Organization of transportation and transport and warehouse services in supply chains. Transportation and its role in supply chains. Principles of organizing transportation The role of transport in the logistics chain of an enterprise

Currently, transportation plays a huge role in the transportation (movement) of goods and the management of goods flows in logistics. All logistics transportation operations are carried out in order to ensure the delivery of the required products of the required quantity and quality at a given time and at optimal costs. The importance of transportation in logistics is quite large. According to various estimates, transportation costs range from 20 to 70% of total logistics costs and can reach up to 300% of the cost of production for various industries and companies.

It is very important in this section to consider in more detail the tasks of transport companies and the principles of organizing cargo transportation.

Main tasks transport companies when organizing cargo transportation are:

1. Full satisfaction of customer needs in road transportation.

2. Providing a high level of customer service.

3. Implementation of existing transportation plans.

4. Efficient use of vehicles, increased labor productivity, maximum reduction of transportation costs.

5. Systematic profit making.

The transportation organization system must ensure the following principles:

Coordination of the work of all departments and employees of the motor transport enterprise;

Optimal organization of traffic;

Delivery of goods in the shortest possible time;

Efficient use of rolling stock of vehicles;

Traffic safety;

Profitability of transportation.

When organizing the transportation of specific goods by motor transport enterprises, a number of activities are carried out:

1. A transportation route and a route diagram indicating dangerous areas are drawn up. The permissible length of road routes is determined based on compliance with the working time standards for drivers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the calculated speed standards and transportation technology.

2. The type and brand of vehicles is selected depending on the type of transportation (without violating capacity standards), taking into account road, weather and climatic conditions. During transportation, the weight and volume of cargo must not exceed the maximum capacity of the vehicle specified in the technical specifications of the car of this brand.

3. Traffic schedules are developed - based on determining the optimal values ​​of vehicle speeds on the route and its individual sections between stopping points, taking into account compliance with the work and rest schedules of drivers regulated by current regulatory documents. Each driver must be provided with a schedule for the route, indicating a list of places to stop along the way for lunch, rest and overnight, a route diagram indicating dangerous sections (in the case of long-distance flights.

4. Instructions are provided to vehicle drivers:

About the features of the route;

On ensuring traffic safety;

On the rules for transporting certain types of cargo (dangerous, large, heavy, etc.)

5. A control time for the return of the vehicle is assigned, after which measures will be taken to establish the location of the vehicle.

6. Control is organized over compliance with traffic schedules, vehicle capacity standards, and traffic routes. Control is exercised over the execution of flights stipulated by schedules and transportation plans, with the aim of subsequent analysis of the causes of deviations and adjustments to schedules and plans (for example, changes in travel time on the route or its sections).

Transportation should be considered as a logistics function associated with the movement of products by a certain vehicle or means, using a certain technology in the supply chain and including in turn such logistics procedures as forwarding, packaging, cargo handling, transfer of ownership of cargo, risk insurance, customs procedures etc.

In domestic practice, transport is the most important component, since it connects individual companies, enterprises, and organizations at the regional and foreign economic levels. Transport plays a significant role in the process of production of material goods, while moving material resources and finished products from the sphere of production to the sphere of industrial consumption.

Transportation in the logistics system plays a dual role: transport is the main component of the functional areas of logistics (distribution, purchasing, strategic), while transportation also plays the role of the most important sector of the economy in which business activity develops (economic function of transportation).

Rational transport support leads to a reduction in the cost of finished goods, which is especially important for resource-intensive industries when transporting products in large quantities. The interaction of enterprises is regulated by material flows, which undoubtedly requires high-quality transport support at optimal rates.

Considering regional commodity markets, we will especially highlight the role of motor transport as a tool for accelerating the turnover of material assets and reducing time costs when delivering products to the end consumer.

The formation of optimal transportation chains implies high-quality operation of the road transport complex. The condition of roads throughout the transport infrastructure has a direct impact on the prices of finished products. Therefore, the transportation procedure requires adequate road capacity, their optimal level of technical equipment and also high quality service.

The transportation procedure in most countries today accounts for a significant share of the costs of the total range of logistics services, which justifies the need for increased attention to optimizing transport solutions in the field of logistics management. Conditions such as the formation of a market for transport services, tightening requirements for the quality and tariffs of transport services on the part of clients, increased competition between different modes of transport and companies are characteristic indicators of the functioning of transport enterprises in modern market conditions.

According to various estimates, transportation costs can range from 20% to 70% of total logistics costs. In fact, the transport component in the price of goods varies depending on the type of product: 2-3% for electronics, 5-6% for food, for machinery and other equipment - 7-12%, for raw materials - 40-60%, 80 -85% for building materials and about 300% of the cost of production for various companies and industries.

Transportation in domestic logistics has developed such modern logistics technologies as door-to-door transportation, telecommunication systems for tracking and tracking cargo, automated information systems for planning road transport delivery of goods, intermodal and terminal delivery systems.

Despite the rapid development of transport logistics in recent years, an analysis of the state of the transport and terminal-warehouse complex has revealed such shortcomings of the domestic transport and logistics service as insufficient elaboration of strategies for the functioning of the transport complex; low quality of logistics service; complexity and imperfection of document flow procedures and customs operations and when registering cargo; weak level of development of the production and technical base, information support of the logistics process during transportation; lack of a unified organized innovation and investment policy; low level of interaction of information communications between participants in the transportation process, terminals, warehouses and customs, and other consumers of their services.

During the transportation process, a large number of optimization problems are solved, such as the choice of cargo transportation: (unimodal, intermodal, mixed, combined), the choice of a carrier and logistics partners for transportation, routing of transportation, distribution of transportation costs and determination of transport tariffs.

There are also a number of problematic issues raised during the transportation process; compliance with the requirements of the time, the product distribution system, compliance of the capacity of cargo terminals with the needs in a certain region, measures that need to be taken to increase the technical and technological level of transportation, methods for updating a vehicle fleet that has a high level of wear and tear, measures for the development of the production of containers and packaging, etc. .

Transportation management at the logistics management level includes stages such as:

  • - choice of transportation method;
  • - search for the type of transport, as well as its type
  • - selection of carrier and logistics intermediaries;
  • - optimization of transport process parameters.

The purpose of the transportation strategy is to ensure maximum efficiency of transport operations under given specific conditions.

The concept of the logistics function "transportation". Transportation is one of the key logistics functions; it covers the processes of moving material resources, work in progress, finished products in various vehicles using a certain technology. In addition to movement, transportation includes logistics operations of freight forwarding, cargo handling, packaging, customs procedures, risk insurance, etc.

The importance of transportation in supply chains is quite significant. According to various estimates, the transport component accounts for from 20 to 70% of total logistics costs; for some goods, industries and companies, transport costs can reach up to 300% of production costs. Also, for different goods there is a difference in the ratio of the transport component of costs and prices. For example, for electronics the share of transport costs in the price is 2-3%, for food products - 5-6, for equipment, special equipment - 7-12, for the raw materials group of goods - 40-60%, for mineral construction materials this share reaches up to 80-85%.

All logistics transportation operations are carried out in order to ensure the delivery of the necessary goods of a given quantity and quality at a precisely defined time and at optimal costs. At the same time, delivery technologies are based on the concept of integration of transport and logistics, which resulted in the gradual integration of transport with the production serviced.

Transport operations for most enterprises in various industries and trading companies is a non-key competency, so quite often they are transferred to service providers, which are professional carriers. The task of a transport enterprise is to maintain and increase the competitiveness of the entire supply chain through high-quality and efficient execution of transport operations.

To organize delivery in supply chains, enterprises of different modes of transport, transport infrastructure facilities, and transport systems of different countries are used. Having transferred transport operations to logistics operators, which include enterprises of various types of transport, service customers expect high quality, timely transport services, flexible and integrated transportation management. The involvement of transport companies in the supply chain of various goods, on the one hand, improves the quality of transportation and leads to a reduction in the transport component of logistics costs, on the other hand, creates additional problems for both customers and suppliers of transport services in the field of effective interaction.

Transport system - This is a complex of different types of transport that interact when organizing and performing transportation.

The transport system of Russia is formed by a developed transport network, which includes 86 thousand km of railways, about 1.5 million km of public roads (of which more than 745 thousand km are paved roads), over 600 thousand km of air lines, 70 thousand km of main oil pipelines, more than 140 thousand km of main gas pipelines, over 100 thousand km of inland waterways and many sea routes.

Transport - not only technical means for transporting goods and passengers, it is, first of all, a sector of the country’s economy that ensures the functioning of all economic spheres, uninterruptedly and timely meeting the needs of the economy and the population for transportation and related services. The share of the transport industry in the Russian Federation's GDP is 5.2%.

Great importance in the development of the transport industry is attached to the application of logistics principles that create conditions for better coordination of transport modes. A large number of transport hubs have been formed on the territory of the Russian Federation, which are divided into two types:

  • 1) transport hubs international, federal level, having a wide zone of influence, which extends to large economic regions: Siberia, the Far East, the Urals, the Volga region, Central Russia, South Russia, North-West Russia. This type of transport hubs includes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok;
  • 2) nodes regional (interregional) significance, the zone of influence of which is from one to three constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Currently, three pan-European transport corridors pass through the territory of the Russian Federation. The first corridor - "North - South" - passes through Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, Kaunas, Klaipeda - Warsaw; the second - "East-West" - goes in the direction of Berlin - Poznan - Warsaw - Brest - Minsk - Smolensk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod; ninth transport corridor - Helsinki - Vyborg - St. Petersburg - Pskov - Moscow - Kaliningrad - Kiev - Lyubashevka - Chisinau - Bucharest - Dimitrovgrad - Alexandroupolis.

Transport support for logistics solves problems associated with the movement of goods by various vehicles.

The role of transport in the logistics supply chain of goods is determined by two main factors:

The costs of transporting raw materials, supplies, and finished products are predominant in the structure of logistics costs.

Transport has a significant impact on costs in the core activities of companies that customer transport services.

The role of transport in increasing the economic efficiency of companies' core activities is clearly manifested in the use of Just in Time technology. When delivering the required cargo within a predetermined time frame, there is no need to maintain a warehouse (this saves costs on the use of land, construction of buildings, payment of personnel, purchase of technological equipment) and accelerates capital turnover.

At the same time, working on a strict schedule increases the load on the management apparatus for planning, monitoring and dispatching supplies. In the event of unforeseen disruptions to the transportation schedule, participants incur significant financial losses. If the shipper did not have time to prepare the cargo for transportation at the agreed time, then he still pays for the use of transport, as if the transportation had taken place.

First of all, the principles of logistics are applied in the transportation of bulk cargo (coal, iron ore, petroleum products and others) on technological routes between senders and recipients. For such transportation, special main railway tracks are allocated. Cargo is transported according to a strict schedule, which makes it unnecessary for consumers to create stocks of raw materials and fuel.

The more significant the range of goods, the wider the geography of distribution and the greater the number of consumers, the more difficult it is to organize a single technological process for delivering goods to consumers and the higher the effect of the development and implementation of logistics technologies. The complexity of delivery technologies occurs due to the operations of containerization, packaging, and the formation of cargo units. The operations of route planning, vehicle selection, accounting, control and analysis are becoming more complex. On the way of goods to the consumer, distribution centers are created that perform a range of logistics operations.

There are two main groups of vehicles based on their purpose::

public transport that provides transport services to cargo owners on a commercial basis;

transport owned by cargo owners and meeting their transportation needs.

The main tasks of transport logistics support include:

selection of transport and technological delivery scheme;

choice of carrier, including determination of the type of transport, transportation operator (forwarding enterprise) and type of vehicle;

coordination of the transport process with the work of the warehouse;

placing cargo inside the vehicle;

transportation routing and control of cargo movement en route;

ensuring the safety of cargo during movement;

joint planning of different modes of transport in the case of multimodal transport.

Solving these problems is the subject of the activities of logistics managers.

Companies that own cargo use two main methods of transportation in their activities:

multimodal(transportation of goods sequentially by two or more types of transport);

unimodal(carriage of goods by only one type of transport).

Terminology in the field of cargo transportation cannot currently be considered completely established. For transportation by several modes of transport, the following terms are also used:

intermodal transportation (the cargo owner enters into an agreement for the entire route with one person, called the transportation operator; the cargo unit is not subject to reorganization);

mixed transportation (transportation by no more than two modes of transport);

combined transportation (transportation by two or more types of transport with the obligatory participation of road,

which delivers cargo the shortest possible distance to the main mode of transport).

According to another definition, combined transportation means, in contrast to mixed transportation, transportation involving more than two modes of transport.

Multimodal transport (transportation by no more than two modes of transport) is divided into two types:


With separate transportation, there is a consistent pattern of interaction between participants in the transport process, there is no uniform freight rate, and the transportation itself is carried out according to several transport documents. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement with the first carrier, who acts on his own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier by another mode of transport.

In the specialized literature there are clarifications of the concepts of intermodal and multimodal transportation depending on the conditions for their implementation. There are also transmodal, A-modal, segmented and other types of transportation.

The advantage of multimodal transportation is the reduction in cost of delivery when using modes of transport that have low transportation costs and low transport tariffs. Expensive modes of transport, primarily automobile, transport cargo to the railway, river pier or seaport, and transportation along most of the route is carried out by rail or water transport.

The advantage of unimodal transportation is the high speed of delivery, the absence of transshipment operations and simplicity in organization, since there is no need to agree on the terms of transportation between several participants, to prepare a large number of documents and to make payments with other modes of transport.

Features of various types of transport

Railway transport has the following features:

  • · Availability of railway access roads connected to main railways at most large enterprises and bases of trade organizations. This expands the possibilities of transportation between corresponding enterprises with railway access.
  • · Regularity of transportation and stable transport connections between regions, regardless of the time of year and period of day.
  • · High carrying capacity of railways, which makes it possible to carry out mass transportation of goods.
  • · Low energy consumption and transportation costs.

Automobile transport

The features of road transport include the following:

  • · Greater maneuverability and mobility.
  • · Possibility of transportation without reloading and intermediate storage directly from the point of production to the point of consumption, i.e. "from door to door".
  • · High speed of cargo delivery. In terms of speed, road transport is second only to air transport.
  • · Possibility of delivering goods in small quantities in accordance with the needs of the consignee.
  • · Relatively high cost associated with the low carrying capacity of a unit of rolling stock.
  • · Relatively high cost of vehicle repairs and maintenance.

Water transport

Sea transportation has the following features of its organization:

Possibility of mass intercontinental cargo transportation.

Sea routes do not require costs for their construction or maintenance (except for canals), so capital investments are relatively small.

Virtually unlimited capacity of sea transport lines. Capacity is limited mainly by the processing capacity of seaports and berthing lines, storage tanks, and mechanisms for loading and unloading operations.

Relatively low fuel consumption and energy costs. Sea routes are horizontal and do not require additional energy to overcome the rise. Low energy consumption ensures low cost of transportation over long distances. Limiting the possibility of transportation to the navigation period. The need for maritime transport requires complex port facilities, which increases their cost over short distances.

Inland water transport (river and partly lake) has the following features: Large carrying capacity of deep-water rivers.

Relatively low cost of transportation (about 30% less than on railways and several times compared to road transport).

Relatively small capital costs for organizing river transportation.

Limiting the possibility of transportation to the navigation period.

Low speed of cargo transportation.

Air Transport

The main distinctive properties of air transport are:

High speed of delivery and minimal time spent in transit, which predetermines the use of aircraft for the delivery of perishable and valuable cargo and mail.

Flexibility in organizing overhead lines. In a number of areas (Far East, Far North, mountain ranges) air transport is the only way. Aviation transport has the ability to maneuver rolling stock (airplanes, helicopters) depending on the volume of traffic.

The use of helicopters, along with transportation, for installation work, in particular for the installation of supports for high-voltage electrical lines.

Possibility of a long non-stop flight range (up to 10 thousand km), which increases the speed of delivery.

Small carrying capacity.

High cost of transportation.

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  • 4. Basic transport documentation for various types of transport

1. Organization of transportation by rail


Specialized cars include tanks, isothermal tanks, grain tankers, flour tankers, cement tankers, dump cars, hoppers for the transportation of cement, mineral fertilizers, grain, special tanks for the transportation of cement, flour, caustic soda, alcohol, liquefied gases, viscous substances, double-decker platforms for passenger cars , conveyors for heavy cargo, etc. Based on the loading method, cars are divided into open and closed. Open cars have significant advantages over covered ones: there is a greater possibility of mechanizing loading and unloading operations, lower downtime of cars due to faster loading and unloading, lower costs for construction, repair, maintenance, transportation of long, bulky cargo is possible.

Tariff nomenclatures of goods

1. ETSNG(Unified tariff and statistical nomenclature of goods). It is used for domestic Russian transportation and export/import. This is a relic of the past, developed back in the Soviet Union. It was published in Tariff Guide No. 10, Book No. 1. This is where the name “code 10-01” came into common use. It was there that cargo classes were developed.

2. GNG(Harmonized Nomenclature of Freight)

Historically, it was the NHM translated into Russian. Therefore, in 90% of cases, the GNG will coincide with the first 6 digits of the Russian Tax Code. GNG is used for tariffication of transit transportation in Russia and for all transportation in the CIS, Europe, etc.


Roadstatement- a document of settlement and financial significance - contains data on the delivery time of the cargo, on the passage of crossing points from road to road (calendar stamps of crossing stations), etc. The road manifest, together with the invoice, accompanies the cargo to the destination station. Road reports are used to determine the volume of transportation carried out by roads, income from them, the correctness of calculations, and the fulfillment of cargo delivery deadlines.

Types of cargo shipments

Transportation of goods can be carried out by carload, container, small, group and route shipments.

· A wagon shipment is considered to be a cargo presented for transportation using one railway consignment note, the transportation of which requires the provision of a separate wagon.

· A group shipment is considered to be a cargo presented for transportation one waybill at a time, the transportation of which requires the provision of more than one wagon, but less than a route shipment.

· A route shipment is considered to be a cargo presented for transportation one waybill at a time, the transportation of which requires the provision of wagons in a quantity corresponding to the standards established for routes by weight or length.

· Consolidated wagon shipment is considered to be cargo of different names presented one by one to the same consignee. In cases where there is not enough space in the consignment note to list all the cargo transported in one shipment, the shipper draws up a list and in the column “Name of the cargo” indicates “Combined wagon shipment, the list of cargo is attached.”

Exercise 1

Using the program for calculating railway tariffs Rail-Tariff, calculate tariffs for rail transportation of goods across Russia and for international transport, taking into account the characteristics of the cargo, the characteristics of the necessary cars, their affiliation, etc. The type of cargo, volume of transportation and route of movement are given by the teacher.

2. Transport contracts and rules for the carriage of goods by various modes of transport

Transport obligations are determined by the nature of the relationships arising in the process of transporting goods, passengers and luggage. The specificity of such relationships is that they mediate the sphere of services of an intangible (non-material) nature provided by the debtor to the creditor.

A transport obligation can be defined as an obligation by virtue of which one person - the carrier (operator) undertakes to perform in favor of another person - the consignor, consignee, passenger, owner of luggage or cargo luggage - certain legal or actual actions for the provision of transport services related to transportation, and the other person - to pay for the services provided in the amount established by law or by agreement of the parties.


The main acts of transport legislation include:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code);

Transport Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation (TUZD);

Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation;

Air Code of the Russian Federation (VK);

Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation (KTM);

Charter of inland water transport;

Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport of November 8, 2007. N 259-FZ.

A feature of transport legislation is that the Civil Code enshrines the basic provisions on the regulation of transportation, and their detailed regulation is contained in transport charters and codes adopted at the level of federal law (clause 2 of Article 784 of the Civil Code).


1. System of transport contracts

2. Agreements on the organization of cargo transportation

3. Contract for the carriage of goods

4. Contracts for the carriage of passengers and baggage

5. Towing agreement


In transport charters and codes, the contract for organizing transportation is not defined in the same way:

in road transport this is an annual contract;

at sea - long-term contract;

on inland water transport - navigation;

on air - special.

The carrier for failure to provide vehicles for the transportation of cargo, and the sender for failure to present cargo, bear responsibility established by transport charters and codes, as well as by agreement of the parties (clause 1 of Article 794 of the Civil Code). Thus, the railway, if the wagons, containers are not delivered, or the shipper, if the goods are not presented, are liable in the form of a fine established by Article 105 of the TUZD. As for the agreement of the parties, in relation to air transportation, an agreement of the parties is allowed to increase the limits of the carrier’s liability in comparison with the limits established by the Air Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the VC) or international treaties (Article 123 of the VC).


A contract for the carriage of goods is defined as an agreement between the shipper and the carrier, according to which the carrier undertakes to deliver the cargo entrusted to him by the sender to the destination and deliver it to the person authorized to receive the goods (recipient), and the sender undertakes to pay the established fee for transportation (clause 1 of Article 785 GK).


contract transportation cargo transport

Under the contract for the carriage of a passenger, the carrier undertakes to transport the passenger to the destination, and if the passenger checks in the luggage, also deliver the luggage to the destination and hand it over to the person authorized to receive the luggage. The passenger undertakes to pay the established fare, and when checking in luggage - also for the carriage of luggage (Article 786 of the Civil Code, Article 90 of the TUZD, Article 103 of the VK).


Under the towing agreement, the shipping company is obliged, for a set fee, to tow a raft or vessel to a designated point or for a certain time, or until a certain maneuver is performed (Article 126 of the UVVT).


Under a rail transportation agreement, goods can be transported both locally and directly. Transportation in local traffic is carried out within one railway, and in direct traffic - with the participation of two or more railways that are part of the unified railway network of the Russian Federation and open for public use. The railway that has entered into a contract of carriage in direct communication is the legal representative of all other railways participating in such communication.


The contract for the carriage of goods by air is occupying an increasingly priority position in the system of transport contracts. And this is due not only to the growing needs of citizens and the economy for air transportation, but also a kind of liberation from state dictates that took place until the beginning of the 90s, a significant increase in the number of persons acting as air carriers.


A contract for the carriage of goods by sea is one of the unique and complex types of transport contracts, reflecting the specifics and customs of relations associated with maritime merchant shipping.


A contract for the carriage of goods by road, having the general features of a contract of carriage enshrined in the Civil Code, UAT, and the Rules for the Transportation of Goods by Road, has a number of characteristic features. Firstly, in road transport, unlike other types of transport, it is not the shipper who delivers the cargo to the loading point, but the motor transport enterprise itself transfers its vehicles to the shipper for loading. This means that the transport process begins not from the moment a specific cargo is accepted for transportation, but much earlier, and not at the transport enterprise, but on the territory of the shipper. Secondly, the specificity of the contract for the carriage of goods by road is that when transporting goods with payment for the work of the car at a time rate, the written form of the contract is a waybill, which records the mileage and time the car is at the client’s disposal.

Agreementcentralizedtransportationcargoby motor transport.

One of the methods of operation of motor transport enterprises is centralized transportation of goods. There are several types of centralized transportation:

centralized transportation of certain types of cargo;

regular intercity centralized transportation;

centralized delivery (export) of cargo to railway stations, ports (piers) and airports.

Exercise 4

Draw up a contract for the carriage of goods, using data from practical work No. 3, in accordance with the norms of civil law. Specify the limits of liability of the parties, conditions of cargo delivery, etc.



G. Kaluga15 September2012 of the year

OOO " Ivanov" , represented by director Ivanov I.I., acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the “Carrier” on the one hand, and OOO " Petrov" , represented by Director Petrov P.P., acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the “Client”, on the other hand, each individually or collectively referred to respectively as the “Party” or “Parties”, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1 . ItemTreaty

1.1 This Agreement governs the relationship between the Parties regarding the transportation of the Client’s goods by the Carrier’s road transport, including in the planning, provision and payment of transportation services, as well as in the distribution between the Parties of all costs and expenses associated with transportation.

1.2 Under this Agreement, the Client orders and pays, and the Carrier carries out the transportation of goods; that is, delivers the cargo entrusted to him by the shipper to the destination and issues it to the person authorized to receive the cargo (consignee) according to the nomenclature and assortment indicated in the consignment note (hereinafter referred to as the Waybill) and the Waybill (hereinafter referred to as the TN); and also provides other services related to transportation, on the terms, terms and prices determined by Applications for the provision of a vehicle for each transportation.

2 . Orderregistrationdocumentsontransportation

2.1 The Client sends to the Carrier a written application signed by the responsible person, in the form specified in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement. The application is an integral part of this agreement.

2.2 Upon receipt of the transportation request from the Client, the Carrier signs it and sends it to the Client. Sending to the Client a completed and signed application by the Carrier confirms the readiness to carry out the requested transportation in full.

2.3 The parties may, by mutual agreement, send and accept for execution copies of documents sent by fax or email. The original documents are sent (transferred by courier) immediately following the sending of the copy. The date indicating the time of arrival and departure of the vehicle at the place of loading and (or) unloading is determined according to the marks in the technical specification and the waybill with the signature of the person responsible for loading and (or) unloading, the signature must be certified by a seal or stamp of the established form.

3 . RightsAndresponsibilitiesParties

3.1 The Client is obliged:

3.1.1 Before the arrival of the Carrier’s vehicle, ensure that the shipper or consignee (hereinafter in the text of the Agreement: at loading points - the shipper, at unloading points - the consignee) prepares the cargo for transportation (preparation for unloading) and passes the vehicle to the place of loading (unloading) .

3.1.2 Ensure that cargo is presented for transportation that corresponds to the name, weight and special properties of the cargo specified in the Application.

3.1.3 Pay the Carrier the cost of services provided under this Agreement related to transportation in the amount no later than 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the original invoice, a bilaterally signed certificate of work performed, a tear-off waybill and a waybill.

3.2 The carrier is obliged:

3.2.1 Submit serviceable vehicles in a condition suitable for transportation of this type of cargo in accordance with the confirmed Application within the approved time frame for loading.

3.2.2 Accept the Cargo from the Sender and deliver the Cargo to the Recipient in the manner established by current legislation and regulations, inspect the completeness, external condition of the cargo and its packaging, in accordance with the shipping documents. The carrier must not load cargo that is of poor quality upon visual inspection, with damaged or defective packaging, of which he is obliged to notify the Client. Upon completion of loading, the Carrier is obliged to make a note in the TN and the Waybill, which indicates that the Carrier (Driver) accepts full responsibility for the quantity (weight) and condition of the cargo, the correctness of loading, the presence and proper condition of the seal. Deliver the entrusted cargo to its destination on time; the target date of arrival of the vehicle at the unloading site is determined in the Application and TN.

3.2.3 Upon arrival at the place of unloading, hand over the documents and cargo to the consignee in accordance with the Application and the information specified in the technical specifications, with the execution of all necessary documents.

3.2.4 In case of any delays in transit, the Carrier is obliged to immediately notify the Client. In the event of a vehicle breakdown, the Carrier is obliged to immediately notify the Client, ensure that the cargo is reloaded into a serviceable vehicle and ensure that the cargo continues to be transported to the place of unloading, unless the Client has given written instructions to the Carrier regarding further actions with the cargo.

3.2.5 In the event of an accident, road accident, as well as in any cases of loss of cargo or part of it, theft of cargo by third parties, damage to the seal, etc., take all necessary measures to save, prevent or reduce damage to the cargo. Participate in the preparation of the Unloading Certificate in the event of a discrepancy between the number of seats indicated in the documents and the actual quantity or if defects are detected during unloading of the vehicle.

3.2.6 Provide the Client with originals of shipping documents (TN, Waybill) confirming the acceptance and transfer of goods, as well as the Certificate of Work Completed, invoice no later than 5 (five) calendar days from the date of execution of the Client’s Application.

4 . Ordercalculations

4.1 The Client pays for the Carrier’s services in the amount established in the Application, which is an integral annex to the contract and invoice for a specific transportation.

4.2 Payments for services performed are made by bank transfer by the Client to the Carrier’s account, unless otherwise specified by a separate agreement of the Parties. The moment of payment is the date of receipt of funds into the Carrier's account.

4.3 The Client is obliged, within 5 calendar days, to check the received original invoices, technical specifications and the certificate of work performed and, if there are no complaints against the Carrier, sign the Certificate of work performed and hand it over to the Carrier in person or by mail. If there are claims and refusal to sign the Certificate of Completion, the Client informs the Carrier of the reasons for the refusal within 2 calendar days from the date of receipt of the specified documents. Payment is made to the Carrier's bank account within 7 calendar days. The Client must return one copy of the signed certificate of completion of work and the technical specification to the Carrier.

5 . Responsibilityparties

5.1 In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Client and the Carrier bear responsibility established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport, as well as this Agreement.

5.2 A Party that engages a third party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement shall be liable to the other Party for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the third party as for its own actions.

5.3 Penalties and fines for the obligations of this agreement are paid by the guilty Party in the amount and manner determined by the current legislation and regulations. The possibility of applying penalties is a right, but not an obligation, of the Party whose rights are violated.

5.4 Client's responsibility:

5.4.1 If the consignee refuses to accept the cargo, all costs for redirecting or returning the cargo are borne by the Client.

5.4.2 If the Client’s payment for the Carrier’s services is delayed by more than 5 calendar days, the Carrier has the right to require the Client to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.03% of the amount for each day of delay.

5.5 Responsibility of the Carrier:

5.5.1 In the event of a delay in providing the Carrier’s vehicle for transportation by more than 4 (four) hours for loading, the Client has the right to consider this as a failure to provide the vehicle for transportation, and refuse the Carrier’s services for transportation under a confirmed Request, having notified about this Carrier.

5.5.2 The Carrier, in accordance with current legislation and regulations, bears full responsibility for loss, shortage and damage to goods accepted for transportation that occur from the moment the goods are accepted for transportation until the goods are delivered to the consignee, and compensates the Client for losses incurred in the value of the lost, missing or damaged cargo.

5.5.3 The Carrier, along with compensation for established damage caused by loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of cargo, does not have the right to demand from the Client payment for services for the transportation of lost or missing cargo.

5.5.4 Without the consent of the Client, the Carrier does not have the right to shift to third parties its responsibility for fulfilling the terms of this agreement and the obligation to compensate for losses incurred by the Client.

6 . Force Majeure

6.1 The Parties are released from partial or full fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement if this was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could not have foreseen; neither prevent by reasonable measures nor influence them and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, such as earthquakes, floods, fires, train crashes, as well as wars and orders of government bodies.

6.2 The Party citing force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately inform the other Party about the occurrence of such circumstances in writing, and at the request of the other Party, the relevant documents of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation must be provided. The information must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as, if possible, an assessment of their impact on the Parties’ fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement and on the period for fulfilling the obligations.

6.3 A Party that is unable to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement due to force majeure circumstances will make every effort to resume this performance as soon as possible.

6.4 Upon termination of these circumstances, the Party citing force majeure must immediately notify the other Party in writing.

6.5 In the event of force majeure circumstances, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under the Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances and their consequences apply.

7 . Considerationdisputes

7.1 The parties make every effort to resolve disputes and disagreements arising during the validity period of this Agreement through negotiations. Before the Parties present claims arising from this Agreement, it is mandatory to submit claims.

7.2 Before submitting a controversial issue to the arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region, the parties are obliged to comply with the claim procedure for resolving disputes, observing the procedure for filing claims provided for by current legislation and regulations.

7.3 If it is impossible to resolve disputes through a claim procedure, they are subject to referral to the arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region.

8 . Finalprovisions

8.1 This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by both Parties indicated at the beginning of the Agreement and is valid until December 31, 2012.

8.2 If neither Party, one month before the expiration of the Agreement, notifies the other Party in writing of its intention to terminate the Agreement or extend it on other terms, the Agreement is considered extended for one year on the same terms with further extension in the same manner.

8.3 This Agreement is drawn up in Russian in two original copies having equal legal force - one for each of the Parties. All additions and changes to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. This Agreement may be amended or terminated by agreement of the Parties. These agreements are made in writing, signed by the Parties and become an integral part of this Agreement from the moment they are signed by the Parties.

8.4 In cases where the terms of this Agreement conflict with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation will apply (according to Articles 421, 422 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

8.5 After signing this Agreement, all preliminary negotiations on it, correspondence, preliminary agreements and protocols of intent on issues related in one way or another to this Agreement lose legal force.

3. Routing of cargo transportation

Increasing the efficiency of road freight transportation is associated with the use of mathematical methods to solve applied problems. One of these optimization tasks is the preparation of rational transportation routes.

Routing transportation call the compilation of rational vehicle routes that ensure a reduction in unproductive idle and zero runs in general for the rolling stock.

When drawing up routes, different approaches to securing cars on routes are possible:

groups of cars are assigned to suppliers; in this case, the work is organized along pendulum routes (l g =l x), the value of the mileage utilization factor, as a rule, cannot be more than 0.5.

vehicles are not assigned to suppliers, the route is planned through different loading and unloading points; With rational organization of transportation, it is possible to reduce unproductive runs.

The task of creating rational routes is especially relevant when transporting bulk cargo. The objective function of the problem is to minimize empty runs.

Let the cargo departure points (GOP) and the cargo receipt points (GRP), the vehicle placement point (ATP), as well as the distances between these points be specified. Loaded trips are known that need to be carried out from a specific GPO to a given GPO. Let us consider an example of solving such a problem, the initial data of which are presented in Table 2.

Table 3 - Transportation task

To transport all cargo, one model of rolling stock is selected. For example, when using a ZIL-4503 dump truck with a lifting capacity of 4.5 tons for transportation and taking into account the value of the load capacity utilization coefficient for different loads (for sawdust, for other loads), we will present the transportation task in the form of Table 3. The number of trips on each route is determined by the formula

, (18)

where is the total amount of cargo that needs to be transported from each supplier to each consumer.

Table 4 - Transportation task by number of riders

To solve the routing problem we use methodcombinedmatrices, which consists in the fact that first, transportation is identified that is advisable to carry out on pendulum routes, the rest are combined into ring routes.

Let's present the initial data in the form of a table (Table 4). We write the distances between points in the upper right corner of the matrix cell. We will write the distance from the ATP to the shipper and consignee in parentheses next to the point designation.

Let's enter into the table the total number of trips for each supplier and consumer.

Let us solve the problem of drawing up an optimal plan for supplying an empty substations for loading (see Table 4). To do this, we find the cells with the smallest distance between the shipper and the consignee in each column and put the maximum possible number of trips there, taking into account the capabilities of the shipper and the demand of the consignee.

We start from the first column, put the maximum possible number of riders, which is limited by the consignee.

After exhausting the consignee's options, move on to the next column. Thus, we distribute idle rides. The sum of idle trips for the cells of the line must be equal to the total number of trips for the removal of the corresponding shipper.

Table 5 - Optimal idle plan



Total export, units

Total imports, units

Then we enter into the table the loaded trips that must be completed according to the task (from Table 3). Loaded rides are listed in the table in italics. Thus, a combined matrix of idle and loaded riders is obtained (Table 5).

The presence of idle and loaded riders in one cell indicates that it is advisable to carry out this transportation along a pendulum route. The number of rides on pendulum routes corresponds to the lesser of the number of loaded and idle rides. In this example, the following pendulum routes can be generated:

route№1 : A 2 - B 4 - A 2 - 3 turns;

Table 6 - Combined matrix of idle and loaded riders



Total export, units




( 1)


( 3)


Total imports, units

The number of transportations along pendulum routes is subtracted from the loads of the corresponding cells and a new matrix is ​​created to continue solving the problem (Table 6).

To create circular routes, closed contours are built. The contour vertices must be located in loaded cells of the matrix, and the load values ​​at the contour vertices must alternate: first comes the cell containing loaded rides, then the cell containing idle rides, etc.

Table 7 - Matrix for creating circular routes

Each constructed contour corresponds to a circular route. The number of rides on the route corresponds to the smallest of the number of idle and loaded rides along the vertices of the contour.

Let's build a circuit A 1 B 1 - A 1 B 3 - A 2 B 3 - A 2 B 5 - A 4 B 5. In the matrix, solid lines are located horizontally and correspond to the transportation of cargo. The dotted lines located vertically correspond to the transportation of cargo, which correspond to the supply of empty rolling stock. The minimum load on this circuit is three trips.

The total mileage of the vehicle when transporting goods along rational routes depends on the choice of the starting point of the route. On pendulum routes, the starting point is uniquely determined by the loading point. On circular routes, the number of possible starting point options corresponds to the number of loading points on the route. Therefore, to determine the starting point of the circular route, it is necessary to consider all possible combinations of the first loading points and the last unloading points. For each option, it is necessary to calculate the total empty mileage from the ATP to the first loading point and from the last unloading point to the ATP. It is advisable to take the point at which the total mileage is minimal as the initial loading point.

For route No. 4, there are three possible starting points:

start at point A 1, end at point B 3, zero mileage 11 km;

start at point A 4, end at point B 1, zero mileage 21 km.

We take point A 1 as the starting point on the ring route No. 4, the route will end at point A 4. Thus, route№2 : A 1 - B 1 - A 4 - B 5 - A 2 - B 3 - A 3 - 5 turns.

The number of riders included in the route is subtracted from the load at the vertices of the contour. Then they move on to building the next circular route. Let's build the following circuit: A 1 B 1 - A 1 B 3 - A 2 B 3 - A 2 B 5 - A 4 B 5 (Table 8).

For this route, there are two options for choosing a starting point:

start at point A 1, end at point B 1, zero mileage 20 km;

start at point A 2, end at point B 3, zero mileage 14 km;

start at point A 4, end at point B 5, zero mileage 21 km.

We take point A 1 as the starting point of the route. Along this contour we will organize route№3 : A 1 - B 3 - A 2 - B 5 - A 4 - B 1 - 6 turns.

We subtract the number of rides included in the route from the load of the corresponding cells and select the following circular route along the contour: A 2 B 3 - A 2 B 4 - A 4 B 5 - A 4 B 3 (Table 9).

Table 8

Table 9

For this route, there are three options for choosing a starting point:

start at point A 3, end at point B 4, zero mileage 5 km;

start at point A 2, end at point B 4, zero mileage 11 km;

We take A 2 as the starting point of this route and set route№4 : A 2 - B 6 -A 4 - B 3 - 2 turn.

Thus, the transportation plan has been drawn up. The following routes were received:


route№1 : A 3 - B 4 - A 3 - 3 turns;


route№2 : A 1 - B 1 - A 4 - B 6 - A 2 - B 3 - A 3 - 3 turns;

route№3 : A 2 - B 6 -A 4 - B 3 - 2 turns.

4 . Basic transport documentation for various modes of transport

Automotive transport

International consignment note

Unlike the Russian consignment note, the international consignment note (CMR) is drawn up in triplicate. They are signed by the shipper and the carrier. In some countries there is another copy, which is intended for tariff control.

There are situations when cargo must be transported by several vehicles, or different types of cargo are transported in one vehicle. Then the number of invoices must correspond to the number of transport units or the number of types of cargo. This rule also applies if several shipments of the same cargo are transported.

If the cargo being transported is dangerous, the sender must accurately indicate the nature of the danger in the consignment note. In addition, the consignment note should describe the necessary precautions to be taken to ensure safe transport.

The receiving carrier must mark his name and address on the second copy of the bill of lading. If he is not satisfied with their condition, he must make appropriate notes on the invoice. If the consignment note does not contain any reservations justified by the carrier, then it is considered that at the time the cargo was accepted by the carrier, the cargo and its packaging were apparently in good condition. And also that the number of packages, their markings and numbers corresponded to the instructions in the consignment note.

The international consignment note must contain “standard” data, the same as in the Russian consignment note (date of the document, name and address of the sender and carrier, indication of the place, date of acceptance of the cargo and place intended for its delivery, name and address of the recipient, etc. .).

In addition, the CMR must indicate:

· accepted designation of the nature of the cargo and the type of its packaging;

· payments related to transportation (customs duties and fees, etc.) and other payments collected from the moment the contract is concluded until the delivery of the cargo;

· instructions that will be needed when crossing the border and completing customs documents.

The invoice may also contain:

· an indication that overloading is not permitted;

· indication of payments that the sender is obliged to pay;

· the amount of payment due upon delivery of the cargo;

· declared value of the cargo;

· instructions from the sender to the carrier regarding cargo insurance;

· the agreed period during which the transportation must be carried out;

· list of documents transferred to the carrier.

Nautical view transport

Bill of lading

Bill of lading is a document issued by the carrier to the shipper to certify the acceptance of cargo for transportation by sea with the obligation to deliver the cargo to the port of destination and release it to the legal holder of the bill of lading. The bill of lading is one of the main documents used for customs clearance and customs control of goods transported by sea. The bill of lading certifies ownership of the shipped goods.

In the Russian Federation, the procedure for drawing up a bill of lading and its necessary details are established by the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation.

A bill of lading performs three main functions:

1. Is an official receipt of the shipowner (carrier) confirming that the goods, which are supposed to be in the specified form, quantity and condition, have been sent to the specified destination on a particular ship or, at least, received under the custody of the shipowner for the purpose of shipment.

2. Certifies the conclusion of the contract of carriage by sea, which is actually concluded before signing the bill of lading, and repeats its contents in detail.

3. Is a document of title to goods, allowing the buyer to dispose of them by means of an endorsement and the provision of a bill of lading. Thus, a bill of lading provides title to the goods.

After the cargo is loaded on board the ship, the carrier, at the request of the shipper, issues to him an on-board bill of lading, which, in addition to the data, must indicate that the cargo is on board a specific ship or ships, and must also indicate the date of loading of the cargo or dates of loading cargo

A bill of lading can be issued in the name of a specific recipient (nominal bill of lading), to the order of the sender or recipient (order bill of lading) or to bearer. An order bill of lading that does not contain an indication of its issuance to the order of the sender or recipient is considered issued to the order of the sender.

The bill of lading is transferred in compliance with the following rules:

· a registered bill of lading can be transferred using personal endorsements or in another form in accordance with the rules established for the assignment of a claim;

· an order bill of lading can be transferred using personal or blank endorsements;

· a bill of lading payable to bearer can be transferred by mere delivery.

The following types of bills of lading are used:

· On-board bill of lading (shipped). When the shipowner issues an on-board bill of lading, he acknowledges that the cargo has been loaded on board the ship.

· Bill of lading for loading on board the vessel (received for shipment).

Clean bill of lading

Bill of lading with clause (claused)

· Negotiable bill of lading. Bill of lading

· Personalized bill of lading

·Bill of lading to bearer

· Line steamer bill of lading

· Charter (freight) bill of lading

· Through bill of lading

Typically, a bill of lading is a printed form in which the above information is entered on a typewriter or printer. On the back of the bill of lading are the terms of the contract of carriage by sea. Large shipping companies have their own letterheads.

Only the person holding the bill of lading has the right to claim that the goods are transferred to him by the carrier. The carrier will not be liable for misdelivery of goods if he delivers the goods to the holder of the first original bill of lading presented to him (provided that the carrier is not aware of the illegality of possession of the bill of lading). And even the true owner has no right to claim the goods if he cannot produce a bill of lading.

Railway transport

The international railway consignment note and its duplicate are transport documents for international railway freight transport. The invoice is a document documenting the contract of carriage between the shipper and the railway administration. In the practice of international trade, the form of consignment note developed by the international CIM Convention (International Freight Convention, since 1984 called COTIF - Convention on International Carriage of Goods), as well as the Agreement on International Freight Transport (SMGS), is widely used. The main contents of the invoice: the name of the destination station and border stations, the name of the cargo, payment for transportation, the declared value of the cargo. The text of the railway bill of lading is printed on standard forms, usually in two languages. It is issued by the shipper or his forwarding agent in the name of the consignee, sealed by the carrier, who puts a stamp on the duplicate consignment note. The latter remains with the shipper. The waybill comes with the cargo. Each invoice is accompanied by shipping documentation: shipping specification, quality certificate, packing list, etc. A duplicate of the railway waybill is included in the set of documents for receiving payment under a letter of credit or in a collection form.

The SMGS consignment note (the form of the consignment note for sending goods from and to the territory of the countries of the former USSR has been preserved) consists of five sheets:

· the first sheet is the original waybill, which accompanies the cargo to the destination station and is issued to the recipient along with the fifth sheet and the cargo;

· the second sheet is a road manifest that accompanies the cargo to the destination station and remains on the destination road; as many road statements are issued as there are roads involved in transportation;

· third sheet - a duplicate of the invoice, which is issued to the sender after the conclusion of the transportation contract;

· fourth sheet - a sheet of cargo transfer accompanying the shipment to the destination station, which remains on the destination road;

· fifth sheet - a sheet of notification of the arrival of the cargo, which accompanies the shipment to the destination station and is issued to the recipient along with the original and the cargo.

European countries are guided by the Convention (COTIF), which provides for a slightly different form of railway consignment note. Therefore, when registering transportation from the CIS, when part of the route will pass through European countries, the SMGS consignment note is issued to the border station of the railway of the country bordering the CIS, where the SMGS consignment note will be reissued into a COTIF consignment note. The same procedure is carried out at border stations and when sending goods to the CIS countries.

Mixed transportation

FBL Document (FIATA Multimodal Bill of Lading)

In the 60s, forwarders began to offer their clients comprehensive cargo delivery services, as well as cargo consolidation services. At the same time, forwarders issued their own waybill or forwarder's transport certificate (FCT) to customers as confirmation that the cargo was moving to its destination, but they did not have a certain legal force and banks did not accept them under a letter of credit. Thus, the freight forwarder could not provide the client with a transport document that would meet his commercial needs. In 1968, FIATA developed the FBL, and in 1983, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) officially recognized the FBL as a document acceptable in letter of credit practice.

Currently, the FBL is one of the most commonly used combined transport documents in the world. An FBL is a transport document that the freight forwarder issues as a carrier and at the same time assumes responsibility for the entire transport operation from the place of receipt of the goods to the destination.

List of sources and literature used

1. Civil law: In 4 volumes. Volume 4: Law of Obligations: Textbook. 3rd edition, revised and expanded. Ed. E.A. Sukhanova.M. Wolters Kluwer, 2008

2. Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR). Geneva, May 19, 1956

3. Logistics of road transport: Textbook / V.S. Lukinsky, V.I. Berezhnoy, E.V. Berezhnaya and others - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 368 pp.: ill.

4. Order No. 39 of June 18, 2003 “On approval of the rules for filling out transportation documents for the transportation of goods by rail”

5. Savin V.I. Cargo transportation by road. Reference manual - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing House "Business and Service", 2004. - 544 p.

6. Technological processes of transport production. Methodological instructions for practical classes for students of specialty 19070165 (240100) - “Organization of transportation and management in transport (motor transport)” / Faskhiev Kh.A., Nuretdinov D.I. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Kama State Publishing House. Engineering and Economic Academy, 2006. - 60 p.

7. Transportation in logistics: Textbook. allowance / V.S. Lukinsky, V.V. Lukinsky, I.A. Plastuniak, N.G. Pletneva - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2005. - 139 p.

8. Transport support for commercial activities: Textbook. allowance / Edited by G.Ya. Rezgo. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. - 128 p.: ill.

9. Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 18-FZ “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation” (as amended on November 8, 2007)

10. Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 18-FZ “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”.

11. Federal Law of April 30, 1999 N 81-FZ “Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation” (as amended on July 1, 2010)

12. Federal Law of March 7, 2001 N 24-FZ “Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation” (as amended on December 27, 2009)

13. Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport".

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