Topic on self-education in early childhood. Plan for self-education of a teacher of the second group of early childhood. Goals and objectives of teacher self-education

Hello dear teachers. Tatyana Sukhikh is in touch. Let's talk about what constitutes an essential part of supportive pedagogical development. You, I think, guessed that it includes a ready-made plan for the teacher’s self-education. Such a plan systematizes pedagogical actions and develops future communication with the children. It also contains a program of methodological work for the coming year.

The formation of a child’s perception of the properties of objects occurs due to their sensory development. A condition for successful mastery of any practical actions is the improvement of sensory perception in children 2–3 years old, since this is the period when children undergo enhanced mental and physical improvement.

Sensory education is the basis for mental development, the formation of observation, the development of an aesthetic sense, fantasy and attention and helps to expand the vocabulary, and also affects the improvement of visual, motor, auditory, and figurative memory. Didactic exercises and games, construction, and drawing are used as means of sensory education for preschool children.

Children who have a culture of sensory perception distinguish a wide palette of sounds and colors, as well as taste sensations. A ready-made plan for self-education of teachers in the younger group will allow you, dear teachers, to improve yourself and learn the needs of children to an even greater extent.

Teacher's work plan




Educational process: sensory skills in preschool children of the junior groupImproving professional awareness and qualifications of teachers

· Teaching children the differences between primary colors;

· familiarize children with the shape and size of objects;

· formation of individual activity skills;

· increasing children's self-esteem and self-confidence;

· development of creative abilities, curiosity, observation;

· Uniting the children's team.


· drawing up a ready-made plan for self-education of a kindergarten teacher;

· existence of a self-education project;

· studying literature and acquiring materials on this topic;

· processing of materials from the Internet;

· development of questionnaires and consultations for parents;

· Carrying out an observation map of children to identify the children’s independent development at the beginning of the year;

· consulting and questioning parents on the topic of sensory development of children in preschools.

· conducting surveys and consulting parents;

· obtaining data during a survey on the topic “Familiarization” and identifying knowledge on the sensory formation and education of preschool children;

· conducting consultations with mothers and fathers on the topics: “Adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions” and “Sensory education of preschool children.”

· continued study of literature on this topic: the works of M. Montessori on the development of children from various Internet sources;

· preparing and conducting an open viewing of the educational activity “How to Search for a Puppy”;

· creating a card index of educational games that are aimed at developing children’s sensory skills;

· instructive games in the card index, materials for these games;

· consultation with parents on the topic: “What to do on a day off with children?”

· conducting consultations with parents on the topic: “What playing materials and toys do children need?”;

· creating a card index of educational games that are aimed at developing children’s sensory skills;

· production of gaming materials;

· instructive games in the card index, materials for these games;

· compiling a mobile folder for parents on the topic: “Sensory games for babies.”

5. January:

· consultation with parents on the topic: “First moral lessons for early preschool children”;

· compilation of materials for games, the existence of instructive games in the card index;

· exercises and fun to develop the sense of smell;

· formation of the development center “Territory of Smells” and holding games and exercises;

· continued study of literature on this topic.

· preparation and holding of an open screening of “Visiting the Bunny”;

· participation in the teachers' council and review analysis;

· experiments with water: “water transparency”, “colorful water”;

· preparing and conducting consultations with parents on the topic: “Formation of sensory abilities in young children.”

· preparing and conducting consultations with parents on the topic: “Educational games and their role for children”;

· creating a card index of instructive games that are aimed at consolidating and mastering such a concept as shape: “Look for an object of a given shape”, “Which of these figures is the odd one out?”

· didactic games in the card index, as well as materials for them;

· continued study of literature on this topic;

· continuation of the compilation of a mobile folder for parents on the topic: “Sensory games for babies.”

· preparing and conducting consultations with parents on the topic: “The whims of children and their stubbornness”;

· continued study of literature on this topic;

· compiling a card index of instructive games that are aimed at reinforcing color: “What colors do you see here?”, “What color is this object?”, “Let’s clarify this color”;

· existence in the card index of instructive games and materials for them;

· compilation of booklets for parents on the topic: “Sensory improvement of preschool children.”

9. May(final)

· preparation and holding of an open screening of “Butterfly”;

· participation and analysis of viewing in the teachers' council;

· a survey of parents, which will allow you to understand how much they evaluate the work in the preschool;

· creation of a card index of educational games and materials for them;

· counseling parents




"Sensory development of young children"

for the 2018-2019 academic year

Developed by:

Shavochkina Valentina Akimovna,


Target: increasing pedagogical competence in issues of sensory development of young children.


Improve knowledge about sensory education of young children;

Enrich the developmental environment of the sensory development group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (creation and acquisition of new games with the participation of parents);

To increase the competence of parents on this topic through conversations, consultations, parent meetings, master classes, and joint activities.


The process of cognition of a small person differs from the process of cognition of an adult. Adults understand the world with their minds, small children with their emotions. The cognitive activity of a child at an early age is expressed, first of all, in the development of perception, the symbolic (sign) function of thinking and meaningful objective activity. The topic is relevant because its implementation makes it possible to broaden the horizons of each child on the basis of the immediate environment, to create conditions for the development of independent cognitive activity. Work in this direction will help:

Teach children to distinguish primary colors;

Introduce children to the size and shape of objects;

Develop independent activity skills;

Increase children's self-esteem and self-confidence;

Develop creativity, curiosity, observation;

Unite the children's team.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands;

Improve hand movements, developing mental processes (visual and auditory perception, memory, attention, speech).

Expected results:

Increasing the level of pedagogical competence in matters of sensory development of preschool children; improve knowledge about sensory education of young children;

Systematization of material on the development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old through didactic games in accordance with age and individual capabilities.

Formed sensory representations by highlighting the shape, color, and size of objects.

Formed ideas about the types of didactic games and the basic techniques of playing them.

Cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families on the problem of the formation and development of sensory abilities in young children.

Parents show interest in the further development of their children.

Parents' level of knowledge on children's sensory development has increased. Thanks to this knowledge, parents created conditions at home for the child’s sensory development with a selection of didactic games, toys and materials.

Theme output:

Consultation for parents;

Consultation for teachers;

Stand information;

Parent meeting “Journey to the Land of Sensorics”;

Card index of didactic games on sensory development for young children;

Open GCD;

Presentation of the topic on self-education at the final teachers' meeting.

Forms of work with parents and children:

- Parents:

* cooperation through:

Individual work,


Parent meetings,

Joint activities,

Practical activities.

- Children:

ECD for sensory education;

Sensory development carried out in the process of learning to draw, sculpt, applique, design;

Didactic games for the development of tactile sensations;

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of form;

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of quantity;

Didactic games and exercises to consolidate colors;

Experimental activity.

Work on the topic of self-education is built in stages.

Stage 1– information-analytical and methodological work.

* collection and analysis of information on this issue,

* study of methodological literature,

* analysis of research by scientists on sensory education of preschool children,

A selection of didactic games:

Didactic games for the development of tactile and taste sensations:

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of form:

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of quantity.

Didactic games and exercises for fixing colors

Stage 2– design.

* Development and implementation of a work plan on this topic.

Stage 3– creative.

* Acquisition and creation of didactic games and aids for the development of sensory skills,

* Creation of a center for sensory development in the group and registration of a card index.

Stage 4– Final.

* Diagnostic examination of children during observation;

* Presentation of the topic on self-education “Sensory development of young children” at the final teachers’ meeting.

Methodical work

Forms of work


Thomas report

Collection and analysis of information, work with methodological and periodical literature

September 2018

List of used literature

Creation of a subject-development environment based on the child’s sensory environment

During the school year

Availability of games for sensory development

Conducting a consultation for parents “Development of sensory abilities in young children through didactic games”

Consultation summary

Preparing questionnaires for parent surveys

Preparing and holding a parent meeting

Summary of the parent meeting, photo report of the event

Work with children

Forms of work


Thomas report

ECD for sensory education

During a year

Cooperative activity

GCD, which uses didactic games and exercises with specially designed aids (liners and grids, colored sticks)

During a year

Collaborative, individual, group and subgroup work

Sensory development carried out in the process of learning to draw (use of non-traditional drawing techniques)

During a year

Children's works and photo report

Didactic games to develop tactile sensations:

- “Wonderful bag”

- “Identify by touch”

- “Find out the figure”

- “Find a pair”

September – November

card index

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of form.

- “Find an object of the specified shape”

- “Find an object of the same shape”

- “Which figure is extra?”

December 2018

card index

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of quantity.

- “Compare objects by height”

- “The longest, the shortest”

- “Colorful mugs”

February 2019

card index

Didactic games and exercises for fixing colors:

- “What color is missing?”

- “What color is the object?”

- “Collect a garland”

- “What colors are used?”

- “Let’s specify the color”

card index

Questioning parents

Self-education report


The implementation of this project is carried out with the participation of parents.

The following will be held with parents: individual conversations: “Games and exercises that promote sensory development and education”, consultations: “The role of sensory education in the development of young children”, “Acquaintance with sensory standards, methods of examining objects”, “Didactic game as a means of sensory raising children”, parent meetings.

Folders will be prepared for parents: “Didactic sensory games for children 2-4 years old”, “Homemade toys and manuals using the Montessori method”, albums: “Kusener Sticks”, “Dyenesh Blocks”.

Working with parents

Forms of work


Thomas report

Participation of parents in the production of didactic games and demonstration material.

During a year

Conducting individual consultations and conversations with parents.

During a year

Prepare a consultation for parents “Development of sensory abilities in young children through didactic games”

March 2019


Questioning parents

March 2019

Conducting a parent meeting “Journey to the Land of Sensorics”

April 2019

Minutes of the meeting

List of literature:

1. Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Junior group. – Moscow, 2010.

2. L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger “Education of the child’s sensory culture” - M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 1988;

3. E. G. Pilyugina “Sensory abilities of a baby” - M.: “Mosaika-Sintez”, 2003;

4. N. F. Gubanova. Development of gaming activities. System of work in the first junior group of kindergarten. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

5. N. Ya. Mikhailenko, N. A. Korotkova. How to play with a child. – M.: Obruch, 2012

6. Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions (younger ages): A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. Author-compiler E.

7. E.G. Pilyugin “Sensory abilities of a baby” - M.: “Mosaika-Sintez”, 2003;

8. “Educational games with children under 3 years old” - Yaroslavl “Academy of Development”, 1998. Comp. T.V. Galanova

9. Vetrova V.V. “What to play with a child under 3 years old.” TC M. 2011.

10. Davydova O.I. “Working with parents in kindergarten” Sphere shopping center. 2005.

11. Koldina D.N. “Game activities with children 2 - 3 years old” TC M. 2011.

12. Pilyugina E.G. “Baby’s sensory abilities. Games to develop the perception of color, shape and size in young children.” M., 1996.

13. Pilyugina E.G. Baby's sensory abilities - Moscow. Mosaic – Synthesis, 2003.

14. Yanushko E.A. Sensory development of young children - Moscow, Mosaic - Synthesis, 2011.

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Self-education is an integral component of professional growth and improvement of a specialist of any profile. Time does not stand still: new pedagogical trends, original methods appear, libraries are replenished with modern methodological literature. And a teacher who strives to improve in his profession cannot remain on the sidelines. That is why an important component of the pedagogical process is the self-education of the teacher in a preschool educational institution. The younger group, just like the preparatory group, needs the introduction of modern innovations and pedagogical methods. In our article, we will help the teacher organize work on self-development, note the important components of this process, and offer a list of topics for teacher self-education in the younger groups of kindergarten.

Goals and objectives of teacher self-education

First of all, you should clearly understand the teacher. This is the ability of a teacher to independently acquire new professional knowledge and skills. What is the purpose of such work? This is an improvement in the educational process by increasing the level of theoretical and practical skills of the teacher.

Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (junior group) involves setting the following pedagogical tasks:

  • assessment of the age characteristics of children, identification of problematic issues in working with children;
  • familiarization with methodological innovations;
  • application of modern pedagogical trends in practice, organization of the educational and educational process taking into account modern requirements and the use of innovative technologies;
  • improvement and raising the level of professional skills.

How to choose a topic for self-education for a primary care teacher?

Where to start self-education for a teacher in a preschool educational institution? The junior group of the kindergarten is children from two and a half to four years old. Therefore, it is recommended that a teacher begin his self-development by assessing the capabilities of children of this age category, their psychological and physiological characteristics. It is also important to note the current problems in working with this group of students and to determine the prospects for further work. Only after this can we identify several topics that require professional research and diagnosis.

Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (junior group): topics of work

As noted above, the topic of pedagogical activity is determined in each specific case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children's team and the teacher himself (his priorities, views and methods of work, as well as the relevance of the problem in a particular preschool educational institution). We offer only approximate topics that can be used to plan teacher self-development activities:

  1. Using interactive teaching and education methods
  2. Modern methods of early development: forms, types, effectiveness.
  3. for children of the younger group: preparation and implementation.

You can choose a topic for self-education within the framework of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan; it is also recommended to consult with the educational institution’s methodologist. It is important that the question is relevant and corresponds to the general focus of the kindergarten’s activities.

Forms of work

Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (junior group) involves working directly independently, with parents, children and colleagues. It is important to think through the expected forms of work. Thus, the independent work of a teacher consists of:

  • analysis of methodological literature;
  • exchange of teaching experience;
  • implementation of acquired theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • performance evaluation;
  • drawing up the results.

When working with parents, you can use such forms of work as consultations, round tables, pedagogical trainings and others.

Working with children is also varied. Activities on a topic chosen by the teacher can be carried out directly during the educational process, as well as when organizing children’s leisure time. It is important to take into account the age of the pupils when planning the self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution: the 2nd younger group is only a year or even six months older than the first, but the older pupils have already adapted to kindergarten and managed to gain a certain amount of knowledge and skills according to the program. While 1 younger group is just adapting to new conditions.

In order to effectively organize the self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (1st junior group and 2nd junior group), you should streamline and think through the sequence of work:

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Set goals and objectives.
  3. Determine forms of work.
  4. Draw up a work plan.
  5. Study theoretical material on the chosen topic.
  6. Analyze teaching experience.
  7. Develop practical activities.
  8. Apply knowledge in practice.
  9. Present the results obtained.

Registration of a self-education plan for a teacher

How to properly organize the independent activities of a teacher? We offer the following plan as an example:

  1. Front page. On the first page the title is indicated: “Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (junior group 2)”, the name of the teacher, education, work experience, length of service, category and more.
  2. The topic, goals and objectives of the work are indicated.
  3. The forms of work with parents, children, and teachers are determined.
  4. A list of literature is prepared.
  5. The specific practical activities of the teacher on the chosen topic are described, indicating dates.
  6. Acquired materials are included: children’s crafts, research results, own methodological developments, and more.
  7. The forms for presenting the results are indicated.

The self-education plan of a preschool teacher in the younger group involves conducting educational activities, as well as involving parents and other members of the child’s family in the work.

Registration of work results

The work on the topic “Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution” ends with a summary. 1st junior group can only complete assigned specific tasks under the guidance of a teacher. While the 2nd younger group can already demonstrate their own crafts and independent work, helping the teacher collect the necessary practical material. How to formalize the results of teacher self-development work? You can use the following forms:

  • thematic seminar;
  • round table;
  • pedagogical master class;
  • open lesson;
  • creative marathon;
  • entertainment and educational activities and others.

Unfortunately, teachers do not always realize why it is necessary to draw up a self-education plan for a preschool teacher in the younger group. After all, children of this age category are still very young; is it really possible to do something with them in an organized manner, to experiment, to use pedagogical innovations, to explore? In fact, it is not only possible, but also necessary! Because these children are our modern generation. Outdated educational methods familiar to experienced educators will simply hinder the development of these children.

In our work, it is extremely important to introduce pedagogical innovations and keep up with the times in order to educate a generation that meets the modern requirements of society. In our article, we proposed an approximate plan for self-education of a preschool teacher (2nd junior group and 1st junior group), talked about possible forms of work and organization of activities. But the work of a teacher is, first of all, creativity and imagination. It is important to approach activities in an unconventional and creative way - only then will the teacher’s work be effective and interesting for children.

Topic: “Formation of sensory culture in young children through didactic games”

Formation of sensory culture in young children through didactic games.

Formulation of the problem

The ever-expanding range of knowledge and skills that the younger generation must master in preparation for practical activity poses the task of pedagogical science to improve the processes of raising and teaching children.

In preschool pedagogy, one of the issues requiring close attention is the problem of forming a sensory culture.

A child’s sensory culture is the result of his assimilation of the sensory culture created by humanity (generally accepted ideas about color, shape and other properties of things).

Sensory development serves as the basis for the successful implementation of various types of education: mental, aesthetic, physical and even moral, i.e., the development of the child’s personality as a whole.

The importance of sensory education is determined by the fact that knowledge of the surrounding reality is based, first of all, on sensation and perception. We learn about surrounding objects and phenomena with the help of vision, touch, hearing, and only on this basis can more complex independent processes such as memory, imagination, and thinking arise in the future.

The development of sensory perception at a young age affects the child’s thinking, speech, aesthetic perception of the world around him, imagination, and, as a result, the creative abilities of the child. After all, only a child who is sensitive and notices the slightest shades of colors or sounds is able to truly enjoy the beauty of a musical or artistic work, and subsequently create it on his own.

A child's readiness for school largely depends on his sensory development. Research has shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children encounter during primary education is associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception. As a result, distortions arise in the writing of letters, in the construction of drawings, and inaccuracies in the manufacture of crafts during manual labor lessons. It happens that a child cannot reproduce movement patterns in physical education.

But the point is not only that the low level of sensory development

sharply reduces the child’s chances of successful education. It is equally important to keep in mind the significance of a high level of such development for human activity as a whole. And the origins of sensory abilities lie in the general level of sensory development achieved in the early periods of childhood. Attention must be paid to the child’s sensory development throughout preschool childhood.

In the history of preschool pedagogy at all stages of its development, this problem occupied one of the central places. Prominent representatives of preschool pedagogy (Ya. Kamensky, F. Frebel, M. Montessori, E.I. Tikheyeva) developed a variety of didactic games to familiarize children with the properties and characteristics of objects.

Specially organized didactic games are a good addition to in-class learning.

N.K. Krupskaya attached great importance to play as one of the means of shaping the personality of children: “Play for preschoolers is a way of understanding the environment. While playing, he studies colors, shapes, material properties, spatial relationships, numerical relationships, and studies plants and animals.”

Objective of the project:

Formation of sensory culture in young children through didactic games.

Project objectives:

    Create conditions for enriching and accumulating children's sensory experience during object-based play activities through games with didactic material.

    Develop the ability to group and compare objects

    Form sensory standards

    To cultivate primary strong-willed character traits in the process of mastering purposeful actions with objects (the ability not to be distracted from the task at hand, to bring it to completion, to strive to obtain a positive result, etc.)

Main areas of work:

1. Formation of practical ways of orientation.
“search”, effective test, practical measuring, the ability to follow movement, use pointing and correlating gestures during object and tool actions, when comparing objects, as well as the formation of the “eye-hand” system.
It is important to form visual-tactile perception, when the child recognizes geometric shapes or the size of objects initially by touch, and then only examines them.
2. Formation of color perception.
To form children's ideas about color, special classes in appliqué, drawing, and modeling are useful; the development of color perception is important in the aesthetic education of a child.
Work on developing ideas about color is carried out in stages.
At the first stage, the child is taught to compare colors and given instructions: Give the same (by color) cube, circle, etc.).
At the second stage, the child completes the task according to verbal instructions.
On the third, he himself names this or that color.
3. Formation of perception of form.
Arranging objects into “piles” taking into account size and shape. Special games are offered. With the help of visual correlation of the perception of shape, the child learns to perform these tasks.
If the child has not yet formed an idea about the shape of an object, then the exercises begin with distinguishing between a ball, a circle and their sizes. Actions are accompanied by speech.
4. Formation of perception of size.
The distinction and interpretation of the concepts big and small is carried out in various games - exercises for constructive activities: building towers from cubes, playing with prefabricated toys.
In these games, not only ideas about the size of objects are formed, but also the manipulative activity of the hands is developed, the sequence of actions is brought up, and spatial concepts are developed. There are also games with matryoshka dolls and pyramids.
5. Formation of perception of spatial relationships.
The first ideas about space are closely related to the development of the ability to move independently and perceive the location of body parts (body diagram.)
It should be especially emphasized that the accessibility and usefulness of each type of task is determined not only by age, but by the preliminary training that the children have received.

Preparatory stage



Placing information on the stand for parents about didactic games on sensory development.



Pikhtereva T. S.

Diagnosis of children based on sensory development.



Pikhtereva T. S.

Questioning parents



Pikhtereva T. S.

Studying methodological literature on sensory culture



Pikhtereva T. S.

Selection of didactic games for young children



Pikhtereva T.S. O.V.Parental Committee

Selection of equipment for a subject-development environment

Administration d/s.

Parental committee

Development of a long-term work plan on sensory development with young children for the 2015-2016 school year.



Pikhtereva T. S.

Development of a work plan for joint activities.



Pikhtereva T. S.

Main stage




Selection and timely provision of subject-development environment with equipment and didactic games.

During the year


Pikhtereva T. S.

Conducting consultations for parents.


Pikhtereva T. S.

Development of lesson notes.

During the year


Pikhtereva T. S.

Exhibition of children's works on productive activities for parents.

group reception

During the year

Educator: Pikhtereva T. S.

Organization of children in joint and independent activities.

During the year


Pikhtereva T. S.

Application and use of innovative forms of work.

Group, music hall

March, April


Pikhtereva T. S.

Development of children's sensory development through everyday activities in routine moments.

Group, gym, children's playground.



Pikhtereva T. S.

Holding an “Open Day” for parents


Pikhtereva T. S.





Conducting an open lesson “Formation of sensory standards.”


Pikhtereva T. S.

Conducting diagnostics on sensory development


Pikhtereva T. S.

Photo report for parents “So we have become a year older, and we can do a lot of things.”

Group reception


Pikhtereva T. S.

Conducting a final meeting for parents

Educator: Pikhtereva T. S.

Didactic games for the development of sensory abilities in children
1st junior group.
1. “Fold the pattern”
2. "Game with a string"
3. “Guess what’s in the bag”
4. “Disassemble according to form”
5. “Make a figure”
6. “Games with counting sticks”
7. “Find the same one”
8. “Collect a flower”
9. “Let’s decorate the handkerchief”
10. "Constructor"
11. “Find all the shapes like this one”
12. “Sew up your skirt”

1. "Balloons"
2. “Flying Balls”
3. "Toys"
4. “Beautiful bouquet”
5. "Living Domino"
6. “Striped rugs”
7. “Selecting similar objects by color from four sentences”
8. “Let’s make beads for the doll”
9. “Games with mosaics”
10. “Help the dolls find their toys”
11. “Hide the mouse”
12. "Airplane"

1. “Houses and paths”
2. “Who is faster”
3. "Wide and narrow path"
4. “Roll up the ribbon”
5. “Getting ready to exercise”
6. “Compare objects”
7. “Who can collect the beads faster?”
8. "Ladder"
9. “Find the extra piece”
10. “Stand by the tree with the thickest trunk”
11. "Harvest"
12. “Build a turret”

Development of tactile and taste sensations
1. “Guess what I ate?”
2. “Find the leaf”
3. "What it's like"
4. “Wonderful bag”
5. “Find the mistakes”
6. “What is missing”
7. “Find something to talk about”
8. “Have an animal

Questionnaire for parents

Child sensory development- this is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, etc.

1. How do you assess the need for sensory development and upbringing of a child?

I think it's necessary

I don't think it's necessary

I find it difficult to answer

2. Do you have a sensory education game at home?

· Don't know

3.What sensory education game does your child most often play at home?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How do you assess your child’s level of development of all types of perception?

· high

· average

· short

Long-term work plan

(junior group)

Lesson topic


D/i "Vegetables"

Develop tactile and taste sensations

Drawing "Vegetables"

Development of shape, color

D/i “Hide the mouse”

Develop color

D/i "Shop"

Learn to group objects based on common characteristics

D/i “Make a figure”

Learn to analyze, compare, carry out sequential actions

D/i "Matryoshkino housewarming"

Develop color

D/i "Fruit picking"

Formation of value

Application "Swan"

Lock color

Modeling “Apples and pears”

Brewing tea with lemon

Show and name actions that children can later transfer to a play situation

D/i “What’s missing”

Formation of ideas about color and shape

D/i “Wonderful bag”

Learn to find geometric shapes by touch

D/i “Find all the figures like this one”

Give ideas about color, shape and size.

D/i “What is similar, what is different”

Development of analytical abilities, the ability to compare an object by color, shape, size

Examination of fur and coat fabrics

Introduce children to some of the properties of fur and fabric, give a general idea of ​​how to turn them into things

D/i “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”

Learn to group shades, select them according to the word denoting color

D/i Domino

Introduce children to size and reinforce the concept of color

D/i “Who will collect it sooner”

Learn to assemble pyramids

D/i “What’s in the bag”

Practice relating several objects to the same geometric image.

D/i “Invent it yourself”

Learn to use an object as a substitute for other objects

D/i “Comparison of a ball and a cube”

Introduce the shape of an object

Geometric Lotto

Learn to compare the shape of the depicted object with the geometric one

Water color

Form an idea of ​​different shades of color based on lightness

Application “Let's decorate a napkin”

Color, shape, concept of the middle of the sheet, top corner, develop compositional skills, color perception

Find an object of the same shape

Teach children to compare shapes of objects


Construction "Tower"

Strengthen the idea of ​​the relative size of objects

Application “Pattern in a circle”

Learn to place the pattern along the edge of the circle, correctly alternating the shapes by size. Concept of top, bottom, left, right

Introduction to wood and rubber

Introduce some properties of wood and rubber

D/i "Ornament"

Learn to perceive and reproduce the relative positions of geometric figures on a plane, taking into account their color and shape

D/i “Wonderful bag”

Learn to identify the material from which things are made by touch

Modeling “Bowls of Three Bears”

Learn to make bowls of different sizes

D/i “Color and shape”

Reinforce the idea of ​​five geometric shapes

D/i “Plant a vegetable garden”

Teach children to use object substitutes and arrange objects in space in accordance with the located substitutes

D/i “Make an object”

Exercise in matching the silhouette of individual parts (color, shape)

Sand construction

Continue to introduce children to the properties of sand

Joint activity work plan




Experiments with water:

Mixing colored water and obtaining a variety of “magic” colors and shades;


“Colored droplets”: dripping liquid paint of varying thickness from pipettes into jars of water and observing the “journey” of the droplet;

“Sinking - not sinking”: testing for the “buoyancy” of toys made of different materials;

Freezing water in different molds;

Experiments with soapy water and foam:

Blowing soap bubbles using different objects

Experiments with buttons, laces, etc.

With buttons: guess by touch; find the biggest one; the most beautiful button; classification by color, shape; stringing, etc.

With laces: classification by color, length; laying out patterns; untying knots

Experiences in everyday life

Determination of taste qualities. Smell, texture of food. Cold - hot. Sweet - salty. Liquid - thick. Hard - soft. Etc.

With drinks: Adding milk to tea. Adding berry jam to milk. Preparing fruit juice.

Didactic games:

"We wash ourselves"


“Let’s wash the doll Katya”

"Bathing a doll."

“Dress the doll for a walk” Definition - colors, shapes, sizes, classification of clothes by season;

"Clothing store"

"Putting the doll to sleep." Determining the quality of bed linen. Clean, soft, dry, ironed, dirty, light, etc.;

"How Plates and Spoons Clink"

"Set the table"

“We are on duty at the canteen.”

"Why do we wash our hands"


“Gifts of the Forest” “Gifts of the Vegetable Garden” “Gifts of the Garden”

“Every thing has its place”


"Who can put things together better" (Competition)

“How to tie your shoelaces, scarf, button up your shirt”

Cartoon "Fedorino's grief", "Good hostess";

Final parent meeting

“How to choose toys for children”

Target: to help parents navigate the world of modern toys, maintaining a balance between the child’s desires and benefits for him.


    Help parents formulate their own criteria for choosing toys

    Modeling the behavior of parents in typical situations, developing strategies for resolving them.

    to awaken participants' interest in creating their own toys for young children.

Preparatory stage

· Written consultation for parents “What toys do young children need.”

· Select toys that correspond to different categories (those that promote development, those that do not provide anything for development, toys that under no circumstances should be used when working with young children).

A child's development is unthinkable without toys. They allow the child to express his feelings, explore the world around him, teach him to communicate and get to know himself. Selecting toys is a serious and responsible matter. It is extremely difficult to choose a toy nowadays: along with traditional ones (dolls, bears, cars), new toys appear that are unprecedented and unfamiliar to parents themselves. How to navigate this huge world of toy products? How to assess their gaming and development potential? How to choose what your child needs? I hope this meeting will help you answer these questions.

Let’s start with the exercise “What kinds of toys are there?”

1 . Exercise “What kinds of toys are there?” Target: create a creative working atmosphere in the group, intensifying mental activity.

The ball is passed around in a circle and the one in his hands answers the question “What kinds of toys are there?” one or more words.

Now let's talk about our children's games. What objects and toys does your child like to play with?

    Exercise "Hit parade of children's fun."

Target: identifying the main interests of children related to play activities.

Each participant is given a list of items and toys. From the list, select three of your child’s favorite toys and activities; the list can be expanded. Then, on a similar list of a larger size, the number of votes given to a particular toy or activity is noted. Thus, a hit parade of fun activities for the children of our group is compiled.

When buying another toy for your child, do you think about what it will teach your child? What feelings will he have? Won't she scare him? What memories will remain of her when your baby grows up and it’s his turn to choose toys for his children? We, parents, must not forget that a toy should not only teach a child something, but also awaken joyful, warm feelings in him. Unfortunately, very often, when buying toys for children, we try to choose a toy that is “no worse than the neighbor’s”, catchy, bright, or we focus on the price and do not think: is it safe for the baby? What qualities does it cultivate in him?

2.Discussion on this topic).

Psychologists do not recommend taking children under three years old to the store to buy toys. Children from three to five years old can choose toys for themselves, but not every day, but for some occasion (birthday, holiday, “new toy day” in the family, etc.). Do not often take your child to a toy store with many tempting, but very expensive or useless (harmful) toys for your child. How many tears and sufferings of the little ones were seen by the dolls, bears, and wind-up cars sitting on the counters! These experiences, when a child cannot get what he wants, he does not need at all. Only when you yourself are ready to give your child joy, take him to the store and make him a holiday.

    Solving pedagogical situations.

Target: teach parents to analyze typical situations and develop behavioral strategies to resolve them.

Each of the three teams receives a card describing the situation that must be resolved in various ways and develop a memo on this topic (the memo is drawn up by the team on ¼ sheet of whatman paper).

Situation 1. You spent two hours in Children's World, choosing a gift for your precious child. We tried to take everything into account and bought a great toy! And bright, and interesting, and safe, as well as educational and age-appropriate. Arriving home, you hand the baby a multi-colored box; with sparkling eyes, he begins to fiddle with it, trying to quickly look inside. Finally, he took the toy out. He twisted it, turned it over in his hands with a puzzled look, tugged, pressed, and after a couple of minutes he completely forgot about the existence of the new thing. She lies so lonely, completely new and useless to anyone... The question is why and what to do now?

Situation 2. While you were preparing dinner, the child was playing independently in the room. When you look at him, you find a complete mess. Toys are scattered throughout the room. Your child does not like to put away toys. Find ways to involve him in cleaning up toys.

Situation 3. You don’t have a house, but a branch of a toy store. There are already so many toys that there is nowhere to store them. For the most part, the child does not play (he has outgrown some of them, and is already tired of some of them). The baby asks for new toys. But what to do with so many old toys?

Summing up the results of solving pedagogical situations

Situation 1. Often, parents assume that simply handing a toy to their baby is enough to interest him. This is wrong. It can be difficult for a child to figure out what it is and what to do with it. Therefore, before handing your child a toy, introduce him to it, tell him what its name is. By preparing your child in this way, you will at the same time interest him. Then demonstrate how to actually handle this toy and play together a little. If the baby does not show initiative, you can play instead - let him be an outside observer for now. And under no circumstances force him to play. The child needs to take a closer look at the toy and get used to its presence. You should not reproach the child: “Eh, Katenka, why did you upset your mother so much! I tried, I chose a gift for you.” With these words you will only upset the child. Therefore, it is best for parents in this situation to refrain from making premature conclusions, wait a while and show a little cunning and ingenuity.

Situation 2. Any task can be turned into an exciting game, including cleaning up toys. Invite your baby to go on a trip, and each passenger toy should take its place. Clean up toys with your child. It doesn’t matter how many toys the baby puts away and how many you put away; The main thing is to make the child feel that he is a participant in a very important matter. Let him know in advance that it is time to put away his toys. The kid should definitely be praised for the work done. List what he did. Admire the room: “Oh, how beautiful! What order!

When putting away toys, treat them as living beings, and through them “give instructions” to the child for sleep, food, etc. For example, before going to bed, taking a doll, you can say: “Lala, go to bed. Mashenka will also go to sleep now and lie down in her crib.”

Situation 3. Remember that everything except your favorite toy must be changed and updated periodically. If you notice that your baby does not pick up a toy for a long time, it means that he simply does not need it now. Hide it away, and after a while its appearance will arouse new emotional or cognitive interest in the child.

Be extremely careful when managing your child's toy world. You may accidentally throw away his favorite toys. After all, a favorite toy is not necessarily new, expensive and colorful. Never force your child to throw away broken or outdated toys! Each of them is associated with positive emotions and experiences. Donate outdated toys to a kindergarten for any child who does not have such a toy.

Children are dreamers and inventors by nature. A drop of a child's imagination can easily turn an ordinary stick into a spoon, a telephone receiver, and a thermometer. The ribbon will become a river on a doll's path, a tow rope for a car, a bandage in a toy hospital. The adults were children too. Let's check whether you have forgotten how to fantasize.
