Send by email. Lesson summary on the topic “punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members” Homogeneous members are connected by the conjunction A, BUT, YES (= but)

You probably every day face such a situation as a lack of time for your tasks, and sometimes it probably even seems to you that yours is simply huge, although there may be only a few tasks in it.

I myself felt such a pattern that when planning my tasks for the next day, I seemed to write down as many tasks as I could realistically complete. But at the end of the working day, more often than not it turned out that I was not only not getting closer to the end of my “check list”, but I wasn’t even getting to the middle. This went on for quite a long time, and these unfulfilled tasks, which were constantly pressing, only worsened my mood and decreased my productivity.

But recently, I came across some working tips and tricks that help me get a lot more done. Now I will introduce you to them.

1. Get up early

Many simply neglect this advice, although everyone always tells us about it. But in fact, this point is not in vain recorded as number one in our article.
By getting up early and starting to work, by lunchtime you will have completed basically the same part of the work as, for example, after lunch, but in this case you will have inner peace. After all, the clock is only 12:00, and you have already completed most of the work and you will have more strength to further complete your tasks.

And let's not forget the saying:

“He who gets up early, God gives him”

All proverbs and sayings are from life and you should listen to them.

2. We draw up a work plan

I have always done this, but nevertheless, many people omit such a thing, as well as simply due to the inability to keep all their affairs in their head, many do not work effectively and have little time.

Of the simplest ways to create your work plan, I can advise you, try it and you will immediately notice improvements.

3. Set goals

What's the point of all the plans if there are no goals? Also, don’t forget about long-term goals, otherwise many people focus only on unimportant goals, like saving up for a TV, etc.

Everything seems clear with this point, let’s move on to the next one.

4. Take responsibility

It is much easier to complete your tasks if you really feel the responsibility and possible negative consequences of not doing them. The most commonplace way is to tell your friends and relatives about your goal; if you do not achieve it, then everyone will consider you an “idle talk” and a person unable to keep his word. With this responsibility, you will be able to perform better and motivate yourself.

But it’s better not to depend on other people’s opinions and take responsibility before yourself, and not before someone else.

5. We do the most difficult things first.

Human nature loves to put off all difficult matters until later. Always fight this bad habit and do the hardest thing right away!

But do not forget about proper planning, always choose the main thing and... After all, sometimes the most complex tasks may have low priority and should not be completed right away.

6. Leave time for rest

After a good job, you should always have a good rest and gain strength for new things and achievements. You shouldn’t overwork and sit 24 hours a day on your tasks.

7. See your goals

Your motivation will fade very quickly if you don't see the end point of your goal. You will simply have the feeling of never-ending work that will last for a very long time.

Knowing the end point and being in full control and awareness of your goal, you will move much faster and successfully complete each of the stages of your work plan.

In this article I have collected, so to speak, basic ways to increase your productivity, but in fact there are a lot of such tricks and you can learn about many on our website, so subscribe to updates and stay with us.

Exercise 1.

Compose and write sentences with homogeneous members using the diagrams below.

1. [Neither O, nor O, nor O].
2. [O or O].
3. [O, O and O].
4. [O, a O].
5. [Not so much O as O].
6. [Oh, Oh, Oh].

Exercise 2.

Rewrite the sentences using the necessary punctuation marks. Explain their setting.

1. The fog was clearing but still covered the tops of the forest (L. Tolstoy). 2. The bright winter sun looked into our windows (Aksakov). 3. Village girls will weave their first wreath in their lives not from bathing suits or even from cornflowers, but from sunny dandelions (Soloukhin). 4. The letter was written in large, nervous, thin handwriting (Kuprin). 5. The Russian people are smart and understanding, zealous and ardent for everything good and beautiful (Belinsky). 6. Not only Chekhov was friends with Gilyarovsky, but also Kuprin Bunin and many actors and artists (Paustovsky). 7. L. N. Tolstoy is characterized by the desire to contain in a sentence all the richness, all the complexity, all the shades of thought or experience, to give thought in its dynamics (Solganik).

Exercise 3.

Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

1) Having met Alyosha, the dog began to circle (?) around him, stood on his hind legs, and rested his front legs on his sheepskin coat. (Yu. Yakovlev.) 2) The ducks were chilling in the thickets and quacked pitifully all night (K. Paustovsky) 3) A breeze flew here, either from the mountains or from the sea. (S. Babaevsky.) 4) And in battle in bad weather, among the most evil worries, the Leningrad breed (n..) will (not) disappear. (N. Tikhonov.) 5) (B) another bell over the snowy length will ring then disappear again. (N. Bukin.)

Exercise 4.

Copy using punctuation marks and missing letters. Underline homogeneous terms expressed by different parts of speech and indicate which part of speech they are expressed by.

1) The fire was burning. It burned generously and smokily at full intensity. (Yu. Yakovlev.) 2) The walls in the classrooms were whitewashed again and they were so clean without a single spot, it was just fun to look at. (N. Nosov.) 3) In the autumn(n, nn)..nature it was dull and sad(?) but at this hour. (A. Platonov.) 4) (B) for the first time after leaving Feodosia, we looked around and saw Eastern Crimea. It was deserted and shiny from the (recent) rains. (K. Paustovsky.) 5) Dry, clean, light from the leaves in the forest. (V. Soloukhin.)

Exercise 5.

Write down and graphically explain punctuation marks in sentences in which all known cases of commas occur.

1) It was an autumn day, gray, but quiet and warm. (I. Turgenev.) 2) A huge red moon slowly appeared from behind the roofs of a nearby village. (A. Kuprin.) 3) From the direction of the village, the hasty tramp of lively sheep’s feet was heard. (D. Mamin-Sibiryak.) 4) On the virgin snow of a deserted forest road, a sluggish, winding, fuzzy trail curled behind him, like the kind left by a wounded animal. (B. Polevoy.) 5) Pavka met the calm gray eyes of the stranger, who were carefully studying him. The firm, unblinking gaze somewhat darkened Pavka. The gray jacket, buttoned from top to bottom, was pulled tightly over his wide, strong back. (N. Ostrovsky.)

Exercise 6.

Copy the sentences using missing punctuation marks.

Underline the definitions, indicate which of them are homogeneous and heterogeneous, how they are expressed (category of adjectives).

1) White, red, and blue shirts flashed everywhere between the trees. (I. Turgenev.) 2) The entire river was dammed with fine, solid ice soaked in water. (I. Turgenev.) 3) I turned into a long linden alley. (A. Chekhov.) 4) In the distance, the clearing was cut by a high railway embankment. (A. Chekhov.) 5) It was a moonlit, clear evening. (A. Chekhov.) 6) To the right there was complete pitch darkness. (A. Chekhov.) 7) A fine, rare rain began to fall. 8) All around was the same gloomy, strict wild nature. (L. Tolstoy.) 9) He fixed his fixed gaze on the distant masses of gray, ruddy blue mountains. (A. Pushkin.) 10) The need for a new, better life pinched my heart unbearably. (A. Chekhov.) 11) Nekhlyudov inhaled the strong smell of a young birch leaf. (L. Tolstoy.)

Exercise 7.

Copy and insert missing punctuation marks.

1) The snow, which covered the forest, grass, and shrubs in a sparkling white ermine mantle, frightened the black grouse. (E. Permitin.) 2) Trifon finished his hut first: he repaired the porch, hung a new door, and rebuilt the floor in the entryway. (A. Andreev.) 3) The roar of water, the roar of the rapids, the rapid running and the endless echo of the rocks - this is the impression left of this river. (K. Fedin.) 4) From the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean, from the Arctic Ocean to the Pamirs - this peaceful hum, but filled with restrained and heavy force, can be heard everywhere. (M. Sholokhov.) 5) But now, at the beginning of March, everything: the ravine, the forest, and the clearing was covered with deep snow. (G. Skrebitsky.)

Exercise 8.

Write down first the sentences in which a comma is not placed between homogeneous members, and then the sentences in which a comma is placed between homogeneous members.

1) The day was completely clear, quiet, hot. (L. Tolstoy.) 2) The bird is small, but it sings well. (Proverb.) 3) Malinin met Sintsov’s gaze and also silently looked into his eyes for several seconds (K. Simonov.) 4) The arrogant Yegorka has praise and excuses. (Proverb.) 5) Not only the bayonet, but also the ear of the enemy stabs. (Proverb.) 6) Both in summer and in winter, there is a lot of interesting things in the taiga for an observant person. (E. Permitin.) 7) Ovsyannikov rode either in a racing droshky or in a small beautiful cart with a leather top. (I. Turgenev.) 8) Lizonka got up early today. 9) The wind cut my face, and it was either snow, or rain, or croup that occasionally began to hit my face. (L. Tolstoy.)

Underline homogeneous parts of the sentence.

Exercise 9.

1) Make up sentences with homogeneous members connected by compound conjunctions not only but; both, and; although and, but; not as much as; if not, then; if, then.
2) Make up sentences with repeated conjunctions this - that; not that - not that; and - and - and; no no.
3) Make up sentences with stable combinations both day and night; neither yes nor no; neither two nor one and a half; both laughter and sin; light is not dawn; neither fish nor fowl.

Exercise 10.

Write down the text. Find homogeneous members and how they are connected to each other. Indicate the role played by the repetition of conjunctions and other words before homogeneous members in this text.

What will be the fate of these kids? When they grow up and fly to the mainland, they will study and, perhaps, live and work somewhere on the Volga, in Ukraine, in the blessed south. And many, many years will pass. And both this bay and the northern lights above it will begin to be forgotten. But suddenly, for no apparent reason, your heart will become yearning, these distances will clearly appear before your eyes, this shaggy midnight sun over the ocean, and you will be drawn here, you will want to be here! And the ice, even for an hour, even for a moment, will seem dearer, dearer than the cherry orchard and the gentle sun.

Exercise 11.

Copy the text. Underline homogeneous parts of the sentence in accordance with what part of the sentence they are.


The earth has dried up, the fragrant birch buds have blossomed. Fields are plowed, vegetable gardens are dug up and loosened. How many different worms, caterpillars, slugs, bugs and larvae crawl into the light of day! The starling never looks for its food in the spring, either in the air while flying or on a tree. His food is everywhere: on the ground and in the ground. Do you know how many insects that are harmful to the garden and vegetable garden it destroys during the summer, if you count it by weight? Three hundred times its own weight!
It is interesting to watch when he, walking between the beds or along the path, hunts for his prey. His gait is fast and slightly clumsy.

(To Paustovsky.)

Exercise 12.

Write it off. Add punctuation marks and underline homogeneous parts of the sentence.

1) At that moment the man looked back and immediately seemed to be buried in Dostoevsky’s unwavering gaze.
2) But all these smells were overwhelmed by the pervasive smell of hay.
3) Goncharov seemed to be sketching his paintings with thick, rich colors...
4) One warm autumn day, Dostoevsky went to the Academy of Arts for the annual exhibition.
5) And you met a poor boy in an old silk tie here...

Test on the topic “Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members”

1. In which sentence is a comma placed in place of the gap?

1) A sonorous __children's laughter was heard from the room.
2) Plants, birds, and insects have already woken up.
3) In the evenings he__either told us fairy tales or played with us.
4) Large raindrops were knocking on the dark windows.

2. In which sentence is a comma placed in place of the gap?

1) He not only answered Natasha’s questions, but also spoke himself.
2) And it smelled of lavender and the past.
3) Every sound resounds loudly in the spring damp and fresh forest.
4) Either fog or smoke from fires floated over the river.

3. In which sentence is there no comma in place of the gap?

1) A narrow wind-blown path led to the top of the hill.
2) The cold, gray sky and wind, and the involuntary sadness of the north fettered my soul.
3) I sent him a letter a long time ago, but there was no answer or greeting from him.
4) The cast iron wheel spins and hums and blows with the wind.

4. Specify a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Ducks or some other birds quacked pitifully in the thickets all night.
2) For festive illumination, both electric garlands and lanterns were used.
3) At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.
4) A good specialist relies on fundamental knowledge and ability to work.

5. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners.
2) Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about the secrets of Shakespeare’s creativity.
3) Our class especially liked role-playing reading or dramatization of fragments from the works being studied.
4) In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.

6. Which sentence needs one comma?

1) Directly opposite the window on the opposite side stood a beautiful manor house.
2) The mother shouted at him and swung her hand but didn’t hit him.
3) Andrei Nikolaevich took a pot of dried geraniums from the windowsill and began to look outside.
4) With all his awkward guts he felt either pity or conscience.

7. Which sentence needs one comma?

1) The sun peeked out from behind the torn clouds for a moment and illuminated the wet and sad street with a meager yellow light.
2) Olya put her hand and immediately pulled it back.
3) There is no peace either on a clear day or late at night.
4) Two ladies were already walking slowly back and forth there.

8. Specify a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Fungal spores are well preserved at both high and low temperatures.
2) In his paintings, Levitan did not go into a fairy-tale world or into ancient Russian antiquity.
3) Here, the transparent sky and crystal-clear air and fresh greenery give the picture the highest degree of spirituality.
4) In the evening, my father usually told me fairy tales or read poetry.

9. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.
2) Pretty soon he settled down in the area and made friends with the neighbors.
3) Crimson and gold leaves slowly and smoothly swirl in the air and quietly fall to the wet ground.
4) Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics.

10. In which sentence was there a punctuation error?

1) It’s good in these places in winter, spring, summer, and autumn.
2) We saw the Kremlin and Old Arbat, and the courtyards of Zamoskvorechye.
3) He is brave, stubborn, impatient, frivolous, and arrogant.
4) First to the right, then to the left, then behind, the roar of falling trees was heard.

The fifteenth task opens the “Punctuation” block. According to the “Specifier”, task 15 tests the ability to put punctuation marks in:

  • simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members (PP with och);
  • complex sentences (CSS).

The peculiarity of the task is also that the test taker must provide two answers, each of which is worth 1 point. If you successfully complete the 15th task, you will receive a total of 2 points.

15. Place punctuation marks. Specify two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1. The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.
2. Participles are capable of both figuratively describing an object or phenomenon and presenting its characteristic in dynamics
3. The illogic of combining words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader’s attention and enhances imagery.
4. Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with the neighbors.
5. The rich and not poor, but complaining.

A detailed analysis of task 15 can be seen in the video.

Required reference material

If a simple sentence contains homogeneous members, then such a sentence is called complicated.

Homogeneous members - these are words of the same part of speech that refer to the same member of the sentence and are connected by a coordinating connection: red, yellow and white flowers grew in the meadow

Coordinating connection- this is a connection between equal members of a sentence, which is most often characterized by intonation of enumeration and coordinating conjunctions.


Homogeneous members

They are not homogeneous and not separated by comma, A connected by a hyphen:

1) paired combinations of a synonymous nature: to look for the truth, the truth, there is no end, tell about your life, honor, praise be to you, what to call you, dignify you, how you deigned to sleep and rest, everything started spinning, it went, it went, it’s nice to look at, everything is sewn -covered and so on.

2) paired combinations of an antonymic nature: purchase and sale increased, discuss issues of export-import, indicate the hardness and softness of consonants, walk back and forth and so on.

3) paired combinations based on common sensations and perceptions: go for mushrooms and berries, greet with bread and salt, tie hands and feet, indicate first name and patronymic, young green and so on.

Punctuation marks when there is a generic word

Colon (:)

1.After generalizing word ( everything, no one, always, everywhere, nowhere And noun) homogeneous terms are preceded by a colon

(*) : O, O, O and O

Was in the basket game: two black grouse and a duck.

Mixed up All: breath of juniper, heather, water, lingonberries.

Nothing Can not hear : no birds, no crickets, no voices.

2. If after the generalizing word there are introductory words somehow, namely, for example , then they are preceded by a comma (,) , and after them a colon (:) (*), namely : OOO

Large fish are also caught here fish, namely : catfish, pike.

Dash (-)

1. After homogeneous members before the generalizing word

OOO - (*)

In a field, in a grove, on a lake - everywhere it was deserted.

Noise, swearing, mooing, roaring - All merges into one discordant conversation.

2. If after homogeneous members there is an introductory word before the generalizing word ( in a word, in short etc.), then before the introductory word is placed (-) , and after it (,)

OOO - in a word, (*)

Wheat, millet, oats - in a word, All already ripe.

Colon (:) and dash (-)

After homogeneous members, if there is a generalizing word ahead of them, and the sentence is not completed

(*), centuries words: Oh, Oh, Oh - ...

All these traits , namely : kindness, sensitivity, tolerance - helped him.


It is very important to clearly distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Complex sentence (SSP) consists of 2 or several simple ones, equal in meaning and connected by coordinating conjunctions. These sentences are separated comma: Air breathes spring scent, And all nature revives.

The semantic connection between sentences in the BSC may be different:

  1. Simultaneity: There was a battle going on far to the south, And in the north the earth trembled from bomb attacks.
  2. Subsequence: Dunya got into the wagon, the driver whistled, and the horses galloped.
  3. Time: (When) The captain stopped the ship And everyone started asking to go ashore.
  4. Cause and investigation: Several dugouts remained intact, And people, lying around from fatigue, walked there.
  5. Result: Pugachev gave a sign, And I was immediately released and left.

ABSENCE OF A COMMA before the conjunction AND in the BSC

1. There is no comma between simple sentences if available common minor member:

But too early is yours hit hour And prophetic feather from hand fell.

Now splashes May rain And will begin real thunderstorm.

Wings at the goose's were spread out And beak open.

2. There is no comma if there common clause:

[Already quite dawn] And[people began to rise], (When I returned to my room).

(Barely dawn), [us woke up] And[We went let's hit the road].

3. No comma between homogeneous subordinate clauses, connected by union AND, If The main thing they have general:

[The song is not given a secret], ( Where she has to live) And (Where die).

[We thought], ( What He will be late) And (What We we won't be able to say goodbye with him).


[It was heard], ( How cars were honking) , (How the trams were ringing) And(people were talking).

A comma is not used in the following cases:

1) general introductory word:

According to weather forecasters, [it will get colder soon] And[it will rain].

Apparently [he was in difficulty] And[there was a struggle in his soul].

2) general isolated member:

Despite our efforts, [the work progressed slowly] And[we didn’t finish it by evening].

I study biology and chemistry at Five Plus in Gulnur Gataulovna’s group. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject and find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives homework that is realistic in scope (and not, as most teachers do in the Unified State Examination year, ten paragraphs at home, and one in the class). . We study strictly for the Unified State Exam and this is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects that she teaches and always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. Highly recommend!


I am preparing for mathematics (with Daniil Leonidovich) and Russian language (with Zarema Kurbanovna) at Five Plus. Very pleased! The quality of classes is at a high level; the school now gets only A's and B's in these subjects. I wrote the test exams as a 5, I’m sure I’ll pass the OGE with flying colors. Thank you!


I was preparing for the Unified State Exam in history and social studies with Vitaly Sergeevich. He is an extremely responsible teacher in relation to his work. Punctual, polite, pleasant to talk to. It is clear that the man lives for his work. He is well versed in teenage psychology and has a clear training method. Thank you "Five Plus" for your work!


I passed the Unified State Exam in Russian with 92 points, mathematics with 83, social studies with 85, I think this is an excellent result, I entered the university on a budget! Thank you "Five Plus"! Your teachers are true professionals, with them high results are guaranteed, I am very glad that I turned to you!


David Borisovich is a wonderful teacher! In his group I prepared for the Unified State Exam in mathematics at a specialized level and passed with 85 points! although my knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very good. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the Unified State Exam, he himself is on the commission for checking examination papers. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thanks to Five Plus for this opportunity!


"A+" is an excellent test preparation center. Professionals work here, a cozy atmosphere, friendly staff. I studied English and social studies with Valentina Viktorovna, passed both subjects with a good score, happy with the result, thank you!


At the “Five with Plus” center I studied two subjects at once: mathematics with Artem Maratovich and literature with Elvira Ravilyevna. I really liked the classes, clear methodology, accessible form, comfortable environment. I am very pleased with the result: mathematics - 88 points, literature - 83! Thank you! I will recommend your educational center to everyone!


When I was choosing tutors, I was attracted to the Five Plus center by good teachers, a convenient class schedule, the availability of free trial exams, and my parents - affordable prices for high quality. In the end, our whole family was very pleased. I studied three subjects at once: mathematics, social studies, English. Now I am a student at KFU on a budget basis, and all thanks to good preparation, I passed the Unified State Exam with high scores. Thank you!


I very carefully selected a social studies tutor; I wanted to pass the exam with the maximum score. “A+” helped me in this matter, I studied in Vitaly Sergeevich’s group, the classes were super, everything was clear, everything was clear, at the same time fun and relaxed. Vitaly Sergeevich presented the material in such a way that it was memorable by itself. I am very pleased with the preparation!

I study biology and chemistry at Five Plus in Gulnur Gataulovna’s group. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject and find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of his requirements and gives homework that is realistic in scope (and not, as most teachers do in the Unified State Examination year, ten paragraphs at home, and one in the class). . We study strictly for the Unified State Exam and this is very valuable! Gulnur Gataullovna is sincerely interested in the subjects that she teaches and always gives the necessary, timely and relevant information. Highly recommend!


I am preparing for mathematics (with Daniil Leonidovich) and Russian language (with Zarema Kurbanovna) at Five Plus. Very pleased! The quality of classes is at a high level; the school now gets only A's and B's in these subjects. I wrote the test exams as a 5, I’m sure I’ll pass the OGE with flying colors. Thank you!


I was preparing for the Unified State Exam in history and social studies with Vitaly Sergeevich. He is an extremely responsible teacher in relation to his work. Punctual, polite, pleasant to talk to. It is clear that the man lives for his work. He is well versed in teenage psychology and has a clear training method. Thank you "Five Plus" for your work!


I passed the Unified State Exam in Russian with 92 points, mathematics with 83, social studies with 85, I think this is an excellent result, I entered the university on a budget! Thank you "Five Plus"! Your teachers are true professionals, with them high results are guaranteed, I am very glad that I turned to you!


David Borisovich is a wonderful teacher! In his group I prepared for the Unified State Exam in mathematics at a specialized level and passed with 85 points! although my knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very good. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the Unified State Exam, he himself is on the commission for checking examination papers. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thanks to Five Plus for this opportunity!


"A+" is an excellent test preparation center. Professionals work here, a cozy atmosphere, friendly staff. I studied English and social studies with Valentina Viktorovna, passed both subjects with a good score, happy with the result, thank you!


At the “Five with Plus” center I studied two subjects at once: mathematics with Artem Maratovich and literature with Elvira Ravilyevna. I really liked the classes, clear methodology, accessible form, comfortable environment. I am very pleased with the result: mathematics - 88 points, literature - 83! Thank you! I will recommend your educational center to everyone!


When I was choosing tutors, I was attracted to the Five Plus center by good teachers, a convenient class schedule, the availability of free trial exams, and my parents - affordable prices for high quality. In the end, our whole family was very pleased. I studied three subjects at once: mathematics, social studies, English. Now I am a student at KFU on a budget basis, and all thanks to good preparation, I passed the Unified State Exam with high scores. Thank you!


I very carefully selected a social studies tutor; I wanted to pass the exam with the maximum score. “A+” helped me in this matter, I studied in Vitaly Sergeevich’s group, the classes were super, everything was clear, everything was clear, at the same time fun and relaxed. Vitaly Sergeevich presented the material in such a way that it was memorable by itself. I am very pleased with the preparation!
