Functions of a special psychologist. Psychologist-consultant in an organization: problem fields and areas of development The function of a psychologist is midwifery

Tasks and functions of a preschool practical psychologist.

In order for the education and upbringing of children to be carried out taking into account existing scientific and psychological knowledge, a psychological service has been created and is functioning in the education system. Its main employees are professional psychologists who have a university diploma in the specialty “Psychology” or a diploma from a special faculty in the specialty “Practical psychologist in the education system” (usually already on the basis of higher education).

Psychological service is an organic component of the modern education system, ensuring timely identification and maximum use in the education and upbringing of children of their intellectual and personal potential, the child’s inclinations, abilities, interests and inclinations.

The psychological service has a complex, multi-level structure from the highest governing bodies (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation) to its lower levels (specific educational institution). At the ministry level, a special department has been created in charge of the work of psychological services. This department deals with personnel, software, methodological and other support for psychological services on a nationwide scale.

The local management bodies of psychological services are scientific and methodological centers of psychological services created in republics, territories, regions, large cities, and districts of these cities. These centers provide scientific and methodological guidance to psychological services throughout the region; they collect information on the development of children in a given region, as well as check the activities and improve the skills of practical psychologists locally.

State regional psychological service management bodies themselves do not directly work with children, but work only with practical psychologists in preschool and other educational institutions.

Lower-level units of the psychological service are directly involved in working with children and adults included in the educational system (teachers, parents, educators). These are various state and non-state psychological centers of practical psychology working in educational institutions (kindergarten, school, lyceum, university, etc.), private practicing psychologists.

A psychologist in a preschool educational institution is, first of all, a person who knows and deeply understands the child, who understands both the general patterns of mental development and its age-related characteristics and individual variations. At the same time, he must also navigate the psychology of adults, since a child in a preschool educational institution constantly interacts with adults.

The main functions of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution– creating conditions conducive to protecting the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, and the free and effective development of the abilities of each child.

Currently it has developed 4 main directions in the work of a practical psychologist (tasks): psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling, psychoprophylaxis, psychocorrection.

1. Psychodiagnostics has two aspects – theoretical and practical.

Theoretical – a science that studies methodological issues of measuring individual psychological characteristics of children, age-related developmental norms, construction and development of psychodiagnostic methods and procedures.

Practical – includes the development and application of diagnostic methods, methods of processing and interpreting data.

The main difference between psychodiagnostics and general and developmental psychology is that general and developmental psychology reveals general patterns of mental phenomena and age-related characteristics of general patterns, i.e. mental manifestations typical of a group of people. Diagnostics sets the goal of revealing the individual characteristics of a person that distinguish him from other people of any group, that is, differences in mental manifestations. Individual data are correlated with age norms.

Psychodiagnostic methods:

1) Test (English test, trial, task) – a task, the completion of which indicates the level of development of a certain quality.

2) Observation is sometimes the main method.

3) The conversation is very often standardized, very similar to a test and questionnaire.

4) Questionnaire.

5) Analysis of performance results (figure).

6) Experiment (rarely, used by the student).

Based on psychodiagnostics, a differentiated, individual approach to teaching and raising a child is carried out, and recommendations are developed for educators and parents.

2. Psychological counseling includes the following types of work:

1) Development and precise formulation of psychological and pedagogical recommendations arising from the results of the psychological examination, and the corresponding recommendations should be offered to children and adults in a form that is understandable and accessible for practical use.

2) Conducting advisory conversations with those who need psychological advice. These conversations end with children and adults receiving the psychological and pedagogical advice they need.

3) Psychological education of preschool staff and parents, transferring to them knowledge about the psychology of children, their age characteristics, the most typical difficulties in intellectual and emotional development, optimal ways of communicating with children, organizing children's groups, joint activities, communication between children of different ages, etc. etc. Psychological education cannot be limited to the transfer of general information from child psychology; it requires studying the specific conditions of a given kindergarten, taking into account the qualifications of teaching staff, the individual work style of each teacher, nationalities, traditions, the contingent of parents and children, etc.

3. Psychoprophylaxis– is associated with solving preventive tasks that prevent the onset of undesirable psychological consequences in the development of the child (CPD), the emergence of undesirable character traits, bad habits, and inclinations.

A psychologist engaged in preventive work must know the possible causes of certain developmental anomalies, be able to notice and eliminate them in time. This purpose is also served by psychological training (education and counseling) of educators and parents, during which they are taught to carefully observe the child and promptly notice everything that can lead to deviations in mental development.

4. Mental correction involves the direct influence of a psychologist on a child or adult in order to correct existing deficiencies, change their psychology or behavior.

A psychologist must be professionally proficient in methods of psychocorrection: psychotherapy, socio-psychological training, auto-training, certain techniques in the technique of hypnotic suggestion, and be able to have a suggestive effect on the client.

A psychologist cannot and should not perform functions related to the competence of medicine and special pedagogy. When this is required, he only recommends contacting the appropriate specialists - a pediatrician, a child psychoneurologist, a defectologist, a speech therapist, or he himself involves them for consultation and making the necessary decisions.

When starting work at a preschool educational institution, a psychologist must first of all introduce the teaching staff and parents to his functions, give an idea of ​​what kind of help he can provide and what help he himself needs for successful work. It is important to take into account that among the population (and even teachers) there are widespread misconceptions about what psychology is. It is often considered a medical discipline, attributing to the psychologist the functions of a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and sometimes almost a psychic. Therefore, it is necessary to explain that a practical child psychologist works with the “psychological norm”, ensures this normal development, prevents and, as far as possible, corrects any deviations that have arisen. Such work is possible only with mutual understanding and close communication between the psychologist and the adults around the child.

A psychologist working in an organization can occupy one of two positions:

  1. “external” – a consulting psychologist and researcher (as an example, we can cite work commissioned by various companies, most often associated with the assessment and certification of personnel, studying the psychological climate, resolving conflict situations, training staff, etc.);
  2. “internal” of a practical psychologist working directly in an organization.

These positions differ from each other both in content and in the structure of activity. For example, the position of a consulting psychologist and researcher suggests the possibility of a neutral approach to solving many, especially personnel problems, but at the same time problems often arise due to insufficient knowledge of real organizational situations and the inability to immediately determine the underlying causes and conditions for the emergence of any phenomenon or process. The described position is fully represented in the activities of numerous modern consulting companies operating in the labor market, personnel assessment and selection, and providing recruiting services. The second position, along with undoubted advantages (for example, a thorough knowledge of the organizational and personnel situation and the possibility of preventing conflicts), also has its disadvantages (with long-term work at an enterprise, the status of a psychologist is often reduced to the status of a team member, a transition to the position of a “collective vest” , which employees turn to for any reason). Occupying the second position, psychologists most often work in the structure of the personnel department, training departments, and as deputy director of personnel. In resolving many issues, they interact with other specialists of the company - sociologists, hygienists, lawyers, economists.

A practical psychologist in an organization performs several functions.

Research (expert) function. A psychologist collects special information about the psychological mechanisms of human behavior in a diverse and complex system of organizational relations. The main thing is to study the group and the individual as subjects of labor. As a rule, it is not a theoretical problem that is studied, but a specific situation. Nevertheless, the methodological requirements for conducting this kind of applied research cannot be reduced: research hypotheses must be formulated, methods and techniques must be selected, measuring instruments must be selected, all results must be recorded and processed, their analysis must be carried out and a report must be drawn up.

An expert is a specialist in any field, in a certain field, who gives an opinion when considering any issue, in our case when considering organizational situations.

He comes into play when something has already happened and it is necessary to evaluate what happened (for example, the creation of an organization with a certain structure or the results of its study, the introduction of innovations of various types, conflicts, etc.).

Of great importance for the adoption of an expert opinion is the authority of the expert, which is determined by the credit to the field of knowledge that he represents (namely organizational psychology), the credit of the expert (the organization he represents, degree, title, position, experience, etc.), personal relationships of trust and mistrust between the expert and the customer, which in many cases turn out to be the main ones.

It should be noted that the expert’s responsibility for the quality of the expert opinion is both full and limited. This means that the researcher is responsible for the validity and compliance of his conclusion with the modern level of psychological knowledge in the field of organizational (industrial) psychology, but he, however, is not responsible for specific decisions of the organization’s management or the customer made on the basis of an expert opinion. The main task of an expert assessment is not to persuade the client of the examination to certain decisions and steps, but to take into account the analysis of the subject situation carried out by a specialist. That is why the expert opinion must be understandable and localized (indicating the limits of the expert’s accuracy and competence).

Consulting function. A psychologist advises on the optimal use of a person’s personal and professional capabilities (for example, when hiring, filling vacancies, reducing personnel). The psychologist participates in the design and development of various methods of personnel management, social development of the organization, improvement of work organization and advises management on these issues.

Personal counseling occupies a special place. The need for counseling, as a rule, is associated with a certain limited experience of the organization's leadership in managerial and psychological fields. The obvious advantage of a consultant is the possibility of an independent, independent vision of the situation. The main factor in the effective work of a consultant is his freedom and independence, which consists of financial (amount of payment and its reliability), administrative (the consultant is not subordinate to the client) and emotional components. Consulting, as a rule, is impossible without research and adoption of an expert position.

Consultants can be generalists or specialists in specific problems (for example, psychological diagnostics of the personality of organizational leaders, innovation, management, etc.).

The consulting psychologist maintains a position of neutrality, impartiality and non-interference in confrontation and struggle that may exist in the organization, which ensures an objective and undistorted analysis of relationships and situations. In this regard, the professional ethics of a psychologist acquires great importance. Pedagogical and educational functions. These functions are associated with the enormous interest of all people without exception in the problems of psychology, the desire to gain psychological knowledge, and the need to solve personal problems. The “teacher” conveys special psychological knowledge, which they can creatively use to effectively organize their own activities. If an expert analyzes, a consultant recommends and advises, then a teacher introduces and increases the level of psychological knowledge among others.

The functions of an organizational psychologist determine the specific tasks of his work in an organization, which can be represented by three categories.

  1. Work with personnel:
    • personnel assessment for the purposes of recruitment, certification and relocation (study and recording of business, professional qualities, abilities);
    • vocational guidance and counseling;
    • socio-psychological training of personnel and advanced training of employees;
    • accelerating the adaptation processes of employees in the organization - interaction between the manager and subordinates.
  2. Labour Organization:
    • certification of positions included in the staffing table (job descriptions, drawing up job descriptions, job descriptions);
    • study of working conditions, organization of workplaces;
    • analysis of the employee’s personality in the organization system (study of attitude towards work, job satisfaction, motivation and stimulation of work, labor safety).
  3. Organizational management and social planning:
    • socio-psychological support for the implementation of innovations and reorganization;
    • formation of group norms, morality, organizational culture;
    • prevention and resolution of conflicts;
    • monitoring the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team, its improvement and improvement;
    • creating a “team”;
    • increasing labor discipline;
    • loyalty to the organization.

All of the above problems have traditionally been solved by practical psychologists at domestic enterprises. Let's supplement this list with a list of tasks that are noted in modern foreign psychological literature:

– introduction of a new employee to the course of affairs in the organization. The psychologist talks with the newcomer about the history of the company, his role in the work performed, introduces him to his superiors and the traditions of the organization;

– resolving issues regarding professional training and advanced training of employees. The psychologist makes a decision about who to teach (who needs what training), what to teach, how to teach, how to stimulate and evaluate the results of learning and its impact on work efficiency;

– assessment of the labor contribution of employees. The psychologist periodically evaluates the work of each employee and its compliance with the salary received. Typical evaluation points are: a) quality of work; b) amount of work; c) physical, moral and psychological reliability of the employee; d) degree of deserved trust; e) tendency to cooperate with the administration;

– development of means of maintaining discipline and effective methods of rewarding and punishing employees;

– participation in the analysis of complaints, mediation in negotiations between workers and trade unions with the administration, socio-psychological support of the negotiation process in a conflict situation;

Today the word “psychologist” is on everyone’s lips, it has even become fashionable. At the same time, the role and functions of a psychologist for many of our compatriots remain a secret “closed seal.” And this is natural, since psychologists appeared in our lives quite recently. Who is a psychologist? A psychologist is a specialist not related to medicine or treatment. A psychologist works with healthy people. His task is to help a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

A real psychologist is a person with whom you will never suspect his profession.
Absalom Underwater

The role of the psychologist is mediation

A visitor comes to see a psychologist.
- Everything is so bad for me, I’m so sick, I don’t want to live....
- Now we will try to correct this situation. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, listen to me carefully and repeat: “I’m fine. I am the happiest person. I feel great."...
The visitor opens his eyes and says:
- I'm happy for you...

The role of a psychologist is not to educate (this is the role of a teacher), not to accept confession (this is the role of a clergyman) and not even to provide emotional support (this is the role of a friend), but to help a person experiencing difficulties in everyday life, activities, communication and etc. A psychologist is, first of all, an assistant. The role of the assistant, like the essence of help, is, strictly speaking, mediation. A psychologist is an intermediary between a specific psychological problem of a particular person and the theory and practice of solving similar problems. Psychological consultation is an act of mediation, it is a joint action, it is co-creation. The leader in such co-creation is the psychologist - the direct bearer of knowledge and experience in the field of psychology. It is in co-creation, in joint action, in the act of mediation that the secret of providing psychological assistance lies.

Human psyche, according to the works of L. S. Vygotsky, it is simultaneously in two states - frozen and mobile. Figuratively speaking, something in her has already taken shape, settled, hardened. And the other part, on the contrary, is still looking for its casting form, still “flowing and changing.” A stable state is called current, a mobile state is a zone of proximal development - an area of ​​immature but maturing mental processes. This zone is characterized by the content of tasks that a person cannot yet solve on his own, but can solve with the help of a psychologist (in joint activities). As a result of such joint activity, a person is subsequently able to independently solve similar problems.

The function of a psychologist is the art of midwifery

The wise man was asked what is the most difficult thing in the world? - “Know yourself.” What's the easiest thing? - “Advise to another”

The main property of the zone of proximal development is joint activity, its “dialogue”: the visitor and the psychologist are included in the process of cooperation, which involves a joint solution to the problem that has arisen. Thus, the problem is solved in a situation of cooperation, in the process of dialogue. One of the methods of conducting such a dialogue is maieutics. Maieutics is the method of Socrates (Greek Μαιευτική - lit. - midwifery art) which allows, with the help of skillful leading questions, to extract the knowledge hidden in a person. There is always a serious goal behind such dialogue - to achieve the effect of a beneficial shock to the listener. Such a shock is the quintessence of the psychologist’s work, a turning point, the beginning of solving the problem that has arisen. A person is happy when his psyche is orderly and virtuous. If someone experiences difficulties in life, it means that he simply does not know how to do the right thing. In the same way, one cannot truly love without realizing what love is and what should be the true motive of attraction.

In the work of a psychologist, the function of “giving advice” is not provided. It should not exist under any circumstances. The main goal of a psychologist’s work is to help the visitor learn to make decisions independently. The main thing for a psychologist is to objectively listen to the visitor’s story, help him, with the help of questions, to see other various aspects of the problem being solved. Next, it is necessary to help the visitor understand the reasons that gave rise to the problem under discussion, and then to identify those patterns that will enable the visitor to look at himself in a new way, which will help him cope with the difficulties that have arisen. Joint activity with a psychologist, during the consultation process, gives the visitor the initial impetus for independent work to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Psychodiagnostics is the key to the psychological portrait of a personality

At a party, a girl of about six approaches all the guests with a piece of paper on which some kind of scrawl is drawn:
- What it is?
First guest:
- Well, it's probably a horse, right? Here is the mane, here is the tail.
To the next:
- What it is?
Second guest:
- This is a flower. Here are the petals, and here is the stem, right?
Same question for the third one.
- Yes, it's a butterfly. Oh, how beautiful. Only one of her wings turned out to be a little crooked...
The girl walked around everyone, then turned and loudly:
- No. This is a Rorschach test!

Psychodiagnostics is a branch of psychology that allows one to assess and measure the individual psychological characteristics of a person. The main goal of modern psychodiagnostics is to determine how to most effectively use the facets of human character. Each person reveals a complex interweaving of many character traits, innate and acquired abilities. Constructing a psychological portrait of a person is one of the most important and most difficult issues in the work of a psychologist. The quality of psychological counseling depends on its successful solution.

As a result of the psychodiagnostics, a psychological portrait of the individual is compiled, including the following indicators:

Temperament type;
- character;
- basic abilities;
- personality orientation;
- intellectual potential;
- level of emotionality;
- level of volitional qualities;
- ability to communicate;
- level of self-esteem;
- level of self-control;
- ability to build relationships.

Psychodiagnostics allows you to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person’s character. Knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of a person’s character is absolutely necessary both for the work of a psychologist and for the person himself. Character strengths enable a person to stand confidently on his feet, to accept life as it is, on an instinctive, intuitive level. Knowledge of character weaknesses makes it possible to avoid unjustified steps, complications at work and in the family, when building relationships and raising children. At the same time, character weaknesses serve as an incentive for human development. “Weak” character traits are points of growth.

A person has the right to take a much more active role in organizing his own life. The psychologist's duty is to help him with this. But help cannot be initiated by the “helper,” but only by the “carrier of the need” for the necessary help. The answer cannot come before the question.

A person does not achieve happiness not because he does not want it, but because he does not know what it consists of.

1) Research (expert) function. A psychologist collects special information about the psychological mechanisms of human behavior in a diverse and complex system of organizational relations. The main thing is to study the group and the individual as subjects of labor. As a rule, it is not a theoretical problem that is studied, but a specific situation. However, the methodological requirements for conducting this kind of applied research cannot be reduced: research hypotheses must be formulated, methods and techniques must be selected, measuring instruments must be selected, all results must be recorded and processed, their analysis must be carried out and a report must be drawn up.

An expert is a specialist in any field, in a certain area, who gives an opinion when considering any issue, in our case when considering organizational situations. He comes into play when something has already happened and it is necessary to evaluate what happened (for example, the creation of an organization with a certain structure or the results of its study, the introduction of innovations of various types, conflicts, etc.).

It should be noted that the expert’s responsibility for the quality of the expert opinion is both full and limited. This means that the researcher is responsible for the validity and compliance of his conclusion with the modern level of psychological knowledge in the field of organizational (industrial) psychology, but he, however, is not responsible for specific decisions of the organization’s management or the customer made on the basis of an expert opinion. The main task of an expert assessment is not to persuade the client of the examination to certain decisions and steps, but to take into account the analysis of the subject situation carried out by a specialist. That is why the expert opinion must be understandable and localized (indicating the limits of the expert’s accuracy and competence).

2) Consulting function. A psychologist advises on the optimal use of a person’s personal and professional capabilities (for example, when hiring, filling vacancies, reducing personnel). The psychologist participates in the design and development of various methods of personnel management, social development of the organization, improvement of work organization and advises management on these issues.

Personal counseling occupies a special place. The need for counseling, as a rule, is associated with a certain limited experience of the organization's leadership in managerial and psychological fields. Consulting, as a rule, is impossible without research and adoption of an expert position.

Consultants can be generalists or specialists in specific problems (for example, psychological diagnostics of the personality of organizational leaders, innovation, management, etc.).

The consulting psychologist maintains a position of neutrality, impartiality and non-interference in confrontation and struggle that may exist in the organization, which ensures an objective and undistorted analysis of relationships and situations. In this regard, the professional ethics of a psychologist acquires great importance.

3) Pedagogical and educational functions. These functions are associated with the enormous interest of all people without exception in the problems of psychology, the desire to gain psychological knowledge, and the need to solve personal problems. The “teacher” conveys special psychological knowledge, which they can creatively use to effectively organize their own activities. If an expert analyzes, a consultant recommends and advises, then a teacher introduces and increases the level of psychological knowledge among others.

The functions of an organizational psychologist determine specific tasks of his work in the organization, which can be represented by three categories.

I. Work with personnel:

Personnel assessment for the purposes of recruitment, certification and relocation (study and recording of business, professional qualities, abilities);

Career guidance and counseling;

Social and psychological training of personnel and advanced training of employees;

Acceleration of employee adaptation processes in the organization.

II. Labour Organization:

Certification of positions included in the staffing table (job descriptions, drawing up job descriptions, job descriptions);

Study of working conditions, organization of workplaces;

Improving the organization of work (reducing monotony, creating an aesthetic environment in the organization);

Analysis of the employee’s personality in the organization system (study
attitude towards work, job satisfaction, motivation and stimulation of work, labor safety).

III. Organizational management and social planning:

Social and psychological support for the implementation of innovations and reorganization;

Formation of group norms, morality, organizational culture;

Prevention and resolution of conflicts;

Monitoring the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team, its improvement and improvement;

Creation of a “team”;

Increasing labor discipline.

All of the above problems are traditionally solved by practical psychologists at domestic enterprises. This list can be supplemented with a list of tasks that are noted in modern foreign psychological literature:

Introducing a new employee to the course of affairs in the organization. The psychologist talks with the newcomer about the history of the company, his role in the work performed, introduces him to his superiors and the traditions of the organization;

Resolving issues regarding professional training and advanced training of employees. The psychologist makes a decision about who to teach (who needs what training), what to teach, how to teach, how to stimulate and evaluate the results of learning and its impact on work efficiency;

Assessing the labor contribution of employees. The psychologist periodically evaluates the work of each employee and its compliance with the salary received. Typical evaluation points are: a) quality of work; b) amount of work; c) physical, moral and psychological reliability of the employee; d) degree of deserved trust; e) tendency to cooperate with the administration;

Development of means of maintaining discipline and effective methods of rewarding and punishing employees;

Participation in the analysis of complaints, mediation in negotiations between workers and trade unions with the administration, socio-psychological support of the negotiation process in situations of conflict;

Organization of entrepreneurial propaganda and advertising, study of market demand (marketing);

Private psychological consultations for managers.

The list of tasks that a psychologist has to solve in a company can be expanded in connection with the specific problems of a particular organization.

Questions for self-control

1. What does organizational psychology study?

2. Why is organizational psychology an applied branch of psychology?

3. Describe the levels of analysis in organizational psychology.

4. Reveal the main approaches to solving organizational problems.

5. What is the role of a psychologist in an organization?

6. List the positive and negative aspects of possible positions of a psychologist in an organization.

7. Name the main functions and tasks of a psychologist in an organization.

8. What are the tasks of a psychologist working with personnel?

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Discipline: “Introduction to the Profession”

On the topic: “Functions of a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist”

Completed by: Verbenko Almira

Checked by: Kozlovskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna


Nowadays, a person can turn to many specialists for help, whose profession name includes the root “psyche” (Greek “psyche” - soul). What are all these experts on human souls doing?

A psychiatrist is the only specialist with the root “psycho” who has the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe medications. The psychiatrist's treatment strategies include pharmacotherapy (that is, medications) and psychotherapy. Most often, these two methods are combined.

Only a doctor can be a psychotherapist. People of other specialties who practice psychotherapy are subject to the Criminal Code for illegal healing. By definition, psychotherapy is a non-drug therapeutic method. Like surgery, for example. Only there is a scalpel, and here is a word. But words are different, therefore, a person without a medical education, engaged in medical activities, violates the law.

Today, according to the register of specialties, there are four specializations of psychologists.

A pathopsychologist assists a psychiatrist in diagnosing mental disorders. If a psychiatrist makes a diagnosis based on the clinical manifestations of the disease, then the pathopsychologist uses formal examination methods, that is, various tests and scales. Its task is to identify disorders of memory, thinking, intelligence, emotional and volitional spheres and report this to a psychiatrist.

A neuropsychologist is a diagnostic assistant for a neurosurgeon and neurologist. Its task is to use special tests to indicate exactly in which area of ​​the brain there is damage and what type of damage it is. In neuropsychological tests, disorders of the motor, ideational (sequence of thinking) spheres, spheres of perception and reproduction of information are examined. The specialist knows which part of the brain is responsible for which function. Accordingly, if the patient is unable to complete a series of tests, the neuropsychologist notes in which area of ​​the brain is affected. This information is necessary for the neurosurgeon to perform the operation.

A neuropsychologist may also work in a team with a neurologist and psychiatrist. By repeatedly repeating tests that are difficult for a child, a neuropsychologist can achieve stimulation of the affected areas of the brain. This will become part of the correction program that this trio of specialists is developing.

A social psychologist, based on statistical data, studies society's attitude towards certain social phenomena and gives general recommendations. Roughly speaking, he finds out whether Russian women like the fact that the president wore a red tie yesterday. Based on the survey results, the social psychologist makes a conclusion like: “Mr. President, don’t wear a red tie anymore, because a significant part of your electorate doesn’t like it.” A social psychologist has nothing to do with any specific individual or medicine.

A few years ago, the specialty of clinical psychologist appeared. This model is taken from Western experience. There are psychologists working in services to help seriously ill patients: cancer, HIV-infected, etc. A clinical psychologist must understand what a person is sick with, monitor changes in his mental functions and involve a psychiatrist and a neurologist so that they correct the condition of the seriously ill person and provide him with an acceptable level of existence.


Psychiatrist is a medical profession, a doctor, a specialist in psychiatry.

Psychiatry (German psychiatrie from Greek - soul and Greek - doctor; Greek - medical, medical) is a branch of clinical medicine that studies mental (mental) disorders, deals with their treatment, prevention and assistance to the mentally ill, as well as the isolation of persons with mental disorders and persons with behavioral deviations who pose a potential danger to themselves or others or violate certain social norms.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who works with various human mental disorders. He can work in medical institutions, private offices and centers, or have his own business.

A psychiatrist deals with the prevention and treatment of various human mental illnesses by examining patients, establishing a diagnosis, prescribing appropriate medications, and monitoring treatment. A psychiatrist can also engage in psychotherapy - treatment of the soul.

Personal qualities

Stress resistance


Communication skills

High professional knowledge



Education. A psychiatrist must have a higher medical education and have a specialist certificate. A psychiatrist must have such qualities as responsibility, emotional stability, endurance, patience, tact, goodwill, have skills in working with people, and know the basics of psychology.

The profession of a psychiatrist can be obtained at the Russian State Medical University and at the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov.

Places of work: public and private clinics, medical centers.

The salary level for a psychiatrist is average, depending on the location and work experience. A psychiatrist in private practice receives higher incomes.


Psychologists are scientists, specialists in psychology, subtle, thoughtful observers, experts in human psychology and emotional experiences.

The main task of a psychologist is to adapt a person to normal life, get rid of negative emotions, make him happy and cheerful, and instill hope in a wonderful future.

The term “psychology” itself comes from the Greek words “psyche” - soul and “logos” - science. The date of the emergence of psychology as a science is considered to be the opening of the first experimental laboratory in Leipzig in 1879.

Over time, various directions of psychological knowledge appeared and developed: psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, analytical psychology of Carl-Gustav Jung, behaviorism of J. Watson, Gestalt psychology and many, many others.

Currently, psychology covers almost all spheres of people’s lives and activities; psychological knowledge is used in politics, economics, medicine, culture and art, in production and in education. And, undoubtedly, it will be useful and interesting for every person to learn more about themselves and other people.

Responsibilities of a psychologist in a company/enterprise

A psychologist studies the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of employees of an enterprise, institution, or organization in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.

Performs work on drawing up draft plans and programs for social development, identifying psychological factors that influence workers. Conducts, together with a physiologist, examinations of the individual qualities of workers, the characteristics of the work activities of workers and employees of various professions and specialties, as well as those related to professional selection, checking psychological working conditions, identifying interests and inclinations, and job satisfaction. Participates in experiments to determine the influence of working conditions on the psyche of workers.

Analyzes labor processes and the psychological state of the employee during work.

Together with a sociologist and other specialists, he participates in determining the tasks of social development. Selects the most pressing issues and problems that require solutions (staff turnover, violations of labor discipline, ineffective work), determines ways to eliminate the causes that cause them. Develops professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of workers' professions and office positions, determined by the influence of the production environment on the neuropsychic stress of the worker, gives recommendations regarding the conditions for the optimal use of a person's personal labor capabilities, taking into account the prospects for the development of his professional abilities.

Participates in the implementation of measures for industrial and professional adaptation of young workers and specialists. Prepares recommendations and proposals for introducing the results of psychological research into practice, as well as measures in specific areas of improving the management of social development, promoting the organization of optimal work processes, establishing rational work and rest regimes, improving the moral and psychological climate, working conditions and increasing human performance, carries out control over their implementation.

Analyzes the reasons for staff turnover, selection and placement, based on the requirements of labor organization and production management, develops proposals to ensure staff stability, and take the necessary measures to adapt workers. Takes part in the formation of work teams, in the design of labor organization systems (organization of working time, rationalization of workplaces) taking into account psychological factors and ergonomic requirements. Consults managers of enterprises, institutions, organizations on socio-psychological problems of production management and social development of the team, as well as workers involved in personnel and labor issues.

Many psychologists work in the field of education as educational psychologists who help children adapt to unfamiliar environments, conduct testing for school readiness, and work with problem children. In schools, educational psychologists select first-graders, engage in correctional and developmental activities, career guidance for high school students, conduct various trainings, etc.

Clinical psychologist - works in services for helping seriously ill patients with cancer, HIV-infected people, etc. and helps patients cope with stress, supports them, monitors their health, and, if necessary, connects a psychiatrist and neurologist to treatment.

In prison, a psychologist helps prisoners return to normal life after release.

A psychologist can also find his place in politics and business.

Personal qualities


Confidence in your strength,

The ability to listen to a person, reassure, sympathize and instill faith in a happy future - goodwill,


Communication skills



Qualification requirements: higher education in psychology.

Places of work: psychological centers, private psychological counseling offices, educational and medical institutions, companies and enterprises.

A psychologist can work in medical, educational and other institutions, psychological centers, on helplines, be a political consultant, conduct psychological examinations in the commission of crimes, and provide private consultations to people. A specialist in this field will be willing to be hired as a personnel manager or trainer in the field of psychology. The majority of psychologists are women, but some areas of activity where more stringent measures are needed, such as politics, are dominated by men.

Social functions of a psychologist:

Through his professional activities, a psychologist must assert the authority of his science;

A psychologist must suppress any professional or unprofessional actions that could lead to the coverage of psychology in an unfavorable light, both socially and professionally, and reject unreasonable or excessive demands on it;

A psychologist should not allow his name to be associated with psychological work for which he cannot take responsibility;

In cases of using the media (speeches on radio, television, in the press), special attention should be paid to compliance with all provisions of the Code.

Functions of a school psychologist. School psychologist-consultant


Students on issues of optimizing the learning process, jointly analyzing educational activities;

Parents in order to assist children in organizing educational activities and providing the necessary conditions for their psychological comfort in the learning process;

Network teachers on ways and means of creating a situation of success for students.

For online teachers to conduct the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics of students;

For a teacher-curator in organizing interaction with students.

The profession of a psychologist is very relevant and in demand. The salary depends on the place of work and the responsibilities of the psychologist. Private practice is more highly paid, where earnings also depend on the number of clients and consultations.


Psychotherapist - “Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia” edited by the chief psychotherapist of the Ministry of Health B.D. Karvasarsky, defines it as follows: “this is a trained specialist who knows how to diagnose and treat diseases, mainly of psychogenic origin, purposefully using psychological influence as a therapeutic agent. Due to the specifics of psychotherapy, he, to one degree or another, brings into the treatment process the originality of his personality, his own value system, preferred theoretical orientations and psychotherapeutic technologies. Different areas of psychotherapy are characterized by different emphases in assessing the significance of P.’s personal qualities or psychotherapeutic techniques for the effectiveness of treatment. This difference is revealed when comparing client-centered, behavioral, rational-emotional, psychodynamic psychotherapy..."

Please note that nowhere in the definition of a psychotherapist given by such a legitimate publication as the Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia is it mentioned that a psychotherapist is a doctor or, for example, a psychiatrist and that psychotherapy is a branch of medicine. On the contrary, the definition emphasizes that the psychotherapist uses psychological influence as a therapeutic agent. On the other hand, prescribing medications in no way relates to methods of psychological influence, and therefore is neither psychotherapy nor a tool for the work of a psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy (psychotherapeutic encyclopedia) - from the Greek. psyche - soul and therapeia - treatment. Currently, it is not a clearly understood area of ​​scientific knowledge and practical approaches, but represents only their combination and partial interaction and is distinguished by various psychological, medical, anthropological, socioeconomic, environmental and philosophical attitudes and an extremely wide range of applications. In general terms, Bastine (Bastine R., 1982) defines psychotherapy as a special type of interpersonal interaction in which patients are provided with professional assistance through psychological means in solving their problems or mental difficulties...

As we see, here, too, in the definition of psychotherapy, we are talking about help with problems and difficulties of a mental (and not medical, somatic or organic) nature, carried out by psychological (and not medicinal or, say, surgical, requiring medical education) means.

A psychotherapist, like a psychiatrist, deals with the treatment of mental disorders, however, if psychiatrists deal primarily with “severe” mental illnesses, giving preference to medicinal methods of treatment, then the field of activity of a psychotherapist is milder disorders, as well as borderline states - those cases when a person It’s bad, but this condition cannot be called a disease. The main tool of a psychotherapist is the word, conversation.

The psychotherapist also knows special psychological techniques, such as hypnosis, psychological games, auto-training, and dream interpretation.

Psychotherapy developed rapidly in the first half of the last century. Several directions of psychotherapy were created, and the adherents of each direction were completely confident in the correctness of their path, and did not want to hear about the existence of alternative theories. At the present stage of development of psychotherapy, the boundaries between different directions are blurred... However, some psychotherapists prefer to identify themselves with one or another historical direction.

A psychotherapist, like any doctor, has the right to prescribe medications, conduct medical examinations, and diagnose diseases.

A special field of activity for a psychotherapist is psychosomatic disorders - diseases in which the body suffers, but the cause of suffering is the soul. Psychosomatic disorders include hypertension, obesity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, bronchial asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, ulcerative colitis, some forms of osteochondrosis, psoriasis. These diseases are very common, and patients suffering from them, as a rule, turn to therapists, neurologists, dermatologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, undergo long, expensive treatment, and, as a rule, to no avail.








Not medical

Right to treatment

The right to diagnosis of a disease

Preferred treatment method

Drug treatment

Psychological influence (conversation, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, family psychotherapy, Gestalt therapy, body-oriented therapy, etc.)

Psychological impact

Predominant area of ​​competence

Psychotic conditions, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, epilepsy, conditions after a stroke, poisoning, traumatic brain injury, alcoholism, drug addiction, neuroses, developmental delays, etc.

Stress, consequences of nervous tension, fatigue, neurasthenia, nervous breakdown, internal conflicts, depression, apathy, psychosomatic diseases, anxiety and obsessive fears, panic disorders, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life, crisis situations in personal life and at work, enuresis, tics , stuttering, etc.

Psychological testing

The functions of a psychiatrist are not only treatment. But also diagnosis, prevention, and examination of mental illnesses.

Psychotherapy (a system of therapeutic effects on the psyche, and through the psyche on the entire human body. This is both a method of treatment and a special type of interpersonal interaction - the patient is provided with professional assistance by psychological means. Medicines can also be used).

A psychologist examines, studies, classifies, first of all, a healthy human personality, corrects its behavior, studies the interaction of different personalities, but does not engage in treatment. In a preschool institution - the creation of conditions conducive to protecting the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, and the free and effective development of the abilities of each child.

psychiatrist psychologist psychotherapist





4. Introduction to the profession of “Psychologist”, Vachkov I., Grinshpun I., Pryazhnikov N.


6. Anastasia Ivanova, magazine Where to go to study, website

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