Good deeds of people. Ordinary people who have accomplished a feat. Children-heroes of Russia and their exploits

At all times there have been people who are commonly called heroes. Fairy tales, epics, real life stories about real characters and their actions, episodes from chronicles and military chronicles. When raising our children, we use this behavior as an example.

However, it is alarming that in the modern world the concept of heroism is being replicated, thanks to the same cinema, to such an extent that it may lose its impact. Watching countless action films, in which heroes are a dime a dozen, is nothing but entertainment.

Famous examples of heroism in modern public life

Now let's try to understand the nature of self-sacrifice. Where does heroism come from? Who are the heroes of our time?

A person has a mind that makes him always want more than the satisfaction of physiological needs; he constantly needs to assert himself, to feel his importance, significance: one builds a career, another saves for status things, the third learns to spit the furthest cherry pit.

The limit of human capabilities is unknown, some would say completely limitless, but the average majority focuses on those around them, comparing themselves with them, wanting to be no worse than others, and ideally better, richer, more beautiful, stronger, smarter (continue this list it can take a very long time).

Is heroism relevant today?

To do this, they take various actions and experience satisfaction in case of success, but often find themselves drawn into the race for dubious benefits. Man is basically illogical.
And how does heroism fit into this system?

Neglecting your everything (life) for the sake of others - not everyone is capable of this. The hero is undoubtedly a noble man, his nobility is a manifestation of his significance. Is it possible to cultivate this in yourself? The question, of course, is quite controversial; it’s better if you don’t have to check it.

It's definitely worth a try. In order for such a lofty deed to be accomplished, the hero must feel the importance of something to such an extent as to overcome the instinct of self-preservation. Something suddenly turns out to be more important than you. That is, a certain soil is needed, a basis for accomplishment, an unprecedented situation that cannot be solved in any other way.

And then there he is, for some a hero, and for others a madman. The inclusion of an action in the category of feat is always determined by a subjective system of values. For example, the heroism of Pavlik Morozov, who betrayed his own father for the sake of a political regime that was later recognized as criminal, now looks at least dubious.

A suicide bomber who blew himself up and hundreds of other civilians is considered a hero among his associates and, conversely, an inhuman among those against whom aggression is directed. Surely there were “great” heroes in the war between the sharp ends and the blunt ends (they argued about which side to beat the boiled eggs from).

Qualities of a hero in the modern world

But no matter what system of values ​​a specific action is considered, subjectively for the individual performing it, it is the strongest, the maximum of all possible. And as mentioned above, human nature requires great actions.

The notorious self-realization, which, in the case of self-sacrifice, has an exaggerated appearance. And no matter how much Soviet propaganda repeats about mass heroism (under pressure), a hero is an extraordinary person.

He can do what the majority of people cannot do; he is endowed with a set of innate qualities, which are influenced by his personal experience, of course, upbringing, as well as the period of his life’s journey during which he had to make his desperate decision.

Modern films about heroism

A Book for Heroes - Vladimir Tarasov (audio book selection)

Author's article by the artist under the nickname mariliya (Mariya Samokhvalova)

I think we all lack a description of “our” domestic kind, selfless and truly heroic deeds. Therefore, I present to your attention stories about child heroes who, sometimes, at the cost of their lives and health, without hesitation rushed to the rescue of those who needed help.

Zhenya Tabakov

The youngest hero of Russia. A Real Man who was only 7 years old. The only seven-year-old recipient of the Order of Courage. Unfortunately, posthumously.

The tragedy took place on the evening of November 28, 2008. Zhenya and his twelve-year-old older sister Yana were alone at home. An unknown man rang the doorbell and introduced himself as a postman who allegedly brought a registered letter.

Yana did not suspect anything was wrong and allowed him to come in. Entering the apartment and closing the door behind him, the “postman” took out a knife instead of a letter and, grabbing Yana, began to demand that the children give him all the money and valuables. Having received an answer from the children that they did not know where the money was, the criminal demanded that Zhenya look for it, and he dragged Yana into the bathroom, where he began to tear off her clothes. Seeing how he was tearing off his sister’s clothes, Zhenya grabbed a kitchen knife and, in desperation, stuck it in the criminal’s lower back. Howling in pain, he loosened his grip, and the girl managed to run out of the apartment for help. In a rage, the would-be rapist, tearing the knife out of himself, began stabbing it into the child (eight puncture wounds, incompatible with life, were counted on Zhenya’s body), after which he fled. However, the wound inflicted by Zhenya, leaving a trail of blood behind, did not allow him to escape the pursuit.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2009. For the courage and dedication shown in the performance of civic duty, Evgeniy Evgenievich Tabakov was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The order was received by Zhenya’s mother Galina Petrovna.

On September 1, 2013, a monument to Zhenya Tabakov was unveiled in the school yard - a boy driving a kite away from a dove.

Danil Sadykov

A 12-year-old teenager, a resident of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, died while saving a 9-year-old schoolboy. The tragedy occurred on May 5, 2012 on Entuziastov Boulevard. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, 9-year-old Andrei Churbanov decided to get a plastic bottle that had fallen into the fountain. Suddenly he was electrocuted, the boy lost consciousness and fell into the water.

Everyone shouted “help,” but only Danil, who was passing by on a bicycle at that moment, jumped into the water. Danil Sadykov pulled the victim onto the side, but he himself received a severe electric shock. He died before the ambulance arrived.

Thanks to the selfless act of one child, another child survived.

Danil Sadykov was awarded the Order of Courage. Posthumously. For the courage and dedication shown in saving a person in extreme conditions. The award was presented by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Instead of his son, the boy's father, Aidar Sadykov, received it.

Maxim Konov and Georgy Suchkov

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, two third-graders saved a woman who had fallen into an ice hole. When she was already saying goodbye to life, two boys passed by the pond, returning from school. A 55-year-old resident of the village of Mukhtolova, Ardatovsky district, went to the pond to draw water from the Epiphany ice hole. The ice hole was already covered with an edge of ice, the woman slipped and lost her balance. Wearing heavy winter clothes, she found herself in icy water. Having caught on the edge of the ice, the unfortunate woman began to call for help.

Fortunately, at that moment two friends Maxim and Georgy were passing by the pond, returning from school. Having noticed the woman, they, without wasting a second, rushed to help. Having reached the ice hole, the boys took the woman by both hands and pulled her onto the strong ice. The guys walked her home, not forgetting to grab a bucket and sled. Arriving doctors examined the woman, provided assistance, and she did not require hospitalization.

Of course, such a shock did not pass without a trace, but the woman never tires of thanking the guys for staying alive. She gave soccer balls and cell phones to her rescuers.

Vanya Makarov

Vanya Makarov from Ivdel is now eight years old. A year ago, he saved his classmate from the river, who fell through the ice. Looking at this little boy - a little more than a meter tall and weighing only 22 kilograms - it is difficult to imagine how he alone could pull the girl out of the water. Vanya grew up in an orphanage with his sister. But two years ago he ended up in the family of Nadezhda Novikova (and the woman already had four children of her own). In the future, Vanya plans to go to cadet school and then become a rescuer.

Kobychev Maxim

A fire broke out in a private residential building in the village of Zelveno, Amur Region, late in the evening. Neighbors discovered the fire very late when thick smoke poured out of the windows of the burning house. Having reported the fire, residents began to extinguish the flames by dousing it with water. By that time, things and the walls of the building were burning in the rooms. Among those who came running to help was 14-year-old Maxim Kobychev. Having learned that there were people in the house, he, not at a loss in a difficult situation, entered the house and pulled a disabled woman born in 1929 into the fresh air. Then, risking his own life, he returned to the burning building and carried out a man born in 1972.

Kirill Daineko and Sergei Skripnik

In the Chelyabinsk region, two 12-year-old friends showed real courage, saving their teachers from the destruction caused by the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Kirill Daineko and Sergei Skripnik heard their teacher Natalya Ivanovna calling for help from the cafeteria, unable to knock down the massive doors. The guys rushed to save the teacher. First, they ran into the duty room, grabbed a reinforcement bar that came to hand and broke out the window into the dining room with it. Then, through the window opening, they carried the teacher, wounded by glass fragments, to the street. After this, the schoolchildren discovered that another woman needed help - a kitchen worker, who was overwhelmed by utensils that had collapsed from the impact of the blast wave. Having quickly cleared the rubble, the boys called adults for help.

Lida Ponomareva

The medal “For saving the dead” will be awarded to Lidia Ponomareva, a sixth-grade student at the Ustvash secondary school in the Leshukonsky district (Arkhangelsk region). The corresponding Decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, reports the press service of the Regional Government.

In July 2013, a 12-year-old girl saved two seven-year-old children. Lida, ahead of the adults, jumped into the river first after the drowning boy, and then helped the girl, who was also carried away by the current far from the shore, to swim out. One of the guys on land managed to throw a life jacket to the drowning child, after which Lida pulled the girl to the shore.

Lida Ponomareva, the only one of the surrounding children and adults who found themselves at the scene of the tragedy, threw herself into the river without hesitation. The girl doubly risked her own life, because her injured arm was very painful. When the next day after saving the children, mother and daughter went to the hospital, it turned out that it was a fracture.

Admiring the girl’s courage and bravery, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region, Igor Orlov, personally thanked Lida over the phone for her courageous act.

At the suggestion of the governor, Lida Ponomareva was nominated for a state award.

Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov

During terrible fires in Khakassia, schoolchildren saved three people.

That day, the girl accidentally found herself near the house of her first teacher. She came to visit a friend who lived next door.

I heard someone screaming, I said to Nina: “I’ll come now,” Alina says about that day. - I see through the window that Polina Ivanovna is shouting: “Help!” While Alina was saving the school teacher, her house, where the girl lives with her grandmother and older brother, burned to the ground.

On April 12, in the same village of Kozhukhovo, Tatyana Fedorova and her 14-year-old son Denis came to visit their grandmother. It's a holiday after all. As soon as the whole family sat down at the table, a neighbor came running and, pointing to the mountain, called to put out the fire.

We ran to the fire and started extinguishing it with rags,” says Rufina Shaimardanova, Denis Fedorov’s aunt. “When we put out most of it, a very sharp, strong wind blew, and the fire came towards us. We ran to the village and ran into the nearest buildings to hide from the smoke. Then we hear - the fence is cracking, everything is on fire! I couldn’t find the door, my skinny brother ducked through the crack and then came back for me. But together we can’t find a way out! It's smoky, scary! And then Denis opened the door, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out, then his brother. I'm panicking, my brother is panicking. And Denis reassures: “Calm down Rufa.” When we walked, I couldn’t see anything at all, the lenses in my eyes melted from the high temperature...

This is how a 14-year-old schoolboy saved two people. He not only helped me get out of a house engulfed in flames, but also took me to a safe place.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov presented departmental awards to firefighters and residents of Khakassia who distinguished themselves in eliminating massive fires at fire station No. 3 of the Abakan garrison of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The list of awarded 19 people includes firefighters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, firefighters from Khakassia, volunteers and two schoolchildren from the Ordzhonikidze district - Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov.

Julia Korol

13-year-old Yulia Korol, an orphan, whose entire wealth lies in her grandmother and brother. After the canoe crashed, despite the lack of a life jacket, she was able to swim...

With difficulty I got up and went for help. At first she held her brother’s hand, but her hands unclenched.

She thought he had drowned. Near the shore I saw a teenager in the water. He turned out to be dead. She walked for four hours to the nearest village, fell into the river once and swam again. I asked local residents for help, who began calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ran to the shore to save the children...

She took part in the rescue operation and personally rescued children from the water, including those already dead. The instructor tried to save the children, but he almost drowned, and she also saved the instructor. She is 13 years old.

Yulin's brother survived...

Yesterday Yulia was awarded the departmental medal “For saving those dying in the waters.”

This is only a small part of the stories about brave children and their unchildish actions. One post cannot contain stories about all the heroes. Not everyone is awarded medals, but this does not make their actions any less significant. The most important reward is the gratitude of those whose lives they saved.

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day and the seventieth anniversary of Victory, heroes of bygone times are increasingly remembered. But even in our time there are people who, out of duty, risk their lives every day. FederalPress compiled a list of the top 10 heroes who gave their lives for others in peacetime. Of course, there are much more than ten stories about the courage of doctors, firefighters, police officers, soldiers and officers.

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day and the seventieth anniversary of Victory, heroes of bygone times are increasingly remembered. But even in our time there are people who, out of duty, risk their lives every day. FederalPress compiled a list of the top 10 heroes who gave their lives for others in peacetime. Of course, there are much more than ten stories about the courage of doctors, firefighters, police officers, soldiers and officers. We just wanted to remind you that there is always a place for heroism in life.

In September 2014, an emergency occurred on the territory of a military unit during an exercise in Lesnoy. The junior sergeant pulled the pin on the grenade and dropped the ammunition. Colonel Serik Sultangabiev managed to react in time.

The President of Russia, on the recommendation of the command of the Internal Troops, signed a decree conferring the highest rank of “” on the colonel.

In July 2014, several journalists and photojournalist Andrei Stenin went to Donbass to provide reliable information about what was happening in southeastern Ukraine.

The circumstances of the death of Andrei Stenin in Donbass. As FederalPress previously reported, the column of refugees in which the photographer was located came under fire northwest of the village of Dmitrovka. The Ukrainian army, presumably the 79th airmobile brigade, opened fire on the vehicles of civilians with cannons and machine guns. As a result, ten cars were destroyed, but several people managed to escape and hide in the roadside bushes.

The next day, representatives of the Ukrainian command inspected the site of the shelling of the convoy, after which the area with the remains of the dead and wrecked vehicles was treated with Grad rocket launchers. All journalists who died in Donbass were posthumously awarded.

Last June, a major accident occurred at the Achinsk Oil Refinery. During startup work at the gas fractionation unit, a volumetric explosion and fire occurred. As a result.

In January 2012, a fire occurred in the basement of a residential building in Omsk. Thick black smoke came from there and enveloped the second entrance of the house; people were asking for help from the windows. Arriving firefighters evacuated 38 people, eight of them children, and went to the smoky basement.

Despite zero visibility, the fire brigade, led by senior warrant officer of the sixth fire department Alexander Kozhemyakin, removed two gas cylinders that could have exploded.

Half an hour later, the firefighters' breathing apparatus alarms went off. This meant that the air in the cylinders was running out. Kozhemyakin, realizing that there was a real threat to the lives of his subordinates, became the leader and helped his comrades get out of the smoke-filled and cluttered basement. While freeing a subordinate entangled in a wire, the commander suddenly lost consciousness. For more than an hour, emergency doctors tried to bring him back to life, but without regaining consciousness. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

In September 2010, a fire broke out in the engine room of the destroyer Bystry at the Fokino naval base due to a short circuit in the wiring when a fuel pipeline broke. Aldar Tsydenzhapov, who took up duty as a boiler crew operator, immediately rushed to plug the leak. He was in the center of the fire for about nine seconds; after eliminating the leak, he was able to independently get out of the compartment engulfed in flames, receiving severe burns. The prompt actions of Aldar and his colleagues led to the timely shutdown of the ship's power plant, which otherwise could have exploded and caused severe damage to the ship.

Aldar was taken to the Pacific Fleet hospital in Vladivostok in serious condition. Doctors fought for his life for four days, but he died. In 2011, the sailor posthumously became.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,,,,,,, personal pages of Andrey Kirillov and Svetlana Ostapenko on social networks

Children-heroes of our time and their exploits

This Post is about children who committed Deed. People also call such actions Feat. I admire them. Let as many people as possible know about them - the country must know its Heroes.

This post is sad at times. But he does not deny the fact: a worthy generation is growing in our country. Glory to the Heroes

The youngest hero of Russia. A Real Man who was only 7 years old. The only seven-year-old owner Order of Courage. Unfortunately, posthumously.

The tragedy took place on the evening of November 28, 2008. Zhenya and his twelve-year-old older sister Yana were alone at home. An unknown man rang the doorbell and introduced himself as a postman who allegedly brought a registered letter.

Yana did not suspect anything was wrong and allowed him to come in. Entering the apartment and closing the door behind him, the “postman” took out a knife instead of a letter and, grabbing Yana, began to demand that the children give him all the money and valuables. Having received an answer from the children that they did not know where the money was, the criminal demanded that Zhenya look for it, and he dragged Yana into the bathroom, where he began to tear off her clothes. Seeing how he was tearing off his sister’s clothes, Zhenya grabbed a kitchen knife and, in desperation, stuck it in the criminal’s lower back. Howling in pain, he loosened his grip, and the girl managed to run out of the apartment for help. In a rage, the would-be rapist, tearing the knife out of himself, began stabbing it into the child (eight puncture wounds, incompatible with life, were counted on Zhenya’s body), after which he fled. However, the wound inflicted by Zhenya, leaving a trail of blood behind, did not allow him to escape the pursuit.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2009. For the courage and dedication shown in the performance of civic duty, Evgeniy Evgenievich Tabakov was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The order was received by Zhenya’s mother Galina Petrovna.

On September 1, 2013, a monument to Zhenya Tabakov was unveiled in the school yard - a boy driving a kite away from a dove. The memory of the young hero was immortalized. School No. 83 of the Noginsk district of the Moscow region, where the boy studied, was named in his honor. The school management decided to include his name in the list of students forever. A memorial plaque in memory of the boy was unveiled in the lobby of the educational institution. The desk in the office where Zhenya studied was named after him. The right to sit behind it is given to the best student of the class to whom this office is assigned. A monument made by the author was erected at Zhenya’s grave.

A 12-year-old teenager, a resident of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, died while saving a 9-year-old schoolboy. The tragedy occurred on May 5, 2012 on Entuziastov Boulevard. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, 9-year-old Andrei Churbanov decided to get a plastic bottle that had fallen into the fountain. Suddenly he was electrocuted, the boy lost consciousness and fell into the water.

Everyone shouted “help,” but only Danil, who was passing by on a bicycle at that moment, jumped into the water. Danil Sadykov pulled the victim onto the side, but he himself received a severe electric shock. He died before the ambulance arrived.
Thanks to the selfless act of one child, another child survived.

Danil Sadykov was awarded the Order of Courage. Posthumously. For the courage and dedication shown in saving a person in extreme conditions. The award was presented by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Instead of his son, the boy’s father, Aidar Sadykov, received it.

The monument to Danila in Naberezhnye Chelny is made in the shape of a “feather”, symbolizing an easy but cut short life, and a memorial plaque reminding of the feat of the little hero.

Maxim Konov and Georgy Suchkov

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, two third-graders saved a woman who had fallen into an ice hole. When she was already saying goodbye to life, two boys passed by the pond, returning from school. A 55-year-old resident of the village of Mukhtolova, Ardatovsky district, went to the pond to draw water from the Epiphany ice hole. The ice hole was already covered with an edge of ice, the woman slipped and lost her balance. Wearing heavy winter clothes, she found herself in icy water. Having caught on the edge of the ice, the unfortunate woman began to call for help.

Fortunately, at that moment two friends Maxim and Georgy were passing by the pond, returning from school. Having noticed the woman, they, without wasting a second, rushed to help. Having reached the ice hole, the boys took the woman by both hands and pulled her onto the strong ice. The guys walked her home, not forgetting to grab a bucket and sled. Arriving doctors examined the woman, provided assistance, and she did not require hospitalization.

Of course, such a shock did not pass without a trace, but the woman never tires of thanking the guys for staying alive. She gave soccer balls and cell phones to her rescuers.

Vanya Makarov

Vanya Makarov from Ivdel is now eight years old. A year ago, he saved his classmate from the river, who fell through the ice. Looking at this little boy - a little over a meter tall and weighing only 22 kilograms - it is difficult to imagine how he alone could pull the girl out of the water. Vanya grew up in an orphanage with his sister. But two years ago he ended up in the family of Nadezhda Novikova (and the woman already had four children of her own). In the future, Vanya plans to go to cadet school and then become a rescuer.

Kobychev Maxim

A fire broke out in a private residential building in the village of Zelveno, Amur Region, late in the evening. Neighbors discovered the fire very late when thick smoke poured out of the windows of the burning house. Having reported the fire, residents began to extinguish the flames by dousing it with water. By that time, things and the walls of the building were burning in the rooms. Among those who came running to help was 14-year-old Maxim Kobychev. Having learned that there were people in the house, he, not at a loss in a difficult situation, entered the house and pulled a disabled woman born in 1929 into the fresh air. Then, risking his own life, he returned to the burning building and carried out a man born in 1972.

Kirill Daineko and Sergei Skripnik

In the Chelyabinsk region, two 12-year-old friends showed real courage, saving their teachers from the destruction caused by the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Kirill Daineko and Sergei Skripnik heard their teacher Natalya Ivanovna calling for help from the cafeteria, unable to knock down the massive doors. The guys rushed to save the teacher. First, they ran into the duty room, grabbed a reinforcement bar that came to hand and broke out the window into the dining room with it. Then, through the window opening, they carried the teacher, wounded by glass fragments, to the street. After this, the schoolchildren discovered that another woman needed help - a kitchen worker, who was overwhelmed by utensils that had collapsed from the impact of the blast wave. Having quickly cleared the rubble, the boys called adults for help.

Lida Ponomareva

The medal “For saving the dead” will be awarded to Lidia Ponomareva, a sixth-grade student at the Ustvash secondary school in the Leshukonsky district (Arkhangelsk region). The corresponding Decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, reports the press service of the Regional Government.

In July 2013, a 12-year-old girl saved two seven-year-old children. Lida, ahead of the adults, jumped into the river first after the drowning boy, and then helped the girl, who was also carried away by the current far from the shore, to swim out. One of the guys on land managed to throw a life jacket to the drowning child, after which Lida pulled the girl to the shore.

Lida Ponomareva, the only one of the surrounding children and adults who found themselves at the scene of the tragedy, without hesitation, threw herself into the river. The girl doubly risked her own life, because her injured arm was very painful. When the next day after saving the children, mother and daughter went to the hospital, it turned out that it was a fracture.

Admiring the girl’s courage and bravery, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region, Igor Orlov, personally thanked Lida over the phone for her courageous act.

At the suggestion of the governor, Lida Ponomareva was nominated for a state award.

Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov

During terrible fires in Khakassia, schoolchildren saved three people.
That day, the girl accidentally found herself near the house of her first teacher. She came to visit a friend who lived next door.

I heard someone screaming, I said to Nina: “I’ll come now,” Alina says about that day. - I see through the window that Polina Ivanovna is shouting: “Help!” While Alina was saving the school teacher, her house, where the girl lives with her grandmother and older brother, burned to the ground.

On April 12, in the same village of Kozhukhovo, Tatyana Fedorova and her 14-year-old son Denis came to visit their grandmother. It's a holiday after all. As soon as the whole family sat down at the table, a neighbor came running and, pointing to the mountain, called to put out the fire.

We ran to the fire and started extinguishing it with rags,” says Rufina Shaimardanova, Denis Fedorov’s aunt. “When we put out most of it, a very sharp, strong wind blew, and the fire came towards us. We ran to the village and ran into the nearest buildings to hide from the smoke. Then we hear - the fence is cracking, everything is on fire! I couldn’t find the door, my skinny brother ducked through the crack and then came back for me. But together we can’t find a way out! It's smoky, scary! And then Denis opened the door, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out, then his brother. I am in panic, my brother is in panic. And Denis reassures: “Calm down Rufa.” When we walked, I couldn’t see anything at all, the lenses in my eyes melted from the high temperature...

This is how a 14-year-old schoolboy saved two people. He not only helped me get out of a house engulfed in flames, but also took me to a safe place.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov presented departmental awards to firefighters and residents of Khakassia who distinguished themselves in eliminating massive fires at fire station No. 3 of the Abakan garrison of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The list of awarded 19 people includes firefighters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, firefighters from Khakassia, volunteers and two schoolchildren from the Ordzhonikidze district - Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov.


They say that there were too many tragic events in the past year, and there was almost nothing good to remember on the eve of the New Year. Constantinople decided to argue with this statement and collected a selection of our most outstanding compatriots (and not only) and their heroic deeds. Unfortunately, many of them accomplished this feat at the cost of their own lives, but the memory of them and their actions will support us for a long time and serve as an example to follow. Ten names that made a splash in 2016 and should not be forgotten.

Alexander Prokhorenko

A special forces officer, 25-year-old Lieutenant Prokhorenko, died in March near Palmyra while carrying out missions to direct Russian air strikes against ISIS militants. He was discovered by terrorists and, finding himself surrounded, did not want to surrender and drew fire on himself. He was awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously, and a street in Orenburg was named after him. Prokhorenko’s feat aroused admiration not only in Russia. Two French families donated awards, including the Legion of Honor.

Farewell ceremony for the hero of Russia, senior lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko, who died in Syria, in the village of Gorodki, Tyulgansky district. Sergey Medvedev/TASS

In Orenburg, where the officer is from, he left behind a young wife, who, after the death of Alexander, had to be hospitalized in order to save the life of their child. In August, her daughter Violetta was born.

Magomed Nurbagandov

A policeman from Dagestan, Magomet Nurbagandov, and his brother Abdurashid were killed in July, but the details became known only in September, when a video of the execution of police officers was found on the phone of one of the liquidated militants of the Izberbash criminal group. On that ill-fated day, the brothers and their relatives, schoolchildren, were relaxing outdoors in tents; no one expected an attack by bandits. Abdurashid was killed immediately because he stood up for one of the boys, whom the bandits began to insult. Mohammed was tortured before his death because his documents as a law enforcement officer were discovered. The purpose of the bullying was to force Nurbagandov to renounce his colleagues on record, recognize the strength of the militants and call on Dagestanis to leave the police. In response to this, Nurbagandov addressed his colleagues with the words “Work, brothers!” The enraged militants could only kill him. President Vladimir Putin met with the brothers’ parents, thanked them for their son’s courage and awarded him the title of Hero of Russia posthumously. The last phrase of Mohammed became the main slogan of the past year and, one might assume, for the years to come. Two small children were left without a father. Nurbagandov's son now says that he will only become a policeman.

Elizaveta Glinka

Photo: Mikhail Metzel/TASS

The resuscitator and philanthropist, popularly known as Doctor Lisa, accomplished a lot this year. In May, she took children out of Donbass. 22 sick children were saved, the youngest of whom was only 5 days old. These were children with heart defects, oncology, and congenital diseases. Special treatment and support programs have been created for children from Donbass and Syria. In Syria, Elizaveta Glinka also helped sick children and organized the delivery of medicines and humanitarian aid to hospitals. During the delivery of another humanitarian cargo, Doctor Lisa died in a TU-154 plane crash over the Black Sea. Despite the tragedy, all programs will continue. Today there will be a New Year's party for the guys from Lugansk and Donetsk...

Oleg Fedura

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, Colonel of the Internal Service Oleg Fedura. Press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Primorsky Territory/TASS

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, who distinguished himself during natural disasters in the region. The rescuer personally visited all the flooded cities and villages, led search and rescue operations, helped evacuate people, and he himself did not sit idly by - he has hundreds of similar events on his account. On September 2, together with his brigade, he was heading to another village, where 400 houses were flooded and more than 1,000 people were waiting for help. Crossing the river, the KAMAZ, in which Fedura and 8 other people were, collapsed into the water. Oleg Fedura saved all the personnel, but then could not get out of the flooded car and died.

Lyubov Pechko

The entire Russian world learned the name of the 91-year-old female veteran from the news on May 9. During the festive procession in honor of Victory Day in Slavyansk, occupied by the Ukrainians, the column of veterans was pelted with eggs, doused with brilliant green and sprinkled with flour by the Ukrainian Nazis, but the spirit of the old soldiers could not be broken, no one fell out of action. The Nazis shouted insults; in occupied Slavyansk, where any Russian and Soviet symbols are prohibited, the situation was extremely explosive and could at any moment turn into a massacre. However, the veterans, despite the threat to their lives, were not afraid to openly wear medals and St. George ribbons; after all, they did not go through the war with the Nazis in order to be afraid of their ideological followers. Lyubov Pechko, who took part in the liberation of Belarus during the Great Patriotic War, was splashed with brilliant green directly in the face. Photos showing traces of brilliant green being wiped off Lyubov Pechko’s face have spread across social networks and the media. The sister of an elderly woman, who saw the abuse of veterans on TV and suffered a heart attack, died from the resulting shock.

Danil Maksudov

In January of this year, during a severe snowstorm, a dangerous traffic jam formed on the Orenburg-Orsk highway, in which hundreds of people were trapped. Ordinary employees of various services showed heroism, leading people out of icy captivity, sometimes putting their own lives at risk. Russia remembers the name of policeman Danil Maksudov, who was hospitalized with severe frostbite because he gave his jacket, hat and gloves to those who needed it most. After that, Danil spent several more hours in the snowstorm helping to get people out of the jam. Then Maksudov himself ended up in the emergency traumatology department with frostbitten hands; they were talking about amputating his fingers. However, in the end the policeman recovered.

Konstantin Parikozha

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Orenburg Airlines Boeing 777-200 crew commander Konstantin Parikozha, awarded the Order of Courage, during the state awards ceremony in the Kremlin. Mikhail Metzel/TASS

A native of Tomsk, the 38-year-old pilot managed to land a plane with a burning engine, which was carrying 350 passengers, including many families with children and 20 crew members. The plane was flying from the Dominican Republic, at an altitude of 6 thousand meters a bang was heard and the cabin was filled with smoke, panic began. During landing, the plane's landing gear also caught fire. However, thanks to the skill of the pilot, the Boeing 777 was successfully landed and none of the passengers were injured. Parikozha received the Order of Courage from the hands of the President.

Andrey Logvinov

The 44-year-old commander of the Il-18 crew that crashed in Yakutia managed to land the plane without wings. They tried to land the plane until the last minute and in the end they managed to avoid casualties, although both wings of the plane broke off when it hit the ground and the fuselage collapsed. The pilots themselves received multiple fractures, but despite this, according to rescuers, they refused help and asked to be the last to be evacuated to the hospital. “He managed the impossible,” they said about Andrei Logvinov’s skill.

Georgy Gladysh

On a February morning, the rector of the Orthodox church in Krivoy Rog, Priest Georgy, as usual, was riding home from service on a bicycle. Suddenly he heard cries for help from a nearby body of water. It turned out that the fisherman had fallen through the ice. The priest ran to the water, threw off his clothes and, making the sign of the cross, rushed to help. The noise attracted the attention of local residents, who called an ambulance and helped pull the already unconscious retired fisherman out of the water. The priest himself refused honors: " It wasn't me who saved. God decided this for me. If I had been driving a car instead of a bicycle, I simply would not have heard the cries for help. If I started to think about whether to help the person or not, I wouldn’t have time. If the people on the shore had not thrown us a rope, we would have drowned together. And so everything happened by itself"After the feat, he went on to perform church services.

Yulia Kolosova

Russia. Moscow. December 2, 2016. Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova (left) and Yulia Kolosova, winner in the "Children-Heroes" nomination, at the awards ceremony for the winners of the VIII All-Russian festival on the theme of safety and rescue of people "Constellation of Courage". Mikhail Pochuev/TASS

The Valdai schoolgirl, despite the fact that she was only 12 years old, was not afraid to enter a burning private house after hearing the screams of children. Julia took two boys out of the house, and already on the street they told her that their other little brother remained inside. The girl returned to the house and carried a 7-year-old baby in her arms, who was crying and afraid to go down the stairs shrouded in smoke. As a result, none of the children were harmed. " It seems to me that in my place any teenager would do this, but not every adult, because adults are much more indifferent than children", says the girl. Concerned residents of Staraya Russa collected money and gave the girl a computer and a souvenir - a mug with her photo. The schoolgirl herself admits that she did not help for the sake of gifts and praise, but, of course, she was pleased, because she is from a low-income family - Yulia’s mother is a saleswoman, and her father works at a factory.
