Check text punctuation online. Checking text punctuation online What size amount and what property is allowed when making a share contribution

It's frosty. The road is white and smooth,
Not a cloud in the entire sky...
The driver's mustache and beard are frozen,
He is trembling in his robe.
His back, shoulders and hat are covered in snow,
He wheezes, urging the horses,
And his horses cough as they run,
Sighing deeply and difficultly...
Common views: former glory
Desert Russian land,
The scaffolding rustles gloomily,
Casting giant shadows;
The plains are covered with a diamond carpet,
Villages drowned in snow
A landowner's house flashed on a hill,
The church heads flashed...
Ordinary meetings: a convoy without end,
A crowd of praying old women,
Thundering mail, figure of a merchant
On a pile of feather beds and pillows;
State truck! about a dozen carts:
Guns and backpacks are piled up.
Toy soldiers! Thin, mustacheless people,
They must still be new recruits;
Sons are seen off by male fathers
Yes mothers, sisters and wives:
“They are taking away, they are taking away the hearty ones to the regiments!” —
Bitter moans are heard...
Raising his fists over the driver's back,
The courier is rushing furiously.
On the road itself, having caught up with the hare,
Mustachioed landowner huntsman
Swung across the ditch on a nimble horse,
He takes the prey from the dogs.
Stands aside with all his retinue
The landowner calls the greyhounds...
Ordinary scenes: hell at the stations -
They swear, argue, jostle.
“Well, touch it!” The guys are looking out of the windows,
The priests are fighting at the tavern;
At the forge a horse beats in the lathe,
It turns out covered in soot
Blacksmith with a red-hot horseshoe in his hand:
“Hey, guy, hold her hooves!..”
I made my first stop in Kazan,
She fell asleep on the hard sofa;
From the hotel windows I saw a ball
And, I confess, I took a deep breath!
I remembered: a little over an hour or two
It remains until the New Year.
"Happy people! how fun they are!
They have peace and freedom,
They dance, they laugh!.. but I don’t know
Have fun... I'm going to suffer!.."
There is no need to allow such thoughts,
Yes, youth, youth, grandchildren!
Here again they scared me with Trubetskoy,
It was as if she had been turned back:
“But I’m not afraid - permission is with me!”
The clock has already struck ten,
It's time! I dressed up. “Is the coachman ready?”
- Princess, you better wait
“Dawn,” noted the old caretaker. —
The snowstorm has begun to rise! —
"Oh! Or you'll have to try it again!
I'll go. Hurry, for God's sake!..”
The bell is ringing, you can't see anything,
What's next is a worse road,
Started to push hard in the sides,
Somehow we're going in ridges,
I don’t even see the coachman’s back:
A hillock appeared between us.
My wagon almost fell,
The troika jumped back and stood.
My coachman groaned: “I reported:
Wait! the road is gone!..”
She sent the road to look for the coachman,
Covered the wagon with matting,
I thought: right, midnight is close,
I suppressed the clock spring:
Twelve struck! The year has ended
And a new one was born!
Throwing back the mat, I look forward -
The blizzard is still spinning.
What does she care about our sorrows?
Until our new year?
And I'm indifferent to your anxiety
And to your groans, bad weather!
I have my own fatal melancholy,
And I fight with her alone...
I congratulated my driver.
“There is a winter quarters nearby,”
He said, “We’ll wait for dawn in it!”
We arrived and woke up
Some wretched forest guards,
Their smoky stove was flooded.
A forest dweller told horror stories,
Yes, I forgot his stories...
We warmed ourselves up with tea. It's time to retire!
The blizzard howled more and more horribly.
The forester crossed himself, the night light went out
And with the help of stepson Fedya
He rolled two huge stones against the doors,
"For what?" - The bears won! —
Then he lay down on the bare floor,
Everything soon fell asleep in the guardhouse,
I thought and thought... lying in the corner
On frozen and hard matting...
At first the dreams were funny:
I remembered our holidays,
Lights burning hall, flowers,
Gifts, congratulatory bowls,
And noisy speeches, and caresses... all around
Everything is cute, everything is expensive -
But where is Sergei?.. And thinking about him,
I forgot everything else!
I jumped up quickly as soon as the coachman
The chilled man knocked on the window.
As soon as it was light the forester led us out onto the road,
But he refused to accept the money.
“No need, dear! God protect you
The roads further on are dangerous!”
The frosts got stronger along the way
And they soon became terrible.
I completely closed my tent -
And dark, and terrible boredom,
What to do? I remember poems, I sing,
Someday the torment will end!
Let the heart weep, let the wind roar
And my path is covered by snowstorms,
Still, I'm moving forward!
I drove like this for three weeks...
One day, hearing some kind of soda,
I opened my mat,
She looked: we were driving through a vast village,
It immediately blinded my eyes:
Fires burned along my road...
There were peasants, peasant women,
Soldiers and a whole herd of horses...
“Here is the station: silver coins are waiting,”
My driver said. - We'll see her
She, tea, is walking nearby...”
Siberia sent its wealth,
I was glad to have this meeting:
“I’ll wait for the silver coin! Maybe something
I’ll find out about my husband and ours.
There is an officer with her, their way from Nerchinsk...”
I'm sitting in the tavern, waiting...
A young officer entered; he smoked
He didn't nod his head to me,
He looked and walked somehow arrogantly,
And so I said with sadness:
“You saw, right... do you know
Those... victims of the December case...
Are they healthy? What is it like for them there?
I would like to know about my husband...”
He turned his face towards me impudently -
The features were angry and harsh -
And, releasing a ring of smoke from his mouth,
He said: “They are undoubtedly healthy.”
But I don’t know them - and I don’t want to know,
I never saw many convicts!.. -
How painful it was for me, my dears! I'm silent...
Unhappy! You offended me!..
I only cast a contemptuous glance,
The young man walked out with dignity...
Some soldier was warming himself at the stove here,
He heard my curse
And a kind word is not barbaric laughter -
Found in my soldier's heart:
- Healthy! - he said, - I saw them all,
They live in the Blagodatsky mine!.. -
But then the arrogant hero returned,
I hastily went into the wagon.
Thank you, soldier! thank you dear!
It was not for nothing that I endured the torture!
In the morning I look at the white steppes,
A bell was heard ringing,
I quietly enter the wretched church,
Mixed with the crowd of pilgrims.
After listening to mass, she approached the priest,
I asked to serve a prayer service...
Everything was calm - the crowd did not leave...
I was completely overwhelmed by grief!
Why are we so offended?
Christ? Why are you covered in reproach?
And rivers of long-accumulated tears
Fell on hard slabs!
It seemed that the people shared my sadness,
Praying silently and strictly,
And the priest’s voice sounded sorrowful,
Asking for God's exiles...
Poor, lost temple in the desert!
I wasn’t ashamed to cry in it,
The participation of the sufferers praying there
It doesn't hurt a murdered soul...
(Father John, who served the prayer service
And he prayed so earnestly,
Then I was a priest in the dungeon
And he became related to us in soul.)
And at night the coachman did not hold back his horses,
The mountain was terribly steep
And I flew with my kibitka
From the high peak of Altai!
In Irkutsk they did the same to me,
How did they torment Trubetskaya...
Baikal. Crossing - and it’s so cold,
That the tears in my eyes froze.
Then I parted with my wagon
(The toboggan run has disappeared).
I felt sorry for her: I cried in her
And I thought, I thought a lot!
A road without snow - in a cart! First
The cart kept me busy
But soon afterwards, neither alive nor dead,
I learned the beauty of the cart.
I also learned hunger along the way,
Unfortunately, they didn't tell me
That nothing can be found here,
This is where the Buryats kept the post office.
They dry the beef in the sun
Let them warm themselves with brick tea,
And the one with lard! Lord save
Give it a try, you unaccustomed ones!
But near Nerchinsk they gave me a ball:
Some smart merchant
In Irkutsk he noticed me and overtook me
And in honor of my rich holiday
Arranged... Thank you! I was glad
And delicious dumplings, and a bath...
And I slept through the whole holiday like a dead woman
In the living room he is on the sofa...
I didn’t know what awaited me ahead!
I rode to Nerchinsk this morning,
I can’t believe my eyes - Trubetskoy is coming!
“I caught up with you, I caught up with you!”
They are in Blagodatsk!- I rushed to her,
Shedding happy tears...
Only twelve miles away is my Sergei,
And Katya Trubetskoy is with me!


*Agreement on the processing of personal data

1. General provisions

1.1 This agreement on the processing of personal data has been developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.2 All persons who filled out the information constituting personal data on this website, as well as those who posted other information by the indicated actions, confirm their consent to the processing of personal data and their transfer to the personal data processing operator.

1.3 These Rules for using the Site of the Virtual Country DARIA (hereinafter and hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed by the Site Administration and determine the conditions for the use and development of the Site, as well as the rights and obligations of its Users and Administration.

1.4 These Rules are a legally binding agreement between the User and the Site Administration, the subject of which is the provision by the Site Administration to the User of access to use the Site and its functionality. In addition to these Rules, the agreement between the User and the Site Administration includes all special documents regulating the provision of access to the use of individual, including Additional, functionality of the Site, located in the relevant sections of the Site on the Internet.

1.5 The User is obliged to fully familiarize himself with these Rules before registering on the Site. Registration of the User on the Site means the User's full and unconditional acceptance of these Rules in accordance with Art. 438 Civil Code Russian Federation.

1.6 These Rules may be changed and/or supplemented by the Site Administration unilaterally without any special notice. These Rules are an open and publicly available document.

2. Composition of information about users

2.1 Personal data of a Citizen means the following information: general information (last name, first name, patronymic, telephone number, date of birth, region of residence and email address).

2.2 The user is responsible for the accuracy, relevance, completeness and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of the information provided during registration and its purity from claims of third parties.

3. Purposes of information processing

Site visitors submit their personal data to create a personal page.

4. Processing user information

4.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

A) the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;

b) integrity;

V) compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data,

G) compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data for the purposes of processing personal data;

d) the inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.

4.2. Storage and use of personal data

Users' personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and is processed when checking, analyzing or analyzing data to maintain and improve the functionality and sections of the Site, as well as to develop new functionality and sections of the Site.

4.3. Transfer of personal data

Users' personal data is not transferred to any third parties.

5. User Rights and Responsibilities

5.1 The citizen, by accepting this Agreement, expresses his interest and full agreement that the processing of his personal data may include the following actions: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, destruction.

5.2 The citizen guarantees: the information provided to him is complete, accurate and reliable; when providing information, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, legal rights and interests of third parties are not violated; all information provided is filled out by the Citizen personally.


Customs of the Virtual Country DARIA (Rules).

These customs (rules) of the Virtual Country DARIA describe the relations of all its inhabitants, including the Administration and Management Bodies.

1. Basic terms and concepts:

  • Portal is the territory of the Virtual Country DARIA, located at
  • Tourist- a person who has reached the age of majority and has registered in the Virtual Country of DARIA on the website www..
  • Inhabitant– A tourist who voluntarily registered on the website, and confirmed his status as a Resident.
  • Citizen- A resident who has fulfilled the conditions of the Citizenship Law and confirmed this status
  • Controls– Constitutional Council of the Virtual Country DARIA, House of Ministers and House of Representatives of the Virtual Country DARIA
  • Administrative Department/Administration– residents of the Virtual Country DARIA, monitoring the proper implementation of the rules and laws adopted by the Constitutional Council of the Virtual Country DARIA.
  • Admin– representative of the Administrative Department
  • Team– a group of residents, citizens and tourists invited to the Virtual Country of DARIA by one resident.
  • Referral link– a unique identifier of a resident (referrer) which serves to attract new users to the portal, taking into account structuring.
  • Content– any information content of the portal (images, text, photos and videos, etc.).
  • Spam(eng. spam) - sending commercial and other advertising or other types of messages (information) to persons who have not expressed a desire to receive them.
  • gifts- an internal settlement and rating unit, which is the exclusive means of payment on the territory of the Virtual Country DARIA.
  • Status- internal rating of a resident of the Virtual Country DARIA in accordance with the adopted “Citizenship Law”.

  • 2. Basic provisions
    The Virtual Country DARIA is a network of a new formation, within which any social and financial services can be created that do not infringe on the rights and freedoms of its residents. Residents of the Virtual Country DARIA themselves participate in the formation of rules and laws through communication, voting and/or nomination to the Management Bodies.
    To become a resident of the Virtual Country DARIA and gain the right to use all services, you must confirm your agreement with these Rules. This consent means that the resident understands, accepts and agrees that he bears full personal responsibility for the content and compliance with international legislation of all materials posted by him on the Portal of the Virtual Country DARIA, as well as for the decision to participate in certain financial projects Virtual Country DARIA.
    The Constitutional Council has the right, at its own discretion, to set the exchange rate of world currencies for gifts and recommends that Residents carry out all payment transactions within the Virtual Country of DARIA in its units of account, that is, in gifts. The acquisition of gifts is carried out by residents using the national currency of the country of their physical residence.

    3. Rights and responsibilities of a Tourist/Permanent Resident/Citizen(hereinafter referred to as Resident)
    The resident acts completely independently, on his own behalf and within the framework of the current legislation of the country of his physical residence.
    The resident has the right to use all services, projects and services of the Virtual Country DARIA provided on the Portal, in accordance with his status.
    The resident has the right to invite new participants (tourists) to the Virtual Country of DARIA. To do this, the latter register on the Portal, during which they can use the referral link of the resident who invited them. Registration gives you the right, in accordance with your Status, to use all the resources of the Virtual Country DARIA, subject to the provision of reliable contact and other data.
    A resident can purchase Gifts in accordance with the terms of the project of the Virtual Country DARIA chosen by him. The project may involve the receipt and implementation of gifts from the activities of the resident himself and his team. All Projects and the Affiliate Program are described in detail on the Portal.
    The Resident does not have the right to give guarantees to anyone on behalf of the Virtual Country DARIA; make any implausible comments regarding the Projects; Assign responsibility not provided for by these rules to the Management Bodies of the Virtual Country DARIA.
    A resident has the right to contact the Administration in the following cases:
    · Technical problems with the Portal;
    · Receiving messages that are spam or containing materials prohibited by these Rules or identifying them in general/open access on the Portal;
    · Receiving messages that violate international law, contain threats, insults, viruses, immoral materials or identify them in general/open access on the Portal;
    · Discovering or suspecting that his account has been used by someone in an unauthorized manner.
    The resident bears full responsibility for the security of the password, his personal data (including payment data), as well as for all his actions performed on the Portal.

    4. Rights and obligations of the Administration.
    The Administration is obliged to provide Residents with the territory/portal and maintain it in working order;
    The Administration is not responsible for the safety of the password or any other data that the Resident has posted about himself on the Portal;
    The administration has no right to demand access to your accounts or any other means of payment or request such information;
    The administration is not obligated to verify the information provided on the registration form, including information regarding the resident’s age. Responsibility for false or incorrect information rests entirely with the user of the Portal.
    If the Resident provides incorrect information or the Administration has reason to consider such information to be incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, the Administration has the right to suspend the account until the circumstances are clarified or delete it.
    The Administration reserves the right at any time to require confirmation from the Resident of actual contact information.
    The rules and procedure for using services, projects and services provided on the Portal may be changed by decision of the Constitutional Council unilaterally. Notification of the planned change must be published publicly on the Portal at least 96 hours before the change comes into force.
    The Administration reserves the right to monitor the activities of residents in terms of their use of the Portal and to prevent the publication on the Portal of any materials that violate these Rules, as well as to take any measures to prevent such violations.
    Upon registration, the Resident agrees that the Administration has the right to use his personal data specified during registration exclusively within the framework of the implementation of projects and services provided to residents of the Virtual Country DARIA, as well as send information messages regarding the activities of the Administration.
    The Administration strives to ensure uninterrupted operation of the Portal, but is not responsible for the complete or partial loss of Resident data posted on the Portal, as well as for insufficient quality or speed of viewing information or working of personal profiles, if this happened through no fault of its own.
    The Administration undertakes to provide technical support to residents of the Virtual Country DARIA related to the functioning of the Portal, verbally or in writing.
    The administration is not obligated to return or destroy materials provided by residents when using the Portal.

    5. Responsibility
    The administration undertakes to ensure the confidentiality and safety of personal data of residents, with the exception of force majeure circumstances and cases provided for by international legislation.
    The administration is not responsible
    · for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations due to failures in power networks, technical failures at the provider, the actions of malicious programs, as well as dishonest actions of third parties
    · for moral or financial damage caused by the resident’s fault or by the fault of third parties
    · for the content of materials published, sent or received by a resident
    The administration uses software to control the exchange of gifts between Residents, and also pursues a general pricing policy.

    6. Rules.
    On the Portal of the Virtual Country DARIA it is strictly prohibited to publish, distribute, store, transfer in any form materials that:
    · violate generally accepted moral and ethical standards and international legislation
    · contain spam, viruses or malware
    · contribute to inciting religious, racial, ethnic or ethnic hatred, contain elements of violence, etc.;
    · insult the honor and dignity, rights and legitimate interests of third parties,
    · violate the rights to the results of individual activities (including copyright, related, patent, etc.) of third parties;
    · violate the rights of minors;
    · promote interest in harmful or illegal activities;
    · have pornographic content
    · contain unauthorized advertising information, financial pyramid schemes and other similar information
    It is also prohibited:
    · artificially increasing the rating of one’s own or other residents
    · Connecting and using any software designed to hack personal data of other residents, as well as to carry out automatic, mass mailing of any content.
    · Misleading someone by appropriating someone else’s name to deliberately cause losses to someone or for other selfish purposes.
    The Resident undertakes not to mislead other users of the Portal regarding his identity by using another person’s account; intentionally misrepresent yourself, your age, or your relationships with other persons or organizations.
    A resident is prohibited from posting personal information of other residents or any third parties on the Portal without their knowledge.
    The resident is prohibited from posting any information that contradicts the goals of the Virtual Country DARIA, infringes on the interests of its residents or violates these Rules.

    Advertising is information distributed in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to a specific or unspecified circle of people on the Portal and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market.
    Advertising of projects, products and services united by the brand of the Virtual Country DARIA, the production and implementation of which is carried out by the Constitutional Council of the Virtual Country DARIA has a special status. This status removes any restrictions on its placement on the portal and payment for this advertising is not made.
    Advertising of any third-party projects, goods or services that do not belong to the brand of the Virtual Country DARIA is carried out exclusively in separately created clubs on the Portal.
    Promotion of third-party projects, goods and services is also carried out exclusively in specially created clubs. Club owners are responsible for complying with this rule.
    Owners of clubs of third-party projects, goods and services are required to pay for the Affiliate Program on the Portal within 7 days from the moment the club is created and keep it up to date throughout the existence of the club.
    8. Sanctions for violation of advertising rules, spam and mass mailing of messages.
    For a one-time violation of clause 7. of these rules, as well as for messages containing spam and mass mailing on the portal on a common wall and in personal correspondence, the culprit is sent a written warning or a special mark is placed on his profile.
    For repeated violation of clause 7 of these rules, spam and mass mailing, the culprit is blocked on the portal for a period of 1 week.
    For the third violation, the offender is punished by blocking on the portal for a period of one month.
    Subsequent violation of clause 7 of these rules, spam and mass mailing is punishable by account deletion without the right to restore.

    9. Final provisions
    The resident has the right to unilaterally stop using the Portal and delete his account. To do this, you must contact the Administration in writing.
    In case of account blocking, the Resident has the right to contact the Administration for unblocking if the reason for blocking is deleted or corrected


    Question answer

    FAQ or software questions and answers

    What is a Consumer Society (CS)?

    A consumer society is a voluntary association of citizens or legal entities in order to satisfy the material and other needs of its members.

    What legislation regulates the activities of software?

    Civilian code

    What does it take to become a software shareholder?

    • Firstly, this requires the desire of the person himself.
    • Second, you need to register on the portal of the Virtual Country DARIA at ,
    • Third, you need to fill out the application and questionnaire on the page and follow the instructions

    If I pay entrance, membership and share fees, but later want to leave, will my money be returned to me?

    Entry and membership fees are non-refundable. Only share contributions are refundable.

    What is the size of the amount and what property is allowed when making a share contribution?

    The size of the amount and the property form of the share contribution are not limited by law, that is, they can be arbitrary depending on the needs satisfied by the shareholder. How to protect your property with the help of software from justified and unjustified encroachment by creditors and collectors The software protects the property of its Shareholder, even if he is a debtor. A person contributes his property to the Consumer Society in the form of a share. This property will officially belong to the company, and the shareholder will use it. Creditors do not have the legal right to seize or alienate property if the property is the collective property of the PO. Collective property in the software cannot be subject to any seizure or alienation without property claims against the software itself. And according to the law, the software is not responsible for the obligations of individual shareholders of the software.

    How often will I have to pay fees?

    Membership fees are introductory, monthly and annual. The timing and amount of the amount are determined by the PA Council.

    Is the software activity legal?

    Yes legal, and determined by Civil code Russian Federation, RF Law No. 3085-1 “On consumer cooperation (consumer societies, their unions) in the Russian Federation, other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    If I transfer property to the software, how can I use it?

    Based on the law, a PA participant has the right to use the property transferred to the PA in the form of a share. Property in the PA is transferred on the basis of an agreement between the PA member and the PA itself.

    What documents will I receive when transferring money or property to the software fund?

    An agreement is concluded between the member of the PA and the PA itself, which has the seal of the PA and the signatures of the two parties. This document will be the basis for confirming the transaction.

    By joining the software, will I be able to participate in all programs for free?

    Only in those free programs that are provided for software members. If programs provide for paid participation, then in this case participation occurs on the terms of this program.

    What rights will I have when participating in software management?

    A member of the PA, both an individual and a legal entity, has one vote when participating in voting, regardless of the amount of the share contribution.

    If I contribute my property to the software fund, can this property be foreclosed on?

    If a member of the PA has contributed property to the PA fund, then no one can impose a penalty on this property, since the PA is not responsible for the debt obligations of the PA member.

    What benefits or benefits can I get by joining the software?

    The saved funds of the software are distributed among the members of the software, members of the software can take loans from the software against the security of their share contribution, they can invest their savings in the software and receive dividends, and they can exchange shares between members of the software without taxation. If you are a legal entity (IP, LLC, CJSC), then when registering the property of your business, and acting within the framework of the software, reporting to the tax authorities is 0%.

    Already middle-aged, but still far from being “on vacation with the graces,” the woman Susan, the owner of her own art gallery and the wife of a wealthy businessman, one day receives a package from ex-husband Edward, his first love. The parcel contains a book and a letter with the following text: “Hello, my ex-sweetheart, I wrote a book, read it and let’s meet sometime and drink coffee.” Susan opens the manuscript, and there...

    There is a chilling thriller of a certain and quite popular genre. A family (mom, dad, daughter) drives along a deserted Texas road at night and comes across “straw dogs” who play “funny games” with them with fatal consequences. However, the eternal plot about primitive ultra-violence quickly transforms into another, no less eternal - about revenge. And in parallel with the film adaptation of the fictional novel, the main part of the film is transformed in the same way.

    At first glance, it may seem that Nocturnal Animals is a movie about cruelty and retribution. But in fact it is about cruelty and retribution of a different kind. And not only about them. Tom Ford plunges into such abyss of the hell of human nature and does it so deftly and beautifully that it is unclear why the hell he used to design expensive clothes instead of filming. Yes, if you didn't know, this Tom Ford is the same Tom Ford who has boutiques, colognes and accessories for a lot of money. And Nocturnal Animals is his second film.

    It should be noted that if the couturier’s past affects his new activity, it is extremely favorable. The costumes harmoniously complement the images of the characters, and his impeccable sense of style helps him masterfully use some purely artistic decisions as storytelling tools: for example, bright color spots form rhyme pairs, with the help of which two separate stories are linked into one. Which is very important, since integrity is the defining quality of the picture and part of its main idea at the same time. Edward talks about his alter ego Tony with the help of a book own story murder of love and redemption, designed to shock the reader, to turn his consciousness inside out. Moreover, the reader - not in the synecdochic, but in the most literal sense.

    The imaginary dissimilarity, the inconsistency of the two lines and their real close connection, which in the end turns into identity, illustrates the applicability of the law on the unity of opposites to the human psyche. As is known, a person has everything, and it is all constantly in motion, flowing into each other depending on various circumstances, often not the most pleasant, and even more often - against the will of the subject. Amy Adams' character Susan dreamed more than anything else of not being like her mother. Jake Gyllenhaal's character wants to spend his life with Amy Adams' character. Michael Shannon's character, minor, but, as usual, brilliantly executed - to protect the law. But circumstances, heartless, soulless, personified in the images of “night animals,” as always, ruined everything.

    What circumstances prompted Tom Ford to retrain from tailor to film maker is unknown, but his progress on the new path is impressive. The first film, A Single Man, was a cute but boring gay drama, but Nocturnal Animals takes it to heights that few others reach. He so famously combines aesthetic visuals, deep psychologism, perfectly executed by first-class actors, and an exciting script that if you don’t look at Wikipedia, you won’t be able to guess yesterday’s debutant in him. It even becomes scary - what will happen next.
