Short poems about the homeland for children. Poems about the homeland Quatrains about the native land for children

There is no better native land

He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
-Where is the best land? -
He answered as he flew by:
- There is no better native land!

(P. Voronko)


“Motherland” is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window,
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.
(T. Bokova)

Spring, cheerful,
Eternal, kind,
Plowed by tractor
Sown with happiness -
She's all there before our eyes
From south to north!
Dear homeland,
The homeland is fair-haired,
(V. Semernin)

Our Motherland

And beautiful and rich
Our Motherland, guys.
It's a long drive from the capital
To any of its borders.

Everything around you is your own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
The rivers sparkle blue,
Blue skies.

Every city
Dear to the heart,
Every rural house is precious.
Everything in battles is taken at some point
And strengthened by labor!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Hello, my Motherland

In the morning the sun rises,
He's calling us to the street.
I leave the house:
- Hello, my street!

I sing and in silence
The birds sing along with me.
The herbs whisper to me on the way:
- Hurry up, my friend, grow up!

I answer to herbs,
I answer the wind
I answer the sun:
- Hello, my Motherland!

(V. Orlov)

Go beyond the seas and oceans

Go beyond the seas and oceans,

You have to fly across the entire earth:

There are different countries in the world,

But you won’t find one like ours.

Our bright waters are deep,

The land is wide and free,

And the factories thunder without ceasing,

And the fields are noisy, blossoming...

(M. Isakovsky)

Key words

We learned in kindergarten
We are beautiful words.
They were read for the first time:
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

Spring and summer will fly by.
The foliage will become sunny.
Illuminated with new light
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

The sun shines kindly on us.
Blue is pouring from the sky.
May they always live in the world
Mom, Motherland, Moscow!
(L. Olifirova)

Home country

In the wide open space

Before dawn

Scarlet dawns have risen

Over my native country.

Every year it gets more beautiful

Dear countries...

Better than our Motherland

Not in the world, friends!

(A. Prokofiev)

What we call Motherland

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.
(V. Stepanov)

Coat of arms of Russia

Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west and east
He could have looked right away.
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is Russia's free spirit.
(V. Stepanov)

Vast country

If for a long, long, long time
We're going to fly on the plane,
If for a long, long, long time
We should look at Russia,
We'll see then
And forests and cities,
Ocean spaces,
Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains...

We will see the distance without edge,
Tundra, where spring rings,
And then we will understand what
Our Motherland is big,
An immense country.
(V. Stepanov)


I found out that I have
There is a huge family
And the path and the forest,
Every spikelet in the field,
River, blue sky -
This is all mine, dear,
This is my homeland
I love everyone in the world!

(V. Orlov)

Flag of Russia
White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky.
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn.
(V. Stepanov)

Russian flag - tricolor

Russian flag - tricolor,
Three stripes catch the eye.
And each has a new color,
And color has its own secret.

Below red is the brightest,
The color of victories in hot battles,
What was obtained with Russian blood?
And they are not forgotten by the people.

In the middle of the flag is blue,
Like the Volga across the plain...
Blue of the birthplaces
Russian people love.

Above, like clouds
The color of snow and milk.
Pure white is the color of the world,
He says - no more wars!

(I. Ageeva)

Me and We

There are a lot of words in the world,
Like snowflakes in winter.

But let's take these for example:
The word "I" and the word "We".

“I” am lonely in the world,
There is not much use in "I".
One or one

It's hard to cope with adversity.

The word “We” is stronger than “I”.
We are family and we are friends.
We are the people and we are united.
Together we are invincible!
(V. Orlov)

Song of the happiest

These are not fish diving in a pond, -
These are the guys playing in the garden
In the funniest
In the most beautiful
In the happiest
Our garden.

How many bright rays does the sun have, -
We have so many fun and adventures.
The most fun ones
The most beautiful
The happiest
Fun and challenging.

How many grains of sand are there in the depths of the sea?
So many of us are growing up in the country,
In the most fun,
In the most beautiful
In the happiest
Our country.

How many streams gurgle through the ravines -
There are so many songs about the Motherland,
The most fun ones
The most beautiful
The happiest
Songs sound. (N. Sakonskaya)

You can't understand Russia with your mind

You can't understand Russia with your mind,
The general arshin cannot be measured:
She will become special -
You can only believe in Russia.
F. Tyutchev

My dear homeland

My dear homeland -
You are dear to me like a mother.
I'm ready to shout to you
That I can give my life for you!

Kremlin stars

Kremlin stars
They are burning above us,
Their light reaches everywhere!
The guys have a good homeland,
And better than that Motherland
S. Mikhalkov

My motherland…

My homeland is my fatherland:
Native arable lands and meadows.
Mighty forests and rivers,
And this is where my family lives!

Hills, copses...

Hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -
Native, green
Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you once come out?
To the fork in the road.
And I realized what it was
Expanse of fields -
A piece of the great
My fatherland.
G. Ladonshchikov

I love my fatherland

I love my homeland
I am truly ready to serve her.
And I will not give it to my enemies,
Walk on your native land!


Have your own native land
By the stream and by the crane.
And you and I have it -
And the native land is one.
P. Sinyavsky

Oh, my mother, Russia...

Oh, my mother, Russia, Rus',
Your golden-domed throne is unshakable,
I love you, I'm proud of you,
Long-suffering and powerful.
Russia, Russia, great power,
Great power, bottomless Rus',
I am in love with Russia, with all my heart, with all my heart
And I will stay with her forever, I swear!
Alexander Cherny

There is no better native land!

He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
Where is the best land?
He answered as he flew by:
There is no better native land!
P. Voronko

Go beyond the seas and oceans

Go beyond the seas and oceans,
You have to fly across the entire earth:
There are different countries in the world,
But you won’t find one like ours.

Our bright waters are deep,
The land is wide and free,
And the factories thunder without ceasing,
And the fields are noisy, blossoming...
M. Isakovsky

Native land

Cheerful forest, native fields,
Rivers meander, flowering slope,
Hills and villages, free space
And the melodious ringing of bells.

With your smile, with your breath
I'm merging.
Immense, protected by Christ,
My native land,
My love.
M. Pozharova

Sometimes a few words are enough to convey the full depth of the moment. This is what distinguishes short poems about the homeland. The authors, in just a few sentences, convey the whole storm of emotions caused by patriotism. Well, if we take the practical aspect of the issue, then sometimes a child may need short poems about the Motherland. And there is nothing reprehensible in this.

Motherland!(G. Ladonshchikov)

Hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -

Native, green

Our land.

The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you once come out?
To the fork in the road.
And I realized what it was

Expanse of fields -
A piece of the great

My fatherland.

Kremlin stars (S. Mikhalkov)

Kremlin stars
They are burning above us,
Their light reaches everywhere!
The guys have a good homeland,
And better than that Motherland

Motherland(P. Sinyavsky)

Have your own native land
By the stream and by the crane.
And you and I have it -
And the native land is one.

It smells like something familiar and ancient (Yulia Drunina)

It smells like something familiar and ancient
From the vastness of my land.
Villages float in the snowy sea,
Like distant ships.

Walking along a narrow path,
I repeat - once again! -
"It's good that with the Russian soul
And she was born on Russian soil!”

What is our Motherland! (V. Bokov)

An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.
The gardens stand thoughtfully.
What an elegant homeland,
She herself is like a wonderful garden!

The river plays with riffles,
There's fish in it all made of silver
What a rich homeland,
You can’t count her goodness!

A leisurely wave is flowing,
The vastness of the fields is pleasing to the eye.
What a happy homeland
And this happiness is all for us!

I'll look in the field(Yesenin)

I'll look into the field, I'll look into the sky -
There is paradise in the fields and in the sky.
Drowning again in heaps of bread
My unplowed land.

Again in the ungrazed groves
Inexorable herds,
And flows from the green mountains
Gold-jet water.

Oh, I believe - to know for the torment
Over the Lost Man
Someone's gentle hands
Spills milk.

The patriotic spirit must be present in every citizen of a great power. And Russia, as one of the greatest, is no exception. After all, patriotism is not just a word, it is patriotism that makes a country and its citizens great, with all that it implies. And the education of this bright feeling should begin from early childhood. And who better than a poet can convey the feelings that he experiences for the Motherland. Therefore, poems about the Motherland are very relevant at school age. We offer a small part of poems about the Motherland in this section.

There is no better native land (P. Voronko)

He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
- Where is the best land?-
He answered as he flew by:
There is no better native land!

Motherland(T. Bokova)

Homeland - the word is big, big!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,

It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.

Good morning!(G. Ladonshchikov)

The sun rose over the mountain,
The darkness of the night is blurred by the dawn,
A meadow of flowers, like a painted one...
Good morning,
Native land!

The doors creaked noisily,
The early birds began to sing,
They argue loudly with silence...
Good morning,
Native land!

People went to work
The bees fill the honeycombs with honey,
There are no clouds in the sky...
Good morning,
Native land!

Key words(L. Olifirova)

We learned in kindergarten
We are beautiful words.
They were read for the first time:
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

Spring and summer will fly by.
The foliage will become sunny.
Illuminated with new light
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

The sun shines kindly on us.
Blue is pouring from the sky.
May they always live in the world
Mom, Motherland, Moscow!

What we call Motherland(V. Stepanov)

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Motherland(Z. Alexandrova)

If they say the word “homeland”,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate,

A modest birch tree by the river
And a chamomile hillock...
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,
Where was the skating rink recently?
And a large neighboring factory
Loud, joyful whistle.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

Motherland(Tatiana Bokova)

Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.

Where does the Motherland begin?(M. Matusovsky)

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the picture in your ABC book,
From good and faithful comrades,
Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting
From the song that our mother sang to us.
Since in any test
No one can take it away from us.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the treasured bench at the gate.
From that very birch tree in the field,
Bowing in the wind, it grows.

Or maybe it's starting
From the spring song of a starling
And from this country road,
Which has no end in sight.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the windows burning in the distance,
From my father's old budenovka,
What we found somewhere in the closet.

Or maybe it's starting
From the sound of carriage wheels
And from the oath that in my youth
You brought it to her in your heart.
Where does the Motherland begin?..

Yulia Drunina

Oh, Russia!
A country with a difficult fate...
I have you, Russia,
Like a heart, alone.

I'll tell my friend too
I will tell the enemy too -
Without you, it's like without a heart,
I can't live...

Vast country

Victor Bokov

If for a long, long, long time
We're going to fly on the plane,
If for a long, long, long time
We should look at Russia,
We'll see then
And forests and cities,
Ocean spaces,
Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains...

We will see the distance without edge,
Tundra, where spring rings,
And then we will understand what
Our Motherland is big,
An immense country.

What do we call Motherland?

Vladimir Stepanov

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin..

What is our Motherland!

Victor Bokov

An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.
The gardens stand thoughtfully.
What an elegant homeland,
She herself is like a wonderful garden!

The river plays with riffles,
The fish in it are all made of silver,
What a rich homeland,
You can’t count her goodness!

A leisurely wave is flowing,
The vastness of the fields is pleasing to the eye.
What a happy homeland
And this happiness is all for us!

I can’t imagine myself without Russia...

Mark Lisyansky

I can’t imagine myself without Russia,
Without her birches and poplars,
Without her uncryed blues,
Without its snow-covered fields.

Without her worker and god -
A person with left-handed experience,
Without her Yesenin and Blok,
Without her prophetic soul.

I can’t imagine myself without Russia,
Without my native land, where everything is mine,
Where you laid on my heart for the first time
Her lullaby song.

Without its legends and prophetic fairy tales,
Mountain winds, bitter as wormwood.
Without her transformed women
From unknown Cinderellas to goddesses.

Without her iron commissars,
Falling with a song on their lips,
Without her cosmic Icari
At their unimaginable posts.

Without her immeasurable strength,
Without her open seas...
I can’t imagine myself without Russia,
Without her love and without mine!

Hello Russia!

Nikolay Rubtsov

Hello, Russia is my homeland!
How joyful I am under your foliage!
And there is no singing, but I hear clearly
The choral singing of invisible singers. . .

It was as if the wind was driving me along it,
All over the earth - in villages and capitals!
I was strong, but the wind was stronger
And I couldn't stop anywhere.

Hello, Russia is my homeland!
Stronger than storms, stronger than any will
Love for your barns by the stubble,
Love for you, hut in the azure field.

I won’t give up all the mansions
Your own low house with nettles under the window.
How peaceful it is in my upper room
The sun was setting in the evenings!

Like all the space, heavenly and earthly,
I breathed happiness and peace through the window,
And the glorious air of antiquity emanated,
And he rejoiced under the showers and heat!..

Oh my mother, Russia...

Alexander Cherny

Oh, my mother, Russia, Rus',
Your golden-domed throne is unshakable,
I love you, I'm proud of you,
Long-suffering and powerful.

Russia, Russia, great power,
Great power, bottomless Rus',
I am in love with Russia, with all my heart, with all my heart
And I will stay with her forever, I swear!
