Analysis of the poem me in the darkness and dust. Analysis of the poem me in the darkness and in the dust me in the darkness and in the dust analysis

“Me, in the darkness and in the dust...” Alexei Tolstoy

Me, in the darkness and dust
Who has been dragging his chains until now,
Love's wings have risen
To the homeland of flames and words.
And my dark gaze brightened,
And the invisible world became visible to me,
And the ear hears from now on,
What is elusive to others.

And from the highest heights I came down,
All permeated by its rays,
And to the troubled valley
I look with new eyes.
And I hear a conversation
Everywhere there is a silent sound,
Like the stone heart of the mountains
Beats with love in the dark depths,
With love in the blue firmament
Slow clouds are swirling,
And under the tree bark,
In spring fresh and fragrant,
With love, living juice in the leaves
The stream rises melodiously.
And with my prophetic heart I understood
That everything born from the Word,
Rays of love are all around,
He longs to return to him again;
And every stream of life,
Love obedient to the law,
Strives with the power of being
Irrepressibly towards God's bosom;
And everywhere there is sound, and everywhere there is light,
And all the worlds have one beginning,
And there is nothing in nature
Whatever breathes love.

Analysis of Tolstoy’s poem “Me, in the darkness and in the dust...”

Love is the central concept of philosophical doctrine, which found expression in Tolstoy's lyrics. Convinced of the unearthly origin of high feelings, the hero of "" promises his chosen one a happy meeting - the reunion of all souls, which will happen on the other side of "captivity", "earthly grief".

In the poem, dated 1851-1852, the author develops the theme of love as a divine gift that transforms a person. The specificity of the lyrical situation presented in the text brings it closer to Pushkin’s “Prophet”. In both cases, an impressive picture unfolds before the reader: higher powers produce a fantastic transformation, during which the mortal receives new amazing qualities. The differences are also significant: in Pushkin’s version the painfulness of mysterious manipulation is emphasized, in Tolstoy everything happens by itself, according to the will of “love.”

Pushkin's reminiscences are especially strong in the beginning. Tolstoy's lyrical hero is tormented by lack of freedom. The “darkness” and “dust” of his existence resemble the “gloomy desert” of a hermit who unexpectedly met a seraphim.

The process of transformation, which occupies the main part of the text in Pushkin, occurs instantly in Tolstoy’s work. The character who managed to implement these changes is not specified either. The miraculous results of the mystical operation are the theme on which the lyrical subject is focused.

What sensations does one experience when ascended “by the wings of love”? He is endowed with amazingly keen vision and sensitive hearing, therefore he is able to contemplate the “invisible world” and understand what is “elusive” for the uninitiated. The hero, illuminated by the rays of the “highest heights,” sees the earth’s valleys in a new way and can penetrate into the secret life of nature.

The details of the landscape, revealed to the transformed lyrical “I,” are bright and dynamic. In the dark depths of mountain rocks a living “heart of stone” beats, and under the bark of a tree an invisible “singing” stream of sap runs. In an effort to give the episode special expressiveness, the author concentrates epithets, personifications and original metaphorical constructions in it.

The hero, wise with intimate knowledge, comprehends the new experience: the true law and source of life is love, born of divine powers. Nature instinctively strives towards it, as its single beginning. The right to touch the harmonizing essence of the universe is available to the best of people - prophets with a sensitive “prophetic” heart.

Help with the analysis of poems (any) according to plan: 1) Topic (what is this poem about) 2) Idea of ​​the text (for what purpose was it written?)

3) Fine expressive means (Epithets of comparison, metaphors, etc.) and what they are used for.

4)Syntax and punctuation of sentences

5) Sound recording

6) Rhyme, rhythm, meter

Analysis of the poem:
1) V. Lebedeva-Kumacha:

Get up, huge country,
Stand up for mortal combat
With fascist dark power,
With the damned horde!

May the rage be noble
Boils like a wave -
There is a people's war going on,
Holy war!

Like two different poles
We are hostile in everything:
We fight for light and peace,
They are for the kingdom of darkness.

Let's fight back the stranglers
All fiery ideas,
Rapists, robbers,
Tormentors of people!


2) Views, beliefs
3) The state of the author who wrote this verse or the hero of this verse

In the desert, stunted and stingy,
On the ground, hot in the heat,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
It stands alone in the entire universe.

Nature of thirsty steppes
She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,
And green dead branches
And she gave the roots poison.

Poison drips through its bark,
By noon, melting from the heat,
And it freezes in the evening
Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him,
And the tiger does not come: only a black whirlwind
He will run to the tree of death -
And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud waters,
Wandering, its dense leaf,
From its branches, already poisonous,
Rain flows into flammable sand.

But man is man
Sent to the anchor with an imperious glance,
And he obediently went on his way
And in the morning he returned with poison.

He brought mortal resin
Yes, a branch with withered leaves,
And sweat on the pale brow
Flowed in cold streams;

He brought it - and weakened and lay down
Under the arch of the hut on the bast,
And the poor slave died at his feet
The invincible ruler.

And the king fed that poison
Your obedient arrows
And with them he sent death
To neighbors in alien borders.

Help me analyze the poem by A.A Fet.

The voice of the herd rushes from the fields,
The robins are ringing in the bushes,
And from the whitened apple trees of the garden
A sweet aroma flows.
Flowers look with the longing of a lover,
Sinlessly pure, like spring,
Dropping with fragrant dust
The fruit has ruddy seeds.
Sister of flowers, friend of roses,
Look into my eyes,
Have life-giving dreams
And plant a song in your heart.
(A.A Fet)

Analysis Plan:
1) Year poem and description
3) Idea (basic thought)
4) The image of the lyrical hero, traits
5) Movement of thought (if any) development of thought
6) Figurative means (epithets, metaphors, personification, comparison, hyperbole, litoma)
7) Syntactic means (sentence members, rhymes, retarial question)
8)My opinion

Poem by A.S. Pushkin "To Chaadaev". Write an analysis of the poem according to plan:

1) History of creation
2) Theme, idea
3) Division into parts
4) Image of the author and Chaadaev
5) Means of creating an image (What does the mean emphasize?)
6) Rhyme and meter
7) How do I understand the poem

This is what I've got so far:
1) History of creation.
The poem was written in 1818 - during the St. Petersburg period of Pushkin’s work. It became widely known, especially in Decembrist circles, and began to be distributed in lists. It was for these poems that Pushkin fell into disgrace - he ended up in southern exile. Much later, in 1829, without the poet’s knowledge, this poem was published in a distorted form in the almanac “Northern Star”.

The poem is addressed to a specific person: Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev (1794-1856), one of Pushkin’s close friends from his lyceum years. In addition to this poem, Pushkin’s messages to “Chaadaev” (1821), “Chaadaev” (1824) were addressed to him. The poet had a long-term friendship with Chaadaev: they were both characterized by freedom-loving sentiments, a desire to change life in Russia, and unconventional thinking. Chaadaev, like many of the poet’s lyceum friends, was a member of the secret Decembrist society “Union of Welfare,” although he subsequently distanced himself from this movement, taking his very unique position on the issue of state power and the future fate of Russia, for the publication of the “Philosophical Letter,” in which these views were presented, Chaadaev was declared crazy by the government - this is how the autocracy fought against dissent and love of freedom. Pushkin’s positions, especially in his mature years, did not always coincide with the thoughts of Chaadaev, but in 1818 the young poet saw in his older friend a man wise with life experience, endowed with a sharp and sometimes sarcastic mind, and most importantly, with freedom-loving ideals that were so in keeping with Pushkin’s mood.

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Me, in the darkness and dust
Who has been dragging his chains until now,
Love's wings have risen
To the homeland of flames and words.
And my dark gaze brightened,
And the invisible world became visible to me,
And the ear hears from now on,
What is elusive to others.

And from the highest heights I came down,
All permeated by its rays,
And to the troubled valley
I look with new eyes.
And I hear a conversation
Everywhere there is a silent sound,
Like the stone heart of the mountains
Beats with love in the dark depths,
With love in the blue firmament
Slow clouds are swirling,
And under the tree bark,
In spring fresh and fragrant,
With love, living juice in the leaves
The stream rises melodiously.
And with my prophetic heart I understood
That everything born from the Word,
Rays of love are all around,
He longs to return to him again;
And every stream of life,
Love obedient to the law,
Strives with the power of being
Irrepressibly towards God's bosom;
And everywhere there is sound, and everywhere there is light,
And all the worlds have one beginning,
And there is nothing in nature
Whatever breathes love.

Love is the central concept of philosophical doctrine, which found expression in Tolstoy’s lyrics. Convinced of the unearthly origin of a high feeling, the hero “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze...” promises his chosen one a happy meeting - the reunion of all souls, which will happen on the other side of “captivity”, “earthly grief”.

In the poem, dated 1851-1852, the author develops the theme of love as a divine gift that transforms a person. The specificity of the lyrical situation presented in the text brings it closer to Pushkin’s “Prophet”. In both cases, an impressive picture unfolds before the reader: higher powers produce a fantastic transformation, during which the mortal receives new amazing qualities. The differences are also significant: in Pushkin’s version the painfulness of mysterious manipulation is emphasized, in Tolstoy everything happens by itself, according to the will of “love.”

Pushkin's reminiscences are especially strong in the beginning. Tolstoy's lyrical hero is tormented by lack of freedom. The “darkness” and “dust” of his existence resemble the “gloomy desert” of a hermit who unexpectedly met a seraphim.

The process of transformation, which occupies the main part of the text in Pushkin, occurs instantly in Tolstoy’s work. The character who managed to implement these changes is not specified either. The miraculous results of the mystical operation are the theme on which the lyrical subject is focused.

What sensations does one experience when ascended “by the wings of love”? He is endowed with amazingly keen vision and sensitive hearing, therefore he is able to contemplate the “invisible world” and understand what is “elusive” for the uninitiated. The hero, illuminated by the rays of the “highest heights,” sees the earth’s valleys in a new way and can penetrate into the secret life of nature.

The details of the landscape, revealed to the transformed lyrical “I,” are bright and dynamic. In the dark depths of mountain rocks a living “heart of stone” beats, and under the bark of a tree an invisible “singing” stream of sap runs. In an effort to give the episode special expressiveness, the author concentrates epithets, personifications and original metaphorical constructions in it.

The hero, wise with intimate knowledge, comprehends the new experience: the true law and source of life is love, born of divine powers. Nature instinctively strives towards it, as its single beginning. The right to touch the harmonizing essence of the universe is available to the best of people - prophets with a sensitive “prophetic” heart.

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Analysis of the poem:
1. Title - "Me in the Darkness and Dust"
2.Genre-poem, Type of literature-lyrical
3.Date of writing - 1851 (I don’t know exactly, check the sources)
4 Theme and idea - The poem has clear echoes of Pushkin’s “The Prophet”; they are felt both in the development of the theme of man’s rebirth and the new vision he has acquired, and in verbal coincidences (cf., for example, “Me, in darkness and dust, // Heretofore dragging the chains” with “We languish with spiritual thirst, // In the dark desert I was dragging along"), and in stylistic devices (the solemn "and" at the beginning of many lines). Upper - heavenly. Word. - Here: god.
5.Hood. techniques:
1) Archaisms: Until now, dragged along, invisible, from the heights above, eyes, valley, womb, lia,
2) Inversion - “The wings of love were lifted up”, “And from the highest heights I came down”, “All penetrated by its rays”
3) Metaphor - “love has lifted wings”, “dark gaze”, “heart of stone mountains” (I don’t take all metaphors, I think this is enough)
4) Epithets - “the world is invisible”
5) Oxymoron - “and my dark gaze brightened”, “and the invisible world became visible to me” (well, I doubt this, but it must be true)
6. Poetic meter - it seems to fall on the fourth syllable, I don’t know in short
7. Method of rhyming - cross ABAB
8. My attitude to the poem: I really liked the poem, because the author tried to show all the beauty of love and what it can be. He managed to recreate this indescribable and very complex feeling. In the last lines, he pointed out that everything in the world rests on love, I completely agree with him.
