Graduation project. Improving the management system of housing and communal services of the municipality Galina Ivanovna Kireeva Problems of improving the organization of housing and communal services management

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of housing and communal services management………………………………………………………………………………..………………6
1.1. The essence and structure of housing and communal services……………………………..…………..6
1.2. Legal regulation of housing and communal services…………………….…14
1.3. Analysis of state and municipal programs in the housing sector…………………………………………………………………………………..…..20
Chapter 2. Analysis of the housing and communal services management system of the Pavlovsk municipal district…………………………………………..26
2.1. Characteristics of housing and communal services of the Pavlovsk municipal district.....26
2.2. Analysis of the management system and technological support for the activities of the housing and communal services department of the Pavlovsk municipal district…….30
2.3. Problems of housing and communal services in the region and ways to solve them……………………..…37
Chapter 3. Development of a socio-economic project to improve the management system of housing and communal services of the Pavlovsk municipal district………………………….46
3.1. Description of the socio-economic project…………………….46
3.2. Implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the socio-economic project………………………………………………………………………………….53
List of references………………………………………………………71


The relevance of the study of improving the housing and communal services management system is justified by the fact that the ongoing housing and communal services reform in the Russian Federation is one of the priority areas of economic policy and a socially significant problem for the entire population of the country. In addition, the housing and communal services sector is a rapidly developing sector of the modern Russian economy. This has been facilitated in recent years by a reduction in government funding and an increase in the share of paid services to the population, as well as increased competition between service sector enterprises. Strengthening the legislative activity of the Russian government in this area also indicates the relevance of reforming the housing and communal services in modern Russia. This problem is of particular relevance in the context of active reform of housing and communal services at the municipal level. This is justified by the fact that the prospects for the budgetary capabilities of most municipalities in the Russian Federation in solving the problems of socio-economic development, including the housing and communal services system, are very limited. As a result, there is a deepening of negative trends associated with an increase in the level of wear and tear of equipment, an increase in losses due to unproductive use, the lack of economic incentives to reduce costs, and an increase in tariffs for housing and communal services. Therefore, one of the most pressing problems of the current stage of economic reform in municipalities is a radical change in the mechanisms for managing the development of municipal housing and communal services as a system that ensures the livelihoods of the population

The degree of development of the problem. The theoretical and methodological basis of the problem posed is based on the results of research by domestic scientists and specialists in the field of theory and practice of housing and communal services management. A significant contribution to the study of the development of housing and communal services, as well as the formation of an effective infrastructure to support entrepreneurship in the housing and communal services sector, was made by the works of: A.A. Abolina, S.A. Aristova, M.IIL Belonozhko, P.C. Belousova, B.C. Bogolyubova, M.D. Velikanova, G.Yu. Vetrova, JI.A. Kosolapova, A.N. Maslova, D.Yu. Meltsova, V.V. Starovoitova, J.I.H. Chernysheva and others.

In general, in the field of studying the need and content of the housing and communal services sector of a municipality, one can reasonably state a high level of theoretical development.

The relevance of the topic and the level of its development determined the purpose, objectives, object and subject of the research carried out in the course work.

The object of the study is the Pavlovsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The subject of the study is the housing and communal services sector of the Pavlovsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The purpose of the final qualifying work is to assess the current state, problems and prospects for the development of the housing and communal services sector of the municipality, using the example of the Pavlovsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Problems solved in the work:

  • study the theoretical foundations of housing and communal services management;
  • conduct an analysis of the housing and communal services management system of the Pavlovsk municipal district;
  • develop a socio-economic project to improve the management system of housing and communal services in the Pavlovsk municipal district.

During the research process, they were used as general scientific methods analysis and synthesis, as well as methods for assessing the effectiveness of municipal management, analyzing the effectiveness of housing and communal services management, budget analysis, statistical analysis, etc.

The information base for the study is: legislative acts of the Russian Federation, official materials of federal and regional bodies of Rosstat, development programs for the housing and communal services complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region, regulations, as well as analytical and statistical materials of the Administration of the Pavlovsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, etc.

The practical significance of the research carried out in the work lies in the conclusions and proposals made based on the results of an analysis of the effectiveness of reforming the housing and communal services management system of the Pavlovsk municipal district. Based on the results of the study, a socio-economic project was developed to improve the management system of housing and communal services in the Pavlovsk municipal district. The calculations showed a high level of socio-economic efficiency of the developed project.

The final qualifying work on the topic: “Improving the housing and communal services management system (using the example of the Pavlovsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region)” consists of an introduction, three chapters, eight paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 1993 No. 237.
2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts one, two, three, four) in 3 volumes. M.: Yurist, 2016. 1236 p.
3. Land Code of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2001 No. 136-FZ (as amended and supplemented) // SZ RF. 2001. - No. 44. Art. 4147.
4. Housing Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 (as amended and supplemented) // SZ RF. 2005. No. 1 (part 1). Art. 14; 2007. No. 43. Art. 5084.
5. Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ (as amended and supplemented) // SZ RF. 2005. No. 1. Art. 16.
6. On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation: federation. Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ (as amended and supplemented) // SZ RF. 2003. No. 40. Art. 3822.
7. On the privatization of state and municipal property: federal. Law of December 21, 2001 No. 178-FZ (as amended and supplemented) // SZ RF. 2002. No. 4. Art. 251.
8. On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs: federal. Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ (as amended and supplemented) // RG. Federal issue No. 6056 dated April 12, 2013
9. About the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services: federal. Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ (as amended and supplemented) // SPS “Garant”.
10. On the reform of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1997 No. 425. // SPS “Garant”.
11. On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improve the quality of housing and communal services: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 600. // SPS “Garant”.
12. Strategy for the development of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2016 No. 80-r. // SPS "Garant".
13. Official portal of the Administration of the Pavlovsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region: [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
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21. Kaderov N.I., Medvedeva E.N., Smirnova Yu.O. Analysis of modern aspects of housing and communal services reform // Young scientist. - 2017. - No. 10. - P. 237-241.
22. Klyuchnikova Ya.A. Problems of legal regulation of management of housing and communal services // Problems of economics and legal practice - No. 3 - 2017 - P. 7-9.
23. Kozyrev M.S. Features of housing and communal services as an object of municipal management // Materials of the Ivanovo Readings. — 2017. — No. 1-2 (11). - pp. 200-206.
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27. Medvedeva N.V., Osmanova Yu.S. Legal regulation of housing and communal services of the Russian Federation // Materials of the Ivanovo Readings. – 2016 – P. 207-212.
28. Meltsov D. Yu. Implementation of housing and communal services reform in municipalities // Young scientist. - 2017. - No. 16. - pp. 279-282.
29. Nedelin M.D. Priority directions for the development of cluster interaction in the housing and communal services sector of municipalities // News of higher educational institutions. North Caucasus region. - 2016. - No. 1. — P. 84-89.
30. Osipov A.Yu. Modernization of housing and communal services infrastructure in Russia // Russian Entrepreneurship. - 2012. - No. 16. - P. 76–80.
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Overall volume: 82

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Biysk Technological Institute (branch)

state educational institution of higher professional education

"Altai State Technical University

named after I.I. Polzunov"



D.R. Mamashev, E.A. Vyatkina

Publishing house of Altai State Technical University named after. I.I. Polzunova

UDC 332.8 (02)


Deputy Head of Biysk A.B. Lyamkin;

Ph.D., Professor V.N. Klyukovkin (BTI AltSTU);

director of a housing management company

"BIKO-CENTER" V.G. Nebogin (Biysk)

Mamashev, D.R.

M 221 Management of housing and communal services of municipal administration: monograph / D.R. Mamashev, E.A. Vyatkina;

Alt. state tech. University, BTI. - Biysk: Alt Publishing House. state tech. University, 2008. - 105 p.

ISBN 978-5-9257-0122-5

Under the scientific editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor Povarich I.P.

The monograph analyzes the theoretical and methodological problems of managing the housing and communal services of a municipality in the context of its reform. It is proposed that during the transition period of housing and communal services reform, development of professional housing management, the creation of a municipal management company and an information and analytical support structure as mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of functioning of the housing and communal services of the municipality.

Of interest to researchers, local government specialists, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions.



1.1 Essence, goals, functions and features of housing and communal services as a subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system

1.2 Theoretical aspects of managing the housing and communal subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system

1.3 Basic principles and directions for reforming the housing and communal services management system in the Russian Federation


2.1 Structural and dynamic analysis of the state of housing and communal services of the municipal formation “City of Biysk”

2.2 Analysis of the housing and communal services management system of the municipal formation “City of Biysk”


3.1.1 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the sphere of influence of external government factors

3.1.2 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the sphere of influence of external economic factors

3.1.3 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the field of managing internal financial and economic factors

3.1.4 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the field of managing internal technological factors

3.2 Development of a system of professional management of the housing stock of housing and communal services in Biysk (using the example of LLC “Management Company “Central”)

3.2.1 Analysis of the existing housing management system (using the example of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Biysk “Housing Maintenance Trust No. 1”)

3.2.2 Development of proposals to improve the system for setting tariffs for housing and communal services

3.2.3 Organization of a municipal management company as a way to improve the efficiency of housing stock management

3.3 The structure of information and analytical support as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES (using the example of the city of Biysk)

3.3.1 Analysis of the awareness of the population of Biysk about the housing and communal services reform

3.3.2 Creation of a structure of information and analytical support as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of functioning of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES (using the example of the city of Biysk)



Housing and communal services (HCS) is one of the largest and most important sectors of the Russian economy. Due to the fact that more than 52 thousand enterprises in this industry with more than 3 million employees produce services necessary for the formation of the population’s living environment, the problem of effective management of the housing and communal services system is of high relevance. The introduction of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in 2005 led to the process of transformation of the housing and communal services management system and led to the need to form effective mechanisms for economic relations between subjects of the housing and communal services market at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

Of particular importance at present is the development of an effective management system for housing and communal services at the level of Russian municipalities, since the current Russian legislation, in particular Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, refers to the tasks of the organization electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, sewerage, fuel supply to the population, as well as other housing and communal services related to issues of local importance of the municipality.

Currently, a number of detailed works are devoted to the study of the problems of functioning of housing and communal services in Russia. However, these works are more concentrated on the management aspects of individual economic entities operating in the housing and communal services sector, and such important problems as ensuring the interaction of enterprises and organizations in the industry with the population, local governments, and the development of a housing and communal services management system at the municipal level are often studied to an insufficient extent.

In addition, the currently existing methodology of municipal management does not allow us to comprehensively solve problems related to increasing the efficiency of the functioning of housing and communal systems of a municipal formation in a crisis situation, since to a greater extent it is developed at the level of individual methods, rules and techniques that are only effective under certain prevailing conditions.

However, despite the presence of a significant number of scientific works devoted to the problems of state and municipal management, as well as the economics and management of housing and communal services, there is currently virtually no interdisciplinary research related to the development of a management system for housing and communal services at the municipal level.


1.1 Essence, goals, functions and features of housing and communal services as a substructureWithtopics of the municipal socio-economic system

Housing and communal services are one of the largest and most important sectors of the Russian economy. Thus, the share of housing and communal services as a sector of the national economy in the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation is about 5.9%. At more than 52 thousand enterprises in the industry with a total value of fixed assets of over 1 trillion. rubles (about 26% of the total value of fixed assets of Russian enterprises) employs more than 3 million workers. Currently, public utilities consume more than 20% of electrical energy and about 45% of thermal energy produced in Russia, and include 56 thousand heating boiler houses, 179 thousand km of thermal, 500 thousand km of electric, 444 thousand km of water supply and 176 thousand . km of sewer networks.

Thus, the problem of increasing the efficiency of management of enterprises in the housing and communal services industry is of great national economic importance and is currently becoming highly relevant.

Despite the fact that the term “housing and communal services” is widely used by scientists and practitioners, there are still disagreements in its interpretation. Most often, the concept of “housing and communal services” is considered in the following aspects that are similar in semantic content, but not identical:

As a complex of branches of intangible production, producing services “necessary for the functioning of the housing stock,” or more broadly, “forming the human environment”;

As a complex of enterprises, services, engineering structures and networks necessary to meet the everyday household, socio-cultural and communal needs of the population;

As a social territorial-sectoral system, which is a combination of the housing, utility sectors of the municipal economy and the investment and construction complex.

Thus, at the level of the Russian economy as a whole, housing and communal services can be considered as one of the sectors of the national economy that produces services necessary for the formation of the population’s living environment.

Currently, the current Russian legislation, in particular Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, includes the tasks of organizing electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, sewerage, fuel supply to the population, as well as other housing and communal services to issues of local importance of the municipality.

In this regard, housing and communal services can be considered as territorial-sectoral subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system, further considering the concepts of “housing and communal services of a municipal entity (HOUSING MO)” and “housing and communal subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system (housing and communal subsystem of MSES)” to be identical.

The main goal of the municipal socio-economic system is “the most complete satisfaction of the individual and social needs of the population in accordance with current legislation and generally accepted moral standards.”

The economic basis for achieving this goal is the municipal economy. There are two main approaches to defining the municipal economy.

In accordance with the first approach, the municipal economy is limited to a set of enterprises and institutions that are municipally owned. In our opinion, this approach leads to a narrowing of the scope of research and does not fully comply with the norms of current legislation regarding equal rights for enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership to operate in the market.

The second approach represents a broader interpretation of the municipal economy as the totality of all entities carrying out economic activities on the territory of the municipality. Thus, this approach provides certain opportunities for local governments to regulate the municipal economy in order to achieve the main target - the most complete and effective satisfaction of the needs of the population.

Thus, the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region are part of the municipal economy, including a set of economic entities of various forms of ownership operating on the territory of the municipality with the aim of most effectively and fully satisfying the needs of the population for services related to the formation of a comfortable living environmentAnia.

Being an important structural element of the MSES, the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region, in turn, is a complex socio-economic system, including a set of elements interconnected by the laws of interaction, functioning, structure and development.

In our opinion, the essence of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region as a complex socio-economic system can be revealed through a set of structures and tasks of its subsystems (Table 1).

Table 1 - Functional subsystems of housing and communal services of the Moscow Region as a complex socio-economic system




Main goals and objectives


Legal entities providing housing, communal and related services

1 Satisfying the needs of the population for services related to the creation of a comfortable living environment.

2 Maximum efficient use of resources.

3 Providing jobs with appropriate working conditions and wages.

4 Ensuring tax revenues to budgets of all levels

Production and technological

Housing stock;

Network engineering;

Communal infrastructure facilities;

Housing construction

1 Ensuring stable and trouble-free operation:

Housing stock;

Facilities for electricity, heat, gas, water supply to the population, fuel supply to the population;

Sewage systems, as well as other housing and communal services

2 Organization of environmental protection measures




Social protection of the population, etc.

1 Ensuring the stability of the MSES.

2 Preparation and maintenance of the conditions necessary for the development of other subsystems of MSES (through the formation of high-quality labor resources).

3 Organization of library services to the population.

4 Creation of conditions for organizing leisure and mass recreation of the population and organizing the arrangement of places for mass recreation.

5 Participation in development planning, territorial zoning of land.

6 Protection and preservation of cultural heritage sites of local importance



Labor resources employed in the housing and communal services system

Maintaining the required employment structure

Management and information

Executive and legislative authorities, media, etc.

1 Implementation of the process of management and regulation of housing and communal services.

2 Formation of a publicly accessible information base.

3 Quality information service

In general, the housing and communal services sector of the Moscow Region as a complex socio-economic system has the following characteristics: properties:

Integrity (the possibility of changing the structure of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is limited);

Communicativeness (housing and communal services of the Moscow Region are interconnected with the external environment, which can be characterized as a set of complex systems of a higher level (municipal entity, region, state, market), as well as systems of the same level (production, financial and credit, commercial and other subsystems of MSES));

Historicity (in order to avoid cessation of existence, regular transformation of the structure of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES is necessary, depending on changing environmental conditions);

Equifinality (the maximum efficiency of the municipal housing and communal services management system is determined only by its ability to satisfy certain social needs);

Self-organization (in the structure of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES there are active elements that provide the opportunity for self-development).

Main Features Housing and communal services of the Moscow Region as a socio-economic system are:

1) autonomy. Housing and communal services of the Moscow Region is an autonomous subsystem of the MSES, the isolation of which is due to the following reasons:

The location of housing and communal services enterprises in a limited area to meet the needs of the population of a particular municipality;

Financing programs for the functioning and development of housing and communal services primarily from municipal resources;

Regulation and management of housing and communal services by local self-government bodies (LSG);

2) high social significance. The housing and communal subsystem of MSES objectively fulfills a social mission, participating in the implementation of a significant part of the life support functions of the population through the provision of services related to the formation of a comfortable living environment.

The multiplicity and heterogeneity of the tasks facing the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region as a subsystem of the MSES have necessitated their differentiation into the following groups:

1) tasks aimed at ensuring the safety and development of housing and communal infrastructure (repair, maintenance, construction, etc.);

2) tasks directly related to the functioning of housing and communal infrastructure (electricity, heat, gas, water supply to the population, sanitation, etc.);

3) tasks that ensure the satisfaction of the population’s needs in the field of social services (communication services, catering, trade, library, consumer services, etc.).

Housing and communal services of the Moscow Region, as an important element of the MSES, ensures the implementation of these tasks through the provision of housing and communal services to consumers. In accordance with Russian legislation, housing and communal services (HCS) represent “services for maintaining and restoring the proper technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, communications and housing and communal services facilities, removal of household waste and supplying consumers with electricity, drinking water, gas, thermal energy and hot water.”

Currently, the term “service” most often characterizes “activities that do not create material wealth to meet the needs of an individual and society as a whole,” which allows us to consider services as a specific result of economically useful activity, and therefore, an item of trade.

With all their diversity, services in general, as well as housing and utility services in particular, have the following general characteristics that distinguish them from goods:

- intangibility, manifested in the intangible nature of services;

- continuity of production and consumption, which consists in the impossibility of creating reserves, and therefore, developing a strategy that ensures a balance between supply and demand;

- variability, due to the dependence of the quality of service provision on the degree of competition, the qualifications of the service provider, etc.

Along with the general characteristics of services indicated above, housing and communal services, due to industry specifics, also have the following properties:

Systematic and constant demand from the population, as well as enterprises and institutions;

High social significance due to its inclusion in the population’s life support system;

Low degree of substitution with other services;

Seasonal nature of the provision of some housing and communal services.

Thus, housing and communal services represent a public good, since their provision satisfies the following basic principles:

1) the principle of indivisibility, which determines the interdependence between the availability of a service to an individual consumer and the availability of the same service to other consumers. In such a situation, individual consumers become depersonalized, acting as representatives of one group or another. The principle of indivisibility also leads to the impossibility of identifying the final buyer, since the service is publicly available (for example, the maintenance and improvement of public infrastructure, etc.);

2) the principle of non-competition, according to which the consumption of a service by one consumer does not reduce its availability for other consumers (for example, electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, sewerage, etc.).

Due to the fact that the organization of an effective system for meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services largely depends on the possibility of individualizing consumption, it is proposed to distinguish the following types of housing and communal services.

1. ANDindividually-consumed utility services, the volume of consumption of which can be reliably determined at the level of an individual consumer using natural measurements or average standards (electricity, heat, gas, water supply, household waste removal, etc.). In turn, individually consumed housing and communal services can be divided:

- onconditionally mandatory, which the consumer cannot refuse due to technological, social or other external conditions (heat supply services, household waste removal, etc.);

- onconditionally voluntary, which an individual consumer has the opportunity to refuse (electricity, hot water, etc.). The fact of using this type of service can be recorded by installed metering devices, however, even if they are not used, the consumer is required to bear certain costs for maintaining the relevant infrastructure in a condition suitable for potential use.

2. Publicly consumed housing and communal services, the need for which cannot be directly determined for each specific consumer (urban lighting, landscaping and landscaping, etc.).

In our opinion, in the situation of reforming the housing and communal services industry, certain public consumption services (for example, intra-block lighting, maintenance and repair of intra-block roads, etc.) will increasingly transform into the category of conditionally mandatory individually consumed housing and communal services with the establishment corresponding consumption standards.

Taking into account the above, in general, it is advisable to distinguish individual, group and impersonal forms of consumption of housing and communal services (Table 2).

Table 2 - Forms of consumption of housing and communal services

Properties of housing and communal services

Form of consumption of housing and communal services




Nature of the need



The nature of the relationship between the supplier and the consumer of housing and communal services




Cost Reimbursement Form


Tax payments

Water, gas, electricity, heat supply, communication services, etc.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) the structure of housing and communal services is heterogeneous, however, regardless of the degree of individualization of consumption, all housing and communal services are of a public nature;

2) the degree of divisibility and accessibility of housing and communal services is decisive in determining the price of housing and communal services.

The public nature of housing and communal services, the need to ensure access to all categories of the population of a municipality to appropriate services lead to the advisability of using in practice the classification of housing and communal services depending on the level of satisfaction of the needs of the population, according to which it is necessary to distinguish the following levels of housing and communal services (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Classification of housing and communal services depending on the level of satisfaction of the needs of the population

Housing and communal services ensuring the safety of living in the housing stock(minimum standard) are associated with the performance of only those works that ensure trouble-free operation and guarantee the reliability and reliability of the provision of life-supporting services. The minimum standard determines the level of provision of the entire set of social needs of the population in housing and communal services, below which normal life support and reproduction are impossible. In the absence of a minimum set of services, fees for housing and communal services cannot be charged.

Housing and communal services ensuring a normal standard of living, include all services provided to the population in full compliance with their volume, quality and required frequency. In our opinion, achieving this level of housing and communal services should be the main guideline of state policy at the federal, regional and municipal levels in the field of regulating relations in the housing and communal services sector.

Housing and communal services providing increased living comfort, include not only life-supporting services, but also a range of additional services related to increased comfort.

The interaction of sellers and buyers of housing and communal services is carried out in the housing and communal services market. The main subjects of the housing and communal services market can be identified:

1. From the demand side for housing and communal services:

A) population as the main consumer and buyer of housing and utility services. The monograph proposes differentiation of this consumer segment depending on income level:

Consumers whose income level completely deprives them of a free choice of services in the housing and communal services market;

Consumers whose income level provides a potential limited choice of services in the housing and communal services market;

Consumers whose income level determines the potential for free choice of services in the housing and communal services market;

b) enterprises and organizations all forms of ownership, acting mainly as consumers of public services;

V) state, stimulating the population's demand for housing and communal services by providing social guarantees to the population.

2. From the supply side for housing and communal services:

Enterprises - producers of public utilities belonging to the category of natural monopolies;

Enterprises - producers of housing services, as well as enterprises economically associated with natural monopolies, operating in a competitive environment;

Organizations specializing in professional asset management in the housing and communal services market.

The economic interests of market entities are the main factor in market self-regulation through the mechanism of competition. However, in the housing and communal services market, this mechanism cannot be fully manifested due to the following reasons:

Consumption of housing and communal services is essential;

The needs for housing and communal services are universal;

Consumption of housing and communal services is urgent;

The needs for housing and communal services are mandatory;

Housing and utility needs are not interchangeable.

The above features of the housing and communal services market lead to the following consequences of the development of competitive relations in the market:

1) violation of the equality of positions of the seller and the buyer in the market, which provides the opportunity for sellers to dictate their pricing terms to buyers;

2) the price of housing and communal services ceases to be subject to the law of supply and demand, losing its objective character and breaking away from factors expressing consumer tastes and preferences. In this regard, the pricing mechanism in the housing and communal services market begins to focus on production costs.

In general, the degree of development of competitive relations in different segments of the housing and communal services market may differ significantly.

By distinguishing the housing services market and the utility services market in the housing and communal services market, from the standpoint of developing competitive relations, the housing services market is more attractive, since consumers have the opportunity to independently form relationships with service providers. The utility services market presents significantly less opportunities for the development of competitive relations, since the utility subsystem of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region, due to technological features, is characterized by the monopoly position of most enterprises in local markets, which, as a rule, territorially coincide with the borders of municipalities.

The rigid nature of the connections between the production and consumption of services in the municipal subsystem of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region is also one of the reasons for the emergence in this sector of the housing and communal services market of natural monopolies of a technological type, the main characteristics of which are:

Significant economies of scale (as the volume of utilities grows, unit costs drop significantly, with the greatest effect achieved when one manufacturer covers the entire market);

Low price elasticity of demand (demand in the utility services market, due to their urgency, universality, urgency and obligatory nature, weakly depends on the price of goods and services set by enterprises of the utility subsystem of housing and communal services);

Low substitution effect (utilities are unique to the consumer and cannot be replaced in consumption by other goods or services).

Since the majority of enterprises in the municipal subsystem of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region satisfy the specified characteristics, in practice there is a need for state regulation and control over prices for housing and communal services. In general, the main specific features of the housing and communal services market from the standpoint of government regulation are:

- high social significance. Due to the fact that the housing and communal services market covers the purchase and sale of vital goods that have important social significance, this market segment is especially in need of selective government regulation measures;

- presence of natural monopolies, which necessitates the use of specific instruments of government regulation, especially in the field of pricing (tariff policy);

- high degree of attachment to a certain territory, which leads to the advisability of regulating the housing and communal services market by local governments.

Currently, state regulation of the housing and communal services market in the Russian Federation is carried out through direct regulation of utility tariffs by the federal tariff service, regional authorities, and local governments.

It should be noted that in the municipal subsystem of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region there are certain opportunities for creating a competitive environment in certain technological segments of production and providing the corresponding housing and communal services (purchase of materials and fuel, repair of equipment and infrastructure, etc.) on the basis of competitive involvement of executing organizations.

Thus, the management of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES should be carried out taking into account the following characteristic features of the housing and communal services market:

Almost all housing and communal services are aimed at meeting the primary needs of the population, which determines the high social significance of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES;

Consumption of housing and communal services is a constant process for the population, of an everyday and continuous nature;

There is a territorial monopoly in the housing and communal services market (as a rule, within the boundaries of a municipal entity), since the delivery of housing and communal services from outside, from other territories, is practically impossible;

The production and consumption of housing and communal services either completely coincide in time or have an insignificant time lag (water supply and sewerage, passenger transport and road facilities, etc.);

Failure of housing and communal services enterprises of the Moscow Region to fulfill the production program in a certain period of time cannot be compensated without damage to consumers either by subsequent overfulfillment of the production program, or by the provision of similar services in excess of the plan in other localities;

There is a close relationship and interdependence between the components of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES;

In certain large segments of the housing and communal services market (water supply and sewerage, heat, energy supply, etc.) there are natural local monopolies;

Housing and communal services enterprises in the Moscow Region have a special nature of economic activity associated with the homogeneity of products, the difficulty of forming inventories, the absence of unfinished products, the seasonality of production and other factors.

1.2 Theoretical aspects of managing the housing and communal subsystem of a municipalOsocio-economic system

Identification and theoretical justification of the management features of the housing and communal subsystem at the level of municipalities is an important methodological problem of modern science. Currently, the study of methods and principles for managing the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is becoming highly relevant in connection with the reform of the housing and communal services industry, as well as its high social significance.

In our opinion, management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is a rather complex process, which it is advisable to describe through a set of existing terminology in the field of management.

Thus, management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES must be considered as a process of developing and implementing targeted control actions on the corresponding control object, including such interrelated stages as modeling the state of the control object based on the analysis of existing information; development and adoption of management decisions; organization of implementation of decisions made, etc. .

On the other hand, no less important is the study of the management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES by describing the management functions being implemented to achieve the set goals.

Due to the fact that “management is an inseparable, inherent property of organizational systems,” the monograph attempts to apply a systematic approach to the study of individual aspects of management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES. In our opinion, the use of a systems approach allows not only to design a mechanism for interaction between the control and managed subsystems of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region, but also ultimately provides the opportunity to develop and implement an effective program for reforming the housing and communal subsystem of a separate municipal entity.

Taking into account the essence, purpose, functions and features of housing and communal services as a subsystem of the MSES, it is advisable to consider the management of housing and communal services of the Moscow Region as a management system that allows you to develop and make effective management decisions aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the municipal socio-economic system in the field of life support for the population through the provision of services related to the formation of a comfortable living environment.

From the point of view of systematic implementation, management of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES provides for the presence of structural features of the system type, among which it is necessary, first of all, to distinguish the control (subject) and managed (object) parts, as well as management relations (interaction between the object and the subject of management, and also other components of the environment to achieve the synergistic properties of unity). Managerial relationships are aimed at achieving a specific goals(for the housing and communal subsystem of MSES - the formation of a comfortable living environment for the population of the Moscow Region) and are implemented through the performance of a number of management functions that are cyclical in nature. At the same time, the process of managing the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region can be reduced to targeted changes in the values ​​of controlled variables to achieve the specified values ​​of indicators (indicators) that determine the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES.

The subject area of ​​housing and communal services management in the Moscow Region is a conglomerate of relationships and connections of management systems at different levels, the interaction of which cannot be ensured functionally from a single center. The creation of a unified management field for the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, which includes many interacting subjects, is complicated by the fact that state authorities, local governments, the population, public and political organizations, etc. are involved in the circulation of relations.

In general, the most important properties of management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES are the activity-based nature of management (activity, purposefulness, awareness, impersonality, objectivity, effectiveness), process nature, as well as continuity, cyclicity, variability, situationality and systematic management.

The subject of studying the management of housing and communal services in the Moscow Region is the process of transformation of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, taking into account the impact of changing environmental factors to ensure the preservation of the integrity and basic properties of the subsystem, as well as the achievement of its target guidelines.

In connection with the above, the object of management of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region is the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, and the subject of management is both local government bodies and governing bodies of supersystems (regional and federal).

The features of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES as an object of management are determined by its specificity and structure, which combines a complex and diverse set of elements closely interconnected by common economic and social problems, goals and objectives. The most important feature of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region is its focus on meeting the urgent needs of the population, which leads to the dominance of social factors in the management process and, in addition, determines the specificity of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES as a whole, as well as its individual structural elements. Another feature of the housing and communal services sector of the Moscow Region is the stochastic nature of the processes occurring in it, associated with the impact on the functioning of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES of a significant number of random factors of an economic, man-made, as well as natural and climatic nature.

Management subjects, primarily local self-government bodies, which, in accordance with current legislation, are responsible for providing the population of the municipality with housing and communal services, ensure coordination and regulation of the activities of housing and communal services enterprises and organizations as structural elements of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, using administrative and economic mechanisms taking into account:

Roles and places of the corresponding element of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES;

Relationships between elements within the housing and communal subsystem of MSES.

It should be taken into account that relationships in the management structure of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region are built on connections of two types: subordination and interaction. Links of subordination arise between higher and lower management bodies of the housing and communal subsystem; interaction links are closed within one level of a given management system.

Analysis of publications made it possible to identify the existence in world practice of the following models of housing and communal services management:

1) socially oriented model, the main goal of which is the determining role of the state in meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services;

2) liberal model, aimed at meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services with the involvement of private structures with minimal participation of the state, whose tasks are limited only to the development of a regulatory framework for regulating the market and creating the necessary conditions for competition.

In our opinion, in Russian practice it is most advisable to use model statenbut-private partnership, which occupies an intermediate position between the above models and ensures close interaction between state, regional and local authorities with private sector investor enterprises in the field of financing the construction and operation of housing and communal infrastructure.

Due to the fact that the main goal of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is to create a comfortable living environment for the population of the municipality, the most significant goal of the subjects of housing and communal services management of the Moscow Region is to achieve the established values ​​of indicators (indicators) of housing provision for the population, housing and communal services, the state of housing and communal services infrastructure, reliability and sustainability of its functioning, etc.

Thus, the main tasks of the housing and communal services management of the Moscow Region are:

Implementation of programs to increase the level of housing provision for the population based on regulatory needs and quality standards;

Ensuring the rational placement of new housing construction projects and organizing work related to updating the existing housing stock;

Ensuring the safety of the housing stock, uninterrupted operation of engineering communications based on the organization of their maintenance, repair, modernization and reconstruction in accordance with established rules, regulations and technical conditions.

To solve these problems in the process of managing the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, the activities of local self-government bodies should be aimed at:

To develop and implement programs for the development of housing and communal services in the Moscow Region, taking into account the characteristics of the municipality;

For the optimal distribution of own and attracted financial resources for major repairs of the housing stock and the development of engineering infrastructure, the formation of funds to support the development of housing and communal services in the Moscow Region;

To establish minimum social standards for the consumption of housing and communal services, develop regulations regulating the procedure for providing housing and communal services, benefits, subsidies, etc.;

To ensure the necessary conditions for the stable functioning of enterprises and organizations of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region, as well as life support systems for the population.

Effective implementation of the tasks of managing the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is impossible without the use of a project approach, which consists in initiating an impact on the structure of the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region within the project space based on the formation of a structure of indicators of the state of the housing and communal subsystem, its monitoring and analysis. The basis for increasing the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the Moscow Region should be based on the following basic principles:

- goal setting(provides for a targeted change in the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES to achieve the global goal - ensuring comfortable living for the population of the Moscow Region);

- multi-level(consists in describing the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region as a subsystem of the MSES, establishing connections between the elements of the subsystem and the external environment, as well as studying the elements of the subsystem at the required level of detail);

- functionality(dictates the need to develop a rational organizational structure for managing the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region, ensuring the effective implementation of all goals, functions and tasks facing the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, taking into account changing environmental factors);

- the need to take into account social significance(requires adjustment of management methods, indicators for assessing management effectiveness, etc. due to the high social significance of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES).

One of the promising approaches to managing the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region at present is also cluster approach. Based on the definition of M. Porter and correcting it, it can be argued that the elements of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES can be studied as groups of geographically adjacent (within the boundaries of the Moscow Region) interconnected enterprises and organizations, as well as related public, political and other organizations operating in the housing and communal services sector of the Moscow Region and characterized by commonality of activities and complementarity.

Thus, clusters in the housing and communal services sector of the Moscow Region are groups of enterprises and organizations located on the same territory, representing various sub-sectors of the housing and communal services sector, characterized by the commonality and interconnectedness of their activities and their focus on meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services. Housing and communal clusters can have different configurations and forms (depending on the coverage of territorial life support systems, the specifics and complexity of production and technical systems, etc.), however, “a “key link” can be identified in the structure of each cluster.”

Due to the systemic homogeneity of clusters, the cluster approach opens up new opportunities for increasing the efficiency of housing and communal services management in Moscow Region. In particular, the presence in the cluster of technically advanced, highly competitive enterprises with effective management inevitably has a positive impact on the state of all other enterprises and organizations included in the cluster. A significant role in this process is played by the relative internal information openness characteristic of housing and communal clusters, due to the common territorial location of diverse business entities and the development of formal and informal contacts of their managers.

In general, the process of managing the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is a complex process aimed at ensuring the functioning and development of the management object within the framework of using a system-cluster approach, taking into account the influence of external and internal factors.

The study of publications made it possible to identify the following main factors of the external and internal environment that have a favorable/unfavorable impact on the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES as an object of housing and communal services management of the municipality.

When studying the impact external factors on the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, it is advisable to structure them as follows.

1. State factors:

a) political factors influence the intentions of state, regional and municipal authorities regarding the development of territories, the methods and forms of implementing state policy (political stability, the influence of political parties, public organizations, etc.);

b) regulatory factors characterize the features of regulatory regulation of the housing and communal services sector, influence the forms and methods of activity of local self-government bodies and business entities (the state of the regulatory legal framework, the dynamism of the legal system, features of federal, regional and municipal legislation in the field of economic, financial, tariff policy, etc. .).

2. External economic factors:

a) macroenvironmental factors influence the processes of formation and distribution of resources at the state, regional and municipal levels, determining the general market conditions for the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES (general level of economic development, cost of capital, inflation rate, unemployment rate, budgetary, tax, industrial, investment, innovation policy, etc.);

b) factors in the immediate environment are associated with consumers of housing and communal services (level of financial and economic status, level of expectations and satisfaction of needs, etc.), as well as with suppliers of resources.

3. External technological factors characterize changes in the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES due to the emergence of innovative technologies in the field of construction, infrastructure, management, etc.

4. Other external factors are determined by the likelihood of negative, force majeure situations (natural, climatic, man-made emergencies, etc.).

Internal factors, affecting the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, must be classified into the following groups:

1) internal financial and economic factors characterize the current state and economic potential of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES as a whole, as well as individual economic entities that are part of the housing and communal cluster (the state of the financial and economic structural and functional components of the subsystem: level of profitability, business activity , liquidity, solvency, etc.);

2) internal technological factors reflect the technical and technological state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES (production parameters, degree of depreciation of fixed assets, etc.);

3) internal organizational and managerial factors are related to the state of the housing and communal services management system of the Moscow Region (quality of management, professionalism of managers, specialists and employees, availability and effectiveness of the information base, etc.);

4) other internal factors reflect socio-psychological and other aspects of the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES.

In our opinion, taking into account the study of the influence of these factors that influence the state of the housing and communal services subsystem of the MSES, when developing an effective management system for the housing and communal services of the Moscow Region, special attention must be paid to a detailed analysis of the processes occurring in the supersystems of the MSES and associated with the housing and communal services reforms carried out at the level of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the housing and communal services management system that has developed in most municipalities of the Russian Federation is characterized by a number of negative signs, the main ones being:

Chronic underfunding of measures for the modernization and development of housing and communal services facilities in the Moscow Region, manifested in significant physical and moral deterioration of fixed assets;

Insufficient development of the regulatory and methodological framework, including models, methods and tools for the effective implementation of the management process of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES;

The use of predominantly administrative management methods, which is an obstacle to attracting private investment in the housing and communal services sector of the Moscow Region, to develop competition in the housing and communal services market;

Imbalance of interests of the population of municipalities, local government bodies and operators of the housing and communal services market; insufficient assistance to the development of the system of self-government of housing owners.

In our opinion, the optimal management structure for housing and communal services in the Moscow Region will be created only if responsibilities are shared:

Local government bodies for achieving the goal of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES - ensuring comfortable living for the population of the municipality;

Owners of housing stock for the maintenance of their property;

Manufacturers and suppliers of housing and communal services for the quantity and quality of housing and communal services provided.

1.3 Basic principles and directions of reformhousing and communal services management systemsIn Russian federation

Currently, the situation in the housing and communal services of most Russian municipalities is the source of a number of threats to the life, health and property of the population, as well as the environment. Therefore, reforming the housing and communal services management system should consist of solving the following main tasks.

1 . Povercoming critical wear and tear of fixed assets. According to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, on average in Russia in 2007, the physical wear and tear of boiler houses amounted to 55%, water supply networks - 65%, sewer and heating networks - 63%, electrical networks - 58%; In some municipalities, the amount of wear and tear on communal infrastructure has reached an almost critical level of 70-80%.

Significant depreciation of fixed assets leads to increased losses of resources during the operation of housing and communal infrastructure facilities, as well as to a high accident rate of housing and communal infrastructure facilities.

In general, the restoration of fixed assets used in the housing and communal services of the Russian Federation to standard values ​​currently requires funding in the amount of at least 2 trillion. 140 billion rubles.

2. Uimproving the financial condition of enterprises and organizations operating in the regionTgrew up. Currently, the financial results of the activities of enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services remain unsatisfactory. Thus, at the beginning of 2007, the accounts receivable of housing and communal services enterprises of the Russian Federation amounted to 333 billion rubles, and accounts payable increased to 324 billion rubles. At the end of 2006, the net loss of enterprises engaged in the management and operation of the housing stock amounted to 4,582 million rubles. .

3 . Pimproving the quality of housing and communal services provided to the population. Insufficient development of competition in the production and provision of housing and communal services leads to the fact that consumers do not have the opportunity to influence the quality of the housing and communal services provided.


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Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of municipal management in the housing and communal services sector 11

1.1Elements of municipal economy and forms of its organization 11

1.2 The concept of housing and communal services 16

Chapter 2 Housing Management of Izhevsk 23

2.1 Brief description of the Administration of Izhevsk 23

2.2 Assessment of the effectiveness of management of municipal housing and communal services in Izhevsk 26

Chapter 3. Proposals for improving municipal management in the housing and communal services sector of Izhevsk 36

Conclusions and suggestions 40

References 42


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The municipal economy system is the basis for the successful life of any subject, but the level of its development largely depends on the economic mechanism and the effectiveness of the management system. In Russia, the development of housing and communal services is carried out with great difficulties and problems. This can be partly explained by the presence of an administrative mechanism of management (management) that needs to be reformed.

The mechanism for managing the municipal economy was developed during the Soviet period and, with some changes, has been preserved. To understand its structure and features, it is necessary to consider the characteristic features of the directive mechanism of urban management of the Soviet era and then move on to the characteristics of the modern management system and show the need for its reform.

The municipal management system in the Soviet period was characterized by such features as a monopoly of state property, state monopoly and centralization of management functions, bureaucracy in management, low tariffs for housing and communal services, low quality of work and services performed, ignoring the interests of the population, party-state control over the activities of enterprises and organizations municipal economy, mismanagement and enormous losses of resources; budgetary resource provision.

During the transition period, the administrative management mechanism, which is based on non-economic coercion, was transformed into an administrative-departmental mechanism. Its main features were the following characteristics: the predominance of state and municipal property in the urban economy and the inhibition of the formation of a private competitive sector; development of departmental monopolism and departmental centralization; increase in tariffs for services and products of the housing and communal sector; departmental bureaucracy in management; departmental control over performance; low efficiency and enormous losses. resources used subsidized financing.

The situation in municipal management has not changed, although certain changes have occurred to strengthen departmentalism, weaken external control and increase tariffs for services and products without a corresponding improvement in the quality of work. Enormous losses of resources and subsidized budget funding remained unchanged.

As a rule, in the management of the municipal economy, priority is given to the administrative and departmental mechanism based on orders and instructions and not on taking into account the interests of participants and well-founded, thoughtful decisions.

It is necessary to carry out profound reforms of the management system and transition to an indicative management mechanism that corresponds to market economic conditions. A new economic mechanism should be formed, focused on the use of economic levers and incentives and on the fullest possible consideration of consumer interests.

The most important goal of the new mechanism is to satisfy the population’s needs for energy services, etc. as fully as possible. To achieve it, it is necessary to solve the following tasks

— priority provision of taking into account the interests of the population in resolving all the most important issues of urban development

— development of a rational system of relationships between all participants in economic interests on an economic and legal basis

— ensuring sustainable resource conservation of a complex of sectors of the urban economy, primarily financial support by attracting centralized and non-centralized sources of financing for the development of the material and technical base of the urban economy and improving the personnel training system.

The mechanism for managing the municipal economy should not be administrative-departmental, but indicative (guiding) in nature, that is, it should create conditions for improving the quality of work in the urban economy, the reliable functioning of engineering systems for saving resources, etc. The main levers of management in it are economic (direct and indirect) and legal. Organizational and administrative levers also play a certain role in terms of fulfilling mandatory requirements and conditions.

The most important functions of municipal management are marketing, innovative management, forecasting and planning, regulation, organization and control.

The municipal management mechanism should be based on the following principles

— priority of social regional and municipal interests

— antimonopoly policy in the urban sector limited by the presence of natural monopolies

— the normative principle of resource availability and the allocation of various levels of service to the population and other consumers in the urban economy

— focus on various sources of financing, centralized and non-centralized financial resources.

In accordance with these principles, in the process of municipal management it is necessary to take into account the interests of all economic entities, including consumers, but the interests of departmental services of enterprises and organizations should be secondary to the interests of the population of cities and municipalities. This principle has not yet been implemented and often the interests of the monopolist department in the city economy prevail.

The current level of centralization in the municipal economy is too high. Decentralization and disaggregation of a number of management functions are necessary. The main criterion for the distribution of management functions across levels should be the following: process management should be organized at a higher level only if it cannot be effectively resolved at a lower level.

Direct work to provide services to the population is carried out by enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms.

In relations with business entities, the city administration uses both administrative and economic methods of regulation, directing their work to meet the needs of the population. Of particular importance for urban management is the activity of local governments in the financial and credit sphere. The city government, according to the law, has the right to take loans, receive and issue loans, issue housing certificates and other securities, and conduct lotteries.

The most important mechanisms for regulating the activities of enterprises and municipal organizations are economic, organizational and legal levers.

Regulatory mechanisms

1. Economic

— direct (municipal order)

— indirect tax policy pricing policy credit policy investment policy real estate policy land use planning and issuance of construction permits (rent payments, long-term lease, sale of land plots, etc.).

2. Organizational – create an organizational basis for performing life support functions, organizing local orders, organizational structure of housing and communal services management, etc.

3. Legal - create a legal regime for carrying out organizational work, economic levers, etc.

— development of local regulations

— licensing of activities of individual enterprises

— list of prohibited activities

- privatization

— development of the mechanism for bankruptcy of housing and communal services enterprises

— demonopolization of the economy and promotion of competition

— formation of the land market and real estate market, etc.

Currently, providing citizens with affordable and comfortable housing remains one of the most pressing problems directly affecting the daily life of millions of families. A special issue here is the quality of management of buildings in common ownership.

The motivation for choosing this particular topic was the relevance of this problem today.

The population's satisfaction with housing conditions and the quality of provision of utility services are an important incentive to increase the productive forces of society; therefore, the tasks of successfully implementing reforms in the housing and communal services over the past 10 years have been identified as priority socio-economic transformations in Russia. Market transformations in the economy, including in housing and communal services, have significantly changed the structure of production and socio-economic relations in the housing sector. The specificity of activity in the housing and communal services industry is determined by the social significance of the products created, which gives a special character to the relationships of economic entities in this sector with consumers and municipal authorities, which also needs to be taken into account in the process of transforming the management system of this industry.

The housing and communal services of a municipal formation is an element of the municipal economy that includes a set of economic entities of various forms of ownership operating on the territory of the municipal formation in order to most effectively and fully satisfy the needs of the population for services related to the formation of a comfortable living environment.

In accordance with the current Russian legislation, the tasks of electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, sewerage, fuel supply to the population, as well as providing the population with other housing and communal services are issues of local importance. It is advisable to consider the housing and communal services management of a municipality as a management system that allows one to develop and make effective management decisions aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the municipal socio-economic system in the field of life support for the population through the provision of services related to the formation of a comfortable living environment within the boundaries of the municipality.

Local governments, being the structure closest to consumers and producers of housing and communal services, play a significant role in the following main areas: reducing the cost and improving the quality of housing and communal services, improving the mechanism for financing housing and communal services, reforming social policy in the housing and communal services of municipalities, developing an effective system for monitoring the provision of housing and communal services to the population.

Housing and communal services are one of the main sectors of the national economy of the Russian Federation, covering a diversified industrial and technical complex, the need for products of which is practically unlimited.

The housing and communal services system is represented by residential public buildings, operational repair and construction transport energy and other enterprises that make up a complex socio-economic system, the effectiveness of which depends on the development of urban facilities and the state of the living environment of city residents.

Urban economics is often identified with housing and communal services, thereby emphasizing the priority for local authorities of providing the population with heat, water and electricity over other issues. This important area, which has accumulated many problems, represents a fertile field for innovation and the use of special economic tools.

If we continue to pursue the current administrative housing policy, the state of the housing stock and the comfort of living will continue to deteriorate, which will lead to a serious deterioration in life, especially for the low-income population. Particularly negative consequences will affect older people, pensioners, sick people with disabilities. All this will lead to even greater social tension and growing discontent among a significant part of the population.

The significance of these problems and the urgency of the challenges facing society determine the high relevance of the study of the housing and communal services sector, the search for new forms and methods of public administration.

The issues of forming a management system for the housing sector are relevant both for the largest cities and for small towns and villages. The budget of small towns bears a significant burden of subsidized support for housing and communal services enterprises.

This work is devoted to the study of the problems of housing and communal services in the city of Izhevsk, analysis of the current situation of the enterprise and the development of practical recommendations for improving the management of municipal services in the field of housing and communal services in Izhevsk.

The subject of study is the management of municipal services in the housing and communal services sector.

Calculated analytical bibliographic methods were used in the work.

When writing this work, we used regulatory acts and textbooks on the peculiarities of finance of a housing and communal services enterprise by such authors as S.N. Kozyreva. Simionov Yu.F. and others, as well as materials from sites about valuation activities on the Internet, reference and legal systems Consultant Plus.

This paper will consider such issues as the essence of housing and communal services, the problem of housing and communal services in Russia in modern conditions, the management of municipal services in the field of housing and communal services.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of municipal management in the housing and communal services sector

1.1Elements of municipal economy and forms of its organization

The structure and operating procedures of the municipal administration are mainly related to the need to solve the problems of municipal management.

First of all, it is necessary to find out what the elements of the municipal economy are and on what basis they can be classified. The methodology proposed in defining the very concept of “municipal economy” suggests the following approach

1. Municipal economy is a set of enterprises and institutions carrying out economic activities on the territory of a municipal entity aimed at meeting the collective (social) needs of the population.

2. The activities carried out by these enterprises and institutions are aimed at satisfying public interests.

3. Since activities are carried out by subjects that are heterogeneous in nature, a subject is also needed to coordinate their activities.

Based on this analysis, the main feature by which the elements of the municipal economy can be classified is the role (and place) of this or that element in the implementation of public needs.

Municipal enterprises, being by their nature a public phenomenon, direct all their results, be it profit or specific goods and services, to public needs. Other enterprises and institutions are forced to participate in the implementation of public interests due to regulatory (in the form of responsibilities imposed on them in a regulatory or legislative manner) or public (voluntary in form) coercion.

The third group designated in our classification performs a special function - the function of regulating the activities of the two previous groups in the interests of the population of the municipality.

The value of this classification is that it allows, based on the identification of these three groups, to determine not just the role and place of each of them in solving issues of local importance, but also, depending on this, the goals of the activities of these elements in the process of managing the municipal economy, taking into account their characteristics.

From the point of view of what role certain elements play in resolving issues of local importance, several forms of municipal economy can be distinguished, primarily on the basis of the increasing role of their own economic activity.

The communal model of municipal economy is characterized by the fact that the main burden of costs for the implementation of public interests and needs is borne by the residents of the municipality (community communes) themselves, and the main resource is taxes from the population. The main element in this system is the local government body, which carries out both the accumulation of resources and their expenditure. This model is the most acceptable and exists in the most “prosperous” countries of Europe where the rights of local governments to conduct economic activities are limited. The insufficiency of resources to fulfill the tasks assigned to local self-government is compensated by the state.

The communal-rental model of the municipal economy, in comparison with the previous one, differs in that it provides for the participation of local governments in the use of the territory’s resources and in its development through the provision of limited rights in financial and credit activities and the right to resource rent. That is, taxes on the population are supplemented by the possibility of taxing the manufacturer of products and services on the territory of the municipality.

The municipal rent model of the municipal economy implies that the main burden of serving the interests of the population and resolving issues of local importance is borne by local governments, for which they are given the opportunity to become a full-fledged economic entity on their territory.

Of course, this or that model does not exist in its pure form, but the role and place of this or that element in different countries differs significantly from each other.

The structure of the municipal economy (its elements) includes

— municipal enterprises whose activities are directed and subordinated to the interests of the population of the municipality

— the results of SE activities (profit or specific goods and services) are directed to meet public needs

— other enterprises and institutions whose activities are partially related to the implementation of public interests of the population. These enterprises are forced to participate in the implementation of public interests due to regulatory (in the form of obligations imposed by law) or public (voluntary) coercion

- a subject coordinating the activities of these subjects, heterogeneous in nature, in the interests of the population of the municipal government.

Infrastructure includes (in addition to those listed above) natural resources (subsoil soil) engineering communications networks (roads including railway stations) communications transport heat sources gas and water supply housing stock services and entertainment accessibility of office buildings provision of qualified personnel level of legal protection of the population property and entrepreneurship social sphere (schools, kindergartens, healthcare, sports, etc.).

The more diverse and complex the economy in a municipality, the more important the integrated linking of all sectors of a production and non-production nature becomes.

From the definition of the municipal economy it follows that a certain number of enterprises and institutions performing socially significant functions need to coordinate their activities. This is precisely the function that local governments perform in practice.

In terms of content, the activities of local self-government bodies fall into two directions, since the methods of activity of local self-government bodies to implement the group interests of citizens are directly related to the forms of organization of economic entities with which local self-government bodies are forced to contact in the course of their activities.

The economic entities themselves can be divided into the following main groups

— municipal enterprises and institutions

— enterprises and institutions of other forms of ownership. Naturally, the rights of local governments in relation to these groups and management methods will be different.

Thus, the rights of local government bodies in relation to municipal enterprises should not differ from the rights of any owner in relation to the enterprise owned by him; the rights to regulate economic activities in relation to other owners should be strictly regulated by law, since here we are talking about the use of power and the local government bodies themselves act not as an economic entity but as a government.

In relation to municipal enterprises, local government bodies act as the owner from the point of view of organizing their activities and using the results of this activity, and as authority since, with regard to generally binding norms and rules adopted by local government bodies within their competence, all enterprises, including municipal ones, are equal.

Local government bodies act both as a subject of economic activity and as a subject endowed by law with the right to regulate this activity on its territory.

In this regard, difficulties arise in defining the concept of “municipal management” since it, like the concept of “municipal economy”, has a dual nature.

The management activities of local governments include both issues of general interaction between local governments and business entities, regardless of the form of ownership, and issues of deeper regulation of economic relations for municipal enterprises and institutions. In this regard, the definition of this concept should be based on the goal of the management activities of local government bodies, namely the implementation of public interests falling under the jurisdiction of local government.

And in this regard, the main activity of local government bodies is the subordination of the activities of enterprises and institutions located on the territory of the municipality to the goals of satisfying the public interests of citizens.

Municipal governance is the activity of local government bodies aimed at satisfying public interests, carried out in forms determined by law through the municipal economy.

This somewhat cumbersome definition nevertheless quite fully reflects the content of the concept of “municipal management” since it includes both the purpose of the activity and the specific means of its implementation.

Thus, having examined the basic concepts of municipal government, we will dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the housing sector.

1.2 The concept of housing and communal services

The sectors of urban services and housing and communal services are closely related to the regional economy. “City services” are considered as a complex of services of enterprises, engineering structures and networks necessary to meet the everyday social and cultural communal needs of the population. The urban economy includes enterprises performing both production and non-production functions, including transport serving the population of the city (territory), consumer services, communications, trade, public catering and some other industries.

To promptly make management decisions on adjusting the activities and development of public utilities, self-government bodies monitor the functioning of business entities in the public utilities sector using a system of indicators, which include the following

 indicators of the volume and structure of services provided in physical and value terms

 indicators of resource use during the service process

 cost and profitability of services

- quality indicators

 indicators for assessing financial condition.

In addition, these indicators are complemented by a set of special indicators that take into account the technical and economic features of individual sectors of the public utilities sector.

A characteristic feature of the housing and communal services sector is that many issues are resolved by local authorities. Issues of local importance include

 regulation of planning and development of municipal territories

 creating conditions for housing and socio-cultural construction

 organization of maintenance and development of municipal energy, gas, heat and water supply sewerage systems

 organizing the supply of fuel to the population and municipal institutions

 improvement and landscaping of the territory of the municipality

 organization of funeral services and maintenance of burial places and other issues.

The features of housing and communal services as a sector of the national economy include:

 combination of production and non-production functions associated with the production of material products and the provision of services

 special social significance, reinforcing the need for government regulation and control by consumers

- a combination of commercial (profit-oriented) and non-profit organizations

 the industry is represented by both natural monopolies (transportation of energy and liquids) and industries in which competition is possible and necessary (production of goods and services)

 diversity of organizational and legal status of entrepreneurship (with and without the formation of a legal entity) and forms of ownership

 combination of large (energy production, water utilities, pipeline networks, etc.) and small businesses

 dispersal of service delivery centers according to the settlement system, which determines the special role of local self-government bodies

 special importance of environmental and sanitary-epidemiological control

 the need to guarantee a minimum of services regardless of the solvency of the population

- diversity of consumers (citizens of their associations, enterprises, budgetary organizations).

Increasing requirements for housing and communal services, its development and improvement acts as an important factor in raising the standard of living of people, improving their living conditions and developing culture for the population.

The urban economy also includes city (municipal) and district (local) governing bodies, financial and credit institutions, bodies for the support and protection of public order, scientific institutions and scientific services of intra-city importance. At the same time, the urban economy is not a simple set of the listed areas, but an integrated “vascular system” that links together all the elements of serving the city (territory).

Among the specific features of the housing and public utilities sector, one should also include its diversified nature, the predominantly local nature of the service, the close connection with industry, the relationship of industries and enterprises serving the features of reproduction processes.

The leading sector of the urban economy, the most complex and extensive, is housing and communal services. The sub-sectors of housing and communal services, satisfying the relevant needs of the population, provide the necessary conditions for normal human life and the functioning of both the social and industrial structure of the region.

Housing and communal services form the appropriate quality of life for the population, the culture of life and lifestyle largely determine the socio-economic potential of the territories and their investment attractiveness.

In connection with the need to develop competition, demonopolize the sphere and increase the efficiency of interaction between housing and communal services entities, there is a need to revise the structure of housing management. The structure of interaction between levels of housing management includes a system of information links at the regional and municipal levels.

Each level has a specific organizational structure, content and functional side of management. It is this provision that is an element of novelty of the structure, since it includes the allocation of a primary level of management in the form of a meeting of homeowners and the introduction of a regional level into the management structure as a mandatory element, in isolation from which it is impossible to consider housing and communal services management.

This structure of management levels makes it possible to organizationally separate the functions of each of them and determine the system of information connections in the housing and communal services system of the region.

The primary level of housing management is the general meeting of homeowners, which chooses the method of managing the house, the conditions for maintaining common property and makes final decisions. It is advisable to carry out the correct organization of information support for holding meetings, motivating participants, drawing up standard agendas for meetings and the subsequent protection of the rights of owners under the control of the municipality. Timely and active work of the executive branch in stimulating the activity of the population with methodological assistance is a necessary element of successful reform of the industry.

The second level of management reflects various forms of housing stock management and their features defined in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. In practice, there are currently two main forms: a management company (MC) and a homeowners' association (HOA). Management Company is an organization professionally engaged in housing stock management, the advantages of which lie in a professional approach to managing the ability to accumulate funds from several houses for major repairs in the presence of a production base. An HOA is an association of homeowners for joint management and, within the framework established by law, for the disposal of real estate - the most democratic way of management when the owners independently manage their own and common property. A characteristic feature in the management of housing and communal services is the ability of residents to directly manage their property without an organization engaged in professional management. However, the difficulties arising from this method of public participation in management outweigh its advantages and we do not recommend its widespread use.

Each form of LF management has a number of features that influence the effectiveness of this management in certain conditions.

The third level of government is local government bodies represented by different types of municipalities whose main task is not to provide housing management services, but to create conditions that allow the population to receive services in sufficient volume and quality. The basis of reforms in the housing sector is the reorganization of the industry management system, built on the principle of reducing the degree of participation of local governments in the management of the housing stock and actively involving citizens in property management in the housing sector.

The fourth level of management includes regional authorities and is focused on supporting the development of municipal self-government in the housing and communal services system, as well as independent monitoring of the performance of municipalities.

Despite the diversified structure, housing and communal services are an integral system that ensures normal human life and the functioning of the social and industrial infrastructure of the territory.

Adequate funding is required to preserve and maintain the existing housing stock. For example, the city administration has taken all necessary measures to include Izhevsk apartment buildings in the Regional Capital Repair Program for 2014-2017. An application for 2,875 apartment buildings in the city was prepared and sent. A short-term program implementation plan for 2014-2016 was prepared and approved.

At the end of last year, the City Administration prepared and the Housing and Communal Services Assistance Fund approved an application for funds for major repairs of apartment buildings. The total amount of funds in the city amounted to about 131 million rubles. By September 2015, it is planned to renovate 53 houses in Izhevsk, which are home to about 10 thousand people. The total amount of financing for 10 months of 2015. amounted to 48314083 million rubles. from the budget of the city of Izhevsk.

In conclusion, we note that the current housing management scheme does not allow implementing the principles of housing and communal services reform

 lack of conditions for the emergence of competition and the attraction of alternative structures to the housing and communal sector of the economy

 lack of transparency in the financing of the industry with the persistence of budget underfunding of housing and communal services enterprises

- disinterest of citizens in independent management of their property.

Housing and communal services enterprises are not always freed from the unusual functions of forming orders and competitively selecting contractors, and the created municipal customer services do not always work effectively in blocking the creation of competition in the field of housing stock management.

A distinctive feature of the housing and communal services sector is the lack of competition in the provision of services and the low interest of small businesses in developing this market. The high deterioration of the housing stock and the significant costs of acquiring the equipment and materials necessary for its operation leave the sphere of exploitation of the housing stock unattractive. In addition, many municipalities create artificial administrative barriers that prevent the active involvement of private business in the housing service sector.

Chapter 2 Housing Management of Izhevsk

2.1 Brief description of the Administration of Izhevsk

The city administration (the executive and administrative body of the municipal formation "City of Izhevsk") is endowed by the Charter of the city of Izhevsk with the powers to resolve issues of local importance and the powers to exercise certain state powers delegated to local governments by federal laws and laws of the Udmurt Republic.

The structure of the City Administration is approved by the City Duma upon the proposal of the Head of the City Administration.

The city administration consists of

1) territorial bodies - administrations of city districts, which are structural divisions of the City Administration, vested in the prescribed manner with the status of a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as city district administrations)

2) sectoral (functional) bodies - structural divisions of the City Administration vested in the prescribed manner with the status of a legal entity

3) sectoral (functional) bodies - structural divisions of the City Administration not endowed with the status of a legal entity.

Administrations of city districts, sectoral (functional) bodies endowed with the status of a legal entity, are established by the City Duma on the proposal of the Head of the City Administration and act on the basis of the Regulations on them approved by the City Duma.

Industry (functional) bodies not endowed with the status of a legal entity carry out their activities on the basis of the Regulations on them approved by the Head of the City Administration.

The Housing and Communal Services Department of the Izhevsk City Administration is an industry body - a structural unit of the Izhevsk City Administration that carries out management functions in the field of housing and communal services.

The department is endowed with the rights of a legal entity; it is a municipal institution; it has a seal with the image of the coat of arms of the city of Izhevsk and with its name; other seals; stamps and forms of the established form; and accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; acquires and exercises property and other rights and obligations; acts as a plaintiff; defendant; third party; courts

The department acts as a higher management body for municipal institutions of housing and communal services and coordinates and controls their activities.

Main management tasks

— Participates on behalf of the owner of municipal premises in general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings by convening a general meeting of owners of premises in apartment buildings and (or) making decisions on issues put to vote.

— Concludes management agreements for apartment buildings on behalf of the owner of municipal premises.

— Concludes contracts for the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building managed by a homeowners’ association in terms of the share of municipal premises.

— Concludes lease agreements for municipal engineering infrastructure facilities on behalf of the Head of the Izhevsk City Administration.

— Represents the interests of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk in judicial and other government bodies on issues of housing and communal services.

— Provides consulting and methodological assistance to owners of premises of HOA housing cooperatives and other specialized cooperatives and management organizations on the issues of conducting financial and economic activities, concluding contracts with suppliers for the introduction of new technologies in housing and communal services, preventing and eliminating emergency situations in the housing stock and utility and energy networks.

— Invites HOAs and housing cooperatives management organizations to participate in targeted city programs and city projects in the field of housing and communal services.

— Creates conditions for the management of apartment buildings provided for by current legislation.

— Carries out municipal housing control.

The administration of the city of Izhevsk carries out a survey of compliance with mandatory requirements for the maintenance and use of the territory of the city district in the field of housing and communal services in the city of Izhevsk, including on the basis of received applications with the mandatory execution of an act. Take measures to eliminate identified violations.

Based on the results of control activities, materials are sent to the authorized bodies to bring the perpetrators to administrative responsibility.

Send information to the housing and communal services department of the city of Izhevsk about the results of consideration of applications and the results of control measures taken.

The Housing and Communal Services Department also carries out the function of state supervision (control) for the quality provision of utility services in the district.

2.2 Assessment of the efficiency of management of municipal housing and communal services in Izhevsk

The implementation of powers of local government bodies in the housing sector of Izhevsk represents

— implementation of the Program for the comprehensive development of utility infrastructure systems for the period from 2009 to 2015.

— development of the necessary legal acts for the approval of technical specifications for the development of investment programs of public utility organizations and approval of investment programs developed on the basis of these technical specifications

— improving contractual relations between organizations in the field of housing and communal services

— settlement of controversial issues

— coordination of production programs of public utility organizations

— assistance in increasing in the territory of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk” the number of organizations managing apartment buildings and providing services for the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings (with a share in the authorized capital of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities of no more than 25 percent); development of competitive environment

— carrying out measures to prepare municipal facilities for operation in winter conditions in order to ensure sustainable heating seasons in the period 2010-2016

— holding by local government bodies of the city of Izhevsk open competitions for the selection of a management organization to manage an apartment building, the owners of premises in which did not choose a management method or the decisions made by such owners on choosing a management method were not implemented.

The main indicators of the development of housing and communal services in the city of Izhevsk for 2010-2014 are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Main indicators of the development of housing and communal services in the city of Izhevsk for 2012-2014

Cost of housing and communal services per 1 sq.m. of total area per month RUB. 670 751 842

In accordance with Table 1, one can judge the positive dynamics of the main indicators of the development of housing and communal services in the city of Izhevsk for the period 2012-2014. There is an increase in the private sector. There has been an increase in housing and communal services for the period 2012-2014. for 170 rub. from 1 sq.m. of total area per month.

Information on the volume and sources of financing for the development of housing and communal services for 2010-2014 is presented in Table 2.

table 2

Volumes and sources of financing for development of housing and communal services for 2013-2014

(specified annually based on the capabilities of budgets of all levels) million rubles.

The share of apartment buildings in which the owners of the premises have chosen and are implementing one of the methods of managing apartment buildings in the total number of apartment buildings in which the owners of the premises must choose a method of managing these buildings percent 10000 9783 9734

The share of organizations of the municipal complex that produce goods and provide services for water, heat, gas, electricity supply, water disposal, wastewater treatment, disposal (disposal) of solid household waste and using municipal infrastructure facilities on the right of private ownership under a lease or concession agreement, participation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) urban district (municipal area) in the authorized capital of which is no more than 25 percent of the total number of organizations of the public utility complex operating in the territory of the urban district (municipal area) percent 8542 8095 8333

Share of apartment buildings located on land plots in respect of which state cadastral registration was carried out percent 8882 9479 9663

Share of the population who received residential premises and improved their living conditions in the reporting year in the total population registered as needing residential premises percent 503,662,253

1. In 2014, the share of apartment buildings in which the owners of premises have chosen and implemented one of the methods of managing apartment buildings was 9734 percent (in 2013 - 9783 percent). A slight decrease in the indicator is due to the fact that the main share of apartment buildings put into operation occurred at the end of 2014; therefore, competitive procedures for choosing a method of managing apartment buildings are held in 2015. As of 01/01/2015 the number of apartment buildings in the city of Izhevsk amounted to 3,406 units. Of these, the management method must be chosen in 3349 apartment buildings; in 3260 apartment buildings, the owners chose the management method. The number of management organizations was 47 units. (of which 45 are privately owned management companies with a share of participation in the authorized capital of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) municipalities of no more than 25 percent) the number of homeowners' associations is 364 units.

It is expected that the value of this indicator will reach 100 percent in 2017.

2. The share of organizations of the municipal complex engaged in the production of goods, provision of services for water, heat, gas, electricity supply, water disposal, wastewater treatment, disposal (disposal) of solid household waste and using municipal infrastructure facilities on the right of private ownership under a lease or concession agreement, participation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and ( or) a city district (municipal area) in the authorized capital of which is no more than 25 percent of the total number of public utility organizations operating in the city of Izhevsk in 2014 increased by 238 percentage points compared to 2013 and amounted to 8333 percent. In 2014, the number of public utility organizations operating in the city of Izhevsk was 42 units. (2013 - 42 units) of which 35 organizations - with a share of participation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) a city district (municipal area) in the authorized capital of no more than 25 percent (2013 - 34 units). In 2015-2017 It is planned to maintain the value of the indicator at the 2014 level.

3. The share of apartment buildings located on land plots in respect of which state cadastral registration was carried out in 2014 increased by 184 percentage points compared to 2013 and amounted to 9663 percent. The increase in the value of the indicator in 2014 was due to an increase in the number of apartment buildings located on land plots in respect of which state cadastral registration was carried out (units), including two-apartment houses located on two land plots in respect of which (each of the two) state cadastral registration was carried out as well as an increase in the total number of apartment buildings with permission to be put into operation.

As a result of measures aimed at registering all land plots on which apartment buildings are located for state cadastral registration, it is expected that the value of the indicator in 2015-2017 will be. will reach 100 percent.

The increase in the value of the indicator will be associated with the further formation of land plots at the expense of the budget of the municipal formation "City of Izhevsk" during the inventory and implementation of land management works, daily monitoring of materials on the formation of land plots, entering cadastral passports of land plots under apartment buildings into the program and maintaining records of land plots placed on cadastral registration by the preparation of municipal legal acts on the approval of schemes for the location of land plots on the cadastral plan of the territory of the municipal formation "City of Izhevsk" in a short time by transferring materials in the prescribed manner to the cadastral authorities for registering land plots with state cadastral registration.

4. The share of the population that received residential premises and improved housing conditions in the reporting year in the total population registered as needing residential premises in 2014 decreased by 409 percentage points compared to 2013 and amounted to 253 percent.

In 2015, it was planned to complete the 1st stage of the Regional Targeted Program for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock in the Udmurt Republic for 2013-2017.

In connection with the change in the Regional targeted program for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing in the Udmurt Republic for 2013-2017, the 1st stage of the implementation of this program in the city of Izhevsk is planned for 2016. It is planned to resettle citizens living in 21 emergency houses.

Based on the data presented on the Izhevsk website, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The current situation shows that low-income citizens whose total family income does not allow them to purchase residential property do not have a real opportunity to improve their living conditions other than by obtaining residential premises under a social tenancy agreement.

Citizens are provided with the municipal service “Concluding social rental agreements for residential premises with citizens.”

The resolution of the Izhevsk City Administration approved the administrative regulations for the provision of this municipal service.

In 2013, 795 social rental agreements for residential premises were concluded with citizens.

One of the most important problems in the socio-economic development of the city is the problem of eliminating the emergency housing stock. The presence of dilapidated housing stock not only worsens the appearance of the city and hinders the development of urban infrastructure, but also creates social tension associated with a real threat to the safety of citizens living in dilapidated buildings.

The majority of citizens living in dilapidated buildings are not able to purchase new apartments on their own.

Using funds raised from the Fund for Assistance to Reforming the Housing and Communal Services of the Budgets of the Udmurt Republic and the city of Izhevsk, the construction of multi-apartment residential buildings was carried out to resettle citizens from the emergency housing stock of the city of Izhevsk.

In 2013, 188 families (494 people) from 29 dilapidated houses were relocated to comfortable living quarters.

Based on the results of requests for quotations and on the basis of concluded municipal contracts with contractors, 16 unsafe houses were dismantled and demolished.

As of March 1, 2014, 134 apartment buildings with a residential area of ​​32,154 square meters were recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unsafe and subject to demolition due to physical wear and tear during their operation. m.

985 families are subject to relocation from dilapidated houses to comfortable living quarters.

We note that by decree of the Government of the Udmurt Republic dated April 15, 2013. No. 169 approved the Regional Targeted Program for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock in the Udmurt Republic for 2013–2017.

The program determines the list of apartment buildings that were recognized before January 1, 2012 in accordance with the established procedure as unsafe and subject to demolition due to physical wear and tear during their operation and the required amount of financial support from the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services and budget funds of the Udmurt Republic designed for the entire period of the Program and broken down by program stages.

The program defines the following target indicators for the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk” and the amount of funding

— the total volume of emergency housing stock subject to resettlement is 18,6936 thousand sq.m. total area

- number of residential buildings to be demolished - 76 houses

— number of residents who improved their living conditions – 1,540 people

Total funding for the Program

— 599 693 89600 rubles including

— by attracting funds from the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund – 199,513,49,600 rubles

— by attracting subsidies for co-financing of events from the budget of the Udmurt Republic - 400,180,40,000 rubles

Municipal support for citizens as part of the implementation of the activities of this subprogram helps to solve the housing problem of citizens in the territory of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk”.

This subprogram is necessary to unite and coordinate activities for the implementation of all measures aimed at resolving issues of improving the living conditions of citizens in the territory of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk”.

The severity of these problems determines the feasibility of using a program-targeted method to solve them, since they cannot be solved within one financial year and require significant budget expenditures.

Resolving housing issues will have a significant positive impact on the social well-being of citizens and the overall economic development of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk”.

Chapter 3. Proposals for improving municipal management in the housing and communal services sector of Izhevsk

1. Improving the municipal economy system in the housing and communal services sector through the implementation of a subprogram that will allow

— provide citizens in need of improved living conditions with living quarters

— resettle citizens from emergency housing stock

- demolish dilapidated houses

— ensure the maintenance and ongoing repairs of vacated municipal residential premises

— fulfill the obligations of the owner of the municipal housing stock to make contributions for major repairs of common property in apartment buildings

— improve the accounting system for the municipal housing stock of the city of Izhevsk.

2. Formulation of the goals of administrative reform in the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk”, namely

— improving the quality and accessibility of municipal services provided to the population of the city of Izhevsk

— increasing the satisfaction of residents of the city of Izhevsk with the activities of local government bodies of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk” and their information openness

— increasing the efficiency of the activities of local government bodies of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk”.

3. One of the areas for improving municipal management in the housing and communal services sector should be to improve the quality of provision of municipal services and the quality of service to citizens (comfort of the service, timely response to citizens’ complaints, etc.).

Based on the experience of other countries, it is proposed to introduce a quality management system using the models of management systems laid down in the ISO 9000 series standards as well as a number of other internationally recognized standards to improve the activities of local governments.

To improve the quality of service, it is proposed to hire a quality specialist.

To organize a workplace for a Quality Specialist, labor costs will be required, as well as costs for equipment of the workplace.

Table 4

Costs of creating a quality specialist workplace

Thus, the total cost of maintaining a quality specialist will be 70,000 + 119,368 = 189,368 rubles.

Periodic training and advanced training of both quality specialists and department employees is planned.

It is planned to improve qualifications at the course “Business Communication and Speech Culture” in Yekaterinburg.

Upon completion of the training, students are awarded a Qualification Certificate.

In addition, it is possible to study at the Russian School of Management (Moscow), which conducts training on the topic “Business Communications. Establishing contact with a partner.”

We summarize information about training needs in Table 6.

Table 6

Planned activities for training employees of the housing and communal services department of Izhevsk

Responsible for training Employee Course offered Reason for training

Head of Housing and Communal Services Department Customer Service Specialist Business Communication Add to training plan

Head of Housing and Communal Services Department Leading Specialist Speech Culture

Business communication Add to study plan

If there are actual or potential training needs for which there are no adequate training programs/courses, the organizer prepares a request for the need to develop or modify training programs. The request is transmitted to external educational institutions with which active interaction is maintained.

The average cost of training per employee is planned to be 35,000 rubles. per employee.

It is planned to train 5 employees of this department. Thus, training costs will be 35,000 * 5 = 175,000 rubles.

It is planned that employee training will improve the quality of services provided and will contribute to customer satisfaction.

Based on the available data presented by the heads of the housing and communal services department of the city of Izhevsk, we will compile the following table.

Table 7

Social effect of the proposed activities

Indicator 2012 20123 2014 Forecast Change in forecast by 2014

Number of customer complaints 116 119 128 85 664

Rating of the comfort of services according to clients in points from 1 to 5 22 26 25 4 1600

Compliance of the service with the standard according to experts in points from 1 to 5 22 25 24 4 1667

Thus, the social effect of the proposed activities will be expressed

- in reducing the number of complaints from visitors to the housing and communal services department of Izhevsk about the quality of services provided - by 336%

— increasing the comfort of providing services in the housing and communal services department of Izhevsk by 600%

— in accordance with the standard of services provided in the housing and communal services department of Izhevsk by 667%

Today, this approach, in which government agencies base their work on the ideology of international standards ISO 9001, is becoming increasingly widespread.

Conclusions and offers

The purpose of this work is to assess the management of municipal services in the housing and communal services sector of Izhevsk.

To achieve the goal of this work it will be necessary to solve the following tasks

1. Study the theoretical foundations of municipal management in the field of housing and communal services in Izhevsk

2. Conduct an analysis and assessment of the activities of the Izhevsk administration in the housing and communal services sector

3. Identify the main problems in the management of municipal services in the housing and communal services sector of Izhevsk and propose the main measures to optimize management

4. Assess the economic effect of the proposed activities.

The object of study is the activities of the administration of Izhevsk.

The analysis shows positive dynamics in the financing of the enterprise's activities.

Based on the presented data, we can draw the following conclusions:

The housing problem is one of the most important and complex social problems in the territory of the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk”.

The severity of the problem is due to the low affordability of housing. As a rule, certain categories of citizens in need of improved housing conditions cannot gain access to the housing market without budget support.

The creation of effective mechanisms for providing housing to citizens is especially relevant.

As of January 1, 2014, in the city of Izhevsk, 3,144 families were registered as needing improved housing conditions.

In 2013, one low-income family in need of improved housing conditions was provided with comfortable living quarters.

Residential premises under social tenancy agreements are provided in order of priority based on the time of registration of such citizens.

Today, the municipal housing stock does not have the housing resources to meet the housing needs of needy low-income citizens.

Among the main directions for improving municipal management in the housing and communal services sector of Izhevsk, the following can be canceled

1. Improving the municipal economy system in the housing and communal services sector through the implementation of the subprogram

2. Formulation of the goals of administrative reform in the municipal formation “City of Izhevsk”

3. Improving the quality of service for consumers of services.

The social effect of the proposed activities will be expressed in improving the quality of services provided and reducing the number of complaints from clients.

List of used literature

1. International standard “Quality Management System” requirements. 2nd edition. 2001.

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12. Portyankin Yu.A. Methodological basis for assessing the effectiveness of municipal property management Dis. Ph.D. econ. Sci. 08.00.05 // Yu.A. Portyankin. – M. 2012. – 155 p.

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The relevance of the research topic is determined by the increasing role of the formation of qualitatively new management systems, technologies and regulatory tools, adapted to the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis. This is extremely important for the housing and communal services sector, the existing management system of which seems ineffective.

The experience of countries with civilized market relations shows: the sustainable functioning of the housing and communal services sector depends on the influence of the state and society on the activities of resource monopolists, as well as on the effectiveness of state programs for housing and urban development and the usefulness of the competitive environment. In these countries, the state establishes long-term “rules of the game” for business so that the corporate interest of society, all levels of government and business in the socio-economic development of the housing and communal services sector is formed.

For Russia, the problems of developing the housing and communal services system are of particular importance due to the high level of depreciation of the housing stock, the critical condition of engineering infrastructure, and the low quality of services provided.

Problems of housing and communal services have always attracted the attention of both specialists working in this area or in contact with it, and the public.

Housing and communal services are the most important element of both the social and economic spheres of the national economy, a complex diversified production and technical complex. The starting point for building an effective and efficient management system should be the determination of the place of housing and communal services in the economic system of the region, its structure and relationships with other elements of the national economy.

The housing and communal services sector of Russia at the present stage is the largest diversified complex, which includes a housing stock with a total area of ​​about 3 billion m2, a multidisciplinary engineering infrastructure that ensures the supply of heat, electricity, water supply and sanitation services to consumers, and the performance of cleaning work , removal, disposal of solid household waste, landscaping and landscaping, etc.

Housing and communal services account for about 30% of all fixed assets in the country. The annual volume of services provided by enterprises and organizations in the industry is 1.2 trillion rubles.

The housing and communal services complex is the most important component in the life support system of citizens, covers almost the entire population of the country and, therefore, occupies an exceptional position among other sectors of the economy. In the housing and communal services sector, authorities at various levels, economic entities and regulatory authorities remain jointly responsible for the stable, reliable and high-quality provision of services to consumers.

Since the mid-1990s, in connection with the general processes of reforming the Russian economy, its transfer to market mechanisms of functioning in the housing and communal services, reform processes have also begun.

Housing and communal services are the most important sphere of the socio-economic structure of society and at the same time one of the largest sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation. However, the attitude towards the industry was always of a consumer nature and its financing was carried out on a residual basis.

In recent years, measures have been taken to reform the industry, providing for the modernization of the entire housing and communal services of the country, most of which are industrial facilities. Many municipalities spend up to 70% of tax revenues in local budgets to support housing and communal services, which indicates the need for emergency reform.

Housing and communal services reform programs have been adopted at the regional level and by all municipalities, but the list of measures is not yet a mechanism for their implementation. Despite the existence of programs, reforming housing and communal services is still one of the most difficult tasks. When implementing it, serious problems are often encountered that hinder the development of the industry: a non-national system; preservation of non-market operating principles, administrative management; cost of farming; non-transparency of tariff formation; low investment attractiveness; lack of competition; the presence of large debts, etc. Problematic situations in the housing and communal services sector are complex in nature, they cover several levels of government and management at once, they simultaneously have economic, technical, psychological and other aspects, therefore, solving the issues that arise requires a systematic approach that synthesizes the efforts of managers at different levels and specialists at different profiles.

The degree of knowledge of the problem. The problems of functioning and reforming the housing and communal services are reflected in the works of scientists A.A. Adeykina, B.N. Andrushkiva, V.V. Buzyreva, M.N. Nazarenko, B.C. Chekalina, L.N. Chernysheva and others.

In general, the problems of managing housing and communal services are considered in the works of both domestic and foreign specialists, but in most cases they do not address the issues of market transformation of the management structure. There is little reflection in the literature of a systematic approach to the problems of functioning of housing and communal services and their solutions.

The object of study of the diploma project is the housing and communal services of the municipal formation of Murmansk.

The subject of the study is the housing and communal services management system in Murmansk.

To achieve the set goal in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Study the theoretical aspects of the housing and communal services management system.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of management models existing in Russia and abroad, and identify the possibility of their modification in modern Russian conditions.

3. Conduct an analysis of the state of housing and communal services in Murmansk.

The following were used as the methodological basis for the diploma project:

Dialectical principles, which made it possible to identify the main characteristics of the phenomena and processes under study in their interrelation, to determine the trends in their formation and development;

A systematic approach necessary for considering an object as an integral set of elements in a set of relationships and connections between them, that is, considering an object as a system.

During the research, the following general scientific methods were used:

Analysis, which allows you to decompose an object into its constituent parts;

Synthesis, combining elements learned as a result of analysis into a single whole;

Historical method.

Methods of empirical knowledge were also used: the method of description and comparison.

The theoretical basis of the study was the scientific works of domestic authors in the field of studying the problems of housing and communal services, such as Korobko V.I., Zhukov D.M., Gladyshev A.G., Zotov V.B., Kutafin O.E. and etc.

The information base of the study is based on regulatory legal acts of the federal, regional and local levels: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code, the Civil Code, the Federal Law “On Homeowners’ Associations” as amended on March 21, 2002, the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy” with amendments dated May 6, 2003 No. 52-FZ, etc., official statistics, Internet materials, publications in scientific journals and in the media by such authors as Slinyakov Yu.V. “Problems of housing and communal services and possible ways to solve them,” Durnev V.N. “The crisis of housing and communal services in Russia: is there a way out?”, Galyautdinov A.R. “Metamorphoses of housing and communal services reform”, etc.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of practical recommendations for improving the management system of housing and communal services of the municipality.

The practical significance of the diploma project is that the conclusions and practical recommendations can be used by the administration of Murmansk and management companies to develop a comprehensive program of practical measures to improve the activities of the housing and communal services sector.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic of the diploma project, establishes the goals and objectives of the work, the object and subject of the research, the theoretical, methodological and information basis of the work, and shows the scientific novelty and practical significance of the project.

The first chapter, “Theoretical aspects of studying the problems and prospects of housing and communal services management in Russia,” shows the specifics of the industry, analyzes foreign and domestic experience in housing and communal services management, and also explores the problems and prospects for the development of housing and communal services in Russia.

In the second chapter, “Analysis of the housing and communal services management system using the example of the Department of the Pervomaisky Administrative District of the Administration of Murmansk,” the management system of the housing and communal services of the city of Murmansk is analyzed, the characteristics of management organizations in the Pervomaisky Administrative District are given, and the activities of the Department of the Pervomaisky Administrative District of the Administration of Murmansk are studied.

The third chapter, “Development of measures to improve the housing and communal services management system using the example of Murmansk,” examines modern approaches to automating settlements and payments in the housing and communal services sector, identifies measures to solve the problem of non-payments, as well as the possibility of attracting investments in the housing and communal services sector.

In conclusion, the main conclusions from the research done are outlined and practical proposals based on the results of the work are systematized.

1. Theoretical aspects of the study of problems and prospects for managing housing and communal services in Russia

1.1 Definition and characteristics of housing and communal services

Housing legislation is based on the need for state authorities and local self-government bodies to provide conditions for citizens to exercise the right to housing, its security, the inviolability and inadmissibility of arbitrary deprivation of housing, the need for the unimpeded implementation of rights arising from relations regulated by housing legislation, as well as the recognition equality of participants in relations regulated by housing legislation in the ownership, use and disposal of residential premises, unless otherwise follows from this Code, another federal law or the essence of the relevant relations, on the need to ensure the restoration of violated housing rights, their judicial protection, ensuring the safety of the housing stock and the use of residential premises for their intended purpose.

The city's housing sector includes the housing stock, non-residential buildings and premises for public, social and other purposes, as well as enterprises and organizations that operate and maintain the housing stock and non-residential buildings.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy”, the city’s housing stock is a set of residential premises, regardless of the form of ownership: residential buildings (single-apartment and multi-apartment), specialized buildings (dormitories, shelter hotels, houses of flexible stock, boarding houses for disabled people, veterans, etc.), apartments, office premises, other residential premises in other buildings suitable for habitation. As the population's well-being grows, the requirements for the volume and quality characteristics of the city's housing stock increase, and the structure of the city's housing stock changes accordingly.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims man, his rights and freedoms to be the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms are the responsibility of the state.

The above also applies to the right of citizens to have housing and use it. Adequate housing is part of the concept of a decent standard of living for a person.

Citizens can exercise their constitutional right to housing by purchasing housing as their own, cooperative or individual housing construction, as well as from the state or municipal housing stock.

The housing stock in Russia is included as an integral part of a broader branch of the national economy - housing and communal services. Housing and communal services include, in addition to the housing stock, also sanitary and technical, energy, gas, water supply, heating, sewerage, etc. Management of the housing and communal services sector is subordinated to the task of ensuring that the housing and communal needs of the population are met.

Housing is one of the most important sectors of social infrastructure. The growth of people's well-being is closely related to the improvement of living conditions.

Utilities are designed to provide residents of populated areas with water, heat, roads, transport, etc. Expenses for paying for services provided by utility companies are covered by funds from territorial budgets, funds of legal entities and individuals.

Housing and communal services are the leading sector of the municipal economy, today accounting for 50-70% of fixed assets of municipal property. Includes: housing complex, water supply, communication energy, urban improvement, road maintenance, waste disposal, consumer services.

Currently, the production structure of housing and communal services as a branch of the economy consists of four subsectors:

- housing;

- resource supply (heat, electricity, gas, water supply and wastewater disposal);

- landscaping (road and bridge maintenance, landscaping, bank protection, sanitary cleaning, waste disposal);

- consumer services (bath and laundry services, hotel services, funeral services).

The housing and utilities sector has a great influence on the macroeconomic situation in the country, since the need for expenditures on its sustainable functioning in city budgets ranges from 40 to 60%. In addition, actual financing from all sources is 55-70% of the need, which complicates the quality of service to the population regarding housing and communal services.

As a single object of management, housing and communal services no longer exist either at the federal or regional levels of government and fall under the competence of local governments. In the regions today, about 50 thousand small, diversified unitary and joint-stock enterprises provide public services to cities and towns. They employ more than 4.2 million people or 5.9% of the total number of employees.

On the territory of the city, housing and communal services ensure the functioning of housing, water supply, water consumption, water disposal and wastewater treatment, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply, etc.

Currently, the housing and communal services sector of the Russian Federation is in a state of crisis, which is characterized by the subsidization of the industry and an unsatisfactory financial situation, high costs, lack of economic incentives and reduction of costs for the production of utilities, an underdeveloped competitive environment and a high degree of depreciation of fixed assets, inefficient operation of enterprises, and large energy losses. , water and other resources.

The following features of housing and communal services are highlighted:

The coincidence of the place of production and consumption of the services produced by the industry;

The presence of a large number of sub-sectors, differing in their functions in the overall system, capital intensity, labor intensity of production of services, level of monopolization of production, different adaptive ability to be included in the development of market relations;

The impact of housing on the development of other areas of the urban economy.

These features imply the need to manage the housing and communal services sector within municipalities using a systematic approach to solving problems.

Characteristic features of modern Russian housing and communal services:

Regulatory method of accounting for consumption of services;

Availability of subsidies for the maintenance of housing and communal services;

Low quality of services provided.

You can also add to the peculiarities of the housing and communal services sector in Russia the lack of development of the management structure in the housing and communal services system, in particular, the lack of a clear delineation of the functions of structural divisions, costly pricing, the lack of independent control, lack of marketing, and disinterest of housing and communal services workers in the results of their activities.

The reasons for the failure to implement the reform plan due to changes in other sectors of the economy:

1) impoverishment of the population, which led to the impossibility of raising prices until housing and communal services were self-sustaining;

2) a significant decrease in budgetary capacity;

3) neglect of the use of systemic management of the housing and communal services sector.

Housing and communal services have systemic properties identified in the theory of organization, namely:

The property of connectivity: sub-sectors, acting together, get a greater effect than otherwise;

The property of emergence: the potential of the entire complex can be greater, equal or less than the sum of the potentials of its constituent elements.

The systemic features of the housing and communal complex are:

1) the many sub-sectors that make it up;

2) the unity of the main goal of all components - providing services to consumers in terms of life support;

3) the presence of relationships between sub-sectors;

4) the presence of a multi-level hierarchical structure;

5) relative independence of units and the existence of a management system.

D.M. Zhukov defines the city’s housing and communal services as “a complex socio-economic system that provides life and work for the population, as well as enterprises in various sectors of the national economy, with the necessary resources of water, gas, heat, etc.” The specificity of the housing and communal services sector, in his opinion, lies “in its versatility, diversified structure, which requires appropriate organizational, legal and economic foundations.”

According to existing legislation, housing and communal services, being a diversified complex, falls under the competence of local governments. The entire housing and communal services management system is built on this basis. In the administrations of many regions at the regional, regional and republican levels, there are no structural units dealing with the problems of housing and communal services in the region, whose competence would include solving very specific tasks to bring the housing and communal services sector out of a crisis.

At the same time, the housing and communal services sector bears the burden of obligations that are far from municipal and not supported by sufficient funding from the budget (social protection of the population, provision of housing and communal services to budget-dependent consumers, etc.). Today, housing and communal services enterprises are forced to operate obviously inefficient equipment and housing built several decades ago using ineffective technologies, when the ideology of energy saving and energy efficiency was not yet a state priority.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the housing and communal complex is a structurally complex hierarchical system, therefore, this implies the need to manage it within municipalities, using a systematic approach and taking into account the patterns in its development.

1.2 Analysis of domestic and foreign experience in housing and communal services management

The Russian housing and communal services sector is in a state of severe systemic crisis. Numerous figures and facts confirming this thesis are well known; there is no need to repeat them. Huge expenses of budgets of all levels on housing and communal services, a high degree of dissatisfaction among Russian citizens with their housing and communal living conditions, turning into housing and communal “revolts” (Voronezh, Ulyanovsk, Primorye), forces the authorities to look for ways out of the current situation.

The housing and communal services management system, which developed in the pre-reform period, has not undergone significant changes to date and is characterized by administrative management methods, a costly economic structure, and a situational rather than comprehensive approach to solving problems.

The housing and communal services reform began in Russia more than ten years ago. During this time, it was possible to change some things, new forms of socio-economic relationships appeared. At the same time, the opinions of the population, the state in the person of officials, experts (housing and communal services specialists) about the achieved results of the reform coincide only in one thing - the current housing system is significantly different from what it was in the Soviet period.

There are different opinions and points of view in the media and in science regarding the reform of this sector carried out by the current government; Much attention is paid to the problems of finding optimal ways to implement the reform. Officials claim that the housing and communal services reform is proceeding more or less effectively: firstly, it has almost been possible to move away from budgetary financing of the industry, to begin a gradual transition to market principles of management (albeit not fully); secondly, to separate the functions of the contractor and the customer. (Previously, housing trusts, which united the lower level of housing and communal services - housing plots, at different times and in different cities called ZhREU, ZhEU, ZhEK, etc., themselves provided services to the population, collected payments, controlled the quality and volume of work performed. Control with on the part of local authorities was formal.) Today, about 3 thousand customer services (management companies) have been created in Russian cities, which have taken on the functions of collecting payments from the population, accepting payments from housing enterprises and paying for the actual amount of work performed.

The reform of housing and communal services began in our country without a model, the necessary legislative framework and sufficient financial support for the economic transformation of the industry. The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation lacks laws delimiting the powers of the authorities and housing and communal services entities, which include the manufacturer, management company and consumer of services. As a result, the housing and communal complex began to quickly collapse. The process accelerated due to the weak interest of the executive branch in the structural transformation of the housing and communal services management system, a radical change in tariff policy and the development of mechanisms of public control over natural monopolists. The industry, which consumes more than 30% of the consolidated budget, has essentially turned into an arena for election campaigns.

The situation was aggravated by the colossal contradiction between the beautiful fairy tale about the liberal market economy and the harsh reality. The hope for liberalization as a stimulator of self-organization of positive economic transformations in the housing and communal services sector is a delusion both by intention and ignorance. World practice shows that without the participation of the state as a guarantor of social justice, market relations quickly acquire a criminal and bureaucratic character. This leads to a weakening of the state and impoverishment of the population.

Currently, there are several concepts for reforming housing and communal services in society; we will briefly consider the main ones.

1. Official government program.

The main idea is to reduce the state's share in paying for housing and communal services and shift these payments to the population; targeted social support for the poor; introduction of the so-called “personal housing accounts” from which residents must spend funds “effectively” by attracting the best utility providers; introduction of competitive methods in the public service system.

This program does not stand up to criticism, which the government itself apparently understands. The population is offered to pay 100% of the price of services, calculated on a cost basis, regardless of their quality, plus the costs of low efficiency and theft of officials. There are no incentives to improve quality - many individual scattered rent payers are not able to become effective customers of housing and communal services; the same government organizations - DEZ, REU, etc. - continue to do this.

The question of creating an effective owner is not even formulated. The idea of ​​collecting 100% of the rent is obviously doomed to failure because there is no effective mechanism for this. Now, when the population pays only 50% of housing and communal services, the number of non-payers reaches 20%, with an increase in rent to 100%, their number can reach 50% - 60%, which, coupled with targeted social additional payments, will negate all efforts, the state’s share in payments will not decrease. Today, the government program can only be qualified as a semblance of reform, as “pseudo-reforms.”

2. Liberal concept of housing and communal services reform.

The essence of this concept is to apply the ideas of privatization and liberalization to all housing and communal services objects without taking into account their specifics, with the main slogan - privatize as much as possible and as quickly as possible, then the market itself will put everything in its place. In fact, this is vulgar - a liberal approach to reforms, which has also manifested itself in the housing and communal services sector. This concept developed in the early 90s among the so-called. “young reformers”, when people who did not have serious economic knowledge came to power.

As part of this “concept,” large-scale privatization of apartments in municipal buildings was carried out, as a result of which in Russia an ugly hybrid of various forms of ownership developed, which has no analogues in the world - municipal buildings with privatized apartments. Now, in terms of the number of private homeowners, we have caught up and surpassed developed countries, but this reform has not solved a single housing and communal services problem; on the contrary, it has given rise to a lot of new ones. This is about the same as trying to increase the efficiency of a state-owned enterprise by transferring its machines and machines into the ownership of workers and simply strangers.

3. “Moscow model” of housing and communal services reform.

The Moscow model basically coincides with the government program, with the exception of one point: the Moscow authorities, unlike the federal ones, more clearly understand that the housing and communal services sector needs an effective owner, an owner, and that trying to achieve effective management of housing and communal services by bureaucratic and bureaucratic structures is futile. In the “Moscow model”, homeowners’ associations (HOAs) are elected as effective owners, managing a property complex (condominium) consisting of the house itself, the surrounding area, buildings, etc.

The Moscow authorities are making a lot of efforts to organize HOAs from municipal buildings with privatized apartments, or immediately transfer newly built houses to condominiums. But things are going very hard. At the end of 2001, out of 40 thousand Moscow residential buildings, only about 700 HOAs were registered, and only about 50 actually operate (less than 0.1%).

Condominium - a single complex of real estate that includes a land plot within established boundaries and a residential building and other real estate located on the specified plot and in which separate parts (premises) intended for residential or other purposes are located in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership, and other parts (common property) are in common shared ownership.

It should be noted that condominiums are a fairly common form of ownership in the world: in developed foreign countries they account for an average of approximately 15 - 20% of all housing.

The reasons for the Moscow model slipping are as follows:

- disunity of people in the house due to different social, financial, cultural levels, inability to organize into a team, which is necessary for organizing an HOA;

- the problem of “local society”: families of different incomes live in the same house, and wealthy people do not want to pay for the poor and for drunkards and degenerate people;

- reluctance of people to take on additional burdens and costs of managing a home;

- presence in the house of non-privatized ones, i.e. municipal apartments, for which members of the HOA must bear the costs.

The creation of condominiums, in principle, is a step in the right direction, but condominiums must be created at the stage of construction of a house, so that everyone who buys an apartment in it knows what they are getting into and what awaits them. And while the creation of HOAs is stalled, the Moscow authorities continue to churn out municipal housing with privatized apartments, reproducing existing difficulties on an even larger scale and plugging the holes with various city programs like “my yard, my entrance” and the like.

The main drawback of these models of housing and communal services reform is the attempt to solve problems within the existing system without qualitatively changing it. The problem of changing the ownership structure is not truly analyzed: it is not even mentioned in the government program, in the “liberal” model it is false, dead-end, and in the “Moscow” model it is one-sided, superficial. But it is well known that in the economy (and housing and communal services are a branch of the economy) a lot depends on the form of ownership.

The current Russian housing and communal services system in its main features was formed in 1918 and subsequent years of Soviet power as a result of deep, radical transformations, or rather, a radical breakdown of the previous housing and communal services system that existed in pre-revolutionary Russia. The essence of these “reforms” was the 100% nationalization of all housing and communal services facilities, i.e. in their transition to state ownership, and, accordingly, to state, centralized management of them. The revolution in housing and communal services in 1918 consisted precisely in a radical change in forms of ownership. An analysis of the ownership structure in the housing and communal services sector of pre-revolutionary Russia and modern foreign developed countries reveals their very significant, fundamental differences from the current Russian situation. Let's try to analyze the functioning of housing and communal services from this point of view.

The central link of the entire housing and communal services system is a residential building, which provides housing services to people and is the customer of utilities. It must be emphasized that the main and only provider of housing services is the house as a whole, and not an individual apartment (as is commonly believed in Russia, which is reflected even in legislation), because an apartment can only exist as part of a house and the quality of living in this apartment depends 90% on the properties of the entire house as a whole.

So, a residential building provides a person with: 1) housing services, which must be of adequate quality and 2) enters into contracts (through managers) for public services for residents (water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity, gas, garbage collection, etc.). Thus, we can consider that a residential building is a kind of enterprise that produces housing services and ensures the supply of utilities from public service organizations. If this enterprise operates efficiently, then residents are provided with the entire range of housing and communal services - high quality services, and vice versa, with low efficiency, residents receive housing and communal services - low quality services. It is known that the efficiency of any enterprise depends on many reasons, among which the form of ownership plays an important role. It should also be noted that only the house as a whole can be an effective customer of utilities, but not the residents individually (and the quality of the provided utilities largely depends on this).

In modern foreign developed countries (as in pre-revolutionary Russia) there are several types (forms) of ownership of urban residential buildings. Let us list the main, most common types.

1. Private single-family house.

This is a separate house, a cottage in which one family lives, which is the private property of one of the family members or the common shared property of family members. This is a very common form of urban housing. In foreign developed countries it reaches 20 - 30% of the urban housing stock in large cities (in the USA - up to 40%), and up to 50 - 70% in small cities, and is also quite widespread in Russian provincial cities. In Moscow, on the contrary, its share is minimal; the Moscow authorities adhere to the strategy of constructing exclusively multi-storey apartment buildings.

2. Private multi-apartment rental building.

The house and surrounding area belong to the owner (individual or company) as private property; apartments (or rooms) are rented to residents at commercial prices without the right of alienation. This form is widespread in the world, existed in pre-revolutionary Russia in the form of “apartment houses”, but is absent in modern Russia.

3. Condominium.

The house and surrounding area are jointly owned by all residents of the house. The property complex is managed by a homeowners association (HOA), which includes all residents of the building.

A homeowners' association is a non-profit organization, a form of association of homeowners for joint management and ensuring the operation of a complex of real estate in a condominium, ownership, use and, within the limits established by law, disposal of common property.

Each tenant's share in the common property is his apartment, which can be alienated by purchase and sale to another owner. The new owner becomes a member of the HOA and is obliged to follow all the rules adopted for this house. This form is quite widespread in the world. In Russia, it exists only in its infancy; this form of ownership, with certain reservations, can also include cooperative houses of Soviet times.

4. Municipal multi-apartment rental building.

The house is the property of the state (or municipality), the apartments are rented to residents at social, regulated prices without the right of alienation. In foreign countries, the share of municipal housing is small; it is housing for the poor, subsidized from the local budget; in the USSR, and then in Russia - the main form of providing housing for citizens of all categories.

5. Municipal apartment building with privatized apartments.

The house is the property of the state (or municipality), some of the apartments are the private property of the persons living in them, the other part are municipal apartments rented out to residents. Both pay rent at social, regulated prices. This structure is a hybrid of various forms of ownership and exists only in Russia and some post-socialist countries. It has no analogues in foreign developed countries.

6. Departmental housing.

The house is the property of an enterprise, organization, department for which the provision of housing services is not their main core activity. Apartments are rented to employees of the enterprise at regulated prices without the right of alienation. It is widespread in many countries, but its share is small. It still exists in Russia, especially in large numbers in provincial industrial cities. The general trend is the desire of enterprises to get rid of non-core activities and related costs, and transfer houses either to the municipal fund or sell them to another, “core” owner.

At the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, based on mathematical models and expert assessments, studies were carried out on the effectiveness of all of the listed forms of ownership of residential buildings. The assessments were carried out according to 20 parameters, reflecting the interests of all participants in the housing and communal process: 1) residents of the house, 2) the homeowner, 3) society as a whole, 4) the state.

The study revealed the following picture: the most effective form of housing ownership was private rental houses, then private single-family houses and condominiums, the least effective was municipal housing, and the most ineffective were municipal houses with privatized apartments. If we take the efficiency of municipal buildings with privatized apartments as 1, then the distribution of efficiency of all forms of urban housing will look like this:

- private rental houses - 8.50

- private single-family houses - 2.43

- condominiums - 1.89

- municipal rental houses - 1.13

- municipal houses with privatized apartments - 1.00,

those. the efficiency of private rental houses exceeds the efficiency of municipal houses with privatized apartments by 8.5 times.

This is confirmed by world practice: in foreign developed countries in the structure of urban housing, the largest place is occupied by private rental and private single-family houses (the same was in pre-revolutionary Russia), the smallest place is occupied by municipal housing. In many countries (Germany, Finland, etc.) there are no municipal houses at all; the functions of social housing are performed by private rental housing, which is rented for the poor, and the state pays the difference. And in general, nowhere (with the exception of some post-socialist countries) are there municipal buildings with privatized apartments.

Today in Russia there is a far from optimal structure of urban housing types, sharply deformed towards the least effective forms - municipal houses and municipal houses with privatized apartments. In addition, these forms of ownership are constantly being reproduced, exacerbating numerous problems of the Russian housing and communal services.

The main direction of housing and communal services reform should not be an increase in rents or the transfer of municipal housing to self-sufficiency, but a change in the ownership structure - reducing the share of inefficient forms of urban housing and increasing the share of efficient ones. The central, main task for Russia is to get rid of the domination, domination, dominance of the least effective form of housing - state and municipal. Municipal housing exists in many countries, but its share is small (no more than 10% - 20%).

Nowhere in the world is municipal housing paid for by residents 100%; the share of payment is 40 - 60%, the rest is subsidized from the local budget. Not everyone has the right to receive an apartment in a municipal building, but only low-income, low-income people. Each country has its own criteria for the provision of municipal housing, for example, in the USA, a family has the right to apply for a municipal apartment if its annual income is less than 50% of the average annual income in a given district (and this must be proven and documented). Everywhere in the world, you have to wait in line for municipal housing from several months to several years; everywhere it is serviced and maintained at a low level, i.e. has the same problems as us. The main inhabitants of public housing in the world are unskilled workers, the unemployed, immigrants, alcoholics, the sick, students, losers, etc., i.e. socially disadvantaged contingent. The state is forced to help these people so that they do not live on the streets, under bridges, in landfills, etc. At the first opportunity, people leave municipal housing and move to better, more comfortable, socially prosperous and safe private housing.

So, to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services, it is necessary to change the ownership structure of urban housing:

- stop the construction of low-efficiency municipal housing, gradually increasing its share to 20-30%

- stop the privatization of apartments in municipal buildings, reducing the share of the most inefficient form of ownership, encourage deprivatization

- establish a federal standard for paying for municipal housing - 50%

- vigorously increase the share of private rental and private single-family housing, as well as condominiums, as the most efficient housing

- transfer departmental housing not to the municipal fund (as is done now), but to private rental by selling it to an investor,

- implement various programs for the transfer of municipal housing into private rental or condominium (privatization of houses, but not apartments).

The transition to a more rational structure of ownership of residential buildings will allow significant progress towards reforming the Russian housing and communal services.

1.3 Problems and prospects for the development of housing and communal services

administrative housing and communal department

In recent years, problems associated with the functioning of housing and communal services have become the object of comprehensive attention, but no serious positive changes have occurred in this area to date. Moreover, there is a deterioration in both the technical and financial situation of this diversified complex. The housing and communal services sector is still characterized by the lack of effective economic relations and the low quality of services provided.

Sometimes it seems that the housing and communal system in Russia is hopeless. In ten years, such contradictions have accumulated in it that it seems impossible to cope with them even in decades. But it is not so. All these problems essentially boil down to the inability to interact between organizations providing services in this market. There are four main factors that hinder this interaction:

1) Imbalance of tariffs, when, say, a water supply company becomes bankrupt due to rising electricity prices, and has no right to increase its water prices. 2) Non-payments from the state. First of all, this concerns state compensation for various benefits and subsidies and simply lenient prices for housing and communal services provided to the population.

3) Non-payments of the population itself, which, however, in recent years have become much more stable, and in 2003 amounted to less than 10%.

Finally, (4) Long-term agreements in Russian conditions are still extremely difficult. It is almost impossible to plan contractual relationships for a period of even 20 years, since it is associated with great risks due to the difficult to predict development of the industry.

The quality of maintenance of the housing stock and utilities is at a very low level and does not correspond not only to the needs and expectations of the population, but also to the total amount of financial resources allocated to this sector. The main reason for the inefficiency of the housing and communal services sector is the persistence of non-market operating principles in a sector where market relations can and should develop normally. As a result, in the housing and communal services sector there are practically no incentives for rational management and growth of production. labor stress, the motivation for energy saving, the introduction of new technologies, and investment in the modernization of production are weakened.

The housing and communal services sector and its state today are characterized by low investment attractiveness and require large investments for modernization and development. The problem is aggravated by the large amount of debt in the housing and communal services sector, resulting from the failure of budgets at all levels to fulfill their obligations. The volume of accounts receivable from housing and communal services enterprises amounted to 268.1 billion rubles at the end of 2008, while the volume of their accounts payable exceeded 307.5 billion rubles.

The completion of the housing and communal services reform should ensure its technological and managerial modernization with the involvement of private business and private investment, the formation of real owners of apartments in apartment buildings and the transfer to them of decision-making functions for managing the common property of an apartment building.

Measures to modernize communal infrastructure and attract private investment should be implemented within the framework of the subprogram “Modernization of municipal infrastructure facilities”.

Today in Russia, centralized water supply systems are available in 1,068 cities (98% of the total number of cities) and 1,774 urban-type settlements (84%). The total length of water supply networks in cities and other settlements of the Russian Federation is 458.6 thousand km, of which 75.4 thousand km. (17%) need replacement.

Utility energy consumes more than 23% of the electrical energy and 46% of the thermal energy produced in the country. The production base of the municipal energy sector includes 67 thousand heating boiler houses, more than 350 thousand km of heating networks and 550 thousand km of overhead and cable power networks, the physical wear of which exceeds more than 53%. Energy enterprises according to their form of ownership are divided into municipal (89%) and private - in the form of open and closed joint-stock companies.

As for the activities for the maintenance and development of street and road network facilities and structures, more than 610 specialized road repair and construction organizations and bridge maintenance services operate there. The amount of funds allocated for the maintenance and development of road and bridge facilities in recent years is approximately 12% of the need. Gradually, work begins on paying for the use of the road network of cities and other settlements.

The capacity of sewerage treatment facilities is 57 million cubic meters. m per day. The length of sewer networks in settlements has increased to 115 thousand km, of which 14 thousand km (14%) require major repairs. The capacity deficit of sewerage facilities is about 10 million cubic meters. m per day.

After the privatization of the housing and communal services sector, services to the population are provided by enterprises of various forms of ownership, employing 108 thousand people, performing a volume of work (services) worth more than 9.0 billion rubles. annually.

In the cities and towns of Russia there are currently 5.5 thousand bath and laundry organizations, more than 2.9 thousand funeral service enterprises, and about 2.0 thousand communal hotels. Today, 21% of consumer service enterprises remain in municipal ownership. The activities of privatized and joint-stock enterprises in the new economic conditions made it possible to reduce the cost of services, improve their quality and, thereby, create a healthy competitive anti-monopoly environment in the field of consumer services.

Every year the dilapidated and emergency housing stock subject to demolition increases, as well as the depreciation of the industry's fixed assets. The level of reliability of engineering communications in Russia is two times lower than in European countries. Fuel and energy resources are being wasted, and the technologies used are outdated. Due to insufficient financial resources, the share of manual labor in repair and maintenance production is high.

Therefore, the current state of affairs in the housing and communal services sector is due to:

- the ineffectiveness of architectural, planning, design, construction and technical solutions adopted at one time in the housing sector;

- huge social obligations of the state to the population to pay for housing and communal services (48 million people enjoying benefits);

Underfinancing of operating costs and funds for the modernization of housing and communal services facilities, both during the period of the centralized system of industry management and at present, due to the low solvency of the population and insufficient budgetary provision of municipalities;

The existing ineffective management system in this sector of the economy, which does not allow the housing and communal services sector to emerge from the crisis.

Today we do not have a management system and the necessary sources of financing for housing and communal services enterprises - the basis for the sustainable functioning of life support facilities in cities and settlements.

There is also an urgent issue about the need to modernize and reconstruct most of the housing and municipal infrastructure of cities - approximately in the amount of 4.5-5.0 trillion rubles. In the near future there will be no such money either in the budget or in the hands of the population.

Further formation of a new housing and communal policy is impossible without the active participation of the state. Therefore, one of the government's main priorities in economic reforms in Russia is reforming the housing and communal services.

The main obstacles to the implementation of planned measures to reform the housing and communal services sector today are:

Politicization of the problem of housing and communal services reform;

Documents on housing and communal services reform for executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are not mandatory, but advisory in nature;

The housing and communal services industry is negatively affected by unsettled interbudgetary relations;

At the municipal and subfederal level, there is no understanding of the need for strict regulation of the activities of local monopolies and the creation of effective management of the urban economy as a whole. As a result, housing and communal services enterprises ineffectively use funds, pricing, and the quality of work and services;

The psychology of dependency among citizens persists both in the organization of self-government in the housing sector and in the reluctance to pay on time and apply for subsidies, etc.

At the federal level, the deadline for completing the planned reforms was legislatively postponed three times: first it was 1998, then 2003, then 2008. As a result, legislators at the level of constituent entities of the Federation and local governments often block decisions of the executive branch of government to reform the industry. The result may be negative for most territories of the Russian Federation and the population if consolidated political decisions are not made and the problem does not become economic.

The main goal of the main directions of reforms in the housing and communal services sector is to restore order in this complex economy, reduce unreasonable costs of housing and communal services enterprises, develop mechanisms for social protection of low-income categories of the population and improve the quality of service through institutional reforms and energy and resource saving measures.

As a result of the ongoing reforms in the housing and communal services sector, the differentiation of the functions of the Customer and the Contractor in the field of operation of the housing stock and the transition to contractual relations are being actively carried out.

Already today in Russia about 60% of the municipal housing stock is serviced on a contractual basis. In Moscow this figure is 96%.

Significant potential for the formation of effective forms of management of housing and communal services lies in the creation of various forms of associations of owners, in particular associations of residents in homeowners' associations (HOA), which are an alternative to the monopoly of DUs. Such associations are designed to control the entire process of public services and independently select the organization that will provide the most favorable conditions for public services. The Federal Law “On Homeowners' Associations” has been adopted. In accordance with the Concept of reforming the housing and communal services, HOAs allow the homeowner to effectively control the quality of the services provided. In general, HOAs and housing cooperatives serve no more than 8% of the housing stock.

One of the reasons for the reluctance of apartment owners to form an HOA is the significant costs of administering relatively small management facilities. Regarding the objects of the municipal housing stock transferred to the HOA, disagreements arise regarding the transfer of rights to ownership, use and disposal of non-residential premises (use by members of the HOA, rental). In addition, the issue of who will provide financial assistance to homeowner associations for major repairs has not been resolved.

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housing and communal services


The relevance of considering the topic of the course work “Housing and communal services reform at the municipal level (using the example of the Votkinsk municipality)” lies in the fact that without exaggeration it can be said that housing and communal services are one of the most important spheres of life for every person. Every day, whether a person knows about it or not, his “life-being” is regulated by the norms of housing legislation. And his life largely depends on what these norms are, what their content and content are.

It is with regret that we have to state that the state has long been indebted to society not only for its construction policy, but also for the lack of a clear, understandable, transparent and consistent system of housing legislation.

Until March 1, 2005, i.e. Before the introduction of the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), legislation regulating housing relations was characterized by unsystematic nature and a large number of regulations (acts were adopted at different times, at different levels - from instructions to federal laws). Systemic codified acts (Fundamentals of housing legislation of the USSR and union republics and the Housing Code of the RSFSR) were adopted more than 20 years ago. It is obvious that the socio-economic conditions in the country have changed so much that in the 90s. last century and at the beginning of the 21st century. The fundamentals were not actually in effect, and the RSFSR Housing Code was applied to the extent that it did not contradict the laws adopted later. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) regulated relations related to both the right of ownership of residential premises and the rental agreement for residential premises. However, in general, housing legislation was not streamlined before March 1, 2005.

These circumstances allow us to assert that in the Russian Federation there is a long overdue need for a new (second) codification of housing legislation, which would finally streamline the regulation of housing relations.

The new Housing Code of the Russian Federation was adopted by the State Duma on December 22, 2004, approved by the Federation Council on December 24, 2004, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2004, published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on January 12, 2005 and, as already indicated, entered into effective March 1, 2005

The object of study of the course work is social relations, at the center of which is such a specific object as a living space.

The subject of the research is the management of the housing and communal complex (HCS).

The purpose of this course work is to examine the reform of housing and communal services at the municipal level.

When writing the course work, the following tasks were set:

Analyze literary sources and current legislation on the issue under study,

Consideration of the general concept of management at the municipal level of housing and communal services;

To identify the main provisions of housing and communal services management in the municipality of Votkinsk.

The information basis of the course work is civil and housing legislation in the Russian Federation.

The theoretical basis of the course work is the works of domestic authors dealing with problems of management of the housing and communal services sector.

The methodological basis of the course work is a set of methods and tools used in management sciences (in particular, analysis).

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

The first chapter covers the theoretical foundations of the issue under study - the basics of housing and communal services management at the municipal level.

The second chapter contains data from a study of housing and communal services management in the municipality of Votkinsk.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of municipal housing and communal services management

1.1 General problems of management and reform of housing and communal services

The level of provision of the population with housing and communal services (HCS) is one of the most important indicators of the quality of life in the territory of the municipality. Management of the housing and communal services complex falls mainly within the competence of settlements. Municipal districts are entrusted with inter-settlement functions: organizing electricity and gas supply within the boundaries of the municipal district, maintaining and constructing public roads between settlements of the municipal district with the corresponding engineering structures, organizing the disposal and processing of household and industrial waste, maintaining inter-settlement burial sites and providing ritual services. services.

The most important aspect is the principle of competitiveness, determined by the presence of competitive advantages in enterprises and organizations providing services, which should be ensured by resource-saving and innovative approaches, the development of competition and the formation of socially oriented policies, as well as the conditions that determine the quality of the management system of housing and communal services facilities.

At the present stage of development, taking into account the potential of individual sub-sectors of the housing and communal services, the typology of private and public services provided, the degree of competitive relations, the presence of various forms of ownership of property, the peculiarities of the economic mechanisms of the functioning of enterprises, housing and public utilities, having different systems, should be considered as separate spheres management and principles of their reform.

The housing sector includes residential and non-residential buildings with a network of enterprises and organizations operating and servicing them. The communal complex includes engineering systems for settlements (electricity, heat, gas, water supply and sanitation) and citywide utilities (roads, landscaping and landscaping, removal and recycling of household waste and a number of other facilities).

Reform and technological modernization of housing and communal services, increasing the competitiveness of the services provided and enterprises require the use of new, more advanced organizational, economic and information management methods, which are fundamentally different from those used until recently in the housing and communal services sector.

However, the introduction of effective forms and methods of management is complicated by the specific features of the transformation of property, economic relations and the economic mechanism of functioning of housing and communal services enterprises, aggravated by the socio-economic situation in different regions.

The crisis state of the housing and communal services complex in most municipalities of Russia has become a problem of national importance. The causes of the crisis were many years of underfunding and ineffective tariff policy, which predetermine the subsidization of the industry, high costs of providing services, the lack of economic incentives for service enterprises to reduce costs, and for recipients of housing and utility services - the ability to influence their quantity and quality, an ineffective management system, an underdeveloped competitive environment, high degree of wear and tear of fixed assets, large losses of heat energy, water and other resources.

The emergence and growth of technological and financial problems of housing and communal services was also due to the fact that before the start of mass privatization in Russia, the bulk of housing and communal services facilities were on the balance sheet of industrial and other enterprises and were financed under the titles of the relevant line ministries and departments. During privatization, these objects were transferred to municipal ownership, usually in extremely poor technical condition and without proper financial compensation for the costs of their maintenance and repair. In order to avoid a complete collapse of the life support systems of settlements, municipalities were forced to take into account dilapidated and emergency housing stock, worn-out pipelines, outdated boiler houses and pumping stations, etc. without conducting a complete technical inventory of fixed assets of housing and communal services, as a result of which municipal authorities do not have reliable information about the actual level of their wear and tear. The insufficiency of state centralized financial resources for the modernization and repair of worn-out fixed assets transferred to municipalities did not allow eliminating accidents in life support systems, especially in heat and water supply. The financial crisis and bankruptcy of city-forming enterprises have placed many cities and settlements with a monostructural economy in difficult socio-economic conditions. As a result, the amount of debt of local budgets and municipal housing and communal enterprises to resource supply organizations began to increase.

The presence in the housing and communal services complex of complex relationships between economic entities and consumers of services, determined both by the scheme of technological interaction and the contradictions that arise between the economic nature of the production of services and the social nature of their consumption, emphasizes the specifics of housing and communal services management. From the point of view of social significance, housing and communal services are designed to create the necessary conditions for comfortable and safe living of citizens, and from an economic point of view, being an area of ​​activity with constant consumer demand in the housing and communal services market, it has significant potential for the development of private business.

At the same time, it is important to highlight three interrelated aspects of management in the housing and communal services sector, including the availability of acquisition and operation of housing, improving the quality of housing and communal services, as well as the transformation of the housing and communal complex of municipalities on the principles of self-sufficiency of services and attracting private business, which operate in conditions regulated by authorities management of the housing and communal services market, taking into account socio-economic conditions and regulations that ensure standards of living conditions for the population, as well as the social responsibility of business.

The organizational and economic mechanism for reforming the housing and communal services provides for a set of interrelated components that ensure the achievement of the final goals of management, the transition from normative tariff regulation of utility services to payment for actually consumed ones, the development of schemes for interaction between authorities, business entities and consumers in the provision of services, changes in the financing system with a focus on payment by consumers of services at their real cost, rational combination of sources of financing, creation of conditions for the activities of private management organizations.

1.2 State policy for housing and communal services reform

The most important trend of the current stage has been the growing role of the state in the formation of housing and communal services policy and the adoption of a package of laws on affordable housing and modernization of communal infrastructure. The problem of providing the population with affordable housing has acquired federal significance and led to the creation of the national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens.”

The entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws “On Concession Agreements” and “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” opens up prospects for the development of competitive relations and attracting business structures to the industry on the basis of public-private partnerships; large management companies are moving from short-term contracts to long-term investments and expanding the scale of their activities, covering an increasing number of regions and municipalities. The involvement of private business in managing and investing in the municipal complex should be ensured while predominantly retaining regional (municipal) ownership of the communal infrastructure. This is especially true for heat and water supply systems, where a serious economic effect can be achieved through resource-saving measures. Attracting investment mainly involves a transition from a budgetary to a loan and concession basis for investment in housing and communal services sectors with partial budgetary co-financing. The set of main tasks for reforming the housing and communal services sector includes:

Improving the quality and accessibility of housing and communal services based on institutional reforms and the development of market relations, including the restructuring of government bodies in the field of housing and communal services; systematically building contractual relations and increasing the effectiveness of competitive principles, attracting private business, corporatizing housing and communal services enterprises, developing the institute of professional housing managers, forming a mechanism for their selection on a competitive basis, assisting in the implementation of resident self-government schemes in the housing sector;

Ensuring the financial recovery of housing and communal services based on increasing the efficiency of using budget expenditures and targeted support for citizens in real need in providing a certain standard of housing and communal services, optimizing the ratio of tariff and budget financing, as well as increasing the investment component in tariffs for housing and communal services;

Regulation of the activities of the utility complex with the aim of consolidating heat and power assets in the municipality and implementing a unified policy by municipal authorities to ensure its sustainable operation, reliability and safety of the services provided, modernization of networks, structures and equipment and, on this basis, increasing the resource efficiency of production and quality of services.

The financial recovery of housing and communal services enterprises is based on inventory, restructuring and liquidation of accumulated long-term debt. Without solving this primary task, other activities will not have a positive effect.

A transition to full payment by all categories of consumers of the costs of maintaining and repairing housing and the provision of utility services is envisaged. Instead of subsidizing housing and communal services enterprises, a system of targeted housing subsidies has been introduced, credited to citizens’ personalized accounts. At the same time, a single indicator is established for receiving housing subsidies - the share of expenses for housing and communal services in the total family income. The federal standard sets this share at 22%, but constituent entities of the Russian Federation can reduce it for certain categories of households by using local budget funds.

The separation of the functions of the owner, the housing stock manager and service organizations on the basis of contractual relations between them will make it possible to demonopolize the system of management of apartment buildings, their maintenance and repair, ensure the replacement of administrative relations in this area with market ones, create a competitive environment in the field of management and maintenance of the housing stock and the prerequisites for improving the quality of housing and communal services.

Changes in tariff policy include the introduction of state regulation of tariffs for services of natural monopolies (electricity and natural gas) and the annual establishment by federal law of the maximum cost of housing and communal services per square meter of living space, differentiated by constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For all types of housing and communal services, economically justified tariffs must be established to ensure coverage of the current costs of operating organizations and the inclusion of an investment component for the purpose of modernization and reconstruction of facilities. At the same time, effective mechanisms must be created for the targeted use of enterprises’ own funds, and first of all, depreciation charges for the purposes of modernization and repair.

Subject to the establishment of economically justified tariffs for paying for housing and communal services, the maintenance of the housing stock and utility systems of settlements becomes potentially attractive to private investors.

A particularly important and serious step in reforming the housing and communal services complex is the transfer of management of apartment buildings with different sets of owners from municipal authorities to the owners of the premises. At the same time, the owners at the general meeting are obliged to independently choose the method of managing the apartment building and the management organization and bear full responsibility for the current maintenance and repair of the property.

In these conditions, it is necessary to ensure transparency of management, which implies transparency and openness of the processes of functioning and development of housing and communal services, including tariff policy, structure and volumes of work (services) included in tariffs and prices, as well as the participation of public organizations and other associations of owners and tenants of housing in the adoption decisions and monitoring their implementation in the management of multi-apartment residential buildings based on object-by-object planning of income and expenses, as well as resource saving on the scale of a specific building.

In the process of reforming the housing and communal services, the requirements for understanding the goals and objectives of competition policy by the public, market actors and local governments are increasing. At the same time, competition protection must be ensured, based on convincing and informing the population as a consumer of services.

The most important element in increasing the efficiency of municipal housing and communal services management is to ensure public supervision not only from home owners and regulatory organizations, but also with the participation of self-regulatory organizations in the housing and communal services sector, which will allow business to develop and accept the criteria that an economic entity must meet to participate in housing and communal services activities (customer, investor, management organization, contractor, etc.), develop and adopt rules and standards for such activities, increase the responsibility of subjects of the housing and communal services market to consumers by developing mechanisms for collective responsibility for the operation of the housing stock and the provision of utility services.

1.3 Tasks of local governments in reforming housing and communal services

The implementation of the provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation will significantly affect the activities of local governments in the housing and communal services sector, will relieve them from directly performing economic functions of managing and maintaining the housing stock, and will significantly reduce local budget expenses for subsidizing enterprises. At the same time, in the conditions of reforming the housing and communal services, local governments are faced with a number of new tasks, a list of which is presented in Fig. 2.

Each municipal entity must develop its own economically and socially sound program for reforming the housing and communal services complex, taking into account local specifics, aimed at transitioning to a system of contractual relations between local governments, owners and tenants of the housing stock, management organizations and providers of housing and communal services , the creation of a competitive environment in the areas of housing stock management and operation, as well as a system of concession agreements for the transfer of engineering support systems for settlements to private business management. On this basis, a significant improvement in the quality of housing and utility services should be ensured.

The management system of municipal administrations has structural divisions responsible for housing and communal services issues. It is important to strengthen them, retrain specialists in relation to the new economic and managerial situation in the housing and communal services sector, train them to work with the population, non-municipal managers and operating organizations.

Chapter 2. Management of housing and communal services in the municipality of Votkinsk

2.1 General characteristics of the state of housing and communal services in Votkinsk

The main activities carried out in the field of housing and communal services in Votkinsk in recent years have been aimed at implementing the main task - the uninterrupted provision of housing and communal services to the population and organizations in accordance with standards.

In the field of water supply, MUP Vodokanal carried out repair work in the amount of 4.5 million rubles in 2005. – this is almost 2 times more than in 2004. A major overhaul of the filter was carried out in the workshop of the water intake treatment plant. Almost 2 thousand meters of water supply networks were replaced, the backup cable from the pumping station of the 1st lift to the station of the 2nd lift was replaced.

Work has begun on the construction of the 2nd stage of water intake: technical documentation has been prepared and a design for a station for the disinfection of drinking water has been developed. 3 million rubles were allocated from the republican budget for these purposes.

Within the framework of the city target program “Providing the population of Votkinsk with drinking water for the period 2004 – 2010” Work was completed on the construction of water pipelines on the street. Sirenevaya, Zarechnaya, Zelenaya and in the residential area "Selkhozkhimiya". The total length of the networks is almost 2 thousand meters in the amount of 1.8 million rubles, including 300 thousand rubles from the city budget.

In the field of heat supply - in 2005, the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Communal Heating Networks" provided heat supply to the population and organizations in full. To ensure uninterrupted operation of heating networks, work worth 8 million rubles was completed. Central heating stations and boiler rooms are prepared in a timely manner for the heating season. Heating and hot water supply pipelines with a length of more than 12 km were replaced and partially repaired. Residential buildings on the street are connected to the hot water supply system. Rabochaya, 2, 4, st. Kvarsinskaya, 1, 5, st. Dostoevsky, 117.

In the field of electricity supply, to ensure stability of operation, the Votkinsk City Electric Networks municipal unitary enterprise carried out a major overhaul of energy supply facilities for a total amount of 6.3 million rubles - this is almost 2.5 times more than in 2004.

Cable lines with a length of more than 3 kilometers were reconstructed at a total cost of 2.5 million rubles.

To reduce the cost of outdoor lighting on the main streets of the city, work is being done to replace lamps with more economical ones, the annual effect will be 76 thousand rubles.

Using rental funds and debt from previous years under the “overhaul” item, housing and communal services enterprises completed major repairs of housing stock in the amount of 7.5 million rubles, this is 108.5% of the planned work for the year, or 14 million rubles. current repairs have been carried out.

Unfortunately, the development of public utilities is negatively affected by the debts of the population. Active work was carried out with debtors. Over the past year, 353 lawsuits were filed, of which 268 claims were considered and satisfied, and 1.4 million rubles were reimbursed (for 2004 - 735.0 thousand rubles).

In 2005, housing and communal services enterprises replenished their vehicle fleet in the amount of 3 million rubles - this is 4 times more than in 2004. A cutter for pothole repair, a recycler for preparing asphalt mixture, two garbage trucks, a crane, a hydraulic lift and other equipment were purchased.

The main indicators of the state of the housing and communal services sector in Votkinsk are presented in Appendix 1, 2.

Characteristics of the financial condition of the city's housing and communal services enterprise are presented in Table 1.

Table No. 1Financial condition of housing and communal services enterprises in Votkinsk

The main problem of the financial condition of housing and communal services enterprises is the debt of the population for consumed utilities, which as of 01/01/2006 amounts to more than 54 million rubles. One of the most important tasks in the field of housing and communal services is the recovery from the crisis state of the enterprise “Blagoustroistvo”, which is currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings.

The volume of social assistance (benefits, subsidies) to pay for housing and utilities for the population in the city is (Table 2):

Table No. 2 Volume of social assistance (benefits, subsidies) for paying for housing and utilities in Votkinsk

The decrease in the number of families receiving subsidies in 2005 compared to 2004 occurred due to a change in the calculation methodology in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2004. No. 444.

In 2004 - 2005, as part of the implementation of the republican target program “Housing”, financial resources in the amount of 5181 thousand rubles were allocated for the provision of housing loans for the purchase and construction of housing

2.2 Main directions of development of housing and communal services in Votkinsk

The main goals of development and reform of the housing and communal services of Votkinsk are:

Increasing the efficiency, sustainability and reliability of the functioning of housing and communal life support systems for the population;

Attracting investment in the housing and communal services complex;

Improving the quality of services while reducing wasteful costs;

Targeted social protection of low-income groups of the population when paying for housing and utilities.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks will be solved in 2009-2010:

1. Taking measures for the financial recovery of housing and communal services enterprises:

Development of effective measures to reduce and gradually eliminate accounts payable of housing and communal services enterprises,

Taking measures to reduce accounts receivable, including household debt, implementing measures to increase the responsibility of consumers for timely payment of utilities;

Ensuring sufficient current funding for the provided housing and communal services;

Optimization of production costs in order to prevent an increase in the level of payment for housing and communal services as a share of citizens’ own expenses in the total income of citizens;

Increasing the investment attractiveness of the industry.

2. Formation of market mechanisms for the functioning of housing and communal services, improvement of the management system:

Interaction with homeowners’ associations in the city of Votkinsk to improve housing maintenance;

In order to improve the management of the housing stock, create a competitive environment in the provision of housing and communal services, placing an order for servicing the housing stock on a competitive basis;

3. Reconstruction and modernization of housing and communal services of the municipality.

In the field of water supply and sanitation, the main areas of activity will be:

Development of water supply networks in residential areas;

Replacement of water pipeline D 500 mm on the street. Proletarskaya (2.3 km);

Replacement of a water pipeline D 500 mm in the floodplain of the Votka River (150 m);

Replacement of pressure sewer collector from GKNS to OSK D 500 mm (1532 m).

In the field of heat supply and hot water supply, the main areas of activity will be measures to modernize the city’s heat supply system and energy and resource conservation:

Reconstruction of the heat supply energy complex of the Neftyanik village;

Installation of modular boiler houses in the “Agricultural Chemistry”, “Dairy Plant” areas, in the Azinsky village;

Laying circulation pipelines for hot water supply in the “Yuzhny” area - 850 m;

Replacement of worn-out water sectional heaters with plate heaters at the central heating station,

Installation of missing energy metering devices at boiler houses No. 1,2,3;

Introduction of frequency converters for hot water supply and heating pumps at central heating stations.

In the field of improvement in order to create a comfortable environment for residents and guests of the city:

Laying out flower beds, gradual replacement of plantings that pose a threat to buildings, health and life of people, with young growth;

Equipping public places and public transport stops with trash cans;

Installation of public toilets taking into account ongoing public city events, places where people are in large numbers (shopping areas, parks, beaches, etc.)

Modernization of outdoor lighting using energy-efficient lamps and devices that make it possible to increase the period of illumination of the territory without increasing financial costs;

Updating the fleet of equipment for mechanized maintenance of the city territory;

Arrangement of main streets with sidewalks and road facilities to regulate and improve traffic safety;

Resolving issues regarding timely removal of waste from residential areas of the private sector;

Carrying out measures to prevent outbreaks of tick-borne encephalitis and rabies in stray animals;

Study and implementation of best practices in the collection and removal of household waste by installing containers with separate categories of waste (food waste, plastic containers, metal containers, etc.)

Involving city residents in the improvement of territories through organizing events, competitions, etc.

At the same time, the need for financial resources for the restoration and modernization of housing and communal services facilities is presented in Appendix 3.


When writing this course work, the goal was to consider the reform of housing and communal services at the municipal level. The goals set for the work are fully displayed. The following conclusions can be drawn from the work:

Housing law affects the interests of every citizen, regardless of age or property status. At the same time, management of the municipal housing and communal services complex falls mainly within the competence of settlements. Enterprises included in the housing and communal services complex - resource suppliers, management and contracting organizations, regional and local government bodies - must coordinate their actions in order to improve the quality of housing and communal services.

During the study of the current legislation on the issue under consideration, a lack of unity in the legal regulation of housing relations was revealed, which significantly complicates the state’s implementation of a consistent housing policy and contributes to uncertainty in the exercise by citizens of their housing rights. In addition, this situation creates the ground for numerous abuses. The adoption of the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation has largely regulated the housing and communal services sector, but some problems remain.

List of sources and literature used

Regulatory acts:

1. Constitution - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993 (official publication - Rossiyskaya Gazeta dated December 25, 1993)

2. Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented on June 19, August 12, December 28, 2004) // SZ RF. 2003. N 40.

Educational literature:

1. Atamanchuk T.V. Public Administration: Textbook - M.: Yurist, 2006

2. Bystrenko V.I. Public administration in Russia. - Novosibirsk, 2007.

3. Vasilenko I.A. State and municipal administration: Textbook - 2nd ed., revisions and additional. – M: Gardariki, 2007

4. Zerkin D.P., Ignatov V.G. Fundamentals of the theory of public administration: Course of lectures. – Rostov n/d, 2006

5. Korolev S.V. Theory of municipal management. - M., 2001.

6. Migirov R.P. The role of local government in the implementation of social policy. - M., 2001.

7. Mozhaeva I.G., Boginskaya E.V. Municipal management: textbook. – M.: Gardariki, 2006

8. Pikulkin A.V. Public administration system. – M: Lawyer. 2006

9. Ponomareva L.Ya. State and municipal management - St. Petersburg, 2007

10. Draft program for the development of the municipal formation “Votkinsk” for 2006 – 2010.

11. Roy O.M. System of state and municipal government. St. Petersburg, 2004.

12. Municipal management system: a textbook for universities. – 3rd edition, additional and revised / Edited by V.B. Zotov. – St. Petersburg: Peter Press LLC, 2007

13. Utkin E.A. State and municipal administration. – M., 2002

14. Shamkhalov R.I. Theory of public administration. – M: Jurist, 2004

Annex 1

Main indicators of the development of housing and communal services in Votkinsk for 2004-2005

Appendix 2

Use of financial resources for the restoration and modernization of housing and communal services facilities in Votkinsk in 2004-2005

Event name

Completion deadlines by year

Total amount of financing,


SD budget

City budget

Involved funds

1. Water supply

Construction of external water supply

st. M. Gorky, D. Bedny, Krasnoarmeyskaya, Western Ave.

St. Green, Zarechnaya, Lilac,

district Agricultural chemistry

Replacement of dilapidated water supply networks: Uritskogo St., Shpalozavodskaya

2. Drainage

Replacement of worn-out sections of sewerage networks in the village. Berezovka and installation of a new sewer collector on the dam of the Berezovka River Bay

3. Heat supply

Installation of intra-house pipelines for hot water supply systems in residential buildings: Molodezhnaya St., Kungurtseva St., Shamshurin St., Mashinostroiteley Ave.

Installation of external pipelines for hot water supply systems: Kungurtseva, Shamshurina, Molodezhnaya, Serova, Gileva streets (25 houses in total)

Repair and replacement of dilapidated pipelines (3 km)

Modernization of heat metering units at central heating stations

Installation of metering units for supplied thermal energy (boiler rooms No. 1, 2, 3)

Installation of intra-house pipelines for hot water supply systems of residential buildings st. Rabochaya, Kvarsinskaya (4 houses)

Installation of external pipelines for hot water supply systems of residential buildings st. Working (2 houses)

Replacement of dilapidated water pipelines on Yubileynaya St., Lunacharskogo St., Mashinostroiteley Ave.

Reconstruction of gas metering unit at boiler houses of schools No. 2, 18

4. Electricity supply

Installation of cable networks

Current repairs of transformer substations

Reconstruction of cable line CL 0.4/6 kV

5. Energy resource saving

Replacement of electricity meters of accuracy class 2.5 with 2.0

Replacing outdoor street lighting lamps with more economical ones

Replacement of electric meters energy accuracy class 2.5 to 2.0

Appendix 3

The need for financial resources for the restoration and modernization of housing and communal services facilities in Votkinsk

Event name

Completion deadlines by year

Total amount of financing, thousand rubles


Budget of the Russian Federation

SD budget

City budget

Involved funds

1. Water supply and sanitation

Replacement of screens for mechanical treatment of wastewater

Replacement of a pressure sewer collector from the State Water Supply Station to the sewage treatment plant workshop

3. Heat supply

Construction of a well at boiler house No. 3

Replacement of worn-out water sectional heaters with plate heaters

Modernization of equipment (replacement of oil switches with vacuum ones, replacement of bare wires with self-supporting ones)

5. Energy resource saving

Introduction of frequency converters on water supply and hot water heating pumps

Bystrenko V.I. Public administration in Russia. - Novosibirsk, 2007. P.117-118.

Radygin A. Privatization in Russia // Power. 2000. No. 7.

Utkin E.A. State and municipal administration. – M., 2002. P. 144.

Bystrenko V.I. Public administration in Russia. - Novosibirsk, 2007. P.119-120.

Vasilenko I.A. State and municipal administration. – M, 2007. P. 104.

Debts from previous years financed
