Short Christmas stories in English. Christmas cartoons in English. Kyle Keaton reads “How Little Bear Spent Christmas With Santa”

Christmas is Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians throughout the world it is the happiest and the busiest time of the year. No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth but most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25. The word Christmas comes from Christes masse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ.

People of different countries celebrate Christmas in various ways. People in the United States and Canada decorate their homes with Christmas trees, wreaths and ornaments. City streets are filled with colored lights; the sound of bells and Christmas carols can be heard everywhere.

Children write letters to Santa Claus and tell him what presents they would like to get. Many department stores hire people to wear a Santa Claus costume and listen to children's requests. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends. Many companies give presents to their employees.

A Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of Christmas in most homes. Relatives and friends may join in trimming the tree with lights, tinsel, and colorful ornaments. Presents are placed under the tree. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, families open their presents.

Many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by a reindeer and brings presents. Some children hang up stockings so Santa Claus can fill them with candy, fruit and other small gifts.

In many parts of the United States and Canada groups of people walk from house to house and sing Christmas carols. Some people give singers money or small gifts or invite them for a warm drink.

Many people attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. They listen to readings from the Bible and singing Christmas carols.

A traditional Christmas dinner consists of stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and a variety of other dishes. Some families have ham or roast goose instead of turkey. Pumpkin pie, plum pudding, and fruitcake are favorite desserts.


Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians around the world, this is the happiest and most troublesome time of the year. No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, but most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th. The word "Christmas" comes from "Christes masse", an Old English expression that means "Mass of Christ".

People in different countries celebrate Christmas in different ways. People in the United States and Canada decorate their homes with Christmas trees, wreaths, and various decorations. The city streets are full of colorful lights, bells and Christmas carols can be heard everywhere.

Children write letters to Santa Claus and tell him what gifts they would like to receive. Many department stores hire people to wear Santa Claus costumes and listen to children's requests. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends. Many companies give gifts to their employees.

The Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of Christmas in most homes. Relatives and friends can gather to decorate the Christmas tree with lights, tinsel, and colorful decorations. Gifts are placed under the tree. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, families open gifts.

Many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Some children hang out stockings for Santa Claus to fill with candy, fruit, and other small gifts.

In many areas of the United States and Canada, groups of people go from house to house singing Christmas carols. Some give the singers money or small gifts, or invite them inside for hot drinks.

Many people attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. They listen to passages from the Bible and sing Christmas carols.

A traditional Christmas dinner consists of stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and a variety of other items. Some families eat ham or roast goose instead of turkey. Favorite desserts are pumpkin pie, plum pudding and fruit cake.

Christmas, perhaps, can be called the most inspiring holiday for both children and adults. Children are waiting for a miracle; in the morning they will find their gifts under the tree. And then winter fun, guests, games, and goodies await them. Adults also love this holiday, they remember their carefree childhood and the surging feelings fill their hearts with joy. Magic is in the air... Read two very simple stories about Christmas in English, listen to a New Year's song and watch a wonderful video.

My favorite day – Christmas (My favorite day is Christmas)

Christmas is December 25th. This is my favorite time of year. We decorate our Christmas tree with toys, tinsel and lights. Then we place a star or fairy on top.
We put our gifts under the tree. We send Christmas cards and sing Christmas carols at school or church. Some people sing songs and get money.

Merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!

Children are waiting for Santa Claus to bring them gifts. Many leave food for him to eat when he comes to visit. For Christmas dinner we eat turkey and then Christmas cake. My favorite part is pulling the clappers!

Santa's Christmas

Santa is ill (Santa is ill)

It was a beautiful December day with clear blue skies and snow-covered treetops. Christmas was in the air! But everything was quiet in Santa's house. The usual hustle and bustle of preparing Christmas gifts disappeared because Santa fell ill. “Oh my God, what will the kids say when they don’t get any presents this year?” - Santa thought sadly as he lay on the bed.

Reindeer (Deer)

Suddenly he heard a noise outside. He looked out the window and saw his four deer standing patiently as usual. But they seemed completely out of breath, as if they had just finished a long trip. Santa looked closer and couldn't believe what he saw. Behind the reindeer was a long train of sleighs carrying small children dressed in all sorts of colors.


One after another they jumped into the snow and headed towards Santa Claus's house. Soon there was a knock on the door. ‘Come in!’ Santa said because he was very curious. A little girl came, hugging something soft in her hands. “I heard you're sick, Mr. Santa,” she began. "So I'm giving you my teddy bear so you can have company."

Gifts for Santa

“Why, thank you, little Emma!” - said Santa, because he knew each child by name.
Then a young boy came in with a red bag in his hands.
“We knew you were sick, Papa Santa,” he said. “So my family knitted this blanket for you to keep you warm on winter days.”
“Why, what a wonderful idea, Paul!” Santa whispered, patting him on the head. And one by one the children came through Santa's door, each with a special gift to wish Santa well. There were cookies, cakes, socks, mittens, books, puzzles and even a small Christmas tree!


“Christmas has arrived on my doorstep!” - Santa exclaims. “Come on, let’s all share these wonderful gifts.” And he gathered the children around him in a large circle. “Santa, what do you like best?” Emma asked soon. “My dears,” Santa replied smiling, “It is the love and kindness that each of you showed me today that is the best gift for everyone.” He looked lovingly at all the energetic faces around him. “This, my little ones, is the true meaning of Christmas.” And with that, Santa gave each of the children a big, warm holiday hug.

Here are two stories about the children's favorite holiday - Christmas. You can find even more stories for beginners on various topics on, and also on the website there are many colorful and simple video stories in English (only without translation).

English teacher,

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1", Angarsk

"A Christmas Tale"

Scenario for a theatrical school performance dedicated to Christmas in England

Participants: students in grades 2-4

Goal: Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of Great Britain, instilling respect for the culture of the country, increasing motivation to learn English

Abstract: “A Christmas Tale” is a script for one of the traditional extracurricular activities dedicated to the culture of Great Britain and the USA. The script includes authentic Christmas poems and songs for children. The date is December 24-25. Duration 7-10 minutes.

Characters: 6 gnomes, boy and girl (brother and sister), Santa, presenter (maybe teacher)

Decorations: decorated Christmas tree, fireplace

Spectators enter the music room and stand in a semicircle.

The lights go out, gnomes appear with lanterns in their hands (caps, mittens, scarves) to the music.

In Canada, America, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Denmark (1 word each)

There is only one thing on everyone's mind - people are waiting for Christmas! (all together).

The gnomes speak two lines:

It's Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas!

It's time for hanging stockings,

It's time for riding sleighs,

It's time for Jolly great,

Snow and holly overeating.

Oh, I love you, Merry Christmas,

You are the best of holidays.

Narrator: The trees are covered with sparkling snow. Deep snowdrifts covered the ground. Christmas night is approaching. Everything around froze in anticipation of a miracle...

The trees are heavy

With glaring snow.

The drifts are deep.

And the world is white.

No breath of wind

Is there below,

Hushed beauty reigns…

It's Christmas night.

Host: Quiet winter evening. The stars and the moon light up in the dark sky, Christmas trees are in the houses and on the streets and Christmas candles are lit.

Brother and sister decorate the Christmas tree near the fireplace and say:

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

They are green when summer days are bright.

They are green when winter days are white.

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

Your branches green delight us.

(At this time, the candles on the fireplace are lit)

(Children hang stockings on the fireplace)

The stockings are hunger,

The carols are being sung.

My heart is field with joy,

Along with every boy and girl.

It's really hard to go to sleep,

you want to go and take a peep.

And when you are finally in bed,

Visions of Santa dance in your head.

(children hang up stockings, blow out candles, yawn and leave)

Host: They won’t be able to sleep for a long time today, just to look at this guest, Santa will sneak into the house on the sly and hide the gifts under the tree.

Dwarfs say:

  • Who very soon will come our way?

Santa very soon will come our way.

Eight little reindeer pull his sleigh.

Santa's little reindeer pull his sleigh.

  • Reindeer sleigh, come our way,

Ho, Ho, Ho cherry nose,

Cap on head, suit that's red,

Special night, beard that's white –

Must be Santa, must be Santa,

Must be Santa, Santa Claus.

Santa comes in:

When the clock is striking 12,

When you are fast asleep

Down the chimney broad and black

With my bag I'll creep.

Jonny wants a pair of skates.

Susy wants a Dolly;

Nelly wants a story book;

She thinks dolls are folly.

A little sleepy boy comes out with a pillow:

As for me, my little brain

Isn’t very bright:

Choose for me, old Santa Claus

What do you think is right.

(Santa takes the baby by the hand and leads him away.)

Presenter: Children get up before everyone else and run for gifts

It opens, the children freeze with delight,

Merry Christmas to everyone and shouts: “Hurray! Hooray!"

Everyone sings the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas!”


(The NEW YEAR and the SNOW MAIDEN are knocking at the door. They have presents and a bell in their hands)

New Year:

I am the little New Year, ho, ho!
Here I come jumping over the snow,
Shaking my bell with a merry din

Snow Maiden:

Presents we bring for each and all
Big folks, little folks, short and tall.
Each one from us a treasure may win,
So open your doors and let me in!

New Year:

Some shall have silver and some shall have gold
Some shall have new clothes and some shall have old.

Snow Maiden:

Some shall have water and some shall have milk
Some shall have satin and some shall have silk!

New Year: But each of you a present may win

Snow Maiden: So open your doors and let us in!


(Enter Mrs.CLAUS)

Mrs.Claus: Oh, hello dear New Year! Have you got any present for Santa Claus?

New Year: What? A present for our old Santa? No, here are some presents which he must take to children. And he must hurry! He hasn't got much time to finish his work!

Mrs.Claus: Poor old Santa... Good-bye, New Year. Merry Christmas!

(Exit New Year. Enter ELF 1 and ELF 2)

Mrs.Claus: Good day, my little elves. Come here! Have you, Elves, ever thought what it is like for our Santa on Christmas morning? He works all Christmas night putting presents in children's stockings, and when he comes back to a quiet North Pole he is so tired! All people are opening presents and having a wonderful time and poor old Santa is so tired that he can't celebrate!

1st Elf:

Think about it. It's almost shocking!
He won't even have a Christmas stocking.
Is it too late for us to plan
To celebrate with this kind old man?

Mrs.Claus: What a good idea! No, it isn't to late! Let's quickly think of the presents we can make!

2nd Elf:

Let's give him new gloves and a hat right away
So the cold won't get him when he is out in his sleigh.

Mrs.Claus: What about some nice tasty things for the holiday lunch?

2nd Elf: We"ll make up a tasty brew! Can you cook his favorite stew?

Mrs.Claus: Of course! So, I"m going to the kitchen and you hurry for a surprise for Santa!



Tom: Where are my Christmas presents? There is nothing in my stocking! How awful! Oh, my dear friends, I"m so angry that I forgot to tell you who I am. I am famous Tom Sawyer!

Dorothy: I am Dorothy. Do you know me? You have read about my adventures in the book "The Wizard of Oz". I flew to a magic country in my house with my dog ​​Toto.

Alice: And my name is Alice. Do you know what tale I come from? "Alice in Wonderland", of course!

Tom: Imagine how unhappy I am with these two silly girls following me here and there and everywhere! Woh!

Dorothy: Tom, stop being naughty, please! It's Christmas Eve!

Alice: It's Christmas Eve and where are our presents? There is nothing in my stocking!

Dorothy: And my stocking is empty, too!

Tom: What has happened to Santa Claus?

(Enter MRS.CLAUS and the ELVES)

Mrs.Claus: My dear friends, you know how busy Santa is. No wonder he has forgotten!

Dorothy, Alice: Merry Christmas, Mrs.Claus!

1 st Elf: Merry Christmas, everybody! Do you know that we decided to give Santa Claus some presents. He never gets anything on Christmas, you know.

Tom: I"ve got an idea. Old Santa has so much work to do today. What if we help him to take the presents to those children who live not very far away?

2nd Elf: That will be nice! Here is a bag with presents, the New Year has left it hear. Oh, how heavy it is!

Mrs.Claus: Now everyone has something to do and I am going to make a stew.

Dorothy: Can we help you. Mrs.Claus?

Alice: We would like to do it!

1 st Elf: And I think we must invite children to our party. They will dress up in pretty clothes and we"ll have fun!

Mrs.Claus: But we must hurry - Christmas is coming.



Black Fairy: Oh, I knew it! Santa Claus hasn't even put a stocking for me. He's forgotten about me! And they are all talking about him - helping Santa, presents for Santa, a party for Santa... And I"m always alone! O.K. I"ll show them what happens if they forget about Black Fairy! I don't want them to help that old fat Santa Claus. Oh, what's that? Christmas presents!? Presents for these naughty, noisy, lazy children? I"ll take them and hide in a good secret place. (to the audience) And if you tell them anything you will never get any presents on Christmas! Do you understand? Never again!


(Enter Tom, Dorothy and Alice)

Tom: It's time to go. The children are waiting for their presents. (looking around) But where are the presents? Where is the bag?

Dorothy: Where are the presents?

Alice (crying): Somebody has taken the bag! Now the children won't get the presents!

Dorothy (crying): Poor Santa Claus. Everybody will be angry with him. We wanted to help and now...

Tom: Never again shall I ask any girls to help me! The only thing they can do is cry and weep! It"s cold today and if you don"t stop you will have icicles on your eyes! Stop crying and let me think. There must be a way out. Yes! A Christmas Fairy - Saula is the only one who can help us! She always comes on Christmas Eve to those who need help.


(Distant music and bells are heard, enter SAULA)

Saula: Merry Christmas!

Tom: Saula! I"ve been thinking about you! How do you know that we need your help?

Saula: I heard someone crying. I thought I could help, and here I am!

Alice: Saula, dear, do you know what has happened?

Saula: I don't, sweetheart.

Dorothy: We decided to help Santa Claus with the presents, you know he is so busy on Christmas Eve...

Saula: How lovely! How kind of you to do it!

Alice: But somebody has taken the bag with all the presents!

Tom: Even I have no idea - who could do such a bad thing!

Saula: Let me think... I guess I know who it is.

All: Do you!?

Saula: Have you ever heard about the Black Fairy of the Christmas Eve?

Tom: Never.

Alice: Yes, I "ve once read about her. People say she is very wicked, nobody loves her and she loves nobody.

Saula: You are right. She always tries to do something bad on Christmas Eve.

Tom: Let me catch her and she will never do anything bad again!

Saula: Don"t be so angry, Tom. Christmas is the time for love and forgiving. Think of how unhappy she is. She"s got no friends, no family. Nobody gives her presents or says Merry Christmas.

Dorothy: Poor thing.

Alice: I'm so sorry.

Dorothy: And what if we give her a present?

Tom: A present for this...

Alice: Oh, Tom, we must give her a present and say we are sorry nobody wants to be her friend. May be she isn't as bad as she looks.

Dorothy: We can be her friends.

Saula: You are good girls! That's just what we must do. Elves! Elves! Have you got one more stocking?


(Enter Elves)

1st Elf: Merry Christmas Saula!

2nd Elf: Who do you need a stocking for?

Saula: For Black Fairy.

Elves: Black Fairy?

Tom: These kind women feel sorry for her! And she has stolen the bag with Christmas presents! Have you ever heard anything like that!?

Saula: Tom, be a good boy today. Don't forget it's Christmas time.

Tom: O.K. I"ll show you that I can be good. I can even give Black Fairy my tooth as a present. And it"s the best thing I have got!

Dorothy: We've got some candies.

2nd Elf: And I have a nice Christmas bell!

Saula: Here is an apple and a beautiful Christmas card from me. Let us put everything into the stocking and call Black fairy all together.

All: Black Fairy! Black Fairy!


(Enter Black Fairy)

Black Fairy: I haven't seen your bag with presents! I've never touched it.

Saula: Dear, nobody thinks you have!

Alice: We just wanted to say to you -

All: Merry Christmas!

Dorothy: Christmas is the time for love, friendship and forgiving.

Tom: Here is a present for you, Black Fairy!

Black Fairy: A Christmas stocking? For me? Isn't it a joke?

1st Elf: No, Black Fairy, it isn't a joke. We want to be your friends.

Black Fairy: Oh, thank you so much! And I am sorry. It was me. I took the presents. I didn't want you to help Santa Claus because he never, never brings me presents. I am so sorry. Here is the bag. Forgive me, please!

Saula: We will forgive you if you help us to take the presents to the children. We must hurry or we"ll be late!

Black Fairy: Certainly, with great pleasure!

Saula: I "m leaving you now. You can do everything yourselves and I must help those who are unhappy today. Good-bye and merry Christmas! (exit Saula)


(Mrs.Claus and the Elves)

Mrs.Claus: Everything is ready. We helped Santa with the presents and his stocking is full of presents, too. And the tasty lunch is on the table. But there are no lights on the Christmas tree!

1st Elf:

We"ll have to hurry to get things done
The computer shows he"s on his last run!

2nd Elf: Yes, he is coming!

Mrs.Claus: Tom, Alice, Dorothy, come here! (Enter Tom, Alice, Dorothy). I can hear him. He"s going into his bedroom. Let"s turn off the lights and hide. (the stage remains dark and quiet) I"d better go and see what has happened to him. I don"t hear anything! (the lights go up, Mrs.Claus exits and immediately comes back)

Well, little friends, you needn't hide
Santa's too tired after his ride
The party food we"ll have to keep
Dear old Santa is fast asleep!

Tom: What if we wake him up?

Alice: Won't he be angry? He is so tired.

Dorothy: I know a lovely Christmas song about Santa Claus. If we sing it he"ll wake up and won"t be angry.

I"m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
When the tree tops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.
I"m dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write.
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white.

Let's create a festive mood and learn English

A winter fairy tale is needed not only for children, but also for adults. We have collected for you magical Christmas cartoons that are worth watching in English. This is an interesting option to learn new words, and the child will be even more delighted with this method of learning. Stock up on some goodies, a warm drink, and go to the world of Christmas miracles :)

Friends, this article contains sites with films and cartoons in English with subtitles. You can search for cartoons from the presented article on these sites if it is difficult for you to watch them without subtitles.

Almost all Christmas cartoons from this collection are distinguished by simple vocabulary and grammar, as well as clear pronunciation. Therefore, you can start watching them from the Pre-Intermediate level.

Saving Santa / Save Santa

Have you ever wondered how Santa manages to fly around the world in just one night? The whole secret is that on Christmas night this white-bearded old man, thanks to a magic sleigh, moves not only in space, but also in time. A sweet, smart and funny elf named Bernard was known as frivolous and slightly irresponsible. But he gets a chance to prove otherwise. After all, he finds out that someone is planning to kidnap Santa. Bernard decides that he can save him, and with him, Christmas. The clumsy elf will have to go back in time to confront insidious villains. But will he succeed?

Father Christmas / Santa Claus

This charming cartoon is just 25 minutes long and is based on the book by Raymond Briggs. Designed for adults.

We are all accustomed to the classic image of Father Frost: a kind old man in a red robe who adores children, gives gifts and faith in the best. But what is it like in everyday life? Father Christmas shows the everyday life of the Christmas Father (British Santa). And these days he is far from how we are used to seeing him at Christmas. This is a grumpy old man who smokes a cradle, every now and then uses the not at all magical word blooming (damn) and gets into tricky situations.

Attention! The video in this article shows the original (UK version). There is also a version with American voice acting, in which some scenes were cut out (for example, the drinking of Santa Claus), and the word blooming was replaced with merry.

Christmas Carol / Christmas story

It's hard to imagine Christmas and New Year without an adaptation of Dickens' A Christmas Carol, which tells the story of a grumpy miser whose only value in life is money. But everything changes when he is visited by three spirits: past, present and future.

The first cartoon (2001) is a classic fairy tale that is perfect for children to watch.

The second is a modern adaptation starring Jim Carrey. The cartoon is a little dark, so it is suitable for older children and adults. In this version, it is worth considering that the characters’ speech is not very clear, and there is complex vocabulary. At a minimum, you need to have an average level to watch the fairy tale in the original, but it’s better to find a version with subtitles.

A Wish for Wings That Work

A short cartoon (23 minutes) about the penguin Opus, who has dreamed of learning to fly since childhood. Every day he ran after the birds, flapping his wings and hoping that he would be able to fly after them. But, alas, his wings “didn’t work.” There was always a red cat hovering around the penguin, who dreamed of making friends with him. Everyone thought the cat and Opus were a couple of losers. But the little penguin did not despair, he continued to believe that one day he would grow wings that would “work.”

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! / How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Everyone loves Christmas, but not the Grinch. During the winter holidays, everyone rejoices and showers each other with gifts. No one has any idea about the Grinch's hidden grudge. One day this green monster decides enough is enough! It's time to steal the hated holiday. He dresses up as Santa and forces his dog to play the role of a reindeer, intending to steal all the Christmas paraphernalia from the town's residents.

The Grinch / Grinch

It’s impossible not to mention the new cartoon about the Grinch. The plot of the classic story about a green introvert living with his dog away from people remains the same. Only now the fairy tale is flavored with a large number of humorous scenes and is distinguished by high-quality graphic design. A kind, slightly naive, Christmas story for family viewing.

Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town / Santa Claus has come to town!

Have you ever wondered where Santa Claus came from? Well, sit back and listen to the story the postman will tell.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Chris. His family was involved in the production of toys. When the boy grew up a little, he wanted to please the neighboring children by giving them toys. But the villain Burgomitr lived nearby. He decided to stop Chris from carrying out his plan. However, the boy does not want to give up. He is aware that an evil wizard lives not far from him. Of course, being evil, the wizard would be more happy to help Burgomitr, but Chris decides to win the favor of the magician.

The Night Before Christmas: A Mouse Tale / The Night Before Christmas: Mouse Stories

Despite the fact that the cartoon is quite childish, the English language in it is not so simple. Therefore, it is worth watching it with subtitles, and when watching it with a child, analyze difficult moments together.
The Attwell family is getting ready for the winter holidays. The little mice living nearby are surprised at the decorated Christmas tree, the beautifully wrapped boxes, and the beautifully set table. Little mice become curious: what is Christmas? They go on a journey to find out everything about this wonderful holiday. Many adventures await them, both good and not so good. Will the little mice be able to find out the answer to their question?
