Ukrainian Bandera. Is all Western Ukraine Banderaites? Bandera vs Melnikovites

Recently, due to the changed strategy of the information war, new propaganda theses have been introduced into circulation. They, through the Ukrainian oligarchic media and ordinary people, who are most susceptible to propaganda, are replicated in the Russian information space. One of the strangest of them is that there are actually no Banderaites, all this is an invention of Putin’s propagandists. Even more surprising are the people who say something like this: “I was recently in Ukraine, I didn’t see any Banderaites.” Well, since some Banderaites don’t see them, we’ll have to show them. And not ordinary Banderaites, but those who are currently at the very top of Ukrainian power.

By Banderaites we mean those who are supporters of the ideas of the fascist servant Stepan Bandera. Those who consider him a hero. At the same time, we will not use reports in the Ukrainian media, but will give the floor to the “heroes” themselves. Let's start with the new government of Ukraine. So, dear Ukrainians and Russians, get acquainted!

1) Oleksandr Maksimovich Sich(Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine)

The video talks about the oath of the SS division "Galicia", this is what it looks like:

“I, a Ukrainian volunteer, with this oath, voluntarily place myself at the disposal of the German Army.
I swear allegiance to the German Leader and Supreme Commander of the German Army, Adolf Hitler, to unfailing loyalty and obedience.
I solemnly undertake to carry out all orders and instructions from my superiors, as well as to keep all military, state and official affairs strictly secret, and thereby faithfully and devotedly serve the German Army and at the same time my homeland.
It is clear to me that after my oath of office I am subject to all German military disciplinary sanctions. The end of my service as a Ukrainian volunteer is determined by the German Army."

2) Igor Aleksandrovich Shvaika(Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food)

Speech at the UPA March in 2011

3) Andrey Vladimirovich Mokhnik(Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources)

4) Andrey Vladimirovich Parubiy(Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, commander of the “Maidan self-defense”)

5) Nalivaychenko Valentin Alexandrovich(Head of the Security Service of Ukraine)

All these people openly declare their sympathies for the UPA and Stepan Bandera. It is these people who are Bandera’s supporters.

Now let's move on to the Ukrainian Parliament, where out of 445 deputies, 36 are members of the Svoboda faction. Its leader Oleg Tyagnibok, let’s give him the floor:

Among the deputies of his faction there are such odious personalities as:

Irina Farion

Yuri Mikhalchishin

The new governor of the Lviv region, Irina Sekh

The list of Banderaites can be continued for a long time. But it's not that. Residents of Russia really know very little about the roots that people of clearly fascist views have put into the Ukrainian government, glorifying the thugs from the UPA and their leader, Stepan Bandera. But the people of Ukraine should know this. So why this public lie that there are no Banderaites? Ukraine is rapidly becoming a fascist state in its ideology. At Euromaidan we saw an alliance of Ukrainian neo-fascists and oligarchs, who actually carried out armed coups. In this regard, the position of those Ukrainians who continue to talk about the victory of the people is doubly surprising. The government has already been formed, new heads of regions are being appointed. Where are the new representatives of the people among them? You have been deceived again, just like during Yushchenko’s time. At the call of the media, you came out to fight your thieves, but to do this you sided with other thieves and neo-fascists.

As for the reaction of public opinion in Russia, I want to say the following. Our understanding of the importance of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War has not yet dulled. We remember that tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians died fighting the German fascists and their minions of different peoples and nationalities. In Germany, Hitler also came to power with the support of the oligarchs and “civilized European states,” who turned a blind eye to some of the theses of the “rising political star.” Now we see how people who glorify Hitler’s lackey Bandera are gradually getting more and more seats in the government, forming their own combat units and getting weapons in their hands. We do not want a new war, and the war will certainly begin when the radicals finally take power into their own hands. Therefore, either the Ukrainians themselves will put the unruly Bandera bastard in their place, or I will support any actions of the Russian authorities to neutralize the fascist state in the center of Europe. I am not a supporter of Putin and his policies; I believe that they are harmful to our country. But when it comes to the fascist threat, my sympathies will certainly be on the side of those who oppose it, regardless of political views and worldview. I urge those Ukrainians who have already opened their eyes to actively oppose the neo-fascists and oligarchs who have seized power. And for those who are still in captivity of “revolutionary illusions,” come to their senses and begin to look soberly at what is happening.

At the same time, I have no confidence that in Russia the oligarchic authorities will not betray the people in the same way as happened in Ukraine. Therefore, I urge everyone to jointly confront the new threat. Sign up on the website, in order to provide assistance to Ukrainian brothers and counter the threat of fascism already in our country. Using the example of Ukraine, we have seen in detail that unorganized people become easy prey for the propaganda of oligarchic media, as well as small but trained and disciplined radical groups. If trouble comes to our home, then we must give our own, adequate civil response, and not find ourselves, like the Ukrainians, faced with a choice between thieves and thieves in alliance with the fascists. Only the self-organization of our people can save Russia in the future.

Today on television and on the Internet a lot of news is devoted to Ukraine. The word “Banderaites” is heard every now and then in news stories.

Who are they and what are they doing in Ukraine? If you look for the answer on your own, without the help of knowledgeable people, you may stumble upon completely incorrect descriptions of these people. To answer this question, we will have to go back in time.

Where did Bandera's followers come from?

The collective name “Bandera” was formed from the name of one of the leaders who actively promoted Ukrainian nationalism. Stepan Bandera wanted to free his nation from “non-Ukrainians” so much that he brutally dealt with anyone who had other roots. The main justification for him was that he strives to gain complete freedom and independence of the country from the influence of other states and peoples as quickly as possible.

Accordingly, today Banderaites are those who share Bandera’s ideology and want to cleanse Ukraine of the ethnically “unclean” ones. Banderaism appeared during the Great Patriotic War, but now it is experiencing a second revival.

Life of Stepan Bandera

Bandera himself was not a purebred Ukrainian. He was born into a priest's family who had Greek roots. The father taught the children a lot and tried to convey to them his worldview. Perhaps it was then that Stepan absorbed the first portion of nationalism from his father, which later grew into hatred. In addition, the First World War also left an indelible mark on the psyche of a very young man.

While still a high school student, Bandera began to show nationalistic inclinations. He led the youth movement in Western Ukraine, trying by any means to achieve its independence. It is worth noting that Bandera was not afraid to use even the most dangerous means - for example, terrorism.

As a senior student, Bandera joined the Ukrainian Military Organization, with which he continued his activities after graduating from the educational institution. In some cities, especially in Lviv, Stepan was considered an idol. It was there that the OUN, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, was created. A special Bandera uniform was even developed.

In those days, nationalists devoted a lot of effort to fighting their political opponents, so Bandera already had several political victims. For one of these crimes, the killer was sentenced to death, but then the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment - but he did not manage to serve even this term. During the German occupation of Poland, all nationalists, including Bandera, were released. This happened in 1939, just at the beginning of the Second World War.

Bandera considered the Soviet Union to be the main enemy of the people of Ukraine. But at the same time, he believed that Germany would not help Ukrainian nationalists achieve independence. In fact, this is what happened: in 1941, Stepan was taken into custody in Germany, since the Nazis had completely different plans for Ukraine. He spent 3 years in prison.

After his release, Bandera remained to live in Nazi Germany and created a foreign branch of the OUN. His activities were very inconspicuous, he tried not to attract attention and until the end of his life he walked with security. However, he still failed to escape the assassination attempt: in 1959 he was killed by KGB agent B. Stashinsky.

After his death, Bandera was left with a family. His followers maintained faith in their leader and loyalty to their ideology, adding their own cruel innovations to it. They committed many more murders on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, hiding behind the ideas of Bandera.

Activities during World War II and after

While the Bandera leader was in Germany, his followers were active in Ukraine and fought first against the Polish occupation, and then switched to the Red Army and Soviet power. It was then that the UPA was created - the “Ukrainian insurgent army”, whose enemies were everyone who was not Ukrainian. All “extra” had to be eliminated by any means.

One of the ardent fans of this doctrine was Roman Shukhevych. Under his leadership, many families of Polish origin were killed. These times are remembered as the bloodiest in the history of the region. The Belarusian village of Khatyn was simply wiped off the face of the earth. People of all ages were not just killed, but tortured before delivering the fatal blow.


Undoubtedly, the nationalist movement had its enemies. After all, Bandera’s followers did not just kill people of other nationalities. It got to the point of terrible absurdity: entire families were slaughtered if they were loyal to the Russians and did not support the ideology of the radicals. People lived in fear and it was impossible to defend themselves. At that time, the Soviet Union sent NKGB and NKVD workers to Ukraine. Work was carried out with the population, “extermination squads” were created. Everyone who wanted to help eliminate gangs took part in the battles. In the end, good turned white: the last underground groups of the OUN-UPA were mercilessly defeated in the mid-fifties. Only then did the attacks on civilians stop.

Who are Bandera’s followers in Ukraine today?

In modern Ukraine, the Bandera movement has begun to revive again. Young people are most susceptible to this radical ideology. However, not everyone is well acquainted with history and does not know how much trouble this too ardent nationalism brought to the country where today’s Banderaites live. The older generation does not particularly support them and regrets that they did not exterminate every last one of Bandera’s followers.

Today in Ukraine, the leader’s birthday is celebrated brightly: parades are held, participants carry portraits of the leaders of the movement and light torches. The holiday spreads throughout the city, but not all residents like the fanaticism towards Stepan Bandera and the red and black flag of Bandera.

Today's Banderaites are the most active fighters for the freedom of Ukraine and ardent opponents of the Russians. If you search on the Internet for “Bandera people photo,” you will see that in appearance they are mostly unremarkable young people, except that they wear national symbols. At parades, red and black banners and national flags are unfurled, and banners with slogans are carried. Stepan Bandera is their main idol; monuments are erected to him and songs are dedicated to him.

However, all Ukrainians should not be classified in this direction. The majority of the country's residents are not at all happy with what is happening inside Ukraine. Fortunately, similar incidents that occurred during the lifetime of Stepan Bandera and other leaders of the movement are not repeated. Although today there are many terrible stories about how Bandera’s followers commit atrocities in Ukraine, you shouldn’t believe everything, because the whole truth about Bandera’s followers can only be learned by visiting the country.

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These people, where did this movement come from? In this article we will try to answer these and other very relevant questions. Today, there are a lot of terrible stories about the past of this movement, some people justify it, some condemn it, or even treat it with hatred.

Historical information about the appearance of Bandera

So, Banderaites - who are they? There are a lot of negative definitions of this movement. During the Patriotic War, these were people who supported the ideology of Stepan Bandera, one of the leaders of Ukrainian nationalism. Then they committed many murders of non-Ukrainians, justifying it with the desire for freedom and independence for their country.

Today, there is a lot of evidence of the crimes of Bandera’s followers that were committed during the time. They killed those who did not belong to the Ukrainian nation, who had relatives of people of a different nationality. Some of the murders that Bandera committed (photo below) can hardly be called anything other than atrocities. It all started with the idea of ​​liberating western Ukraine from the power of the Polish invaders.

Stepan Bandera. short biography

Now about the leader of the mentioned movement. Stepan Bandera was born in 1909 into a family. In addition to him, the family had six more children. Obviously, Stepan absorbed the idea of ​​nationalism with the instructions of his father, who tried to pass on his worldview to his children. This was further facilitated by the First World War, which took place before the eyes of a still impressionable child.

Bandera lived in his father's house until 1919, after which he moved to the city of Stryi and entered the gymnasium. He studied there for eight years. It was in the gymnasium that his nationalist activities began, which subsequently led to the appearance of Bandera’s followers in Ukraine. He became the leader of youth in Western Ukraine, defending its independence by any means, not even disdaining what is now, in the modern world, called terrorism.

Political activities of Stepan Bandera

After graduating from high school, Stepan, in addition to social activities, was engaged in work entrusted to him by the Ukrainian military organization. Bandera has been a member of it since his senior year at the gymnasium. He became an official member of this organization in 1927. He began working in the intelligence department, and then in the propaganda department. He was followed by young people who adhered to his radical nationalist views.

During his activities in this organization, he achieved great heights and popularity, especially in the city of Lvov, whose Banderaites (as they would later be called) truly considered him an idol. Became the leader of the underground organization OUN.

Now a little about Stepan’s political career. He was responsible for several organized murders of prominent political figures, whom nationalists were fighting against at that time. For one of them, in 1934, he was convicted and sentenced to death, which, however, was commuted to life imprisonment after some time. He stayed in prison until the age of 39, when, due to the occupation of Poland, all prisoners (including Stepan) were released.

The nationalist leader continued his activities. And if we discuss the question “who are Bandera’s people,” then we can answer that these are his followers, who at one time supported him.

Bandera's activities during World War II

At this time, Stepan had just been released. Having joined his supporters, he visited Lviv, where, after assessing the situation, he decided that now the main enemy of Ukraine’s independence was the Soviet Union.

It can be considered that the Ukrainian Banderaites officially appeared after the split of the OUN, when two people with completely opposite views began to lay claim to the post of head of this organization. This is S. Bandera and A. Melnik. The first believed that Germany would not help Ukrainians gain the freedom they wanted, so they needed to rely only on themselves. The alliance with the Germans could only be considered temporary. The second one thought completely differently. Ultimately, everyone went to their own camps. Bandera's closest supporters were S. Lenkavsky, Y. Stetsko, N. Lebed, V. Okhrimovich, R. Shukhevych.

In June 1941, an act of revival of the Ukrainian state was proclaimed, which resulted in Bandera’s imprisonment in Germany. The Germans did not want this turn of events at all. As Stepan predicted, they had completely different plans for Ukraine.

Bandera remained in a German prison until September 1944. It was not the most terrible place; these were the kind of political criminals that were kept there. Three years later, the Germans themselves released Stepan. It was rather an act of protest against his proclamation of an independent Ukrainian state.

During these three years, Bandera could not engage in politics, although he maintained contact with his comrades through his wife. However, all this time Western Ukraine, whose Banderaites did not give up their activities, continued to fight the invaders of territories.

Life of Stepan Bandera after release

After his release in September 1944, S. Bandera decides to stay and live in Germany. The inability to return to the territory of the Soviet Union did not prevent the organization of a foreign branch of the OUN (b).

At this time, according to some sources, he was recruited and worked for German intelligence and counterintelligence. And according to other sources, he refused this offer.

Until the fifties, this man led the life of a conspirator, as he was hunted, but after that he moved to live in Munich with his family. Until the end of his days, he walked with the guards in order to protect himself from assassination attempts, of which, by the way, there were many. Here he was known under the name Popel.

However, this did not save him from death. In 1959, he was killed by KGB agent B. Stashinsky. He shot Bandera in the face with a syringe pistol (contents - They did not have time to save him; Stepan died on the way to the hospital. The shooter was later arrested and sent to prison for eight years. After his release, Stashinsky’s fate is unknown.

After Bandera's death, a family remained - Oparovskaya's wife Yaroslava, son Andrei, daughters Natalya and Lesya. Despite all his actions, he loved his family and protected it in every possible way.

Thus ended the life of a man who was the ideological inspirer of the nationalist movement in Western Ukraine, as well as the organizer of numerous political assassinations. His followers committed many murders, hiding behind the idea of ​​Ukrainian independence, its liberation from Polish and then Soviet rule.

In 2010, Bandera was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, despite the fact that many people condemned it. However, in 2011, the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine decided that this person cannot be considered a hero.

Followers of Bandera during World War II

So, continuing their activities during World War II, Bandera’s followers (photos of their atrocities are widely available today) actively began to fight first against the Polish occupation, and then against the Red Army defeating the Germans. A group was formed that supported Stepan’s idea of ​​Ukrainian independence. Everyone was an enemy - Jews, Poles and other nationalities. And they were all subject to destruction.

An ardent follower and friend of Bandera was Roman Shukhevych, who practically led the OUN in his absence. In 1941, he was subordinate to the Nachtigal battalion, which killed a large number of Lvov residents of Polish nationality. From that moment on, the slaughter of the civilian population of Ukraine began.

In addition to this, they also committed other atrocities, namely the murder of residents of the village of Korbelisy in Volyn. Many were burned alive. In total, about 2,800 people died then.

Terrible atrocities were committed in the village of Lozovaya, where more than a hundred residents were killed, with various forms of abuse.

There is other evidence of the terrible fate of the civilian population. Almost all children of non-Ukrainian nationality were subject to death, and martyrdom. Many people had various parts of their bodies torn off or chopped off, and their stomachs ripped open. Some were tied alive to poles using barbed wire. These were truly scary times.

Today there are historians who believe that representatives of the OUN-UPA really enjoyed the savagery they carried out. Even the German Nazis were not so happy. This data was collected from the reports of arrested and interrogated Bandera members. This was also claimed by some Germans who collaborated with them.

Bandera members of the UPA

Bandera's UPA is a formed armed army that was subordinate to the leaders of the OUN (b). It was only later that various representatives who supported this movement and their idea began to join it.

Its main goal was Soviet partisans, as well as the destruction of everyone and everything who had nothing to do with Ukraine. Many people still remember their cruelty, when entire settlements were slaughtered simply because they belonged to a different nationality.

At the time of the offensive of the liberating Red Army, there were about fifty thousand active fighters in the UPA. Each of them had their own clear ideological position and hatred towards the “soviets,” which was facilitated by the years of past Stalinist repressions.

However, there were also weaknesses in the army. This, of course, is ammunition and the weapon itself.

How Bandera's followers acted during the war

If we discuss the crimes of Bandera’s members as part of the UPA, then today, by the standards of historians, they are quite numerous. For example, about 200 people from the village of Kuty (Armenians and Poles) were subject to death. All of them were slaughtered during the ethnic cleansing of this territory.

The well-known Volyn massacre affected many settlements. It was a scary time. Some leaders of the movement we are considering were of the following opinion: let there be less population in the territory, but they will be pure Ukrainians.

According to various estimates, then from twenty to one hundred thousand people died (and these were civilians!) at the hands of people who supported the idea of ​​​​nationalism under the leadership of S. Bandera. No motives, even very noble ones, can justify the violent death of so many people.

Confrontation with Bandera

The crimes of Bandera caused enormous opposition to them from Soviet partisans during the war. As the territory of Ukraine was liberated from the Germans by the Red Army, the formation of the UPA intensified its actions. They tried to prevent the establishment of Soviet power on “their” land. Various acts of sabotage were carried out, for example, burning shops, destroying telegraph communications, and killing people who were in the ranks of the Red Army. Sometimes entire families were slaughtered simply because they were loyal to the Russian partisans.

Soviet troops, as the territories were liberated, also carried out a cleansing of German-Ukrainian nationalists. Almost all large UPA groups were destroyed. However, small detachments appeared that became increasingly difficult to catch.

It was a difficult time for Western Ukrainians. On the one hand, which mobilized the adult male population. On the other hand, there were the UPA formations, which exterminated everyone who was in any way connected with the Soviets.

After the end of World War II, NKGB and NKVD workers were sent to this territory to liberate it from nationalist groups. In addition, explanatory work was carried out among the population, as a result of which the so-called “extermination squads” were created. They helped in eliminating bandit groups.

The fight against Bandera continued until the fifties, when the underground OUN-UPA groups were finally defeated.

Followers of Bandera today

Today, on Ukrainian territory one can observe a revival of the followers of Stepan Bandera. Many Ukrainians adopted the idea of ​​nationalism, but completely forgot about the terrible times that happened then. Perhaps they even find an excuse for them. Stepan Bandera has become the idol of many young people, as he once was. Some representatives of the older generation believe (and regret) that not all Banderaites were once destroyed by their grandfathers. Opinions differ, and very much so.

Supporters and followers of the OUN leader celebrate the birthday of their idol with red and black flags. They cover their faces with bandages and hold his portraits in their hands. The procession takes place almost throughout the city, but this does not happen everywhere. Some people have a rather negative attitude towards such a vivid manifestation of veneration of Stepan Bandera.

As for ideology, modern Banderaites in Ukraine took it from their predecessors. Even the slogan “Glory to Ukraine - Glory to Heroes” was borrowed from them.

Symbols of followers of Stepan Bandera

The symbol of today's nationalists, as in past times, is the red and black canvas. This Bandera flag was approved back in 1941. It symbolizes the revolutionary movement, the struggle against the occupiers of Ukrainian lands. True, during World War II it was not used as often as at the present time.

If we talk specifically about the flag, then such colors are found in many countries at similar revolutionary events. For example, in Latin America it was used very often.

Thus, when considering the question: “Bandera - who are these people?” it is necessary to mention their flag, which after the Maidan of Ukraine and subsequent events became very recognizable.

Modern monuments to Bandera and his victims

Today there are many monuments reminiscent of the atrocities committed and the victims that Bandera’s followers left behind during the war. They are located in many cities and villages. The largest number of them are located in Lviv and its environs. There are also similar facilities in Lugansk, Svatovo, Shalygino, Simferopol, Volyn and Ternopil regions.

In Poland, in the city of Legnica, there is an entire alley dedicated to those killed at the hands of the UPA. A monument-mausoleum was erected in Wroclaw in memory of the victims who fell at the hands of the OUN-UPA in 39-47 of the last century.

However, there is also a monument to Bandera in Poland. It is located near Radymno. It was installed illegally, there is even an order for its demolition, but the memorial still stands.

In addition, there are numerous monuments to Stepan Bandera. There are a sufficient number of them scattered across Western Ukraine - from large monuments to small busts. They also exist abroad, for example, in Germany, where the leader of the nationalist Ukrainian movement was buried.

Responded to the following:

You have turned everything upside down. There is nothing for which Shevchenko can be reproached in his speech. In your opinion, he should have said that ALL Western Ukraine is Bandera’s? No, my friend, that’s not so - the Bandera’s cat made the cat cry there, but the rest who joined them are simply duped, not very developed people. You will also enroll ALL Ukrainians as Baderists. I have no doubt that YOU are for the separation of the Caucasus from Russia. You are all lying, uncle.

I sure that NOT ALL Western Ukraine Banderaites. However, trends indicate that the population of western Ukraine does not have the desire to burn out with a hot iron all attempts to whitewash and glorify the bloody punishers.

I will cite facts from the journalistic investigation “Anatomy of Ukrainian fascism - 88 facts about Ukrainian fascism” by Georgy Rozhko.

List of settlements in the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil regions of Ukraine, where monuments to Bandera are erected:

Berezhany, Ternopil region; bronze bust;

Borislav, Lviv region; bronze bust, unveiled in 1998;

With. Verbov, Ternopil region; bronze bust, opened in 2003, sculptor P. Kulik;

With. Volya-Zaderevatskaya, Lviv region. Here the image of Stepan Bandera is immortalized four times:
- bronze bust on a massive pedestal;
- bas-relief on one of the white stone steles on the alley of fighters for the independence of Ukraine;
- bas-relief on the wall of the house-museum dedicated to him;
- bas-relief on a white stone slab next to the museum;

With. Pride of the Lviv region, memorial granite stele with portraits of Stepan Bandera and Yevgeny Konovalets;

With. Gorishny, Lviv region, multi-figure bronze composition consisting of the figures of Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych and Taras Shevchenko under the Protection of the Mother of God, unveiled on August 25, 2011;

Horodenka, Ivano-Frankivsk region; granite bust, unveiled November 30, 2008, sculptor Ivan Osadchuk;

With. Grabovka, Ivano-Frankivsk region; stone bust, unveiled October 12, 2008, sculptor Piotr Shtaera;

Drohobych, Lviv region; bronze figure, unveiled October 14, 2001, sculptor Lubomir Yaremchuk;

Dublyany, Lviv region; bronze figure, opened in 2004, sculptor Jaroslav Loza;

Zdolbunov, Rivne region; stele topped with a bas-relief bust, unveiled on October 21, 2012, sculptor Vladimir Sholudko;

Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region; bust-bas-relief on the wall of the building;

With. Kamenka-Bugskaya, Lviv region; bronze bust;

With. Kozivka, Ternopil region; bronze bust, opened in 1992, sculptor B. Grigorenko;

Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region; bronze bust, unveiled on August 18, 1991, sculptor Vitaly Rozhik;

Kremenets, Ternopil region; bronze bust, unveiled on August 24, 2011, sculptor Nikolai Korol;

With. Nikitinsky Ivano-Frankivsk region; bronze bust, unveiled on August 26, 2007, sculptor Vasily Vilshchuk;

Morshyn, Lviv region; granite stele “To the Fighters for the Freedom of Ukraine”, with a bas-relief portrait, unveiled on October 14, 1997, sculptor V. Gurmak;

Mostiska, Lviv region; bronze bust;

With. Podvolochysk, Ternopil region; bust, unveiled in 2006;

Sambir, Lviv region; bronze figure, unveiled November 20, 2011, sculptor Nikolai Posikira;

Skole, Lviv region, bronze figure, unveiled on September 30, 2012, sculptor Ivan Samotos;

Stary Sambir, Lviv region; bronze figure, unveiled November 30, 2008, sculptor Ivan Samotos;

With. Middle Berezov, Ivano-Frankivsk region; bronze bust;

With. Stary Ugrinov, Ivano-Frankivsk region; opened in August 1992, sculptor Nikolai Posikira. The first monument (bust) to Stepan Bandera in this village was unveiled on October 14, 1990 (sculptor Vitaly Rozhik), but on December 30, 1990 it was blown up. The restored monument was reopened on June 30, 1991, but was blown up again on July 10, 1991. Erected in 1992, the monument represents a full-length figure on a low pedestal;

Stryi, Lviv region; bronze half-figure on a pedestal, opened June 1992;

Terebovlya, Ternopil region; bronze bust, unveiled in 1999;

Truskavets, Lviv region, bronze figure, opened on February 19, 2010, sculptor Ivan Samotos;

Turka, Lviv region; founded May 28, 2009, bronze figure, unveiled October 14, 2012, sculptor Ivan Samotos;

Chervonograd, Lviv region; bronze bust;

And there are 41 pieces, get it and sign it.

And here's more about Yushchenko and Yanukovych. President Viktor Yushchenko, elected with great support from Western Ukraine, awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine to the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Stepan Bandera, on January 22, 2010 (a month before his resignation).

And three years before that, he awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine to one of the leaders of the UPA, Roman Shukhevych. The title was awarded posthumously “for his outstanding personal contribution to the national liberation struggle for freedom and independence of Ukraine and on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth and the 65th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.”

Shukhevych, who first fought against the Polish occupation of Western Ukraine, then fought with German troops against the Red Army. The “security” battalion “Roland” formed by Shukhevych was sent to fight the Belarusian partisans. At the end of 1943, Shukhevych began to fight with the Germans, and after the liberation of Western Ukraine - with Soviet troops. In 1944-1950, he led an underground that terrorized the inhabitants of Western Ukraine.

And the current legitimate President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, who received the support of the east of Ukraine, when he came to power, the first thing he did was take away the titles of heroes from Bandera and Shukhevych, and returned to the residents of Ukraine the right to speak their native language - the “law on regional languages.”

Other, no less important, facts can be read in the article.

I hope that Western Ukraine will come to its senses and stop considering the executioners of its people as national heroes. I hope that this will happen before the final establishment of the fascist regime. Brothers,
