The beginning of a new era - astrogeopolitical forecast. Macron won the French presidential election - Whose decision was it?

Centrist Emmanuel Macron, candidate of the Forward movement, won the first round of the French presidential election.

During the election race, Republican candidate François Fillon and leader of the Defiant France movement Jean-Luc Mélenchon were also favorites. They scored around 20 percent and failed to qualify for the next round.

Now the losing candidates are calling for a vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round, and French President Francois Hollande has already called him with congratulations. I decided to figure out how the first round went and what to expect from the second.

How did the first round go?

A total of 11 candidates competed for the presidency. The four main contenders represented a variety of political forces in the country - from the ultra-left to the far right.

The turnout for the French presidential election was one of the highest in history, with more than 70 percent voting before 5 p.m.

The results of the first round correspond almost exactly to the latest polls: Macron received 23-24 percent support, Le Pen - about 23 percent.

The ruling Socialist Party's candidate, Benoit Hamon, received six percent of the vote, the Socialists' worst showing in 30 years.

Marine Le Pen called her exit into the second round a historic result and "the first step of the French towards the Elysee Palace" as the outsider National Front party won the most votes with her.

The data shows that Le Pen was supported mainly by the regions. In Paris, only five percent of voters voted for her. Macron received 34.83 percent of the vote in the capital.

The revelation was the marginal Marxist candidate Mélenchon, who finished fourth. Now he is tipped for serious success in the parliamentary elections this summer.

On April 23, unprecedented security measures were taken in France. 50 thousand police officers and gendarmes were involved in ensuring order, and they were assisted by another seven thousand military personnel, who were urgently transferred from units to cities.

The elections, with the exception of a few incidents, passed peacefully. During the day, some areas were evacuated due to suspicious vehicles, but the fears were not confirmed.

Shortly after the publication of the first results, which showed Le Pen's victory, a protest began on the Place de la Bastille, but a few hours later the police dispersed the activists.

In addition, upon learning of their loss, Fillon and Hamon called for preference for the Forward candidate in the second round.

French President François Hollande also supported Macron, congratulating him on his victory by phone, as well as head of government Bernard Cazeneuve, who called for voting for the centrist.

However, Mélenchon, a representative of the far left, spoke out against the winning candidates.

Macron is supported by the majority of European politicians, who call for everything to be done to ensure that “a nationalist does not become president.”

The European currency also reacted positively to the centrist’s victory, reaching a new high against the dollar in almost six months.

Prospects for Macron and Le Pen

Last week, analyst Charles Gave, who predicted Donald Trump's victory, made a forecast for the presidential elections in France.

Gave makes his predictions based on economic indicators and market reactions. According to him, Le Pen's popularity can be explained by the "slow reaction" to the activities of the World Economic Forum.

Marine Le Pen celebrates second round / Getty

“We observed the same trends in the situation with Brexit and Trump, but the markets did not want to believe,” the analyst said in an interview with Bloomberg.

The expert correctly predicted Macron's victory in the first round. However, he claims that Le Pen will win in the second, since only Fillon could resist her.

According to forecasts of other analysts and opinion polls, Macron will easily defeat Le Pen in the second round.

The results of the first round were reminiscent of 2002, when the moderate conservative Jacques Chirac and the head of the National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marin’s father, advanced to the second round. Then Chirac won confidently, gaining almost 82 percent of the vote.

The New York Times writes that the first round showed a categorical rejection of the traditional parties that left France "in a precarious position at a critical moment when French elections could decide the future of the EU."

The Times is confident that the first round was "good news for pro-European centrists" and "bad news for Moscow."

Emmanuel Macron at headquarters after the results were announced / Getty

Politico believes that if "young banker" Macron wins, his election could be interpreted as a reversal of the populist trend that swept the West in 2016.

The Financial Times expects Macron's "coronation", but believes that he will have to negotiate hard to implement his program.

Der Spiegel writes that Macron can then count on a majority in the second round - up to 65 percent. “This would be a majority of almost two-thirds - for common sense,” the publication notes.

Centrist versus nationalist

What Candidates Offer

Marine Le Pen called a populist - appealing to the needs of the masses as opposed to the needs of the elites.

Her program includes the expulsion of illegal migrants and limiting the flow of legal ones, maintaining the retirement age at 60 years and a 35-hour work week. The leader of the National Front opposes the policy of multiculturalism.

As for foreign policy, Le Pen opposes the European Union and plans to hold a referendum on France's exit from the EU if she wins. She also wants the franc back.

She sympathizes with Vladimir Putin and recognizes Crimea as Russian. On the eve of the elections, she visited the Kremlin, where she met with the Russian president.

Marine Le Pen at a rally / Getty

“Crimea was Russian, it has always been and is Russian. People there feel Russian, and the majority of them decided that they want to become part of Russia,” Le Pen said.

She considers sanctions against Russia “pointless” because, in her opinion, they cannot solve a single problem.

"All they are doing is creating economic problems for the EU...perhaps we should retreat, perhaps it would be better for the world if we retreated. Only the presidents of the USA and Russia can end the Cold War. No one else," the leader said National Front.

She also believes that during the Crimean referendum there was no legitimate government in Ukraine.

“I think that Crimea would not have returned to Russia if Ukraine and the EU had not put so much pressure, demanding to recognize a government that was committed illegally. The EU made a big mistake. Moreover, this government also included very undesirable figures. There there are outright Nazis,” Le Pen believes.

Emmanuel Macron- A 39-year-old political newcomer, he briefly served as France's economy minister. Little is known about him, other than that he is an ardent Europhile and moves easily among the business elite.

Macron says he wants to pursue a completely new policy, while ignoring the traditional opposition between left and right.

His political program combines calls for liberal economic reforms with relatively left-wing promises on social policy.

Emmanuel Macron with migrants in Berlin / Getty

He wants to make it easier for companies to hire and fire workers, lower business taxes and extend the 35-hour work week in France.

Macron also wants to offer unemployment benefits to more people, including private entrepreneurs. In addition, he places an emphasis on education and the need to transition to renewable energy sources. Plans to allocate 50 billion euros for vocational training for small businesses.

He also hopes to get the Franco-German engine going again.

"We need Transatlantic cooperation. But [for France] it means a truly independent policy and recognition as a superpower," says Macron.

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Not only in Russia, but also in other countries, people always try to find something interesting about their leader. When looking for an answer to such a critically important question for the future of the country, any sources are suitable, even if they contradict each other. Everyone is haunted by a number of questions: when he will die, when he will leave, who will be appointed successor, who will come after Vladimir Putin.

Predictions of magicians, astrologers, psychics
A number of famous astrologers have taken up the task of predicting the fate of Putin and everything connected with it. This list contains the most interesting prophecies and assumptions in this regard.

Vanga: his glory will thunder!
The predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga about Putin were recorded from the words of the writer Valentin Sidorov and date back to 1973. Her prophecies, as always, are very vague, and there are no specific dates that could be extended to 2019-2024. But here's what we can highlight:

Putin's mission is to unite all Slavic peoples to confront the common enemy;
One of the main factors of unification will be Christianity;
It is believed that it was said about him: “His glory will thunder even when everything else melts like ice.”
During his reign, the country will have to make many sacrifices (it is not clear which human, material or territorial ones).
At the decisive moment of the confrontation, Russia will not only survive, but will also become a world leader.
Interestingly, around the same time, Vangelia predicted the collapse of the USSR and called it the starting point of a new time. It is believed that she loved Russia very much and dreamed of a better destiny for this wonderful country.

Pavel Globa: “The Great Potter” will come to power
An astrologer who made a forecast based on the prediction of Vasily Nemchin. In his opinion, in a few years a new person will come to the post of head of the Russian state, who will be called the “Great Potter.” He will be strong, smart, will have certain knowledge in esotericism, will be extremely wise and interesting. Here are some key points to pay attention to:

It is he who will be able to renew the state and strengthen Russian positions within the world arena;
When he comes to power, his age will reach 55 years, and he will be able to improve the situation in Russia by 2023;
There is an opinion that this is the person who will replace Putin in his post;
Pavel Globa warned Putin that his reign could end prematurely due to a possible illness;
Until a new president appears, there will be a struggle for this post in Russia.
By the way, the astrologer already prophesied the death of the president in 2016, but this prophecy did not come true. By the way, Nemchin’s prophecies cause serious mistrust among knowledgeable people, because no one except Paul has seen these manuscripts.

Vlad Ross: his time will end only in 2024
An astrologer who predicts not the best time in the life of the Russian President. He considers the main confirmation of his forecast to be a strong solar eclipse, which took place precisely at the beginning of the reign of the Russian President.

According to Vlad, Putin feels great and will work quite actively and only at the end of the cycle will he retire from government affairs.
The cycle lasts 24 years, and judging by it, Putin’s time will end only in 2024. And therefore in 2019 everything will be fine.
There is also a prediction according to the Zoroastrian calendar, according to which the Camel now rules. The history of Russia suggests that it was during the years of Camel’s dominance that coups took place followed by a change of head of state. It was in these years that Lenin was killed, Stalin died and dramatic changes took place under Gorbachev.
It should be noted that the astrologer announced his forecast after the elections and warned Russians, pointing out the likelihood of conflict situations in the Caucasus.

Mikhail Levin: the president will not give up power voluntarily
This astrologer believes that the stars unmistakably indicate that a change of power is expected in Russia in 2019-2020. Here are the key points of his prediction:

In his opinion, the person who will be the next president really does not like to appear in the media.
The new head of the country will direct all his strength and financial component to the development of the country’s economy, democracy and the development of social projects, and the importance of the security forces will be significantly reduced.
The astrologer assumes that the current president will resist, not wanting to give up power voluntarily, so he will try to win over as many representatives of law enforcement agencies and political parties as possible to his side.
At the same time, there will be no obvious pressure on his part; Putin will simply try to undermine confidence in him.
While preparations are underway for the struggle for power, Russia will become unstable, and ordinary people will suffer the most, and the standard of living will greatly decrease.

Maria Duval: a new young politician will become president in 2024
This is a French astrologer who prophesies the coming to power of a new politician in Russia. Here are some points of her prophecy:

In her opinion, this politician will be an active, young man who specializes in economics and finance.
He will suddenly appear in the public eye in 2019 and will rapidly advance in the political sphere.
In addition, Maria Duval prophesies that the Russian President will become ill at the end of his term in office.
When Putin weakens and leaves power, which, according to Duval, will happen before 2024, this young politician will naturally and without any difficulties take the presidency.

Fatima Khadueva: all the troubles of Russia are due to the Assassination of Nicholas II
This is a strong seer who participated in one of the seasons in the “Battle of Psychics”. In her opinion, prosperity will come to Russia, but only when Putin’s place is finally taken by someone else. Here are the key points of her theory:

At the moment, all the suffering of the Russian state is associated with the murder of Nicholas II.
This is what caused crises, wars and revolutions.
Three presidents had to be punished for long-standing events - Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin.
Since Putin will return to the presidency after Medvedev, the time for redemption has not yet come. However, after the sins are washed away, Putin leaves his post, and a new person takes his place, a wonderful time of prosperity will come, which will be called the “golden period of Russia.”

Alexander Alexandrov: Putin will leave in 2022
Esotericist and numerologist, author of the famous book “The Magic of Numbers”. Alexandrov studies numbers very deeply and relies entirely on his calculations to draw conclusions.

Paying special attention to President V. Putin, he took into account all the important dates of his life;
After all the calculations, he determined that Putin will finish ruling the country in 2022;
But in his opinion, 2019 will not be marked by anything special.
However, Aleksandrov did not give any comments or details about what reasons would force the president to leave his post ahead of schedule.

Sergey Loginov: serious changes are coming in 2019
An astrologer who, like many others, promises an imminent serious illness for the current president. Loginov believes that decisions made at the highest state level do not come from the president himself, but from people from his circle.

In 2019, serious changes are coming that will radically affect the state.
There will be a split in the ruling elite, and on each side there will be attempts to push their own person to the position of the next leader of the country after Putin.
Conflicts will arise in the Caucasus and Tatarstan. And the regions of Moscow will want to separate from it and become autonomous.
After Putin leaves, the foreign policy situation will rapidly deteriorate. China will begin to expand towards the Far East, thus beginning expansion into Russian territory.
What do all these predictions have in common?
Here's what you can highlight:

  • It is interesting to note that many of the prophecies agree that in the next few years Putin is facing some kind of illness that will force him to retire and give up his post.
  • And in almost all versions, the forecasts agreed that Putin will not serve as head until the end of his allotted term, but not in 2019, but from 2022 to 2024.
  • Many astrologers predict the coming of some new leader who appears to be a powerful and charismatic politician, although at present he is not showing himself in any way.
  • After Vladimir Putin steps down, the country will face shocks that we will have to cope with under the new president.
  • Regarding the future of the country as a whole, the forecasts are not the most optimistic, but no global cataclysms are expected either.

Experts' forecasts about Vladimir Putin

Well, it’s not just astrologers who make predictions about the possible future of Vladimir Putin! Many political scientists, sociologists and businessmen also speak out on this issue. We will present the most interesting opinions of public figures.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The former head and co-owner of YUKOS believes that in 2019 Russians will become more active in expressing their complaints against the Putin regime. It is possible that the outrage will reach such proportions that by 2020 Russia will change power ahead of schedule. Khodorkovsky calls Putin's behavior and thinking unpredictable and irrational. In addition, he described the president as a person living in a completely different reality.

Leonid Sedov. A well-known sociologist made a forecast based on many years of studying key dates in the history of the Russian Federation. The mathematical model showed that Russia lives in seventeen-year cycles, and each of them ends with a change of power. For example, after seventeen years of rule by the “Stalinists,” a thaw came, then perestroika came, and then people in Putin’s inner circle gained power. If this mathematical trend continues, then in 2019 there will be a change of president in Russia.

Alexander Shokhin. The person who runs the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs simply must have a good understanding of current trends in economics and politics! At the same time, Shokhin is also considered a good forecaster. For example, he was able to foresee Yeltsin’s departure from the post of head of state. The expert believes that there are no factors threatening the power of the current president, since there are simply no other leaders of this caliber in Russia. Shokhin makes the assumption that Putin will not transfer power until Russia is sufficiently strong. The presidential circle is already preparing a package of reforms, the implementation of which will be scheduled until 2025. Based on this, Putin does not intend to voluntarily leave his post, and rumors about his illness are extremely exaggerated.

DUSHANBE, December 15 – Sputnik. The famous medieval astrologer and predictor Nostradamus left behind many predictions, some of which relate to the upcoming new year 2017.

The list of possible accomplishments was prepared by Sputnik Estonia.

Forecast for 2017

So, in 2017, according to the vision of Nostradamus, major military actions will continue between representatives of two religions - Christianity and Islam. However, scientists doubt whether this will be a new clash or a continuation and worsening of an existing conflict in the Middle East.

In addition, the next year will be marked by an armed conflict between Iran and Turkey, where victory will be on the side of the Iranians.

Speaking about Europe, Nostradamus mentioned the change of leaders in France and Germany. This prediction seems quite convincing, given that both states have scheduled elections for 2017. French presidential elections are scheduled for April-May next year, and parliamentary elections will take place in Germany in August or September.

Distant future

Nostradamus also prepared a number of predictions for the coming centuries. Thus, in his opinion, in 2018 China will become a new world power, and developing countries will improve their positions in the international arena and will move from exploited to exploiters. This is also quite possible to believe, given the pace at which China is developing - today the Chinese economy ranks second in the world after the United States in terms of nominal GDP and first place in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity.

In 2028, humanity will discover a new source of energy. It will probably be a controlled thermonuclear reaction. In addition, Nostradamus foreshadows the launch of a manned spacecraft to the second planet from the Sun - Venus.

Those who live until 2046, according to the predictor, will be able to see with their own eyes how doctors grow any human organs. This method will be actively used in treatment.

In 2066, in the next armed conflict, the United States will use a new type of weapon - climate weapons. There will be a sharp cooling in the region.

In another hundred years, the inhabitants of the Earth will create a colony on Mars and begin to use “energy from nothing,” which may indicate a vacuum or black holes.

Michel de Nostredame was born in 1503 in France. At a rather advanced age by those standards, he published his first predictions in a book called “The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus.” Subsequently, the book, a collection of quatrains, became the most famous of Nostradamus’s works.

The scientist encrypted and wrote down his prophecies in a mixture of four languages ​​- Latin, Old French, Italian and Greek. The quatrains practically do not indicate any dates, so their order does not correspond to chronology.

Vlad Ross is a young and promising Ukrainian astrologer from Odessa. The leading specialist of the ancient Aryan tradition interprets his forecasts boldly, sometimes even harshly.

His predictions come true in most cases, which causes great popularity in Ukraine and abroad.

I wonder what they will be like Vlad Ross's predictions for 2017.

Ukraine in 2017

- Fire Rooster. According to Ross, this is a year of renewal and change for the better. When a rooster crows “kook-ka-re-ku” early in the morning, according to legend, it means that he disperses the dark forces of the night and good defeats evil. This year is incredibly favorable for a radical change in direction towards a better life, both for every inhabitant of the planet and for humanity as a whole.

Vlad Ross predicts a truce for Ukraine. The DPR and LPR will still exist. But as soon as there is a change of president in Russia, these two republics will disintegrate, and Donbass will once again become part of Ukraine. All current leaders and leaders of the people's republics will leave the country. These events, as predicted by Vlad Ross, will occur at the end of 2017.

As for Crimea. The astrologer believes that neither in 2017, nor in subsequent years, or rather never, Crimea will no longer be Ukrainian. The peninsula is facing a long war, as a result of which Crimea will go to Turkey.

Ukraine will join the European Union, but not next year, but only in 2024. And only if Britain leaves the European Union. And she will most likely do it - the topic is already being discussed.

Next year, Ukraine will be governed by a different parliament. Perhaps these changes will contribute to the country's economic growth.

A little about football. This information will be of interest to Ukrainian fans. Before the European Football Championship, Vlad made a prediction that the Ukrainian team would not qualify from the group. And so it happened. Now the astrologer predicts Andrei Shevchenko’s short tenure as a coach: “Shevchenko is an excellent football player, a high-class player, but the fact that Andrei is a successful coach is not in his horoscope.”

Russia in 2017

According to Vlad Ross, 2017 is a key, turning point year for Russia. The beginning of the year will be difficult. Falling oil prices, freezing of indexation of wages and pensions, jump in the dollar exchange rate. Ross advises Russians to get rid of rubles now and convert them into foreign currency or precious metals.

Drastic changes will begin in March. The astrologer predicts a change of power - Vladimir Putin will leave the presidency. Ross explains that this will happen due to the cyclical nature of solar eclipses. When Putin gained power, and this happened in 1999, there was a large solar eclipse. According to astrological laws, a person who comes to a solar eclipse, after eighteen and a half years, when it repeats, leaves this place. For Vladimir Putin this will happen in 2017.

Indicates that from the middle of the year the country will experience a thaw and a radical change in direction in development. Russia will be able to switch from a resource economy to an innovation economy, which will raise the country’s rating in the world economy.

Europe and USA in 2017

In the spring of 2017, elections for a new president will be held in France. According to Vlad Ross's prediction, this will be a man named Alen. It can be assumed that Jacques Chirac's closest ally Alain Juppé will rule the country; he is the only candidate who bears this name.

Will Angela Merkel remain as German Chancellor? Ross says no, and predicts victory for Frank-Walter Steinmeier in the German elections.

An Odessa astrologer predicts that a man will win the presidential election in the United States of America. This means that Donald Trump will lead the country in 2017 and the next three years.

The change of power in European countries, according to the astrologer’s forecasts, may lead to a easing of sanctions against Russia. Many politicians in the election race will call for the lifting of sanctions; this call will be partially implemented.

About Vlad Ross

Vlad was born in the mountains, at a mountain astronomical station in the Elbrus region. Vlad’s mother studied astronomy and studied astral analysis of the sun. The fact that Vlad became interested in astrology is, of course, no coincidence. From early childhood he looked at the stars through a telescope, and at fifteen he felt that astronomy interested him more than anything else in the world. He understood that using the stars one can describe a person’s character, unravel many phenomena and predict the future. At first, astrology was a hobby for Vlad, but over time it became a profession.

Ross believes that he has an ability for this work and a gift from God. Now the Ukrainian astrologer helps people: young people in choosing a profession, adults with personal relationships, draws up individual natal charts, makes predictions of events for their country and the whole world. He is sure that every person needs to work - the stars do not work for lazy people.

In Ukraine, Vlad Ross has become quite famous in recent years. The reason for this is Ross's predictions, which come true with incredible frequency and accuracy.

The astrologer predicted the overthrow of the Yanukovych government and the expulsion of the former president from the country. Ross received this information through signs. Too often doors were closed in front of Viktor Fedorovich. There was another sign that the astrologer deciphered as a warning about a tragic event.

While laying wreaths at the monument to the Unknown Soldier in Kyiv, one of the wreaths came off and fell on the president’s head. Ross then predicted tragedy in his family. After a while, Yanukovych’s son, Viktor, died. The astrologer believes that signs, omens, and palmistry perfectly complement astrology and often uses this knowledge to compile personal horoscopes and predictions.

The fact that Ukraine would lose Crimea was predicted by Ross long before the events came true. He also warned about terrorist attacks in France and the dangerous situation in Egypt. He predicted that Yatsenyuk would leave the government before his birthday, that is, until spring. That's exactly what happened.

Vlad Ross makes bold predictions openly and, in the opinion of many, provocatively. The astrologer believes that he has nothing to fear, since the stars do not lie, and the rulers of the world do not take him seriously, but in vain. Ross's predictions most often come true; it is worth listening to him in order to avoid fatal events and irreparable situations.

On November 8, 2016, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov voiced a topic that had already flashed before in the media: in his opinion, the presidential elections scheduled for March 11, 2018 will take place a year earlier. Interest in the news was fueled a few days later on November 10, when MK deleted an interview with historian and political scientist Valery Solovy about possible early Russian presidential elections in 2017 (the material was nevertheless recorded and saved by Internet users). MGIMO professor V. Solovey spoke about Putin’s alleged serious illness, about his successor and about the postponement of the election date. And away we go...

It must be said that the position of an “expert in political backstage” cannot be called impartial: the head of the department of public relations at MGIMO is clearly offended by the authorities because of the refusal to register his New Force party. And the forecasts of interested people, as a rule, do not come true. However, other well-known political scientists, and simply journalists, responded to this interview and expressed their opinions. Political scientists for the most part spoke about “information or white noise, which will not be accompanied by anything,” about “gossip in a theater buffet.” Journalists put forward more daring versions: “a deliberate injection by the Kremlin,” “the beginning of some kind of political game,” etc. (more details in the article Fables of the Nightingale, or Drain of the Year). Official representatives of the presidential administration denied the possibility of elections in September 2017: Peskov “called” this news absolute scholasticism; Ella Panfilova also made a refutation.

What is the basis for this information panic from an astrological point of view? Astrologer V. Lavrov back in 2011 drew attention to, according to which it was concluded that Putin would probably leave the Olympus of power in 2017. Indeed, Boris Yeltsin introduced the country to his successor in August 1999 (1999 +18 = 2017). And yes, the famous eclipse of Nostradamus is also “attributed” to August 1999. But the question is: did these two events coincide by chance? It turns out - no, not by chance.

Ι . Political bias of the prophecies of Nostradamus.

In March 2014, I wrote a large article: Why the horoscope of the formation of Moscow in 1147 still works, or the mystery of Nostradamus’ quatrain. The story of how myths are born. It also talks about the quatrain of the 10th century 72 (chapters ΧΙΙ and ΧΙΙΙ):

[In] the seventh month of 1999
The great heavenly king-redeemer (or intimidator),
Will resurrect the great ruler of Angolmois,
Who before and after Mars [will] reign happily.

I have made the assumption that we may be talking about the resumption (resurrection) of the great planetary cycle, namely the cycle of the Great Mutation of the planets Jupiter-Saturn (in conjunction with Mars). Ancient astrologers also pointed out the appearance of royal personalities (plus Mars - warriors) at the moment of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

I don’t know whether Kremlin astrologers used any cycles or not, but it is more than likely that Putin’s arrival was “timed” to coincide with the famous quatrain of the great predictor. In the article “Astrologers in power use the secrets of Nostradamus,” the famous historian, journalist, and chief Nostradamus expert in Russia, Alexei Penzensky, describes this circumstance as follows.

Dialogue with a correspondent:

“- I know one story with the famous prediction of Nostradamus, supposedly that Soviet power will last 73 years and 7 months. Judging by the context of the letter—not a prophecy, mind you, but a letter to the French king Henry—it is clear that this refers to the France of that time. It was at the turn of the 90s that Nostradamus and his predictions began to be promoted in the USSR. Adding 73 years and 7 months to October-November 1917, we got July 1991. It was the time of the vote on the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, which turned out to be scheduled based on the old “prediction” of Michel Nostradamus.

-Whose decision was it?

— They told me about this without naming specific names. Let's say, from those on whom it depended then. The main thing is that Yeltsin agreed to this. What does this mean? It was in December 1999 that the first president of Russia first named his successor. Before this, there was an extensive campaign. We talked more about this prophecy than in the West. It seems to me that we are talking about a cold-blooded, cynical use of the name of Nostradamus to enhance the effect: let the people see that everything has already been predicted. This is neither good nor bad for Nostradamus. Interest in his works is only growing. True, people refuse to believe other interpretations and explanations of his prophecies. In short, the medieval Frenchman’s prediction inspired hope for a better life.”

Thus, it is not surprising that everyone related to rumors regarding 2017 is, as they say, “in the wake of a past hoax.” This applies primarily to journalists, but we cannot exclude a real “stuffing of information” from the same sector as in 1999 (look at the reaction).

ΙΙ. Map of the inauguration of V.V. Putin.

Coming to power is one piece of information, but in terms of terms of government, you need to look at the inauguration map (map No. 1).

card No. 1

The inauguration took place near the minor parade of planets (May 3, 2000) and the new moon at 14º Taurus (May 4). According to accepted government regulations, the ceremony is held at 12 o'clock Moscow time (this is a global practice). In 2000, the presidential oath was taken at 12:05 (but it can be taken at 12:00). Accordingly, the stellium of planets in Taurus, including the ruler of Asc (Sun) and MC (Mars) fell into the Χ house. The situation is unique; planetary parades are quite rare. This circumstance greatly highlights Putin’s personality. The other side of the coin is the likelihood of negative resonance in the world (the ruler of the house of open enemies, Saturn, is in Χ, and the co-ruler, Uranus, is square to the planets in Taurus), but this also reflects the sharp and unexpected policy of the presidential administration.

A minimum of 20 years of reign is shown. It is not clear where they found care in 2012 and 2016. Another point: the Constitution limits the term of government of the Russian President to 4 years (it was from 2000 to 2008) and after amendments were made on December 30, 2008 - to 6 years. 4 and 6 are the numbers, respectively, of the half-cycles of Venus and Jupiter or simply Jupiter (a half-cycle and a third of a cycle).

They also look at the president’s card (his official date of birth is October 7, 1952). If we look at the coordinates of Venus and Jupiter in Putin’s personal horoscope and on the days of inaugurations, we will see a clear pattern (Table No. 1). The Russian horoscope is also informational in this regard (there are 2 options: 06/12/1990 and 12/25/1991). Especially in the version of June 12, 1990, the “problems of 2017” are shown in the form of transit Saturn on the ΙC chart (in opposition to the Radix Sun) in the solar and tau square on transit Jupiter in Libra from Jupiter and the higher planets of the radix (this affects the stellium chart Putin's birth). For Putin himself, a tau square on Jupiter is an ordinary situation, since he has a similar configuration in his birth horoscope. And with Saturn in the 25th house, not everything is so simple - once again the powers that be can simply squeeze the opposition forces.

Sun Venus Jupiter Saturn Lunar Nodes Addition
V. Putin 10/7/1952 14º Libra 12º Scorp. 20º Taurus


18º Libra 20º Aquarius/Leo
7.05.2000 18º Taurus 8º Taurus 18º Taurus 20º Taurus 28º Cancer/Caser.
7.05.2004 18º Taurus 25º Approx. 9º Virgo 10º Cancer 12º Taurus/Scorp.
7.05.2012 18º Taurus 23º Approx. 22º Taurus 25º Libra


6º Sagittarius/Near. C.L. in Taurus
7.05.2018 17º Taurus 16º Approx. 19º Scorp. 9º Coser.


10º Leo/Aquarius

table No. 1

— 2000: the main map is the return of Jupiter in Putin’s horoscope, the antiphase of Venus.

- 2012: return of Jupiter from Putin (Ch.L. in Taurus - reign overshadowed by economic difficulties, sanctions).

— 2018: antiphase between Jupiter and the Nodes. Initially, in V. Putin’s birth horoscope there is a tau square from the Nodes (+Pluto-CL) to the planet of power Jupiter, foreshadowing an active position in the event of coming to power, but also foreshadowing the adoption of difficult fateful decisions, difficult life situations and turns. In 2018, transit Jupiter (from the ΙV house of the inauguration horoscope and the Russian horoscope + Pluto-Venus (12/25/1991) completes the Grand Cross configuration. Transit Nodes - tau square on Venus GDP (in both charts (inauguration and Russian Federation) Venus extr. MS). In principle, V. Putin is “no stranger” to such heavy energies; if he puts forward his candidacy, there is a real probability of victory, especially since there are plenty of harmonious aspects. But this time the opponents will be quite strong and rich ( either the oligarchs themselves or their support).

In the version of the birth chart with Asc in Scorpio, transit Jupiter will pass through the Venus of the Russian President - also an aspect of popularity (apparently there will be new Scorpio phrases and slogans).

Analysts foretell the likelihood of an uncertain situation with the presidential candidate until the fall of 2017: Putin is preparing for the 2018 elections.

I didn’t just put the date May 7, 2024 in the table. This day “deserves a separate horoscope” (card No. 2).

card No. 2

The powerful stellium of planets in Taurus attracts attention. In neighboring Aries - Mars and Mercury; Saturn is Pisces (but its co-ruler, Uranus, is in Taurus). The picture is somewhat reminiscent of the cluster of planets in the first earth sign in 2000 during the first inauguration of V.V. Putin. What are the possible options:

1) the most likely option: the end of the GDP presidency cycle (of course, given the scenario of his elections in 2018)

2) what is less likely: “skipping the 2018 elections” and participating in the 2024 elections

3) and a completely “eternal option”: the victory of GDP in the 2018 elections, and then another amendment to the Constitution and ... 2024. Well, this is completely out of the realm of fantasy (it seems). And what: 2024 +6 = 2030, 30 years - half of the basic 60-year cycle of Jupiter-Saturn, a normal period for a strong ruler. For the president's enemies, this would simply be a blow below the belt. But it seems that Putin is not very ambitious and this is unlikely to come true. Although it cannot be ruled out that V. Putin’s political career will not end in 2024 (he will not necessarily remain president).

ΙΙΙ. 2000 in Syria.

16th President of Syria Bashar Hafez al-Assad(September 11, 1965, Damascus) came to power after the death of his father, Hafez al-Assad (October 6, 1930 - June 10, 2000), the 15th president of Syria from 1971 to 2000. Bashar al-Assad was inaugurated on July 17, 2000. He was confirmed as president in uncontested elections in 2000 and 2007, and on June 3, 2014, he was re-elected as president in the first alternative elections, which were held in conditions of civil war and boycotted by the opposition. Most states also did not recognize the election results. Syria today is one of the main hot spots on the planet.

Hafez Assad passed away on June 10, 2000, also near the parade of planets in Taurus (the main social component is S-S). But the state of Syria was also founded near the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus - September 16, 1941. In 1940/41 there was a triple conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Taurus: 15º Taurus - retro phase 13º Taurus - 10º Taurus. On May 28, 2000, Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct at 23º Taurus (the last conjunction in the earth element). A very definite pattern is already being observed.

In previous chapters we talked about the article Why the horoscope of the formation of Moscow in 1147 still works, or the mystery of Nostradamus’ quatrain. The story of how myths are born. Here is a diagram of the 794-year S-N cycle in Taurus ( for more details, see chapters VΙΙ and VΙΙΙ):

1087 (conjunction at 4° Taurus) - 1881 (conjunction at 2° Taurus)

1146 (conjunction at 18° Taurus) – 1940/41 (15°-retro 13°-10° Taurus)

1206 (conjunction at 26° Taurus) - 2000 (conjunction at 23° Taurus).

Events related to the founding of Moscow, the Second World War and Syria receiving a free state and the inauguration of Putin and Assad are interconnected by an extremely powerful socially significant planetary cycle. Events of world significance are associated with such cycles, and personalities who have gained fame in these aspects influence world processes.

Hafez al-Assad became President of Syria on March 12, 1971, 30 years after Syria gained independence ( card No. 3). This is half of the most important middle cycle of the U-N, which brings important changes in society. And he passed away 60 years after the founding of the modern state of Syria. In other words, the 15th president fit strongly into the rhythm of the state. The same can be said about the beginning of the reign of his son and follower, Bashar al-Assad (table No. 2).







24º Aries


21º Approx.

29º Taurus




(Hafez al-Assad)

30º Sagittarius-

1º Capricorn

7º Sagittarius

19º Taurus



(Bashar al-Assad)

4º Sagittarius

29º Taurus



(Bashar al-Assad)

9º Aries

17º Sagittarius




(Bashar al-Assad)

11º Libra

19º Scorpio



table No. 2

card No. 3

Main conclusions.

From my point of view, the most likely option is to hold Russian presidential elections in 2018. The idea of ​​early elections in 2017 is about 95 percent more speculative. It is interesting and natural that the emphasis on 2017 is shown in a number of important astrological charts (the cycle of the Lunar Nodes 1999-2017, the horoscope solar of June 12, 1990, and others). There is also an element of mysticism in the form of political engagement of certain prophecies of the famous Nostradamus (in particular, quatrain 10-72 about the arrival of the “great ruler of Angolmois” in 1999).

The role of individual planets (in particular, Jupiter) and cycles (Jupiter-Saturn) responsible for the course of social processes and changes in power structures is shown. Thus, the very birth and stages of the rise to power of Russian President V.V. Putin are marked by the Jupiter-Saturn cycle in Taurus (even by a parade of planets); The 12-year Jupiterian cycle (as well as half of it) also works. Therefore, during the passage of the planets Jupiter-Saturn along the Taurus-Scorpio axis (squares along the Leo-Aquarius axis are also effective), changes will occur in the career of the current President of Russia.

In 2018, transiting Jupiter will pass through the sign of Scorpio, forming a Cross configuration with the Nodes and Jupiter (radix) in Taurus. The situation is not simple, but since the GDP horoscope initially has a “graft” in the form of a tau square on Jupiter, it is very likely that GDP will be elected for the next presidential term (if he decides to run for office).

An interesting situation is with Syrian President Basher al-Assad, who came to power in the same year 2000 as Putin and at the same Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus. But in Assad's birth chart, the transit of 2000 is in opposition to the Mars-Neptune radix conjunction. As is known, an important factor in the fight of Assad’s army against the opposition is the religious aspect (the Syrian president represents the Alawites (a trend in Islam), while his opponents are Sunnis). The closest aspect of Jupiter-Saturn to the horoscope of Syria (09.16.1941) is the triple conjunction S-N in Taurus. Therefore, Syria must also react to the passage of these two social planets along the fixed cross of the zodiac.

Power passed to Bashar al-Assad on June 10, 2000 (near the exact junction of South-North). But the inauguration took place in mid-July 2000, when Yu-S moved into the sign of Gemini (in his horoscope of birth on September 11, 1965, Jupiter is at 30º Gemini) - table No. 2. Both crosses will work here: both fixed and mutable.

The civil war in Syria (beginning March 2011 - isolated unrest) by the summer of 2011 escalated into a full-scale military conflict (transit Jupiter ingressed into the sign of Taurus). The conflict continues to this day, with Assad constantly trying to remove him from power. Over the years, there have been transits: Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Scorpio, now Saturn is moving through Sagittarius (Russia has entered the war). In 2018, transiting Jupiter will pass through Scorpio (Saturn will leave Sagittarius). It is very likely that at this time some process related to the elections in Syria may occur. Although, according to the law of the country, the next stage of electing the president is 2021 (in Syria, the ruler holds office for 7 years).
