Methodology for using project activities to form a budget. Project activity as a way to form universal learning activities for younger schoolchildren. The text of the scientific work on the topic “Project activity as one of the methodological techniques for

Ganjala L.A.
MBOU "School No. 44", Polysayevo, Kemerovo region.
Primary school teacher

Formation of UUD at the stages of design and research activities

Preparatory stage

The content of the work.
1.Selection of the topic and goals of the project through a problem situation, conversation, survey, etc.
2. Determining the number of project participants and the composition of the research group.
Teacher's actions.
Provides assistance in determining the theme and goal of the project, formulating a hypothesis and objectives. They jointly develop an action plan and establish criteria for evaluating the result and process.
Student actions.
They take part in discussing the problem, the plan for future work, and determining means of implementation.
Formed UUD.
Regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Analytical stage.

The content of the work.
1. Identification of information sources.
2. Planning ways to collect and analyze information.
3. Planning the final product (forms for presenting the result).
Product: report (oral, written, with demonstration of materials).
4. Development of criteria for evaluating work results.
5. Distribution of responsibilities among team members.
Teacher's actions.
Proposing ideas, making assumptions, determining the timing of work and its stages.
Agree on ways of joint activities.
Student actions.
Formulation of tasks (for what?)
Developing an action plan to solve specific problems (how can this be done?). Definition of main methods:
- look and read in the book;
- observe;
- find on the Internet;
- ask questions to parents and specialists;
- think for yourself.
Formed UUD.
Regulatory, communicative, personal.

Main stage.

The content of the work.
Gathering information, solving intermediate problems. Main forms of work: interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, study of scientific and literary sources Organizing excursions, conducting experiments, laboratory research.
Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions. Presentation of results.
Teacher's actions.
Observes, advises, coordinates, indirectly leads, supports, and is himself an information source.

Student actions.
Conduct research and solve intermediate problems. They collect material, work with literature and other sources.
They record information in various ways: recording, drawing, collage, diagram, symbols, bookmarks.
Information analysis. Presentation of results.
Formed UUD.
Cognitive, communicative, regulatory, personal.

Presentation stage.

The content of the work.
Presentation of work results in various forms.
Teacher's actions.
Acquaintance with the finished work, formulation of questions.
Student actions.
Report, answers to questions from listeners, polemics, defending your point of view, formulating final conclusions.
Formed UUD.

Reflective stage.

Teacher's actions.
The teacher acts as a participant in collective assessment activities.
Student actions.
Participate in assessment through group discussion and self-assessment. The topics for the next projects are outlined.
Formed UUD.
Regulatory, communicative, personal, cognitive.


1. Asmolov, A. G. How to design universal educational activities in elementary school. From action to thought [Text]: a manual for teachers / A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya. - M.: Education, 2008. - 151 p.
2. Gaivoronskaya, N. I. Formation of UUD of junior schoolchildren through research activities [Text] / N. I. Gaivoronskaya // Primary school plus minus before and after. - 2012. - No. 7. - P. 1-3.

  1. Zasorkina, N.V. Project method in elementary school: implementation system [Text] / N.V. Zasorkina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 135 p.
  2. Yakimov, N. A. Design and research activities of junior schoolchildren [Text] / N. A. Yakimov // Research work of schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 1. - P. 48 - 51.

Slpaid 1

The introduction of a new federal state educational standard of the second generation provides for the need to develop new effective teaching methods that meet the requirements of this standard. One of the central concepts of the standard is universal learning activities. Thus, teachers are faced with a new task - the development of UUD.

Slide 2

Having studied the UUD formation program, I use an activity-based approach to teaching. In my opinion, project activitiesallows you to organize training in such a way that, through the formulation of a problem, organize the mental activity of students, develop their communication abilities and take a creative approach to the results of their work.

Let's consider the main stages of work on the project and correlate them with the generated UUD.

Slide 3

  1. Stage Immersion in the project. Formulation of the project problem. Setting goals and objectives.

At this stage, they are formingRegulatory Actions – goal setting.

Cognitive actions– independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal or problem; independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and search nature.

Slide 4

2. Stage Organization of activities. Organization of working groups. Determining the role of everyone in the group. Planning joint and individual activities to solve project problems. Determination of possible forms of presentation of the project product.

At this stage, they are formedRegulatory Actions –planning and forecasting.

Cognitive actions –search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools; reflection of methods and conditions of action.

Communicative actions –planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction; asking questions – proactive collaboration in searching and collecting information.

Slide 5

  1. Stage Implementation of project activities. Active and independent work of students. Presentation of the results obtained.

Here are formedRegulatory actions -self-regulation and assessment, control and correction.

Cognitive actions -structuring knowledge; control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; modeling.

Communicative actions –the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Slide 6

4. Stage Presentation of results.

Cognitive actions– conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form.

Communicative actions –mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

Slide 7

The table shows which UUDs are formed in various types of projects

Types of projects






– determining the goals of the activity, drawing up an action plan to achieve a creative result,

– work according to the drawn up plan with comparison of the resulting result with the original plan,

– understanding the causes of difficulties that arise and finding ways to overcome the situation.



- guess what information is needed,

– select the necessary dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks,

– compare and select information obtained from various sources: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, the Internet



– organize interaction in the group (distribute roles, negotiate with each other, etc.),

– anticipate (predict) the consequences of collective decisions,

– formalize your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations, including the use of ICT tools,

– if necessary, defend your point of view, giving reasons for it. Learn to support arguments with facts.

Cultural and historical topics


formation of self-determination of schoolchildren as citizens of Russia.

Slide 8

Let’s look at how universal learning actions are formed using the example of work on the “Pets” project.

In the lesson “The World Around us”, while studying the topic “Man-Made Life”, I proposed to answer the question: why does a person raise pets and how did he get them? If the students found the answer to the first question in class, it was difficult for them to answer the second question. This is how the “Pets” project was born.

According to the method that dominates the project, this is a creative project. According to the number of participants - group. In terms of duration - average duration. The degree of activity of students and teachers at different stages is different.

My role as a teacher at the first stage - the planning stage - is significant and significant. The fate of the project as a whole depends on how the teacher fulfills his role at this stage.

At the next stage, children's activities are organized. Students independently divided into groups: historians (worked with scientific literature), sculptors (presented crafts of domestic animals), animators (selected animated films, books, riddles, puzzles, competitions, ditties). Each group determined the goals and objectives of their work.

After the work was planned, the children's own activities began.

I bring to your attention the result of one of the project groups. Students made animals not only in the technology lesson. This work continued in extracurricular activities. The leader of the group was 9 year old Vika. She and the guys made these animals from plasticine. These are not all animals.

At the last stage - the stage of presenting their work - the students again needed my help. At this stage, the role of the teacher is very important, since students, due to their age, are not able to generalize everything that they have accumulated. We came up with the plot “House in the Village”. During the stage of demonstrating their work, students made messages.

The process of working on the project and the universal learning activities being formed are presented in the table.

Slide 9

Development of UUD in the process of project activities

Project stages

The role of the teacher

Role of the student

Formed UUD



Participant in the plan

In the sphere of personal learning activities, students develop an internal position and adequate motivation for educational activities, including educational and cognitive motives.

In the field of regulatory learning activities, students master all types of learning activities aimed at organizing their work, including the ability to accept and maintain an educational goal and task, plan its implementation, control and evaluate their actions.

In the field of cognitive learning tools, students learn to search for information and master the action of modeling.

In the field of communicative learning activities, students acquire the ability to organize and carry out proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information, evaluating and accurately expressing their thoughts.

Activity stage



In the sphere of personal educational activities - the formation of motivation for educational activities, personal responsibility, the development of cognitive interests, and a sense of mutual assistance.

In the field of regulatory educational activities - the formation of all types of educational activities aimed at organizing one’s work, the ability to plan activities and act according to plan, the ability to interact with peers in educational activities.

In the field of cognitive UUD - the ability to compare data and find differences.

In the field of communicative UUD - learn to negotiate, find a common solution, be able to argue your proposal, convince and give in, understand the position of other people.

Presentation of work



In the sphere of personal UUD - self-determination, actions of a moral and ethical nature.

In the field of regulatory UUD, students learn to determine the sequence of statements, taking into account the final result.

In the field of cognitive UUD, students learn to construct messages orally.

In the field of communicative learning activities, students learn to adequately use speech means to solve communicative problems.

Slide 10

Thus, I believe that project activities are an effective means of developing universal learning activities in primary schoolchildren. When working on a project, I consider it important to follow the following recommendations:

1. Teach children to act independently, independently; avoid direct instructions;

2. I don’t hold back children’s initiatives;

3. I don’t do for them what they can do (or can learn to do) on their own;

4. I am in no hurry to make value judgments;

5. I help children learn to manage the process of acquiring knowledge:

Identify problems independently;

Trace connections between objects, events, phenomena;

Develop skills for independently solving research problems;

Teach analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization of information;

6. I teach you to defend your ideas and abandon erroneous ones.

Of course, the development of universal educational activities should not be limited only to research activities, but it may well become one of the conditions for the formation of educational learning for younger schoolchildren.

Slide 11

I would like to end my speech with the words A. Disterweg

“If a person is constantly taught to absorb knowledge and skills in a ready-made form, his natural creative abilities can be dulled -
“unlearn” to think for yourself.”


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Slide captions:

FORMATION OF UUD IN PROJECT ACTIVITIES Primary school teacher Vilochkova L. I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 2 of Rtishchevo, Saratov region"






FORMED UUD IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF PROJECTS Types of UUD projects Activity effectiveness Creative Regulatory meta-subject - determining the goals of the activity, drawing up an action plan to achieve a result of a creative nature, - working according to the drawn up plan with comparing the resulting result with the original plan, - understanding the causes of difficulties that arise and finding ways out from the situation. Information Cognitive - to assume what information is needed, - to select the necessary dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, - to compare and select information obtained from various sources: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, the Internet Collective Communicative - to organize interaction in a group (distribute roles, negotiate with each other, etc.), - anticipate (predict) the consequences of collective decisions, - formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations, including the use of ICT tools, – if necessary, defend your point of view, giving reasons for it. Learn to support arguments with facts. Cultural and historical topics: Personal formation of self-determination of schoolchildren as citizens of Russia.

Project "PETS"

DEVELOPMENT OF UUD IN THE PROCESS OF PROJECT ACTIVITY Stages of the project Role of the teacher Role of the student Formed UUD Intent Organizer Participant In the sphere of personal UUD - students, an internal position is formed, adequate motivation for educational activities, including educational and cognitive motives. In the field of regulatory learning activities, students master all types of learning activities aimed at organizing their work, including the ability to accept and maintain an educational goal and task, plan its implementation, control and evaluate their actions. In the field of cognitive learning tools, students learn to search for information and master the action of modeling. In the field of communicative learning activities, students acquire the ability to organize and carry out proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information, evaluating and accurately expressing their thoughts.

Activity stage Consultant Creator In the sphere of personal educational activities - the formation of motivation for educational activities, personal responsibility, the development of cognitive interests, a sense of mutual assistance. In the field of regulatory educational activities - the formation of all types of educational activities aimed at organizing one’s work, the ability to plan activities and act according to plan, the ability to interact with peers in educational activities. In the field of cognitive UUD - the ability to compare data and find differences. In the field of communicative UUD - learn to negotiate, find a common solution, be able to argue your proposal, convince and give in, understand the position of other people. DEVELOPMENT OF UUD IN THE PROCESS OF PROJECT ACTIVITY

Presentation of work Coordinator Actor In the sphere of personal UUD-self-determination, actions of a moral and ethical nature. In the field of regulatory UUD, students learn to determine the sequence of statements, taking into account the final result. In the field of cognitive UUD, students learn to construct messages orally. In the field of communicative learning activities, students learn to adequately use speech means to solve communicative problems. DEVELOPMENT OF UUD IN THE PROCESS OF PROJECT ACTIVITY




  • Primary school teacher Vilochkova L.I.
  • Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 2, Rtishchevo, Saratov region"
  • Types of projects
  • Performance
  • Creative
  • Regulatory
  • meta-subject
  • – determining the goals of the activity, drawing up an action plan to achieve a creative result,
  • – work according to the drawn up plan with comparison of the resulting result with the original plan,
  • – understanding the causes of difficulties that arise and finding ways to overcome the situation.
  • Information
  • Cognitive
  • - guess what information is needed,
  • – select the necessary dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks,
  • – compare and select information obtained from various sources: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, the Internet
  • Collective
  • Communication
  • – organize interaction in the group (distribute roles, negotiate with each other, etc.),
  • – anticipate (predict) the consequences of collective decisions,
  • – formalize your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations, including the use of ICT tools,
  • – if necessary, defend your point of view, giving reasons for it. Learn to support arguments with facts.
  • Cultural and historical topics
  • Personal
  • formation of self-determination of schoolchildren as citizens of Russia.
  • Project "PETS"
  • Project stages
  • The role of the teacher
  • Role of the student
  • Formed UUD
  • Concept
  • Organizer
  • Participant
  • In the sphere of personal learning activities, students develop an internal position and adequate motivation for educational activities, including educational and cognitive motives.
  • In the field of regulatory learning activities, students master all types of learning activities aimed at organizing their work, including the ability to accept and maintain an educational goal and task, plan its implementation, control and evaluate their actions.
  • In the field of cognitive learning tools, students learn to search for information and master the action of modeling.
  • In the field of communicative learning activities, students acquire the ability to organize and carry out proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information, evaluating and accurately expressing their thoughts.
  • Activity stage
  • Consultant
  • Creator
  • In the sphere of personal educational activities - the formation of motivation for educational activities, personal responsibility, the development of cognitive interests, and a sense of mutual assistance.
  • In the field of regulatory educational activities - the formation of all types of educational activities aimed at organizing one’s work, the ability to plan activities and act according to plan, the ability to interact with peers in educational activities.
  • In the field of cognitive UUD - the ability to compare data and find differences.
  • In the field of communicative UUD - learn to negotiate, find a common solution, be able to argue your proposal, convince and give in, understand the position of other people.

Formation of UUD through project activities.

Speech at the teachers' meeting


Primary school teacher

Pushkova Tatyana Rafailovna

MAOU secondary school No. 1

Over the past 4 years, society's ideas about the purpose of education and how to implement it have changed dramatically. In the modern understanding, a school should focus not only on transferring knowledge, skills and abilities to schoolchildren, but also form universal educational activities for skillful use and application in any life situation.

There are 4 types of universal educational actions:


2. regulatory;

3. educational;

4. personal.

Universal learning activities - these are generalized actions that open up the possibility of broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself. In a broad sense, the words “universal learning activities” meanself-development and self-improvementthrough conscious and activeassigning a newsocial experience.

In accordance with the second generation educational standards, the learning process should be structured as a process of “discovery” of specific knowledge by each student. The student does not accept it ready-made, and the activities in the lesson are organized in such a way that it requires effort, reflection, and search from him. The student has the right to make mistakes, to have a collective discussion of the hypotheses put forward, evidence put forward, analysis of the causes of errors and inaccuracies and their correction.

One of the effective methods for developing educational learning is the project-based teaching method, which assumes a high degree of independence and initiative of students, and forms the development of social skills of schoolchildren in the process of group interactions.

Project activities for elementary school students are very complex and require special preparation. To teach children this type of activity, I use the project method in my lessons. Such lessons in relation to the subject content are usually generalizing. Children already have a sufficient supply of knowledge and skills; they just need to correctly distribute activities and use this knowledge in a specific situation. The result of such activity is always a product produced by the efforts of students. Children rejoice at their own success and see the significance of the work done. This helps to increase students' interest in the learning process.

In this regard, organizing group work of students is a special pedagogical task of the teacher. I started working in groups by developing basic rules. We came to the conclusion that the following should be achieved:

Full attention to your classmate;

Taking the thoughts and feelings of others seriously;

Tolerance, friendliness:

No one has the right to laugh at a friend’s mistakes, because everyone has the “right to make a mistake.”

All children took an active part in discussing these rules. In the process of completing this task, students formed universal learning actions in the personal spheres (basic values: patience, kindness, mastering the role of a student, developing interest in learning), communicative spheres (participation in dialogue), cognitive spheres (answering the teacher’s questions), regulatory areas (work according to instructions that you yourself have developed)

From the first minute of the lesson, students are involved in organizing their learning activities (regulatory learning activities). These include:

goal setting, educational task setting. (How would you like our lesson to turn out? What qualities must be demonstrated to make such a lesson?) Next, the students, having solved puzzles or riddles, independently formulate the topic of the lesson using various tasks.

When repeating the studied material, a new problem is presented to students (communicative learning tools are formed). All groups must choose the correct statements, after which they must answer the questions posed by the teacher.

Working in groups, schoolchildren put forward a hypothesis (What will happen if we don’t take vitamins? What seasonal vitamins can we take? What will happen if we don’t lead a healthy lifestyle?). Students master not only general educational activities (setting a goal, working with information, modeling a situation), but also logical operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, proof, putting forward hypotheses, etc.). Children, as it were, turn into little scientists who are faced with the task of independently collecting the necessary information, drawing a conclusion, and also evaluating their own results.

It is important to note such a regulatory universal educational action asreflection. Students' reflection of their actions presupposes their awareness of all components of learning activities.

Let's consider the main stages of work on the project and correlate them with the generated UUD.

1. Immersion in the project. Formulation of the project problem. Setting goals and objectives.

Regulatory actions – goal setting.

Cognitive actions – independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal, problem; independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and search nature.

2. Organization of activities. Organization of working groups. Determining the role of everyone in the group. Planning joint and individual activities to solve project problems. Determination of possible forms of presentation of the project product.

Regulatory actions - planning and forecasting.

Cognitive actions – searching and highlighting the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools; reflection of methods and conditions of action.

Communicative actions - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the goal, functions of participants, methods of interaction; asking questions – proactive collaboration in searching and collecting information.

3. Implementation of project activities. Active and independent work of students. Presentation of the results obtained.

Regulatory actions - self-regulation and assessment, control and correction.

Cognitive actions - structuring knowledge; control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; modeling.

Communicative actions – the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

4. Presentation of results.

Cognitive actions are the conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form.

Communicative actions – mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

The role of project activities in the formation of universal educational activities:

Types of projects






determining the goals of the activity, drawing up an action plan to achieve a creative result,

work according to the drawn up plan with comparison of the resulting result with the original plan,

understanding the causes of difficulties that arise and finding ways to overcome the situation.



guess what information is needed

select the necessary dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks,

compare and select information obtained from various sources: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, the Internet.



organize interaction in a group (distribute roles, negotiate with each other, etc.),

foresee (predict) the consequences of collective decisions,

express your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations, including the use of ICT tools,

if necessary, defend your point of view, giving reasons for it. Learn to support arguments with facts.

Cultural and historical topics


formation of self-determination of schoolchildren as citizens of Russia.

In the process of project work, responsibility for learning rests with the student himself. The most important thing is that the child himself determines the topic of the project, its content, in what form and how its presentation will take place. Work on the project is being carried out in stages. At each stage, certain tasks are solved and the activities of students and teachers are planned. The final stage of the work is the defense of the project, where the performance results are assessed. Working on a project is a creative endeavor.

Project activities in school are impossible without the organizational and cultural position of the teacher. The teacher becomes the organizer of the cognitive activity of his students, a consultant and assistant. On the part of the student, such activity leads to increased motivation for learning; on the part of the teacher, it allows for an individual approach to the child.

Moreover, the student By carrying out his own project, solving some practical, research problem, he gets involved in real activities and acquires new knowledge.

This type of work helps solve the following problems:

    employment of children outside school hours;

    developing interest in creative and research work;

    instilling skills in working with various types of information and

different sources of its receipt.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that when searching for information, students actively cooperate with their parents and older brothers and sisters, involving them in the work.



annotation scientific article on educational sciences, author of the scientific work - Turchen Dmitry Nikolaevich

The article discusses the origins project activities in foreign and domestic pedagogical thought. There has been a renewed interest in the use of the project method in the learning process, taking into account the changes that have swept the entire Russian education system. The use of a new scientific and methodological basis and developed information resources made it possible to include the method project activities in the range of the most popular educational technologies. The article analyzes the main approaches of modern domestic teachers to the problems of project-based learning, and notes that this type of activity is perceived as a way to increase student motivation. Also project activities provides a high level of cognitive interest, integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience and promotes the development of creative activity. The article identifies several types of scientific and project activities of students and provides a brief description of them. The article discusses not only the positive aspects of this activity, but also highlights some negative features that have developed in modern Russian education. The article shows the relationship project activities with the concept of forming universal learning activities. It is discussed in detail what specific universal learning activities forms and develops project activities.

Related topics scientific works on the sciences of education, the author of the scientific work is Dmitry Nikolaevich Turchen

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    2015 / Khlapushina Kristina Borisovna, Savina Lyudmila Nikolaevna
  • Assessment of the formation of universal educational actions of students during project activities in technology lessons

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  • Project task as a means of forming communicative universal educational actions in lessons of the Udmurt language as a non-native language

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  • Features of organizing effective project activities in biology lessons

    2018 / Belousova Natalya Anatolyevna, Tupikova Maya Nikolaevna, Maltsev Viktor Petrovich
  • Formation and assessment of universal educational activities of sixth grade students through project activities in mathematics

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  • Formation of universal educational actions among hearing-impaired primary schoolchildren in the process of project activities

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  • Development of universal learning actions among students during project activities in physics based on historical and biographical material

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  • Project activity as one of the forms of formation of communicative educational activities in primary school

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  • Project activity as a means of personal development

    2017 / Sharafutdinova Gelsiuder Magsumovna
  • Formation of cognitive universal educational actions when teaching robotics to primary school students

    2015 / Gazeikina Anna Ivanovna, Pronin Sergey Gennadievich

The origins of the project activities in the Russian and foreign pedagogical thought are under consideration in this paper. It is necessary to note a renewed interest to use the method of projects in course of the training process. This method takes into account the changes, which cover the whole system of Russian education. The new scientific and methodical foundations and well-developed informational resources using allows one to include the method of project activities into the strata of the most urgent educational technologies. The author of the article analyzes the main approaches of the modern Russian teachers to the problems of project-based learning; he notes that this type of activity leads to the motivation increase of the schoolchildren. In addition, the project activity provides a high level of cognitive interest and the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience; it also promotes the creative activity growth. Some types of scientific and project activities of the schoolchildren are singled out; brief characteristic of theses types is given. Both the positive and negative sides of this activity in modern Russian education system are discussed in this paper. The relationship between the project activities and the concept of universal training activity is shown there. The author also consider the question, how the each type of universal educational activities could be formed and developed due to the project activity.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Project activity as one of the methodological techniques for the formation of universal educational actions”

Turchen Dmitry Nikolaevich

FSBEI HPE “Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen"

Russia, St. Petersburg Doctoral student of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Education

Candidate of Chemical Sciences E-Mail: [email protected]

Project activity as one of the methodological techniques for the formation of universal educational activities

Abstract: The article examines the origins of project activities in foreign and domestic pedagogical thought. There has been a renewed interest in the use of the project method in the learning process, taking into account the changes that have engulfed the entire Russian education system. The use of a new scientific and methodological framework and developed information resources made it possible to include the method of project activity among the most popular educational technologies. The article analyzes the main approaches of modern domestic teachers to the problems of project-based learning, and notes that this type of activity is perceived as a way to increase student motivation. Project activities also provide a high level of cognitive interest, integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience and contribute to the development of creative activity. The article identifies several types of scientific and project activities of students and provides a brief description of them.

The article discusses not only the positive aspects of this activity, but also highlights some negative features that have developed in modern Russian education. The article shows the relationship between project activities and the concept of the formation of universal educational actions. It is considered in detail what specific universal educational actions form and develop project activities.

Key words: Education; educational technology; project activities; creation; students; universal learning activities.

Journal article identification number 165PVN613

The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Russia, Sankt-Petersburg E-Mail: [email protected]

Project activities as one of the methodical ways for universal educational activity cultivation

Abstract: The origins of the project activities in the Russian and foreign pedagogical thought are under consideration in this paper. It is necessary to note a renewed interest to use the method of projects in course of the training process. This method takes into account the changes, which cover the whole system of Russian education. The new scientific and methodical foundations and well-developed informational resources using allows one to include the method of project activities into the strata of the most urgent educational technologies. The author of the article analyzes the main approaches of the modern Russian teachers to the problems of project-based learning; he notes that this type of activity leads to the motivation increase of the schoolchildren. In addition, the project activity provides a high level of cognitive interest and the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience; it also promotes the creative activity growth. Some types of scientific and project activities of the schoolchildren are singled out; brief characteristic of theses types is given.

Both the positive and negative sides of this activity in modern Russian education system are discussed in this paper. The relationship between the project activities and the concept of universal training activity is shown there. The author also consider the question, how the each type of universal educational activities could be formed and developed due to the project activity.

Keywords: Education; educational technology; design activity; creativity; schoolchildren; universal learning activities.

Identification number of article 165PVN613

The adopted new educational standards imply a transformation of the main goal of the educational system, which in turn required significant changes in the activities of the teacher. Currently, a teacher must not only convey existing knowledge, but, more importantly in the new educational paradigm, teach ways to organize cognitive activity, independently plan learning time for students, and develop the ability to transfer acquired knowledge to real life situations. The search for new pedagogical technologies that could implement the tasks set for the educational system led to the revival of students’ research and design activities.

The project method originated in the second half of the 19th century in the USA. It was based on the pragmatic ideas of the American philosopher and educator D. Dewey (1859-1952). He noted that learning should be carried out on an active basis; children should be stimulated to take a personal interest in the acquired knowledge, which should be useful in real life1.

The successor of D. Dewey's school is the American educator W.H. Kilpatrick developed and introduced a method of student project activity into the teaching process. W.H. Kilpatrick emphasized that the project activity method provides students with absolute freedom in choosing a problem, in solving and implementing it, which creates an active position for students.

In domestic pedagogy, the method of project activity, as one of the options for student development, began to develop in 1905, when a group of teachers was created under the leadership of S.T. Shatsky. However, the ideas of project-based learning received their development only in the 20s of the twentieth century. Project activities during this period were interconnected with the methodology of comprehensive study of various phenomena. In the 20-30s of the twentieth century, such comprehensive programs as “Nature and Man”, “Labor”, “Society” were developed and actively used in the learning process.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the project method was negatively assessed by a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and was considered harmful and erroneous.

The development of the system-activity approach in the mid-twentieth century revived interest in the use of the project method in the learning process. But this method received its “rebirth” along with the transition to a new educational paradigm. The use of a new scientific and methodological framework and developed information technologies made it possible to include the method of project activity among the most popular educational technologies, without the systematic application of which it is impossible to implement the central principles of modern education: “teach children to learn.” “One of the ways to increase the motivation and effectiveness of educational activities in a primary school is to involve students in research and project activities”2.

The theory of project-based learning is based on ideas about the need in the global world to ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process (the unity of development, training and education), to create conditions for independent acquisition of knowledge, to ensure the transition, as A. A. Verbitsky metaphorically notes, from the “school of reproduction” to “school of understanding”, “school of thinking”.

1 Dewey D. School and Society. M.: State Publishing House of the RSFSR, 1924.

2 Formation of universal educational activities in primary school: from action to thought. Task system. Manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 2011. - P.85

The task of a modern school is not only to ensure a high level of education for students, but also to comprehensively develop their thinking and ability to independently acquire knowledge. Project activities in this regard provide the teacher and students with the widest opportunities. “A specific feature of project activity is its activating influence on the development of the creative orientation of the individual and ensuring the creative nature of mastering reality”3.

The fundamentals of the theory of modern project-based learning were developed in the works of V.V. Rubtsova, V.D. Simonenko, E.S. Polat, N.V. Matyash and other Russian scientists.

Research by methodologists in the field of natural sciences shows that project activities of students provide a high level of cognitive interest, integration of theoretical knowledge with practical experience and contributes to the development of creative activity (A.M. Matyushkin, M.I. Makhmutov, V.V. Pasechnik, I.N. Ponomareva, V.A. Samkova, T.I. Shamova, etc.). In addition, in domestic didactics, the project method is considered not only as a means of developing independence and creativity in learning (V.N. Shulgin, M.V. Krupenina, B.V. Ignatiev, etc.), but also as a tool for direct communication between acquired knowledge and skills in the process of solving practical problems. (Polat E.S., Sergeeva I.S., etc.)4.

The project method is a system of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent or group actions of students. The project method stimulates the student’s need for self-realization, self-expression, and creative activity; implements the principle of cooperation between students and adults, allows you to combine group and individual work. M.P. Voyushina emphasized that when organizing project activities, the student finds himself in a situation of choice, because independently decides whether or not to take part in a project, which project to choose, with whom to work in a group, etc. And “putting a student in a situation of choice is extremely important for his personal development, since where there is a conscious choice, responsibility is formed and interest is born” 5

If we consider the project method as a pedagogical technology, then it involves the interaction of problematic, research, search, and creative tasks. In the process of project activity, the student acquires his own knowledge, and not the abstract scientific facts conveyed by the teacher. The student finds himself in a situation where they not only receive theoretical knowledge, but also have to explain how they got this result. In this situation, creative activity, cognitive skills, and the ability to construct independently acquired knowledge are actively developing.

Students' project activities can be considered as a special kind of multi-level task that requires meta-subject skills to solve. Thereby,

3 Akhmetov M. A. Project-based teaching method. // Chemistry at school. - 2012. - No. 3.

4 New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. Ed. E.S. Polat. - M., 2000. - P. 38; Sergeeva I.S. How to organize project activities for students: A practical guide for employees of educational institutions. - M.:ARKTI, 2004. - P.54.; Markachev, A.E. Application of the project method in school practice / A.E. Markachev, T.A. Borovskikh, G.M. Chernobel // Chemistry at school. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 34-36

5 Voyushina M.P. Formation of a schoolchild’s cultural field in classroom and non-classroom educational activities // Metamethodics as a promising direction for the development of subject teaching methods. Issue 7. - St. Petersburg: Northern Star, 2010. - P. 24.

project activity embodies the priority trends of modern education towards the integration of subject disciplines.

Project activities at school are carried out in two directions: the use of the educational project method in the classroom and in the process of socially significant extracurricular activities. In this regard, we can distinguish several types of scientific and project activities of students.

By the number of participants included in the project:


Small group (up to 5 people);

Group (up to 15 people);

Collective (class or more within the school);

Network (within the existing affiliate network, including on the Internet).

By duration:

Lesson project;

Long-term project (from several weeks, as part of the study of a specific topic, to a vertical multi-year project).

For didactic purposes:

Familiarization of students with methods and technologies of design


Ensuring individualization and differentiation of training;

Supporting motivation in learning;

Realization of the individual's potential.

But no matter what type of project activity is implemented, it is necessary that the activity itself to implement the project should be a kind of intrigue that arouses the interest of students. Participation in the project should be an event for them, and not just another boring responsibility. To do this, it is necessary that the student understands exactly what the task at hand is, its essence. Otherwise, the entire process of searching and solving will be meaningless, even if the project is carried out correctly with the help of the teacher.

Recently, in pursuit of awards in numerous school project competitions, many school teachers who actively cooperate with universities and university co-directors forget about the main tasks of project activities and the level of students’ preparation. Every year the topics and the work themselves become more and more complex, turning into real scientific research using modern instruments. The practical implementation of work in such cases is usually carried out by students, graduate students and researchers. School students in such a situation only present other people’s research results.

In fact, the main active link in project activities should be the schoolchildren themselves, therefore, the topics and tasks themselves should be feasible for them. Therefore, projects should not be scientific, but of an educational, cognitive and research nature. At the same time, as part of the implementation of project activities, it can be noted that the formation and development of almost all types of universal educational activities prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard is taking place.

Let us consider in more detail what actions form and develop project activities. Any project, as already mentioned, begins with defining a topic and identifying a specific problem within the chosen topic. These two actions make it possible to actively form and develop regulatory (goal setting; planning; forecasting) and cognitive (proposing and formulating a hypothesis, determining directions and methods of searching for information; critical assessment of information; systematization and classification of information) UUD groups.

Further work on the project involves processing and using the information received in order to achieve the goal set in the project. At the same time, the formation of cognitive UUD continues, among which are:


Identification of cause-and-effect relationships;

Construction of logical chains of inferences;



Proof and inference.

Within the regulatory group we develop skills:

Plan the process of conducting research and design work;

Exercise control;

Make corrections;

Evaluate the result obtained.

Solving cognitive and practical problems also makes it possible to put into demand the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the entire training process. Their practical application contributes to students’ understanding of the learning process and forms the actions of meaning formation, self-determination and, in some cases, moral and logical assessment from the personal group of the UUD.

The small size of the group of students working on solving a cognitive-practical problem allows for the formation of communicative learning activities more fully than within the framework of the main lessons. Joint activity, as the main type of activity in the process of solving project problems, contributes to the transformation of the individual’s position both in relation to the learned content and in relation to one’s own interactions, which is expressed in changes in value settings, semantic guidelines, learning goals and the very methods of interaction and relationships between participants in the learning process. In the process of joint collective activity with the teacher and especially with classmates, children overcome their egocentric position, form and develop the ability to build their actions taking into account the actions of their partner, and understand the relativity and subjectivity of an individual private opinion. Communicative activities within the framework of specially organized educational cooperation of students with adults and peers are accompanied by vivid emotional experiences, leading to the complication of emotional assessments due to the appearance of intellectual emotions (interest,

concentration, reflection) and as a result contributes to the formation of an empathic attitude towards each other.

Discussion of work in a group and with a teacher, designing a project as a literary work, defending it in a wide audience allows you to most fully form such communicative UUDs as:

Ability to express thoughts orally and in writing;

Correctly formulate questions and queries in information search engines;

Meaningful reading of the text;

Mastery of monologue, dialogue, discussion forms of speech communication;

Interaction with partners in the group and distribution of responsibilities;

Interaction with the leader, whose role in the project is played by the teacher;

Conflict resolution.

The results of project activities should be considered not so much substantive results as the personal development of schoolchildren, the formation and development of the ability to collaborate in a team and work independently, and an understanding of the specifics of creative research and project work.

Within the framework of chemistry, we have a special opportunity to connect students’ research and design activities with conducting experiments. Chemistry, as a practice-oriented science, assumes the possibility of implementing many chemical transformations and makes it possible to obtain the material result of project research. Thus, using the methodology of project activities, we solve another difficult problem within the framework of chemical school education - the disappearance of real experimental work. In school chemistry, the share of experiment among all other activities in the classroom is steadily falling. First, practical work is replaced by a demonstration experiment, then it is replaced, if technically possible, by a video demonstration or completely canceled. In most cases, all practical activities of students with reagents come down to the implementation of a strictly defined algorithm of actions according to a detailed method with a precisely specified result. But this is not an experiment! An interesting experiment should contain a certain amount of uncertainty and surprise. Students strive for this type of practical activity. Therefore, they almost always ask the question: “What will happen if all the reagents are merged together?” They strive to experiment rather than perform boring actions according to a given plan. Project activities within chemistry using experimental data are often unexpected for students. In addition, a correctly conducted experiment also allows you to form and develop the actions of UUD groups, as well as intensify the cognitive activity of students.

As our experience shows, the most interesting projects for students are practical projects. So, for example, in 2010-2013, at the annual Voronezh regional competition for young researchers “Dare to be wise”, the following projects carried out within the framework of chemistry aroused the greatest interest: “His Majesty the Bread”; "Mineral water: to drink or not to drink?" "Making soap at home", "Aspirin - friend or foe?", "Research of chewing gum", "Obtaining rubber from ficus", "Voronezh against nickel. We are for it! And you?", "Physical and chemical foundations of behavior ethyl alcohol in the human body", "Chemistry in the fight against cancer". From

This list shows that project activities allow schoolchildren to independently find answers to many problems that concern them in their youth.

In addition, the introduction of project activities in teaching chemistry greatly contributes to enhancing the motivation of the learning activity itself. The integration of natural science knowledge, and often natural science knowledge with the humanities, obtained as a result of project activities, makes it possible to improve the quality of the educational process and increase the success of schoolchildren’s learning. The inclusion of independent work in the learning process is primarily aimed at learning motivation and increasing interest in learning. From project activities, students receive a creative impulse, a desire to expand their knowledge, and strive for self-development.


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2. Voyushina M.P. Formation of a schoolchild’s cultural field in classroom and non-classroom educational activities / M.P. Voyushina // Metamethodics as a promising direction for the development of subject teaching methods. Issue 7.

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