Lesson notes on speech development for a preschooler; lesson plan on speech development on the topic. Summary of a lesson on speech development in children of primary preschool age “Pets and their babies Preschool education lessons speech development

Clear and correct speech is an important component for the formation of a full-fledged personality. After all, a person with remarkably developed speech is not afraid of communication, and also expresses his own thoughts and desires clearly for the people around him. Fuzzy speech often causes a person to develop a large number of complexes and complicates the process of communication and its self-realization.

It should be noted that correct speech of a preschooler is main indicator his readiness to learn At school. If a child has certain speech defects, then in the future this can lead to academic failure, problems communicating with peers and the formation of self-doubt. Thus, modern parents should start off take care of speech development your child from a very early age. Speech therapists and speech pathologists warn parents that speech impairments in a child will not disappear spontaneously as he grows and develops. If you have identified a delay in speech development or a speech defect in a child, you should immediately seek help from specialists. Indeed, over time, these speech problems can worsen and turn into persistent disorders.

Of particular importance for the development of a child’s speech is communication with parents and joint systematic activities with them. For speech development classes to be effective, parents must know the main stages of child speech development.

Stages of speech development in a preschooler

Experts note the following stages of speech development in preschool children:

  1. 3-4 years. In this age range, the baby names the shape, color, size and quality of the object. Uses generalizing words: furniture, clothes, tools, vegetables, etc. While looking at a picture or object, he answers the adult’s questions in monosyllables. Can, together with parents, make up 3-4 descriptive sentences based on the illustration. The baby actively retells his favorite fairy tales.
  2. 4-5 years. In the process of communication, the child uses adjectives that denote the properties of objects, verbs that characterize labor actions, as well as nouns. He can easily navigate the location of objects, the time of day, and also perfectly describes the mood of people. During this period, the baby improves communication skills through dialogue, and also actively asks and answers questions. The child already knows how to retell short stories and compose short stories based on the plot picture.
  3. 5-6 years. Children in this age range use all parts of speech in the correct form and with exact meaning. In addition, the child coherently and consistently retells small literary works, and also composes small stories on his own. Can easily communicate with adults, asking questions on the topic and answering them correctly.
  4. 6-7 years. This age period is characterized by a rich vocabulary, as well as the use of antonyms and synonyms in the process of communication. The child develops a culture of verbal communication. He can independently and expressively convey the content of the piece he heard. In addition, the child can easily compose a coherent story of a creative nature from a picture or a series of pictures.

It should be noted that these stages speech development are conditional and do not take into account the individual characteristics of each baby.

If you have identified certain speech formation problems in your child, then systematic classes will help correct the situation.

Activities for the development of speech in preschoolers: game

Every parent must be sure to find time for your child and V easy carry out in a playful manner short classes for speech development. Teachers recommend pursuing the following goals during the lesson:

  • form and replenish the child’s vocabulary, develop his logical thinking;
  • help master the skills of coherent speech and teach how to build sentences;
  • correct the sound side of speech in close connection with the development of sound analysis of words and the formation of phonemic hearing.

It is best to carry out activities with a child in a playful way.

We offer options for games with your baby that will help develop your child’s speech more actively:

Games with different words

This selection of entertaining games will help your child develop speech, teach him to compare and analyze, and will also contribute to the development of attention and memory. In addition, in the future the baby will be able to independently describe and characterize various objects based on their external characteristics.

“Choosing adjectives”

This game is very popular among children, regardless of age category. The essence of the game is that parents show the child a toy or picture, and he must name the maximum number of features that characterize this object. For example, “fox” is red, cunning, fast, beautiful, etc. It is recommended to complicate the game over time. The child must match the original adjective with actual nouns. For example: “red” - tomato, poppy, rose, apple, etc.

"Who's doing what"

This game helps to enrich your vocabulary with verbs. For the lesson you need to prepare thematic cards. Next, the parent shows the child the card and asks the question: “What can you do with it?” or “Why is this necessary?” It is recommended to complicate the game over time by adding facial expressions and gestures. For example. Children must name the type of activity based on certain actions of an adult.

"Object and its actions"

The game promotes the intensive development of the child’s speech. Its meaning is that the baby is asked to identify objects that perform certain actions. For example: “What and who flies?” - bird, plane, fly, snowflake, fluff, etc.

Games on the theme: “What is it like”

This category of games is an effective method for developing speech in children of any age category. At the initial stage, the lesson will require certain playing materials: dummies of vegetables, a shell, a pine cone, a piece of fabric, a piece of fur, etc. In the future, only words can be used for the game. The rules of the game are that the child answers questions, justifying his own answer. For example: “What does a dry leaf or piece of fur look like?” Next, parents ask additional questions: “Why?”, “With what?”. There are many variations of this game. Let's look at the most popular of them.

"Letters and numbers"

This game wonderfully develops speech, imaginative thinking, imagination and the ability to concentrate attention on the necessary object. For this lesson you will need images of letters and numbers, which are on separate large sheets of paper. The child is asked to first look at one letter or number, and then name the objects and phenomena that these images resemble. In addition, the baby can draw his own associations or come up with a story about the object he saw. Further, the number of children's associations per object should gradually increase.

“Complete the picture”

The meaning of this game is as follows: the child is asked to look at some unfinished geometric figure drawn on a landscape sheet and is asked to complete the necessary elements for the figure in his own way. In the next lesson, you can increase the number of shapes or lines in the drawing.

"Give your reasons"

This game is used in classes for speech development with preschoolers aged 5-7 years. For the lesson you will need subject cards of various subjects. It is best to play this game with a small group of children. The presenter selects one subject card and, without showing it to anyone, examines the image. Next, the child asks the game participants a series of questions: “What does it look like?”, “What color is it?” etc. Each child must offer their own answer. After this, the presenter opens the inverted image and invites the players to “defend” their versions with the help of arguments.

This game wonderfully develops speech, and also develops the ability to correctly construct sentences, draw conclusions, and teaches the skills to prove one’s own point of view with the help of specific facts.

Game on the theme: “Who is where from where”

This game effectively develops a child’s speech skills and teaches them to identify relationships and general patterns between objects. To do this, you need to prepare thematic cards and familiarize the child with them. For example, if you show your child images of animals, then pay attention to their external characteristics, habitat and ability to adapt to it. Birds use wings, fish use fins, etc.

A lesson for speech development is carried out as follows: the child is shown images of the sea and forest; for these habitats, he needs to select and distribute pictures with various animals, justifying his own actions. Next, show the child a part of an animal: tail, paws, ears, and invite him to identify this animal and its habitat. After the arguments, the child is shown a complete picture of this animal, and he formulates a conclusion about the correctness of his own arguments.

Game on the theme “Avalanche of words”

“I put in the basket...”

The adult begins the game with the following phrase: “I put a pear in the basket.” The kid repeats this sentence and adds his own version: “I put a pear and a peach in the basket.” The next player adds his own variation, repeating the previous phrase.

For older children, it is recommended to add words starting with the same letter: “I put pineapple, apricot, avocado in the basket...”. In addition, you can play by keeping the sequence of letters in the alphabet: “I put an orange, an eggplant, a grape in the basket...”. For clarity, there should be a poster in front of the child with images of the letters of the alphabet.

"Endless story"

This game is aimed not only at remembering words and their sequence, But and maintaining the meaning of the sentence. Any word is chosen for the game and other words are added to it, which form a short story. New words can be placed in any part of the sentence. For example: choose the word - flower. One child comes up with the beginning of a story - a flower has grown. Another child continues - a flower grew in the clearing. Third baby - a beautiful flower grew in the clearing, etc.

All activities for speech development, which are conducted in a playful way, are varied and creative in nature.

Thanks to games, a child’s speech culture is formed, speech activity and communication skills are stimulated.

The baby also learns to pronounce words correctly and clearly place emphasis on them.

In order for classes for the development of speech in preschoolers to be effective and bring maximum benefit, parents must monitor the child’s mood, not suppress his emotions and take into account his speech capabilities. Adults should not think that after a few games the baby will begin to use the correct forms of words at the morphological, syntactic and grammatical level in the process of communication. This process is gradual and requires some time.

Activities for the development of speech in preschoolers: tongue twisters, children's poems, riddles

For development, activation of the speech apparatus child and getting rid of “porridge in the mouth” is recommended in classes pronounce tongue twisters. Parents should initially read the tongue twister to the child slowly and pronounce each sound clearly. Next, offer to say it with you, and then ask them to tell the tongue twister on their own. Don't scold your child if he doesn't succeed. Turn your lesson into an exciting game so that your child wants to repeat the tongue twister many times. Opt for simple, short and easy-to-pronounce tongue twisters.

For example: Our bear has big cones in his bag or the Gray cat is sitting on the window. Over time, you can learn tongue twisters that are more difficult to pronounce.

In addition, to develop speech, read children's poems and riddles to your child more often, which broaden his horizons and help develop thinking, attention, and memory.

Classes for the development of speech in preschoolers: breathing, articulation, finger gymnastics

One of the main conditions beautiful and correct speech from a person is a relaxed articulation with a smooth, long exhalation. In children with various speech defects, breathing is arrhythmic and shallow. Speech therapists recommend parents fulfill with the child systematically simple breathing exercises, which will contribute to the formation of a long exhalation and, as a result, the correct development of speech.

For example, you can do exercise "Snowfall". To do this, you need to roll up small lumps of cotton wool and place them in the child’s palm. Next, invite your child to blow the cotton wool off his palm like a snowflake. Then place a ball of cotton wool under your child's nose and ask him to blow upward.

Great for developing proper breathing exercise “Storm in a teacup”. To do this, prepare a glass of water and a straw for cocktails. The child should place one end of the tube in the center of the wide part of the tongue, and the other end in a glass of water. Then the baby begins to blow through the tube, making a real storm. Parents should control this process so that the child’s cheeks do not puff out and the lips remain motionless.

It should be noted that the author of breathing exercises is the famous teacher and vocalist A.N. Strelnikova. Her original technique not only restores breathing, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems.

Also popular for speech development in preschoolers articulatory gymnastics aimed at main muscular organ of speech - tongue. Gymnastics for the tongue is simply necessary, since promotes formation correct sound pronunciation. After all, defects in sound pronunciation violate emotional and mental the child’s balance, and also negatively affect full communication with peers.

Articulation gymnastics performed in front of a mirror so that the child sees the movements of his own tongue. The duration of the lesson should not be longer 10 minutes a day. However, do not ask your child to do a large number of exercises at once. Suitable for one lesson 2-3 exercises. Don't be upset if your child fails to repeat the exercise after you. Be calm, consistent and patient with your baby and he will definitely succeed. Do articulation exercises in a playful way. Positive emotions from the lesson will help the child learn new exercises faster.

Speech therapists and teachers use to develop speech in preschoolers finger gymnastics, promoting active development of fine motor skills of hands And, respectively, speeches The child has. The essence of this gymnastics is that a child with his parents recites short poems, accompanying their specific finger movements. These exercises are important for the child, as they improve the coordinated functioning of speech centers, promote the development of attention, memory and imagination, and also increase the flexibility of the fingers.

Thus, modern speech therapy and pedagogy offer parents a wide selection of varied activities for speech development preschoolers. Play with your child systematically, do not criticize him for incorrect answers, and be sure to support him on an emotional level.

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Lesson notes on speech development

This section with notes will allow attentive parents and teachers of preschool institutions to choose interesting and exciting forms for classes with preschool children on speech development. For children, the element of play is very important in any exercise - with it it is much easier and easier for them to learn new material, and the notes given pay a lot of attention to the play component. “In the fairy-tale forest at Grandfather Au’s”, “Cockerel is a golden comb”, “Visiting the gnomes” and other scenarios will help to evoke positive emotions in children from playing fairy tales and with fairy-tale characters, and will develop their imagination and logical thinking. In addition, the scenarios presented help develop group communication as well as a sense of empathy.

Some of the materials are accompanied not only by detailed and clear descriptions, but also by colorful illustrations. Funny riddles and poems, songs and bright materials will help make activities with children not only useful, but also exciting. The activity “We are looking for a Blot” will help you choose words with the same root, introduce children to the concept of a stressed syllable, engage them in word puzzles, and also help in composing words from syllables.

Everyone in this section will find a scenario suitable for themselves: you can choose an option depending on your favorite children's heroes or on the assigned tasks. In any case, this section will be a good addition to the collection of educational activities with children.

Tatiana Glazunova
Summary of a lesson on speech development in children of primary preschool age “Pets and their babies”

1. Purpose classes: Introduce children with pets and their babies

2. Objectives:


Consolidate knowledge children about pets.

Develop the ability to name correctly.

Exercise children in onomatopoeia.


-develop children's speech activity.

- develop visual and auditory attention, memory.

Activate dictionary (a cow moos, a horse neighs, a dog barks, a cat meows.)

Educational: to educate children love and respect for animals.

3. Type classes: integrated.

4. Shape classes: class carried out in a playful manner.

5. Duration: 15 minutes.

6. Participants: Teacher, children.

7. Age of students: Junior group(3-4 years).

8. Equipment and materials: model of a stable and a booth, a bench, figurines domestic animals and their babies, feeders for animals, oats, spoons, colored paper, steering wheel, cap, handkerchief, piece of paper, letter,

didactic game "Find a Pair", pieces of paper by number children, colored pencils by quantity children, audio recording of the song "Car rides."

9. Preliminary preparation: Looking at pictures with images domestic animals and their babies. Observing a dog and a cat while walking. Reading Russian folk tales "Winter quarters of animals", “How the dog was looking for a friend”.Didactic game “Guess who screams like that?”.

10. Methods and techniques for working with children: didactic games, demonstration of material, conversation, conversation, joint actions of the teacher and the child, verbal methods (prompting, asking to speak, asking questions, running errands, drawing, guessing riddles.

11. Structure classes:

Organizing time:

Game - greeting "Our smart heads"- 1 minute

Motivational-oriented, incentive stage (problem):

Reading a letter from Grandma Masha and going to her village -2 minutes

Practical stage:

-Task No. 1:. Articulation gymnastics - 1 minute.

-Task No. 2: Conversation about the wild animals and their young. - 4 minutes

-Task No. 3:Applique "Feed the cow grass"- 2 minutes

-Task No. 4: Physical education minute - 1 minute

-Task No. 5: Drawing “Multi-colored balls for a cat”-2 minutes

The final stage:

Didactic game "Find a Pair"- 1 minute

Answers to the teacher's questions - 1 minute

12. Move classes:

1. Organizational moment:

Game - greeting "Our smart heads"

Our smart heads

They will think a lot, cleverly.

Ears will listen

Mouth speak clearly

Hands will clap

Feet will stomp

The backs are straightened

We smile at each other!

V-l: Guys, look how beautiful and cheerful we all are!

2. Motivational-oriented, incentive stage (problem):

(children stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher).

V-l: Guys, look, a piece of paper has flown into our group (I go to the window and take off the piece of paper, oh, and here’s a letter, what’s written in it? I'm reading: “Dear children, I invite you to my village, come, I’ll be waiting! Grandma Masha."

V-l: Well, guys, shall we go to Grandma Masha’s village?

Children: Yes.

V-l: How will we go to Grandma Masha?

Children: By car!

(I put on my cap and take the steering wheel in my hands).

V-l: Look guys, who have I turned into? (answers children) Well done, you answered correctly! I turned into a driver!

(I turn on the musical composition "Car rides…"). Children follow the teacher in pairs, imitating the movement of the steering wheel with their hands. We stop next to the chairs.

V-l: So we arrived at Grandma Masha’s village, come in and sit on the chairs.

(I throw a scarf over my shoulders.)

3. Practical stage:

(Children sit in a semicircle in front of the teacher)

1. Articulation gymnastics:

V-l: Guys, now we will prepare our mouths for conversation. I will show you exercises for the tongue and lips, and you repeat after me! Agreed? So the first exercise is "The cat washes itself". Turn your head to the left - lick your upper lip, turn your head to the right - lick your lower lip. Well done, you are like real cats! Next exercise - "The cow and calf are chewing grass". Imitate chewing. Perfect! You can do it! And now the exercise - “The dog is angry - they want to take away its bone” Bite your lower lip with your upper teeth. Very good! Well done! And the last exercise - "Horse Snorting".Lip vibration. That's how nicely we stretched our mouth!

2. Conversation about domestic animals and their babies.

V-l: Hello kids, girls and boys. I am very glad that you came to visit me, how did you get there? Fine? And I don’t live in the village alone, I have Pets. They live in a special house called "shed". (showing the layout of the barn). I suggest you see who is hiding there! Do you agree? (answers children) .

(I take them out one by one and show the adult figures animals and their young, which are located behind the layout)

V-l children.)

Right! Cow, who's next to her? It is her calf!

Onomatopoeia exercise:

- Repeat after me: "Cow and Calf" Look guys, the cow is big and the calf is small. The cow moos loudly and protractedly M-U-U-U-U, the calf has a quiet M-U-U-U-U. Children produce cow and calf moo in chorus and individually.

The cow gets up first

Walking into the fog onto a wet meadow

And there's grass there all day chews:

No lunch break

And there’s not even a break! (Lanzetti V.)

3. Application

V-l: Guys, you want to feed our cow and calf grass! Okay, now let’s all take a magic piece of green paper together and turn it into grass! (children tear strips of paper from a whole sheet and feed the cow and calf)

Showing the next figure pet and its baby(horse and foal)

V-l: Guys, look who it is? (Individual and choral responses children.)

-V-l:Right! Horse, and who is next to it? It is her baby - foal! The big horse screams loudly, and the foal screams quietly.

4. Physical education minute

I love my horse (stroking the head of an imaginary horse with your palm)

I'll comb her fur smoothly (patting the back)

I'll comb my tail (stroking the tail)

And I’ll go on horseback to visit (running in a circle, raising your knees high)

Exercise "Fill the horse's feeder"

V-l: Oh, and the horses are tired of running! They're hungry! We need to feed them! Do you know what horses eat? (answers children) Well done! I suggest you feed them oats! This is their favorite treat!

(Children fill feeders with spoons of cereal)

V-l: Guys, look, the horses are very happy! They thank you for the treat!

V-l:Oh, look, next to the barn there is a smaller house! Do you know what it's called? That's right - it's a booth! And who lives in it?

To become her friend

I need to give her a bone

No, she's not a bully

Lives in a kennel... (dog).

(Choral and individual responses children.)

V-l: That's right, dog! And who is next to her? (answers children) .

V-l: Well done! This is her cub - a puppy. Let's repeat everything together: dog with puppy.

V-l: Guys, the dog barks loudly aw-aw-aw, and the puppy quietly yaps tuff-tuff. Do you remember how a dog barks? (children repeat aw-aw-aw loudly). How does a little puppy yap? (children quietly repeat taf-taf).

V-l: Guys, look who is sleeping on our bench? Well done - it's a cat! And next to her is her young. Do you know what it's called? (individual and choral responses children) Well, of course it’s a kitten!

Onomatopoeia exercise.

V-l: The big mother cat meows loudly meow-meow-meow - the baby kittens meow quietly - meow-meow-meow. Do you remember how a cat meows? (children repeat meow-meow-meow loudly). How does a little kitten meow? (children quietly repeat meow-meow-meow). Well done, guys!

5. Drawing.

V-l: Guys, look what the cat has in her paws? That's right - it's a ball! Why does she need him? Well done! Of course - this is her favorite toy! Let us please the cat and kitten! Let's take magic pencils in our hands and draw colorful balls! (children draw balls). What wonderful balls you have made! I suggest giving them to cats and kittens! (children give their balls)

4. Final stage:

Didactic game "Find a Pair"

V-l: Guys, look, the cat and kitten were playing with your balls and accidentally scattered my pictures on the floor, I can’t collect them, please help me. (children collect cut pictures domestic animals and their babies.)

V-l: Well done guys, and for that I’ll give them to you. (Grandma Masha gives a game « Pets» children as a sign of gratitude.)

V-l: Guys, it’s time for us to go to kindergarten. How did we get to Grandma Masha? (answer children - by car) We drove it back to kindergarten. (I change into a driver, the children stand behind me in pairs, imitate the movement of the steering wheel with their hands, make a circle around the group with me) - We’ve arrived!

Answers to the teacher's questions.

V-l: Where did we go today? Who invited you to the village? Who lives with Baba Masha? What are the names of baby cats, dogs, cows, horses? Well done! So you and I remembered the names domestic animals and their babies.

13. Literature.

1. Basic educational program preschool education"From birth to school". Edited by N. E. Verekasy, Moscow, 2016.

2. Eliseeva L.N. Reader for little ones.

3. Complex classes according to the program edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. First junior group. Author-compiler O. P. Vlasenko.

Topic: “Journey to the land of smart games”

(on the lexical topic “Pets”)


· consolidate children’s knowledge on the lexical topic “Pets”,

· expand and consolidate the vocabulary on the topic, exercise in the selection of definitions,

· continue to teach how to solve riddles,

· develop logical thinking, attention, memory, fine motor skills,

· consolidate the ability to write a story - description,

· cultivate a caring and kind attitude towards animals.

Methods and techniques:

Questions, children's stories, travel games, didactic games, finger exercises, reading a poem, listening to the song "Blue Car", solving riddles.

Dictionary: herd, herd, flock, pack, names of animals, cubs, their homes.

Preliminary work:

· looking at pictures, illustrations of animals,

· drawing, sculpting animals,

· riddles, games,

· reading N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”, telling the Russian folk tale “Winter Quarters of Animals”

· memorizing the poem “Pets” (T.A. Shorygina)


“flower - seven flowers” ​​(on one side of the petals there are numbers from 1 to 7, and on the other the letters YOUNG PEOPLE), 7 envelopes with tasks, pictures of animals, decorations - house, trees, magic wand, flannelgraph, clothespins according to the number of children, toy - kitten

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Guys, do you want to go on an interesting trip? I suggest going to the land of Smart Games.

What do you think you can travel with?

D: by car, by bus, by bicycle, by hot air balloon, etc.

Q: We’ll go with you... No, try to guess it yourself.


The brothers are ready to visit,

They clung to each other,

And they rushed off on a long journey,

They just left some smoke.


Q: Correct. This is a train. He has been waiting for you for a long time, but only the one who names the pet will get on the carriage.

(Children name the animals and sit down. The song “Blue Car” plays)

Q: So, guys, we have arrived in the country of Smart Games. This country is unusual and mysterious. And the objects in this country are unusual. Look what a beautiful flower. Do you know what it's called?

D: flower - seven flowers

Q: That’s right, who knows why it’s called that?

D: It has 7 petals of different colors.

Q: yes, this flower is not simple, it is hidden surprise. To recognize it, we need to open all the petals. Look, it has numbers on its petals. The same numbers are on the envelopes with assignments. We need to open all the envelopes, there should be 7 of them - the same number as the number of petals of a seven-flowered flower. We must complete all the tasks and then open the petals with the same numbers. Let `s start! Then look for 7 envelopes, bring them to the table and we will open them in order and complete the tasks. (The envelopes are pre-hidden by the teacher before the lesson, but so that the children can easily find them)

(children bring envelopes, find them with the number 1)


Task "Guess it!"

Q: I ask riddles, and you first listen carefully and think, then the one who first raises his hand will answer. You must not just answer, but find the answer in the picture.

1. I have a piglet

Instead of a tail - a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink, oink!”


2.I'm small and white

Fluffy, timid,

I give wool to my owner

For scarves and sweatshirts


3.Although velvet paws,

But they call me "scratchy"

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.


4.Bearded and horned

Will climb into the garden

Eat cabbage and dill.


5. I serve my master

The master's house is a watchman.

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.


6. And sour cream and kefir,

Milk and delicious cheese,

So that we are healthy

The motley one will give us...


7. Who am I, guess for yourself.

I pull a sleigh in winter,

Which glide easily through the snow,

In the summer I pull a cart.


8. A ball of fluff - a long ear

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.


How did you guess who it is?

How can you call these animals in one word?

That's right, you completed the first task, you can open the petal with the number 1. (open the letter M)


The task “Who lives where?” (playing with a “magic wand”)

I ask a question and pass the wand to someone. Whoever has it is responsible.

1. Where does the horse live? - in the stables

2. The dog is in the kennel

3. Rabbit - in a cage, in a rabbitry

4. Pig - in a pigsty

5. Cat - in the house

6. Cow - in a stable, in a barn

7. Goat - in the barn

8. Sheep - in the sheepfold

(open the petal with the number 2) (on the reverse side is the letter O)


The task “Name the folk signs”

1. The cat is washing itself and inviting guests.

2. The horse snores - to the blizzard.

3. The cat hides its face - to the frost.

4. A dog eats grass - it means rain.

5. The horse lies down, rides - it’s warm.

6. The cat sleeps soundly - it means warmth.

7. The cat lies with its belly up - to the heat.

8. The pig is itching - towards the wind.

(open the petal with the number 3) (Letter L)


Physical exercise "Horse" (to music)

Clack, clack, clack, clack,

I am a horse - gray side

I'll knock my hoof

If you want, I'll give you a ride

Look how beautiful I am

Both the tail and mane are good.

Clack, clack, clack, clack,

I am a horse - gray side.

(open the petal with the number 4) (on the reverse side is the letter O)


Task “Find out by description”

The child chooses a picture with an animal, without showing it to other children and without naming it, describes the animal. The others should recognize this animal by the description.

(4-5 stories)

Open the petal with the number 5. (letter D)


Task “Explain a word”

Herd - many horses,

Herd - many cows,

Flock - a lot of sheep,

A pack is a lot of dogs.

Open petal 6. (letter C)


Task “Calm the kitten” - the kitten is crying, the children calm it down with affectionate words (small, fluffy, affectionate, mustachioed, pretty, etc.)

Finger exercise “Kitten” (for each word, children use a clothespin to pinch the pads of each finger, first on the right and then on the left hand)

The kitten bites hard - silly,

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse (change of hands)

But I'm playing with you, baby,

And if you bite, I’ll tell you: “Shoo!”

We played with the kitten, he calmed down, he began to have fun. And it’s time for us to open the last petal. (Open the letter Y)

What word did we get? Who can read it?

(Children read the word: “WELL DONE”)

And I also want to say that you are “WELL DONE”. You did an excellent job with all the tasks. Don't forget to tell your parents what we did today. And now it’s time for us to go to kindergarten, but what to do with the kitten?

Let's take him with us, come up with a name for him, and let him live in our group, because there are a lot of toys and children there, and the kitten will never be bored.

Now it's time for us to go home!

(The teacher stands in front, the children stand behind them like a train, and “leave” to the group to the music).


Material: subject pictures (sewing needle and thread, Christmas tree or pine tree, medical syringe with a needle, hedgehog); doll, chips, cards with paired images of objects denoted by polysemantic words.

Progress of the lesson

P, and displays the answers on the panel.

I'm a one-eared old woman

I'm jumping on the canvas

And a long thread from the ear,

Like a web I pull. (Needle.)

Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench,

They're looking at me

They want milk. (Hedgehog.)

K. Chukovsky

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

Are there needles all year round? (Pine, spruce.)

Teacher. What is the name of the needle from the first riddle? (Sewing.) What kind of needles does the hedgehog have? (Hedgehogs.) The spruce has needles... (spruce), the pine has... (pine). There are also medical needles. How amazing this word “needle” is! One word, but it means many different things. Such a word is called ambiguous. There are a lot of polysemantic words. Now we will make sure of this. In front of you is a doll, a table and a chair. What do all these items have in common? (Legs.) Who or what has legs? For each correct answer you get a chip.

After the answers have been exhausted, the teacher combines the children’s chips.

Teacher. That's how many different legs you know. One word, but many meanings.

And the doll also has hands. What other pens do you know? The doll also has a hat. Remember objects that have a hat.

Children receive cards with paired images of objects denoted by ambiguous words. Compose sentences using the meanings of ambiguous words correctly.

Writing pen - door handle;

Paint brush - hand;

Skating rink (machine) - ice skating rink;

The key to the lock is the key (stream);

Starfish is a star in the sky.

Onion (vegetable) - onion (weapon);

Earth (planet) - earth (field);

Construction stove - gas stove;

Sewing needle - spruce needle;

Chanterelle (animal) - fox (mushroom).

Lesson No. 22.


Target: introduce the concept of an expression with a figurative meaning; ; practice the correct use of popular expressions.

Material: drawings-tips depicting popular expressions.

Progress of the lesson

Children are asked to explain the meaning of the following expressions: sharp knife - ..., sharp eye - ..., sharp tongue - .... .

A sharp knife is a knife that cuts well.

A sharp eye is an eye that sees well and vigilantly.

Sharp tongue - this is what they say about a person who uses unpleasant, offensive words.

The expression “sharp knife” is used in a literal sense, but the expressions “sharp eye” and “sharp tongue” are used figuratively, i.e. the properties of one object are, as it were, compared and transferred to another object. This is done to make our speech more beautiful and interesting. Here's a comparison:

The hunter came with good prey, he knows how to shoot accurately.

The hunter came with good prey, because he has a sharp eye.

Two girlfriends broke up because one of them constantly said hurtful things.

Two girlfriends broke up because one of them had a too sharp tongue.

Our speech is rich in apt and figurative comparisons or popular expressions.

Children look at the drawings-tips, repeat popular expressions that are used figuratively.

It's raining cats and dogs;

They grow like mushrooms after rain;

Fly like an arrow;

Feel like a fish in water;

A mosquito will not undermine your nose;

Born in a shirt;

The first swallow.

Game "When We Say So".

Children practice the correct use of popular expressions.

If there is heavy, torrential rain, downpour, we say... it pours like buckets.

If someone runs very fast, we say... flies like an arrow.

If we feel good, free, at ease, we say... I feel like a fish in water.

If something appears quickly, in large quantities, we say... like mushrooms after the rain.

If the work is done well and there are no comments on what was done, we say... a mosquito will not erode your nose.

If a person is happy and lucky, we say... born in a shirt.

We talk about the first sign of the manifestation of something... the first swallow.

In conclusion, children repeat memorable catchphrases and make sentences with them, based on life situations.

Lesson No. 23.


Target: enrich the child’s social experience, his interpersonal interaction with other people and himself, help him realize his purpose in this world; expand your vocabulary; develop the ability to predict, teach consistent analysis of the situation under consideration.

Material: series of subject pictures “From baby to old woman”, “From baby to old man”; story picture “Family”; ball, rebus (7I - family).

Progress of the lesson

Children solve the puzzle: 7Ya - family.

The subject picture “Family” is exhibited.

Work based on the plot painting “Family”. Children are asked the following questions:

Name family members.

How is the boy related to the girl, father, grandmother?

How does the girl relate to her brother, mother, and grandfather?

Who is mom and grandpa?

How is dad related to mom?

Who is the eldest and youngest in the family?

Who in the family is older than brother, but younger than mother?

Who's the adult?

Game "Who am I talking about?"

Children guess family members based on these characteristics: caring, hardworking, the most beautiful; strong, strict, big; kind, affectionate, old; small, funny, cheerful.

Game "Who is which?"(in a circle with a ball).

Children select attribute words for each family member.

Physical education minute.

Once, rise, stretch.

Two - bend over, straighten up.

Three - three claps in the palm,

Three nods of the head.

Four arms wider.

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit down quietly.

Conversation “The Future of Man.”

Now you are little, and then in one day you suddenly become an adult, does this happen? How does it happen? Lay out the life “chain” of a person sequentially (infant, preschooler, schoolchild, teenager, adult, old). Tell us what happens to a person, what he is like, what he does at each age?

Game “Who will I be and what kind?”

What will you be when you grow up?

What qualities do you want to have?

Lesson No. 24.


Target: enrich the child’s social experience, his interpersonal interaction with other people, with himself; teach how to form a patronymic from a given name; Exercise children in naming their last name, full name, patronymic name.

Material: subject picture “Family”, teddy bear, ball.

Progress of the lesson

Work on the plot film “Family” is organized according to the following questions:

Who is the most important person in the family? Why?

Where do children get their surname?

Who names children?

A small bear cub appears in front of the children.

Teddy bear (M.). Hello guys! I am a bear cub Misha, but my mother bear calls me Mishenka. What's your name? What does your mother call you?

Game "Let's get to know each other."

Children pass the bear cub, each says his name and its diminutive form.

M. It was nice to know your names. But I have more questions. My daddy bear calls me not Misha, not Mishenka, but Mikhail. You don't know why?

Teacher (P.). Because every name has several forms. Mikhail is the full form of the name Misha.

Game "My Name".

Children say the full form of their name (the help of a teacher may be required).

M. When my grandfather Potap Potapovich looks into our den, he calls me Mikhail Ivanovich, and my father Ivan Potapovich. What kind of names are these?

P. In addition to the name, there is also a patronymic. It is formed from the name of your father. If your father's name is Ivan, then your middle name is Ivanovich. So it turns out that you, little bear, are Mikhail Ivanovich, and your father is Ivan Potapovich. It's clear?

M. Now it is clear.

Physical education minute.


Our Mishutka stretched,

Bent over once, bend over twice,

He spread his paws to the sides -

Apparently I didn't find any honey.

The bear climbed into the hive and behold -

A drip of sweet honey from the paw.

Game "Name your middle name."

Each child names his father's name and forms his own patronymic (the teacher's help may be required).

Game "What then?"

Guys, the bear cub is still small, but he will grow up and be... (big)?

Now he is a bear cub, and then... (a bear)?

Now his name is Misha, and then... (Mikhail Ivanovich)?

Now your name is..., and then...?
