School of the Seven Dwarfs. What does it sound like?, Daria Denisova. First year of study what does school sound like What does the school of the seven dwarfs sound like


School of the Seven Dwarfs 0-1 year reviews. What is the series? How to study correctly using the books of the School of the Seven Dwarfs. Photos of spreads. Reviews and results. Download the series for reference.

Today about my studies on the book series "School of the Seven Dwarfs 0-1 year" will be told by Anna.

“I knew about the School of the Seven Dwarfs program even before my child was born. In practice, we began to get acquainted with it, essentially, from birth. Now we are 1.2 years old and the 0-1 course can be considered almost complete.”

You can download the 0-1 year series (for reference) at the end of the article.

What is the School of the Seven Dwarfs book series?

The program is designed for children from 0 to 7 years old. Each year of study has its own set of 12 books. This is what it looks like, for example, aimed at ages from birth to one year.

In addition to the material for classes, each book has a “parent page” - detailed instructions for adults, which tell them how to work with it.

As for the content, this is usually educational material and a game tab in the center. Most often it is thematic, but it can also be abstract. For older children, these are so-called craft models, the ideas of which can be brought to life on your own or with your parents.

School of the Seven Dwarfs for kids from 0 to 1

Due to our age, we have not yet had a detailed acquaintance with the entire series of books, but my son and I have studied the set from birth to one year inside and out. All 12 books included in it can be divided into several groups.

1. Colorful books to read to your baby. These are “Day-Night”, “Cat-Cat” and “Jokes for the Baby”.

The first two feature thematic poems with illustrations. In the second there are jokes, also with colorful pictures. It was very interesting for a child to look at them.

We also purchased this plush app for the book Kitty the Cat.

I don’t know if it was the classes or something else, but the first word my son consciously said was not “mom” or “dad,” but “pussy.” It’s very funny to watch how, seeing this book or toy, he crawls towards it from any end of the room shouting: “Kitty! Pussy!”

2. Books for studying colors. Of all, two are “Color Pictures” and “What color is this”. Additionally, I made a set of cards. It was probably possible to purchase something similar, but I haven’t come across it.

Book "What color is this", in my opinion, is not very convenient to use. In fact, each page of it is 4 cards, and ideally they need to be cut. But then they will turn out to be double-sided and the child will not be able to sort the colors “in groups”.

In the end, they didn’t cut the pages; they just watched them during class. And the “cards” came from the game tab.

Already at 8 months, my son learned to “plant” flowers and butterflies on the right petals. I still play this game and really like it.

The book has color pictures black and white tab. Those who are interested in early development probably know that these are the images that a child should look at in the first days of his life. I hung them in the bed, in a visible place.

The son began to look at the rest of the color pictures a little later, after a month. I did this, it should be noted, always carefully and with pleasure.


3. Third group- these are books aimed at development of speech skills. Most of them - “My favorite toys”, “Who does what”, “What does it sound like”, “Merry round dance” and “My first book”.

Book "Toys" the most difficult of this group. In addition to the pictures, it also has a split tab with cards that need to be “attached” to the corresponding page. We personally have not yet learned how to do this correctly.

4. And the last group of books - with tasks. These are "Square and Circle" and "Fold the Picture". They are, in my opinion, quite complex.

In the first, you need to “fill in” the gaps on each page with figures from the cut tab.

The second is simpler - on each page there is a picture that needs to be cut in half and then folded. The images are double-sided, which is not very convenient.

We are still studying using these books; we haven’t mastered them yet. Although my son is already over a year old.


How to organize classes according to the School of the Seven Dwarfs program

As for the content of classes, information about this is presented on the “Parent Pages” in each of the books. But how to organize the process itself is a difficult task for many parents.

We studied every day according to the schedule, trying to do it at the same time. My child is quite active, so it’s difficult for him to sit still for a long time. In our case, the duration of the “lessons” was 10-15 minutes. During this time, we managed to “read” 2-3 books, I tried to make sure they were from different groups. We studied three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and in the afternoon.

My Child and the School of the Seven Dwarfs (review)

My son always studied with pleasure. He very quickly learned to leaf through books himself, and by the age of one year he was already saying something. And this is provided that he was born at seven months and develops with a delay. Now he himself takes books from the shelf and crawls towards me with them. This means that you can study additionally - in addition to our main three lessons.

In my opinion, there is a result. My son’s speech is quite developed for his age: he distinguishes colors (he accurately chooses the right one from two cards), listens with pleasure when books are read to him not only from the School of the Seven Dwarfs, but also any others.

Overall, the impressions from the program were only positive. At the moment, my son is 1 year and 2 months old, there are two books left to master - “Fold the Picture” and “Square and Circle”. After this, we will definitely purchase the next set, from one to two years. My plans are to follow the School of the Seven Dwarfs program until the end, that is, until I am 7 years old.

Seventh year of study "Ethics Lessons", School of the Seven Dwarfs. Characteristics: - Publisher: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS - Denisova D. - Cover: soft. - Size: 290x2x215 - Weight: 130 g - Number of pages: 16 "Ethics Lessons." The seventh block of educational books is intended for children aged 6 to 7 years. The books in this series have red covers. The cover is glossy, the book is pleasant to pick up and offer to a child. The book "Ethics Lessons" consists of a collection of short stories, parables and brief methodological recommendations for parents and teachers. Most of these parables have been known since ancient times and touch on fundamental moral issues that are relevant at all times. Presented in simple, accessible language, they allow children to discuss complex moral issues using examples understandable to children. Without excessive edification, discussing the actions of the heroes, you can lead the child to understand the foundations of ethical, moral behavior, to the awareness of “what is good and what is bad.” The book also contains a cardboard insert - a movable cardboard toy "Owl", and colored stickers. The seventh year of study “Ethics Lessons”, School of the Seven Dwarfs, can be purchased in our online store.

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Mosaic-Synthesis Second year of study My home, School of the Seven Dwarfs

Second year of training "My Home", School of the Seven Dwarfs. Characteristics: - Publisher: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS - Denisova D. - Cover: soft. - Size: 290x2x215 - Weight: 130 g - Number of pages: 16 "My home." The second block of educational books is intended for children from 1 to 2 years old. The books in this series have blue covers. The cover is glossy, the book is pleasant to pick up and offer to a child. The book "My Home" from the "School of the Seven Dwarfs" series, this educational guide is designed for 6 lessons. Each lesson is conducted in a playful way and teaches the child to understand a picture, show and name individual objects, and generalize concepts. The album contains large and colorful images of the hallway, living room, kitchen, nursery, bathroom, bedroom. While looking at the picture with your child, say what is shown in the picture and say the names of the objects. The book contains an insert sheet with reduced images of household items. By cutting a sheet of paper into cards, you can teach your child to find a similar object, compare according to the big-small principle, find an object from several offered, and substitute according to its meaning. The book also contains a model of a cardboard house. The second year of study “My Home”, School of the Seven Dwarfs, can be purchased in our online store.

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E. Umanskaya, E. I. Volkova, A. Prudnikova Chess at school. First year of study. Workbook

I. G. Sukhin Chess in elementary school. Problem book

Igor Sukhin Chess in elementary school: problem book

Z. E. Osovitskaya, A. S. Kazarinova Musical literature. First year of study. Textbook

Chabert D. Zhutkins School. Dangerous duty

Mosaic-Synthesis Fifth year of study Painted toy, School of the Seven Dwarfs

Fifth year of training "Painted Toy", School of the Seven Dwarfs. Characteristics: - Publisher: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS - Denisova D. - Cover: soft. - Size: 290x2x215 - Weight: 130 g - Number of pages: 16 "Painted toy". The fifth block of educational books is intended for children aged 4 to 5 years. The books in this series have yellow covers. The cover is glossy, the book is pleasant to pick up and offer to a child. The book "Painted Toy" from the educational series "School of the Seven Dwarfs" is intended for the development of artistic taste and creative abilities in children 4-5 years old. Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Bogorodets, Gorodets toys - all this is presented and described in this book. The book contains a number of tasks that will allow the child to reproduce Gzhel patterns and paintings by Gorodets masters. The kid will learn many new words for him that our ancestors used: fair, buffoon, spinning wheel, etc. The book contains a cardboard insert - a pattern of the Dymkovo lady. The pattern needs to be cut along the contour, the lady’s skirt should be painted, the blank should be glued together, you will get a cardboard Dymkovo toy made by the hands of a child. In addition, in the book you will find stickers with photographs of various folk toys. The fifth year of study “Painted Toy”, School of the Seven Dwarfs, can be purchased in our online store.

For babies from birth to 1 year of publishing...

"What does that sound like?"

Many parents know, love and use the books in the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series in the development of their children.

“You need to develop a child from birth,” say psychologists and teachers - authors of manuals from the Mosaika-Sintez publishing house.

That is why the very first block of educational books is intended for children from 0 to 1 year old.

The books in this series have purple covers.

The publishing house has published 12 books for children from birth to 1 year.

Each contains a variety of tasks on a single topic, an excellent didactic material insert inside, and detailed recommendations for working with the manual for parents.

All books are of very high quality and bright. The cover is glossy, the book is pleasant to pick up and offer to a child.

The book "What does it sound like?" The educational series "School of the Seven Dwarfs" is intended for the development of speech in children from birth to 1 year.

The manual contains large drawings that can be used at a very early age to train visual perception, and from 6-7 months - as a guide to the development of speech and knowledge of the world around us.

The book has a cardboard insert with a didactic game (screen and two toys).

This is your baby's first table theater.

With this home theater you can diversify your activities and entertain your little one.

This is one of the books for speech development from the School of the Seven Dwarfs 0-1 series.

That is why on the parent page there is a description of how a child’s speech develops from birth. And of course, recommendations for working with the book.

The book itself is quite simple: it depicts 12 objects that make some sounds. (doll, pipe, bell, drum, hammer, clock, plane, locomotive, scissors, steamship, car, telephone). Large pictures, nothing superfluous - just for the little ones.

My personal impression is that the selection of items was not very good. I would remove the bell (I consider it completely unnecessary, since few people have one in their house and why is it needed at all?), the plane and the steamboat (maybe, of course, the boys will be interested in such a quantity of transport, but somehow my daughter is not so interested). Instead, you can add some other items that are more common. And the phone is, of course, outdated... We don’t have a home phone at all, and both my husband and I have cell phones with a touch screen. That’s why my daughter doesn’t understand why I say phone number in this picture. Those. when I say phone-ding-ding-alo-alo, she brings me my phone, and does not associate my words with the picture. For all these comments I am removing one star.

Well, actually about our acquaintance with this book. I have already written a review about the book “My Favorite Toys”, where I described in detail how we tried to study at both 6 and 9 months. But my daughter only “grew up” to books with thin pages when she was 1 year and 3 months old. That’s when I took out the entire ShSG and the book “What does it sound like?” including. All of our cardboard books had already been “read” inside and out, so my child happily started working on the new book. She already speaks a lot of words and grasps everything on the fly. She likes these pictures, recognizes almost all objects and repeats almost all sounds. She always brings me this book. In general, a good book for expanding your vocabulary.

There is also a cardboard insert in the book: a screen and two toys. I didn't cut them out. I have put all the cardboard inserts (except for “Day and Night”) away for now - as she grows up she will glue it herself.

“School of 7 Dwarfs” is a comprehensive system of activities with a child from birth to entry into school, with 12 colorful developmental aids for each year of a preschooler’s life.

Each age has its own color, its own tasks, its own books. For example, all books for children aged 1 to 2 years have blue covers. Seven years before school - seven colors of the rainbow.

The manuals have been developed in accordance with modern educational standards and will be useful to both parents and specialists: educators, methodologists, tutors.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 0 to 1 year. Full year course

The set of books from 0 to 1 year includes the following benefits:
1. My first book.
2. Merry round dance.
3. Fold the picture.
4. Color pictures.
5. Who does what?
6. Jokes for the baby.
7. Cat-cat.
8. Day and night.
9. My favorite toys.
10. Square and circle.
11. What does it sound like?
12. What color is this?


Read about other developmental activities with a child under one year old.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 1 to 2 years. Full year course

The set includes books:
1. Who is this? What is this?
2. Big, small.
3. Finger painting.
4. Cheerful. Sad.
5. Walks around the city.
6. Plasticine snowball.
7. Whose ponytail is this?
8. Form. Color.
9. Whose voice is this?
10. In the village and at the dacha.
11. My first dictionary.
12. My home.

You can purchase the course in printed form in stores OZONE, MY-SHOP And READ.

Read about other developmental activities with a child aged 1 to 2 years.

A selection of educational books for children aged 1 to 2 years.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 2 to 3 years. Full year course

The set includes books:
1. Plasticine pictures.
2. One. A lot of.
3. Finger painting.
4. What is good?
5. Smart cutter.
6. Who lives where?
7.ABC for kids.
9.In a forest clearing.
10. What types of professions are there?
11. Color. Form.
12. Seasons.

You can purchase the course in printed form in stores OZONE , MY-SHOP And READ.

About other educational activities with a child from 2 to 3 years oldread.

A selection of educational books for children aged 2 to 3 years.

School of the Seven Dwarfs from 3 to 4 years. Full year course

The set includes books:
1. Count, shape, size
2. Logic. Thinking
3. Recipes for kids
4. Time. Space
5. Literacy lessons
6. Speech development
7. What types of cars are there?
8. What is in the basket?
9. What types of professions are there?
10. I won't be greedy
11. I count to five
12. I study nature

You can purchase the course in printed form in storesOZONE , MY-SHOP And READ.

Read about other developmental activities with a child aged 3 to 4 years.
