What colors are there in space? Beautiful cosmic flowers. In summer the Earth is closer to the Sun

I looked at the year the story was first published. I saw the numbers 1927 there. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I looked again. Nothing has changed. I saw 1927 again...

Tens, hundreds, thousands of stories and stories that have been published over the past 88 years have become hopelessly outdated. Damn, it’s been a long time since cyberpunk appeared, but some of his cult works bring a condescending smile to anyone who has held a smartphone in their hands...

“Color from Other Worlds” reads as if it had just been written. It’s as if the modern author not only wrote something in the spirit of Lovecraft’s era, but transported himself through time, inhabited Lovecraft’s body, took possession of his thoughts and guided his hand. Replace the cart of the ill-fated farmer Gardner with a pickup truck with a trailer, add a couple more details of our modern life, and they will seem quite organic in Lovecraft’s text...

And all because it only seems as if there is between us and the times of coal and steam, as well as between us and the times of knightly castles, chitons and togas, ziggurats, stone axes there lies an endless abyss. But in fact, what in the time of Gilgamesh, that now we are sitting on a small defenseless ball, and if something completely alien to us, incomprehensible and capable of seeing in us only food, appears from the depths of the Universe, what can we oppose to it? With all sorts of good-natured IPs who live in the kids' closets, on the one hand, and on the other hand, with the loud militants of Emmerich and others like him, where short-haired guys crush an armada of alien bastards, we simply drown out the alarm, every time ready to awaken at the thought that in fact, we don’t really know anything about the Universe, that in its dark depths, perhaps, lurking not even Evil, but something that can destroy us casually, without paying attention to our very existence...

And this story also tells about such a terrible and ineradicable phenomenon as indifference. While Farmer Gardner and his entire family were approaching inevitable death, who was concerned about their fate? Yes, no one, not even the so-called best friend Emmy Pierce did nothing, but only recorded everything that was happening, so that later he could savor the terrible details in conversations with idle gossips. There are more than 7 billion of us now on this ball called either Earth or Dirt, and if someone happens to get into trouble, then more than 7 billion will yawn and turn to sleep on the other side...

I would like to be wrong in the last conclusion. I would really like to. But while you read Lovecraft, he seems unshakable...

Rating: 10

“The Shining from Beyond” is, in my opinion, the best work in the horror genre that came from the pen of G.F. Lovecraft. Moreover, I believe that this is one of the few truly terrible Lovecraftian stories. With all due respect to shoggoths, the living dead, Cthulhu and other characters of Lovecraftian horror, all these images (as well as the “action” elements present in many stories) do not at all determine the impression of true horror. In my perception, all this is more likely from the adventure genre (which, of course, is also welcome).

But “The Shining from Beyond” is truly Horror, which is formed not by images, but by the acute impression of the “otherworldliness” of the amorphous creature appearing in the story (if it can be called a creature at all; perhaps it would be more reasonable to call it a substance. Or in general, recalling the famous 1982 film - “Something”). I still remember the effect of the first reading of the story (15 years ago), and especially of the simple phrase: “it came from where everything is different from ours...”. This phrase is a hundred times stronger than all kinds of monstrousness, no matter how colorful they may be.

The horror is aggravated by the wild (truly weird) metamorphoses in which many objects of our everyday reality are involved. These metamorphoses are described, as almost always in Lovecraft, in a vivid language that easily gives rise to visual images in the mind.

Among the shortcomings (which do not detract from the clear top ten), I will note two things. Firstly, one can note an excess of repetitions: some moments are reproduced more than once; and although these are trifles, it would be better to avoid this.

Secondly (and this is a more significant remark), some aspects of a socio-psychological nature seemed unnatural to me. Of course, talking about naturalness or unnaturalness in this context can be quite conditional. But I still can’t help thinking that the behavior of both individual characters and society here looks strange and unconvincing.

It is clear that the central characters (the Gardner family) could not leave their estate due to the harmful influence (subjugation) of an extraterrestrial alien. But why were they actually abandoned by their neighbors? Whatever the horror, people tend to stick together and help in the most critical situations - during wars, pandemics, natural disasters, etc. This is what society has stood for, stands for, and will continue to stand for.

And it seems completely absurd that the authorities from Arkham responded to the bad news from the Gardner farm only at the last stage; and before that, the townspeople supposedly perceived everything as rural superstitions or tales. No matter how they perceive it, the authorities react to smaller signals. Even in those years.

I understand that horror supernatural stories are difficult to fit into the social construction of our reality, but then perhaps it would be worth simplifying the plot. For example, pack the action not into many months, but into a few days.

Rating: 10

The story The Color Out of Space is the first work I read by Howard Phillips Lovecraft and it became a turning point in my life. It was thanks to him that I began to thoroughly study mystical literature in general, and, of course, the work of Lovecraft himself too. Thanks to this brilliant and unappreciated author during his lifetime, I realized that horror and mysticism are not limited to just The X-Files Chris Carter and Stephen King books. There are a lot of great writers who have worked and continue to work in these genres: Dean Koontz, Ramsey Campbell, Brigitte Aubert, John Campbell Jr., John Saul, Arthur Machen, Algernon Blackwood, Edgar Poe, Robert E. Howard, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Bram Stoker, Nikolai Gogol , Washington Irving and many others. And what’s most remarkable is that some of the listed writers have something in common in their works, and Ramsey Campbell is one of the many followers and continuers of Lovecraft’s work, who contributed to the development of the Cthulhu Mythos.

But I got distracted from something main topic- the story “Color from Other Worlds.” This is a classic example of first-class literature, written in the mixed genre of fantasy with elements of mysticism. The work contains all the best that is in two popular literary trends. Howard Lovecraft managed to very clearly and vividly describe the invasion of our world by something alien and incomprehensible. The author was able to adequately convey the reaction of a family living on a farm, next to which a mysterious meteorite fell. Well, the apotheosis, of course, is the phantasmagoric transformations that first affected vegetation, then animals and, ultimately, people. Creepy, powerful and simply indescribably poignant, Lovecraft managed to convey the atmosphere of the work from his head onto paper sheets, subsequently forming into one of the best creations of the author throughout his career.

“Color from Other Worlds” is a wonderful example of how to correctly write novels and stories in the styles of mysticism and fantasy. I strongly recommend that all aspiring writers, and established ones too, read this story. Without a doubt, you can learn a lot of useful and important things from it, which can subsequently help in further creative activity.

Rating: 10

In my opinion, the best work of Howard Lovecraft. Personally, in conversations with others, I call it this:

Spoiler (plot reveal)

“The story of how a family fell apart” (if a person does not understand, then I add: “Well, in the literal sense”).

The story is truly terrifying and, most importantly, unconventional. After reading a lot of Lovecraft's works, I began to notice a certain pattern in him, something common everywhere. Well, actually, almost all writers have this, but each one, of course, has his own template. But in this story there is no template; even Lovecraft himself writes atypically for himself!

I would give it 10 points, but some inconsistencies in the plot still hinder it.

Spoiler (plot reveal) (click on it to see)

Well, really: the family is quietly and slowly dying out, and everyone is quietly watching it! Well, I can understand that the family didn’t run away from there: their brains themselves very quickly became jammed, and after that they “fell ill” physically and eventually fell apart. This is explained by the principle of action of the alien infection. But where were those around them looking?

And the idea of ​​​​building a reservoir there is complete horror; water will spread this infection all over the world.

Well, at the very end of the story, I think the author somewhat misunderstands Amy’s condition. Over the past many years, it would have fallen apart long ago if it had also been “infected.” Moreover, in any case, medicine would hardly have helped him, so all attempts to “look after” him would have led to nothing...

Rating: 9

A true example of sci-fi horror. One of the author's best works. Reading such stories, you understand why Lovecraft is the founder of the genre of cosmic horror. There are no references to any cults, monstrous monsters, alien races, as is the case with the author (although the action takes place near the city of Arkham, which often appears in the so-called “Cthulhu Mythos”), but there is a purely scientific approach to describing the horror that occurs according to the plot. Thanks to the realism of the events, after reading it, I got the impression that something like this could very well happen in reality.

Lovecraft, as always, describes nature very well, which of course pleases. Since the action takes place in rural areas, associations arise with The Dunwich Horror, where I also remember detailed description nature.

This story could be filmed in great detail (as well as many others by the author). It is truly filled with bright and original ideas, imbued with tense moments, which is worth a masterfully described scene of real suspense

Spoiler (plot reveal) (click on it to see)

(when Emmy Pierce goes up to the Gardners' attic and throughout the rest of his stay in the house)

A story that is presented beautifully and with soul.

Lovecraft's masterpiece, not inferior to such “giants” as “The Dunwich Horror”, “The Ridges of Madness”, “The Story of Charles Dexter Ward”.

Rating: 9

I had never read Lovecraft before, moreover, since I don’t particularly like mysticism, much less horror (well, maybe some of King’s stuff), I could have continued to bypass this writer. But the author came across the volume after reading the tattered adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar Poe, since it turned out that on the basis of this unfinished work Lovecraft built his Ridges of Madness. Well, the collection with the Ridges was preceded by the story “Color from Other Worlds,” so now this is the first work I have read by the author. Well, what can I say, this is not even a horror story, but a very atmospheric fantasy work with an aura of something incomprehensible, unconsciously hostile, and therefore terrible. And although there are indeed small flaws already listed in the reviews (which allowed the Gardner family to die quietly and indifferently or the unrealistic stupidity and disinterest of scientists, even with a year’s discount), the work is captivating and takes you in with its atmosphere, fascinating and high-quality plot (although it has long been not unique), I also liked the language of the author (or translator).

Well, I will continue to get acquainted with the author and hope that this story, contrary to some reviews, will not turn out to be the only best in the author’s work, but will have brothers who are at least not inferior to him (Otherwise it would be a shame to read the best one the first time from the author and you can’t find any more works that even come close to him :)...).

Rating: 9

The story reminded me a lot of those childhood years when I loved watching the X-Files. Then I experienced approximately the same feelings - a kind of mixture of fear and curiosity, which always awakens when meeting the unknown and pleasantly tickles my nerves. Of course, it was a very deep childhood, and now it’s difficult to satisfy me with “X-files”. But Lovecraft did it. Even though the plot of the story is not so original today (although in his time, this topic was probably still very fresh - it was 1927, after all), it is simply terribly atmospheric.

A strange meteorite creates an anomalous zone around itself, into which the family of a farmer finds itself. It turns out that some kind of alien entity, completely unlike anything on earth, penetrated the Earth along with the meteorite. And terrible things begin to happen... What I like about this version of the plot is the unconsciousness of evil. That is, there are no personified aliens here whose goal is to destroy all of humanity. There is simply a certain creature that, obviously, eats for the sake of survival, and, well, changes the whole world around it. And the big question is whether it is reasonable at all. Just some natural destructive force. And this is much worse than a war with aliens. And more curious, because I want to understand what it is.

Of course, when reading it, there were associations with the Chernobyl zone. This is the desolation described at the beginning of the story, the invisible presence of death, even the strange lush vegetation (as far as I understand, there is now a real reserve there - nature, which is not disturbed by people), all these hints at mutations in the story, stories about which are still spinning around Chernobyl ... In general, there is no need to wait for aliens from outer space, people have already created everything on Earth with their own hands.

You can, of course, find fault with some little things in the plot, but somehow you don’t want to. The story is aimed primarily at emotion, and it does this very well. The feeling of an invisible threat persists throughout the story. And I would especially like to note the beauty of the author’s language. I don’t know how the translators coped, but the original is worth reading for aesthetic pleasure, even if you don’t really like horror. It’s nice when an author can not only create stories, but also write beautifully. So my first encounter with Lovecraft did not disappoint me.

Rating: 9

My acquaintance with Lovecraft and horror in general began with The Shining from Beyond. Yes, yes, the same collection where on the cover a demon shamelessly gropes a big-assed chick. To be honest, I was drawn to the cover when I saw it on a shelf in the library. I thought maybe some kind of strawberry... It turned out to be a strawberry, albeit not at all what I expected. That evening the door opened for me into a world of horror, madness and transcendental secrets. “The Shining” shocked me so much that my little hands were shaking. I was twelve. And then night came. And in the darkness, on the wall opposite the bed, a blue, luminous spot appeared. It was probably always there. Light from a street lamp. But how could Lovecraft’s overstimulated brain be convinced of this? That night I never had a chance to sleep. And the next time too, because the spot did not disappear, and it seemed to even increase and became closer to me. Damn fantasy running wild! The biggest fear of childhood, an unforgettable, creepy moment. The real magic of the word of the wizard from Providence, that’s his name.)

Rating: 10

I don’t know why everyone bought into the understanding of a meteorite as an egg of an unknown extraspace life - this is a horror genre, which means the author’s goal is always to obscure the true meaning of phenomena. Lovecraft does this by applying it to an unknown science known to mankind. Physics, chemistry and biology are used. But this is Lovecraft! He's a genius at confusing consciousness!

Spoiler (plot reveal) (click on it to see)

Personally, it seemed to me that the meteorite was associated with mythology, the birth of a new life. Something like the creation of a world by a new god. Has anyone thought that some creature simply digests the surrounding organic matter in real time right in the earth’s atmosphere? It is possible that the creature itself is the atmosphere, and the mutations of the living are associated with the refraction of the Earth’s material field in this atmosphere - the colors were unreal. And the theme of flooding as a relief is, after all, the replacement of the atmosphere with the hydrosphere and a different overlap with this unknown space, which is extremely difficult for earthly inhabitants to perceive with senses accustomed to local realities.

In general, I was completely amazed by this story. For the first time I experienced aesthetic pleasure from a horror film. Usually you are offered something disgusting, smelly, or pressing on your moral position, but here science fiction itself, in its ability to arouse curiosity about the author’s fantasies, lures you into the trap of death.

Rating: 10

When I turned over the last piece of paper I was a little dumbfounded. I wanted to start reading the next story, but I couldn’t. I had to move away from emotions :)

The beginning is slow, but what happens next is action, action and you, without noticing it, are already reading the final lines.

The atmosphere is great. I'm still amazed how Lovecraft manages to describe fear THIS way. For the most part, nothing is specific, but he looks for words and arranges them in such a way that it sends shivers down your spine. The creature described in the story is completely alien to man - the author clearly indicates this and he describes it for the most part in words that simply do not give a complete picture of the creature. And this is surprisingly even more frightening. Fear of an unknown and completely alien creature.

Rating: 10

The nature against which all the action takes place is very well described. She looks as if she were alive, especially after the meteorite fell: biggrin: The progressive madness of the Gardners is shown vividly and even “convexly” (for Lovecraft this is uncharacteristic - usually with him people look somehow blurry). The atmosphere is created gloomy, threatening and mystical in the truest sense of the word. But, unfortunately, there are also inconsistencies, which have already been written about here. If not for them, it would have been possible to give it 10 out of 10. wertuoz, March 20, 2013

I never cease to be amazed by the work of the famous master of horror and the universe of the “Cthulhu Mythos” H.P. Lovecraft. And this work, in its plot and setting, stands out from the concept of the famous myths of the deep-sea gods of the Cthulhu pantheon. Here you will not find fish-people, ominous and mysterious creatures - shoggoths, as well as strange creatures of the Yit race. This story about a new branch of the alien concept. And in in this case It is not clear whether the mysterious life form was aggressive towards people, whether it had a specific goal, or whether it was simply a victim of circumstances who accidentally ended up on our planet and tried to survive at any cost.

The plot itself is also in the spirit of the author - from less unusual events and unnoticed things, the action gradually reaches a critical stage, when simple human fate is affected, turning into a real tragedy of the death of an entire farming family. Everything is described quite colorfully and fantastically. The scale of fantasticality, again I am surprised by this fact, is off the charts like never before, which is not always characteristic of Lovecraft. The story reaches its climax, not ending with the death of people, as was customary with the master, but goes further, revealing as clearly and completely as possible the basic essence of the creature that literally fell from the sky. Therefore, this work is more frank, more complete and bright in revealing precisely the mystical side of fear, which Lovecraft so loves to gradually build up in his books.

However, if you think about it, the text contains unnatural and contradictory moments.

Spoiler (plot reveal) (click on it to see)

For example, the author contradicts himself when he constantly states that the farmers did not take anything from the contaminated land, and then immediately says that the family drank water from the well, tasted animal meat, fruits and vegetables; the monster stomps on the stairs, slurps and splashes in the well, although the author assures in the denouement that it is an ethereal gas. Further, people's behavior looks unnatural. What normal family would remain isolated on a farm, constantly observing frightening changes and instinctively anticipating doom? Neighbors, scientists, doctors and veterinarians are somehow unusually unanimously incurious and indifferent. Several adult male policemen are screaming in horror, contemplating the light rising from the well into the sky... In my opinion, not the most terrible sight in life.

In 2001, physicists decided to join forces to answer a very extravagant question: “What color is the Universe?”

That is, what color would an outside observer see if the Universe was in a small box and all its shades were visible at the same time? The second condition is the absence of matter motion. This clarification was added because, due to the Doppler effect, stars that move away from Earth experience a “red shift.” That is, receding stars are perceived by the observer as redder.

Although, as noted in the New Scientist review, the answer to this question may be completely useless, astronomers nevertheless found that spectral analysis could help them trace the history of star formation. In January 2002, after a relatively short period of research, scientists presented the result to the public.

In the image below you will see it - the color of the Universe.

The original color of the Universe - according to researchers

Immediately after the results were announced, scientists were subjected to severe criticism. Journalists from the Guardian and other publications smashed the unfortunate astronomers to smithereens. There was a reason for this - it's hard to believe that the Universe is really turquoise. But were the scientists wrong?

Unfortunately, yes.

Billions of years as material for analysis

The researchers came to this conclusion based on data from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and spectral analysis. The study spanned several billion light years and about 200,000 galaxies. It was the largest analysis of the cosmos in history—large enough to provide a plausible picture of the universe.

Using spectral analysis, all the light energy in the Universe was studied, broken down by wavelength (and by colors corresponding to a certain length). It is worth clarifying here that white consists of many colors of the spectrum, therefore, by directing a flashlight beam at a prism, you will get a rainbow at the output.

And if you pass all the light of the Universe through a prism, the result will be something like this:

The intensity of the cosmic spectrum is broken down into many wavelengths, which in turn correspond to different colors. Although the range of light visible to the human eye is approximately 4,000-7,000 angstroms.

Extreme points line graph correspond to dark and bright bands of the spectrum, indicating "the characteristic emission and absorption of various elements." Old stars emit and absorb elements more actively than young stars, which forms the different colors of the spectrum on the graph. The cooler the shade, the younger the star. The redder the color, the older the star. Time passes, the stars “grow old”, the spectrum changes.

Thanks to this analysis, scientists were able to determine that most stars in the Universe are older than 5 billion years. “Due to the dwindling supply of interstellar gas for the formation of new stars,” the activity of the stars themselves is constantly changing, which affects the spectrum.

At this stage, all conclusions appear to be correct. The real error crept in at the stage of using the software. Scientists, using a computer program, mixed all the colors of the “Universal Spectrum” into one - but did not pay enough attention to the correct white balance in the software used.

In a word, due to different combinations of shades, the “color of the Universe” will greatly depend on the observer and observation conditions. During the day the color will appear redder. In room lighting - blue. Professional designers, noticing the scientists' publication, checked the data and found that the researchers' software was calibrated toward red, warm tones, which is not standard color rendering practice.

The image shows the same white ceramic piece. In the first case, the color rendering is standard, in the second, the white color is “shifted” to the left, towards warm shades.

« It's a big shame“,” lamented one of the scientists, Karl Glazebrook, “ But we are engaged in science, not politics, so we admit our mistakes».

In short, the main problem is this: if you observe all the light in the Universe, then you can't have another light source illuminating the Universe, can you? In the end, the physicists corrected their mistake and obtained a result that was as close as possible to the real one.

We're afraid to disappoint you, but apparently the Universe is a dull, pale beige hue.

In science, imagination is especially in demand. This is not only mathematics or logic, but something between beauty and poetry.
- Maria Mitchell

Looking at the vastness of the night sky, where there are a few clouds and no moon, when it is dark enough, you will see more than just thousands of tiny white dots illuminating the black canopy of night.

Although on average stars are white, there is an important reason for this. Our eyes, as a result of evolution, are accustomed to seeing a very narrow part of the spectrum, known to us as visible light, from violet light with a wavelength of 400 nm, to red light with a wavelength of 700 nm.

In fact, these wavelengths do not stand out in any special way, it just happened that way. But this happened on the surface of the Earth, which is illuminated by the Sun during the day!

This means that stars that burn at temperatures higher than the Sun will appear blue to us, while cooler stars will appear yellow, orange, and even red as they get smaller. In the southern hemisphere, the appearance of the Southern Cross and the terminal stars demonstrates this contrast.

In both hemispheres, the great winter constellation, Orion (rising at 2 a.m. in September), contains stars ranging from the deep orange of Betelgeuse to the bright blue belt stars.

And although these stars are so colorful in the images, this does not explain much.

Long-lasting reddish regions can be found in both pictures. These are clearly not cold red stars. The "astronomical image of the day" picture that appeared just before this article was written showed a close-up view of that reddish region of the Orion Nebula from the image above.

This remarkable nebula has two colors visible to human eyes, like those found in dusty regions of space. The blue nebula on the left contrasts brightly with the large red glow on the right.

It turns out that areas of space that glow red are a little more common, but there are also plenty of blue areas. The question you are probably thinking about is – why is this so? Let's take a closer look at Orion's nearby belt.

Even if a star is not blue, its reflection nebula is usually blue color(with some exceptions), for the same reason why the sky is blue: cosmic dust, like the Earth's atmosphere, scatters blue better than red!

And when light collides with a neutral, non-ionized gas, the red light simply passes through, with only a small part of it reflected, and the blue light is scattered in all directions, including ours!

Therefore, looking at the huge complex of molecular clouds in the constellation Orion - hundreds of light years across - you can see that it is filled with both emitting and reflection nebulae, as well as dark streaks of absorbing dust!

That's how hot stars are, hydrogen, more heavy elements and the light-scattering dust, along with the light coming from all the surrounding stars, work together to illuminate the depths of space with the entire spectrum of visible light!

If you're starting to imagine what we could see if, instead of just a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, we could see everything from gamma rays to radio waves, congratulations! You just understood why we need telescopes that are sensitive to such a variety of wavelengths, and why we use false color compositions with all this information.

The wide variety of information visible to our eyes covers only 1/60th of all the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum on a logarithmic scale! So enjoy what you see and the reasons why it is the way it is, but don't believe that only what you see exists. There is a whole Universe, and every day science helps us see it and understand it a little more. Don't forget how important it is to look.

In science, imagination is especially in demand. This is not only mathematics or logic, but something between beauty and poetry.
- Maria Mitchell

Looking at the vastness of the night sky, where there are a few clouds and no moon, when it is dark enough, you will see more than just thousands of tiny white dots illuminating the black canopy of night.

Although on average stars are white, there is an important reason for this. Our eyes, as a result of evolution, are accustomed to seeing a very narrow part of the spectrum, known to us as visible light, from violet light with a wavelength of 400 nm, to red light with a wavelength of 700 nm.

In fact, these wavelengths do not stand out in any special way, it just happened that way. But this happened on the surface of the Earth, which is illuminated by the Sun during the day!

This means that stars that burn at temperatures higher than the Sun will appear blue to us, while cooler stars will appear yellow, orange, and even red as they get smaller. In the southern hemisphere, the appearance of the Southern Cross and the terminal stars demonstrates this contrast.

In both hemispheres, the great winter constellation, Orion (rising at 2 a.m. in September), contains stars ranging from the deep orange of Betelgeuse to the bright blue belt stars.

And although these stars are so colorful in the images, this does not explain much.

Long-lasting reddish regions can be found in both pictures. These are clearly not cold red stars. The "astronomical image of the day" picture that appeared just before this article was written showed a close-up view of that reddish region of the Orion Nebula from the image above.

This remarkable nebula has two colors visible to human eyes, like those found in dusty regions of space. The blue nebula on the left contrasts brightly with the large red glow on the right.

It turns out that areas of space that glow red are a little more common, but there are also plenty of blue areas. The question you are probably thinking about is – why is this so? Let's take a closer look at Orion's nearby belt.

Even if a star isn't blue, its reflection nebula is usually blue (with some exceptions), for the same reason the sky is blue: cosmic dust, like Earth's atmosphere, scatters blue light better than red!

And when light collides with a neutral, non-ionized gas, the red light simply passes through, with only a small part of it reflected, and the blue light is scattered in all directions, including ours!

Therefore, looking at the huge complex of molecular clouds in the constellation Orion - hundreds of light years across - you can see that it is filled with both emitting and reflection nebulae, as well as dark streaks of absorbing dust!

This is how hot stars, hydrogen, heavier elements and light-scattering dust, along with the light coming from all the surrounding stars, work together to illuminate the depths of space with the entire spectrum of visible light!

If you're starting to imagine what we could see if, instead of just a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, we could see everything from gamma rays to radio waves, congratulations! You just understood why we need telescopes that are sensitive to such a variety of wavelengths, and why we use false color compositions with all this information.

The wide variety of information visible to our eyes covers only 1/60th of all the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum on a logarithmic scale! So enjoy what you see and the reasons why it is the way it is, but don't believe that only what you see exists. There is a whole Universe, and every day science helps us see it and understand it a little more. Don't forget how important it is to look.

Galaxy print is one of the leaders of this season, and for good reason. Its innovation and originality lies in the fact that it is not just an image of the starry sky or constellations on a black background, but photographs of the universe printed on clothing and accessories, done Hubble Space Telescope.

Unlike ethnic prints, stripes, geometry and other colors dictated to us by the catwalk, space print has become relevant thanks to street-fashion and bloggers.

Christopher Kane

World fashionistas owe the appearance of the galaxy print to the star of British design Christopher Kane, creative director of the brand Christopher Kane. With the light hand of this man, models wearing dresses, skirts, trousers, tops and sweaters in cosmic colors appeared on the catwalk.

Then this idea was perceived as the designer’s desire to turn to a retro style, namely, to the space theme popular in the 60s of the last century. And I must say, many Western celebrities liked the galactic colors. Among the fans of this print were such stars as Alexa Chung, Anne Hattaway, Kerry Milligan, Claudia Schiffer, Sam Cameron and Katy Perry.

Amy MacDonald, Carey Mulligan

Jessie J, Nicki Minaj

After the release of the collection Christopher Kane, many other designers became interested in the galaxy print. The most daring of them was the American designer Setare Motarez, founder of the brand Setareh Mohtarez. Experimenting with form, the young designer created a collection of clothes for bright and out-of-the-box thinking girls who strive to go beyond generally accepted concepts of style and fashion in general.

As for shoes and accessories, the spring-summer 2013 season will delight us a large number sneakers, sandals, ankle boots and ballet flats with galaxy print. World famous brand of sneakers and ballet shoes Converse released a space retro collection this season. The classic high-top galaxy sneakers with thick rubber soles became a unique hit of the collection.

For fans of more feminine footwear than sneakers or rough boots, there will also be trendy space-style accessories for spring. First of all, it makes sense to pay attention to the brand’s collection Jeffrey Campbell. At first glance, the space ankle boots from this collection are not so much feminine as they are provocative, but next spring everyone will turn a blind eye to this, because the main motto of the coming season is “the brighter, the better!”

Timur Guchkaev

stylist, presenter of the program “Wardrobe Out”, “Beauty Demands!”

Space motifs in clothing have become fashionable relatively recently. For the first time, dresses on this theme were demonstrated in the Christopher Kane collection at London Fashion Week back in 2010. The space print won love instantly; at the beginning it could be found as accessories - bags, scarves, tights, but then the galaxy print conquered other wardrobe items. Even makeup and manicure began to be done in the style of galactic colors.

To begin with, the item of clothing you have chosen for the experiment needs to be slightly crumpled in the center or twisted, depending on what specific pattern you want to see in the end. Spray paint on the twisted item in any order. The choice of color (blue, purple, pink, yellow, cyan, white, lilac) is at your discretion.
