Individual plan for self-education in the middle group. Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education. Online store "UchMag" - first aid

Making a plan

self-education of a teacher.

The system of work of teachers for self-education:

At the beginning of the school year, each teacher develops an individual work plan for the school year in accordance with the chosen topic of self-education and the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution. Together with the senior teacher, report forms on this topic are selected. During the year, teachers record their work on self-education in a self-education notebook (or printed sheets recording the activities carried out...).

During the academic year, preschool teachers, following their self-education plan, work on the chosen topic:

  • Study the necessary literature.
  • They attend RMOs to gain work experience.
  • They speak at teacher councils, seminars, conduct consultations for colleagues, and master classes.
  • They conduct additional work with children: diagnostics of children’s knowledge, skills and abilities on their topic at the beginning and end of the school year, classes, conversations, holidays and entertainment, exhibitions of children’s work, and clubs.

At the end of the school year, all teachers draw up a report on the work done on the topic of self-education and present it at the final teaching council.

1 page – Title page:


“Teacher self-education plan”

(Full name of teacher)

___________ _______________

Subject: "_______________________________"

(topic name)


(academic year)


(age group)

Artistic design of the self-education plan is allowed, taking into account these requirements.

Page 2 –

Subject: "…"

Target: "…"


  1. Increase your own level of knowledge by...(studying the necessary literature, visiting GMOs, self-education...)
  2. Develop a long-term plan for working with children
  3. Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year
  4. Organize the work of the circle, create a curriculum.
  5. Create a corner in the group.....
  6. Prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic “...”, a speech at the pedagogical council No.... on the topic “...”,
  7. Prepare (take part) in the seminar…..
  8. Prepare material (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “”


Forms of work

With kids





Diagnosis of children's neurodevelopmental disorders

Organize the work of the circle, create a curriculum,

Literature Study


classes, conversations in accordance with the work plan of the circle



Create a corner in the group.....

Design of the transfer folder. Subject: "…"



Prepare (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”



Entertainment "..."



Writing a report on the work done during the academic year and presenting it at the teachers' meeting.

Speech at a parent meeting with a report on the work done during the school year


exhibition of children's works

Organize the work of the circle for the next academic year, create a curriculum

Consultation for parents: "..."



Theme output:

ü Conducting an open lesson. (collective viewing...) Topic: "..." (month)

ü Prepare (participate, conduct) a seminar. Subject: "…" (month)

ü Conduct a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”

ü Design of the transfer folder. Subject: "…" (month)

ü Collection of consultations for parents. Subject "…"

ü Report on the work done for the academic year.



"Notebook for self-education"


(Full name of teacher)

___________ _______________


(started with...)

1 page –

Self-education topic: "..." ( academic year ), (age group)

You can write it in table form:

Forms of work

With kids

With teachers


With parents


You can fill out the notebook in free form, taking into account the proposed forms of work.

Requirements for self-education teachers in preparation for certification:

ü Work on the topic of self-education for at least 1 year;

ü Studying scientific and methodological literature;

ü Development of long-term plans, lesson notes on the topic;

ü Creation of a modern subject-development environment in the group;

ü Carrying out diagnostics on mastering the program for this section;

ü Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience in the region, city;

ü Conducting open screenings at preschool educational institutions or at the district level;

ü Training in advanced training courses;

ü Giving a report on work experience at the teachers’ council, participating in seminars and consultations;

ü Active participation in the work of the methodological association of the district;

ü Participation in pedagogical excellence competitions in preschool educational institutions and the region;

ü Generalization of work experience on the topic of self-education.

Memo for analyzing the self-education process:

  1. Did the plan pay off? How it was combined with the tasks of the preschool educational institution and the individual topic of self-education. Was the research work planned?
  2. Whose teaching experience and on what issues was studied in accordance with the individual topic of self-education. Stages of material development. What literature was studied: psychological, pedagogical, scientific, etc.
  3. Practical conclusions after studying a specific topic (thesis, reports, etc.)
  4. Creative collaboration (with a teacher, methodologist...)
  5. A list of questions that turned out to be difficult in the process of studying literature and work experience. Setting new tasks.

Long-term plan for teacher self-education.

FULL NAME ____________________________________

Group______________________________ Work experience______________

Academic year

Self-education topic

Report form and deadline

Date of completion "____" ___________________ 200 ____ year

Showing publications 21-30 of 2190.
All sections | Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education

Presentation “Report on self-education “Development of speech activity of young children using folklore” Subject: “Development of speech activity of young children using folklore” The third year of life is the most favorable for the development of a child’s speech. The main task of developing a child’s speech is mastering the norms and rules of his native language. Oral folk art is fraught with...

Long-term work plan for self-education Perspective self-education work plan Topic : “Development of moral and patriotic qualities in children of the senior and preparatory school groups through familiarity with the fairy tales of the peoples of Russia” Educator: Dedok Tatyana Sergeevna Target: To form an idea of ​​Russia as...

Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education - Plan for self-education “Culture and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan”

Publication “Plan for self-education “Culture and traditions of peoples...” MUNICIPAL STATE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINDERGARTEN "TEREMOK"" Self-education plan Educator Murtazalieva H.R. With. Toturbiykala 2018-2019 academic year Topic: “Culture and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan” The goal of self-education: increasing your...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

"Didactic game as a form of teaching young children." Self-education I didn’t choose my topic for self-education by chance. The new enrollment of children in the 1st junior group made me think about what form of education to choose for the kids. At the beginning of the school year, the children's ages ranged from 1 year 9 months to 2 years. At the age of 2-3 years, a child discovers the world...

For self-education, I chose the methodological topic “Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children” (according to the age group) The essence of patriotic education: a complex pedagogical process, which is based on the development of moral feelings. The base of the patriotic...

Plan for self-education of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution TOPIC: “Psychological health of children as a goal and criteria for the success of a preschool institution” Psychological health is a dynamic set of mental properties that ensure a) harmony between various aspects of a person’s personality, as well as between a person and...

Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education - Plan for self-education of a speech therapist teacher “Increasing the effectiveness of sound pronunciation correction in children”

WORK PLAN FOR SELF-EDUCATION OF A Speech Pathologist TEACHER for the 2019 – 2020 academic year Topic: INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOUND PRONUNCIATION CORRECTION IN CHILDREN. Sound pronunciation disorders in children are a fairly studied area in speech therapy, and methods for overcoming them have largely been developed....

Report on the work done on self-education “The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech of children 3–4 years old” In the 2018-2019 academic year, I studied the topic “The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech in children 3-4 years old.” The age from 3 to 4 years is of particular importance for the child’s speech development. The main task of a teacher in the field of speech development for children of primary preschool age is...

Nowadays, one of the main components of the professional competence of preschool teachers is self-education. How does it happen?

The need for professional growth

Realizing the imperfection of knowledge and skills in professional activities, the educator receives a powerful incentive for professional growth, deepening knowledge and mastering new methods of educational activities.

How and in what way can the process of professional development be organized?

In order to be in the trend, a modern teacher needs to systematically follow news in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology, become familiar with the best pedagogical practices, be in constant communication with colleagues, work to increase general erudition and improve pedagogical skills, and become familiar with the legal and regulatory framework. preschool education and analyze your own professional experience.

Additional development of a teacher is a mandatory part, which is included in the self-education plan of a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The plan helps to systematize the work, is a reflection of the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities, and creates opportunities for prospects for communication with children.

Drawing up a self-education plan: stages

Let's look at a few points that you need to pay attention to. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard can be drawn up taking into account the following factors:

  • justification for choosing the topic;
  • the relationship between the topic of work and the goals and objectives of the preschool institution;
  • preliminary work, including the study of methods and programs for preschool education and upbringing;
  • choosing forms of interaction with preschoolers;
  • own methods;
  • expected result of working on the topic;
  • conclusions and dynamic statistics of child development;
  • prospects for improving performance;
  • results of self-education.

The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard requires careful preparation, during which a lot of questions arise. The main issue is the choice of topic. A methodologist or senior educator mainly helps with this, but the teacher can also make an independent choice, depending on the relevance and practical significance of the topic of educational activity.

In determining their readiness for self-education, young specialists are also recommended to familiarize themselves with the map of G. M. Kodzhaspirova. The self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard must be drawn up taking into account the following recommendations:

  • When studying any issue, you need to research several sources in order to form your opinion.
  • It is advisable to work with library catalogs and material from the Internet in order to obtain the necessary literary source.
  • When searching for material, it is important to focus on innovative methods in education.
  • Communication and exchange of experience with colleagues is an important aspect of teacher self-education.

An individual self-education plan is drawn up in two types:

  • Annual planning
  • Long-term planning, which provides for annual revision of the educational activity plan

If an individual self-education plan is drawn up according to the second type of planning, you can use the project method appropriate to the age of the children. Long-term planning must certainly include current issues of preschool education in dynamic development.

Approximate list of topics for teacher self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The teacher can choose the following topics provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

  • Amplification methods for the development of preschool children.
  • Features of pedagogical diagnostics in preschool educational institutions.
  • Method of individual approach in preschool education.
  • Methodology for the formation of life safety.
  • Emotional intelligence of a preschooler.
  • Methods for guiding gaming activities.
  • Formation of local history ideas (small homeland).
  • Creative abilities of preschoolers.
  • Preparation for educational activities.
  • Developing curiosity.
  • Familiarization with objects of the surrounding world.
  • Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  • Formation of EMF.
  • Development of sociability.
  • Coherent speech.
  • Elementary analysis of a literary work.
  • Literacy training.
  • The use of non-traditional artistic techniques.
  • Basics of healthy lifestyle in preschool educational institutions.
  • Formation of CGN and self-service skills.
  • Ensuring psychological comfort in a child care facility.
  • Information and communication technologies in educational institutions.
  • Continuity between kindergarten and school.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support for families.
  • Fundamentals of inclusive education in preschool educational institutions.
  • RPPS kindergarten.
  • Partial programs of preschool educational institutions.
  • Innovative forms of interaction with parents.
  • Organization of experimental activities.
  • Quality and evaluation criteria for educational institutions.

Organization of work by topic

Each topic requires analytical work. When analyzing literature, the teacher must highlight the main thoughts and ideas of the authors in order to determine the direction of work on this topic. For example, if the topic “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children” is chosen, the teacher needs to pay special attention to the methods of organizing and the general content of work on this topic in various age groups of the kindergarten.

One of the urgent tasks of education in kindergarten is environmental education. How to draw up a self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard? Ecology, for example, should include classes and conversations to familiarize oneself with the nature of one’s native land, experimental activities, and work with parents to promote the development of environmental knowledge in preschool children.

The self-education plan of a preschool teacher of a junior group should cover work on assessing the capabilities, physiological and psychological characteristics of children of this age category, identify the range of problems related to working with younger preschoolers, and include the use of interactive teaching methods and modern early development techniques. Work on the topic can be carried out with the participation of several teachers who are directly familiar with the tasks and goals of the preschool educational institution. A properly organized process of self-education provides great opportunities for deeper personal development and effectively improving the professional competence of a teacher.

Sections of the plan

Issues regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Objectives of use

literary sources

Reporting form

During a year

Study of the regulatory document

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

During a year

Report and

Pedagogical Council

(December 2016)

Study of the regulatory document

Learn the fundamentals


August 2015

Discussion at the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council

(September 2016)



During a year

Studying the document

During a year

Report to the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council (May 2017)


September-October 2016

Pedagogical Council

September-October 2016

Pedagogical Council

Report on

meeting of the Moscow Region

preschool teachers

Meeting of the Ministry of Education of Preschool Teachers

Project presentation

Pedagogical Council

Pedagogical Council


Types of work performed

(tasks to be solved)

Teachers' Council

According to the work plan of the preschool educational institution.

Theoretical seminar.

During a year

During a year

Analysis of an open event

Analysis of an open event

Assessing the results of teacher preparedness for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Date of assessment

What was assessed

Who evaluated (full name)

September - November 2016

Head of preschool educational institution


Individual professional development plan for a teacher

Serafimova Olesya Anatolyevna

Professional Development Goals

Goal 1. To provide one’s own continuous professional education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education.

Goal 2. Development of professional competencies of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Goal 3. Mastery of educational, methodological and informational resources necessary to successfully solve the problems of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Sections of the plan

1. Study of literature related to the problems of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard

It is indicated on what issues of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard the literature will be studied, the works of which authors will be read by the teacher. The main works are named. The form of presentation of the report can be a report, an analytical article, annotations to books read. The results of the literature review may be used in other forms of reporting.

Issues regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Literature, normative legal documents

Objectives of use

literary sources

Reporting form

Where and by whom and when is the report on the performance of work heard?

Study of the regulatory document

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 43 - Contents and guarantees of the right to education.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Convention on the Rights of the Child (02.09.1990)

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Family Code (dated December 29, 1995 No. 223 -FZ).

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

“On approval of the federal state educational

standard of secondary (complete) general education"

Study the set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education

During a year

Pedagogical Council

(December 2016)

Study of the regulatory document

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education”

Learn the fundamentals


August 2015

Discussion at the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council

(September 2016)



Basic general education program “From birth to school” N.E.Veraksa, T.S.Komarov

During a year

Report to the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council (May 2017)

Studying the document

Draft basic educational program for preschool education

Studying and testing the document.

During a year

Report to the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council (May 2017)

2. Development of methodological materials to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation of the updated educational process

It is indicated what will be developed by the teacher to ensure the educational process according to the new Federal State Educational Standard: sections of the main educational program of the school, author's (adjusted) curriculum programs, calendar-thematic and lesson planning, lesson notes, collections of exercises, didactic material, tests, tests assignments, plans for educational work, work plans for clubs, event scenarios, etc. The developed materials themselves or recommendations for their colleagues on their use can be presented as a report.

Objectives or content of the activity


Results presentation form

Where and by whom is the report on the performance of work heard?

Develop a work program for the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

September-October 2016

Presentation of the work program

Pedagogical Council

Changing calendar and thematic planning in accordance with the content of the work program

September-October 2016

Representation of calendar-thematic planning

Pedagogical Council

Work on the topic of individual education “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children” taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Report on

meeting of the Moscow Region

preschool teachers

Meeting of the Ministry of Education of Preschool Teachers

Development of the project “Brer Rabbit Mini-Museum”

Project presentation

Pedagogical Council

Compilation (selection) of comprehensive, thematic, integrated classes in educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Pedagogical Council

3. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

The topic on which the teacher intends to summarize his experience of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard is indicated. The plan for generalizing experience includes actions to systematize accumulated material, analyze experience, carry out additional developments, prepare final generalized materials - writing recommendations, articles, preparing messages, as well as transferring generalized experience to your colleagues in the form of master classes, open lessons, seminars, etc. .The generalized experience can be presented in the form of an article, recommendations, report, methodological developments, etc.

4. Participation in the system of preschool methodological work

It is indicated in which methodological activities of the school, carried out as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher expects to participate. If the teacher is involved in preparing and conducting these events, what exactly will be his role?


Types of work performed

(tasks to be solved)

Form for presenting work results

Teachers' Council

According to the work plan of the preschool educational institution.

Speech on the topic “Features of Federal State Educational Standards of Education”

Task: to systematize and generalize your own experience on the problem under study.

Presentation using ICT.

Theoretical seminar.

During a year

“New approaches to the educational process in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Attending open events at preschool educational institutions

During a year

Analysis of an open event

Analysis of an open event

5.Training in advanced training courses outside of school

  • The topics of courses on issues related to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (programs, modules) that the teacher expects to be completed are indicated.
  • Course completion reports include coursework, essays, credit lessons, supervision, completed assignments, etc.

6.Managing the professional development of other teachers

It is indicated what kind of work this teacher is responsible for in preparing other school teachers for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: he supervises the internship of young specialists, conducts a master class on the problem related to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, conducts consultations, participates in supervision, works with Internet information resources, prepares collections of methodological literature, etc.

The report on the work is the number of trained teachers and the methodological developments of the activities carried out with them.

7.Work as part of school management bodies and the working group of the project for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

The bodies in which the teacher works, the types of work he performs, the timing of their completion and the results are indicated.

The report consists of products completed within the framework of the project for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: programs, KIMs, recommendations, etc., ensuring the work of the entire team of elementary school teachers

ABOUTassessing the results of teacher preparedness for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Date of assessment

What was assessed

Who evaluated (full name)

September - November 2016

Knowledge of regulatory documents and literature on Federal State Educational Standards

Keep abreast of the latest developments in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the preparation of educational and methodological support

Head of preschool educational institution

Checking the used and available methodological literature for its compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

At this stage, all methodological literature corresponds to what is recommended in the educational standards


Use of educational technologies

During the year, introduce new technologies, in particular: project activities, educational research, etc.

Individual methodological work for the purpose of professional development

Certification for the first qualification category

Individual professional development plan for a teacher

Serafimova Olesya Anatolyevna

Professional Development Goals

Goal 1. To provide one’s own continuous professional education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education.

Goal 2. Development of professional competencies of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Goal 3. Mastery of educational, methodological and informational resources necessary to successfully solve the problems of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Sections of the plan

1. Study of literature related to the problems of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard

It is indicated on what issues of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard the literature will be studied, the works of which authors will be read by the teacher. The main works are named. The form of presentation of the report can be a report, an analytical article, annotations to books read. The results of the literature review may be used in other forms of reporting.

Issues regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Literature, normative legal documents

Objectives of use

literary sources

Reporting form

Where and by whom and when is the report on the performance of work heard?

Study of the regulatory document

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 43 - Contents and guarantees of the right to education.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Convention on the Rights of the Child (02.09.1990)

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Family Code (dated December 29, 1995 No. 223 -FZ).

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

“On approval of the federal state educational

standard of secondary (complete) general education"

Study the set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education

During a year

Report and discussion at the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council

(December 2016)

Study of the regulatory document

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education”

Learn the fundamentals


August 2015

Discussion at the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council

(September 2016)



Basic general education program “From birth to school” N.E.Veraksa, T.S.Komarov

During a year

Report to the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council (May 2017)

Studying the document

Draft basic educational program for preschool education

Studying and testing the document.

During a year

Report to the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council (May 2017)

2. Development of methodological materials to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation of the updated educational process

It is indicated what will be developed by the teacher to ensure the educational process according to the new Federal State Educational Standard: sections of the main educational program of the school, author's (adjusted) curriculum programs, calendar-thematic and lesson planning, lesson notes, collections of exercises, didactic material, tests, tests assignments, plans for educational work, work plans for clubs, event scenarios, etc. The developed materials themselves or recommendations for their colleagues on their use can be presented as a report.

Objectives or content of the activity


Results presentation form

Where and by whom is the report on the performance of work heard?

Develop a work program for the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

September-October 2016

Presentation of the work program

Pedagogical Council

Changing calendar and thematic planning in accordance with the content of the work program

September-October 2016

Representation of calendar-thematic planning

Pedagogical Council

Work on the topic of individual education “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children” taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Report on

meeting of the Moscow Region

preschool teachers

Meeting of the Ministry of Education of Preschool Teachers

Development of the project “Brer Rabbit Mini-Museum”

Project presentation

Pedagogical Council

Compilation (selection) of comprehensive, thematic, integrated classes in educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Pedagogical Council

3. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

The topic on which the teacher intends to summarize his experience of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard is indicated. The plan for generalizing experience includes actions to systematize accumulated material, analyze experience, carry out additional developments, prepare final generalized materials - writing recommendations, articles, preparing messages, as well as transferring generalized experience to your colleagues in the form of master classes, open lessons, seminars, etc. .The generalized experience can be presented in the form of an article, recommendations, report, methodological developments, etc.

Topic, tasks

Experience presentation form

Where and by whom is the report on the performance of work heard?

Open activities and entertainment

During a year

Lesson summary, entertainment

MO of preschool teachers, parent meeting

Speech at a meeting of the Moscow Region of preschool teachers

During a year

MO of preschool teachers

Goals and directions of education for preschool teachers

Self-education is a conscious, active cognitive, creative activity of a teacher. Through it, the teacher enriches his professional knowledge and improves methodological techniques for working with children, updating them in accordance with the current level of development of pedagogy and psychology.

A preschool teacher should purposefully draw up a plan for his own self-education, including all the main areas of education:

  • awareness of innovations in the base of regulatory documentation for preschool education;
  • familiarization with the latest educational literature and methodological recommendations;
  • awareness of the latest scientific achievements in the field of pedagogical thought, child physiology and developmental psychology;
  • studying the latest technologies in the field of pedagogy, proprietary methods, modern comprehensive and partial programs, as well as the best practices of other preschool institutions;
  • improving the general cultural level; qualitative expansion of the educational horizons of teachers.

To improve their professional level, a kindergarten teacher has access to a variety of forms of self-education, both those requiring special funding and the participation of colleagues, and free independent forms of mastering new information:

  • reading special periodicals and monographs;
  • work with library publications;
  • creation of a personal thematic card index; productive work with other teachers within the framework of methodological seminars, trainings, scientific conferences;
  • cooperation with the regional information center for psychological, diagnostic and developmental techniques;
  • seeking advice from professionals at educational centers for retraining and advanced training, at specialized departments of universities.

Formation and implementation of a plan for self-education of a preschool teacher

A methodologist from an educational institution can help formulate a plan and select an area in which the educator first needs to improve the level of his knowledge and skills. To facilitate planning of the educational program for teaching staff, the educational process can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparatory and diagnostic. At this stage, the teacher realizes the internal motivation for self-education, the need to expand his horizons, expand his sphere of competence, and determines goals and objectives. The senior educator (methodologist) comprehensively analyzes the activities of the teacher, conducts an individual conversation with him, and conducts questionnaires in order to identify creative abilities, interests, and inclinations.
  • Planning stage. The preschool teacher decides on the topic, highlights important aspects, indicates the main stages, forms, methods of his work, and draws up a long-term plan for self-education. At this stage, the senior teacher advises and methodically accompanies the teacher.
  • Stage of educational activity. The teacher gets acquainted with theoretical aspects and studies methodological literature on the chosen topic. The methodologist selects educational and methodological literature, prepares video materials, and, if necessary, designs a thematic stand and exhibitions.
  • Practical activity stage. The teacher prepares and conducts classes, games, projects with children, and produces additional teaching aids. The methodologist attends classes and evaluates the teacher’s practical experience.
  • Summarizing. The teacher fills out a workbook about the work done, a reporting folder with data on the dynamics of the students’ results, organizes an exhibition of children’s works, and prepares a final report. The senior teacher advises the teacher on issues of recording the results of the work done.

To properly organize the process of self-education, teachers are recommended to keep a special workbook. It can record innovative proposals of various educational methods, including proprietary ones.

Features of planning a self-education program for a preschool teacher

A teacher may encounter typical problems that arise in independent learning activities. We offer answers to standard questions that cause difficulties for educators when drawing up a plan for self-education.

  • Problem: It is difficult to define and formulate a topic for self-education.

Solution: The teacher is asked to identify a key topic that will remain significant to him in the near future. At the stage of formulating the topic, you should refer to regulatory documents (curricula, state standards).

  • Problem: Difficulties in choosing the necessary methodological literature.

Solution: Viewing the table of contents and annotations of the book will help the teacher quickly navigate its contents and assess the degree of usefulness. It is recommended to clearly define the range of questions on the topic of self-education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, to which the teacher needs to find answers.

  • Problem: Difficulties in comprehending the teaching material read.

Solution: The teacher is encouraged to use the practice of note-taking and recording key points. In the process of work, you should systematize information: highlight the main thoughts, facts, concepts. To understand the meaning of unclear terms, explanatory dictionaries and reference books will be useful.

The problem of choosing a topic for self-education in preschool educational institutions for educators according to the Federal State Educational Standard

A teacher’s self-education plan requires careful preparation, during which many questions arise. One of the first problems that may arise for a teacher is the problem of choosing a topic. The teacher can always count on the help of the methodologist, but he can also independently analyze the relevance and practical significance of the topic and make his own choice.

  • mastering practical skills for carrying out constructive work;
  • formation of a basic level of professional skill;
  • awareness of the importance and significance of the implementation of the developmental concept and individual model of upbringing and education.

For preschool teachers with more than five years of experience, self-education topics related to:

  • mastering methods of designing the educational process in order to improve quality indicators within the framework of variable education;
  • revealing creative talent;
  • application of educational and methodological knowledge in practice.

For experienced educators and masters of teaching, topics are offered that cover:

  • developing professional flexibility, adjusting professional activities to the realities of modern society;
  • practice of mentoring and assistance to young professionals;
  • disclosure of creative possibilities; research work based on our own many years of experience.

For preschool teachers who do not have a specialized education, the following topics are offered:

  • studying the basics of methodological work with preschoolers of junior groups;
  • adaptation to the educational and educational process in preschool educational institutions;

Conventionally, topics are divided into two types: short-term (implemented within a year) and long-term (implemented from three to five years). The problem of formulating topics on self-education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Topics on self-education for kindergarten teachers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard are formulated depending on the area (sphere) of application: social-communicative, cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, area of ​​speech development, area of ​​physical development. Topics for senior educators and methodologists are formulated.

Examples of topic formulations for the socio-communicative area:

  • Advisory support for family educational activities in preschool settings
  • Formation of conscious behavior skills in younger preschool children based on knowledge about life safety
  • Socialization of pupils of middle preschool age in the process of labor activity
  • Formation of moral personality traits in older preschoolers in the process of patriotic education.

Examples of topic formulations for the artistic and aesthetic sphere:

  • Formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world by preschoolers
  • Unlocking the creative potential of middle preschool children by mastering modeling and design techniques
  • Development of skills of creative freedom of self-expression and independence skills in older preschoolers in the process of visual arts.

Examples of topics on self-education in kindergarten for teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The teacher can choose the following topics provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

  1. Activation of the vocabulary of pupils of the younger age group.
  2. The influence of educational activities on the games of younger preschoolers.
  3. Raising preschool children through work.
  4. Education of morality in preschool children through reading Russian folk tales.
  5. Sex education for preschoolers in preschool settings.
  6. Psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of preschool children in their upbringing and development.
  7. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers.
  8. Formation of self-care abilities in preschoolers.
  9. Methods of stimulating mental activity in the process of introducing children to nature.
  10. Creating a psychologically comfortable environment in a preschool group.
  11. Teaching preschool students literacy. Methodology for developing correct posture in preschoolers, preventing violations.
  12. The importance of health-improving gymnastics after “quiet hour”.
  13. Methodology of work on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions.
  14. Development of sensory abilities in preschoolers.
  15. Formation of primary knowledge about space in preschoolers.
  16. Development of communication skills in preschool children Methods of environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions.
  17. Cognitive development of preschool children using multimedia didactic games.
  18. Development of creative abilities in preschoolers through puppet theater.
  19. Activation of the vocabulary of children of the younger age group.
  20. The influence of direct educational activities on the play of young children.
  21. The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech in children 3-4 years old.
  22. Education of preschool children through work.
  23. Education of moral qualities of preschool children through Russian folk tales.
  24. Gender education of preschoolers in a kindergarten.
  25. Didactic game as a form of teaching young children.
  26. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.
  27. Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  28. Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.
  29. Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  30. Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.
  31. Play activity of children at the stage of transition from early to preschool childhood.
  32. The use of health-saving technologies in the first junior (second junior, middle, senior) group.
  33. Using educational games in mathematics classes with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.
  34. Using a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children 2 - 3 years old.
  35. Personality-oriented approach to the education of preschool children.
  36. Methods for developing correct posture and preventing its violation in preschoolers.
  37. Folk outdoor games in the physical education of preschool children.
  38. Enriching the social experience of preschool children.
  39. Health-improving gymnastics after a nap, its meaning.
  40. Organization of work in preschool educational institutions on patriotic education.
  41. Patriotic education of preschool children through the use of fine arts.
  42. Retelling works of art using pictures.
  43. Outdoor play as a means of developing speed and dexterity in children of junior (middle, senior) preschool age.
  44. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children.
  45. Traffic rules for preschoolers.
  46. Techniques for activating mental activity in the process of introducing children to nature.
  47. Project activities with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.
  48. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  49. Development of dialogical communication of children in a group of different ages (4-7 years).
  50. Development of play activity in young children.
  51. Development of communicative abilities of older preschoolers through communication with nature.
  52. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children through play activities.
  53. Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers.
  54. Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques.
  55. Development of cognitive activity of preschool children.
  56. Development of search and research activity of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.
  57. Speech development in children of early and early preschool age.
  58. Speech development - rhetoric lessons and speech etiquette.
  59. Development of sensory abilities of preschool children.
  60. Development of sensory abilities through didactic games.
  61. Development of children's creative abilities in visual arts.
  62. Development of creative abilities of preschool children through puppet theater.
  63. Speech development of preschool children 46. The role of motor mode for the health of preschool children.
  64. The role of play in the physical development and health promotion of preschoolers.
  65. The role of riddles in the development of a preschooler.
  66. The role of the family in raising preschool children.
  67. Fairy tale as a means of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  68. Modern approaches to the implementation of tasks in the educational field "Cognition".
  69. Theater as a means of forming coherent speech in preschoolers.
  70. Theatrical activities as a means of developing a child’s creative personality.
  71. Physical development of children in play activities.
  72. Physical education and health work with children.
  73. Formation of communicative qualities in children of junior (middle, senior) preschool age.
  74. Formation of communicative qualities in children of senior preschool age through communication with nature.
  75. Formation of a culture of health in preschool children.
  76. Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschool children.
  77. Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills.
  78. Formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children.
  79. Formation of children's speech in play activities.
  80. Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.
  81. Artistic and speech development of children through joint theatrical activities of children and parents.
  82. Environmental education of children in kindergarten.
  83. Ecological development of children in the younger (middle, older) age group.

Appendix Example of a self-study workbook

Page I .




length of service in the position…….

Page II .


  • topic name:

(justification of the topic)

  • goals:
  • tasks:
  • expected result:

page III .

Stages of self-education:

1. Selection and study of methodological literature

2. Participation in events dedicated to the topic of self-education

Estimated deadlines for each stage

page IV .

1. Studying methodological literature

  • Familiarization with new regulatory documents on issues of preschool education;
  • Study of educational and scientific-methodological literature;
  • Familiarization with new achievements in pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology;
  • Study of new programs and pedagogical technologies;
  • Familiarization with best practices of preschool institutions;
  • Raising the general cultural level

literature on the topic of self-education

time to work with materials


(website; publishing house,

the year of publishing)


+ What programs, methods, technologies were studied in the process of working on the methodological topic? Who are the authors? What best teaching practices have been studied? What methodological recommendations were used? Clippings, copies, quotes...

Page V .

2 .Participation in events dedicated to the topic of self-education

visiting and participating in city and district events

date and location

type of event



+photos and reports on conferences, round tables, seminars

participation in the methodological work of kindergarten



form of participation

+ photos and excerpts from materials (reports, speeches, abstracts)

Page VI .

3. Formation of experience on the topic. Introduction into practice.

  • Long-term work plan on the topic of self-education (reflection of the topic in all educational areas)

How was the theoretical material applied in practice?

What forms of work and activities were used? (In class, outside class, in joint activities of the teacher with children, in free independent activity of children, in group work, etc.)

What aids did the teacher use when working on this methodological topic? What teaching aids (games, non-traditional equipment, etc.) have you developed yourself? Notes, scriptsand photos (classes, manuals)

  • Analysis of program execution (diagnostics)

How is the result of work on the topic tracked? (Diagnostics: tables, work results, in %.)
Conclusions on the topic. Is there a positive result? (Attach diagrams, comparative analysis)

Page VII .

4. Presentation of work experience on the topic.

  • a way to demonstrate the results of the work done
  • work report form
    How does the chosen topic fit the purpose and objectives of your state educational institution?
    Projection for the future (expected result). What else can be done to make this work more effective? What forms and methods of work should be used?


  1. ON THE. Kochkina, A.N. Chernysheva Portfolio in preschool educational institution - M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003" 2008
  2. G.B. Golub, O.V. Churakova Portfolio in the system of pedagogical diagnostics M., 2005