How to solve puzzles with letters and pictures: rules, tips, recommendations. Learning to solve puzzles Rebuses with capital letter a

As you know, a person is not born, they become one, and the foundations for this are laid in childhood. A significant role in the development of a person as an intellectual individual is played by his mental abilities and ingenuity, which need to be developed from an early age.

When a child is ready to solve puzzles

One of the most effective ways to develop a person and increase his intellectual level is to solve puzzles and rebuses. Before using letters and pictures and introducing the child to other mind games, you should make sure that the little person is already ready for this - he has learned to talk and identify images. You should start with the simplest picture puzzles. It is necessary to complicate the tasks as the baby grows up and the level of his mental abilities develops.

Types of puzzles

There are a huge variety of different puzzles. All of them can be divided into categories:

  1. Picture puzzles. The puzzle is hidden in the images of this or that object. When deciphering, the name of the item should be read exclusively in the nominative case. There are situations when the object shown in the picture has several names or meanings. For example, “bus” and “transport”, “cat” and “animal”. In this case, you need to choose the clue word that is more suitable in meaning.
  2. Letter puzzles consist exclusively of letters. They can be arranged in a variety of ways, which is fundamental when composing such a puzzle.
  3. Picture + letter. How to solve puzzles with letters and pictures? The main key to solving this rebus is the image, and the letters indicate that to get the only correct answer you need to slightly adjust the name of the depicted object.
  4. The “picture+number” rebus is an analogue of the “picture+letter” rebus, only here the picture is complemented by numbers, the number of which may vary.
  5. Puzzles with commas. Quite often, picture riddles use a comma, regular or inverted. How to solve puzzles with commas? This sign indicates that to get the answer you need to shorten the name of the object drawn in the picture, discarding the first or last letter.

The right approach to raising children is those parents who involve their children in solving puzzles from an early age. Solving such puzzles contributes to the development of logical, creativity and originality, ingenuity, concentration, and attention.

But how can you make sure that your child likes this kind of “mental exercise”? Here are some simple but effective tips:

  1. Patience, patience and more patience! This is very important, since children are characterized by eternal restlessness and haste.
  2. If you see that a child cannot solve puzzles, do not torture yourself or him! Wait a while, it is possible that the baby will soon show interest in this activity.
  3. Puzzles should be chosen taking into account the age category of the baby. So, if a child can only read, then you should choose picture puzzles or letter puzzles; if the child already knows how to count, it would not be superfluous to explain to him how to solve puzzles with numbers, etc.
  4. At the stage of involving the baby in “mind games,” it is recommended to give preference to the simplest picture puzzles. It is very important that they are colorful.
  5. Forcing a child to solve puzzles by force is strictly prohibited, since such an approach can completely discourage the child from engaging in activities of this kind. The most effective approach to solving puzzles is considered to be a game one.
  6. Don't ignore the puzzles with answers. The child can solve such puzzles on his own without the help of his parents. The baby will determine the solution path himself, starting from the answer.
  7. You should follow the rules that will help you figure out how to solve puzzles with letters and pictures, as well as with numbers or commas.

Learning to solve puzzles

A set of special rules will help you learn how to solve puzzles correctly:

Rebus - do it yourself!

You need not only to know how to solve puzzles with letters and pictures, but also to learn how to compose them yourself or together with your child. This will be another exciting task in which your child will be able to express himself.

To create a logic puzzle yourself, use the following recommendations:

  1. Review all puzzle rules.
  2. You should start with the simplest puzzles. At this stage, you can clearly explain to the baby how to encrypt this or that word in the puzzle. For example, write the number “7” and the letter “I” - the answer will be the word “family”.
  3. Explain to your child that the same word can be the answer to several different puzzles. For example, let’s take the same word “family”, it can be encrypted in the rebus “7Ya” and “yayayayayaya”.
  4. In order for the child to enjoy the process of training memory and logical thinking, he wants to return to composing and solving puzzles again and again, provide him with a field for amateur activities.
  5. Take clean sheets of paper, bright markers and magazines (from which you can cut out individual parts of the future puzzle), glue. For example, we found a picture in a magazine with a picture of a cup - we cut it out, glue it onto a landscape sheet, and under the picture we write “W=Y” with a felt-tip pen. The puzzle has been created! The answer is a seagull.

Have fun and useful activities!

Rebuses are a type of riddle in which a word or several words (sentences) are encrypted using pictures, letters, numbers and other signs. Solving such puzzles contributes to the development of logical thinking in both adults and children. Most children know how to solve puzzles from school age, but it is never too late to learn this. Solving a rebus is not difficult, you just need to know a few rules about how they are solved and a little practice: the more experience, the easier the solution is.

There are a large number of different puzzles:

  1. Literary— words or sentences are encrypted in them; various methods can be used for this, for example, picture puzzles, puzzles with numbers, commas, etc.
  2. Musical— such riddles are often used in music schools to make it easier to master musical notation. They look like this: in the text of the song, the syllables with the names of the notes are replaced by their images; when reading the lines, the child intuitively understands that the depicted note is do, re, etc.
  3. Mathematical- they are also called arithmetic or numerical. In such a puzzle, an arithmetic example is hidden, the numbers are replaced by other signs, and the goal is to restore the original form of the example.
  4. Sound riddles— with the help of such exercises, children develop the skill of merging syllables into words. They look like a card with 2 objects depicted on it. Both objects should be simple, the child should easily determine what is shown in the picture. Below the pictures are numbers that indicate the syllable. If the number is not crossed out, then the syllable is pronounced; a crossed out number indicates a syllable that does not need to be read.

General rules for solving puzzles

Puzzles, like other logic problems, have composition rules that should be followed when solving them.

  1. The rebus is always read from left to right. When solving more complex puzzles consisting of more than one line, you need to move from top to bottom.
  2. A rebus can contain both a word and a sentence (for example, a proverb or a riddle). If one word is encrypted in the rebus, then it will be a noun, and in the nominative case and in the singular. If a sentence is hidden, then verbs and other parts of speech may appear. When composing a rebus, spaces and punctuation marks are omitted; they are not indicated in any way in the rebus.
  3. If the rebus contains pictures, then the names of the objects depicted on them are read in the nominative case. It is also worth paying attention to how the object is drawn: if the image is upside down, then the word made with its help should be pronounced backwards.
  4. In most cases, a rebus has one answer; the presence of several correct answer options must be specified in the conditions (for example, write one of two correct answers).

How to read puzzles

The rebuses are read from left to right, the names of the depicted objects are pronounced in the nominative case in the singular. But if one picture shows 2 identical objects, then this indicates that the plural is used.

There are only two cases when a phrase in a rebus is read backwards, i.e. from right to left:


It is not always possible to select an item that will consist only of the required letters, so sometimes the name of the item must not be used in full. When there is a need to remove a few extra letters at the beginning or end of a word, use commas. The position and number of commas shows where letters need to be removed and how many need to be eliminated:

  • a comma before a word or picture indicates the removal of the initial letter;
  • a comma after a word or picture indicates the removal of the last letter;
  • The number of commas indicates how many letters need to be removed.

An example of working with commas in a rebus.


The puzzles use different combinations with numbers.

Numbers can complement a picture or letter so that when read, a hidden word is obtained. For example, the word TABLE can be written this way: 100L, and the word FAMILY - 7YA.

Riddle with numbers - "table".

The numbers listed, separated by commas above or below the picture, indicate which letters from the word hidden in the picture need to be taken.

If the numbers are listed out of order, it means that the letters in the word need to be rearranged. For example, next to the picture of a pine tree the numbers 45123 are written. This means that the last 2 letters in the word PINE - “N” and “A” - need to be rearranged to the beginning of the word. Answer: PUMP.

Changing the letters in the word turns "Pine" into "Pump".

More often, numbers indicate the necessary letters in a word or those that need to be removed or replaced.

A crossed out number indicates that the letter under that number should be removed from the word. For example, a tent is shown and the numbers 4 and 5 are crossed out. This means that the 4th and 5th letters need to be removed from the word TENT encrypted in the picture. Answer: STICK.

Not only numbers, but also letters can be crossed out.

Rebus with crossed out numbers. Answer: STICK.

If arrows are drawn between two numbers, this means that the letters under these serial numbers need to be swapped. For example, next to the image of a castle it says 1⇔3. This means that the “Z” and “M” in the word LOCK need to be swapped. The answer will be the word smear.

After moving the letters, you get a STROKE.

The notation “number=letter” says that the letter under this serial number needs to be changed to the specified one. For example, the picture shows a folder, and next to it is written 3=L. This means you need to replace the third letter in the word with the letter L, you get a STICK.

Rebus with letter replacement.

The notation “letter=letter” means the same as the notation “number=letter.” For example, B=P next to the folder image says that in the word FOLDER “P” should be replaced with “B”. Answer: GRANDMA.

Arrows and signs

Arrows are often found in puzzles. An arrow from right to left indicates that the hidden phrase is read backwards. In letter puzzles, arrows replace the prepositions “from” and “to”; which preposition to use depends on the direction the arrows point. Occasionally, the arrow may point to the desired object in the picture.

In addition, the following signs are used:

  • The “+” sign most often replaces “and”. For example, P+S would be read as RIS.
  • The "-" sign replaces "from" or "not".
  • The crossed out sign “=” is read as “not”, so the entry I≠I means FROST.

The word "frost" is encrypted.

Letters only

Letter puzzles are puzzles consisting only of letters. The code in this case is their location relative to each other. It also shows which preposition should be used.

The difficulty in guessing such a task is that the syllables can be read in different orders. In addition, it is not always clear which preposition should be used. You need to choose the combination that makes sense.

When guessing sentences, it may happen that both reading options make sense, then when choosing an option, you need to start from the meaning of the sentence.

  • If a letter or syllable is made up of another letter or syllable, the preposition “from” is used. For example, "A" is made up of "B". The answer will be IZBA.
  • When others are scattered across one letter or syllable, then the preposition “by” is used. For example, if you write “SHA” in the syllable “L”, the answer will be POLAND.
  • When one letter or syllable is placed above another (they can also be separated by a fraction sign), the prepositions “on”, “above” and “under” are used.
  • If a letter or syllable is inside another letter or syllable, the preposition "in" is used. For example, if you enter the syllable “YES” in “O” you get WATER.
  • A smaller letter can stand next to a larger letter, then “at” or “y” is added. For example, if there is a small “sh” next to the capital letter “C”, then the answer is SYRINGE.
  • Two identical letters standing next to each other are read with the addition of “pair”. For example, “DD” next to each other will be read as PARADE.
  • Letters can move closer or further from each other, in which case the prepositions “to” and “from” are used, the direction of action is indicated by arrows.
  • When a letter or syllable is placed after another letter or syllable, the preposition “behind” or “before” is used. For example, “C” is written after “I”. Answer: HARE.

Letter puzzle "hare".

Notes in puzzles

Notes can be used as images in puzzles. Such a picture can mean the word note itself. Also, the name of the depicted note can replace the syllable in the hidden phrase.

An example of puzzles with notes.

The second option is more common, therefore, in order to solve puzzles with notes, you need to know their location on the staff.

Mathematical puzzles

Mathematical puzzles are simple math problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc., in which some or all of the numbers are replaced by pictures or other symbols. The task before the solver is to restore the original appearance of the example.

An example of a mathematical puzzle.

You need to start solving mathematical riddles based on the basic laws of mathematics. For example, if adding two three-digit numbers results in a four-digit number, then the first digit of the resulting number is 1. Or the leftmost digit in the number cannot be 0.

In such examples, one single character replaces only one digit and vice versa, one digit is replaced by only one character. This means that the rebus cannot have more than 10 different symbols; if there are more, the example has no solution.

Mathematical riddle.

There are riddles that test not only a person’s logical abilities, but also attentiveness. For example, in the last line there are not 3, but 2 bananas in the bunch. Therefore, it is worth looking closely at the drawings to notice the differences.

Solving complex puzzles with several components

The number of techniques used in one puzzle is not limited; its complexity depends only on the imagination of the author. They complicate the puzzles by combining methods of composing them, for example, using several pictures or adding numbers, commas and other symbols to the pictures. If you try, you can turn even the simplest word into a complex puzzle, so deciphering some of them can be difficult. But even the most complex riddles are subject to the rules of solving.

Before you start solving complex puzzles, you should arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen. After that, start solving the riddle:

  • first decipher the meaning of the pictures;
  • look for commas, numbers, arrows and other symbols.

Don't forget that you need to move from left to right and from top to bottom.

When a sentence is asked in a rebus, it is better to break it into parts and guess them separately, and then combine the results.

Puzzles are suitable for both children and adults. Not only is it a great way to pass the time, it is also a mental exercise. In the process of solving puzzles, imagination and attention develop.

Sometimes in a magazine there is a riddle with pictures, letters and numbers, as well as punctuation and equal signs. This is a rebus. Compared to crosswords or scanwords, not many people can solve this riddle. The question arises: “What do commas mean in puzzles?” The difficulty is that the decision rules are never printed. And if you come across some kind of instruction, it will most likely be incomplete. But in reality, everything is not so difficult.

What is a rebus

The Latin word rebus means "things". The catchphrase “not with the help of words, but with the help of things” very accurately describes the parlor game of words. It first became known in France when a collection of these riddles was published. Its compiler is E. Tamburo. The first puzzles were not distinguished by a wide range of riddles, but in subsequent years they were significantly enriched with various techniques.

Since then, musical, literary, mathematical and theatrical puzzles have appeared. The principle is the same for everyone: the encrypted concept is composed in parts from several other words, which are represented by pictures or pantomime. In the board game of rebuses, there are commas that are interspersed with images.

There are certain principles by which encryption is written. To solve the riddle, you need to know what commas mean.

Puzzles have their own laws

In short, commas indicate letters that need to be removed from a word. They can stand on one or the other side of the picture. Since the text is read from left to right, having a comma before the image means that the first letter is removed. A comma after it indicates that the last letter is not taken into account. There may be several signs. In this case, several letters are excluded from the word encrypted by the image.

What does the comma mean in the rebus at the top of the picture? Another rule says that the rebus is read from top to bottom. So, we drop the initial letter. By analogy, it is already clear what the comma in the rebus at the bottom means - dropping the final letter.

There are also inverted signs. This means that letters from the end of the word are discarded. When inverted pictures are encountered, the word is read backwards. If the picture also contains a comma drawn upside down, then the final letter is removed from the word read backwards.

For example, under the image of a cow there are two inverted commas. Below them is a lion, and below the lion the letter is "A". Solution: first, we remove the last two letters from the word “cow”, we get “koro”. Now we add "left". It turns out the word "queen".

Multiple commas

Sometimes there are not one, but two commas in a rebus. What does this code mean? Some people think these are quotes. However, it is not.

For example, you need to guess the following riddle: there are two commas in front of the picture of the elephant on the left. Words are read from left to right, which means the first two letters will be removed. If you subtract the first two letters from the word “elephant,” you get “he.”

Another option: in front of the picture of the elephant on the left there is the syllable “mu”. After the picture on the right there are two commas and the letter "i". Solution: from the word “elephant” we subtract the last two letters, we get “sl”. Add "mu" to the beginning and "i" to the end to get the word "muesli".

But what if you need to create a puzzle yourself? Let's say you need to choose an encryption for the syllable "he". Of course, you can use different methods. But if you remember what commas mean in puzzles, then everything will become easy. The Russian language has enough words consisting of several syllables. To get the one you need, you don’t have to worry about coming up with items. For example, take a picture with a gramophone and put nine commas on the left. The task is complicated by the fact that you first need to guess which word is encrypted by the picture. Perhaps not everyone knows what a gramophone is.

The picture with a chameleon and six commas on the left can also be presented as a rebus.

What does the comma at the top of the picture mean?

This means that it is necessary to discard the first letter of the word, since the rule for reading rebuses always applies: from left to right and from top to bottom. For example, there is a rebus consisting of two pictures - a bucket and a book. Above both pictures there are three ordinary non-inverted commas. The solution is this: we subtract the first three letters from the words “bucket” and “book”. We get "ro" and "ha", that is, "horns".

Another example: a drawing of a snake with a comma above it. There is an indication: "i" = "l". The solution will be this: we subtract the first letter from the word “snake”, we get “meya”. Now we change the letter “i” to “l”. It turns out to be "chalk".

The examples with a chameleon or a gramophone, which were discussed above, could be written like this: above the picture with the image of the word, put the required number of commas to subtract them from the words “gramophone” and “chameleon”.

When the signs are under the picture

It happens that commas are at the top or bottom of the picture. What does the comma at the bottom mean in a rebus? Don't let this bother you. When reading from top to bottom, the comma located above the picture indicates that the first letter of the encoded word is being removed. And the one that stands under the image points to the latter. If there are several commas, remove several letters.

Let's say we have an image of a hammer. There is an indication: "t" = "k". This means that the letter "t" should be replaced with "k". Next, there is a comma under the picture. Solution: replace the letter and get the word “milk”. We remove the last one and “milk” comes out.

Inverted punctuation mark

Sometimes there is an inverted comma in puzzles; what does deleting the last letter mean in this case? To complicate the task, this symbol, standing upside down, may not be at the end or bottom of the picture. If the rebus is made up of several images, each of which is supplemented with commas, the following principle will help you avoid confusion.

If there is a regular comma, then the letters at the beginning of the word are removed, and if it is inverted, then the letters from the end of the word are removed. If a word is encrypted from several pictures and commas, each picture will be preceded by regular commas, and then inverted. This separates the puzzle pieces. No matter how many commas there are between the pictures, by their position you can understand where the cipher of the previous syllable ends and the cipher of the next one begins.

For example, there are two images: raspberries and an umbrella. There are two regular commas before the raspberry, then two inverted ones. After the umbrella there is another one upside down. There is an indication: "z" = "m". Let's decide in order. The entire rebus is written in a line, which means we read from left to right. We subtract two letters at the beginning and two at the end from the word “raspberry”, we get “li”. This is the first syllable. Now in the word “umbrella” we change the letter “z” to “t”, we get “mont”. We remove the last letter and get "mon". This is the second syllable, and all together it will be “lemon”.

Vertical puzzles

There are also vertical riddles where there are punctuation marks between the pictures. What do commas mean in puzzles if they are located on top of each other? Some of them, if written on a line, take up too much space. Let's say one picture shows a field, the other a road. After the field there are two inverted commas, before the road there are two more, but now ordinary ones, and after the road there is one inverted one. This rebus will not fit on the page, but it cannot be moved. What to do?

A way to write a rebus from top to bottom, in which the pictures will be placed one above the other, will help out. Under the one with the field we put two inverted commas, above the road - two regular commas, and under the road - an inverted one. We solve the rebus: subtract the last two letters from the word “field”, we get “by”. This is the first syllable. From the word “road” we subtract the first two and one last letter. We get a "horn". This is the second syllable. Together - "threshold".

How to make a beautiful puzzle with commas

To write a rebus gracefully, you should not make it too long or high. For example, you can use this method: take the middle part of the word and find a picture for it. Let it be a syllable that is easy to find as part of other words. By cutting off the extra letters above and below with commas, we get the desired syllable. Now you just need to add the missing letters before and after the picture, and the work is ready.

Example: you need to encrypt the word "deer". First, we select the middle syllable, which we will represent with a picture. In this case, it is easier to choose the syllable “le”. It is found in many words, but for beauty’s sake we’ll choose “beehive.” It is square and easy to place in the middle of the sheet. Place commas at the top and bottom of the picture with the hive. Above - normal, below - inverted. This is how we designate the syllable "le". Now on the left before the picture we put the letter “o”, and after it – the letters “n” and “b”. All together - "deer".

Try playing this board game. It develops logic and increases vocabulary. After some time, you will notice that you have become better at understanding the composition of words.

Having familiarized yourself with the rules for solving puzzles, you will be able to not only solve any puzzle without much difficulty, but also learn how to compose the puzzle yourself.

Well, now are you ready to solve any puzzle?

If your child is interested, be sure to select a few easy examples for him and, based on them, tell him all the rules for solving puzzles. Rebuses are a game in which words are encrypted using pictures, letters, numbers and signs.

We will highlight six basic rules that will help:

1. Objects or living beings that are depicted in the pictures are read in the nominative case, singular, but more complex puzzles have exceptions, both adjectives and verbs can be hidden there, and a whole phrase can be hidden behind the puzzle. If the picture shows several objects, then the desired one is indicated with an arrow.

2. When the picture is drawn upside down, the word must be read backwards. For example, a cat is depicted upside down, which means the word reads “TOK”.

3. The role of the comma in puzzles is as follows: the sign at the beginning or end of the picture indicates how many letters need to be “thrown out” from the word, respectively, from the beginning or from the end. For example, if a goat is drawn, and there are two commas at the end, then you only need to read “KO”. You can also see that in some puzzles there are inverted commas at the beginning; they also indicate the number of letters that need to be removed.

4. There may be numbers under or above the picture, with each number corresponding to the serial number of a letter in the word. So, number one indicates the first letter of the word, number two indicates the second letter, and so on. A certain order of numbers indicates that these letters must be read in the specified order. If there is a number and it is crossed out, this means that the letter must be removed from the word. For example, in the image “horse”, the numbers “2, 1” appear under it: as a result, you get “OK”. Numbers can also be used to indicate the serial number of a letter in a word that needs to be replaced by another. In this case, there should be an arrow or an equal sign between the number and the letter. For example, a “table” is drawn, “3=U” is indicated below, which means the word “CHAIR” is obtained.

5. There may be an equal sign between the letters; this indicates the replacement of a certain letter of the word with another. In some cases, the equal sign is replaced by an arrow. Also, the action of replacement is indicated as follows: the letter is crossed out, and the replacement letter is written above it. For example, a mole is depicted, the crossed out letters RO are next to it, and the letter I is on top, which means it should be “KIT”.

6. Letters can be depicted inside other letters or above other letters, below them and behind them, this is a designation of a spatial preposition, which is necessary to decipher a word. You need to understand the spatial relationship between the letters shown. For example, LCs will be drawn inside the O, which means you need to read “V-O-LC”. The letters AR are shown on top, and OK on the bottom, which means the word “UNDER-AR-OK”.

And don't forget how to solve puzzles with letters, because all the rules can be combined in one puzzle.

Puzzles for children- a puzzle in which a word is encrypted using pictures, letter combinations and signs, has been popular for centuries. Puzzles, which first appeared in France in the 15th century (the first printed collection dates back to 1582 and was compiled by Etienne Taboureau), improved over time and became an extremely exciting game. You can solve them either alone or in a fun company, arranging competitions. The puzzle will not let you get bored even on a gray, rainy day when you can’t go out with friends. Solving puzzles for children is fun and exciting - worth a try!

What puzzles exist

There are a wide variety of puzzles: mathematical, with numbers, with notes, complex and many others. We have prepared an excellent selection of puzzles for children.

How can you solve a rebus?

Knowing the rules for deciphering a rebus, you can solve even a very complex riddle. The word hidden in the puzzle is divided into several parts, which can be shown in the form of pictures. In order to guess the word, you need to read the names of the images in the nominative case, and then combine them into one word. So, for example, if the first picture shows a trace, and the second shows a person conducting some kind of experiment, you should read: trace + experience = pathfinder.

Puzzles can be more difficult. In such puzzles, one of the pictures may be turned upside down, and then its name must be read backwards. Commas can further complicate the puzzle, which, if you don’t know what they are for in the puzzle, make it unsolvable. When a comma is placed before a picture, it indicates that you do not need to read the first letter of its name. The number of commas indicates how many letters need to be discarded. A comma or several of them after the picture indicate unnecessary letters from the end of the word.

Having become comfortable with simple puzzles, it is interesting to tackle more complex puzzles. In them, a crossed out letter may be drawn above the picture, which means that it should be excluded from the title of the picture. When there are numbers above the picture, then only the letters corresponding to them in the word are read (example: if there are numbers 1, 3, 4 above the picture of an apple, you need to read yalo). When there is a crossed out letter and an uncrossed out letter above the picture, you need to replace one with the other in the word. In some puzzles, the letter that needs to be replaced is not crossed out, but simply an = sign is placed between it and the one that should be in its place.

Numbers may also appear in the rebus if part of the word is a numeral. In this case, pictures or letters can be placed before or after the number. The puzzle is solved in the same way as a puzzle with pictures, only instead of the name of the image, a number or number is read.

When a rebus looks like letters or letters and numbers inscribed within each other, then it should be read by adding the letter B to the beginning of the word.

In the most complex puzzles, syllables can be represented by notes. In this case, you will need to understand which note is shown in the picture and read it in accordance with its sound.

A rebus is a special type of riddle in which the hidden words are encrypted using a sequence of pictures, letters, numbers and other symbols.

In order to solve and compose puzzles, you need to know the rules and techniques that are used in composing them. Read and remember these rules. For greater clarity, some of them are illustrated with examples.

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case and singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

2. Very often, an object depicted in a rebus may have not one, but two or more names, for example, “eye” and “eye,” “leg” and “paw,” etc. Or it may have one general and one specific name, for example “tree” and “oak”, “note” and “D”, etc. You need to choose one that is appropriate in meaning.

The ability to identify and correctly name the object shown in the picture is one of the main difficulties when deciphering puzzles. In addition to knowing the rules, you will need ingenuity and logic.

3. Sometimes the name of an object cannot be used in its entirety - it is necessary to discard one or two letters at the beginning or end of the word. In these cases, the symbol is used - comma. If the comma is left from the picture, this means that you need to discard the first letter from its name if on right from the drawing - then the last one. If there are two commas, then two letters are discarded accordingly, etc.

For example, a “yoke” is drawn, you only need to read “whirlpool”, a “sail” is drawn, you only need to read “steam”.

4. If two objects or two letters are drawn one inside the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "V". For example: “v-oh-yes”, or “not-in-a”, or “in-oh-seven”:

In this and the next five examples, different readings are possible, for example, instead of “eight” you can read “SEVEN”, and instead of “water” - “DAVO”. But such words do not exist! This is where ingenuity and logic should come to your aid.

5. If any letter consists of another letter, then read with the addition "from". For example: “iz-b-a” or “vn-iz-u” or “f-iz-ik”:

6. If behind any letter or object there is another letter or object, then you need to read with the addition "behind".
For example: “Ka-za-n”, “za-ya-ts”.

7. If one figure or letter is drawn under another, then you need to read it with the addition "on the", "above" or "under"- choose a preposition that makes sense.
For example: “fo-na-ri” or “pod-u-shka”:

The phrase: “Tit found a horseshoe and gave it to Nastya” can be depicted like this:

8. If another letter is written after a letter, then read it with the addition of “by”. For example: “po-r-t”, “po-l-e”, “po-ya-s”:

9. If one letter lies next to another, leaning against it, then read with the addition of “u”. For example: “L-u-k”, “d-u-b”:

10. If in a rebus there is an image of an object drawn upside down, then its name must be read from the end. For example, “cat” is drawn, you need to read “current”, “nose” is drawn, you need to read “dream”.

11. If an object is drawn, and a letter is written next to it and then crossed out, this means that this letter must be eliminated from the resulting word. If there is another letter above the crossed out letter, this means that you need to replace the crossed out letter with it. Sometimes in this case an equal sign is placed between the letters

For example: “eye” we read “gas”, “bone” we read “guest”.

A rebus is one of the types of riddles in which a word or sentence is depicted using combinations of numbers, letters, signs, and pictures. Puzzles help develop logical and creative thinking, non-standard vision of images, and increase vocabulary. Solving puzzles is not so difficult if you familiarize yourself with all the rules (techniques) that are followed when composing them.

How to solve puzzles without wasting a lot of time? Using the following techniques, it is possible to correctly decipher them:

The simplest version of the rebus is an image of pictures, of which there can be two or more. Armed with a piece of paper and a pen, we write down the name of each picture; if the word does not work out, then you need to select a synonym for each image until it is guessed correctly. This is the most difficult thing, to give the correct name to the picture, but logic and ingenuity will help you form the correct word. For example, the rebus depicts an eye and several human heads. Nothing will come of the words eyes + heads, but by choosing synonyms for them, you get eye + faces = outskirts.

If the picture is located one above the other, then the word will have the prepositions “above”, “under”, “on”. You just need to choose the right one.

Mathematical puzzles

Mathematical puzzles are no less useful than verbal ones, since they also develop logic and thinking. Often, such puzzles are just ordinary arithmetic operations, but the trick is to replace them partially or completely with asterisks, dots and other symbols. To solve the rebus and restore the original form of the arithmetic operation, you need to think logically. Having found the answer, you cannot stop there and continue the search until you are confident in the correctness of the decision.

Mathematical puzzles for preschoolers play a big role. Firstly, it takes him away from idleness, and secondly, it expands his horizons, vocabulary and synthesizes thinking. In addition, mathematical puzzles encourage a child to be interested in numbers from a young age. After such intellectual activities in a playful way, the child will be able to quickly operate with numbers.

What are mathematical puzzles for preschool children? These are tasks with ciphers of mathematical expressions, and numbers are partially or completely replaced by letters or signs. Very similar to the equation. It is important to select the child according to his age, explain the rules, but also not to allow it to be too easy for him.

Coming up with puzzles yourself is sometimes even more fun than solving them. This can help the child learn some mathematical concepts and show creativity in boring numbers.

Having mastered standard simple tasks before school, the child will mechanically solve any mechanisms of the problems proposed in the educational process, rather than suffer from stupid memorization of problem algorithms. This will clearly not pass the discipline towards mastering mathematics.

A type of puzzle familiar to everyone since childhood is a rebus, but not everyone can confidently answer the question of how to solve it correctly. In addition, puzzles come in four varieties: with letters, numbers, pictures and notes, plus those subtypes that include a combination of these four types. It would seem that getting confused is easy. Not at all. Knowing the rules and understanding how to solve puzzles, you will get a lot of pleasure from the process.

If you ask yourself where this name - rebus - came from, it turns out that from Latin, the word "rebus" means "with the help of things". That is, it actually conveys the essence of the puzzle, in which the desired word or phrase is encrypted using the objects shown in the picture. It is recommended to solve and compose such problems using certain rules.

How to solve the main types of puzzles

It is generally accepted that the simplest riddles are those consisting of pictures. One can argue here, since such puzzles can be very difficult, but they are certainly easier for the perception and development of the correct associative series. The whole point of such tasks is that almost any image can be interpreted in different ways, and the meaning of any puzzle lies in the selection of options. So, The main rules, guided by which one should solve such a puzzle, are:

  1. List the objects in the picture sequentially, from left to right, in the singular and nominative case.
  2. If the picture shows an item upside down, it means its name is read backwards.
  3. If, in addition to the picture, there are commas in the task, they mean that you need to subtract as many characters from the word shown in the picture as there are commas. If commas are shown at the beginning of a word, then the letters must be removed at the beginning of the word. If commas are present at the end of a word, then the last characters need to be subtracted.
  4. The problem may also contain arrows. They mean that after the picture has been correctly guessed, its name must be read backwards. In addition, the directions of the arrows can indicate forward and backward reading of syllables, rather than the whole word.

How to solve a rebus that has a lot of letters?

It can be somewhat more difficult to figure out what is encrypted in a rebus with letters. At first glance, such a problem may seem meaningless. Knowing the basic rules, finding the correct answer will not be as difficult as it seems at first. So, how to solve puzzles that consist of solid letter combinations or their combinations with pictures.

  1. If the rebus depicts letters, and one or more of them are inside another letter, then they need to be pronounced with the addition of the preposition “B”.
  2. When depicting letters or letter combinations located one above the other, their name must be read with the addition of the prepositions “on”, “above” or “under”.
  3. Sometimes the puzzle features a symbol made up of many repetitions of another letter or syllable. In this case, you definitely need to add the syllable “from” to solving the rebus.
  4. If the image of a letter or syllable includes another letter or syllable repeated several times, then the preposition “by” is used. The same preposition is used if some character suddenly grows legs and he walks on another letter or syllable.
  5. If the image of a charade includes letters located on different planes - some are closer, others are farther away, then the preposition “for” will be added to the solution. Behind the letter in the foreground is the letter in the background.
  6. If the letters “fall” one against the other, the preposition “k” or “y” is used. As a rule, pronunciation begins with a “leaning”, smaller letter.
  7. Another option for a rebus with letters is one or more crossed out syllables. Then the answer contains the syllable “not”. For example, the crossed out syllable “uch” conceals the word “ignorant”.
  8. If the rebus shows two identical letters, the solution will contain the word “pair”.
  9. When we are talking about combined cryptograms containing both letters and pictures, some letters may be crossed out. In this case, the word shown in the picture should be read without the crossed out element. In another case, any component of the word can be replaced by another, then an “equal” sign is placed between the letters.

Numbers and notes

Cryptograms with numbers They almost never consist of numbers alone; as a rule, they are found in combination with pictures, letters, notes, and other things. In fact, the presence of numbers is an auxiliary factor that dictates the conditions for solving the rebus. How to solve puzzles with numbers:

  • If there are numbers in different orders above the image of an object, this means that the letters of the depicted word are read in the specified order.
  • If the numbers in a rebus are crossed out, then you need to remove from it those letters that correspond to the crossed out numbers.

Puzzles with notes may seem complicated to people without musical training and require special knowledge to solve. They are partly right - in such puzzles, in most cases, they use the image of notes to indicate the corresponding syllables - “do”, “re”, “mi”, etc. And then you will have to remember your school music lessons and determine what kind of note is depicted in the rebus.

In some simplified cases, the image of a treble clef makes it clear that only the word “note” is involved.


This useful video will teach you how to solve puzzles.
