Presentation of the work experience of a teacher of Russian language and literature Marina Nikolaevna Ustinova mbou "Pavlovsk secondary school" - presentation. Portfolio of a teacher of Russian language and literature for certification - download a sample - within the framework of the IV mountains

"Gifted Children".

Ekaterina Mitenkova is a participant in the regional competition for gifted children “Star of Tambov Region” in the “One Actor Theater” category, age category 14-18 years. year 2012. Sergey Shikhorin is a participant in the regional competition for gifted children “Star of the Tambov Region” in the “One Actor Theater” category, 2012. Mitenkova Ekaterina is a prize-winner of the regional competition for gifted children “Zvezdochka Tambovshchina” in the category “One Actor Theater”, age category 14-18 years. year 2013. Alina Naumova is a participant in the regional competition for gifted children “Star of the Tambov Region” in the “One Actor Theater” category, age category 10-13 years. year 2013. Sutormin Kirill, a 5th grade student, for participation in the regional soldier's song competition "Melodies of a Soldier's Heart", 2013 Irina Krivoschapova, a 9th grade student, for participation in the regional soldier's song competition "Melodies of a Soldier's Heart", 2013 Ilya Dyakin, a 5th grade student, for participation in the regional competition "Melodies of a Soldier's Heart", 2013 Adelina Vishnyakova, 7th grade student, for participation in the regional competition "Melodies of a Soldier's Heart", 2013 Ekaterina Mitenkova, 7th grade student, winner of the regional competition "Melodies of a Soldier's Heart", 2013

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Seryakova Irina Ivanovna Teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2, Inza There are so many roads on earth, Different streets and alleys, For me, one is dearer The eternal path to the hearts of children!

I made my professional choice a long time ago, during my school years. The reason for this was probably the respect for the teaching profession and the image of the school where I studied. My teachers left an indelible mark on my soul: first teacher Galina Vasilievna and class teacher Sarbaeva Maria Rashidovna. I thank them very much for awakening goodness in their students, teaching them to work, think, and create. Having entered the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University in 1991, I was interested in the achievements of scientific thought and spent a lot of time reading books. A competent methodologist taught us methods and techniques for working with students. Using these methods today in class helps me create an atmosphere of trust, efficiency, creativity, and a good psychological climate in the classroom.

It all starts with childhood. Man begins with childhood. Any child can be raised to be a kind, sympathetic, honest person. It is in childhood that the sowing of good occurs. But only years later it will be clear whether the seeds of good were similar, or whether the weeds of evil destroyed them. “Being kind is noble. But showing others how to be kind is even nobler, and not so troublesome,” wrote M. Twain Photo with class

WORK DAYS I began my work biography at Inzen school No. 2 in 1999. 1999 – 2009 – counselor From September 1, 2009, she continued her career as a teacher of Russian language and literature. The walls of this school have become home to me.

Reflecting on my path in life, I understand perfectly well that I cannot draw the line where my work ends and my personal life begins. Probably, this is my road, calling and leading to the happiness of teaching work, to endless life in the souls of my students. I don't work as a teacher, I am a teacher. I like being a teacher. Many years ago I made my choice, and I still think it’s right. As a child, I dreamed of standing at the blackboard and opening up new horizons and new perspectives for children. I often played out these situations with my girlfriends. I desperately wanted to become an adult as quickly as possible, get a specialty and go back to school. And now my dream has come true, all my childhood “lessons” have come true... I have been working at school for many years. I know this work firsthand. In any matter, I try to look at the root, Otherwise, success will not come.

One of my favorite writers L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father, like a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work, "Nor to the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, and has read many books, he is a perfect teacher." Of course, I am far from being a perfect teacher, this is an ideal that everyone should strive for, but I am proud that I am a teacher, that I love my profession, my students, my family, life in all its manifestations, I try not to stop there, constantly move forward and learn something new. I sincerely believe that teachers can be loved, schools can be loved, tears at graduation ceremonies can be real, gratitude can be sincere; the lessons are ones that people take pleasure in, that are clear and interesting, and the children feel calm and comfortable, and the advice is the kind that is followed and expected. I hope that my students will be strong, kind, fair, self-confident; striving for their goals while maintaining their human dignity. They were creative, had their own opinion and knew how to defend it, while respecting the opinion of others, that they would become not only smarter, more educated, but also wiser. What kind of person do I want to be? Various. Lively, interesting to others, confident in her need for her loved ones, not afraid to admit her mistakes, honest, first of all, with herself, able to surprise and inspire, and most importantly, happy. To carry goodness, to teach goodness, to achieve a goal through difficulties, to serve truth with love - I call this wisdom. A. V. Elisov

To this day, that flame burns in me, the flame that was lit so many years ago in the soul of a very child, the sparks of which I carefully give into the hands of each of my students. And they are so different: calm, daring, sincere, restless, but so necessary. And I accept them as they are. I want to help them, to be aware of all events, to experience joy and sorrow, to feel the closeness of the child. I always think: who are my students? How will they grow up? What will our country be like? After all, the Future depends on what values ​​are important to them, what ideals they will profess. Having worked at school for 12 years, I came to the conclusion that the lesson should not be a burden for children, but arouse their interest and bring joy. A friendly psychological atmosphere in the classroom is a prerequisite for the creative self-realization of students. You must always work with full dedication, sparing no effort. Success never comes to those who work half-heartedly. To lead, you must lead yourself, without stopping in this movement for a single day.

Increasing the level of qualifications during the inter-certification period. Certification Certification September 2012 Refresher courses September 2009 September 2007

year year year Participation in testing "Porcupine" - 2010 2011 Publications on websites - 2010 2011 Speeches at pedagogical seminars 2009 2010 2011 Master Classes 2009 2010 2011 Participation in the competition "Russian Bear Cub" 2009 2010 2011 Participation in a local history conference 200 9 2010 - Presentation of experience work, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, innovative systems and methods of training and education

Unified State Examination 2010 Unified State Examination results in Russian language Average score 4.1

Results of the Unified State Examination of grade 11 in the Russian language (2010) Results of the State Examination of grade 9 “A” in the Russian language (2012)

Work with gifted children Form of work Individual Age of students 8-10 grades Frequency Weekly Results Students annually become winners and prize-winners of regional Olympiads in the Russian language

2010 2009 2011 Achievements of students Podlipaeva Anna Winner of the regional Olympiad in the Russian language Podlipaeva Anna winner of the regional Olympiad in the Russian language Gladkova Daria winner of the regional Olympiad in the Russian language

2010 2009 2011 My achievements 1 Place in the region in the local history quiz “My Goncharov” Text Text

The profession of a teacher is not easy, but I have never once regretted that I chose this profession. There are many difficulties in this work, but to be able to overcome them and then see the results of my work gives me joy.

I want my students not to go to school, but to run. To do this, you don’t need much - to see and appreciate the personality in each child and try to help each child find his place in life. My goal is to light a sparkle in the eyes of every child

The light we have lit will not go out!

Don't get used to miracles! Marvel at them, marvel at them! Don't get used to heaven! Stretch your eyes towards them. Look closely at the clouds, Look closely at the birds, Take a nap at the springs - Nothing will happen again! Moment by moment, hour by hour Fall into surprise. Everything will be like this and everything will be wrong in one moment! Teacher - that sounds proud!

General work experience - 14 years pedagogical - 14 years Work experience in this institution 6 years Position held teacher of Russian language and literature Certification April 2015 Qualification category first

Objectives To improve the forms of organization of educational activities; Use new pedagogical technologies in the educational process; Involve each student in an active cognitive process, and not passive acquisition of knowledge, but active cognitive activity; To reveal the creative, intellectual, moral potential of each student, to give the opportunity to express themselves; Instill the skills of independent work, effective organization of one’s activities, self-control, and objective assessment of the results obtained.

Speech development lesson “Types of speech” Task: try to predict information about types of speech “True - false statements” True and false statements Before studying After studying 1. To narrate means to describe an object, a phenomenon. 2. To the text description you can ask the question WHAT? 3. To the text of the argument, you can ask the question WHY? 4. The content of the argumentative text can be reflected in a photograph.
