Admission to the military department at another university. How to properly study at the military department. The difference between a military department and a military training center

Today, quite a large number of young people are not eager to serve in the army. Therefore, they prefer to continue their studies and enter college or university. The presence of a military department at the university allows for specialized training of students.

In general, each student is free to choose independently whether to enter the military department or not. However, they must realize that if they do not undergo training there, they will have to serve the allotted time in the Russian army after receiving their diploma.

Despite the fact that such departments have never had problems with demand, they were closed relatively recently in many universities.

Anyone can view the list of universities where military departments still operate on the official web resource of the Ministry of Defense. Currently, there are only 35 of them left in the Russian Federation as a whole.

Why enroll in the military department?

The specialized department is engaged in teaching military affairs to students of higher institutions. At the same time, the main practiced approach to military training involves using as a base the knowledge that a student receives at a given university in his chosen specialty.

Those young men who, for health reasons, cannot serve in the army will not need military training; moreover, they will not be accepted there. If a student does not want to serve after receiving a diploma, it is very important for him to complete military training while still at the university.

Citizens who studied at the military department are not accepted into the army. Moreover, they receive the rank of reserve officer. In the future, if they are nevertheless called up, they will no longer serve as privates, but as officers. As a rule, graduates of specialized departments receive the rank of lieutenant.

In addition, those who enter the military department receive additional knowledge that will not interfere with any man. It should also not be forgotten that military training can be a useful advantage when entering the workforce. Currently, many employers prefer that the applicant have a military education.

Specifics of admission to the military department

The activities of the department are regulated by a number of regulatory documents:

  • government regulations;
  • various directives and orders of the Ministry of Defense;
  • current military regulations;
  • internal regulatory documents of the university.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have been declared fit for military service and received category A or B may be admitted to military training.

Anyone wishing to apply must:

  • submit the appropriate application;
  • undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence;

After this, the student who has decided to undergo military training must submit the following documents within the agreed period:

  • passport and its blueprint (2, 3, 5 pages);
  • military registration document and its copy;
  • a receipt received earlier certifying the acceptance of his application;
  • a medical card from the military commissariat, sealed with a round seal;
  • conclusion on professional and psychological selection, with the imprint of the round seal of the military registration and enlistment office.

If documents were submitted late, they can only be accepted if there are valid reasons, which will have to be confirmed by relevant documents.

Also, those wishing to enroll will need to demonstrate their level of physical fitness. Before enrolling in a military training course, an agreement is signed with each student. Persons who reach the age of 30 at the time of completion of education at a higher educational institution will be denied admission.

Currently, military departments, as noted earlier, remain in very few universities. These are the most prestigious institutions in the country and, therefore, the competition in them is huge.

The hardest places to get into are:

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow);
  • State Pediatric Medical Academy (St. Petersburg);
  • Privolzhsky University of Moscow State University (Kazan);
  • MSTU Bauman (Moscow).

Regarding the last higher education institution, there is information that serious changes have taken place there recently.

Many school graduates who want to study at MSTU are constantly wondering: does it have a military department? This is not surprising, because during the period when the Ministry of Defense was headed by Serdyukov, not only many army specialized educational institutions were reduced, but most military departments at civilian universities also ceased to operate.

Before the reform of the military educational system, the above-mentioned educational institution had an entire specialized faculty.

Those who intend to go to study at MSTU will be pleased to know that the faculty was preserved. It includes several military departments that specialize in training various specialists for the Russian army.

However, the number of students studying there has decreased by about ten times. Restrictions were introduced for many specialties. The rest had to achieve the opportunity to study through a fairly strict selection process.

The situation was also significantly aggravated by the fact that the educational institution was switching to the Bologna system, which involves, among other things, issuing bachelors and masters. In this case, it was quite difficult to combine military training with the 4-year course required to obtain a bachelor's degree.

As a result, an idea emerged - to abandon the training of officers and instead teach students the wisdom of soldiers and sergeants. Thanks to this, the program was significantly reduced, and this made it possible to significantly expand the number of applicants.

Thus, more people can go to the military department, but after completing the mandatory training at the end of their training, they will not receive an officer rank, but a soldier’s rank - with mandatory enlistment in the reserves.

Girls at the military department

Many people believe that there is no place for a girl in the army. However, many representatives of the fair sex think completely differently.

Thus, a girl who wants to study at the military department can do so on a general basis. That is, she needs to visit the medical commission at the military commissariat and fulfill all the other requirements previously listed.

She will be accepted into the military department without any problems if her health is satisfactory and her level of physical fitness is sufficient to pass the standards. In this situation, it is important to remember that the girl will not receive any discounts during her studies.


    What does studying at the military department provide?

    The main advantage that attracts young people to enroll in the military department at a university is that all students who have completed training in this subdivision, received the appropriate rank and are enrolled in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, are not conscripted for military service and after completing their studies receive a military ticket. However, graduates may be called up for short-term training and have the right to enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military service.

    Do not confuse the military department and the military training center!

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that the military department at the university and the military training center are different structures. Military training centers carry out training of officers in civilian universities; the scientific potential of the teaching staff of a civilian university and modern material resources are used for the purpose of high-quality training of specialists in the most popular military specialties. Apart from graduates of military departments, after completing their studies at the UVC, young people are required to undergo military service under a contract.

    In order to avoid unexpected consequences in the future, we recommend that when enrolling in military training at a university, you find out which unit functions at the educational institution - a military department or a military training center. It is also worth knowing in advance all the nuances associated with the process of undergoing military training.

    How to enter the military department

    Students who have passed certain competitive selections can enter the military department. Selection criteria may vary slightly between universities, but they usually include:

  • the student has Russian citizenship;
  • degree of health fitness for military service;
  • professional psychological suitability for service in the RF Armed Forces;
  • student’s level of physical fitness;
  • compliance of the education received at the university with the military training program;
  • level of academic performance in the main field of study (specialty) at the university.

For admission you need:

  • write a corresponding application addressed to the rector in the form determined by the university;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • pass physical fitness standards, which usually include testing endurance (cross), strength (pull-ups), speed and agility (running);
  • undergo the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting state secrets.

The procedure and terms of training at the military department

Students enrolled in the military department combine studies in the main field with military training. Military training is usually conducted using the military day method, lasting 8-9 hours once a week.

The duration of training at the military department is:

  • under the reserve officer training program - 2.5 years;
  • in the reserve sergeant training program - 2 years;
  • according to the training program for reserve soldiers - 1.5 years.

After completing the training course, military training is held in the troops for 30 days. At the training camp, graduates take the military oath, and at the end of the training camp they undergo a final certification. Upon successful completion of all standards upon graduation from the university, along with a diploma, the young man is awarded a military rank and enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Which universities have military departments?

According to data from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, today military departments operate at the 51st civilian university in the country. The full list of institutions can be found here.

You can also study in detail information about universities that have a military department or a military training center on the Postupi.Online portal in the section.

What is a military department? Why do students need it? How to get there? Let's figure it out together.

Military classes are held 1-2 times a week

What is a military department and what does it give to students?

A military department is a department at a civilian university that provides military training to students. Its essence is that in addition to your main specialty, you have the opportunity to also acquire a military profession. Upon graduation, you will be promoted to the rank of officer, sergeant, or reserve soldier.

One of the main advantages of training is exemption from compulsory military service. You can only be called up for military training, which most often lasts no more than a month. If you decide to connect your life with the army, you can enroll in contract service.

Another plus - in some universities, military departments provide additional payments to the main scholarship.

How to get to the military department

Not everyone can get there. A competitive selection is held among those interested. To participate you must:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • age not older than 30 years;
  • good academic performance in the main department;
  • admission for military service;
  • absence of unexpunged or outstanding criminal record and other problems with the law.

The competitive selection is carried out in two stages: preliminary and main. The preliminary one takes place at the military registration and enlistment office, the main one at the university.

To participate in the preliminary competition you need to write statement at the military department, providing a passport and registration certificate. After which the head of the department issues a referral to passing the military medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration or stay. Application deadlines can be found on the university website; most often admission starts from March 18.

To pass the main stage you need to provide:

  • decision of the medical board on suitability;
  • photo format 4 x 6;
  • characteristics from the dean's office;
  • grade book and student ID.
  • a supporting document if there is an advantage for enrollment.

The following are entitled to priority for enrollment:

  • orphans;
  • family members of military personnel;
  • students who completed conscription service.

At the main competitive selection you need to pass physical fitness standards: running at a distance of 100 m and 3 km, pull-ups on the crossbar. Admission to the department is carried out based on their results, as well as after an analysis of overall performance.

After graduating from the military department, you can enlist in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

How is the educational process at the military department?

Students who have entered the department continue their studies in their specialty and at the same time undergo military training. For this Military days are determined 1-2 times a week. The total training period for reserve officers is 3 years, for sergeants - 2, for soldiers - 1.5.

The military day begins at 8:45 with a morning formation and inspection. Then students begin theoretical and practical classes. In theory, they study regulations, orders and disciplines that correspond to their military profession. Practical training consists of fire, drill and tactical training. At the end of the general training period, military training takes place, which lasts 1 month.

Students at the military department are required to increased requirements for discipline and appearance. Guys must have short hair; piercings, tattoos, jewelry and other provocative attributes are not allowed. For gross violations of discipline and internal regulations, students may be expelled.

What is the difference between a military department and military training centers?

If you decide to enroll in a military department, be careful; some universities have military training centers (MTC) instead. It's not the same thing. Upon admission to the Educational Training Center, the Ministry of Defense enters into an agreement with the student, according to which he is obliged, after completing his studies, to serve in the army for 3 years as an officer. Catch.

The military department is not just an excuse for the army. And getting there is not so easy. Remember that in addition to basic training, you will have to complete the Young Fighter Course (YMC). If you are ready for this, start improving your physical fitness now. After all, only the strong and hardy are accepted into the military department.

The very word “army” causes nervous tremors in many young men. Not everyone wants to join the army and “waste” their time there, especially if they have a desire to study. The military department is a unique opportunity for male students to prepare for military service. Naturally, whether to use this opportunity or not is a personal matter for everyone, but if a student did not attend a military department, he should be called up for service immediately after graduating from university. Despite the fact that the military department was in demand, it is now preserved in only 35 universities in the country, and special military training centers have been created in 33 universities. These lists can be viewed on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. Some universities have retained military education departments, information about which needs to be clarified directly there.

The meaning of training at the military department

If a young man enters a university with the goal of “stepping out” from the army for a certain period, he may not need a military department. If a student does not want to have anything to do with the army at all, the military department is a mandatory step, because after attending such training they are no longer drafted into the army. After graduating from the military department, the student is awarded an officer rank (most often lieutenant) and is enlisted in the reserves. Due to the fact that one can enter the reserves only after completing the army, a student cannot be called up for compulsory military service as a private, but can be called up as an officer. Studying at a military department involves an additional specialty, which for a man can be very beneficial in life. Nowadays, many employers want the men they hire to have military school behind them. And the military specialty, which can be obtained at the military department, allows you to master not only the main specialty, but also receive a rank.

Interaction between the main and military departments

In order to get into a military department, you need to at least enroll in the university where this department is supposed to be offered. This is quite difficult to do, because she remained only in the most prestigious universities in the country, where the passing score is quite high. In order to enroll in a military department, you need to collect quite a lot of documents, pass a medical examination, etc. For many young men, the desire to acquire a military specialty disappears due to the need to spend time on this, but later they may be drafted and spend more time on the army.

If we talk about the relationship between the military department and the main department, we cannot help but say that a student, of course, may not pay due attention to the military department and, in fact, nothing will happen to him for this (if everything is within the permissible limits). But if a student does not do well in his main specialty, he can easily be expelled. If a student is expelled from a university, he is also expelled from the military department.

Features of training at the military department

The military department in many universities can work on a paid basis. Students attend a certain number of classes. They walk according to form, without any remarkable or distinctive features. You cannot wear earrings, long hair, any accessories, etc. For this reason, many young men refuse such training, although in the army everything is much stricter. Young men attend classes on the regulations and theoretical aspects. Students attending the military department need to have strong self-control and be quite disciplined. At the end of the training, students are sent to training camps, where the guys consolidate their knowledge in practice and undergo drill and fire training. After successfully completing this event, the young men are given a document stating that they have completed military school and are reserve officers.

The difference between a military department and a military training center

Many young students do not understand the difference between a military department and a military training center. If the military department is an additional specialty at a university after completion, in which the young man is not drafted into the army (during peacetime), then the military training center assumes further service. Thus, the features of the military training center are:

  1. The need to conclude a contract for further military service;
  2. The contract is concluded for a minimum of 3 years (it can be extended if desired);
  3. You can cancel the contract by writing a written statement and paying a certain amount. Which was spent on the young man during his education.

In this context, it is important to take into account that further contract service requires a salary. If earning money as a military man is a student’s goal, preference should still be given to a military training center.

Girls and the military department

The attitude towards military girls is now quite skeptical. Few of the fairer sex want to obtain such an additional specialty. However, there are such girls. If a girl has a desire to master a military specialty, her health allows her to do so, and she successfully passes the professional psychological selection process - the girl can easily begin training. Every student who studies at the military department must have excellent physical fitness. In this sense, girls are not given any discounts, because this is their personal choice. Female students have the same opportunity as male students to attend a military training center and later continue to serve under a contract.

The most popular universities with a military department

Based on the number of people enrolled in certain universities, taking into account the presence of a military department there, the most popular and successful universities in Russia have been identified:

Due to the fact that the number of military departments has been reduced, there are also not so many military training centers, but there are enough people willing - the competition is quite large. Therefore, if a student has the opportunity to master a military specialty at a university without “wasting” time in the army, it is better not to miss this chance. After all, for men this is an additional area of ​​development in which they can express themselves. As for girls, they owe nothing in the context of military service. Therefore, if girls still want to get such a specialty, this is an additional opportunity for them to express themselves and even earn money.

Competitive selection of citizens for training in the military training program at the military department (military training center) in 2019

The selection consists of preliminary and main.

Preliminary selection

In accordance with the requirements of the governing documents and the selection methodology approved by the rector, citizens of the Russian Federation who are 1st year students of the University, studying full-time in areas of training approved by the qualification requirements for the relevant military specialty, are admitted to the preliminary selection for reserve officer training programs.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who are first-year students at the Odintsovo University campus, studying full-time in areas of training approved by the qualification requirements for the relevant military specialty, are allowed to pre-select for reserve sergeant training programs.

To pass the preliminary selection, students must complete the from March 19 to May 28, 2019 submit an application in the prescribed form and receive a referral to the department of the military commissariat at the place of military registration in Moscow or the Moscow region.

To submit an application, you must personally appear at the military department in the auditorium. G-134, carrying the following:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and copies of the photo spread and page with registration at the place of residence;
  2. certificate of temporary registration (for non-residents) and its copy.
  3. student ID and its copy;
  4. two black and white photographs measuring 3x4 cm on matte paper (with the name on the back side);
  5. a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, and copies of the first page and the page with a stamp on military registration (for male students). For those who have completed military service - a military ID and copies of all its completed pages. Female citizens need to know the exact name of the military commissariat department at the place of registration.

You also need to know the name of the area of ​​training in the main educational program.

Main selection

The main selection commission is appointed by Order of the head of the Central Military Administration body responsible for organizing military training at the military department (military training center) at MGIMO.

The objectives of the main selection are to study the results of the preliminary selection of candidates, check physical fitness and make a decision on the suitability of a citizen for training in a military training program.

To pass the main selection it is necessary within the period from March 27 to June 4, 2019 submit to the auditorium G-134 the following fully executed documents:

  • medical examination card with the conclusion of a military medical commission (issued by the military commissariat);
  • professional psychological selection card (issued by the military commissariat);
  • card for assessing the candidate’s professional qualities (issued at the military department and issued at the University).

Candidates from among orphans, children without parental care, family members of military personnel, and citizens who have completed military service are given priority during the main selection process. Candidates entitled to benefits must present documents confirming this right and their photocopies, certified in the prescribed manner.

Pre-selection committee: military department, auditorium G-134.
Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday from 10:00 to 16:45 (issue and acceptance of documents).
Phones:+7 495 234-58-15 (city), 14-99 (domestic).
Executive Secretary: Kalinina Svetlana Dmitrievna.
Reception time for the executive secretary for personal matters of candidates: Thursday from 12:30 to 14:00.
