School essay. corner of Russia. Essays on the topic “my protected land” Essay protected corners of my homeland

Every person has a very close and dear place where he feels calm and at ease. There is no person on earth who does not feel love for their small Motherland, since everyone should have their own pier where they can stop for a while and take a break from worries and problems. I also have my own place where I can calmly spend my free time and not think about various matters and problems.

In my grandmother’s village there is that secret place where I can even breathe calmly. I really like to come here sometimes and be here alone, because then you can think about your deepest dreams. How nice it is to be on the river in summer! The sun is shining, the birds are singing... All this is my small homeland, which no one can take away from me. Evening comes, and all nature begins to play with completely different colors, which are very pleasing to the eye. In the valley beyond the river, there is a large meadow where storks roam carefree, who, like me, believe that this is their native corner. Night falls imperceptibly, and the huge sky begins to fill with the enchanting light of stars that burn very brightly and beckon.

I also really love visiting the village in winter, because at this time there is indescribable beauty here. It’s very pleasant to sit near a warm stove and know that there is bitter frost and blizzard outside... I always try to come to the village during my winter holidays and spend at least a couple of days here, since there are many interesting activities here: sledding and skiing, ice hockey local kids and just walks through the fresh and frosty forest. It’s just that when I rest like this, I gain new strength, which is enough for me until the end of the school year, and I’m ready to master all the sciences again, without even getting tired.

We all must protect and love our little Motherland, since we have only one. It can be different: a small house in the village, its own street in the city, but all this is very dear to our hearts. Sometimes I can’t visit my native places and then I miss them very much. It happens that I even dream of them in my dreams.

I really value my native place, which I was lucky enough to have. All my life, I will visit my family and favorite places, because I simply cannot live and breathe without them. All people are simply obliged to treat these places with special care and affection and never forget about them, since by doing this we are simply betraying our little Motherland, which raised us and sent us on a long voyage, but it is waiting for us to return to our native land. harbor. She will definitely meet us.

Essay My town is my small homeland

My city is not very big, but that makes me love it no less. It is not large in population, but has the proud title of a city. It is still growing and being built. I think if you want, you can describe it around its entire circumference in just a couple of hours, even less. And then, this time takes into account all the traffic jams that may occur on the roads.

And my favorite city is very green. This is what some people call it – the Green City. This is because we have a ton of trees and other plants. Residents plant and cultivate them themselves - old-timers even organize entire front gardens under the windows of their houses. Despite the fact that our houses, for the most part, are multi-story and quite high, some even try to cover them with beautiful and blooming ivy. At the height of flowering, this is an incredible sight. And the residents themselves are so happy about it - just open the window, and you will immediately touch the green stems and can even smell the wonderful and sweet smell of flowers. This is probably one of the most important reasons why they try so hard - each of them loves their city, beauty and plants.

And I can really call my city a small homeland. After all, this is where I grew up, learned something for the first time and went to school. As I already said, it is quite small, and therefore there are no higher educational institutions in it, despite the fact that it is considered scientific. Yes, this is another interesting fact about him. Initially, when it was first built, it was a closed scientific city, where diligent scientists worked for the benefit of science, studying atomic particles. This fact of history has had a very strong impact on our city - the flag has an image of an atom on it. An incredible coincidence, isn't it?

Despite such a seemingly dangerous type of activity, our city is very clean and safe. There are no harmful chemicals or similar substances observed in the area - the research center very wisely fenced off all its experiments with a large and strong fence, moving in its location right behind the largest highway. In fact, no one even goes there except the hardworking workers. Therefore, residents find it funny if one of the visitors glances sideways in surprise at the clean and safe town, explaining this by the fact that they thought that it would be worse here, in terms of ecology.

I love my city very much. After all, my city is my childhood. After all, my city is my small Motherland.

Option 2: Short essay

My Motherland is my little world, where I feel comfortable and warm. Every citizen of our country has a place where he feels very good and comfortable. Love for our small Motherland can be expressed in different ways, but I prefer to very often visit this corner dear to my heart, once in which I feel like I’m in a fairy tale. In the village, my grandmother has her own house, where this small Motherland is located, which I love very much and will never betray. The village is very nice in the summer, as here you can relax and gain new strength for the school year.

It’s especially good here in winter, as all nature freezes and waits for something mysterious and unpredictable. In winter, I really like to go to the forest, where it is somehow especially breathable. Together with the local guys we play hockey, ski and sled. We should all remember our native places and visit them whenever possible. After all, our small Motherland is waiting for us, and we must not let it down. A person has one homeland, she loves us like her own mother and takes pity on us, like her own children.

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Each person is born in a certain country, where he usually lives his whole life. And the country where we are born is for us our family, for which we are ready to lay down our lives and defend it to the last drop of blood, while our heart beats in our chest. We want our homeland to constantly rise in the eyes of others and achieve great success and heights. Right now we are talking about such a potential country as Russia. This country is large and powerful, the country’s territory also occupies a very large area throughout the world, and its infrastructure is very large and promising. If we look at the history of Russia, we will see its difficult fate, but thanks to perseverance, it achieved what it wanted. This is the prologue I wanted to convey to you, my users, and now I’ll tell you about the information that you will find directly on my website of Russian dictations.

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A person’s success lies in the fact that if a person really wants something, he will definitely achieve it. The main thing is persistence. I want to tell you the fact that the way you studied from childhood will greatly influence your affairs in your future life, and especially your profession. If a person has been looking for something since childhood, trying hard, then he will achieve his place in life, but if everything was smooth for him from an early age, then it will be very difficult for such a person to start something. So study, write dictations and works.

I wish you success in writing your works, and I also wish you very good grades for them.


Every person has favorite places in his hometown. It is there that he loves to walk, it is there that he comes to rest his soul and enjoy, it is there that he is pleased to remember something.

I have such a favorite corner too. It is located in the park of culture and recreation. As a child, my “favorite place” was this entire park. I simply loved walking there with my grandmother, although she did not allow me to try all the attractions, fearing for my health. But the very feeling of an eternal holiday that reigned in this park attracted me with an irresistible force.

Having grown up, I stopped enjoying the attractions so much, but I appreciated another charm of this place - the beauty of its nature, the comfort, the peace that reigns in the park when there are few people there.

I especially liked one quiet place near the Ferris wheel. Directly opposite this building there is a bench covered with tree branches. I really like to sit on it, enjoy the silence, think about something of my own, watch the few passers-by rushing about their business or the children who are brought here for a walk.

This place is especially charming on autumn and winter evenings. Then the Ferris wheel lights up with lights, and extreme sports enthusiasts occasionally approach it and want to take a ride. The frosty evening air, the lights mixed with silence - all this is so beautiful and piercing that you sit as if spellbound and do not want to leave. But the cold is getting closer, your legs begin to go numb, and with a sigh you get up and go to the exit.

Such “get-togethers” don’t happen often for me. But when I feel the need to retire, to be alone and think about something, this is where I go. It seems to me that the very atmosphere of this place helps me. For me, this corner next to the Ferris wheel is magical and very dear, it has some kind of magical appeal and healing power. Thanks to him for this.

for a student essay

Abstract topic:“Acquaintance with the protected corners of your native land using the example of the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve.”

Supervisor: Zolotareva Larisa Sergeevna; subject professional direction of activity of the teacher-supervisor – Local history, the world around us.

Subject area - the historical and cultural heritage of the native land as a school for educating the soul and forming patriotism and national identity.

Abstract topic direction“The preservation of the Galchya Gora reserve as a living museum of green architecture and the historical and cultural heritage of our native land is our fatherly duty.

Work structure

The work consists of an introduction, main part and conclusion. The volume of work is fifteen printed sheets. The author uses an original form of presenting the material - painting with words, and offers a fascinating journey into the living museum of green architecture of the Galchya Gora Nature Reserve.

The level of independence of the author – the child when posing and solving a problem quite high. The author independently chose the direction of research, proposed his vision of solving the problem of preserving the flora and fauna of the native land. The teacher and parents helped in the implementation of the project for preserving the historical and cultural heritage, and directed the author’s activities towards learning new pages in the history of his small homeland.

Brief information content of the abstract.

This essay is a fascinating journey through the protected corners of Galichya Mountain. The author talks about the unique nature, the mystery of finding many plant species, the diversity of flora and fauna of the Lipetsk region. Object This study is the smallest reserve in the Russian Federation - Galichya Mountain.

The author of the essay introduces everyone to the history of the Galichya Gora reserve and describes in detail the nature of the six isolated sections of the reserve. In the final chapter of the essay, I indicated the most important areas of activity of the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve.

The supervisor directed the cognitive activity of the author of the abstract. Thanks to the knowledge that the author received from the leader, it was possible to implement an educational project focused on the formation of local history culture and student competence.

Dynamics in the development of personal qualities of the child author.

It should be noted the positive dynamics in the development of the personal qualities of the child author. Creative search, curiosity, concern for the fate of the Galichya Gora reserve, love for his small homeland, thoughts on how to preserve the protected places of his native land - all this testifies to the author as a young local historian.
