Lesson on Lego design "Simple mechanisms. Gear transmission". Lego "Simple Mechanisms" and "WeDo Primal Robot" Lego education simple mechanisms

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

"Center of children's creativity"

simple mechanisms. Gear.

The work was completed by: Bulimova Elena Anatolyevna

MBOU DOD "Center for Children's Creativity", Trekhgorny

Teacher of additional education

Subject: Simple mechanisms. Gear.

Lesson type: occupation of studying and primary consolidation of new material.

Class type: combined

Target: study of gear transmission, designing a simple mechanism "gear transmission of motion" and using it in the design.


    To form the ability to analyze, reason and experiment.

    To promote the development of design skills, the development of spatial and logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hands.

    Influence the formation of communication skills in students.

    To cultivate industriousness and accuracy in work by means of a designerLego.

Planned results:

    develop the cognitive skills and abilities of students;

    to master the concepts: gear, gear, gear, gear ratio;

    assemble and test the model;

Skills characterizing the achievement of this result:

    the formation of practical skills in designing models using gears;

    preparing and conducting a demonstration of the model;

    the ability to select a solution path depending on the task;

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, visual, partially exploratory, research

Forms of organization of training : frontal, group.

Equipment: constructorLegoMindstormsNXT– 5 PCs with softwareNXT- G- 5 items.

Lesson time: 75 minutes

Lesson progress:

    Organizational part

slide 2

Look closely at the screen

    Main part (there are sets in front of the childrenLego)

Please tell us, do we have such a detail in the sets? Find her and show me. What shape is this item? (round)

In fact, this part is called a wheel. But it is not simple, how is this wheel different from a regular wheel? (teeth). Therefore, we will call this wheel a “gear wheel” or the second name is a gear.

This cogwheel has friends who are very similar to him. Look in the box and find other gears there.

Show them to me.

Here are the gears we have. And how do they differ?

They have a different number of teeth. There are straight teeth and in the form of a crown, they are called: spur gears and crown gear.

Guys, do you know how cogwheels greet each other? How do people greet each other when they meet? (list options)

And gears don't have hands, they have teeth. And if the gears are side by side, so that their teeth are in contact, this means that they greet. The teeth of the wheel prevent slipping.

All gears must engage securely with each other so that the transmission (gear pair) can work effectively. If one of the gears starts moving in the gear train, then the second one will also start moving, and the faster one moves, the faster the second gear moves. Here are some friendly details.

Drive gear - it is a wheel turned by an outside force, in this case your hand. Any gear turned by another gear is calleddriven wheel.

    change the direction of rotation

Turn the knob one full turn, count how many times the position marker turns.

One turn of the handle rotates the position marker one turn (grey axis). The speed of rotation of the driving and driven gears is the same, since they have the same number of teeth (40): ratio 1:1.

The driving and driven gears rotate in opposite directions.

The small wheel isintermediate gear. It does not change the speed of rotation of the large wheel, it only changes the direction of its rotation.

With one turn of the handle, the gray shaft turns one turn. The speed of rotation of the driving and driven wheels is the same, since they have the same number of teeth. The gear ratio of the gearing is 1:1.

The driving and driven wheels rotate in the same direction. The intermediate wheel rotates in the opposite direction.

Gear transmission is:




    90 degree gear

    With gears, you can increase or decrease rotation speed

Increasing the rotation speed (overdrive gear)

Turn the lever one full turn and count how many times the position marker turns.

With one turn of the crank (large drive wheel), the smaller wheel turns five times. So in this mechanism the gear ratio is 1:5. This is an overdrive. With an increase in the gear ratio, the speed of rotation of the driven wheel increases, but the force produced by it decreases, that is, the ability to turn something.

Decrease rotation speed (reducing gear)

If you turn the crank (small drive wheel) five times, the large driven wheel will turn once. So in this mechanism the gear ratio is 5:1. This is a downshift. With a decrease in the gear ratio, the speed of rotation of the driven wheel decreases, but the force produced by it increases, that is, the ability to turn something.

    With gears, you can change the plane of rotation

Exampleconical gear transmission.

Two meshed bevel gears transmit modified speed and force at a 90 degree angle.

Rotation at an angle of 90.

An 8-tooth spur gear drive drives a 24-tooth driven gear.

Count how many times you need to turn the handle to make the position marker turn once.

Turning the crank three times (small drive wheel) rotates the ring gear once. The gear ratio of this mechanism is 3:1.

The plane of rotational motion changes by an angle of 90 degrees. The crown gear can change the plane of rotational motion because it has special curved teeth that allow it to engage at an angle to the drive wheel.

So, using a system of gears (gears), you can achieve a change in speed, direction or force. But here is howBenefits , andlimitations . For example, you can't get both a strength increase and a speed increase at the same time.

    Consolidation of new knowledge in practice

    With the help of gears, you can make a wonderful toy that spins due to the gear, and is called the CAROUSEL.

    Physical education minute

Now we are ready to work with you. Let's start designing.

    Carousel Construction

    Do you like carousels?

    What do you like the most about them?

    What simple mechanism do you think makes the carousel spin?

    What parts do we need to assemble the carousel?

Let's build a carousel!

Assemble the A6 carousel model and make it rotate (the students and the teacher assemble the carousel model).

(This model uses two gears: 8-tooth spur gear and 24-tooth crown gear)

Slide 17

Assemble the A7 carousel model and make it rotate (the students and the teacher assemble the carousel model).

Determine the type of gears and count the number of teeth on each of them.

(This model uses four gears: two small 8-tooth spur gears, a 24-tooth crown gear, and a large 40-tooth spur gear)

Compare carousel models A6 and A7.

    Explain how the models differ.

    Which carousel do you think will spin faster? Why?


The A7 carousel model spins faster because it uses a speed-up configuration with a 40-tooth drive gear and a 24-tooth driven gear.

    Practical work. Assembly of the model "Carousel".

Students assemble the structure according to the suggested assembly order.

Before starting the assembly, together with the teacher, determine the type of gears.

(This model uses four gears: two 24-tooth crown gears, one small 8-tooth gear, and one 12-tooth spur gear.)


What detail did we meet today?

How to make one gear spin another?

When will the carousel spin faster and when slower?

Did everything work out for you in class today? What didn't work? What were the difficulties?


    "Technology and Physics". The book for the teacher. Translating to Russian language. Institute of New Technologies. Page 66

    A set of tasks for the set "Simple mechanisms". The book for the teacher.Page 11

    Dial exerciseSimpleMachines. Basic exercise: carousel.LegoEducation. Page 2

    Finger game "The frog has a house in the pond."tur- domain. okis. en/ file/ tur- domain/ igraizo. doc

    Background for presentation “volny-12”

    Emoticons. ttps://yandex.ru/images/search?img_url=...56

LEGO 9689 is an exploration toy for toddlers that introduces kids to simple machines found in everyday life. The difficulty level is designed for 5-9 years, therefore, the solution will be of interest to younger students and kindergarteners. The set is positioned as educational, but at the same time, it can be used for home use.

With LEGO 9689 kids:

  • Assemble their first mechanisms
  • In an interesting game form, they will get acquainted with the work of pulleys, flywheels, levers, gears, axles
  • Learn to design and build models by following a blueprint
  • Do some small experiments

What will you have to work with?

The LEGO Simple Machines 9689 set includes over 200 components:

  • Plastic figurines of men;
  • Building blocks (plates, bricks, etc.);
  • Axles, pulleys, wheels, gears;
  • Blades, wings, scales;
  • Color drawings for assembling models.

So that the details do not mix and are not lost, and the work in the lesson takes place in an organized manner, a special sorting tray is attached to the kit. Methodological materials for teachers were also released for the set, which must be purchased separately.

The LEGO 9689 Teacher's Book contains:

  • The theoretical part, which explains the basic engineering terms, physical phenomena.
  • Visual aids for lessons in the classroom - diagrams and photographs.
  • Handouts and recommendations for the teacher.

In total, the guys have to build 16 standard and 4 basic models. Four practical tasks will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Benefits of the LEGO Education Set 9689

At such an early age, children are not so easily motivated to study theory in technical disciplines. But with LEGO Education's 9689 Easy Mechanism Set, which is a playful learning tool, math, physics and technology lessons are much more interesting. Being engaged with the designer, the child not only receives new knowledge, but also develops important skills:

  • Logical thinking
  • Team communications
  • Analysis and forecasting
  • creative independent work
  • Search for non-standard solutions

As practice shows, the LEGO Education methodology - learn by playing - gives excellent results. You can purchase the 9689 set from our online store for both home and school use.

Ekaterina Plotnikova
Pedagogical project “LEGO-construction. Simple mechanisms" for children of senior preschool age

Explanatory note

Today, society needs socially active, independent and creative people capable of self-development. Innovative processes in the education system require a new organization of the system as a whole.

Formation of motivation for development and learning preschoolers, as well as creative cognitive activity - these are the main tasks that are facing today teacher within the framework of federal state educational standards. These difficult tasks, first of all, require the creation of special conditions for learning. In this regard, design is of great importance.

For implementation project constructor is used simple mechanisms", with which children can feel like young scientists and engineers, which will help them understand the principles of work simple mechanisms that we encounter in daily life. The project help to create a fun, yet motivating group environment that encourages creativity in problem solving, collaborative ideation, and teamwork. In the classroom preschoolers get the first experience of a scientific approach to research, including observation, comprehension, forecasting and critical analysis.

Project has a technical focus. It will help the child to discover himself most fully, create conditions for the dynamics of creative growth and will support the inquisitive desire of the child to discover the world in all its bright colors and manifestations. The continuity of educational areas contributes to the formation of self-confidence, success and high self-esteem.

One of the varieties of constructive activities in kindergarten is the creation of models from LEGO constructors, which provide the complexity and versatility of the embodied idea. The experience gained by the child in the course of construction is indispensable in terms of developing the skills and abilities of exploratory behavior. lego-construction contributes to the formation of the ability to learn, achieve results, gain new knowledge about the world, lays the first prerequisites for educational activities.


Working on the data the project is relevant, which reveals for preschooler world of technology. lego- construction, more than other activities, prepares the ground for the development of technical abilities children.

lego-construction combines elements of the game with experimentation, and therefore, activates mental and speech activity preschoolers, develops design abilities and technical thinking, imagination and communication skills, promotes interpretation and self-expression, broadens horizons, allows you to raise the development of cognitive activity to a higher level preschoolers, and this is one of the components of the success of their further education at school.

Target project- to promote the development of preschool children abilities for technical creativity, to provide them with the opportunity for creative self-realization through mastering LEGO construction.

Tasks project:

1. Develop from children the ability to analyze the conditions for the functioning of a future structure, establish the sequence of its implementation, contribute to the creation of different original structures on the same basis: complete building using blocks of different configurations, embed additional elements.

2. Carry out designing according to one's own plan, based on a technological map, a map-scheme of the model.

3. Use the created designs in layout games, role-playing games.

4. Form at children a steady interest in constructive activity, a desire to experiment, create, portray.

5. Expand vocabulary while learning the main components simple mechanisms.

6. Form at children a holistic view of the world of technology

Peculiarities project

Project It is focused on working with children of 6 years of age and is designed for one year of study.

Classes are held once a week for 25 minutes. For implementation project All interested children are welcome.

Form of conducting classes: individual, group.

Lesson structure:

The first part of the lesson is an exercise in the development of logical thinking (the goal is to develop the elements of logical thinking.

The second part is the creation of a structure (the goal is the development of visual modeling abilities.

The third part - playing with buildings, an exhibition of works (the goal is to develop the skills to correctly represent your model).

Expected result of implementation project:

There will be an interest in the independent manufacture of buildings, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in designing and assembly of structures, cognitive activity, imagination, fantasy and creative initiative.

Design skills and abilities will be formed, the ability to analyze an object, highlight its characteristic features, main parts, establish a connection between their purpose and structure.

Improving communication skills children working in pairs, team, distribution of responsibilities.

The prerequisites for educational activities: the ability and desire to work, perform tasks in accordance with the instructions and the goal, bring the work started to the end, plan future work.

Children will have ideas:

About details lego-constructor and methods of their connections;

On the stability of models depending on its shape and weight distribution;

About varieties simple mechanisms.

Ways to check expected results: observation in the learning process.

Implementation summary forms project: interview, Exhibition.

Stages of work on project:

Stage 1 - organizational and preparatory

Activity children:

Creating interest in LEGO construction;

Accumulation of personal experience;

Entry into the game situation;

Formulating problems and tasks with teacher;

Specification of tasks project;

Suggestion of ways to solve the problem.

Activity teacher:

Creation of conditions for implementation project;

Comprehensive study of psychological pedagogical and scientific and methodological literature;

Differentiation of needs teacher, children and parents within the existing problem;

Definition of specific goals, objectives, ways to solve the problem;

Development of class notes;

Product Definition project.

Stage 2 - technological

Activity children:

Systematization of knowledge about the details of the designer « lego. simple mechanisms» , connection, fastening of buildings, design features;

Mastering games;

Fulfillment of creative tasks;

Production of attributes for role-playing, didactic, creative.

Activity teacher:

Development of a calendar-perspective implementation plan project with children;

Development and testing of GCD abstracts using active learning methods;

Creation of technological maps, maps of buildings;

Creation of a bank of teaching aids for constructive activities using constructors « lego» ;

Organization of constructive activities children, coordination and control;

Helping children in the implementation process project;

Stage 3 - generalizing

Activity children:

Assistance in the design of exhibitions of creative works;

Assistance in the design of the photo album at the end project;

Activity teacher:

Creating zones « lego» construction;

Abstracts, presentations; technological maps, maps-schemes of buildings, attributes for classes;

Organization of exhibitions of creative works;

Create a photo album based on the results project.

The created buildings from Lego can be used in theatrical games that you really like preschoolers: they create conditions for the development of speech, creativity and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere.

Lego constructor can be used in didactic games and exercises 9for example, a game "Wonderful bag", in which children develops tactile perception and speech. Game 2Remember and repeat "is aimed at correcting memory and thinking).

Integration of educational areas in project« LEGO construction. simple mechanisms»

Educational area Forms of work

Socio-communicative development

communicative various types of games and exercises, dramatizations on the subject project;

discussions, conversations, didactic games;

Cognitive development cognitive and research enrichment, consolidation of cognitive material, didactic games;

Speech development speech reading of poems, guessing riddles, reading and compiling stories, using speech games, conversations;

Artistic and aesthetic development, creative fulfillment of creative tasks, participation in exhibitions of creative works;

Physical development, exercise, development of fine motor skills of the hands, physical minutes.

Educational and thematic plan

№ Term Theme Duration

October 4 lessons

1. 1 week Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with « LEGO - constructor» . 25 minutes

2. 2nd week Name of details. 25 minutes

3. 3rd week Fastening methods. 25 minutes

4. Week 4 What is simple mechanisms. 25 minutes

November 4 lessons

5. 1 week Gear wheels. 25 minutes

6. Week 2 General information: Gears. 25 minutes

7. Week 3 Main task "Carousel" 25 minutes

8. Week 4 Creative task "Popcorn Cart" 25 minutes

December 4 lessons

9. 1 week Wheels and axles. 25 minutes

10. Week 2 General information: Wheels and axles. 25 minutes

11. Week 3 Main exercise: Machine 25 minutes

12. Week 4 Creative exercise: Wheelbarrow 25 minutes

Total for the quarter 12 lessons - 300 minutes

January 2 lessons

13. 1 week Weekends and holidays.

Weekends and holidays.

14. 2 weeks

13. Week 3 Levers. 25 minutes

14. Week 4 General information: Levers. 25 minutes

February 4 lessons

15. 1 week Main exercise: Catapult 25 minutes

16. 2nd week Creative exercise: Railway crossing with barrier 25 minutes

17. Week 3 Pulleys. 25 minutes

18. 4 week General information: Pulleys. 25 minutes

March 5 lessons

19. 1 week Main exercise: "Crazy floors 25 minutes

20 2nd week Creative exercise: Crane 25 minutes

21. Week 3 Creating creative projects. 25 minutes

22. Week 4 Designing the machine of the future. 25 minutes

23. 5 week Designing water transport. 25 minutes

Total for the quarter 11 lessons - 275 minutes

April 4 lessons

24. 1 week Designing animals. 25 minutes

25. 2nd week Designing robots. 25 minutes

26 3rd week Designing fairy-tale characters. 25 minutes

27 4 week Creation of scenery. 25 minutes

May 2 lessons

28 1 week Creating a theater from LEGO models. 25 minutes

29. 2nd week Summing up. 25 minutes

Total 29 lessons - 725 minutes

Section 1. Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with « LEGO - constructor» .

Target: meet to children with a LEGO set« simple mechanisms» .

Theory: must know the rules for using the lego-constructor.

Practice: must be able to use the constructor.

Section 2. Name of parts.

Target: introduce children with name details.

Theory: must know the names of the parts.

Practice: must be able to apply the names of parts in practice.

Section 3. Methods of fastening.

Target: introduce children with types of mounts.

Theory: must know how to fasten parts.

Practice: must be able to connect parts in different ways.

Section 4. What is simple mechanisms.

Target: introduce children with the concept of simple mechanisms.

Theory: must know varieties mechanisms.

Practice: must be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Section 5. Gears.

Target: introduce children with the concept of gear wheels

Theory: must know the principles of gears

Practice: must be able to assemble structures.

Section 6. Wheels and axles.

Target: introduce children with the concepts of wheel and axle.

Theory: must know the types of axles and wheels.

Practice: Must be able to design models with wheels and axles.

Section 7. Levers.

Target: introduce children with leverage concept.

Theory: must know where to apply mechanism lever.

Practice: must be able to assemble a model with lever mechanism.

Section 8. Pulleys.

Target: introduce children with pulley concept.

Theory A: must know the definition of a pulley.

Practice: Must be able to design a model using pulleys.

Section 9. Creation of creative projects.

Target: create creative project.

Theory: Must be able to represent their Lego models.

Practice: must be able to create Lego models on their own.

Section 10. Summing up.

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities children.

Theory: must know the basic definitions, names of parts, types of fasteners.

Practice: must be able to connect parts, create structures using simple mechanisms.


1. Ishmakova M. S. Construction in preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard All-Russian Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Robotics. – M.: Ed. -polygraph center "Mask", 2013.

2. Komarova L. G. We build from lego"LINKA-PRESS"- Moscow, 2001.

3. Luss T. V. Formation of skills of constructive-game activity in children with LEGO. – Moscow: VLADOS Humanitarian Publishing Center, 2003.

4. Lishtvan Z. V. Design - Moscow: « Education» , 1981.

5. Paramonova L. A. Children's creative design - Moscow: Publishing House "Karapuz", 1999.

6. Feshina E. V. "Lego construction in kindergarten" Benefit for teachers. - M .: ed. Sphere, 2011.

LEGO Simple Machines 9689 and WeDo Primal Robot 9580 sets.
The price of these sets in Biglion is much lower compared to other stores (simple mechanisms 2190 against prices on the Internet from 4000, the first robot 3492 rubles against prices from 8000, often higher)

There are pickup points in almost all cities (postamats), many have courier delivery.
I ordered by courier, I can’t say anything about delivery to Postamaty ... I never used it at all.
Who doubted to take or not to take - ask what interests - I'll see.
We do not plan to open it yet, we will leave Gleba for Legocomp next year.

Simple mechanisms go! with instructions- it’s true that there is practically nothing to collect there, but for a start, this will be enough, and then come up with your own)
But for Pervorobot, the purchase of software is required !!

Instructions for simple mechanisms:
If needed, I can take a larger picture with spreads. Everything is there as in standard kits - step-by-step assembly instructions. Nothing new. What can be collected can be seen on the covers:

Composition of simple mechanisms. Of course, the details are sooooo small for such a cost, even at a big discount in biglion ...

LEGO 9689 is an exploration toy for toddlers that introduces kids to simple machines found in everyday life. The difficulty level is designed for 5-9 years, therefore, the solution will be of interest to younger students and kindergarteners. The set is positioned as educational, but at the same time, it can be used for home use. With the help of LEGO 9689, children will: assemble their first mechanisms; in an interesting game form, they will get acquainted with the work of pulleys, flywheels, levers, gears, axles; learn to design and build models, following the drawing; make small experiments

What will you have to work with?

The LEGO Simple Machines 9689 set includes over 200 components:

  • Plastic figurines of men;
  • Building blocks (plates, bricks, etc.);
  • Axles, pulleys, wheels, gears;
  • Blades, wings, scales;
  • Color drawings for assembling models.

So that the details do not mix and are not lost, and the work in the lesson takes place in an organized manner, a special sorting tray is attached to the kit. Methodological materials for teachers were also released for the set, which must be purchased separately.

The LEGO 9689 Teacher's Book contains:

  • The theoretical part, which explains the basic engineering terms, physical phenomena.
  • Visual aids for lessons in the classroom - diagrams and photographs.
  • Handouts and recommendations for the teacher.

In total, the guys have to build 16 standard and 4 basic models. Four practical tasks will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Benefits of the LEGO Education Set 9689

At such an early age, children are not so easily motivated to study theory in technical disciplines. But with LEGO Education's 9689 Easy Mechanism Set, which is a playful learning tool, math, physics and technology lessons are much more interesting. Being engaged with the designer, the child not only receives new knowledge, but also develops important skills:

  • Logical thinking
  • Team communications
  • Analysis and forecasting
  • creative independent work
  • Search for non-standard solutions

As practice shows, the LEGO Education methodology - learn by playing - gives excellent results. You can purchase the 9689 set from our online store for both home and school use.
