Nightingale's human brain. Professor Sergei Savelyev and his works. From a single cell reaction to a multicellular organism

Today we will discuss the ideas of a famous scientist, which caused heated debate in the scientific world.


Professor Sergey Savelyev is a Russian scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, evolutionist and paleoneurologist. Born in 1959 in Moscow. Almost nothing is known about the young man’s childhood and adolescence. He entered the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry at MGZPI and graduated with honors. Some time later he worked at the Brain Institute of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, and since 1984 at the Research Institute of Human Morphology. He is also an amateur photographer and a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.

Sergei Savelyev: books

S. Savelyev wrote about a hundred scientific articles and 10 monographs. He is also the author of the Stereoscopic Atlas of the Human Brain, which was awarded a diploma. V. Shevkunenko for the best scientific work. The scientist’s field of scientific activity is embryonic pathologies of the nervous system and methods of their diagnosis. In 2002, the evolutionist published a monograph, which he illustrated with real photographs of human embryos in the first days of implantation.

Ideas and developments

Over the course of his work, he developed the basic principles of the occurrence of nervous disorders in humans and animals. He was the first to study and photograph an 11-day-old human embryo. He was able to identify crisis moments during the formation of the nervous system of the embryo (with an accuracy of days), which can lead to various pathologies of the adult brain. Savelyev devoted a lot of time to studying the molecular mechanisms of encoding morphogenetic information in the nervous system of the embryo.

The professor is the author of the positional theory of control of early embryonic development of the vertebrate brain. He proves that in the first stages of development there is no absolute predetermination, since the life of a cell is determined by the biomechanical interaction of other cells, and not by the genome. The theory was experimentally confirmed.

The professor paid much attention to the emergence and development of the nervous system in living beings. A little later, he presented to the scientific community his own theory about the importance of the transitional environment for the development of neurobiological models in chordates, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc. He was also able to give real examples of the application of the laws of neurobiology for the global study of the stages of development of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. He was actively involved in developing the principles of adaptive evolution of behavior and the nervous system. The professor looked for relationships between the development of the neocortex and the forebrain in mammals. Sergei Savelyev compiled a detailed description of the early stages of the evolution of the brain system in primates. Based on many works on the structure and development of the brain in animals, he created and substantiated his own hypotheses for the development of speech and association centers in the human brain.

In 2009, the professor developed his own method for determining hidden manifestations of schizophrenia due to the presence of empty areas in the pineal gland. In 2013, S. Savelyev led a research group that studied the mammoth brain. The following year, under the clear guidance of the scientist, a three-dimensional model of the mammoth brain was created (the first in the world). In 2014, he was also the leader of a scientific experiment called “Gecko-F4”, which was dedicated to studying the influence of microgravity on sexual behavioral stimuli, the body and the development of gecko embryos.

Cerebral sorting

The Russian scientist proved that every person really thinks differently. The theory of cerebral sorting states that the intellectual and creative abilities of any person directly depend on the activity and structure of certain brain structures. Sergey Savelyev develops cerebral sorting with the goal of creating a fair and harmonious society in which each individual can realize his or her maximum potential. Savelyev's idea is often contrasted with the theory of natural selection, according to which only those who know how to adapt to new and complex conditions survive. Cerebral sorting implies that all people can find their place in society - even those who develop more slowly and are not as capable of fighting for survival.

In practice, analysis of the capabilities of the human brain has become possible thanks to the use of a high-resolution tomograph. The idea itself is based on many years of work experience, a detailed study of the cerebral cortex and an active search for the morphological background of human capabilities.

"Brain Poverty"

What other ideas can surprise Sergei Savelyev? “The Poverty of the Brain” is one of his books that caused a very strong reaction among readers and the scientific world. It examines issues of human behavior that did not arise through natural selection. Much attention is paid to the relationship of behavioral aspects with the design of the human brain. Sergei Savelyev also touches on such paradoxical topics as the origin of thinking, sexual difference, individualization of the individual, duality of consciousness, etc. Some sections of the book are devoted to a detailed analysis of the formation of human instincts, as well as the patterns of development of communities.


Savelyev Sergei Vyacheslavovich, whose books are popular not only among scientists, but also among a wide range of readers, has unconventional views that cause not only admiration, but also open disapproval. The professor came to the conclusion that, following the modern path of development, a person will come to a decrease in intellectual abilities and an improvement in his physical performance. Today, something similar is manifested in the fact that people are ready to do anything to earn more money (example of a scientist). In this case, the individual turns off his mind, activating archaic concepts that guide his actions.


Some of the professor’s works (for example, “The Emergence of the Human Brain”) cause a lot of criticism. This work, according to experts, contains many errors and is also replete with incorrect use of terms. The emphasis is on the scientist using rhetoric to convince the reader of his theory, although this is incompatible with the scientific approach. Some prominent scientists publicly advised readers not to take Savelyev’s beliefs on the topic of genetics seriously. It is interesting that the professor himself gave speeches about the harm caused by an individual’s unfounded faith in a scientific theory that is not supported by a sufficient number of facts.

Summing up the article, it should be noted that it is impossible to objectively evaluate the works of Sergei Savelyev at the level of amateur reading. Criticism requires deep and complete knowledge. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the professor’s ideas, at least in order to be aware of modern opinions and hypotheses in the field of human brain development.

Modern man in his development is not far from the monkey, his life is determined by the same laws as tens of millions of years ago, and the future does not promise anything good for humanity. Evolutionist, paleoneurologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Nervous System Development at the Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev talks about the evolution and degradation of the brain and shares his predictions for the development of humanity.

How and why did the human brain develop?

The brain did not evolve so that we could think well, create immortal works, solve mathematical problems, or send people into space. It has evolved to solve biological problems quickly and efficiently. We have bad nails, slow legs, no wings, disgusting anatomy - we walk on two legs, like dinosaurs. And our only advantage over other species is brain size.

The brain was formed under the influence of biological laws for a very long time. Our distant ancestors, like all primates, lived in trees for 50 million years. Then, 15 million years ago, they descended from these trees. According to the official version, for no reason at all, they abandoned beautiful forests full of food and went to eat roots in open fields - where they could easily be torn to pieces by predators. Of course, this is nonsense. It is not so easy to drive monkeys out of the jungle; they can only be lured with food. This means that they went to the shores of lakes, of which there were a lot in Africa at that time, for fish, caviar and eggs of birds nesting there. An overabundance of protein-rich food and a lack of competition for it are the basis of the happiness of our ancestors. This paradise period lasted about 10 million years. What did primates do when they solved the food problem? Issues of reproduction and dominance. Fierce sexual competition began, and our ancestors began to sort things out among themselves. Excess food gives rise to social problems - this biological law is still in effect today. As long as everyone goes to work and earns money, everything is fine for everyone. As soon as one goes to work, the others begin to sort things out among themselves.

Was the speech that emerged at that time an instrument of sexual competition? And did it cause brain growth?

Speech and communication emerged as the basis for joint actions when hunting in water. But very quickly they began to be used in a different way - for deception. In any world, demonstrating the ability to act is much easier and more profitable than doing something. Just imagine: a male comes to a female and says that he caught a huge fish, but suddenly evil animals appeared, took it away and ate it. You already have an image - but there were no events. He came up with all this in order to achieve a result: to conquer the female and produce a descendant for himself. Speech began to evolve because it does not imply any activity. It is energetically more favorable. Lying is profitable everywhere, and everyone does it. Speech helped in the competitive struggle for food, for a female, for a dominant position in the pack. However, speech is not an acquisition that restructures or enlarges the brain. Microcephalians, for example, have smaller brains than chimpanzees, but they speak well.

When did the brain start to grow?

Ten million years ago, at the time of the transition from ape to man, a system of socialization arose and social selection began to operate. Since a group of primates could solve their problems only in a stable situation, when no one was squabbling among themselves, the most aggressive and the smartest were either destroyed or expelled from the pack. As a result of this hidden form of selection, evolution took place. On the one hand, this was preservative, or stabilizing, selection: thanks to the rejection of biological individuality, a group with certain averaged properties was created. On the other hand, the expelled individuals migrated, adapted to the new environment, multiplied and again expelled the asocial and the most intelligent. Thus a new migration route appeared. And if we trace the history of the movement of mankind, we will find out that at each new place the brain increased slightly and over several million years reached its maximum size - 1650 g, which is almost 300 g more than that of modern humans.

How did social selection within a group shape the brain?

A little over a million years ago, the social structure of society, thanks to the most severe internal selection, developed the frontal region of the brain. In humans, this area is huge: in other mammals it is much smaller relative to the entire brain. The frontal region was formed not to think, but to force an individual to share food with a neighbor. No animal is capable of sharing food because food is a source of energy. And people who did not share food were simply destroyed in the social group. By the way, we all know an example of the work of the frontal region - this is anorexia. A person who stops eating in order to lose weight cannot be forced to do so - and in the end he dies. But it turns out that he can be cured: if you trim his frontal areas, he will start eating. This method was practiced until the 1960s, when psychosurgery was banned.

When and why did the human brain begin to shrink?

The brain grew while there was somewhere to migrate and while people had to solve only biological problems. When humanity faced social problems, the brain began to lose weight. This process began approximately 100 thousand years ago. About 30 thousand years ago this led to the destruction of the Neanderthals. They were smarter, stronger than our Cro-Magnon ancestors; they creatively solved all problems, came up with tools, means of making fire, etc. But because they lived in small populations, their social selection was less pronounced. And the Cro-Magnons took advantage of large populations. As a result of long-term negative social selection, their groups were well integrated. Thanks to population unity, the Cro-Magnons destroyed the Neanderthals. Even the strongest geniuses can do nothing against the mass of mediocrity. In the end, we were left alone on this planet.

As this story shows, you don't need a big brain to socialize. A perfectly socialized dumb individual integrates into any community much better than an individualist. During evolution, personal talents and characteristics were sacrificed for biological advantages: food, reproduction, dominance. This is the price humanity has paid!

So the weight of the brain tells about a person’s abilities?

Yes, about its potential. 75% of the time, a person with a big brain is four times more likely to be a genius or talented than a person with a small brain. This is a fact, a statistic.

Why is mental work difficult for us? Is this also a result of brain shrinkage?

The brain is a strange structure.

On the one hand, it allows us to think, on the other hand, it does not allow us. After all, how does it work? In a relaxed state, when you are relaxing, say, watching TV, the brain consumes 9% of the body's total energy. And if you start to think, then the consumption increases to 25%. But we have 65 million years of struggle for food and energy behind us. The brain is used to this and does not believe that tomorrow it will have something to eat. Therefore, he categorically does not want to think. (For the same reason, by the way, people tend to overeat.) In the course of evolution, special protective mechanisms even arose: when you start working intensively, thinking, you immediately produce special compounds that cause irritation: you want to eat, go to the toilet, you a million things arise - anything, just not to think. And if you lie down on the sofa with delicious food, your body is delighted. Serotonin immediately begins to be produced - it differs by only one molecule position from LSD. Or dopamine, or endorphins - hormones of happiness. Intellectual expenditures are so unsupported and the body resists them. The brain is big not to work all the time, but to solve the energy problem. A biological task arose for you, you turned on and worked hard. And as soon as we solved the problem, we immediately switched off and went to the sofa. It’s more profitable to have a huge, powerful computer, run it for three minutes, solve the problem, and then turn it off.

Is the brain always working as a whole?

No, he is not suited for this. When you watch a movie, the occipital areas work, when you listen to music, the temporal areas work. And even the blood supply changes - now to the auditory area, now to the visual area, then to the motor area. Therefore, if you want to keep your brain intact, you cannot do, for example, physical education alone. If you do not give yourself intellectual loads, and varied ones at that, then the blood supply will take place mainly in the motor areas, and not in the intellectual, that is, associative areas, and sclerosis will begin there earlier. The old woman will be active, slender, but completely senile.

Does this feature of the brain make it difficult for us to do several things at the same time?

Yes, of course, many things require increased concentration, and energy costs increase sharply. The blood flow goes to several areas at once, the resistance of the brain increases: the more neurons you turn on, the more the brain does not want to work.

How to make a lazy brain work?

This is very difficult to do. Of course, the brain can be promised some delayed results, but biological organisms require only immediate results: after all, you may not live to see tomorrow. So this method is suitable for only a few. But you can deceive the brain. There are two methods for this. The first is through deceptive promises, the second is through the so-called displaced activity. Let me give you an example. The dog is sitting near the table, you are at the table, there is a sandwich on the table. The dog wants to steal the sandwich and understands that he will be punished. And so she sits and sits between two fires and suddenly begins to frantically scratch behind her ear. She can neither remain indifferent nor react - and chooses the third path. This is displaced activity - doing something that is not directly related to what you really need. This is what is driven into the gap between biological (“I want”) and social (“I need”) motivation. Writers, for example, begin to write something completely different from what they should, photographers begin to shoot something not related to the order - and the results are often brilliant. Some call it insight, others call it inspiration. It is very difficult to achieve this state.

Can we say that a person's abilities are embedded in his brain?

Yes, and they cannot be expanded or increased - only implemented. For example, an artist has huge occipital fields - five to six times larger (in weight, size, number of neurons) than an ordinary person. This determines his abilities. He has more processing resources, he will see more colors of the items, so you will never be able to agree with him regarding the visual assessment. People with different abilities find it difficult to understand each other. And the more pronounced their abilities are, the worse it is.

How to identify a person's abilities?

Psychology, unfortunately, cannot do this. And the technical means are not yet very developed. However, I am sure that in five to ten years the technology will be improved, high-resolution tomographs will appear (currently their resolution is 25 microns, but 4-5 microns are needed), and then, using a special algorithm, it will be possible to sort people by abilities and select geniuses in different fields .

It sounds scary. Where it leads?

To the point that the world will change forever. The best part is that thanks to this sorting, people will be able to do what they are really inclined to do. And this will bring happiness to many. There will be no need to poison anyone with RH gas, as in the film “Dead Season”, so that everyone is stupid and happy. Another consequence is that individual differences will overshadow ethnic ones, and racial problems will disappear. But new ones will appear - ones that humanity has never encountered before. Because the geniuses who are selected artificially will radically and, most importantly, unnoticed by others, change the world. In the near future, humanity faces a very short but very fierce race. Whoever first creates a sorting system will rule the world. You understand that this technology is primarily used not for the benefit of society, but for military purposes. It will be monstrous. Compared to this, World War II will seem like a game of toy soldiers.

In what direction is the natural evolutionary process going today?

Negative social selection, which began 10 million years ago, is still in effect today. Not only asocial elements are still expelled from society, but also the smartest ones. Look at the fates of great scientists, thinkers, philosophers - few of them had a good life. This is because we, like monkeys, continue to compete. If a dominant individual appears among us, it must be eliminated immediately; it threatens everyone personally. And since there are more mediocrities, any talent must either be expelled or simply destroyed. That is why at school excellent students are persecuted, offended, bullied - and so on all their lives. And who remains? Mediocre. But she is perfectly socialized.

That is, we still live according to the same laws as tens of millions of years ago?

Yes, we are the same monkeys as before, and we live according to the same monkey laws as 20 million years ago. Basically everyone eats, drinks, reproduces and dominates. This is the basis of the structure of humanity. All other laws and systems only mask this phenomenon. A society in which gifted people appear has come up with such a way to disguise our monkey roots and desires in order to protect biological principles from social ones. But even today all processes - in the sphere of politics, business, etc. - are built according to biological laws. Entrepreneurs, for example, strive to save on everything in order to gain competitive advantages and thus increase their dominance. Social laws, moral and ethical guidelines instilled by parents, on the contrary, interfere with business, and everyone tries to circumvent them in order to earn more.

Since everything is built on instincts, does it mean that in order to manage people, you need to appeal to these instincts?

And that's what everyone does. After all, what do politicians promise? For every man a woman, for every woman a man, for every man a bottle of vodka. We will change your social system - you will live better. We will provide you with affordable medical care - you will save money and preserve your health. We will reduce your taxes - you will have more food. These are all biological propositions related to energy and longevity. Where are the social offers? Almost none of the politicians talk about changing the social structure of society or values. Instead, they say: we will give you money - and you multiply. Or here’s another example of an instinctive form of behavior to establish dominance taken to the point of absurdity - Bill Gates’ smart home. There is an owner in this house - he comes in, and the air conditioning is adjusted for him, the humidity and light change. He leaves - and everything is adjusted to the requests of the less important boss. That is, in the house, in fact, there is a herd of baboons, who, by their appearance in each room, prove to each other who is more important. And this is called a smart home? Yes, this is schizophrenia in a monkey house. Apotheosis of the biological principle. And all this is presented as a device for the world of the future. What is the structure of the world of the future?! Just look, the tail will grow to the knee in such a future. All innovations are aimed at the same thing.

It seems that the prospects for our civilization when it comes to intelligence cannot be called rosy.

If civilization continues in its current form, which I doubt, then our intellectual level will drop significantly. It's unavoidable. Already now, the educational qualification is being significantly reduced, because a great thing has arisen - an information environment that allows people to imitate knowledge and education. For primates, this is a very big temptation - such imitation allows you to do nothing and be successful. While intellectual development will decline, the requirements for the level of social adaptation will increase.

For example, they united Europe. Who was the most successful? Smart? No. The most mobile and socialized are those who are ready to move to other cities and countries and settle down well there. Now these people are coming into power, into the management structure. Europe, having united, accelerated the degradation of intelligence. The first value level is a person’s ability to maintain relationships, the second is everything else: professionalism, abilities, skills. So what awaits us is intellectual degradation, a decrease in brain size, and partly, perhaps, physical restoration - a healthy lifestyle is now being promoted.

A person cannot have both high mental abilities and developed social skills?

Very rarely. If a person thinks about something of his own, looks for solutions that did not exist before in nature and in society, this excludes a high level of adaptation. And even if society recognizes him as a genius, he will not fit into it. High socialization, in turn, leaves no time for anything. Mass entertainers are not suitable for forced labor. Because they gain dominance and increase their rating with the help of language, not deeds.

Is a woman's brain different from a man's brain?

Women's brains are smaller than men's. The minimum difference in the population average is 30 g - the maximum is 250 g. Why is it less? Due to the associative centers responsible for abstract thinking, a woman does not really need them, since her biological task is related to reproduction. Therefore, women are especially successful in areas related to upbringing, education, and cultural identification - they well support, preserve, and transmit successive cultural systems - museums, libraries. In addition, they achieve excellent results in stabilized communities, where all the rules are already defined and well known. And, of course, women can be geniuses - the brain is a very changeable structure.

Sergei Savelyev is a famous Russian scientist. He is the head of a large laboratory for studying the characteristics of the nervous system, which works at the Research Institute of Human Morphology. Works under the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

Biography of the scientist

Sergei Savelyev was born in Moscow. He was born in 1959. He developed an interest in natural sciences while still in school. Therefore, he entered the capital's State Pedagogical Institute. Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology.

He began his working career at the Brain Institute of the Soviet Union. In 1984 he moved to a research institute engaged in the study of human morphology.

He is interested in photography, and is even a member of the Russian Union of Photographers.

Scientific activity

Sergei Savelyev became famous for the fact that for three decades he has been studying the morphology and evolution of the human brain. During this time, he wrote more than a dozen monographs and about a hundred scientific articles. Compiled the world's first stereoscopic atlas of the human brain. For him he received an award from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Professor Sergei Savelyev is famous for his research in the field of embryonic pathologies of the nervous system. He is developing methods for their diagnosis.

He was the first in the world to photograph a human embryo that was only 11 days old. Also among his achievements is the creation of a theory of control over early embryonic brain development in vertebrates. With its help, he proves that the future of a cell is determined not by genetics, but by biomechanical interactions. Thus, he questioned the existence of many genetic diseases.

Sergei Savelyev also studies theories of the origin of the human nervous system. And also its modern evolution. Develops the fundamental principles of the adaptive evolution of behavior and the nervous system itself.

Brain Study

Thanks to his research, he was able to develop a technique with which today the hidden signs of schizophrenia are determined. This is done based on the presence or absence of certain cavities in the pineal gland.

Since 2013, he has led a group of scientists who carefully study the mammoth brain. It includes not only employees of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, but also representatives of the Yakut Academy of Sciences and the Museum of Paleontology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of this work were the world's first three-dimensional model of the mammoth brain, which was made in 2014.

Sergey Savelyev is a Doctor of Biological Sciences who led the Gecko experiment in 2014. His goal is to establish a connection between microgravity and sexual behavior. The subject of the study are geckos that were sent in an embryonic state for two months to a research satellite in orbit.

Recently he has been actively promoting the idea of ​​cerebral sorting. This is a special method of analyzing a person’s unique abilities, which is done by assessing the structure of the brain using a tomograph.

Teaching work

The biography of Sergei Savelyev is closely connected with teaching. He lectures to students at Moscow State University. Works at the Department of Animal Psychology of Vertebrates.

In particular, he teaches a course on the comparative anatomy of the nervous system in vertebrates.

Scientist's views

Sergei Savelyev, whose photo is in this article, believes that in the future man will develop along the path of inevitable primitivization. His level of intelligence will decrease and his physical characteristics will deteriorate.

He considers the statements of a number of scientists about the functioning of the human body aimed at reproduction to be misconceptions. He calls the theory of the conditioned reflex, cloning, scientific-religious fanaticism. Justifies them only by the existence of social instincts.

Criticism of Savelyev's works

Many experts criticize the work of the hero of our article. In particular, they believe that in his articles he often makes factual errors and incorrectly interprets specialized terms. And in his judgments he often uses not scientific evidence, but mockery. At the same time, he is suspected of having a superficial knowledge of many basic sciences. For example, paleontology, archeology, anthropology, to which he constantly turns.

In this regard, many doubt his hypothesis about the reasons for the transition of human ancestors to upright walking. Savelyev himself believes that all this is connected with the denial of the scientific works of his colleague Stanislav Drobyshevsky, with whom they collaborate on the scientific portal For example, Savelyev gives elementary examples of how the brains of microcephalians and orangutans are structured, thus casting serious doubt on the entire evidence base, as well as the scientific meaning and significance of craniometry - a special technique for studying the skull, which assumes that its structure changes significantly over time.

Savelyev entered into a tense debate with Doctor of Biological Sciences Svetlana Borinskaya, who is a leading researcher at the genome analysis laboratory of the Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She directly pointed out the dangers of unproven faith in scientific theories, citing his Human Genome program as an example. She also recommended not to take Savelyev’s statements on genetics seriously.

The road to recognition has always been and remains difficult. To get results while doing fundamental research, a true scientist neglects the usual earthly joys. And it’s good when the experiment ends positively. But if the result is negative, then the failed scientist evokes a feeling of pity among those around him. The biography of Sergei Savelyev can be assessed in different ways. On the one hand, he is known as a successful specialist. An authoritative expert in the scientific world. His works are referred to, his conclusions are quoted.

People who do not have the opportunity to “leave” Russia are pleased to know that a famous scientist is among their compatriots. A specialist who knows, if not everything, then a lot about the human brain. Sergei Savelyev was born on March 7, 1959 in Moscow. The only child in the family. At the same time, he had to communicate with “a whole lot” of cousins. From an early age, observing the behavior of his relatives and how each of them lived, he began to think about the reasons that prompt a person to certain actions.

At secondary school, Sergei studied well. Without thinking at all about his future career, the boy made a very specific conclusion - the stronger the student was physically, the worse he studied. It was much easier for such a representative of the human race to take money from the weak than to earn it. Observations of this kind did not particularly upset Savelyev, but they did not bring joy either. Later, he realized that a scientist should behave impartially when studying processes occurring in nature and society. Friends on the street considered him an eccentric, but did not offend him.

Scientific career

After graduating from school, Savelyev decided to get a higher education at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry. In 1983, having received his diploma, a qualified specialist began working at the Brain Institute at the Academy of Medical Sciences. The young specialist is not satisfied with research work at this institution. Literally a year later he was invited to the Research Institute of Human Morphology. Within the walls of this institute, Sergei Vyacheslavovich made all his discoveries and wrote a sufficient number of monographs.

If we talk about the personal life of a scientist, the conversation will be difficult. When Sergei turned 25, following the accepted rules, he started a family. The husband and wife lived under the same roof for almost five years and decided to separate. The details of the procedure are carefully hidden from public discussion. All that is known is that a daughter was born in the marriage and today she is already a mature person. When asked how the divorce affected his scientific activity, Savelyev prefers not to answer. At the same time, he claims that love is nothing more than the sum of chemical reactions and smells.

In recent years, Professor and Doctor of Biological Sciences Savelyev has devoted a lot of time to popularizing scientific research. He willingly shares his results and never tires of retelling complex biological processes in simple and even primitive language. On television, the professor is a welcome guest. Popular science films that are posted on the Internet attract an audience of thousands.


  • Sergey Savelyev

Professor Savelyev is a fairly well-known personality in scientific circles. Works as the head of a laboratory engaged in medical research of the nervous system. Sergei Savelyev is the first scientist to photograph a human embryo at the age of 11 days. His scientific works include studies of genetic diseases and the evolution of the theory of the nervous system.


The future scientist was born in the Russian capital in 1959. From his school days, he showed a keen interest in exact sciences. That’s why he chose the biology department at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute for further studies.

After graduation, he went to work at the Brain Institute at the USSR Academy of Sciences. Later I worked at a research institute studying human morphology.

His main hobby was photography, he even joined the Union of Russian Artists and Photographers.

Who is this scientist

  • evolutionist,
  • paleoneurologist,
  • author of scientific works,
  • Professor,
  • Doctor of Biological Sciences

Scientific works

Professor Savelyev devoted three decades of his life to questions of morphology and stages of evolution of the human brain. His personal library contains over ten of his own monographs and about a hundred research articles.

His world-class invention is a stereoscopic atlas of the human brain, for which he was awarded a prize named after him. V. Shevkunenko from the Russian Academy of Sciences. His scientific work was recognized as the best.

The professor's works in the medical field of embryonic pathologies are widely known. He developed a scientific method for diagnosing the nervous system. During this period, Sergei Vyacheslavovich made his next discovery - he photographed a living, developing human embryo at 11 days of age. He described moments of crisis that occur during disruptions in the formation of the human nervous system during embryonic development (strictly by day). Their manifestations provoke the development of brain pathologies already in adulthood.

He did not stop there and continued research into the early, prenatal embryonic development of the brain in many vertebrates. He brilliantly proved the theory that the further development of a cell does not depend at all on the genetically embedded code, but solely on biomechanical influence. Simply put, he found a refutation of the fact of the manifestation and inheritance of genetic diseases.

The nervous system of a reasonable person and the theory of its origin are also of keen interest to Sergei Savelyev. Just like its current stage of evolution. Thanks to these studies, the professor deduced the features of the evolution of the reaction of the nervous system itself. He proved a theory about the influence of the environment, which is called transitional. It affects the proper development of the neurobiological state of chordates, as well as birds, mammals, reptiles and other living beings. In his writings, he described real-life examples to which the laws of neurobiology can be applied. All this expanded the boundaries of the scientific community’s vision of the stages of development of animals (vertebrates and invertebrates).

Mammoth brain

An interesting area of ​​Savelyev’s activity is the study of the brain of a mammoth that died and froze in the ice. Since 2013, he personally led a team of scientists who worked on this issue. The group of researchers included representatives of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as specialists from the Yakut Scientific Academy and the Museum of Paleontology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Thus, for the first time in history, scientists were able to create a 3D model of the brain of this ancient animal. This happened in 2014.

Sexual Behavior Research

Doctor of Biological Sciences Sergei Vyacheslavovich in 2014 headed a research experiment called “Gecko”. It explored the relationship between microgravity and sexual behavior. The test subjects were ordinary geckos; they were sent in the embryonic stage to the active Earth satellite, which is in orbit. The sexual activity of geckos in a state of weightlessness was studied for two months.

Schizophrenia and giftedness

One of Savelyev’s latest studies was the assessment of cerebral sorting. A unique methodology for analyzing the superpowers and talents of gifted people by assessing the structure of the brain using a high-precision medical tomograph. The purpose of creating a sorting is to provide every person with the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. Thanks to this practical study of brain tissue on a tomograph, now all people can find their place and their calling, including those who are not so successful in the race for survival. That is, Savelyev essentially, with his discovery, refuted the offensive theory of natural selection, equalizing all people in the search for their hidden capabilities.


Of course, the professor combines scientific work with teaching. He gives lectures to audiences of students at Moscow State University. He also conducts teaching activities on a permanent basis at the Department of Zoopsychology of Vertebrates, where he teaches students the comparative anatomy of the nervous system of vertebrate creatures.

Books by Savelyev

  • "Brain Poverty"
  • "Cerebral sorting"
  • "Stereoscopic atlas of the human brain"
  • "Mirizzi syndrome (diagnosis and treatment)"
  • "Atlas of the Human Brain"
  • "Variability and Genius"
  • "The Origin of the Brain"
  • "The Emergence of the Human Brain"
  • "Stages of embryonic development of the human brain"
  • "Hernia and its secrets"
  • "Aplanat. The Art of Photography"

And others.

"Brain Poverty"

The author of the book, according to his life observations, concluded that a person living today will have to develop through banal primitivization. That is, he will begin to become poor intellectually and physically weaken.

According to Savelyev, scientists are deeply mistaken that human individuals have the main function aimed at reproduction. However, he also called the theory of the conditioned reflex the fanaticism of religious and scientific fans; he treated such inventions as cloning and stem cells without respect and with criticism. In his opinion, today’s people with their similar research can only be justified by their inherent social instincts.

This is exactly what Sergei Savelyev writes about in one of his sensational books called “Poverty of the Brain.” The book blew up the Russian scientific world. After all, it revealed the peculiarities of human behavior that arose not as a result of natural selection, but due to the special structure of the human brain.

He covered no less paradoxical topics, such as individualism, non-standard development of thinking, sexual differences, duality of thinking, etc. In the same book, he analyzed the stages of the formation of people's instincts, the features of the development of community.

Non-standard assessments and conclusions of a modern scientist cause not only inspiration and delight, but also sharp criticism.

Some opponents look for scientific errors in his books and point out the incorrect use of terms. According to critics, Savelyev turns to rhetoric, rather than scientific justification, to convince a wide range of readers that he is right, turning his works from monographs into tabloid journalism. A number of well-known scientists insist that readers should not take the professor's conclusions at his word, especially in the field of genetics. Thus, according to Doctor of Biological Sciences Svetlana Borinskaya, who condemned the professor’s works, unsubstantiated and blind faith in scientific statements and theories is very dangerous, and this is exactly what Savelyev’s “Human Genome” program is.

And yet, books and articles by Sergei Vyacheslavovich, thanks to the original scientific approach and the novelty of proven theories, are incredibly popular both among the scientific community and among ordinary readers.

The monograph is devoted to the nature of the human brain and the morphofunctional foundations of giftedness and genius.

The basic principles of the individual structure of the brain, which underlie the uniqueness of each person, are described. The fundamental reasons for the hidden contradictions of consciousness and biological motivations in decision making are shown.

The section of the book devoted to giftedness reveals the fundamental features of the brain structure of geniuses and the nature of the non-standard nature of their thinking and behavior.

Stages of embryonic human brain development

The original material describes human development, from blastocyst implantation to the end of the 2nd month of embryonic development. A comparison of various methods of periodization of human ontogenesis is carried out.

The period of formation of the primitive streak and neurulation is described using embryonic material from human development. More than 10 developmental substages have been introduced, making it possible to more accurately identify the age of human embryos than before. The described stages of development are illustrated with graphic reconstructions, macroscopic and histological photographs.

Reader comments

Alexander 12/ 07/18/2019 Great scientist! Buy real books on the publisher's website, comrades!

Alexei/ 07/05/2019 Some specialists (cardiologists) believe that the presence of carbon dioxide in the blood improves oxygen exchange in tissues, including the brain. The Frolov Trainer device has been developed, which allows you to increase the percentage of carbon dioxide in the blood. Is it true? Help me understand.

Vladimir/ 03/21/2019 Sergey! “Let the Chinese launch their project, they will still take brains from Russia.” But the Chinese “Absolutely” do not need illiterate people.

Sergey/ 03/05/2019 From my youth I was singled out as a special person, all my bosses tried to make me their person. But I wanted to lay my own ladder. but it turned out to be not easy. But everything turned out to be simpler, there was no need to try to teach anything to fools, but you had to look with a big brain. It’s a pity that only five years ago I learned from Savelyev the difference between us. And he is absolutely right. Many thanks to Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev. Let the Chinese launch their project; they will still take brains from Russia.

Vladimir/ 01/18/2018 It presents an interesting analysis of cause-and-effect relationships in life that people prefer not to notice, not talk about, and immediately forget about.

Konstantin/ 10.13.2017 Another expert on all issues. With a self-confident air he speaks about politics, history, economics and a bunch of other areas in which he doesn’t really understand anything. Google “Savelyev criticism”, you will find a lot of interesting things.

guest/ 04/11/2017 guest, knigi na naslazhdaites" :)

Eugene/ 03/31/2017 I hope with sanity what is the harmony of people selected by sorting in the future with brain variability or is it also sorted

Sergey/ 01/21/2017 Hello Sergey. I watched your videos about the brain and death, everything is very convincing, and how do you feel about extrasensory perception and clairvoyance (Vanga), Natalya Bekhtereva at the end of her life said that there is something there. If you can comment in more detail. Thank you, best regards Sergey. I apologize for the mistakes.

Roxanne Meadows/ 10/24/2016 I am for Jacques Fresco. He has extensive knowledge.

Andrey/ 10/5/2016 I began to be interested in the work of the brain in the 80s. I became interested in psychology, almost professionally, with experiments, but I could not understand much. Only after listening to S. Savelyev’s speeches did much become clear and explainable.
Thank you very much Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

Stanislav/ 08/20/2016 Evgeniy, I absolutely agree! With Buddhism, etc. To understand the ultimate world order, it is useful to familiarize yourself with it, but in everyday life it is useless, and the brain uses it to save resources.

Eugene/ 04/05/2016 Thanks to Savelyev: He straightened my brain after Advaita, Buddhism, and other linguistic structures from all kinds of gurus - my applause.
