Here is the beginning of my homeland: Essay on Culturology. Regional network project here is where my homeland begins, here is where my homeland begins

Novopokrovsk residents celebrated Russia Day with large-scale events. Celebration sites were organized in the regional center and rural settlements, and many events were held. The SG correspondent talks about the most striking moments.

The celebration of Russia Day was opened by veterans of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. The reason to gather in the central park in the morning was a significant and solemn event - the opening of a memorial stele. Those who repaid their debt to the Motherland over the years were greeted by the head of the Novopokrovsky District Defense Ministry Alexander Nikolaevich Sotnikov, the chairman of the regional organization of the Group of Forces in Germany Nikolai Aleksandrovich Blednov, the military commissariat of the military commissariat of the Novopokrovsky and Beloglinsky districts of the Krasnodar Territory Anatoly Anatolyevich Krasnikov, the chairman of the regional council of veterans Vladimir Vasilyevich Gavrik.

The right to solemnly open the stele was granted to veterans of the Great Patriotic War Vladimir Grigorievich Korneev, Yuri Vasilyevich Chervonny and Vladimir Vasilyevich Khokhula.

The ceremony of consecrating the monument was conducted by the rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Art. Novopokrovskoy Nikolay Martynyuk.

The solemn event was accompanied by another significant event - the awarding of military personnel with medals, certificates and commemorative ribbons for veterans of service in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany.

The celebration continued on the central square of the station. Novopokrovskaya. From the rostrum, residents and guests of the area were greeted by the head of the Novopokrovsky rural settlement, Mikhail Ivanovich Grechushkin:

Our country is a strong and powerful country. Its power lies in the people who live, study and work here. Our native region also makes its contribution to the prosperity of Russia. It is developing thanks to its residents, true patriots of their small homeland!

The patriotic spirit was supported by the young residents of the village. Members of the children's choreographic ensemble "Primrose" of the Central Television Center "Native Origins" delighted the audience with their creativity. The celebrations were accompanied by the Russian tricolor as a symbol of the unity of the great country. There were flags in the dances, on the stage, children from the stands waved them instead of balloons, white-blue-red ribbons were distributed by volunteers.

The evening block of festive events was dedicated to another event - the Day of the Novopokrovsky District. It was opened by the folk brass band “Lira” of the Novopokrovsky RDK MBUK.

It is worth noting that the cultural workers did their best. A festival of Kuban donuts was organized for the guests of the holiday. This is where the Cossack mentality manifested itself, this is where the best Kuban traditions were demonstrated. Hospitable smokehouses were set up along the entire perimeter of the square. The hostesses of each rural settlement invited guests with songs, ditties, and treats. Donuts with herbs, honey, cheese, sour cream, jam, powdered sugar, cracklings, fried onions... Pies and pies with a variety of fillings... Pancakes with cherries, homemade cottage cheese, eggs and green onions... The variety of baked goods is simply amazing eyes widened. I wanted to try everything at once.

Who prepared all this? Ordinary rural women who inherited recipes for Kuban cuisine from their grandmothers, and they willingly shared them at the holiday. But not only housewives had a hand in preparing the treats. For example, Nadezhda Ivanovna Erskulova from the Kuban rural generation involved her husband: she made pies, he fried them. “What is the main secret of delicious baking?” - I ask the hostess. “The main thing is to bake them with love!” - she answered.

The Novoivanovskoe rural settlement treated them to boiled crayfish. In the kuren of the Ilyinsky settlement one could not only taste pastries, but also drink fragrant tea from a real wood-burning samovar. There were rich tables in the kurens of all other settlements.

The grand opening of the festival started at 6 p.m. The concert program was started by young residents of the Novopokrovsky district. They gave a positive mood to all guests, setting the tone for the event. The little artists dedicated their performances not only to Russia Day, but also to the Krasnodar region, which this year will celebrate the 80th anniversary of its formation, and the Novopokrovsky district, which turned 93 years old.

The celebration continued with the award ceremony. Letters of gratitude were presented to the most active, enterprising people of whom the district is proud, by the head of the municipality, Alexander Nikolaevich Sotnikov.

Essay by an 11th grade student of the MBOU Secondary School of the village. Ozerki Zhuravleva Anastasia

The history of our village began in the 13th century. The German knightly order conquered and settled the eastern lands. Small settlements sprang up. From about 1334 - 1338, the area where the village of Gross-Lindenau later arose began to transform: peasants cut down forests, plowed the land, sowed grain, and mowed the meadows. Craftsmen and workers built houses, stables and sheds, so a small settlement arose here, which later became a small village, which later became a small village.

How did Lindenau get his name? There were many linden trees and meadows here. Someone combined these two names, and our village received this name. This was around 1338/1339. Until 1950, there was a forestry in Gross-Lindenau, since the forest reached the borders of the village. There was a school in the center of the village. It was founded in the mid-19th century. The following names of teachers are known: the main teacher - Polte, Strötzel. Shpode, Arendt and Orlovsky were teachers for many years. The number of inhabitants in the village increased, and the available school was not enough. After the end of the First World War, they decided to introduce another class. At first they rented a room from the peasant Grubee, and later from the Pol family. The new school was never built.

Before the First World War, most residents of the village worked for wealthy peasants or in forestry, if they were not artisans or merchants. Peasants earned money by hauling trees.

Things got a little better when the company Windshield and Langelott appeared in the village. The company supplied gravel and sand to Königsberg for construction, and later for concreting. Already in 1860 there were two railway tracks on the Konigsberg - Insterburg section. The station was supposed to be in Gross-Ottenhagen, but the peasants did not want to give up their land for the construction of the station, and then the owner Heubach from Kapkaim provided his land for the construction of the railway station in Gross-Lindenau.

Residents of Gross-Lindenau cultivated the land, grew vegetables, cereals and potatoes, and kept livestock. The milk arrived at the milk processing station, which was located between the station and the Windshield and Langelott company. Cheese and butter were also produced here. The peasants also did not need to transport cereals, since there were two mills in the village. One was in the center of the village, its owner was Erwin Nolde, the second was towards the forest lake. It was a two-story building built in 1928. Its owner was Karl Weissenberg.

Gross-Lindenau was a village of many professions and crafts: baker, butcher, carpenter, potter, chimney sweep, shoemaker, tailor and many others. There was even a small pastry shop and butcher shop. In 1939, the village had 1,509 inhabitants. There was a post office building near the station. Two gendarmes kept order; they were Messrs. Klot and Borg. There were also doctors: first Dr. Botpan, later Dr. Schultz. There was also a pharmacy in Gross Lindenau. There were also their own associations: a security guild, a sports union. In 1907 - 1908, a voluntary fire brigade was created.

During Soviet times, a village council was also created in the new Gross-Lindenau. The first chairman of the village council was Dynnik Alexey Stepanovich. It was he who suggested renaming Gross-Lindenau to Ozerki. Obviously, he was guided by the fact that there was a small lake opposite the village council building, the second lake was south of the first, plus two small lakes were north of the castle, closer to the forest. A collective farm was organized in the village.

One of the main attractions of the village is the water pumping station. When Soviet troops surrounded Koenigsberg, the city was not left without water. The water came from the Ozerkov water pumping station. Not far from the station, in Soviet times, a sand and gravel quarry began to operate. As soon as the sand and gravel quarry began to work, a reinforced concrete products plant began operating in the village. In the seventies of the last century, a branch of the Kaliningrad Quartz plant was located in Ozerki.

The Ozerkovo school in the premises of a former castle existed until 1971. The fact is that the building had a number of significant inconveniences for children. The room was heated with coal and wood, so the students on duty, and often the teachers, had to bring a bucket of coal and wood to the classroom after school to light the stove. There was no water in the room either. Each floor had a special tank with a tap. It was filled with water, which was taken from a well in the yards nearby. Water was also taken from wells for cleaning the premises. It was also brought to classes by the students on duty.

This was a small part of the history of the village in which I was born. I'm glad I discovered something new. Hope. You were also glad to know the history of your village. After all, it started a long time ago and was very interesting.


Barinova Angelina Nikolaevna, Novikova Marina Valentinovna, team "Lyuboznayki" Our team had great pleasure from participating in the project! For almost two months the guys lived the life of our city. The variety of tasks made it possible to maintain their steady interest throughout the work. The children were able to learn a lot about their native land, reveal their creative, cognitive and organizational abilities, began to be more sensitive to their small homeland and learned to feel a sense of pride in their native land and their fellow countrymen. However, difficulties also arose while working on the project. Sometimes it was difficult to technically complete tasks, since the guys, due to their age, are not yet good enough at working with computer equipment. But we all managed it and tried to take a responsible, creative approach to completing each stage of the project. And I would like to end this project on a positive note, expressing my impressions, wishes and admiration to the participants I liked the most, and the jury members should point out our shortcomings to us! I would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity to touch the history of my native city in an unobtrusive, playful way! We wish all project participants good luck and creative success!

Zharova Irina Viktorovna, Belyaeva Olga Valerievna, team "Researchers of the Native Land" In our opinion, the project is very interesting, significant, exciting, and educational, as it helps to introduce children to the study of the cultural and historical heritage of their “Small Motherland” and the development of information skills. Thanks to the organizers of the project for the idea of ​​​​carrying it out and the exciting tasks!!! But at the same time, the process of implementing the project was difficult from the point of view of page design, since our team decided to use both the platform and the capabilities of other services, namely Google space, to design tasks, as was suggested in the instructions for creating a team business card. And also, we don’t think it’s the right choice least the team we liked, since this, in our opinion, is not entirely correct due to the enormous amount of work put in by students, parents and teachers. We encourage you to make your choice in favor of a team in accordance with criteria, and not with reasons, for example, related to Internet speed. We hope for a competent jury that will evaluate the work based on the implementation of instructions for the project stages.

Kislyunina Natalya Andreevna, team "Eaglets" The project is really very interesting. Students, together with teachers and parents, had the opportunity to better learn the history of their region, its culture and traditions. In addition, they had the opportunity to learn how to work together, together, using not only a computer and the Internet, but also live communication with interesting people, the city and its attractions. Thank you very much for the proposed project and its organization. I would like to note that working with the project was sometimes difficult. After all, elementary school students took part here, and there is a lot they still don’t know how to do. It was also difficult to work because the deadlines for completing the stages were very short. I would like these wishes to be taken into account in further project developments. As for assessment, my team and I completely agree with the Homeland Researchers team. You can’t evaluate children’s work based on the criteria of “liked” and “disliked.” We all put a lot of effort and work into this project. Each of us has our own interesting works and pages, each of which is unique. Many had difficulties with the Internet, lack of time, and illness of children. But despite this, we are all great, and we all did an excellent job. I wish you all good luck and success!!!

Potanina Elena Vladimirovna, Yagodina Elena Viktorovna, team "Dobrokhot": The project helped its participants understand that each of us is not just a Pavlovsk resident who lives in this city, walks its streets and alleys, studies and works, but the main thing is that we live on a land covered with the glory of our ancestors. Each stage is a search and creativity. The project is multifaceted. It is called upon to develop love for the land on which we live, pride in our small Motherland, and the desire to continue the work of our ancestors. Of course, difficulties arose during the work, but each team completed the tasks individually, creatively, and in a unique way. Well done to all project participants! Thanks everyone!

Pavlova Svetlana Vladimirovna and Nikonova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, team “DNA”, MBOU Secondary School No. 10, Pavlovo

A very interesting project. Working on it developed the children's interest in the history of their city, research, and scientific and educational activities. Participants in the network project were able to improve their level of knowledge of information technology. Thank you very much to the organizers of the project. I wish all colleagues and guys creative success and new discoveries!!! Participation in the project helped me get to know my city better and even make small discoveries. The project helped introduce children to the culture of their hometown, look at it differently, unite the children, and unite them around a common cause. They became a team that worked for a common result. At the same time, each team member was able to demonstrate their abilities, show their skills and knowledge about their hometown, and learn something new.

Malygina Nina Vladimirovna, team "Selyane"

We express our gratitude to the organizers of the project “My Motherland Begins Here” for the opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting things about our city. The guys worked on the project with pleasure, learned to complete all the tasks together, and shared new knowledge and skills with each other! We wish everyone new creative ideas!

Klyukina Olga Vladimirovna, Nosova Elizaveta Aleksandrovna, team “Rodnichok” MBOU Secondary School No. 11, Pavlovo

Thank you very much for the project! Everything was accessible, interesting, exciting and educational! We discovered our small homeland in a new way. We learned to work in a team and expanded our horizons. Well done everyone!

Veretennikova I.P., team "Gorbatovtsy"

I would like to say a big thank you to the organizers of the project “My Motherland Begins Here” for an interesting project. We wish you creative success in developing new network projects, in which we will be happy to participate.

Zueva Elena Vyacheslavovna, Moiseeva Tatyana Vladimirovna, team "Young local historians"

I would like to thank the organizers for the varied and creative tasks that interested the children and were very comprehensive. The project was very rich and educational. But, in our opinion, some tasks were not entirely appropriate for the children’s age; it was difficult for children in grades 2-4 to work. We would like to wish the other teams success for the enormous work they have done. We visited you and really enjoyed it.

Stalnova Maria Sergeevna, Pavlovsk Patriots team.

We thank the organizers for such an interesting and educational project. The project allowed us not only to get acquainted with the history of our native land, which is very important for every resident, but also to develop communication skills, since the work took place in a group, as well as Internet skills. All teams completed stage after stage with dignity. For this reason, I would not like to mark the least liked page. We wish all participants and project leaders creative success!

Kazakova Milana Sergeevna, team "Rodina"

Dear organizers of the project “My Motherland Begins Here,” thank you very much for the exciting project! Our team took part in an online project for the first time and we really enjoyed it! While completing the tasks, we learned a lot of new things about ourselves. Thanks everyone again!

Municipal budgetary educational institution –

secondary school No. 14

city ​​of Iskitim, Novosibirsk region

Essay on the topic: “Here is the beginning of my Motherland”

Performed by Leontyeva Alexandra,

10th grade student

Head of Sletov

Nadezhda Ilyinichna

This is where my homeland begins

Oh, Holy Motherland,

What heart does not tremble,

Blessing you!

V. A. Zhukovsky

What is Motherland? Ushakov’s dictionary gives us the following definition: “Motherland is the fatherland; the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen.” The definition is, of course, precise, but formal, “cold”. It does not contain those feelings that arise in the soul of any person who speaks about his homeland: love, pride and inexplicable sadness...

No matter what is written in different dictionaries, everyone understands the word “Motherland” in their own way. They understand not with the mind, but with the heart, just like such simple, but so meaningful to us words “mother”, “peace”, “love”. All of them have been firmly imprinted in our consciousness since childhood. And pronouncing each of them, each of us has certain associations in our heads: mother - warm, soft hands, pressing you to her chest, the world - the bright May sun, a sea of ​​flowers, smiles and tears, Motherland... And the Motherland is all together . These are mother’s hands, and the warm sun, and the tears on the wrinkled cheeks of our grandparents, and our native street, school and home. The house where our parents first brought us to when we were very young. Why, after all, I love our Russian language for such non-random coincidences. The two most important words in every person’s life – Motherland and Parents – are so similar...

I was born in the Pervomaisky district of Novosibirsk and lived there for eight years of my life, on Aksenov Street. When I say the word “Motherland,” I immediately imagine this, my favorite street, our five-story gray brick building, the road to the kindergarten, poplar trees and pigeons. Even now, when I just write these words, I have a ache in my chest, and I understand that it will always be like this, and in twenty years, and in forty, and even in fifty. This street, planted with poplars, will forever remain my homeland. And even if I live thousands and even millions of kilometers away, I will always love this street most of all. Now, occasionally visiting my family there, I see changes: new houses, shops, people and empty land in place of those poplars. These changes at the same time make me happy and bring melancholy into my soul. But I know that despite them, my Motherland will remain in my memory the way I remembered it as a six-year-old child. They say that a person can have two, or even more, homelands. But no. The homeland is one, just like the mother.

Each of us has our own small Motherland, but in the global sense of the word we represent only it, our Russia, our pride and glory. Not a single Russian can rightfully be called a Russian if he does not love the spaciousness of our fields, the transparency of our lakes and the blue of the sky. We all know how extraordinarily beautiful our Russia is, our great Motherland! Its beauty is not striking, but if you take a closer look, you can see it in everything: in the azure sky, in the bright sunlight, in the slender stems of wildflowers, and, of course, in the flexible bodies of birches so dear to the Russian heart. The enchanting beauty of our native lands has inspired poets and writers at all times. But the most wonderful lines about Russia, in my opinion, were written by a simple shirt - the guy Sergei Yesenin. His poems touch the soul, make the heart tremble and be proud of his homeland:

The light of the moon, mysterious and long,

The willows are crying, the poplars are whispering,

But no one listens to the crane's cry

He will not stop loving his father's fields.

Pride in the Motherland is pride in our Russian people. For those who went into the fire of war without thinking about themselves, for those who overshadowed a defenseless woman with a child, for those who worked in the rear and who forged victory at the front. Almost sixty-seven years have passed since that May day, one of the most significant in the history of our Motherland, when throughout our country the radio, in the voice of Levitan, reported the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Germany. There are few left who survived this terrible war, who carried through their lives the pain of loss and fear for the future. And won’t your heart tremble when on a clear May day you give a flower to a gray-haired veteran? Who, if not he, deserves this attention and support? He is the true defender of his Motherland, thanks to whom we live under a peaceful sky.

The homeland is, first of all, people. I am proud of the guys who serve in the military, the doctors who save dozens of lives every day, the teachers who with great patience explain the material to their students for the thousandth time, the miners, educators, firefighters, pilots and many other people living on the territory of our vast Motherland.

Love for the Motherland is in each of us. We absorbed it with mother's milk. This love is everywhere - in such familiar paths from home to kindergarten, in the smiles of relatives, in the sun's rays and slender birch trees, in St. George's ribbons and poems by favorite poets...

GAPOU SO "Perelyubsky Agrarian College"

“Here is the beginning of my homeland”

Local history hour

Prepared by:

Arzamastseva V.I., librarian

Bisingalieva R.S., teacher

With. Perelub


Fostering patriotic feelings with an awareness of the concept of “Motherland” as

a powerful state, like the place where a person was born.


    Introduce students to the history of their native village;

    Form an active civic position;

    Develop a respectful attitude towards the traditions of your Malaya



Book exhibition “Perelyubskaya Storonka”

Equipment : Computer and audio equipment.

Listening to the video clip by S. Belikov “Live, spring, live”


That island is unique
Kept in my memory
Where is the father's house, guarded by fate,
Irreplaceable in my soul,
He stands, and there are no relatives.

It rises above the river,
Snuggled up to a flock of poplars,
And my heart will be excited,
When you see that place...
And the sadness becomes lighter.

And when you enter the house, it will take your breath away:
Every corner is precious here,
Involuntarily, a tear suddenly rolls down,
Childhood flew by in this house -
Still the same floor and ceiling.

And you imagine your mother at the stove,
Tired and tender
Dear granny with a candle... -
As if from heaven to home forever
She descended to the sinful earth.

My island is unique
Lives his story.
Here is my father's house, protected by fate,
Irreplaceable in my soul
He stands, and there are no relatives.

Guys, now you’ve listened to the song, the poem, what are we going to talk about today? - Children's answers. Yes, about our native land, about our small homeland. What does Motherland mean? - Answers from children. Yes, guys, this little word contains a very deep meaning! Every person has a large and small homeland. Bigthis is our country. Huge. There is no end in sight. Many people live in ourcountry, many peoples. They all live as one family, helping each other.

A small homeland is also the land, city or village in which you were born and live. Friends, your neighbors. This is your mother and father. This is a river murmuring in the silence of the night, this is a tree growing under your window - all these are holy places, calling and pulling you to

yourself throughout your life, that’s why the Motherland is also called the Fatherland, the Fatherland. like a home, a stepfather’s home.Love for the Motherland is the most important feeling for every person. For an adult, this feeling is like a big river. Life experience expands the concept of the Fatherland to the borders of the entire state. But every river has its own source, a small key from which everything begins. The feeling of a small homeland with its special appearance, with its even the most modest and unassuming beauty appears in a person in childhood, at the time of lifelong impressions of a child’s soul, and with it, with this distant and personal homeland, he comes over the years to that big The Motherland, which is the same for everyone. The light of one’s home and hearth warms a person and illuminates his path all his life.


My native land

The sunset creeps stealthily over the earth.

Tired herds wander into the village,

And I sit with my cherished dream

By a quiet silent pond.

The filaments of the sun shine in the waters,
The sun is slowly setting behind the forest.

We will never see such beauty anywhere

And you won’t find such wonderful places.

I love you, my native land.

I am treated kindly by you like a mother.

You are all mine from edge to edge,

You became my life and destiny.

And I’m happy that it’s you

Born to work, think and love,

Meet the sunset in the evening

And wake up the morning with a loud song.

I don't know any other land

And I don’t need another land.

I glorify you alone in poetry,

I owe everything to you alone. Author N. Mishanin p. Perelub

Librarian: And in fact, wherever we are, wherever fate takes us, there are no better, more expensive and nicer places than these: and our small homeland is our entire Perelyubsky district and the village of Perelub. This is what we will devote our local history hour to.“Here is the beginning of my homeland.”

Leading: What do you know about Perelub? Do you know that Perelub turns 167 years old this year, and the district turns 87 years old?

Leading: Do you know about the distant past of the area?

Leading: About traces of ancient roads?

Leading: About the events of previous years?

Leading: Perelyubsky district is located in the east of the Saratov Trans-Volga region. It goes to the junction of the borders with the Samara, Orenburg regions and Kazakhstan.

The area of ​​the region is 3.7 thousand square kilometers, the population is

14521 people. The area is washed by the Kamelik and Sestra rivers, which are the left tributaries of the Bolshoi Irgiz River.

215,636 hectares of land are occupied under arable land in the Perelyubsky district, and 125,905 hectares of the total area are under pastures.

In the Perelyubsky district there is 1 natural monument - this is the Kutseba Cut.

Leading: As for the history of our region, the first settlements on the territory of the Perelyubsky district appeared during the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) - about 10-12 thousand years ago. This is evidenced by the ancient settlement discovered by archaeologists on the banks of the Sukhoi Kamelik River near the Zhuravli farm. Primitive people led a primitive lifestyle. However, they could make tools from stone quite well, and also domesticated the first domestic animals.. Due to climate change, the dominance of nomadic peoples who were engaged in cattle breeding was established in the vastness of our region for many centuries.

Leading: The Perelyubsk steppes were a desirable place for the nomads of the Golden Horde, the Nogais, and then the Kalmyks. With the departure of the latter from the second half of the 18th century in the area

First the Bashkirs appear, where at one time there were their estates granted by the tsar, and the ventures were also peasant cultivators. The first settled settlement of people arose around 1770 - this is the village of Bolshaya Tarasovka (originally called Svinukha).


Since 1798, a significant part of the region was occupied by the Bashkirs of the Orenburg province who moved to the banks of the Kamelik River. Over time, the villages of Baygundino, Ishimbaevo, Kunakbaevo, Kuzyabaevo and others grew here. During the same period, farmsteads appeared in the Perelyubsk steppe, which arose on lands granted by the tsar to the noble class. These are villages such as Burnashevka, Varvarovka and others. Since the 20s of the 19th century, state peasants from the central densely populated provinces of Russia have been actively moving into the region, founding the villages of Grachev Kust, Annin Verkh (formerly called Seleznikha), Smorodinka, Smolenka, Kirsanovka, Perelub. Until 1850, the territory of the district was part of the Samara province. Over the course of half a century, settlers raised tens of thousands of hectares of virgin land. Agriculture is rapidly developing here, and the number of livestock is increasing.


In 1865, with the introduction of zemstvo administration, including in Nikolaevsky district, where our region belonged, 4 volosts were organized: Grachevo-Kustovskaya, Smolenskaya, Nizhne-Pokrovskaya, and since 1895 - Kuzyabaevskaya volost.

At the beginning of the 20th century, all volosts experienced a great economic boom. By 1916, the area of ​​farmland amounted to more than four hundred hectares. There were about 130 settlements, including more than a hundred farms, in which 37 thousand people lived. There were 10 churches, 5 mosques. There were 12 parochial and 14 zemstvo schools, a post office, a public library, a zemstvo postal station, 13 fairs, a veterinary outpatient clinic, a local zemstvo hospital and 15 paramedic stations, a meteorological station, an imperial agronomic station, a rental point, more than 50 mills, a single consumer trade society and about 30 private shops and shops.


Serious, dramatic trials befell our region during the First World War, the Revolution and the Civil War.

Soviet power in the Perelyubsk volosts was established in December 1917. She abolished zemstvo self-government, and Soviets of Peasant Deputies began to be created everywhere. At this time, thousands of Perelubtsy served in the tsarist army. Returning from the front, they became the main driving force of the new government in the steppe wilderness. In the summer and autumn of 1918-1919, our region became the scene of bloody battles between the young Red Army and units of the Ural White Cossacks. Under the leadership of V.I. Chapaev, who led this struggle, about 2,000 residents of our region served.


Only in the mid-20s of the 20th century did the revival of the village begin. The new economic policy developed the initiative of the peasantry, and by the beginning of the 1930s the economy of the region had risen to a higher level. More cars, agricultural implements, and goods came to the villages, lending began, and the creation of consumer societies began. The standard of living of the population grew steadily. Collective farms and agricultural artels are being created. By February 1930, there were 30 collective farms in the region. That year, the district handed over 150 thousand poods of grain to the state. In 1918, the Oktyabrsky state farm was one of the first in the country to be organized, then Krasnoarmeyets and Pervomaisky appeared.


This period was marked by great achievements in the field of culture and everyday life. Schools and literacy courses, libraries and reading rooms were opened everywhere. By 1935, illiteracy was completely eliminated. More than 80 worked in schools

teachers, 2,600 children studied. There were 16 clubs. 12 reading huts, 3 libraries. In 1930, the first telephone set was installed in the village of Grachev Kust, film installations appeared, then

The first issue of the newspaper “Collective Farmer” was published. Now “Tselinnik”. In 1934, a radio center with 100 receivers was opened.


The Great Patriotic War became the most difficult test for the country and region. From 1941 to 1945, more than 3,000 Perelubtsev were drafted to the front. Only one third of them returned home. The rest died, went missing, or died in captivity. Steppe residents fought courageously in the border battles of 1941, under the walls of Moscow and Leningrad, fought to the death in the trenches of Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge, died in the swamps near Rzhev and in the steppes of Crimea, on the banks of the Dnieper and Dniester, liberated Europe, fought in partisan detachments and in the Far East with Japan. The exploits of many of them are marked with orders and medals of the USSR. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Vasily Zinoveevich Peretrukhin, a native of the village of Annin Verkh. Bolshoi Tarasovite Kuznetsov Vasily Andreevich became a full Knight of the Order of Soldier's Glory.


In memory of the Perelubtsy who died on the battlefields in 1967, the Monument of Glory was built. The author of the sculptural composition is Georgy Alekseevich Epov. For the construction of this monument, workers and employees contributed one day's earnings, and non-workers contributed as much as they could from their savings.

The monument stands on the seven winds and is visible from everywhere long before entering the regional center. He soars with eternal sorrow for the heroes above the bustle of everyday life. Over the years, the grandeur and sorrow of the Memorial increases. Now the Victorious Warrior bows not only to the memory of those who died, but also to the memory of those who returned to their native places with the Victory.


And in the cold and in the heat on the high mound

Covered with glory and the steppe wind

Victorious Soldier in strict urination

I froze before the memory of the fallen.

And next to the road, the sunsets are blazing,

And further the awakened call.

But the soldiers don’t see or hear

Happy singing inside.

And how they wanted, and how they dreamed

Return to the steppe lands!

But they only got a different share.

A foreign land became their grave.

Time does not age them, they are young,

Boys of the Volga steppes.

Gray-haired old women come to the mound

Mourn your sons.

They are among us - our living conscience,

A legend for centuries to come.

We walk through life firmly and boldly

The path of our fathers.

No matter where you rush, no matter what you think about,

In sorrow and joy, do not forget

Bow to him - the Hero Soldier,

To the Soldier of Fate

Who opened the way for us.


During the hard years of war, it was also incredibly difficult for the home front workers, who, as best they could, forged Victory - in the cold and in hunger, barefoot and undressed, but filled with sacred duty to the Fatherland. During the war years, they gave the front and the country 1.5 (one and a half million) pounds of bread, more than 3 million liters of milk, sent thousands of parcels with things to the front-line soldiers, collected 2 million 260 thousand rubles free of charge for the construction of 18 fighters “Perelyubsky collective farmer” and other military technology.


The region had a hard time in the post-war years, when the consequences of war devastation were overcome at the cost of incredible efforts.

Virgin soil breathed new life into the Perelyub steppes. In 1954, the first virgin state farm “Trud” was formed, and the new comfortable village of Teplovsky grew up. A year later, two more state farms appeared - “Saratovsky” and “Perelyubsky”. In a short time, more than 130 thousand hectares of virgin lands were developed in the region, and the level of development of livestock farming and the social sphere increased. The population of the area doubled and amounted to 28 thousand people. Hundreds of pioneers from virgin lands were awarded with awards from the Motherland, and the director of the Trud state farm, Miroshnichenko Yu.V. was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.


There was a wasteland here

There were tents.

Walked over the steppe with dry winds.

From the cold the fierce hands froze
But people walked - they are stronger.

And the steppe roared awake,

And the virgin soil receded.

And day and night the engines sang,

And the country glorified the feat. (N.I. Zubashenko)

In the 1960-1980s, the region confidently followed the path of socio-economic development, selling tens of thousands of tons of grain, meat, milk and wool to the state.

Leading: The beginning of the 90s was marked by new upheavals that the country had never known. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia went downhill. The young reformers who came to power decided to build a new society using the method of shock therapy, and this hit both production and people’s lives painfully. The region's economy began to deteriorate sharply in 1993, and five years later most of the public production lay in ruins. The village was flooded with unemployed people, and the standard of living of the population fell sharply. Up to 50 thousand hectares of arable land are overgrown with weeds.


And only from the beginning of the 21st century the region began to slowly emerge from the abyss of devastation and poverty.

Now the regional economy is strengthening its position, agricultural production is growing. High efficiency is demonstrated by such agricultural enterprises as “Selkhoztekhnika”, “Rodina-S”, “Vasilievsky”, “Oktyabrskoye”, “Stepnaya Niva” and a number of others. The welfare of Perelyub residents is growing. New telephone communication systems are being actively implemented. Computers, cell phones, the Internet and many other benefits of civilization have become commonplace for steppe dwellers.

The area is fully gasified, the population is provided with drinking water.


The Perelyubsk land gave our Fatherland many glorious names. Among them:

(Portraits are being shown at the same time)

Asfandyarova Rafika Abdulkhamitovna – poultry worker, Hero of Socialist Labor. Over the course of 10 years of work, she became an unsurpassed master of her craft, achieving high production indicators.

Makhankova Anna Efimovna– calf, Hero of Socialist Labor. She cared for newborn calves for about 40 years. During this time, about five thousand animals were released.

Miroshnichenko Yuri Vasilievich – Director of the Trud state farm, Hero of Socialist Labor. Under his leadership, a powerful agricultural enterprise grew up in the steppe - one of the largest in the country.

Ovcharenko Timofey Kirillovich – foreman of the field brigade, Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1964, he was appointed foreman of a tractor brigade, which became one of the best in Western Kazakhstan.

Otverchenko Nikita Kondratievich - grain grower, tractor brigade foreman, Hero of Socialist Labor. He took an active part in the development of virgin and fallow lands, and it was then that Otverchenko’s star rose as a master of the highest yields.

Epishev Vladimir Alexandrovich – one of the founders of dentistry in Uzbekistan. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Kuznetsov Vasily Andreevich - For military services he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and numerous medals. Full Knight of the Order of Glory.

Peretrukhin Vasily Zinoveevich - participant in the Great Patriotic War since June 1941, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Popov Alexey Dmitrievich – People's Artist of the Soviet Union, laureate of three Stalin Prizes. He created large folk-heroic performances dedicated to the creative work and military exploits of the Soviet people.

Spirin Vladimir Fedorovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, academician, the youngest director in the country of the Saratov Research Institute of Rural Hygiene - the only scientific institution in Russia on medical and social problems of rural areas.

Urazgaleev Talan Kabdrashidovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician, defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Water content and contamination of petroleum products at oil depots.” Published over 60 scientific works, including four textbooks and teaching aids.

Rudchenko Mikhail Methodievich - Lieutenant General of Police. He showed outstanding professional qualities while working in the internal affairs bodies.

Fedin Valery Ivanovich - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, was involved in the development of fuel materials for intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Isaeva Nina Nikolaevna - Master of Sports of international class, champion of the RSFSR and the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, winner of the European and World Cup. Prize-winner of the Universiade and match meetings between USSR-USA athletes, record holder of the Soviet Union in the shot put

(20 meters 90 centimeters). Member of the Olympic team in Moscow in 1980.

You can learn more about the biographies of the heroes on the Walk of Fame, which is located on the square of the regional center and was opened for the 165th anniversary of the village of Perelub and the 65th anniversary of our district.


This is what it is, a biography of our area. Very difficult, but also very interesting. You learned about the main historical events that took place in our Trans-Volga steppes, about the people who glorified our region. You can get acquainted in more detail with the material about our region, which is located at the book exhibition “Perelyubskaya Storonka”.


These are books by Yu.I. Bychkov:

    "In the steppes near Perelubom"

    "My dawn homeland"

    "Bashkirs on Kamelik"

    “My Dawn Homeland” - re-release.

Storage folders:

    “The village is proud of them”

    “Names in the history of our region and beyond”

    "Hello, virgin land"

    “And the steppe blossomed into gardens” - about virgin lands,

    “Moms are the workers of our region,”

    "We are all one family"

    “The chronicle of Victories will not fade”

    “I’m just a soldier from the Motherland” - about fellow countrymen who fought in Chechnya and Afghanistan.

My friend!

What could be sweeter

Priceless native land?

The sun seems brighter there

The golden spring is more joyful there.

Cooler than the summer breeze,

More fragrant flowers. The hills are greener there

There the stream gurgles sweeter,

There the nightingale sings more sonorously...

(N.M. Yazykov)

Video of Yu Antonov's song " Under the roof of your house."
