Suffix "tel": examples of words with the suffix "tel" and the ending -i. A word with the suffix "tel" and a zero ending. The meaning of the suffix -iz- in nouns and examples of words What does the suffix to mean?

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The purpose of the lesson: determine whether suffixes can clarify or change the meanings of words.

Lesson objectives: improve knowledge about words with the same root and significant parts of words; learn to parse words according to their composition, introduce the different meanings of suffixes.

Lesson equipment: laptop, projector, screen.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

The bell rang
The lesson begins!

II. Checking homework

(Students read the words in a chain and name the suffixes.)

What is a suffix? What is it used for?

What is a prefix? What is it used for?

III. Updating knowledge

1. Front work

Match the adjectives with nouns that have the same root and write them down. Highlight the suffixes in the words.

Fat, talkative, strong, brave, wild.

How to find a suffix in a word?

2. Vocabulary dictation

Lunch, dinner, capital, computer, parsley, vegetables, peas, cucumber, tomato, vegetable garden, Tuesday, tractor.

IV. Self-determination for activity

Suffixes -ik-, -ishk-, -ish-

Suffixes - ik-, -ishk-, -isch- lived behind the root, like all other suffixes, - IR- he was very affectionate, - ishq- He spoke about everyone with mockery. - looking for- was very small, and everything seemed big to him.

So they went to work. They worked in a notebook and had to form words.

In the notebook it was written: “Little house.”

“House,” wrote -ik-.

"Big house"

“Home,” he wrote, looking for-.

“Old, flabby house.”

“House”, wrote - ishq-.

But then they thought about it. The next line said that you need to name in one word the person who deals with the stone.

At this time the suffix is box- next to them the word concrete worker was formed. -IK- I guessed to call for help suffix - box-, and he wrote the word mason, highlighting his name large. Suffixes - ik-, -ishk-, -ish-, -schik- they were very pleased that they had finished the work so well, and everyone went home together.

A delicious cake awaited them all at home.

Cake! - shouted - IR-.

Tortishko, grinned -ish To-,

Cake, - said - looking for-.

“Cake maker,” they all said together and laughed because it was wrong.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Observations on the role of suffixes in words

Read the words.

Fox, fox, fox, fox.

What do these words have in common? What is the difference?

What other part of the word is used to form new words? ( Suffix.)

To make your speech rich, you need to skillfully use suffixes. The Russian language is surprisingly rich in word-forming suffixes: house - little house - little house - domina; brother - brother - brother - brother. Some sound affectionately, others - dismissively, ironically. Some words reflect a positive assessment of objects (girl, old man, old woman), while others reflect a negative assessment (girl, old man, geezer).

  • Suffixes - ist-, -tel-, -ik-, -nik-, -ism-, -ar- they always talk about the masculine gender.
  • Suffixes - spine-, -out-, -from- indicate that the word belongs to the feminine gender.
  • Suffixes - ar-, -ist-, -schik- indicate profession, - looking for- - place suffix.
  • Suffixes - IR- (blueberries, blueberries, strawberries), - in- (lamb, pork, veal).

So, you are convinced that the suffix, although a small part of the word, has its own personality and can tell a lot.

2. Work according to the textbook

Ex. 168 (p. 91).

What meaning do these suffixes give to words?

3. Analysis of the semantic meanings of suffixes

You know the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. Why does the fairy tale say sister, not sister, Alyonushka, and not Alena? ( The author of the fairy tale talks with love about his brother and sister, so he calls them affectionately.)

Let's find out which part of the word is used to convey an affectionate attitude in speech.

(The teacher writes the words on the board, and the students write them in their notebooks.)

Brother, sister, Alyonushka, Ivanushka.

What suffixes were used to form these words? Highlight them.

Write down three more words with the suffix -ushk-.

4. Work according to the textbook

Ex. 169 (p. 91).

Read the words. Explain their lexical meaning.

Read the suffixes in the box.

Find these suffixes in words.

What meaning do these suffixes give to words? ( Denote words-names of people by their occupation.)

What suffix is ​​missing from words? (-tel-.)

Name words with this suffix.

(Check. Students read the words in a chain and name the suffixes.)

Ex. 170 (p. 92).

Read it.

Find words with the same root. Name the word from which the words of each group were formed.

Complete the written assignments for the exercise.

(Check. Students read the words in a chain, explain their spelling and name the suffixes.)

Name the suffixes that form the words-names of the cubs.

VI. Physical education lesson “Take care of your eyesight”

Eye exercises (on slide)

VII. Reinforcing the material learned

Working from the textbook

Ex. 172 (p. 92).

(Independent completion. Check. Students read words in a chain, explain their spelling and name suffixes.)

What meaning do these suffixes give to words?

Ex. 173 (p. 93).

Read it. Why does the tongue twister have such a name?

Explain the lexical meaning of each word.

What suffixes are these words formed with?

Complete the written assignments for the exercise.

(Mutual check.)

Ex. 174 (p. 93).

Read it. From what fable by I.A. Krylova these lines? (“ A Crow and a fox”.)

Who remembers the moral of the fable? Tell me.

Complete the written assignments for the exercise.

Name the nouns and the suffixes with which they are formed.

Name the verbs and prefixes with which they are formed.

Ex. 175 (p. 94).

(Independent completion. Check. Students read the words in a chain and name the suffixes.)

Name words with uncheckable spellings.

Read the sentences you made.

VIII. Reflection

1. Exercise in forming words using suffixes

From these words form new words using suffixes -tel- and write them down. Select the suffix.

How are these words similar in meaning? (Denote words-names of people by their occupation.)

Which part of the word did you use to form new words? ( Suffix.)

2. Game “Tricky Questions”

How to turn a big house into a small one? ( Add suffix -hic- .)

Is it possible to turn a fish into a human? ( You can add a suffix -ak- .)

What does a tractor driver need to give up to get a car? ( Suffix -ist- .)

Can suffixes give meaning to words? Give examples.

3. The tale of the suffix -er-

Now let's go to the theater. The suffix lives in this theater. Listen to a story about him:

Once upon a time there was a suffix. He worked in the theater. He was a jack of all trades. He had several specialties in the theater. When he put on a black tailcoat with a white shirtfront, he turned into an important conductor. And the actor was excellent. He didn't need the help of a make-up artist. Sometimes he had to be an understudy, sometimes he replaced a sick prompter. He was a deft juggler. Sometimes he even stood in the ticket office and then let all the children into the theater for free. What a visionary this suffix is!

What suffix are we talking about? List the words that contain it (conductor, make-up artist, prompter, usher, dreamer, understudy). Write down any two words. Highlight the suffix and remember it.

IX. Summing up the lesson

1. - What do a suffix and a prefix have in common?

What new meanings of suffixes did you learn in class? Give examples.

I found it interesting and easy to work in class.

Sometimes I had difficulties during the lesson.

I need the teacher's help.

X. Homework

Ex. 176 (p. 94).

Thank you for the lesson!

-al- (-ate-), -en- (-yang-), -ast- (-at-), -ev- (-ov-, -[j]-), -evat- (-ovat-), -en-, -enne- (-he N-), -ensk- (-insk-), -ive- (-Liv-, -chiv-), -in-, -ist-, -it- (-ovitis-), -To-, -l-, -n- (-shn-), -teln-, -uch- (-yuch-, -yach-), -chat-.

1. Suffix - al- (-ate such as they become under the influence of action ( stale, tanned, outdated).

2. Suffix - en- (-yang-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. made of this or that material or related to something ( leather, clay, wood, earthen);

2. intended for placing something ( wood-burning, wardrobe);

3. working on what is called the original word ( wind, oil, peat).

3. Suffix - ast- (-at-) forms adjectives naming parts of the human or animal body, external qualities of a person, accessories of his appearance ( hairy, shaggy, big-lipped, bespectacled, horned, high-cheeked). Exception [?]: striped, married.

4. Suffix - ev (-ov), [-j-] forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. belonging of an object to a person or animal ( grandfathers, mechanics, wolf, dog);

2. made from something, relating to someone, something ( pear, garden).

5. Suffix - enne-, -he N- form adjectives with the meaning:

1. characteristic or property ( cranberry, oath, morning, traditional);

2. exposure to action, result of action or characterization by action ( slow, amplified, in love).

6. Suffix - ensk- (-insk-) forms adjectives denoting geographical names ( Cuban, Penza).

7. Suffix - ive 1) constant property, quality, inclination towards something; 2) possessing some quality to a large extent ( lazy, deceitful, handsome, playful).

8. Suffix - in- forms adjectives denoting people and animals: ( goose, uncle).

9. Suffix - ist- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. similar to something ( silver, velvety);

2. having something in large quantities ( vociferous, branchy);

3. having a tendency to do some action ( cocky, jerky, impetuous).

10. Suffix - it- (-ovitis-) forms adjectives with the meaning: possessing something to a greater extent ( eminent, poisonous, angry).

11. Suffix - To- forms adjectives with the meaning: 1) prone to some action; 2) one that often does something; 3) or one with which something is often done ( brittle, squishy, ​​sticky, malleable, tenacious).

12. Suffix - l- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. being in a state that arose as a result of an action called the original word ( rotten, skillful, tired);

2. possession of the characteristic named in the original word ( light).

13. Suffix - Liv- forms adjectives denoting 1) state, action, property; 2) inclination towards something; 3) or having some quality ( silent, happy, loud).

14. Complex suffix - l-n- forms: adjectives with the meaning of intended to perform an action ( knitting, maternity, drying).

15. Suffix - n (-shn) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. a sign or property related to an object, phenomenon, action, place, time or number named by the original word ( spring, distant, yesterday, home, thousandth);

2. exposure to some action or the result of any action, which is named by the source word (verbal adjectives torn, read, called, tattered).

16. Suffix - ovat- (-evat-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. partly resembling someone or having some property of something ( manly, roguish, dashing);

2. shade of weakened (somewhat, slightly) quality ( bluish, whitish, sweetish).

17. Compound suffix - tel-n- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. producing or capable of producing an action ( observant, satisfactory);

2. being the object of an action or capable of becoming one ( desirable, tactile);

3. intended to perform an action ( swimming, flying);

4. indicating a certain connection with the action ( selective. preparatory).

18. Suffix - uch- (-yuch-, -yach-) forms adjectives with the meaning: prone to some action ( melodious, smelly, hanging).

19. Suffix - chat- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. possessing something, having something in large quantities or to a large extent ( patterned, log, lumpy);

2. filling with some quality or property what is denoted by the original word ( smoky, pipey, onion).

20. Suffix - chiv- forms adjectives with the meaning: capable, inclined to do something, exhibit some property ( resourceful, accommodating, resilient).

Among all the suffixes, -izn- is not very common. It performs a word-formation function when a noun is formed from an adjective. Less often it forms a word from another noun, and is almost absent in adjectives, with the exception of a few lexemes. Words with the suffix -izn- usually characterize a characteristic that can be assessed.

not wanting to die

Reading documents and literature in Old Russian, you can see that the morpheme -izn- was practically absent there. More precisely, it was present in borrowed vocabulary from Church Slavonic, for example, “glavizna, tunbizna, khudizna.” But it did not form any new forms, and, although it was Slavic in origin, it lost all productivity in Russian.

An analysis of the vocabulary of the Russian language shows that this formant really forms abstract concepts, but there are serious doubts about its unity. Scientists distinguish 2 groups of lexemes with this suffix:

  1. Nouns formed from adjectives with the accent on the ending -a.
  2. Formed from verbs and other nouns, the emphasis falls on the morpheme.

This classification is not precise. The following nouns can definitely be included in the first category: blueness, whiteness, straightness, stupidity, novelty, steepness, yellowness, curvature, golizna, leftism, redizna, serizna.

The second includes the words fatherland, golovizna, reproach and all derivatives from the latter - reproachful, impeccable, impeccably, reproachfully, not impeccably.

But the words cheap and high cost lie somewhere in the middle.

Moreover, in the Northern Russian dialects, where this suffix existed longer than in the official language, it was not abstract: it could form lexemes like “tselizna” - an unplowed field, “maternity” - an inheritance from the mother.

At the same time, it can be noted that in the southern groups and literary language there was a completely modern word “virgin land”, and derivatives from nouns were formed in a completely different way:

  • father - fatherland;
  • god - deity;
  • merchant - merchants.

New words have no abstract meaning. Abstract concepts were expressed through the suffix -ost-, -in-, -ot-, and at some point some of them were replaced by units with the formant described in the article.

Ghost of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Morphological analysis of the word

Oddly enough, the letter combination “izn” can be misleading when parsing some words. When it comes to identifying morphemes, the first thing to be wary of is that the word is not a noun. In this case, such a letter combination can be random, and each letter belongs to different morphemes. Most often it is divided between:

  • root and suffix;
  • prefix and root.

Here -iz- refers to the root, and the suffix is ​​-n-. These words include the name of the late linguist Zaliznyak. In ancient times, this could include the lexeme “trizna”, from “triz”, but today the latter is unproductive, and all three letters in this case are entirely related to the root. The same can be said about the word “wrong side” and the borrowing “business”.

There are few such words, and they are all associated with the prefixes at- and from- . This may include:

Parsing these lexemes does not cause any difficulties, although the troika “recognized, vital, reproachful” can be confusing. But “original” divides -iz-n- between two prefixes.

Trying to predict the future

It is unlikely that the suffix, which has returned to us with difficulty, will produce new forms. In any case, they are not recorded. Those lexemes that currently exist are unlikely to die out entirely, although such a fate may threaten those that have more commonly used analogues. For example:

  • serizna - grayness;
  • nakedness - nakedness;
  • Redness is a rarity.

Concept « “headiness” has a highly specialized meaning; in everyday life, “trimming” is more often used.

Most likely, after some time the words “reproach” and « reproach”, and the suffix will merge with the root, which has repeatedly happened and is happening in the language.

In lexemes like “blueness, curvature, novelty” the suffix will not go anywhere, remaining a relic.

Discoverers, builders, sculptors,

Prospectors, fuses, seekers, rescuers,

Healers, feeders, warriors, teachers

And law enforcement officers - we are all earthly inhabitants

And servants of society.

It is not enough for a person to be just a person; he must do some kind of work, be someone by profession. There are a lot of words in the language that mean “a person by profession or occupation.” This meaning is expressed by various suffixes, one of them is “tel”.

With the meaning of a person by profession

The names of people's professions are usually formed from verbs that denote what a person does to earn money from it. From -t (sya) is separated, the generating base remains, and the suffix -tel is added to it. Examples:

  • drive - driver;
  • educate - educator;
  • sculpt - sculptor;
  • inquire - interrogator;
  • test - tester;
  • oversee - overseer;
  • build - builder;
  • save - rescuer;
  • follow - investigator;
  • teach - teacher;
  • write - writer;
  • teach - teacher;

  • tame - tamer.

With the meaning of a person who performed a certain action

It is more convenient to form these words from a past tense verb, since they denote a person who did something in the past. In this case, the past tense suffix is ​​not included in the productive stem. Here you can see the following words with the suffix -tel-:

  • paper maral - paper scribbler;
  • wished for good - well-wisher;
  • owned - owner;
  • sighed - admirer;
  • outraged - outrageous;
  • extorted - extortionist;
  • robbed - robber;
  • donated - donor;
  • lived - resident;
  • bequeathed - testator;
  • gave laws - legislator;
  • conjured - exorcist;
  • looking for gold - gold digger;
  • zril - viewer;
  • published - publisher;
  • invented - inventor;
  • researched - researcher;
  • healed - healer;
  • conquered - conqueror;
  • replaced - deputy;
  • stated - the applicant;
  • baptized - baptizer;
  • loved - lover;
  • metal - thrower;
  • thought - thinker;
  • won - winner;
  • dissolve - solvent;
  • dilute - thinner;
  • gave birth - parent;
  • ruined - destroyer;
  • leads with his hand - leader;
  • dug - digger;
  • inhabited - inhabitant;
  • possessed - owner;
  • accused - accuser;
  • greened - landscaper;
  • informed - informant;
  • liberated - liberator;
  • founded - founder;
  • denigrated - denigrator;
  • poisoned - poisoner;
  • desecrated - desecrator;
  • designed - designer;
  • denied - negative;
  • set fire - arsonist;
  • devoured - devourer;
  • conquered - conqueror;
  • bought - buyer;
  • received - recipient;
  • used - user;
  • imitated - imitator;
  • violated the right - offender;
  • visited - visitor;
  • kidnapped - kidnapper;
  • rules - ruler;
  • betrayed - traitor;
  • pursued - pursuer;
  • enlightened - enlightener;
  • the employer gave the job;
  • destroyed - destroyer;
  • advertised - advertiser;
  • first discovered - discoverer;
  • wished well - well-wisher;
  • puffed with evil - spiteful critic;
  • performed - performer;
  • elected - voter;
  • uprooted - eradicator;
  • tempted - tempter;
  • destroyed - destroyer;
  • asked - petitioner;
  • served - servant;
  • listened - listener;
  • created - creator;
  • blasphemer - blasphemer;
  • kept - keeper;

  • read - reader.

With the meaning of an object intended for a specific purpose

The suffix -tel- also forms words denoting inanimate objects. Such things are usually created by man and used by him for some purpose. These words come from a verb that has the meaning of the action for which the object is intended. The indefinite form of the verb without -т is used, and the suffix -tel is added to it. Examples:

With the meaning of place

Words with the suffix -tel- can have a spatial meaning.

This may be the name of the place where children left without parental care are taken for further distribution to orphanages - a reception center.

There is a place where they can sober up - a sobering station.

It happens that you need to delimit some place into sectors, then they draw a line, the name of which is a delimiter strip.

With the meaning of mathematical concepts

In mathematics, words with the suffix -tel- denote numbers with which mathematical operations are performed: division, multiplication, fractionation.

  • divider;
  • factor;
  • denominator;
  • numerator.

Words with the suffix -tel- in the singular

Nouns with the suffix -tel- belong to the masculine gender of the second declension, and change according to cases and numbers. Any word with the suffix -tel- and a zero ending is in the singular form of the nominative case, in the genitive and accusative cases it has the ending -ya, in the dative - yu, in the instrumental - e, in the prepositional - e. For example, this is how a word with a suffix is ​​changed -tel- and zero ending in the nominative case:

R. n. - caretaker;

d.p. - caretaker;

V. n. - caretaker;

TV n. - caretaker;

etc. - about the caretaker;

Such forms have a word with the suffix -tel- and in the initial form.

Words with the suffix -tel- in the plural

In the plural, words with the suffix -tel- and the ending -i are in the nominative case. The only exception can be one word - teachers, teachers. It has two plural forms that require distinction:

  • teachers are people who perform their professional duties in teaching children at school;
  • teachers are people who stand at the primary sources of new directions and teachings.

Words with the suffix -tel- and ending -i: teachers, dividers, switches.

In the genitive, these words also have the ending - her, in the dative - yam, in the instrumental - -yami, in the prepositional - -yah. For example:

R. n. - caretakers;

d.p. - caretakers;

V. n. - caretakers;

TV n. - caretakers;

etc. - about caretakers.

This is how words with the suffix -tel and the ending -i change in the initial form.

Suffixes -teln-

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the suffix -tel- is allocated only to nouns. If you have an adjective in front of you, then the morpheme -teln- stands out. This suffix forms adjectives with the meanings:

  • “capable of certain activities”, for example: capable of observing - observant, capable of trying - diligent, capable of performing - executive, capable of approving - approving, capable of refreshing - refreshing competent, capable of satisfying - satisfactory;
  • “having an objective meaning”, for example: it is desired - desirable, it is touched - tactile;
  • “intended to perform an action”, for example: intended for smoking - smoking, intended for swimming - swimming, intended for flying - flying;
  • “indicating a connection with some action”, for example: where they will elect - selective, something that can prepare - preparatory, where they can cleanse - purifying .

Words in -tel

It is necessary to distinguish between words with the suffix -tel- and those ending with -tel, in which:

  • the suffix is ​​not highlighted. Such words are usually foreign in origin: hotel, artel, jacket, motel, strap, dumbbell, cartel, pastel, bed, fortel, spatula, gimp, capital, spatula;
  • words in which the suffix -el stands out: blizzard, monastery.

Interpretation of some words in -tel:

artel - bringing together people into a group to conduct business together;

gimp - a thin metal thread;

capital - the upper part of a column or pillar;

cartel - an association of industrial enterprises for the purpose of controlling prices;

carotel - round sweet carrot;

corncrake - quickly living in the grass;

mittel - a typography font equal to 14 points;

monastery - a place where monks live;

trick - an unexpected trick;

These words change in the same way as words with the suffix -tel-, ending in zero.
