence of the USSR, the question of interethnic conflicts was not raised; perhaps many things were simply hidden. But as history has shown, we lived in a friendly family of nations. Problems came to the surface in the late 80s - 90s. Migration processes also affected our region. From the late 90s of the 20th century until 2007, approximately 200 thousand people arrived in the region, which amounted to almost 8 percent of the region’s population.

To implement preventive measures in the field of national relations in the region, in the late 90s the program “Social and national-cultural development of the peoples of the Saratov region for 1998 - 2001” was developed and adopted. To prevent interethnic confrontation, from 2003 to 2006, the regional target program “National-cultural development of the peoples of the Saratov region” (2003 - 2006) was implemented in the region. More than 30 national associations, cultural autonomies, and 200 national and cultural centers are registered in the Saratov region. Therefore, national cultural centers are being created in the cities and towns of the region, schools teaching in national languages ​​have been opened. A Tatar gymnasium has been created and is successfully functioning in Saratov, the first one opened outside of Tatarstan.

The newly built open-air museum complex “National Village of the Peoples Inhabiting the Saratov Region” is of great interest. Many national associations have gained experience and have truly become centers of culture and social life for their ethnic groups. Among them: Saratov regional organization "Russian Community" and "Center of Russian Culture", Tatar and Bashkir associations, German and Kazakh national societies, Jewish organizations, Armenian and Finno-Ugric national cultural centers, and other associations. There are about 200 national cultural centers and many national artistic groups operating in the cities and districts of the region. National associations, on the one hand, demonstrate the level of national self-awareness of people, and on the other, are a kind of indicator of national relations. The Saratov region manages to avoid major national or religious conflicts, which confirms the correctness of the chosen course and multinationality as a factor of stability and creation.

Currently, more than 100 national cultural organizations and associations are registered in the Saratov region 13 . Most of them are members of the Assembly of Peoples of the Saratov Region, which is a branch of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia. In March 2008, the first Congress of the Assembly of Peoples of the Saratov Region took place. The Congress brought together many well-known politicians and public figures on a federal and regional scale. They represented the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, and neighboring regions. During the Congress, the agreement “On the development of interaction with national associations in the Saratov region” was extended. Based on the results of the Congress, a collection was published, which included materials on the all-Russian meeting “On the role of local governments in the fight against extremism and xenophobia.”

The regional government, representatives of the clergy, and universities participate in round tables, conferences, and ethnocultural events. All this contributes to the stabilization of relations between representatives of different nationalities and the development of ideas of unity.


Balakovo is a multinational city

The city of Balakovo is a city of five Komsomol youth construction projects, when in the 50-70s of the 20th century young people and older people came from all over the Soviet Union to build the Saratov hydroelectric power station, chemical plant, and nuclear power plant.

Representatives of 105 nationalities live in the Balakovo region. This is a single historically established community of peoples. Seven diasporas have more than a thousand people: Ukrainians - 4960, Tatars - 4165, Chuvash - 1579, Kazakhs - 1562, Belarusians - 1204, Mordovians - 1070, Armenians - 1038 people.

The Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 27” has 1,179 students.

Data on national composition can be viewed in the following table:


Number of people














Having collected and analyzed information on the national composition of students in my school, I discovered that the majority of students are of Russian nationality (82%). In addition, I discovered that the school has a class with students of the same (Russian) nationality (2nd grade F) , and the most multinational classes are 2I class, which includes 6 Ukrainians, 2 Cossacks, 1 Uzbek and 1 Tatar, and 6G class, which includes 4 Ukrainians, 2 Belarusians, 2 Tatars, 1 Cossacks, 1 German.

However, such a diverse ethnic composition in my school has never been the cause of interethnic conflicts and contradictions. All children are on friendly terms and treat representatives of each nation with respect.

Chapter 2.2

Increasing the level of interethnic relations in the city of Balakovo

The administration of the Balakovo municipality creates favorable conditions for their cultural and national development.

There are 8 national cultural associations in the city (Appendix 2).

Representatives of all diasporas are members of the Public Council under the head of the BMO and actively participate in its work.

The department of national cultures at the Balakovo Folk Art Center plays an important role in the national and cultural development of the BIS. It includes 5 national diasporas - Ukrainian, German, Tatar, Bashkir, Chuvash, which have their own groups (Appendix 3).

The Department of National Cultures has 4 German language groups and 1 Arabic language group, which are attended by people of different age categories. Courses and clubs are free.

The main task of the department of national cultures is to increase the efficiency of the activities of national associations, as well as to promote and preserve the traditional values ​​of the peoples of the Saratov region. The existing department covers many areas of cultural activity. Among them: organizing cultural events, holding evenings, holidays, concert activities, organizing Sunday schools for children, holding joint events (actions, festivals). Representatives of national cultures take part in many events, cooperate with youth organizations of the city and region, and are frequent guests of city schools. More than one event held in the city and region, such as Village Day, Shiroka Maslenitsa, City Day, fairs, Russia Day, New the year is not complete without creative groups of national cultures. Among the youth of the region and the city, the youth public organization “Phoenix. 21st century”, headed by D. Vikulovsky.

A big event was held as part of the Year of the Family
"My national home." For 3.5 hours, representatives of different nationalities replaced each other on stage and spoke about their customs, traditions, and rituals. Greeted all those present
Rabbi of the city of Saratov Michael Frumin, representatives from the United Russia party, journalists from the media and local TV channels. More than 100 people took part in this event.

At the initiative of the Jewish community, a round table “The ABC of Tolerance” was held in April 2015. Representatives of various diasporas and national and cultural associations took part in the Round Table.

The main task of the Society of National Cultures is to increase the efficiency of the activities of national associations, as well as to promote the traditional values ​​of the peoples of the region. These include organizing cultural events, holding evenings and holidays, organizing Sunday schools for children, and learning their native language. National and cultural associations actively participate in the cultural and social life of the BIS, cooperate with the Center for Social Services as part of the implementation of the project “Again the heart is wide open.” All this helps to preserve and popularize the true national values ​​of all cultures on the territory of the Balakovo municipal district.

There are no interethnic conflicts in our city and region; we live in a tolerant world. We are a single country and we have nothing to divide, because only together we can build and preserve our home, our country - Russia.


For our multinational country, democratic, national politics are of great importance.

Undoubtedly, much has been done in this direction by the state throughout the country, including in the regions. In the Saratov region and our city of Balakovo, the growth of national self-awareness of citizens has intensified. This created the need for the preservation and development of the national language, culture, and traditions. Work on the topic showed that the number of national public associations of different ethnic groups of the population has increased throughout the country and in the Saratov region. There are official representative offices of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the region.

At the same time, everything should not be absolutized, because elements of social tension in interethnic relations remain. This is due to economic problems caused by ineffective labor market regulation. In my opinion, this is due to the dissatisfaction of the indigenous population with the fact that they are not always in demand in the labor market, unlike migrants. Therefore, thoughtful actions are required on the part of the authorities. Active work should be carried out by social workers, possibly social psychologists. One of the main problems in interethnic relations between the Saratov region and the city of Balakovo remains the harmonization of interethnic interaction between the peoples living in this territory. The media also play a major role in solving problems of interethnic relations. It is necessary that the media cover not only negative information on national problems, but pay more attention to the positive aspects of interethnic cooperation.

Only a thoughtful policy on the national issue can lead to an understanding that Russia’s strength lies in the unity of its peoples. This means that together we can do a lot, despite the diversity and multinational composition of the country.

List of used literature

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
    Social science. Textbook 11th grade. Edited by L.N., A.Yu. Lazebnikova. M. "Enlightenment" 2013 p.81
  2. Population. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2006.-P.257
  3. http://www.statdata.ru/russia
  4. http://megabook.ru/article/ Nationality



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    Appendix 2

    National - cultural associations


    • public organization of the Armenian community "Dream-2001";
    • public organization "Saratov Regional Jewish Charitable Center "Hasdei Yerushalayim" ("Mercy");
    • Center for National Cultures in Balakovo at the Saratov German Cultural and Educational Center "Freundschaft";
    • center of Slavic culture;
    • Balakovo Chuvash national-cultural autonomy "Entesh" ("Countryman");
    • Balakovo Center of Kazakh Culture at the Center of National Cultures;
    • Balakovo Center of Ukrainian Culture at the Center of National Cultures.
    • Tatar-Bashkir national cultural center "Miras" ("Heritage") - Balakovo branch of the Saratov regional
      Tatar autonomy.

    Appendix 3

    List of creative groups in Balakovo

    1. Ensemble of Ukrainian folk song “Gospodarochka”, director G. Saltykova. The team has existed since 2004, with a roster of 15 people.
    2. Ukrainian theater of miniatures “Chervona Kalina”, director E.A. Primakova, 15 people.
    3. Tatar-Bashkir Center “Miras”, director G.A. Insapova.
    4. Choreographic group “Leisyan”, director and choreographer Zemlyannikova E.A., 15 people.
    5. Vocal group “Asylyar”, leader G. Saltykova.
    6. Theater of miniatures "Nur", director G.A. Insapova; 25 people.
    7. Chuvash vocal group “Palan”, leader R. Tukhtagulova, 10 participants.
    8. Senior Club of Russian Germans, leader E.N. Kelem, 15 participants.
    9. Youth organization “Phoenix. 21st century”, leader Vikulovsky D., social activist.
    10. German dance group "Sterchen", director Zemlyannikova E.A.
    11. Children's vocal group "Shterchen", director Kirsanova I., social activist, 7 people.
    12. Sunday school “Traditions and Morals”, leader Kirsanova I., 18 people.
    13. German vocal group “Freundschaft”, leader L.N. Volkova, 10 people.
    14. Children's vocal group "Aquarelle", leader V.V. Konruf, 12 people.