Features of drug addiction among the population in modern Russia. Analysis and assessment of factors, causes and conditions influencing the drug addiction of the population. Priority areas for combating drug addiction in Russian society.

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At all times and eras of human development, society has tried to eliminate undesirable forms of human activity. Methods and means were determined by socio-economic relations, public consciousness, and the interests of the ruling elite in a given historical period. Problems of so-called “social evil” have always attracted the attention of scientists. For a long time, philosophers and lawyers, doctors and teachers, psychologists have studied various types of social pathology: crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc.

One of the worst forms of deviant behavior in Russia today is drug addiction; among the negative phenomena inherent in modern civilization, this form occupies a special place due to the scale and diversity of the possible and actual harm it causes to society. Literally all spheres of social life are subject to the influence of drug addiction: the physical and spiritual health of the nation, its culture, social production and the economy as a whole, the process of population reproduction, etc. A special system of relationships develops between drug addiction and crime. Without dissolving in the latter, it has a tangible effect on its condition. Moreover, one of the components of drug addiction - illegal drug trafficking - is clearly criminal in nature. The National Security Concept of the Russian Federation notes that the increase in drug consumption poses a serious threat to the physical health of the nation. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the bulk of drug addicts are teenagers and young people aged 13 to 25 years. An increase in the number of drug addicts is a natural prerequisite for the expansion of the deviant environment of drug addicts, which is characterized by a dangerous tendency towards expansion, caused by such a psychological phenomenon as proselytism of drug addicts (the desire to expand the environment of their own kind). In Russia, there is a steady increase in crime associated with illegal drug trafficking, and there is a rapid flourishing of the drug business. In these conditions, an in-depth study of all closely interrelated aspects of drug addiction acquires particular relevance. Only on the basis of such a study can an effective mechanism for social prevention of this phenomenon be developed.

In the process of research, it is necessary to answer a number of questions: what is narcotism, consider its basic concepts, get acquainted with the development of the history of relations between mankind and drugs. It is important to study the socio-demographic composition of drug users, the reasons for their choice of a drug lifestyle and the current state of Russian society in the light of this problem. The answers to these questions will help develop measures that must be taken to eradicate drug addiction as a phenomenon.

So, the subject of the study is the deviant behavior of people with drug addiction.

The purpose of the study is to study the problem of drug addiction - as a multidimensional phenomenon.

Research objectives:

1) study drug addiction as one of the forms of deviant behavior.

2) to identify the state of drug addiction in Russian society at the present stage.

3) Study the world and Russian experience in combating drug addiction in society and develop preventive measures.

The study was based on a number of works by sociologists, psychologists, and social scientists; thus, general problems of deviant behavior are studied in the works of Afanasyev V.S., Galinsky Ya.I., Ivanov V.I., Isaev D., Kovalev A.I., Lantsov L .A., Shilova V.N., Shneidera L.B., Shurupova. The problems of narcotization of the individual and society are well studied in the works of Keselman L., Kleiberg Yu.A., Matskevich M., Belogurov S.B., Pozdnyakova M., Gabiani A.A.

1 . Narcotismas one of the main forms of deviant behavior

1.1 Main forms of deviant behavior

Before considering the problem of drug addiction as one of the forms of deviant behavior, it is necessary to say a few words about its types and forms. Depending on the degree of harm caused to the interests of the individual, social group, society as a whole, and the type of norms violated, the following main types of deviant behavior can be distinguished.

1. Destructive behavior. Causing harm only to the individual himself and not corresponding to generally accepted social and moral norms - hoarding, conformism, masochism, etc.

2. Antisocial behavior that causes harm to the individual and social communities (family, group of friends, neighbors) and manifests itself in alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc.

3. Illegal behavior, which represents a violation of both moral and legal norms and is expressed in robbery, murder and other crimes.

Deviant behavior can be expressed in the form of: action; activities; lifestyle.

The main forms of deviant behavior in modern conditions include crime, alcoholism, prostitution, and drug addiction. Let's briefly look at the specifics of each of them:


Every social system presupposes a certain number and a certain order of crimes arising from its organization.

As crime problems are studied, an increasing number of factors affecting its dynamics come to the attention of researchers. These include: social status, occupation, education, poverty. The special significance of declassification has also been revealed, i.e. destruction or weakening of ties between an individual and a social group.

In Russia, the state of crime is greatly influenced by the transition to market relations and the emergence of such phenomena as competition, unemployment, and inflation.

In its most acute form, deviance acts as a crime, as an encroachment on the socio-political and moral foundations of society, the personal safety and well-being of its citizens. The rise in crime today poses the greatest threat to the stability and security of society and the individual. The social influence and pressure of the criminal world on society, the spread of its morality, the psychological infection of the least stable part of the population (especially young people) is an alarming reality of our days. The ongoing deformation of value orientations among young people creates the preconditions for the reproduction of disobedience to the law, the assertion of self-will, the rule of the strong and the cruel.

The greatest concern in terms of crime is caused by children and adolescents who have various forms of physical and social maladjustment, which is manifested in a consumer-selfish attitude to life, low levels of school performance, which, in turn, often leads to them committing illegal actions.

Deviant behavior of adolescents does not correspond to the patterns of “adult” deviant behavior. Very often, adolescents unconsciously strive to expand the effect of mitigating circumstances in relation to themselves, to justify their actions, and even to introduce an element of rationality into them. Most teenagers see the reason for their crime in external circumstances, most of them are convinced that in a similar situation everyone would do the same.

In addition, methods of “condemning those who condemn”, denying the presence of a victim (it’s her own fault!), and appealing to more important obligations (couldn’t leave her comrades) are often used. Unfortunately, such an attitude towards one’s behavior is largely determined by the peculiarities of legal practice and legal education, which lead to the formation in minors of the idea of ​​​​their impunity. This cannot but worry, since today, against the general background of the growth of various forms of deviant behavior, there is a trend toward “rejuvenation” of crime.


In fact, alcohol has entered our lives, becoming an element of a prerequisite for official ceremonies, holidays, some ways of spending time, and solving personal problems. However, this sociocultural situation comes at a high cost to society. Statistics show that 90% of cases of hooliganism, 90% of aggravated rape, and almost 40% of other crimes are related to intoxication. Murders, robberies, assaults, and infliction of grievous bodily harm in 70% of cases are committed by persons under the influence of alcohol; about 50% of all divorces are also related to drunkenness.

When analyzing the alcohol situation and its dynamics, as a rule, three groups of sociological indicators of the severity of the alcohol problem and the extent of the prevalence of drunkenness in the country are used:

· level of alcohol consumption per capita and consumption structure;

· characteristics of mass behavior resulting from alcohol consumption;

· the damage caused by drunkenness to the economy and society.

The alcohol consumption model takes into account the following characteristics:

· an indicator of the level of alcohol consumption in combination with data on the structure of consumption;

Regularity of consumption, duration, connection with food intake;

· number and composition of drinkers, non-drinkers, and moderate drinkers;

· distribution of alcohol consumption between men and women, by age and other socio-demographic characteristics;

· behavior at the same degree of intoxication and assessment of this behavior in sociocultural and ethnic groups.

In the history of society’s struggle against alcoholism, two directions can be found:

· limiting the availability of alcoholic beverages, reducing their sales and production, increasing prices, tightening punitive measures for violating prohibitions and restrictions;

· efforts aimed at reducing the need for alcohol, improving social and economic living conditions, the growth of general culture and spirituality, balanced information about the dangers of alcohol, and the formation of alcohol-free behavioral stereotypes among the population.


Suicide is the free and intentional ending of one's life. Suicidal behavior is self-destructive behavior in adolescents, often explained by a lack of life experience and the inability to determine life guidelines. In addition to these reasons, there are special reasons. The following reasons are common:

* loss of a loved one from your inner circle or arrogantly rejected feelings of love;

* wounded self-esteem;

* extreme fatigue;

* destruction of personality defense mechanisms as a result of alcohol intoxication, use of psychotropic drugs;

* substance abuse and drug addiction;

* a state of frustration or affect in the form of acute aggression, fear, when a person loses control over his behavior.

Suicidal activity has certain time cycles. The fact of the spring-summer cycle and its autumn-winter decline was noted by E. Durkheim. Suicides are committed more often after the age of 55 and before 20 years; today even 10-12 year old children become suicides.

Durkheim identifies 3 main types of suicide: egoistic, altruistic and anomic. Selfish suicide occurs in the case of weak influence of social norms on the individual, who is left alone with himself and, as a result, loses the meaning of life. AltruistAndlogical suicide, on the contrary, is caused by the complete absorption by society of an individual who gives his life for it. Finally, anomic suicide is caused by a state of anomie in society, when there are practically no social norms at all, when there is a normative vacuum in society. Durkheim also points out the 4th type of suicide - fatalistic, which should serve as an antipode to anomic suicide, but does not specifically consider it due to its low prevalence.


The term “prostitution” itself comes from the Latin word “to expose publicly”, “to defile” (prostituere). Typically, prostitution refers to extramarital sexual relations for payment that are not based on sensual attraction.

Prostitution began to emerge along with the social division of labor, the development of monogamy, and the emergence of cities. The level of prostitution increased sharply with the development of capitalist relations. In Soviet society, the long-term silencing of the real situation led to the fact that the publication of the fact of the existence of prostitution caused a “shock” effect for many. Research in the 60s showed that compared to the 20s, the social basis of prostitution has changed significantly. At that time, hunger and poverty led many women to the path of vice. The bulk of prostitutes were recruited from among people with a low level of education, people from the villages. Today there is a sharp expansion of the social and age base. Among the prostitutes are students of schools, vocational schools, technical schools, and universities. It is not hunger that pushes them into the arms of their clients, but the desire for speedy material well-being and a “beautiful life.”

Society has always looked for ways and means to combat prostitution. In history, there have been three main forms of policy towards prostitution: prohibitionism (ban), regulation (registration and medical supervision), abolitionism (preventive, explanatory and educational work in the absence of prohibitions and registration). Prohibitions turned out to be powerless, repressions were ineffective.

1. 2 Narcotism-Obasic concepts

Today, the problem of drugs, their consumption, drug addiction (as well as most social deviations) is highly mythologized, politicized, and used for populist purposes. To demythologize, it is necessary to consider this truly complex social problem from different angles.

But first we should define some concepts related to drugs and their use:

- Drugs - means (substances) that affect the psyche and behavior of a person; their consumption can lead to the formation of physical and / ormental dependence (drug addiction), a condition in which a person experiences the need to regularly take drugs and discomfort in the absence of such an opportunity.

International and national health authorities establish and adjust the list of drugs classified as narcotic drugs.

Consumption drugs are either caused by a disease and recommended by a doctor as a medicine (the so-called legal, medical consumption of drugs - painkillers, psychostimulants, sleeping pills, etc.), or is non-medical consumption - abuse m, those. consumption without a doctor’s prescription, or in doses exceeding those prescribed, or continuing after the prescription has been cancelled, or taking medications other than those prescribed by the doctor.

- Addiction- a disease that manifests itself in physical and / ormental dependence on drugs, an irresistible attraction to them- addiction (from English.addict - indulge in somethingaddicted - committed to somethingaddiction - addiction, addiction), leading to deep depletion of the physical and mental functions of the body.

At the same time, under physical Addiction is understood as a state of the body characterized by the development of withdrawal syndrome when stopping taking the drug that caused the addiction. Withdrawal syndrome- a complex of painful symptoms specific to each narcotic (toxic) drug, including alcohol: headache, pain in muscles and joints, runny nose, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, convulsions, etc. In slang, withdrawal syndrome is called “withdrawal” (and the common name for alcoholism is “hangover”). Not all drugs lead to physical dependence.

- Mental dependence- a state of the body characterized by a pathological need to take any drug or substance in order to avoid mental disorders, psychological discomfort caused by stopping taking this drug (substance), although in the absence of abstinence. Such a substance can be not only a drug or alcohol, but also caffeine (coffee), theine (tea), nicotine (tobacco), and medications. Recently, mental dependence on computer and other games and a painful attraction to them have been increasingly mentioned and studied. , as well as drug addiction .

- Substance abuse - a disease similar to drug addiction, caused by the consumption not of narcotic drugs, but of other toxic (potent) substances (medicines not classified as narcotics, household chemicals- varnishes, paints, glue, gasoline, acetone, etc.).

- Narcotism- a relatively common, statistically stable social phenomenon, expressed in the consumption of narcotic (and toxic) drugs by a certain part of the population and in the corresponding consequences.

Drugs have accompanied humanity throughout known history. Obviously, a person, like some animals (remember a cat and a valerian, a dog that dug up something in the forest and “gets a buzz” while lying on its back), has an inherent desire to change the psyche using any means - be it drugs, alcohol, toxic substances, tobacco or strong tea (including chifir), strong coffee, etc. (18; 115)

The longevity of drug use, like any social “evil,” indicates that it fulfills certain social functions. Like alcohol (which is also a drug, the differences between them are not in the nature of the effect on the central nervous system - CNS, but in the legal assessment - consumption is legal or prohibited), drugs perform an anesthetic (relieving or reducing pain), sedative (calming, reducing tension), psychostimulating (along with tea or coffee), integrative (along with tobacco; remember our “smoke breaks” or the “peace pipe” of the American Indians). Drug consumption can be a form of social protest, a means of identification (an indicator of belonging to a certain subculture), and the consumption of some of them - “elite”, “prestigious” (for example, cocaine) plays a prestige-status role. Another thing is that you have to pay for everything(the so-called “principle of Reckoning”), and users of drugs or other psychotropic substances pay with health, loss of work, study, family, and life.

1.3 Storydrugging humanity

Drugs have been known to people for several thousand years. They were consumed by people of different cultures, for different purposes: during religious rituals, to restore strength, to change consciousness, to relieve pain and discomfort.

Already in the pre-literate period, people knew and used psychoactive chemicals: alcohol and plants, the consumption of which affects consciousness. Archaeological research has shown that as early as 6400 BC. people knew beer and some other alcoholic drinks. Obviously, fermentation processes were discovered by accident (grape wine, by the way, appeared only in the 4th-3rd centuries BC). The first written evidence of the use of intoxicants is the story of Noah's drunkenness from the Book of Genesis. Various plants were also used to cause physiological and mental changes, usually in religious rites or during medical procedures. An example is use in the Middle East in 5 thousand BC. “cereal of joy” (opium poppy). Around 2700 BC In China, hemp was already used in the form of an infusion, like tea: Emperor Shen Nung ordered his subjects to take it as a cure for gout and absent-mindedness. Stone Age people knew opium, hashish and cocaine and used these drugs to alter consciousness during religious rituals and in preparation for battle. On the walls of the burial complexes of the Indians of Central and South America there are images of people chewing coca leaves, dating back to the middle of 3 thousand years BC. It must be borne in mind that the fact that a drug was used in one culture does not give us the right to assume that in other cultures at the same time people knew this drug and used it. Just as now, there are both similarities and differences in drug use among people of different cultures.

Throughout history, contact between distant cultures has occurred through trade and war. For example, as a result of the Crusades and travels of Marco Polo, Europeans learned about opium and hashish, widespread in the East. Later, the travels of Europeans (mainly the British, French, Portuguese and Spanish) to America brought new discoveries. Main psychoactive substances; brought to Europe from America - cocaine (from South America), various hallucinogens (from Central America) and tobacco (from North America). Research has shown that there was a two-way exchange between cultures. The birthplace of the coffee tree is Ethiopia. Europeans became acquainted with the coffee drink in the 17th century; sailors brought coffee beans to South America, which is now the world's main coffee producer. I will add that alcohol, distilled as a result of distillation, came from Europe to America, and hemp appeared in Chile in 1545. (24; 155)

Until the beginning of the 20th century. there were practically no restrictions on the production and consumption of drugs. Attempts were sometimes made to reduce or ban the use of certain substances altogether, but these were short-lived and generally unsuccessful. For example, tobacco, coffee and tea were initially met with hostility by Europe. The first European to smoke tobacco, Columbus's companion Rodrigo de Jerez, was imprisoned upon arrival in Spain because the authorities decided that the devil had possessed him. There have been several attempts to outlaw coffee and tea.

There are also cases when the state did not prohibit drugs, but, on the contrary, promoted the flourishing of their trade. The best example is the armed conflicts between Great Britain and China in the mid-19th century. They are called the Opium Wars because English traders brought opium into China. By the middle of the 19th century. Several million Chinese became addicted to opium. At this time, China, of course, came out on top in the world in the consumption of opium, most of which was grown in India and transported into the country by the British. The trade continued, and in 1839 led to the first Opium War, which lasted until 1842.

In 1856-1858 The second Opium War broke out. In the 20th century In Europe and America, almost the same drugs were used. Interestingly, many new or “well-forgotten old” drugs were mastered first in the United States, and then they spread to other countries, so that America seemed to set the tone in international drug consumption.

1.4 Types of drugs

The question arises: if drugs cause only troubles (addiction, withdrawal symptoms, physical, mental and social degradation, suffering of loved ones, early death), then why do people use them? The basis of the desire to take drugs is a euphoric effect (“high”), a state of lightness, delight, bliss, peace of mind, or extraordinary acuity of sensations - colors, smells, sounds. With intravenous injections of opiates, the “high” is preceded by a “high,” when “a warm thick wave hits the head, rolls throughout the body, passes through the arms and legs, and it seems that the heat comes out through the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades” (9; 218) You have to pay for everything - and for the “high” or “high” - painful “withdrawals”, loss of social status, early death. Fear of withdrawal symptoms is a secondary reason that forces a drug addict to constantly resume drug use.

The nature of euphoria and withdrawal symptoms depend on the type of narcotic drugs or other potent substances. There are several drug classifications for various reasons. Here is one of them.

The first group of drugs includes opiates- derivatives of the opium poppy or synthetic drugs with a morphine-like effect: opium, morphine, omnopon (pantopon), codeine, dionine, promedol, methadone, fentanyl, koknard, buprenorphine (nor-phine), etc., as well as heroin - one of the most strong and common drugs in modern Russia. The “high” is preceded by a “high” (up to three heat waves). Withdrawal develops 5-6, sometimes 6-12 hours after the last dose (“dose”) and is accompanied by palpitations, sweating, yawning, sneezing, coughing, and chills. The pulse becomes rapid and weak, the pupils are dilated (in general, the pupils of an opium addict are sharply constricted). In the bones and muscles there is nagging pain, excruciating for the patient. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sleep disturbances are noted. Loss of consciousness and collapse are possible. Exceeding the dose ends in death. Experienced drug addicts, exhausted by addiction, destruction of family ties, and imprisonment, often deliberately use an overdose in order to die.

The second group of drugs - psychostimulants: cocaine and its derivatives, including crack, caffeine, phenamine, ephedron, MDMA (ecstasy), pervitin, khat or khat, etc. Foreign authors also include nicotine in this group*. Cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the South American shrub, coca. After taking cocaine, slight dizziness and headache are observed, followed by inspiration, increased performance, acceleration of thought processes, increased motor activity, and the desire to communicate. Legal psychostimulants, including coffee, tea, and in extreme conditions of military operations or rescue operations, caffeine, are taken in order to continue forced work or study (before exams) activities. Withdrawal syndrome - general weakness, headache, anxiety, fear, short temper, irritability, and later - lethargy, apathy, constriction of the pupils. It is possible to develop cocaine psychosis, similar to alcoholic psychosis (“delirium tremens”).

Third group - psychodepressants: barbiturates and other hypnotics (barbamyl, etaminal sodium, barbital sodium, noxiron, etc.). Foreign authors also include alcohol in this group (13; 110). Abuse of these drugs is often the result of self-medication or addiction in the process of legal medical consumption. The euphoric effect resembles the state of alcohol intoxication. Dependence on barbiturates has very serious consequences. It turns out to be even more difficult to recover from addiction to seemingly “harmless” drugs than from other types of drug addiction. In a state of withdrawal (insomnia, anxiety, fear, palpitations), convulsions and mental disorders are possible.

The fourth group of narcotic drugs is derivatives cannabis- Indian (as well as Chui, Far Eastern) hemp: marijuana or hashish, also called anasha, plan. A few minutes after smoking, a euphoric effect occurs: “at first, an unconscious state of contentment is experienced... You want to sing, dance, lift enormous weights. Thoughts run like a maniac, faster and faster, appearing and disappearing... The sense of time and space is distorted. To someone intoxicated with hashish, minutes seem like years, hours like centuries. Very bizarre visual illusions. When walking up the stairs, it seems as if it reaches up to the clouds. The most insignificant noise is perceived as the stormy splash of waves, the roar of waterfalls (2; 20). Withdrawal syndrome in hashishism is less pronounced than in opiate addiction: headache, sleep disturbance, irritability, discomfort in the heart, chest, etc. However, long-term use of cannabis derivatives can lead to a number of mental disorders: hashish psychosis, twilight states with aggressive aspirations .

Finally, as a relatively independent fifth group, there are hallucinogens. These include naturally occurring substances - mescaline (from the buds of a type of cactus), psilocybin (from a type of mushroom), as well as synthetic ones - the infamous LSD (alpha-lysergic acid diethylamide), phencyclidine, or PCP, or “angel powder” and some others. Hallucinogens cause hallucinations, heightened sensations, and changes in the perception of time and space.

There are other classifications of drugs. Thus, inhalants (a number of toxic agents used by inhalation - “injections”), enactogens (including the aforementioned ecstasy), steroids, etc. are classified into a separate group.

2 . Drugs in Russia

2.1 Narcotismtion of Russia at the present stage

Over the last decade in Russia the number of adult drug addicts has increased eightfold, the number of teenage drug addicts has increased 18 times, and the number of child drug addicts has increased 24.3 times. According to expert estimates, more than four million people regularly use drugs in Russia. We are talking about the drug enslavement of Russia by Azerbaijanis, Gypsies, Tajiks, Turkmens, Chechens, and Georgians. The mafia makes a profit of a thousand percent from the sale of drugs. Thousands of shops, markets, restaurants, and cafes are opened with proceeds from the drug business, where criminal money is laundered. According to Interpol, the annual global turnover of the drug business is $500-800 billion.

According to experts from the National Anti-Corruption Committee, up to 30 percent of this amount is spent on bribing government officials. Isn’t this the reason why in 1991 the Supreme Council of the RSFSR easily abolished criminal and administrative liability for the use or possession of drugs for personal purposes - this was the beginning of democracy in Russia, and if earlier one gram of heroin in Moscow cost $200, then now - 20, and the average age of a drug addict has dropped from 30 to 24 years. In 1991, the number of adolescents registered for the first time with a diagnosis of drug addiction was 4.9 per hundred thousand inhabitants, now it is 77.4. Since 1997, mortality from drug use has increased 12 times, among children - 42 times. The life expectancy of drug addicts has decreased to 4 - 4.5 years from the start of drug use. (26; 56)

A raid by FSB and Ministry of Internal Affairs officers on discos and nightclubs in St. Petersburg in 2011 yielded a drug catch with a minimum value of 70 thousand dollars! - "ecstasy", phenamine, cocaine, which, as the investigation established, came from Germany, Holland, Poland, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as from the Middle East.

In 1991, the Supreme Council legalized drug use and until 1998 there were no penalties for drugs. Drug trafficking is a threat to the national integrity of Russia. When the law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” was developed, there was strong opposition to establishing liability for drug use. Even when the law had already been adopted, a number of deputies of the State Duma, almost ninety people, appealed to the Constitutional Court to abolish liability for drug use and legalize drugs...

Four thousand types of medicines containing narcotics and stimulants are sold in pharmacies, six thousand types of food products contain chemical elements, stimulants and drugs that poison the body.

Corrupt officials, transparent, porous borders and a soft legal framework with a thoroughly rotten law enforcement system. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of citizens are involved in the distribution of drugs throughout Russia: couriers, small dealers, very often not only for the sake of profit, big profits, but simply to improve the difficult financial situation, to somehow make ends meet. 65.7 percent of those involved in drug crime are young people 18-30 years old. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Moscow alone, not counting the region, more than 20 thousand drug dealers are actively working.

The volume of the drug market in Russia has long been measured in hundreds of tons. Every year, about 50 tons of drugs are seized from drug traffickers, and this, according to experts, is only a small part of the poison coming to Russia from all over the world. Couriers from 48 countries are detained for transporting and selling drugs - from Tajikistan and Lithuania to Nigeria, Angola, Zaire (31; 98).

According to the National Anti-Corruption Committee, the amount of heroin consumed in Russia ranges from 100 to 300 tons. In terms of money, this is 12 billion dollars, a tenth of the country’s total budget, a fifth of the federal budget. That is why, given the scale of the drug business in the country, we do not have a single high-profile case against drug lords. Our law enforcement agencies confiscate 45 tons of drugs a year, and the special Bureau for Combating Drugs in Iran - 250 tons, although Russia has long been exactly the same consumer and drug transit country as Iran.

Lately, it's not just heroin that's been coming to Russia. Many of the intercepted shipments contained barbiturate impurities. Barbiturate drug addicts are the only ones from whom drugs are not confiscated even during treatment in clinics. People get hooked on barbiturate heroin faster and stronger. There is an intensive displacement of the traditional Russian drugs, poppy, poppy straw, by harder ones - opium, its tinctures, as well as synthetic and semi-synthetic drugs - heroin, cocaine, amphetamines. According to forecasts by the Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, especially dangerous drugs obtained by improving chemical synthesis will soon appear.

Now so-called musical drugs have already appeared - their goal is to dull our citizens.

Every year, drug addicts in Russia are getting younger, a third of them are minors, the rest are under 35 years old, and a maximum of two percent are middle-aged. Out of every five teenagers admitted to the Filatov Children's Hospital in the capital, one child is an alcoholic, one is a drug addict, two are substance abusers. Only one child out of every five is normal. Three out of every five, mind you, are drug addicts! We are talking about an ordinary hospital, not specialized in drug addiction. According to Deputy Minister of Health Olga Sharapova: “In the active involvement of children and adolescents in psychoactive substances, the determining role, of course, is played by the insufficiency of personal defense mechanisms: the immaturity of volitional, intellectual, emotional systems...” (27; 15). But society is not busy educating and strengthening these protective mechanisms among young people; on the contrary, numerous television programs, computer games, the film industry, show business, the proliferation of “Halloweens” and “beer holidays” corrupt and ostracize young people. All show business, these festivals of stadiums and squares, including Red Square, are a cog in a giant narcotic mechanism. It is here, at grand parties and concerts, that drugs are sold on a massive scale and legions of newcomers are introduced to drugs. 70 percent of high school students in Moscow and St. Petersburg became acquainted with drugs in schools and places of mass entertainment for young people. But each of the drug addicts will certainly get more than one of his friends addicted to the potion. A drug addict needs 1-2 checks per day (a check is a dose of 0.1 grams); a drug addict needs no less than $500 per month. Where to get? One of the ways is to “get” 10-15 friends, and, while providing for them, sprinkle a little bit for yourself. But even those will soon need “clients”. This is how sales pyramids arise.

And then the clinics of the Marshaks and Genins, which have proliferated across the country, day and night, tirelessly, in an annoyingly insinuating, soothing tone, broadcast from the TV screen: “Drug addiction is a disease, and it is curable. Come to us. We have excellent conditions." Well, why not try to “get” the buzz,” the teenager argues. - If anything happens, I’ll be cured.

For such clinics, treating drug addicts is no less profitable than selling drugs. Two sides of the same coin of criminal business, two ends of the rope from which the noose is tied. In Moscow, calling a narcologist to your home costs 80-100 dollars. Treatment in private clinics - from 2 to 8 thousand dollars. Public hospitals are not far behind the private sector. In the 19th Moscow Narcological Hospital, a three-day course costs $500, in the 17th Moscow Narcological Hospital you need to pay up to $80 per day. On average, a thousand Moscow drug addicts bring doctors an annual income of 1.5 - 2 million dollars. The total number of drug addicts in Moscow and the region is approaching a quarter of a million - so who will seriously treat them with such profits!

Drug addiction in Russia has become an epidemic, threatening the gene pool of the nation,” participants in parliamentary hearings in the State Duma came to this conclusion. The number of drug users, according to official data, has reached four, according to unofficial data - six million people. (16; 50) About 20 million, including five million students, have tried drugs. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the number of registered drug-related crimes has increased by 1,407 percent over the past ten years.

The State Scientific Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation regularly conducts sociological research, and according to the latest reports, the picture of drug addiction in the Russian Federation is as follows:

Among adolescents aged 14 to 18 years, 88% of boys and 93% of girls consume alcoholic beverages

56% of boys and 20% of girls used narcotic and toxic substances at least once in their lives.

45% of boys and 18% of girls currently use drugs.

90% of drug addicts are diagnosed with a contagious form of hepatitis

The average age of a drug addict is steadily dropping to adolescence.

Over the past decade, the number of women using drugs has increased 6.5 times. Narcologists say that the effectiveness of drug addiction treatment is 3-5%. This means that out of 100 drug addicts who undergo treatment, only 3-5 people subsequently stop taking drugs, and also that 95-97% of patients treated at public expense after the end of treatment. (16; 40)

2 . 2 Socio-demographic composition of drug users and drug addicts

The socio-demographic composition of drug users, alcohol users, suicide victims, etc. is of significant theoretical and practical interest. This work contains data obtained from local studies. Although the latter are carried out at different times using different methods and cannot claim to be representative, which must be taken into account when analyzing them.

Gender . As in all deviant manifestations, men predominate among drug users and drug addicts. According to official data, the ratio of women to men among drug users and drug addicts ranges from 1:2 - 1:3 in developed countries to 1:20 in third world countries. The general trend is an increasing proportion of women among drug users. By the beginning of the 90s. XX century this ratio in different regions of Russia was 1:2 - 1:6. By 2000, among the residents of St. Petersburg, those who tried drugs at least once, there were 10.7% women, 28.6% men, and active drug users - 2.9% and 10.4%, respectively.

Age . Drug addiction is predominantly a global youth problem. In the works of A. Gabiani, it was noted that among drug users and drug addicts, over 67% of young people were under the age of 30, and the onset of drug use was at the age of 14-16. Nowadays, among St. Petersburg residents who are active drug users, people under the age of 19 make up almost 37%, 20-24 years old - over 29%, and 25-29 years old - over 20%; in total, young people under 30 years old make up about 86%. The age of the first sample of narcotic drugs or potent substances from among their consumers in St. Petersburg: 11-13 years old - about 6%, 14-16 years old - about 56%, 17-19 years old - over 38%.

Race (ethnicity). In foreign deviantology, especially American, much attention is paid to studies of the ethnic composition of drug addicts, alcoholics, criminals and other deviants.

Perhaps the only attempt known to us to consider the ethnic factor of deviant behavior of adolescents in modern Russia is a study, the results of which are reflected in the previously mentioned book by a group of authors - employees of the Center for Deviantology of the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thus, in St. Petersburg, among adolescents, the most involved in drug use were representatives of Turkic ethnic groups, with representatives of Finno-Ugric ethnic groups in second place. Western European ethnic groups are the least involved in drug use.

Education . The educational level of drug users and addicts is quite high, although somewhat lower than the average for the population. In St. Petersburg, in general, there is a decrease in drug use with increasing educational level. But among all groups of users (those who have occasionally tried drugs, former and actual active users), the largest share is made up of people with incomplete higher education.

Family status. Among drug users, there is a relatively high proportion of single, non-family individuals. This is partly explained by the young age of drug users, and partly by the inability for them to arrange a personal life. Some drug addicts' families broke up for obvious reasons.

Social status . The examples of the former USSR and modern Russia show how the social status of drug users is changing. According to A. Gabiani (80s of the 20th century), among drug users, workers made up over 70%, collective farmers - less than 1%, engineers and employees - about 9%, those who did not work and did not study - over 15%. Of the total number of persons who committed drug-related crimes in the USSR, 42% were workers, more than 8% were employees, 6.4% were students, and about 31% were not working or not studying. According to our data, in Leningrad over a number of years, among those convicted of drug-related crimes, 37-42% were workers, 3-10% employees, 5-12% students, 35-45% not working or not studying. Calculation of the coefficient of criminal drug activity (the quotient of dividing the share of a social group among convicts by the share of the same group in the population) showed the maximum drug activity of workers (1.3), followed by students (0.7), and finally, employees (0.1 ). This indicator could not be calculated for non-workers and non-students due to the lack of data on their share in the urban population. Thus, as in many other types of negative deviant behavior, workers were in the lead, violating all official ideas about the “hegemon.” (22; 101)

In modern Russia, according to the results of local empirical studies, the main consumers of narcotic drugs are students. A significant proportion of workers continues to remain. The proportion of people who do not have a permanent source of income (not working or studying) is high. In 2000 in St. Petersburg, active drug users were: of the total population - 6%, of students and students - 23.9%, of unskilled workers - 7%, of semi-skilled workers - 5.3%, of unskilled employees - 6.1%, among semi-skilled employees - 2.6%, among managers - 6.1%, among technical intelligentsia - 2.%, among humanitarian intelligentsia - 1.8%. (7; 401)

Foreign researchers note the relationship between the status and type of preferred drugs, the urban nature of drug addiction and the increased proportion of immigrants among drug addicts.

3 . Aantinarcoticand Ipoliticianand states

3.1 Worldand Russianexperience in combating drug addiction in society

Government policies and public opinion towards drugs and drug use have varied significantly over time and across countries: from tolerance and even benevolence to complete rejection, prohibition and persecution. “Ironically, in contrast to its current popularity, alcohol and nicotine, as well as caffeine, were prohibited in the past... In 1642, Pope Urban VIII issued a bull excommunicating all tobacco users. Some European states banned it, and the Ottoman Sultan Murad IV even imposed the death penalty for smoking tobacco. However, none of the countries into which tobacco has entered has succeeded in banning it, despite any penalties. Likewise, all attempts to ban tea, coffee and cocoa have failed.” (10; 101)

The international community began to take the first joint steps to solve the problem of drug addiction: in 1909, the Shanghai Opium Commission was convened, and in January 1912, the first multilateral international drug control treaty, the Hague Convention, was adopted, followed by nine more conventions and agreements. Currently, international control over the production and distribution of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is carried out on the basis of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971.

History has known both completely peaceful coexistence of society and drugs, and antagonism right up to battles (“opium wars” in China, US military actions against Latin American drug lords). However, “we have not won a single battle against drugs and we never will,” because “we cannot banish drugs and drug addicts from our lives.” The Hamburg drug commissioner, Mr. H. Bossong, speaking in St. Petersburg in February 1995, said: “Drug use and drug addiction will not disappear under the system of prohibitions of the criminal law... You cannot teach a person to lead a healthy lifestyle under threat of criminal punishment." And criminologist J. Schoncheck views the “war on drugs” policy as the result of a mystification of the problem, false consciousness and hypocrisy.

That is why currently in the civilized world there is a gradual transition from the “war on drugs” policy War on Drugs» ) to a policy of “less harm” Harm reduction» ). This is stated in the Report of the US National Commission on Criminal Justice, in the works of scientists and in the speeches of politicians. The Netherlands, Switzerland, Great Britain, and Australia are following this path most consistently. (25; 57) The third way - a combination of prohibition with active anti-drug propaganda, social and medical assistance to drug addicts - was chosen by Sweden.

Unfortunately, Russia is again going “its own way”, neglecting both foreign and its own experience. Strengthening the ban and repression, replacing real anti-drug activities (social, medical, pedagogical, psychological) with another attack of “intensifying the fight” only worsens the situation.

The Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” of 1997 is a sharp step backward, negating the first timid successes in providing assistance to drug addicts. A total set of prohibited narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and analogues (Articles 1, 2); ban on the use of narcotic drugs by private practitioners (Article 31); prohibition of non-medical consumption of drugs and psychotropic substances (Article 40); sharp limitation of information permissible in anti-drug propaganda (Article 46); as well as with the use of narcotic drugs, for example methadone therapy, which exists in most countries (Article 55); the use of compulsory medical measures (Article 54, paragraph 3); the actual elimination of anonymous treatment (Article 56) - throws the country back and leads to complete helplessness of drug users and their families in front of the drug business, the criminalization of non-state medical care, an increase in the crime of drug users for the sake of purchasing drugs, etc.

Meanwhile, there is a variety of international, and partly domestic, practice of anti-drug programs, anti-drug propaganda, preventive work and assistance to drug addicts. Thus, Societies of Anonymous Narcotics, the Polish “Monar”, and the St. Petersburg “Renaissance” function all over the world. The Polish experience in preventing drug addiction among the population deserves study and dissemination. Concentrating efforts on preventing drug addiction among the population and providing medical and psychological assistance to drug addicts should become the main directions of anti-drug policy. An emphasis on “forceful methods” can only increase prices on the black market for drugs, to the delight of the drug business.

3.2 MeasuresI'll warn youanticipating the escalation of drug addiction in Russia

Having analyzed the drug addiction problem, proactive measures are needed to stop further escalation of the drug addiction problem:

Timely identification of drug users through mass diagnostic examinations. But we must realize that the effect of implementing only such a measure will be reduced to identifying a certain number of already ill and sick people.

Prevention (including psychological and pedagogical), carried out under constant medical supervision (supervision), primarily for persons with identified hypersensitivity, whose personal characteristics predispose them to search for ways to get rid of problems through drug use.

Training the population leading a healthy, sober, socially positive lifestyle on how to live in an unhealthy society, among people who use alcohol, drugs, and toxic substances.

Tasks of mass prevention- this is the observance and development of conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of health; promotion of healthy lifestyles; preventing the occurrence and development of diseases by influencing unfavorable environmental factors and bad habits; early detection of manifestations of diseases for carrying out psychocorrective measures; prevention of worsening of the disease; restoration of working capacity.

Using only healthcare and mass prevention, no diseases can be prevented. There is a need for coherent, coordinated efforts of all systems of social infrastructure of society on the basis of a systematic approach to conducting relevant comprehensive research, combining on a targeted basis all means of healthcare, education and medical achievements: from counseling to new methods of psychological and pedagogical correction, treatment and medical and social rehabilitation. We can conclude that the role of the social worker in this problem is very high. Mainly to help the addict overcome his addiction.

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The specifics of youth, female, male drug addiction, what is drug addiction among pensioners, what are the problems of families of socially marginalized people? There is a lot of useful information and statistics for everyone interested in this issue in the work of the head of the deviant behavior sector of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.E. Pozdnyakova.

The problem of drug addiction requires a comprehensive consideration. The very process of identifying multiple aspects of this social pathology and then integrating the resulting data requires interdisciplinary research. Therefore, in developing the problem, the results of which will be presented below, specialists from various fields of knowledge participated - sociologists, lawyers, psychologists, as well as practitioners with experience in the prevention of deviant behavior.

This approach allows us to rethink the epidemiological problems of drug addiction, the biological and social mechanisms of addiction to drugs, the role of certain drugs in changing the user’s personality and behavioral characteristics, to identify premorbid (pre-morbid) pathological characteristics of future drug addicts, and much more. What is certainly new in research on drug addiction is its consideration as a form of deviant behavior that determines the specific lifestyle of the drug addict. Unfortunately, drug addiction itself is becoming an element of the modern way of life in our country.

In the last decade, the drug situation in Russia has sharply worsened due to serious changes in the cause-and-effect relationships characteristic of the drug addiction process. It is known that statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and other ministries and departments do not reflect the real state of affairs when it comes to such a latent phenomenon as drug addiction. According to the Ministry of Health, at the end of 1999 there were 300 thousand drug addicts registered with doctors. According to WHO standards, on average every 50th drug addict is registered. According to the same data, if the share of drug addicts in the population structure is 7 percent or more, then irreversible processes of degeneration of the population and the disintegration of all social structures are taking place in this country. The drug culture begins to reproduce itself within its own framework. According to experts, the number of drug addicts in Russia has reached 7 percent and amounts to more than 10 million people.

The methodology for studying the characteristics of the spread of drug addiction in Russia, based on the results of state statistics, made it possible to identify hotspots of the spread of drug addiction and substance abuse and show the uniqueness of the situation in individual regions. In Russia, there are 24 regions of increased drug risk, where the corresponding indicators exceed the national average (incidence rate - 19.2 per 100 thousand population). The highest rates were noted in the Tomsk region (80.1), Tyumen region (61), Irkutsk region (58.9), in the Republic of Tuva (50.9), as well as in the Krasnodar, Primorsky territories and Kaliningrad. The increase in the prevalence of drug addiction is typical for both urban and rural populations, but in cities the problem of drug addiction is more acute than in rural areas. Over the past five years, the incidence of drug addiction has increased in the city by 6.7 times, and in the countryside by 3.4 times. Drugs today have their own established distribution channels that are different from those in the past. The reason is due to changing consumption motives and greater openness between countries. The main motive today is the search for euphoria, the nature of which is determined by cultural and social factors. Other motives for turning to drugs have also been identified.

Youth drug addiction. If older youth groups are characterized by a search for euphoria when choosing a particular drug, then in younger age groups the main motive is curiosity, leading to the spread of psychedelic drugs that cause hallucinations. The fact that in adolescents socialization takes place in a peer group often turns out to be a decisive factor in the dissemination of information, fashion, norms of behavior, and methods of self-affirmation.

Thus, among children and adolescents, the leading motive is the group motive - following the group’s way of acting, subordinating to fashion. The group dictates what and in what quantity should be accepted. Consequently, group dependence and mutual influence are one of the significant reasons for the spread of interest in drugs. Children and teenagers take drugs because everyone does them, it’s fashionable and interesting. These motives are common to the group.

The group acts as a whole - it is driven by one motive, even if this motive does not coincide with the motive of the individual. The stimulus comes from an older and stronger person, sometimes from an adult who has subjugated the teenager. A teenager cannot refuse either a drug taken by the whole group or participation in theft, even if he knows that the drug is harmful and theft is punishable. This mutual induction makes groups of teenagers extremely dangerous to themselves and others.

In addition to the group motive, in the older age group there is a search for euphoria. But this point is unclear in children and adolescents. Curiosity often carries more weight. A distinctive feature of teenage drug addiction is the lack of a clear choice of “your favorite drug,” the combination of drugs with alcohol, and the combination of various drugs. There is no preference for any particular drug. Such polynarcotization also forms a special attraction, aimed not at obtaining a certain sensation, but at achieving a state of stunning. The insignificant role of euphoria in drug addiction is also confirmed by the fact that for a long time intoxicants are used indiscriminately, that is, whatever comes to hand. For them, all that is important is joint intoxication, which brings the group together and balances its members. Unlike a teenager, an adult is never guided by group considerations. The group motive for taking intoxicants by children and adolescents is different from the motive of an adult.

The main feature of modern drug addiction among adolescents is the reduction of the age limit for the onset of drug addiction to eleven to thirteen years, while at the same time, the first acquaintance with household chemicals is noted at seven to nine years.

Changing the drug distribution pattern. Previously, drugs were concentrated in the lower social strata. Currently, the process of drug addiction goes from the more affluent to the less affluent. This aggravates the criminal situation and leads to increased social danger. Young people of all social classes are involved in drug addiction. A subculture of preference for drugs over traditional alcohol consumption is emerging among teenagers. The danger of drugs to the health of the younger generation must be considered in two aspects: the consequences of both one-time (sometimes accidental) and systematic use.

The first, as surprising as it may seem, poses a more serious problem. There are many more people who try drugs than others, but because of them, the risk of dangerous consequences of primary drug addiction increases. Some die before they become drug addicts, sometimes during the first injections. The tragedy of these episodes is that it is not drug addicts who die, but young healthy people due to overdoses.

The use of drugs that are expensive for teenagers indicates their involvement in criminal structures.

According to studies, early substance abuse is associated with early sexual activity. Girls thirteen to fourteen years old, who are at various stages of their “drug career,” have experience of sexual life. Substance abuse contributes to the spread of sexual deviance in society. This damage has not yet been truly assessed, just as the impact of drug use on the growth of crime has not been assessed. From the stories of the majority of respondents - fans of basement and attic companies - it follows that, for example, the loss of social connections and lack of sources of income turns some drug users into passive homosexuals in order to earn money for drugs.

The relationship between crime and drug addiction. The number of crimes related to drug trafficking, on average across the country, doubles every year for almost the entire set of acts provided for in the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The increase in registered crime does not give an idea of ​​the entire array of crimes committed in the field of drug trafficking. The vast majority of them remain latent; only every third criminal act and every seventh of acts committed for the purpose of sales are reflected in statistics.

According to our research, there has been a trend towards a change in the ratio of the number of people convicted of crimes in the field of drug trafficking and the number of people convicted of other crimes. Among crimes related to drug trafficking, there is a high proportion of individuals committing group crimes. Recidivism among drug addicts significantly exceeds the level of general recidivism. Recidivist drug addicts are one of the youngest age groups. Repeated convictions are most often associated with drug crime, primarily with the sale of drugs. It has been established that one distributor serves 18-20 consumers. On the other hand, the proselytism of drug addicts is known. Each drug addict, according to estimates, “infects” six to ten people. Most drug users engage in some form of illegal drug trafficking.

Drug addicts with criminal convictions for drug offenses have a higher educational level than the average criminal. The proportion of people with specialized secondary, incomplete higher and higher education is twice as large as in the group with a criminal record for other crimes.

A relationship has been discovered between various types of crimes and the very nature of certain types of drugs. Thus, different drugs have different effects on the body and cause different consequences. Crimes involving violence against a person are typical for those who abuse sleeping pills, hashish, and stimulants. People who use stimulants are characterized by sexual crimes, pedophilia, and homosexuality. For opiate addicts, as a rule, a tendency to violence is atypical. Crimes such as theft of drugs from medical institutions are more often committed by polydrug addicts.

Taking into account the latency of drug trafficking, the forecast for this type of crime is unfavorable: drug trafficking will increase. Its main consequence is the increase in drug addiction.

Changing methods of anesthesia, drug structure, demand for new drugs. In recent years, so-called designer drugs have appeared - ephedrone and trimethylfentanyl. With the increase in the number of synthesized drugs, smart drugs (considered harmless, but which are powerful stimulants designed to enhance intelligence or sexual performance) have developed. Smart drugs (smart foods, smart drinks) have already been spotted in our supermarkets.

Drug addiction among women. An indicator of the growth of drug use in society is the increase in the proportion of women drug users. The incidence rate of women exceeding the average was recorded in 23 regions of Russia. The proportion of female drug addicts ranges from 12 to 30 percent. In the late 1980s, this figure ranged from 2 to 7 percent. The ratio between women and men is 1:7. The number of women newly diagnosed with drug addiction has increased sharply. There has been an increase in female crime associated with drug use; severe forms of drug addiction with pronounced medical and social consequences predominate. Drug addiction is more common among young women under thirty years of age. According to many characteristics, women from thirty to forty-five years old also belong to this group.

Female drug addiction is a special phenomenon in terms of the nature of psychological manifestations, the peculiarities of the formation of the need for drugs, personality characteristics and forms of adaptation to living conditions. The basis of drug addiction in women is a deformation of a pathological and social nature, the cause and consequence of which is the devaluation of life. The unique reasons for women's involvement in drugs have been revealed. Thus, in the structure of the motivational-need sphere (along with the addiction to drugs), the motives of personal protection, preservation of family ties, and return to conventional society as an equal member predominate. The motives determined by the desire for drug intoxication do not conflict with the motives for returning to society and the desire to have recognition and approval from others. Drug addicts often lack an adequate assessment of their conflict with society and its legal and moral norms. The structure of drugs among young women is dominated by homemade opiates, stimulants, cannabis derivatives, as well as expensive imported drugs: heroin, cocaine, psychedelic drugs (ecstasy) and ketamine (ketalar, calypsol). Older age groups are characterized by the use of both traditional drugs and the combination of alcohol with sleeping pills.

The motives for the primary drug use of women are different at a young and mature age and stem from the social characteristics of the users. The causes of female drug addiction are not only more diverse than those of men, but also particularly specific: women’s voluntary involvement in drug use in order to maintain marital (love) relationships with a drug-addicted partner, the “empty nest” syndrome, changes in traditionally female roles, difficulty adapting to changed living conditions. Among those who occasionally use drugs, in first place are representatives of the “new” social strata: businessmen, entrepreneurs, in second place are workers and the unemployed, and third place is shared by housewives and students.

The data we obtained is most likely temporary in nature, associated with an unexpected and painful breakdown of social relations. In many cases, drug use by women is a means of adaptation to living conditions. A unique adaptation option can be considered the voluntary inclusion of women in drug use in order to maintain intimate relationships with a drug-addicted partner. Due to the increase in female drug addiction, the problem of the offspring of drug addicts is also becoming more acute. The future of children will result in their mental illness. The social consequences of the birth and upbringing of such children will be a decrease in the intellectual, moral and economic potential of society, which will, in turn, lead to new demographic problems.

A feature of the drug addiction of the Russian population in recent years is the increase in the proportion of middle-aged and older women who are consumers of narcotic and narcotic substances. One of the reasons for the passion for tranquilizers and sleeping pills has become widespread in those groups that in public opinion have nothing to do with drug addiction. For a certain part of women with similar addictive behavior, anesthesia makes it possible to implement some typically female life strategies, for example, to arrange or maintain a personal life, to satisfy the need for communication, relaxation, affiliation, status, and to resolve other social problems.

Male drug addiction. The increase in the proportion of men with addictive behavior in older age groups is less significant (lower life expectancy). Some are prone to combining alcohol and various tranquilizers, while others, being in a long-term state of remission (more than three years) after treatment for alcoholism, widely use sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and analgesics. Among people who use psychoactive substances, 7 percent are middle-aged and older people. Drug use most often occurs alone. In the West, such drug addiction is called “silent”. According to some data, it affects 0.5 percent of the population, according to others – 4 percent.

In many cases, the formation of addiction was preceded by alcohol abuse and (or) age-related feelings of loneliness, uselessness, depression, chronic diseases, neurotic disorders, and insomnia. One of the reasons for addictive behavior in these age groups is the loss of a prestigious job. On the one hand, people who highly value the content and high status of their profession experience especially hard the need to change it to a higher paid but less qualified one; on the other hand, being focused on family, are experiencing quite a hard time with the sharp decline in their level of well-being.

The problem of drug addiction in older age groups is currently no less relevant than in youth, and requires close attention of researchers.

Retired drug addicts. Of course, a new and alarming trend is drug addiction at the age of “reverse development” (post-retirement age), which manifests itself more often among women. It usually occurs alone and is secondary to existing age-related disorders and associated social problems. The main motive for drug use in this case is the need to improve one’s mental state and relieve the unpleasant sensations associated with deteriorating health. The beginning of the drug addiction of men and women is a slowly developing process, which later includes the use of illegal drugs (psychedelics, stimulants) purchased on the black market.

Addictive behavior of people, defined as the desire to escape reality, is a new and very serious problem. Due to uncertainty about the future, many will strive to change their situation by transforming their mental state, trying to help themselves artificially, using medications. Since the number of drug addicts will definitely increase, preventive work becomes especially important, the purpose of which should be to provide socio-psychological assistance to all age and gender groups.

Drug addiction as a factor of pseudo-creative activity. For the first time in studies of drug addiction as a social phenomenon, an intermediate stage of initiation into drugs was identified - the addiction stage (early stage of anesthesia, period of adaptation, short periods of anesthesia, short experience of taking the potion - the initial stage of the process of drug addiction formation). This stage is characterized by signs of emotional activity, constantly high vitality, reduced sleep, desire for physical comfort, composure, high performance, satisfactory well-being, a feeling of sharpness and strength of perception, experiences, a surge of internal energy, clarity of comprehension. Only positive emotions are noted. Drug users are talkative, sociable, disinhibited, and ignore everyday problems. A person is in a state of emotional elation, optimistically perceives reality, which is not overshadowed by the troubles that occur, which is extremely important in our time. Most often, these are people with creative potential; they are characterized by a desire for creative activity. Their psycho-emotional state (habits and ideas at this stage are reinforced by strong positive emotions and a feeling of pleasure) explains the low effectiveness of our preventive efforts.

Such a state in which the world around us seems blissful and everything evokes only good feelings, and physical self-esteem is inflated, is subjectively vital. For drug users, this state is achieved by specific anesthesia, as a rule, only when taking a habitual drug, most often with the classic form of drug addiction - the use of opium. It should be noted that at this stage a person is most productive. At the next stage, performance is ensured exclusively by a higher and systematic dose of the drug. During this period, the previous sociopsychological motivation for drug addiction disappears. This is the fundamental difference between this stage and the intermediate stage – the stage of addiction to drugs. Over time, there comes a gradual depletion of various functions of the body with all the ensuing consequences.

At the same time, among drug users who were in the studied stage of narcotization, a group of people aged twenty-two to twenty-five years old was identified who took cocaine or heroin two to four times a month for over six months, without increasing single doses of drugs. They are characterized by the same condition.

Increasing business activity is effective for an adult with established behavioral stereotypes and work skills. A teenager, whose psyche and, consequently, behavior is not yet sufficiently organized, experiences emotional fluctuations during the intermediate period of introducing drugs. Characteristic of age, this behavioral sign of increased vital activity acquires pathological features.

This state of the consumer is a kind of advertising for potential consumers. It is known that drug addicts have a special tendency to romanticize “positive” information about drugs. Typically, occasional drug users are highly respected people who have their own business or work in various commercial structures, banks, and students of prestigious universities. Their interests are completely focused on their main activity, which is characterized by significant intensity and a working day of up to 10-12 hours a day. Among the values, work, social prestige and success come first. For them, drugs are just a means to improve their leisure time. The purpose of taking drugs is to relax, to disconnect from everyday worries. According to observers, such a reception could last one to two years. For obvious reasons, such persons do not come to the attention of the medical service. The existence of such examples creates for people at the beginning of their drug journey the illusion of the possibility of using various euphoric substances without symptoms of drug dependence, therefore, at this stage of turning to drugs, all available forms of social control should be applied.

The family of a drug addict and the problem of families of social marginals. Until 1991, the main social characteristic of a family that influenced a child’s tendency to deviate was the level of education of the parents, primarily the mother. Now the importance of this factor is decreasing and involvement in drug use is beginning to correlate more strongly with the financial situation of the family (among the children of wealthy parents there are more who have tried drugs than among children from low-income families).

The current situation is transitional, and in the future the influence of the level of financial security of the family in the context of a lack of spiritual development on the child’s initiation into drug use will increase. The level of professional qualifications of parents has almost no connection with their children's involvement in drug use. At the same time, there is a connection between the involvement of adolescents in drug use and the employment sector of their parents. Among those whose mothers work in the commercial sector of the economy, the proportion who have tried drugs is the highest.

A new source of replenishment of the number of drug addicts has been identified - the marginal strata of modern Russian society. One of the most common characteristics of parental families of drug users before 1992 was the low material and educational level of parents. Currently, among drug users, a significant proportion of teenagers have parents with incomplete and completed higher education; their drug addiction is caused not so much by their own maladjustment, but by the social maladjustment of their parents. Both children of parents who have lost their social status (having a higher education and no work and, accordingly, no income), and equally children of parents who have acquired a fundamentally new social status (the level of education is low, material security is high) are involved in drugs. Thus, an important factor in inclusion in drug use is belonging to marginal sections of society. But it is not so much the marginalized people themselves who show a penchant for drugs, but their children. The peculiarities of modern socio-economic processes in Russia contribute to the intensive development of marginality and, accordingly, an increase in drug use.

A direct connection has been discovered between involvement in drug addiction and the acquisition of a social status that is fundamentally new for our society - work in the commercial sphere as an employee or private owner. Currently, the part of our society with which it pins its hopes for reforming the country is at increased risk.

Since 1996, a new situation has arisen in the spread of drug addiction: epidemic HIV infection of drug users through needles, syringes and contaminated solutions of narcotic drugs, and through them infection of the healthy part of the population (90 percent of these are people who inject homemade drugs intravenously). For example, in the Kaliningrad region and Krasnodar region, the total number of HIV-infected drug addicts exceeded 70 percent of all people infected with HIV. Such patients appeared in the Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Perm regions, Stavropol Territory and in a number of other regions.

A comparative analysis of the personality of a drug addict and an occasional user, as well as the mechanism of formation of addiction to drugs in different gender and age groups, revealed both general patterns of the formation of addiction to drugs and the absence of specific features of drug addiction in some groups, which is explained by the property of psychoactive substances not only to cause emotionally positive reactions , but also to neutralize emotionally negative states. This seems quite important due to the fact that the second property of drugs is rarely taken into account by specialists, but perhaps it is this that determines the fatality of the first contact with the drug. This means that in addition to the main, hedonistic motive, there is another, no less significant motive that determines the transition from the first samples to episodic use.

When identifying risk groups by constructing a special index, the components of which were several indicators of involvement with drug addicts, the connection between the social status of the parental family and the likelihood of a teenager becoming involved in drugs before the age of fourteen was examined, that is, at a younger age than the average age of first use. . A connection was found between the level of parental education and early exposure to drugs: a high level of education reduces the likelihood of early drug use, and a high level of financial support increases it. The level of involvement in drug use among adolescents from families with polar social status (the lowest and the highest) is almost the same.

Thus, the modern drug situation is characterized by a rapid growth in the number of users, an expansion of the geography of child drug addiction, a change in the structure of drug consumption (the transition to so-called hard drugs), the persistence of a high proportion of consumption of various synthetic substances, and an active process of drug trafficking.

A special feature of the situation is the growing dynamics of the spread of drug addiction among young people, giving drugs the status of a socio-cultural phenomenon with a special form of subculture. Each region develops its own drug subculture, and its own technology for preparing and consuming drugs dominates.

There have been serious changes in cause-and-effect relationships, and the motives for drug use have changed. The euphoric motive for drug use, which is relevant today for various social and age groups, has qualitatively changed the dynamics of drug addiction. Previously, its spread was observed to be undulating, but now it is increasing. A survey of experts showed that one of the reasons for the widespread use of drugs is the established drug market. At the same time, the assertion that the drug market creates a drug addiction problem in the country seems unconvincing to us. Drugs used to circulate in certain circles of society, but did not become a threat to the health of the nation. It took a combination of circumstances for mass demand to arise. According to our data, one of the serious circumstances is the economic situation in reformed Russia.

Prevention of drug addiction takes on a political dimension, since it affects the relationship between states that produce and consume drugs, and also reflects the struggle within society of various forces that are in one way or another interested in the spread of drug addiction or its elimination. The cardinal problem of drug addiction prevention in Russia is the discrepancy between the nature of our prevention and such a deep social and psychological phenomenon as the mass desire of people to intoxicate themselves.

What are the trends in the further development of drug addiction among the population if the fight against drug addiction continues to be carried out by scattered efforts, and the national program remains on paper?

Previously, the level of drug addiction in the population developed sinusoidally, with periods of rise followed by periods of decline. The reason for the decline was the improvement of socio-economic conditions and, sadly, the extinction of a drug-affected generation that left no offspring. Now a number of observable factors do not allow us to look into the future optimistically. Everything that led to a decline in drug addiction in the past has now lost its effectiveness.

    Socio-economic factors. Poverty still remains the polar pole of wealth both within one state and in the global community. On a global scale, poor countries with plant-based drugs will supply drugs to richer countries.

    In conditions of reduced responsibility when entering into marriage, drug addicts and drug addicts manage to leave their infected offspring to society.

    The biological characteristics of the population are deteriorating (due to many factors, including environmental ones), and, consequently, the number of people with primitive demands and norms of behavior, unable to resist the temptation of dubious pleasures and entertainment, is increasing.

    The aggravation of the drug situation is influenced by the previously non-existent mafia and drug business.

Drugs really threaten the country's national security. They are capable of blowing up the fundamental foundations of human security, society and the state, destroying the national gene pool, moral, social, political, economic foundations, causing man-made accidents and catastrophes, and military conflicts.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Ulyanovsk State Technical University

Faculty of Humanities

Department of Political Science, Sociology and Public Relations

Abstract on sociology on the topic “Social and psychological causes of drug addiction in society”

Completed by: Shakirova L.

Checked by: Shinyaeva O.V.

Ulyanovsk 2009


1. Drug addiction is one of the most important social problems.

2. Social causes of drug addiction.

2.1 Macrosocial level

2.2 Microsocial level

3. Psychological reasons.




Drug addiction is one of the most pressing problems of modern society, as evidenced by statistics. The number of drug addicts in Russia, according to various estimates, ranges from 3 to 8 million people. This data was provided by the head of the department of interdepartmental cooperation in the field of prevention of the Federal Service for Control of Narcotic Drugs (FSKN) of Russia B. Tselinsky.

The consequences of drug addiction in society are devastating. Drugs are capable of blowing up the fundamental foundations of human security, society and the state, destroying the national gene pool (the main factor in the excess mortality of Russians is the high level of consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs), moral, social, political, economic foundations, causing man-made accidents and catastrophes, and military conflicts. Consequently, drug addiction is a problem for the entire world community.

Modern scientists develop in sufficient detail explanations for the emergence of drug addiction and identify 4 main directions, 4 groups of factors of drug addiction; sociological, including the influence of society and family, biological, explaining the tendency to abuse the characteristics of the body and a special predisposition, psychological (or mental), considering the characteristics and deviations in the psyche, and cultural aspects of drug addiction, since the influence of a certain cultural tradition of drug use allows us to explain motives that cannot be explained by the three listed factors.

The goal is to consider drug addiction as a social problem, to identify the social and psychological reasons for its widespread spread.

1. Consider drug addiction as an acute social problem

2. Among the factors that cause drug addiction in society, consider separately the social and psychological aspects.

3. Among the social causes of drug addiction, consider family as a determining factor.

1. NarcotizationI -one of the most important socialproblems

Drug addiction in society is one of the most pressing problems not only in the Russian but also in the world community. Its problem requires a comprehensive consideration, in which all mechanisms must be taken into account: social, biological, cultural. Of course, what is new in research on the problems of drug addiction is its consideration as a form of deviant behavior that determines the specific lifestyle of the drug addict. Unfortunately, drug addiction itself is becoming an element of the modern way of life in our country.

In the last decade, the drug situation in Russia has sharply worsened due to serious changes in the cause-and-effect relationships characteristic of the drug addiction process. It is known that statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and other ministries and departments do not reflect the real state of affairs when it comes to such a latent phenomenon as drug addiction. According to the Ministry of Health, at the end of 1999 there were 300 thousand drug addicts registered with doctors. According to WHO standards, on average every 50th drug addict is registered. According to the same data, if the share of drug addicts in the population structure is 7 percent or more, then irreversible processes of degeneration of the population and the disintegration of all social structures are taking place in this country. The drug culture begins to reproduce itself within its own framework. According to experts, the number of drug addicts in Russia has reached 7 percent and amounts to more than 10 million people.

The methodology for studying the characteristics of the spread of drug addiction in Russia, based on the results of state statistics, made it possible to identify hotspots of the spread of drug addiction and substance abuse and show the uniqueness of the situation in individual regions. In Russia, there are 24 regions of increased drug risk, where the corresponding indicators exceed the national average (incidence rate - 19.2 per 100 thousand population). The highest rates were noted in the Tomsk region (80.1), Tyumen region (61), Irkutsk region (58.9), in the Republic of Tuva (50.9), as well as in the Krasnodar, Primorsky territories and Kaliningrad. The increase in the prevalence of drug addiction is typical for both urban and rural populations, but in cities the problem of drug addiction is more acute than in rural areas. Over the past five years, the incidence of drug addiction has increased in the city by 6.7 times, and in the countryside by 3.4 times. Drugs today have their own established distribution channels that are different from those in the past. The reason is changed consumption motives and greater openness between countries. The main motive today is the search for euphoria, the nature of which is determined by cultural and social factors.

Modern society is extremely interested in finding optimal and intensive forms of effectively overcoming drug addiction. Narcotization of the population jeopardizes the implementation of national projects in various areas - in healthcare, social, youth, demographic areas, and in general, the national security of the country. In addition, drug addiction seems not only dangerous from a social point of view, as a factor in the marginalization of certain groups and categories of citizens, but also as one of the leading causes of ordinary crime.

A new source of replenishment of the number of drug addicts has been identified - the marginal strata of modern Russian society. One of the most common characteristics of parental families of drug users before 1992 was the low material and educational level of parents. Currently, among drug users, a significant proportion of teenagers have parents with incomplete and completed higher education; their drug addiction is caused not so much by their own maladjustment, but by the social maladjustment of their parents. Both children of parents who have lost their social status (having a higher education and no work and, accordingly, no income), and equally children of parents who have acquired a fundamentally new social status (the level of education is low, material security is high) are involved in drugs. Thus, an important factor in inclusion in drug use is belonging to marginal layers of society. But it is not so much the marginalized people themselves who show a penchant for drugs, but their children. The peculiarities of modern socio-economic processes in Russia contribute to the intensive development of marginality and, accordingly, an increase in drug use.

Since 1996, a new situation has arisen in the spread of drug addiction: epidemic HIV infection of drug users through needles, syringes and contaminated solutions of narcotic drugs, and through them infection of the healthy part of the population (90 percent of these are people who inject homemade drugs intravenously).

The social danger of drug addiction also lies in the fact that the age limit for the onset of drug addiction is decreasing to eleven - thirteen years, while at the same time, the first acquaintance with household chemicals is noted at seven - nine years. The fact that in adolescents socialization takes place in a peer group often turns out to be a decisive factor in the dissemination of information, fashion, norms of behavior, and methods of self-affirmation. In children and adolescents, the leading motive, unlike adults, is the group motive - following the group’s way of acting, obeying fashion. Consequently, group dependence and mutual influence are one of the significant reasons for the spread of interest in drugs.

Another trend is the change in drug distribution patterns. Previously, drugs were concentrated in the lower social strata. Currently, the process of drug addiction goes from the more affluent to the less affluent. This aggravates the criminal situation and leads to increased social danger. Young people of all social classes are involved in drug addiction. A subculture of preference for drugs over traditional alcohol consumption is emerging among teenagers. The danger of drugs to the health of the younger generation must be considered in two aspects: the consequences of both one-time (sometimes accidental) and systematic use.

The first, as surprising as it may seem, poses a more serious problem. There are many more people who try drugs than others, but because of them, the risk of dangerous consequences of primary drug addiction increases. Some die before they become drug addicts, sometimes during the first injections. The tragedy of these episodes is that it is not drug addicts who die, but young healthy people due to overdoses.

The use of drugs that are expensive for teenagers indicates their involvement in criminal structures.

Substance abuse contributes to the spread of sexual deviance in society. This damage has not yet been truly assessed, just as the impact of drug use on the growth of crime has not been assessed. From the stories of the majority of respondents - fans of basement and attic companies - it follows that, for example, the loss of social connections and lack of sources of income turns some drug users into passive homosexuals for the sake of earning money for drugs.

The relationship between crime and drug addiction. The number of crimes related to drug trafficking, on average across the country, doubles every year for almost the entire set of acts provided for in the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The increase in registered crime does not give an idea of ​​the entire array of crimes committed in the field of drug trafficking. The vast majority of them remain latent; only every third criminal act and every seventh of acts committed for the purpose of sales are reflected in statistics.

According to our research, there has been a trend towards a change in the ratio of the number of people convicted of crimes in the field of drug trafficking and the number of people convicted of other crimes. Among crimes related to drug trafficking, there is a high proportion of individuals committing group crimes. Recidivism among drug addicts significantly exceeds the level of general recidivism. Recidivist drug addicts are one of the youngest age groups. Repeated convictions are most often associated with drug crime, primarily with the sale of drugs. It has been established that one distributor serves 18-20 consumers. On the other hand, the proselytism of drug addicts is known. Each drug addict, according to estimates, “infects” six to ten people. Most drug users engage in some form of illegal drug trafficking.

Drug addicts with criminal convictions for drug offenses have a higher educational level than the average criminal. The proportion of people with specialized secondary, incomplete higher and higher education is twice as large as in the group with a criminal record for other crimes.

Taking into account the latency of drug trafficking, the forecast for this type of crime is unfavorable: drug trafficking will increase. Its main consequence is the growth of drug addiction.

An indicator of the growth of drug use in society is the increase in the proportion of women drug users. The incidence rate of women exceeding the average was recorded in 23 regions of Russia. The proportion of female drug addicts ranges from 12 to 30 percent. In the late 1980s, this figure ranged from 2 to 7 percent. The ratio between women and men is 1:7. The number of women newly diagnosed with drug addiction has increased sharply. There has been an increase in female crime associated with drug use; severe forms of drug addiction with pronounced medical and social consequences predominate. Drug addiction is more common among young women under thirty years of age. According to many characteristics, women from thirty to forty-five years old also belong to this group.

The basis of drug addiction in women is a deformation of a pathological and social nature, the cause and consequence of which is the devaluation of life. The unique reasons for women's involvement in drugs have been revealed.

In many cases, drug use by women is a means of adaptation to living conditions. A unique adaptation option can be considered the voluntary inclusion of women in drug use in order to maintain intimate relationships with a drug-addicted partner. Due to the increase in female drug addiction, the problem of the offspring of drug addicts is also becoming more acute. The future of children will result in their mental illness. The social consequences of the birth and upbringing of such children will be a decrease in the intellectual, moral and economic potential of society, which will, in turn, lead to new demographic problems.

A feature of the drug addiction of the Russian population in recent years is the increase in the proportion of middle-aged and older women who are consumers of narcotic and narcotic substances. One of the reasons for the passion for tranquilizers and sleeping pills has become widespread in those groups that in public opinion have nothing to do with drug addiction.

The problem of drug addiction in older age groups is currently no less relevant than in youth, and requires close attention of researchers.

Retired drug addicts. Of course, a new and alarming trend is drug addiction at the age of “reverse development” (post-retirement age), which appears more often among women. It usually occurs alone and is secondary to existing age-related disorders and associated social problems. The main motive for drug use in this case is the need to improve one’s mental state and relieve the unpleasant sensations associated with deteriorating health. The beginning of the drug addiction of men and women is a slowly developing process, which later includes the use of illegal drugs (psychedelics, stimulants) purchased on the black market.

Addictive behavior of people, defined as the desire to escape reality, is a new and very serious problem. Due to uncertainty about the future, many will strive to change their situation by transforming their mental state, trying to help themselves artificially, using medications. Since the number of drug addicts will definitely increase, preventive work becomes especially important, the purpose of which should be to provide socio-psychological assistance to all age and gender groups.

A direct connection has been discovered between involvement in drug addiction and the acquisition of a social status that is fundamentally new for our society - work in the commercial sphere as an employee or private owner. Currently, the part of our society with which it pins its hopes for reforming the country is at increased risk.

Thus, the modern drug situation is characterized by a rapid growth in the number of users, an expansion of the geography of child drug addiction, a change in the structure of drug consumption (the transition to so-called hard drugs), the persistence of a high proportion of consumption of various synthetic substances, and an active process of drug trafficking.

A special feature of the situation is the growing dynamics of the spread of drug addiction among young people, giving drugs the status of a socio-cultural phenomenon with a special form of subculture. Each region develops its own drug subculture, and its own technology for preparing and consuming drugs dominates.

2. Social causes of drug addiction

The whole variety of social conditions that create conditions for drug addiction can be represented in the form of three levels of causal complexes: macrosocial and microsocial.

2.1 Macrosocial level

Macrosocial level: the depth of the socio-economic and political crisis in a country or region with rising inflation, unemployment, non-payments, strikes, migration, homelessness; imperfection of legislation, violations of the Constitution, the use of certain articles of legislation (“legal stereotypes”); change of ideology and de-ideologization, the predominance of an “eclectic” picture of the world, a blurred ideological concept in the country, dehumanization of social relations; loss of public confidence in the leadership of the country, region, even institution, alienation of the goals of the leadership and the population, impoverishment of the people; local wars, terrorism, rampant crime, protracted conflicts, a sense of insecurity from them, the prevalence of post-traumatic and somatoform disorders among combatants, refugees and migrants and destabilization among the indigenous population; “hysterodemonic renaissance” with an increase in the number of totalitarian and destructive sects and asocial ideologies and “primitive” religiosity; urbanization and globalization of life, the prevalence of socially stressful situations at work; uncertainty and instability in the present and future; an increase in crime and corruption, prostitution, slavery, suicide, antisocial and immoral behavior; the growth of nationalism and separatism, the aggravation of interethnic contradictions, including national cultures and religions; worsening contradictions between social groups, a growing gap between different segments of the population (rich and poor; drugs for the rich and drugs for the poor, etc.), absence (blurring) of the middle class; devaluation of traditional national, moral and ethical values, inaccessibility and replacement of “high” culture with mass culture, destruction of the material base of leisure and sports; media pressure to destroy ideology, value systems, national culture and way of life; lack of government position regarding anti-alcohol and anti-drug policy; mythologization of the collective consciousness in relation to psychoactive substances, a tolerant attitude towards smoking, drunkenness, a whole range of psychostimulants, their “open” propaganda; the ineffective and helpless anti-alcohol and anti-drug policy of the state, its one-sided tilt towards medicine, the collapse of the drug treatment service and its low funding; aggressive pressure with the connivance of the state and society towards the expanded production and promotion of alcoholic and beer drinks and even illegal drugs.

2.2 Microsocial level

Microsocial level: distortion and disruption of the structure and functions of the family, low educational, pedagogical and cultural level of parents, negative psychological climate and alienation in the family, lack of state assistance in raising children, pedagogical and social neglect in the presence of a family, weak social control and low legal culture family and control by society and the state; an atmosphere of tolerance towards the use of psychoactive substances in the family by its members, as well as children and adolescents, drinking traditions in the parental and grandparent families, the indifferent attitude of the immediate environment towards drug addiction and alcoholism among adolescents, alcohol and nicotine stereotypes in everyday communication and pastime; tolerance to antisocial groups in the family, at school, to “fashionable” forms of pastime in combination with alcoholism and drug addiction, including school holidays and youth entertainment events; neglect of work and study, delinquency, microsocial passivity and lack of commitment in family and school, conformist and passive behavior, inconsistency of relationships between family, school, youth organizations and groups, socialization disorders and difficulties of adaptation in a new socio-economic environment; disproportions and imbalance of male and female labor, difficulties in starting a family due to the disproportion of the position of women and men in the family and society.

2.3 Family

As a rule, it is problems in the family that push a person into a “risk group” and create the basis for turning to drugs. Psychologists have long proven that an incomplete family itself gives rise to developmental pathologies. Children with one parent most often have communication difficulties; such children should receive a “triple dose” of attention and love. There are the concepts of “family deficit” and “social hunger”, when a child grows up without attention and care, without the necessary communication, which is often the reason for turning to alcohol and drugs during growing up.

Lack of harmony in a two-parent family is also a risk factor. In a family where they cannot avoid conflicts, where they oppress, suppress one of the family members, where parents have constant “secrets” and distrust towards each other and towards their children, where the child is isolated from others, from peers, where the material and cultural level, beating and psychological violence of children, violence between parents. Such children develop a feeling of loneliness, boredom, envy of peers, anxiety, depression, fears, or aggressiveness, deceitfulness, pugnacity associated with the experience of loneliness, emptiness, and uselessness. Children who are beaten have a tendency to destruction and protest, low self-control, weak cognitive interests, and reluctance to work. All this, in the event of an encounter with a drug, makes them unable to resist being drawn in, while children who have not endured stress, who have received a positive charge in the family, confidence in their abilities, even having tried the drug, can refuse its further use, satisfying their curiosity . Children with a burden of unfavorable life events are characterized by low self-esteem, inferiority complexes, and experience a feeling of revenge and hatred towards parents and teachers who do not want to understand them. Unable to explain the bad attitude towards themselves, they turn to alcohol, drugs, and suicide attempts. According to an anonymous survey in one of the schools, at the age of 16-17, 62% of children drink, 22% smoke and 8% use drugs. Rejection, coldness, lack of warmth and affection on the part of the parents first traumatize the child, and then harden him, pushing him to “another life”, to another society where he will be understood, accepted, where he will not be judged.

Even in prosperous families, parents are often unable to provide entertainment for the child; he needs not only to take care of food, health and study, but no less, and even more, to organize his free time, to maintain interest in the world around him. It is known that the higher the cultural level of the family, the more interesting and calmer the child is at home, the later he leaves the influence of adults, the more he trusts the life values ​​of his parents, the less often he falls under the power of momentary impressions and entertainment offered to him “on the street.” ", the less susceptible to the influences of fashion.

Hyperprotection, the other extreme of parenting, forces the child to “save” from his parents “on the street.” This is excessive attention, constant supervision, denial of independence to the child, the desire to raise a copy of himself. Over-care becomes a burden for a growing person; he strives to “throw off the shackles,” which leads to the same results: trying to escape the control of his parents, for which he consciously goes into conflict, defiantly contrasting his new “asocial” appearance with the model that is imposed on him caring family. In a survey of English college students about their reasons for using drugs, one young man stated that every aspect of his life was controlled and manipulated by adults, and he began using drugs because it was one of the few areas of his life where he felt he had complete control. control. In this case, the reason for use is a feeling of powerlessness over one’s own decisions and actions.

Another fruit of overprotection is the infantilism of a growing person, his prolonged “childhood”, unpreparedness for life’s difficulties, and inability to resolve issues independently. Such a child easily falls under the influence of more experienced friends, it is easy to persuade him to try drugs or incite him into any hooligan trick, because such a “greenhouse plant” has not developed an antidote against bad influences.

“Idol of the family,” an object of universal admiration and worship, the only child of numerous relatives. He is accustomed to permissiveness, unlimited power over relatives who will not punish, and, ultimately, contempt for them, and at the same time for teachers and peers. Idols, accustomed to being the object of universal admiration, are often demonstrative; any eccentric trick and any shocking act is good for them, which is what the use of alcohol and drugs seems to them in their youth.

All of the above does not mean that drug use is the result of depressive states typical of adolescents with developmental difficulties and creative people. The motives for drug use often do not depend on the individual and his mental predisposition. An encounter with drugs can be accidental, in a certain situation caused by temporary needs, for example, “trying” in the company of peers for cognitive purposes, which will force one to draw a paradoxical conclusion: trying drugs in youth is not a manifestation of deviation, but rather of normal behavior. One of the leading researchers of drug addiction, I. N. Pyatnitskaya, concludes that a teenager’s step towards drugs is a manifestation of an exploratory reaction characteristic of their age. Teenagers are interested in the possibilities of their consciousness, obtaining new, unknown sensory experiences, unprecedented impressions, sexual experiences; they strive to explore the world, “try everything in life,” feel their usefulness in the company of their peers, independence in decision-making, and solidarity with peers.

The task of the family is to raise a harmonious personality, not subject to socially negative phenomena.

3. Psychologicalcauses

Among the psychological factors influencing the drug addiction of society, the following can be identified: Personal immaturity in family and social life, a narrow range of interests, asocial hobbies, low spiritual needs, stereotypical behavior; uncertainty of professional guidance, lack of socially significant guidelines; lack of social motivation, loss of prospects for professional and personal growth; consumer attitude to life, stereotypical approaches and solutions; hedonistic attitude towards life and needs; vulnerability to advertising, imposition of consumer attitudes towards personal needs, imitation; inability to resist momentary pleasures, the influence of peers, groups; imbalance, short temper, touchiness, capriciousness, selfishness, emotional lability; poor assimilation and development of moral feelings and categories; inadequate self-esteem and weak self-concept, immature psychological defense mechanisms; inability to resist group pressure, dependence on the opinions of peers; mastering stereotypes of surfactant consumption, excessive curiosity about them, ignorance of the harm of surfactants, primarily alcoholic beverages, drugs, maintaining these stereotypes in the family, school, group

Emotional disorders, depression, and the need to even out the mood become favorable reasons to try drugs. The ability of sedative (sedative) and psychedelic drugs to relieve anxiety, depression, tension, and irritability encourages their use as a remedy for depression. In its severe forms, drug use becomes an expression of the desire for self-destruction through slow suicide. If at first a drug “works” as a remedy for depression, then after a very short period of time it itself becomes a source of depression. The incidence of depression increases sharply, especially during adolescence.

Psychologists and doctors can generally draw a psychological portrait of the most common personality type of a drug addict; these are sensitive people, have difficulty adapting emotionally and feel uncomfortable in society, and have difficulty coping with difficulties in life. They do not have stable and definite social interests, plans for the future and confidence in the future. These may be “subtle natures”, acutely aware of the disharmony and hostility of the surrounding world, critical of universal authorities, opposing themselves to society, which they evaluate as a “crowd”, prone to solitude and withdrawal into their own world. They may express a feeling of shyness, awareness of their insufficiency, failure in society. Such people look for a more fulfilling existence in drugs. The search for special sensory impressions is especially characteristic of people of art. They want to expand their sensory capabilities, discover new meanings and properties of familiar things, change the world in which they exist, create a world “for themselves”, to satisfy the needs of contemplation. People from an artistic and artistic environment feel especially acutely their insecurity in society and the instability of their social position. Drug use often causes early death among artists, painters and musicians. In addition to the poetic image of a drug addict that we have drawn, there is another type: people with a low level of culture, inhabitants of the lower social classes. However, in all patients with drug addiction, psychiatrists note features of “social immaturity”: weak self-control, inability to predict the situation, lack of a critical assessment of one’s behavior, a feeling of permissiveness, contempt for traditional moral norms, hostility towards the “prosperous” part of society, the desire to enjoy “to the fullest.” ".

Adolescence, with its unstable self-esteem and emotional vulnerability, is the most convenient time to start using drugs. Teenagers also tend to perceive society as a hostile force. If a mentally healthy person reacts to stress with composure, activity, adapting to an extreme situation, in people with a weak and undermined psyche, stress turns into depression and neurotic behavior.

There is a mental predisposition of some people and greater resistance of others to drug addiction. High susceptibility to drugs lies in the individual characteristics of the human psyche. Alcoholism or drug addiction affects individuals with a special sensitivity to drugs that is congenital or acquired as a result of serious illness, as well as those whose individual character traits are extremely enhanced. These are the so-called character accentuations. There are about one and a half dozen of them, and each of them has its own critical age, at which character traits become sharper. The most threatening in relation to alcoholism and drug addiction are considered unstable, epileptoid, hysterical, hypo- and hyperthymic, conformal types.

The unstable type is characterized by a lack of moral core, a passion for mindless drinking and any other amusements.

The epileptoid type is characterized by a tendency to constant anger, hostility, and dissatisfaction. These are ponderous people, often prone to aggression and sadism. After the first intoxication, they may have a desire to drink “until they completely pass out”; the craving for drugs they have tried once becomes irresistible.

Hysterical type. His main feature is an insatiable thirst for constant attention to himself, the need to be in the center. All actions are designed for the viewer, they must constantly evoke admiration in someone, make an impression on the enchanted audience. They even agree to shock, outrage, infuriate, they cannot stand only indifference. Such teenagers first get drunk and use drugs for show, demonstrating daring and endurance, contempt for moral standards, and use large doses.

Hyperthyms are fun-loving people, the soul of society, people with a constantly good, high spirits, healthy appetite, sleep, increased emotional and sexual activity, thirst for life and activity - restless, restless, tireless, leading the company. This is the reason for frequent use of drugs and alcohol, leading to addiction.

Hypothyms are the opposite type, those whose mood and activity are constantly reduced. They also easily become drunkards and get used to drugs, but for a different reason - they need to restore mental and physical comfort, and they do this with the help of drugs.

A conformist type is a type that blindly and thoughtlessly perceives the way of existence of a group, the ideas of the group leader. Their main desire is to live, think and act “like everyone else.” Once in a bad environment, they learn all its customs and habits. They get drawn into drug addiction “for company.”

The above types make up the main contingent of patients in drug treatment rooms. In a favorable environment, this predisposition may not be realized. The task of the family is to suppress this predisposition using reasonable methods in the process of educating the individual.


In modern Russia, the drug situation is aggravated by such socio-economic factors as economic instability, a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population, unemployment, lack of social guarantees, lack of faith in the protection of the authorities, the criminalization of society, which generally characterizes a crisis in the ideological, economic and spiritual spheres Growth the number of children's drug addiction forces us to draw the following conclusion: the predisposition to drug use is born in the family. As noted by B.M. Levin, the country is in a state of acute anomie, which is understood as “a state of society in which there is no clear regulation of individual behavior, there is a moral vacuum, when old norms and values ​​no longer correspond to new relations, and new ones have not yet taken shape.” It should be noted that fundamental social changes, regardless of direction, always lead to an increase in the phenomena of deviant behavior, including the drugization of society. The social shift leads to the devaluation of traditional, moral and ethical values, developed skills and norms of individual or group behavior, communication, relationships, which aggravates the phenomena of deviant behavior.

A member of society who uses drugs becomes not even an asocial person, but an antisocial one. The state's anti-drug policy is not entirely effective; it is not able to stop the drug business, in which millions of dollars are spinning and thousands of people are dying.

Therefore, the task of the entire society is to develop the necessary measures to prevent and overcome socially negative phenomena. This overcoming must begin with the family, which is the decisive force in the socialization of the individual.


1. M.Sh. Shakirov. Drug business in Russia. M., Tsentrpoligraf. 1998. P.46-50.

2. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov. 4th edition. M., Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.

3. Drug addiction. Ed. A.N. Garansky. M., Binom, St. Petersburg, Nevsky dialect. 2002. P.25.

4. Malygin V.L., Ezhov I.V., Turevsky I.Ya. Individual psychological and social risk factors for the formation of addictive behavior. / Drug addiction and medical and social consequences: strategies for prevention and therapy / Sat. mat. international conf. Ed. V.D. Mendelevich. - Kazan, 2003.

5. Buyanov M.I. Reflections on drug addiction. - M.: Education, 1990.

6. http://medline.narod.ru/reasons9.htm

7. http://www.ecad.ru/mn-pl4_47.html

8. http://www.smi-svoi.ru/content/?fl=554&sn=1056

Managing the process of drug addiction prevention involves:

  • formation of an adequate attitude of the population towards drug addiction as a negative social phenomenon that threatens the safety of society;

  • training in methods of counteracting drug addiction;

  • nurturing appropriate personality traits.
The following are distinguished: conditions for the effectiveness of prevention anesthesia:

  • consistency, that is, taking into account in preventive activities a set of political and social factors that determine the population’s readiness for dialogue and direct participation in the process of drug addiction prevention;

  • partiality(the idea of ​​drug addiction prevention as part of state policy);

  • problematic adequacy(reflection of real problems of society in the content of drug addiction prevention);

  • cognitive adequacy(compliance of the content of drug addiction prevention with the current legislation in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances);

  • personification(ensuring direct, immediate participation of government bodies in resolving society’s problems that have become the causes and reasons for the development of the drug situation);

  • alternative benefit(creation in society of conditions conducive to the participation of the population in the implementation of drug addiction prevention);

  • use of feedbacks, which serve as a leading factor in the formation of systemic properties in the management of drug addiction prevention.
The most significant factorsprevention process anesthesia are:

  • Cognitive(ensuring the formation of a holistic view among the population about the state policy for the prevention of drug addiction. Manifests itself in targeted research, selection and systematization of scientific knowledge about the subjects and objects of the management process. Provides knowledge and analysis of phenomena that arise during the development of the drug situation).

  • Subordinate(intended for use in the process of prevention of the rights and powers of the subject to issue regulations, give orders and demand their execution).

  • Communicative ( means that the prevention process cannot be organized without establishing various communication links between its participants based on constant interaction and exchange of information).

  • Didactic ( includes regulatory legal acts regulating state policy in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances).

  • Formative ( reflects the scope of educational activities). By placing the creation of a person who professes and implements the law at the forefront, the state underestimated the actual state of affairs. To effectively implement drug addiction prevention, it is necessary to develop moral qualities among the population and create conditions for citizens to demonstrate regulated social and legal activity.
The identified factors for the prevention of drug addiction are in close interaction, forming an integral, dynamic system that operates in stages on the basis of the previously discussed principles.

In solving the problem of counteracting drug addiction in society, a stable dependence was discovered that could be classified as a pattern. It lies in the fact that even in a democratic state, a citizen has a fairly certain level of freedom, determined by his rights, responsibilities and legal restrictions based on the law. Personal freedom is an immanent characteristic of human activity, determining the level of self-awareness and responsibility for certain actions. Strict regulation of personal freedom restrains citizens in the creative search for optimal techniques and methods for carrying out anti-drug activities, thereby preventing the development of the need for personal self-realization.
Public trust in the state is a necessary condition for effective drug addiction prevention
Modern social research identifies three levels trust. The minimum level represents a person’s trust in himself, the internal legitimation of individual opinion and behavior; another level of trust is based on the personal experience of a person’s relationship with another person; the third level is institutional trust, determined by a person’s attitude to the state, its political, economic, and social institutions. Unfortunately, in Russian society trust often does not overcome even the individual level.

The leading role of public trust in the state was noted by representatives of classical German sociology M. Weber and G. Simmel, calling it one of the most important synthesizing forces.

The main factors that form the prerequisites for the progressive development of drug addiction in society, contrary to popular belief, are largely due not to the low efficiency of law enforcement agencies, but to completely different reasons.

Despite the fact that their unsatisfactory activities to ensure the safety of the population have a negative impact on the prevalence of drug addiction and criminal manifestations of the drug business, however, first of all, we should talk about the moral and socio-psychological state of society itself. When forming public policy, one should proceed from the fact that it is the rights and freedoms of man and citizen that determine the meaning of laws, their content and application.

Against the general background of legal nihilism of the population, an unprecedented decline in the prestige of moral and legal norms, legality and justice, the metastases of a spiritually unspiritual consumer psychology of social relations, an orientation towards the unceremonious destruction of previous ideals in the absence of socially valuable standards of behavior, are actively growing.

Society has not yet been able to find worthy equivalents of the lost illusions, has not been able to replace them with guidelines that are adequate in significance for the majority of the population, capable of fulfilling the role of a unifying factor and incentive for the progressive movement. This task has been unsuccessfully demanding a solution for a long time, which requires the creation of a new moral and psychological situation in society. Otherwise, the spiritual and moral vacuum and uncertainty of prospects will lead us into the nets skillfully placed by apologists for a “steady hand” and a return to the conservative past.

Unfortunately, the population is not always ready to associate the solution to these problems with one or another political ideology. This is largely due to the continued underdevelopment of political parties, which have not yet become political actors who could initiate and adjust a constructive dialogue between government and society.

According to the fair remark of G.V. Maltsev, in modern socio-political conditions the state is often unable to ensure the implementation of the strategy of indoctrination - the ideological education of citizens and the propaganda of ideas that ensure the voluntary acceptance of power 1.

Overcoming the localization of trust is one of the important tasks of modern Russian society, as well as other states experiencing transformation processes. The prosperity of unpunished crime has become one of the main reasons for the emergence of psychological discomfort, feelings of insecurity and constant danger in society. The growth of nihilistic sentiments in society towards the activities of law enforcement agencies is largely facilitated by latent crime.

Currently, the state is taking steps to restore the deformed parts of the system of social control and organize its activities based on new realities. One of the rather difficult barriers on this path is the decline in the authority of law enforcement agencies, the loss of trust and respect for them on the part of the overwhelming majority of the population. This phenomenon is due to public dissatisfaction not so much with the content and scope of competence, but with the quality of law enforcement activity, which has been experiencing a process of permanent decline for a long time.

In order to curb the growing wave of drug addiction, specialists and scientists are trying to identify it causes. Some of them, as already noted, see the deterioration of economic conditions as the main reasons for the increase in crime, others - the increase in child neglect and homelessness, others - the cult of violence that dominates the work of the media, fourth - the shortcomings of the current legislation, fifth - the instability of the social order etc.

Of course, these reasons influence the state of legal consciousness, but it is extremely difficult to explain with a sufficient degree of certainty the spread of drug addiction, especially among young people. It can be assumed that there are certain social patterns that are determined by the transition of Russian society to a qualitatively new state and that contribute to the growth of crime.

The integration of the economy, including its technical improvement, entailed a side consequence - the integration of the illegal economy. The drug business, along with the illegal arms trade, which makes up a significant part of the shadow economy, actively uses integration processes to strengthen its influence on the world space. The organizer of the progressive process of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is the transnational drug business, which is not only constantly increasing its volumes, but is also developing in the direction of material, technical and technological weapons.

Most researchers note a high level of organized crime in the drug trade, which is due to the specifics of the type of criminal economy under consideration, which includes a system of raw material production, processing, transportation, smuggling and an extensive distribution network. This indicates that the process of drugization of society is considered by criminal structures primarily from the point of view of economic interests.

The natural liberalization of legal barriers to the drug business played a role - a consequence of the general liberalization of the legal regime in the post-Soviet space. Only in the second half of the nineties did a system of anti-drug legislation adequate to today’s conditions and international standards begin to be formed in Russia, but this process, as already noted, is developing slowly, just as effective enforcement of the existing legal framework is not organized.

In addition, drug addiction has become a kind of “payment for freedom” in Russia, a consequence of global “social outsiderism,” when many people find themselves outside the existing society and are pushed out of it. This occurs as a result of defective socialization, which has acquired a spontaneous, uncontrollable character. Russian society is losing the system of social control over the process of formation of the younger generation, many traditional institutions of socialization, such as family, school, children's and youth organizations are losing their importance, and nothing has come to replace them, except for the Gorky "street" universities.

As a result, the process of socialization is increasingly negative; citizens are now experiencing more spiritual pressure from the criminal world and its values, rather than the positive influence of civil society institutions.

It is the deformation of socialization caused by the crisis of the family, the education and upbringing system, the lack of an effective state youth and children's policy and other reasons that leads to drug addiction.

Another feature of the current state of the drug situation in Russia is a significant increase in manifestations of criminal aggression as an expression of the extreme political and economic situation in the country. It is known that aggression has both external and intrasubjective orientation. The intrasubjective direction of aggression is primarily expressed in suicide. In Russia, in recent years, there have been 60-70 suicides per 100 thousand population, which is 3-3.5 times higher than the global average suicide rate established by the World Health Organization. The criminal manifestation of aggression is expressed primarily in such forms of violence as intentional murders and infliction of grievous bodily harm.

The crime rate trend has been steadily and rapidly worsening over the past decades, and its current level (from a quantitative point of view) is not at all unexpected. For the period from 1960 to 2000. The crime rate in Russia doubled every 15 years, and if this trend continues, then within 60 years Russia will face a criminological collapse: the majority of its adult male population will be involved in crime.

An analysis of violent crime shows such negative trends as an increase in cruelty, the widespread use of firearms, the spread of contract killings, an increase in hostage-taking cases and, finally, the manifestation of aggression as an end in itself.

The characteristics of crime in Russia allow us to highlight negative trends of national importance:

  • Quantitative increase in crime in general.

  • A significant increase in the share of serious and especially serious crimes in the structure of crime.

  • Significant change in the motivation for illegal behavior (widespread mercenary crimes).

  • The predominance among criminals is of persons without a permanent source of income, which is closely related to the sharp differentiation of the population by property status, due to the ongoing crisis socio-economic processes.

  • Increase in the relative share of juvenile crime.
The above analysis shows that the crime situation in Russia remains difficult. The law-abiding population of the country does not feel safe, does not feel protected from criminal attacks, which is reflected in the general climate of trust in relation to the state.

Law enforcement agencies occupy a specific place in the state mechanism due to the tasks assigned to them to fight crime, protect public order, and ensure the safety of citizens. To do this, they are endowed with special state powers, supported by the necessary means and methods of coercion, methods of forceful influence on offenders, including the use of firearms.

This activity is inevitably associated with an invasion, if necessary, of a person’s personal life, which makes the issue of the population’s negative attitude towards law enforcement agencies and a low degree of trust in them extremely pressing. In law enforcement agencies, the average person, basically, sees only a force that must resist crime. The fight against crime sets the main substantive and structural parameters of the activities of law enforcement agencies, and what turns out to be outside the framework of the fight against crime is perceived as less significant.

The narrow range of awareness of only the repressive significance of the functions of law enforcement agencies initiates a progressive increase in their alienation from society. The problem lies in the lack of understanding of the majority of the population that law enforcement agencies do not determine the state of legal relations and the level of crime. The legal situation is determined not only by the level of professionalism and conscientiousness of employees, but primarily by the level of development of society, the material well-being of citizens, and their normative and value culture. Violation of laws, non-observance of basic human rights and freedoms, massive arbitrariness of officials, corruption, and an increase in crime indicate a low legal culture of the entire society.

The system is not interested in showing the real state of crime, since this often leads to negative consequences for employees. As a result, a paradoxical situation arises when concealing crimes from being recorded and arbitrarily manipulating statistics constitute positive factors for public authorities and build the foundation for an illusory movement forward along the path of strengthening security and law and order.

The tasks, functions, means and procedures for their implementation determine the volume of communications, relationships between law enforcement agencies and the population that concern almost all citizens of Russia. This confirms that law enforcement agencies, in terms of the variety of regulatory, monitoring, permitting and preventive functions, are the most differentiated and indeed the closest link to the population of state power.

Law enforcement agencies cannot separate themselves from society, since they themselves represent a part of society, with all its inherent shortcomings. However, law enforcement agencies are obliged to cleanse themselves of shortcomings at a higher, faster pace, otherwise they will neither morally nor physically be able to successfully protect the law-abiding population.

The criteria for assessing the activities of law enforcement agencies should really, and not in words, stimulate the return of people's trust in the state. The growth of drug addiction in Russia, as well as throughout the post-Soviet space, is influenced not only by the weakness of the law enforcement system, but also by its traditional focus on the priority of protecting the interests of the state and public property, rather than the rights and freedoms of the individual.

As you know, the crime rate is not reduced by directives and orders. That is why it is advisable to determine the degree of effectiveness of the fight against drug trafficking not by a quantitative analysis of the array of crimes committed, but by the intensity and quality of their detection, and by bringing drug traffickers to justice, and not drug addicts, who are in many ways victims of miscalculations in the state’s social policy.

Law enforcement activities are organically woven into the social life of society. Therefore, neither law enforcement activity itself, nor its effectiveness, nor the criteria and indicators used to evaluate it can become objectively directed without connection with social realities, interests and needs of the population.

First of all, the problem of ensuring the completeness of registration of crimes in the field of drug trafficking requires an urgent solution. The creation of the Federal Drug Control Service in Russia, of course, was a positive step in increasing the effectiveness of state policy in this area. At the same time, internal affairs bodies also bear responsibility for preventing and detecting crimes related to drug trafficking. It is very important that the often arising disagreements between the two law enforcement agencies (the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Drug Control Service) do not initiate a “tug of war” effect, which will result in internecine confrontation.

One of the priority areas of combating drug addiction is minimizing the facts of concealment of drug crimes from registration. In fact, it is impossible to ensure an effective fight against drug trafficking if you do not have an adequate understanding of the real scale of the spread of drug addiction.

Extrapolating modern crime trends in Russia, criminologists (V.M. Baranov, Yu.V. Baulin, S.S. Goryainov, O.A. Kolobov, V.N. Kudryavtsev, V.V. Luneyev) express concern that crime is approaching “to the national threshold of qualitative and quantitative saturation”, that it is crime that now actually acts as perhaps the most important obstacle to democratic transformations, since “political and economic freedom cannot exist with a noose of crime around its neck” 16.

There is an opinion that democracy and liberalism are extremely ineffective in combating drug addiction. Successful fight against crime is presented as a rational, well-organized work of every individual, society and state. To ensure the organization of such activities it is necessary to attract maximum will and resources, as well as national and interstate experience in the fight against drug crime.

Taking into account the projected increase in drug crime, it should be noted that the resource (primarily personnel) capabilities and qualifications of law enforcement agencies should also increase at a rate that outstrips the growth of crime. While the state is losing the competition with the drug business, the task of obtaining an objective criminological picture of the drug situation in society and assessing the real capabilities of society in crime prevention seems quite urgent.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure compliance with mandatory requirements to the functioning of the national drug addiction prevention system:

  • the proactive nature of the impact, implying the timeliness and adequacy of the measures taken, based on an analysis of the results of continuous multidisciplinary monitoring of the operational, socio-economic and socio-political situation in combination with an objective forecast of its development;

  • the complex nature of the impact, ensuring the effective use of forces and means of government bodies and public structures;

  • a unified department at the federal level that implements the goals and objectives of preventing drug addiction in society.
The mood of society, like any other social mood, is not stable, but this does not deprive it of its internal readiness to resist circumstances. The population has a clearly expressed sense of desire for peace and security, which is expressed in an appeal to a force that can protect the population from arbitrariness and legal lawlessness.

The nature of the relationship between government agencies and the population is one of the significant indicators of the socio-political situation in the country. Illegal actions by government officials regarding individual rights and freedoms, or even disdainful attitudes, are perceived very sharply and painfully by citizens.

Another problem is that sometimes the state not only performs its functions ineffectively, but also violates the rights of citizens. Facts of lawlessness in the activities of power structures are dangerous not only because they cause direct harm to a specific person, but also give rise to legal nihilism in society. People are losing confidence in their state protection.

The last decades of the country's development have not changed for the better the nature of citizens' relations with the state, but, on the contrary, have worsened it. The criminogenic influence of such factors as socio-economic stratification, obvious manifestations of the initial accumulation of capital in the form of mass deception of the population, the growth of poverty, unemployment with the simultaneous growth of ill-gotten wealth at the other pole, the collapsed and difficult to recreate legal field, interrupted economic and organizational ties, The “dissolution” of elements of cultural infrastructure worsened the drug situation.

The mismatch between citizens and the state, which is the result of erroneous domestic policy oriented towards the parameters of state self-assessment, is expressed not only in the growth of drug addiction, but also in the behavior of law-abiding citizens, in their reaction to drug addiction, in assessments of the state’s ability to ensure public safety.
Overcoming corruption in government as a factor in countering drug addiction in society
The problem of corruption of public authorities has its roots in the depths of Russian history. Thus, specific manifestations of corruption in the Russian police apparatus are reflected in the works of the professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy D.I. Rostislavova. In the magazine “Russian Antiquity” for May 1880, he cites facts of collusion between criminal groups and police authorities, noting that in the 18th-19th centuries. the police, “receiving good gifts from thieves and robbers, loved to patronize them, so they slowly gave them the opportunity to escape even from the prisons or did not pursue them properly, while at the same time notifying them about those who informed on them.”

The subsequent years of development of the Russian Empire became not only a period of improvement and strengthening of the extensive bureaucratic apparatus, but at the same time the most important stage in the formation of domestic corruption.

The traditions of past generations have received such a powerful embodiment in modern Russia, which arose from the ruins of totalitarianism, that corruption of state power is closely studied not only by national legal science, but also by the jurisprudence of the world community. Western business circles and government agencies representing their interests are showing noticeable concern about the possibility of implementing a civilized economic policy in our country, developing business normally, and investing in the post-Soviet space.

At the state level, the prevention and suppression of corruption was named a priority task back in the Decree of the President of Russia of April 4, 1992 “On the fight against corruption in the public service system” 17, but to this day many provisions of this document have remained unclaimed. Meanwhile, only a capable and effective executive branch is capable of ensuring the successful implementation of state policy in the field of combating drug addiction.

The peculiarities of organized crime of the present period include the formation of a strong system of corrupt connections that makes it possible to carry out financially significant illegal transactions in the economic sphere with impunity, to have timely reliable information from government circles about the forecasted situation, and to avoid legal influence from fiscal authorities.

The results of some studies show that direct losses from corruption activities range from 15 to 24% of the annual Russian budget 18.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains nineteen articles that are used to qualify criminal acts of corrupt officials 19 . At the same time, the code does not contain a definition of the concept of “corruption,” which gives rise to errors and conflicts in law enforcement practice. It is characteristic that Russia is one of the few European countries that does not have a special law on corruption. His various projects have been discussed in State Duma committees for more than ten years. In 2003, the State Duma rejected a bill providing for the adoption of a Code of Official Conduct for Officials of State Bodies and Civil Servants. It contained one of the most important anti-corruption tools - a ban on conflicts of interest, i.e. a situation where an official has the right or obligation to make decisions or take actions that entail legal consequences in relation to interested parties.

It is characteristic that the International Code of Conduct for Public Officials was adopted back in 1996. It is there that the concept of conflict of interest is discussed and it is noted that “in the event of a possible or suspected conflict between the duties and private interests of public officials, they act in accordance with the measures established to reduce or eliminate such conflict of interest” 3.

Corruption refers to criminal activity in the field of politics or public administration, consisting in the use by officials of their power and the rights entrusted to them for the purpose of personal enrichment. It is not an independent element of a crime, but serves as a collective concept covering a number of official crimes.

One of the most dangerous manifestations is the open or covert participation of corrupt officials in legal spheres of the economy, the penetration of compromised leaders into legislative structures. The avalanche-like spread of drug addiction occurs in parallel with the increase in the level of corruption associated with the spread of drugs. Drug trafficking has become one of the leading areas of development of organized crime in general. Of course, drug trafficking and drug addiction as specific social phenomena are organically connected with other structural elements of organized crime. Illicit drug trafficking cannot progress outside of economic, violent, selfish, violent crime, in turn, significantly generating them.

The fundamental feature of the current stage of development of Russian society is change in the cause-and-effect relationship between criminal behavior and drug addiction. If earlier criminalization preceded drug addiction, initiating it, now an inverse relationship is observed: drug addiction in society becomes a factor contributing to the commission of crimes, leading a certain part of the population to the criminal path. The drug business in Russia has finally acquired the features of organized criminal activity with a pronounced transnational character, taking into account the global division of criminal activity throughout the world community.

Unlike past years, when corrupt connections were initiated in order to implement specific criminal actions, modern organized crime stimulates corruption processes in the structures of the executive and legislative branches in order to acquire long-term influential positions there.

Metastases of corruption are intensively penetrating the state’s economy. In the virtual absence of openness, accountability and control, corruption, being a cumulative product of the monopolization of state power, inevitably leads to authoritarianism and oligarchy.

The corruption mechanism poses a real threat to the rights and freedoms of individuals in society, blocking the basic constitutional rights of citizens with the interests of criminal groups through lobbying, protectionism, and often direct violence. In the absence of a full-fledged legislative framework and confidence in legal protection, the average person is forced to behave according to the rules determined by corrupt officials. The virus of the philosophy of the criminal world is gradually penetrating into society, infecting the socio-psychological climate and consciousness of society.

The state of criminalization of the state apparatus of Russian society today causes concern even among those who themselves are in one way or another involved in the creation of a criminal mechanism launched by lightweight manipulations with market reforms. The blurring of the legal consciousness of elite gangsters and the complete absence of any social control over their actions initiates not only the catalysis of irresponsibility, but also at the same time ends in destroying the remnants of state foundations.

The experimental reform of Russian society initiates a geometrically increasing chaotic complication of the social structure, an unprecedented growth of structural and functional differentiation. All this is happening against the backdrop of a significant increase in the influence of organized criminal groups (OCF) on the socio-political and economic situation in society, which causes its further aggravation. The problem of the need to overcome negative trends and exit the period of permanent instability requires an immediate solution and, first of all, through the integration of various state and public structures in the process of combating crime.

Corruption, which is an indispensable companion of organized crime, develops in a spiral, starting from a petty clerk in the district administration and ending with high-ranking officials of the regional government. However, despite all the differences in the official position of corrupt officials and the amount of criminal income they receive, a single principle is invariably observed, namely that a small group of people enriches themselves at the expense of the majority of the population. The social differentiation of Russian society has already crossed the threshold beyond which mutually exclusive interests begin to form in its upper and lower strata.

The structure of the domestic drug mafia conventionally consists of three blocks, which together represent a classic mafia pyramid. At its base is a large group of retailers. The middle part of the pyramid, its most important functional link, is wholesalers and carriers with combat groups to protect goods on the road and traders on the ground. The upper echelon is the intellectual layer, the brains of the drug mafia, which is never directly involved in drug operations. His task is to develop and plan criminal operations, acquire connections in government structures and penetrate them, and launder the proceeds.

From the reports of high officials circulated by the official media, one may get the impression that there is an irreconcilable struggle between the state and the OPF, but in fact their relationship is much more contradictory and complex. Individual representatives of government departments play a double game: they both fight organized crime and support it due to their corruption, that is, involvement in the process of illegal enrichment through the use of official powers.

In a certain sense, it was the inept (or, on the contrary, well-programmed) internal policy of the state that created the necessary conditions for the emergence and development of organized crime. As a result, corrupt government officials and organized crime benefit from a sort of joint venture. That is why some law enforcement agencies fight organized crime within the framework in which their law enforcement activities do not affect their own illegal interests.

It has already become the norm to provide financial assistance to law enforcement agencies from commercial structures that purchase cars, office equipment, furniture, fuels and lubricants for fiscal departments. However, we should not forget that at the same time these sponsors receive indulgences and letters of safe conduct, giving them the right to break the law with impunity. Sponsorship alms destroy the legal and moral consciousness of employees, corrupt them, and destroy those threshold values ​​beyond which the path to betrayal of the interests of the service begins. Often, under the guise of charity, veiled bribery of government structures is carried out.

An equally significant feature of the development of regional organized drug crime is the strengthening of its impact on the political situation in provincial society. By actively participating in election campaigns and generously financing highly effective electoral technologies, the OPF begins to acquire a qualified majority in local councils and legislative assemblies, which allows them to lobby and implement any regional laws and regulations that contribute to the priority development of economic spheres under their control in order to legalize income from drug trafficking.

As a result, politicized organized criminal groups are created that use for personal gain the participation of their representatives in the implementation of state economic programs, while confiscating a significant part of the profits of large industrial and processing enterprises and influencing the distribution of material and financial resources through political pressure or violence. Thus, enterprises controlled by OPF acquiredare regaining their leading positions in the economy.

Back in 2003, the Committee on Legislation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation held parliamentary hearings on the topic “Problems of criminal liability for crimes related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.” Their recommendations directly stated the threatening nature of corruption in the authorities responsible for combating drug trafficking. Consumers are held accountable not together with distributors, but instead of them. There is a race for quantitative rather than qualitative performance indicators. Detention centers and colonies are overcrowded with hundreds of thousands of drug-addicted young people, attracted for the acquisition, storage, transportation or situational (non-commercial) sale of single doses. The ineffectiveness of the measures taken is obvious.

The Legislation Committee named one of the main reasons for this situation as the imperfection of the wording of Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and some other articles of Chapter 25 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The Committee recognized the main shortcomings of the above provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. mixing of crimes of different nature and incomparable degree of social danger: the manufacture and processing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for personal consumption, their transportation without the purpose of sale are equated in parts 2-4 of Article 228 to sale;

  2. the lack of an alternative “mandatory treatment instead of punishment” for offenses not related to sales;

  3. no alternative sanction in the form of imprisonment for crimes not related to sales (part 1 of article 228);

  4. the absence in Articles 228 and 230 of qualified elements providing for increased liability for the commission of a crime by a person using his official position;

  5. the inadequacy of the sanction under Article 230 (inducement to use drugs, including in relation to minors) due to the increased social danger of this act.
According to legislators, drug addiction among the population, especially children and youth, associated with socio-economic problems, is fraught with dangerous consequences for the entire society and requires decisive and responsible actions by all branches of government. The primary task of public policy, which meets the goals of protecting the life, health and safety of citizens, should be recognized as large-scale and diverse drug addiction prevention. Law enforcement agencies should also focus their efforts on solving primarily preventive problems in this area: identifying organized criminal communities involved in drug trafficking, suppressing their activities, and preventing involvement in drug use.

In accordance with these priorities, persons involved in drug trafficking, who derive extremely high profits from this and who are interested in increasing the number of consumers, should be subject to the most severe criminal liability for acts related to illicit drug trafficking. The norms of criminal law should, on the one hand, harshly punish drug dealers, and on the other, focus on the treatment of drug addicts.
