Russian literature. All works of the school curriculum in a brief summary. Russian literature Summary of literature

The Briefly website (summaries of literary works posted on the Internet) is currently very popular among users and, unfortunately, very often replaces reading the original text for modern audiences. On the other hand, this project has many supporters who note the convenience of this form of getting to know the book with minimal time investment. This article examines both the advantages and disadvantages of the project of A. Skripnik, who founded a portal dedicated to a concise description of works.


The Briefly website is very popular among modern youth. Brief summaries of fiction books are in increasing demand among readers these days. Therefore, one of the undoubted advantages of Skripnik’s project is the fact that reading the synopsis often helps the reader decide on the choice of literature. A quick and superficial acquaintance with a particular work allows people to figure out what they want to read and what they don’t. Perhaps no one wants to waste their precious time on a work that they may not like, much less spend money on buying printed materials.

Therefore, the pages of "Brifley" allow you to get an idea of ​​the books. Brief summaries of both short and long novels, novellas, stories presented on the site also have the undoubted advantage that they reflect the main compositional elements of the essays, which help to concentrate on the idea, theme, and intention of the author. Such preliminary acquaintance will subsequently help to focus attention on the main aspects of the book.


At the same time, we cannot ignore the negative consequences of abuse of the content of the Brifley website by students. Brief summaries of works, unfortunately, often almost completely replace reading works of fiction for modern schoolchildren. The presence of a small, laconic retelling saves them from direct acquaintance with the original. Even worse is the fact that this is completely justified, since in literature lessons, due to limited time, the teacher usually asks only the most necessary things about a particular work, which precisely contain condensed retellings, characterized by schematic, dry presentation of the text.

Although they contain everything necessary for a preliminary acquaintance with the work, they are still clearly not enough for the reader to completely immerse himself in the world of the writer. This site aims to introduce literature, but does not aim to replace reading literary text. Of course, nothing can compare with reading the source material, which is often interesting not so much from the plot, but from the linguistic, stylistic and, of course, ideological points of view.

Place in modern literature

The Briefly website is very useful for modern readers. Thanks to the indicated advantages, summaries of stories, novels, and poems have already become an integral part of the Internet. Every user these days turns to this project in one way or another, where they can find a retelling of any book. This helps to save time and understand the main content of a literary essay. And although many rightly point out that this method of getting acquainted with literature spoils readers’ taste for classical language and love for prose and poetry, nevertheless, the majority of users will speak out in favor of this resource.


In the end, it should be noted that the Briefly website is based on the needs of the audience. A summary of books as a preliminary form of familiarization with literary works has a right to exist. Moreover, such a literary form, in principle, has always existed. Even before the development of the Internet, published and published books included a synopsis at the beginning, in which the publisher, in a few sentences, told the reader about the composition of the work, its idea and features. At present, the Brifley project is rapidly developing, which, however, is explained by the demands of the reading public. I would like to hope that such a scale will not harm fiction, but, on the contrary, will arouse interest in books.

Since Seneca's De tranquillitate animi (On the Peace of Mind or On the Peace of Mind), people have written about self-development and how to be a better person. But since the time of Seneca, only the form in which people write about it has changed, the essence remains the same and it is quite easy to convey it in several pictures, which is what skitalets did in his LJ.

Since Seneca's De tranquillitate animi (On the Peace of Mind or On the Peace of Mind), people have written about self-development and how to be a better person. But since the time of Seneca, only the form in which people write about it has changed, the essence remains the same and it is quite easy to convey it in several pictures, which is what skitalets did in his LJ.

1. This is about ikigai, finding yourself instead of working, the meaning of life and how to do what you like.

2. The further you move, the more discomfort will arise in life, as you expand the zone of contact with the unknown. Socrates drew this picture when he was explaining to his student why he did not know more things than his student did not know. It’s just that his circle of knowledge is larger, so he has more contact with the unknown.

3. The picture explains why we have the 10,000 hour rule and why finishing something is harder than starting it. Anyone can learn to drive, but getting better at it is difficult. The better you understand the topic, the more expert and professional you are than those who gave up and were unable to obtain specific skills.

4. Development occurs after some events, when your skills improve or you notice it. Athletes note this after competitions; in terms of life, it works after some shocks or difficulties.

5. When you have a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills, there is a chance to catch the state of “flow”, when working will be a thrill. Flow is when you respond to complex challenges with high professionalism. That is, you cannot achieve it if you don’t know how to do anything.

6. All time management and a bunch of life hacks in terms of time management in one picture.

7. “To accomplish more, the 80/20 rule, already known to many, helps: we spend 20% of our efforts to achieve 80% of the results. If you follow it within reasonable limits, you can do five times more than others 100% of the time. You just have to remember to bring the result in at least one of the projects to 100%.”

In addition, we must remember that the more you work, in principle, the more you do. A person who follows the 80/20 principle and works 10 hours will do more than someone who follows this principle and works 5. This is very briefly formulated by the well-known rule among fans of MMO games: “while you sleep, the enemy swings.”

8. A very important lesson that the author of the original post gives in this picture is the importance of communication and expressing your position. If you are very smart but an introvert, you will be taken advantage of. First you start talking in meetings, and then you get promoted. With no exceptions.

9. Among the officials there are honest, efficient professionals who do not take bribes and work conscientiously. In any group of people there are hot-tempered and unrestrained people. There is nothing discrete in life - black and white - there is a very large middle and very few “ends”. But very interesting things are often hidden in these tails of the distribution.

10. In mathematics there is the concept of a “Markov process”. The main idea is that the state at the current moment in time is random for him and does not depend on the past. Just because it rains today does not guarantee that it will rain or shine tomorrow.

In life, the past does not directly affect the future, and every moment called “present” is a potential point of change in life trajectory. Which direction it will go tomorrow is your own choice.

To fully understand this picture, you need to imagine the past and the future not as a line that goes from left to right, but as if you were walking along a road. The past is what you have passed and is behind you, and the future is that part of the road that you have to go through.

Try walking down the street, constantly looking back, to understand how stupid it is to live in the past.

11. Besides that, it's never too late to start. There is a popular picture circulating on the Internet about people who founded large companies. The story of Colonel Sanders and KFC and other companies. This infographic was originally drawn as a result of research from the Founders Institute, and now there is an interactive one for it

M.:1999. - 616 p.

In this book you will find a summary and detailed analysis of all works included in the school literature curriculum, biographical information about the authors, and summaries of critical articles. The book is an indispensable assistant for school students and applicants during classes and when entering a university. The book will be very useful in preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature, writing essays, and also for general development. What is especially valuable about this book is that it provides brief biographical information about the authors (Born, Studied, What and when he wrote, Where and when he died). The book also gives the theory of literature (types of literature, genres, movements, etc.).

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Types of literature 3
Epic Genres 3
Lyric genres 4
Drama genres 5
Literary movements and currents 8
Classicism 9
Romanticism 10
Sentimentalism 13
Naturalism 14
Realism. . 15
Symbolism 17
Literary movements in Russia in the 19th-20th centuries.
Natural school 18
Acmeism 19
Futurism 19
Imagism 21
OBERIU (Association of Real Art). 21
Structure of a work of art
Artwork idea 22
The plot of a work of art 22
Composition of a work of art 22
Poetics of a work of art, figures of speech 23
Features of poetic speech and versification
Stanza 25
Rhyming. 25
Foot 25
Two-syllable sizes 25
Trisyllabic poetic meters 26
“The Lay of Igor’s Campaign, Igor Svyatoslavich, Olegov’s grandson”
Summary. 28
"Words..." . 29
Brief biographical information. thirty
Ode “On the Day of Elizabeth Petrovna’s Accession to the Throne”
1747 31
“Evening reflection on God’s Majesty on occasion
great northern lights." 32
Brief biographical information 33
Ideological and artistic content of Derzhavin’s odes 33
"To Rulers and Judges" .34
Brief biographical information 35
"Quartet" 35
"Swan, Pike and Crayfish" .36
"Dragonfly and Ant" 37
"The Crow and the Fox" 38
Brief biographical information 38
"Forest King" 39
“Svetlana” (excerpt) 40
Brief biographical information 42
"Woe from Wit"
Summary 43
I. A. Goncharov. “A Million Torments” 55
Brief biographical information. 56
"Belkin's Tales"
"The Station Agent" 58
"Peasant Young Lady" .59
Ideological and artistic originality of “Belkin’s Tales” 60

"Dubrovsky". 65
"Captain's daughter"
Summary 66
Ideological and artistic originality of the story
"The Captain's Daughter" 71
"Little Tragedies"
"The Stingy Knight" 72
"Mozart and Salieri". 75
"The Stone Guest" 78
"Feast in Time of Plague" 83
Ideological and artistic originality
"Little tragedies" 85
Genres of Pushkin's lyrics 87
The theme of the poet and poetry in the works of Pushkin 88
Reflection of the ideas of “poetry of reality”
in Pushkin's lyrics (according to Belinsky) 93
The theme of love in Pushkin's lyrics 94
Philosophical lyrics 96
"Eugene Onegin"
Summary 97
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel in verse
"Eugene Onegin" . 111
Belinsky about Pushkin’s novel (articles 8 and 9) 112
Author's digressions and the image of the author in the novel
"Eugene Onegin" 116
Brief biographical information 126
"Hero of our time"
Summary 127
V. G. Belinsky about the novel “Hero of Our Time” 137
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
"Hero of Our Time" 139
“A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov...”
Summary 140
Ideological and artistic originality of “Song...” .141
Belinsky about “Song...”. 142
Summary 142
. 144
Belinsky about the poem “Mtsyri” 144
The main motives in Lermontov's lyrics 145
Brief biographical information.155
Summary 156
Ideological and artistic originality of the comedy “The Inspector General”. . 163
Summary 166
Ideological and artistic originality of the story “The Overcoat”. . 168
"Dead Souls"
Summary 168
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem
"Dead Souls" 183
About the second volume of “Dead Souls” 185
Brief biographical information 186
"Fathers and Sons"
Summary 186
D. I. Pisarev. "Bazarov" 200
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
"Fathers and Sons" 204
Brief biographical information 206
“Who lives well in Rus'”
Summary 207
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem
“Who Lives Well in Rus'” 236
Periodization of creativity 237
“Yesterday at six o’clock...” 238
“Reflections at the Front Entrance” 238
"In memory of Dobrolyubov". 241
"Elegy" 242
Brief biographical information 243
Summary 243
Ideological and artistic originality of the drama “The Thunderstorm” 252
Brief biographical information. 256
Summary 257
N. A. Dobrolyubov. “What is Oblomovism?” 274
Brief biographical information 278
"Spring Storm" 279
"Spring Waters" 279
“There is in the primordial autumn...” 280
“You can’t understand Russia with your mind...” 280
“When the decrepit forces...” 280
Brief biographical information 281
“I came to you with greetings...” 282
“Whisper, timid breathing...”. . 282
Brief biographical information 283
“My bells...” 284
“In the middle of a noisy ball, by chance...” 284
From the works of Kozma Prutkov. "From Heine" 285
Brief biographical information 285
"Gentlemen Gol Ovlevy"
Summary 286
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
“Messrs. Golovlevs” 293
Fairy tales
"The story of how one man of two generals
fed." 294
“The Wise Minnow” 295
Ideological and artistic originality
tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin 296
Brief biographical information 297
"White Nights"
Required information 298
Summary 299
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 300
"Crime and Punishment"
Required information 300
Summary 300
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel 317
Brief biographical information.....319
"War and Peace"
Summary 320
Ideological and artistic originality of the epic novel
"War and Peace" 416
“War and Peace” as an artistic whole 416
"People's Thought". . 416
“Family Thought” 420
Female images in the novel 422
Spiritual quest of Tolstoy's heroes (Andrei Bolkonsky
and Pierre Bezukhov) 424
“War and Peace” - an epic novel (genre originality) 426
“Dialectics of the soul” (features of psychologism
Tolstoy) 427
"After the ball"
Summary. 428
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 429
Brief biographical information 430
"Ward number 6"
Summary 430
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 435
Summary 436
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 438
"The Cherry Orchard"
Summary. 438
Ideological and artistic originality of the play 443
Brief biographical information 445
"Old Isergil"
Summary 447
Ideological and artistic originality 450
"Chel kash"
Summary 450
Ideological and artistic originality" 453
“Song of the Petrel” 453
“Song of the Falcon” 454
Ideological and artistic originality of “Songs”
about the Petrel" and "Songs about the Falcon" 456
"At the bottom"
Summary 457
Ideological and artistic originality of the song “At the Lower Depths” 464
Brief biographical information 465
Summary 465
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 473
Brief biographical information 474
"Antonov apples" 476
"Lyrnik Rodion" 477
"Chang's Dreams". 478
"Sukhodol" 479
The originality of realism I. A. Bunin, I. A. Bunin
and A.P. Chekhov. 481
Genres and styles of works by I. A. Bunin; 482
“Eternal themes” in the works of I. A. Bunin 482
Works by I. A. Bunin about the village. Problem
national character, 483
"Cursed Days"
Ideological and artistic originality 484
Brief biographical information 484
Stories Summary:
"Bargamot and Garaska". . 485
“Petka at the dacha” 486
Grand Slam 486
“The Story of Sergei Petrovich” 487
The theme of loneliness in the stories of L. Andreev 488
"Judas Iscariot"
Summary 489
Ideological and artistic originality of the story
"Judas Iscariot" 491
Brief biographical information 492
"Anna Snegina"
Summary 492
The ideological and artistic originality of the poem. . 49 7
“Letter to Mother” 498
“Uncomfortable liquid moonlight...” 499
“The feather grass is sleeping. Dear plain..." 501
Brief biographical information.....; 502
"Factory" 502
"Stranger" 503
"Russia" 505
"On the railway" * . . . . 506
Summary 508
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem 512
Brief biographical information 514
Satire in the lyrics of V. V. Mayakovsky 515
The theme of the poet and poetry in the works of V. V. Mayakovsky 516
"At the top of my voice" 518
Summary 524
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem 533
"Silver Age" of Russian poetry
Brief biographical information 534
"Fantasy" 535
“I caught the departing shadows in my dreams...” 536
"Reeds". 536
Brief biographical information 537
“To the young poet” 538
"Creativity" " 538
"Shadows" 539
Brief biographical information 539
"On the Mountains". 540
“Could you?” 541
“Violin and a little nervously” 542
Brief biographical information 543
“Freedom comes naked...” 544
“Don’t be naughty!” . 544
Brief biographical information...."... 545
"It was by the sea" 546
"Overture". 546
"Igor Severyanin". . 546
"Classic roses". . . 547
Brief biographical information. 547
"Giraffe" 548
"Worker" 549
Brief biographical information 550
“I was given a body - what should I do with it...” 551
“The cloudy air is humid and echoing...” 551
“The bread is poisoned and the air is drunk...”, 552
"Leningrad". 553
“You and I will sit in the kitchen...” 553
“I’ll tell you from the last one...” 553
“For the explosive valor of the coming centuries...” 554
“Armed with the vision of narrow wasps...” 554
“We live without feeling the country beneath us...” 555
Brief biographical information 555
“I learned to live simply, wisely...”. . . 556
“I had a voice. He called comfortingly..." .556
"Twenty first. Night. Monday..." 557
From "Requiem" * 557
Brief biographical information. . 561
"February. Get some ink and cry...” 562
"Winter Night" 562
“In everything I want to achieve...” 563
Brief biographical information 564
"Virgin Soil Upturned"
Summary. 565
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel 597

Alexey Skripnik is 27 years old, his site “Brifli” is 13. This is the largest library of short summaries in Russian. “Brifley” is mainly used by schoolchildren and students of philological universities who do not have the time or desire to read assigned works in full. Does Alexey feel guilty for popularizing short retellings, what does he think about literature lessons in schools, and how does he see the education of the future?

Alexey Skripnik, founder of the Briefly library of short summaries

— Do you now have the largest project with summaries in Runet?

— Yes, if we take only brief summaries, then the largest one. Now Briefly has an average of 2-3 million unique visitors per month, most of them schoolchildren. Less in summer. But there are also sites that, in addition to brief summaries, provide ready-made essays, biographies, and other useful information. They will be larger, for example, is twice as large.

— When you created Briefly, did you expect such a scale?

- No, it happened by accident. I created Briefly when I was in 10th grade, in 2003. Then I was just training how to make websites. It seemed to me that all the existing sites with summaries were made incorrectly, but I will do it well and cool. But then I approached this purely from the technical and aesthetic side.

— What audience were you targeting?

— In the 10th grade, I did it primarily for myself. I was a schoolboy who did not always want to read the books required by the program. Back then I had one goal - to make life easier for people like me.

— Your website indicates the time to read the original and a summary. Are you pushing people to go read the original if, say, it only takes half an hour?

“I’m just honestly writing that the retelling will take so much, but the original will take so much.” Sometimes this shows how much time can be saved. In reality, the retelling is not always much shorter. Sometimes, if you have half an hour, you can read the original. I have statistics on how people click on the “original” link, many do this - about 3 thousand clicks per day. And in total there are about 150-200 thousand unique visitors per day. But what people do next - close it immediately or actually read it - I don’t know.

—Are you worried that you are preventing schoolchildren from studying literature? Are you being blamed?

“I blame myself more often than someone else blames me.” Of course, the “read the summary to see if the original is worth reading” scenario is most pleasing to me. I want to develop Briefly in this direction, to be a guide to the world of literature.

But there are students who are not interested in literature at school at all. Perhaps because the teacher is bad or the person himself is interested in something else. And when he is forced to read something that he doesn’t want to read, when this reading will not give him pleasure, when there is no reason to read other than a bad mark in the magazine, in this case a summary can really help out.

And it helps, judging by what schoolchildren write in the comments: “I read it and they gave me an A,” “I read it and wrote an essay.” Here the question is not for me, but for the teacher: it will not be difficult for an experienced teacher to understand what a person has read - the original or a summary.

— What is your attitude towards teaching literature at school?

— It seems to me that these lessons should be taught not by literary critics, but by psychologists. People who know how to communicate. Now, if you ask a typical parent why literature is needed, he will most likely say that children learn to communicate, express thoughts, structure writing...

Brifley home page

— Many people still talk about the educational function.

- Yes, education of moral principles. But if you look at the first few problems of the Unified State Exam in literature, then students are required to know the theory; they need to distinguish iambic from trochee, roughly speaking. I believe that literature should become a discussion club so that people discuss books more than form, trends and history. A 14-15 year old teenager is interested in relationships with parents, peers, etc. All these topics are interesting, and they can be discussed using the example of masterpieces of literature and classics. The main goal of literature lessons should be discussion, discussion.

— Do you think that the principles of teaching literature are outdated?

- Yes. Since I am a technical person, I tried to find some government sites for schoolchildren, for example, a library. What if I want to read Mumu and I have my phone handy? I enter “Mumu”, there is a private site on the works of Turgenev, then “Brifley”, then another private site, and I don’t see any initiatives like a colorful, convenient library for schoolchildren.

From a technical point of view, teaching is definitely outdated. For example, there are many game applications about learning English, but I haven’t come across any about learning Russian language or literature. A huge number of successful moves and techniques have already been accumulated in this area, and they could be used to teach literature.

— Do you notice any spikes in attendance during the Unified State Exam?

— Yes, there was another surge on December 2, the Single Composition Day. My site crashed because too many people came. As for whether it is possible to write a good essay using summaries... If so, it turns out that you have read the summary and can figure it out yourself, understand the conflict, compare it with other works... Then that's great, you're good You have learned critical judgment skills and your head works well. I only envy such people.

— That is, you consider the site not only a magic wand for those who don’t want to do anything, but also a tool for those who understand and can do something.

— It seems to me that most visitors use Briefly to avoid doing things that they don’t have time for. The number of schoolchildren on the site is growing every year. On the one hand, this is due to the penetration of the Internet.

On the other hand, there is also a cultural reason - competition for human attention is becoming greater. Now you can occupy any free time in the most interesting way, thousands of resources, jokes, memes, scandals, investigations are fighting for your attention, and every year this tangle is only growing.

— Some people think that we need to fight such clip thinking, while others think that this is a natural way to adapt to the flow of information. Whose side are you on?

“We need to adapt to this, it’s part of our life.” There will only be more information, and less and less effort to obtain it. Maybe the information will go straight to the brain. You need to get used to acting in this reality.

— Doesn’t the fact that knowledge is too easy to obtain devalue it?

— The true value of knowledge is if you can apply it to your advantage. Sometimes it's simple: you found out how to make coffee, went and made it, roughly speaking. Sometimes it’s more difficult: if a book teaches that you shouldn’t kill and you need to treat people with respect, then this is not a practical skill, but a moral attitude. And you need to spend time mastering it, trying to understand a difficult situation. This is where you need to spend time, not searching for information or discussing how iambic differs from trochee.

— What is the role of a teacher in the information society? Can he recommend services like yours?

— It seems to me that there are very few teachers from God. Most of them are not able to ignite the desire to read in people. But they can help students complete the course through summaries, film adaptations, and audio books. There should be many ways to study a particular work, and the teacher should choose the right one depending on what class he has. Maybe one student is a visual learner and will find it easier to watch a movie, while another is an auditory learner who needs to listen to an audiobook to understand the meaning. There are also video retellings.

It would be great to get together with teachers and think: if a student is already on Briefly, what can we do to get them interested in reading?

Unlike other sites, I provide a link to the original on the summary page. Sometimes I give an excerpt from an audiobook, sometimes a film adaptation. I am ready to develop this further, but I don’t know in what ways. You can add tests. It would be great to team up with literature teachers and methodologists and think about how to do more good than harm.

-Have you tried to talk to them?

- No, I didn’t try. Now I want to develop the site towards a more adult audience. There is a huge area of ​​non-fiction literature that interests me. Now we are preparing the first experiment of this kind, we retold the book about GMOs. Maybe there will be more political books, we are writing a retelling of “All the Kremlin Army.”

In general, it seems to me that there are people who grow up with Briefly. They started reading in the 5th grade, then went to a humanities university and continued to use Briefly. And I want them to graduate from college and also go to Briefly to find out how to raise children, what’s new in science. I want this to be a universal encyclopedia that you can live with all your life.

— At the beginning of the interview, you said that you often blame yourself. But from your words it seems that educational institutions are also to blame.

“The fault of education is that it doesn’t interest people, and they search for “summary” rather than “read in full.” It’s curious that previously most of the requests for which people came to me were of the “summary summary, book title” type. But now my site has come up and is in first place if you simply enter the name of some books.

On the one hand, I feel guilty if a student types “Crime and Punishment” and sees my site first. He hadn’t formulated his request yet, maybe he wanted to read it in full, and here was “Brifley.” But on the other hand, it’s not me who does this, but people - they themselves often choose a summary instead of the original, which is why the site ranks first in the search results.

No one is seriously fighting for these positions - to be the first to respond to the request “Crime and Punishment”. Now, if only there was a website that positioned itself as “we are a free library, our reading is convenient and interesting, we have a wide range of functionality.” There are only Bookmate and Liters for adults. But there is no such site about originals for schoolchildren that someone would constantly work on.

— Have you thought about doing this yourself?

- Thought. It's not that difficult, but you can't place books just once. You need to support it, correct typos, add works, spend money on support. And now I want to get away from school topics and do what interests me now. I have a selfish goal.

- You consider yourself more of an entrepreneur and a technical person, and not someone who should save our education and literature. But they wouldn't mind helping.

Exactly like that.


Comment on the article "Summary or "read in full"? Literature and life"

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Our family and books are great and devoted friends. I am now 55 years old and I don’t even remember my life without a book. In the small village of Ust-Gory there was a small library at the school, which I read several times. My love for books led me to work in the library. And now I have been working as a librarian for 36 years. When my first son Denis was born, I read books to him from early childhood. At the age of four, my son already fully recited M. Lermontov’s “Borodino”, and from the prose we read N...

I love Andersen. She looks at Thumbelina in an old book with illustrations by B. Dekhterev, and I also bought (I admit, because of the amazing beauty of the plants) a book with illustrations by B. Ibatullin. I don’t know what she understands from the brief retelling, but she looks at the pictures. I didn’t even try to retell the plot of another fairy tale, “The Ugly Duckling” (a masterpiece by illustrator Anton Lomakin). Favorite page - with ducklings swimming - when half the duckling is above the water, half is under the water: “They dive...”. The other day she portrayed...

I love books. Perhaps a little more than the average citizen. Having an adopted daughter has led me to rediscover the world of reading and books. Soon Alina will turn two years old, and I am already forgetting some of the details of the development of her relationship with books. Thanks to the competition, which forced me to capture my observations on paper. Maybe my experience will be useful to someone. Alina was 10 months old when we took her from the Orphanage, where she spent her entire little life...

Now I really like to read, but I don’t remember when I fell in love with reading. Definitely not at school. At school I was constantly interested in something else. True, they didn’t read to me as much as I did to my children. Or so it seems to me... In short, I don’t remember. In general, until I was 10 years old, I don’t remember my childhood well - only isolated passages. I remember that in high school I was obsessed with Shklyarsky, Dumas and Verne. But I started reading voraciously after college. I read everything in a row: what I didn’t finish reading at school - because this knowledge is really in...

On the website "Women's Detective" I found a list of the best detective stories of 2011, written by women: 1. "Uncut Pages" by Tatyana Ustinova 2. "The Genius of Terrible Beauty" from Daria Dontsova 3. "The Last Three Days" from the Litvinov brother and sister 4. "Natural" murder. The Innocents" by Tatyana Solomatina 5. "Unquenchable Thirst" by Tatyana Polyakova 6. "Masks" by Alexandra Marinina 7. "Justice" by Alexandra Marinina 8. "From Heaven to Earth" by Tatyana Ustinova 9. "Dungeon of the Quiet Angel" by Ekaterina Ostrovskaya...

For those who don’t have time to read in full, or for those who want to first read the summary, and only then think about whether it’s worth reading. If there is demand, I will post more Sears (Raising a child from birth to 10 years).

It was my mistake - he stopped reading altogether... and didn’t read for almost 14-15 years... well, according to the program. and then... considering modern books (which, by the way, infuriate me, such as a summary of War and Peace, etc.) so... it happens differently for different children.

We still have to get there, we still have to live this long journey. Maybe a miracle will happen yet. I read somewhere... Maybe... Live...

Everyone else, even more so. My friends and I started to remember our military past and found out. that no one read these classics in their entirety at school (and neither did I:(). Will it be enough to buy a book like “a summary of Russian classics”, or still...
