Pedagogical support and pedagogical support for students in technological education. The essence of the concept of “psychological and pedagogical support” Pedagogical support and pedagogical support

UDK 378.016+378.02 BBK Ch481.2


BUT. Yakovleva

Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University


N. Yakovleva Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University

The problem of pedagogical support is considered: its essence, meaning, scope of applicability is analyzed, problems associated with its use in the conditions of modern education are formulated.

Key words: support, pedagogical support.

The problem of pedagogical support is reviewed: its essence, significance and application field. Problems connected with its application in the context of contemporary education are settled.

Keywords: support, pedagogical support.

As a specific type of human activity, consisting of following next to someone or something and providing the necessary assistance, accompaniment has a fairly long history. Since ancient times, when solving certain life problems, people have turned to support: for example, cargo escort, legal support for transactions, medical support for patients, engineering support for construction, support for human movement, support for production and technological processes, coaching support in sports, etc. have been widely used. Hence the historically established variety of types of support: psychological, social, medical, legal, informational, organizational, technical, environmental, etc.

Pedagogical support, crystallized from the structure of complex support, which it included along with psychological, social, medical, legal support, etc., gradually becomes an independent phenomenon and is studied in a new contextual field: pedagogical support becomes, firstly, an organic part of the educational process, secondly, one of the leading principles of its organization

and thirdly, the most important type and direction of pedagogical activity.

First of all, we note that support as an interdisciplinary concept, regardless of the field of its application, is interpreted by many scientists as a system of professional activity aimed at providing timely assistance to those in need. If we use this definition in the context of the pedagogical process, then, of course, it needs to be clarified.

A study of existing points of view in the literature on the interpretation of the concept of “pedagogical support” showed the absence of its generally accepted interpretation. Pedagogical support is understood as: a systemic toolkit for pedagogical activity (I.E. Kulikovskaya); the process of interaction between teachers and a group of children to provide assistance in realizing their potential (A.L. Umansky); the creative activity of the teacher, which unfolds in two interconnected processes: creating oneself and encouraging students to do this (V.A. Shishkina); prolonged pedagogical support (P.A. Elkanova); one of the mechanisms of ongoing, bilateral, solidaristic pedagogical interaction (M.V. Shakurova), etc.

Such significant differences in understanding

Studies of the phenomenon of pedagogical support require, first of all, justification for its interpretation through the identification of essential features and, of course, call into question the overly optimistic point of view of a group of scientists who argue that “in general, the conceptual basis of support can be considered definite. It’s a matter of implementing the recommendations made.” As is known, the ambiguity of interpretation of a scientific concept makes it an element of natural language and increases the number of synonyms, which inevitably leads to contextual and discursive confusion and interchange with other definitions. Taking into account this regularity of the conceptual structure of science, we consider it necessary to identify and justify the specific content and semantic content of the concept of “pedagogical support,” thereby securing its independent status.

Therefore, let us turn to the essential characteristics of pedagogical support, but first we will determine the boundaries of its productive use, which will allow us to identify the area of ​​​​pedagogical reality to which pedagogical support is applicable, to outline the problem space within which the implementation of pedagogical support can ensure the achievement of set goals.

In this regard, we note that the analysis of published scientific and pedagogical works forces us to pay attention to the phrases often used by the authors: “accompaniment of children”, “accompaniment of high school students”, “accompaniment of students”, “accompaniment of teenagers”, etc. These expressions are presented to us incorrect, since in this version the accompaniment itself loses its pedagogical context (a person can be accompanied by a security guard, a guide, a doctor, a tour guide, etc.). We believe that since pedagogy studies the pedagogical process or its individual aspects, then pedagogical support should focus specifically on the components of the pedagogical process, i.e., the teacher, fulfilling his professional function, accompanies not the individual himself, but those processes that are significant for his development, which need to be monitored and maintained. Therefore, it is more correct to talk not about accompanying a person, but about accompanying his upbringing, development,

adaptation, educational activities, creative self-realization, etc. Thus, pedagogical support can only be applied to pedagogical phenomena that have a process nature, but not to the people themselves.

Our analysis of the positions of modern researchers regarding the attributive characteristics of pedagogical support allowed us to highlight its main characteristics. Pedagogical support: 1) has an activity-based nature, involves the manifestation of activity and influence on the accompanied phenomenon; 2) is of a managerial nature, associated with a certain given optimal trajectory, in accordance with which it ensures the development of the accompanied phenomenon; 3) has an individual character, has a meaningful focus that corresponds to the prevailing conditions and characteristics of the phenomenon being accompanied; 4) operates in a specially created environment that sets optimal conditions for the existence of the accompanied phenomenon; 5) continuous during implementation, has a beginning and an end; 6) relies on the results of monitoring diagnostics, which determine the content of the teacher’s accompanying actions.

Taking into account the above, by pedagogical support we will understand a pedagogically appropriate system of measures to influence the processes of the educational sphere, ensuring a reduction in deviations from the optimal trajectory of their deployment. By proposing such a definition, we deliberately avoided using synonymous concepts such as “help” or “support” as generic ones in order to give autonomy to pedagogical support and assign it a personal place in the conceptual-categorical system of modern pedagogy.

Considering pedagogical support as an independent pedagogical phenomenon, we will formulate key positions that do not allow it to be confused with similar definitions (“pedagogical assistance” and “pedagogical support”). So, pedagogical support: 1) unlike help and support, which are one-time actions, it is long-term and continuous; 2) is always “tied” to a certain process, complements and accompanies it, while help and

Theory and practice of educational management

support - temporary influences that provide brief connections with a given process; 3) requires direct interaction and contact between the teacher and the student, while help and support can be provided “at a distance”; 4) consists of the implementation of specific actions on the part of the teacher, while help and support can be of a recommendatory-abstract nature, implying the implementation of the proposed procedures by the pupil himself; 5) is based on diagnostic results and requires the design of actions taken, in contrast to help and support, which are operational in nature and can be carried out based on the intuition and experience of the teacher; 6) is a larger-scale pedagogical phenomenon, which may include help and support.

Thus, pedagogical support is an independent pedagogical phenomenon that has significant specificity in relation to pedagogical assistance and support, which does not allow for their content and semantic confusion.

In addition to differences with the concepts of pedagogical assistance and support, pedagogical support has specifics in comparison with management. We see the key differences in the following: 1) support to a greater extent than management takes into account the interests of its subjects; 2) management is the influence of the control system, while support is the interaction of the subjects of the accompanying and accompanied processes; 3) when accompanying, the role of the teacher is less significant than when managing; 4) management is regulated by normatively specified provisions, and support is often regulated by the moral values ​​of the subjects; 5) management, in principle, does not depend on the goodwill of relations between subjects, while for support they are the most important condition for implementation; 6) support affects (changes) aspects of the supported process to a lesser extent than control - the controlled one; 7) the result of management is less variable than that of support; 8) management allows for less independence and activity of subjects than support; 9) when accompanied, subjects have more opportunities to show creativity than when managing.

To conclude our consideration of the phenomenon of pedagogical support, we will touch upon the problem of assessing the results of its implementation in practice. A study of scientific research in this direction has shown that the problem of determining the effectiveness of pedagogical support remains the most complex and less developed. As is known, assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of any phenomenon is associated, first of all, with the definition of criteria and indicators. However, they must be valid. Conducting comprehensive studies of pedagogical support leads scientists to the need to identify such criteria and indicators to confirm the validity of the author's proposals. However, in existing studies we were unable to find criteria and indicators that reflect the effectiveness of the support itself. Thus, in this capacity they offer: the ability for creative interaction; involvement in activism; independence in applying knowledge; educational and personal achievements, etc. In resolving this issue, we cannot agree with respected researchers that these indicators really characterize pedagogical support. These are indicators of the process being accompanied, but not of the pedagogical support itself. They are indirect and therefore not transferable to the entire area of ​​applicability of pedagogical support, that is, to any conditions of its implementation, and therefore do not have the property of validity.

The task of the researcher studying the phenomenon of pedagogical support is to find direct indicators that are not related to the process being accompanied, that are universal and independent. It must be admitted that solving such a problem is not easy. Similar difficulties are experienced by scientists who study, for example, the process of management, pedagogical support, assistance, assistance, monitoring, i.e. such processes, the deployment of which occurs in parallel to some basic one. Of course, the effectiveness of the accompanied process is an indicator of the effectiveness of pedagogical support, but, firstly, this is an indirect indicator and, secondly, it cannot be the only one (which, by the way, is observed in most studies).

Despite the long history of research into pedagogical support,

research, the problem of determining valid criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of its implementation remains open. Since support is an accompanying process to some main process, its effectiveness must be assessed based on the impact it has on the main process, how it changes it: does it increase the speed of flow, deepen or perhaps simplify the activities of subjects, etc. Therefore, direct indicators of pedagogical support should most likely be such indicators as accelerating the accompanied process (reducing the time to achieve the goal), increasing its scale or deepening, reducing energy costs, etc. These indicators do not depend either on the type of pedagogical support or on the characteristics of the person being accompanied. process and can be used throughout the entire problem. At the same time, the question arises about the diagnostic apparatus of pedagogy, which allows us to adequately measure the value of each of these indicators. Thus, the problem of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical support as a whole has not been solved and requires in-depth study and increased attention from modern scientists.

Summarizing the above, we note that pedagogical support as an independent pedagogical phenomenon is managerial, directly effective, targeted, comprehensive and continuous.

nature, involves the implementation of systematized pedagogical influences on the main components of the accompanied process and needs further research.


1. Kalyagin, V.A. How to organize psychological support in educational institutions / V.A. Kalyagin, Yu. T. Mata-sov, T.S. Ovchinnikova. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2005. -240 p.

2. Kulikovskaya, I.E. Evolution of the worldview of preschool children and its pedagogical support: dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences /I.E. Kulikovskaya. - Rostov n/d., 2002. -450 p.

3. Umansky, A.L. Pedagogical support of children's leadership: dis. . Dr. ped. Sciences / A.L. Umansky. - Kostroma, 2004. -318 p.

4. Shakurova, M. V. Pedagogical support for the formation and development of sociocultural identity of schoolchildren: dis. . Dr. ped. Sciences /M.V. Shakurova. - M., 2007. -361 p.

5. Shishkina, V.A. Pedagogical support for the personal and professional development of future fine arts teachers: dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences / V.A. Shishkina. - M., 2006. - 386 p.

6. Elkanova, P.A. Pedagogical support for the socialization of a teenager: Using the example of the Arctic: dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences/P.A. Elkanova. - M., 2000. - 184 p.

Pedagogical support is the process of creating conditions (together with the child) for the child to consciously independently resolve the situation of choice, provided that the child cannot cope on his own.

Pedagogical support is a process of interested observation, counseling, personal participation, encouraging maximum independence of a teenager in a problem situation with minimal teacher participation compared to support.

Pedagogical support implies the ability of the teacher to be nearby, to follow the student, accompanying him in his individual progress in learning. Pedagogical support is considered as one of the forms of pedagogical support applicable to older schoolchildren.

The concept of “pedagogical support” has entered domestic pedagogy as reflecting the characteristics of a teacher’s work with problems related to the education of children. Related concepts have emerged - social-pedagogical support, psychological-pedagogical support, medical-pedagogical support, which reflect the characteristics of the activities of various institutions. The word “support” serves as a signal: help will be provided here for those who find themselves in a difficult situation.

The subject of pedagogical support is mainly:

difficulties associated with social maladjustment;

difficulties in learning (persistent academic failure, and hence tension with teachers and parents).

The concept of “pedagogical support” is most actively used in connection with the professional self-determination of schoolchildren.

From the position of socio-professional self-determination, S.N. Chistyakova defines pedagogical support as a special area of ​​activity of the teacher, focused on interaction with the student to provide him with support in the formation of personal growth, social adaptation, decision-making about the chosen professional activity and self-affirmation in it.

Let us consider some more interpretations of the concept of “pedagogical support”.

F.M. Frumin, V.P. Slobodchikov support is considered as helping a teenager in his personal growth, setting up an empathic understanding of the student, and open communication. A.V.Mudrik interprets support as a special area of ​​activity of a teacher, aimed at introducing a teenager to the socio-cultural and moral values ​​necessary for self-realization and self-development.

M.R. Bityanova believes that support is a system of professional activity of the pedagogical community, aimed at creating socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development in situations of interaction.

Thus, comparing the essence of the concepts of “pedagogical support” and “pedagogical support”, we can conclude that pedagogical support is primarily associated with overcoming specific problems of the student and is implemented by teachers in a problem situation. Pedagogical support involves continuous (pre-planned) activities aimed at preventing difficulties.

In modern conditions, pedagogical support and pedagogical support for schoolchildren is increasingly provided by tutors-teachers with a specific set of functions. The tutor’s activities are based precisely on the ideas of support pedagogy. The work of a tutor is psychologically intensive. In particular, it must create conditions for reflection on points of self-determination: successes and failures in achieving planned results, ways and means of achieving them. The work of a tutor uses a variety of forms and methods, but their content is determined by a single principle: the means of tutoring assistance are not rigid, diagnostic and recommendatory in nature and can be used by the child at will. All forms of tutoring activities must ensure the emotional involvement of students and their subjectivity.


The concept "social and pedagogical support" often used in modern science and is relevant. The concept of support is interpreted ambiguously. The etymology of the concept is associated with a specific action; according to V. Dahl’s dictionary, “ accompany means to accompany, to go together, to be close and to help.”

In the works of M.R. Bityanova's accompaniment is considered as system prof. activities of a teacher, psychologist, aimed at “creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation”.

Social and pedagogical support is interpreted as the process of providing timely social and pedagogical assistance to children and adolescents in need and a system of corrective influences based on tracking changes in the process of development of the child’s personality ( L.V. Bayborodova).

V.A. Lazarev (monograph " Ped. support for the gifted") entity escort defines as strengthening positive development factors and existing abilities and neutralizing the effects of negative factors.

Tasks social and pedagogical support children (V.A. Lazarev)

Development of individual educational routes;

Formation of adequate self-esteem;

Protection and strengthening of physical and psychological health;

Prevention of neuroses;

Preventing the isolation of children in a peer group;

Development of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents of children.

Structure of social and pedagogical support, elements ( A.L. Umansky. Author's abstract. dis.):

  1. supporting children's relationships through group forms of work;

  2. individual support for the development of children’s relationships;

  3. support of class teachers in the aspect of educational and developmental attitude towards the child;

  4. support of parental relationships (to children, to an educational institution, to training, upbringing);

  5. support for making management decisions;

  6. support of the educational process;

  7. support of relations in the teaching staff;

  8. support of relationships in dyads “teacher-child”, “teacher-parent”
P. S. As follows from this structure, priority belongs to group, i.e. collective forms of work, which actualizes the meaning of socio-ped. support during the formation of a children's team.

Components of social ped. escorts are (L.V. Bayborodova): diagnostic, advisory, prognostic and practical

In abstract. dis N.G. Chanilova: maintenance content represents a system of teacher actions associated with neutralizing predicted difficulties at the stage of developing a project assignment, prompt assistance during the implementation of the project and proactively making adjustments to subsequent stages of adolescents’ educational work.

The subject of pedagogical support is the process of jointly eliminating obstacles that prevent the student from independently achieving the planned result. Despite the fact that the existing subjective experience of the teacher and student differs qualitatively and quantitatively from each other, joint solution of the problem puts them in a situation of joint search, cooperative choice and partner decision-making.

An important aspect in the content of social education. escort is involvement of the student in events and situations stimulating his personal development. In psycho-ped. in this aspect, support is considered as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice.

Accompaniment is the interaction of the accompanying and the accompanied, therefore socio-pedagogical support is a special type of interaction, the purpose of which is to teach the subject of development to prevent and solve problems.  Socio-pedagogical support involves interaction between the teacher and the child, ensuring the success of his socialization and learning (M.I. Rozhkov “Social and pedagogical support: conceptual understanding of the process”).

In ped. support in accordance with the dominant tasks that teachers implement, we can highlight didactic support , the purpose of which is to support independent learning activities; correctional support children with special needs and etc.

Specifics of social and pedagogical support(M.I. Rozhkov) is aimed at supporting the individual, building his social relationships, teaching new models of interaction with the outside world, and overcoming difficulties in the process of socialization.  Social and pedagogical support cannot be neutral, passive in nature, following the development of a person.

Social ped. support is a purposeful active process that has its own goals, subject, functions, criteria, means, results.

Purpose social ped. support is adequate and maximally successful socialization and individual development of the individual, the process of achieving which can be ensured by the establishment of harmonious relations between members of a particular social group.

Social ped. accompaniment has a high educational potential. If social ped. accompaniment acts as a factor in education, then education is the target function of social pedagogy. accompaniment. This is due to the fact that social ped. accompaniment involves “not solving the child’s problem for the child, but stimulating his independence in solving his problem” (M.I. Rozhkov).

Subject social-pedagogical support (O.S. Gazman) is “the process of jointly determining with the child his own interests, goals, opportunities and ways to overcome obstacles (problems) that prevent him from maintaining his human dignity and independently achieving the desired results in learning, self-education, communication , way of life" [From authoritarian education to pedagogy of freedom].

Functions of social and pedagogical support

  • Educational: involves the restoration of positive qualities that allow the individual to feel comfortable in the environment. environment;

  • Compensatory: consists in forming in the individual the desire to compensate for existing shortcomings by applying strength in the type of activity that he loves and in which he can achieve success, realize his capabilities, abilities in self-affirmation;

  • Stimulating, aimed at activating positive socially useful, objective-practical activity, and is implemented through condemnation or approval, i.e. interested emotional attitude towards the individual and his actions;

  • Corrective: associated with the correction of negative personality traits and involves the use of a variety of techniques aimed at correcting motivational and value orientations and attitudes in communication and behavior.
Two groups of functions of social and pedagogical support (M.I. Rozhkov) in accordance with the classification of the essential spheres of a person: intellectual, motivational, emotional, volitional, self-regulation, subject-practical, existential.

1 group – objective functions , reflecting the content of pedagogical tasks solved by subjects of social and pedagogical support.

Group 2 - instrumental functions , reflecting technology social ped. accompaniment. These functions include diagnostic, communicative, prognostic and organizational functions.

Diagnostic function social ped. support involves identifying the causes of difficulties encountered by an individual and choosing the most optimal ped. means and conditions for solving its problems. Implementation of the diagnostic function of social ped. accompaniment involves passing a series of stages: 1) studying a practical request; 2) formulation of the problem; 3) putting forward hypotheses about the causes of observed phenomena; 4) choice of research method; 5) practical use of the method; 6) formulations of socio-pedagogical diagnosis; 7) searching for means of organizing developmental work.

Communication function social ped. support: its implementation requires appropriate preparation for communication, establishing contact, jointly experiencing the problem, searching for its solution, constantly clarifying the roles of communication participants, as well as correcting relationships.

Prognostic function, the essence of which is to substantiate a certain forecast of changes that may occur with specific members of society, based on reliable data, and on the basis of this forecast to create a project for further interaction.

Organizing function involves the use of situations and events organized by the teacher to solve problems that have arisen. The main requirement for such situations is their emotional significance for the individual and awareness as an important event in one’s life. When implementing this function, it is assumed that a social group (team) will be formed and the activities of social institutions interacting with the child will be coordinated.

Stages of the process of social and pedagogical support .

Stage 1 – Problematization. Detection and updating of the subject of social pedagogy. accompaniment, that is, problems, difficulties, which are determined jointly by the teacher and the student. Its essence, the reasons for its occurrence are revealed, and contradictions are discovered.

Stage 2 – Search-variative. A search for solutions to the problem is carried out, the degree of participation of the teacher in this process is determined, as well as the means of social and pedagogical support.

Stage 3 - Practically effective. The teacher and students jointly perform real or simulated actions that lead the student to an independent solution to the problem.

Stage 4 – Analytical. Joint analysis of completed actions, forecasting the emergence of possible difficulties and ways to overcome them.

Principles of social and pedagogical support :

  • principle of personality centering accompaniment, which involves considering the personality of each subject as unique in his social development, capable of independently making his own social choice, for which social pedagogy. accompaniment acts as a means of understanding one’s life situation;

  • principle of personalization of support, which involves the selection of tasks and means of support that are adequate to social. subject's situation;

  • principle of conventional support assumes that it is based on the needs of the teenager himself;

  • principle of optimistic maintenance strategy: the development of the subject is considered taking into account that positive social. the experience he has; the dominance of belief in its positive development;

  • principle of social hardening involves the inclusion of the subject in situations that require volitional effort to overcome the negative impact of society, mastering the methods of this overcoming, the formation of social. immunity, stress resistance, reflexive position.

Social and pedagogical support

At the core psychological and pedagogical support children lies in the psychological characteristics of children, periods of crisis, as well as psychological neoplasms. The problem of implementing developmental education can be solved through a clear awareness of the patterns of development of the child’s personality, its sources and movement.

Purpose socio-psychological support for children is to ensure the normal development of the child (in accordance with the norm of development at the appropriate age).

Tasks socio-psychological support:

  • prevention of child development problems;

  • assistance (assistance) to the child in solving current problems of development, training, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

  • psychological support of educational programs;

  • development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers.

  • Let me remind you of the main directions of psychological and pedagogical work.
Areas of work on social and psychological support

  • Prevention – this is one of the main activities that allows you to prevent the occurrence of certain problems. The peculiarity of prevention in preschool age is the indirect impact on the child through parents and educators;

  • Diagnostics (individual, group (screening)). Taking into account age characteristics, as well as the goals and objectives of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in a preschool institution, we can identify the main directions that need to be accompanied in a preschool institution, and therefore diagnose them: firstly, since we monitor the norm of child development, and We know crisis periods and neoplasms of different age stages, we can identify problem areas, such as the adaptation period to a preschool educational institution (from 1.5 years and older), because Children come to kindergarten at different ages. Supporting the crisis for 3 years. We have already talked about it in detail. Tracking age-related neoplasms according to the main criteria for each age period, which have already been listed. And also accompany readiness to study at school. I would like to note that you have teaching assistants who also monitor the effectiveness of teaching activities.

  • Consulting (individual, group), usually carried out based on stated problems with both teachers and parents;

  • Developmental work (individual, group);

  • Corrective work (individual, group);

  • Psychological awareness and education : formation of psychological culture, development of psychological and pedagogical competence of children, administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

  • Expertise (educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists from educational institutions).

The outgoing main goal of preschool educational institutions to transmit knowledge to pupils has been replaced by a new function of education - the creation of a unified educational space in which the teacher, psychologist and social teacher are subjects of professional interaction, and the pupil is a subject capable of self-development.

The interaction between a psychologist and educators helps to increase their professional competence in theoretical, methodological, practical and applied aspects of solving problems of taking into account the characteristics of children.

Teachers, together with a psychologist, by studying the individual characteristics of children, can model further developmental situations for each pupil.

It is necessary to determine the immediate tasks of interaction between the teacher-psychologist and preschool teachers:

  • based on diagnostics, develop, together with teachers, an individual development program for children, an individual development route, select a set of correctional and developmental exercises;

  • formulate psychological requirements for a developmental subject, game and learning environment;

  • provide educators with the necessary simple diagnostic tools for studying the mental and emotional development of children, their personal growth;
Organizational stage (diagnostic).

The educational psychologist begins work with an initial psychological and pedagogical examination of children.

Based on the diagnostic results obtained by the teacher - psychologist and educators, a psychological and pedagogical profile of the child is compiled.

The next stage of work is planning correctional and developmental activities. In accordance with the diagnostic results obtained, the teacher-psychologist draws up an individual correctional and developmental program for the child’s development, where he prescribes methods and techniques for working with children, and the result of each lesson with the child. To solve problems, together with preschool teachers, the teacher-psychologist selects certain games and exercises, which are subsequently used both in classes and in free activities.

The forms of work of a psychologist with the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions at the organizational stage can be as follows:

  • thematic teacher councils, consultations for preschool educational institutions specialists;

  • mini teacher councils with the participation of teachers working in a group, which are devoted to the analysis of children’s readiness for school and the choice of means of corrective action in relation to each pupil of the group;

  • individual conversations and consultations with teachers, conducted on a regular basis;

  • thematic consultations for teachers;

  • individual consultations for teachers.
The result of the work at the organizational stage is the preparation of individual and group (subgroup) correctional and developmental programs, a schedule (schedule) of individual and group (subgroup) classes with children.

The main stage (correctional and developmental).

At this stage, the main emphasis is on correctional and developmental work with children. It is based on a number of general principles, among which the priority ones are:

  • individualization;

  • versatility;

  • complexity;

  • systematic correctional and pedagogical influence.
The tasks and content of both individual and group lessons are determined based on the developmental characteristics of children and their individual typological characteristics.

At the same time, analysis of various aspects of the psychophysical development of children, its potential capabilities and reliance on them when carrying out pedagogical influence should become priority tasks not only of the psychologist, but also of all participants in the correctional process - the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, parents. This ensures the complexity of the correctional and developmental impact and the possibility of carrying out appropriate correctional work not only directly, but also indirectly, using for this purpose the reserves of various types of children's activities (play, educational-cognitive, productive, etc.), regime moments in kindergarten, free communication and interaction of the child with adults in the family.

Proper consistency is required. Only carrying out well-thought-out, rationally planned, coordinated and daily work gives grounds to talk about the real achievement of positive results.

The listed conditions - differentiation, versatility, complexity, systematicity of correctional and developmental work - are fundamental and must be taken into account when working with each child.

Technologies for social and pedagogical support of children

Today in pedagogical and psychological literature the concept is often found "technology".

On the one side, technology - these are ways of materializing a person’s labor functions, his knowledge, skills and experience into activities to transform the subject of labor or social reality.

On the other side, technology- this is a practical activity that is characterized by a rational sequence of using tools in order to achieve high-quality results.

In the broad sense of the word technology - this is a way of carrying out activities based on its rational division into procedures and operations with their subsequent coordination and selection of optimal means and methods for their implementation.

The characteristic features of the technology are:

procedurality as the unity of goals, content, forms, methods and results of activities ; a set of methods for changing an object; designing the change process.

Social-pedagogical technology is an integrative variety of social and pedagogical technologies. The possibility of developing social-pedagogical technologies is due to the fact that social-pedagogical activity, like any other type of social activity, has its own structure, thanks to which it can be gradually divided and consistently implemented.

The main components of the activity are:

1. Goal setting.

2. The choice of methods of action and its tools.

3. Evaluation of performance results.

The use of technology in the work of a social teacher allows for the gradual implementation of the identified structural components of his work.

We are building a technology for socio-pedagogical support for six-year-old children who are not ready for school, thereby determining that the nature of our activities will be socio-pedagogical.

The target group is children who are not ready for school. And it remains to turn to the essence of social and pedagogical support.

Support- providing what is needed; providing comfort, recognition, approval, encouragement to another person (supportive therapy); reflection of a person’s relationship with people from his close circle who empathize and provide him with real help.

Social support is a set of social measures aimed at creating and maintaining decent living conditions for families and children to meet their vital needs and providing assistance in professional self-determination.

Social and pedagogical support- is providing assistance to the individual in the process of socialization and self-realization. By socialization we mean mastering the norms and rules of life in society, knowledge and skills to build relationships in society.

In the concept of “socialization”, it is important for understanding socio-pedagogical support that a person not only assimilates, but also reproduces and enriches a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, i.e. successfully self-realizes in society. And for this, the individual requires support from those who are called upon to help the child develop his personality - teachers in the broad sense (parents, teachers, doctors, social workers, public organizations and individuals, etc.). Moreover, it is important to understand that self-realization is necessary for an individual not only in the process of practical implementation of interests and opportunities given by nature, but also in the process of overcoming negative qualities, character traits, and a positive change in the orientation of the individual in order to realize their talents and abilities.

Thus, social and pedagogical support is social and pedagogical assistance to children, which consists in identifying, defining and resolving the child’s problems in order to realize and protect his rights to full development and education.

Conceptual ideas of pedagogical support were formulated by O.S. Gazman in the early 1990s, were then developed by a group of his associates E.A. Alexandrova, T.V. Anokhina, V.P. Bederkhanova, M.V. Gusakovsky, A.V. Ivanov, N.V. Ivanov, N.B. Krylova, T.A. Mertsalova.

Pedagogical support is the process of jointly determining with the child his own interests, goals, opportunities and ways to overcome obstacles (problems) that prevent him from maintaining his human dignity and independently achieving the desired results in learning, self-education, communication, lifestyle, and in the development of individuality (O. S. Gazman).

The initial social incentive for the school to provide pedagogical support, as O.S. believed. Gazman, is: the difficult economic situation of the family and the low cultural and pedagogical level of parents who do not show due attention to raising children.

The content of social and pedagogical support is determined by the goals of the subjects of joint activity: the student, the teacher, the educational institution, and its environment. The content of social and pedagogical support depends on the cognitive, creative needs of children, on the goals that they strive to achieve in education. The principle of purposefulness, on the one hand, is that the efforts of the subjects of activity should be focused on achieving the main goal.

On the other hand, it is focused on the development of the student’s goal-setting, i.e., his ability and ability to determine the goals of his own activities.

In studies by Russian scientists, socio-pedagogical support for a child is considered from the perspective of a number of scientific approaches:

1. system

2. procedural



6.personally oriented

7 activity.

Systems approach in relation to socio-pedagogical support, it aims at the idea of ​​it as a set of components that are in relationships and connections with each other, which form a certain integrity and unity on the basis of this.

Process approach is considered in the form of a sequential change of specific phenomena, as a unity of qualitative and quantitative states and changes in their dynamics; as a set of sequential actions and interactions to achieve a particular result. Cultural approach implies that the socio-pedagogical support of an educational institution is a complex multi-level phenomenon, including the entire range of cultural directions (available at the educational institution), features of co-creation in the process of self-knowledge and self-realization of children, taking into account the subcultures of teachers, schoolchildren and their parents, the level of their general culture ( cultural creative potential) and mechanisms for implementing social and pedagogical support.

Environmental approach reveals the system of actions of the subject of management of socio-pedagogical support and the environment that provides diagnosis, design and production of educational results.

Social approach to understanding the socio-pedagogical support of a general education institution is determined by the fact that ideas about the components of socio-pedagogical support have a certain variability and depend on the ideology and culture of society, the attitude of the social environment towards them.

Person-centered approach determined by the fact that the subjects of social and pedagogical support of the school are the individuals of the teacher, the student and his parents. The goal of social and pedagogical support in an educational institution is personal development.

Activity approach to socio-pedagogical support means that it is formed, manifested and developed only in the process of the activities of its main participants.

Regularities and principles find their practical embodiment in the content (justification of components, forms and methods of activity) and pedagogical conditions.

Social and pedagogical support represents integration ─ organizational and managerial component,

diagnostic and design component,

reflective-analytical component,

Organizational and managerial component focused on organizing the process of social and pedagogical support for the child’s activities.

It solves the following tasks: participation in the development of a development program, educational programs of an educational institution, creation of structures necessary for socio-pedagogical support (methodological and psychological services), organization of improving the professional competence of teachers in matters of socio-pedagogical support for children, development of a monitoring program, material -technical support of the process.

Diagnostic and design component is focused on studying the potential of children in order to choose the optimal individual educational path for them and developing a project in the form of a program of activities for the team and the individual, ensuring the success of the socialization process of schoolchildren. In this case, diagnostics is understood as the activity of studying the state of subjects of educational activity.

The specifics of social and pedagogical support in educational institutions predetermined the integration of diagnostics and design. On the one hand, diagnostics provides the teacher with direct material for developing a program of activities, on the other hand, the child is the subject of his own diagnostics and design of the individual socialization process. Variability consists in the possibility of developing a variety of activities based on the needs of the child.

At the diagnostic stage, several studies are carried out (sociological, psychological, pedagogical): which subsequently make it possible to determine the content, forms and methods of working with children.

Thus, this component is responsible for studying the needs, abilities, capabilities of the child, as well as for the process of their self-knowledge, the result of which is the choice of an individual-collective path of development in the form; an individual or group program, the content of which the child has the right to influence based on his cognitive and creative needs.

Reflective-analytical component consists of analyzing the results of social and pedagogical support for children, based on the results of which a program of corrective measures is determined.

Assessing the child’s activity, the social teacher determines the results of his cognitive and creative activity by identifying the level of social and personal competence and assessing the quality of independent activity. The social teacher helps the student analyze his own work, which allows him to develop reflection and self-correction of the individual.

Analysis of the activities of a group of students is carried out both independently by a social teacher through questioning, conversation, observation, and by the group of students themselves, who, in the process of discussion, not only evaluate their work, but also make adjustments and offer prospects for further development.

So, socio-pedagogical support can be considered as assistance to the child from the teacher and society in implementing the process of social adaptation of social integration in order to reveal individually specified abilities and talents, provided that the child accepts the interests and norms of society to participate in its further active transformation in the activities of the subject .

Pedagogical support.

Let us analyze the content of the concept of “support”. According to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, this term denotes an action accompanying a phenomenon. Etymologically, it comes from the word “accompany,” which has several meaningful interpretations. The meaning of interpretation depends on the area of ​​application of the word, but denotes the simultaneity of an occurring phenomenon or action. It is interesting that when this verb is used with the reflexive particle “sya”, the content characteristic shifts the emphasis to the person being supervised. Thus, the following meaning is acquired - “to entail as a direct continuation or consequence”, “to be supplied, supplemented with something.” In our opinion, in this meaning the term is more commonly used in psychology.

Currently, in the scientific literature, the term “support” is understood primarily as support for mentally healthy people who experience any difficulties at a certain stage of development. It should be noted that support is understood as preserving personal potential and facilitating its development. The essence of such support is the realization of the right to the full development of the individual and his self-realization in society. The terms “support” (M. R. Bityanova, I. A. Kibak, N. L. Konovalova, N. S. Pryazhnikov, S. N. Chistyakova, T. M. Churekova, etc.) and “support” (A. G. Asmolov, A. A. Bodalev, T. G. Gordon, O. S. Gazman, V. K. Zaretsky, T. A. Mertsalov, A.V. Mudrik, I.Yu. Shustova, etc.) are used to designate the system of activity of a psychologist, as a special type of providing psychological assistance, i.e. as synonyms. Therefore, we will adhere to the same opinion and consider in detail those interpretations of the term support that help solve the tasks.

All researchers consider support within the framework of humanistic and person-centered approaches. Recently, many studies have appeared on the problem of supporting professional activities in various fields of science, culture and public life (Polyansky M.S. (2001) - support of military activities, Belous E.N. (2004) - sports activities, Purnis N.E. (2001) - accompanying technologies in the training of architects, Ivanova L.I. (2005), Deryusheva M.A. (2006) - support of the professional activities of medical workers, etc.). Of course, in modern Russian science the emphasis is on the process of professional formation and the development of professional competence. Therefore, in our opinion, the development of the problem of support is related to the educational process. Let us consider works that are close in content to the objectives of our research.

In psychology, “support” is a systemic integrated technology of socio-psychological assistance to the individual (G. L. Bardier, M. R. Bityanova, E. I. Kazakova, N. A. Menchinskaya, V. S. Mukhina, Yu. V. Slyusarev, L M. Shipitsina, I. S. Yakimanskaya, etc.).

Technology support in education is an area of ​​scientific and practical activity of a number of specialists. This is a relatively new direction in educational psychology in Russia, which is developing on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach to ontogenesis. By putting into practice the ideas of humanistic and personality-oriented education, support technology becomes a necessary component of the educational system, allowing us to create conditions for the full development of children.

The concept of support as an educational technology was developed by E.I. Kazakova. The sources for the creation of this concept were research and experience in providing comprehensive assistance to children in specialized institutions, as well as experimental and innovative activities of specialists interacting with children in the education system. This concept is based on a system-oriented approach to human development. One of the main provisions of the concept of E.I. Kazakova is the priority of relying on the individual-personal potential of the subject, the priority of responsibility for the choice made. Thus, the author believes that in order to exercise the right of a person to freely choose various development options, it is necessary to teach a person to understand the essence of the problem and develop certain decision-making strategies. E.I. Kazakova (1995-2001) in her study clearly distinguishes between support as a method, as a process and as a service. According to her views, the maintenance method is the way to practically implement the maintenance process, and the development maintenance service is the means of realizing the maintenance process. In the theory of support E.I. Kazakova, regarding the development of preschool children, states that in each specific case, the carrier of the child’s problem is both the child himself and his immediate environment: teachers, educators, parents. The author believes that the process of supporting the development of a child is carried out on the basis of the following principles: – advisory nature of the advice of the accompanying person;

priority of the interests of the person being accompanied; – continuity of support; multidisciplinary support; – desire for autonomy.

These principles help to implement various types of psychological and pedagogical support in practice: individual and systemic.

Let's consider various types of psychological and pedagogical support. Individual support for children in educational institutions “involves creating conditions for identifying potential and real “risk groups” and guaranteed assistance to those children who need it.” Consequently, such support can be considered as a form of organizing the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, as a model for carrying out psychological and pedagogical work with preschoolers.

System support, according to L.M. Shipitsyna, is carried out by independent centers and services in several directions: in the implementation of certain educational programs; in the design of new types of educational institutions; in the creation of preventive and corrective programs. In practice, according to a number of authors, systemic support is carried out either at the request of the administration, or at the request of parents, or during a mass examination of children. In this case, individual work with the child is in a subordinate relationship. Based on the concept of accompanying E.I. described above. Kazakova, many researchers are developing and implementing various systems and models of support both in educational institutions and in professional activities. For our work, the theory of support by M.R. is interesting. Bityanova, embodied in the model of activity of a school psychologist or school psychological service, M.R. Bityanova (1998) defines support as a system of professional activity of a psychologist in an educational environment, aimed at creating the emotional well-being of a child, his successful development and learning. She sees the task of an educational psychologist when interacting with a child to create conditions for “productive advancement along the paths that he has chosen himself in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and family.” In other words, the author believes that psychological and pedagogical support is scientific psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process. The author identifies three interrelated components of the accompanying activities of a teacher-psychologist at school:

systematic monitoring of the child’s psychological and pedagogical status and the dynamics of his development in the process of schooling;

creating socio-psychological conditions for the development of students’ personality and their successful learning;

creation of special socio-psychological conditions for children with developmental problems.

These components cover almost all aspects and areas of a psychologist’s activity, and not only in an educational institution. Therefore, we believe that psychological and pedagogical support for the development process of a preschooler will consist of the implementation of each of the three named areas. The substantive aspects of M.R.’s theory of support are important to us. Bityanova, namely:

1. The unconditional value of the child’s inner world. 2. Creating conditions for the child’s independent creative exploration of the world and relationships with it. 3. Creation of conditions within the framework of an objective pedagogical environment given to the child for the maximum disclosure of individual personal potential. 4. Implementation of support primarily by pedagogical means and with the leading role of the teacher.

These operating principles are quite acceptable in the practice of supporting the development of cognitive processes in preschool children. Firstly, the educational environment in preschool educational institutions is currently based on analogies of school life and the educational activities of the child. Secondly, the educational system of a preschool educational institution makes the same demands on the child as the school system - solving the problems of education, socialization and psychological development. Thirdly, the role of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution in practice is to organize the joint work of a preschool institution and a family, where he acts as a partner in developing a development strategy for a preschooler. In addition, the last principle clearly demonstrates in preschool educational institutions the leading role of the family in the development of a preschooler, and the teaching staff is only an assistant in this case. In our opinion, at school the role of the family is significantly reduced not only due to age characteristics, but also due to the lack of professional pedagogical skills and abilities among parents. Further analysis of the term “support” shows the need to determine the methodological basis for its application. G.A. Berulava (2004) in the book “Methodological Foundations of Practical Psychology” considers support from the position of the subjective paradigm of personality development. The author believes that the “primacy of integrative personal constructs” is realized on the basis of all levels of individuality, therefore the main task of a practical psychologist is psychological support of personality development. G.A. Berulava defines the goal of support as creating the necessary conditions for its most effective development. From this point of view, a clear illustration of psychological support for personal development is its practical implementation in preschool educational institutions, where the variability of the educational program, the priority of the child’s health and the leading role of the family contribute to the effective work of the psychologist and teachers.

Other researchers (E.M. Aleksandrovskaya, G.L. Bardier, N.S. Glu-khanyuk, N.I. Kokurekina, N.V. Kurenkova, R.V. Ovcharova, N.G. Osukhova, I.V. Romazan, T.S. Cherednikova, T.G. Yanicheva, etc.) note that support provides support for natural reactions, processes and personality states. At the same time, successfully organized psychological and pedagogical support opens up prospects for personal growth and helps the child enter the “zone of proximal development.” Among the types of psychological activities in the support model, the following priorities and their stages are highlighted: psychological education, prevention, propaedeutics, diagnostics, counseling, education, correction, examination. From this perspective, we will analyze the following works, which help to more fully reveal the content of the concept of “support”. T. G. Yanicheva (1999) understands support as a system of organizational, diagnostic, developmental activities for teachers, parents and students, creating optimal conditions for the functioning of the educational environment, allowing the individual to self-realize. T.L. Poroshinskaya (1999) analyzed the features of support in non-state educational institutions, understanding this process as a model of the activity of psychological services. She notes that the psychological content of support is based on the diagnosis and creation of a child development program, which is the starting point for modeling and building a developmental and correctional component of the educational environment.. N.S. Glukhanyuk (2001) considers support as a general method of work for a psychologist, as a method of creating conditions for optimal decisions in situations of life choice. Thus, the emphasis is placed on the responsibility of the development subject itself. R.V. Ovcharova (2000, 2005) defines support as the direction and technology of a psychologist’s activity. According to the author, in the first case, support includes support for the individual and his orientation in difficult, problematic situations, as well as support for the natural development of individual personal potential. In the second case, it is “a set of interrelated and interdependent measures, represented by various psychological methods and techniques, which are carried out in order to ensure optimal socio-psychological conditions... to preserve psychological health... and the full development of the child’s personality and his formation as a subject of life " The difference between support as a technology and other types of professional activities of a psychologist lies in the positions of the subjects of support, methods of interaction, priorities in work, as well as in the criteria for the effectiveness of the psychologist’s activities. T.I. Chirkova (2000) believes that the fundamental difference in models of psychological support lies in the area of ​​means, paths, centering, priorities, dominance, and the proportion of the same components of the professional activity of a psychologist. The author believes that the subject of a psychologist’s activity in a preschool educational institution is the positive aspects of child development and the pedagogical process; and the priority direction is modulation of the educational process, creating conditions for the positive development of the personality of a preschooler. Analyzing the process of support in preschool educational institutions, T.I. Chirkova comes to the conclusion that the strategy for planning the content of work is one’s own initiative in determining the content of work and consistency with the needs of other subjects of interaction. In this case, the expected result of the activity is the completeness of development and the success of the educational process. According to T.I. Chirkova, the model of psychological support, its methodology is a stage in the long-term development of the psychological service of education, including in preschool educational institutions.

E.A. Kozyreva (2000) believes that the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support is productive at many levels; by determining the priorities of activities, it is possible to determine the features of the development of an educational institution. She understands support as “a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist aimed at creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of a child with a focus on his zone of proximal development.” The author notes the active role of the psychologist in this process. E.A. Kozyreva created a program to support all participants in the educational process in high school. The main goal of the program is the personal development of children. During such support, the psychologist influences the development of relationships; requests from teachers and parents arise naturally. The implemented program, according to the author, allows for the formation of positive relationships between schoolchildren, their teachers and parents. Children gain experience in relationships, get the opportunity to consciously choose a communication style, adjust it, having constant feedback. E.A. Kozyreva notes that the program of psychological and pedagogical support has a positive effect on the development of comfortable relationships between the school administration, teaching and parent teams.

N.G. Osukhova (2001) defined support as a model of psychological assistance - it is a specially organized process aimed at creating conditions for the realization of individual personal potential. With such support, person-oriented interaction comes to the fore, in which the positions of all participants change. The psychologist here acts as a partner, rewarding in the process of interaction internal conditions that help the child productively go through a crisis period of life and reach a new level of personal development. N.G. Osukhova believes that in each specific case, the tasks of support are determined by the characteristics of the individual or family who receive psychological assistance, and the situation in which the support is provided.

EM. Aleksandrovskaya (2002) and co-authors consider support as a psychological and pedagogical technology designed to help a child solve his problems or prevent them. The authors note the priority of assistance in choosing an educational route of study, and then solving the problems of school adaptation. In their opinion, schoolchildren who have difficulties in adaptation need psychological and pedagogical support only at a certain stage of development. In the future, the developmental potential of the educational environment allows children to solve problems independently.

A.A. Mayer (2004), in his book devoted to the organization of work in a preschool educational institution, states that “the essential characteristic of support in psychological terms is the creation of conditions for the individual’s transition to self-help.” According to the author, the psychologist only creates conditions for the realization of personal potential. A.A. Mayer believes that, in contrast to correction, the technology of support does not involve “correcting shortcomings and redoing”, but searching for the hidden resources of the individual and his environment, relying on his own capabilities and creating on this basis psychological conditions for restoring connections with society. “The main characteristics of support can be called procedural, prolonged, non-directive, immersed in a person’s real life, and special relationships between the participants in the process.” Methodological analysis of the definitions of the term “support” carried out by A.A. Mayer, allows us to assert that support is a special form of prolonged medical, valeological, social, psychological, and pedagogical assistance. The result of such assistance to the individual in the process of socialization and individualization is a new quality - adaptability, i.e. the ability to independently achieve relative balance in relationships with oneself and others in favorable and extreme situations. Consequently, the work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution will be to develop this quality - adaptability - by all means available to him.

L.I. Makaday (2004) analyzes the process of support from the perspective of correctional psychology, noting the effectiveness of this form of psychological support when interacting with disabled children. The author comes to the conclusion that support technologies help analyze the immediate environment and the level of mental development, using individual work with children and participants in the educational process.

N.V. Nikorchuk (2006) in her article analyzed cases of using the concept of “monitoring in psychology and pedagogy. She gives the following definition: “Psychological monitoring is a complex technology that combines diagnostics, consultation, correction into a single effective system of psychological means, implemented in a certain sequence, filled with strictly selected content and allowing flexible and effective psychological support of the educational process to achieve the desired goal.” N.V. Nikorchuk explains that within the framework of psychological monitoring of a secondary school, “psychological support is provided for pre-professional and specialized education, gifted children and children with a high level of intellectual development, students studying in classes of correctional and developmental education.” The author believes that each type of such support solves its own specific problems at a certain stage of training. Thus, N.V. Nikorchuk essentially combines two concepts - tracking and monitoring - giving priority to the latter. It should be noted that this kind of unification, in our opinion, must be done with caution. We believe that procedural support involves broader activities than monitoring.

Currently, psychological and pedagogical support is considered by some researchers from the perspective of preserving the psychological health of children. The concept of “psychological health”, introduced by I.V. Dubrovina, means the totality of all mental properties that ensure the harmonious development of the individual and the possibility of full functioning in the process of life. This content of this concept implies a balance between the qualities of a person, between the person himself and the environment. However, it does not reveal the mechanisms for achieving equilibrium. In our opinion, psychological health is ensured by a whole complex of mental phenomena throughout a person’s life. To solve the problems we have set, the results of the work of YL are interesting. Fedorova (2003). In her dissertation, she gives a detailed analysis of the problem of support in the educational process. In the course of the study, she comes to the conclusion that the usual areas (psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection and education) of the psychologist’s activities within the framework of support technology acquire their own specificity. The characteristic features of psychodiagnostics, according to Yu.P. Fedorova, performers:

vision of diagnostics as a launching pad for support, its focus on information support of the support process; – focus on identifying strengths, positive personality, and determining the correctness of the pedagogical strategy; – systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of schoolchildren from the point of view of their current state and prospects for immediate development throughout their stay at school; – the conditioning of diagnostic results by the social situation of development, objective and subjective difficulties associated with teaching and raising a child in the specific pedagogical conditions of an educational institution.

Analysis carried out by Yu.P. Fedorova, shows that the content of developmental work must correspond to those components of the psychological and pedagogical status of preschool children, the formation and full development of which at this age stage is most relevant. Correctional work will be determined by those components of the psychological and pedagogical status of a preschooler, the level of development and content of which does not meet the psychological, pedagogical and age requirements. In this case, correctional and developmental work is organized based on the results of psychodiagnostic minimums.

The advisory and educational work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution (M.R. Bityanova, D.V. Lubovsky, E.I. Kazakova, T.N. Chirkova, etc.) will unfold in three directions: collecting and recording information about the child’s development; development and implementation of strategies and tactics for interaction with the child; designing a system of psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process as a whole. In the first case, issues of age and individual development are resolved. The second deals with issues of content and style of interaction with an individual child or age group, which is the starting point for participants to develop strategies and tactics to support their own activities within the framework of this model. These issues are resolved in three aspects: for children experiencing difficulties in psychological development; to take into account the characteristics of the child’s psychological and pedagogical status when analyzing the content of training; for organizing interpersonal communication in a group. The third area of ​​activity of a teacher-psychologist is related to solving problems related to the construction of the educational process of a preschool educational institution as a whole. The psychologist makes an expert assessment of the essence and content of the educational program of the institution. In this sense, an analysis of the development program of preschool educational institutions takes place, where innovative aspects and the introduction of new technologies in the educational process of preschool children are assessed. From this point of view, psychological and pedagogical support can be meaningfully understood as a complex technology, an effective system of professional activity of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution, manifested in various forms.

Thus, an analysis of the scientific literature shows that psychological and pedagogical support has an unlimited variety of types and forms, which differ in focus, subject and object: parenting support; accompanying a child (gifted, hyperactive, with learning difficulties, in a critical situation, etc.); accompaniment of the teacher in the process of teaching and educational activities; support of child-parent relationships, etc. We agree with the above-mentioned scientists that the model of psychologist’s activity proposed by M.R. Bityanova, easily adapts to the preschool educational environment. Consequently, described by M.R. Bityanova’s components of the accompanying activities of a psychologist at school are applicable to the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution. Similarly, the structure of activities of a preschool educational psychologist includes:

carrying out an analysis of the educational environment of the preschool educational institution, taking into account the opportunities and requirements that it places on the child’s capabilities and level of development;

determination of psychological criteria for the effectiveness of training and development of a preschooler;

development and implementation of certain activities that are considered as a condition for the successful development and education of the child;

development of a specific system of activity for a psychologist that ensures the maximum effect of the child’s development in a given specific environment.

However, practice shows that the diversity and freedom of choice of preschool educational programs sometimes makes significant adjustments to the implementation of the support system. Therefore, we believe that for the effective implementation of support technology, it is necessary to take into account the motivation of the administration and the interest of parents. Based on the above, we believe that in the preschool education system it is possible to provide not only individual support for the development of a child’s personality, but also systemic support for the educational process. However, the combination of types of support is determined, in our opinion, by the specifics of regional culture (V.N. Akhrenov, M.L. Baranova, V.S. Koshkina, E.B. Kurkin, O.E. Lebedev, A.M. Novikov, A.M. Tsirulnikov, S. Chaiklin etc.) and the psychological competence of educators (A.S. Belkin, Ya.L. Kolominsky, R.V. Ovcharova, S.V. Stepanov, O.Yu. Grishina, Yu.L. Fedorova, T.V. Shcherbakova, etc. ).

Let us consider research that allows us to more clearly define the features of psychological and pedagogical support in preschool educational institutions. A.A. Mayer believes that the role of specialists in providing qualified support for the development of a preschooler is great. Following other researchers, he identifies certain stages in the system of accompanying activities:

diagnostics (tracking), which serves as the basis for responsibility for the decision made.

setting goals;

selection and application of methodological tools;

analysis of intermediate and final results, making it possible to adjust the progress of work.

Of course, the activity of a preschool educational psychologist consists precisely in the implementation of these stages of support. A.A. Mayer, analyzing preschool development programs, comes to the conclusion that psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschool children involves: 1. Satisfying basic needs (warmth, nutrition, other factors ensuring health). 2. Ensuring psychological and social safety in preschool educational institutions. 3. Satisfaction of primary interests (subject-developing environment and social situation that contribute to the formation of productive activities and relationships with others). 4. Preventive and prompt assistance in solving individual problems related to the mastery of educational programs, the adoption of rules of behavior in preschool educational institutions, interpersonal communication with adults and peers. 5. Formation of readiness to be the subject of one’s own activities.

Thus, A.A. Mayer argues that in a preschool setting, support is the creation of a space for the child to develop in order to optimize development in interaction with the outside world. It is considered as a parallel process to the process of learning, upbringing and development of creating comfortable conditions and providing technological support for the child’s entry into the world of culture and his socialization. First, the child’s development and self-development potential is updated, conditions are created for his transfer from the position of an object to the position of a subject of his own life activity. Further, the process of socialization is associated with ensuring development and self-development by means of interaction between the teacher and children in the form of co-creative productive activity and communication. As a result, according to the author, the child moves from the position of a subject to the position of personal realization of his own activity. The task of the psychologist at this stage of work is to analyze the degree of formation of the main indicators of child development.

A.Yu. Kachimskaya (2005) believes that psychological and pedagogical support for child development makes it possible for teachers, together with preschool staff, to develop the goals of the activities of a single team (teachers and educators), solve the main tasks of its functioning within the framework of the issue of continuity, and determine the direction of development of such a complex system as is a functional complex kindergarten - school. “In accordance with the request of school psychologists, methodologists and kindergarten teachers create their own data bank characterizing the psychological characteristics of children, areas of their current and immediate development, and possible difficulties that may arise at the initial stage of children’s education in an innovative school.” A.Yu. Kachimskaya notes that the transformation of a child into a subject of the educational process in the system of psychological and pedagogical support requires, as a necessary component, the organization of special work on the purposeful formation of complex forms of independence and activity. Such work, according to the author, is a prevention of passivity and infantilism, which can arise with an emphasis on excessive guardianship, everyday control, and the adaptation of a teacher or parent to the style and level of activity of the child.

The provisions analyzed above do not contradict the concept of support by E.I. Kazakova and the activity model of school psychologist M.R. Bityanova. It is of interest to us to describe the process of support within the educational program of a preschool educational institution, as well as to focus on the features of the accompanying activities of a psychologist. In general, an analysis of the scientific literature shows that the problem of support in education is considered both as a strategy for personal development and as a tactic for realizing its individual potential. In our opinion, a psychologist needs to clearly distinguish between the objects of support, its subject and means. Based on this, the content of the activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, the forms and methods of work are determined, and the effectiveness of the conditions for implementing a program to support the natural development of a child is assessed. In addition, this allows us to identify special cases of accompanying activities and various tactics for developing individual personal potential. As shown in the diagram, the activity of a psychologist involves interaction with all participants in the support process. Therefore, it is important to delineate the functional responsibilities of each participant. However, the functions of the accompanying persons are determined by the subject of the support, so we do not consider it necessary to dwell on this in detail.

We rely on the fact that psychological and pedagogical support is scientific psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process. To solve these problems, we define psychological and pedagogical support as a model of activity of a teacher-psychologist in a children's educational institution, aimed at optimizing the individual and personal development of a preschooler when interacting with the outside world.

The concept of “pedagogical support”

Based on an analysis of existing regulatory documents, we come to the conclusion that the traditional teacher (a monopolist in the transfer and interpretation of the necessary knowledge) is leaving the scene. A new image of a teacher is emerging: a researcher, educator, consultant, project manager.

The most effective direction for bringing this idea to life is psychological and pedagogical support for the personality of students in the process of learning and education at school.

The psychological and pedagogical support of the child provides for: the need for systemic support, its continuous nature, as well as reliance on the positive internal potential of the child’s development, interaction instead of influence.

S.A. Markova notes that the system of psychological and pedagogical support has common invariant features:

1) Orientation towards anthropological and humanistic approaches (understanding of man and his development as a key value in the education system);

2) Focus on supporting the child’s own creative activity, his ability to independently solve current problems and development tasks;

3) Awareness of the need for an integrated approach, ensured by the teamwork of specialists of various profiles;

4) The commonality of the use of the fundamental method of support in the unity of diagnosis, information retrieval, planning, counseling and primary care in the implementation of the plan;

5) Understanding the need to work in close connection with the practical activities of educational institutions.

The problem of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual was considered in the studies of N.G. Ershova, I.A. Lipsky, B.I. Sersenbaeva, G.I. Simonova, V.A. Shishkina and others. The conclusion to the above will be the following - the teacher must be able to find an approach to the student, while understanding what and how he (the teacher) does, namely: how he interacts with the student, what methods he uses in joint practical activities, what the child will ultimately know and what he can realize independently in the process of psychological and pedagogical support.

Now let’s consider the essence of the key concept, stages and conditions for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support.

The study of the origin of the term “support” made it possible to consider it as joint actions (system, process, type of activity) of people in relation to each other in their social environment, carried out by them in time, space and in accordance with their inherent roles.

Accompanied, according to E.I. Kazakova understands a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. In this case, the subject of development is defined both as a developing person and as a developing system. The situation of life choice is multiple problem situations, in the resolution of which the child learns to determine for himself the path of progressive or regressive development.

The basic principles of accompanying a child in an educational institution are: the advisory nature of the accompanying person’s advice; priority of the interests of the person being accompanied (“on the side of the child”); continuity of support; comprehensiveness of the support approach; the desire for autonomy (M.A. Ivanenko).

T.I. Chirkova means support through the position of the psychologist in relation to the subjects of interaction and the basic principles of his work: inclusion, assistance, participation, support. She identifies two models of psychological support in relation to preschool institutions: the model of psychological support service and the model of psychological support service. If support is focused on the past, on correcting defects, then support is on the future and present, on using the potential of the child’s personality, creating conditions for full movement forward, relying on strengths and qualities.

At the level of general understanding, we can note that accompanying a student is his social interaction with people around him, the functions of which are the development of this student along the path of life, in a variety of personal and social situations.

Many authors (G. Bardier, M.R. Bityanova, E.I. Kazakova, N.N. Mikhailova, Y.P. Fedorova, S.M. Yusfin, etc.) emphasize that accompaniment is a very diverse movement. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that in practical activities and scientific literature the concepts of “medical support”, “psychological support”, “scientific support”, “social and pedagogical support”, etc. are found.

At the level of a separate approach, one of these types of support is pedagogical support, which, on the one hand, carries the features of social interaction, but, on the other hand, has its own specifics. It lies in the pedagogical nature of the support, the purpose of which is the targeted development of the personality of the accompanied student, carried out through special pedagogical systems (education, enlightenment, upbringing, training, training) in their structural design. At the same time, there are specific social roles that, in relation to the child, manifest themselves in society as the roles of “parents”, “mentors”, “leaders”, “teachers”, “educators”, etc. When studying the phenomenon of “pedagogical support,” it is no less important that the subject of development is not only the child, but also his parents and teachers.

Pedagogical support, according to M.A. Ivanenko, who studied the problem of social development of older preschoolers, suggests: diagnosis; consulting; correction; system analysis of problem situations; programming and planning of activities that are aimed at resolving and co-organizing all subjects of the educational process; coordination of all these functions.

Pedagogical support for personal development is comprehensive, namely:

Reflects the mechanisms of interaction between people in the social sphere;

At the same time it appears in temporal, spatial and institutional forms;

Can be reflected through system-structural, procedural and activity characteristics (I.A. Lipsky).

The purpose of pedagogical support is the targeted development of the personality of the person being accompanied, carried out through special pedagogical systems in their institutional design.

The concept of pedagogical support is considered as a process of interested observation, consultation, personal participation, and encouragement of maximum independence of the child, manifested in his activity.

According to researchers N.B. Krylova, E.A. Alexandrova pedagogical support implies the teacher’s ability to be nearby, to follow the child, accompanying him in his individual educational route, individual advancement in learning.

In pedagogical support, the function of student development is specified in more specific functions, respectively, inherent in the functions of a particular pedagogical system. Moreover, as they become more detailed, these functions are also specified until they reach the character of an action technology, that is, a pedagogical technology.

In this regard, we have reason to believe that the content of pedagogical support for the development of a student’s personality:

carried out through the functions of their upbringing, training and education, each of which leaves its mark on a person;

is realized throughout his life with specific manifestations in relation to specific social groups - children, adults and the elderly and others;

has its own institutional design;

provided by specially trained personnel.

This understanding of the functions of pedagogical support reflects its functional side; from the point of view of the structural side, they play the role of its forms. This is how pedagogical support for the student arises in the process of learning and education as part of the overall process of pedagogical support for his development.

Thus, pedagogical support for students is a multi-level interaction, the main function of which is to stimulate that individual set of personally significant needs of the subject of educational activity, which determines his self-realization.

In conclusion, it should be noted that psychological and pedagogical support is based on personal priorities in the development of student activity in the field of education, which contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual. Holistic development occurs on the basis of self-realization in the school environment, which allows the student to be competitive and in demand among peers.
