Hidden earthly branches. Heavenly trunks hidden in earthly branches. The cyclical nature of history in ancient Chinese philosophy

You all know that the bazi chart consists of 4 pillars: year, month, day and hour. And each pillar in turn consists of a heavenly trunk, an earthly branch and hidden heavenly trunks.

Let's see what they are.

There are 10 celestial trunks in total:

Heavenly trunks- this is what heaven gives to man. They show how a person manifests himself in the external environment. How others see him. His character, worldview, behavior are like a package that people see from the outside. However, the reality is that the outside is not the same as the inside.

A person may look rich. Is this really so? If his element of wealth in the heavenly trunks has no root in the Earthly branches. Then yes, he may look rich, but in reality he is not.

Heavenly trunks about yourself:

« We are heavenly trunks because we carry Qi from the sky. We can make you rich and wealthy instantly. And we can also ruin your whole life. We are your events, your results and successes and failures in life. We can showcase your life to the world, and we make it obvious to others when the time comes. We are different from the earthly branches because we do not care about your feelings. You can't hide us, but you can control us; only we can understand our strengths and weaknesses.

12 Earthly branches, represented by 12 animals:

Earthly branches- these are our thoughts, feelings. And they are inside a person, others do not see them. However, all our thoughts, intentions and feelings are real, since they live inside us. If a person does not have the element of money in the heavenly trunks, but there is money in the Earthly branches. This means that a person can have money, but he does not show this money, does not flaunt it.

Earthly branches about yourself:

« We are your feelings and we are your hidden secrets. We take orders from the sky. We represent your home, your body, your potential illnesses. We are in hiding and when we receive orders from heaven, your secrets will be revealed. We may give you a sudden shock when we enter into combat or fusion. Your feelings of happiness and sadness will largely depend on us, because we can control it. If you can understand us, you can manage your feelings and be well prepared”.
(This was an excerpt from the book “The Right Way to Understand Human Destiny” by Benson Yeo).

Each earthly branch contains from 1 to 3 hidden heavenly trunks. There are a total of 28 hidden sky trunks.

Hiding the sky trunks- this is the hidden potential of a person, his hidden possibilities of behavior, as well as secrets. When the hidden heavenly table sprouts in a year or a stroke of luck, then all this becomes apparent. Whether this is good or bad depends on whether the element is useful to you or not.

Hidden heavenly trunks about yourself:

« We are hidden secrets from the trunks of heaven and were left inside the earth. We are the only ones who have left a connection between heaven and earth. We are the link to make your secrets, feelings and hidden behavior possibilities open to the outside world”.
(This was an excerpt from the book “The Right Way to Understand Human Destiny” by Benson Yeo).

I think this article helped you understand what the heavenly trunks, earthly branches and hidden heavenly trunks are in Bazi.

The 12 earthly branches are well known even to those who have not yet begun to study the Bazz. These are the 12 animals of the “eastern” or “Chinese” horoscope. Every year, forecasts are published in the popular media, for example, “How can a Horse survive the Year of the Rat” and so on. Such predictions come true 50/50, because they are made only according to the earthly branch (that is what “animals” are called in Bazi) of the year, and this is only one of the eight hieroglyphs of the Bazi card.

But if you have started studying bazi, then it is worth getting to know the earthly branches in more detail.

There are 12 of them in total. Each branch belongs to one or another element and has a polarity - yin or yang. Each earthly branch is assigned the name of an animal for better memory. The list of branches usually begins with the Rat (the list also has a Chinese name):

  • Rat, Zi, Yang water
  • Bull, Chow, yin earth
  • Tiger, Yin, Yang tree
  • Rabbit, Mao, yin tree
  • Dragon, Chen, yang land
  • Snake, Sy, yin fire
  • Horse, U, fire yang
  • Goat, Wei, Yin Earth
  • Monkey, Shen, yang metal
  • Rooster, Yu, metal yin
  • Dog, Xu, yang land
  • Pig, Hai, water yin

If you look a little closer and analyze the list, you will see that the elements of the branches are in order of generation, excluding earth - water-wood-fire-metal. The earth separates 4 other elements. This is especially clearly seen in the diagram:

The earthly branches are often depicted in the form of a square, as they correspond to the Earth (as opposed to a circle - Heaven) and the four seasons of the year. The diagram clearly shows that the Tiger and Rabbit - the branches of the tree - belong to spring, the Snake and Horse - the branches of fire - to summer, the Monkey and Rooster (metal) - to autumn, and the Pig and Rat (water) - to winter. Earthen branches - Dragon, Goat, Dog and Ox share 4 seasons, like layers. As you can see, in spring and autumn the Yang earthly branch comes first: Tiger, Monkey, and then the Yin branch (Rabbit, Rooster). But in winter and spring it’s the other way around: first comes the Yin branch (Pig in winter and Snake in summer), and then the Yang branch (Rat in winter and Horse in summer). People who are accustomed to seeing logic in everything ask themselves: why is this so?

Here we will have to, literally, dig deeper and look inside the earthly branches. Because the most interesting thing is their filling, hidden sky trunks. Moreover, all the interactions of the earthly branches are actually explained by the interactions between the trunks that are hidden inside them.

I remind you of the list of heavenly trunks:

  • Jia, yang tree
  • And, yin tree
  • Bean, fire yang
  • Ding, yin fire
  • Wu, land of yang
  • Ji, yin earth
  • Gen, metal yang
  • Xin, metal yin
  • Ren (Ren), yang water
  • Gui (Kwei), yin water

Each earthly branch contains hidden from one to three (in some versions, even four) heavenly trunks:

But now we will be interested only in the so-called basic qi - that hidden heavenly trunk that corresponds to the qi of the season.

Look at the hidden heavenly trunks of the main qi - their order will please a perfectionist: in each season, first there is a yang heavenly trunk, then a yin one, then an earthen qi, which completes the season.

The difficulty is that if in spring and autumn the polarity of the earthly branch and the hidden celestial trunk of the main qi coincide:

  • in Tiger, yang tree, hidden Jia, yang tree
  • in Rabbit, yin tree, hidden Yi, yin tree
  • in Monkey, yang metal, hidden Gen, yang metal
  • in the Rooster, yin metal, hidden Xin, yin metal

then in summer and winter the polarity of the earthly branch and the hidden heavenly trunk differ, it just so happens:

  • in the Snake, fire yin, hidden Bean, fire yang
  • in Horses, fire yang, hidden Dean, fire yin
  • in Pig, water yin, hidden Ren (Ren), water yang
  • in Rat, water yang, hidden Gui (Kwei), water yin

This is important to remember, since when analyzing the bazi we focus more on the celestial trunks and their polarity. For example, considering the card of the Yang metal that the Rat came to, according to the 10 Gods, we will say that the period of the Attack on power has come, since Yin water is hidden in the Rat, which for the Yang metal is the Wound of the Official, that is, multi-polar self-expression.

I hope that now those who have completed their homework in the basic free BaZi course will be able to correctly answer the question about the basic qi of the earthly branches.

If you have understood all the nuances of module 1 of our program, I invite you to 2 module which will take place very soon!

Natalia Tsyganova 2018

Each earthly branch contains hidden elements, and their composition may differ slightly depending on the school of bazi. And if in modern bazi systems, for example, the earthly branch of the Rabbit contains both the Yang Tree and the Yin Tree, then in the classical Zi Ping (子平), the main flow of qi in the Rabbit is only the Yin Tree. Therefore, in calculators using the Zi Ping (子平) system, you will see a smaller number of elements (structures) in the bazi map.

The table shows the earthly branches and hidden heavenly trunks, taking into account the seasons. The leading flow of qi is highlighted in large font (for example, in the sign of the Tiger 寅 it is the Yang Tree 甲). In a season, each hidden celestial trunk corresponds to a certain number of days, which may differ slightly depending on the bazi system. The essence of the earthly branch is determined by the element that represents the main flow of qi within that branch.

Hidden heavenly trunks in earthly branches (according to the classics 子平). The main SNA of the Earthly branches are highlighted in font.
Spring: February, March, April
Earth Yang
Yang tree
Fire Yang
Yin tree Yin Water
Earth Yang
Yin tree
Summer: May, June, July
Snake Horse Goat
Metal Yang
Fire Yang
Earth Yang
Fire Yin
Yin Earth
Yin tree
Yin Earth
Fire Yin
Autumn: August, September, October
Monkey Rooster Dog
Earth Yang
Metal Yang
Water Yang
Metal Yin Fire Yin
Earth Yang
Metal Yin
Winter: November, December, January
Pig Rat Bull
Water Yang
Derovo yan
Yin Water Metal Yin
Yin Earth
Yin Water

The ancient books on bazi say that “Heavenly qi is pure and clear, and Earthly qi is complex and dense.” This is because it contains several elements, Hidden Heavenly Stems - SNS. Hidden trunks in bazi represent “auxiliary” stars, additional details. They can show hidden facets of personality, real and not ostentatious attitudes towards others, fears, hidden desires, as well as potential, talents and abilities that can be developed. Often a person is not aware of the possibilities that lie within him, and bazi here can effectively help to see the inner potential. Any analysis of the bazi must include an assessment of the hidden celestial trunks, and this is especially important when interacting with the incoming energies of the year or tact.

The 12 earthly branches can also be divided into 3 groups of four signs. These are the 4th “cardinal”, 4th “growing” and 4th “grave” signs.

Cardinal signs: Rat, Horse, Rabbit and Rooster. They carry pure qi of the element. According to the classics, they contain only one hidden trunk, with the exception of the Horse. Contains only Yin elements.

Growing signs: Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Pig. The qi energy in these signs is at the stage of growth, which is why the signs are called growing. All of them contain three hidden trunks, with the exception of the Pig sign. As you can see, all the trunks are yang. These Earthly branches are also called "movable."

Grave Markers: Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat. Represent the element of Earth in the earthly branches. These signs are also considered as Vaults as they contain excess qi elements. With the exception of the main qi of the Dragon and Dog, all other signs contain yin trunks. All "grave" signs include three hidden celestial trunks. Don’t be afraid of the name; the signs are called “grave” signs, since they end the corresponding seasons, where the main qi of the season is minimal, dies, and is in the “grave”.

There is often confusion about which element is in the grave and which is in storage. For example, if we consider the sign of the Goat, which contains three hidden heavenly trunks: Yin Tree, Yin Earth, Yin Fire, then Yin Earth is the main SNS, Yin Fire is in the grave here, since the Goat ends the summer season - the season of the Element of Fire, and Yin tree - in storage.

Hidden clashes and hidden alliances are especially valuable

The importance of the connections between the elements of the bazi map cannot be overestimated. Based on the analysis of these connections, conclusions are drawn about the balance of the map as a whole, the smoothness of the flow of qi in the map, the places where qi is concentrated, etc., etc.

What connections do we usually analyze in this case? Those that are clearly reviewed by us and are prescribed in any basic course on the topic of ba zi. All this is really important and should be analyzed. But this is just the surface of the iceberg, and what remains “underwater”?

This is what one of the principles taken from the ancient treatises on bazi says about this.

Hidden clashes and hidden alliances are especially valuable.

Favorable and unfavorable qi are activated by collisions.

Let's look at the first part of this concept here. What are hidden collisions and combinations? When we talk about combinations in the Branches, then all their elements participate in such combinations.

For example, Chow and Tzu go together. This is an obvious, open combination. The flow of Water is good as Earth no longer controls Water.

Moreover, if Water is Force, then it will cease to be powerful. If such Water is wealth, then it will stop increasing.

Hidden connections are connections between CNNs.


Mao and Shen stand side by side in the map. We could view this situation as the control of Metal over Wood and interpret this situation as NOT favorable, conflicting.

Another example:

In the branches are Shen and Chen, and in the trunks is Gui. Shen and Chen are the two extreme elements from a combination of three. There is not enough Earthly branch of Tzu here for the combination of 3 into Water to be completed.

So, if Gui is on top, then he replaces Zi. A hidden connection is formed and this is a very favorable sign. All three elements are hidden allies that ensure the smooth flow of qi.

Of course, these are just fragments, but from the analysis of such fragments, a general picture emerges as a result, giving an idea of ​​both the owner of the card and the trends in the development of his life, if we add here the cycles of Tacts and years within these ticks.

However, the Metal Gen in the Monkey merges with the Wood Gen in the Rabbit. This is the hidden combination. It allows qi to flow freely and this combination is a sign of a very good relationship and tells us about the smooth flow of qi between the Mao and Shen Branches.

As a development of the principle with which we began this article, we can consider one more statement regarding hidden alliances and combinations:

It is beneficial to have love between the Trunk and the Branch.

It is also useful when there is a combination between adjacent pillars.

To illustrate, let's take a very simple example - the Pillar of Wu Zi (image on the left).

How favorable does the combination of Trunk and Branch in this Pillar look?

The first thing that comes to mind: the Soil of the Trunk controls the Water of the Branch. The situation is unfavorable - qi does not flow.

However, this conclusion, although obvious, is completely incorrect. There is a completely harmonious relationship between the Trunk and the Branch. Qi flows smoothly and is not interrupted...

Thanks to what? Thanks to the hidden combination of Wu (Yang Soil) and Gui (Yin Water) Trunks.

And there are many such examples. Not only hidden combinations, but also hidden conflicts... If you do not take these conceptual guidelines into account in your analysis, then the conclusions you draw, for some reason, will not always reflect the real picture...

Want to know more about this? Let's continue the topic in the next article...

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    Hidden connections in the ba zi map


    Hidden clashes and hidden alliances are especially valuable. The significance of the connections between the elements of the bazi map cannot be overestimated. Based on the analysis of these connections, conclusions are drawn about the balance of the map as a whole, the smoothness of the flow of qi in the map, places of concentration of qi, etc., etc. What connections do we usually analyze? Those that are clearly […]

We have already become acquainted with the hieroglyphs of the Earthly branches, with the writing of their names in Russian, as well as the characteristics of the elements, yin-yang, and the correspondence of each of the Earthly branches to time and space. But this is not the end of the information that the Earthly branches give us. Each Earthly branch contains hidden Heavenly trunks. If you look at the Bazi map, the top row of hieroglyphs in it are open Heavenly trunks, the second row are Earthly branches, and under each Earthly branch there are hidden Heavenly trunks.
Here is the map that we compiled, but now it shows that under each Earthly branch there is a certain set of Heavenly trunks. Hidden Heavenly Stems provide a lot of information for predictions. It is believed that the open trunks of Heaven are what is visible, what lies on the surface in a person’s character. And hidden Heavenly trunks mean that which is hidden from prying eyes, but can become obvious, “come to the surface” under certain circumstances. In addition, hidden Heavenly trunks enable a person to use various models of behavior.
It is easy to notice that the hidden Heavenly trunks are located in columns one above the other. All of them can be used, but the strongest influence will be exerted by those immediately below the Earthly branches. They are called dominant. When analyzing a map, pay attention to them first.
Here is a table of correspondence between the hidden Heavenly trunks of each Earthly branch.

When constructing a map, the dominant Skystems are determined depending on how many days have passed from the start of the season to the birthday. A season (month) lasts on average 30 days. In each month, a certain type of energy dominates a different number of days. The percentage of dominant qi by day in different sources may differ, but this is not of fundamental importance, since the energy flows gradually and is divided into three types in each month:
1. Excess qi.
2. Middle qi.
3. Correct qi.
According to the table, the energy distribution will look like this.
In the month of the Tiger - 11% excess qi, 27% middle qi, 62% correct qi.
In the month of the Rabbit -30% excess qi, 70% middle qi.
In the month of the Dragon -42% excess qi, 14% middle qi, 44% correct qi.
In the month of the Snake - 22% excess qi, 29% middle qi, 49% correct qi.
In the month of the Horse - 42% excess qi, 19% middle qi, 39% correct qi.
In the month of Sheep - 52% excess qi, 9% middle qi, 39% correct qi.
In the month of the Monkey - 19% excess qi, 3% middle qi, 78% correct qi.
In the month of the Rooster - 34% excess qi, 66% middle qi.
In the month of the Dog - 40% excess qi, 27% middle qi, 33% correct qi.
In the month of Pig -7% excess qi, 27% middle qi, 66% correct qi.
In the month of the Rat - 34% excess qi, 66% middle qi.
In the month of the Ox - 44% excess qi, 14% middle qi, 42% correct qi.
Using the Bazi map as an example (see above), let’s consider which Heavenly trunks will dominate the Earthly branches at the time of a person’s birth. Date of birth January 27, 2013 It's the season of Chow(Bull). Since the birth date falls in the third part of the month, the hidden Heavenly trunks with Correct Qi will be dominant.
For cycles we use the same percentage ratio, but relative to the 10-year cycle.
