Project all professions are important in dhow. Project: “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Stage I. Preparatory

The work contains materials on the content of the project (relevance, purpose, objectives, expected results, products), on its brief description (preparatory, main, final stage of work), on planning work in educational areas within the framework of this topic.



Relevance of the project

Among the educational tasks put forward by society, the issues of moral and labor education of children always come first. In the theory and practice of preschool and school education, special importance is attached to the formation of children’s knowledge about the work of adults and an accessible understanding of its role in people’s lives. Work is a manifestation of people’s care for each other. By introducing children to the work of adults, the educator (teacher) already begins to orient them towards a particular profession, showing its importance and necessity. All values ​​embodied in objects of material and spiritual culture are created by human labor.

Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children specific knowledge and ideas about work and to instill respect for the work of adults, teach them to value it, and arouse interest and love for work. At the same time, the task is solved to influence the behavior of children - to create a desire to work, to work conscientiously, carefully.


“In the preschool years there is a closure

connections between the objective world and the world of human relations.

Therefore, introducing preschoolers to the work of adults

plays an important role in establishing their contacts with adult life.”

D. B. Elkonin

Project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Project duration: 2 weeks

Project type: information-practice-oriented

Project participants: middle school children, parents, teachers.

Children's age: 4-5 years.

A problem that is significant for children and which the project aims to solve:children do not value work, the results of work, do not understand the significance of work activity.

Objective of the project: to cultivate in children a conscientious and respectful attitude towards work and towards people of different professions.

Project objectives

For children:

  • Foster a desire to work and be useful;
  • Promote early career guidance for children;
  • To develop children’s interest in the world of adults, in work;
  • Expand children's ideas and knowledge about the work of people of different professions, show the results of work, their social significance;
  • Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, artistic activities and other activities;
  • Cultivate pride in parents and their work activities.

For teachers:

  • ensuring the implementation of educational, developmental and training tasks through children’s mastery of educational areas;
  • collection, systematization and generalization of theoretical, methodological and practical material on this topic;
  • creating conditions for independent and joint activities of children with adults within the framework of the ongoing project;
  • creating interest in the topic among parents and teachers through the use of electronic educational resources in the correctional educational process (computer presentations in Power Point);
  • establishing friendly relationships between teachers, preschool specialists and parents in the process of developing and implementing the project;

For parents:

  • involvement in the problem of labor education of children, using counseling, stands, presentations;
  • stimulating the creative activity of parents through participation in events, exhibitions and leisure activities;
  • establishing partnerships between parents and teachers in matters of education, training and correction of children.

Form of the final project event:final lesson on the topic, exhibition of albums “Who I want to become.”

Name of the project game event: "Who to be?"

Project products

For children:

  • albums and stories “What I want to become”

For teachers:

  • presentation of the project “Who to be?”

For parents :

  • stands, album exhibition.

Expected results for the project

For children:

  • respectful and conscientious attitude towards work, towards people of different professions; awareness of one's own interests.

For teachers:

  • systematization and generalization of material on this topic;

For parents :

  • conscious interest of parents in the problem of moral and labor education of children.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32 of a combined type


“All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Project stages






family members


(problem, planning,

forecasting project results/products)

Planning the entire project;

Selection of theoretical and methodological material on this topic;

Development of stands for parents;

Selection and systematization of didactic, board-printed, plot-role-playing games, attributes;

Writing a script


Children become familiar with different types of professions while studying other Garden topics. Vegetable garden" (gardener, farmer), "Pets and birds" (milkmaid, groom, poultry house, pig farm), "House" (construction professions), "Clothing. Shoes" (weaver, dressmaker, shoemaker), etc.

Parents summarize their knowledge and information with the help of teachers: consultation for parents, stand on the topic “The role of the family in the labor education of children”


(direct activity

according to the project, phased


Conducting educational activities with children (taking into account calendar planning), conducting conversations, role-playing, didactic, board and printed games.

Excursion to the kitchen, laundry, accounting, carpenter's workshop.

Carrying out children's work on a given topic within the framework of various types of activities (modeling, appliqué, drawing, etc.)

Conversations on a given topic, observing the work of adults.

Active participation in role-playing games “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, etc.

Parents telling their children about their professions, conversations on the topic “Who should I be?”

Making albums together with children and composing stories “Who I want to become” according to a given algorithm.


(presentation of project products

and reflection - thinking about new knowledge or experience)

Conducting a final lesson on the topic “Who to be?”

Summing up the implementation

project in the form of an exhibition of albums “Who do I want to become?”

Summarizing materials in the form of a project presentation

Participation in the final lesson, in the album exhibition

Preparation of speeches, retelling of invented stories

Design of works, albums

Participation in the album exhibition “Who to be?”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32 of a combined type


Directions of development

Social and communicative development

Developing children's interest in the life and work of adults through thematic conversations and excursions;

Development of consciousness and activity of children through awareness of social significance, the value of work - showing the results of work (the cook prepares dinner, the laundress washes and irons clothes, etc.)

Development of communication and interaction of children with adults and peers through conversations, role-playing games, joint production of albums.

Role-playing games “Ambulance”, “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Shop”, etc.

Cognitive development

Formation and generalization of children’s ideas about the work of adults, about various types of labor and professional activities in a lesson to familiarize themselves with the environment;

Guessing riddles about professions.

Naming, selection, counting of labor tools in classes on "FEMP"

Board-printed, didactic games “Who should I be?”, “Workwear”, lotto “Professions”, “Who works where?”, “Correct the mistake”

Speech development

Conversations on the topic; speech games “Who should I be?”, “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?”, “What does he do?” at a lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical categories

Compiling stories “Who I want to become” according to the reference diagram at the final lesson.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Modeling “We are confectioners”

Drawing “We are pilots”

Application “We are builders”

Reading fiction “Who to be?” V. Mayakovsky, “What crafts smell like” by G. Rodari

Analysis and learning of proverbs and sayings about work.

Physical development

Finger gymnastics “Professions”

Speech with the "Professions" movement

Imitation of labor actions of different professions

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 10 "Rosinka" in the city of Belorechensk

municipal formation Belorechensky district

group No. 5

general developmental orientation

(senior group)

Thematic project: “All professions are important - all professions are needed!”

Belorechensk 2018-2019

No. Project passport:

Project for older preschoolers.

The theme of the project: “All professions are important, all professions are needed!”

Implementation timeframe: long-term.

Type of project: educational-research, creative.

Participants in project activities: students and parents of the senior group of MBDOU D/S 10 “Rosinka”

Relevance of the project:

In older preschool age, further familiarization with the adult world and the objects created by their labor becomes of great importance for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. Familiarization with the professions of parents ensures the child’s further entry into the modern world, familiarization with its values, ensures the satisfaction and development of the cognitive interests of boys and girls of senior preschool age. That's why the idea of ​​creating this project arose. An in-depth study of parents' professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, and the development of evidence-based speech. The right choice of profession determines success in life!

Project goal: To develop children's interest in various professions, in particular the professions of their parents and their place of work.

Project objectives:

Cultivate respect for people of different professions.

Instill a sense of gratitude for their work;

Develop communication skills;

Develop coherent speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory;

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expand and generalize children’s understanding of professions, tools, and labor actions;

Help children understand the importance and necessity of each profession;

Develop the ability to independently draw conclusions based on your life experience and previously acquired knowledge;

Expected results:

Project participants have formed an idea of ​​the professions in demand in society.

Children are motivated to independently become acquainted with the professions of the area and their social significance.

Involving parents in the upbringing and life of the group.

Stages, timing Activities, types of activities


November 2018 Selection of literature. Development and creation of card files, consultations. Creation of presentations. Design of the subject-spatial environment


November-March 2018

Series of conversations:

"My Family's Professions"

Meetings with interesting people:

Visit to the library.

"The Golden Hands of Our Mothers"

“Meeting with moms and dads - “Tell me about your profession”

Interaction with parents:

3. Final stage

March, April

Final activities:

Quest - game "Professions"

KVN game “In the world of professions”

Project products:

1. Creation of a photo album “Professions of our parents.”

2.Creating a “Professions” folder

3. Development of a laptop “In the world of professions!”4. Making books for children together with their parents on the topic: “Such different professions”

6. Holiday “All professions are important - all professions are needed!” with children's performances (presentations).

4. Presentation

Creating a portfolio

Creating presentations

1. Creation of the film “Interview with children”: “Who should I be?”

2. Creating a presentation: “Professions of Mom and Dad”

Literature: Dybina O.V. “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment” Senior group (5-6 years)

Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. Senior group. – M, 2003.

Shorygina T.A. Conversations about professions. M., 2014

Internet resources:

Terms of sale:

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of development of a preschooler’s personality, ensuring the emotional well-being of children and meeting their interests, needs, and desires.

Implementation of the communicative-dialogue basis of relationships between preschoolers and adults and peers as an aspect of the child’s personal development with the regular inclusion of games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions and families.

Creation of a single value-semantic cooperation between teachers and parents based on an understanding of the essence of the problem, forms and methods of ensuring the social success of children.

Fixed assets:

Informing parents about the objectives and content of the project;

Involving parents in joint work on the project;

Preparation of equipment, materials and tools;

Enrichment of PPRS.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1 – Preparatory

Stage 2 – Main

Stage 3 – Final

Stage 4 - Presentation

Preparatory stage

Determining goals based on the interests and needs of children.

Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementation

Determination of excursion routes, preparation for their implementation.

Providing a didactic kit for the implementation of the project.

Saturation of the subject-developing spatial environment of the group with thematic content

Main stage

View presentations: “All professions are important!”, “The master’s work is afraid”, “Diversity of the profession”

Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the theme “Professions”

Series of conversations:

“Who works in kindergarten”, “Items and tools needed by people of various professions”,

“The world of professions” - the importance and significance of their work.

Conversations about the professions of parents and relatives, their places of work.

Excursions: Around the kindergarten - nurse's office, laundry, kitchen.

Didactic games: “Give me a word”, “Guess who it is?”, “Toy store”, “Who can tell you more about the profession!”, “Guess what I’m doing?”, “What’s first, what’s next?”, “Where you can buy this?”, “Name the profession”, “What to whom”, “Guess the profession”, “Who can’t do without them”, “Professions of people”, “Who does what?”, “What happened if I didn’t work... ", "What do they do with this object", "What does the object tell."

During the entire duration of the project

Compilation of photo albums by profession, exhibition of children's creativity, creation of children's books, development of a laptop.

"My Family's Professions"

Meetings with interesting people:

Police officer “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...”

junior teacher “On the importance of the profession”

Visit to the library.

Master classes with parents and children:

"The Golden Hands of Our Mothers"

“A DIY gift for dad”

“Meeting with moms and dads - “Tell me about your profession”

Exhibition of creative works on the theme: “What will I become when I grow up?”

Reading fiction and educational literature.

Replenishing the library and “smart book shelf” with new encyclopedias, books, and magazines on the topic.

Design of attributes, tailoring of costumes for role-playing games: “Auto repair shop”, “Beauty salon”, “Traffic rules”, “Polyclinic”, “Library”,

Interaction with parents:

Folder “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Album design “Professions of our parents”.

Writing stories with children about their parents’ professions

Making attributes for role-playing games.

3. Final stage.1. Open event “Quest-game “Professions”, Game-KVN “In the world of professions”.2. Creation of a photo album “Professions of our parents.”

3. Creation of the film “Interview with children”: “Who should I be?”

4.Creating a “Professions” folder

5. Design of the album “Poems about professions”.

The final stage


Holiday “All professions are important - all professions are needed!” with children's performances (presentations).

Project result:

Project “All professions are needed - all professions are important!” accomplished the assigned tasks.

The results indicate positive changes in children’s ideas about the work of adults (knowledge about specific labor processes, understanding the value of the work of people of different professions, the ability to transfer knowledge about the content and structure of adult work to their own work activities, understanding the significance of their work).

During the implementation of the project, such a form of work as joint, partnership activities of educators, children and parents clearly emerged. Parents have gained important experience that allows them to help their children successfully adapt to new federal government requirements in preparation for school.

Project implementation forms:

Direct educational activities;

Observations and excursions;

Educational reading.


Plot-role-playing, didactic, simulation games;



Project resource support:

Center for role-playing games in a group.

Methodological tools (didactic games, lesson notes, holiday script, etc.).

Selection of fiction

A selection of demo material

Preparing presentations

Project products:

1. Creation of a laptop “Professions”2. Attributes and costumes for role-playing games3. Presentation “Professions of our family”4. Creating an album-profession of our family

5. Making a film: “Who should I be?”


Quest - game "Professions" for the older group.

Educational field: “Cognitive development”.

Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about professions

Fostering respect for people of different professions;

Development of cognitive interest;

Expanding the horizons of students in the field of existing professions;

Progress of the event:

Educator: Guys, look, we have received a letter. I wonder who sent it? A good sorceress from the country of Industriousness writes to us: “Guys, I am a sorceress from the country of Industriousness. In my country there are people of different professions who do not know what laziness is. They work with pleasure and help each other. But the evil sorceress Lenya decided to bewitch our country. She wants all the people in our country to become as lazy as she is. She prepared a magic potion and poured it into our rivers and lakes. To stop her witchcraft, you need to say magic words, but I forgot them. Guys, help me, please! To find these magic words, you must travel to the City of Professions. On your way you will meet people of different professions who will help you find the magic words. Try to complete their tasks correctly and then you will be able to find a spell that will remove the spell from the inhabitants of my country. And to help you, I give you a map of the route you should follow and emblems of four colors, they may be useful to you.”

Well, guys, let's help the residents of the country of Industriousness? (Yes). Then let's go. On our map of the first station there is a syringe, what could this mean?

1. That's right, guys, the first station is “Medical”.

The children are greeted by a teacher in a medical gown.

Hello guys! Listen to my riddle:

Who sits at the patient's bedside,

Whoever is sick - he offers to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk! Who is this? (Doctor)

Guys, since you got to the Medical Station, you have to answer my questions. Ready? (Yes)

Which organs help us know that the grass is green and the tomato is red?

(Organs of vision - eyes).

With the help of what organs do we know that we are called to dinner?

(With the help of hearing organs - ears).

What signs can be used to determine that a person has a cold?

(Cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, sore throat, fever, weakness,).

By what signs can you tell that a person has hurt his knee?

(Blood is flowing, the knee is swollen, it hurts, the skin is damaged, it is difficult to step on the leg).

How to behave to prevent germs from entering the body?

(Maintain hygiene (cleanliness, frequently ventilate the room, harden yourself).

How to properly care for your teeth?

(Brush in the morning and evening before going to bed. After eating, rinse your mouth with water).

How should you prepare for bed?

(Before going to bed, brush your teeth, take a shower, put on pajamas and go to bed).

Educator: Well done, guys! You can become excellent doctors when you grow up. But are you looking for a word for a spell? (Yes) Unfortunately, I don’t know where it might be. But I know how to find it. Riddles about doctors' specialties will help you. Listen carefully:

The question hidden here is:

Doctor with thread and needle

What's the name? Remember

And give the answer quickly. (Surgeon)

My ear hurts, my throat is sore,

And on top of that, my nose is sniffling.

“Well, I’ll have to prescribe an injection.”

– The doctor told me sadly. (ENT).

I ate a lot of candy

So my tooth got sick.

What should I do? What do i do?

I need to get my tooth treated.

My tooth is very dear to me,

Help me, (dentist)

The doctor is very unusual,

He heals animals perfectly.

He treated the dog's paw,

And he was released.

And even St. Bernard will say:

“Thank you, (veterinarian)

He will save our eyes,

He will find drops for them,

Specialist in eyes

Good doctor...(ophthalmologist)

Educator: “Children, which doctor is different from all the others? (Veterinarian) Why? (Because he treats animals, not people). So the clue is connected specifically with the veterinarian. Where can we look for the word from the spell? (Children make assumptions). If they have difficulty with leading questions, the teacher leads the children to the idea that the word should be where the animal toys are.

Children go to the shelf with toys and find the word “GRUTTER” there.

Well done guys, we found the first word from the spell. But we need to hurry up and find the rest of the words.

2. Let's look at our map and see where we should go next.

Threads are drawn. That's right, that means we need to head for the Sewing station.

The children are greeted by a teacher wearing a beautiful apron.

I sew, cut, take measurements,

I invite you to try on.

Helped me with my work

You won't believe it - a needle!

Without her there will be no point,

I take care of my needle.

Hello guys! What do you think I do? (Seamstress). Guys, who is called a seamstress? (A person who cuts and sews clothes). Thanks to us, all people have beautiful, comfortable, fashionable clothes. Children, I heard what a misfortune happened to the inhabitants of the country of Industriousness, you need to hurry up and complete my task. I sewed a lot of clothes for the dolls: winter, spring, summer and autumn. But they mixed up their clothes, you need to help dress the first boy in winter clothes, the girl in choosing a spring outfit, her sister in summer clothes, and the second boy in autumn clothes.

Children are divided into four teams according to the color of the emblems they received before the quest. Landmarks (pictures of the seasons), cut-out clothes and cut-out dolls are laid out on the tables. Children choose men's winter clothes for a boy, women's demi-season clothes for a girl, women's summer clothes for a second girl, and men's demi-season clothes for a second boy.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task! All dolls are dressed according to the season. But where can we get a hint? Look carefully at the tables, is our clue accidentally lost there? (there is a pair of shoes on one table). If the children find it difficult, then with leading questions the teacher leads them to think about what does not apply to clothing. Children find shoes.

Educator: “Guys, where is the second word of the spell? (On the shelf with shoes). The children go to the locker room and find the word “PATIENCE” on the shoe shelf. Well done guys, the second word has been found. Well, what are we going to do next?

Where should we go? To the Kulinarnaya station.

The children are greeted by a teacher in a chef's uniform.


Guys, tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Rosy cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

Are all breakfasts and lunches?

Children: Cook.

Educator: Where does the cook work?

Children: In kindergarten, school, canteen, cafe.

Educator: What should a cook be like?

Children: Know a lot of recipes, love your profession, be neat.

Educator: You and I now have to prepare lunch from vegetables and fruits. What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits?

Children: They contain vitamins.

Educator: We will prepare borscht. What is borscht made from?

Children: From vegetables.

Educator: We’ll also make compote. What products are needed for compote?

Children: Fruits (apples, pears, apricots, grapes)

Educator: The game we are going to play now is called “Tasty Lunch.” Guys, help me select vegetables for borscht and fruits for compote

Educator: I remind you of the rules of the game:

1. We jump to the music. When the music ends, take one vegetable or fruit from a large basin and run to your pots - hoops: red hoop - borscht is cooked in it, blue hoop - compote is prepared in it.2. While running, keep a distance from each other, do not bump into each other, do not create dangerous situations;3. And when you arrange all the vegetables and fruits, a hint should appear where to look for the third word from the spell.

The children complete the task and find a bun at the bottom of the basin. The teacher praises the children for their attentiveness.

Educator: “Guys, then the clue where the third word is is somehow connected with bread. Where can we find her? (Children make assumptions). If the children find it difficult, the teacher leads them with leading questions to the idea of ​​where the bread is baked. (In the oven). There the children find the third word “EVERYTHING”

4. Educator: Well done guys, we have already collected three words from the magic spell, but on our map there is one last station that we must visit. And there is fire drawn here. So this station...? "Rescue".

Educator: - Hello, guys, I am an inspector of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Do you know what emergency situations are?

Children's answers: - Emergencies are dangers that threaten people. This is a fire, a flood, an earthquake.

Educator: - What services do you think come to the aid of people in emergency situations?

Children's answers: - Rescuers from the fire service, police service, and ambulance service come to help people.

Educator: - What qualities should rescuers have?

Children's answers: - Rescuers must be brave, smart, strong, smart.

Educator: - Guys, to find the last word from the spell, you must turn into a team of young rescuers. Do you want to be a rescue team?

Children's answers: Of course, we would like to.

Educator: - To get into the team you need to be friendly, be able to negotiate with each other, and perform various tasks.

Situation “Create an algorithm of actions in case of a fire”

Children use the proposed cards to lay out an algorithm of actions in the event of a fire.

Educator: Well done, guys, you did it. But in order for us to find a clue where the last word is hidden, we need to play a game.

Didactic game “Remove the extra object”

Children are invited to consider flammable objects and simply dangerous objects.

For example: candle, iron, sparklers, stove, saw. It is necessary to exclude unnecessary images of an object that does not pose a threat to a fire.

Educator: “Guys, we have determined that the extra object is a saw, which means the clue is somehow connected with the saw.”

The children are looking in the group for a saw, which is in the tool cabinet and the word “WORK” is also there.

Educator: Guys, there are no more stations drawn on our map, which means we have collected all the words. Now it remains for us to understand what kind of spell this is, which consists of the words: GRIND, PATIENCE, EVERYTHING, LABOR?


Guys, if we say these magic words in unison, the evil sorceress’s spell will disappear!!

The children speak in chorus. “Guys, we saved the inhabitants of the country of Industriousness, they will work as before and bring each other benefit and joy.” Here an assistant teacher comes into the group with a box. The teacher reads the inscription: “Many thanks from the inhabitants of the country of Industriousness!” There are sweet gifts in the box.

Summary of the final lesson of KVN “In the world of professions” for the senior group

Goal: Consolidating children's knowledge about professions.

Program content:

Foster respect for working people, their activities, and their results

Develop coherent speech, memory, imagination, ingenuity.

To form ideas about the importance and significance of all professions. To consolidate children’s knowledge about different professions.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about the post office, the fire department, the rescue service, city streets.2. Reading fiction about professions.3. Making emblems for teams, prizes for winners, chips.

Progress of the game:

Q: - “Guys, did you see the game on TV “KVN”? It is played by adults and students. We will have our own club. You and I are also cheerful and resourceful. And we will play like this: we will divide into teams, I will be the leader.”

The presenter asks questions, holds competitions, and whoever wins them gets a chip. Whose team collects the most chips will be the winners and receive prizes.

1. Competition “Warm-up”

Six pictures of “Tools of Labor” will be offered, and you clearly and loudly name the profession. For the correct answer - a token. Didactic game “Tool - profession”.

2. Competition “Fold the picture”

Teams are offered cut-out pictures depicting professions: doctor, rescuer. You need to put together a picture and tell about this profession.

Where do these people work?

What kind of work do they do?

What machines, devices, tools help them?

What should a person in this profession be like?

3. Captains' competition "Verbal duel"

Who can name more professions? The one who names the profession last wins.

4. Competition “Where we have been - we will not say, who we work - we will show you.”

One person from the team is selected to guess the named professions. They put on headphones that play music.

The presenter offers the teams two professions that need to be depicted without words.

The guesser's headphones are removed and he turns to his team: “Where have you been? What they were doing? »

Team: “We won’t tell you where we were, who we work with, we’ll show you.”

The guesser names his profession.

5. Competition “Prepare your workplace”

Teams are offered a competition to see who can quickly prepare a workplace for a cook and a hairdresser using one device.

The prepared tools contain a lot of unnecessary ones that are not for these professions.

6. Competition “Riddles about professions”

Riddles are read, the first team to solve the riddle receives a token. (Riddles in the appendix)

7. Competition “Guess who the song is about”

It is suggested to listen to the song; the team whose team names their profession faster receives a token.

1. “Under the wing of an airplane”2. "Once upon a time there lived a brave captain"3. "Blue Car"4. "School Waltz"5. “And the road winds like a gray ribbon”6. "The Detective's Song"

Our game has come to an end, we can summarize.

The winners receive medals. Sweet prizes for all participants.

Conversations with children about professions


A teacher is a person who raises and teaches children in kindergarten. The profession of a teacher is important and necessary. He must love and understand children. In kindergarten, the teacher organizes games with children, teaches them to draw, sculpt, cut out of paper, design, and craft. The teacher reads books to the children, tells them fairy tales, teaches them poems, riddles and counting rhymes, introduces them to the world around them, teaches them to love nature and respect their elders. In the morning, when children come to kindergarten, the teacher does exercises with them - these are simple, but very useful physical exercises. The teacher teaches children to wash themselves, dress and undress, use cutlery correctly, and teaches children the rules of etiquette. While preparing the children for the walk, he helps the children get dressed, tie scarves, and fasten buttons. The teacher sees the relationships of children in the group, knows who is responsive, friendly, who likes to complain, who starts arguments and quarrels. Through his behavior and conversations, the teacher influences children, trying to suppress manifestations of bad qualities in them and cultivate good ones. In the older groups of kindergarten, the teacher prepares children for school: he introduces them to numbers, letters, teaches them to count, and write stories. A teacher is a kind, attentive, caring person who loves little children very much. Vocabulary work: teacher, cutlery, etiquette, responsive, bad qualities.

Names of actions: Educates, teaches, tells, helps, plays, regrets, reads, shows, explains, introduces, engages.

Names of personality traits: kind, affectionate, cheerful, fair, attentive, caring, strict, patient...

Who always plays with children,

Reads smart books,

Takes the kids for a walk

And puts him to bed?


Who will tell you everything:

Why does there thunder?

How do factories work?

And what kind of machines are there?

And about how gardeners

Planting flower beds

And about the north and about the south,

And about everything that is around,

And about coal and gas,

About the taiga and the Caucasus,

About the bear, about the fox

And about the berries in the forest?

Who will teach you how to draw?

Build, sew and embroider,

Having seated the children in a circle,

Read them a poem

He will say: “Learn it yourself,

And then read it to your mother.”

Who will figure it out now?

Why is Oleg fighting?

Why do Galya and Nina have

He took away the nesting doll,

Why an elephant made of clay

Did Misha break it right away?

This is the teacher

This is Olga Pavlovna.

Olga Pavlovna loves

All my guys

Very Olga Pavlovna

Loves kindergarten.


A junior teacher is an assistant teacher in a kindergarten, or otherwise a nanny. The junior teacher takes care of the children and looks after them. The nanny must be kind, caring, hardworking and responsive. In kindergarten, the assistant teacher sets the table, arranging the dishes beautifully, feeds the children, washes the dishes and the floor, and wipes the dust. The teacher's assistant changes the children's towels and bed linen, and neatly makes up the children's cribs. Thanks to the work of the nanny, the group is always clean and comfortable. While preparing children for a walk, the junior teacher helps them get dressed, tie scarves and fasten buttons. When the children return from a walk, he greets the children warmly and helps them undress. When the teacher is working with a subgroup of children, the nanny plays with the rest of the children, reads books, and talks. The work of a junior teacher is very necessary in kindergarten.

Vocabulary work: mop, bed linen, helper, hardworking. Names of actions: washes, cleans, covers, helps, wipes, cleans, changes, talks, plays, reads...

Names of personality traits: kind, hardworking, caring, loving children, attentive, affectionate, responsible, patient, responsive...

Who will help the teacher?

Everything in the group will be cleaned up,

He will feed the children, put them to bed,

Will everything be in order?

Nanny. (Junior teacher)

A story about our nanny

Our nanny is just great,

He tries all day for us:

Breakfast is served in the morning,

Then he puts away the dishes,

Everything will be washed and wiped off

And he will restore order.

He will dress us for a walk,

If we come from the street, he will undress.

Lunch will be brought from the kitchen

And again he will put away the dishes.

He'll spread out everyone's bed -

Children need to sleep during the day.

Here we get up after sleep,

And the nanny brought an afternoon snack.

Busy work -

Taking care of little children:

You have to clean up after them

If necessary, caress

Undress or dress

to wash the dishes,

cover the floor and table...

Nanny - assistant teacher,

It works just great!


A nurse is a doctor’s assistant who cares for sick people and helps treat them. The nurse must have the necessary knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine: be able to properly treat a wound, apply a bandage, give an injection, and carry out other medical procedures. The nurse must strictly follow the doctor's instructions. In kindergarten, a nurse monitors the health of children: examines them, weighs them and measures their height, and administers vaccinations. She creates a menu for every day so that the cook prepares delicious and healthy food. The nurse's office has the necessary equipment: height meter, scales, syringes, various medications, vitamins. The nurse always wears a white coat and a white cap. She must be patient, kind, disciplined and observant.

Vocabulary work: nurse, height meter, scales, menu, syringes, vaccinations, procedures, medicine, vitamins. Names of actions: treats, puts, weighs, measures, checks, examines... Names of personality traits: kind, attentive, patient, caring, observant, affectionate, disciplined...

After illness he will meet

And greet you kindly.

Measure everyone's height and weight,

And he knows who sleeps and eats how.

And if a child suddenly gets a headache,

He will immediately rush to help.

Who is this? … (Nurse)


I am a nurse

Healthy and sick people need:

Here's an injection, a pill -

Medicinal candy.

I am treating my children with a doctor

In the white office,

So that you can go to the doctor with confidence

Small children!

And in our kindergarten

I will measure your height and weight.

I will vaccinate all children

And I will force you to be healthy!

A cook is a person who prepares food. He knows how to cook deliciously and appetizingly, beautifully decorate any dish: salad, cake. In kindergarten, the chef prepares different dishes in the kitchen. He cooks soups, porridges, compotes, fries cutlets, pancakes, and meat. The cook knows how to bake delicious pies and buns. When a chef prepares food in the kitchen, delicious smells spread around. The cook uses a stove and an oven to prepare food. The cook’s “assistants” are a meat grinder, a potato peeler, a bread slicer, and a dough mixer. Food is prepared according to recipes. From the hands of the cook, the first, second and third courses, salads, and pastries come to the children's table. It is important not only to cook correctly, but also to decorate the dishes beautifully, so that even just the sight of them will excite your appetite. The cook must have a good memory. He knows and remembers how to prepare certain dishes, how much and what foods to put in, what side dishes to serve with cutlets, chicken, fish, and meat. Food must be prepared under sterile conditions. That's why the cook always wears a white robe and cap. A cook is a person who loves to cook, showing imagination and invention; he must have a subtle sense of smell and well-developed senses of taste.

Vocabulary work: meat grinder, bread slicer, potato peeler, stove, dishes, baking, appetite, side dish, sterile conditions, sense of smell, taste, fantasy.

Names of actions: cooks, fries, cuts, salts, cleans, bakes, prepares... Names of personality traits: hardworking, kind, caring, neat, patient...

Who is the master of cabbage soup and borscht?

And vegetable stew?

He will cook us a delicious broth,

He can bake a cake

And he will fry cutlets for us.

Guess it, kids! (Cook)

Give the cook the following ingredients:

Meat, poultry, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes...

And then -

Delicious food awaits you.

A chef walks around in a cap

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks us lunch:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

About the cook

It's always nice for people to eat when the food is delicious.

And good chefs always have tasty food.

They probably work their dinner like sorcerers,

And it seems there are no secrets, and the dishes are all delicious:

Roast, fish, vinaigrette, okroshka and borscht,

Salad, cutlets and omelet, and buns, and cabbage soup.

Everything is always fresh with them, as it should be,

Food cannot burn and must not get cold.

Once I came for lunch, I ate this soup,

I almost swallowed the spoon, I almost ate the plate!

That’s why they rush to see them, go to dinner with them,

And they are thanked for a long time for this delicious work.


It is not the oven that feeds, but the hands.

What you bake is what you eat.

A good cook is worth a doctor.


A driver or chauffeur is a person who drives a vehicle: a car, bus, truck, etc. This profession is very interesting and necessary. The driver of a car or bus carries people, and a truck driver transports various goods. Trucks are used to transport vegetables, grain, hay, and animals in rural areas. In the city, trucks deliver food and industrial goods to stores. The driver must know the structure of the car well, drive it skillfully, must be able to repair the engine, inflate the wheels, know the rules of the road and never break them. At gas stations, the driver fills the car with gasoline or gas. Many drivers work on public transport - trams, buses, trolleybuses. Before entering the tracks, these vehicles are checked by mechanics, and the driver is examined by a doctor. The driver must be healthy! After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people. At stops, the driver presses a special button and opens the doors. Some passengers get off the bus, while others enter. The driver must have excellent memory, endurance, strength, good health and excellent eyesight. He must distinguish all light signals and have excellent hearing.

Vocabulary work: driver, traffic rules, public transport, highway, mechanic, gas station.

Names of actions: controls, carries, transports, presses, checks, refuel, repairs, repairs, pumps up, looks... Names of personality traits: strong, brave, healthy, attentive, responsible, skillful, disciplined, obedient, tactful, competent...

Skillfully, who drives a car -

After all, this is not your first year behind the wheel?

The tight tires rustle slightly,

Who is driving us around the city?

(Chauffeur. Driver)

The driver worked all day,

He was tired, he was dusty.

He carried bricks to a construction site,

He helped build the house.

And now he takes me to the car wash

Your own huge dump truck.

And again a long road,

And the dome of the sky is blue.

He will travel a lot,

But he still doesn’t want to retire.

He probably barely remembers

How much cargo for the country

He transported; they were waiting for them everywhere,

And everyone needed them.

He often speaks with laughter

Without looking up from the steering wheel:

“I have circled the globe five times,

and the Earth is small for me.

I'm very happy so far

Whether I’m driving or the driver.”

My truck

That's a huge truck!

I'm used to driving it

I carry loads on it,

If they are building a new house.

To all machines he is a machine -

A real colossus!

Carries bricks, sand,

He could move a mountain!

The whole day we are alone with him,

I'm in the cockpit behind the wheel.

He is obedient, as if alive,

It's like he's my friend.

I'll turn on the music quietly

And I'll spin the steering wheel,

Is it raining, is it snowing,

Let's go, we'll go forward!


The master's work is afraid.



A seller is a person who sells us various things and products. The sales profession is divided into several specialties. There are sellers of non-food products (clothing, shoes, furniture, books, electrical equipment, household goods) and sellers of food products (vegetables, fruits, bakery, confectionery and other goods). The seller works in the store. He must know his product well, its properties, remember prices, sizes, and location of goods. This means that the seller needs a good professional memory. In an ordinary store, the seller stands behind the counter. He weighs the goods on scales and tells the buyer the price. The buyer pays the cost of the goods at the cash register, gives the seller a receipt, receiving the desired product in return. The seller helps pack the groceries. There are new shops - supermarkets. There, all the goods are open on the shelves, the buyer walks and chooses the ones he needs, and pays when leaving. In supermarkets, sellers act as consultants: they help customers with their choice, explain the purpose of products, and show where the desired product is located. Sellers have their own overalls, which must be clean and neat. But the main thing for a seller is a kind, respectful attitude towards people, politeness, tact, and a charming smile.

Vocabulary work: seller, buyer, supermarkets, workwear, counter, cash register, check, tact, charming, consultant. Names of actions: sells, weighs, counts, packs, advises, shows... Names of personality traits: polite, attentive, tactful, kind, patient...

Who sells products?

Milk, sour cream, honey?

Who sells us boots?

Shoes and sandals?

They all know the goods

Don't waste time

The stores are great.

Who is this? ...



We all go to stores.

Sellers in stores

They sell us oranges

coffee, tea and lollipops.

And potatoes and carrots,

beets, onions and cucumbers

Fast, polite and deft

The sellers will charge us.

This is the profession

and not in vain, in the end,

Our girls are playing

in “Store” and “Sellers”.

"What do you want?" - they will find out

- “Do you want some cabbage? Ogurtsov?

Maybe coffee or tea?

There is sausage, ham...”

This is what a profession is, everyone always needs it.

A laundress is a person who washes, dries and irons clothes. The work of a laundress is hard, but very necessary for other people. In kindergarten, the laundress washes towels, bed linen, and bathrobes. The room where a laundress works is called a laundry room. There is a bathtub for soaking clothes, a washing machine for washing, and a centrifuge for spinning clothes. After washing, the laundress places the wet laundry in a special dryer, and in the summer you can dry the laundry outside. When the linen is dry, the laundress irons it and folds it neatly. Thanks to the work of the laundress, children in the kindergarten dry themselves with clean towels, sleep on fresh bed linen, and employees wear clean bathrobes. The laundress makes sure that all the linen is always clean and fresh. To wash clothes you need washing powder, laundry soap, and gloves. Household appliances make the laundress's work easier: washing machine, centrifuge, iron. A laundress must be a hardworking, diligent, responsible and neat person.

Vocabulary work: laundress, laundry, washing machine, centrifuge, iron, washing powder, dryer, kindergarten employees.

Names of actions: soaks, washes, wrings out, turns on, pours, dries, irons, folds, shakes off...

Names of personality traits: hardworking, neat, caring, kind, diligent, responsible, patient...

Who will wash our clothes?

So that it is clean,

Dries and smoothes

And iron it?

Washing machine

The washing machine loves to work,

He is very proud of his work.

She tells Belew: “Hey, you dirty guys!

Diapers, T-shirts, pants and shirts!

I invite you to my drum, you dirty fellow,

I wash off stains and dirt with powder.

I’ll arrange a good bath with linen,

The owner will appreciate my work!”

Electric iron –

A reliable friend for laundry.

He floats on clothes

Like a hot steamer.

It remains for us, guys,

Admire the result:

All the linen has become amazing

Very smooth and beautiful!

A janitor is a person who keeps the streets and yard clean. The work of a janitor is necessary and requires respect. In a kindergarten, a janitor sweeps playgrounds, collects garbage, waters sand and areas, and cuts the grass. In autumn, a janitor rake up fallen leaves and remove them from areas. In winter, a janitor clears snow from paths and removes snow from areas. He makes sure that the yard is always clean and beautiful. To work, a janitor needs a broom, a shovel, a rake, a cart, a watering hose, and gloves. In winter, he can use a snowblower to make his work easier. A janitor must be a hardworking, caring, strong, healthy and disciplined person.

Vocabulary work: janitor, broom, rake, cart, snowblower. Names of actions: sweeps, cleans, rakes, waters, trims, collects, puts away...

Names of personality traits: hardworking, neat, caring, kind, strong, disciplined, responsible, patient... Riddle

Shovels snow

Sweeps the yard with a broom.

You guys guessed it

Who keeps things clean?

(Street cleaner)

The janitor will get up at dawn,

The snow will be cleared in the yard.

The janitor will remove the garbage

And the ice will sprinkle sand.

Rake with a clawed paw

Remove trash cleanly

Last year's grass

And fallen leaves.

The janitor has it, guys,

A tool to help is a shovel.

He digs the ground with it,

Snow is removed in winter.

A janitor needs a shovel:

It makes work easier.


He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

Without skill, strength has nothing to do with it.

A doctor is a person who treats people for all kinds of diseases. If the patient cannot come to the doctor himself, the doctor goes to him and provides assistance on the spot. That’s why the car driven by a doctor is called an “ambulance.” Doctors are different: therapists treat all diseases, dentists treat teeth, pediatricians - only children, otolaryngologists - ears, throat, nose, neurologists - nerves, ophthalmologists - eyes, dermatologists - skin. The profession of a doctor is very difficult. It requires a lot of knowledge and careful attention to the patient. A doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body, the functioning of internal organs, and must be able to understand various diseases. When visiting a patient, the doctor will definitely listen to the lungs and heart, and look at the throat. The doctor recognizes what his patient is sick with, makes a diagnosis, prescribes treatment, and writes prescriptions for medication. The doctor uses tools in his work: a phonendoscope, with which he listens to the heart and breathing, and looks at the throat with a spatula. The doctor is always dressed in a white coat. A real doctor should feel sorry for his sick patients and try to help them get better.

Vocabulary work: spatula, phonendoscope, prescription, medicine, help, diagnosis, patient.

Names of actions: treats, listens, looks, prescribes, prescribes, helps, explains... Names of personality traits: smart, attentive, kind, caring, patient, persistent, competent...

If your ear hurts,

Or your throat becomes dry,

Don't worry and don't cry -

After all, it will help you...

All diseases are treated by a doctor,

He will prick - don't cry.

Look around you more cheerfully:

A pediatrician is a friend to the children.

Go to the doctor, little children!

This old doctor is the best in the world.

There is no kinder doctor in the world,

He helps everyone: the doctor is a friend of children.

When the head is hot, we quickly call a doctor.

My tummy hurts before bed – we’ll call the doctor again.

He treats my mom and dad and my grandmother,

Even though I am stubborn, he treats the whole family.

Let the thunder roar and the rain fall,

The doctor will definitely come!

The doctor is our good, faithful friend, He will cure any ailment.


A white car with a red cross

How everyone knows "First Aid"

And she makes way in any stream

Always and everywhere they give in!

The car is in a hurry, the doctor is in a hurry

To save someone from being burned,

And if old people have heartaches,

And if you break your leg.

A doctor in a snow-white coat will come,

Holding a magic suitcase.

There are tubes and simple iodine stacked there,

Both the syringe and the healing solution.

Measure your blood pressure and give advice

And with a kind, attentive word,

And if necessary, he will take you to the hospital,

So that a person becomes healthy there.

The disease is a disaster for adults and children,

But there is a way out of it.

You always call the ambulance!

03 is the treatment number!


Bitter is used to heal, but sweet is used to cripple.


A hairdresser is a person who cuts people's hair and does their hair. Hairdressing is a very interesting and creative profession. To become a real hairdresser, you need to study and receive a special diploma. Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, covered with a special cape, washed with shampoo, and then trimmed using a comb and scissors. For a female client, the hairdresser can style her hair with a hairdryer and brush, or she can curl her hair into curls and cover it with a special hairspray. Hairdressers have their own special clothing, which must be neat and clean. A master hairdresser must have good taste, imagination and, of course, “golden” hands. The hairdresser must be sociable, be able to listen patiently to the client, and advise which hairstyle is best to do. A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the entire working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful. Vocabulary work: hairdresser, hair salon, hairstyle, hairdryer, styling, brush, curls, client, “golden hands”.

Names of actions: cuts, styles, washes, dries, curls, advises, combs...

Names of personality traits: patient, sociable, skillful, fashionable, kind, responsible.

Who will do hair with a hairdryer?

brush and comb.

The curls will curl lushly,

He will fluff up his bangs with a brush.

Everything in his hands is burning -

Who will change the appearance?



The hairdresser knows the business

He cuts the guys' hair skillfully.

Why go shaggy?

Why go shaggy?

It's better to be guys

Beautiful, neat.


Hairdresser for sure

Will give you a modern haircut.

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

About the hairdresser

The hair has become like a mane,

Apparently it’s time to get a haircut...

The hair salon is beautiful

Lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair.

Before I had time to say: “Oh!”

They sparkled and flew

Scissors overhead.

I came there shaggy

And an unshorn ram.

And I left neatly

And a handsome boy.

Barber uncle

Sasha told me:

"Do not forget

Our hairdresser.

Come, don’t overgrow.”

The hairdresser can do everything:

if you want, he will shave your head

Or he will remove his bangs,

or trims the temples -

He'll cut it however you want.

He knows his job.

Who wants to get a haircut?

so he will help without any problems.


A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit.


A musical director is a person who teaches children to sing, dance and play music. In kindergarten, the music director conducts music lessons with children. At these classes, children learn and sing songs, learn movements for various dances, listen to music, and get acquainted with composers and their works. The music director organizes and conducts matinees and holidays, various performances for children. He introduces children to musical instruments (metallophone, tambourine, piano, etc.) and teaches them to play them. The music director himself is good at playing some musical instrument (piano, button accordion, accordion). He has creative and musical abilities. He is a kind, attentive, cheerful person.

Vocabulary work: musical director, instruments, piano, metallophone, accordion, button accordion, composer, works, play music. Names of actions: teaches, sings, dances, plays, shows, listens, organizes, shows, owns, introduces...

Names of personality traits: kind, cheerful, attentive, affectionate, creative, patient, cheerful, cheerful, competent...

Who teaches children to sing, play,

And dance waltzes and polkas,

Will teach you to be friends with music

And love a Russian song?

(Music director)

About music

No music, no music

There's no way to live

Can't dance without music

Neither polka nor hopak!

And you can’t spin in a waltz,

And you won’t be able to march

And a funny song

You won't sing on holiday!

Musical director

Musician and teacher

Helped me get to know music.

He plays the piano

Musical hearing develops.

Teaches to sing and dance,

And play with the bell.

Tells about the composer

And the portrait will show him.

Teaches you to love music

And be educated.

Prepares holidays and entertainment

To everyone's joy and surprise,

After all, adults and children love

These are all very festive!

About our music director

There is a difficult person in kindergarten:

So skillful, lively, mischievous.

Write a script, create a mood

And he will invite everyone to his performance.

There are countless talents, there is a lot to learn:

She dances like in a fairy tale, sings like a singer.

She undoubtedly has a talent for the arts.

This is our teacher-musician.

Proverbs Without a lead, a song cannot be sung.

Where a song is sung, life is easier there.

A teacher is a person who works in a school and teaches children. The teaching profession is very important and necessary. A teacher is needed to give children knowledge that will be useful to them throughout their lives. He teaches to read, count, write, teaches to work and love work, to be friends and help each other. At school, a teacher works in a classroom. This is a large room with desks for students to sit at and a table for the teacher. There is a blackboard hanging on the wall in front of the students. The teacher uses the board when explaining the material. He writes on the blackboard with chalk and hangs tables and pictures there to help the students learn. The time during which the teacher teaches children is called a lesson. Between lessons, students rest - this is a break. After classes, students go home, take a break from studying at school, and then do homework assigned by the teacher. To become a teacher, you need to study a lot yourself: after all, the teacher must pass on his knowledge to his students, make his lessons interesting, and his explanations understandable. A teacher must love and understand his students, and students must obey him and respect the work of the teacher. A true teacher has a generous and kind soul, the ability to give away his knowledge, strength, time, and talent.

Vocabulary work: teacher, lesson, recess, school, class, knowledge, talent, generous.

Names of actions: teaches, tells, explains, writes, evaluates, checks, asks, listens, shows...

Names of personality traits: smart, kind, fair, strict, affectionate, educated, patient, understanding, competent, persistent, responsible...

Who teaches order to children at school?

And checks the children's notebooks,

Divide, multiply and solve problems?


About the teacher

The teacher will call us

The letters are all named.

Explain solutions to problems,

Subtraction and addition.

He will talk about the seas,

About forests, flowers, animals...

The question will be answered

And he will give useful advice.

He teaches us to solve any problems.

His patience and knowledge are great.

A good teacher is a great success

His students remember him all his life.

Miner and driver, chess player and weightlifter -

Everyone studied at school once,

And they skipped to the classrooms,

And they were also afraid of tests.

But school days are passing faster and faster,

And studying is a thing of the past...

And their children are going to school today -

And everything will repeat all over again.


It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

He who speaks sows; whoever listens collects

Didactic games “Who works where?”

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about where people of different professions work and what their workplace is called.


school teacher;

doctor - in a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, school;

cook - in the kitchen, dining room, restaurant, cafe... etc.

“Who knows and can do this?”

Goal: to expand children’s ideas about what knowledge and skills people of different professions should have.

Knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children... a teacher.

Plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches singing, dancing, plays musical games with children... music director.

Knows the human body, can provide first aid, knows how to recognize and treat diseases... a doctor, etc.

"Who does this?"

Goal: to train children in the ability to determine the name of a profession by the names of actions.

Cuts, styles, washes, combs, dries... hairdresser.

Soaks, soaps, washes, shakes, dries, irons... the laundress.

Packs, weighs, cuts, wraps, counts... the seller.

Cleans, washes, fries, cooks, cooks, salts, tastes, feeds... cook, etc.

"Who's doing what?"

Goal: to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the work (labor operations) of people of different professions.

The janitor sweeps, cleans, waters, rakes...

The music director sings, plays, dances, teaches...

The junior teacher (nanny) washes, cleans, wipes, covers, dresses, reads... etc.

"Correct the mistake"

Goal: to teach children to find and correct mistakes in the actions of people of various professions.

The cook treats, and the doctor cooks.

The janitor sells, and the seller sweeps.

The teacher cuts the hair and the hairdresser checks the notebooks.

The musical director does the laundry, and the laundress sings songs with the children... etc.

“For a person in what profession is this necessary?”

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the items necessary for a person in a certain profession.

Scales, counter, goods, cash register... - to the seller.

Broom, shovel, hose, sand, crowbar, snow blower... - to the janitor.

Washing machine, bath, soap, iron... - to the laundress.

Comb, scissors, hair dryer, shampoo, hairspray, hair clipper... - to the hairdresser, etc.

“Who needs what for work?”

Goal: to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (materials, tools, equipment, etc.) necessary for work by people of different professions.

The teacher - a pointer, a textbook, chalk, a blackboard...

For the cook - a saucepan, a frying pan, a knife, a vegetable cutter, an electric oven...

The driver - a car, a spare tire, gasoline, tools...

Art teacher - brushes, easel, clay, paints... etc.

“Clap your hands if this is necessary for ... (name of profession)”

Goal: to exercise the ability to correlate words and phrases with a specific person’s profession.

Children are invited to clap their hands when they hear a word or phrase that is suitable for a profession, for example, a doctor: haircut, cold, scales, ambulance, sewing machine, seeing patients, fashionable hairstyle, washing powder, white coat, snowblower, etc. .

“Who can name more actions?” (with a ball)

Goal: to teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.

The teacher names a profession and, in turn, throws the ball to the children, who name what a person in this profession does.

"Continue the sentence"

Goal: to practice the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases related to a person’s specific profession.

The cook cleans... (fish, vegetables, dishes...),

The laundress washes...(towels, bed linen, bathrobes...).

A teacher in the morning with children...(does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes...)

A janitor in the yard in winter...(shovels snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths...), etc.

"Who is on the photo?"; “Find and Tell” (based on photographs)

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the work of kindergarten staff.

Children are asked to name a kindergarten employee (from a photograph) or select the desired photograph and tell about this person: what is their name, what room does they work in, what is they like, what does they do?

“Let’s draw a portrait” (speech)

Goal: to teach children to make speech portraits of kindergarten employees.

Children are asked to compose a descriptive story (Who is this? What does he look like? What does he do? Etc.) about a kindergarten employee according to a model, plan, algorithm, using photographs, mnemonic tables.

“I start the sentence and you finish it”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the meaning and results of the work of people of different professions.

If there were no teachers, then...

If there were no doctors, then...

If there were no wipers, then...

If there were no drivers, then... etc.

“Who can name more actions?”

Objectives: The game strengthens children’s ability to correlate the actions of people of different professions.

Game rules: name only one action of this profession. If the child cannot remember, then he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it back to the leader.

Game actions: throwing and catching the ball.

Progress of the game. Before the game, the teacher conducts a short conversation, clarifying the children’s understanding of words used in various professions and actions. Then he says:

Children, I work as a teacher in a kindergarten. This is my profession. Tolina’s mother treats the sick. She is a doctor. This is her profession. What do you think is the profession of Antonina Vasilievna, who prepares our lunch? (Children answer: “Cook.”)

Every person, having a profession, performs some actions. What does a cook do? (Children answer.)

Now we will play with you the game “Who can name the most actions?” I will name a profession, and you will remember all the actions of a person in this profession.

The teacher says the word “doctor” and throws the ball to one of the players. The children answer: “Examines patients, listens, treats, gives injections, operations, gives medicine.”

The teacher names professions familiar to the children: nanny, laundress, driver, etc. Children remember what people in these professions do.

“Who wants to become who?”

(use of difficult verb forms)

Children are offered story pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a model of an airplane) What do they want to become? (They want to become pilots). Children are asked to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

“Who needs what?”

Objectives: to develop children’s ability to relate tools to people’s professions; name the relevant professions, objects and their purpose.

Game rules: name the profession in accordance with the subject of work, explain the purpose of the subject.

Game actions: searching for the necessary items.

Equipment: on the teacher’s table there are toys for the work of people of different professions: a set of medical instruments; a set of kitchen utensils; hammer, nails, wrench from a children's construction set; large pictures depicting people of different professions (pictures and objects of relevant professions are selected).

Progress of the game: the teacher invites one participant at a time to his table. The child takes an object and names it. The rest of the children must name who needs this tool and what they can do. The called child places the tool next to the picture depicting a person of the corresponding profession. The game continues until all the tools are named and laid out. It is possible to play the game using only pictures depicting people of certain professions and tools.

“Let’s dress the doll for work.”

Objectives: to teach children to correlate work clothes with a person’s profession, to name the corresponding professions.

Game actions: search for the necessary items of clothing in accordance with the named profession.

Game equipment: on the teacher’s table there are flat images of work clothes for dolls, on stands there are flat images of dolls: boys and girls, 1-2 pictures each with images of various tools (for different professions).

Progress of the game: the teacher tells the children that the dolls are going to work, everyone must dress in a work suit. Children can guess who each person works from the picture that lies next to the doll. This picture shows an item that is needed for the job. Children take turns coming up, looking at the picture, choosing clothes and calling the appropriate profession.

Then the adult asks the children to close their eyes, confuses items of clothing, rearranges pictures, etc. Children correct mistakes. The game is repeated several times.

The game can be played with dolls for which different work suits are specially made.

“We’re going to work.”

Objectives: to strengthen children’s ability to navigate the space of a room, to find their place in accordance with visual cues - pictures depicting professional symbols. Develop attention and memory during this game.

Game actions: moving around the room (depicting a car ride) and finding a chair or place with the corresponding professional symbols (picture).

Equipment for the game: on the teacher’s table there are “rudders” (circles in the middle of which people of different professions are drawn), in different places of the room there are chairs, on them there are pictures depicting tools.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to his table, everyone can choose a profession, take the steering wheel and go to work, to do this you need to carefully look at the chairs and choose a picture with a tool suitable for this job. The game is played several times, the teacher rearranges the pictures on the chairs, and the children must find their place again. Then the children change hands (professions), and the game is repeated.

"We're getting ready for work."

Objectives: to develop children’s ability to select tools for people of different professions. Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of adults, use this knowledge in the process of role-playing games.

Game actions: finding the necessary tools, putting them in suitcases standing next to the dolls in work suits.

Game equipment: dolls in work clothes, suitcases (volumetric or flat with slots for pictures), sets of toy tools or sets of pictures depicting tools.

Progress of the game: toy instruments are laid out on the table, the teacher asks to collect the dolls for work. You need to select toys or pictures by looking at your work clothes.

"From word to word"

Objectives: to consolidate children’s ability to consistently name objects of labor and select a picture depicting a person of the corresponding profession.

Game actions: sequential naming of objects depicted in the pictures, guided by dotted arrows, naming and selection of pictures depicting people of a particular profession.

Game equipment: cards divided into squares depicting objects of labor; the squares are sequentially connected to each other by a dotted line ending with an arrow that abuts an empty square; In this square you need to put a picture of a person who needs these things for work.

Progress of the game: the child names sequentially the objects depicted in the pictures, and at the end finds the desired image of a person of the corresponding profession.

“Who does what?”

Objectives: consolidate the names of actions performed by people of different professions.

Progress of the game. Children take a picture of a person in a certain profession and say what he does. Cook... (cooks food), doctor... (heals people), teacher... (teaches children), builder... (builds houses), artist... (paints pictures), pianist... (plays the piano), writer... (writes books), dressmaker...(sews clothes), laundress...(washes clothes), cleaner...(mops floors), salesman...(sells goods), photographer...(takes photographs of people), teacher...(raises children), weaver...(weaves fabrics), machinist …(drives the train), controller…(checks tickets), typist…(types), etc.

“Who knows more professions”

Objectives: to develop children’s ability to relate the actions of people with their profession, to form corresponding verbs from nouns (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).

Progress of the game.

Educator. I work in a kindergarten as a teacher. This is my profession. I teach you how to behave, play with you, draw, read you poems, stories, walk with you, put you to bed... This is my profession - to educate you. What is Irina Vladimirovna’s profession? She is preparing lunch for us. That's right, cook. What other professions do you know? (Answers.) Every adult necessarily learns some profession. Having mastered it, he goes to work and performs certain actions. What does a cook do? (Children: The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables.) What does the doctor do? (Examines patients, listens, treats, gives medicine, gives injections, operations.) What does a tailor do? (Cuts, bastes, flogs, irons, tries on, sews.)

The teacher names other professions - builder, teacher, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name actions.

“Pronounce it correctly.”

Tasks: developing the correct pronunciation of sounds, consolidating the names of professions.

Progress of the game. Learn pure tongue twisters or tongue twisters, jokes, so that when repeated, whistling and hissing sounds are clearly pronounced;

The watchmaker, squinting his eye, is fixing the watch for us.

The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.

The old watchman Tom is guarding the house.

A weaver weaves fabric for Tanya's dress.

The baker baked a bagel, a bagel, a long loaf and a loaf of dough early in the morning.

Roofer Kirill fixed the roof crookedly. Grisha was invited to re-roof.

Porridge, porridge, curdled milk, our cook Masha, instead of porridge, prepared an omelette for lunch.


Tasks: consolidate the names of professions and the actions that are performed by them.

Progress of the game.

You ask your child the question: “What does…..?” and name a representative of any profession, and the child answers. At first, it is better to take professions from which the answer follows - a teacher educates, a baker bakes, a janitor cleans. Alternate well-known professions with unfamiliar ones, and at the same time tell about professions unknown to the child. It turns out interesting if you ask in a row “What does a doctor do?”, “What does a veterinarian do?” (make out the difference), and then also “teacher” and “scientist”. Sometimes you hear interesting versions from children.

“Give me a word.” (“Add-ons”).

Objectives: develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to select words to rhyme.

Progress of the game. Children suggest words and finish the poem.

In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp... (knife).

Any tool is available - a plane, and... (a chisel).

We must fight fire.

We are brave workers.

We are partners with water.

People really need us.

So who are we? - ... (firemen).

I would be a pilot pilot

I definitely wanted to become

I was on a plane then

I would have reached Moscow... (Flew).

The pilot lifts into the blue sky... (plane).

He drove the goats out onto the mound, cheerful... (shepherd boy).

But our painter does not come into the house with a brush and a bucket:

Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical... (pump).

So that people don't get wet in the rain

The roofer covers... (the house) with iron.

White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:

This carpenter makes frames and... (floors).

Every day a newspaper is brought to our house... (the postman).

The roof is being painted in front of the children... (painters).

I fly dolls in the morning. Today I... (nurse).

It's time to paint the rooms. They invited... (painter).

The circus performer knows how to prance, animals and birds... (train).

The future cabin boy brought us some southern fish... (sailor).

Everyone... (needs) the work of a builder

Everyone needs a delicious... (dinner),

Doctor, so that everyone... (he treats),

And the teacher, so that... (teach).

A pilot is needed to... (fly)...

"Arrange your room"

Objectives: development of logical thinking in preschoolers.

Material: sheet of paper (35*45cm), construction set, plane geometric shapes

Progress of the game. The teacher offers the children a sheet of paper (35*45 cm) and says that this is the floor of the doll’s room, asks them to build it with bricks (the walls of the room), leaving gaps for the window and door. After the children do this, take out the sheet and place it next to the constructed room. Then he takes out geometric shapes and offers to lay them out on paper, selecting pieces of furniture that are similar in shape (a square is a stool, a rectangle is a bed, etc.). The teacher reviews the resulting diagram with the preschoolers and asks them to arrange “furniture” according to it in a room built with bricks. At the end of the work, the children compare the image with the building.


Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge and practical skills in first aid.

Equipment: pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

Progress of the game: The teacher plays out with the children a situation where a person has cut his arm, leg, broken his knee, elbow, has a fever, has a sore throat, has a speck of dirt in his eye, and has a nose bleed. For each situation, work out the sequence of actions.

"Press conference"

Objectives: develop effective communication skills; cultivate a desire to communicate and make contact with other children; teach children to ask various questions on a given topic and maintain a conversation.

Progress of the game: all children of the group participate. Any well-known topic is chosen, for example: “My daily routine”, “My pet”, “My toys”, “My friends”, etc.

One of the participants in the press conference - the “guest” - sits in the center of the hall and answers any questions from the participants. Sample questions for the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Are you more interested in being friends with boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What should you be like to have more friends? What should you not do with your friends? Etc.

“Let’s set the table for the dolls.”

Objectives: teach children to set the table, name items needed for reference. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting people to the table, behavior at the table). To foster humane feelings and friendly relationships.

Progress of the game:

The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children look at it and name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll’s birthday, and guests will come to her - her friends. You need to help the doll set the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used).

The teacher plays out the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay out a tablecloth, place a vase of flowers, a napkin holder and a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and place cutlery - spoons, forks, knives - next to them). Then the episode of meeting the guests is played out, the dolls are seated.

In order to consolidate duty skills, children of older preschool age can be shown object pictures depicting the items listed above and asked to arrange them in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

“What does Masha want to do?”

Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about certain labor actions; about materials, tools and equipment needed for work.

Progress of the game:

The teacher addresses the children on behalf of Masha (bibabo doll):

Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.

Submits the objects she calls to the doll.

What do you think she will do? (Wash.) That's right. And now Masha asks to give her a saucepan, milk, sugar, salt and millet. What is Masha going to do? (The doll wants to cook porridge.) What is the name of the porridge? (Millet.)

Other work activities that require appropriate items can be considered in a playful form. The kids are shown these items (an iron and a stack of doll's laundry - for ironing; a bucket and a watering can - for watering the beds, etc.).

When playing this game with older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects corresponding to a particular type of labor, or simply lists these objects (without showing illustrations), asking the children to guess more complex labor processes. For example: scissors, colored paper, glue, ruler, pencil - gluing books, repairing boxes, paraphernalia.

The game can be complicated: one child draws objects on the board, and the rest of the children guess the type of work, or all children simultaneously draw on paper, and then show the drawings to each other and guess.

“Who needs this?”

Objectives: to consolidate children’s ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Introduce professions.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children various objects, asks them to name them and tell them when they are used and for what purpose. For example: this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote, etc.

When playing a game with children of senior preschool age, the teacher selects different pictures depicting objects. For example: pliers, hammer, vacuum cleaner, coffee grinder, steering wheel, computer, microphone, drawing board, centimeter, microscope, telescope, jackhammer, etc. Children name the profession of the person who uses the depicted object in his work.

"Choosing a job"

Objectives: to give children a basic understanding of the professions of people whose work was not in the sphere of their observations. Arouse interest in the work of people of any profession.

Progress of the game:

The teacher and the children stand up in a round dance and invite them to walk in a circle, saying:

Let's grow up together

And choose a job.

We'll go astronauts

And we will fly the rockets. (Children imitate the sound of the engine and the flight of the rocket.)

We will become captains

We will lead the ships. (Children show how the captain looks through binoculars.)

Let's go to helicopter pilots,

We'll fly helicopters. (Children run and make circular movements with their arms above their heads.)

The game can be continued with older children; they already independently imitate the appropriate actions.

And we will become pilots,

We'll fly the planes.

The first two lines are repeated at the beginning of each verse, the children walk in a circle to these words.

We'll go to combine harvesters

And we'll drive the combines.

We'll go to the fire department

And let's start putting out the fire.

“Why (why, why) do you need to do this?”

Objectives: to form in children an idea of ​​the need for work, to expand knowledge about labor processes.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children a picture of an object that characterizes a particular action. Children must name this action.

Why do you need a plant? (Watering can.)

Why do you need to feed? (Bird.)

What needs to be washed? (Plate.)

What needs to be cleaned? (Carpet.)

What needs to be washed? (Dress.)

What needs to be ironed? (Shirt.)

What should you bake? (Pies.)

What needs to be changed? (Bed sheets.)

Who needs to be bathed? (Child.)

Children of older preschool age are asked more difficult questions.

Why sow fields? (Corn.)

Why plant? (Potato.)

Why spray? (Apple tree.)

Why buy bread (milk, sausages, fruit) at the store?

Why repair a broken toy?

Why do weekly apartment cleaning?

Why take care of your body?

"Guess what I'm doing?"

Objectives: to expand children’s understanding of labor activities. Develop attention.

Progress of the game:

The teacher and children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes to the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:

We don’t know what you’re doing,

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates labor actions not only with movements, but also (if possible) with sounds. For example, he cleans the floor with a vacuum cleaner, hammers a nail, saws, drives a car, does laundry, carries a bucket of water, wipes a mirror, chops wood, grates, turns something in a meat grinder, etc.

Children guess the actions.

“Name your profession.”

Objectives: to teach children to correctly name the professions of people by the types of cars they drive.

Progress of the game:

The teacher names cars, vehicles and other technical means, and the children name the professions of the people who drive them.

Tractor - tractor driver.

The car is a driver.

Excavator - excavator operator.

Combine - combine harvester.

Lifting crane - crane operator.

Train driver.

The ship is the captain.

Airplane pilot (pilot).

Spaceship - astronaut.

Fire truck - fireman.

Bulldozer - bulldozer driver.

Racing car - racer (pilot).

"Guess the profession."

Objectives: expand children’s ideas about professions.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children an object picture. Children name the profession of the person in whose work this object is used or is the result of his work.

Rabbit is a rabbit breeder. Field - field farmer.

Calf - calf. Wrench - locksmith.

Sheep is a sheep farmer. Bucket and mop-cleaner.

Deer - reindeer herder. Ticket - conductor.

Grapes - winegrower. Cashier - cashier.

Tea - tea grower. Planer - carpenter.

Bread - grain grower. Paint and brush - painter.

Garden - gardener. Trowel - plasterer.

Flowers - florist. Kuhlman is an engineer.

Bee - beekeeper. Hammer and anvil - blacksmith.

Fire extinguisher - fireman. Fishing net - fisherman.

Dental chair - dentist. Syringe - nurse.

Electric saw - lumberjack. Milking machine - milkmaid.

“Who can’t do without them?”

Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Progress of the game:

The teacher names the item, and the children name the profession of the person who needs it. For example: a syringe, a control panel, scissors, flour, a garden sprayer, a telephone, a milking machine, a stretcher, a plane, a wheelbarrow, a police baton, a drill, an electrical cable, a nail, a roll of wire, a cash register, a postman's bag, a roll of wallpaper, a cash register, a pencil, brush, tray, bell.

"Guess who?"

Objectives: to form children’s ideas about many professions, to teach them to distinguish between them. Determine why they are useful?

Progress of the game:

The thread said: “I can sew whatever my heart desires!”

I can - a vest, I can - a coat, I can - a fashionable suit!”

The needle protested:

“And you would wear a lot,

When would I not drag you?

You only follow Me!”

I listened to them with a smile... (Tailor)

I'm used to waking up before sunrise.

He is the first to greet the sun in the yard:

May our streets be clean!

He has been working since the morning... (Janitor)

He has a magic wand in his hands,

In a moment, she will stop all the cars!

He quickly raised his wand

Immediately the Moskvich stood rooted to the spot! (Adjuster)

Where a hundred mowers walked, five heroes emerged:

They mow, knit at the same time and thresh for grain. (Combine operator)

"Guess the profession"

Objectives: expand children’s understanding of professions; find out what profession we are talking about.

Progress of the game:

This person is the owner of a wonderful palace of books. She is sincerely glad to see everyone who comes to visit her. And most importantly, guests will never leave her empty-handed. She gives them interesting books to take home. After reading, they can be exchanged for others. She will always help young and adult readers find the right book. (Librarian).

When you are hungry and come to the group for lunch, it already smells delicious. Who did this hard? Who prepared this tasty and aromatic dish? This is her favorite pastime, she does it with great love, that’s why everyone likes the food so much. For what a person does with pleasure and love brings joy not only to herself, but also to everyone else. Who is this? (Cook).

And this man greets his patient with a smile, quickly drives away unbearable pain, and cures all kinds of diseases. Once in his childhood, this man came to the aid of sick animals and loved ones, because he loved them very much and tried to reject the pain. And then I realized that I couldn’t live without it, so I studied for a long time and became (a doctor).

When you come to kindergarten, everything around you is clean, comfortable, and fresh air. Not a speck of dust anywhere. The floor has been washed, the glass on the windows is so transparent that it is almost invisible. This person loves cleanliness very much and does his job with pleasure. She has great talent for this. Whose hands is this work? (Cleaners, assistant teacher).

"Profession names from A to Z"

Objectives: to improve children’s ability to select words (names of professions) for a given sound.

For example: A - agronomist; B – librarian; B - driver, teacher; D - janitor; M - music director, massage therapist, nurse; S - watchman, flight attendant, gardener, etc.

“What do they do with this object?”

Objectives: teach children to select words indicating the action performed by the object and who uses this object.

For example:

With a brush - (what are they doing?) - Drawing, (who?) - Artists, children.

With scissors - (what are they doing?) - Cutting, (who?) - Cutters, hairdressers.

With a needle - (what are they doing?) - Sew, (who?) - Seamstresses, embroiderers.

With a shovel - (what are they doing?) - Digging, (who?) - Gardeners.

With a pen - (what do they do?) - Write, (who?) - Teachers, writers, accountants.

With an ax - (what are they doing?) - Chopping (who?) - Carpenters, foresters.

With a thermometer - (what are they doing?) - They measure the temperature, (who?) - Doctors, weather forecasters.

With a ruler - (what are they doing?) - Measuring, (who?) - Engineers, designers, schoolchildren.

With a broom - (what are they doing?) - Sweeping, (who?) - Janitors, etc.

“What does the object tell about itself?”

Objectives: based on knowledge about the content and characteristics of the work of adults who produce things and everyday items, learn to evaluate its results; to instill in children a sense of gratitude to those who created such necessary things.

Rules of the game. The child takes the corresponding object and, on behalf of the object, tries to tell in an interesting way what it is, what it is made of, who made it, what this object is intended for.

“What would happen if I didn’t work?

(electrician, driver, doctor, etc.)?”

Objectives: to bring children to an understanding of the values ​​of any human work.

Rules of the game. Invite your child to fantasize on the topic “What would happen if (for example) the salesman didn’t work?”

"Yes or no?"

Objectives: develop attention, logical thinking.

Progress of the game: the teacher asks provocative questions on the topic, for example,

The cook gives injections, is that true?

A janitor needs a white coat, is that true?

The doctor is supposed to sweep the yard, is that true?

The driver uses a phonendoscope, is that true? and so on.

"Who is this?"

Objectives: develop the ability to identify a representative of a particular profession by distinctive features.

Progress of the game: the teacher describes a representative of any profession, the children guess who it is, for example,

Walks in a white robe

There is a white cap on the head,

Without him, all the guys will remain hungry, etc.

"Who can come up with more"

Objectives: develop speech, the ability to correctly compose sentences.

Progress of the game: children come up with sentences or phrases with words that the teacher calls, for example,

Thermometer (We need to put a thermometer on Misha.)

Throat (Masha has a red throat, etc.

"Two teams."

Objectives: to teach children to group objects according to their properties and accessories, to develop the ability to classify, to develop attention and logical thinking.

Progress of the game: the teacher chooses two children - representatives of a certain profession (for example, a doctor and a cook). Objects associated with a particular profession are laid out on the table: a ladle, a thermometer, a syringe, a grater, a fanendoscope, a saucepan, a cutting board, a spatula, etc. Children are given the task of choosing the items needed in their profession. (You can use drawn images of objects in the game.)


How to play: Children sit on chairs placed in two rows, like seats on a bus. The “Chauffeur” sits on one chair in front. He holds an imaginary steering wheel in his hands. One child is dressed in a traffic light costume.

We boarded the bus together

And they looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal

And the bus started running.

(Children sway rhythmically. The driver “turns the steering wheel”)

Traffic light: (shows a large photo)

Look through the windows

And think a little:

What kind of building is in front of you?

Answer quickly, yourself.

(What kind of street is in front of you? What kind of monument is in front of you? etc.)

Children: This is the Winter Palace.

Traffic light: I turn on the green light

This is how children “travel” around the city and return to the street.

“Say Word No. 2”

Progress of the game: We are playing in the profession

We choose them according to our liking,

And we dream faster

Mom and dad become more mature,

So as not to just dream,

And who to be is decided and become.

Sasha is proud of the plane

Lucky on a string.

He's getting ready to fly

So, he will grow up....(pilot)

The pilot Borya has a friend

Paints everything around.

It's raining on the window,

So, he will grow up... (artist)

The artist has a sister

He can sing very loudly.

The birds sing along with Nastya,

So he will grow up... (singer)

The singer has neighbors -

Twins Denis and Fedya

Water is boiled in the evenings

So they will be...(cooks)

The cooks and Valera are in a quarrel,

He's arguing about tastes again.

He loves debates very much

So he will be... (a deputy)

The deputy is friends with Marina.

The one who always dances around,

After all, beautiful Marina

She dreams of becoming... (a ballerina)

The ballerina is friends with Dasha.

Dasha spoon feeds porridge

Doll - whimsical Katya -

Growing up... (teacher)

The teacher goes to school

Together with a cheerful boy.

Yang juggles a ball

So he will be... (a circus performer)

Jan the circus performer knows Ivan,

Distrustful and strange.

He's watching Uncle Drone

And dreams of becoming... (a spy)

The spy has a brother.

Kolya is too curious,

He is passionate about science

So it will grow... (to scientists)

Our scientist with his friend Vasya

I swam on a mattress at home.

Deftly walked around the sofa

Vasya, brave... (captain)

Captain Ksyusha with Zhanna

Contaminated with manna porridge.

And then they treated us with cabbage soup.

They want to become... (doctors)

Doctors have three girlfriends -

They dress up in pillows.

Galya, Mashenka and Vera

By vocation... (fashion designers)

Fashion designers love Gosha,

Because he's good.

He composed a sonnet for them,

So he will grow up... (poet)

The poet has a brother - Stepashka,

He taught the bug all year

Jump from a glass into a ladle.

Styopa - young... (trainer)

Trainer with friend Dima

We spent the whole day looking for the mine.

Dima jar under the fence,

I buried it to become... (sapper)

The sapper has an older brother,

He is always happy to help everyone.

Cat remover from tree,

Leva is the future... (rescuer)

Our rescuer walks in pairs

With a kind girl Tamara.

She treats animals with a decoction,

Wants to become... (veterinarian)

At Tom's veterinarian

The mice have all left the house.

He will find them by interviewing everyone,

Tim, local... (detective)

Our detective on the couch

I found Anya's hairpin.

Anya learns the role of Alice,

To become big... (actress)

For actresses - applause

And flowers and compliments.

He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”

Slava - cinema-... (director)

The director abandoned the theater

He and Danka were vacuuming the floor.

The world around us is expensive

Danka. Will he... (ecologist)

The ecologist has a neighbor

I put together a stool myself,

And also a house for birds.

So he will become... (a carpenter)

There was a carpenter at a birthday party

At Volodya's on Sunday.

Vovka's dad is a machine gun

Gave it to grow... (soldier)

All the soldiers walk in formation.

Orders distributed to heroes

And sent him back into battle

Roma is brave... (general)

The general resigned

After all, he sold his shoulder straps

Tolya, little sly -

Growing up....


Seller in winter to Oleg

Everyone needs the work of a builder,

Everyone needs a delicious dinner,

Doctor to treat everyone

And a teacher to teach.

You need a pilot to fly...

Well, who do you want to become?


Proverbs and sayings about work

A man is great by his work.

People honor those who love work.

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

You can't cut down a tree in one go.

Anything is good, but not for every purpose.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

You won't get bread by self-indulgence.

You won't get enough of talking.

Don't sit idly by, that way you won't get bored.

The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.

You have to bend down to drink from the stream.

A bad craftsman has a bad saw.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the craft they have acquired.

He is a very good master

He made a wardrobe for our hallway.

He is not a carpenter, not a painter.

Furniture is made... (carpenter)

Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

He instantly starts the engine,

The car is rushing... (driver)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

Hurries to the fire... (firefighter)

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build us a house... (builder)

Who is sailing on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name? (Sailor)

In reality, not in a dream

He flies on high.

Flying a plane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

You are probably familiar with him.

He knows about all the laws.

Not a judge, not a journalist.

He gives advice to everyone... (lawyer)

Stands at his post

He keeps order.

Strict, brave officer.

Who is he? (Policeman)

Nails, axes, saw,

There's a whole mountain of shavings.

This is a worker working -

He makes chairs for us... (carpenter)

He is away from all his relatives

Drives ships to sea.

Seen a lot of countries

Our brave... (captain)

So that an ambulance rushes across the bridge,

He is repairing at the bottom of the support.

All day long over and over again

Dives deep... (diver)

Who controls the movement?

Who lets cars through?

On the wide pavement

Waves his baton... (guard)

He is on duty in the snow and heat,

Protects our peace.

A man who is faithful to his oath,

Called... (military)

Knock flies from under the wheels,

An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.

The train is not driven by a taxi driver,

Not a pilot, but... (driver)

Performs stunts in films

Dives from a height to the bottom

Trained actor.

Fast, brave... (stuntman)

Jack of all trades

He will sew a jacket and trousers for us.

Not a cutter, not a weaver.

Who is she, tell me? (Dressmaker)

Who will prescribe vitamins?

Who can cure a sore throat?

Don't cry during vaccinations -

He knows how to be treated... (doctor)

The bell rang loudly

The lesson began in the classroom.

The student and the parent know -

Will teach a lesson... (teacher)

All products on display:

Vegetables, nuts, fruits.

Tomato and cucumber

Offers... (seller)

Teaches us politeness

Reads the story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

This is the nanny,... (teacher)

All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roof... (chimney sweep).

Rolls for us and rolls

Every day they bake... (bakers).

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat... (cook).

Arius, opera composer

It's called... (composer).

Factories have three shifts

There are... (workers) standing at the machines.

They talk about paired sounds

At school you and I... (teachers).

I've already planted hundreds of roses

In the city garden... (gardener).

Trains lions and dogs

Our brave, brave... (tamer).

Who grazes the cows and sheep?

Well, of course... (shepherd).

Enters the classroom for first-graders

Only fearless... (teacher).

Sweeps the yard clean

At six in the morning, of course... (janitor).

A knight and a rook walk across the squares -

He is preparing his winning move... (chess player).

Mom heals all animals -

Cat, dog and llama.

Is your friend sick? They're calling quickly

They call mom.

Mom knows all the pills

For a hedgehog and a bird in a cage.


Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he ….

We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Take everyone

in the morning to work.


And everything is dear, love your homeland.


Who sits at the patient's bedside? -

And he tells everyone how to get treatment.

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Oh, what a workshop mom has!

Fragrant, sweet!

Mom sugar and nut

Sprinkles into chocolates.

Here there is order, cleanliness,

Not work - beauty!


He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who, tell me, is this?


My dad is a hero!

Walks in uniform, with a holster!

In the middle of the night

Is there a theft or a fight somewhere?

Call immediately on “02”,

Call my dad!


Who walks in the parade

Ribbons curl behind your back,

Ribbons curl, and in the squad

There are no girls.

A glass eye will point,

Click once - and we remember you.


Among the clouds, on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.


Mom has it on the counter

Dolls, balls, pins,

Shoes are on the right, fabrics are on the left,

Cups are on display.

Mom is like a queen

In our store!


Mom - golden hands -

Sews shirts, dresses, trousers.

Dad, me, sister Sveta -

Everyone is dressed to the nines!


They can do it during the day and even at night

Call dad very urgently.

If something catches fire,

My dad will come rushing over immediately!

He's fresh out of the fire

Took out the first-graders.

That's how my dad is!

How fearless!


Mom is more important than everyone, believe me!

Mom walks around with a thick bag.

He will bring a letter in an envelope,

Parcel and telegram.

People are really waiting for their mother,

Respect mom's work!


Mom will make soup

For kids from different groups,

Deftly molds cutlets

And he will cut the vinaigrettes.

And with such a skillful mother

I am always the most well-fed!

Mom does her hair

Trims bangs.

Hair dryers, scissors, combs

It's on her shelf.


Folds, pockets and even piping -

I made a beautiful dress... (tailor).

Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight

Brave and strong set off... (gymnast).

Plant new seedlings in the spruce forest

Set off again in the morning... (forester)

Riddles about professions

Who sits at the patient's bedside,

And how to be treated, he tells everyone?

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk. (Doctor, doctor.)

Love nature

Respect old people. (Teacher.)

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches. (Cook.)

We must fight the fire -

We are brave workers

We are partners with water,

People really need us.

So who are we? (Firemen.)

Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he... (artist).

Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron.

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted. (Painter.)

Today I played Baba Yaga,

And tomorrow I can play the Snow Maiden. (Actress)

I'm busy with the kids,

I spend all my days with them.

I'm never angry

For the kids' tricks.

I go for walks with them

I put them to bed.

And, of course, I love

I am my profession. (Teacher)

Shovels snow

Sweeps the yard with a broom.

Did you guys guess?

Who monitors the cleanliness? (Street cleaner)

If the flame curls,

The smoke is pouring out in a column,

“Zero-one” we will dial,

Let's call him for help. (Firefighter)

Adds up numbers

Subtracts numbers.

Income and expenses

The report presents.

Here is income, and here is expense.

Nothing will be lost! (Accountant)

We are the defenders of the country,

Trained, strong.

Border guards, tank crews,

Sailors, artillerymen,

We serve everywhere:

On land and on water. (Military personnel)

If there is a flood

Or an earthquake,

He will always come to our aid

And he will save us from death. (Rescuer)

He's been in our dining room since morning

Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)

From sifted flour

He bakes us pies

Buns, buns, biscuits.

Who is he? Guess what! (Baker)

He's wearing overalls

He paints frames deftly.

He whitewashed the ceiling

He helped us make repairs. (Painter)

He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and sore throat,

Prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor)

He looks serious

He keeps order.

On a clear day, sometimes at night

Protects our peace. (Policeman)

He teaches the kids order,

He checks the children's notebooks,

And write,

He has mountains of goods -

Cucumbers and tomatoes.

Zucchini, cabbage, honey -

He sells everything to people. (Salesman)

Hairdryer, brush and comb

He will deftly do his hair. (Hairdresser)

He will sew a dress, trousers,

Will be pleased with the update.

They will say: “Golden hands

This one has...” (Tailor)

We work as a team

They are bringing us sand and concrete.

We need to work together,

To build a new house. (Builders)

He writes and draws with chalk,

And fights with mistakes,

Teaches you to think, reflect,

What's his name guys?


Who in days of illness,

More useful than anyone else

And cures us of everything


Doctor, but not for children,

And for birds and animals.

He has a special gift

This doctor is...


At work all day long

He commands with his hand.

That hand raises

A hundred pounds under the clouds.

(Crane Operator)

He's not an artist, but he paints

Always smells

He is not a master of paintings -

He's a master of walls!

Among the clouds, on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.


Looks after the cows

And when he’s angry with them,

He cracks his whip loudly.

So the riddle, about whom?

He studied science.

It’s as if he tamed the earth,

He knows when to plant

Sowing is like harvesting.

Knows everything in his native land

And it's called...

Grow flowers and catch butterflies,

Look at everything and remember everything,

And everything is dear, love your homeland.


We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.


Even on the set of a movie,

Even on stage here in the theater,

We are obedient to the director

Because we …

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build us a house...


I work in the theater.

I'm just an aunt during intermission.

And on the stage is the queen,

Either granny or fox.

Knows Kolya and Larisa,

That in the theater I...


A glass eye will point,

Click once - and we remember you.


Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

He instantly starts the engine,

The car is rushing...

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

Hurries to the fire...

Love nature and respect the elderly?


He writes and draws with chalk,

And fights with mistakes,

Teaches you to think, reflect,

What's his name guys?


Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches?

My dad is a hero!

Walks in uniform, with a holster!

In the middle of the night

Is there a theft or a fight somewhere?

Call immediately on “02”,

Call my dad!

(Police officer)

The artist has a sister

He can sing very loudly.

The birds sing along with Nastya,

So it will grow...

Lunch in kindergarten

The cook takes samples from the dishes.

But my mother is not around,

Who sets the table there?

(Nanny, assistant teacher)

I'll find them in the restaurant -

These people in caps

They cast magic over pots

With ladle in hands.

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who, tell me, is this?


Mom needs it for work

Place notes on the music stand.

Just ask mom

And he will play: “Mi, salt, si!”

I will tell the guys proudly:

“Mom knows all the chords!”


Mom can put cans,

Apply to abrasions and wounds.

Mom gives injections

To all the children of our school.

Mom with affection and kind words

Helps you become healthy!


He is away from all his relatives

Drives ships to sea.

Seen a lot of countries

Our brave...


So that an ambulance rushes across the bridge,

He is repairing at the bottom of the support.

All day long over and over again

Dives deep...


This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors.

She has

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become beautiful.


We must fight fire with fire

We are partners with water.

People really need us,

Answer quickly, who are we?


He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

That's what he's called, the merry fellow.

Mom does her hair

Trims bangs.

Hair dryers, scissors, combs,

It's on her shelf.


Who is sailing on the ship?

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name?

He protects nature

Drives away poachers

And in winter at the feeders,

Forest animals are waiting for you to visit.

He flies a great plane,

It's safe to fly with it,

A real ace...

The pilot Borya has a friend,

Paints everything around.

It's raining on the window,

So it will grow...


He gives us the goods and a receipt

Not a philosopher, not a sage

And not a superman

And the usual...


Among the clouds, on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.


Who in days of illness

The most useful of all

And cures us of everything


Reading poems and stories about professions

The table you're sitting at

The bed you sleep in

Notebook, boots, pair of skis,

Plate, fork, spoon, knife,

And every nail

And every house

And every slice of bread -

All this was created by labor,

But it didn’t fall from the sky!

For everything that was created for us,

We are grateful to the people

The time will come, the hour will come -

And we will work.

Everything for everyone

A mason builds houses

The dress is the work of a tailor.

But it's a tailor's job

There is nowhere without warm shelter.

The mason would be naked

If only skillful hands

Didn't make it in time

An apron, and a jacket, and trousers.

Baker to shoemaker on time

He instructs me to sew the boots.

Well, a shoemaker without bread

Will he sew and sharpen a lot?

So it turns out that way,

Everything we do is necessary.

So let's work

Honest, diligent and friendly.

The Earth is working.

How much is needed in the world

People do around:

They weave sea nets,

Those who mow the meadow at dawn,

They brew steel, they storm space,

They stand behind the machine in the workshop,

Millions of smart adults

They teach children to read and write,

Someone is pumping oil in the taiga

From the depths of the earth's layers,

And other tea leaves

Carefully plucked from the bushes.

Plenty of things to do every day

For you and for me.

Everything will always be alright

If the Earth works.

What do you children want to become?

What do you children want to become?

Answer us quickly!

I want to be a driver.

Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet.

There is no better one in the world.

I want to become a great doctor.

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Very tasty, like candy.

I ate it - there are no diseases!

I don't like colors.

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait.

I can handle it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, don’t argue,

I want to become the first in sports.

It's a trifle for me to score a goal,

I play for Spartak!

I want to become a pianist.

A wonderful artist.

Music has been with me since childhood,

I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming faster

Children's teacher.

Sing, walk, play with them.

Celebrate birthdays.

All professions are wonderful.

All professions are important.

We know that our hands

The Motherland will need them!

Good professions

I like the soldering iron

Black as pitch.

Oh how quickly it melts

And it smells like rosin!

And Vovka really likes it,

Like clay chokes in your fingers,

And the animals endlessly

They are molded.

Good in the world

Something to be able to do!

Good professions

We will have it!

And Vovka will be everywhere

Sculpt, sculpt, sculpt.

And I'll be everywhere

Solder, solder, solder!

Pilot or sailor?

Pilot or sailor

Become when I'm an adult?

I love the sea very much:

Waves, and the edge is not visible.

And there are clouds across the sky

The silver ones fly.

And from space - the seas

Small, like puddles.

And the Earth is so beautiful -

Whatever I become, she needs me.

Boris Zakhoder "Fitter"

I need these things:


And a hacksaw

And most of all -


Boris Zakhoder "Cooks"

How easy it is to make lunch!

There is nothing difficult about this,

It's as easy as shelling pears:

This time - and you're done!

(If mom is cooking dinner.)

But it happens that mom has no time,

And we cook our own lunch,

(I don’t understand what the secret is!) -


Boris Zakhoder "The Dressmaker"

All day today

The whole family.

Wait a little, cat, -

There will be clothes for you too!

Boris Zakhoder "Fitter"


How cunning

This little installer:

Conducts light

Only there,

Where there is no current!

Gaida Lagzdyn

"Who will you be"

I'm a geologist.

I'm a topographer.

I'm electric.

I'm a photographer.

I'm a carpenter!

I am a steeplejack!

I am a driver!

Where is the Kamaz?

I'm a fitter.

I'm a crane operator.

I am a storekeeper!

I'am a teacher.

I'm a violinist!


I am a pediatrician.

We got down to business together

Because it is very necessary!

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked at the street

Tolya sang, Boris was silent,

Nikolai shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


And I have a nail in my pocket.

And we have a guest today.

And today we have a cat

I gave birth to kittens yesterday.

The kittens have grown a little

But they don’t want to eat from a saucer.

And we have gas in the kitchen.

And we have running water.

And from our window

Red Square is visible.

And from your window

Just a little bit of the street.

We walked along Neglinnaya,

We went to the boulevard

They bought us a blue one,

Pre-green red ball.

And our fire went out -

The truck brought firewood -

And fourthly, our mother

Takes flight

Because our mother

It's called a pilot.

Vova answered from the stairs:

Mom is a pilot?

What's wrong!

Here at Kolya, for example,

Mom is a policeman.

And Tolya and Vera

Both mothers are engineers.

And Leva’s mother is a cook.

Mom is a pilot?

What's wrong!

“More important than everyone else,” said Nata, “

Mom is a carriage driver,

Because up to the hooks

Mom drives two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:

Is it bad to be a dressmaker?

Who sews panties for the boys?

Well, of course, not a pilot.

A pilot flies airplanes -

This is very good.

The cook makes compotes -

It is also good.

The doctor is treating us for measles,

There is a teacher at school.

We need different mothers

All kinds of mothers are important.

It was in the evening

There was no point in arguing.

S. Marshak “Forest Festival”

What we plant

Masts and yards -

Keep the sails

The wheelhouse and deck

Ribs and keel -


In storm and calm.

What we plant

Light wings -

Fly to the skies.

The table at which

You will write.

And a notebook.

What we plant

Where they roam

Badger and fox

Where is the squirrel

Hides baby squirrels

Where are the motley ones?

What we plant

On which

The dew is falling

Forest freshness,

This is what we plant


Samuel Marshak “Where did the table come from?”

Take a book and notebook,

Sit down at the table.

Could you tell me

Where did the table come from?

No wonder it smells like pine.

He came from the depths of the forest.

This table - a pine table -

He came to us from the forest.

He came from the depths of the forest -

He himself was once a pine tree.

Oozed from his shaft

Transparent resin.

We have a parquet floor underneath,

And there was land.

He spent many years in the forest,

Moving the branches.

He was in scaly bark,

And between its roots

Badger snored in his hole

Until the first spring days.

He saw the squirrel, this table.

She climbed up the trunk

Scratching the bark.

He was swinging jackdaws on the branches

And I heard them scream

Waking up in the morning.

But here's a hot saw

She went deep into his trunk.

He sighed and fell...

And in the sawmill above the river

He became a log, he became a plank.

Then in the carpentry workshop

Became a quadruped.

He came from working hands,

Stable and wide.

Where was the horned branch on it,

A peephole is visible.

He became a home resident

He is standing against the wall.

Now the badger wouldn't know

His native pine.

The bear would crawl into the den,

The fox would be overcome with fear,

When would the table appear in the forest

On four legs!..

But he won't go into the forest anymore -

He will live with us.

Day after day, year after year

He will serve us.

There is an inkwell on it, -

There is a notebook on it.

We will work on him during the day,

I will lay out the drawing on it,

When the time comes,

So that later according to the drawing

Build an airplane.

V. Lanzetti


What's inside the cloud?

Maybe there's a tub of rain in it,

Maybe a soft pillow

Maybe it's like grapes,

Is ringing hail ripening?

The plane shook its tail

He disappeared into a thick cloud.

And from there the sun was shining

It stood right above me.

I'm jumping in the sun

And now I want to know

What's inside the sun?

Pilot, pilot, look!

Issues for discussion

What human professions did you learn about from the works of this section? Which profession did you find most interesting? Which one, in your opinion, is the most necessary? Tell us what professions people take part in the construction of housing and houses. Why do you need the profession of a locksmith? What does a mason do when building a house? Why do you need a roofer profession? Who installs windows, doors and floors in the house? What should a painter be able to do? Which construction profession do you like best? Why? What professions do people service the plane? What should a pilot be able to do? Why do you need a navigator on an airplane? Do you know what responsibilities a flight engineer has? What does a flight radio operator do during a flight? Do you know what another name is for a flight attendant? (Flight attendant.) How does she take care of passengers during the flight? Did you like S. Marshak’s poem “Forest Festival”? What is this poem about? What is made of wood? Why is the poem called “Forest Festival”? What lines in it can be considered the most important? (“What are we planting when we plant forests?”) How do you understand these words of the poet? Why do you think people need different professions?

(L. Slutskaya) V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”

S. Marshak “Where the table came from”, “We are military”,

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, “Uncle Styopa”, “Uncle Styopa is a policeman.”

In Lifshits “And we will work”,

L. Voronkova “We are building, building, building.”

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

III. Self-determination for activity

(Write on the board.)

Collect the scattered word.


What is the word? (Profession.)

Guess what we will talk about in class. (About professions.)

What does the word "profession" mean? (Children's answers.)

Here's what S.I.'s dictionary says about it. Ozhegova: profession - This is the main occupation of a person, his work activity.

What professions do people need to work in? ( Everyone needs to work.)

Read lesson topic us. 124 textbooks. (All professions are important.)Slide 1.

Do you agree with this statement?

We need a doctor, a builder, a teacher, and many other specialists. Let's try today to check the correctness of this statement.

What learning objectives will we set for ourselves? (Children's answers.)

Read what Ant says about this.

I think I'll find out...

I would like to know about...

So, goals and objectives our lesson:

Find out what a profession is;

Expand knowledge about the diversity of professions;

Determine the role of professions in the economy and people's lives.

Let's try to figure this out.

IV.Work on the topic of the lesson

Conversation about professions. Slide 2.

There are many professions on earth

And each one is important.

Decide, my friend, who you should be.

After all, we have one life.

What professions do you know? (Children's answers.)

Let's guess riddles about professions. (Presentation. Slides 3-20 )

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

1. If your ear hurts,

If your throat becomes dry,

Don't worry and don't cry -

After all, it will help you..... ( DOCTOR)

2. The kids know exactly

The food is delicious... ( COOK)

3.Under the spring bird whistle

Plowing the land... ( TRACTOR DRIVERS)

4. Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron.

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted. (PAINTER).

5. Who will clean up the stall?

Milks a cow

Will he sing a sonorous song?

Well, of course... (MILKMAID)

6. Furniture, bread and cucumbers,

They sell us...( SELLERS)

7. Walks around the area with a heavy bag,

He puts letters in our mailbox... ( POSTMAN)

8. I am at the easel with a brush.

Paints are my friends.

I am alone and not alone -

Surrounded by paintings. ( ARTIST).

9. He will direct the glass eye,

Click once - and we remember you.( PHOTOGRAPHER)

Well done boys. You guessed some people's professions. And this is a tiny part of all existing on earth. It is impossible to list all professions and specialties.

Let's read and discuss.

Let's read the text by A. Dietrich, G. Yurmin, R. Koshurnikova "Who Made the Bread" us. 126-127.


1. Where did the conversation take place? (In the train carriage)

2. What professions have you read about? ( Agronomist, tractor driver, driver, combine operator, flour miller, baker.)

3. What common cause did they have in common? (Production of bakery products)

Completing the task electronically application to the textbook.(You eat bread every day. What professions are people involved in baking and selling bread? Place the professions in the appropriate order, starting with agronomist.)

Tell us about the relationship between the work of people of different professions. For example, when building a house . Discuss this task with your deskmate. (For example: the profession of a builder is related to the professions of an engineer, driver, electrician, plumber, gas fitter, etc.)

V. Physical education “New Home” Slide 21.

Mason made of bricks

He's building a wall.

Nobody's house. (Place your right hand on your left, your left on your right, etc. higher and higher.)

I - painter, I paint the walls, ( Move up and down with a relaxed brush.)

ceiling (“painting the ceiling”)

and your kitchen. ( Move your hand left and right.)

I - electrician.

I'll turn on the light (“Turn on the light by pressing the switch.”)

I'll just screw in the light bulb.

Screw in the light bulb" - rotational movements with the right hand.)

Come to a new home ( Palms "house".)

And live long in it! ( Spread your arms to the sides.)

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson. Work in groups.

Game "Find out a profession."

On each table there is a card with the name of the profession encrypted. Turn over the cards, guess the profession using the key words, write this word in the center and pick up the card.

Card 1.

Sky, helm, plane, airport.

Card 2.

Comb, scissors, mirror, hairspray.

Card 3.

Wires, poles, switch.

Card 4.

Books, shelves, exhibition of books.

Children work independently.

Let's check: you name the supporting words first, and then the profession.

Now let’s check the spelling of professions correctly. Slides 22-30.

Images of professions and words appear on the board: pilot, hairdresser, electrician, librarian.

Why do you think these professions are important?

The children answer.

We can do it conclusion: all professions are needed, all professions are important.

2. Creative task “Collect proverbs.”

Guys, now we will complete a creative task in groups. You need to collect proverbs about work from words. (Students receive envelopes with proverbs cut into words, put together the proverbs, and explain the meaning of each of them.)

Slides 31-32.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

Love your work and you will become a master.

What goes around comes around.

- What other proverbs about work do you know?

Labor created man.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

VII. Reflection.

Slide 34.

During the lesson I learned...

I was interested to know...

I would like to know more

(Students take out one of the emoticons and explain their choice.)

There are many different professions in the world, each necessary and important.

Who would you like to become in the future?

On your desks are STARKS. What do you dream of becoming in the future? Write the name of this profession on your stars on one side, and on the other - your last name and first name. This is your dream. We'll keep the stars until we graduate. You will probably be very interested to know whether your wish will come true.

Now attach your stars next to the photo with a view of our city ​​of Korenovsk. Slide 35.

You attached stars here because you are our future, hope and support city ​​of Korenovsk.

Slide 36.

You just have to learn.

It is very important that each person chooses a business to his liking. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession. They say about such a person that he is in the right place or has “golden hands.” I wish you to choose your path correctly. After all, there are countless wonderful professions in the world, and glory and honor to every profession!

Which one conclusion we can do it?

All professions are needed, all professions are important! Slide 37.


Textbook p.124-129

Workbook: No. 3 (p. 50).

Oceanologist- specialist who studies oceans and seas.

Speleologist - one who studies caves - the history of their origin, existence and use by man.

Entomologist - specialist who studies insects.

Ichthyologist - specialist who studies fish.

Ornithologist - specialist who studies birds.

Dog handler - specialist who trains dogs.

Lesson topic: All professions are important. Project "Professions".

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

The girls sit quietly, the boys even more quietly! Well done!

II.Updating knowledge.Checking homework.

Goal: To develop in children a sense of belonging to the world of adults through familiarity with professions. Project objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about professions. To expand children’s horizons and cognitive interest in professions. To develop respect for the work of adults in different professions. Determine the importance of professions. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, art and other activities.

Relevance of the topic: In older preschool age, it is important for a child to expand his ideas about various professions. Some elements of professional activity are still difficult for him to understand, but in every profession there is an area that can be represented on the basis of visual images and specific situations from life. Every person dreams of finding a favorite thing in life that brings joy to himself and benefits people. Therefore, it is so important to introduce a child to professions and talk about the character qualities that a particular profession requires. It is better to start cultivating these qualities in yourself from childhood. In older preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and the objects created by their labor acquires particular importance for the full development of the child’s personality. Familiarization with professions ensures the child’s further entry into the modern world and familiarization with its values. Problem: From a conversation with the children, it became clear that they have a superficial understanding of professions, so we decided to introduce the children to professions more closely.

Stage 1 1. Setting the goals and objectives of the project; 2. Select illustrations about professions. 3. Find literature telling about professions 4. Select games, poems, nodes, conversations. 5. Prepare excursions to enterprises. Stage 2: Create a developmental environment. Add paintings to the group. Fill the corner of the book with the following works: Mayakovsky “Who to be?” D. Radari “What does craft smell like?”, “Who needs what?”. Introduce didactic games and board games: Who needs what for work. Associations of professions Lotto puzzles. Prepare attributes for Nod role-playing games. Excursion Association “Who needs what for work?” Stage 3 Conducting nodes “We are cooks today” Presentation of the project “All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Conclusions and effectiveness of the project. - preschoolers became interested in this topic - a holistic understanding of the work activities of adults was formed - they became more familiar with the work of a kindergarten cook - they learned riddles and poems about professions.

Abstracts for the project

Completed by 3rd grade students, head Kashpura Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

Choosing the right path in life is directly related to the child’s early career guidance, skillful use and development of his potential abilities. Competition and rapidly changing technologies require you to decide on a profession as early as possible. Accumulate skills and abilities at a fairly young age, expand knowledge about the world of professions, develop interest in finding “your” profession, develop the ability to work independently and in a group, develop the ability to plan and evaluate your activities, help in self-knowledge and making specific choices. We began to study these and other important issues in first grade.

Our work resulted in a project “All work is important—all work is needed.”

We have set ourselves problematic issue: “What is the difficulty of choosing a profession” And decided to checkIs it really difficult to choose a profession?

The goal of our project- gradual acquaintance with the world of professions.

Main tasks for us it was:

1. Find out the level of our knowledge about professions.

2. Expand our knowledge about the types and types of professions.

3. Generate interest in professions.

4. Imbue with a sense of respect for the work of adults.

We have developed project work plan.

We identified him stages.

1. Acquaintance with children's literature about adult work and professions.

2. Excursions to enterprises and organizations of the city.

3. Conversations about professions.

4. Compiling a card index of riddles and proverbs about professions;

5. Research work: find out everything about the profession of your parents and immediate relatives.

6. Design of the “All work is good” stand together with parents

7. Write essays “Who do I want to become?”

8. Conduct a survey: “Who will you be in a few years?”

9. Prepare and hold the holiday: “City of Masters.”

We decided that we would finish work on the project only after choosing a profession - that means in 9 years. It is always difficult to make the right choice in life, especially when it comes to choosing a profession. To learn more about professions, we turned to a document called the “Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory” and learned that there are more than seven thousand professions available in Russia today. But hundreds are actually used.

Today, not only the number of professions is changing rapidly, but also their composition. New, unusual and unfamiliar professions appear, such as manager, dealer, auditor, and old ones disappear. But our life and its success depend to some extent on how correctly we choose this or that profession for ourselves. You need to prepare for this today!

We got it having researched several videos recording interviews with children six years ago and the same children last year (this is today’s 10 “A” grade). And they saw that there was minimal overlap in the choice of profession.

What seemed right yesterday turned out to be the wrong decision today.

Continuing the research, We learned from the encyclopedia what a profession is: “Profession is This is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge, and skills; this is the work that a person chooses for his entire life.”

From the history of the ancient world we learned that primitive people did not have professions. But there was still some division of labor - between men and women. Men hunted animals, built houses, made weapons, tools, and boats. Women collected edible plants, prepared food, made clothing, and raised children.

As society developed, people began to specialize by type of work. A division of labor appeared and professions emerged.

We learned that labor is divided into physical and mental.

And we also became aware of the types of professions: person - person (doctors, teachers), person - technology (driver, designer), person - sign system (programmer, cashier), person - artistic image (artist, painter), person - nature ( ecologist, gardener)

From Internet resources we learned that the most stressful professions are those of a miner and public figures. Psychologists explain such a high “risk indicator” among government officials by the fact that they “work for the public.”

We learned that there is a calendar of professions.

We went on excursions to a number of organizations and enterprises in the city: the fire department,

the confectionery enterprise "Eureka", the city department of internal affairs, the tank unit of Arsenyev and the artillerymen of the village. Novo - Pokrovki. We met with employees of the city hospital and library, and became acquainted with the work of a cook and a mechanic.

Conducted research work and learned about the work of their parents, grandparents, and close relatives. Together with them we set up a stand “All work is important...”.

We conducted a survey and found out that the guys want to be police officers, doctors, military men, businessmen, professional athletes, designers, firefighters, programmers, chefs, and sailors. Only three decided to become teachers and educators, two - singers, three - pilots, one - a mechanic and one - a janitor. Some see themselves as oligarchs in the future.

We have collected a collection of sayings and riddles about professions.

We wrote our poems and essays about who we want to become in the future. We made a video about this.

We had a holiday "City of masters". Released booklet.

We prepared presentations about the dynasty of teachers, the military, the police dynasty and the most numerous profession - mother!


As you can see, there are countless wonderful professions in the world –
And glory and honor to every profession!

We realized that...

“It’s not easy to firmly choose who we should be, friends!

And there is still so far to swim to the finish line.
But remember, all of you, without exception,
You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without effort and patience.

But always - and as it once was,
And now in our 21st century -
We want to wish you guys...
So that a Man grows out of you.”
