Summary of a lesson on forming a holistic picture of the world for children in the preparatory group with a presentation. Long-term planning for the formation of a holistic picture of the world; methodological development on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic of Formy

Nizamova Leysan Madekhatovna,


MBDOU DS KV "Zhuravushka"

Novy Urengoy

Integration of educational areas:



"reading fiction"






Perception of fiction

Material and equipment: Subject and subject pictures, envelopes with cut-out pictures depicting people with different professions, a magnetic board, a “Professions” presentation, cards with images of people with different professions, cards with images of different tools.

Software tasks:


Clarify, expand and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Practice writing descriptive stories

To consolidate children's knowledge that different things help people in their work - tools.


Continue to orient children in the areas of human activity (science, art, production and services, agriculture), their significance for the life of the child, his family, kindergarten and society as a whole

Develop the ability to listen and hear the question; ability to generalize; logical thinking; children's interest in the process of joint activities; visual attention and perception.


Cultivate interest in classes, develop skills of cooperation and mutual understanding.

To instill in children interest and respect for people working in kindergarten

Progress of activities:

IN. : Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. And today we have a guest. Guess the riddle and find out who it is.

He is, of course, the most important
The mischievous naughty guy is funny.
He's wearing a huge blue hat
A bum and a bungler. (Dunno)

Children: Dunno

IN.: Right.

Dunno enters to the music, holding a medium-sized chest in his hands.

Dunno: Good afternoon! (Wipes his forehead with his sleeve) I was tired, I found this chest on the moon. He opened it and looked at the contents. And there were some envelopes there, didn’t you understand anything?! I thought I had found treasure. I decided to bring it to you. Can you help?

IN.: Well, let's help, guys?

Children: yes, yes!!!

Dunno takes out the first envelope and hands it to the teacher.

IN.:"Guess the riddles."

IN.: Guys, for this we need to go to the screen. I will read you a riddle, if you answer correctly, a picture will appear on the screen.

Interactive presentation. download professions.pptx (275.26 KB)

Screening of the presentation “Professions in Riddles”

Dunno: Well done boys!

IN.: Let's play.

Children and Dunno: We agree.

Outdoor game “Who needs this item?”
(on the carpet there is a pointer, a rod, a book, a ladle, a steering wheel, a violin, a brush, a bucket, a broom, a stethoscope)
Children move in a circle to the music. The music stops - the children take objects and say who needs this object.

Dunno: I also have an envelope. (gives it to the teacher)

IN.: Game "Collect the picture"

For this game you need to stand in pairs. Dunno and I will give cut pictures to each pair, and you try to assemble them.

Preschool children are a blank slate that needs to be filled with important, necessary information. This is the principle that methodologists and teachers are guided by when drawing up educational programs for kindergartens. At the same time, special attention is paid to the development of a system of classes that will provide children with basic knowledge, skills and abilities for successful interaction with the outside world. One of these educational courses is the creation of a block of classes aimed at forming a holistic picture of the world (FCCM).

The formation of a holistic picture of the world is an educational area that expands horizons and involves consistent acquaintance with the subject, social environment of children, as well as with natural phenomena at a level accessible to understanding at a particular age. In the process of working in classes of different (!) directions in FCCM ("", "Physical Education", "Speech Development", etc.), children realize themselves as an active subject of nature, gain ideas about this or that object, phenomenon, as well as the role of man transforming the world as a result of his creative, scientific, and labor activities.

Forming a holistic picture of the world begins with studying the changing seasons

Goals and objectives of FCCM

The mission of the course to form a holistic picture of the world is:

  • development of cognitive and research activity of children;
  • enriching and consolidating the store of knowledge regarding objects and phenomena surrounding children;
  • development of work skills;
  • acquaintance with cyclical changes in nature (in the younger groups, children gain an understanding of the very fact of the change of seasons, in the middle - they learn the distinctive features of each of the seasons, and in older preschool age they become acquainted with the changes in animal and plant life that accompany winter, spring, summer and autumn world);
  • education of the fundamentals of environmental culture (kids get acquainted with certain natural phenomena, gain ideas about environmental safety and, based on theoretical and practical experience, come to the conclusion about the need for a careful attitude towards the environment).

To achieve these goals in working on the topics of classes on FCCM, it is necessary to solve such problems as:

  • the formation of an idea of ​​​​a holistic understanding of the object (for example, children in the younger group should be able to name the object and its purpose, in the middle group a description of the external and internal appearance is added to this, that is, color, shape, material, and in the older group - the attitude of a person and his activities to existence of this object);
  • development of the ability to navigate in space (if in early preschool age this means getting to know the premises of the kindergarten, then in middle and high school age it is making the way from home to kindergarten);
  • acquaintance with their native land (in the younger groups, children learn to name their city, village, town, in the middle - they learn the name of their street, house number, apartment, and in the older they get an idea about the main attractions of the region, its traditions);
  • obtaining and consolidating information about flora and fauna (in the younger group, children get acquainted with the names of animals and their cubs, in the middle group - the habitat, characteristics of breeding, care, in the older group - measures aimed at preserving the flora and fauna on the planet);
  • nurturing a caring attitude towards the environment through gaining knowledge about human behavior that is dangerous to nature, as well as about measures aimed at preserving and increasing natural resources.

Labor activity is an integral part of FCCM

Techniques for FCCM classes

There are four groups of techniques with the help of which the teacher implements the goals and objectives of organizing classes in FCCM.

Verbal techniques

For preschoolers, adult speech is of key importance in the process of mastering speaking skills. In younger groups, pupils, listening to teachers and parents, enrich their passive vocabulary and also begin to form an active one. In the middle group, thanks to verbal methods of interaction, children learn the basic grammatical structure of the language (agreement in gender and number, sentence structure, etc.). In older preschool age, children, through speech perception and active participation in dialogue with each other and the teacher, learn to compose coherent statements, master the basics of composing logical and emotionally expressive monologues.


With the help of this type of verbal techniques, the teacher conveys to children the essence of one or another fact related to the formation of children’s ideas about the world around them. The explanation accompanies not only the stage of presenting new material, but also illustrates each level of mastering and consolidating the topic. For example, when considering the question “Pets” in the first junior group, the teacher not only describes the inhabitants of the farm, that is, he conducts the stage of familiarization with the material, but also explains the procedure for completing the task to consolidate the topic: how to build a house from cubes for the animals living on the farm.

Explanation accompanies any type of activity


This is one of the most effective ways to motivate children to work. In addition to the fact that searching for answers to riddles requires kids to activate their thinking process, it also awakens a kind of excitement: everyone tries to guess and answer faster than others. Thus, the teacher manages to set the children up for further interaction.

In my practice, when working on the topic “Space” in the preparatory group, before talking about the planets of the solar system, the profession of an astronaut, I invite children to activate the basic knowledge acquired last year with the help of the following riddles:

  • A bottomless ocean, an endless ocean, Airless, dark and extraordinary, Universes, stars and comets live in it, There are also inhabited, perhaps, planets. (Space);
  • The planet is blue, beloved, dear. She is yours, she is mine, And it is called... (Earth);
  • A man sits in a rocket. He boldly flies into the sky, And in his spacesuit he looks at us from space. (Space).


This technique is also most often used to motivate children, as it allows not only to give an idea of ​​the topic of the lesson, but also helps the children remember the material they have already studied. The method for practicing this technique is that the teacher reads a rhyme to the children, then during the conversation the topic is discussed. However, when preparing a lesson at FCCM, poems can be used to reinforce the material. For example, when considering the topic “My Home” in the middle group, at the end of the main stage of the lesson, I offer the children the following poem:

  • The house we live in is located around the corner. It is large, multi-story, with a new elevator, very important! He wears a dashing hat, taller than all the neighboring houses!

After listening to the rhyme, the children and I talk about the following questions:

  • “Where is the house located?”;
  • “How can we describe a house?”;
  • “Does the house in the poem look like the one you live in?”

This is interesting. In the middle group, the list of questions for conversation should include one or two that are problematic for the development of children's critical thinking skills.

Poems can be illustrated with pictures

Short stories

A special role in the group of verbal techniques should be given to short fairy tales. I usually use such sketches to introduce a topic. For example, I start a lesson on the topic “Health” in the preparatory group with “Tales about Wise Health.” “In one kingdom, in one state, Health lived and thrived. It loved people very much: it encouraged everyone to exercise, advised them to eat fruits and vegetables, and took care of the cleanliness of the air. But people began to brush aside such goodness: they relied more and more on ointments, tablets, and syrups. Then Health was offended and decided: “If I am dear to someone, then he will behave correctly and take care of me. And those who ignore me, let them run after me.” And so it has been since then: those who take care of their health are healthy, and those who have more important things to do are looking and looking for Health, but all to no avail. It’s true what they say: losing health is easy, but finding it is oh, how difficult!”

After listening to a fairy tale, I ask my students the following questions:

  • “What do you need to do to be strong and healthy?”;
  • “Why should you take care of your health?”;
  • Do you think that to be healthy, it’s enough to take pills and syrups?”


We are talking about reading short texts on a topic. For example, brief information about the characteristics of the life and habitat of animals in certain natural areas in the older group. Moreover, in groups where there are people who can read, children can read such passages themselves. In addition to the fact that the opportunity to demonstrate one’s skills is important for increasing a child’s self-esteem, the work also has a motivational mission, pushing children who do not yet know how to read to master this important skill.

Reading is especially effective if some passages are read by the children themselves.

Group of visual techniques

Children perceive the world primarily through the visual channel, so providing the educational process with sufficient clarity is a fundamental task for the teacher.

Pictures, illustrations

These visual elements accompany any type of activity of preschoolers. Especially when we are talking about the kind of information flow that kids encounter in FCCM classes. It is very important that the illustrations are:

  • clear (blurry black and white pictures not only do not attract attention, but also do not convey the whole essence of the concept or phenomenon being explained);
  • understandable (do not clutter up the illustrations with a large number of depicted details - this will distract children from the essence of what they need to focus on, for example, if in a lesson in a younger group they are working on the topic “Wild Animals”, then grouping mammals, viviparous, herbivorous, of course, it will be very informative, but it is unlikely to be completely memorable for kids);
  • complete in meaning (for example, if the pictures illustrate the process of growing beans, then two pictures with seeds and a young shoot will not be enough to understand the stages of growth; “intermediate” stages are needed).

Game materials are an important element of visibility


The variants of this visual technique are worth dwelling on separately.

  1. Displaying presentations with information about a particular object or phenomenon being studied. This is a very convenient way when the topic is very broad, there is a lot of information, and you cannot limit yourself to just pictures. One of these can be considered “Cosmos. The first cosmonaut" in the senior and preparatory group.
  2. Watch video. These could be training videos, for example, on how to conduct an experiment with water. Or, for example, cartoon excerpts on a current topic.
  3. My own example. In this case, the teacher himself shows certain actions that the children need to master. For example, the order of performing movements to the song “The Giraffe Has Spots” when studying the topic “Parts of the Body” in the preparatory group.

Video: doing a warm-up together to the song “The Giraffe Has Spots”


A visual aid that combines materials of a different nature on a specific topic is called a lapbook. Such project folders may contain:

  • illustrations and brief information on the topic;
  • suitable games (board games, word games, etc.);
  • children's work (drawings, applications, etc.) that were completed during the consideration of the issue.

A laptop is usually designed as a booklet or folder.

Practical techniques

In this group, in addition to drawings, applications, and crafts, which usually perform the function of consolidating acquired knowledge, it is worth including experimental activities, without which it is very difficult to comprehend the essence of some natural phenomena.

For example, in the middle group, in order for children to understand the types of aggregate states of water, I offer the following experiment: from a winter walk we bring a lump of snow to the group, put it in a bucket and after some time we note its transformation into water. Having scooped up the water with a spoon and heated it, we observe how the water turns into steam.

This is interesting. As a rule, experimental activities cover topics related to the study of the properties of water, sand, air, and plant growth.

Table: card index of experiments for classes in FCCM

Age groupPhenomenon under studyGoals of the experimentProgress of the experiment
First junior groupDry and wet sandShow the kids that they can only shape a Easter cake with wet sand.Children pour dry sand into a cake mold and try to make a figure. Failure. Fill the mold with wet sand - the cake is a success.
Second youngestAirShow how air supports objectsChildren crumple one sheet of paper and leave the other flat. Then both are launched through the air: the smooth one flies smoothly - the air supports it, and the second one descends faster - it is more difficult for the air to support it due to the unevenness on the surface.
AverageWater as a source of growth and lifeShow that to sprout onions you only need water.Children put the bulbs in water. Change the water regularly, observing how green shoots appear.
Senior groupAir and waterShow that air is lighter than waterChildren try to “drown” toys filled with air in a container of water.
Preparatory groupWhere does a rainbow come from?Show that a rainbow on a wall or ceiling is the result of a refracted ray of light being reflected in water.We place a container of water by the window, place a mirror in it on a stand and “catch” a sunbeam. We observe a rainbow on the ceiling or wall.

Information gained from experience is better remembered

Gaming techniques

Play activity is the leading one for preschool children. Therefore, this is the most productive way to organize the cognitive process, which also creates a positive microclimate in the group and sets the children up for work.

Table: types of games at FCCM

GroupViewName (age group)GoalsContent
DidacticDesktop-printed"My House" (medium)Learn to make shapes from suitable parts.Children make houses from architectural parts made of cardboard.
The kids describe the house from the inside and outside.
Sensory"Magic bag" (second youngest)Learn to identify material by tactile contact.Kids put their hand into the bag, find an object and, without pulling it out, guess what it is.
Musical“Sad Rain” (first youngest)Learn to correlate natural phenomena with the mood of music.The teacher shows pictures depicting rain.
Plays musical excerpts of different moods.
Children determine which music best suits the illustrations.
MovableRunning and jumping training“Sunshine and Rain” (second youngest)
  • developing the ability to correlate one’s reactions with one or another natural phenomenon;
  • train the skill of changing the nature of movement according to a signal.
The kids squat down on the designated “house” areas.
At the signal “The sun is out,” children run around the playground.
To the words “The clouds have come” they return to their “homes”.
Development of attention“Show it right” (preparatory group)
  • repeat the names of body parts;
  • learn to correlate a word with a movement.
The teacher names a part of the body by touching it with his hands.
Children repeat.
The teacher confuses the kids: he names one thing and touches another. Children must match the name with the movement.
TheatricalDramatization“In the Forest” (senior group)
  • practice rules of behavior in the forest;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards the riches of nature.
In a role-playing play, the children show how to and how not to behave in nature.
Director's"Teremok" (middle group)
  • consolidate knowledge of the classification of domestic and wild animals;
  • learn to coordinate the movements of characters with verbal descriptions.
Children use cone theater toys (characters are drawn on cones that are put on fingers or moved around the table) to show the fairy tale “Teremok” told by the teacher.

How to compile a card index of topics on FCCM

Since FCCM occurs in the course of work in classes of different educational orientations (“Familiarization with the environment,” “Music,” etc.), the card index of topics is of an integrated nature. Typically, the teacher draws up a calendar-thematic lesson plan in all areas, indicating aspects of the topic related to the educational field of the FCCM. However, some methodological sources recommend drawing up a plan based on the educational area of ​​work with a specific age group. In this case, the teacher identifies certain elements of the content parts (blocks) necessary for him to prepare the lesson.

Elements of work on FCCM are presented in different classes

Table: example of compiling calendar and thematic planning for FCCM in the middle group (fragments)

monthblockOrganized educational activitiesJoint activities between adults and childrenIndependent activities of children
Theme: “Our kindergarten, our group”
  • clarify children's knowledge about kindergarten;
  • expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten;
  • develop observation and attention;
  • cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten workers.

Lesson structure:

  1. Conversation about kindergarten employees.
  2. Narration based on a plot picture.
  3. Game "Find the mistake"
  4. Guessing riddles.
  5. Summary of the lesson.
Didactic game “What is the object made of?” Goals:
  • identify children’s ability to determine what materials objects are made of;
  • learn to determine cause-and-effect relationships between the material and the method of use;
  • learn to name the objects that surround the child indoors.

Didactic game “Outfits of Mother Earth” Purpose: to clarify and expand children’s ideas about the change of seasons, about the main features of each season, and the natural phenomena characteristic of it.
Experimental activity “Flying seeds”. Goal: to introduce children to the role of wind in the life of plants using the example of the seeds that they spread.
Didactic game “Couples” (birds, mushrooms, flowers, fish, insects, domestic and wild animals). Goal: to develop memory, thinking and attention.

Didactic game “Puppet kindergarten”. Goal: to support children’s desire to imitate preschool employees - their caring attitude towards students, their ability to find a way out of difficult situations.
"Let's get acquainted!"Goals:
  • introduce the kindergarten and its employees, the professions of those who work in the kindergarten;
  • talk about the work processes performed by each of them;
  • clarify knowledge of the kindergarten address
    and the route to kindergarten and home;
  • improve the ability to freely navigate the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten;
  • involve children in the activities of decorating their group and other premises of the kindergarten.

Vocabulary: kitchen worker, medical worker, music and physical education halls, building
Lesson structure:

  1. Tour of the kindergarten.
  2. Game “Whose objects?”
  3. Reading a poem.
  4. Dance moves to music.
  5. Summary of the lesson.
Didactic game “Where did the bee fly?” Goals:
  • develop memory and thinking;
  • consolidate knowledge about pieces of furniture;
  • learn to name the signs and number of objects.

Didactic game “Seasons” Objectives:

  • introduce changes in precipitation types;
  • talk about the impact of changes in inanimate nature on the way of life of animals.

Experimental activity “How to see the air.” Goal: to introduce children to the concept of “air”, its properties and role in human life.
Didactic game "Let's settle the animals." Goal: to introduce children to the habitats of various animals.

Looking at indoor plants. Goal: to teach to recognize, distinguish and correctly name indoor plants.
Theme “Autumn. Gifts of autumn. Autumn Fair"
"Gifts of Autumn"Goals:
  • teach children to distinguish vegetables by appearance;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships using the example of fetal formation;
  • introduce some types of vegetables: shape, color, taste (eggplant, zucchini, radish);
  • develop memory, thinking, fine and gross motor skills;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Vocabulary: vegetable garden, garden bed, vegetables.
Creative task: “Autumn work in the garden” - creating drawings of vegetables.
Lesson structure:

  1. Examining dummies of vegetables.
  2. Game "Find the vegetables."
  3. Guessing riddles.
  4. Description of vegetables.
  5. Summary of the lesson.
Didactic game - What is it made of? Goals:
  • teach children to group objects according to the material from which they are made;
  • activate children's vocabulary;
  • learn to name the seasons in the correct sequence.

Didactic game “Prepare the bunny for winter.” Goals:

  • introduce changes in the color of the fur of forest animals with the arrival of winter;
  • find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

Experimental activity “The air sings and whistles.” Goal: to introduce children to the concept of “air”, its properties and role in human life.
Didactic games “Describe, we will guess”, “Guess by touch”. Goal: learn to describe vegetables in different ways.

Visual activity. Target:
encourage children's desire to reflect their impressions of autumn changes in nature.
Golden autumnGoals:
  • teach children to observe seasonal changes in nature (compared to summer);
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships (changes in living and inanimate nature and changes in external conditions - the gradual extinction of plant life is caused by cold weather, the departure of birds is associated with the disappearance of insects);
  • organize targeted observation of leaf color;
  • learn to work with the nature calendar;
  • develop knowledge about autumn work in the garden;
  • cultivate an interest in nature.

Lesson structure:

  1. A conversation about the signs of autumn.
  2. Game “Finish the sentence.
  3. Description of the picture.
  4. Outdoor game "Rain".
  5. Summary of the lesson.
Didactic game "Seasons". Goals:
  • consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of seasons;
  • identify the characteristic features of each season;
  • introduce changes in types of precipitation, the impact of changes in inanimate nature on the way of life of animals.

Experimental activity “Wind, wind, you are powerful...”. Goal: to introduce such a natural phenomenon as wind, the reasons for its occurrence, and its role in the life of living organisms.
Didactic game “Find the same leaf as on the tree.” Goals:

  • develop the ability to compare and identify common features;
  • learn to compare leaves according to characteristics: color, shape, size.
Ecological game “Find a tree by description.” Goal: consolidate knowledge about trees.

Lesson time plan

The scheme for developing lessons on FCCM is a clear structure for presenting content over certain periods of time. And if the nature of the content depends on the specific topic, then the timing of the lesson is determined by sanitary standards for conducting classes with preschoolers:

  • in the younger group - 15 minutes;
  • on average - 20 minutes;
  • in the senior class - 25 minutes;
  • in the preparatory room - 30 minutes.

The elaboration of the essence of the topic occurs in three stages:

  • introductory part (updating basic knowledge on the topic, motivation to continue working on it);
  • the main part (work that reveals the content of each of the thematic blocks under consideration, as well as physical education, breathing or finger exercises);
  • the final part (the teacher’s assessment of the children’s activities during the lesson, as well as from the middle group the children’s reflection on the quality of their work).

Each stage of the lesson must be fit within a certain time frame.

Table: examples of FCCM lesson notes for different age groups

SubjectIntroductory stageMain stageThe final stage
First youngest
"Trees"- Guys, you are walking down the street, playing on the playground, driving in a car, what surrounds you? Children: - People, cars, houses, trees, etc. …><… Дети отгадывают загадки о деревьях, рассматривают картинки…>
<… Когда листья начинают появляться на деревьях?
What color do the leaves on the trees turn in summer?..>
Second youngest
"Mushrooms"A squirrel comes running to the group and says that the squirrel mother asked them to collect mushrooms in their forest, because winter will soon come, and if they do not stock up on good mushrooms, they will starve. - Tell me, please, where do mushrooms grow?..><… Игра малой подвижности «Мы идём в осенний лес»
We are going into the autumn forest. (Children walk in a circle)
And the forest is full of miracles!
We will look for mushrooms (Place palm to forehead)
And collect it in a basket. (Squatting, picking mushrooms)
Children sit on chairs.
- There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest, but not all mushrooms can be eaten by people. Some mushrooms are called edible and can be eaten, while others are inedible and cannot be eaten by humans. A mushroom consists of a stalk, but what is on the stalk? - Hat. Here is a white mushroom (Show picture)...>
<…- Что можно приготовить из грибов? ..>
The teacher thanks the children for their work.
Middle group
"Birds"Children today our lesson will be dedicated to the birds. I want to start it with a riddle...><…Давайте вспомним, чем мы кормили на нашем участке птиц? (зёрна, крошки хлеба, семечки, ягоды рябины).
- Guys, let's think about what will happen if we don't have birds? (There will be many insects, and they will eat all our harvest, gnaw through the bark of the trees, and then the trees may dry out)…>
<…Дидактическая игра «Не сорока, не ворона и не чайка, а какая это птица отвечай-ка». На коврике раскладываются изображения птиц 10 шт. Дети должны назвать этих птиц.
- Well done, you completed this task, and now I’ll check if you remember which of our birds are migratory and which are wintering...>
Well done guys, today you learned a lot about our friends birds, their characteristics and habits...>
Senior group
"Mother"- Who loves you kids dearly? Who will love you kids? Without closing your eyes at night, does everything take care of you? She's all pink... (dear mother)...><… Вы ещё маленькие, и многие домашние дела вам не по силам. Но многие дела вы можете выполнять сами. Динамическая пауза.
We stand in a circle and throw the ball to the children. – How do you help your mother with housework (picking up things, watering toys, flowers, vacuuming, going for bread, etc.) ...>
<… Выполнение аппликации «Подарок для мамы»…>
At the end of the lesson, I ask what the children learned in today’s lesson and what conclusions they drew for themselves.
"Food"<… Ходит Митя, как Кощей, Ни супов не ест, ни щей. Падает от слабости А любит только сладости.
- Why do you think the boy Mitya was thin and weak? (children's answers) ...>
<… Пальчиковая гимнастика «Пекарь»…>
<… Лепка из солёного теста «Баранки и калачи».
Exercise “Pies with filling”: - Children, if you put apples or cabbage in the dough, what will happen? (pies). Children are given pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries. They form the corresponding adjective. For example: this is cabbage, you can bake a cabbage pie...>
Preparatory group
"My Fatherland"-Hello guys! Today, we will reveal the secret of one very important word. Are you ready to find out the secret? (Children's answer)
But first, let's remember an already familiar word. Listen carefully and remember his secret. So, the word “native”.
Let's play the game "Choose a Word." You need to come up with a suitable word for the words “native”, “native”. Remember who or what we can call family (mom, dad, brother, sister, home, kindergarten, city, region)…>
<… Кто из вас знает, как называется наша страна, в которой мы живём? (Россия)
- That's right, this is Russia. What is it like, our Russia? (Big, beloved, beautiful, huge, rich, strong).
- The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, as a sign of love and pride for their country. Who knows some of them...>
- Did you like what we did today? What did you like about it? Well done? guys, you were all active today, you all tried.

Video: fragment of a lesson at FCCM for the second junior group on the topic “Transport”

Video: example of a FCCM lesson for senior preschool age on the topic “The Wealth of Our Planet”

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.

Subject:Animals from different countries.
Program content:introduce children to the animals of our planet Earth; consolidate knowledge about what continent this or that animal lives on; develop a humane attitude towards animals; develop imagination and intelligence; cultivate a love for animals.
Equipment: globe, measuring tape, silhouettes of continents cut out of paper, pictures of animals.
1. Organizational moment.

Guys, guess riddle:

Planet blue,

Beloved, dear,

She's yours, she's mine,

And it's called...


That's right, Earth. Do you want to go on a journey around our planet, see where which animals live?

2. Main part.

What is the name of the model of planet Earth? (Globe)

So he will tell us which continent we will go to first. What is a continent? (A continent is a large piece of land surrounded on all sides by water.)

Do you remember how many continents there are on planet Earth? (Six)

Now I will show our location on the globe.

I’ll ask Katya to go to the globe and show her any continent. That's where we'll go.

How will we get there? (Ask the children to choose the transport on which we will go to this or that continent. For example, you can get to North and South America, Australia, Antarctica, Africa by plane or ship. You can travel around Eurasia by train or car.)

Mainland Eurasia – the continent on which we live. On our continent there are forests, meadows, rivers, seas, lakes, steppes, mountains, and deserts. Now we will check if you know the animals that live on our continent.

D/i “Name the animal of the Eurasian continent”(according to the principle of the game “You are for me, I am for you.” The teacher throws the ball to the child, saying each time: “Forest” or “Meadow” or “River”, and the child names any animal living in the named conditions).

If a child has difficulty naming the animals of the meadow, you can ask riddles:

Small stature

A long tail,

Gray fur coat,

Sharp teeth.


It's a little small in size

Blind from birth,

But he dug up the whole garden

In a black fur coat - this is...


Fast and nimble,

I'm in a snake's skin,

And you'll catch me by the tail,

You'll lose it right away.


He plays hide and seek with us,

Hiding in the damp earth.

And I eat my supplies

He keeps it in a big hole.


Mainland Antarctica- the coldest continent on Earth. Not every animal can survive in such harsh conditions, but this is not the case with penguins. The penguin is an amazing, unique bird that is completely different from the birds we see on the streets every day.

Penguins look funny. An adult bird has a plump oval body, with short wings, which help to swim very quickly, but are completely useless on land. Penguins' legs are more like flippers and are also adapted for fast movement under water.

Different species of penguins vary in size and shape. For example, the smallest penguins are comparable in height to a chicken, and the largest of them reach as much as a meter in height.

Penguins cannot fly and move on land on foot, clumsily waddling on their short legs. In some cases, you can see a penguin sliding across the ice on its stomach like on a sled, pushing off the surface with its paws. And these birds use their wings only under water.

Penguins feed on fish and other small sea creatures, which they deftly catch in the sea. In order to obtain food, these birds hunt in the depths of the sea, moving quickly and gracefully underwater with the help of their short wings and legs.

Mainland North America. The fauna of this continent is similar to ours.

Offer to play d/i “Yes or no.” If the teacher names an animal that lives both here and in North America, then the children say “Yes, yes, yes,” if not, then “No, no, no.”

List of animals:

hare penguin

wolf fox

elephant lion

hippo moose

giraffe bear

Mainland South America.

An amazing animal with the strange name “armadillo” lives in South America. Like a knight, he is protected by “armor” - strong plates - shields. They cover the armadillo from above and from the sides. The head, paws, and tail - everything is protected. Only the armadillo's abdomen is soft. But if the armadillo is in danger, it will curl into a strong ball. Now neither sharp claws nor fangs are afraid of him. But not every animal can unroll this ball. But the best defense for an armadillo is to quickly bury itself in the ground. To do this, it has long sharp claws on its strong paws. You won’t have time to count the fingers on your hand - one, two, three, four, five - and the armadillo has already buried itself, hidden, as if it was not there.

But the armadillo’s teeth are not very strong, so it cannot bite properly and prefers “soft” food.

With its strong claws, the armadillo tears apart ant heaps. And then he sticks out his long and sticky tongue, onto which their inhabitants stick. All that remains is to suck it back into your mouth. And have lunch.

An armadillo digs a long hole. And he loves to settle along the banks of rivers and lakes. In the hole he waits out the hot day, and in the evening he goes out hunting. But if the day is cool, you can hunt during the day. If the road is blocked by a river, the armadillo will take air into its lungs and swim across, or even cross along the bottom.

Another unusual animal lives in South America - the tapir. The tapir is a large and strong animal. His nose is slightly elongated and resembles a trunk.

The tapir really needs a trunk. There is a “piglet” at its tip. The trunk is constantly in motion: it stretches out, then retracts, palpating, studying surrounding objects. With its help, an animal can easily pick off leaves and branches - its usual lunch.

The animal has a good sense of smell, sensitive hearing, and worse eyesight. He swims and dives well. And if danger threatens, it quickly runs away through dense thickets. Not even a predatory jaguar can keep up with him!

Tapirs love to swim. That's why they live next to a river, lake or swamp. Each person has their own personal “bath” - a pit with water and liquid mud. In it they escape the heat and clean their skin from insects.

Tapirs often dive to the bottom of a lake or river to feast on some aquatic plant.

Mainland Australia.

Kangaroos live here. Kangaroo is a very interesting animal. It feeds on grass, fruits, and roots, extracting them from the ground with its strong forelimbs. The hind limbs are several times longer than the front ones, so that the kangaroo cannot walk or run, but only jumps, and greatly helps itself with its strong tail. When walking, kangaroos jump two meters; in case of danger, they jump more powerfully - seven to eight meters.

Now we will see which of you can jump what distance. P/n “Who will jump further.” Girls jump first, and then boys. The teacher measures the farthest jump, and then shows the distance of 2 meters and asks to compare who jumps further, a kangaroo or a person.

On the belly of the females, nature has made a pouch where the little cubs hide, and the mother carries them for quite a long time, even when they grow up quite a bit.

In moments of danger, the mother, assuming that it will not be possible to escape from her pursuers, throws out her cub while running. Because of this, there has long been an opinion that the kangaroo is a bad mother. But that's not true. The mother does not throw the baby out anyhow, but into a secluded place. And he does such an act only in moments of extreme danger. And if she manages to escape, then she returns for her cub.

Continent Africa.

Zebra is a striped horse. Do you know why zebras are striped? Striped coloring helps zebras escape from attacking insects. Tsetse flies and horseflies never attack zebras; for them, zebras are a flash of black and white stripes.

Lions are representatives of the cat family.

D/i “Find similarities and differences.” Invite children to name the similarities and differences between cats and lions (for example, cats are small, and lions are large. Both lions and cats are predators, they feed on other animals. Both cats and lions have sharp claws with which they grab prey.)

3. Final part.

So we visited all 6 continents of our planet. Did you enjoy our trip? What new did you learn? What did you enjoy doing the most?

Lilia Letyagina
Summary of the lesson on “Formation of a holistic picture of the world” in the preparatory group

Summary of an open lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening one's horizons in preparatory group.

Subject: Forest and its inhabitants.

Target: Consolidating knowledge about trees and forest inhabitants.

Tasks: To consolidate knowledge about deciduous and coniferous trees, wild animals and their young, their habitats. Summarize ideas about the rules of behavior in nature.

Develop long-term memory, attention, auditory and visual perception.

Cultivate an interest in trees and wild animals, a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: cards"Trees", poster "The structure of a tree", image of deciduous, coniferous and mixed forest, cards"Wild animals and their homes", signs "Rules of behavior in nature".

Integration of areas: formation of a holistic picture of the world, ecology, communication.

Type classes: consolidation.

Progress of the lesson

IOrg. moment

Children enter group and stand in a circle.

II Communication of the topic and objectives

Topic classes you will find out by solving the riddle. Listen to her carefully.

The guys have it

Green friend,

Cheerful friend, good,

He will hand it to them

Hundreds of hands

And thousands of palms.


What is a forest?

A forest is an open space where trees, shrubs, mosses grow, and where wild animals live.

Today on class we will talk about the forest and its inhabitants, remember what types of trees you know, and what wild animals live in forests.

III Consolidation

1. Riddles about trees.

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

She doesn’t sew anything herself.

But in needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

Berries are not sweetness

But it’s a joy to the eye,

And decoration for the gardens,

And a treat for the blackbirds.


I dropped my curls into the river

And I was sad about something,

What is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone.


Russian beauty

Standing in a clearing

In a green blouse

In a white sundress.


I have longer needles

Than the Christmas tree.

I'm growing very straight

In height.

If I'm not on the edge,

The branches are only on the top of the head.


From the trees in early summer

Suddenly snowflakes flutter

But this does not make us happy -

This makes us sneeze.


2. Didactic game "From what forest"

What types of forests do you know? (coniferous, deciduous, mixed)

What are the names of trees growing in coniferous forests? (coniferous)

What are the names of trees growing in deciduous forests? (deciduous)

Distribute cards with trees in forests where they grow.

Coniferous Deciduous

Spruce, cedar, birch, oak, rowan,

Pine, larch poplar, willow, fir

Tell me, how do trees differ from each other? (leaves, trunk width, etc.)

What do all trees have in common? (structure)

IV Physical minute

The wind flew through the forest,

the wind counted the leaves

Here's an oak one,

Here's a maple one,

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here's a golden one from a birch tree.

And the last leaf from the aspen tree

the wind blew onto the path.

The wind swirled through the forest,

The wind was friendly with the leaves.

Here's an oak one,

Here's a maple one,

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here's a golden one from a birch tree.

And the last leaf from the aspen tree

the wind swirls over the path.

3 Vocabulary work (with a ball or a cone)

-Complete the phrases:

Birch leaf - birch

Oak leaf - oak

Maple leaf - maple

Rowan leaf - rowan

Aspen cone - aspen

Oak acorn - oak

Cedar cone - cedar

4 Didactic game "Third wheel"

Not only trees grow in the forest, but also other plants. Listen carefully to the chains of words and choose "extra" word.

Birch, oak, dandelion.

Spruce, pine, poplar.

Maple, rowan, lilac.

Rowan, tulip, willow.

The forest contains not only plants, but also animals. Guess which ones.

She doesn't walk on the ground

Just like a bird doesn't fly.

Prefers to live in a hollow,

Stocking up on nuts.


I'm cunning and dexterous

They call me a cheat.

But I like it better,

When they call you a beauty.


A ball of fluff,

long ear,

jumps deftly

loves carrots. (Hare)

Grayish, toothy,

prowls across the field,

looking for calves and lambs. (Wolf)

Sleeps in winter

in the summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear)

Where do wild animals live? (In the woods)

What are their homes called? (den, burrow, lair, hollow)

V Physical Minute

Low mobility game “I’m wandering through the forest...”

5 Consideration of a series of plot paintings on the theme"Rules of behavior in the forest"

Look at cards, what is shown on them?

How children take eggs from nests, scratch inscriptions on bark, take animals out of the forest, leave or bury garbage, etc.

Is it possible to do this?

Forest rules.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don’t forget too much.

There's no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies.

In order for these rules to be observed, signs of behavior in the forest were invented. Let's put them on a poster together.

What did they talk about at class?

What do you remember most?

What are the rules?

And now we will smile,

Let's hold hands tightly,

And goodbye to each other,

We'll make a promise:

Let us be friends with the forest, protect it, love it!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world “Professions” In the morning you come to kindergarten, and your parents are rushing to work. Each of them has his own occupation, which is called a profession. My.

Notes on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the senior group, on the topic: “Trees.” Educator: Yulia Vladimirovna Surovtsova. Purpose: Summarize.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world in the senior group on the topic “Shrubs”. Educator: Yulia Vladimirovna Surovtsova. Goal: Consolidation

Summary of an integrated lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the second junior group “Aibolit sent a parcel” Implementation of the content of the program in educational areas: “Cognitive development” (formation of a holistic picture of the world, “Speech development”,.

Summary of educational activities for the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the preparatory group “Poultry” using ICT Summary of educational activities on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the preparatory group “Poultry” using ICT Topic: “Poultry”.

Synopsis of direct educational activities to form a holistic picture of the world (broadening horizons) in the preparatory group “Vitamins”

Program content:
Introduce children to the main vitamins A, B and C, what foods contain them, and what role they play for human health. Systematize children's knowledge about healthy foods that contain vitamins. Draw conclusions and generalizations. To consolidate knowledge about the gifts of the forest growing in our forest. To instill in children a sense of empathy and a desire to help.
Preliminary work:
-Selection of children's works of art on this topic.
-Looking at encyclopedias.
-Looking at pictures.
-Conversations on the topics “Vitamins”, “Berries”, “Foods”.
Multimedia equipment, mortar, pestle berries. Wet wipes, aprons, jug, hot water. Keys made from Kinder Surprise with garlic inside.
Educational technologies: developmental learning technology,
information and communication technologies, health-saving technologies.
Progress of the lesson:
Guys, Little Red Riding Hood gave you a letter, let me read it to you?
(open letter)
"Hello, friends! Little Red Riding Hood is writing to you. Guys, I really want to play with you and work out, but I have a cold. My grandmother and I ask you to help us. Please advise how to heal faster. See you soon".
-Do you want to play with Little Red Riding Hood?
-What do you think can be advised to Little Red Riding Hood?
(children's answers).
- Guys, Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t eat well and therefore doesn’t get enough vitamins.
-What are vitamins?
Where can we look up what vitamins are?
(in encyclopedias, books...)
“Vitamins are substances necessary for the normal functioning of a living organism.”
Today I invite you to go on an amazing journey, to the extraordinary village of “Vitaminkino”. And in order to get there, I will give everyone the keys, you need to put them on, smell them, and close everyone’s eyes.
1,2 slide.
Now open your eyes. So we ended up in the village “Vitaminkino”. Where do you think vitamins live? (children's answers)

Maybe you know which vitamins live in which foods?
So in this village there are three streets A, B, C.
3,4,5 slide.
Let's stop on Vitamin A Street.
Look at which foods contain vitamin A.
“This vitamin is called the vitamin of growth, vision and strong teeth.”
6.7 slide.
Now let's stop on Vitamin B Street.
Look at which foods contain vitamin B.
What is it for? (children's answers).
“This vitamin is important for the brain and the whole body. If you want to be strong and have a good appetite, and don’t want to get upset and cry over trifles, vitamin B will help you be in a good mood.”
8,9,10 slide.
The last street in this village is “Vitaminkino”, vitamin C.
Let's see what foods contain vitamin C.
What is it for? (children's answers)
If you want to catch colds less often, be cheerful, and recover faster from illness, you need vitamin C. The vitamin of health.
So what can we advise Little Red Riding Hood?
(Children's answers).
-eat healthy foods that contain vitamins.
They love to play in this village and I suggest you do it:
Phys. just a minute
Breathe deeply through your nose
We squat easily (squat)
Leaning forward
Bend backwards (bends)
Now let's turn our heads
So we’ll think better (head rotation)
Get up kids, stretch
And sit on the chairs.
People say, “What grows in your region is good for your health.”
11 slide.
Didactic game.
You see berries, but you need to choose the berries of our region.
12 slide.
Let's check who correctly showed the berries of our region.
What can be made from these berries? (compote, fruit drink, juice...)
Well done.
(Showing fresh berries)
Now we can make a fruit drink from this berry.
If cranberry
What kind of fruit drink will it be?
Slide 13
(We need: a jug, berries, mortars, pestle, sugar, wet wipes, boiled hot water).
Let's consider in order how to make fruit juice. Then let's take and put on aprons,
Wash our hands and grind the berries in mortars, then place all the berries in a jug and pour boiling water over them. All this needs to happen. We show the fruit drink - but we were treated to this fruit drink in the village “Vitaminkino”, let’s go back to the group and try what kind of fruit drink it is. Let's breathe in the magical air, close our eyes, open our eyes.
We can now write a letter to Little Red Riding Hood and convey the fruit drink that contains what and why she needs it. (children's answers)
- recover faster
-so that she is cheerful
-to give her an appetite
- for the brain to work
Slide 14 Doctor's advice on how to eat right.
