Russian is the richest language in the world. Rich Russian! (Surprised!) Article Russian is a rich language

Four linguists met at one of the symposiums: an Englishman, a German, an Italian and a Russian. We were talking about languages. They began to argue, and whose language is more beautiful, better, richer, and what language does the future belong to?

The Englishman said: “England is a country of great conquerors, seafarers and travelers who spread the glory of her language to all corners of the whole world. English is the language of Shakespeare, Dickens, Byron - no doubt best language in the world".

“Nothing of the kind,” said the German, “Our language is the language of science and physics, medicine and technology. The language of Kant and Hegel, the language in which the best work of world poetry is written - Goethe's Faust.

“You are both wrong,” the Italian entered into an argument, “Think, the whole world, all of humanity loves music, songs, romances, operas! In what language do the best love romances and brilliant operas sound? In the language of sunny Italy!

The Russian was silent for a long time, listened modestly, and finally said: “Of course, I could, just like each of you, say that Russian language- the language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov - surpasses all languages ​​of the world. But I won't follow your path. Tell me, could you compose a short story in your own languages ​​with a plot, with a consistent development of the plot, so that all the words of the story begin with the same letter?

This puzzled the interlocutors very much and all three said: "No, in our languages ​​it is impossible." Then the Russian answers: “But in our language it is quite possible, and I will prove it to you now. Name any letter. The German replied: “It doesn't matter. The letter "P" for example.

“Fine, here’s a story for you with this letter,” the Russian replied.

Pyotr Petrovich Petukhov, Lieutenant of the 55th Podolsky Infantry Regiment, received a letter in the mail full of good wishes. “Come,” wrote the charming Polina Pavlovna Perepelkina, “we’ll talk, dream, dance, take a walk, visit a half-forgotten, half-overgrown pond, go fishing. Come, Pyotr Petrovich, to stay as soon as possible.

Petukhov liked the offer. Figured: I'll come. He grabbed a half-worn field cloak, thought: it will come in handy.

The train arrived in the afternoon. Pyotr Petrovich was received by Polina Pavlovna's most venerable father, Pavel Panteleimonovich. “Please, Pyotr Petrovich, sit down more comfortably,” said dad. A bald nephew came up and introduced himself: “Porfiry Platonovich Polikarpov. Please, please."

The lovely Polina appeared. Full shoulders were covered with a transparent Persian scarf. We talked, joked, invited to dine. They served dumplings, pilaf, pickles, liver, pate, pies, cake, half a liter of orange juice. We had a hearty meal. Pyotr Petrovich felt a pleasant satiety.

After eating, after a hearty snack, Polina Pavlovna invited Pyotr Petrovich to take a walk in the park. In front of the park stretched a half-forgotten, half-grown pond. Ride under sail. After swimming in the pond, we went for a walk in the park.

"Let's sit down," suggested Polina Pavlovna. Sit down. Polina Pavlovna moved closer. We sat down, were silent. There was a first kiss. Pyotr Petrovich got tired, offered to lie down, spread out a half-worn field cloak, thought: it came in handy. Lie down, lie down, fall in love. “Pyotr Petrovich is a prankster, a scoundrel,” Polina Pavlovna said habitually.

"Let's get married, let's get married!" whispered the bald nephew. “Let's get married, let's get married,” boomed the dad who came up. Pyotr Petrovich turned pale, staggered, then ran away. Having run, I thought: “Polina Petrovna is a wonderful party, it’s enough to take a steam bath.”

The prospect of obtaining a beautiful estate flashed before Pyotr Petrovich. Hastened to send an offer. Polina Pavlovna accepted the offer, and later they got married. Friends came to congratulate, brought gifts. Passing the package, they said: "A beautiful couple."

Interlocutors-linguists, having heard the story, were forced to admit that the Russian language is the best and richest language in the world.

Russian language! For thousands of years the people created this flexible,
inexhaustibly rich, intelligent, poetic and labor
instrument of their social life, their thought, their
feelings, their hopes, their anger, their great
A. N. Tolstoy

The language in which the Russian power of the great part of the world
commands, according to her power has natural abundance,
beauty and strength than any single European language
does not yield. And for that there is no doubt that the Russian
the word could not be brought to such perfection as
in others we are surprised.
M. V. Lomonosov

Beauty, grandeur, strength and wealth of the Russian language
it is clear enough from books written in past centuries,
when there are not yet any rules for our compositions
ancestors did not know, but they hardly thought that there were
or may be.
M. V. Lomonosov

Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimony of foreign
aestheticians, is not inferior in courage to the Latin,
nor in smoothness to Greek, surpassing all European ones:
italian, french and spanish, colmi
more German.
G. R. Derzhavin

Our Russian language, more than all the new ones, is perhaps capable of
approach the classical languages ​​in their richness,
strength, freedom of location, abundance of forms.
N. A. Dobrolyubov

That Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world,
there is no doubt about it.
V. G. Belinsky

How beautiful is the Russian language! All the benefits of German
without his awful rudeness.
F. Engels

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about fate
my homeland - you are my only support and support, oh great,
powerful, truthful and free Russian language!.,
it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to the great
I. S. Turgenev

You marvel at the jewels of our language: no matter what sound,
then a gift: everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and,
right, another name for something more precious than the thing itself.
N. V. Gogol

Our language is expressive not only for lofty eloquence,
for loud, pictorial poetry, but also for gentle
simplicity, for heart sounds and sensitivity. He is richer
harmony than French; more capable of outpouring
souls in tones; presents more similar
words, that is, consistent with and with the expressed action: benefit,
which some indigenous languages ​​have.
N. M. Karamzin

As a material of literature, the Slavic-Russian language has
undeniable superiority over all European ones.
A. S. Pushkin

In the course of the 18th century, new Russian literature
developed that scientific rich language with which we
we have now; language is flexible and powerful, capable of expressing
and the most abstract ideas of German metaphysics
and a light, sparkling play of French wit.
A. I. Herzen

Let there be honor and glory to our language, which in
its native wealth, almost without any alien
impurity, flows like a proud, majestic river - makes noise,
rattles - and suddenly, if necessary, softens, murmurs with gentle
stream and sweetly flows into the soul, forming everything
measures that consist only in falling and rising
human voice!
N. M. Karamzin

Nothing is so ordinary for us, nothing is so simple
seems like our speech, but in the very essence nothing is so
it is amazing, as wonderful as our speech.
A. N. Radishchev

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, most powerful
and a truly magical Russian language.
K. G. Paustovsky

The Russian language opens up to the end in its truly
magical properties and wealth only to those who
loves and knows "to the bone" his people and feels the innermost
beauty of our land.
K. G. Paustovsky

There is one significant fact: we are on our
still unsettled and young language we can transmit
the deepest forms of the spirit and thought of European languages.
F. M. Dostoevsky

The natural richness of the Russian language and speech is so great,
that without further ado, listening to the time with the heart,
in close contact with common man and with a volume of Pushkin
in your pocket you can become a great writer.
M. M. Prishvin

The Russian language, as far as I can tell, is
richest of all European dialects and it seems
purposely created to express the subtlest shades.
Gifted with marvelous conciseness, united with clarity,
he is content with one word to convey the thought,
when another language would need whole
P. Merimee

Our speech is predominantly aphoristic, different
its compactness, strength.
M. Gorky

The Russian language is inexhaustibly rich and everything is enriched with
astounding speed.
M. Gorky

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language,—
this is a treasure, this is a heritage handed down to us by our predecessors!
Treat this mighty one with respect
I. S. Turgenev

Take care of the purity of the language, like a shrine! Never
use foreign words. Russian language is so rich
and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us
I. S. Turgenev

Perception of other people's words, and especially without the need,
there is not an enrichment, but a deterioration of the language.
A. P. Sumarokov

I do not consider foreign words good and suitable,
if only they can be replaced by purely Russian or
more Russified. We must protect our rich and beautiful
tongue from corruption.
N. S. Leskov

Use a foreign word when there is an equivalent
to him Russian word means to offend and healthy
sense and good taste.
V. G. Belinsky

There is no doubt that the desire to dazzle Russian speech with foreign
words without need, without sufficient reason,
contrary to common sense and common taste; but she
harms not the Russian language and not Russian literature,
but only to those who are obsessed with it.
V. G. Belinsky

Language is important for a patriot.
N. M. Karamzin

With regard to each person's attitude to his own language, one can
accurately judge not only his cultural
level, but also about its civic value.
K. G. Paustovsky

True love for one's country is inconceivable without love.
to your language.
K. G. Paustovsky

Knowledge of the Russian language, a language that in every possible way deserves
study and in itself, as one of the most
strongest and richest of living languages, and for the sake of
the literature he reveals is no longer such a rarity ...
F. Engels

The Russian language should become the world language. will come
time (and it is not far off), - the Russian language will begin
study along all the meridians of the globe.
A. N. Tolstoy

The language of Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky
- great and mighty ... And we, of course, stand for
so that every resident of Russia has the opportunity to learn
great Russian language.
V. I. Lenin

Thanks to the Russian language, we, representatives of multilingual
literature, we know each other well. Mutual
enrichment of literary experience comes through the Russian language,
through a Russian book. Publication of a book by any writer of our
countries in Russian means access to the very
general reader.
Yu. S. Rytkheu

When analyzing World War II, American military historians
found very interesting fact. Namely, that with a sudden
encountering Japanese forces, the Americans are usually much
made decisions faster and, as a result, won even
superior enemy forces. By examining this pattern
scientists came to the conclusion that the average word length among Americans
is 5.2 characters, while the Japanese have 10.8, hence
it takes 56% less time to issue orders, which in a short
combat plays an important role.
For the sake of "interest" they analyzed Russian speech and it turned out that
that the length of a word in Russian is 7.2 characters per word
(on average), however, in critical situations, Russian-speaking
command staff goes into profanity, and the length
word is shortened to (!) 3.2 characters per word. This is due to the fact
that some phrases and even phrases are replaced by ONE word.
For example, the phrase is given: "32nd yo @ neither for this x @ yu" -
"32nd I order to immediately destroy the enemy tank,
firing on our positions."

Many people do not even think that his language is considered the richest. Why exactly Russian? The answer is very simple, the Russian language is the only language in the world in which words can be replenished again and again. From many expressions and invented words, our language, our culture is replenished, because much that was popular with our grandparents goes into our colloquial vocabulary, and our grandchildren will also speak our phrases.

The Russian language is very difficult, but this does not make it less attractive. Many writers said that any conversation can be conducted in Russian: a declaration of love, communication with an enemy, a friendly conversation, because it is he who can convey all feelings and emotions better than any other language. The main thing is to learn to be a literate person, you should not shout to the whole world that he is too complicated and that they have come up with too many stupid rules.

It should be remembered that the language we speak is a gift from our ancestors and not the teaching of the language - it is tantamount to forgetting about relatives, not accepting their culture, becoming a stranger among our own. It is especially sad to hear this from a small, still growing generation. They do not yet know that by knowing him, you can discover new world. in the Russian language there are many words of synonyms, so it will not be difficult for anyone to compose poetry, choosing the right word, its meaning will not change. It is very funny to learn new words, because a word meaning one object or action can sound like it is associated with a completely different object.

Having fallen in love with a language, it will open up many opportunities for you, I checked all this on my personal experience. After reading a large number of books, you no longer remember the rules, and you write sentences freely without making any mistakes. That's what it means - a rich Russian language. So it's better to take care of your tongue from a young age.

Composition reasoning The Russian language is unusually rich Grade 6

We often hear the statement that the Russian language is very rich. But is it? Let's figure it out.

The first thing that shocks any foreigner into a language is the number of synonyms. For example, the word "beautiful" can be occupied with words such as "amazing", "beautiful", "good", "beautiful", "attractive" or "delightful". There is hardly a word for which it is impossible to find a suitable replacement. This, of course, speaks of the magnificence and diversity of the Russian language.

Also, unlike, for example, English, in Russian there is no correct construction of interrogative sentences. That is, you can use only intonation when building a question. Transferring a punctuation mark, using a variety of suffixes and prefixes, changing word order can also cardinally change the meaning of a sentence. The amount of means of expression is also striking. When reading any work, there are many epithets, personifications and metaphors.

Do not forget that the average person uses only one-fifth of the words of the entire language. This, in turn, also speaks of its vastness and immensity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a rich and amazing language must not only be protected, but also be able to use it. To do this, you should use as few foreign words as possible and, of course, read classical literature to replenish your vocabulary.

Composition No. 3 The Russian language is unusually (extraordinarily) rich essay-reasoning

What could be more precious, more valuable and more vulnerable than our native language; the language we speak? Our Russian. There are a great many countries, peoples, languages, people in the World. But I speak Russian, I write in it, I think, since I am a Russian person. The Russian language is considered to be one of the most beautiful, melodic, sophisticated and musical languages in the world. No wonder such great writers, poets, musicians as Pushkin, Blok, Tchaikovsky wrote their works in Russian. And what wonderful poems the great poetesses gave us: Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Teffi and many others.

Just remember how many great writers wrote in Russian: Lermontov, Bulgakov, Bunin, Solzhenitsyn, Pelevin, Kuprin, Pasternak. But what about Lomonosov with his great theory of three calms? This theory laid the foundation for the division of our language into ranks; divided it into low, medium and high style. The language has become even more diverse and unique from this. Due to its versatility, the Russian language always remains unique, makes a person's speech expressive and eloquent.

The Russian language is our gift, a gift, and the creation of the Almighty. The Russian language is so different, both an intellectual and an ordinary peasant from the people can speak it, and this will not make the language paler, but on the contrary, it will sparkle with all the hypostases of its greatness. For me, the most beautiful language in the world is Russian.

More than 145 million people on earth consider Russian as their mother tongue. Also, Russian is the state language in Russia and in several countries. former USSR. Russian is also spoken outside of our country; it is taught in foreign universities: in America, Great Britain, France, Germany, Luxembourg. Interethnic treaties are concluded in Russian, international meetings are held. Many students from other countries try to visit our country to hear such a native and beautiful Russian language. As one once said great man i To paraphrase, "there are many languages ​​in the world, they are all created for different things ... And the Russian language was created for life and reflection." I do not argue all languages ​​deserve respect. But most of all, each person should love and respect his native language, the language in which he speaks from birth, in which he thinks and decides.

And after that, how can we not be proud of our native language? We should be proud of him. This is our direct duty and honor. I am proud that I speak and write in Russian. I believe that every citizen of our country should appreciate and love their native language; do not pollute it with foreign words, ugly phrases and dialects; wrong phonetics. Monitor your speech, treat the language with respect and care. Speak clearly, brightly, subtly, as the Russian language allows us to do. Love your language - it is our great Russian language. The task of us, people who speak Russian, is to preserve and increase the beauty of the Russian language for future generations. This is our goal for many years and centuries to come.

The Russian language is rich and picturesque. He is powerful and picturesque.

A person gets acquainted with the book almost from birth. Toddlers explore the world by flipping through albums with bright pictures. Cute little animals, cartoon characters, funny stories welcome little discoverer on paper pages

  • Princess Alina in the novel Eugene Onegin by Pushkin essay

    Princess - a title that can only be worn by an unmarried woman, since the prince's wife is called a cousin. As we learn from the novel, Alina is an old maid who is a cousin (cousin) for the elder Larina

  • Problems of Preserving the Purity and Richness of the Russian Language in the 20th Century I century.
    Russian language in social networks.

    Speech at the republican seminar

    Kalashova Svetlana Khamedovna

    The Russian language has a rich history. Starting with Old Slavonic, our language developed, enriched, became more concise as the historical process progressed. But at the same time, the Russian language very often fell under the influence of what was happening around. Take, for example, the 19th century - the century of the predominance of everything French throughout Europe. And the Russian nobles in the world spoke only French at all, considering it shameful to use their native Russian for communication. And this, of course, was reflected in the vocabulary of the language: there was a large influx French words. With the dominance of foreigners, for the purity of the Russian language, even then they began to fight. This process was reflected in his famous novel by A. S. Pushkin.

    But pantaloons, tailcoat, vest,
    All these words are not in Russian;
    And I see, I blame you,
    What is it my poor syllable
    I could dazzle much less
    In foreign words,
    Even though I looked in the old days
    In the Academic Dictionary.
    Or this is how he writes about Tatyana:
    She seemed like a sure shot
    Ducommeilfaut... (Shishkov, I'm sorry:
    I don't know how to translate.)

    The recent twentieth century is the century of the development of the entire world community, in which, after the Second World War, the language of diplomacy, international communication and all science becomes English. Names of new scientific terms, the latest appliances and the fashion for foreign brands in the 80-90s led to a new wave of enrichment of the Russian language. Only recent major transformations of the language are described here. If we consider history from the depths of centuries, then we will definitely see other directions for replenishing Russian speech with foreign languages.

    Yes, of course, this gave the language a new sound, made it similar to other languages, but this enrichment has another side, in which there will be no less minuses from such a replenishment of the language. Our speech is something like a swimming pool with pipes. new words and through the other, murmuring, outdated, little used, professional words flow out of use.
    Foreign words and sayings often came through the first pipe into this very "pool", while native Russian words flowed out of it. And it turned out that our language absorbed everything alien around it, but in return lost its own. and there was nothing to replace these foreign words when they went out of use. This created, and still creates problems for the development and completeness of our language.
    Unfortunately, the tendency to replenish the language by borrowing English and words from other world languages ​​continues today. The 21st century is the century of computerization, the availability of information and its exchange using the same main world language - English. About 1 billion people already own it, and about 341 million people (3rd place) consider it native, it ranks first in terms of the percentage of sites in different languages ​​- 55.6%. What can we say about the interest of young people in English language in the last 20 years, during which the English has long been the leader.

    This creates problems of identity and development of the Russian language with the help of its own forces, indicates its inability to withstand the onslaught of phrases and words pouring into our lives. Of course, this will only serve us badly if we do not think about preserving the Russian language now.
    Other problems of our language are its corruption due to SOCIAL NETWORKS and Lack of interest among teenagers in WORKS OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE - the most striking example of the beauty of the language. About them separately.
    SOCIAL NETWORKS - the most relevant way of communication at the present time. And it is mostly common among young people, with the minimum age of a child meaningfully registered on a social network already being 11 years old. The question arises: where does the language? The number of mistakes made in spelling and punctuation when typing is invisibly large. However, these errors are not corrected by the authors of the messages. Children, watching the writing style of other users, try to imitate them, learn their mistakes, and it can be incredibly difficult to retrain these children, because in free time they see and use the wrong language. The desire to be original, to express oneself, if not in the content of a thought, then at least in the form of its expression (according to Professor Morozov), gives rise to various orthographic distortions, for example: “aftar”, “krosavcheg”, “animal”, “che”, “ cho", "shcha", etc. Some researchers see in such spelling deformations the desire to parody the illiterate spelling of words; other linguists consider this a reaction either to not quite logical spelling rules, or to the school practice of teaching Russian, "which does not add love to spelling and punctuation." Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of Samara State University L. V. Artyoshina, in an interview with the AiF newspaper, said that a certain danger exists, and this danger must be fought. “Young people, while maintaining their adherence to slang, will create families and transfer this form of communication to them. No matter how much we want to, we impose our language on others. But I am an optimist and I believe that this modern "language" is a temporary phenomenon, as a trend of a certain turning point in the formation of society. The slang language will not subsequently find application and will not supplant the literary Russian language.
    But, as recent observations show, new trends are emerging in the language of blogs: the active distorted use of words is being replaced by the desire to cleanse the language of all sorts of spelling and semantic deformations. Obviously, in the language of the Internet space, A GENERAL FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TENDENCY TO SELF-CLEARING, STABILIZATION OF LANGUAGE MEANS STARTS TO BE DISCOVERED. And to support it, a campaign should be carried out to distribute text editing programs on social networks, create and attract young users to educational applications and groups on safe sites.

    So, in one of the most popular social networks. networks VKontakte, there are group "I LOVE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE!( love you too!) More than 60 million people visit it daily. This figure indicates the great popularity of this group among people of different ages. In a very interesting, fascinating form, there is training in the correct Russian language, expanding the horizons, and the vocabulary of users. Simply, in an entertaining way, colorfully, intelligibly, using drawings, animation, spelling, punctuation, orthoepic, grammatical norms of the Russian language are explained. It tells about the origin of idiomatic phrases and popular expressions, polls are conducted on how this or that word is spelled correctly or what it means, and after a few days the correct answer is published. In our Russian language lessons, we often turn to the materials of this entertaining group. Moreover, a taste for reading good literature is instilled there. The idea is being instilled that being illiterate and not reading is unfashionable, not modern.

    I downloaded from the page of this group some materials that I want to bring to your attention.

    There are several versions of the origin of the expression "That's where the dog is buried!".

    According to one of them, we are talking about the beloved dog of the Austrian warrior Sigismund, who took her everywhere with him. Once, at the cost of her life, she saved the owner from death, for which she was awarded an honorary funeral and a monument.

    Only local residents could find the burial place, and then the saying “That's where the dog is buried!” Was born, which still makes sense: “I found what I was looking for”, “got to the bottom of the matter”.

    According to another version, superstitious treasure hunters, who were afraid to speak directly about the purpose of their search, called the treasure “dog”. "So that's where the dog is buried!" they exclaimed when they discovered the treasure.

    Now we use this expression when we want to say that the goal of our search has been achieved, and the truth has been found.

    What do you know about hands?

    The human hand is not only an important part of the body, but also a "participant" in many set expressions:

    “Wear on your hands” - give a special location, attention, appreciate, pamper

    "Hands itch" - about a great desire to do something

    "Hand in hand" - holding hands, together, together

    "To be at hand" - to be available, to be in close proximity

    "Keep in hands" - do not give free rein, keep in strict obedience

    "Within a stone's throw" - very close, very close

    "Working hard" - work hard

    “Grab with both hands” - gladly agree with some kind of proposal

    “Hand washes hand” - people connected by common interests protect each other

    "Golden Hands" - about the one who skillfully, skillfully does everything, copes with any work

    “Rake the heat with the wrong hands” - enjoy the fruits of someone else's work

    “Hands do not reach” - there is no way and no time to do something

    "Warm your hands" - use the position

    "Tuck under the arm" - accidentally be nearby

    "Get in a hot hand" - run into a bad mood

    “It was taken off by hand” - quickly disappeared, passed

    “The hand does not rise” - the inability to perform an action due to an internal prohibition

    The youngest letter of the Russian alphabet.

    It was invented in 1783 by Ekaterina Dashkova, an associate of Catherine II, princess and head of the Imperial Russian Academy. At an academic meeting, Ekaterina Romanovna asked Derzhavin, Fonvizin, Knyazhin and others present whether it was legal to write "iolka" and whether it would be more reasonable to replace the digraph "io" with one letter "e".

    Derzhavin was the first to use it in personal correspondence. It appeared in print in 1795 in verse by Ivan Dmitriev. The first word printed with yō was "everything". A year later, the words "tears", "eagle", "dawn", "moth" and the verb "drip" were printed in the almanac of Nikolai Karamzin.

    Without a hitch!

    Many people misunderstand and, as a result, use this catch phrase. The word "obnyak" has nothing to do with the word "resentment"!

    Previously, the word "blunt" (it was in this form that we found it in Dahl's dictionary) called a hint, understatement. Here's an example Dahl gives: "Don't be blunt, be direct."

    The word has disappeared from the language, but it remains only in this catchphrase, which now means “without resorting to hints, omissions or allegories; straight, open.

    I love Russian - only the most interesting!

    Where did the phrase "lead by the nose" come from? Read here:

    45 frivolous rules of the Russian language, which should be taken very seriously!

    1. A dash between the subject and the predicate is not put.

    2. Remember that in most cases the link “about that” can be excluded.

    3. If you want to use a verb, then you need to conjugate it correctly, and not as the author wants.

    4. The passive voice should usually be avoided.

    5. Do not forget about the letter “e”, otherwise you cannot distinguish: case and case, sky and sky, donkey and donkey, perfect and perfect, everything and everything.

    6. Whoever is not crazy and not out of the box writes the vowels correctly after the suffocating ones.

    7. Shine with a non-superficial sense of language when writing unpronounceable consonants.

    8. It is necessary to come to an understanding that only “come” is written.

    9. Wiping ourselves in the corridors of offices, in the future we will become knowledgeable and come to the fact that in our texts an ever smaller number of extra letters will participate.

    10. The soft sign in the indefinite form of the verb should be determined by its presence in the question to the verb, which is sometimes forgotten.

    11. Do not put two "not" in a row, if it is not necessary.

    12. The word "no" has no forms of change.

    13. Without half a liter, half of Russia will not understand how complex nouns are written.

    14. Ending a sentence with a pronoun is bad style, that's not what it's for.

    15. Those who finish the sentence with a preposition, send to. Not for rudeness, but for order.

    16. Don't cut!

    17. Check the text for missing and extra words in the text.

    18. With regard to unfinished sentences.

    19. If incomplete constructions - bad.

    20. No narcissistic Bank, its President and Chairman of the Board of Directors are not capitalized.

    21. The rule says that "indirect speech is not taken in quotation marks."

    22. Do not build riddles from ellipsis at the end of an exhaustive sentence ...

    23. One exclamation point is enough!!!

    24. NEVER! highlight! words. A person reading a text with HIGHLIGHTS feels that his own understanding of the meaning is not trusted.

    25. Use parallel constructions not only to clarify, but also to clarify.

    26. Correct the spelling of words in the dictionary.

    27. Numerals up to 10 inclusive are best written in cursive.

    28. Numerals can be declined in one hundred and twenty-five ways, but only one of them is correct.

    29. Use words in a purpose that truly meets meaningfulness.

    30. Do not divide the indivisible and do not combine the heterogeneous, but write something with a hyphen.

    31. An inappropriate analogy in the text looks like a fur coat tucked into shorts.

    32. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.

    33. Do not use long words where short-sounding ones can be used.

    34. Lisping - fu, byaka. Leave it to the little ones, not the big guys.

    35. Be more or less specific.

    36. As Emerson taught: “Don't quote. Share your thoughts."

    37. Who needs rhetorical questions?

    38. Does the order of speech of the style change the words?

    39. An unexpected verse will knock down the mood of your readers.

    40. A verse where rhyme is built on verbs is the very first to be thrown into the trash heap.

    41. In life, truncate about your bazaar: if you want to perform well, tie it up in kind with jargon.

    42. Clarifications in brackets (although essential) are (usually) redundant.

    43. Repeating all repeated cognates is a tautology - an unnecessary excess.

    44. If you want to be correctly understood, do not use foreign language and barbarism. Fershtein?

    45. For the sake of presentability, be a creative promoter of native Russian synonyms for top positions in the preference rating.

    V.G. Belinsky wrote: "... that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about it." Modern Russian is the most widespread European language. His international recognition was a permanent membership in the World Languages ​​Club. Of course, when we talk about any language, first of all we are talking about a means of education, a tool for communication, mastering the world around us. It is the language that forms the culture of any society, its spiritual and national identity. Today Russian as a state language Russian Federation is an effective means of interethnic communication between peoples living on the vast territory of our Fatherland. It performs an integration function in the political, social and cultural spheres, acts as a factor in the consolidation of citizens of different nationalities and religions. Of course, the Russian language will always be a guarantee of the preservation and development of the languages ​​and cultures of all the peoples of the country.

    Extraordinary richness, the finest shades and nuances, a deep and special meaning - the Russian language is really great and omnipotent, all possibilities are available to it, and there are no such natural beauties or human emotions that could not be accurately, colorfully and reliably described.

    Knowledge of the Russian language, in its true and historical significance, develops a person's personality and gives unprecedented power over the word. After all, the word, true and truthful, is a real treasure with which you can achieve any success and heights.

    With the help of a word, one can become not only a poet or a writer, a philologist or a linguist, but also an exceptionally successful businessman who knows how to conduct any complex negotiations for the benefit of social creation and one's own prosperity. You can become an outstanding diplomat by working for the good of your native state. The power of speech is also great among journalists; with their help, public opinion is formed, which undoubtedly influences the entire political and social life of the country.

    Possessing a beautiful and correct Russian language, you can become happy in your personal life, find your love, express your sincere feelings, confess your passion, without fear of being misunderstood or misunderstood.

    Comparing the Russian language with other widespread languages ​​of the world, such as laconic English or jerky German, we involuntarily note the richness of epithets, intricate phrases, subtle shades and other signs of true greatness and unprecedented diversity.

    Enjoying the classic literary works famous Russian authors, savoring their magnificent style and their own, unique style, each time we find answers to many questions and topics that touch to the depths of the soul, because their mastery is truly amazing and makes us realize the true versatility and amazing harmony of the Russian language.

    Description of the topic: The Russian language remained and is now the language of poets and prose writers, the language of culture and the means of transferring the national heritage of a huge cultural heritage from generation to generation.

    There is a feeling that now the Russian language is underestimated and its role is underestimated, if not it is only being used for their own selfish purposes. modern society, leaving dark spots of swear words, replacing English and other words of foreign dictionaries, Internet jargon and "simple language".

    But the secret of the Russian language is that it is surprisingly flexible and rich, all classes can communicate with it, and the same word can sound in dozens of variations and meanings. So "What is the secret of the Russian language", "Russian word" and "Why do I love the Russian language?"

    Let's think together, and write the reasoning in the form of an essay on the topic:

    "The great and mighty Russian language".

    Russian language The richness, euphony and grandeur of the Russian language is the subject of admiration for many Russian classics. It is all the more surprising that our contemporaries underestimate its role, littering their speech with anglicisms, jargon, colloquial expressions, newfangled Internet slang and swear words. If everyone thought about the value of the Russian language and what enormous possibilities for expressing thoughts it has, then they would strive to know it even more deeply and would neglect other means. What is the secret of the Russian language and why do I love it so much? I will try to explain with weighty arguments and illustrative examples.

    The richness of the Russian language is not in the number of lexical units recorded in the dictionary, but in its flexibility, which has no limits. So, for example, it is believed that the most words are contained in the English language - about a million today. In the Dictionary of Modern Russian literary language"- only 131,000. But this does not take into account the unique feature of our speech: if we take into account all possible word forms, then the number of lexical units in the Russian language will exceed 1.5 million.

    Let us prove the consistency of the above argument on a specific example. Let's take any noun from the dictionary of the Russian language. Let it be "mom". Let's create word forms (grammatical varieties) by cases and number: mom, mom, mom, mom ( Genitive singular), mothers (nominative plural), mothers, mothers, (o) mothers. In English, the word "mother" has only 1 word form - "mothers" ( plural). Such a comparison can be made with almost every noun in Russian: most of them can have 8 times more word forms than in the same English.

    The great and mighty Russian language

    The dictionary of the Russian language is impressive in terms of volume and flexibility of semantic meanings so much that a lifetime is not enough for complete mastery, even if we are talking about a person whose native language is this. The numbers prove very clearly: the absolute record for the number of words used belongs to A.S. Pushkin - about 24 thousand words (from the Dictionary of Pushkin's Language). A highly educated person uses a maximum of 8000 words in his speech. The average "native speaker of the Russian language" has even less: about 3-4 thousand words. Is this not a reason to think about how limited we are using the huge potential of the Russian language and how ridiculous are the attempts to “enrich” our speech with jargon or Internet slang.

    The possibilities of the Russian language are so wide that you can replenish your vocabulary throughout your life and not even master half. A variety of word forms and meanings allows you to convey the smallest shades of meanings, compose colorful figurative descriptions, and clearly express your thoughts - this is the virtuoso use of the richness of the Russian language.
