Briefly about the situation with new energy and engines based on new principles. Power supply system for an internal combustion engine Andreev Evgeniy Ivanovich Andreev natural energy 3

The invention relates to engine building, in particular to fuel preparation systems in internal combustion engines. The technical result is aimed at reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases in terms of CO, CH, NOx and smoke, as well as fuel consumption. The power supply system of an internal combustion engine contains a fuel supply device, a device for preparing and supplying the fuel-air mixture to the combustion chambers of the engine, an air filter, an air preparation device made in the form of a main container with water and an additional inlet and outlet pipes, a water temperature regulator, a device maintaining the water level in the container and water tank. The system is equipped with a water pump connected by the inlet to the tank, and the outlet to an additional container, and a device for directing air through grooves in the additional container, made in the form of a flat ring with a protrusion located at the outlet of the inlet pipe above the water surface. The device for maintaining the water level is made in the form of a hollow cylinder, the throughput of which is greater than the throughput of the water pump, located at the bottom of the main tank along its axis, with an input screw connected to the additional tank. The water temperature regulator is made in the form of a tubular spiral heater with an outer diameter equal to the inner diameter of the additional container, a spiral pitch equal to 1.2 times the diameter of the tube, located in the water near its surface and connected in parallel through an adjustable throttle to a liquid engine temperature regulator. 5 salary f-ly, 4 ill.

Drawings for RF patent 2459972

The invention relates to mechanical engineering, in particular to internal combustion engines, in which a fuel-air mixture with the addition of water is used as fuel.

There are many patents and developments of internal combustion engine power supply systems both in the Russian Federation and abroad, in which water is added to the fuel or the fuel-air mixture. However, despite the great positive effect obtained from adding water to fuel (significant reduction in CO, CH and NOx toxicity, fuel economy, increased engine power, etc.), these developments have not found wide practical application due to significant differences in physical parameters fuel and water (by surface tension, specific gravity, etc.). These differences lead to a large number of difficult and difficult to resolve shortcomings of these systems.

There is a good combination between water particles (water vapor) at the molecular level with air to the point of its saturation, which has recently been used in new developments of power systems for internal combustion engines.

The power supply system for an internal combustion engine is known (US patent No. 3557763, published 01/26/1971).

The system contains a fuel supply device, an air filter, a carburetor, a device for preparing air sucked from the atmosphere by saturating it with water particles and oxygen by bubbling through the water layer and feeding it into the engine intake manifold.

When such a system operates, there is a more complete use of heat in the engine cycle, and therefore a more complete combustion of fuel, as a result of which the toxicity of exhaust gases in terms of CO, CH, NOx and their smokiness are significantly reduced. In addition, engine efficiency and power are increased. Fuel saving occurs due to the supply of an additional working fluid - water particles - to the combustion chamber instead of part of the fuel, and an increase in engine power - due to an increase in the filling coefficient when the air is cooled with evaporating water and by increasing the octane number of the fuel.

In addition, at temperatures in the combustion chamber above 800°C, sooty fuel residues interact with water vapor and hydrogen is released

At temperatures above 1000°C, a thermochemical process of interaction between water vapor and hydrocarbon fuel occurs with the release of hydrogen

At temperatures above 2500°C, the thermochemical process of decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen occurs

All hydrogen released is burned as fuel, helping to increase engine power.

However, this system is only effective when the engine is idling, because in other modes of its operation, the bulk of the air does not pass through the air preparation device, and therefore is not saturated with water particles and oxygen.

The system is also not effective due to the variability of the water level in the air preparation device and the temperature of the prepared air, because their changes also change the saturation of the air with water particles and oxygen. This inefficiency of the system is due to the lack of regulators for the water level and temperature of the prepared air.

In addition, during the winter, water in the air preparation device and in the tank freezes when the engine is not running, which leads to operational inconvenience.

The power supply system for an internal combustion engine is known (USSR author's certificate No. 1060803, published 06/30/1990).

The system contains a fuel supply device, an air filter, a water tank, a device for preparing air sucked from the atmosphere by saturating it with water and oxygen by bubbling through a water layer and feeding it into the carburetor air inlet pipe, a water supply and dosing device, a water evaporator, a device foaming and heating water and three taps controlled by an electronic device.

The system partially ensures an increase in the efficiency of its operation in all engine modes by saturating with water and oxygen all the air necessary for fuel combustion. However, this efficiency of the system is achieved by significantly complicating it, increasing its dimensions, increasing its cost and reducing the reliability of its operation due to the use of a large number of complex electromechanical and electronic devices.

At the same time, the system does not ensure the efficiency of its operation at variable water levels in the air preparation device and the temperature of the prepared air, because when they change, the saturation of the air with water particles and oxygen changes. This inefficiency of the system is due to the lack of regulators for the water level and temperature of the prepared air.

In addition, when the air is saturated with water and oxygen by bubbling through a layer of water at high speeds and volumes, drops of water are carried away by it, entering the combustion chambers, disrupting the normal operation of the engine. Elimination of this drawback can only be achieved by a significant increase in the dimensions of the air preparation device, and, consequently, of the entire engine power system, which makes it impossible to practically use this system.

The disadvantages of the system include the fact that in winter the water in the air preparation device and in the tank freezes when the engine is not running, which leads to operational inconvenience.

There is a known power supply system for an internal combustion engine (patent for invention of the Russian Federation No. 2192558, published on November 10, 2002), which, in terms of the set of features, is most similar to the set of essential features of the proposed invention. This system is accepted as a prototype.

The system contains a fuel supply device, a device for preparing and supplying the fuel-air mixture to the combustion chambers of the engine, an air filter, a device for preparing air drawn in from the atmosphere by saturating it with water and oxygen by bubbling through a water layer, made in the form of a main container with water and an additional one. inlet and outlet pipes, water temperature regulator, water level maintenance device and water tank.

The system partially ensures an increase in the efficiency of its operation by maintaining a constant water level and its temperature and by partially simplifying the design - there is no large number of complex electromechanical devices and electronic devices.

At the same time, the system has large dimensions due to the process of saturating air with water by bubbling it through water, which in most cases does not allow its practical use. With small dimensions and high air speeds, water is carried away into the air filter and further into the combustion chambers of the engine, which is unacceptable.

In addition, the system is complex in design, expensive and unreliable due to the presence of an electromagnetic relay, an electromagnetic valve, a float device for maintaining the water level and an autonomous water temperature regulator.

The objective of the invention is to increase the efficiency of the system, reduce its dimensions, simplify the design, reduce the cost, and increase the reliability of its operation.

The problem is solved by the fact that the power supply system of an internal combustion engine, containing a fuel supply device, a device for preparing and supplying the fuel-air mixture to the combustion chambers of the engine, an air filter, an air preparation device, made in the form of a main container with water and an additional, inlet and outlet pipes, a water temperature regulator, a device for maintaining the water level in the tank and a tank of water, according to the invention it is equipped with a water pump connected by the inlet to the tank and the outlet to an additional tank, and a device for directing air through the grooves in the additional tank, made in the form of a flat ring with a protrusion located at the outlet of the inlet pipe above the water surface, and the device for maintaining the water level is made in the form of a hollow cylinder, the throughput of which is greater than the throughput of the water pump, located at the bottom of the main tank along its axis, the inlet is connected by a screw to an additional tank, while The water temperature regulator is made in the form of a tubular spiral heater with an outer diameter equal to the inner diameter of the additional container, a spiral pitch equal to 1.2 times the diameter of the tube, located in the water near its surface and connected in parallel through an adjustable throttle to a liquid engine temperature regulator.

The air preparation device is equipped with a second water pump, which is connected by the input to the output of the device for maintaining the water level in the main tank, and by the output to the tank.

This solution will allow you to place a water tank above the water level in the main tank of the device.

The tank is equipped with a tubular water heater connected in parallel to a liquid engine temperature regulator, and a float water level indicator with a magnet and a reed switch.

The air preparation device is equipped with a humidity sensor, which is located in an additional container and connected to a microprocessor that controls the adjustable throttle.

In this case, air humidity is maintained constant according to engine operating modes, which helps to increase engine efficiency both in terms of toxicity and fuel economy.

The air preparation device is equipped with a filter element located at the inlet of the inlet pipe (not shown in the drawing).

In this case, there is no need to use a standard engine air filter.

In the air preparation device, the bottom of the main tank is removable.

In this case, it is easier to purify water from dirt and salts when using sea water.

The proposed technical solution differs significantly from the prototype. The significant difference is that in the air preparation device, the air is saturated with water by flowing over the surface of heated water, and not by bubbling, as in the prototype, in which, at high air speeds and small dimensions of the air preparation device, drops of water are carried into the combustion chambers, which is unacceptable. As a result of this solution, the dimensions of the system are significantly reduced and its operating efficiency is increased.

Another significant difference is that in the system the air preparation device is equipped with a water pump and an air direction device, and the water level maintenance device is made in the form of a hollow cylinder, the throughput of which is greater than the throughput of the water pump, located at the bottom of the main tank along its axis. This solution significantly simplifies the design of the system, reduces its cost and increases operational reliability by eliminating the electromagnetic relay, valve, float device for maintaining the water level and an autonomous water temperature controller from the design.

Additionally, the proposed technical solution differs significantly from the prototype in that the water heating element is made tubular in the form of a spiral with an outer diameter equal to the internal diameter of the additional container, a spiral pitch equal to 1.2 times the diameter of the tube, and location in the water near its surface. As a result of this design and arrangement of the heating element, the horizontal water level is maintained during sudden braking or acceleration of the vehicle, and, as a consequence, unacceptable water carryover into the combustion chambers is eliminated.

The essence of the invention is illustrated in Figs. 1-3, where Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of the system, Fig. 2 shows an example of the design of an air preparation device, Fig. 3 shows a schematic electrical diagram of an air preparation device.

The proposed power system for an internal combustion engine (Fig. 1) includes an engine 20, a fuel supply device 21, a device 22 for preparing and supplying the fuel-air mixture to the combustion chambers of the engine 20, an air filter 23, an air preparation device 24, a liquid temperature regulator 25 engine 20 and tank 9 with water.

The air preparation device 24 (Fig. 2) includes a main container 1 with water, an additional container 2, supported by its edges in the bottom of the main container 1, which are connected to each other by a screw 3, an inlet pipe 4, an outlet pipe 5, an air direction device 6, grooves 7 in the additional tank 2, a device 8 for maintaining the water level, made in the form of a hollow cylinder connected to the tank 9, a water pump 10 connected by the inlet to the tank 9 and the outlet to the additional tank 2, a tubular spiral heater 11 connected in parallel with the standard one liquid temperature regulator 25 of the engine 20, with an outer diameter equal to the inner diameter of the additional container 2, a spiral pitch equal to 1.2 times the diameter of the heater tube 11, and located in the water near its surface, an adjustable throttle 12, a water drain valve 13, a float device 14 shows the water level in tank 9, a tubular water heater 15 connected to a standard liquid temperature regulator 25 (not shown) of the engine 20 and a drain tube 16 to equalize the pressure in the additional tank 2 and tank 9.

Water pump 10, adjustable throttle 12, water drain tap 13, tank 9 with water level reading device 14 and humidity sensor are standard. For example, a tank 9 with a water pump 10 and a float device 14, water level readings are used from a windshield washer device from the VAZ plant, a humidity sensor type SHT71

The electrical circuit of the air preparation device 24 (Fig. 3) includes a winding 17 of the water pump 10, a reed switch 18 of the float device 14 for indicating the water level in the tank 9 and a warning lamp 19.

The system works as follows.

In the initial position, the engine 20 is not started. All standard devices that ensure its operation are in their normal state, except for setting its power supply system to a lean mixture. For gasoline engines, the optimal excess air ratio should be 1.15-1.2, for diesel engines ~1.8-1.9, for gas engines ~1.45-1.5. Clean water is poured into the air preparation device 24 and into the tank 9, and it is connected to the electrical network of the engine 20 in accordance with the electrical diagram (Fig. 3).

The engine 20 starts, the water pump 10 and the device 14 for indicating the water level in the tank 9 are turned on. All devices that ensure the operation of the engine begin to work. Water pump 10 pumps water from tank 9 to air preparation device 24. Water from the main tank 1 is drained by gravity into the tank 9 through a tube through a device 8 for maintaining the water level. If there is a second water pump in the device, which is not indicated in the drawing, the water is drained into the tank 9 forcibly. In this case, tank 9 can be placed above the water level in the main tank 1.

All the air taken from the atmosphere, necessary for fuel combustion, through the inlet pipe 4, the outlet pipe 5 and the air filter 23, due to the vacuum in the additional tank 2 created by the engine 20, passes above the water surface of the main tank 1, becoming saturated with particles (molecules) of water and oxygen at the molecular level.

Air saturation with water particles for gasoline engines is carried out up to 15-20 g/m 3 . This value is maintained constant in all engine operating modes by a signal from a humidity sensor (not shown) located in additional tank 2. The sensor is connected to a microprocessor that controls an adjustable throttle 12, maintaining a given air humidity value. At the same time, the system operates efficiently in all modes, maintaining low toxicity of exhaust gases in terms of CO, CH, NOx and smoke.

During operation of the system, the water level in the main tank 1 remains constant, and in the tank 9 it decreases. When the minimum level is reached, according to a signal from the water level reading device 14, the signal lamp 19 lights up. It is necessary to add water to the tank 9.

When the engine is stopped, all systems that ensure its operation return to their original state.

During operation of the system in winter, when the system is in cold mode when not operating, the water in tank 1 and tank 9 freezes. In this case, the engine 20 is started and warmed up with a rich mixture of fuel until the water thaws.

A prototype of the proposed system was created on a GAZ-24 car with a 24D engine (Appendix 1), and its laboratory and road tests were carried out.

Tests of the system showed that the toxicity of exhaust gases in terms of CO, CH, NOx and smoke was significantly reduced. For CO, toxicity decreased from 2% with the old system to 0.08%, for CH from 550 ppm to 450 ppm, for NOx from 1500 ppm to 800 ppm. Fuel consumption also decreased by ~10%, and engine power increased by ~6%. At the same time, starting the engine became easier, and its operation became softer, clearer, and without interruptions.

Currently, work is being carried out on the serial development of the proposed system through the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.


1. A power supply system for an internal combustion engine, containing a fuel supply device, a device for preparing and supplying the fuel-air mixture to the combustion chambers of the engine, an air filter, an air preparation device made in the form of a main container with water and an additional inlet and outlet pipes, a temperature controller water, a device for maintaining the water level in the tank and a tank of water, characterized in that it is equipped with a water pump connected by the inlet to the tank and the outlet to an additional tank, and a device for directing air through the grooves in the additional tank, made in the form of a flat ring with a protrusion , located at the outlet of the inlet pipe above the water surface, and the device for maintaining the water level is made in the form of a hollow cylinder, the throughput of which is greater than the throughput of the water pump, located at the bottom of the main tank along its axis, the inlet is connected by a screw to an additional tank, and the temperature controller water is made in the form of a tubular spiral heater with an outer diameter equal to the inner diameter of the additional container, a spiral pitch equal to 1.2 times the diameter of the tube, located in the water near its surface and connected in parallel through an adjustable throttle to a liquid engine temperature controller.

2. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the air preparation device is equipped with a second water pump, which is connected by the input to the output of the device for maintaining the water level in the main tank, and by the output to the tank.

3. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the tank is equipped with a tubular water heater connected in parallel to a liquid engine temperature regulator, and a float water level indicator with a magnet and a reed switch.

4. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the air preparation device contains a humidity sensor, which is located in an additional container and is included in the microprocessor that controls the adjustable throttle.

5. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the air preparation device is equipped with a filter element located at the inlet of the inlet pipe.

6. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that in the air preparation device the bottom of the main container is removable.

St. Petersburg inventor Evgeny Andreev makes an engine. The only thing that distinguishes Andreev’s engine from a conventional unit is that it runs not on gasoline, kerosene, uranium, electricity, or unsymmetrical dimethylhydrosine, but on air.
All inventors can be divided into two large groups: crazy inventors and just inventors. Crazy "patent holders" are constantly shouting with foam at the mouth about their brilliant brainchild, the implementation of which will make it possible to build the material and technical base of communism on Earth within a month. It’s just that inventors are working quietly at this time. Evgeny Andreev is modest, calm and pedantic. Talking about himself, he notes: “I am an ordinary doctor of technical sciences.” And he prefers not to talk about the unprecedented prospects of his project at all: “First, everything needs to be tested in practice.”

In the footsteps of Baba Yaga
Russians have long dreamed of traveling quickly and cheaply. For example, Baba Yaga, a witch who was not only enterprising, but also economical, probably used ordinary air in the engine of her mortar. After all, no one had ever seen her pour gasoline into the “mortar tank.” And she muttered spells to distract industrial spies. No one threw firewood into the stove that the cunning Emelya rode. In addition, one can recall walking boots, flying carpets and other creations of the fairy tale industry.
Evgeny Andreev decided to turn the fairy tale into reality. At the same time, he talks about his invention in quite everyday official language: “With the help of individual scientists, natural energy installations have been created and are operating, in which 5-10 times more energy is obtained per unit of power spent on exciting the process. This work was carried out especially intensively in the last 5 years. We tried to generalize their results, develop a theory and propose specific technical solutions."

Perpetual motion machine
If a true inventor needs anything, it’s more air. Now Andreev is patenting a new principle for generating energy. That is, a car or plane will no longer need gasoline or other fuel.
“The new engine only needs air. It’s a kind of perpetual motion machine,” explains the inventor. “But personally, this term seems unfortunate to me. In fact, we use air or air oxygen as fuel, which is constantly replenished by nature.”
News of the invention began to quickly spread throughout the city. Oddly enough, rumors played a positive role. The Ecosoyuz company undertook to invest in the research.
“This is a unique business that can take our country forward,” says Roman Davydenko, chairman of the board of founders of the Eco Union. But at first, the company decided to start with utilitarian goals - to save fuel on its own fleet. “I have been tasked with finding technical solutions that will allow us to switch the engine to the nitrogen cycle. At the end of last year, we began a series of experiments in the laboratory of our center. But this is only the first step. Then we will work out how to completely get rid of fuel,” says Evgeniy Andreev .

Burn, burn, my oxygen
Evgeny Andreev has been working with engines all his life. Working in closed research institutes, Colonel Andreev developed power plants for the needs of the Russian army. But now in traditional energy, according to the inventor, the ceiling has been reached: saving 1-2% of fuel is a great achievement.
“Well, don’t sit idly by,” says Andreev. As a result, he became interested in creating natural energy installations.
Scientists believe that nature graciously allows us to use our gifts, but not more than one millionth of a percent. Only under these conditions is the loss of air and water energy replenished in natural conditions without any environmental consequences.
“One such example is an ordinary flame. Combustion is nothing more than a gentle atomic reaction. During combustion, no radioactive substances are released, only thermal photons leave, and all the atoms in the molecule turn into reaction products. This is that very natural energy , for which we stand. However, the formation of carbon dioxide is known to cause climate warming. In new power plants, a deeper process occurs with the formation of environmentally friendly water vapor instead of carbon dioxide. In particular, in internal combustion engines, oxygen is formed due to the breakdown and conversion of nitrogen , carbon and hydrogen. This oxygen, obtained in sufficient quantities, plays the role of an amplifier of the entire reaction,” explains Evgeniy Andreev.

I offer an edited, shortened and slightly supplemented by me Google translation, which can be found at the link above - L.A.

Here in the text is a portrait of S. Sall.

Russian physicist, professor Sergei Sall tells in this long article how it happened that new technologies - magnetic engine, CNF and other methods were severely limited for many decades... up to the physical elimination of the protagonists and the destruction of their laboratories... Now the situation has improved, which shows the "approval" of numerous patents, but the ban on supposedly "impossible Technologies" is still in place.

Sergey Sall: “If you adapt these technologies, the demand for oil and gas is reduced to tenths”

Energy-generating systems that do not require oil or gas, but produce energy themselves -

this sounds fantastic!

If these discoveries promise such great benefits for a world that is truly experiencing an oil crisis, why are they being ignored?

Mr. Sall, please tell us more about energy systems that have no emissions and can solve the problem of dependence on oil.

One solution to this problem was invented by Nikola Tesla more than a century ago. His invention does not require an energy source, but rather extracts energy from the facuum. :-), from the forces that unite subnuclear particles, many orders of magnitude smaller than the nucleons we are used to.

Today we can say that a whole range of problems have been technically completely resolved.

Now there are three directions in this.-L.A.

Firstly, magnetic motors and generators based on the ideas of Tesla, his famous coil (that is, on a high-voltage resonant transformer - L.A.) and other similar devices. These devices do not require any energy, but they can produce energy themselves. This energy, as Tesla wrote, is obtained from the environment = vacuum = ether, which consists, in addition to the electromagnetic waves familiar to us, of very small subnuclear quasiparticles.

The second direction is CYAS=LENR. Both physically and technically this problem has also been solved.

Back in the last century, methods for operating internal combustion engines using chemical fuels in water were proposed.

Anyone in their garage can modify their car using these results.

Energy production using CNF is much simpler than using devices such as a Tesla generator. In addition, ColdFusion opens up the possibility of obtaining new substances and materials.

In Russia, as in other countries, inventors have developed such devices to perfection. For example, this was done by Evgeny Ivanovich Andreev in St. Petersburg. The history of this invention in the Soviet Union is truly amazing... and in the form of apocrypha it looks like this: Evgeniy Ivanovich was driving his old 407m. The gas station was closed.. but we had to go to another city!

And he poured water into the tank, diluted gasoline with water... The engine sneezed a little at first, but then it drove hundreds of kilometers, using only one liter of gasoline. Later, Andreev completely solved all the problems that arose.

Gasoline is only needed to start the engine, and at idle and on the road, gasoline consumption drops to zero.

So what's the big deal?

The case is a chemical nuclear reactor involving deuterium present in water vapor, nitrogen and oxygen. The result is the synthesis of new isotopes and the emergence of energy that is hundreds of times greater than that from burning gasoline.

CNF with all these air components is accompanied by soft X-ray radiation, but it is completely absorbed by the engine and does not harm a person.

Such a car (by the way - with an ignition retardation instead of an advance) was even shown at the EXPO 2004 world exhibition in Paris. The audience applauded.

But after this, the Deputy Minister of Energy came to our inventors and said: “Guys, the hunt is already on for you! Get out of Paris as quickly as possible!

When they came out, the car was already on fire. They worked for several years in St. Petersburg, hundreds of cars are equipped with these engines.

But a few years later, Evgeny Andreev died under strange circumstances, and his small company was destroyed.

The third direction is a new theory and new technique proposed by V.S. Leonov (see both Leonov’s theoretical works and test reports).

This direction is based on gravitational interaction with vacuum, but Leonov’s “gravitational cap” takes energy from a conventional :-) chemical nuclear power generator.

Leonov, on the basis of his CMEA theory, proposed and tested a design that converts the electromagnetic field into a gravitational field acting on subnuclear, many orders of magnitude smaller than nuclear, vacuum particles.

Leonov calls them quantons. - L.A.

If the world adopts these technologies, the need for oil and gas decreases by an order of magnitude. It's not just a financial issue, it's a power issue, because if you hold the oil and gas cycle in your hands, you own the states. It turns out that it is not enough to look at these things only from a physical and technical point of view,

All these things are political and social.

But it was kept secret that many entrepreneurs and inventors were physically eliminated.

The world is divided into scum who have lost their conscience,

And for people who still have it.

AM Gorodnitsky

Such technologies can feed the entire world population.

- If Andrea Rossi with his E-Cat manages to contribute to these technologies?

- Yes, but.. The problem called today E-Cat was solved earlier.

In 1958, Ivan Stepanych Filimonenko built such a generator.

The program was implemented in the energy sector of the Soviet Union, as well as in the aerospace industry. Academicians Kurchatov, Korolev and Keldysh (KKK) were probably the curators of the program.

As you already guessed, these three... died under strange circumstances.

I'm not even talking about the strange circumstances of the death of dozens of lesser-known people like YudginMallove, for example, Andrei Basteev, who, in fact, created New Energy - L.A.

But the catastrophic collapse of the Soviet Union could have been prevented...

Where else have such technologies been tested?

They have been tested in many countries. The worst story happened in Japan.

More than thirty years ago, the magnetic motor “Minato Wheel” was developed in Japan. Minato is the first name of the inventor.

The production of the Sumo motorcycle began, which rode without consuming fuel.

- It is not clear from Google translation, is this an implementation of Tesla’s ideas, the first of the options proposed above, or the “Minato Wheel” is based on a CNC generator - L.A.

Toyota has developed electric cars based on this principle.

But what was the result?

Japan was blackmailed to follow the principles of the International Monetary Fund - “The World Bank is concerned about the economic consequences of replacing carbon fuels with other types of energy”

Does this mean that a small number of people can prevent humanity from developing these technologies?

The book "The Committee of 300" by John Coleman describes the main reasons for the ban on these technologies. Modern capitalism is something like a global slave society..

But if Russia begins to develop New Energy in the north, build greenhouses, and so on, this is actually a refusal to be slaves. The current world order is not compatible with these technologies; only the development of information technologies is allowed, only to create a global concentration camp.

That is, science is prohibited not only in the field of physical discoveries?

Yes, this applies to all branches of science, because all branches are under international control.

In Russia, science is not free, as in the Soviet Union, since it depends on international assistance. Who sets the standard?

International monopolies that do not allow you to work on taboo topics.

This applies not only to physics, but also to chemistry, biology and social sciences.

In the social sciences the situation is even worse. The reason is simple - the corresponding clans continue History in their favor.

This has always been the case and is the case now.

A little later I will state here what I threw out... about helicopters at the CNF - L.A.

Where does this strange title come from?

We'll tell you about it.

Anatoly Pavlovich became interested in Hyperborea at the very beginning of the 2000s after visiting Greece as part of a scientific delegation of the MKU. As he himself said later, Fate led him to Hyperborea, the action of which he never resisted, considering it something predetermined from Above. This is probably why he remained faithful to his last “historical passion” until the very last days of his life.

Anatoly Pavlovich became interested in energy (in the scientific sense of this concept) while still a student at the Faculty of Physics at Leningrad University, and then at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Kharkov State University. In his first independent professional scientific work, entrusted to him at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology after graduation, he managed to find a way out of a very complex scientific and technical problem, the solution of which allowed the USSR nuclear industry to organize the production of significantly more reliable nuclear reactors.

We do not know whether the classification of secrecy has been removed from his most important work for nuclear energy, and therefore, just in case, we do not provide its details. Let us only note that Anatoly Pavlovich was able to solve that most complex technical problem thanks to his non-standard approach to the scientific heritage of... Isaac Newton.

Here's how he talked about it himself - watch

Thanks to the work of Anatoly Pavlovich Smirnov, including on cold nuclear fusion, for which he gave a fundamental physical justification “according to Newton” (about this), his colleague at the MKU, a graduate of the engineering school of the Leningrad “Voenmekh” Evgeniy Ivanovich Andreev (pictured) managed to develop a real technological process in which conventional internal combustion engines used atmospheric air or water as fuel.

In 2001, the company of E.I. Andreev presented to the public a VAZ car, equipped with a reliably running engine running on air without any toxic exhaust. And even then, everyone could convert their standard car engines to the one developed by E.I. Andreev energy process in just 4000 rubles ( 140$ at the then exchange rate). The most far-sighted “techies” managed to take advantage of this offer, which they subsequently were extremely happy about due to the significant savings on gasoline. In those years, an autonomously operating engine-generator complex was developed, designed for the 50-kilowatt energy needs of one standard household.

This is how, at the beginning of the 21st century, a real ENERGY REVOLUTION took place in Russia, which was accomplished by two humble servants of Her Majesty of Science - the physicist Atatoly Pavlovich Smirnov and the mechanical engineer Evgeny Ivanovich Andreev.

Let us note that the development of this new energy sector on a national scale did not require multi-billion-dollar investments, large-scale construction, or super-qualified personnel. All that was needed was the will and desire of those who were responsible for the energy sector in Russia. Even then, the country could get off the “oil needle”, becoming, with minimal expenditure of resources, a technological and industrial leader in the world.

There was neither the desire nor the will to do this among the leaders of the Russian energy sector at that time, and Evgeniy Ivanovich and Anatoly Pavlovich did not want to do business with foreign companies, being by their upbringing patriots of their Fatherland. Russian energy officials at that time were not interested in the diversification of Russian industry, not in its production independence and technological sovereignty, but in more tangible “kickbacks,” the size of which, according to Anatoly Pavlovich, exceeded all reasonable limits. The Russian business of those years was not yet ripe for such a task - at that time they earned money much more simply and easily by selling oil, metals, and gas.

What came out of this energy “invention” in the end?

Nothing good came of it. This is how colleague A.P. told about it. Smirnova and E.I. Andreeva according to MKU Sergey Albertovich Sall - see

As you learned, revolutionary energy in the early 2000s was very dangerous.

“Your life and the lives of other people are not worth risking for this”, Anatoly Pavlovich decided for himself then. Later, he changed this decision only once, but the reason was exceptional - the practical implementation of energy capabilities for long-distance space flights (more about this).

In 2002, after visiting as part of a delegation from the Greek Municipal University, Anatoly Pavlovich, with the passion of a true scientist characteristic of him, took up a completely different field of science - history. In his interest in history, he saw the Will of Providence.

What special thing did he see in Greece that prompted him to study history?- you ask.

In Greece, Anatoly Pavlovich saw something that made him rethink everything he previously knew about this country (those who want the same, you can go HERE). In the architectural forms of the Delphic sanctuary, geometric symbols were clearly visible, which could only be left behind by those designers who perfectly understood... the most modern physics. Then, in Delphi, he first heard about the Hyperborean priests, who, according to legend, built this sacred place for Hellas.

What was the hand of Providence here?

To understand this, check out one historical material little known to the general public, which concerns Anatoly Pavlovich Smirnov’s scientific mentor, Isaac Newton. Read

You now know that Isaac Newton testified about certain scientific relics given to him, to which he considered himself obliged as a scientist.

Today we can assume that, in an effort to learn something more definite about his mysterious informants, Newton devoted the last years of his life not to his beloved physics and alchemy, but to rethinking history, in particular, writing his own version of historical chronology. At the very end of his life, Newton published a voluminous treatise on this topic, entitled " Corrected chronology of ancient kingdoms"(pictured is the cover of the modern Russian edition).

Anatoly Pavlovich Smirnov followed the “historical” path blazed by Sir Isaac Newton. And this road led him and his colleagues in the MKU to the Russian North, to the Kola Peninsula and to the White Sea region, which made it possible to touch upon the solution to the great “historical” mystery of Sir Isaac Newton.

Would you like to know if MKU researchers managed to find anything energetically unusual in the Russian North?

Yes, we succeeded! The Russian North gave researchers something absolutely amazing - a real STONE BOOK WITH THE SAME SIGNS as in the Greek Delphi.

Thanks to this find, historical meanings came together, remember Heraclitus:

“The Lord whose prophecy at Delphi does not speak or conceal, but indicates by signs.”

Vitka Petrovski, a close friend and assistant of the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, said that she remembered her following words well:

“The whole history of people, everything that was, is and will be, is written down in ancient books. And there are signs in these books. They themselves will speak and explain what should be done to save the Earth.”

And the signs of Hyperborea spoke!

Russian physicist Anatoly Pavlovich Smirnov and his fellow scientists explained to us not just a country from ancient Hellenic legends - Hyperborea. They gave us a highly developed ancient civilization, as it turned out, with a surprisingly modern physical understanding of ENERGY. And it turned out that in our current understanding we have only come closer to the amazing wisdom of the priests of Hyperborea. We have only just begun to understand them. But even this is already great, isn’t it?!

At this point in the story, it is necessary to draw your attention to one fundamental circumstance.

As Anatoly Pavlovich said more than once: “In the signs left to us by the Hyperboreans, we, physicists, still accurately understand only what we ourselves have “already reached.” We do not yet know how to freely extract information from them, on the basis of which we can create promising technologies. Unfortunately, we don't know how to do this yet. But maybe fortunately".

Why did he say that?

The fact is that the MKU team managed to develop and implement an effective health-improving technology, called by scientists “Health-improving scientific art.” In many ways, it was created thanks to information “received” from the ancient Hyperboreans, who were absolutely peaceful in their morals.

But! Given two energetically remarkable facts.

Fact I

In the Mahabharata, in the book " Lesnaya", the analysis of which partly led to the idea of ​​understanding the energy of ancient art, it is said that the leader of the Pandavas, Arjuna, before using the formidable weapon of the Gods in the battle on the Kuru field, studied from them not only the appropriate equipment, but also...

“He learned singing, dancing, reading hymns and music with its regulations according to the Law.”

And remember where the ancient Aryans placed the abode of their sage Gods on the map. They placed her in Uttara Kuru(sans. extreme region of the Kuru gens). Later the Hellenes called this region Hyperborea.

Book "Forest" Mahabharata translated from Sanskrit by the unsurpassed B.L. Read Smirnov.

Fact II

It is known from mythology that another famous patron of the arts of the ancient world, who led the muses on Parnassus, was directly related to the right and possibility of using the formidable weapons of the Gods.

Of course, this is Apollo Hyperborean. It was he (except for Olympian Zeus himself) who could use “smashing arrows”, with the help of which he defeated the formidable Cyclops giants. At the end of the war, Apollo hid this weapon somewhere in Hyperborea.

All of the above means that in ancient times there was a direct connection between various types of arts and the possibility of using the most destructive weapons of that time - the weapons of the Gods. She was a complete mystery to scientists.

“Do scientists need to identify it? This is a very big question in a patriarchal world that is far from spiritual morality."- said Anatoly Pavlovich. His opinion was based, among other things, on the alarming reports of his colleagues engaged in Hyperborean research in the Russian North. Recently, some “murky” people and even small search groups have appeared there, looking for the weapons of the ancient Gods hidden there in Hyperborea.

Did you smile after reading this?

But you wouldn’t be smiling if you saw the titanic amount of work that some of these “weapon maniacs” do. And if they really find something in Hyperborea...

A kind of “swan song” of Anatoly Pavlovich Smirnov, as a scientist, was his participation in the work of “deciphering” the energy of the Hyperborean Holidays. The background to this work is as follows.

Power plants that do not require gas or oil fuel, in other words, any energy, but at the same time produce energy themselves... Sounds fantastic. However, such installations have already been developed, tested and patented by scientists from different countries. For example, car engines operating using this system do not need to be filled with gasoline or any other fuel, and they are assembled quite simply. If these discoveries hold such great promise for a world facing an oil and gas crisis, why are they kept quiet? Physicist Sergei Sall spoke about this in an interview with Realnoe Vremya.

- Sergey Albertovich, tell us more about these energy installations that do not pollute the environment and solve the problem of oil and gas dependence.

The solution to this problem was proposed by Nikola Tesla more than a century ago. Many inventors in America and other countries followed in his footsteps. And now we can say that the problem has been completely solved at the technical level.

There are two main directions of energy development. The first is energy itself, that is, the use of various so-called monothermal converters, magnetic motors, generators based on Tesla coils and other similar devices. These devices do not consume any energy at all and can produce it themselves. This energy, as Tesla wrote, is taken from the ether, from the world environment, which is the carrier of electromagnetic waves, and on the basis of which all elementary particles are built.

The second direction is controlled cold thermonuclear fusion. This problem has also now been resolved. Internal combustion engines have been brought to perfection. Anyone who has a garage or workshop can very easily remake their car and benefit from the achievements of science. Because solving the energy problem using controlled cold fusion is technically much simpler than using devices like Tesla generators. In addition, cold fusion makes it possible to obtain new substances and materials.

Both in Russia and abroad, many inventors have brought the internal combustion engine to perfection. For example, this was done by our inventor Evgeny Ivanovich Andreev in St. Petersburg. The history of this discovery in the USSR is amazing. One car enthusiast was driving his old 407 Moskvich. The gas station was closed, and he urgently needed to get to another city. And he began to add water to the gas tank. And so he diluted the gasoline, the engine sneezed, but meanwhile he drove several hundred kilometers on almost one liter of gasoline. With this discovery, the development of this topic began in the USSR, and then in Russia. And Andreev completely solved this problem. Ordinary Zhiguli cars were brought to perfection. Gasoline is only required to start the engine, and during idling and highway driving, gasoline consumption is reduced to zero. The suction of fuel from the gas tank is completely blocked. What's going on? Combustion of nitrogen and oxygen. As a result, new isotopes are obtained when hundreds of times more energy is released per molecule than during the combustion of gasoline. In this case, the combustion of air is accompanied by soft x-ray radiation, which is completely absorbed by the engine and does not pose a danger to humans.

“Any person who has a garage or workshop can very easily modify their car and benefit from the achievements of science.” Photo

The engine conversion scheme is quite simple. On the Internet you can find many devices that are currently being sold in the market. Special magnets are placed on the fuel hose, and one magnetization of the fuel leads to fuel savings of about 20 percent. Then the same magnets act on the air-droplet mixture, and the engine is brought to autonomous combustion. That is, the intake air becomes fuel. The output is other isotopes. All this is described in the book “Natural Energy”, volume 3. There are links to the relevant patents, and any people who work in workshops can calmly and without much effort bring simple engines like those found in Soviet Zhiguli cars to work in such an autonomous mode.

To rebuild modern engines that use processors in fuel ignition devices, you will have to either remove these processors or carry out a special flashing for them. The fact is that in the engine it is necessary to set not the advance angle, but the retardation angle of the fuel ignition. And then in autonomous mode the engine works independently. It does not require either gasoline or water. Gasoline is required only at the moments of changing the gas and starting the engine. That is, during a long trip, fuel consumption can be reduced by approximately two orders of magnitude.

Such a car was even demonstrated at the EXPO 2004 exhibition in Paris. The spectators, who saw it all with their own eyes, applauded. But after that, the Deputy Minister of Energy of France approached our inventors and said: “Guys, you are being hunted, I advise you to quickly leave Paris.” When they came out, their car had already been burned. They worked in St. Petersburg for several years and equipped hundreds of cars with such engines. But a few years ago, under strange circumstances, Evgeniy Ivanovich Andreev, the main inventor, died. And his small enterprise was destroyed. All the documentation has been preserved, the patents are on the Internet, anyone can look at it and do it.

This is very relevant in connection with recent oil events, especially with Trump coming to power. Oil production, primarily shale oil, is increasing exponentially. Where it leads? To very negative consequences. The extraction of shale oil itself is accompanied by severe environmental pollution. And judging by what the new president of America is doing, all this will continue. Ultimately, this will lead to an environmental disaster. In addition, excessive gas and oil production causes stress in the earth's crust, an increase in the number of earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The groundwater level is decreasing all the time.

- But why are these new directions prohibited?

Because if the world accepts the technologies I mentioned, the need for oil and gas could be reduced tenfold. And these are not only financial problems, they are also problems of power. Because by owning the entire oil and gas production cycle, countries are managed. So if we look at all these problems solely as physical or technical, then it will be wrong. All these problems are of a political and social nature.

You can read about why this program has not yet been put into effect, why it is prohibited, in John Coleman’s book “The Committee of Three Hundred.” A book from 25 years ago. It describes in detail the history of controlled cold fusion in the USA, where in the 90s these programs began to actively develop. But all this was covered up, dozens of entrepreneurs and inventors were physically destroyed.

Also in your speeches you talk about the unique heating system that is used in Belarus.

These are Potapov vortex heat generators. I talk about where the energy comes from in my recent lectures at international conferences. It's not just about cold fusion, but it is a side process in such installations. With the help of such heat generators, various institutions in Belarus are heated. This has been going on for 20 years. But, unfortunately, pressure is also being put on Belarus. Lukashenko at one time tried to develop such technologies and even enter the international market, but, naturally, he was prohibited from doing this. And now such technologies are suppressed even in Belarus. But thanks to them, it is possible to develop agriculture in places with cold climates, moreover, even in the Arctic, even in deserts. After all, with the help of such installations we can produce not only energy, but also very cheap water directly from the air. It's all about energy. You can use a vortex method to cool the air below the dew point and extract water directly from the air in tens or hundreds of tons. Install such installations and irrigate deserts and waterless areas. The water will be clean. If it is passed through a layer of sand and limestone, it will be water suitable for drinking. Essentially, it is rainwater obtained from the atmosphere.

This is how all problems of energy, environmental protection, and agricultural production are easily solved. That is, all the myths about the overpopulation of the Earth turn out to be false. This is really a lie. In fact, with the help of new technologies and projects, which, for example, Jacques Fresco proposes, it is possible to populate the entire Earth... The Earth can feed several hundred billion people. There are estimates that even Australia alone can provide food for the entire current population of the Earth. So all these misanthropic ideas about the golden billion are false. Modern technologies make it possible to solve problems of energy, transport, environmental protection, and food shortages. Despite this, even quite sensible people, scientists, continue to say that the Earth is overpopulated. But that's not true.

“With the help of vortex generators, you can produce not only energy, but also very cheap water directly from the air. It's all about energy." Photo

- Can Andrea Rossi’s reactors also be classified as these technologies?

Three years ago, news of Russia's new achievements was announced in the media. Then this led to a fall in oil prices. The Rossi reactor uses nickel powder, which is heated, and then a cold fusion reaction occurs and, say, a few hundred grams of nickel powder can heat a large cottage for ten years. Can you imagine how enormous the energy is? The same installations can be installed on vehicles anywhere. Rossi's generator could, with the appropriate investment of effort and money, transfer the entire energy sector to cold nuclear fusion. But what happened? Rossi convened a conference in Switzerland the year before last. And then something strange happened. He and his employees were taken to the States. It is known that they were forced to work there either for the Pentagon or for some secret services. This is what the Americans did to this inventor.

But this problem was solved even earlier. Back in 1958, Filimonenko built a similar generator. And the corresponding program had to be implemented in the USSR both in the energy sector and in the space industry. The “Three K” program was developed and classified as “secret”. Academicians Kurchatov, Korolev and Keldysh were supposed to be the curators of this program. But everything was destroyed. And these three academicians passed away under strange circumstances. The program could have turned the entire energy industry upside down, and politically it would have prevented such a crushing fall of the Soviet Union as occurred later.

“Japan was punished for attempting to introduce such technologies and exit from commodity monopolies”

- Where else have similar installations been tested?

They have been tested in many countries. The most terrible story happened in Japan. More than thirty years ago, a magnetic motor called the "Minato Wheel" was developed there. Minato is the surname of the inventor. Vehicles began to be developed based on this engine. In particular, in Japan the production of the Sumo motorcycle was launched, which used a small laptop-type battery, from which one ordinary starting motor was started, it set the motorcycle in motion, and then the rear wheel was turned on, to which a magnetic motor was attached. And such an electric motorcycle rode without wasting energy. Just like in Andreev’s engine, the energy reserve (in this case, the battery) was needed only at the beginning, and then the electric motorcycle began to move independently with virtually no energy consumption. Moreover, the electric motorcycle was even sold. And Japanese politicians (when he was Minister of Finance Takenaka) naively decided that with the help of such technologies Japan would be able to go around the whole world and free itself from oil and gas dependence. And they decided to make it a reality. Toyota has developed an electric car based on this principle. But what came of it? Pressure began to come on Japan to comply with the demands of the International Monetary Fund. They reminded her that such technologies cannot be developed. Apparently Japan did not fully comply with the requirements of the fund, and it was attacked with the help of geophysical weapons, which caused a strong earthquake, a tsunami, and at the same time there was sabotage at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Japan was punished for attempting to introduce such technologies and break away from the power of the international monetary fund and oil and gas monopolies for many tens of billions of dollars, and it cost it tens of thousands of human lives.

- That is, the development of such technologies is limited only by a narrow stratum of the population?

John Coleman's book The Committee of Three Hundred shows in detail that the main reason for the ban on such technologies is the idea of ​​​​building a new world order. That is, a global slave society in which there will only be a narrow layer of slave owners, rich people and a wide class of slaves, in whom microchips will be introduced and they will be completely controlled. An Orwellian society will be built. But if a person is given such energy into his hands, he will begin to develop new areas. Russian people will begin to develop Siberia, the north, build greenhouses there, and so on. This cannot be allowed! People cannot be allowed to be independent; they will cease to be slaves. Therefore, the new world order is not compatible with such technologies.

“Andrea Rossi’s generator could, with the appropriate investment of effort and money, transfer the entire energy sector to cold nuclear fusion.” Photo

- Aren’t industrial enterprises in Russia making attempts to produce such installations?

Our industry has been practically destroyed. So now all hope is only for the enthusiasm of the masses, for private garages, for private automobile repair shops that would begin to actively engage in this. Because not a single large enterprise, state or semi-state, or especially under the jurisdiction of transnational companies, will be allowed to do this. I repeat that there is a book “Natural Energy” on the Internet, which is easy to download, there are links to patents, all this can be viewed and done without any large financial costs.

Why is the book called “Natural Energy”? Because these are natural processes. Let's say, a person releases, due to thermal radiation, convection, exhalation of warm air, that is, due to all heat transfer processes, energy that is several times greater than the heat of combustion of the fuel, that is, the food that he consumes. This is a taboo topic in biology. But this has long been known. A person, say, consumes a minimum amount of calories and at the same time continues to live just as actively. Naturally, he can eat many times more, but then the food will not be absorbed. This is especially evident if a person begins to work physically. This was discovered at the French nuclear research center a long time ago. A person was placed on a bicycle ergometer, he actively pedaled and began to produce new isotopes of oxygen and nitrogen. These are processes that occur in ordinary organisms. Moreover, some nitrogen isotopes turn into carbon isotopes - this is real alchemy! The same thing happens in plants. That is, all life on planet Earth is built on the synthesis of new elements. Again, this is a taboo topic in biology and physics. Because if they find out about this, they will naturally begin to produce new substances, which many will not like. After all, competition operates everywhere, and monopolies keep the production of all goods under their control.

“Only information technologies are allowed to develop in order to build a global electronic concentration camp”

- So, forbidden science exists not only in the field of physical discoveries?

In practice this applies to all branches of science. Because all industries are under international control. In Russia now there is no free science, like there was in the Soviet Union. Because science has switched to a system of international grants. And who determines the directions of development there? International monopolies that will not allow you to deal with any taboo topics. This applies not only to physics, but also to chemistry, biology, and social sciences. In the social sciences the situation is even worse than in the exact ones. This is natural, because history is constantly being rewritten to please the ruling clans. This has always been the case and continues to this day. Therefore, the situation in the social sciences is the worst. If we talk about history, about the discoveries that have been made in archeology and history over the past decades, especially in recent years, then this information will not be made widely public. Both the production of textbooks and the educational process are under global control. Russia signed all the documents and became involved in the construction of a new world order. Therefore, our history textbooks will remain false.

- How exactly is history being rewritten today?

This is a long-standing problem. Isaac Newton began to become interested in her, who showed that Scaliger’s chronology, which is generally accepted today, is completely false. Scaliger lengthened the history of mankind at least three times. For what? Everything is very simple. He openly said that the goal of his research was to prove that all world languages ​​originated from Hebrew. Therefore, he greatly lengthened the history of ancient Israel, and moved the events associated with Jesus Christ deeper into history by more than a millennium. The goal is the same as stated by the builders of the new world order - the construction of a unified system with a slave system. This is described in the Torah, and in the Talmud, and in the Kabala, and in the books of the biblical prophets. And therefore, control in the field of social sciences is now increasing.

Progress has been stopped in those directions that would work for the development of humanity. Only information technologies are allowed to develop in order to build a worldwide electronic concentration camp. Well, and some technologies that relate to biophysics and biotechnology, and which turn a person into a biorobot. And everything else has practically stopped. Both physics and chemistry are now practically not supported.

- What role does the Russian Academy of Sciences play in this process?

The Academy prohibits the development of many areas for the reasons I mentioned. But in general, the Russian oligarchy itself does not need it. That's why it's being cut. This is a tasty morsel for the privatization of real estate and all property owned by the Russian Academy. This is a lot of money. All that is required is the development of certain technologies that are needed to build a new world order. This is, first of all, what the Skolkovo and Rusnano corporations do. They are allocated an order of magnitude more money than the entire Russian Academy of Sciences. This is such a terrible situation in science now. It has already led to tragic consequences, because Russia has practically turned from a scientific and technical power into a fourth world country. After all, by all indicators, Russia has been falling lower and lower over the past 20 years.

“For the last 20 years that I have been working in education, I have seen gradual degradation. The level of schoolchildren's training is falling steadily. After the introduction of the Unified State Exam, it fell very sharply, then stabilized. Now the fall has begun again.” Photo

- How does this affect education?

The purpose of all this was perfectly articulated by German Gref in his speech at the economic forum. He said that a person cannot be allowed to know a lot and understand a lot, then he cannot be controlled. He stated this openly. And this goal is successfully achieved in modern education. Recently, physics and mathematics programs in both schools and universities have been radically reduced. Over the last 20 years that I have been working in education, I have seen gradual degradation. The level of schoolchildren's training is falling steadily. After the introduction of the Unified State Exam, it fell very sharply, then stabilized. Now the fall has begun again. I see this in first-year students, people don’t know basic things, they have to be taught even according to the school curriculum. Another reason is the sharp decline in living standards over the past two years. Both teachers, schoolchildren, and students began to work less, because they were busy with the problem of getting their daily bread.

However, I am talking about a drop in the average level. Students now are very different. There are talented people who are interested in many things. They begin to think, analyze, become interested in everything that happens in the world, and this makes me happy. But overall the process of degradation continues.

“Entire institutions are working on programs to enslave populations around the world.”

- What is the relationship between science and religion today?

What is religion? Religion is a branch of knowledge that deals with human interaction with the subtle, invisible world that determines human life and behavior. Within the framework of ordinary physics and chemistry, the phenomenon of life, of course, cannot be explained. There is divine power everywhere. I talked a lot about it from a physical point of view. Therefore, the problem of the gap between science and religion is far-fetched. A thousand years ago there were no religions. There was Vedic knowledge. It can be considered scientific knowledge about life, about God, about the material world and the divine world. And religions appeared less than a thousand years ago, and they were created primarily for the purpose of dividing peoples, pitting them against each other and controlling them. And academic science arose as a result of the fact that religions were separated from the process of knowledge.

In recent decades, famous scientists Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking have been actively preaching against religion in the West. They do not even call themselves atheists, but antitheists. How can this phenomenon be explained?

This is scientism - the absolutization of scientific knowledge. But in fact, the sciences are now very far apart from each other. Narrow specialization occurred. Therefore, some specialists do not understand what others are doing. And under these conditions, it is impossible to verify what some scientific clans are doing. And very often it turns out that entire areas of science are not just erroneous, but maliciously false. And the absolutization of false knowledge is needed by the same builders of the new world order in order to keep humanity in ignorance, illusion, in error, and with the help of this to control. That's what it's for. Entire branches of modern science are built on lies.

Modern history has been rewritten. What is the true history, in particular of Russia? What discoveries on this topic surprised you?

The most important and easy-to-understand milestones in history can be studied with the help of ancient maps. Not a single modern history textbook says what Tartary is. And this was the great ancient Russian civilization, which stretched across all of Eurasia - from modern Spain to Japan. After all, for another thousand years or so, the only language in the whole world was ancient Sanskrit, very close to modern Russian. The division into languages ​​and religions are interconnected processes that began just a little over a thousand years ago. Before that, our history has been rewritten! This topic was studied by Svetlana Zharnikova. Unfortunately, she passed away a year ago. Now there is ample evidence that previously the entire Earth was a single Vedic civilization that spoke one ancient language. But for many decades, modern historians will not take note of this, because it is forbidden to them, and their intellectual and moral level does not allow them to accept it.

“Not a single modern history textbook says what Tartary is. And this was the great ancient Russian civilization, which stretched across all of Eurasia - from modern Spain to Japan.” Photo

- How is this Vedic culture connected with the Vedic culture, partially preserved in India?

India was isolated for a long time, thanks to which Vedic knowledge was preserved there, but in a distorted form. Vedic information was also preserved by Indians in America. They are in the epic - Scandinavian, Finno-Ugric. The Russian epic, with the exception of the Book of Veles and some other works, was practically destroyed with the help of people like Peter the Great. This is the tragedy of the Russian people. And among other peoples - in India, China, Japan, Scandinavia, all this information has been preserved.

-Where is modern society and science heading? Is there a gap?

There is a gap in certain directions. But in general, all society and science are moving towards a new world order and the construction of a terrible Orwellian society. The total population will be at the billion level. There is such a concept of the golden billion. It includes developed European countries, America, Canada, Australia, part of South Africa, Israel and Japan, and everything else is subject to destruction. But in reality this concept is completely false. Because now the white race is being destroyed first. If you look at the share of the white race, it has decreased by an order of magnitude over the last century. Why is this being done? Everything is according to the program, which is written in the Talmud, Kabbalah. According to Kabbalistic teachings, the number of Jewish souls is 600 thousand. And each owner of such a soul will have 2,800 slaves, that is, we get approximately 1.5 billion of the world's population. No longer required. But there are also other views of the elite that argue that the world's population needs to be reduced to several tens of millions of people. Such misanthropic ideas have taken possession of a large number of representatives of the modern elite. Entire institutes, entire research complexes are working on a program to reduce and enslave populations around the world.

What will you answer to skeptics who will object to your words, calling it a global conspiracy theory, paranoia?

I never talked about a global conspiracy theory. This is not a conspiracy, it is a religious program introduced into humanity by infernal forces. I would advise skeptics to read a number of documents that were published a century ago. Let's say John Dee's plan to create a new world order based on the British Empire. Illuminati plan. Albert Pike's plan. These are old documents. Read and compare with what is happening in the modern world. And you will see a complete correlation. Moreover, you can read Newton and see in his book on deciphering the Apocalypse how everything is laid out by year, when and what kind of world wars there will be. This was done more than three hundred years ago.

- What are you working on now?

I continue to do the same thing I have been doing for the last 10-15 years. Both in natural science and in the study of other issues that relate to the social sciences. From studying the exact sciences I had to go into history and sociology. There is no way without this. Because everything is so interconnected that in order to really understand what is happening in the world, you need to study a whole complex of sciences.

​Ekaterina Rubtsova


Sergey Sall- Associate Professor, Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He has been teaching for more than 16 years, while at the same time being an assistant to the chairman of the Russian Physical Society of St. Petersburg. Sergei Albertovich has produced more than one report on new archaeological, physical and linguistic discoveries. A scientist is constantly busy collecting facts and discoveries that are not recognized by official science, but at the same time many scientists confirm the authenticity of this data.
