How to succeed in school. From success in school to success in life. Experimental work on creating the image of a successful student

There is no such thing as a secret to success. Don't waste your time looking for it. Success is the result of self-improvement, hard work, learning from failure and perseverance.

(Colin Powell)

At all times, in all eras, humanity grows and develops, all history is filled with human desire for success. After all, the desire to become successful is one of the root causes of human progress.

Man by nature is inclined to experience hunger not only physically, but also spiritually. We need communication, recognition, respect, love, we need friends, comrades, close people.

Therefore, since ancient times, people have paid a lot of attention to success. Many myths, fairy tales, the Bible, the Koran teach how to achieve success in life. At the same time, achieving success was placed at the forefront as an important condition for achieving happiness.

Let's ask ourselves the question: - “Do I want to become a successful and prosperous person?” We think that the answer to this question will be positive.

Having familiarized ourselves with the literature (2,5,6,8) on this topic and having encountered a wide variety of interpretations of the phrase “successful student,” we could not help but be interested in the question: who is he, this welcome guest named “Success”?

After talking with friends, we came to the conclusion that the guys don’t know how to achieve their success and whether they need it. Therefore, we decided to conduct our own research and answer the questions: What is success? What are the ingredients for success? How to become a successful student?

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that modern society requires an individual who is able to think creatively independently, look for innovative ways to solve emerging problems, and who can quickly adapt to changes in society.

The object of the study is the process of formation of personal qualities of a successful student.

Subject of research: the image of a successful student.

The research hypothesis is the assumption that a student will be successful if:

Able to learn;

Shows initiative;

Creatively developed;


Leads a healthy lifestyle.

Purpose of the study: to find out what success is and why it is needed.

1. Study the scientific literature on the research problem.

2. Define the concept of “success”.

2. Determine the factors of development of a successful and unsuccessful personality.

3. Determine the qualities of a successful person.

4. Draw up a personal development program “My successes”.

5. Develop a memo for primary school students and their parents “How to become a successful student”

Research methods:

1. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature.

2. Questionnaire.

4. Observation.

5. Analysis.

The main components of success

What is success

The word "success" is of Russian origin. The word “Success” itself, if you think about the meaning of its original meaning, is associated with the concept of “being in time.”

“Successful” means one who has time, “one who succeeds” - one who does everything on time, who knows how to coordinate his plans and aspirations with the real coordinates of life time.

In the “Concise Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” the word “successful” means:

“one that produces positive results ends in success.”

According to N.I. Kozlov, “a successful person is a person who sets long-term goals and knows how to competently achieve them.”

Nikushkin S. believes that “success is a real living energy that a person owns, with the help of which he attracts other people to himself.”

Sukhova S. defines “success” as “luck in achieving something, public recognition, good results in work and studies.”

The word “success” can denote both a process – a period of luck, a “white streak”, the achievement of some goals, and a result – achieved goals, public recognition.

In S. I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, the concept of “success” is interpreted as

"1. Public acceptance. 2. Luck in achieving something. 3. Good results in work and studies.”

What word can be used as a synonym for the word "success"?

We consider the word “luck”. It is formed from the word “succeeds”, i.e. it is possible to do something planned. Luck is a constant companion of success. Without it it is not impossible to achieve anything. A successful person is almost always a successful person.

Who is an educated person?

We believe that one of the main factors of success is education. Education can be called the process of acquiring systematic knowledge and a specific way of thinking. The point of education is to learn how to use your abilities to achieve your goals.

According to experts, the education received today is not acquired “for life.” Due to rapidly developing technologies, knowledge quickly becomes outdated and needs to be updated constantly. One of the ways to update existing knowledge and acquire new ones is self-education. Today, many people study independently and master a large amount of information.

The ability to learn helps them in this. This is the basic skill necessary for a person engaged in self-education. How does it manifest itself?

In the ability to make decisions regarding one's own learning process.

In the correct use of basic techniques of mental activity.

In the proper organization of your own time, as well as the ability to plan and control your activities.

The ability to find the necessary information and choose appropriate methods for studying it.

In communication skills: the ability to make acquaintances, plan communication with people of interest, cooperate with them.

The most important thing in this process is to attract all external resources and engage in self-education using various sources.

The main sources today are the following:

Books and media. Studying books: tutorials, textbooks, teaching aids, etc. p. is a classic way of self-education. Today you can easily find the necessary literature on any topic. There are also quite a lot of media today. However, they are not uniform in level and quality. Therefore, it is necessary to be critical of the materials published in them, especially new and unusual ones.

With the development of the global Internet, a new source for self-education has appeared: the opportunity to use electronic libraries and study materials from various sites. Distance self-education is also developing - via the Internet.

Special educational computer programs.

Visiting theaters, reading conferences, and exhibitions is another very useful, and most importantly, very interesting source of self-education. Participation in such events will allow you to always be aware of events, to learn in time about new directions, ideas and developments that modern scientists and researchers are engaged in.

Surrounding reality. The events that happen around us and the people we meet and communicate with can enrich our knowledge as much, and sometimes even more, than other sources. The main thing is to be able to see and hear, and also to understand that anyone can learn something.

Hobbies and hobbies.

In the process of self-education, it is necessary to use all of the above sources. Only in this case will this process be effective.

Self-education provides undeniable advantages in the future, since it is similar to the work of a researcher and inventor. A person has to overcome the unknown, so he develops independence and independence of thinking, perseverance in overcoming difficulties that arise. In addition, it has long been known that nothing is assimilated as well as what is obtained through one’s own labor!

Communication skills are the main means of achieving success

The first and basic rule was formulated many centuries ago: “The most important person in the world is the one in front of you.” Your success in relationships with people depends on how good a communicator you are.

Communication skills are one of the main personal qualities that almost any person needs to achieve success.

Sociability is the ability of people to establish business contacts, connections, and relationships.

A sociable person is a person who is pleasant to talk to and easily establishes contacts.

Domestic psychologists have identified a number of rules that we must follow in everyday contacts.

1. When talking, what worries your interlocutor should also worry you. Be a good listener.

2. There is no need to be a hypocrite, but you can and should wean yourself from the habit of contradicting on any occasion.

3. Do not touch what is dear to your interlocutor: people in his circle, his hobbies, ideals and values.

4. Don't argue. Dispute (in its traditional bickering form) is a meaningless and even harmful thing.

5. Avoid monologue - dialogue is more productive.

6. Try to understand what the interlocutor wants to say, help him formulate his thoughts, even if you disagree with him.

7. Look for what he is right about and not wrong, try to agree and not disagree.

Attitude towards failure

A. Konelsky believes that “the attitude towards failure is important on the path to achieving success. Every person has mistakes, problems and misfortunes. But the attitude towards one's own defeats may be different. Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to success. It is the fear of losing, of making a mistake, that keeps us from trying to do the things that are necessary to achieve victory.”

An important trait of a successful person is a positive attitude towards life. Of course, this does not mean that he cannot be in a bad mood. But such a person is not inclined to become depressed. You need to learn to believe in yourself and trust the world around you, as well as interact with family or friends from a position of respect and understanding.

It is very important to learn to perceive any problem as an opportunity for new solutions. “After all, a problem is a situation when a person has little choice. When there are two possible ways to solve a problem, internal conflict arises. Only by finding three or more ways to overcome difficulties can you experience a feeling of freedom. Three options is the minimum. Then the area of ​​more interesting ideas begins.”

In an interview, Einstein was asked: “What do you think is the difference between you and other people?” The scientist replied: “If people are looking for a needle in a haystack, the vast majority of them stop as soon as they find it. I do things differently. I continue my search and soon discover a second, third. And if I’m very persistent, I can find four or five.”

It is imperative to develop your creative abilities.

A healthy lifestyle is the key to success in life

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is life in accordance with the laws of nature and society or life in accordance with biological and moral standards.

The basic rule of a healthy lifestyle is that nothing should interfere with the natural renewal of the body, and the lifestyle should correspond to its proper growth and development. For more successful implementation of this rule, the components of a healthy lifestyle come into play. These include optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, hardening, and giving up bad habits.

The optimal motor mode is regular physical education and sports and proper distribution of rest.

Rational nutrition is one of the conditions for preserving human life and health. It includes the correct ratio of food products, the presence of vitamins, minerals, and maintaining water balance.

Hardening is a system of measures that allows you to use the natural forces of nature (sun, air, water).

Giving up bad habits is a necessary condition for a healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, substance abuse have a harmful effect on health and performance (4).

Personal hygiene includes the following: proper alternation of mental and physical labor, maintaining a daily routine, caring for the body, and keeping your home clean.

A routine is the correct distribution of basic physiological needs during the day (sleep, wakefulness, food intake). The daily routine is a routine of daily activities that corresponds to age-related characteristics, providing for the automaticity of life processes that is repeated day after day. The main task of the daily routine is a reasonable alternation of mental and physical labor with rest, proper organization of sleep, nutrition, and wakefulness.

Student Success Criteria

In Internet publications we found many points of view on what determines a person’s success. And we came to the conclusion that people who have achieved a lot in life have some common qualities.

Based on the information received, we tried to identify the main criteria for student success:

1. Ability to learn.

2. Determination.

3. Self-confidence (this quality is formed in childhood under the influence of parents and immediate environment).

4. Independence and willingness to take responsibility, initiative (to achieve success it is not enough to be a good performer - you need to be able to be a creator)

5. The ability to think strategically (it is important to understand what consequences our actions may have not only tomorrow, but also in a few years).

6. Pay attention to your health, maintain a healthy lifestyle (excellent physical shape helps maintain mental acuity and fresh perception).

7. The desire to expand your capabilities.

8. Creative approach (the ability to independently set creative tasks for oneself and other people and solve them).

9. Sociability (ability to communicate).

The famous sociologist and philosopher Abraham Maslow conducted a large study of the lives of famous people and came to the following conclusions: successful people can:

1. Make decisions effectively;

2. To be the best in any business, that is, to do everything with full dedication;

3. Listen to yourself, have your own opinion;

4. Take responsibility for your actions;

5. Express your opinion, different from the opinion of the majority, publicly;

6. Establish and maintain long-term contacts with other people.

1. 7. What prevents a student from achieving success?

In his book “A School Without Losers,” W. Glasser talks about the problems that unsuccessful students face.

The main problems, in his opinion, are:

1. Lack of warm, trusting relationships in the family and with teachers.

2. Lack of feelings of affection for each other.

3. Coming to terms with the lack of human relationships.

4. Acceptance of school failures.

5. The desire to live for today.

6. Lack of interest in opportunities to change your life.

7. Reluctance to think about the future.

W. Glasser believes that if a child suffers failures between the ages of 5 and 10, by the age of ten, confidence disappears and the child gets used to failures. There comes a conviction of inability to solve problems. The chances of achieving success become less likely every year.

In our opinion, one of the main mistakes on the path to success is wasting time. This mistake lies in the irrationality of organizing your life.

It is especially important already at school age to learn to manage your time, learn to plan it, organize your life and achieve self-improvement.

According to recent studies, only 30% of children do morning exercises at home; in 80%, the duration of night sleep is reduced by 1.5 - 2 hours. Almost all children spend from 1 to 3 hours watching TV every day, watching computer screens – up to 2 hours, 20% of children do not go out at all after school. An improperly organized daily routine leads to a sharp decrease in performance, fatigue and overwork.

A person's relationship with time is an indicator of his success. A harmonious relationship with time means 2 things: the ability to live in the present; the ability to sense the continuity of past, present and future.

Based on a synthesis of literature sources, we came to the conclusion:

1. A successful person is a person who sets long-term goals and knows how to competently achieve them.

2. One of the main factors of success is education. The point of education is to learn how to use your abilities to achieve your goals. The acquired knowledge must be constantly updated. One of the ways to update existing knowledge and acquire new ones is self-education.

3. Communication skills are the main means of achieving success. Communication skills are one of the main personal qualities that almost any person needs to achieve success.

4. An important feature of a successful person is a positive attitude towards life. You need to learn to believe in yourself and trust the world around you, as well as interact with family or friends from a position of respect and understanding.

5. Lifestyle must correspond to the proper growth and development of the body. For more successful implementation of this rule, the components of a healthy lifestyle come into play. These include optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, hardening, and giving up bad habits.

6. W. Glasser believes that if a child suffers failures between the ages of 5 and 10, by the age of ten, confidence disappears and the child gets used to failures. There comes a conviction of inability to solve problems.

7. One of the main mistakes on the path to success is wasting time. This mistake lies in the irrationality of organizing your life.

Experimental work on creating the image of a successful student

Organization and research methods

In order to practically substantiate the conclusions obtained during the theoretical analysis of the problem under study, we conducted an experimental study. The study took place in 3 stages.

At stage I, research approaches were developed and tests were compiled.

At stage II it was planned to conduct testing in junior and senior grades.

At stage III, the experimental material was analyzed and a generalization was made.

The purpose of the study is to create a collective portrait of a successful student

Objectives of the experimental study:

1) develop a research program;

2) conduct testing in elementary and high school;

3) analyze experimental material and make generalizations.

In the research methodology, we adhered to the following provisions:

1. Maintaining the uniformity of conditions in research.

2. Accessibility and clarity of tasks and requirements.

3. The ability to identify the maximum achievements of a student.

4. Expression of this accounting in digital indicators (%).

The main base of our research was Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 in the village of Energetik, Novoorsky District, Orenburg Region.

Age of children: 3rd grade – 9 years;

11th grade – 16-17 years old.

Survey results

We conducted testing with the children of our 3 “A” class and in the 11th grade (see Appendix 3). Here's what he showed:

1. To the question “What is success?” we received the answer:

The following options were proposed by the children: “success” means doing well at school, having many friends, and the love of their parents.

2. What does success depend on?

3. Do people need success?

Yes, because success gives an incentive to continue what you started.

No, because constant success can spoil a person; he will not strive for anything, knowing that he will succeed anyway.

4. Do you need success?

Yes, you need to be a self-confident person, which is impossible without success.

No, because success always requires something, and I don’t want to stand out from the rest.

5. The most important thing in life is

6. A successful student is a person who

7. A failed student is a person

8. What qualities should a student have in order to achieve good and excellent results in studies (it was proposed to choose the 5-6 most significant):


The practical part of the study gave us the opportunity to once again be convinced that success is very important in a child’s life.

1. Success is the achievement of everything planned; this is what helps a person live.

2. Success depends on the right goal. Every person needs it.

3. The most important thing in life is to be healthy, find your way in life, become a real person, be happy, get a good education.

4. A successful student is a person who studies well, is hardworking, and is successful in business.

5. A loser student is a person who studies poorly, cannot do anything without the help of others, and who has no friends.

6. A successful student must have the following qualities:

Hard work,



After analyzing a number of works on this issue, we learned that success is very important in a person’s life. It is especially important in the first years of study. Many teachers believe that if a child suffers failures between the ages of 5 and 10, then by the age of ten, confidence disappears and the child gets used to failures. There comes a conviction of inability to solve problems.

Many children, for various reasons, do not know what to do to succeed. We need to help them find their purpose. If the goal is large, you need to break it down into several small tasks and complete them sequentially. It is important to constantly be determined to succeed. We must remember that there are failures and misfortunes along the way. It is very important to learn to perceive any problem as an opportunity for new solutions.

It is especially important already at school age to learn how to manage your time and maintain a daily routine. The main task of the daily routine is a reasonable alternation of mental and physical labor with rest, proper organization of sleep, nutrition, and wakefulness.

The most difficult thing on the path to success is learning to use the resources of your own “I”.

We have come to the conclusion that a successful student is a child who knows how to set long-term goals for himself and knows how to competently achieve them.

Based on the test results, we found that a successful student must have the following qualities:

Hard work,


Ability to plan your work and carry out your plan

Believe in your capabilities, increase self-esteem

Able to independently set academic goals.

We fully confirmed the hypothesis we put forward. Every child can become a successful student. But this requires a lot of work.

Test "Successful Student"

1. A successful student is a person who

✓ studies well,

✓ lucky, successful,

✓ who succeeds in everything,

✓ has success in business,

✓ hardworking

2. A failed student is a person.

✓ who studies poorly,

✓ who has no friends,

✓ who is always unlucky,

✓ who cannot do anything without the help of others,

✓ who has nothing.

3. If a person does not have

✓ friends,

✓ computer,

✓ cars,

✓ determination,

✓ good upbringing, then it did not take place.

4. If a person has

✓ friends,

✓ ingenuity,

✓ good parents,

✓ car,

✓ computer,

✓ has everything, then it took place.

5. The most important thing in life is

✓ be happy,

✓ be friends,

✓ be healthy,

✓ get a good education,

✓ have a lot to do,

✓ do not be discouraged,

✓ find your way, get comfortable,

✓ my mother,

✓ become a real person,

✓ appreciate what surrounds you,

✓ do good deeds.

6. Do you think success is –

✓ long pursuit of a goal with a favorable outcome,

✓ achieving everything planned,

✓ something that helps a person live,

✓ luck + desire,

✓ successful outcome of events,

7. Do people need success?

✓ Yes, because success gives an incentive to continue what you started

✓ No, because constant success can spoil a person; he will not particularly strive for anything, knowing that he will succeed anyway.

8. Do you need success?

✓ Yes, because you need to be a confident person, which is impossible without success.

✓ No, because success always obliges you to do something, and I don’t want to stand out from the rest.

9. What does success depend on (choose one of the answer options or offer your own)?

✓ From luck.

✓ From a correctly set goal.

10. What qualities should a student have in order to achieve good and excellent results in studies (select 5-6 most significant)

✓ Disciplined

✓ Intelligent, quick-witted and able to independently set academic goals

✓ Good memory

✓ Hardworking, diligent

✓ Able to use someone else’s work (notes, problem solving)

✓ Has self-control

✓ Able to plan work and carry out his plan

✓ Curious, loves to learn

✓ Always focused on success

Memo for parents who want to help their child with educational activities

1. Recognize your child’s right to make mistakes. Remember, those who do nothing make no mistakes.

2. Respect the child’s opinion and position.

3. While doing homework, do not do tasks for him, but only help if necessary.

4. Arouse in the child the need to explain, to prove his answer (solution)

5. Even as a joke, do not talk disrespectfully about studying as an activity, about school, about teachers.

6. Emphasize that studying is the most difficult activity, but your child can do it. “It’s hard to learn, it’s easy to fight.”

7. Accept your child’s problems as your own. Remember, in his life all the experiences are real: failures, successes, losses, etc.

8. Engage in research activities with your child, share with him the knowledge you have.

9. Always be proud and happy about your child’s successes.

10. Emphasize the child’s confidence in the prospect of success as a result of his efforts and perseverance.

11. Create conditions for your child that make it easier to study: good nutrition, gentle daily routine, good sleep, a calm home environment.

12. Provide your child with reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.

13. Remember that grades are not the most important thing in a child’s life, the main thing is the knowledge gained. Think about your child's future.

14. Do not ignore your child’s free time, help make it useful and meaningful.

15. Create family traditions that will stimulate mental activity.

16. Love him regardless of his performance.

A reminder for a child who wants to achieve success in school

1. Set a goal for yourself. Learn to make efforts to achieve your goal.

2. Be diligent in your studies. Remember that your current and future well-being largely depends on the knowledge you gain at school.

3. Try to learn something new every day, in addition to what you learned in class. Educate yourself.

4. Remember, high-quality homework is the path to academic success.

5. Take an active part in the social life of the class and school.

6. Learn to finish what you start.

7. Play sports. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

8. Keep a daily routine.

9. Be confident.

10. Learn to communicate with other people.

11. Don't envy others.

12. Don’t be afraid to express your ideas and thoughts.

13. Attend clubs and sports sections to reveal your abilities.

14. Remember, to achieve success in life you need to work hard.

Of course, every parent wants to help their child be successful in school and enjoy learning. Sometimes this becomes an overwhelming task. Often, parents end up making the most common mistakes. Find out how to avoid these mistakes and bring the love of learning back into your child's life.

Of course, you, like many parents, are trying to do everything possible to prepare your children for school: buy a school uniform, a backpack on, notebooks, textbooks, tell your children how many interesting things the new school will bring them year.

We often worry about our children's academic performance. Parents want their children to be successful in school, because then bright prospects will open up for them. But we also have a painful feeling that if our child does not succeed in school, it means that we have failed as parents. What are we doing wrong?

Grumbling and reproaches

Parents, as a rule, do not start grumbling about doing homework until they encounter some problem (for example, sloppy homework, or reluctance to do homework). Grumbling only makes the situation worse. Instead, try problem-solving with your child. Ask him to come up with several solutions to the problem. Try to put at least one of his ideas into practice and discuss what came out of it.


You do not trust your child, control the completion of homework, constantly tell him how and what to do. This will probably help you in the short term, but then how can you teach children independence in learning and responsibility for their work? Instead, help your child understand what he needs to do by asking guiding questions.

Focusing on future benefits

All parents know the importance of a good education in life. Don't expect your kids to be motivated by the idea; children rarely think about the future. It will be a great motivation for them if you tell them about the immediate benefits of learning.

Talk to teachers more often

Two-way communication is very important, let the teacher know how he can instill an interest in learning in your child. Ask what you can do to help your child master a particular subject and what problems need to be corrected.

Don't focus on grades

When you focus your attention on grades, the learning process itself ceases to be of any interest to the child; instead, children focus their attention only on the result. And if the desired result was not achieved, this, as a rule, does not lead to an increase in their motivation. Tell your children that success can be achieved not only in the field of education. Some children excel in music or sports, drama or art; some have excellent leadership qualities. Make sure you focus on your little one's talents more than grades.

The title of botanist in school is by no means a proud one, but on the contrary, it is associated with a typical exemplary bore boy who spends all his time in the company of textbooks, memorizing all the given material from cover to cover.

Alas, nerds do not actually always need school knowledge themselves, since in this way they most often try to gain recognition and praise from parents or teachers. So they try, as best they can, to learn everything given, even if this or that material is completely uninteresting to them. But it turns out that by doing this they only rape their personality and often dull their true interests and talents.

Creative C students

Originality of thinking is automatically suppressed by the education system, since creative nature cannot be assessed using a five-point system. Thus, “equalization” is a key concept in the traditional education system. The school sets regulations on everything: from appearance to the thinking and behavior of students.

Unfortunately, it can be quite difficult for an ordinary teacher to work with creative children, since they are capable of entering into an argument with any teacher, skipping classes that they consider uninteresting, and instead of memorizing and sharing their homework, they easily begin to produce their own ideas or express their own opinion. Teachers most often say about such children that they are lazy and do not want to study at all, but this is not always the case. They are often not stupid or lazy at all - they simply do not chase grades and praise from adults.

Excellent students versus C students: who is more successful?

No matter how paradoxical it may be, excellent students outside of school often become just... good performers. They make excellent subordinates - they are disciplined, competent and always unquestioningly follow the instructions of their boss. Their school years develop in them a fear of making mistakes, and therefore it is fundamentally important for them to always give the “right answers,” especially if it concerns any important decisions. They are by no means players in life, which is why it is difficult for them to succeed, for example, as successful businessmen in market conditions.

C students often still outperform excellent students in many ways. They have out-of-the-box thinking and are risk-takers. Basically, it is C students who become inventors or successful businessmen. Such people, as a rule, are optimists who, despite everything, believe in the best, and at the same time they are little concerned about the opinions of others. Among other things, C students are also luckier in their personal lives, since their opponents tend to create “correct” rather than practical relationships.

According to psychologists, excellent students, just like C students, are children who are already predisposed to one or another behavior pattern and have a certain psychological type. You just need to take a closer look at your child and let him just be himself.

Prodigies and Their Challenges

It is known that gifted children can easily learn in any field of knowledge, but miracle children also have their own specific problems. They, like stars, quickly light up and quickly go out. While they are small, they develop faster than their peers, but later everything is spoiled by age.

This does not mean that they become stupid. On the contrary, their high intellectual abilities remain the same, but in real life they do not always become geniuses. And the reason, according to psychologists, lies in perfectionism - the so-called “excellent student syndrome.”

Perfectionism is a high standard that excellent students constantly set for themselves. They always strive to be better than others in everything. This gives rise to many conflicts, both internal and external, which makes it sometimes difficult for them to get along with others.

Is it so important to be an excellent student?

Obedient children are “comfortable” - this is true, but dependence on the assessment of adults will not make them successful and accomplished individuals in later life. After all, they will always need a person who will “give them grades.” Naturally, it is inappropriate to encourage and grab a child for C grades. And there is no need to do this at all. You just shouldn’t demand too much from your beloved child. It is quite possible that he has much greater abilities for something other than educational material.

Hey everyone!

Many of you have sometimes thought about teachers and to whom they sometimes give a kind of “discount”. In other words, excellent students. They seem to be the same as everyone else, but they always get straight A's. An excellent student does not always get all A's through his own work; sometimes the teacher can overestimate. Why is this happening?

I tried to figure it out in turn.

Lyrical digression. I'm in 7th grade. Good girl. The teachers treat me normally, but they never put me on an equal footing with the excellent students.

I decided to observe our excellent students. It turned out that they ask the most questions! How so? After all, they are excellent students and must understand everything.

Conclusion: you need to be able to quickly find your weaknesses and immediately fill gaps in knowledge.

They are also the most active students in class. Even counting the completely unimportant ones. For example, at our school we have psychology and rhetoric. They get an A in every lesson and the teacher begins to respect them.

Conclusion: be as active as possible in all lessons.

Excellent students very rarely allow cheating. Why? Because they are confident in their knowledge and skills. They try hard when doing homework and test themselves at home. After all, there are so many books now and each of you probably always has a computer and the Internet at hand. As a result, a person who relied on chance and came to school with an unfulfilled assignment will remain with his 2 or 3.

Conclusion: always do your homework conscientiously, regarding cheating: give/not give - your choice

Clothes also play a significant role. Excellent students always walk carefully, diligently, and tastefully. Teachers enjoy watching them.

From my own experience. The algebra teacher calls a fashionista with a three-year-old to the blackboard. (Our school has introduced a black and white uniform) The fashionista has big heels, a short black skirt, a transparent white shirt and loose hair. In addition to everything, painted eyes and lips. I decided to observe the teacher’s reaction.

She looked at the girl with a stern look. Since a fashionista should be fashionable in everything, she wrote flirtatiously on the board. The teacher said: “Yulia, you didn’t come to the podium.” As a result, the girl received 3. Although, her error in the example was insignificant.

Conclusion: you need to dress for school diligently and in compliance with the school uniform regulations. Do not put on makeup or flirt at the board. Remember! Teachers love prudes

Additional Tips

Behave well in class. Don't chat and especially don't text! Teachers don't like this very much.

Don't interrupt the teacher's speech.

Do not be rude.

If you were reprimanded for no reason, just apologize and sit quietly below the grass.

If the teacher is in a bad mood, never provoke him.

I hope my advice won't bother you. Believe me, I gained the respect and attention of teachers very quickly.
