Pedagogical technologies used in additional education of children. Modern pedagogical technologies in the field of additional education for children. Technology of collective creative activity

Fedotova Rimma Nikolaevna
Job title: director
Educational institution: MBUDO "Barguzin House of Children's Creativity"
Locality: Buryatia
Name of material: article
Subject:"Modern pedagogical technologies in additional education"
Publication date: 13.07.2016
Chapter: additional education

Use of modern

educational technologies in additional education.
In additional education, pedagogical technologies have a special significance and place for a number of reasons: the choice of how to solve a didactic task in additional education is left to the teacher himself, but experience shows that such a task is not feasible for everyone; This happens for a number of reasons related to the level of professional competence, since we often employ highly qualified specialists in the field, but do not have a pedagogical education or experience working with children; therefore, it is more useful to equip them with ready-made technology; in the context of additional education, it is more important to answer the question not “what to teach?”, but “how to teach?” because Given the diversity of the content of additional education, it is advisable not to endlessly expand the range of programs, but to look for ways to organize children’s activities that will provide them with comfortable conditions for development; an additional education institution is a special institution that should become not just a place for children to learn, but a space for various forms of communication. The modern educational reform in Russia, associated with the implementation of a student-oriented approach, has caused a number of serious changes in our usual practice of teaching and raising children:  updating the content of education;  introduction of new pedagogical technologies that ensure personal development. Difficult, sometimes contradictory, but inevitable transformations are also reflected in the activities of institutions of additional education for children. And if the content of education in them has undergone significant changes, then educational technologies are updated slowly: the traditional system is firmly entrenched, and many are struggling with new technologies. Pedagogical technologies for additional education of children are focused on solving complex psychological and pedagogical problems: teaching a child to work independently, communicate with children and adults, predict and evaluate the results of their work, look for the causes of difficulties and be able to overcome them. An institution for additional education for children is a special institution that should become not just a place for children to learn, but a space for various forms of communication. The role of the teacher in additional education should be to organize natural activities of children and the ability to pedagogically competently manage the system of relationships in these activities. Today, in the system of additional education for children, it is necessary to pay more attention to improving pedagogical skills, increasing the qualifications of teachers in the implementation of modern technologies for teaching and raising children. So, let’s look at modern educational technologies based on these approaches and methods. It cannot be said that we do not use completely modern educational technologies; many of you use elements of one or another technology in your activities, now you will understand this. “Pedagogical technology” is a structure of a teacher’s activity in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and involve achieving the predicted result.
The criteria that constitute the essence of pedagogical technology:

 unambiguous and strict definition of learning goals (why and for what);  selection and structure of content (what);  optimal organization of the educational process (how);  methods, techniques and means of teaching (with the help of what);  as well as taking into account the required real level of qualification of the teacher (who);  and objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is this true). In an institution of additional education for children, unlike a school, there are all the conditions to separate children according to their individual characteristics and interests; teach everyone differently, adjusting the content and methods of teaching depending on the level of mental development and the specific capabilities, abilities and requests of each child. A condition for the effectiveness of mastering any curriculum in additional education is
child's passion
the activity he chooses. Therefore, in the additional education system, the curriculum is created for each student. In additional education, there is no strict regulation of activities, but voluntary and humanistic relationships between children and adults, comfort for creativity and individual development make it possible to introduce student-oriented technologies into practice.
Personality-oriented technology


technologies of person-centered learning - maximum development (and not the formation of predetermined) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his existing life experience. In accordance with this technology, an individual educational program is drawn up for each student, which, unlike educational programs, is individual in nature, based on the characteristics inherent in a given student, and flexibly adapts to his capabilities and development dynamics (for example, working with gifted children, disabled children , many teachers include individual learning in their educational program). In the technology of student-centered learning, the center of the entire educational system is the individuality of the child’s personality, therefore, the methodological basis of this technology is differentiation and individualization of learning. Individualization of learning is a fundamental characteristic of additional education for children. Due to the organizational forms used in it and the different nature of motivation, various personality-oriented practices have become its generic feature.
Technology of individualization of training

such a teaching technology in which an individual approach and an individual form of training are a priority. In an institution of additional education for children, several options can be used
taking into account individual characteristics
and opportunities for students: 1) Formation of study groups of homogeneous composition (by gender, age, social status).
2) Intragroup differentiation for organizing training at different levels when it is impossible to form a full group in the field. 3) Profile training, initial vocational and pre-professional training in senior groups (seamstress, video art, etc.). The main advantage of individual learning is that it allows you to adapt the content, methods, forms, and pace of learning to the individual characteristics of each student, monitor his progress in learning, and make the necessary correction. This allows the student to work economically and control their expenses, which guarantees success in learning. At school, individual instruction is used to a limited extent.
Group technologies.
Group technologies involve the organization of joint actions, communication, interaction, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and mutual correction. The modern level of additional education is characterized by the fact that group technologies are widely used in its practice. You can select

collective activity
in a group:  simultaneous work with the entire group;  work in pairs;  group work on the principles of differentiation.
group technologies consist in the fact that the study group is divided into subgroups to solve and perform specific tasks; The task is carried out in such a way that the contribution of each student is visible. The composition of the group may vary depending on the purpose of the activity. During group work, the teacher performs various functions: controls, answers questions, regulates disputes, and provides assistance. Learning is carried out through communication in dynamic groups, when everyone teaches everyone. Working in shift pairs allows students to develop independence and communication skills.
Interactive learning technologies
- this is such an organization of the learning process in which it is impossible for the student not to participate in a collective, complementary, based on the interaction of all its participants in the process of learning cognition. The use of an interactive learning model involves modeling life situations, using role-playing games, and joint problem solving. The dominance of any participant in the educational process or any idea is excluded. This teaches a humane, democratic approach to the model. The “Carousel” method, when two rings are formed: internal and external. The inner ring consists of students sitting motionless, and the inner ring consists of students changing every 30 seconds. Thus, they manage to talk through several topics in a few minutes and try to convince their interlocutor that they are right. The Aquarium technology is that several students
They act out the situation in a circle, and the rest observe and analyze. "Brownian motion" involves students moving around the class to collect information on a given topic. “Decision tree” - the group is divided into 3 or 4 groups with the same number of children. Each group discusses the issue and makes notes on its “tree” (whatman paper), then the groups change places and add their ideas to their neighbors’ trees. Such a form of interaction as “Take a Position” is also in demand in the classroom. A statement is read and students must go to the poster with the word “YES” or “NO”. It is advisable that they explain their position. The essence of interactive learning is that the educational process is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. The joint activity of students in the process of learning and mastering educational material means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to obtain new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and cooperation.

There are technologies in which achieving a creative level is a priority goal. The most fruitful application in the system of additional education is
Technology of collective creative activity
Technology presupposes such an organization of joint activities of children and adults, in which all members of the team participate in the planning, preparation, implementation and analysis of any task.
Evaluation of results
– praise for initiative, publication of work, exhibition, award, title, etc. To evaluate the results, special creative books are developed, where achievements and successes are noted. We can talk about some principles for organizing a collective business as a creative one. These are the principles of competition, play, and improvisation, which work because they are based on deep psychological foundations: the human need for self-affirmation, self-expression, and communication. There are a great many specific forms of CTD. True, if you look closely at such lists, you quickly discover repeating patterns of organization behind different names. Let's call these schemes methods - “combat”, “defense”, “relay race”, “travel”, role-playing game.
Labor matters:
labor attack, labor landing, gift to distant friends, raid, labor factory. In labor CTDs, pupils and their older friends provide care through work and creativity. The focus is on mastering a working culture, developing a moral attitude towards work, property, the material wealth of our society, and those aspects of the surrounding life that need practical improvement and which can be improved either on our own or by helping other people. The purpose of labor CTD is to enrich children’s knowledge about the environment, to develop views on work as the main source of a joyful life, to cultivate the desire to contribute to the improvement of reality, as well as the ability and habit to really, in fact, care for people near and far, to work independently and creatively.
The enrichment of students with work experience occurs in conjunction with other types of socially valuable practice.
Gaming technologies
have means that activate and intensify the activities of students. They are based on pedagogical play as the main type of activity aimed at mastering social experience. The following classifications of pedagogical games are distinguished: - by type of activity (physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological); -by the nature of the pedagogical process (teaching, training, cognitive, training, controlling, cognitive, developmental, reproductive, creative, communicative, etc.); -according to gaming methods (plot, role-playing, business, simulation, etc.); -according to the gaming environment (with and without an object, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, computer, etc.).
Education of gaming technologies is extensive: -didactic: broadening one’s horizons, applying knowledge in practice, developing certain skills; -educational: nurturing independence, cooperation, sociability, communication; -developmental: development of personality qualities and structures; -social: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society, adaptation to environmental conditions.
Project-based learning technology
Project-based learning technology is an alternative technology that is opposed to the classroom-lesson system, in which ready-made knowledge is not given, but technology for protecting individual projects is used. Project-based learning is indirect, and here it is not only the result that is valuable, but to a greater extent the process itself. A project is literally “thrown forward,” that is, a prototype, a prototype of some object, type of activity, and design turns into the process of creating a project. The effectiveness of using project activities in additional education lies in the fact that: 1) creative thinking develops; 2) the role of the teacher changes qualitatively: his dominant role in the process of appropriating knowledge and experience is eliminated; he has to not only and not so much teach, but help the child learn , direct his cognitive activity. 3) elements of research activities are introduced; 4) the personal qualities of students are formed, which develop only in activity and cannot be learned verbally (in group projects, when a small team “works” and in the process of its joint activity a joint product appears, from here the ability to work in a team develops, to take responsibility for choices , decision, sharing responsibility, analyzing the results of activities, the ability to feel like a member of a team - subordinating your temperament, character, time to the interests of the common cause); 5) students are included in the “acquisition of knowledge” and its logical application (personal qualities are formed - the ability to reflect and self-esteem, the ability to make choices and comprehend both the consequences of this choice and the results of one’s own activities). The teacher turns into a curator or consultant:  helps students find sources;  he himself is a source of information;  supports and encourages students;
 coordinates and adjusts the entire process;  supports continuous feedback. The result of project activity is, first of all, the course of the activity itself (the activity itself), and the product (toy-pillow, toy-rug) is one of the embodiments of the plan, it helps to imagine what the idea was to solve the problem of the project. Interactive activity in the classroom involves the organization and development of dialogue communication, which leads to mutual understanding, interaction, and the joint solution of common but significant tasks for each participant. Interactivity eliminates the dominance of either one speaker or one opinion over another. During dialogue learning, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, participate in discussions, and communicate with other people. For this purpose, individual, pair and group work is organized in the lessons, research projects, role-playing games are used, work is done with documents and various sources of information, and creative work is used.
Health-saving educational technologies are a system that creates

the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual,

emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all

subjects of education (students, teachers, etc.).
“Health-saving educational technologies” can be considered both as a qualitative characteristic of any educational technology, its “certificate of health safety”, and as a set of those principles, techniques, methods of pedagogical work that, complementing traditional technologies of teaching and upbringing, endow them with a sign of health-saving.

information technology is a purposeful, organized set of information processes using computer technology that provides high speed data processing, fast information retrieval, data dispersion, access to information sources regardless of their location. All educational, developmental, educational, social technologies used in additional education of children are aimed at: - awakening the activity of children; -equip them with optimal ways to carry out activities; -bring this activity to the creative process; - rely on the independence, activity and communication of children. New pedagogical technologies can radically transform the learning process. In the conditions of additional education, the child develops by participating in play, cognitive, and work activities, therefore
introduction of innovative technologies - to let children feel the joy of labor in learning, to awaken a sense of self-worth in their hearts, to solve the social problem of developing the abilities of each student, including him in active activities, bringing ideas on the topic being studied to the formation of stable concepts and skills. Modern technologies in the work of institutions of additional education for children are combined with everything valuable that has been accumulated in domestic and foreign experience, in family and folk pedagogy, they allow you to choose the most effective ways and techniques for organizing children’s activities and create the most comfortable conditions for their communication, activity and self-development .

UDC 374+37.0

Fedorova Irina Arkadyevna.

Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education "Center for Creative Education "Prestige", Krasnoyarsk, additional education teacher, [email protected].

Annotation. This article describes modern pedagogical technologies that exist in education, as well as technologies that can be applied in additional education. The experience of work on the interaction of general education institutions and institutions of additional education is briefly described. The article will be useful to methodologists and teachers working in the field of additional education.

Key words: educational technology, additional education, design.

Pedagogical technology This is a special set of forms, methods, methods, techniques of teaching and upbringing used in the educational process on the basis of existing psychological and pedagogical attitudes, always leading to the achievement of a predicted educational result with an acceptable standard of deviation.

In modern education, the concept of “pedagogical technology” is not a rare phenomenon. It is heard much less often within the framework of additional education. At the moment, many pedagogical technologies are used. How to choose among them the one that will give you the opportunity to show better results? How to transfer the selected pedagogical technology to the conditions of additional education? In addition, knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies and the ability to navigate their wide range is one of the most important conditions for the successful work of a modern teacher. And this is understandable: after all, any technology, first of all, answers the question: how to achieve high results, and it does not matter in basic or additional education.

Due to the fact that the basic technologies of training and education were created for general education, additional education faces the problem of creating new technologies or adapting existing ones. The general education school mainly uses information and educational technologies based on intellectual capabilities. Children’s ways of doing things, as well as their interests, quite often remain outside the teacher’s field of vision. School assignments for the most part are of a reproductive nature and come down to performing actions according to a model, which leads to memory overload and does not contribute to the development of students’ mental processes. An institution of additional education, in contrast to a general education school, should divide children according to their individual characteristics (both psychological and physical), interests, and the content and methods of teaching must be calculated on the level of intellectual development and adjusted depending on the specific abilities and needs of the child. As a result, appropriate development conditions must be created for children: they will be able to realize their abilities and master programs (individual programs, modular training, multi-level training).

But in reality this is not the case. In practice, it is clear that most classes by additional education teachers are conducted in the traditional form according to the classical class-lesson scheme (object-subject relationships).

Of course, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the picture gradually begins to change, but another problem appears: by shaping the meta-subject and personal results of children (the emphasis is on them), subject matter is missed at school. The question arises - what to do? It is likely to combine the efforts of the school and the institution of additional education, while placing their own emphasis. The school teaches and educates, and additional education teaches ways to obtain this knowledge, taking into account the individual psychological, intellectual and physical characteristics of each person.

In additional education, the following pedagogical technologies are often used and show good results:

  • Technology of personality-oriented developmental training (I.S. Yakimanskaya)
  • The purpose of the technology: the development of children's individual cognitive abilities based on the use of their existing experience;
  • Differentiated learning technology
  • The purpose of the technology: the formation of children's worldview, the development of cognitive abilities, the formation of positive motivational attitudes, the satisfaction of their most diverse interests;
  • Technology of individual training (Inge Unt, V.D. Shadrikov)
  • The purpose of the technology: individual approach and individual form of training organization;
  • Technology of collective mutual learning (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)
  • The purpose of technology: learning is carried out through communication in groups of rotating composition, when everyone teaches everyone;
  • Technology of adaptive learning system (A.S. Granitskaya)
  • The purpose of the technology: work in shift pairs as one of the forms of organizing oral-independent work in the classroom;
  • Personally-oriented technology
  • The purpose of technology: development of personality traits in accordance with its abilities and capabilities;
  • Technology of collective creative activity (I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov)
  • The purpose of the technology: education of a socially active creative personality and organization of creativity aimed at benefiting people in specific social situations;
  • Technology of problem-based (research) learning
  • The purpose of the technology: the creation of problem situations and the active activity of students, as a result of which competencies are mastered; the learning process is structured as a search for new cognitive guidelines;
  • Programmed learning technology (V.P. Bespalko)
  • The purpose of the technology: the assimilation of program educational material is presented in a strictly algorithmic order, in small portions using special devices (computers, programmed textbooks, etc.);
  • Gaming technologies (P.I. Pidkasisty, D.B. Elkonin)
  • The purpose of the technology: it is based on pedagogical play as the main activity of children, aimed at mastering social experience;
  • Project-based learning technology
  • The purpose of the technology: in the process of organizing classes, the technology of protecting educational projects is used; here, not only the result is valuable, but to a greater extent the process itself.

In terms of ensuring effectiveness in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, institutions of additional education are today more effective, which is explained by the initial conditions of activity (variability, freedom of choice, non-compulsory nature of education, etc.).

The development of universal educational activities, the development of basic competencies is what requires extracurricular non-traditional forms of organizing the educational process.

The unified comprehensive modular variable program “From trial to choice, from choice to success” that we have created, which allows solving problems according to the Standard, is focused on meta-subject and personal results and, thanks to its flexible organizational structure, meets the needs of different partner schools.

The main educational technology of teachers at our institution is design technology.

The method of educational projects gives students the opportunity to choose and “test” in their own educational practice:

  • “trials” in individual and group projects;
  • “trials” in playing various roles in group work;
  • “trying out” various social roles;
  • “tests” in various fields of knowledge, including the implementation of interdisciplinary projects.

The method insists on the obligatory nature of self-assessment and reflection.

The obligatory completion of any project is the presentation of the resulting product. The presentation itself has a great educational effect due to the method itself: children learn to express their thoughts and ideas in a reasoned manner, analyze their activities, presenting the results of reflection, analysis of group and individual independent work, and the contribution of each participant in the project.

In the process of project activities, the following competencies are formed:

  • reflective skills;
  • search (research) skills;
  • skills and abilities to work in collaboration;
  • managerial skills;
  • communication skills;
  • presentation skills.

All pedagogical technologies used in additional education of children are aimed at: awakening the activity of children; demonstrate to them the best ways to carry out activities; bring this activity to the process of creativity; rely on the independence, activity and communication of children.

So, modern pedagogical technologies can significantly restructure the learning process.

In the conditions of preschool education, the child develops by participating in playful, cognitive, and labor activities, therefore, by constantly introducing new pedagogical technologies, as well as including him in active creative activities, each child gets the opportunity to express himself and develop his own abilities.

Thus, modern technologies in the work of institutions of additional education for children are combined with everything that has been accumulated in pedagogy over time. They allow you to choose the most effective ways and techniques for organizing children’s activities and create the most comfortable conditions for the development of a modern creative personality.


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Builova L.N.

Filippova E.A. – Director of the Children's and Youth Center "Bibirevo", Honored Teacher of Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Andrianov P.N. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education

Technological creativity of a teacher is not a new phenomenon. Each technique always contains elements of technology. But today there are a lot of educational technologies used. How to choose yours among them? How to transfer “alien” teaching technology to additional education conditions? In addition, knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies and the ability to navigate their wide range is a condition for the successful work of a teacher today. And this is understandable: after all, any technology, first of all, answers the question: how to achieve the planned result?

You will find answers to these and other questions in this book. The reader will choose what is consonant with his practice and the personal professional concept that he somehow develops.

The author analyzes the various approaches of scientists and practitioners to solving the problem of educational technologies, presents the approaches of practitioners to their selection and use, and proposes specific methods and forms, using which a teacher of additional education can solve the problems he sees as his tasks of developing the creative abilities of children.

The proposed problem-information material is intended for the creative activity of a teacher who has accepted educational technologies as the most promising direction for the development of additional education for children.

© Builova L.N., 2002.





History of the formation of pedagogical technology

The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the development of children's creative abilities

Modern pedagogical technologies in the field of additional education for children

New information technologies for teaching in additional education for children

Professional skills of a teacher who uses new technology in practice.
The modern education reform in Russia, associated with the implementation of a student-oriented approach, has caused a number of serious changes in our usual practice of teaching and raising children:

  • updating the content of education;

  • introduction of new pedagogical technologies that ensure personal development.
Difficult, sometimes contradictory, but inevitable transformations are also reflected in the activities of institutions of additional education for children. And if the content of education in them has undergone significant changes, then educational technologies are updated slowly: the traditional system is firmly entrenched, and many are struggling with new technologies.

Pedagogical technologies for additional education of children are focused on solving complex psychological and pedagogical problems: teaching a child to work independently, communicate with children and adults, predict and evaluate the results of their work, look for the causes of difficulties and be able to overcome them.

An institution for additional education for children is a special institution that should become not just a place for children to learn, but a space for various forms of communication.

The role of the teacher in additional education should be to organize natural activities of children and the ability to pedagogically competently manage the system of relationships in these activities.

Today, in the system of additional education for children, it is necessary to pay more attention to improving pedagogical skills, increasing the qualifications of teachers in the implementation of modern technologies for teaching and raising children.
Scientific and methodological support of the technological approach in additional education of children
The basis of any didactic system is a certain philosophy of education, which provides guidelines for solving specific issues of educational policy, helps determine the content of education, the principles of constructing the educational process, the prospects of innovations, compare educational systems, etc.

Today there are two main educational philosophies:

Cognitive (aimed at developing the child’s intellectual abilities, selective selection of promising children);

Personal (aimed at the emotional and social development of the child).

These are two opposite directions: on the one hand, a non-personal approach to the child, on the other, faith in a person and interest in his fate. It is obvious that pedagogical searches today are directed from a cognitive to a personal philosophy of education, and a course has been taken towards the variability of education.

At the same time, two pedagogies are distinguished: supportive (traditional) and innovative (modern).

Turning to the development of new didactic approaches to teaching, let's consider how traditions and innovations in pedagogy relate, in what direction are the searches going?

Traditional pedagogy limits its forms to purposeful learning, assigns the child the role of an object to whom the teacher transfers experience, prepares for life (Ya.A. Komensky, I. Herbart). Individualization is rather proclaimed than practically implemented, since the personal interest of the student has not yet become fundamental: the state dictates what to teach.

Purpose Pedagogical activity is the achievement of a didactic task, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, and not a system of beliefs and attitudes. Pedagogical means are based on coercion of children. The communication style is authoritarian.

The school is placed in conditions that force it to bear responsibility only for teaching in accordance with state standards. And the preservation and development of a holistic, adaptive educational environment often remains a beautiful slogan. Practice-oriented socialization also drives children into the framework of social requirements, so productivity in studies and practical activities is very rarely achieved in schools. Students do not want to study, are capable of violating discipline, and lose interest in learning.

Traditional is lesson- a simultaneous lesson with a whole group, when the teacher conveys knowledge and methods of action in a ready-made form, the students reproduce, and he evaluates.

Is it possible to prepare a child for life if all traditional methods of teaching and upbringing clamp him in the grip of prohibitions in advance? “The general condition that hinders the development of education,” as N. Krylova notes, “is the relatively low level of culture of the mass school. The mass school remains an uncultured, formally functioning institution, which is why children who come there to study lose interest after a while, i.e. That’s the main reason why you should go to school!”

In the environment of a mass school, such qualities of a child as initiative, initiative, imagination, originality, that is, what we attribute to a person’s individuality, are suppressed. The existing contradiction can be represented in the form of a diagram:

In order to overcome this contradiction, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the development of the child’s personality. But didn't traditional education entail personal development?

It cannot be said that the school did not set this goal for itself. On the contrary, such a goal was declared as the task of comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual, which was understood as the bearer of ideological models set by the state. Traditional education was structured mainly in accordance with standardized educational and educational goals. However, external, social influences were recognized as leading, and mental development itself occurred spontaneously.

Traditional systems of training and education exhausted themselves at the end of the twentieth century, having undermined the mental constitution of a person to the core, so today it is necessary not to improve the existing principles of education, but to radically replace them.

Traditional pedagogy is being replaced by a new one, characterized by a democratic character, an organic connection with society and prospects for human development in connection with society and the natural environment.

In recent years, attention to the scientific and practical development of ideas for developmental education has intensified, when it became clear that the school cannot, in traditional ways, ensure that the educational process is oriented towards human potential and their implementation, which is required in the new socio-economic conditions.

The transition to developmental education requires teachers to consciously understand what psychological patterns and characteristics of students’ development they should rely on when teaching.

In this case, the goal of the educational process is not simply to achieve a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities, but to create conditions for the development of children’s mental characteristics.

Today, many ideas of developmental education take place in institutions of additional education for children. Each academic subject and area of ​​activity carries enormous potential for the formation and development of children’s interests, abilities and personal qualities.

The theory of developmental learning originates in the works of I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky and others. The scientific basis for this theory is given in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, who in the early 30s put forward the idea of ​​learning that goes ahead of development and is focused on the development of the child as the main goal. According to his hypothesis, knowledge is not the ultimate goal of learning, but merely a means of student development.

Ideas L.S. Vygotsky were developed and substantiated within the framework of the psychological theory of activity (A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, etc.). As a result of the revision of traditional ideas about development and its relationship with learning, the formation of the child as a subject of various types and forms of human activity was brought to the fore.

One of the first attempts to implement these ideas was made by L.V. Zankov, who in the 50-60s. developed system of intensive comprehensive development for elementary school. At that time, due to known circumstances, it was not put into practice.

Further development and a slightly different direction of developmental education in the 60s. was embodied in the practice of experimental schools by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, who developed and put into practice technology of meaningful generalizations, which later became known as developmental education. In their teaching technology, the child is not viewed as an object teaching influences of the teacher, but as a person changing himself subject teachings. A meaningful generalization is understood as the comprehension of an object not through its visual, external similarity with others, but through its hidden specific relationships, through the contradictory path of its internal development.

The term " developmental education"Owns its origin to V.V. Davydov. Developmental learning has come to be understood as such learning in which students not only memorize facts, assimilate rules and definitions, but also learn rational techniques for applying knowledge in practice, transferring their knowledge and skills to changed conditions, those. The focus is on the development of the child’s personality, the development of his psychological characteristics (mind, will, feelings, etc.), which allows him to master theoretical thinking.

Developmental learning is a new active method of learning, replacing the illustrative and explanatory method.

Principles of developmental education(according to V.V. Davydov) :

General development of all students;

Training at a high level of complexity;

The leading role of theoretical knowledge;

Studying educational material at a fast pace;

Inclusion of the emotional sphere in the learning process;

Problematization of the content of educational material;

Individual approach;

Using the logic of theoretical thinking: generalization, deduction, reflection, etc.

A training model, as V. Davydov notes, can be considered developmental if it contains the following components:

Understanding that each age corresponds to certain mental neoplasms;

Organization of training based on leading activities of a specific age (game, educational, etc.);

Implementation of the relationship with other types of activities (artistic, labor, etc.);

The presence in the methodological support of the educational process of developments that guarantee the achievement of the necessary development of psychological new formations.

Developmental education is valuable at the present time in that it creates conditions in which the formation of new motives of children takes place on the basis of existing needs and interests, such as: interest in learning and extracurricular knowledge, the desire to know the truth, to be merciful, and to be able to have compassion.

Developmental education covers all aspects of personality development; it is not limited to any of the existing concepts and allows for other approaches.

The priority task of modern pedagogy is the development of students interacting with the environment and striving for self-development. Developmental education takes into account and uses the laws of development, adapts to the level and abilities of the child and is based “on the idea that already at primary school age it is necessary to awaken in the child the ability to be a subject of educational activity (according to L.V. Zankov).

An essential requirement for setting and advancing educational goals within the framework of modern pedagogy is their specificity or productivity, as well as diagnosticity.

What do these requirements mean? Achieving a goal involves obtaining a result with specified properties. These properties must be diagnosed and measured. It is important to predict changes in students and have a tool with which to determine that they have been achieved.

“What can a student do in an atypical situation?” - the main issue of goal setting in modern pedagogy.

The diagnosticity of the goal makes it possible to determine, using criteria, changes in the student that occurred as a result of educational activities.

The desire to achieve child development goals dictates the use of collective learning in the educational process. forms of organization: pair interaction, small groups, intergroup interaction.

Methods teaching in this case is problematic: problematic presentation, partially search, research - their application changes position of student and teacher in the educational process. Supposed subject - subjective the nature of the interaction between teacher and student, which is expressed in the teacher’s implementation of a democratic style, openness, dialogicality and reflexivity of his actions. The student becomes an active subject of activity, actively solves educational problems: explains the meaning of observed phenomena, determines the method of performing the activity, explains the reasons for the observed phenomenon, explores the relationship between quantities, etc.

The position of the teacher changes: he acts not only as a carrier of knowledge, but also as an assistant in the development of the student’s personality; the position of cooperation and informal communication is affirmed. The teacher performs the function of a consultant: he helps the student in the educational process to find a solution to a problem situation.

The conditions under which learning becomes developmental are:

1) Formation of cognitive motivation and interest.

2) Creating a situation of success for the student.

3) Orientation of education towards transferring the student from the zone of actual to the zone of proximal development.

4) Implementation of the transition from collective creative activities to individual creativity.

5) Implementation of the principle of successful learning.

6) Taking into account the mechanism for developing abilities.

Under such conditions, the student becomes subject educational activity, he learns for the sake of self-change, when his development from side and random factors becomes the main task not only for the teacher, but also for himself.

Modern pedagogy is focused not only on the transfer of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but also on the development of the child, the disclosure of his creative potential, abilities and personality traits such as initiative, initiative, imagination, originality, that is, what we consider individuality person. The lesson turns into a lively, interested solution to problems, which contributes to the diversity of educational forms.

But the education system today remains generally inert.

One of the main reasons preventing the implementation of a person-centered approach is the orientation of modern education towards the transfer of certain knowledge, skills and abilities without taking into account personal development, despite the constantly proclaimed guidelines for the development of the student, the disclosure of his creative potential and abilities.

School is one of the most inertial social institutions, in which the educational process bears traces of the assembly line organization of labor. It is not surprising that in such conditions, in solving the problems of individualization and differentiation of learning, self-determination and self-realization of the individual, the importance of additional education for children increases, the concept of which is revealed as a personality-oriented activity aimed at mastering the experience of cooperation between children and adults in the type of creative activity that interests them.

The main “blow” in the implementation of the ideas of humanization of education is taken by additional education, since the secondary school, although in words it professes these ideas, has retained many of the essential features of the “Soviet period”.

The additional education system recognizes the importance of introducing a child to full-fledged creativity. The fundamental pedagogical setting of institutions of additional education for children is the upbringing of a child in which the subject and discipline are not an end in themselves, but a means of forming and improving all facets of the personality: intelligence, practical intelligence, hard work, physical development, character and will to self-realization, in other words, it is a way penetrate into the rich inner world of a child, understand and expand its limits.

Personal development and pedagogical technologies
Any technological process begins with a study of the source material, its properties and suitability for subsequent processing. The same thing happens in pedagogy.

Today, all teachers are united by a common desire to go beyond traditional teaching and upbringing, to find new approaches to organizing the educational process, new methods and new technologies of teaching and upbringing that would meet the principle of conformity with nature and create favorable conditions for the self-development and self-realization of schoolchildren. The main thing that unites everyone is concern for the comprehensive development of the student’s personality.

One of the mistakes of a comprehensive school is that it overloads students’ heads with knowledge, without paying due attention to the development of their abilities: the role of knowledge is exaggerated, it acts as an end in itself, and not as a means of development. The activities of children and the ways in which they acquire knowledge often remain outside the teacher’s field of vision. Educational tasks are mainly of a reproductive nature and come down to performing actions according to a model, which overloads the memory and does not develop the student’s thinking.

Psychologists say that currently only 15-25% of schoolchildren have inclinations in the field of intellectual activity. Consequently, only these children can succeed with traditional teaching technologies. And for the remaining 75-85%, modern requirements are unbearable. The important fact is that the vast majority of children lose interest in learning, are in a state of mental overload, and feel inferior.

A pedagogical conclusion follows from this: it is necessary to reform the educational process. The main goal is to establish a correspondence between the capabilities of children and the requirements placed on them.

This situation can be changed by a radical reorientation of education, a turn from the cult of knowledge to a comprehensive personality development. It is the opportunity for self-development and independent updating of knowledge that prepares a young person for life in the modern world. This means the psychologization of education, the construction and control of the educational process based on the capabilities and needs of the student.

Non-traditional education systems that have emerged in Russia in the last decade have proclaimed the development of the individual as the main value, which is today the priority task of pedagogy. Therefore, it is necessary to turn to consideration of the role of the individual in the educational process.

Pedagogy- area of ​​human activity. Consequently, it includes objects and subjects of the process in its structure.

Academician of RAO V.V. Davydov introduced the concept into science "meaningful generalization", according to which a person is a combination of physical and mental content.

Interacting with the surrounding people and nature, participating in social production, a person exhibits various qualities and properties, the totality of which forms personality.

“Personality,” writes G.K. Selevko in the book “Modern Educational Technologies” (M.: “National Education”, 1998), is the mental, spiritual essence of a person, appearing in various generalized systems of qualities:

A set of socially significant human properties;

A system of relationships to the world and with the world, to oneself and with oneself;

System of activities, social roles, behavioral acts;

Awareness of the world around you and yourself in it;

System of needs;

A set of abilities and creative possibilities;

A set of reactions to external conditions, etc.” (p.5-6).

Throughout life, personality undergoes changes called development. The ability to develop is inherent in man by nature.

Let's consider what “development” is in general and “personal development” in particular.

Development- a fundamental philosophical and scientific concept.

Dictionaries give different interpretations of this concept, which have their own emphasis and complement each other. The most widely used definitions of this concept are:

1)."Development- irreversible, directed, natural change in matter and consciousness, their universal property; as a result of development, a new qualitative state of the object arises - its composition or structure. teachers and parents), the composition and content of the activities of the institution of additional education for children.

2)."Development- irreversible, directed, natural change in material and ideal objects" (“Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary.” - M., 1993, p. 561).

3).Development- “the process of natural change, transition from one state to another, more perfect one; transition from an old qualitative state to a new qualitative state, from simple to complex, from lower to higher" ("Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S.I. Ozhegov, M., "Russian Language", 1987, p. 558). That is, Development is based on the process of creating and mastering innovation.

4)."Development- evolution, change leading to a new state of the subject of development, increasing its social value." (Brockhaus and Efron. "Encyclopedic Dictionary", St. Petersburg, 1904, vol. 79, p. 135). This definition emphasizes the subjective nature development of social subjects, its identity to self-development, the connection of development processes with social values.

5).Development- a process of natural change, transition from one state to another, more perfect: transition from an old state to a new one, from simple to complex, from lower to higher.

Based on these concepts, we specify the concept of “development” in relation to the student’s personality:

Development is qualitative and quantitative changes, i.e. a changed personality with new properties more effectively performs its functions or acquires new ones that were not characteristic of it before;

Development is the process of internal and external changes in personality;

An object can develop by acquiring subjective functions, i.e. the student sets goals for his activities, determines ways to achieve them, etc., in a word, becomes a subject;

Based on this, we can say that personal development - This is a directed, natural physical and mental change in an individual that occurs during a specially organized systematic pedagogical process, leading to a qualitative and quantitative change in the state and properties of students, improving their adaptability to environmental conditions and increasing their social value.

Life has refuted the postulates of Soviet pedagogy: “all children are equal in ability” and “a child is a blank slate on which you can write whatever you want.” Scientists have proven that all children are different in their qualities and properties, therefore, the selection of individual characteristics that are significant in learning to track changes in the child’s development should be carried out based on the category “personality structure,” which reflects in a generalized form all its aspects.

Structure of personality traits

laid down by nature

Individual typological features

Features of the course of mental processes



Personality orientation

Shaped socially




National, gender, age qualities,

Character, etc.




speech, emotions,

remember, will, attention, individual sensations






value orientations





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The modern education reform in Russia, associated with the implementation of a student-oriented approach, has caused a number of serious changes in our usual practice of teaching and raising children:

· updating the content of education;

· introduction of new pedagogical technologies that ensure personal development.

Difficult, sometimes contradictory, but inevitable transformations are also reflected in the activities of institutions of additional education for children. And if the content of education in them has undergone significant changes, then educational technologies are updated slowly: the traditional system is firmly entrenched, and many are struggling with new technologies.

Pedagogical technologies for additional education of children are focused on solving complex psychological and pedagogical problems: teaching a child to work independently, communicate with children and adults, predict and evaluate the results of their work, look for the causes of difficulties and be able to overcome them.

An institution for additional education for children is a special institution that should become not just a place for children to learn, but a space for various forms of communication.

Technological creativity of a teacher is not a new phenomenon. Each technique always contains elements of technology. But today there are a lot of educational technologies used. How to choose yours among them? How to transfer “alien” teaching technology to additional education conditions? In addition, knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies and the ability to navigate their wide range is a condition for the successful work of a teacher today. And this is understandable: after all, any technology, first of all, answers the question: how to achieve the planned result?

The role of the teacher in additional education should be to organize natural activities of children and the ability to pedagogically competently manage the system of relationships in these activities.

Modern pedagogical technologies in the field of additional education for children

The experience of practical use of modern pedagogical technologies in additional education of children is the experience of transformation and adaptation of standards for organizing the educational process, developed by scientists and practitioners for use in secondary and higher schools. Additional education as a special educational institute has its own pedagogical technologies for the development of a child’s creative activity, self-development and self-realization. The majority of public schools use information and educational technologies based on intelligence. One of the mistakes of modern schools is that students’ heads are overloaded with knowledge, their role is exaggerated, they act as an end in themselves, and not as a means of developing the child’s abilities. Children's ways of doing things often remain outside the teacher's field of vision. Educational tasks are mainly of a reproductive nature and come down to performing actions according to a model, which overloads the memory and does not develop the student’s thinking. An institution of additional education for children, in contrast to a mass school, must divide children according to their individual characteristics and interests, teach everyone differently, and the content and methods of teaching must be based on the level of mental development and adjusted depending on the specific capabilities, abilities and requests of the child. As a result, optimal development conditions should be created for the majority of children: they will be able to realize their abilities and master programs. But in reality this does not always happen. As the analysis shows, most classes of additional education teachers are modeled in a traditional monologue form according to the classical class-lesson scheme. The prevailing tendency is to imitate school education and the formal use of traditional educational technologies. And this must be overcome using the advantages of the additional education system.

The activities of the institution of additional education for children are based on the following principles:

· differentiation, individualization, variability of education;

· development of children's creative abilities, which is expressed in the fact that creative principles dominate in organized educational activities and creativity is considered as a unique criterion for assessing personality and relationships in a team;

· taking into account the real possibilities and conditions for providing educational programs with material, technological, human and financial resources;

· taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students when including them in various types of activities;

· orientation to the needs of society and the student’s personality;

· possible adjustment of the curriculum taking into account changing conditions and requirements for the level of education of the individual, the ability of students to adapt to the modern socio-cultural environment.

Personal approach to working with students

personal educational additional children

The personal approach to the child, which is the basis of the pedagogy of cooperation, places at the center of additional education the development of the child’s personality, his inner world, where undeveloped abilities and capabilities, undiscovered talents and potentials are hidden. The purpose of additional education is to awaken these inner powers of the child and use them for the more complete development of his personality.

The pedagogy of cooperation presupposes a humane attitude towards children, which includes:

The teacher’s interest in their fate;

Cooperation, communication,

Absence of coercion, punishment, evaluation, prohibitions that oppress the individual;

Treating the child as a unique individual (“there is a miracle in every child”);

Tolerance for children's shortcomings, faith in the child and his strengths (“all children are talented”).

The pedagogy of cooperation is unthinkable without the democratization of relations in the institution of additional education for children, which states:

The child’s right to freely choose the direction of activity, time of classes, volume and level of complexity of educational material, teacher, etc.;

The right of each participant in the educational process to their own point of view;

Creating situations of success, approval, support, goodwill (“learning brings joy”);

Informal style of relationship between teacher and children.

A new interpretation of the individualization of learning in cooperation pedagogy is that in the education system we go not from the academic subject, but from the child to the academic subject, take into account and develop its potential, take into account the abilities of children and design individual programs for their development.

An interesting activity in which a child becomes a participant has great social significance and influences him because:

Social and emotional experience is gained;

Attention is focused on the social significance of what is happening;

The socio-cultural value of the common cause is highlighted;

The child has real interaction with other children, which is reinforced by friendship and communication;

The ability to interact with people is developed.

Therefore, a teacher in additional education has a stronger influence on children than in school. Hence the increased demands on the personal qualities of a teacher. The educational specifics of additional education for children include a paradigm of developmental, person-oriented learning, aimed at the development of each student, at the humanization of relationships between teachers, children and parents, built on universal human values. Its essence is to consider the child not as a means, but as a goal of education, i.e. make him a subject of training, education and development.

Application of an individual approach in the modern world

At the present stage, it poses serious challenges to teaching staff, predetermined by the peculiarities of social development that modern personnel require. In accordance with this, the requirements for future specialists are increasing. He is required to be able to quickly adapt to a changing environment and make decisions in a non-standard environment. In this regard, an important role is given to an individual approach to students, which allows them to form an active, proactive, independent personality, striving to improve their cultural and professional level. Individual educational and cognitive activity should be considered taking into account its pedagogical patterns, structure and content, rational organization and improving the quality and accessibility of training. Currently, the dominant position in educational activities is occupied by a person-oriented process of cognition, close to the needs, interests, inclinations and abilities of students.

In modern science, an individual approach is considered as a means of solving the main contradictions of the educational process: between the social form of the existence of culture and the individual form of appropriation, between the collective form of learning and individual characteristics of cognition.

An individual approach within the framework of traditional education is based on knowledge of anatomical, physiological, psychological, age and individual characteristics: temperament; character; health conditions; age-related characteristics associated with the natural development of the body, and taking these characteristics into account in various types of activities.

An individual approach consists of pedagogical support for the student’s development, based on a deep knowledge of his personality traits and his life. When we talk about an individual approach, we do not mean adapting the goals and basic content and education to an individual student, but adapting the forms and methods of pedagogical interaction to individual characteristics in order to ensure the designed level of personal development. An individual approach creates the most favorable opportunities for the development of the cognitive powers, activity, inclinations and talents of each student. “Difficult” pupils, low-ability schoolchildren, and creative gifted children especially need an individual approach. Just as children differ in their physical qualities, so the strength required for mental work varies. The competence of the teacher plays a significant role in the implementation of an individual approach. The teaching profession is both transformative and managerial. And in order to manage personal development, you need to be competent. The concept of a teacher’s professional competence is therefore expressed in the unity of her theoretical and practical readiness to carry out teaching activities and characterizes his professionalism. The content of teacher training for a particular specialty is presented in a qualification characteristic - a normative model of teacher competence, reflecting the scientifically based composition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. A qualification characteristic is, in essence, a set of generalized requirements for a teacher at the level of his theoretical and practical experience. In general, psychological and pedagogical knowledge is determined by educational programs.


So, let’s summarize the consideration of this issue. Individual approach is considered as one of the most important principles of learning. He, unlike other didactic principles, emphasizes the need for systematic consideration of not only the socially typical, but also the individually unique in the personality of each student. An individual approach is an active, formative, developmental principle, thereby implying the creative development of the child’s individuality. In this regard, the teacher must take into account the type of temperament and individual characteristics of the students. In the process of individual training, potential opportunities and immediate prospects for personal development are diagnosed. Value orientations, life plans, and personality orientation are certainly related to individual characteristics.

Every creative teacher faces many problems, which he sometimes works to resolve throughout his teaching life. The key ones, in our opinion:

how to ensure every student's educational success;

how to ensure not a mechanical assimilation of the sum of knowledge, but, first of all, the acquisition of social experience by each student.

The principle of a differentiated approach to learning, but implemented at the individual (subject) level, can be aimed at resolving the main contradiction of the traditional school, associated with the group form of organization of training and the individual nature of knowledge acquisition.

This interpretation of a differentiated approach at the individual (subject) level is caused by the following considerations.

Firstly, no child is alike. Everyone has their own individual set of abilities, temperament, character, will, motivation, experience, etc. They develop, change, and can be corrected. This means that the individual characteristics of even an individual student cannot be fully taken into account when organizing educational activities.

Secondly, children are not only, and not so much, the object of pedagogical influence, but the subject of their own activity.

Therefore, when speaking about the development of a child, we must first of all keep in mind his self-development.


1. Akimova M.K., Kozlova V.P. Students' individuality and individual approach. M., 2002. Individual approach in the learning process E.S. Rabunsky. M.: Pedagogy, 2000.

2. Makarov, S.P. Technology of individual training / S.P. Makarov // Pedagogical Bulletin. 1994. No. 1.

3. Fainberg, S. Each child has its own temperament and character / S. Fainberg // Preschool education. 2010.

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Subject: " Modern pedagogical technologies in the field of additional education for children"

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Additional education as a special educational institute has its own pedagogical technologies for the development of a child’s creative activity, self-development and self-realization. The majority of public schools use information and educational technologies based on intelligence. One of the mistakes of modern schools is that students’ heads are overloaded with knowledge, their role is exaggerated, they act as an end in themselves, and not as a means of developing the child’s abilities. Children's ways of doing things often remain outside the teacher's field of vision. Educational tasks are mainly of a reproductive nature and come down to performing actions according to a model, which overloads the memory and does not develop the student’s thinking.

An institution of additional education for children, in contrast to a mass school, must divide children according to their individual characteristics and interests, teach everyone differently, and the content and methods of teaching must be based on the level of mental development and adjusted depending on the specific capabilities, abilities and requests of the child. As a result, optimal development conditions should be created for the majority of children: they will be able to realize their abilities and master programs.

But in reality this does not always happen. As the analysis shows, most classes of additional education teachers are modeled in a traditional monologue form according to the classical class-lesson scheme. The prevailing tendency is to imitate school education and the formal use of traditional educational technologies. And this must be overcome using the advantages of the additional education system.

The activities of the institution of additional education for children are based on the following principles:

    differentiation, individualization, variability of education;

    development of children's creative abilities, expressed in the fact that organized educational activities are dominated by creativity and creativity is considered as a unique criterion for assessing personality and relationships in a team;

    taking into account the real possibilities and conditions for providing educational programs with material, technological, human and financial resources;

    taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students when including them in various types of activities;

    focus on the needs of society and the student’s personality;

    possible adjustment of the curriculum taking into account changing conditions and requirements for the level of education of the individual, the possibility of adapting students to the modern socio-cultural environment.

In my practice, I adhere to the following “guidelines”, which best suit the specifics of additional education for children:

    The universal talent of children: there are no untalented children, but there are those who have not yet found their business.

    Mutual superiority: if someone does something worse than others, then something must turn out better - this “something” needs to be looked for.

    The inevitability of change: no judgment about a child can be considered final.

    Success breeds success. The main task is to create a situation of success for all children in every lesson, especially for those who are not sufficiently prepared: it is important to make them feel that they are no worse than others.

    There are no incapable children: if everyone is given time corresponding to their personal abilities and capabilities, then it is possible to ensure the assimilation of the necessary educational material.

In the context of additional education, it is more important to answer the question not “what to teach?”, but “how to teach?”, because Given the diversity of the content of additional education, it is advisable not to endlessly expand the range of programs, but to look for ways to organize creative activity and the experience of an emotional attitude to the world that will provide comfortable conditions for the development of the student’s personality.

The object of any educational technology in additional education is not so much the subject content as the ways of organizing various types of activities of students and the organizational forms of the educational process as a whole.

By its specificity, the educational process in an institution of additional education for children is developmental in nature, i.e. is aimed primarily at the development of natural inclinations, at realizing the interests of children and at developing their general, creative and special abilities. Accordingly, the achievement by students of a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities should not be an end in itself for constructing a process, but a means of multifaceted development of the child and his abilities.

Defining the main goal of education and training as personal development, I proceed from the fact that every educational lesson, every educational event should ensure the intellectual and social development of the individual.

Currently, teachers of institutions of additional education for children are increasingly beginning to consciously use new educational technologies designed for the self-education of children and their maximum self-realization in society. Therefore, we are of great interestpersonality-oriented technologies of developmental training and education, the focus of which is a unique personality striving to realize their capabilities and capable of making responsible choices in a variety of life situations.

The absence of strict regulation of activities in institutions of additional education for children, humanistic relationships between participants in voluntary associations of children and adults, comfortable conditions for the creative and individual development of children, adaptation of their interests to any sphere of human life create favorable conditions for the introduction of personality-oriented technologies into the practice of their activities.

Technology of personality-oriented developmental training (I.S. Yakimanskaya) combines learning (normatively compliant activity of society) and teaching (individual activity of the child).

Target technologies of person-centered learning - maximum development (and not the formation of predetermined) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his existing life experience.

Additional education should not force anything; on the contrary, it creates conditions for the child to be included in natural activities, creates a nutritious environment for his development. The content, methods and techniques of student-centered learning technology are aimed primarily at revealing and using the subjective experience of each student, helping to develop a personality through the organization of cognitive activity.

The fundamental thing is that the institution of additional education does not force the child to study, but creates conditions for everyone to competently choose the content of the subject being studied and the pace of its development. The child comes here himself, voluntarily, in his free time from the main classes at school, chooses the subject that interests him and the teacher he likes. The teacher’s task is not to “give” material, but to awaken interest, reveal the capabilities of everyone, and organize the joint cognitive and creative activity of each child.

In accordance with this technology, an individual educational program is drawn up for each student, which, unlike an academic one, is individual in nature, based on the characteristics inherent in a given student, and flexibly adapts to his capabilities and development dynamics.

In the technology of student-centered learning, the center of the entire educational system is the individuality of the child’s personality, therefore, the methodological basis of this technology is differentiation and individualization of learning.

“Differentiation” translated from Latin means division, stratification of a whole into different parts.

The preparation of educational material takes into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children, and the educational process is aimed at the “zone of proximal development” of the student. Thus, training is organized at different levels, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, as well as taking into account the specifics of the academic subject based on the activity, independence, communication of children and on a contractual basis: everyone is responsible for the results of their work. The main emphasis in training is on independent work in combination with techniques of mutual examination, mutual assistance, and mutual training.

Technology of individualization of training (adaptive) – a teaching technology in which an individual approach and an individual form of training are a priority (Inge Unt, V.D. Shadrikov). Individual approach as a learning principle is implemented to a certain extent in many technologies, which is why it is considered a pervasive technology.

At school, individualization of learning is carried out by the teacher, and in institutions of additional education for children - by the student himself, because he goes to study in the direction that interests him.

The main advantage of individual learning is that it allows you to adapt the content, methods, forms, and pace of learning to the individual characteristics of each student, monitor his progress in learning, and make the necessary correction. This allows the student to work economically and control their expenses, which guarantees success in learning. Therefore, a teacher in additional education has a stronger influence on children than in school. Hence the increased demands on the personal qualities of a teacher.

There are technologies in which achieving a creative level is a priority goal. The most fruitful application in the system of additional education isTechnology of collective creative activity (I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov) which is widely used in additional education.

The technology is based on organizational principles:

    socially useful orientation of the activities of children and adults;

    cooperation between children and adults;

    romanticism and creativity.

Technology goals:

    identify, take into account, develop the creative abilities of children and introduce them to a variety of creative activities with access to a specific product that can be recorded (product, model, layout, essay, work, research, etc.)

    education of a socially active creative personality and contributes to the organization of social creativity aimed at serving people in specific social situations.

Technology presupposes such an organization of joint activities of children and adults, in which all members of the team participate in the planning, preparation, implementation and analysis of any task.

The motive for children's activities is the desire for self-expression and self-improvement. Game, competitiveness, and competition are widely used. Collective creative activities are social creativity aimed at serving people. Their content is caring for a friend, for oneself, for close and distant people in specific practical social situations. Creative activity of different age groups is aimed at search, invention and has social significance. The main teaching method is dialogue, verbal communication between equal partners. The main methodological feature is the subjective position of the individual.

Classrooms are created as creative laboratories or workshops (biological, physical, linguistic, artistic, technical, etc.), in which children, regardless of age, receive initial vocational training.

Evaluating results - praise for initiative, publication of work, exhibition, award, awarding a title, etc. To evaluate results, special creative books are developed, where achievements and successes are noted.

Age stages of creativity technology:

Junior schoolchildren: game forms of creative activity; mastering the elements of creativity in practical activities; discovering the ability to create some creative products.

Secondary schoolchildren: creativity in a wide range of applied industries (modeling, design, etc.); participation in mass literary, musical, theatrical, and sports events.

Senior schoolchildren: carrying out creative projects aimed at improving the world; research works; essays.

Features of creative technology:

    free groups in which the child feels relaxed;

    pedagogy of cooperation, co-creation;

    application of teamwork techniques: brainstorming, business game, creative discussion;

    the desire for creativity, self-expression, self-realization.

The purpose of the technology is to shape the thinking of students, prepare them to solve non-standard problems in various fields of activity, and teach creative activity.

Technology of research (problem-based) teaching, in which the organization of classes involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active work of students to resolve them, resulting in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities; The educational process is built as a search for new cognitive guidelines.

The child independently comprehends leading concepts and ideas, and does not receive them from the teacher in a ready-made form. The technology of research (problem-based) learning is not new. It became widespread in the 20-30s in the Soviet and foreign schools and is based on the theoretical principles of the American philosopher J. Dewey. M. Makhmutov, V. Okon, N. Nikandrov, I.Ya. made a great contribution to its development. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin.

Gaming technologies (Pidkasisty P.I., Elkonin D.B.) have means that activate and intensify the activities of students. They are based on pedagogical play as the main type of activity aimed at mastering social experience.

The pedagogical possibilities of play in the life of a group were discovered long ago; J.-A. wrote about the importance of play. Comenius, Pestalozzi. Significant contributions to game theory were made by K.D. Ushinsky, S.T. Shatsky et al.

Gaming technologies as a socio-psychological phenomenon are a unique technique for mastering the culture of mankind.

A game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved. A pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

Modern pedagogy also recognizes the important role of play, which allows the child to actively engage in activities, improves his position in the team, and creates trusting relationships. “Game, as defined by L.S. Vygotsky, is the space of “internal socialization” of the child, a means of assimilating social attitudes.”

The following classifications of pedagogical games are distinguished:

By type of activity (physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological);

By the nature of the pedagogical process (teaching, training, cognitive, training, controlling, cognitive, developmental, reproductive, creative, communicative, etc.);

According to gaming methods (plot, role-playing, business, simulation, etc.);

According to the gaming environment (with and without an object, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, computer, etc.).

Basic principles of gaming technologies:

Nature and cultural conformity;

Ability to model and dramatize;

Freedom of activity;

Emotional elation;


The goals of gaming technology education are broad:

Didactic: broadening one’s horizons, applying knowledge in practice, developing certain skills;

Educational: nurturing independence, cooperation, sociability, communication;

Developmental: development of personality qualities and structures;

Social: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society, adaptation to environmental conditions.

The ability to engage in games is not related to age, but the content and features of the methods of playing games depend on age.

In practical work, additional education teachers often use ready-made, well-developed games with accompanying educational and didactic material. Thematic games are related to the material being studied, for example, “Simulation of real-life cases”, “Natural disaster”, “Time travel”, etc. A special feature of such classes is the preparation of students to solve vital problems and real difficulties. An imitation of a real life situation is created in which the student needs to act.

Usually the group is divided into subgroups, each of which independently works on a task. Then the results of the activities of the subgroups are discussed, evaluated, and the most interesting developments are identified.

Game technology is used by teachers in working with students of different ages, from the youngest to high school students, and is used in organizing classes in all areas of activity, which helps children feel themselves in a real situation and prepare to make decisions in life. All early development groups for preschoolers use gaming technologies.

New information technologies for education

in additional education of children


All training, developmental, educational, social technologies used in additional education of children are aimed at:

Wake up children's activity;

Equip them with optimal ways to carry out activities;

Bring this activity to the creative process;

Rely on the independence, activity and communication of children.

New pedagogical technologies can radically transform the learning process. In the conditions of additional education, a child develops by participating in gaming, cognitive, and work activities, therefore the goal of introducing innovative technologies is to let children feel the joy of work in learning, awaken a sense of self-worth in their hearts, and solve the social problem of developing the abilities of each student by including him in active activities, bringing ideas on the topic being studied to the formation of stable concepts and skills.

Having studied and analyzed the approaches to organizing training and education existing in pedagogical science and practice, it can be argued that the scientific and pedagogical basis for organizing the activities of an institution of additional education for children are person-oriented technologies of training and education: with their help, the process of creating opportunities for students is more actively carried out. self-realization, developing individual creative abilities. In additional education, due to the organizational forms used in it and the different nature of motivation, various student-oriented technologies have become its distinctive feature. Here education and development come closest to the concepts of “self-education” and “self-development”.

Modern technologies in the work of institutions of additional education for children are combined with everything valuable that has been accumulated in domestic and foreign experience, in family and folk pedagogy, they allow you to choose the most effective ways and techniques for organizing children’s activities and create the most comfortable conditions for their communication, activity and self-development .

The modern organization of the educational process in an institution of additional education for children has a personality-oriented orientation, promotes the full development of those abilities that are needed by the individual and society, which include the individual in social and value activity, contribute to his self-determination, and provide opportunities for effective self-education throughout his subsequent life. life.

The educational process in an institution of additional education for children is built on the basis of the implementation of various types of children’s activities; everyone is provided with a free choice of the pace and depth of mastering educational programs, and active interaction of children of different ages is carried out in the educational process. Personality-oriented technologies “launch” internal mechanisms of personality development.

The success of using a new technology does not depend on the ability of the teacher to implement a certain teaching method in practice, but on the effectiveness and correctness of the application of the chosen method at a certain stage of the lesson, when solving a given problem and in working with a specific contingent of children.

But the main thing is that the teacher must be able to independently analyze his work, identify shortcomings, determine their causes and develop ways to correct them, that is, the main professional skills for this work of a teacher are analytical.

Thus, when introducing new technology into the educational process, a teacher must be able to:

    apply teaching methods and techniques used in this technology;

    conduct and analyze training sessions based on new technology;

    teach children new ways of working;

    evaluate the results of introducing new technology into practice using pedagogical diagnostic methods.

Used Books

    Anisimov O.S. Educational and pedagogical activities in active forms of learning. – M., 1989.

    Arstanov M.Zh., Pidkasisty P.I., Khaidarov Zh.S. Problem-based modular training: issues of theory and technology. – Alma-Ata: Mektep, 1980.- 208 p.

    Apatova N.V. Information technologies in school education. - M., 1994.

    Bespalko V.P. Programmed training. Didactic basics. - M., 1970.

    Bespalko V.P. Elements of the theory of learning process management. - M., 1971.

    Clarin M.V. Pedagogical technology in the educational process: Analysis of foreign experience. – M.: Knowledge, 1989.

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. – M.: Public Education, 1998. – p. 5-6.

    Selevko G.K. Developmental learning technologies. //School technologies No. 4, 1997.

    Simonenko N.E. Ways to enhance creative activity./ Self-worth of childhood and children's culture. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. – Minsk, 1999, p. 50-53
