Incredible Rudyard Kipling quotes for your inspiration! Rudyard Kipling - quotes and aphorisms, phrases and sayings Rudyard Kipling quotes

Translation by V. Toporov

The Norman, dying, admonished his son: “Take as your inheritance
The fief that William once gave me - lands with people -
For valor at Hastings, which plunged hordes of Saxons into dust.
The land and people are not bad, but hold them tightly in your hands.

It's not easy to rule here. Sax is not at all like a polite Norman.
He starts talking about rights, and you see, he’s either joking or drunk.
He will resist like a bull under a yoke and yell about the unfair division.
Give him time to move away, because you won’t get much out of this.

Gascon archers, Picardy spearmen are often flogged,
But don’t even dare the Saxons: these bulls will become enraged and rebel.
Their habits are such that even a prince, even the last poor man
Considers himself a king. Don't tell them that this is not true.

Know their language so well that you can understand each one’s hint.
The interpreter will not understand what they are asking - they often have no idea themselves,
What are they asking for, and you pretend that you have comprehended their request.
Know: even hunting is not a reason to quit without listening to them.

They will drink during the day and shoot your deer in the dark,
But don’t catch them, don’t touch them - neither in the dark forest, nor in the tavern.
Don’t torture them, don’t hang them on branches, and don’t cut off their hands:
Their hands are just right so that no one will chop off your edge.

Come with your wife and children to their weddings, funerals, and feasts.
Their bishop is cool - be cool with him, and the parish fathers are kind.
Tell them about “us” and “ours” when enemies threaten
Don’t trample the fields, don’t shout at people and make sure you don’t lie to them!”

For people who live according to their conscience, who value kindness and participation, who know how to empathize and move upward, despite everyday adversity, the site has made a selection of incredibly strong Rudyard Kipling, a literary genius who at one time received the Nobel Prize.

Incredible Quotes by Rudyard Kipling

Education is the highest of goods, but only when it is of the first grade, otherwise it is good for nothing.

What is more intoxicating than wine? Women, horses, power and war.

Words are the most powerful drug that humanity has invented.

Every dog ​​barks in his yard!

Love knows no castes.

The most noble of known to people types of fear - fear for the fate of another.

Everyone has their own fear.

Grief does not interfere with punishment.

It is better to be torn to pieces by animals than to be killed by people.

Money is something that changes hands and never gets any warmer.

Once you shed your skin, you can't fit back into it.

A man remembers three women: the first, the last and the one.

Women's guesses are much more accurate than men's undoubted facts.

It's not about whether she's beautiful. And it’s not even about whether it’s interesting to communicate with her. She just has IT. For some women, it is enough to walk down the street once to remain in a man’s memory forever.

The stupidest woman can cope with a smart man, but only the smartest can cope with a fool.

The man, of course, was also wild, terribly wild, terribly wild. And he would never have become tame if not for the Woman.

People definitely need to set traps for other people, and without this they will all be unhappy.

The law is like a tenacious vine: it grabs everyone and no one can escape it.

The whole jungle will think tomorrow the way monkeys think today.

There are many words in the jungle, the sound of which does not match the meaning.

One of the beauties of the Law of the Jungle is that with punishment everything ends. There are no quibbles after that.

The puppy is ready to drown himself just to bite the moon in the water.

Create problems for yourself if it’s in your nature, but don’t create them for others.

What is, has already been. What will happen is just a forgotten year coming back.

The animals say that man is the weakest and most defenseless of all living creatures and that touching him is unworthy of a hunter. They also say - and this is true - that cannibals become lousy over time and their teeth fall out.

Rudyard Kipling, (1865-1936), English writer and poet

Words are the most powerful drug that humanity has invented.

The benefits of freedom of the press are so undoubted and generally recognized that they, of course, more than outweigh the bad consequences of the abuse of this freedom. Evil passes, good remains forever.

A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.

Education is the highest of goods, but only when it is of the first grade, otherwise it is good for nothing.

There are only two ways to rule: cut off people's heads or count people's heads.

Love knows no castes.

And together along the path, towards fate,
Without wondering whether to hell or heaven,
This is how you have to go, without fear of the path,
Whether to the ends of the earth or beyond!

Hyenas and cowards and braves
They chew without unnecessary fuss,
But they do not stain the names of the dead:
This is a matter of people.

Kill for yourself and your family: if you are hungry, then kill!
But don’t you dare kill to appease your anger, and
Don't you dare kill people!

And the one who doesn’t know how to make friends is willing to
Who hesitates when his help is needed,
It’s as if he doesn’t eat, but rapes the throat,
There is an eternal war raging in the heart.

In this song, every word -
Everything is known and not new.
It talks about natural law:
People lied - people lied.
People stole and continue to steal.
It will be like this until the end of time.

Great things, two as one:
Firstly - Love, secondly - War,
But the end of the War was lost in blood -
My heart, let's talk about Love!

The world has been turned to dust,
Shame fell into Sodom.
Today's idol -
Guns and axe!

A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's confidence.

Here is the prayer of all lovers:
“Do we love you? That means forever!”

Everything can fail
But not the Testament:
“Be careful not to make a mistake! Know how to answer!”

We took all the worst,
Without taking all the best.

Hyenas just want something to eat,
But they know perfectly well -
You can't get fresh meat without a fight,
And it’s safe with carrion.

Be proud and honest!
If they beckon you to go on a circuitous journey -
Look away! They have no mind!
If the weak are called to beat -
Turn away then and there.

Yes, sometimes we were mistaken, sometimes we wandered,
Our leaders have been stained with dishonor
Both soul and flesh,
But to all those who are lost,
But I didn’t cheat along the way,
The Lord will reward you according to your merits, according to your fears, according to your deeds!

It’s easier to reach the goal alone!

If life must be paid for power, -
Lord, pay for power with your life! -
We paid in full!

If cobras suddenly sense a person approaching,
Then the Male will not consider leaving the road as humiliation.
But don’t mess with the Female, otherwise things will get tough,
For every Spouse is more evil than every Spouse!

There lived a fool, and he loved most of all
Just like you and me, by the way,
A pile of hair and a bag of bones,
Insignificance - that was her name,
But the fool called her his queen,
As are you and me, by the way.

The Law of Love, its articles,
Would fit a plump volume
But there is meaning in it, in that Law,
You won't find it during the day with fire!

Here, under a canopy raised like a shield,
The pain of our East lies:
Birth, death, love, longing and tears,
And death, to which everything belongs.

And often an old man loves like a young man,
And an unexpected end awaits the young man!

From mental darkness
Come out into the light
So that, without embarrassment, the descendant
I looked after you.

Like a python that wraps itself around a trunk, the Law is effective in both directions:
The Flock is only strong by the Wolf, and the Wolf is only strong by the Flock.

When will your aspirations
The end is approaching. Your hard work will destroy
Lazy or stupid.

When a Stranger knocks on my gate,
It is likely that he is not my enemy.
But the alien sounds of his tongue
They prevent me from accepting the Stranger to my heart.

When no one dares to open their mouth,
When the crowd doesn't care about the Truth,
Aesop's gift lives on in his heirs.
And fables boldly laugh at people.

The stupidest woman can cope with a smart man, but only the smartest can cope with a fool.

Who doesn't like to ask?
They won't lie to him.

The little finger fells an old oak tree,
Moths are busy in the wool.
A rat eats cheese and the whole world
I can't save them!

The men will light the fire,
Everyone has their own;
Four Winds smoke in the eyes
They'll bring it to me.

We remember our father's house,
Signs of birthplaces.
The further out to sea we go,
The closer it all is to us.

We have lived for a long time and will continue to live - in work until our dying days.
We had to go through a lot – and outlive our friends.
We are still breathing, we are still thinking, making ends meet:
At first glance, they are a fighting squad, but in reality they are dead men.

We love the earth, but our hearts
We are not unlimited,
And to each, by the hand of the Creator,
There is a separate corner.

We fight honestly, mother, side by side and eye to eye,
After all, loyalty cannot be sold, and one’s heart cannot be pawned.

You will suffer, brother, if the arrows fly and the bile spills with blood,
But bear with it, brother, because it’s a hundred times worse
Heirs with imaginary love!

The trouble is not with them, but with us, and how can we live?
When are the rulers of a country the corrupters of the country?

Not for the sake of ideas or loved ones,
Not for great things
And for the sake of the cult of his caste
He endured a lot of torment.
And this is the result of what he was able to do
Find out at your school:
There is only something that cannot be
You can't afford it.

No one can pass by
The fate of the appointed day.

Love and Death are inevitable,
And so – Love took me!

But remember beyond the threshold,
Where everything of the past is smoke:
You were punished by God
But – not rejected by Him!

But don’t even foolishly consider politeness defenseless!

The owner of the Idea dreams of leading
People for the common good.
Living and suffering on the Way of the Cross,
He won't take a step back.
He will not betray his bright dream even for a moment.
However, unknown to the master:
The moment will come - and his Disciple
His works will go down the drain!

Oh, West is West, East is East,
and they will not leave their places,
Until Heaven and Earth appear
at the Last Judgment of the Lord.

He is an idle talker in an oath,
He is empty-headed in faith.
With fear in sight
He keeps everyone in line.
The nearest circle turns them -
Former stupidity.
He is the Slave who sat on the kingdom,
And there is no mean Slave!

A snob in life, weak in business,
But he always judges from above
And personality is determined by scale
According to the color of the jacket cloth.

While the world was young and wild,
And we are godlike, -
Who ruled it? Fist and fang
Desperate and angry.

When children's lips had a chance to drink in full measure the bitter cup of Malice, Suspicion, Despair, all the Love in the world is not enough for one day to erase what was known without a trace, even if it briefly returns light to darkened eyes and where there was Unbelief, it plants the seeds of Faith.

Above Strength and Authority -
: his hand
Equals centuries of dynasties
Happy flower days.
Habit, memory and love
They tell us: “Until death
Praise your land with all your heart!
You and the earth are one!”

Let’s admit it in a businesslike manner, honestly and up front:
We learned a lesson, but will it serve us well?

Is it decent, is it wise, I repeat,
Should the Tsar speak about the enemies of the Tsar?
We know what Heaven and Hell have hidden,
But no glance will penetrate into the soul of the Tsar.

Let the dead bury their dead
And you - live for the children!

The eagle's path
the path of the serpent,
the path of a wife and the path of a man -
Their paths are three times dangerous...

The smoke disappeared from the altars
Following our aspirations,
But the Goddess is not in the temple;
She’s gone, gone, gone.

To the one who is rich in his own life,
The fruits of the imagination are hardly needed!

Learn to dream without becoming a slave to dreams,
And think without deifying thoughts.

Know how to force your heart, nerves, body
Serve you when in your chest
Everything has been empty for a long time, everything has burned down,
And only the Will says: “Go!”

Know how to forgive and don’t appear to be forgiving,
More generous and wiser than others.
Teach me the delights of simplicity,
Whose fruit is sweet and flowers are joyful;
Teach me not to harbor grudges
And teach all people of the Earth to love.

They know in full what Satan promises: only a trap for the simpleton.

Someone else's grief - who can measure it accurately?
But sometimes it is many times greater
Stronger than yours.

Whose heart is wide open for others,
He who does not judge his neighbors is not judged himself.

I wrote a fairy tale of your days,
Having tasted the bitterness of the truth first.
I wrote about her - but she is worse
And more important than my words.

Hawk - in a clear sky,
In the dense thickets - elk,
But a man's heart goes to a woman's heart,
It has been this way since centuries.
