Test for stress resistance of Holmes and Rage. Stress resistance test. Methodology for determining stress resistance and social adaptation by Holmes and Rahe High degree of resistance to stress

A set of psychological tests is aimed at implementing the following goals : studying the characteristics of students with the possibility of determining an assessment, which can be presented in descriptive, tabular and graphical form.

The complex consists of 8 tests:

1. “Identification of character accentuation”;

2. “Determination of the structure of temperament”;

3. “Diagnostics of aggressive behavior”;

4. “Determining the level of anxiety”;

5. “Assessment of communication and organizational abilities”;

6. “Self-assessment of a person’s stress resistance”;

7. “Identification of motives of behavior”;

8. “Your behavior in conflict situations.”

Test No. 6. “Self-assessment of a person’s stress resistance.”

The title page of the test contains a description and recommendations for taking and saving test results, prompting you to enter the first and last name of the test taker and proceed to the test questions. Next to each question, you must select the correct answer. When you highlight a cell in which you want to enter or select an answer, a corresponding selection message appears. Once you have completed filling out all the answer cells, you need to click “Your results.” The test results are displayed graphically and described in detail. After taking the test, students should be reminded to save the test results under their name in their group or class folder.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Annotation. The article contains the author's methodology for determining the level of stress resistance of an individual, information is provided on the standardization of the methodology. Key words: psychology, stress resistance, stress resistance resources, author's methodology.

In the modern world, the problem of maintaining mental health and developing stress resistance in people is very relevant, because stress resistance allows you to maintain optimal performance and efficiency, as well as mental state in stressful situations. Analyzing diagnostic methods on the issue of stress resistance, we can conclude that to date no comprehensive a technique that allows you to comprehensively assess stress resistance as a personality quality; they only allow you to diagnose problematic aspects and evaluate the components (resources, factors) of stress resistance. For this purpose, an original method was developed that allows us to determine the level of stress resistance of an individual. The technique can be used in respondents over 18 years of age; there are no other restrictions in the use of the technique. In this technique, stress resistance is understood as an integral psychological property of a person as an individual, personality and subject of activity, which ensures internal psychophysiological homeostasis and optimizes the impact of external emotional conditions of life. Accordingly, stress resistance can be considered as a property that influences the result of activity, and as a characteristic that ensures the constancy of the personality as a system. Stress resistance is considered as a personality quality consisting of a combination of the following components: A) psychophysiological (properties, type of nervous system), B) emotional component emotional experience of the individual, accumulated in the process of overcoming the negative influences of extreme situations, B) motivational (the strength of motives determines emotional stability. The same person can show different degrees depending on what motives prompt him to be active. By changing motivation, you can increase ( or reduce) emotional stability), D) the volitional component, which is expressed in the conscious self-regulation of actions, bringing them into line with the requirements of the situation, E) the information component of professional preparedness, awareness and readiness of the individual to perform certain tasks, E) the intellectual component assessment, forecast, decision-making on courses of action. The methodology takes into account resources (factors) of stress resistance, which ensure the ability to effectively cope with stress. According to L.A. KitaevSmyk, the factors that determine stress resistance can be divided into several groups: 1. Biological features: A) Congenital characteristics of the body and early childhood experience. According to psychogenetic research, people's reactions to certain environmental factors are 30-40% determined by genes received from their parents, and 60-70% depend on upbringing, life experience, training, acquired skills, and the development of conditioned reflexes; thus, some people are initially more are predisposed to stress, while others are resistant to it. B) Type of higher nervous activity of a person. The type of higher nervous activity of a person reflects the strength and dynamics of nervous processes in the brain and is little subject to any changes. C) Age and gender characteristics in the manifestation of stress resistance and coping strategies. The same event in different people can cause sharp opposition, give rise to negative feelings or pass almost unnoticed. 2. Personal characteristics: A) Tendency to anger. People prone to anger, hostility, and irritability are more susceptible to stress, and open, friendly people with a sense of humor, on the contrary. B) Locus of control. Locus of control determines how effectively a person can control or master the environment. The concept of locus of control was developed by the American psychologist J. Rotter. B) Anxiety. This is an individual’s tendency to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold for the occurrence of an anxiety reaction; one of the main parameters of individual differences. D) Self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to the fundamental formations of personality. It largely determines her activity, attitude towards herself and other people. Self-esteem can be high and low, differ in the degree of stability, independence, and criticality. D) A person’s orientation, his attitudes and values. In situations that give rise to mental stress, motivation to achieve success has an effect on the individual that is opposite to anxiety. 3. Social environmental factors: A) Social conditions and working conditions. Social conditions and working conditions, that is, social changes; increased responsibility for work; significant predominance of intellectual work; constant lack of time; chronic fatigue; violation of the work and rest schedule; decline in personal prestige; lack of elements of creativity in work; long waits during work; night shifts and lack of free time to satisfy personal needs; poor and balanced diet; smoking and systematic drinking of alcohol). B) Close social environment. The family is of great importance for the development of personality and the achievement of social maturity. Family upbringing determines the lifestyle of children for their entire future life, the style of relationships in their own families. It establishes an attentive or dismissive attitude towards issues of mental self-regulation, healthy lifestyle skills, and the ability to establish constructive interpersonal relationships. 4. Cognitive factors: A) Level of sensitivity. Sensitivity depends on the sensitivity of the receptors; type of higher nervous activity; ease of formation of conditioned reflex (associative) connections in the cerebral cortex; increasing or decreasing sensitivity in the process of individual experience; having the skills to consciously increase or decrease sensitivity through training. B) The ability to analyze one’s condition and environmental factors. The ability to implement one or another type of adaptation to a stressful situation depends not only on motives and goals, personality traits, mental state, but also on what kind of stressor is acting, what is its strength, and what situation the person is involved in. A person has the opportunity to choose in response, activity, behavior, but the degree of freedom of choice is limited by the characteristics of a stressful situation. Thus, the technique takes into account all of the listed components.

“Test to determine the level of stress resistance of a person” Instructions: “You need to answer questions based on how often these statements are typical for you. You should answer all points, even if this statement does not apply to you at all. Please mark the appropriate option for each statement in the appropriate box. Try not to think for a long time about choosing an answer.” Table 1 Stimulus material of the method No. Statement Often / strongly Rarely / sometimes No / never 1 I lose my peace of mind if those around me are oppressed by something.

2I do not tolerate criticism of myself.

3I worry about the quality of the work I do.

4I suffer from insomnia.

5I think people underestimate me.

6I get irritated over trifles.

7I try to be the first in everything.

8I am aggressive.

9I don't have enough free time.

10I experience troubles painfully.

11I have conflict situations.

12I do what I love, visit exhibitions, concerts, museums.

13Thoughts about the upcoming work do not give me rest.

14I can't concentrate.

15I laugh.

16I feel helpless.

17 Unexpected events drive me crazy.

18I feel inner restlessness.

19I'm nervous.

20I meet with friends and acquaintances.

21I feel weak throughout my body.

22It’s hard for me to hide my irritation.

23I take other people's problems to heart.

24I go in for sports.

25I am quite happy.

26I plan my life.

27I am overcome by fears.

28I drink more than 4 cups of coffee/tea a day.

29It happens that I tell lies.

30I feel unsure of myself.

31 It seems to me that so many difficulties have accumulated that they cannot be overcome.

32I'm making new acquaintances.

33I gather my “will into a fist” to get the job done.

34I have headaches.

35I eat irrationally.

36I am satisfied.

37I look forward to the future positively.

38I'm afraid of change.

Data processing. Before processing the results, the number of points scored on the lie scale is calculated. Lie scale answer “never/no” to questions: 11, 15, 20, 26, 29. Each match with the lie scale is scored 1 point. If more than 3 points are scored on the lie scale, the diagnostic results are unreliable. This indicates the phenomenon of social desirability, that is, the desire to appear somewhat better in the eyes of other people and give answers that would be more desirable from the point of view of norms, rules and values ​​of society. Repeated testing should be carried out after some time.

Further processing is carried out in accordance with the key, the total number of points scored in the test is calculated. Table 2 “Key” to the test for determining the level of stress resistance of an individual

No. Statement Often / strongly Rarely / sometimes No / never 1 I lose my peace of mind if those around me are depressed in some way. 2102 I do not tolerate criticism of myself. 2103 I worry about the quality of the work I do. 2104 I suffer from insomnia. 2105 I think that people underestimate me. 2106 I get irritated over trifles. 2107I try to be the first in everything.0128I am aggressive.2109I don’t have enough free time.21010I experience troubles painfully.21011I have conflict situations.21

12I do what I love, visit exhibitions, concerts, museums.01213Thoughts about the upcoming work haunt me.21014I can’t concentrate.21015I laugh.01

16I feel helpless.21017Unexpected events make me angry.21018I feel inner restlessness.21019I am nervous.21020I meet with friends, acquaintances.01

21I feel weak all over my body.21022It’s hard for me to hide my irritation.21023I take other people’s problems to heart.21024I go in for sports.01225I am quite happy.01226I plan my life.01

27I am overcome by fears.21028I drink more than 4 cups of coffee/tea a day.21029Sometimes I tell lies.21

30I feel self-doubt.21031It seems to me that so many difficulties have accumulated that it is impossible to overcome them.21032I make new acquaintances.01233I muster my willpower to get the job done.21034I experience headaches.21035I eat irrationally.21036I am content.01237I I look into the future positively.01238I am afraid of change.210Interpretation of results.Interpretation of results is carried out in accordance with the number of points scored.If you score 0 11 points, you have a high level of stress resistance. You clearly define goals and ways to achieve them, know how and strive to manage time rationally, and can work for a long time with great effort. Surprises, as a rule, do not unsettle you. Your range of interests is quite wide. If you score 12-23 points, your level of stress resistance is above average. You are confident in yourself, you perceive strong shocks as a lesson in life and turn on the mechanisms of self-esteem and significance, you know how to show your strengths and quickly restore your mental state. If you scored 24-44 points, you have an average level of stress resistance. Your level of stress resistance corresponds to the intense life of an active person. Situations have a significant impact on your life, and you do not resist them very much. Stress tolerance decreases as stressful situations increase in your life. If you scored 45-56 points, your level of stress resistance is below average. You experience chain reactions of physical and mental disorders, and you are forced to spend part of your resources on combating negative psychological states that arise during the process of stress. You should quickly start using stress management exercises in your daily life. If you score more than 57 points, you have a low level of stress resistance. You are very vulnerable to stress, very sensitive to stress, so you are forced to spend most of your resources on dealing with stress. You are characterized by a desire to compete and achieve goals; usually you are not satisfied with yourself and circumstances and begin to strive for a new goal. You often show aggressiveness, impatience, and detachment. You should take some targeted actions against the stress that overcomes you in order to regain your calm, confidence, and efficiency.

Information about the standardization of the methodology. The standardization of the methodology was carried out on 50 subjects: 28 women aged 18-56 years; 22 men aged 19 53 years. The professional and territorial affiliation of the subjects was not taken into account. Research procedure: the subjects had to answer all the test questions, then calculate the results obtained, and then determine the level of stress resistance. The first study was carried out on November 11, 2015, the 2nd study (retest) was carried out on December 3, 2015, diagnostics using the “Perceptual assessment of the type of stress resistance” method was carried out on November 16, 2015. The results obtained using this method do not differ from the normal distribution law (since according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Lilliefors criterion K S = 0.08; p
It is a non-parametric method that is used for the purpose of statistically studying the relationship between phenomena. In this case, the actual degree of parallelism between the two quantitative series of the studied characteristics is determined and an assessment of the closeness of the established relationship is given using a quantitatively expressed coefficient. Hypotheses: H0: The correlation relationship between the methods is not statistically significant. H1: The correlation relationship between the methods is statistically significant. Results obtained: rs = 0.665, rcr (p ≤ 0.05) = 0.27, rcr (p ≤ 0.01) = 0.35. Since rs rcr we accept hypothesis H1, the correlation between the methods “Test for determining the level of stress resistance of a person” and “Perceptual assessment of type stress resistance" is statistically significant, the relationship is direct and moderate. Thus, the data obtained show that the developed test measures the same area, the same phenomenon as the reference method. This indicates the theoretical validity of the methodology, that is, the “Test to determine the level of stress resistance of a person” has construct validity. To check the reliability of the measuring instrument, the test-retest reliability method was used. On December 3, 2015, 3 weeks after the first study (November 11, 2015), the subjects were given the same test under the same conditions as the original one. To establish a correlation between the data, the statistical method Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used. Hypotheses: H0: There is no correlation between the 1st and 2nd presentation of the technique. H1: There is a correlation between the 1st and 2nd presentation of the technique. Results obtained: rs = 0.978, rcr (p ≤ 0.05) = 0.27, rcr (p ≤ 0.01) = 0.35. Since rs rcr we accept hypothesis H1, there is a correlation between the first and second presentation of the test to determine the level of stress resistance of an individual, it is statistically significant, it is direct and very close. Thus, the data obtained show that the developed test is highly reliable , which indicates the stability of the trait being studied. Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the developed methodology “Test to determine the level of stress resistance of an individual” has sufficient validity and reliability for use in professional activities, both for group and individual use in order to determine level of stress resistance of an individual, and can be used as a professional diagnostic tool along with other methods.

Links to sources1.Psychological dictionary / under general. ed. Petrovsky M.G., Yaroshevsky P.N. 3rd ed. RnD.: Phoenix, 1999. 512 p. 2. Katunin, A.P. Stress resistance as a psychological phenomenon / A.P. Katunin // Young scientist. 2012. No. 9. P. 243246.3. KitaevSmyk, L.A. Psychology of stress. Psychological anthropology of stress / L.A. KitaevSmyk. M.: Academic Project, 2009. 943 pp. 4. Shcherbatykh, Yu.V. Psychology of stress and correction methods / Yu.V. Shcherbatykh. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. 256 p. 5. Meshcheryakov, B.G. Psychological Dictionary / B.G. Meshcheryakov, V.P. Zinchenko. M.: Slovo, 2002. P. 88 89.6. Mileryan, E.A. Discussion and theoretical generalization of experimental materials / E.A. Mileryan // Labor psychology. M.: MercuryPress, 2000.

P. 15 54.7. Chovdyrova, G.S. Problems of stress, mental disadaptation and increasing stress resistance of the individual in conditions of social isolation / G.S. Chovdyrova. Tyumen: Tyumen Library, 2005. 287 p. 8. KitaevSmyk, L.A. Uk. op.9.Psychological dictionary / under general. ed. Petrovsky M.G., Yaroshevsky P.N. Uk.soch.10. Vasilyuk, F.E. Psychology of experience / F.E. Vasilyuk. M., 1984. 200 p. 11. Kitaev Smyk, L.A. Uk. op. 12. Sirotin, O.A. Emotional stability / O.A. Sirotin. M., 1972. 11 p. 13. Selye, G. Stress without distress / G. Selye. M.: Book on demand, 2012. 66 pp. 14. Psychological dictionary / under general. ed. Petrovsky M.G., Yaroshevsky P.N. Uk. op. 15. Kulikov, L.V. Psychological stability of personality / L.V. Kulikov // Personal psychohygiene: issues of psychological stability and psychoprophylaxis. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. P. 87 115.

Instructions. You are offered a questionnaire form with statements. Circle the option that applies to you for each statement. The more sincere your answers are, the more accurate the result you will get.

Statement Rarely Sometimes Often
1. I think that I am underestimated in the team 1
2. I try to work, even if I’m not entirely healthy.
3. I constantly worry about the quality of my work.
4. I can be aggressive
5. I don't tolerate criticism. 1
6. I get irritable
7. I try to be a leader where possible. 3
8. I am considered a persistent and assertive person.
9. I suffer from insomnia
10. I can fight back my enemies
11. I experience trouble emotionally and painfully.
12. I don't have enough time to rest
13. I have conflict situations
14. I don’t have enough power to implement
15. I don’t have enough time to do what I love.
16. I do everything quickly
17. I am afraid that I will not get into college.
18. I act hastily and then worry about my actions and actions.

Determine your level of stress resistance using the table:

The fewer points you score, the higher your resistance to stress, and vice versa. If you have level 1 or even level 2 stress resistance, then you need to radically change your lifestyle. Every person is able to learn to control their emotional state and thereby reduce the impact of a stressful situation.

2. Test Lifestyle analysis (Boston stress tolerance test).

You must answer the questions based on how often these statements are true for you. You should answer all points, even if this statement does not apply to you at all.

Question Always Often Sometimes Almost never Never
You eat at least one hot meal a day
You sleep 7-8 hours at least four times a week
You constantly feel the love of others and give your love in return.
Within 50 kilometers you have at least one person you can rely on
You exercise until you break a sweat at least twice a week
You smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day I don't smoke!!!
You consume no more than five glasses of strong alcoholic drinks per week
Your weight corresponds to your height Height (cm) - Weight (kg) =100 ± 10
Your income fully satisfies your basic needs
Your faith supports you
You regularly engage in club or social activities
You have many friends and acquaintances
Do you have one or two friends whom you completely trust?
Are you healthy
You can openly express your feelings when you are angry or worried about something.
Do you regularly discuss your home problems with the people you live with?
Do you do something just for fun at least once a week or laugh three times a week
You can organize your time efficiently
You drink no more than three cups of coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks per day
Have some time for yourself every day
“Price” of the answer (in points):

Now add up the results of your answers and subtract 20 points from the resulting number. Total______ 30_ _____________

If you scored less than 10 points, then you can be happy (if you also answered honestly): you have excellent resistance to stressful situations, nothing threatens your health.

If your score is from 11 to 30 points, you have a normal level of stress, which corresponds to the moderately stressful life of an active person.

If your final number exceeds 30 points, then think about the fact that stressful situations have a significant impact on your life, and you do not resist them very much.

If you score more than 50 points, then you are very vulnerable to stress. In this case, you should seriously think about your life - is it time to change it and think about your health.

Take another look at the test statements. If your answer to any statement received a score of 3 or higher, try to change your behavior that corresponds to this item, and your vulnerability to stress will decrease. For example, if your score for point 19 is 4, try drinking at least one cup of coffee per day less than usual.

Start taking a closer look at yourself now, and not when it’s too late.

Test to determine personality stress resistance

Below is a test that allows you to assess your level of stress resistance. You will get a more objective result, the more sincere your answers are. Circle the appropriate option for each statement (if there are no forms on the sheet of paper, a point is given next to the question number).





1. I think that I am underestimated in the team

2. I try to work and study, even if I am not entirely healthy.

3. I worry about the quality of my work.

4. I can be aggressive

5. I don't tolerate criticism.

6. I get irritable

7. I try to be a leader where possible.

8. I am considered a persistent and assertive person.

9. I suffer from insomnia

10. I can fight back my enemies

11. I experience trouble emotionally and painfully.

12. I don't have enough time to rest

13. I have conflict situations

14. I lack the power to realize myself

15. I don’t have enough time to do what I love.

16. I do everything quickly

17. I am afraid that I will not get into college.

18. I act rashly and then worry about my actions and actions.

Total points

Your level of stress tolerance

1 - very low

2 - low

3 - below average

4 - slightly below average

5 - average

6 - slightly above average

7 - above average

8 - high

9 - very high

The fewer (total number) points you score, the higher your resistance to stress, and vice versa.

If you have level 1 or even level 2 stress resistance, then you need to radically change your lifestyle.


Psychology of Personality" Comp. N.V. Kirsheva, N.V. Ryabchikova. - M., Helikon, 1995

Crisis profile

Urbanovich A.A. Psychology of management: textbook. - MN.: Harvest, 2005.- 640 p.

1. I suffer from headaches, malaise or feel unwell.

2. I became absent-minded.

3. I am haunted by a feeling of anxiety that colors my judgments and feelings.

4. At times I have thoughts that there is no point in continuing to live as before.

5. I avoid thinking or talking about my failure (misfortune).

6. At times my heart beats faster.

7. It seems to me that I have lost the ability to realistically evaluate events and perceive them clearly.

8. I am angry with the whole world because this happened to me.

9. I feel physical fatigue, apathy, lethargy of feelings.

10. Thoughts about what happened are constantly spinning in my head, and I can’t stop them.

11. At times I cannot breathe normally.

12. At times I find it difficult to clearly formulate my thoughts.

13. After what happened, I don’t cry or grieve as much as I usually should.

14. Everyone around me seems alien, cold and hopeless.

15. I can’t work at all as before, everything is falling out of my hands.

16. Constipation (diarrhea) bothers me more often than usual.

17. I have become forgetful and miss some mandatory events.

18. At times I cry or am close to tears.

19. I don’t enjoy pleasant and joyful events as much as before.

20. I want to forget myself and run wherever my eyes take me.

21. I have difficulty falling asleep.

22. It is very difficult for me to concentrate on anything.

23. I feel inexplicably anxious almost all the time.

24. At times I hate myself.

25. At times, thoughts about what happened deprive me of sleep.

26. My pulse is fast (slow), my blood pressure is high (low).

27. My perception of the environment is narrowed and limited by my problem and everything that concerns it.

28. I am ashamed of myself and of everything that happened to me.

29. At times everything seems meaningless to me.

30. I am not able to fulfill my professional and home responsibilities as before.

31. My heart rate is unstable (slow, rapid).

32. It seems to me that a number of my decisions taken at the present time are ill-considered, hasty and, rather, even impulsive.

33. At times I am overcome by a state of complete insensibility, as if nothing had happened.

34. My Self has changed so much that at times I don’t recognize myself.

35. I began to devote much more time to work (service) and in this I find a way out of this situation.

36. I often have dry mouth.

37. It is difficult for me to remember information that I used to remember without much effort.

38. Often I have a desire to tell even unfamiliar people about my emotional experiences.

39. My depressed, depressed mood lasts a long time.

40. From time to time, I involuntarily (in the form of a kind of flash) revive the most traumatic memories of what happened.

41. I often have a subjective feeling of lack of air and even a feeling of stopping breathing.

42. I cannot concentrate properly when performing my job duties.

43. At times I get the feeling that everything inside has shrunk into a ball.

44. My critical attitude towards myself and my actions has become more acute.

45. I get tired even from performing my usual duties.

46. ​​My appetite has worsened, and sometimes I feel nauseated.

47. Sometimes it seems to me that everything that happens is unreal.

48. Every day the thought comes to me more and more often:

that I did not do everything possible to avoid such a development.

49. My mood has become extremely unstable.

50. I started drinking more than I should.

51. I have become excessively sweaty.

52. When people contact me, I often respond with a delay.

53. I was overcome by a state of indifference to my surroundings; nothing excites, bothers, or interests me.

54. I don’t want to see anyone and try to be alone.

55. Most of the time I continue to think about what happened, although it is painful.

56. My sleep has become restless and is sometimes interrupted by nightmares.

57. I began to notice that I often could not remember information that I always remembered.

58. I'm so caught up in my feelings that it only makes things worse.

59. I often have a grumpy mood, I have become irritable, gloomy, and aggressive towards family and friends.

60. I try to avoid difficulties both in thoughts and actions.

Processing of results: each affirmative answer is worth one point. Calculate the points in accordance with the key, then multiply the amount by the multiplier corresponding to this scale (if there is one).



a) dysfunction of the autonomic system (26, 36, 51 x 4)

b) cardiac dysfunction (6, 31 x 6)

c) breathing disorders (11, 41 x 6)

d) dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (16, 46 x 6)

e) problems with sleep (21, 56 x 6)


a) complications of attention functioning (2, 22, 42 x 4)

b) complications in the functioning of perception (7, 27, 47 x 4)

c) complications in the functioning of thinking (12, 32, 52 x 4)

d) complications of memory functioning (17, 37, 57 x 4)


a) anxiety (3, 23, 43 x 4)

b) generalized emotional reactions (anger, shame, guilt) (8, 28, 48 x 4

c) emotional dullness (13, 33, 53 x 4)

f) weakness, increased emotionality (18, 38, 58 x 4)

4. DEPRESSIVE MOOD (4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29,

34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59)


a) attempts to get away from the problem (5, 20, 35, 50 x 3),

b) preoccupation with the problem (10, 25, 40, 55 x 3)

c) problems with performing official and household duties (15, 30, 45, 60 x 3).

The determination of the individual profile of experiencing a crisis is carried out using a key table, which reflects the points scored for the given 17 positions.

A graph is constructed: horizontally the state scale has 17 positions, and vertically from 0 to 12 points for each state.

Stress level

Dear colleagues, please respond to the statements given below:

1 point agree

2 points I don’t really agree

3 points rather disagree

4 points completely disagree

1. Perhaps I am a nervous person

2. I worry a lot about my job.

3. I often feel nervous

4. Daily activities cause me a lot of stress.

5. When communicating with people, I often feel nervous tension

6. By the end of the day I am completely exhausted physically and mentally.

7. Tensions often arise in my family.

Stress level

Calculate GPA

3 points - low stress level

2-2.99 - average stress level

1-1.99 - high level of stress

Instructions. Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

    How often do unexpected troubles throw you off balance?

    How often do you feel like the most important things in your life are out of your control?

Never - 0. Almost never - 1. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 3. Very often - 4.

    How often do you feel “nervous” or depressed?

Never - 0. Almost never - 1. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 3. Very often - 4.

    How often do you feel confident in your ability to cope with your personal problems?

    How often do you feel like everything is going exactly the way you want? Never - 4. Almost never - 3. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 1. Very often - 0.

    How often are you able to control your irritation?

Never - 4. Almost never - 3. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 1. Very often - 0.

    How often do you feel like you can't handle what's being asked of you?

Never - 0. Almost never - 1. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 3. Very often - 4.

    Do you often feel like you are successful?

Never - 4. Almost never - 3. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 1. Very often - 0.

    How often do you get angry about things you can't control?

Never - 0. Almost never - 1. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 3. Very often - 4.

    Do you often think that so many difficulties have accumulated that they cannot be overcome?

Never - 0. Almost never - 1. Sometimes - 2. Quite often - 3. Very often - 4.

Interpretation of test results. Processing of results is carried out by calculating the sum of points scored by the test taker on all questions of the test. Stress resistance is determined by

table 3.7. given below based on the number of points scored by the subject and his age.

Table 3.7. Stress resistance assessment

stress resistance


Very bad

Test to determine personality stress resistance28

Below is a test that allows you to assess your level of stress resistance. You will get a more objective result, the more sincere your answers are. Circle the appropriate option for each statement (if there are no forms on the sheet of paper, a point is given next to the question number).

Table 3.8.





1. I think that I am underestimated in the team

2. I try to work and study, even if I am not entirely healthy.

3. I worry about the quality of my work.

4. I can be aggressive

5. I don't tolerate criticism.

6. I get irritable

7. I try to be a leader where possible.

8. I am considered a persistent and assertive person.

9. I suffer from insomnia

10. I can fight back my enemies

11. I experience trouble emotionally and painfully.

12. I don't have enough time to rest

13. I have conflict situations

28 Personality Psychology” Comp. N.V. Kirsheva, N.V. Ryabchikova. - M., Helikon, 1995

End of table. 3.8.





14. I lack the power to realize myself

15. I don’t have enough time to do what I love.

16. I do everything quickly

17. I am afraid that I will not get into college.

18. I act rashly and then worry about my actions and actions.

Table 3.9.

Test to determine personality stress resistance

Total points

Level your resistance to stress and

1 - very low

2 - low

3 - below average

4 - slightly below average

5 - average

6 - slightly above average

7 - above average

8 - high

9 - very high

The fewer (total number) points you score, the higher your resistance to stress, and vice versa. If you have level 1 or even level 2 stress resistance, then you need to radically change your lifestyle.
