MPGU vacancies for transfer. Transfer from MPGU to another university. Conditions for recovery

I approve

Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University




1.1. This regulation establishes the procedure and general requirements for the transfer procedure for students and trainees (hereinafter referred to as students) and regulates:

Enrollment of students by transfer to the State educational institution of higher professional education of the city of Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University" (hereinafter referred to as the University) from other higher educational institutions for the second and subsequent years;

Transfer of University students to other higher and secondary vocational educational institutions;

Transfer of University students from one educational program to another;

Transferring students from one form or basis of training to another.

1.2. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (higher educational institutions) of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001. ; “Model regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution)”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001. No. 71; The procedure for transferring students from one higher educational institution of the Russian Federation to another, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001. No. 000; Regulations on external studies in state and municipal higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated October 14, 1997 No. 000; by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 26. No. 000 “On approval of the procedure for admitting citizens to state and municipal educational institutions of higher professional education for the 2009/2010 academic year”; Charter of the University.

1.3. The transfer of students is carried out, as a rule, at the beginning of the academic semester: from August 26 to September 10 and from January 20 to February 15 in the manner established by these Regulations.



2.1. The procedure for transferring students from other universities to the University applies to students and students receiving higher professional education in accredited educational programs.

2.2. Transfer of students receiving education in non-accredited higher educational institutions to the University can be carried out after they exercise the right to certification in the form of an external study.

2.3. Enrollment of students from other universities into the University by transfer is carried out into the second and subsequent years of a specialized educational program of the same level.

2.4. When transferring students to the University to places financed from budgetary funds, the total duration of their studies should not exceed the standard period of study established by the working curriculum of the University for the chosen specialty (direction) by more than 1 academic year. Exceptions may be allowed only for certain categories of citizens (refugees, children of military personnel, persons affected by disasters, etc.).

2.6. To undergo the transfer and certification procedure, the student must provide the following documents to the university admissions committee:

Application for admission by way of transfer addressed to the rector of the University;

A copy of the university accreditation certificate (with attachments), certified by the original educational institution;

A photocopy of the grade book or state-issued academic certificate.

2.7. The decision to transfer is made by the certification commission of the faculty (institute) on the basis of the certification test. If the certification commission makes a positive decision on enrollment, the student is issued a standard certificate of consent to his transfer to the University.

2.8. The student submits the specified certificate to the original educational institution with a written statement about expulsion in connection with the transfer and the need to issue him an academic certificate and a document on education, on the basis of which he was enrolled in the university. Before receiving the documents necessary for enrollment in the University, he is allowed to study by order of the University Rector.

2.9. The final decision on the admission of a student by transfer is made by the rector of the University upon the proposal of the certification commission of the faculty (institute) and the documents submitted by the student:

Education document (for students - a notarized copy);

Academic certificate, diploma of incomplete higher education or diploma of higher professional education of the state standard.

2.10. If a difference in a student’s curriculum is identified, the University Rector’s order on transfer establishes deadlines for its elimination:

For full-time and part-time forms of study - within 2 months from the date of enrollment;

2.11. The University Admissions Committee creates and registers the student’s personal file, which includes an application for transfer, an academic certificate, a document on education (for students - a notarized photocopy) and an extract from the order of enrollment in the transfer order, as well as an agreement, if enrollment is carried out for places with tuition fees paid.

2.12. The student is issued a student ID and grade book.



3.1. The transfer of students within the University from one educational program to another is carried out upon the personal application of a student or listener with visas of two heads of educational structural units.

3.2. The transfer of the student is carried out while maintaining the basis of training (paid or free), in accordance with which he studied before the transfer. When transferring to an educational program for which there is no budgetary enrollment, transfer is possible only on an extra-budgetary basis.

3.3. When transferring a student to a non-core educational program on a budgetary basis, the total duration of his studies should not exceed the standard period established by the University’s working curriculum for the chosen specialty (direction), by more than 1 academic year.

3.4. Transfer of students from one educational program to another is carried out, as a rule, at the beginning of the academic semester.

3.5. When a University student is transferred to another faculty (institute), he is issued an archival certificate of the established form, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the educational structural unit.

3.6. If an academic difference is identified in the curriculum during transfer, the student is obliged to eliminate it within the following time frame:

For distance learning – before the start of the next test and examination session.

3.7. The student's grade book and educational card are preserved, and appropriate corrections are made to them, certified by the signature and seal of the head of the educational structural unit. The student is issued a new student card.



4.1. The transfer of students from one form of study to another according to the same educational program is carried out, as a rule, at the beginning of the semester, subject to the student successfully passing the previous test and examination session.

4.2. The transfer of full-time or part-time students to the full-time graduation course is not allowed.

4.3. If an academic difference is identified in the curriculum during transfer, the student is obliged to eliminate it within the following time frame:

For full-time and part-time forms of study - within 2 months from the date of transfer;

For distance learning – before the start of the next test and examination session.

4.4. Transfer of a student from one form of study to another is carried out upon a personal application addressed to the rector of the University, endorsed by the dean of the faculty or director of the institute, and is formalized by order of the University. The order is prepared by the faculty or institute

4.5. When transferring to another form of study, the student's grade book and study card are retained, and he is also issued a new student card.

4.6. A University student studying on a paid basis has the right to switch to free (budget) education upon successful completion of the basic educational program of the chosen educational program, expressed in the form of achieving high academic success for at least two years of study, usually the last.

4.7. The decision to transfer a student from paid to free education is made by the rector of the University on the recommendation of the academic council of the faculty (institute) of the University.

4.8. A student studying at the University on a budgetary basis has the right to transfer to a non-budgetary education basis at his own request.


5.1. University students have the right to transfer to another higher or secondary vocational educational institution with a positive decision of the host educational institution.

5.2. If the decision on transfer to another university (college) is positive, the receiving university issues the student a certificate of the established form. He provides this certificate to the University and submits a written application to the rector with a request for expulsion in connection with a transfer to another university (college) and the issuance of an academic certificate and a document on education, on the basis of which he was enrolled in the University.

5.3. Based on the submitted certificate and application, within 10 days from the date of submission of the application, an order of the University Rector is issued on expulsion in connection with the transfer and an academic certificate is prepared.

5.4. After the order is issued, the student is given a document on education and an academic certificate of the established form. It is allowed to hand over documents to a person who has a power of attorney to do so, executed in the prescribed manner. Without a power of attorney, documents are issued to the student’s legal representatives if he is under 18 years of age.

5.5. In the personal file of a student expelled due to transfer to another university (college), the following remain:

A copy of the education document;

Materials of entrance examinations;

Extract from the order of deduction in connection with the transfer;

Student ID;

Record book;

A photocopy of the academic certificate issued to the student;

Study card;

Help from the library.

5.6. The student’s personal file is drawn up in the prescribed manner and transferred to the University archives.

The regulation was discussed and adopted at a meeting of the Academic Council of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Moscow State Pedagogical University dated January 1, 2001 (minutes No. 9).

Moscow Department of Education

"Moscow City Pedagogical University"

“______”______________2009 No.________________________

2nd Agricultural Ave., 4


Issued ____________ full name ______________________

The fact that he (she) on the basis of a personal statement and a photocopy of the grade book

(date of issue and registration number of the grade book)

issued by the State educational institution of higher professional education of the city of Moscow "Moscow Pedagogical State University"

was admitted to certification tests, which he successfully passed.

This person will be enrolled by transfer to continue education in the basic educational program in the field of training (specialty)

(name in accordance with the current classifier of directions and specialties of higher professional education)

after presenting a document of education and academic certificate.

Rector (vice-rector) (signature)

State educational institution

higher professional education in Moscow

"Moscow City Pedagogical University"




This certificate was issued to student _________________________________________ (full full name)

is that he (s) during his studies at the faculty _________________________________________________

completed the curriculum in the specialty (direction)__________________________________________

and passed the following tests and exams:



The amount of hours

Test (exam) results

Number of test and examination sheet

Test (exam) date

Dean of the Faculty ____________________/full name/

Faculty seal

If you want to change your educational institution, and in some cases, the direction of your studies, it is important to know that at the legislative level there are no obstacles to such a maneuver. Every student has the right to study at the university that suits him best in terms of curriculum, location, availability of a convenient learning format and subsequent career prospects.

List of required documents for transfer from MPGU

Having chosen a new educational institution that meets all the requirements, the student submits an application to the desired university with a request for admission to study, indicating the specialty and course. In addition, you must provide a copy of your grade book, which indicates the disciplines completed during your studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University, along with your grades. Next, the administration of the host university draws up a certification plan - a procedure during which the applicant for training passes the difference in the curriculum, that is, those disciplines that cannot be re-credited when changing universities. It is worth noting that at this stage of transfer the student continues to be enrolled in his university.

Having passed the prescribed tests and received permission for admission to study, the transfer student submits an application for expulsion and a request for the issuance of an academic certificate along with a certificate, which at one time served as the basis for admission to Moscow State Pedagogical University. Having received the necessary documents, the student takes them to the admissions office of the chosen university. All that remains is to wait for official enrollment, with which the student receives a new student ID and grade book.

List of required documents for enrollment from Moscow State Pedagogical University

Translation and restoration


Conditions and features of transfer from another educational organization

If you want to transfer to training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, you will need to contact.

Transfer procedure

  1. Download the application for consideration of the possibility of enrollment by transfer and fill it out according to.
  2. Submit your application to Training Division educational structural unit in which the educational program that suits you is implemented. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of the period of study at the educational organization from which you plan to transfer.
  3. Wait until a decision is made on the possibility of enrollment by transfer from another educational organization.
    If necessary, you may be invited to a meeting of the certification committee for an interview.
  4. Receive a certificate confirming enrollment in the order of transfer to the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU. The validity period of the certificate confirming enrollment is 20 days from the date of its registration. Along with the certificate, you will be given a copy of the certification sheet, which lists the disciplines re-credited and/or re-certified for you.
  5. Apply for expulsion in the order of transfer to the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU to the educational organization from which you are transferring. Please attach to your application a certificate confirming your enrollment in the order of transfer to the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU.
  6. After the order for your expulsion from the educational organization in which you previously studied is issued, you will receive an extract from the order of expulsion in the order of transfer to the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Pedagogical University.
  7. Download the enrollment form in the order of transfer and fill it out.
  8. Please submit an application to the educational structural unit of the institute that implements the educational program to which you are transferring. An extract from the order of expulsion from the educational organization in which you previously studied must be attached to the application.
  9. Wait for the order for enrollment by transfer from another educational organization to be issued - the procedure lasts 5 working days from the date of submission of the application for enrollment by transfer.


Conditions for recovery

  1. You were previously a student at our University.
  2. No more than 5 years have passed since your expulsion.

If you want to be reinstated in scientific and pedagogical personnel training programs, you will need to contact.

Recovery Features

Recovery procedure

  1. and fill it out according to .
  2. Apply to Training Division educational structural unit in which the educational program for which you are being reinstated is implemented.
  3. Please wait until a decision is made on the terms of your recovery. If necessary, you may be invited to a meeting of the certification committee for an interview.
  4. Come to familiarize yourself with the prepared documents: an individual curriculum and an agreement (if the training will be carried out on an extra-budgetary basis) and, if you agree with the terms of training, sign them.
  5. Pay for training according to the terms of the contract (if training will be carried out on an extra-budgetary basis).
  6. Wait for the restoration order to be issued. The procedure lasts 15 days from the date of filing the application for restoration.
  7. Get your student ID and start studying.


Features of transfer to another structural unit of Moscow State Pedagogical University

To carry out the transfer procedure to another structural unit of MSPU, you need to obtain a certificate of the period of study from the structural unit in which you are currently studying.

Transfer procedure

  1. to another structural unit of Moscow State Pedagogical University and fill it out according to.
  2. Sign the application from the head of your educational structural unit in the “Approved” column
  3. Sign an application from the head of the educational structural unit to which you plan to transfer (in the “Agreed” column)
  4. Submit your application to the educational department of the structural unit to which you plan to transfer.
  5. Wait until a decision is made on the conditions of your transfer to another structural unit. If necessary, you may be invited to a meeting of the certification committee for an interview.
  6. Come to familiarize yourself with the prepared documents: an individual curriculum and an agreement (if the training will be carried out on an extra-budgetary basis) and, if you agree with the terms of training, sign them.
  7. Wait for the order to transfer to another structural unit to be issued. The procedure lasts 15 days from the date of submission of the transfer application.
  8. Get your student ID and start studying.


Transfer procedure

  1. Download the form and fill it out according to. Or download and fill it out according to.
  2. Sign the application from the head of your educational structural unit in the “Approved” column.
  3. Submit your application to the educational department of the structural unit in which you are studying.
  4. Wait until a decision is made on the conditions for changing the form of study/program of study. If necessary, you may be invited to a meeting of the certification committee for an interview.
  5. Come to familiarize yourself with the prepared documents: an individual curriculum and an agreement (if the training will be carried out on an extra-budgetary basis) and, if you agree with the terms of training, sign them.
  6. Wait for the order to transfer to another form of education/other training program to be issued. The procedure lasts 15 days from the date of submission of the transfer application.
  7. Get your student ID and start studying.


Features of the transition from paid to free training

  1. Transfer is carried out only if there are vacant budget places in the relevant educational program in the specialty, field of study and form of study in the relevant course.
    Vacant budget places
  2. At the time of submitting the application there should be no: academic debt, disciplinary sanctions, tuition debt.
  3. The decision to transfer from paid to free education is made by a specially created University commission.

Transfer conditions (the student must meet one of the conditions)

  1. passing exams for the last two semesters of study preceding the application, with grades “excellent”, “excellent” and “good” or “good”;
  2. assignment to the following categories of citizens:
    - orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
    - citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the city of Moscow;
    - women who gave birth to a child during their studies;
  3. loss by a student during the period of study of one or both parents (legal representatives) or a single parent (legal representative).

Where to apply: to the educational structural unit in which the student is studying.

Required documents

  1. Student Application;
  2. An extract from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council of the USP with a request for the student to transfer from paid to free education;
  3. Document confirming preferential status (if available);
  4. Documents confirming special achievements in educational, scientific, cultural, creative, sports and other activities (if such documents are available);
  5. Document confirming the absence of disciplinary action;
  6. Document confirming that there is no debt on tuition fees.
  7. A document on the results of passing exams for the last two semesters of study (when transferring to academic performance).

The procedure for switching from paid to free education

  1. No later than 15 days from the deadline for submitting applications, a meeting of the commission on the transition from paid to free education is held.
  2. The decision to switch (or refuse to switch) from paid to free education is fixed in the protocol.
  3. The transition takes place from October 1 or April 1.
  4. No later than 10 calendar days from the date of the Commission meeting, an order is issued to transfer students from paid education to free education.
  5. A student transferred to free education (full-time budget form) is assigned a state academic scholarship from the 1st day of the month of the transition.

2.1. A student at MPGU has the right to transfer from one educational program (bachelor's/specialist/master's degree) of higher education to another within MPGU and from one form of study to another if there are vacancies in the corresponding course, educational program of higher education and form of study.

2.2. Translation to firstnot implemented.

2.3. The student has the right to transfer no earlier than the completion of the previous academic year (semester). The academic difference when transferring should be no more5 disciplines.If there is an academic difference of more than 5 disciplines, the student may transfer one or more semesters lower.

2.4. The timing of the transfer is regulated annually by the Admissions Committee. In the summer, the transfer is carried out to an odd-numbered semester, in the winter for an even semester.

2.5. To transfer, you must provide the Admissions Committee with:

    an application addressed to the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University with a visa for the head of a structural unit, the date of certification tests and an indication of the difference in curricula;

    copy of passport;

2.6. The issue of transfer is considered at a meeting of the Admissions Committee on the basis of certification tests. The list, programs and form of certification tests are established by MPGU independently.

2.7. If the decision is positive, the documents are transferred under signature

2.8. The transfer order is prepared by the institute/faculty and agreed with the Office of Academic Policy and Organization of the Educational Process.

3. The procedure and conditions for the enrollment of students in the order of transfer from other educational organizations of higher education to MPGU

3.1. Transfer of students from other educational institutions of higher education with state accreditation and license is carried out to the educational program appropriate level based on the results of certification tests. Transfer of students from non-accredited areas of training/specialties not implemented.

3.2. Transfer to vacant positions is carried out both to a corresponding educational program (bachelor's/specialist/master's degree) and to an inappropriate one.

3.3. Translation to first semester of the first year of educational programs of higher education not implemented.

3.4. The student has the right to transfer no earlier than the completion of the previous academic year (semester). The academic difference when transferring should be no more5 disciplines.If there is an academic difference of more than 5 disciplines, the student may transfer one or more semesters lower.

3.5. The timing of the transfer is regulated annually by the Admissions Committee. In the summer, the transfer is carried out to an odd-numbered semester, in the winter for an even semester.

3.6. To transfer, you must provide the following documents to the Admissions Committee:

    an application addressed to the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University with a visa for the head of a structural unit, the date of certification and an indication of the difference in curricula;

    a copy of the accreditation, license and list of accredited enlarged groups of specialties certified by the educational organization of higher education from which the transfer is made;

    a copy of the grade book, certified by the Admissions Committee of Moscow State University of Pedagogical University and executed in the prescribed manner (indicating the number of credit units and hours in all disciplines, signatures of the head of the structural unit for each semester and seals);

    a certificate from an educational organization of higher education confirming the student’s status;

    copy of passport;

    other documents justifying the need for transfer (copy of marriage certificate, certificate of change of parent’s place of work, etc.);

    minutes of the meeting and interview of the certification commission.

3.7. The decision to transfer is made at a meeting of the Admissions Committee based on the results of certification tests. The list, programs and form of certification tests are established by MPGU independently.

3.8. If the decision is positive, the student is issued a Certificate of Transfer to Moscow State Pedagogical University.

3.9. Documents submitted to the Admissions Committee are transferred under signature to responsible persons at the institute or faculty in accordance with the approved minutes of the meeting of the Admissions Committee.

3.10. The student must submit a document on education, a certificate of training, 6 photographs, a copy of the passport and a copy of the agreement for the provision of paid educational services (when transferring to a place under an agreement with payment of tuition fees) to the dean's office of the institute/faculty to which he is being transferred.

3.11. An order for the enrollment of a student in the order of transfer to a place within the framework of the CCP is prepared by the institute/faculty and is agreed upon with the Department of Academic Policy and Organization of the Educational Process after receiving the documents specified in paragraphs. 3.6 and 3.10. An order for admission to classes is prepared in advance, indicating the period for eliminating the academic difference (no more than one month).

3.12. An order for the enrollment of a student by way of transfer to a place under an agreement with payment of tuition fees is prepared by the institute/faculty and agreed with the Department of Academic Policy and Organization of the Educational Process after receiving the documents specified in paragraphs. 3.6 and 3.10, and payment of tuition fees (providing a copy of the payment order to the dean’s office of the structural unit). The period for eliminating academic differences should not exceed one semester.

3.13. The faculty creates a “Personal File of the Student” for transfer to the Human Resources Development Department. The “Student’s Personal File” should contain:

    inventory of personal files;

    2 photos 3x4;

    application for transfer;

    minutes of the meeting and interview of the certification commission;

    an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Admissions Committee;

    a certificate from an educational organization of higher education confirming the status of the student (original);

    document on education (original);

    extract from the order of enrollment in the order of transfer;

    agreement for the provision of paid educational services (if transferred to a place under an agreement with payment of the cost of training) (a copy certified by the Moscow State Pedagogical University Admissions Committee);

    passport (copy).
