Presentation for the reading lesson "leaf fallers". "Leaf Faller" Sokolov-Mikitov I. fairy tale "Leaf Faller"

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Presentation for a literary reading lesson I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov LEAF FALLER

Primary school teacher

Sinyushkina L.V.


  • because they were born in the fall, when the leaves were falling from the trees.


Appear when there is crust on the snow.

"Kolosoviki" and "Travniki"

Summer bunnies.

Beavers bravely go into the forests;

Beavers are good to beavers.

  • Born in 1892;
  • Among the expanses of the Smolensk region;
  • Sailor, orderly, pilot, school teacher,
  • published a newspaper called “Hare Newspaper”;
  • Talked into a tape recorder
  • The writer died at the age of 83, in 1975.


(very tall, thin and awkward)


(a partition on the river to raise the water level)


(they blocked the river with a dam)


(laid down)


(name of a small house in Ukraine)


(feel cold)


(to be afraid, to be shy, to be afraid)

They're working

(work quickly)

It's cold for the bunny to sit We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand The bunny needs to jump.

Girls and boys Imagine that you are bunnies.

Someone scared the bunny The bunny jumped and galloped away.

Characteristics of Deciduous Plant.

  • A dreamer, a visionary - dreams of flying to warmer lands.
  • Disobedient - ran away from home, disobeyed his mother.
  • Inquisitive - asks questions to beavers.
  • Patient - lived all winter in the beavers' hut.
  • Kind - helped to nurse the beaver cubs.
  • Caring - feeds the beavers.
  • Brave - learned to swim.
  • The lover misses and remembers his mother hare and little brothers.

Group work

  • Group I. Make a syncwine about a bunny.
  • Group I Working with cards.

Sinkwine about a bunny

1 line- 1 word – noun - who? (main character)

2 line - 2 words – adjective - which?

3 line - 3 words - verb - what does it do?

4 line - a key sentence from the text;

Line 5 – 1-2 words – noun (attitude)

  • Bunny.
  • Curious, cowardly.
  • Cares, fears, dives.
  • The leaf faller met beavers.
  • Deciduous plant.

ran, ran ( Deciduous ) through the forest, ran to a deep forest ( river ). The leaf faller remained in the beaver forest ( hut ). They love ( beavers ) cleanliness and order. For the long winter ( fear ) The little bunny has suffered a lot. Leaf Faller was delighted and clung to ( mothers ). Fell fast asleep next to his mother in his native ( nest ) Deciduous plant.

Working with proverbs

  • Sleeping a lot means not knowing anything.
  • Houses and walls help.
  • The foreign side is a dense forest.
  • It's good to be away, but it's better to be at home!
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.


  • I learned in class... .
  • I was interested because... .
  • I was surprised...
  • I would like) ….
  • I concluded that...

I. S. Sokolova-Mikitova “Leaf Faller”.

2. Come up with a continuation of this story.

3. Illustrate

favorite episode.

© Sokolov-Mikitov I. S., succession, 2018

© LLC Publishing House "Rodnichok", 2018

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2018

* * *

Deciduous (fairy tale)

In the autumn, when the golden leaves fell from the trees, three little hares were born to an old hare in a swamp.

Hunters call autumn hares deciduous.

Every morning the little hares watched the cranes walk through the green swamp, and how the lanky cranes learned to fly.

“I wish I could fly like that,” the smallest bunny said to his mother.

- Don't be stupid! – the old hare answered sternly. -Are hares supposed to fly?

Late autumn came, it became boring and cold in the forest. Birds began to gather to fly to warmer countries. Cranes are circling over the swamp, saying goodbye to their sweet green homeland for the whole winter. The bunnies hear it as if the cranes are saying goodbye to them:

- Farewell, farewell, poor leaf fallers!

The noisy cranes flew to distant lands. The lazy bears lay down in warm dens; The prickly hedgehogs curled up into balls and fell asleep; The snakes hid in deep holes. It became even more boring in the forest. The deciduous bunnies began to cry:

- Will something happen to us? We'll freeze in the swamp in winter.

- Don't talk nonsense! – the bunny said even more sternly. – Do hares freeze in winter? Soon thick, warm fur will grow on you. When snow falls, we will be warm and cozy in the snow.

The bunnies calmed down. Only one, the smallest deciduous hare, does not give anyone peace.

“Stay here,” he told his brothers. “And I alone will run after the cranes to warm countries.”

The Leaf Faller ran and ran through the forest and came running to a remote forest river. He sees beavers building a dam on the river. They gnaw a thick tree with their sharp teeth, the wind blows, and the tree falls into the water. The river has been dammed, you can walk along the dam.

- Tell me, guys, why are you cutting down such big trees? - asks the Leaf Faller of the beavers.

“We cut down trees for this reason,” says old Beaver, “to prepare food for the winter and to build a new hut for our little beavers.”

– Is it warm in your hut in winter?

“It’s very warm,” answers the gray-haired Beaver.

“Please take me to your hut,” asks the little bunny.

Beaver and Beaver looked at each other and said:

- We can take you. Our little beavers will be happy. But can you swim and dive?

- No, hares don’t know how to swim. But I will soon learn from you, I will swim and dive well.

“Okay,” says Beaver, “here is our new hut.” It's almost ready, all that remains is to finish the roof. Jump straight into the hut.

Leaf Faller jumped into the hut. And the beaver hut has two floors. Below, near the water, food for the beavers was prepared - soft willow branches. Fresh hay is laid on top. In a corner on the hay, fluffy beavers sleep sweetly.

Before the little hare had time to take a good look around, the beavers put a roof over the hut. One beaver carries gnawed sticks, the other covers the roof with silt. With its thick tail it sticks loudly, like a plasterer with a spatula. The beavers are working hard.

The beavers put up a roof and it became dark in the hut. Deciduous Man remembered his bright nest, his old mother hare and little brothers.

“I’ll run into the forest,” thinks Listopadnichek. “It’s dark, damp, and you can freeze.”

Soon the beavers returned to their hut. We shook ourselves downstairs and dried ourselves.

“Well,” they say, “how are you feeling, little bunny?”

“Everything is very good with you,” says Listopadnichek. “But I can’t stay here for long.” It's time for me to go to the forest.

“What to do,” says Beaver, “if necessary, go.” There is now only one way out of our hut - under water. If you have learned to swim and dive well, you are welcome.

Leaf Faller stuck his paw into the cold water:

- Brrr! Oh, what cold water! It’s better, perhaps, that I stay with you all winter, I don’t want to go into the water.

“Okay, stay,” says Beaver. - We are very happy. You will be a nanny for our beavers, you will bring them food from the pantry. And we will go to the river to work and cut down trees. We are hardworking animals.

Deciduous Man remained in the beaver's hut. The beavers woke up, squeaked, and got hungry. Listopadnichek brought a whole armful of soft willow branches for them from the pantry. The beavers were very happy and began to gnaw on the willow branches - very quickly. Beavers have sharp teeth, only splinters fly. They gnawed, squeaked again, asking for food.

The Leaf Faller was tormented, carrying heavy branches from the pantry. The beavers returned late and began to clean up their hut. Beavers love cleanliness and order.

“And now,” they said to the little bunny, “please, sit down and eat with us.”

- Where is your turnip? - asks Listopadnichek.

“We don’t have turnips,” the beavers answer. - Beavers eat willow and aspen bark.

The little hare tasted beaver food. The hard willow bark seemed bitter to him.

“Oh, apparently I won’t see the sweet turnip again!” - thought the leaf-falling bunny.

The next day, when the beavers left for work, the beavers squeaked - they were asking for food.

Leaf Faller ran to the pantry, and there, by the hole, an unfamiliar animal was sitting, all wet, with a huge fish in its teeth. The Leaf Faller was frightened by the terrible beast and began to pound the wall with all his might and call for the old beavers.

The beavers heard the noise and immediately appeared. The old Beaver drove the uninvited guest out of his hole.

“This is a robber otter,” said Beaver, “she does a lot of harm to us, spoils and ruins our dams.” Just don’t be timid, little hare: the otter won’t show up in our hut any time soon. I gave her good blows.

Beaver kicked out the otter, and he himself went into the water. And again the Leaf Faller remained with the beavers in a damp, dark hut.

Many times he heard how a cunning fox approached the hut, sniffing, and how an angry lynx wandered near the hut.

The greedy wolverine tried to break the hut.

During the long winter, the leaf-falling bunny suffered a lot of fear. He often remembered his warm nest, his old mother hare.

Once a big disaster happened on a forest river. In early spring, water broke through a large dam built by beavers. The hut began to flood.

- Get up! Get up! - Old Beaver shouted. “It was the otter that ruined our dam.”

The beavers rushed down - splashing into the water! And the water is getting higher and higher. She wet the bunny's tail.

- Swim, little bunny! - says old Beaver. - Swim, save yourself, otherwise you will perish!

Leaffall's tail is shaking with fear. The timid little bunny was very afraid of cold water.

- Well, what should I do with you? - said old Beaver. - Sit on my tail and hold on tight. I will teach you to swim and dive.

The little hare sat down on a wide beaver tail, holding on tightly with his paws. The Beaver dived into the water, wagged its tail, but could not resist, and the Leaf Faller flew out of the water like a bullet. Willy-nilly, I had to swim to the shore myself. He came ashore, snorted, shook himself, and headed as fast as he could to his native swamp.

And the old hare with her babies slept in her nest.

Leaf Faller was delighted and clung to his mother.

The hare did not recognize her little hare:

- Ay, ay, who is this?

“It’s me,” said Listopadnichek. - I'm from the water. I'm cold, I'm very cold.

The little hare sniffed, licked and put her to sleep in a warm nest. He fell asleep soundly next to his mother in his native nest.

In the morning, hares from all over the swamp gathered to listen to the Deciduous Man. He told his brothers and sisters how he followed cranes to warm countries, how he lived with beavers, how old Beaver taught him to swim and dive. Since then, throughout the forest, Leaffall has become known as the bravest and most desperate hare.

From the series “Sounds of the Earth”


Of the many sounds of the earth: the singing of birds, the fluttering of leaves on the trees, the crackling of grasshoppers, the murmur of a forest stream, the most cheerful and joyful sound is the song of field larks and meadowlarks. Even in early spring, when there is loose snow on the fields, but in some places the first dark thawed patches have already formed in the warming weather, our early spring guests - the larks - fly in and begin to sing. Rising into the sky in a column, fluttering its wings, permeated through with sunlight, the lark flies higher and higher into the sky, disappearing into the shining blue. The song of a lark welcoming the arrival of spring is amazingly beautiful. This joyful song is like the breath of the awakened earth.

Even in my distant rural childhood, I loved listening to the songs of larks. You walk along a path in the rye, admiring the blue cornflowers. To the right and to the left, larks take off and sing into the sky. The heavenly space is filled with wonderful music. Grasshoppers chirp loudly, and turtle doves coo at the edge of the nearby forest. You walk, you walk, you lie with your back on the ground, feeling its maternal warmth through the thin fabric of your shirt. You look and can’t see enough of the high summer sky, the ears of corn bent over your face.

The life of larks is connected with the warm earth. In the fields cultivated by humans, among the green seedlings of grain, they make their hidden nests, hatch and feed their chicks. Larks never sit on tall trees and avoid dense, dark forests. From the shores of the warm sea to the taiga forests, larks live; over the wide steppe, over fields and meadows, their joyful songs can be heard almost all summer.

In past times, on the spring holiday, our mothers baked “larks” made from dough in Russian ovens. I remember well how my mother took the browned dough “larks” out of the oven. We rejoiced at the Russian spring holiday. With “larks” in their hands, they happily ran out to the river bank to watch the earth awakening and listen to its spring sounds.

Year of writing: 1955

Genre of the work: fairy tale

Main characters: Deciduous- little bunny, hare- Mother, Beavers- hardworking animals


In the fall, a hare gives birth to three babies. They live in a swamp. Hunters call them deciduous birds. The little bunny wanted to learn to fly like a crane. Mother said it was all nonsense. Birds fly to warmer climes, bears and hedgehogs hibernate, and snakes hide in holes. The bunnies are afraid of freezing, but the hare calms them down. However, the smallest bunny decided to leave the house and run after the cranes. The leaf faller ran to the river. There he saw beavers busy building a house. He asked to come to them. But the little bunny didn’t really like it in the hut, because it was dark and damp there. It was not possible to escape back, he did not know how to swim, and the only way out was by water. The beavers ate willow bark, and the hare really wanted sweet turnips. They were threatened by wild animals such as the otter. The little hare fed the beaver cubs, bringing them food. The hut was damaged by an otter. To escape, the hare had to learn to swim. He returned home to the warm nest where it was most comfortable.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Although the little hare did not find a warmer place, he became braver and learned to dive and swim. I also appreciated what I had before. There is no need to leave home without asking; you still won’t find happiness anywhere else.

Sokolov-Mikitov I. fairy tale "Falling Leaves"

Genre: literary tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "Falling Leaves" and their characteristics

  1. Deciduous plant. A small and stupid bunny, hard of hearing, restless. Curious and determined.
  2. Mother bunny. Kind and loving.
  3. Beaver. A skilled builder, a kind owner, strong and strict.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Falling Leaves"
  1. The birth of bunnies
  2. Farewell to the cranes
  3. Animals are preparing for winter.
  4. Mom calms the bunnies
  5. The leaf faller runs to warm countries
  6. Beaver builders
  7. Wintering in a hut
  8. Otter, fox, lynx
  9. Flood
  10. A wonderful homecoming.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Falling Leaves" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. In the fall, the hare gave birth to three little hares, who were nicknamed Leaf Falls.
  2. Other animals were preparing for winter, but the hare calmed the children, saying that their skins were warm.
  3. The younger Leaf Faller ran after the cranes and ended up at the river.
  4. He met the beavers, and they allowed the little hare to spend the winter in their hut.
  5. Many dangers awaited the little hare, and in the spring he almost drowned.
  6. The leaf faller returned to his mother and became known as a brave hare.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Leaffall"
You have to listen to your parents, they won’t give you bad advice.

What does the fairy tale "Falling Leaves" teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to obey your mom and dad, not to make independent decisions while you are still a child, and to consult with adults in everything. Teaches you to love nature, introduces you to the habits and peculiarities of life of hares, beavers and other animals.

Review of the fairy tale "Falling Leaves"
I liked this story. The leaf faller, of course, acted rashly, but he was afraid of winter and was looking for warm countries. I myself sometimes want to run somewhere south in the cold, so I understand it perfectly. But you have to listen to your mother, because no one else can take care of the children like she does.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Falling Leaves"
To the obedient, one word, to the disobedient, a hundred.
Young is green.
Every youth is full of playfulness.
Whoever doesn't listen to his mother will get into trouble.
When the sun is warm, and when mother is good.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Falling Leaves"
Golden autumn has arrived. The mother bunny gave birth to three conceptions. Hunters also call such autumn hares deciduous ones.
Every morning the little hares watched lanky cranes walking around the swamp and baby cranes learning to fly.
Then the cranes flew to warmer regions and it seemed to the hares that the birds were saying goodbye to them with their cry. It became boring in the forest. The bear lay down in a den, the hedgehog curled up, the snakes hid in holes.
The bunnies began to cry - what would happen to them in winter.
But their mother calmed them down and said that they would grow warm skins and would not be afraid of any frost.
The bunnies calmed down, but one of them, the smallest Leaf Faller, ran after the cranes to look for warm countries.
Listopadnichek ran to the forest river. And there the beavers are building a dam. Deciduous Man began to ask why the beavers were doing this. And the beavers answer that they are preparing the hut for the winter so that it will be warm.
The Leaf Faller heard that it was warm in the beaver's hut and was asking to live with them. And the beavers ask him if he can swim and dive. The leaf faller did not know how, but promised to learn quickly. And so he jumped into the hut. And there are two floors, supplies are stored on the bottom near the water, hay is on top, and beavers sleep in the corner.
Deciduous Man looked around and decided to run home, otherwise it was damp in the hut and he could catch a cold.
But then the beavers sealed the roof and there was only one way out of the hut - under water. It didn’t seem convenient for Leaffall to jump under the water, and he decided to spend the winter with the beavers.
Deciduous became the beaver's nanny. The beavers will wake up a little, squeak, and the bunny will drag them willow branches. Then the beavers came home from work and invited Leaffall to dine. And for lunch - the same willow branches, and no sweet turnip for the bunny. The leaf faller is sad, but the matter cannot be improved.
One day the beavers went to work, and the otter climbed into the hut. He sits by the water on the lower floor and holds fish. The Leaf Faller got scared and started knocking on the walls. The beavers returned and drove the otter away.
Then many times the Leaf Faller heard how a fox was approaching the hut, how a lynx was wandering nearby, how a wolverine was trying to break the hut.
And in early spring trouble came - the dam broke and the water began to flow rapidly. The hut was in danger of being flooded. The beavers deftly jumped into the water and swam, but Little Leaf Faller sat, trembling, afraid of the water.
The beaver, seeing such a thing, puts his tail in his hands and tells him to hold on tight. They say now he will teach him to swim. The little hare grabbed the tail and the beaver swam. He shook his tail and the bunny jumped out of the water like a bullet. He swam to the shore, shook himself off and ran home to his native swamp.
Leaf Faller comes running home, but his mother doesn’t recognize him. But then she sniffed, licked, recognized and put her to sleep.
And in the morning, Listopadnichek told all the hares the story of how he ran after cranes in warm countries, how he spent the winter with beavers, and how he learned to swim. And he became known among them as the most desperate and brave hare.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Leaffall"
