Organization of career guidance work in primary schools. Methodological development. Career guidance work in elementary school. "Young Firefighter"

Vlasova Elena Valentinovna,
primary school teacher
GBOU gymnasium No. 168
Central district of St. Petersburg,

Vocational guidance is not a student’s choice of a profession, one for life, but the formation of his readiness for professional self-determination, the activation of the internal resources of his personality so that, when involved in professional activities, a person can fully realize yourself in it.

The question “Who should I be?” vital. The answer to it has an impact on a person’s future life. Properly constructed career guidance work allows you to solve many problems. Since the list of proposed professions is large, it is important not to get confused, find your place in the world of professions, and realize your capabilities. In order for students to learn to understand themselves and objectively evaluate their successes in different types of activities, this work must begin from early school age.

Junior school age is not insignificant, “passing”, from the point of view of professional guidance. The fact is that there are a number of indicators, moral-volitional and motivational characteristics, for the formation of which this particular stage of age development turns out to be sensitive.

Work on vocational guidance in primary school is propaedeutic, i.e. preceding the main one. At this stage, younger schoolchildren should develop a conscientious attitude towards work, an understanding of its role in human life and society, develop an interest in the professions of their parents and immediate environment, and interest in the most common professions. In addition, important areas of career guidance work in elementary school are: teaching schoolchildren the skills of self-assessment, developing reflection and realistic self-esteem in children.

The goal of a primary school teacher is to develop the interests and abilities of schoolchildren.

The objectives of career guidance activities in primary school are as follows:

  • introduce you to the diversity of the world of professions;
  • give general information about the content of labor in different professions;
  • to form motivation and interest in educational and work activities;
  • develop intellectual and creative capabilities;
  • to cultivate hard work, diligence, accuracy, perseverance in getting things done to the end, and careful attitude towards the results of one’s own and others’ work.

Career guidance work in primary school is carried out in the unity of classroom and extracurricular activities.

The first stage of this work is professional information, when students become familiar with the professions of people whose work they observe day after day. The purpose of this stage is the development of cognitive abilities based on different impressions about the world of professions, the formation of a conscientious attitude towards work.

In all lessons in primary school, the importance of educational and work activities is emphasized, and a sense of responsibility for one’s work is fostered. In the lessons of the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the outside world, technology, fine arts, physical education, music, students are introduced to various professions, and the teacher tries to convey to the children’s consciousness their importance and significance. When teaching almost all subjects, teachers use active teaching methods - play, project method, research and problem-based. All this has a beneficial effect on the development of personality and preparation for the specialization of students. So, in Russian language lessons we use words, sentences, texts related to a particular profession for vocabulary, spelling work, dictations and copying. In mathematics lessons we solve practical problems (we can be builders, salesmen, scientists, machinists, etc.). During speech development lessons, students can act as journalists (gather information, write essays of different genres, create newspapers and thematic collections). In the lessons of the surrounding world, one gets acquainted with professions in various branches of production, the food industry, and agriculture. Riddles, puzzles, crosswords, short poems about professions, games “Guess by Gestures”, “Who is Greater?” can help diversify the lesson and make it more emotionally rich. (name as many words as possible related to the profession), “Tool of labor - profession” (learn the profession by the tools of labor), etc. A new form of training for us is solving a design problem. Children get the opportunity to express themselves in one role or another, to show independence and creative imagination. Very often, career guidance work goes beyond the scope of the lesson.

A variety of extracurricular activities for junior schoolchildren fully contributes to the formation of motivation and interest in various types of activities, and develops the intellectual and creative abilities of students. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in elementary school made it possible to provide our children with a wide range of clubs, sections, and creative associations for the implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practical socially and personally significant activities outside of school hours, i.e. organize an appropriate space for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality.

Extracurricular activities contribute to a more comprehensive disclosure of the child’s individual abilities, which are not always possible to consider in class, to the development of children’s interest in various types of activities, the desire to actively participate in productive activities approved by society, and the ability to independently organize their free time.

Extracurricular work on career guidance for students begins in the first grade and has a logical continuation in the following grades. We plan and conduct classes on this topic using a variety of forms, such as:

  • conversations;
  • play activities;
  • excursions;
  • quizzes;
  • competitions;
  • meeting people of interesting professions;
  • participation in drawing, photography, and essay competitions;
  • family holidays;
    • protection of projects, etc.

A primary school teacher works in the following areas during lessons and outside of school hours:

1) shows students the role of work in human life;

2) involves students in carrying out socially significant activities;

3) holds meetings with representatives of various professions (including parents);

4) involves students in various types of educational and cognitive activities (work, play, research);

5) introduces students to the world of professions;

6) teaches work on the formation of a “Portfolio” (“Portfolio of Achievements”).

Primary school students are just beginning to develop an interest in professions. Socially useful activities in which children participate (and this could be caring for plants, making crafts and toys, repairing books, etc.) have a decisive influence on the formation of their interest. When children see and feel that their work is needed by people, they experience great pleasure from it. For primary school students, visibility and a change in types of activities are necessary and important; the selection of material appropriate to the age and interests of the child is very important, therefore the purpose of career guidance work in the first and third grades will be somewhat different.

So, in the first grade, the goal of work may be to expand knowledge about work, develop a work culture, and get to know the professions of parents. And in the third grade, for example, getting acquainted with the classification of professions, expanding knowledge about the professions of our city.

As a result of this work, primary school students should:

know and understand:

  • the role of work in human life;
  • the impact of technological processes and human labor activity on the environment and human health;
  • the purpose and scope of application of various machines, technical devices and tools;

master the methods of cognitive activity:

  • compare and highlight the features of the content of various professions based on observations;
  • evaluate the results of your activities in accordance with the task;
  • plan and control your activities;
  • observe personal hygiene and safety rules when working with materials, tools, and electrical appliances.

Logvina Elena Vasilievna

Primary school teacher of the highest qualification category,

Deputy Director for HR

gymnasium No. 6 named after. Yu. Gurova

Subject: « Career guidance in primary school – the first step to choosing a profession.”

“When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, no wind will be favorable for him.”


"The world of professions through the eyes of children."

Relevance of creating the program:

Primary school age is called the peak of childhood. The child retains many childish qualities: frivolity, naivety, looking up to the adult. But he is already losing his childish spontaneity in behavior; they have a different logic of thinking. Teaching is a significant goal for him. It is during this period that the child begins to think about his future profession, he fantasizes what he will be like.

Purpose of the program:

development of extracurricular activities,

most effectively

forming among younger schoolchildren

interest in the world of professions

and respect for working people.

  • create a special environment in the gymnasium that allows for the development of respectful attitude towards people of all professions;
  • to form in younger schoolchildren an idea of ​​the variety of professions in the modern world;
  • to teach schoolchildren, through professional tests, practical skills in self-care at home or in a gymnasium;
  • develop and provide pedagogical support for the process of career guidance in primary schools.

Expected Result.

“The world of professions through the eyes of children” will allow schoolchildren and their parents to develop an understanding of the importance of targeted early acquaintance with the world of professions and a respectful attitude towards any work, the need to gain knowledge about the diversity of professions, and to form an attitude towards people of any work as the highest value of society.
  • Creative competitions and projects.
  • Extracurricular activities.
  • Meetings with people of different professions.
  • Excursions to production.

1 class

1.Drawing competition: "Professions of my parents"

2. Poetry competition about professions



1. Quiz: “All works are good”

2. Holiday: “I can do everything myself”




1.To the library

2.By email

Creative competitions and projects

2nd grade



1.Project “Professions of our dads”

2.Crosswords about the diversity of professions

Meetings with people of different professions

1.KVN "When you become an adult"

2. Sports and games program: “Young firefighter”




1.To the store

2. For sewing production

Creative competitions and projects

3rd grade



1.Drawing competition: “Kaleidoscope of professions of the future”

2. Poetry workshop: “Poems about my future profession”

Meetings with people of different professions

1.Game program: "Kaleidoscope of Professions"

2. Holiday: “All professions are needed, all professions are important”




1.To the fire station

2.To the medical office

Creative competitions and projects

4th grade



1.Test of writing - essay: “Who do I see myself in the future”

2.Computer presentations: “All works are good - choose according to your taste!”

Meetings with people of different professions

1. Oral journal: “In the world of professions”

2. Sports and educational program: “Who should I be?”


1. Firefighter

2. Educator

1.To the museum

2.To the telephone exchange

A treasure trove of acquaintance with the world of professions are lessons in learning about the world

Organization and holding extracurricular activities everyone’s favorite direction of career guidance work.

Cool watch.

Holidays. Sports and games program:

"Young Firefighter"

In each class, teachers are happy to use the following direction in career guidance work - excursions.

Interesting Conversations with invited specialists .

My mom - Notary!

A notary is a very serious and responsible profession. It is not enough to know, but to be able to apply your knowledge correctly.

My mother is a teacher.

For every person, mother is the closest and dearest person on Earth.

For every student, a teacher is a mentor, an educator, an older friend... And my mother is a teacher.


Petrunko Valery

4 B Class

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Matching colors

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Charts, tables and graphs

Keep it simple: use consistent, simple styles and colors whenever possible.

Label all charts and tables.

Department of Education of Astana

Gymnasium No. 6 named after. Yu. Gurova



Performed by: student of 1st "D" grade MALASHENKO DANILO

We create conditions for instilling in schoolchildren a conscious attitude towards work, a sense of duty when choosing a profession, love and respect for work and working people,

careful attitude towards public property, natural resources and the environment.

The future belongs to those

in primary school.

The question “Who should I be?” vital. The answer to it has an impact on a person’s future life. Properly constructed career guidance work can solve many problems. Since the list of proposed professions is large, it is important not to get confused, find your place in the world of professions, and realize your capabilities. In order for students to learn to understand themselves and objectively assess their success in various activities, this work must begin from primary school age.

Work on vocational guidance in primary school is propaedeutic, i.e. preceding the main one. At this stage, younger schoolchildren should develop a conscientious attitude towards work, an understanding of its role in human life and society, develop an interest in the professions of their parents and immediate environment, and interest in the most common professions.

Target primary school teachers - to develop the interests and abilities of schoolchildren.

Tasks career guidance activities in primary school are as follows:

    introduce you to the diversity of the world of professions;

    give general information about the content of labor in different professions;

    to form motivation and interest in educational and work activities;

    develop intellectual and creative capabilities;

    to cultivate hard work, diligence, accuracy, perseverance in getting things done to the end, and careful attitude towards the results of one’s own and others’ work.

Career guidance work in primary school is carried out in the unity of classroom and extracurricular activities.

In all lessons in primary school, the importance of educational and work activities is emphasized, and a sense of responsibility for one’s work is fostered. In the lessons of the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the outside world, technology, fine arts, physical education, music, students get acquainted with various professions, and the teacher tries to convey to the children’s consciousness their importance and significance. When teaching almost all subjects, teachers use active teaching methods - games, project methods, research and problem-based.

So, in Russian language lessons we use words, sentences, texts related to a particular profession for vocabulary, spelling work, dictations and copying. In mathematics lessons we solve practical problems (we can be builders, salesmen, scientists, machinists, etc.). During speech development lessons, students can act as journalists (gather information, write essays of different genres, create newspapers and thematic collections). In the lessons of the surrounding world, one gets acquainted with professions in various branches of production, the food industry, and agriculture. Riddles, puzzles, crosswords, short poems about professions, games “Guess by Gestures”, “Who is Greater?” can help diversify the lesson and make it more emotionally rich. (name as many words as possible related to the profession), “Tools of labor - profession” (learn the profession by the tools of labor), etc.

Extracurricular work on career guidance for students begins in the first grade and has a logical continuation in the following grades.


event title

Form of conduct

"In the world of unnecessary professions."

Classroom hour

"Whom I want to become".

“All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Classroom hour

"My future profession".

Classroom hour

"In the world of professions."

class hour - game

"The world of professions".

Classroom hour

"My future profession".

Classroom hour

“There are countless wonderful professions in the world, and glory and honor to every profession!”

Classroom hour

"My future profession".

Classroom hour

"Who to be?"

Classroom hour

“All works are good - choose according to your taste!”

Classroom hour

"My future profession".

Classroom hour

"Who to be?"

Classroom hour

Career guidance work is carried out throughout the year; class teachers use various forms of extracurricular activities:

    Class hour "Professions of our parents."

    Oral magazine “In the world of professions”.

    An hour of communication “My favorite hobbies”.

    Journey into the world of professions.

    Meetings with representatives of different professions.

    Holiday of professions.

    Game “All professions are needed, all professions are important!”

    Excursions to enterprises and institutions.

    Operation "Professions of my parents."

    Drawing (essay) competition “Golden hands of grandmother (grandfather).”

    Competition of young craftsmen.

    Competition for the best craft.

    Competition for young announcers.

    An hour of communication “What I want to become.”

    A competition program dedicated to proverbs about work.

    Holiday "Glorifying Mother's Hands."

The main methods and techniques of career guidance for younger schoolchildren are:

1. In 1st grade The child develops the first skills and abilities of general labor, expands knowledge about the use of technology, about the work activities of people, about the importance of work in human life. At this stage, it is important to conduct various excursions around the city, to the farm, to the garden. In the city, for example, when you meet a salesperson in a store, talk to the children about this topic, explain why such a profession is needed, how it is useful. At a construction site, draw children's attention to how builders work, what tools they use, etc. The teacher can also take the children to the school garden, tell them how gardeners work and, based on the results of the conversation, give homework, for example, with the help of their parents, plant a flower in a pot and care for it. During extracurricular hours, the teacher can conduct conversations on the topic: “Respect for working people”, “Caring for nature”.

2. In 2nd grade Students continue to become acquainted with the work of people, their knowledge about different professions deepens, and labor relations are established in groups. Second-graders master various work skills and abilities. During this period, it is very important for the teacher to have a conversation with students on the topics “What does dad do” and “What does mom do.” Consider the aspects of the work of such professions as a cook, a tailor, a doctor, a driver, i.e. those professions that we encounter every day. If possible, show documentaries on this topic. It is very important at this stage to involve schoolchildren in work activities in the school garden.

3. In 3-4 grade Schoolchildren continue to become acquainted with the work of the people around them. During this period, students develop the first skills of organizing their work and a sense of responsibility for the work they have done. This is a good time to get acquainted with more “complex” professions that students do not encounter every day - mechanic, turner, painter, carpenter. For a more detailed presentation of these professions, the teacher can take students to the school workshop. It is also important to organize extracurricular thematic lessons, the main guests of which will be people of one profession or another. They will be able to talk in more detail about their profession and answer students’ questions.

In addition to the above, students must attend additional artistic, technical and sports clubs. Such creative circles will help your child decide on his choice of profession.

A well-constructed system of career guidance work at the initial level contributes to the formation in the minds of schoolchildren of diverse ideas about the world of work and professions, instills in them a caring attitude towards the results of work, as well as an understanding of the importance of the work of specialists for the life and development of society.

Speech at a meeting of the pedagogical council of MBOU Secondary School No. 7 in Mineralnye Vody

« Features of the organization of career guidance work

in primary school »

primary school teachers

MBOU Secondary School No. 7, Mineralnye Vody

Frantseva Svetlana Vasilievna

Speech to the pedagogical council

Skryabina L.A.

Career guidance in elementary school

Currently, the issue of forming and developing a successful personality that confidently adapts to the changing conditions of the modern world is becoming increasingly relevant.

Preparing schoolchildren for an informed choice of profession seems to be one of the important tasks of school education and upbringing.

In order for students to learn to understand themselves and objectively assess their success in various activities, this work must begin from primary school age.

The goal of this direction: the development of students’ cognitive abilities based on creating the most diverse impressions about the world of professions.


To introduce students to the diversity of the world of professions;

Form concrete, visual ideas about the essential aspects of the profession;

Develop the child's intellectual and creative abilities.

Career guidance work in primary school is propaedeutic.

The problem in elementary school is that lessons on introducing professions within the school curriculum occupy a small part. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adult life, already in elementary school it is necessary to introduce him to the maximum number of professions, starting with his immediate environment, that is, the professions of people they know well, whose work children observe every day. The first professions that a child learns about are the professions of his parents and those people he often encounters in everyday life. The child observes every day how people work and what they do at work. Parents usually talk about their work only in the most general terms, without overloading the child with unnecessary information, so random details sometimes seem to be an essential feature of the parents’ professional activity. The external side of adult activity remains more significant for children than its meaning.

The words “work, work, at work” are one of the first words in a child’s vocabulary. He knows that if mom is not at home, it means she has gone to work. Dad should not be disturbed when he is working. You need to work so that there is money with which people buy everything they need for life: food, clothing, medicine, etc. All adults must work; Only sick and elderly people who have already retired do not work. Children don’t work either, but they go first to kindergarten and then to school to learn and choose a profession.

It often happens that a child continues to do what his parents did - a “working dynasty.” It is necessary to talk with children of primary school age that there are many professions in the world and it is very difficult to choose your own profession. To get your bearings in the world of adult professions, to understand what you like to do and why, it’s good to observe the work of adults in advance.

Have I, a primary school teacher, ever thought about the importance of this problem? No. But intuitively I still carried out and continue to carry out work in this direction, and quite regularly.

I start getting acquainted with the professions in my class in 1st grade. In career guidance work, I use a wide variety of forms: meetings with parents, with people of interesting professions, master classes, creating presentations about various professions, competitions, drawing exhibitions, reading books, class hours, quizzes and other types of work.

1 class Class hour “Rainbow of Professions”, conversation about different professions, drawing competition “Rainbow of Professions” - what I want to become; excursion to the Fire Safety Museum, class “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”; introduction to the profession of firefighter; interesting meetings - the story of grandfather V.A. Volkov about the profession of a military pilot.

2 classes Class hour “I am talented”, group project “What I can do best.” In the lessons of the surrounding world, we get acquainted with the profession of a geologist, agricultural professions, we talk about “People’s work in autumn”, “Spring work in the garden, vegetable garden, field”. In April 2016, Viktor Igorevich Vasiliev, an actor and chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Belarus, came to our gymnasium. The guys saw the animated films “The Stork” and “The Stupid Lady and the Smart Sir,” and also played and were able to feel like they were on a real film set.

3 grades As part of the interesting meeting - a master class from the parent Mesengiser N.S. dentist She told the children about the structure of teeth, taught them why they should take care of their teeth and how to care for them.

My years are getting older

will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

what to do?

Writing an essay “What do I want to be when I grow up?” For your attention, I present excerpts from these writings.

In preparation for this teachers' meeting, I began to look at this direction in the upbringing of our children with different eyes, realized the importance of this moment and will now review the plan for the educational work of the class for the next year

Department of Education of the Osinniki City Administration

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 35"

Career guidance work in elementary school

Methodological development


primary school teacher

Polevshchikova Larisa Aleksandrovna

Osinniki 2016


INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………… 3- 5

CHAPTER I………………………………………………………………………………… 6- 11

1.1.The essence of career guidance work……………… 6

1.2. Age characteristics of junior schoolchildren……… 7- 8

1.3.Forms and methodscareer guidance work……… 9- 11

CHAPTER II. Career guidance classes at our school……… 12- 13



APPENDIX 1……….…………………………………………………17

APPENDIX 2………………………………………………………18-23

APPENDIX 3………………………………………………………24

APPENDIX 4………………………………………………………25

APPENDIX 5……………………………………………………….26


If you don't know which harbor you are heading to,

Then no wind will be favorable to you.


The problem of choosing a profession has always faced the younger generation, but now it is becoming especially relevant in connection with the changes taking place in our society. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010 providesspecialized training, the purpose of which is self-determination of students, the formation of an adequate idea of ​​​​their capabilities.

Professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person. From the first steps of a child, parents think about his future, closely monitor the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional destiny.

Studying at school reveals the student’s selective attitude towards different academic subjects; Some children show very early an interest in some of them, a tendency towards a certain type of activity: visual, musical, constructive, etc. Junior schoolchildren do not face the problem of choosing a profession. But since professional self-determination is interconnected with personality development at all age stages, thenjunior school age can be considered as preparatory, laying the foundations for professional self-determination in the future. A 7-10 year old child’s ideas about professions are limited by his or her limited life experience – the work of mom and dad, relatives, but children, as a rule, know little and very superficially about these somehow familiar professions.

Relevance career guidance assistance to schoolchildren is obvious. Let us pay attention to the fact that every year new professions appear. We need to prepare children for the fact that they will have to regularly improve their qualifications and master related specialties. Changing their choice and mastering a new specialty will make them valuable specialists in demand in the labor market. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account - but after taking into account the interests and abilities of the students. An electrician or mechanic is no less useful to society than an economist or lawyer. The main task of the teacher is to help students identify their range of interests in relation to their future profession, which should not only bring them a sense of satisfaction, but also a sense of usefulness, creating what is necessary and important for their homeland, for the state.

Thus , there is a need for pre-profile training and education of junior schoolchildren, which performs a preparatory function and is a subsystem of profile education.

Purpose of the study :

development of students’ cognitive abilities based on creating the most diverse impressions about the world of professions.

Research objectives :

    to form concrete, visual ideas about the essential aspects of the profession;

    introduce students to the diversity of the world of professions;

    cultivate a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions;

    develop the child's intellectual and creative abilities.

Object of study: introduction to the world of professions

Subject of study: forms and methods of career guidance work


Research hypothesis : creating conditions for the realization of students’ personality, expanding their horizons in relation to the world of professions contributes to conscious primary professional self-determination.

Chapter I

1.1 The essence of career guidance work

Profession (from the Latin “professio” - officially specified occupation, specialty) - a type of labor activity, occupation that requires certain training and is the source of human existence.

Orientation – the ability to understand the environment or direct activities in a certain direction.

Career guidance – a system of social and pedagogical influence on young people, with the aim of preparing them for a conscious choice of profession, a system of government measures that ensures a scientifically based choice of profession.

Vocational guidance at school is a system of educational work aimed at students acquiring the required amount of knowledge about the socio-economic and psychophysical characteristics of professions.

1.2 Age characteristics of junior schoolchildren

For younger schoolchildren, career guidance classes are aimed at creating in children concrete, visual ideas about the world of professions. It is these ideas that create the psychological basis for the further development of professional self-awareness. The content and structure of classes in primary school are determined by the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

The perception of children in grades 2–4 is becoming more differentiated. However, it is necessary to continue to use exercises oncomparison of two similar objects, phenomena, words, meanings, situations, etc. Very important in grades 2–4develop the ability to interpret (explanation). If in the first grade it is difficult for some children to list and explain what is shown in the picture, then in the second to fourth grade we needdevelop children's ability to describe what events are depicted in the picture and evaluate what is happening in it. If for preschoolers and first-graders observation is holistic (inseparable, undifferentiated) in nature, then in the 2nd–3rd grade an adult needs to develop the abilityestablish internal relationships between observed objects and phenomena, the ability to compare situations, phenomena, objects with each other. It remains important to develop children's ability toargue your point of view.

If first-graders can maintain attention for only 30–35 minutes, then in grades 2–4 this time increases to 40–45 minutes. By the end of grades 3–4, schoolchildren should be able to quickly switch attention from one object to another. It is also important to developability to distribute attention . This ability develops when used

pair and group forms of work. For example, it is easier for primary school children to name the qualities necessary for a certain profession in pairs.

Children's imagination is still actively developing, which must be used to develop spatial thinking, strategic thinking and predictability.

Third grade is a turning point in children's lives. It is from the third year of study that they begin to really consciously relate to learning and show an active interest in knowledge. At this age, there is a primary awareness of the need for self-development. Self-esteem becomes stable. It becomes possible to adequately assess your strengths and weaknesses.

1.3 Forms and methods career guidance work .

The basis of this form of work is the actual conduct of the career guidance session itself. But additional structural elements can be:

Conversations with invited experts . It’s just important to remember that specialists need to be trained and their speech directed in a direction that children can understand. Usually, first of all, they turn to parents, who can come on Saturday and talk about their profession. It is important to remember that many parents are embarrassed to speak in front of an audience and will not be able to draw up a plan for the speech themselves - you need to work with them.

Decoration of the profession corner in class space. In this corner there may be books, photographic materials, one way or another related to the profession. During the lesson, this corner must be addressed so that it is not something artificial or non-working.

Organization of excursions to enterprises in the city or region. When conducting an excursion, the main thing is to focus on one profession or a group of interrelated professions. For career guidance purposes, it is important to show the essential characteristics of the profession.

Management by schoolchildren "Professional portfolio " In which they will include interviews with parents, newspaper clippings, their drawings and written work.

The formation of junior schoolchildren's ideas about professions is carried out in the learning process using various methods and teaching aids. When conducting career guidance classes, I include various psychological games. (Appendix 3 ).

A story, conversation, discussion, visual teaching methods, illustrative aids, posters, tables, pictures, etc., which will allow students not only to more firmly grasp the necessary concepts, but also create a more vivid image of the future that awaits them.

Mini-lecture about the content of the profession. It is best to talk about the profession to the specialist himself, talking with him and asking questions. It is better, of course, to have this conversation right at the workplace, but since this is not always possible for objective reasons, we must present this profession as clearly as possible. A story about a profession should last no more than 5–7 minutes, accompanied by visual materials: photographs, drawings, tools, etc. It is recommended to present a story about a profession in the form of a story about one day of a specialist, about his biography. But regardless of the chosen form, the lecture should be conducted in the language of a primary school child and include such points as: working conditions, tools, history of the profession (where the word came from, how the appearance of the profession changed, etc.), restrictions on work in this profession, interesting cases. This information can be divided into passages and told in fragments.

Method of unfinished sentences. Students are given unfinished sentences that they must continue. The student’s attitude towards work, interest in a particular profession, and the need to participate in work are revealed.

Thus , one of the goals of pre-vocational training is to give the child the opportunity to try himself and his strengths in different types of activities and creativity. The diversity of his experiences, hobbies, and activities allows a child to better understand what exactly he likes, what his soul is about, what he does better, and what he doesn’t like, isn’t interesting, or doesn’t do very well. Such self-knowledge is necessary so that a teenager can consciously choose the further direction of his specialization, based on his interests and ideas about his abilities.


Career guidance classes at our school.

At the beginning of the school year, a survey of students was conducted on their interests and aptitudes for various types of activities. Based on the questionnaire data, the psychologist concluded: out of 28 students, 6 groups were identified.I - a penchant for working with people – 42%; II - propensity for research activities – 20%;III - propensity for practical activities – 38%;IV - inclination towards aesthetic activities – 34%;V - propensity for extreme activities – 29%;VI - propensity for planned economic activity – 13%.

There are many similarities between interests and inclinations, but there are also differences. Interests are expressed by the formula"I want to know" , and propensities – by the formula"I want to do" . You can enjoy watching films, reading books on cinema, studying biographies of artists and collecting their autographs, but at the same time not strive for professional activity in the field of cinema. You can be a fan of a football team, attend all its games, but not even do morning exercises. You must choose a profession in accordance with your interests and inclinations. And interest is formed in real business - until you try, you won’t understand whether it’s for you or not.

Recommendations were given to the teacher and parents to pay attention to their interests and inclinations. Also, at a parent meeting, a survey was conducted where it turned out that parents advise their children to choose a profession that they like. It is interesting that for many parents the question of choosing a profession was one of the most difficult in their lives.As a result of recommendations from a psychologist, parents, and the desires of the

children, I developed a work program for 3rd grade, which was approved by the school methodological association. Career guidance activities are included (inAppendix 4 ). This program is aimed at developing in students the foundations of a positive attitude towards professions and primary interest in certain professional areas.

In November, an excursion to the Osinnikikhleb LLC enterprise is planned, where the children themselves will observe the peculiarities of the profession in production.

Currently increasingthe role of social partnership schools and additional education institutions. Classes such as theater studio, rhythmoplasty, ethics, choir class contribute to the discovery and development of the creative abilities of students in our class. At the Young Technicians Station, children from the 1st grade are trained according to a special program, the main goal of which is the development of technical thinking. At the House of Children's Creativity, children learn chess and various applied arts, which contribute to the development of logical thinking and communicative functions.

As a result at career guidance classes, children will gain knowledge about the world of professions; get acquainted with the most popular professions in our city (there is a chance that the guys will choose a profession in our city); form a positive attitude towards work; The ideas of younger schoolchildren about the qualities they need in work and their understanding of the social significance of work are enriched. Thus, by the end of 3rd grade, the children in my class will not only get acquainted with the world of professions, but will also be able to make their first choices.


Professional self-determination of an individual is a complex, long-term process covering a significant period of life. The psychological characteristics of a junior schoolchild are especially favorable for the development of his first professional interests, and the deeper and wider this process is carried out in the lower grades, the more effective the formation of professional self-determination in high school will be.

Thus, students get the opportunity to try themselves and their strengths in different types of activities and creativity. This will help you consciously choose the further direction of your specialization, based on your interests and ideas about your abilities.


1. Antonenko, A. A. Subprogram “Self-realization and self-determination of schoolchildren” [Text] / A.A. Antonenko, S.N. Lavrinova, N.G. Gainutdinova // Primary school. - 1996. - No. 4. - P. 48-59.

2. Vasilyeva, T.V. Journey through the city of masters: Experimental program. III grade [Text]/T.V. Vasilyeva. – Kemerovo: Regional IUU, Institute of General Secondary Education, 1996. – 83 p.

3. Denisova, T.L. Elements of career guidance in labor training lessons in primary school [Text] / T.L. Denisova //Professional guidance in the educational process of schools and pedagogical universities/ Responsible. ed. T.I. Shalavina.- Novokuznetsk: NGPI, 221.- P.34-36

4. Elkina O.Yu. “Formation of productive experience of junior schoolchildren in preparation for choosing a profession” [Text]/O.Yu. Elkina. – Kemerovo, 1997. – 46 p.

5. Zemlyanskaya, E.N. Game technologies for professional guidance of junior schoolchildren [Text]/E.N. Zemlyanskaya // Elementary school. – 2002. -No. 12. – P. 40-43

6. Igumnova, E.L. Banker, farmer or tailor... Who will I be? [Text]/E.L. Igumnova. – Novosibirsk: Vocation, 1994. – 174 p.

7. Klimov, E.A. How to choose a profession [Text]/E.A. Klimov. – M., 1990. – 158 p.

8. Kochetov, A.I. Contents, forms and types of labor education for schoolchildren [Text]/A.I. Kochetov. – Minsk, 1984. – 160 p.

13. Ozhegov, S.A. Dictionary of the Russian language: about 57,000 words [Text]/ed. Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Shvedova. – 18th ed. – M.: Russian language, 1986. – 797 p.

14. Osovskaya, S.N. City of Masters [Text]/S.N. Osovskaya // School psychologist. – 2006. -No. 13. – P. 12-15

15. Pryazhnikov, N.S. Work on career guidance in elementary grades [Text]/ N.S. Pryazhnikov // Pedagogy. – 1993. - No. 5. – P. 33 – 37.

Internet resources


Annex 1

Questionnaire for parents

    How do you prepare yourself for your chosen profession?

    Did you know where you could get training for your chosen profession?

    Where did you read about your chosen profession?

    Who did you talk to about your chosen profession?

    When did you choose your profession?

    Have there been any changes in your choices?

    Who had the greatest influence on you when choosing a profession?

    What did you focus on when choosing a profession?

    What do you think is necessary to be a good specialist?

    What profession would you like to choose for your child?

Appendix 2

Professional inclinations

Addiction is an attraction to an activity. To determine your professional inclinations, choose one of the three options and mark it on the form.







Sum of points

    I would like in my professional activity

a) communicate with a variety of people;
b) make films, write books, draw, perform at

stage, etc.
c) do calculations; maintain documentation.

    What attracts me most in a book or movie is

a) the opportunity to follow the author’s train of thought;
b) artistic form, skill of a writer or director;
c) the plot, the actions of the characters.

    I'd be happier with the Nobel Prize

a) for social activities;
b) in the field of science;
c) in the field of art.

    I would rather agree to become

a) chief mechanic;
b) the head of the expedition;
c) chief accountant.

    People's future is determined

a) mutual understanding between people;
b) scientific discoveries;
c) development of production.

    If I become a leader, the first thing I will do is

a) creating a friendly, cohesive team;
b) development of new teaching technologies;
c) working with documents.

    I'll be more attracted to a tech show

a) the internal structure of the exhibits;
b) their practical application;
c) the appearance of the exhibits (color, shape).

    What I value in people, first of all, is

a) friendliness and responsiveness;
b) courage and endurance;
c) commitment and accuracy.

    In my free time I would like

a) carry out various experiments;
b) write poetry, compose music or draw;
c) train.

    I would be more interested in traveling abroad

a) the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of another country;
b) extreme tourism (mountain climbing, windsurfing, alpine skiing);
c) business communication.

    I'm more interested in talking about

a) human relationships;
b) a new scientific hypothesis;
c) technical characteristics of a new model of car or computer.

    If there were only three clubs at my school, I would choose

a) technical;
b) musical;
c) sports.

    Schools should pay special attention to

a) improving mutual understanding between teachers and students;
b) maintaining the health of students, playing sports;
c) strengthening discipline.

    I watch with great pleasure

a) popular science films;
b) programs about culture and art;
c) sports programs.

15.I would like to work

a) with children or peers;
b) with machines, mechanisms;
c) with natural objects.

    The school must first and foremost

a) teach communication with other people;
b) give knowledge;
c) teach work skills.

    The main thing in life

a) have the opportunity to engage in creativity;
b) lead a healthy lifestyle;
c) plan your affairs carefully.

    The state must first of all take care of

a) protection of the interests and rights of citizens;
b) achievements in the field of science and technology;
c) the material well-being of citizens.

    I like the lessons the most

a) labor;
b) physical education;
c) mathematics.

    I would be more interested

a) engage in the sale of goods;
b) manufacture products;
c) plan the production of goods.

a) outstanding scientists and their discoveries;
b) interesting inventions;
c) the life and work of writers, artists, musicians.

    I love free time

    I will be more interested in the message about

a) scientific discovery;
b) art exhibition;
c) the economic situation.

    I'd rather work

a) in a room where there are many people;
b) in unusual conditions;
c) in a regular office.

Processing the results. Count the number of circled letters in each of the six columns and write these six numbers in the empty spaces on the bottom line.

10-12 points – a pronounced professional inclination.
7-9 points - a tendency towards a certain type of activity.
4-6 points – weakly expressed professional inclination.
0-3 points – professional inclination is not expressed.

Six columns represent six types of activities. Pay attention to those that scored more points. Does your choice of profession match the results you received?

I - a penchant for working with people. Professions related to management, training, education, services (household, medical, reference and information). People who are successful in professions of this group are distinguished by the ability to find a common language with different people, understand their condition, know and remember their characteristics.

II - propensity for research activities. Professions related to scientific work. Such people are distinguished by rationality, independence and originality of judgment, and an analytical mindset. As a rule, they prefer to think about a problem than to implement it.

III - propensity for practical activities. The range of these professions is very wide: installation, repair, adjustment, maintenance of electronic and mechanical equipment; construction; materials processing; transport management; manufacturing of products.

IV - inclination towards aesthetic activities. Creative professions related to visual, musical, literary, artistic, acting and stage activities. People of creative professions are distinguished by originality and independence.

V - propensity for extreme activities. Professions related to sports, expeditionary work, security and operational investigative activities, and military service. They all place special demands on physical fitness and health.

VI - propensity for planned economic activity. Professions related to calculations and planning; office work, text analysis and transformation; schematic representation of objects. These professions require concentration and accuracy from a person.

Appendix 3

Career guidance games

A game "Oh, lucky guy!" contains questions regarding the content of professions, conditions and subjects of work, as well as the work and qualities of professionals.


What modern professional lives up to the ancient title of “pawnbroker”?

a) vegetable grower, b) banker, c) teacher.

A tree is valued by its fruits, and a person by...

a) money, b) business, c) eyes.

What professionally important quality does an accountant need?

A) ear for music, b) manual dexterity, c) accuracy.

“Guess the profession by gestures”, “Remember as many words as possible starting with the letter “...” related to this profession”, “Select from the cards only those tools that are associated with this profession”, etc.

Appendix 4

Thematic lesson planning


Lesson topic Quantity


Main content


Introduction to the world of professions 5 hours

Why does a person work?

Warm up. Problem situation: why does a person work? Concepts: “work”, “profession”. Game “Collect a proverb about work”


What professions do you know?

Warm up. Problem situation: what professions do you know? Mini-story by students about some professions.

Game “Guess the profession!”

Cl. manager

World of interesting professions

Warm up. A teacher's story about unusual professions: taster, trainer, rescuer.

Cl. supervisor

What do crafts smell like?

Warm up. Reading by the teacher of the work of J. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”

Discussion: why doesn't the slacker smell at all?


Whom I want to become?

Warm up. Reading by the teacher an excerpt from V. Mayakovsky’s work “Who to be?” Gallery of drawings “Who do I want to become?”

Cl. supervisor

My parents' professions 2 hours

What do my parents do?

Defense of mini-projects “My Parents’ Profession”



Meeting with parents

Press conference with parents on the topic “What is interesting about your profession?”

Cl. supervisor

Final lessons 2 hours

Quiz “What have we learned?”

Warm up. Quiz “What have we learned?”


Holiday “All professions are important, all professions are needed!”

Holiday for parents “All professions are important, all professions are needed!”

Cl. supervisor


Appendix 5
