Teacher development plan. Individual teacher development plan. during the inter-certification period

MBOU "Usalinskaya Secondary School"

Mamadysh municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Individual development plan

for the inter-certification period

to improve professional level

history and social studies teachers



Personal card.

    Education : higher, Yelabuga State Pedagogical Institute, majoring in Russian language and literature, Tatar language and literature. NV No. 568779, July 14, 1988

2. Item : history, social studies

3. Teaching experience : 28 years

4. Total length of work experience: 28 years

5. Experience in this position : 12 years

6 . Job title: history and social studies teacher

7. Taking courses : “Current problems of the development of historical and social science education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC and the historical-cultural standard”, 108 hours, FSBEI HPE “Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Socio-Pedagogical Technologies and Resources” certificate No. 770400005855 dated 04/10/2015

Retraining: GOU VPO Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical Institute. 1300, history, social studies, PP- INo. 656151 from 15.0 6. 2010

8. The technology the teacher uses : technology of system-activity teaching method.

9. Extracurricular activities : planning, preparation and conduct of extracurricular activities, olympiads, participation in school, district and republican competitions, holding evenings, subject weeks.

10. Social and pedagogical activities : head of the class teachers' school of education, member of the school of education, member of the Russian educational organization, member of the school's trade union organization.

11. Creative ideas : participation in regional educational institutions, professional competitions, online communities, subject seminars, preparation of presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities.

1. Explanatory note

2. Teacher professional development program during the inter-certification period

    Sections of the teacher professional development program

    Methodological products (educational program documentation)

3. Self-education plan

    Work plan for the implementation of the self-education program

    Plan of work on the topic

4. List of used literature

Explanatory note

The new socio-economic conditions developing in Russia necessitate the search for effective ways of operating the educational system in solving new problems. The strategic directions for the development of education are fixed in the concept of modernization of education for the period until 2020. “A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences; capable of cooperation; characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness; having a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.” The most important condition for the implementation of the concept is the achievement of professional competence by all subjects of education. This priority is key, since the professional competence of a teacher is a decisive factor in ensuring the quality of educational results, which in turn affects qualitative changes in the state of society. Consequently, a modern teacher must have an idea of ​​the variety of approaches to organizing the educational process. The teacher must be proficient in monitoring technology, allowing him to track the effectiveness of the approaches being mastered in the educational process.

The directions for optimizing and humanizing the domestic education system are updating traditional ones, adapting known ones, and discovering innovative teaching technologies. These processes will naturally require the teacher to master a special professional technology of pedagogical interaction and a constant need for professional and personal growth.

Teacher Professional Development Program

during the inter-certification period

One of the most important tasks of reforming the education system is to modernize the existing system for assessing its quality. A key condition for improving the quality of education is a high level of professional competence of teaching staff. Today, the process that determines the creation in the system of continuous education of conditions for the development of an individual style of professional activity of a teacher, knowledge and mastery of new values, stimulating the creative search of specialists, promoting the approval of promising approaches, technologies, systems for assessing the professional activity of a teacher, is certification. Due to the fact that certification of teachers is carried out, as a rule, once every five years, a large role in assessing his professional activity is played byinter-certification period.

It is also necessary to include the results of in-school control in the individual program of professional development of a teacher: mutual visits to classes by colleagues and administration; materials of control activities carried out by the school administration or specialists of methodological services. Of interest are also the materials obtained as a result of a survey of students and their parents, which was conducted either by the teacher himself or by the administration as part of pedagogical monitoring.
Based on the accumulated materials, at the end of each academic year, an analysis of teaching activities is carried out, which involves correlating the results obtained with previously set goals and objectives, which serves as the basis for adjusting the teacher’s individual program for the next period.
If such work is carried out systematically at the end of each school year, this will make it possible to form a generalized description of the teacher’s activities and the results he obtained, which serves as the subject of examination during certification procedures.

Sections of the professional development program

    Studying psychological and pedagogical literature.

    Development of software and methodological support for the educational process.

    Mastering pedagogical technologies; building your own methodological system (selection of content, methods, forms, teaching aids).

    Selection of criteria and indicators of educational outcomes, development of diagnostic tools.

    Participation in the implementation of the development program of an educational institution; in the system of methodological work.

    Training in advanced training courses.

    Participation in the work of creative, experimental groups; conducting individual research and experimental work.

    Generalization of one’s own experience in teaching activities (articles, recommendations, reports, pedagogical workshop, master class, etc.)

Forms for presenting the results of teaching activities

    Training Series

    Methodological products



    Creative report

    Presentation of the results of teaching activities

    Master Class

    Creative workshop

    Professional competitions

Teacher's methodological products (curriculum documentation)

    Work programs for academic subjects, elective and optional courses.

    Educational and thematic plans, technological maps for studying course topics.

    Description of the methodological features of teaching individual issues of the program, topics, sections, training courses.

    Software and methodological support for the course.

    Model of teaching technology, description of the methodological system.

    Projects (synopses) of educational, extracurricular activities, seminars, business games, laboratory and practical work; scenarios of subject holidays, tournament, competitive forms, etc.

Self-education program

Methodological theme of the school:

« The use of ICT in the educational process in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard ».

ShMO theme : « Improving the quality of education is the main factor in teacher professional development"

Self-education topic:

"Formation information and communication competence students on lessons stories , social studies through usage

critical technology thinking" .

Work plan for the implementation of the self-education plan

Goal setting and didactic rationale


    teacher professional growth;

    improving the quality and efficiency of teaching history and social studies;

    formation in students of key educational competencies necessary for solving open problems.


    plan the educational process taking into account the chosen methodology;

    creatively apply professional and pedagogical knowledge in solving specific educational and educational tasks, taking into account the age, individual, socio-psychological characteristics of students;

    organize educational work with students at the level of modern psychological, pedagogical, didactic and methodological requirements;

    choose and creatively apply methods, means and organizational forms of educational and educational activities of students in accordance with the chosen direction;

    to develop in students the competencies necessary to independently solve open-ended problems that arise in real life situations;

    to develop students’ interest in history and social studies;

    take into account and evaluate the results of one’s own activities in order to determine new tasks;

    argue for the social and personal significance of the chosen direction with the aim of introducing it into the practice of other teachers.

Basic principles, implemented in work:

    scientific principle;

    the principle of fundamentality and applied orientation of training.

Organizational and methodological principles:

    the principle of continuity, consistency and systematic training;

    the principle of unity of group and individual training;

    the principle of matching training to the age and individual characteristics of students;

    the principle of consciousness and creative activity of students;

    the principle of accessibility of training at a sufficient level of difficulty;

    principle of visibility;

    the principle of productivity and reliability of training.

Principles of pedagogical technique:

    the principle of freedom of choice;

    the principle of openness;

    operating principle;

    feedback principle;

Basic forms and methods of work:

Set of methods:






Forms of work organization:

    individual work with primary sources;

    analysis of best practices in educational technologies, as well as leading domestic teachers;

    participation in the work of methodological associations and methodological communities of teachers;

    holding open classes;

Predicted result:

It is expected that upon completion of work on the chosen topic:

    Will be formeda certain basic set of forms for organizing educational classes, promoting self-realization and self-affirmation of the individual, the formation of a positive attitude and interest in the subjects of history and social studies.

    There will be a shift in student emphasis in terms of the practical significance and applicability of the material studied in the school course.

    Master classes and open lessons will be held for teachers of the history of the region, revealing the essence and ways of introducing the chosen methodology into teaching practice.

    A set of methodological developments for lessons and extracurricular activities will be developed and created.

    Will be developed, created and registered inweb-a resource representing the teacher’s work experience.

The implementation of the program is designed for 5 years (from 2016 to 2021)

Plan of work on the topic.

    Training .

    Event plan


    term (year)


    Theoretical study of the topic. Magazines and newspapers:

    “Teaching history at school”, “Teaching history and social studies at school”, "Upbringing schoolchildren”, “First of September”, “Class teacher”.


    Advanced training in the subject, courses.

    until April 2018

    Studying innovative methods of work of leading teachers of the district, region, country


    Improving your level of teaching skills


    The use of modern educational technologies and ICT in

areas of training and education.

Studying articles and brochures of leading innovators.


Making presentations about working as a class teacher, subject teacher.


electronic version and using them in the process of educational work with the classroom



electronic version and their use in teaching history and social studies


Introduction of innovative educational technologies into the process of training and education


Implementation of the results obtained in teaching practice


    Generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience.

Speaking to colleagues at meetings of the ShMO, RMO, conferences:



Registration on the website of creative teachers


    Working with students in class and outside of class time.

Improving the system of preparation for exams in the form of the OGE, Unified State Exam in all grades


Replenishment of didactic material (KIM for OGE, Unified State Exam) based on annual changes


Preparing students for Olympiads


Preparation and conduct of a school subject week in history.

2016 -2021

Preparation and holding of events dedicated to the Second World War.

2016 -2021

Creating conditions for gifted participation

children in competitions, scientific and practical conferences


Involving students to search for social information from various media (media, educational text, additional literature, etc.)


List of used literature:

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2020. - M.: APK and PRO, 2008.

Pakhomova N.Yu. Methodology of educational project. 2009

Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

We live in an era of change in Russian education. The national educational initiative “Our New School” involves the active participation of teachers in changing the school, and that means changing oneself. After all, a new school means new teachers. The same applies to preschool teachers.

A modern teacher must be ready for professional growth, to search for optimal ways of high-quality and creative activity. Going from beginner to master is not easy. How does mastery develop? What stages does a teacher need to go through from entering the profession to creating his own methodological system? The answer to this question was the “Steps to Mastery” professional development program for aspiring teachers.

At the heart of the program lies the concept of professional and personal development and self-development of a young teacher capable of going beyond established standards of activity, independently carrying out innovative creative processes in a broad sense.

This program provides professional assistance to young teachers in choosing their pedagogical style and is based on the choice of forms for self-development and self-realization of the teacher’s personality, creating conditions for professional growth from the level of pedagogical skill to the creation of an original methodological system.

Considering this assumption as a goal, this program must solve the following tasks :

  • formation of a stable motivational sphere for the teacher;
  • creation of individual educational trajectories;
  • development of abilities to independently solve pedagogical problems;
  • increasing the professional level of a young teacher.

The program is based on a step-by-step principle of teacher professional growth. That is, the teacher can reach the final goal by going through a number of steps. The final result of a teacher’s professional development can be represented as:

  • Availability of an individual style of teaching activity.
  • Development of an original program, methodology, technology.
  • Methodological, psychological, research, pedagogical, technological culture of the teacher.
  • Author's pedagogical (diagnostic, educational, methodological system).

Let's consider the stages of professional growth. At each level, its content is presented, the forms through which progress took place from one level to another and the result (achievements) of the teacher at a specific level.

The characteristics of a teacher’s activity are considered to be pedagogical skill, by which we usually understand two groups of components (1 - the teacher’s ability to manage his behavior, 2 - the teacher’s ability to influence the child’s personality). A teacher can remain at this level for more than one year. The forms and the result are presented on the slide.

The next stage of professional growth is pedagogical skill. The main mechanism of self-development at this stage is the dynamics of transforming potential features into actual ones, i.e. the process of self-actualization of the teacher’s personality. At this stage, pedagogical techniques are polished in practical activities.

Readiness for innovation- the next stage is expressed in the “fusion” of psychological, theoretical and practical readiness.

Pedagogical creativity is associated with the ability to produce, modernize and modify new ideas and principles. The result of this stage is the creation of the author’s modified work plan.

The next step is the teacher’s readiness to create author's pedagogical technology. According to V.V. Serikov, one of the most important indicators of a teacher’s personal development is the author’s style of teaching.

Teacher's pedagogical culture- this is a set of pedagogical values, professional attitudes, knowledge and skills of a teacher, mastery of pedagogical technology or the creation of an original one.

The most important condition and result of the formation of a teacher’s readiness to create an original pedagogical technology is individual style of the teacher.

Creation of the author's program. Development and improvement of educational programs is one of the most common areas of innovative pedagogical search in educational institutions. Such programmatic and methodological regulators of a teacher’s creative activity should include: 1 - reflection on where, in what and why the teacher intends to carry out innovation, 2 - not only the “knowledge” component, but also the personal aspect (personal experience of children and the teacher) of education.

The highest level of professional self-development of a teacher is the creation of his own author's methodological system, consisting of an individual educational and individual methodological system.

Based on the above, this program can be presented in the form of a model that consists of 4 steps of professional self-development of a teacher.

1. Finding your position. (when the teacher realizes that the effectiveness of his activities depends on the production of his own decisions).

2. Critical analysis of various options for solving pedagogical problems. (i.e. there is a kind of external and internal professional dialogue going on).

3. Choosing a priority, building the foundations of your own version of training.

4. Reflection on one’s own experience, justification and testing of one’s own methodological or holistic pedagogical system. (refusal of stereotypes).

Presentation of the preschool educational institution program “Steps to Mastery”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten No. 9 “Kolobok”

Bugulma municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Individual professional development plan

« ».

for 2015-2020.

Compiled by: Filippova L.S.,


Bugulma 2015

Self-education topic:

« Modern gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions».


The use of modern gaming technologies in kindergarten to improve the quality of education.


  1. Study literature about gaming technologies;
  2. Attend classes of colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience;
  3. Conduct self-analysis and self-assessment of your own activities;
  4. Develop a model of the educational process that meets the requirements of gaming technologies.
  5. Test this model in practice.

List of questions for self-education:

The essence of the concept of “gaming technologies” and the conditions for the successful implementation of gaming technologies;

Methods and techniques of gaming technologies;

An integrated approach to the introduction of gaming technologies in kindergarten.

Expected result:

  • Improving the mastery of gaming technologies at the level of constructing a model of the educational process.
  • Improving the quality of learning through improving the quality of classes.

Form of report on the work done:

  1. Message at a meeting of the Ministry of Education of Educators.
  2. Demonstration of the use of gaming technologies in open classes.
  3. Presentation of results in the form of an abstract.

Stages of work on the topic of self-education



1. Analysis of professional difficulties.

2. Determining the goals and objectives of the topic.

3. Drawing up a work plan on the chosen topic of self-education.

4.Advanced training courses for teachers.

5. Subscription to methodological literature “Preschool teacher”

6. Study of methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature.



1. Presentation of a report on the results of the implementation of the practical stage at the teachers’ educational institution.

2. Participation in a scientific and practical conference.

3. Studying the experience of educators on the chosen topic.

4. Systematization of materials from methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature on the topic.

5.Adjustment of work



1. Open classes inside the preschool educational institution.

2. Participation in competitions and conferences.

3. Attending classes of other teachers within the preschool educational institution.

4. Attending seminars.

5. Self-analysis and self-assessment of your activities.

6. Development of a model of the educational process in gaming technology.



1.Analysis of methods, forms, methods of activity on the topic of self-education.


2.Open classes at the municipal level.

3. Speech at a meeting of the educational organization of educators on the topic: “Modern gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions.”

4. Participation and results in regional Olympiads, competitions, conferences.

5.Advisory assistance to teachers and students.

6. Registration of work results.

The content of the work Sources Deadlines Expected Result
Professional direction
1 Federal State Educational Standards in modern gaming technologies.

Methodological literature. Internet.


Within 2 years
2 Acquaintance with new pedagogical technologies in an accessible environment. Methodological literature. Internet. Constantly Development of new forms and teaching methods.
3 Improve qualifications in courses for preschool teachers. Refresher courses. Constantly Certificates. Application of new knowledge in practice.
4 Development of work programs in areas.


Methodological literature

August every year. Work programs.
Psychological and pedagogical direction.
1 Improving knowledge in the field of classical modern psychology and pedagogy. Popular science literature. Internet. Constantly Improving the quality of classes.
Methodological direction.
1 Acquaintance with new forms, methods and techniques of teaching.

Attending classes.

Master classes.


Constantly Analysis and self-analysis of classes.
2 Participation in the work of the district educational organization of educators. MO meetings Constantly Speech, exchange of experience.
3 Participation in the work of teachers' councils Pedagogical advice. As you visit Speeches, exchange of experiences.
4 Organization of work with gifted children and participation in scientific and practical conferences, creative work competitions. Video, audio information on various media Constantly Participation in competitions and conferences.
5 Participation in the work of the creative group to develop work programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Internet, popular science literature. Constantly Work programs by subject.
Information and computer technologies.
1 The use of ICT and their implementation in the educational process. Internet, experience exchange events. Constantly Open classes.
2 Collection and analysis of information on the Internet on primary education, pedagogy and psychology. Internet Constantly Creation of a catalog of presentations by topic.

I approve

Head of MBDOU "Bialystok kindergarten"
Gorchakova E.V.

Individual professional development plan

Posokhova Tatyana Nikolaevna,teacher

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Bialystok kindergarten" of the Odessa municipal region

Omsk region for 2017-2020


at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the MBDOU "Bialystok kindergarten"


from "__" _______________ 2017

Supervisor .

pedagogical council:______________Gorchakova E.V.

Topic: “The role of play in the physical development and promotion of child health in

conditions for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard."

Target: increase the effectiveness of the implementation of physical education tasks

preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard based on the use of outdoor and didactic games.


Studying scientific and methodological literature on this issue;

Introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process;

Formation of abilities for creative self-development;

Introducing children and their parents to a healthy lifestyle;

Participation in pedagogical skills competitions.

Sections of the plan

1. Study of literature related to problems of professional development

Issues regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Literature, normative legal documents

Objectives of use

literary sources

Reporting form

Where and by whom and when is the report on the performance of work heard?

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Introduction to the founding document

During a year

Report at the final pedagogical council

Study of the regulatory document

Order of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155 “On approval

federal state educational

preschool standard


Study the set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education

During a year

Discussion at the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council



Basic general education program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

During a year

Pedagogical Council

Studying the document

The main educational program of preschool education of a preschool educational institution

Studying and testing the document.

During a year

Report to the pedagogical council

Pedagogical Council

Studying the document

1. Smirnova E.O. The best educational games. Eksmo, Moscow, 2014

2. Zheleznova E.R. Health-improving gymnastics and outdoor games for preschoolers, 2013

3.Silantieva S.V. Games and exercises for free motor activity of preschool children, 2013, etc.

During a year

Individual teacher professional development plan for the 2016-2017 academic year

Lescheva Svetlana Nikolaevna

primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2

Professional development goal:

The study and use of modern technologies, methods for organizing educational and cognitive activities, maintaining and preserving health, and improving the quality of student education.

To achieve this goal, the following were set tasks:

1. Improve methods, means of teaching and education, increase the level of independent creative educational work of students in the classroom.

2. Create optimal conditions for the development of students’ individual abilities and develop the skills of independent learning activities using information and communication technologies.

3. Accumulate didactic material that corresponds to the new Federal State Educational Standards.

4. Master the technology of creating competency-oriented tasks.

5. Master methods, techniques, technologies that comply with the new Federal State Educational Standards

6. Take an active part in seminars, workshops, conferences, and competitions.

7. Continue working on your personal website “To make learning easier.”

Expected result:

Development of work programs for subjects in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

Formation of the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school, understanding of the need for learning, the ability to self-esteem, the ability to plan, control one’s actions,

Formulate your own opinion, cooperate with any partner, search for the necessary information;

Improving the quality of taught subjects;

Participation in teacher councils, seminars, and in the work of school and district municipal organizations of primary school teachers;

Provide feasible practical assistance to colleagues.

Form of report on the work done: speaking at meetings of the Moscow Region and the teachers' council, demonstration lessons, participation in competitions.

Self-education form:(individual, group, collective)

Work on the topic of self-education.


Presentation form

Where, when, by whom is it heard?

1. Development of practical material on the topic “Organization of project activities in lessons of the surrounding world” (based on student-oriented technologies)

2. Develop training sessions on the creative topic “Organization of project activities in the lessons of the surrounding world” (based on student-oriented technologies)

3. Experience on the topic should be presented to primary school teachers at the Moscow Region.

4.Complete work on this topic in the 2015-2017 academic year.

During a year

Development of lessons, teaching materials

Meeting of the Moscow Region

Study of literature related to the problems of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard

Issues regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Literature, normative legal documents

Objectives of use

literary sources


Reporting form

Study of the founding document

Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education

Study of the set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education


2016-2017 academic year of the year

framed table

meetings of the Moscow Region

primary school teachers. Participation in discussion.

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP

in primary school

Fundamental core of the content of general education: project / ed. V. V. Kozlova, A. M. Kondakova. - M: Education, 2009. (Standards of the second


Studying the basic document necessary to create basic curricula, programs, teaching materials and

During the 2016-2017 academic year.

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP in primary school

Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution.

Study of the changed content of education in subjects.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Programs by subject

Organization of project activities

Design tasks in elementary school: a manual for teachers / (A.B. Vorontsov, V.M. Zaslavsky, S.V. Egorkina, etc.); edited by A.B. Vorontsova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2010.

Studying methodological material on organizing project activities.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Organization of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer: a manual for teachers / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov. - M.: Education, 2010.

Studying new types and forms of work in extracurricular activities.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Abstract to the material read

3. Development of methodological materials to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation of the updated educational process

Objectives or content of the activity


Results presentation form

Where and by whom is the report on the performance of work heard?

Development, adjustment and clarification of work programs for academic subjects.

August 2016 academic year

Calendar-thematic plans in accordance with the content of work programs in subjects.

School principal's order

School administration

Development of a program for your class

development and education of students

August - September 2016

Development and education program

class students

September 2016

Class MO meeting

managers under deputy Director of HR

Design and replenishment of class portfolios for grades 2 and 4

During the school year

2nd grade portfolio, 4th grade portfolio.

Drawing up (selection) of complex

verification work

During the school year

comprehensive testing work

Meeting of the MoE of primary school teachers during the school year

Introduction of a new form of funded

assessments (portfolio of student achievements)

Portfolio replenishment.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Portfolio of achievements of students in grades 2 and 4

Meeting of the Ministry of Education of Primary School Teachers “Implementation of the Technology Portfolio of Achievements in Education

process in primary school in conditions

introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Development of programs for additional education: “Samodelkin’s Workshop”, “Young Museum Scientists”, “Young Traffic Inspectors”, “Green Planet”, “Healthy Lifestyle”.

August 2016

Additional education programs for 2016-2017:

“Samodelkin’s Workshop”, “Young Museum Experts”, “Young Traffic Inspectors”, “Green Planet”, “Healthy Lifestyle”.

School administration

Identification and selection of methods and means

formation of UUD among students

(textbook analysis, system selection

assignments, etc.)

During the school period

Methodological developments

Analysis of the “Methodological piggy bank”

pedagogical experience"

at meetings of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

Development of lesson scenarios and extracurricular activities in

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

During the school period

Demonstration lessons, extracurricular activities.

Participation in professional competitions.

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

4. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

Experience presentation form

Where and by whom is the report on the performance of work heard?

Speech at a meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers on the topic:

“Organization of project activities in the lessons of the surrounding world” (based on student-oriented technologies)

April 2017

Report with presentation

Teachers' MO

Open lesson on the topic.

April 2017

MO of primary school teachers

Participation in professional competitions (including distance learning) at various levels, Olympiads

During a year

Competition commission

Regular updating of your personal website

During the school year

Site replenishment

Work on websites and in personal accounts:

1.Personal website “To make learning easier” by primary school teacher S.N. Leshcheva. 06.11.2014

2. Personal account on the educational website “Academy of Growth” 01/15/2015

3.Personal account on the educational portal “Prodlenka” 06/17/2015

4. Personal website on the educational portal "Infourok"

5. Personal account on the educational portal “Mersibo” 03/02/2016

6. Personal account on the All-Russian pedagogical portal “Sunlight” 08/14/2016

7. Personal account in LLC “Center for the Development of Pedagogy” 08/25/2016

During the school year

Replenishment of the website, pages in your personal account

First category confirmation

April 2017

Presentation of work experience

Center for Education Assessment and Quality

5. Participation in the system of school and district methodological work


Types of work performed

Meetings of the MoE of primary school teachers

During the school year

Methodological mutual assistance,

Participation in the work of the district primary school education department

During the school year

Methodological mutual assistance,

presentation of work experience. (Performance)

Subject weeks

Organizational and pedagogical

activities within the subject week plan

A selection of Internet information resources

During the school year

Creation of a methodological piggy bank for a primary school teacher

Preparation of students for Olympiads, participation of students in Olympiads, subject quizzes:

1. All-Russian subject Olympiad “Academy of Talent”.

2. Olympiads provided by the school administration.

3. Distance Olympiads.

4. Quizzes of the educational site Online Olympiad

During a year

Training of students.

Submitting an application, receiving assignments, sending answers.

Training in advanced training courses outside of school

Course Topics

Course location

Form of a report on the results of preparation (coursework, abstracts, open lessons, etc.)

1 “Active learning methods” 20 hours

2 “Project and research activities as a tool for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education and Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Governmental Education” 72 hours

ANO DPO “Information educational center for advanced training and retraining “My University”

State educational institution of the Yaroslavl region "Institute for Educational Development".

October 2016

February - March 2017

Obtaining a state-issued document

7. Generalization and disseminationexperience working under Federal State Educational Standards

Forms of work with teachers

Event Topics

Number of teachers


Providing professional assistance to colleagues on teaching issues

During a year

Open lesson on extracurricular activities

Presentation of experience in designing a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

February 2017

Open lesson at MO for primary school teachers

April 2017

Open lessons for school teachers.

Presentation of experience in lesson design in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

December 2016

Posting works on a personal website ( https:// sites. google. com/ site/ ctobyucitsabylolegce/ )

On the personal website of the educational portal "Infourok"

Publication of works on educational sites

"Ogonyok" - el. mail

“Talents of Russia” - email. mail

on the All-Russian educational portal "Prodlenka"

1 Work programs for grade 2, grade 4 according to the “School of Russia” program.

- “Practical lesson “Thread dolls”.

During a year

Sources of self-education

Refresher courses.

Seminars and conferences.

Master classes.

A television.

Newspapers magazines.


Video, audio information on various media.

Experience exchange events.

Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts.

Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction).
