Features of pre-professional training as a component of specialized education. Pre-professional training at school Contents of the pre-professional training system

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Purpose of pre-profile training

According to the Concept of Profile Education, a graduate of a basic school must make “a responsible choice - preliminary self-determination regarding the major direction of his own activity.” This choice forms the basis for determining his future educational trajectory, which will be implemented either in institutions of primary or secondary vocational education, or at the senior level of general education as part of specialized training. The purpose of pre-professional training is creation of an educational space for the implementation of preliminary self-determination. “Pre-vocational training is a system of pedagogical, psychological, informational and organizational support for primary school students, promoting their self-determination upon completion of general education” 1. Thus, pre-profile preparation is intended to: - actualize the need of students to determine their educational and life plans, - provide the process of students determining their educational and life plans with an information base, - create conditions for students to obtain minimal personal experience in various areas of professional activity.


Pre-profile preparation is a combination of three main areas of work: Informing Informing students about opportunities for continuing education or employment, getting acquainted with vocational education institutions, primarily located in the given territory, informing about specialized training programs implemented by various educational institutions, informing about the state and forecasts for the development of the territory’s labor market. As a result of the implementation of this direction students receive the necessary information resources to plan their educational future and experience working with these types of resources. Pre-professional courses Mastering the content of pre-profile courses allows the student to “test his strength” in one or another area of ​​human activity. As a result of the implementation of this direction students gain experience in mastering methods of activity, studying and transforming objects and processes characteristic of a particular sphere of human activity, as well as experience in making responsible choices. Psychological and pedagogical support Psychological and pedagogical support for students designing their educational trajectory includes counseling, monitoring the development of pre-major courses, organizing reflection on the experience gained by students, their self-knowledge, and correlating the information received and the preferences of students. This direction involves creating conditions in which a 9th grade student would necessarily make a choice (courses, practices, areas of activity...) in order to form an informed position regarding his future activities. Psychological and pedagogical support is a link in relation to the first two directions and between these areas of pre-profile training and the student’s preferences. As a result of the implementation of this direction students make fundamental decisions about their further education (professional or general) or work activity. The basis for this decision are the results of professionally organized processes of self-knowledge and self-determination of students and reflection on the results of elective courses; recommendations regarding difficulties in the process of choosing a preferred type of activity.

Results of pre-profile training

The student can:
    analyze the results and consequences of their activities (in choosing and implementing an educational trajectory), design and reflect on their educational activities and their results, analyze their motives and reasons for making certain decisions.
The student is oriented (i.e. has information and uses it):
    in educational opportunities upon completion of basic general education, in the situation on the labor market in the territory.

Pre-profilepreparation and certification of primary school students

Pre-professional preparation provides student orientation, but cannot be the basis for special selection of students at subsequent levels of education. Since specialized education in high school does not imply either the selection of students or their strict assignment to a certain profile, pre-profile preparation cannot be understood as preparation for passing a “profile” exam during the final certification for a basic school course. The main value of basic general education is that students master the state standard for basic school. Therefore, the transition to specialized education at the senior level does not force changes in the goals and form of the final certification of 9th grade students. The certificate of basic general education must contain in the second part a listing of those pre-profile courses that the student has mastered. The basis for inclusion in the list of completed elective courses is a pass or a positive grade in the course. Other components of pre-profile training are not reflected in the certificate of basic general education.


Place of pre-professional courses in the pre-professional training system

Purpose of pre-profile courses:

    Pre-professional courses are the subject of the student's choice.

The formation of readiness for responsible choice occurs within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support of pre-profile training. Pre-professional courses are the reason and starting point for organizing this work. Since the ability to make a choice is associated with responsibility for it, the student is obliged to completely complete the course he has chosen, including all the provided forms of intermediate and final control, even if in the process of mastering the course he received objective reasons to consider his choice unsuccessful.
    Mastering pre-profile courses provides the student with material for analyzing his intentions, capabilities and preferences.
Mastering pre-professional courses is not so much of academic value as it provides the student with material for analysis, reflection and design of his future educational trajectory. Therefore, it is necessary to separate: a) objectively measured educational results of the course (awareness and experience, knowledge and skills), which are assessed by the teacher, b) the test result, which is subjective and assessed by the student as part of reflection, c) the effectiveness of the course, which is determined by the clarity of the student’s position between “mastering the course confirmed the correctness of the choice, gave additional reasons for the decision made” and “mastering the course showed that it is necessary to change the direction of choice, that this activity does not meet existing expectations,” expressed during the consultation within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support.
    Pre-professional courses provide a test for the student:

    in various spheres of human activity,

    when carrying out various types of activities,

    from the position of various social and professional roles.

Pre-profile courses are orientational and practice-oriented. Therefore, the leading educational results of students are ideas (about something) and experience (of some activity). Basic concepts:Activities– general types of human activity applicable to various objects of influence: production, design\invention, management, research, creativity. Pre-profile course– a compulsory elective course aimed at forming the student’s ideas about a wide group of socio-professional roles and gaining experience in implementing any type of activity in any field of human activity. Try– student’s activity specially organized in real or model conditions within a broad socio-professional role. Social and professional roles– roles in relation to the team, clients and other objects of professional activity, characteristic of a group of professions similar in some way (type of activity, object of influence, etc.) with the broadest possible boundaries and leveled differences between individual professions and specialties within the group . Areas of activity– in general, they are distinguished on the basis of the main object of human influence: a material object, a person, sign systems, the environment, an artistic image.

Objectives and content of pre-professional courses

Objectives of the pre-profile course The main task of the pre-profile course is to introduce the student to a certain type of professional activity, to give the opportunity to try himself in certain social and professional roles associated with this activity. To solve this problem, the tasks of forming certain knowledge and initial skills can be set if these results education is a necessary resource for conducting the test. Contents of the pre-profile course The content of elective courses within the framework of pre-professional preparation is determined by the extent to which it allows students to understand their preferences for future activities and make a responsible choice in the future of either an option for continuing education (including a major), or an occupation. The content of a pre-professional course is set by one of the framework programs recommended for use by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region. Pre-Professional Course Framework Program The framework program of the pre-profile course includes:

    determining the position of the course among the types and spheres of human activity,

    program target settings,

    forms of implementation of the content of each topic.

The framework program meets the following requirements:

    The pre-professional course program does not contain entry requirements for the student’s preparedness that go beyond the compulsory minimum of basic school.

This part of the program content is presented in four main forms - lesson, training, conversation with a specialist, excursion. Moreover, the first three forms are variable and may not be presented in every program. Excursions to workplaces are a MANDATORY element of each program. This part of the program content is represented by four main forms - workshop in the workplace: social practice or excursion workshop, workshop in simulated conditions (in the laboratory, at an educational enterprise), analytical workshop (collection and analysis of information about the activities of a specialist based on direct observation, analysis product of activity or interviewing), business game. The use of the latter form is possible only if it is impossible to allow the child to participate in real activities in production or model conditions for safety reasons, the possibility of fatal consequences of an error in performing actions, or the closed nature of enterprises and organizations of the relevant type. Work program of the pre-profile course The work program of the pre-profile course is developed by the teacher based on the framework program. At the same time, the teacher:

    formulate specific learning outcomes for the course based on specified targets and develop forms of their control,

    specify the content of excursions and practices depending on the specifics of the territory and available resources,

    choose several topics in those programs where the topics are presented redundantly, based on the conditions of the territory, student requests, available resources,

    draw up calendar and thematic planning;

    adjust the content of the topic in the direction of narrowing or expanding it, linking it to specific conditions of the territory;


    change the ratio of hours allocated for excursion, practice and introductory (theoretical) part of the program,

Author's pre-profile course program Currently, the list of framework programs for pre-profile courses recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science does not cover the entire variety of socio-professional roles. If a teacher has developed an original program for a pre-core course dedicated to that group of socio-professional roles that was not covered by the existing set of framework programs, and the educational institution interested in its implementation, the following steps must be taken:

    Compare the program with the requirements for pre-professional courses.

    Ensure that the program is reviewed at a meeting of the methodological association / methodological council or other structure performing methodological functions.

    Send the program for consideration by the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region by email golub@.

After which the program:

    It will be considered at a meeting of the Expert Council or the methodological structure of an institution of additional professional education that has received such an order from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region.

If the program is approved:

    On its basis, a framework program will be formed and offered for implementation to all educational institutions in the region in the general list of framework programs.

    The teacher will have the right to implement his program as a work program created on the basis of a framework program included in the regional list.

Author's programs dedicated to the group of socio-professional roles that were covered by the existing set of framework programs are not accepted for consideration by the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region.

Applications: 1. List of framework programs for pre-profile courses.

2. Framework programs for pre-profile courses.

General requirements for the organization of teaching pre-professional courses

Place of pre-professional courses in the curriculum and student workloadMandatory pre-professional elective courses The basic curriculum of the Samara region in 2005 allocates 70 (68 for a 34-hour week) hours for studying compulsory pre-core courses of the student’s choice as a separate line. The requirements for pre-core course programs specify the volume of each course as 17 +\- 2 hours. This means that the student must complete 4 pre-profile elective courses, and the total volume of his workload must be at least 68 hours. Additional pre-professional elective courses If the student wishes, the total number of hours for mastering pre-profile courses can be increased by choosing an additional (fifth, sixth) course. This case is considered as an additional educational service, which is provided by an educational institution by decision of the administration in the presence of appropriate (primarily organizational) resources. Such an additional service can be either paid (in this case it is issued in the same way as any other paid educational service) or free (in this case it is issued by a student’s application with a “I do not object” parent visa). In the latter case, the administration of the educational institution is relieved from strict obligations to take into account additional interests of the student when drawing up the overall schedule. That is, the opportunity to attend two courses at the same time is provided to the student only if there are organizational opportunities. Formation of an individual set of pre-profile courses mastered by studentsEducational institution offerContent An educational institution must offer students a range of courses to choose from, covering ALL possible combinations of activities and objects of influence. Moreover, both the specific list and the number of courses offered may differ in different educational institutions. The difference in the number of courses offered by different educational institutions is explained by the fact that some courses cover several areas of human activity or several types of activity in their content. In this case, when organizing reflection within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support, it is especially important to draw the student’s attention to what primarily aroused his interest or in what activity he was most successful. Thus, the student should be offered an EXCESSIVE number of courses to choose from. Actions of the administration of an educational institution to formulate a proposal that meets the content requirements At the stage of proposal formation, the administration of the educational institution analyzes resources and answers the questions:

    what courses can be implemented by school teachers,

    Does the school have the material and technical base to implement these courses?

If the answer to one of these questions is no, it should be determined whether the relevant activity or area of ​​activity can be offered in another course. If the administration concludes that this cannot be done, the following steps should be taken:

    conduct preliminary negotiations with a specialist (teacher \ teacher from another educational institution, current specialist) who could be hired if students choose this course,

    conduct preliminary negotiations with the administration of an institution of primary / secondary vocational education, additional education, other general educational institution, non-educational organization that has the appropriate material and technical base and could provide it if students choose this course,

    conduct preliminary negotiations with the administration of another educational institution, which plans to offer this course to its students, having the appropriate personnel and material and technical base, on the possibilities of joining a group of students with the students of this school to master a specific course.

Form It is important that students have complete and reliable information about ALL courses that are offered to them before making their first choice. Therefore it is necessary:
    organize an oral presentation of the courses -
for example, as part of a class hour; At the same time, it is important that the presentation of the courses is made by their future teachers, so that ninth-graders can immediately ask questions that interest them and get answers;
    offer students and parents an information product containing information on all courses offered for choice -
this could be an information board, a brochure located in the library or distributed to students; It is important that students have access to this information throughout their entire year of study. Courses are therefore offered once - at the beginning of the academic year - and are valid throughout the entire academic year. Student ChoiceFirst choice The student formulates his first choice by filling out a questionnaire on which all courses are listed and a proposal is formulated to mark four of them with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 in descending order of his preference. Thus, as part of the first choice, the student outlines all four required pre-major elective courses. Second choice The second choice is organized after all students have completed one pre-profile course. While mastering the course, the student DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to move to another group mastering another course. As part of the second choice, the student fills out a questionnaire necessary to monitor the pre-professional training process conducted by the administration. As one of the questions, the questionnaire includes exactly the same questionnaire that the student filled out when making his first choice. Now he must mark three courses as 1, 2, 3. These may be completely different courses compared to the choice reflected in the first questionnaire. The student HAS every RIGHT to change his or her original choice. The very fact of changing the choice becomes the subject of discussion during the consultation as part of psychological and pedagogical support. An educational institution may invite the student to fill out a questionnaire based on the results of the first choice and the questionnaire as two separate documents. Third choice The third choice is organized after all students have completed the second pre-profile course. While mastering the course, the student DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to move to another group mastering another course. As part of the third choice, the student fills out a questionnaire necessary to monitor the pre-profile preparation process conducted by the administration. As one of the questions, the questionnaire includes exactly the same questionnaire that the student filled out when making his first choice. Now he must mark two courses with numbers 1, 2. These may be completely different courses compared to the choice reflected in both the first and second questionnaire. The student HAS every RIGHT to change his choice, choose a course not previously chosen, or return to his original choice. The very fact of changing the choice becomes the subject of discussion during the consultation as part of psychological and pedagogical support. An educational institution may invite the student to fill out a questionnaire based on the results of the second choice and the questionnaire as two separate documents. Fourth choice The fourth choice is organized after all students have completed the third pre-professional course. While mastering the course, the student DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to move to another group mastering another course. As part of the fourth choice, the student fills out a questionnaire necessary to monitor the pre-professional training process conducted by the administration. As one of the questions, the questionnaire includes exactly the same questionnaire that the student filled out when making his first choice. Now he must mark the two courses with “!” And "?". Sign "!" means the student's choice, the "?" means agreement to study a given course if his choice cannot be satisfied due to the small number of students who have chosen this course. Both signs can appear either in accordance with previous decisions or next to completely different courses. The student HAS every RIGHT to change his choice, choose a course not previously chosen, or return to his original choice. The very fact of changing the choice becomes the subject of discussion during the consultation as part of psychological and pedagogical support. An educational institution may invite the student to fill out a questionnaire based on the results of the third choice and the questionnaire as two separate documents. Actions of the administration of an educational institution to satisfy students’ requests for pre-professional courses The administration forms groups to study pre-profile courses based on questionnaires in which students formulated their choices. After the first choice, the administration has the widest scope for combinations; after the fourth, it finds itself in the most difficult conditions. Therefore, it makes sense to form a smaller number of more complete groups after the first choice and a larger number of less complete groups after the fourth. The decision on the formation of groups is made by the administrator who oversees pre-profile preparation. The only limitation is the principle that up to and including the third series of courses, a student MUST NOT be assigned to study a course that he has not chosen. At the same time, it MAY be aimed at studying a course whose priority is not the first for the student. The following advice can be given:

    If a course has more students selected than can be enrolled in one group, but fewer than can be enrolled in two, you should fill that group with those students who give higher priority to that course.

The problem of choosing a profile is a difficult challenge for both students and their parents. For many, for the first time in their lives, they will have to take such a serious step, on which their future fate will largely depend: their preparedness to successfully pass the unified state exams and prospects for continuing their education after school.

The instability and uncertainty of today's life, unclear prospects, and financial difficulties lead to the fact that many young people look to the future with anxiety and cannot decide on their future profession.

The essence of pre-professional preparation is to create an educational space that promotes self-determination of 9th grade students through the organization of elective courses, information work, profile and vocational guidance.

Goals and objectives of pre-vocational training

What is the purpose of pre-professional training in contrast to the purposes of additional classes, electives, clubs? The main goal of pre-professional training of students is their self-determination regarding the choice of the profile of future education in grades 10–11 or the further path to obtaining a profession. Thus, based on the Concept of Profile Education, pre-professional training should form in schoolchildren:

– the ability to objectively assess one’s reserves and abilities to continue education in various fields;
– the ability to consciously choose a profile that matches one’s inclinations, individual characteristics and interests;
– willingness to take responsibility for the choice made;
– a high level of educational motivation to study in the chosen profile, a willingness to make efforts to obtain a quality education.

Objectives of pre-professional training:

– identification of interests and inclinations, abilities of schoolchildren and the formation of practical experience in various areas of cognitive and professional activity, focused on choosing a profile of study in high school;
– providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in schoolchildren’s acquisition of ideas about life and social values, including those related to professional development;
– development of a wide range of cognitive and professional interests, key competencies that ensure success in future professional activities;
– developing the ability to make an informed decision about choosing a further direction of education, the path to obtaining a profession.

Pre-professional training in grades 9 is planned as a new pedagogical system for Russian schools, which is given a special place in the holistic educational process. Pre-profile preparation is a subsystem of specialized education in high school that performs a preparatory function. It is needed so that students can decide on their future educational profile or career path. The goals determine the principles in accordance with which the learning process for ninth-graders is built.

First of all, this is variability and freedom of choice for students to choose courses. Thanks to these principles, self-determination of students should take place, the formation of their personal responsibility for their choices. It is expected that the pre-professional training system will provide schoolchildren with the opportunity to try themselves in various areas. During the school year, by attending pre-professional courses, every ninth grader will be able to get acquainted with what awaits him at the senior level of education. At will, he can take courses corresponding to different profiles.

Pre-professional training is based on the individualization of the educational process, which is ensured through training in small groups and according to individual curricula. The implementation of individual education, in which various educational institutions of the region are involved, is also welcomed.

Organization of pre-profile training 1

Pre-vocational training is a system of pedagogical, psychological, informational and organizational support for primary school students, promoting their self-determination upon completion of basic general education.

The recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on the organization of pre-professional training for primary school students determine its basic minimum volume, equal to approximately 100 teaching hours per year, which on average is 3 teaching hours per week, 34 teaching weeks per year.

The pre-professional training curriculum has a non-rigid structure. It includes three components. Of the available 102 hours, it is recommended that most of the time (approximately 2/3, that is, 2 hours per week) be devoted to specially organized, short-term (from a month to six months) elective courses.

1/3 of the volume of pre-professional training (approximately 30–35 hours per year) is supposed to be devoted to information work (familiarity with institutions where you can continue your education after the 9th grade, studying the features of their educational programs, admission conditions, etc.) , as well as for career guidance activities: tests, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, counseling.

Time distribution of the pre-professional training curriculum 2:

1) elective courses (elective courses) – 70 hours;
2) information work – 15 hours;
3) career counseling, career guidance work – 15 hours.

Elective courses as part of pre-professional training

They will help students realistically assess their capabilities. Such courses are divided into three main types: subject, interdisciplinary and orientation courses.

Subject courses are propaedeutic in relation to future specialized subjects; they help a graduate of a basic school make an informed and successful choice of a profile. Their content and form should be aimed at expanding the student’s knowledge in a particular academic subject.

Interdisciplinary courses go beyond traditional academic subjects and introduce students to complex problems and tasks that require a synthesis of knowledge in a number of subjects, and ways to solve them in various professional fields.

Orientation courses contribute to the student’s self-determination regarding the profile of study in high school, and ultimately, the profession. They practically introduce the specifics of typical activities corresponding to the most common professions.

The implementation of elective orientation courses in pre-professional classes is aimed at preparing students for situations of choosing the direction of further education. They can be considered both as a tool for intra-profile differentiation and as a means of compensating for profile unidirectionality; as courses that help expand students' worldviews 3.

Elective courses in the 9th grade are propaedeutic and perform the tasks of practice-oriented assistance in acquiring personal experience in choosing one’s own educational content. In this regard, elective courses are designed for a small number of hours, which allows schoolchildren to try themselves in various types of activities throughout the year in accordance with the profiles offered by a particular school, resource center, municipal and regional education system.

The set of courses offered should be variable in nature, their number should be “redundant”, i.e. the student must have the opportunity to make real choices. Students can take several elective courses during the year, so it is worth paying special attention to their duration (optimally 8–32 hours). Then, without exceeding the maximum permissible load - 70 hours per year - the student will be able to take 2 elective courses if the duration of each course is 32 hours, or 8 courses if their duration is 8 hours.

It is advisable to determine the set of courses at the end of the 8th grade based on surveys, questionnaires, interviews, etc.

The short duration of the courses, alternating nature and free mode of delivery will allow the student to change elective courses several times during the academic year. It is not necessary to devote 1 hour per week to studying the courses; other possible options are also provided. Students can take elective courses in the mode that is most appropriate for successful completion of the program. This could be multi-hour training sessions over the course of one week or studying the material in sessions throughout the entire school year with breaks for students to complete a project. Elective courses in the 9th grade can also be implemented during the holidays, for example, to organize excursions to enterprises or nature. This organization of the educational process allows for the widespread use of various practice-oriented methods: CSR, project method, modular technology, research methods, etc.

For educational institutions of the same municipal network or for neighboring educational institutions, one common day can be determined for conducting elective courses.

In order to generate interest and positive motivation for a particular profile through the development of new aspects of content and methods of activity, the content of pre-professional training courses may include original material that goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum, and the name of the courses should be attractive to the student.

1 Recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on the organization of pre-profile training for primary school students as part of an experiment on the introduction of specialized training for students in general education institutions for the 2003/2004 academic year dated 08/20/2003 No. 03-51-157in/13-03.

2 However, this situation remains unclear due to the Government’s decision of December 9, 2004 to reduce the student workload.

3 Elective orientation courses and other means of profile orientation in pre-professional training of schoolchildren / Scientific. ed. S.N. Chistyakova. – M.: APKiPRO, 2003. – P. 15–17.

Career guidance work at school.

In the period between late adolescence and early adolescence, a student inevitably faces the problem of choosing a professional path. Searching for an answer to the question: “Who should I be?” becomes important not only for the student himself, but also for those around him in general, since the level of social stability in Russia will largely depend on the quality of professional choice, and consequently, satisfaction with work activity.

Professional self-determination is a central problem in the lives of high school students. Its solution is connected with the search for the meaning of life, for oneself.

Professional self-determination is the process of developing a person’s self-knowledge regarding future professional activities.

One of the main difficulties of professional self-determination is the inability of high school students to correlate the characteristics of their personality with the requirements of the profession, clearly recognize the professionally significant qualities of the individual and analyze themselves from the point of view of the profession.

In order for an individual to make a conscious choice in a specific professional field, it is necessary to carry out educational work in advance and purposefully, in which the school traditionally plays an important role.

In a modern school, pre-vocational training is the most important component, one of the conditions for individualizing education and preparing students for vital choices, the accuracy of which will depend on the ability to realistically assess one’s strengths, make and implement decisions, and bear responsibility for one’s choice.

In accordance with the Concept of specialized training, specialized training is conducted at the senior level of general education. It is obvious that the basic school must be actively involved in this process: it is necessary to carry out systematic preparatory work at the end of training in the basic school.

The Concept of Specialized Education notes that “the implementation of the idea of ​​specializing education at the senior level confronts the graduate of the main level with the need to make a responsible choice - preliminary self-determination in relation to the main direction of his own activity.”

The importance of preparing for this responsible choice - the profile of study, and in the future, the future profession - determines the serious importance of pre-profile preparation in basic school.

Today we can say that pre-vocational training is a system of pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, information and orientation activities that promote self-determination of students in senior classes of basic school regarding their chosen major areas of future education and a wide range of subsequent professional activities.

Pre-profile preparation is part of specialized education, performing preparatory functions, helping a student in the ninth, or even better, the eighth grade, decide on the direction of his further education.

Which field of activity should I choose? Humanities, mathematics, natural sciences?

The school does not choose a profession, but only a profile in which the student will study in grades 10-11 or another educational institution. Those. he chooses his own educational path after graduating from basic school.

The main goal of pre-vocational training in primary school is to develop in children the ability to make an informed choice about their future educational profile.

Schoolchildren must be able to objectively assess their abilities in choosing a profile and be ready to receive a quality education.

The main components of pre-profile training are:

    Elective courses that should help students realistically assess their capabilities and guide them in further choosing a study profile.

    Creation of an educational network that will include a variety of types of educational institutions: schools, institutions of additional education, vocational training.

    Information work, i.e. planned actions to inform students and their families about the educational opportunities of the educational network territorially accessible to them.

    Profile orientation is a specially organized activity aimed at providing students with psychological and pedagogical support in designing options for continuing their education, as well as increasing the teenager’s readiness for social, professional, and cultural self-determination in general.

The results of the final certification;

- “portfolio”, i.e. a set of individual educational achievements (personal “portfolio of educational achievements”) achieved by the student in educational activities.

The main goal of our school is to create conditions for organizing an effective system of pre-professional training that promotes self-determination of students regarding the profiles of further education they choose and the choice of the method of obtaining further education.

Description of work experience in pre-vocational training of students at the Left Bank School of Tutaev, Yaroslavl Region.

Expanding the understanding of the world of professions occurs starting from elementary school.

In elementary school, children get acquainted with the world of professions in a playful way. They take part in role-playing games, in interactive quizzes, the child gets the opportunity, according to his age, to master primary information about the professional field.

In preparation for the transition to secondary education, each student takes part in the projects “Who I Want to Be”, “Professions of My Parents”, “Me and My Future Job”, and in the drawing competition “My Future Profession”.

In 2006, our school became a municipal experimental site “School – Resource Center” for creating a network of rural secondary schools for pre-vocational training. The “School – Resource Center” network includes the Left Bank School of the city of Tutaev and seven rural schools, which are located from the city at a distance of 3 to 15 km.

The organization of pre-vocational training in the resource center is carried out in accordance with regulatory and information documents of the municipal, city and school levels and includes a system of elective courses, a mandatory course “The Path to a Profession”, as well as career guidance and information work.

Target resource center:

  • creating conditions for optimizing pre-vocational training of students in schools on the Left Bank.

  • identifying the professional interests of students;

  • testing the student's capabilities based on a wide range of small courses covering basic areas of knowledge;

  • drawing up an idea of ​​the nature of people’s professional work based on personal experience;

  • preparation for specialized training.

Resource center tasks:

  • Identification of interests and inclinations, abilities of schoolchildren and the formation of practical experience in various areas of cognitive and professional activity, focused on choosing a profile of study in high school;

    Providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in schoolchildren’s acquisition of ideas about life and social values, including those related to professional development;

    Formation of the ability to make an adequate decision about the choice of further direction of education, the path to obtaining a profession (professional trajectory).

    Development of a wide range of cognitive and professional interests, key competencies that ensure success in future professional activities.

Main ideas of the resource center:

    introduction of elective courses at the expense of the school component: subject, interdisciplinary, orientation;

    introduction of short-term 10-14 hour pre-professional training courses;

    completion of the “Path to a Profession” course by all 9th ​​grade students

    introduction of active methods of teaching elective courses;

    the use of part-time, distance learning and online learning for students in small groups in pre-professional education;

    training in the same group of students from different schools;

    grade-free pre-professional training system for students

Stages of pre-profile training in the resource center:

    propaedeutic (8th grade);

    basic (9th grade, September - March);

    final (9th grade, April - June).

Propaedeutic stage

Tasks of the propaedeutic stage:

    identifying the interests, inclinations and abilities of schoolchildren;

    providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in acquiring experience related to professional development;

    development of cognitive interests that ensure success in future professional activities;

    preparing parents for joint work on pre-professional training of students.

Forms of training organization:

    diagnostics of interests, inclinations, educational needs of schoolchildren;

    excursions; mugs.

As part of pre-professional training, constant psychological support is provided for students in grades 8 - 9 in order to develop the ability to make a choice of study profile in high school. The following activities are being carried out in this direction:

1. survey of students in order to study the educational needs of students, taking into account the opinions of their parents; studying the goals, motives for the upcoming choice, interests and inclinations of students;

2. psychological diagnostics, the purpose of which was:

    study and analyze the personal psychological characteristics, inclinations and interests of children;

    correlate their desires with abilities, interests and opportunities;

3. individual consultations on the methodology for choosing a training profile;

It is important that high school and middle school students, together with their parents, have the necessary information about the prospects and needs of the labor market. For this purpose, the school

    works closely with the Employment Center;

    organizes excursions to city enterprises (library, garment factory, bakery, etc.);

    organizes meetings with representatives of educational institutions of the city of Tuaev and the Yaroslavl region

To organize information work in the conditions of pre-professional training, the school carries out the following activities:

    classroom and school-wide parent meetings in order to familiarize themselves with the objectives of pre-vocational education and expected work results;

    individual consultations, conversations;

    survey of students in grades 8-9 and their parents;

    design of information stands “My choice”, “Where to go to study”

Thus, in grades 8–9, during pre-profile preparation, students receive information about possible ways to continue their education, the opportunity to assess their strengths and make a decision on choosing a profile.

An analysis of a survey of parents of students in grades 8-9 showed that 92% of parents want to educate their children in a school that implements the individualization of education, thanks to which the interests, inclinations and abilities of students are more fully taken into account, and the opportunities for the student to build their own, individual educational trajectory are expanded.

Main stage

Objectives of the main stage:

    teach ways to make decisions about choosing directions for future education and professional activity;

    provide assistance in creating an individual educational route for students;

    provide informational and psychological-pedagogical support for pre-vocational training and pre-professional self-determination of students.

Contents of the main stage:

    re-diagnosis of interests, inclinations, and educational needs of schoolchildren;

    staffing mobile groups to study elective courses;

    formation of individual curricula for students in accordance with their interests, inclinations, and educational needs;

    drawing up an optimal schedule of elective courses;

    conducting information work, individual counseling of students and their parents on issues of professional choice;

    formation of a “Portfolio of Achievements” for ninth-graders;

    Conducting elective subject and orientation courses.

Forms of training organization:

    compulsory pre-profile training course “The Path to the Profession. Getting to know the profession."

    elective courses (subject, orientation);

    consultations with teachers and psychologists;

    familiarization with the features of various training profiles and professions; construction of individual educational plans;

    career guidance meetings with employees of colleges and universities

    excursions; mugs.

The work of the resource center requires such an organization of the pedagogical process so that students do not experience intellectual, moral and physical overload. Therefore, classes are conducted according to the plan and schedule approved by the school director.

The children study in small groups formed according to children's interests every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Students are transported by school buses.Classes are held in pairs with a break for breakfast after the first session. Classes are distributed by trimester: 1st trimester - 14-hour courses, 2nd and 3rd trimester - 10-hour courses.

Of great importance for the successful implementation of the tasks of school education is the provision of students with the opportunity to study elective courses, the content of which provides for the expansion and deepening of knowledge, the development of cognitive interests, and pre-profile orientation of students.

The selection of courses by students takes place at the “Optional Course Fair”, which takes place in early September.

Students are offered a variety of different courses to choose from, covering all areas of human activity.

"Man is a man"

Target : teaching students to understand the meaning of human existence, the value of their existence, the value of the existence of other people.

Subject of work: people, groups of people, teams (team, class, choir, etc.).

high moral qualities; goodwill; politeness; psychological restraint; good manners; excerpt.

Labor goals: recognize, understand, check, organize, influence, invent, come up with, find new options.

Tools: human functional means (voice, gestures, facial expressions, etc.), hand tools, machinery.

Working conditions: increased moral responsibility, indoor microclimate, outdoors.

Courses offered:

    "Business Etiquette"

    "The Art of Argument"

    "Speak correctly"

    "Mistress of the House"

    "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship"

    "Home Nurse"

    "Chemistry and Beauty"

    "Teacher, raise a student"

    “Time for business, time for fun”

    "Excursion guide"

    “The library is a source of information”

    "Introduction to the legal profession"

    "Russian Awards"


    "Psychology and Health"

    "Absolute literacy"

“Man is a sign system”

Target: to teach students the ability to plan and organize themselves, to easily get used to the Internet, since the World Wide Web is exactly the place where everything consists entirely of signs and symbols of program code.

Subject of work: symbols, ciphers, codes, languages, formulas, speech, writing, symbols, diagrams, graphs, notes.

General requirements for employees: discipline; punctuality; stable performance; accuracy; RAM; sustained concentrated attention; ability to operate with ideas.

Labor goals: understand, check, process, influence, transform, invent, invent, find new options and samples.

Tools: manual; automated and mechanical equipment, human functional means.

Working conditions: microclimate of the household premises, increased moral responsibility.

Courses offered:

    "Geometry in Architecture"

    “Solving test tasks in mathematics”

    “The simplest ways to solve difficult inequalities”

    “Solving equations in different ways”

    « Interest calculations»

    “Function: interesting, simple. entertaining"

    "Computer graphics"

    "Financial literacy"

“Man is an artistic image”

Goal: fostering interest and love for art.


    Foster a sense of responsibility for the preservation and development of artistic traditions.

    To develop children's interest in the paintings of famous Russian artists.

    Introduce children to various types of art.

    Contribute to the development of aesthetic taste, the formation of a perception of beauty.

    Introduce Russian folk crafts.

Subject of work: artistic images, patterns of creation and perception of artistic images.

General requirements for employees: impressionability; emotionality; ability to work; operating with means of aesthetic influence; artistic abilities.

Labor goals: transform, organize, influence, influence, find new ways and options.

Tools: manual, functional human aids, mechanized equipment.

Working conditions: increased moral responsibility, domestic microclimate, unusual conditions, outdoors.

Courses offered:

    "Golden Feather"

    "Musical traditions of the Yaroslavl region"

    "My cozy home"

    "Folk Crafts"

    "Attempts of the pen"

    "Modern musical genres"

    "Applied arts"

    “Basics of makeup and hairdressing”

"Man - technology"

Subject of work: technical systems, machines, mechanisms, units.

General requirements for employees: physical and psychological endurance; stable performance; equilibrium; physical strength; good auditory, visual and muscle perception; distributed attention; fairly high intellectual development.

Labor goals: recognize, distinguish, evaluate, understand, organize, influence, move, invent, find.

Tools: manual, machines, automatic.

Working conditions: indoors with a normal microclimate, indoors with a sharp change in microclimate, at altitude, in the open air.

Courses offered:

    "Metals and alloys in modern technology"

    "Metals and Jewelry Art"

    "Chemicals in everyday human life"

    "Qualitative and quantitative analysis in chemistry"

    "Chemistry in Agriculture"

    "Chemicals - building materials"

    "The Art of Photography and Chemistry"

    “Destruction of metals and alloys under environmental influences.”

    "Chemistry and Environment"

    “Solving problems in chemistry of increased complexity”

    "Discover the world of optics"

    “Solving advanced physics problems.”

    "We think in physical language"

    "We and the road"

"Man - Nature"

Purpose of the direction: fostering a caring and respectful attitude towards nature and its inhabitants.


    Develop creative abilities.

    Develop interest in the world around you.

    Help broaden children's horizons.

    Develop a desire to protect animals and show care.

Subject of work: earth, water, atmosphere, minerals, various living organisms and biological processes.

General requirements for employees: love of animals and plants; physical endurance; high efficiency; tolerance; initiative; the ability to anticipate and evaluate changing natural factors; good imagination; operational visual-figurative thinking.

Purpose of work: acquire, invent, find new options and samples, construct, recognize, distinguish, evaluate, understand, check, transform, process, influence, move.

Tools: manual, mechanical, and automated equipment.

Working conditions: outdoors, in unusual conditions, in rooms with a domestic-type microclimate, as well as in conditions requiring increased moral responsibility.

Courses offered:

    "The owner of the rural house"

    "Chemistry of Life"

    "World of Geography"

    "Geographical position of Russia"

    “The population of the Yaroslavl region and its culture”

    "Landscape Design"

    "Young forester".

    "Plants for beauty"

    "Water in our lives"

    “Gardening as the basis of a household”

As you can see, the courses offered are variable in nature, their number is excessive, i.e. Students have the opportunity to make real choices depending on the goals they set for themselves.

The formation of the team and its competence are a very important condition for the implementation of the resource center’s work plan. All teachers teaching elective courses have the highest and first qualification category, improve their qualifications in various courses, seminars, participate in experimental activities, and share their experience with school teachers from other educational institutions.

The school has created a bank of elective course programs.All programs presented meet the requirements.

Elective courses are conducted at a sufficient methodological level. Teachers use a variety of forms and methods of teaching, elements of new pedagogical technologies, and connections with life.

In all courses, the scope of the studied material is constantly expanding beyond the scope of the program; an atmosphere of creativity, a situation of success and complete mutual understanding is skillfully created.

Each of these courses methodically and competently presents the material being studied, uses an individual approach to students, active forms of work, and uses modern computer equipment and Internet resources.

Each student in the resource center must complete the curriculum:

Total hours for the academic year – 102 hours

From below:

Mandatory course “Path to a profession 34 hours”

1st trimester - 2 courses of 14 hours = 28 hours

2nd trimester - 2 courses of 10 hours = 20 hours

3rd trimester – 2 courses of 10 hours = 20 hours

The curriculum of each student includes a mandatory pre-profile training course “The Path to the Profession. Getting to know the profession,” which is studied for a whole year. Special workbooks and organizers are purchased for this course. This course helps children in choosing a future profession. The course is taught by a school psychologist.

Based on the results of students’ selection, individual educational routes are drawn up, on the basis of which a schedule of elective courses is drawn up for each trimester.

Sample of an individual educational route.

FULL NAME_______________________________________________


Selection of courses:

1st trimester

    "The path to the profession"


2nd trimester

    1. "The path to the profession"



3rd trimester

      1. "The path to the profession"



"_____"________________ 201___year

Student signature_________________________

Parents signature_______________________________________

The final stage

Objectives of the final stage:

    collect and process all information that can provide students with an optimal choice of further education profile;

    provide students with complete information about the prospects of their chosen training profile;

    create a curriculum for specialized training based on students’ individual curricula.

Contents of the final stage:

    analysis of the effectiveness of pre-profile training;

    familiarization of ninth-graders with specialized education programs and features of organizing the educational process based on the IUP;

    familiarization with the prospects for vocational training and employment;

    collection and analytical processing of information on students’ choice of a particular profile, as well as elective courses;

    formation of profiles based on individual educational plans of students;

    completing specialized classes.

Forms and methods of work:

    presentations of various options for curricula and specialized training programs;

    survey of students and their parents;

    analysis of educational ratings of students;

    participation in the regional “Profession Fair”

    holding a scientific and practical conference

The result of each academic year in the resource center is a traditional small “Scientific and Practical Conference”, at which students present their projects, abstracts, reports, presentations prepared in elective courses during the academic year.

At the end of the academic year, heads of educational institutions receive a summary report of students' progress.

Sample summary statement:

Elective courses for 9th grade students ___________________ General Education School

for 201_-201_ academic year

Mandatory course “Path to a profession”

Entrepreneurship Basics

Speak correctly

Geographical location of Russia

Applied and creative arts

Young forester

My cozy home

We and the road

Total hours

Ivanov Ivan









Petrov Petr









School Director: RC Administrator:

At the end of the 1st trimester, each student receives a grade book, which records all the elective courses that the student has completed. This helps children, parents and teachers monitor students’ progress.

Sample grade book:

Student:Ivanov Ivan

School: ______________________________

Course name

Number of hours

Summary of the course


"The path to the profession"


Entrepreneurship Basics


Metals and alloys in modern technology


My cozy home


We and the road


Young forester


Basics of makeup and hairdressing




Head teacher:

RC Administrator:

In order to identify positive and negative aspects in the organization of elective courses, determine the teaching methods used, and organize the activities of students during the academic year, a survey of teachers teaching the courses is conducted. The data from the diagnostics carried out help to see in general the correctness of the selected promising areas for organizing pre-professional training: the focus and content of courses, the composition of teachers, organizational and informational preparatory work carried out by the school administration, which allows teachers to achieve their goals.

Students graduating from 9th grade should be prepared not only for specialized education, but also for further life, professional and social self-determination.

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The introduction of elective courses contributes not only to updating the content of school education, but also to the specialized training of students in high school, developing a flexible system of profiles taking into account the real needs of the labor market.

What is “pre-vocational training of students”?

The concept of pre-professional training is quite new for domestic pedagogical science and practice. It first appeared and “gained rights” in the Concept of Specialized Education, which states that “the implementation of the idea of ​​​​specializing training at the senior level confronts the graduate of the main level with the need to make a responsible choice - preliminary self-determination in relation to the major direction of his own activity.” Indeed, if the key idea of ​​specialized education is the idea of ​​a significant increase in the possibilities of choice, then it is obvious that the student must be prepared for such a choice. The importance of preparing for this responsible choice in the upcoming conditions of variable and differentiated specialized education at the senior level determines the serious importance of pre-professional training in primary school. Let us briefly recall the main components of pre-professional training set out in the Concept of Profile Training. Elective courses, which should help students realistically assess their capabilities and guide them in their further choice of educational profile. Creation of an educational network, which will include a variety of types of educational institutions: schools, institutions of additional education, vocational training, with resources for conducting pre-profile and specialized training. The network should also include municipal methodological and psychological services, which should be assigned various support functions, for example, training, providing advisory assistance to students and parents. Information work, i.e. planned actions to inform students and their families about the educational opportunities of the municipal educational network territorially accessible to them. It is recommended to create in each municipality an “educational map” containing detailed information about all institutions in the district, on the basis of which it is planned to carry out pre-vocational training and specialized training. When planning pre-profile training, it is necessary to take into account the special, complex nature of the problem of primary school students choosing their individual route in the educational space of a senior specialized school. As many years of experience show, readiness for situations of self-determination is insufficient even among 11th grade students. About 2/3 of graduates choose the direction to continue their education under the influence of random factors. This determines the need to pay special attention within the framework of pre-profile training profile orientation. It refers to specially organized activities aimed at providing students with psychological and pedagogical support in designing options for continuing their education, as well as increasing the teenager’s readiness for social, professional, and cultural self-determination in general. An important innovation following from the Concept of specialized training is the streamlining and transfer to a more objective, fair basis issues of admission to specialized schools and classes. This will require changes in the forms of final certification of basic level graduates, transition to a more objective “external” procedure for conducting final exams for 9th graders, carried out by municipal (district, district, interschool) examination commissions, instead of today’s “intra-school” form of final certification. Related to the above is the idea of ​​constructing an educational rating for a primary school graduate. It is assumed that the main components of the rating should be a) the results of the final certification (“external” exams after the 9th grade) and b) the “portfolio,” i.e., the totality of individual educational achievements (personal “portfolio of educational achievements”) achieved by the student in extracurricular activities. The main directions for improving pre-professional training and specialized training: Pre-profile training in primary school, firstly, took place as a special pedagogical concept and, secondly, received wide and intensive experimental testing. Among the tasks that are being solved, we highlight the main ones:

    development and initial testing of a complex of regulatory and methodological support for pre-profile preparation and specialized education; creation and testing of a model for advanced training of education workers; development of mechanisms for interaction between various structures at the state, regional and district (city) levels; creation of a monitoring system for the progress of pre-professional training and specialized training. To conduct the State Examination in the 9th grade, it is necessary to revise: the final certification system in algebra and the Russian language; recommendations to educational authorities on organizing the state (final) certification in algebra and the Russian language of graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions; packages of examination and methodological materials, documents for monitoring the results of the State Examination.
Based on the recommendations of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Krippo, the main directions of work on the introduction of pre-profile preparation and specialized training have been developed:
    Training of teaching and management personnel. Based on the Concept of specialized training in high school KRIIPO, advanced training programs for teachers and managers on this issue have been developed. specialists from educational authorities responsible for the introduction of pre-vocational training; methodologists of the methodological service; heads of general education institutions (school directors, deputy directors); class teachers of 9th grade students; teachers involved in the development and delivery of elective pre-professional training courses. When developing the program, it was taken into account that its content should be as close as possible to the real practical tasks that practitioners will have to solve when introducing a system of pre-profile training. Preparation and publication of methodological recommendations and manuals. A selection of methodological and didactic materials to help teachers and managers. Participation in the examination of textbooks and teaching aids for the profile level. Generalizing the experience of organizing specialized training and improving the structure and content of general education.
Development of diagnostic materials on problems:
    determination of methods for assessing the quality of elective course programs; development of criteria for the readiness of 9th grade students to choose a major in high school; creation of a system for tracking the results of pre-profile training.
The listed areas will provide educational and methodological support for the organization of pre-professional training and will assist municipal education authorities in creating an educational space on their territories that promotes the self-determination of basic-level students. Changes in the profile of education and elective courses will not be massive, but sporadic, if students are specifically trained to make informed decisions, gradually increasing their area of ​​responsibility. It is advisable to use the variable component of the basic curriculum for grades 7–9 to organize elective courses. The basic curriculum used in mass schools in the above-mentioned parallels does not contain enough hours of the variable component, and at least 2-3 hours of them can be aimed at organizing modular courses of students' choice without compromising general education training. It is advisable to increase the number of hours within the elective component aimed at organizing elective courses from 7th to 9th grade. The incentive to organize elective courses at the pre-profile level is a change in the provision on final certification, according to which a basic school student is required to pass a final exam in subjects that he plans to study at the profile level in senior education. A modular approach, providing for six-month relatively completed courses of students' choice, makes it possible to organize the selection of subjects for study at the pre-professional stage. Such events would help to clearly determine the upcoming profile of training and thereby minimize transitions from one specialized class to another at the senior level, and purposefully increase training in specialized subjects. Modular elective courses at the pre-professional level take up a small number of curriculum hours and therefore can be fully developed and implemented in the form of project and research activities. At the same time, the cumulative qualitative assessment of the products created by the student in the form of a portfolio allows us to objectively judge his abilities and inclinations, professional and cognitive orientation. In parallel classes for grades 7–9, the opportunity, without going beyond the variative component, to take into account the individual needs of students by organizing elective courses increases with the increase in the number of parallel classes. Additional opportunities for creating various options for elective courses are contained in the creation of groups not only based on one parallel, but of different ages. At the same time, pre-professional groups organized on the basis of a stream only for elective courses are a softer and more reasonable model for preparing students to determine their educational profile than reorganizing classes in a primary school. Moreover, it makes a greater contribution to the development of the student, as it allows for the expansion of cognitive communication among adolescents. However, the effectiveness of pre-professional training and the rational use of the possibilities of the variable component of the basic curriculum increases if the 7th grade is again formed, and the interests of students are taken into account. The natural need to re-form classes at the pre-profile stage arises if the “7 – 9” level is separated from the “1 – 6” school. Otherwise, existing teams should not be artificially destroyed.

Organization of self-determination of adolescents

Elective courses at the pre-professional level allow students not only to master the technology of choosing courses of study, but also to test various content for the purpose of self-determination. However, to ensure successful self-determination of adolescents, it is necessary to carry out pre-profile training in a comprehensive manner: supplement elective courses with a system of activities aimed at self-knowledge (in particular, pedagogical and psychological diagnostics), development of skills to develop and argue their own opinions, make decisions, plan activities (trainings, project activities ), navigate the surrounding educational and labor infrastructure (information, interaction between institutions when organizing the educational process). Thus, in order to successfully solve the problem facing the basic school of developing the ability for social self-determination of students, in grades 7–9 it is necessary to build a system of career guidance, including pedagogical diagnostics, involvement of parents in the process of self-determination of students, familiarization with educational services and opportunities offered to future graduates basic school, self-knowledge and self-determination trainings. The main burden in this case falls on class teachers, but psychologists should coordinate such work. In a small town or rural area, it is easier to staff career guidance work if there are not many small basic schools in the area of ​​transport accessibility, but one large school “7-9”. In a large city, it is also effective from the point of view of using human resources to create the largest possible schools “7–9”, separated from grades 1–6.

Place of pre-professional training in the curriculum:

The organization of elective courses in grades 9 was carried out in full accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, the principles and goals of pre-professional training and the specific conditions and opportunities within which schools in the district exist today. Subject courses lasting 34 hours or more serve the purpose of preparing students, including for passing final exams. Courses designed for fewer hours perform a developmental, educational and motivational function. It would be advisable to set aside a separate day for elective courses. Information work about what courses will be presented to students during the year must be carried out at the beginning of the academic year. The schedule is designed in such a way that the first hour is 34-hour courses in all educational areas, then smaller ones. This allows students to move from one course to another. Courses of less than 34 hours were offered several times a year, allowing students to attend a greater variety of courses. carrying out. The organization of elective courses poses the following problems: 1. Tariffing for teachers teaching elective courses lasting less than 35 hours. 2. Insufficient number of elective course programs that would meet the objectives of pre-professional training. 3. Insufficient number of hours allocated to elective courses, which occurs when the school population is reduced. There is an objective need to divide the hours of the variable part of the curriculum. 4. Teaching elective courses by teachers who do not teach subjects of the invariant part (this issue should be decided individually, based on the personnel available at the school). 5. The issue of grading elective courses (the total grade for elective courses should not exceed the exam grades). In addition, the question arises of how to correlate the exam grade and points for elective courses in the portfolio when admitting to a specialized class. 6. Unification of portfolios (in our opinion, the rating of student achievements should be unified within a large educational unit - district or city. 7. Lack of financial interest of teachers in preparing and testing elective courses.

Psychological support for pre-profile training

At school it is carried out with all subjects of the educational process - teachers, students, parents. Psychological support for teachers includes: 1. Providing information about the potential abilities of students; 2. Software and methodological support for developing students’ goal-setting skills and decision-making skills; 3. Organization of interaction between teachers and psychologists for the implementation of specialized information. Joint development and conduct of sociological surveys to study professional needs and determine the personal orientation of students. Psychological support for families (parents of students) is provided through:

    individual and group counseling; family counseling; parent meetings; psychological trainings; lectures and seminars.
Parents are provided with information on the results of psychodiagnostics, amnestic data on the development of students, about the potential of abilities and professionally significant personality characteristics. The development of the psychological competence of parents is carried out in the course of training in methods of choosing a future path, methods of developing adequate self-esteem.

Psychological support for students during pre-professional training includes:

    Carrying out diagnostics of inclinations, interests, opportunities and limitations in the choice of future fields of activity by schoolchildren. Processing and analysis of psychodiagnostic results. Implementing “feedback” based on analysis of diagnostic results, drawing up and implementing individual correction programs (if necessary). Identification and individual counseling of children with unformed professional interests.
Numerous surveys and data processing during pre-professional training pose a complex problem before the organizers of pre-profile training. Its solution can be facilitated by the creation of a sociological group among students as part of an elective course, for example, “Introduction to Sociology.” Working with sociological surveys corresponds to the practical orientation of this course. Information work on pre-profile preparation organized in the following areas: 1. During class hours and parent meetings. Class teachers of the 9th grade form a temporary creative group, which is created at the end of the eighth grade by order of the director. They are temporary members of the scientific and methodological council, which carries out general coordination of experimental activities. 2. Organization of visual information in classrooms (responsible - class teachers) and a school information stand (responsible - experiment coordinator). 3. Visiting exhibitions, open days at the employment service, educational institutions (responsible - social educators, class teachers, technology teachers). Extracurricular forms pre-profile training is organized as part of students attending courses at universities in Simferopol and branches located in Dzhankoy. School students take part in educational projects, olympiads, and university competitions. The results of participation are taken into account in the rating of student achievements. The problem with all forms of extracurricular pre-profile orientation is that they are paid and cannot be of a mass nature. Elements of remote education in the process of pre-professional training is a rather promising direction, in our opinion. Middle-level guys take part well in distance heuristic Olympiads “Kangaroo”, correspondence schools of the MAN “Iskatel”, medical and biological tournaments of the Crimean Medical University, specialized student Olympiads of TNU named after V.I. Vernadsky, etc. The results of the Olympiads are the basis for inclusion in the portfolio. Pre-vocational training, to one degree or another, affects a significant part of the school’s teaching staff. It requires serious and qualified work from teachers, hence an important management problem is creation of motivational conditions. Today, only moral forms of encouragement for teachers are possible in schools. There are practically no financial incentives, which becomes one of the obstacles to the successful implementation of the Concept of specialized education in high school. As part of the implementation of the Concept of specialized training, elective courses in the 9th grade, in addition to the solution challenges of teaching students to make responsible choices should help solve two problems: Firstly, to create conditions for the student to affirm or refuse his choice of the direction of further education related to a certain type of professional activity. The only difference between the previous electives is that electives were not studied by everyone after school, but elective courses for everyone (which a high school student must choose) are an integral part of the student’s individual curriculum. Secondly, elective courses are designed to help a high school student, who has made a first approximation of choosing an educational field for more thorough study, to see the variety of activities associated with it. As part of the implementation of the Concept of specialized training, the events pursue the following goals:
    information and educational; organizational and activity; reflexive-analytical.
At each stage of the introduction of pre-vocational training, goals and activities were thought out for all participants in the educational process: school administration, teachers, students, parents. Thus, at the information and educational stage the following tasks were identified:
    familiarization with the goals, content and issues of transition to pre-vocational training; familiarization with changes in the curriculum for 9th grade in the current academic year; studying regulatory documents of various levels on the organization of pre-profile training; studying new pedagogical technologies.
In order to complete the assigned tasks school administration holds an administrative meeting “On the organization of the introduction of pre-profile training”, at which the directions of the school’s work on the introduction of pre-profile training for students are determined; - for teachers theoretical seminars were organized: “The Concept of Pre-Professional Training”, “New Pedagogical Technologies: Project Activities of Students. - for students– class hours on the topic “Goals and objectives of pre-vocational training” , - for parents– thematic meeting “Goals and objectives of pre-vocational training. Changes in the curriculum for 9th grade.

The objectives of the organizational and activity stage were:

    adjustment of curricula and programs for grades 5-9 in technology, drawing; development and approval of school curricula in history, drawing, art, technology for 9th grade in the current school year; creating a folder “Regulatory documents (pre-profile training)”; training teachers to develop elective course curricula; familiarization with the content of career guidance courses; use of Internet capabilities; determining the role of the class teacher and psychologists in organizing psychological and pedagogical support for pre-profile training; identifying the needs of 8th grade students and their parents in terms of the upcoming transition to pre-vocational training; exploring the school's capabilities in providing elective courses; compiling an approximate list of elective courses, taking into account the interests of students and the capabilities of school teachers;

Regulations on pre-profile training

1. General Provisions

This regulation defines the goals and objectives of the introduction of pre-profile training at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 90 as part of specialized training, and the general rules of training. Pre-professional preparation of students is a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical preparation of students for a conscious and responsible choice of the major direction of their own activities in high school.
The main goal of introducing pre-vocational training is to create an educational space that promotes self-determination of ninth-grade students through the organization of elective courses, information work and profile orientation. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved within the framework of pre-profile training:

developing the readiness of primary school graduates to responsibly choose a profile that matches their abilities and interests;

Formation of a high level of educational motivation to study in the chosen profile;

Ensuring continuity between primary and high schools, including in preparing ninth-graders for mastering specialized school programs;

Expanding opportunities for socialization of students.
Thus, pre-vocational training is a system of pedagogical, psychological, informational and organizational support for primary school students, promoting their successful self-determination upon completion of basic general education and an informed choice of the path to continue their education.

2. Regulatory grounds

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 90 in its activities to introduce pre-profile training is guided by federal laws, regulations, orders of the Ministry of Education of the Chelyabinsk Region, the education department of the city of Zlatoust, the Charter of the school, the Regulations on specialized education, the Regulations on the specialized class and this Regulation.

3.1. The pre-professional training system includes:

Introduction through the school component of elective courses:

Subject-oriented, interdisciplinary, orientation;

Introduction of active learning methods in elective courses;

Conducting heuristic tests for ninth grade students, allowing them to more accurately determine their choice of profile;

Introduction of cumulative assessment of educational achievements in the form of a portfolio;

Enrollment in the tenth specialized class, based on the individual educational rating of students, including exams and an individual cumulative assessment (student’s portfolio);

Conducting training for ninth-graders outside the walls of their own school: in institutions of the municipal educational network, institutions of additional education, vocational educational institutions, etc.;
- teaching students in small groups;

Introduction of short-term 8-17 hour pre-vocational training courses;

The introduction of a new system for distributing time for completing training courses, during an academic week, quarter, year, in which it is allowed that an elective course is not necessarily studied for one hour per week;
- holding rating competitions, olympiads, marathons and other events that allow you to use the portfolio resource;

Unmarked system of pre-professional training for students;

Evaluation of the results of the work of teachers and students in terms of the correct choice of educational profile in grades 10-11.

4. Structure and organization of pre-profile training

4.1. Basic model of pre-profile training:

Pre-profile preparation

Elective courses

68 hours

Subject-oriented Interdisciplinary Orientation

Information work Career counseling Career guidance work

Cool watch

Class meetings


Consultations with a psychologist

4.2. Pre-professional training is carried out according to the curriculum.

A pre-professional training worker must meet the following requirements:

Balance between subject and interdisciplinary elective courses;

Completeness of the courses presented;

Continuity with specialized training;

No overload of students, compliance of the plan with the permissible teaching load;

Variability, short-term duration, modularity of courses included in the plan.

4.3. The set of courses offered should be variable in nature, their number should be redundant (the student should have the opportunity to really choose). The list of elective courses is formed on the basis of appropriate questionnaires and student surveys.
4.4. Courses must be short-term and rotating in nature, presenting training modules (8 or 17 hours).
4.5. The content of pre-professional training courses should include not only information that expands information on academic subjects, but also familiarize students with the methods of activity necessary for the successful development of a program of a particular profile.
4.6. Methodological support for elective courses includes:
- course program, materials for teachers, reference literature;
- a system of creative tasks for students, materials for project activities and research;
- equipment for conducting experiments and design activities;
- control and measurement materials for mastering the course program.

4.7.Elective courses involve, along with academic forms of education, the use of communicative, interactive, design and research technologies.
4.8. The organization of elective courses in ninth grade can be carried out within three modules:
a) intra-school (usually for schools with at least two classes at the ninth grade parallel);
b) cooperation with other educational institutions (additional education institutions, vocational education institutions) on a contractual basis.
4.9. The effectiveness of educational activities is assessed in accordance with the regulations on the elective course.
4.10. For students intending to continue their studies in specialized classes, a comprehensive certification is required: graduates of primary school must pass at least four exams: two compulsory (written) exams: Russian language and algebra, and two elective exams from among the subjects studied in the ninth grade . In this case, elective exams are determined by the student in accordance with the profile chosen by him; Along with the final certification, additional individual educational achievements of students are taken into account. Individual achievements of students, which allow a more complete assessment of the level of readiness to continue education in a particular profile of study at the senior level, are compiled in the form of a “Portfolio”.

5. Participants in the educational process

Participants in the educational process are school teaching staff, medical workers, students and their parents (persons representing them).
Psychological support for the educational process is provided by a teacher-psychologist and class teachers.
Valeological and medical support is provided by the head of life safety, a social teacher, and a medical worker, who, together with the administration, are responsible for protecting and promoting the health of students, carrying out preventive measures, medical examinations and monitoring compliance with the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime, the organization of physical education, and nutrition.

6. Financing

The implementation of this provision is carried out through budget funding within the limits of federal, regional, and school standards.

7. Documentation and reporting

7.1. Regulations on pre-profile training;
7.2. Logbook for elective courses;
7.3. A student record document documenting the list of elective courses;
7.4. Pre-professional training curriculum;
7.5. Elective course programs;
7.6. Schedule of elective courses;
7.7. Report on the results of pre-profiling preparation.
