Essay on why you need to be financially literate. All-Russian essay competition on the topic of financial literacy. Here are my conclusions

On April 1, 2019, the All-Russian essay competition “Financial literacy of the future: how people’s lives will change with the advent of new technologies” starts, in which students of schools, colleges and technical schools, students of professional educational organizations, as well as higher educational institutions will be able to take part.

The participants’ task is to write a letter-essay to their future self. The authors will tell you how the development of digital technologies has changed our lives 30 years later. Is cash still in use? Are there any retail stores left? What professions have sunk into oblivion? Has solving everyday affairs become more convenient, or are financial scammers now lurking around every corner on the Internet?

Competitive works will be accepted from April 1, 2019 to April 24, 2019 on the portal yourfinance.rf. There is detailed information about the Competition and conditions of participation, as well as a “submit application” button.

The jury will determine the best works in three age groups (10–13, 14–17 and 18–22 years). The announcement of the results of the Competition will take place on May 18, 2019 at the “Family Festival”, which will be held as part of the V All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy for Children and Youth. The winners and laureates of the Competition will receive valuable prizes and gifts from the General Partner of the Week - VSK Insurance House.

The competition is held within the framework of the Russian Ministry of Finance Project. The main goal of the event is to develop in the younger generation skills in managing personal finances, understanding the need for careful consumption, and increasing the level of financial culture and literacy.

Essay - reasoning

on financial literacy of the population

Subject:« Does money smell?»

Humanity has been arguing for a very long time about whether money smells.

Money plays an important role in the lives of most people. It simply cannot be otherwise in modern society.Like most human inventions, money is a great good and evil at the same time.With the help of money, a person can provide himself with housing, food, clothing and other necessary things.Without them, it is impossible to achieve almost any goal.

Communicating with each other since the first grade, I noticed different attitudes towards money among my classmates. Some people buy sweets at the buffet, while others spend money on small things. Some people have a lot of money, while others value two or five rubles. Some guys were completely neutral about money.

Already in ancient times, people invented money. “Money” was different for everyone:

one tribe has bird feathers, another has dog teeth. The third has beautiful beads and jewelry. But stone money took root the most. In China, stone discs of jade served as money, and many African tribes paid for goods with bars of rock salt and agate.

When a person has a lot of money, he also has many opportunities: to travel, to study at the best universities. And precisely because money provides numerous needs, many people decide that only money is needed for life.

A person sometimes becomes capable of crime for the sake of money, capable of risking health, happiness, freedom for the sake of money. And, having heard the phrase “money doesn’t smell” from adults, I wondered why they say that, where did this phrase even come from?

"Money doesn't smell." This winged saying belongs to the Roman Emperor Vespasian. In search of additional revenue for the treasury, he introduced a tax on public toilets, which in impartial Latin were called “urine”. When the emperor's son reproached his father for introducing such an "indecent" tax, Vespasian brought the money that this tax brought to his nose and asked if it smelled.
The son's answer was negative. The pampered Romans could not deny themselves the pleasure of using luxurious marble toilets, because, like the famous baths, they went there not only for direct needs, but also for meetings and conversations. The emperor's calculation turned out to be correct - money poured into the treasury.

The phrase has become a catchphrase for everyone who doesn’t care how to make a profit. Some claim that they smell. Others insist that they don't smell.
But is it? Yes, indeed, coins and paper money do not have a physical smell, and a person’s nose cannot determine where the money came from. But the actions of a person that led to the receipt of money have a smell for the human soul, and this smell is determined not by the nose, but by conscience. No wonder there is also the expression “this thing smells bad.”

Money can smell like blood and sweat, the bitterness of tears and burning resentment. They can smell of deceit and winning luck.

The money dad received for his hard work smells of salty sweat and pain. This is what the salary of all workers smells like - it is wages earned. An athlete who has won a difficult competition, or an artist who suddenly plays a role unusually well, in addition to the smell of sweat, can feel the joyful smell of victory.

I also think that money should be sniffed with intention.
When we smell money, we inhale its energy. We are charged with monetary energy and money begins to flow to us by itself...
Those for whom money does not smell can simply smell it, shrug their shoulders and say: “No... it doesn’t smell...” But this does not change the result.

It all depends on personal sense of smell, imagination, and desire. Those who have a keen sense of smell can smell money with pleasure and exclaim: “Money smells!”

And money can smell in different ways - perfume, cigarette smoke, food and... of course - money!

In order to diversify the process of smelling money and attract into our lives not only money as such, but also those things, objects that we want to have, an olfactory ritual can and should be carried out in appropriate institutions. For example…
You need an apartment. This means that we sniff the money you have (no matter how much) in various real estate offices and housing centers.
If you need new furniture, go to a furniture store, take out money and...smell it. The ritual will have a special effect if, for example, you buy a piece of furniture (for example, a sofa), and before paying for it, you take out the money, smell it and only then pay. This means that from now on you will always have money for furniture. Using the same principle, you can “sniff” money for yourself to purchase any things in the appropriate store, salon, and even BANK!

To tell the truth, I myself would like to have a lot of money, but so that it would all be earned by me in an honest way. I would be lying if I said that I would use them all for charitable purposes. No, I, like most people, would like to have my own home and car in the future so that I can afford something for my soul: travel, entertainment, shopping for myself and loved ones. But if it happens that I have a lot of money, I will definitely spend some of it on charity. After all, the need for this noble cause will always be. Orphanages, shelters, treatment of sick people in need of expensive operations - this is where I would like to invest my money. I believe that there is nothing in the world more expensive and valuable than human life!

We can talk a lot about money, we can argue for a long time about whether it brings evil or good to people, whether it smells or doesn’t smell? I think it all depends on what hands they fall into.

Today, the phrase “Money doesn’t smell” is given a different, figurative meaning. Today this phrase means that money earned by honest labor and money obtained as a result of a robbery are equally good. It is clear that the robber is completely satisfied with the phrase “money does not smell,” but for a decent person it would be better if this phrase sounded like “money smells.”

The results of the children's and youth essay competition on financial literacy and economic education of the population were summed up in Vladivostok. About a thousand children from all over Primorye took part in the competition, but only 50 high school students from secondary educational institutions became winners of the competition. The organizer of the creative competition for young people was the FEFU Alumni Association, the association told RIA PrimaMedia.

Gifts and certificates for the winners, Photos from the event from other sources. Author of the photo: provided by the FEFU Alumni Association

The competition, held in Primorye from May 13 to December 30, 2013, was organized by the Department of Education of the Primorsky Territory Administration, the FEFU Alumni Association, the Non-Profit Partnership "League of Financial Institutions" and the Primorsky branch of the Financial Consumer Union.

Alexander Ivashkin, Photos from the scene from other sources. Author of the photo: provided by the FEFU Alumni Association

“Today, 50 guys have made a significant step in their lives by becoming winners of the competition. You have acquired knowledge that will help you handle money and will never be able to become poor,” said Alexander Ivashkin, president of the FEFU Alumni Association, in his parting address to the guys.

Anastasia Ryzhankova, head of the department for work with enterprises of the Primorsky Territory branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, delivered a welcoming speech; she thanked all participants of the competition for their active participation and presented valuable prizes from Sberbank.

Irina Syrova, Photos from the event from other sources. Author of the photo: provided by the FEFU Alumni Association

In his address to those gathered, Head of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Primorsky Territory Irina Syrova I especially noted those guys who wrote compositions and essays on the topic “Telephone fraud: around the bush.”

Auditorium, Photos from the event from other sources. Author of the photo: provided by the FEFU Alumni Association

Awarding the winner, Photos from the event from other sources. Author of the photo: provided by the FEFU Alumni Association

The head of the department for working with taxpayers of the Federal Tax Service for the Primorsky Territory, Irina Tabakova, addressed the children present - the winners of the competition. She responded with special prizes for the winners who chose the essay topic “Why should people pay taxes.”

The winners received certificates and gifts, photos from the event from other sources. Author of the photo: provided by the FEFU Alumni Association

Soon the competition participants will be able to prove themselves again. As stated by the chairman of the Primorsky branch of "Finpotrebsoyuz" Evgeniy Decik, in a month the organizers will announce a new competition "Financial Literacy -2014".

The FEFU campus on Russky Island made an unforgettable impression on high school students. The guys were literally shocked by the grandiose building and the friendliness of the FEFU admissions committee, which, together with the FEFU Alumni Association, organized this grand awards celebration for them, with a tea party and excellent student guides.

Topic 1. Personal financial plan – Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have..!!

Subbotin Ivan Alexandrovich

MKOU "Subbotinskaya Secondary School" Solntsevsky district, Kursk region, 9th grade

Head: Leonidova Inna Nikolaevna


1. Introduction

2. Main part




“Find the beginning of everything and you will understand a lot”

K. Prutkov

The epigraph corresponds to the topic of the essay. I chose the essay topic “Personal Financial Plan” because this is the beginning of all beginnings, the first step towards financial literacy. Today I am a schoolboy and my parents decide all financial issues, but tomorrow I am a student, an independent person and I will have to deal with finances myself. Sooner or later, any person who cares about what is happening with his money now, and what will happen to it in the near and distant future, asks a trivial question - how can I properly handle my finances?

For the first time, I thought seriously about how to improve financial literacy. How to manage money correctly is one of the most important issues in modern life. Already, many of us would like to know how to increase our wealth. Save or spend - which will help you become richer and happier?

The treasury of worldly wisdom is rich in sayings, proverbs and aphorisms that speak about the benefits of both saving and spending money: “It is better to reach into your pocket for a word than for money” (V. Bryntsalov), “Money should turn around. The faster you spend, the faster you get” (P. Kapitsa). "Money must be managed, not served.”

The easiest way to get the thing you want is to ask your parents to buy it. But this method does not always work: parents may refuse. You can try to buy it yourself. I usually have pocket money, some of which goes towards dinners or travel, and some goes unnoticed on ice cream, movies, chips, soda. How to take control of expenses and save for your dream? You need to create a personal financial plan.

2. Main part

The term finansia originated in the 13th-15th centuries.translated fromLatin as cash, income. In the shopping arcades of Italy, it initially meant any monetary payment. Subsequently, the term gained international distribution and began to be used as a concept associated with the system of monetary relations between the population and the state regarding the formation of state funds of funds.

In the most simplified version, the definition of finance sounds like this: finance is money. But this is too simple, a primitive definition of finance. After all, finance is not only cash, and funds in bank accounts, and checks, and letters of credit, and other financial instruments.

Financial literacy is the understanding of basic financial concepts and the use of this information to make smart decisions that promote people's well-being. These include making decisions about spending and saving, choosing appropriate financial instruments, planning a budget, saving for future goals, such as education or a secure life in adulthood. There are people who save and save money so that they can spend it, because “a penny saves the ruble.”». And there are those who adhere to the rule of spending, because “money should work».

Both approaches to managing money have their pros and cons.

What is better - saving or spending?

I think each of these behaviors can be considered beneficial when the following factors are considered:

1. What does accumulation give?

Saving provides the opportunity to stay with money in the event of an unforeseen situation.

For example, in the event of a breakdown of household appliances, illness or other unexpected expenses, you will always have the required amount of money at your disposal;

Saving makes it possible to purchase things or services without resorting to loans and credits, which means it allows you to save a significant amount of money, which goes to pay interest on the loan;

Saving allows you to make significant acquisitions.

If you are not able to buy a new phone with your monthly salary, then saving a certain amount of money will definitely give you this opportunity;

In addition to financial savings, it provides psychological security and creates a kind of “safety cushion.”(“In reserve” is also called a financial “airbag” - a reserve fund that will help survive times of crisis).

A person who regularly saves money does not worry about whether he will be able to survive until the next salary, how to survive in the event of dismissal or other unforeseen situations.

2. What does free management of money give?

- the approach to money “as much as I have, I spend as much” makes it possible to regularly feel the “taste of life”, feel a sense of celebration, and not feel disadvantaged and forced to save;

Free management of money creates a certain psychological mood - “everything is fine with me, I have money, and I can spend it.”

A person who radiates a positive attitude receives positivity in return. At the same time, saving money “for a rainy day” is often fraught with the fact that a “rainy day” actually comes;

- free handling of money allows money to “work” and attract other money. Spending money frees up space for new money to come in.

What is right for my family? Most likely accumulation.

It is believed that you need to save at least 10% of your monthly income.

If you have more money sitting on your shelf than you allow yourself to spend, give yourself permission to spend.

Spend on what you really need. Notice your needs and allow yourself to fulfill them. After all, life is happening right now. It is important not just to master one method or another, but also to understand why you choose it.What can he give you? What do you need now to manage your money most effectively?

Sometimes you just have to choose a middle ground, balancing the need to spend and the desire to protect yourself.

What is a financial plan? Let's turn to V.V. Chumachenko, A.P. Goryaev UMK “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy”.

A financial plan (personal financial plan) is an action plan developed for a specific person (family) to achieve financial goals (getting an education, buying real estate, traveling abroad), including the selection of various investment, insurance, pension, and credit products.

Who needs a personal financial plan?

Anyone who seeks to increase their income, either by increasing the value of an assetV , and by reducing various expense items, and also has long-term financial goals (for example, personal pension savings).

Why do you need LFP?

To structure data on the amount of income received, as well as to monitor regular expenses in order to eliminate spontaneous purchases and waste and increase financial discipline.

So, I decided that I needed a financial plan. Where to start?

1. Defining the goal . Goals can be both short-term and long-term; ideally, both should be taken into account when drawing up a plan. Not important, important and very important or global. In addition, goals should be specific and better expressed in monetary terms.

There is no need to wish for yourself what you are unlikely to achieve. It's better to focus on more real things. Of course, the goal may be slightly too high. This will give you an incentive to look for additional opportunities to make your dream come true.

An example from life.

My family - mom, dad, me and my brother, a 10th grader. My parents plan that after finishing school I will enter a prestigious university. And this means a high price for education. With their current income, parents realize that they will not be able to provide for their plans. Therefore, savings need to be made now. Drawing up a personal family budget is the first step in this direction.

2.Assessment of the current financial situation . Do you know how much money you spend per month, what you spend it on, and do you remember where you spent the money that was in your pocket (on your card) last week. If you cannot answer these questions specifically, it means that you have absolutely no control over the movement of your financial resources, and another unplanned purchase can lead you to a situation where your pocket is empty, and your salary was a week ago.

What to do?

To find out how your budget is spent, you need to keep records of income and expenses in writing, not in your head, but on paper.

Theoretically, everything is clear. I will try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

My family's preliminary budget.

Family income: dad's salary - 26,000 rubles, mom's - 14,000 rubles. Total: 40,000 rub.

Family expenses: utilities - 4,000 rubles, food - 12,000 rubles, purchase of clothes - 6,000 rubles, transportation costs - 6,000 rubles, purchase of medicines - 3,000 rubles, internet - 1,000 rubles. Total: 32000 rub. Parents set a long-term goal for themselves related to obtaining an education: to accumulate 150,000 rubles within 2.5 years. for my studies at the university. The balance was 8000 rubles. Possible ways to place the cash balance: placing it in a bank at interest (deposit), or keeping savings at home.

From an economic point of view, the first option is preferable, but taking into account the low interest rate on deposits in a Sberbank branch, parents will keep their savings at home. The goal will be achieved if the salary and cost of training are stable over these years.

I also set a financial goal for myself. I'll try to create my own personal financial plan.

So, now I'm in 9th grade. In 2.5 years I will graduate from school and enter university. By this time I want to save 50 thousand. rubles to buy yourself a laptop and a good cell phone. They will be useful to me for my educational activities. How can I do this? My parents give me 2,000 rubles a month for pocket expenses. If I spend 1000 rubles. per month, then I will save up in 2.5 years: 2.5 * 12 = 30,000 (rub.). And if we add to this the money donated by my parents, grandmother and relatives for my birthday - 30,000 rubles. The total amount will be 60,000 rubles. Everything is great if there is no inflation! So, I’ll start on January 1, 2019

save money for your “dream”. The remaining amount is 10,000 rubles. I will divide it in such a way that part of it goes to the “safety cushion”, and part to pleasant expenses. This is my personal financial plan.

Having money saved is useful, as it saves your peace of mind and allows you to save and acquire.

Have money that you can freely spend on your personalneeds (sports, cinema, theaters, clothing, skating rink, etc.) are no less important.

Yesterday, the television program “Reflection” discussed the issue of increasing wages for public sector employees. According to a survey of the population, it turned out that many citizens have a salary of 12,000 rubles? How can you live on this amount? Can you find additional income, if possible? The situation is, of course, complicated. Can these people be called financially illiterate or is there something else here?

I found 12 helpful money management tips for kids online. I am sure that these tips will also be useful for adults.

1.Try to plan a budget and stick to it.

2. Be careful when spending money, try not to waste it.

3. Remember that financial literacy plays a huge role in your future and your independence.

4. Learn to distinguish “needs” from “wants.” The former are usually less expensive than desires.

5. Ask for a bank account to be opened in your name and you can regularly deposit money into it instead of a piggy bank.

6. If you want to buy an expensive item that you can’t afford, find a cheaper alternative. This is also an excellent solution and, moreover, for less money.

7. Start a piggy bank and deposit change from your purchases into it, so you can accumulate savings.

8. Buy the game Monopoly (or similar) and play it regularly, it will be fun and teach you to understand the value of money.

9. When you go shopping, try to choose the goods you need. If you choose several products with the same functions at once, you will learn to compare prices and make an informed choice.

10. Try not to “borrow.” It is not good to be dependent on someone by taking someone else's money. Resist the desire to live on credit.

6. Magazines "Finance", "Financial Director"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Basic school 24

Essay on the topic:

“The importance of financial literacy for a modern person”

Kiselevsky urban district


Being financially literate is very important for a modern person. Almost every day a person is faced with finances and sometimes does not know or does not understand how to use them correctly. Over the course of a person’s entire life, a lot of finances pass through a person’s hands, the flow of which a person needs to control. He must be able to make informed decisions about the use and management of his money. Therefore, financial literacy is the most important factor in a person’s well-being and success in life.

Financial literacy is a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in the field of finance that allows you to correctly assess the market situation and make reasonable decisions.

Financial literacy contributes to making smart decisions, minimizes risks and, thus, can increase the financial security of the population. It helps us think more rationally and plan our future. It should not be underestimated, because human well-being depends on it. It is financial literacy that teaches us how to correctly save, increase, and create our savings.

Savings are part of the population’s cash income that people set aside for future purchases and to meet future needs; represent the difference between disposable income and consumer spending. A modern person must be able to manage his savings. If a person fails to do this, then it will be difficult for him to live in the modern world.

Consider, for example, the situation. After graduating from school, the young man went to get an education at an educational institution located in another city. When he lived with his parents, his parents fully provided and controlled him financially. Finding himself in a new environment, he was unprepared for financial independence. He happily spent the money he received from his parents on entertainment and was eventually left without a livelihood. The young man, being financially illiterate, was unable to properly distribute his own finances. Over time, this behavior becomes a habit. A person grows up, but his habits remain the same. He can pass on the same behavior of financial illiteracy to his children. After all, it is the parents who must instill in their child the basic rules of communication with finances. But, being financially illiterate, they will not be able to do this.

Therefore, I would like to see such practical classes introduced in schools and aimed at developing useful skills in handling finances.

We must always remember that modern children are future participants in the financial market, borrowers, savers and taxpayers. Therefore, it is advisable to start teaching financial literacy at an early age.

I think that financial knowledge acquired during the developmental stage of personality will help young people to be more purposeful and responsible adults. This invaluable knowledge can make their lives much easier in the future. The main thing is that knowledge does not remain a theory, but is applicable in real life and acts in practice.
